Abiding Tidings - Abiding Savior Lutheran Church


Abiding Tidings - Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
Abiding Tidings
May/June 2015
Upcoming Events
El Salvador Emphasis Sunday
May 10
8:00 & 10:30 a.m. worship
Last day of Sunday School
Sunday, May 10
Neighborhood Clean-Up
Saturday, May 16
9:00 a.m.
Summer Schedule
begins Sunday, May 24
one service at 9:00 a.m.
Annual Rummage Sale
Saturday, June 6
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
In this issue...
Welcome Area Redesign
Rummage Sale Donations
Pastor Mike’s Note
Message from Pastora Blanca
Florist Avenue News
Church Directory Update
A Look at the Strategic Plan,
Six Months Later
ast October, the congregation
approved a strategic plan to
provide focus to Abiding Savior’s
mission, help the church become an
integral part in the community and
help enrich the lives of members and
non-members alike.
Since that time, a great deal
of progress has been made toward
meeting the goals established by the
strategic plan.
GOAL #1: Abiding Savior
will strengthen its relationship with
the Bradley Estates Neighborhood
Organization (BENO) and the Boy
Scouts. Liaisons were recently named
for each of these organizations.
They are Kathy Myszewski for the
Boy Scounts and Louise Severson
for BENO. The liaisons will be
responsible for staying in touch with
these groups, maintaining an open
communication channel between
them and Abiding Savior. The Boy
Scouts assisted with Social Ministry’s
February soup supper fundraising
event, which also attracted some
members from the Bradley Estates
community. In May, Abiding
Savior will partner with BENO for a
neighborhood clean-up.
GOAL #2: Abiding Savior will
partner with Granville Interfaith on
behalf of seniors within the congre-
gation and larger community. Beth
Gardner will serve as the liaison to
Granville Interfaith. Like the liaisons
for the Scouts and BENO, Beth will
maintain a communication connection
between Granville Interfaith and Abiding Savior. Granville Interfaith was
also one of the highlighted organizations for the Christmas and Easter
“gardens.” Tammy Herro, Director of
Granville Interfaith, also provided a
temple talk in March highlighting the
important work Interfaith does. She
has called for more volunteers to help
meet the needs of seniors within the
GOAL #3: Abiding Savior will
offer opportunities for fellowship
among our members and with our
neighbors. Several events have provided fun and fellowship for members
and neighbors including the Fall Festival, the Advent Vespers service and
tree trimming party, Social Ministry’s
soup supper fundraising event and
the Easter breakfast. Abiding Savior
also hosted a benefit for the Salvation
Army in November. Planning is currently underway to offer a Saturday
morning community breakfast and to
reconfigure the Welcome Area.
Continued on page two
Strategic Plan
Continued from front page
GOAL #4: Abiding Savior
will continue to provide education
aimed at enriching faith and personal
prayer life. The narrative lectionary
series, which focuses on a series of
texts within one book, was adopted
last summer to help congregation
members make connections between
texts, resulting in a deeper understanding of the lessons being taught
through these texts and realizing the
impact these lessons can have on
daily life.
The progress made so far has
helped give perspective into God’s love
for all of us and the call we’re all asked
to act upon to help make our congregation and community stronger.
Relationships between Abiding Savior
and community members have been
strengthened as acquaintenances have
been established and goals have been
communicated. However, we’re just
getting started!
You possess special talents
that are needed by your church and
your community. So don’t sit on
the sidelines; now is the time to get
involved! Help your congregation do
work that truly matters!
✟ ✟ ✟
We pray for the big things
and forget to give thanks
for the ordinary, small (and
yet really not small) gifts.
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Abiding Tidings is published
bi-monthly for congregation members of
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church,
5214 West Luebbe Lane,
Milwaukee, WI 53223.
Web address: www.abiding-savior.com.
Copyright © 2015 Abiding Savior Lutheran
Church. For questions, comments or article
submissions, contact the church office at
(414) 354-4514 or at
Team Looks at
Welcome Area Redesign
ne of the goals of the strategic plan is to offer more opportunties for
fellowship. Fellowship calls for space where people feel comfortable
to mingle and engage in conversation with others. To assist with this, the
Welcome Area is being evaluated to see what improvements could be made
to encourage fellowship. Bill and Marilyn Smithyman, John and Gloria Morris, Sally and Jack
Newman and Deb Jacobs are members of the team taking on this project.
They have visited other churches, both individually and as a group, to gather
ideas and discover what has and has not worked for other congregations.
They have also analyzed Abiding Savior’s space to determine its possibilities
and challenges.
Possibilities for improvement include conversational seating arrangements (i.e. loveseats, chairs, end tables), painting the ceiling white to brighten the space, using area rugs for extra comfort and bringing in high top or
pub tables for additional conversational space.
The Welcome Area redesign team hopes giving the space a fresh look
will encourage people to come early or stay later to socialize before and after
Look for updates on this project in future editions of the Tidings. If
you have questions, concerns or suggestions, please speak with anyone on
the design team.
Donations Now Accepted
for Rummage Sale
t’s that time of year again! Time to collect items for the annual rummage
sale! The rummage sale will take place on Saturday, June 6 from 8:00
a.m. to 2 p.m.
If you have items you no longer use, consider donating them to the
sale. Talk to your friends and neighbors about donating. Or if you know
someone who is moving or downsizing, encourage them to donate their
unwanted items to the sale. Receipts can be provided for tax deduction
Small items can be dropped off Monday through Thursday between
9:00 a.m. and noon or on Sundays between 8:00 and 11:30 a.m.
Large items can be dropped off starting Sunday, May 31 between
3:00 and 5:00 p.m. Otherwise, they can be dropped off Monday through
Thursday between 9:00 a.m. and noon or between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m.
Appliances and electrical equipment must be in good working condition. PLEASE NOTE: Televisions and computers will not be accepted.
The rummage sale team will be sorting and unpacking Monday, June
1 through Friday, June 5 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to provide baked goods for the bake sale, sort
donations, set up for the sale and work the day of the sale. Sign up sheets
will be available on the blue bulletin board (by the Luebbe Lane entrance) in
the Welcome Area.
If you have questions or need items picked up, please contact Mary
Jeanne Krueger at (414) 354-6489.
A Note from Pastor Mike
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from our
Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot were to say,
‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body’, that would not make it any
less a part of the body. And if the ear were to say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not
belong to the body’, that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole
body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing,
where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God arranged the members in the
body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the
body be? As it is, there are many members, yet one body. 1 Corinthians 12:14-20
he most common visual expression of the Body of Christ that we form on a
regular basis is our Sunday morning worship gathering. In that experience, we
are an assembled body consistent with Paul’s description from 1 Corinthians. We are all different parts
of the body that make up its whole–eyes, ears, and feet. We all come together with different interests,
different gifts, and different passions to give our body at Abiding Savior a unique look and mission. The
value of being assembled as such is not our uniformity, but simply our unity. The Holy Spirit powerfully
moves in environments where people, while different in individual ability and giftedness, share common
motivation and purpose.
Our Sunday morning gathering is multi-layered in the messages that it hopes We all come together with
to convey. The first, of course, is the proclamation of the gospel. The secdifferent interests, difond, I think, is to be reminded that what matters in acting as a community
ferent gifts and different
passions to give our body
of faith is the work encouragement, support that we provide for each other
Abiding Savior a unique
and the gospel work that we do together. The first act of gospel work that
look and mission.
we do each and every week is our worship service because it is our first act
of mission. It nudges us into a posture of opening ourselves to life in, with,
and though God. Working to ensure that our service continually demonstrates this value means that having as many people as possible participate in conducting the service matters greatly. Worship is what the
pastor and the faith community create together.
Our need for worship assistants is constant, but we have have reached a moment when some serious recruitment is needed. We have a need for assistants in all areas of worship: ushering, reading, and assisting
with communion. If you are approached by and asked to share your abilities in one of those roles, I hope
that you will strongly consider contributing your service.
Worship leads us into deeper relationship with one another, but it also prepares us to enter into deeper,
compassionate, empathic relationship with our community, which is the core of our strategic plan at Abiding Savior. The heart of our faith community is the gospel and the gospel always leads us to share our
gifts with the world in hopes of forming connections, sharing love, and creating opportunities for transformation. Our plan is not a list of solutions, it is simply a map for doing the work that we believe matters.
Thanks are due to everyone sharing in the work of connecting with BENO, the Boy Scouts, Granville Interfaith, creating community engagement events, and deepening their commitment to spiritual growth.
Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Mike
Pastora Blanca’s Message
ear Brothers and Sisters of Abiding Savior Lutheran Church,
Thank you for allowing us to speak to you through your church newsletter. I and the people
of Pan de Vida Lutheran Church in Jayaque send Easter greetings, and a wish for a very blessed time
between families and within the congregation. Your spirits must be improving given the passing of cold,
snow and cloudy days and the coming again of the sun, warmth and lovely flowers–a very, very sweet
time of the year.
I will use this opportunity to share with you some
important events of our Salvadoran reality.
On Thursday, March 26, thousands of Salvadorans,
from the four corners of the city of San Salvador, participated in a national march “for
life, peace and justice.” Plaza del Salvador del Mundo (Savior of the World Plaza) was the
concentration point marches were gradually adding to the venue; ceremonies were led
by our President Salvador Sanchez Ceren along with members of the National Council on
Public Safety and Social Affairs (CNSCC).
As the Lutheran Church we support this march in those parts of the country
where we have a presence. We are convinced that only by working together to create
a fair and inclusive society can we hope to live in peace. The fear that our people live with
Participants at the National March for
cannot continue. We say, “Enough!” to extortion,
Life, Peace and Justice
murder, assault, robbery and every kind of violation of human rights. This march is an expression of unity of the Salvadoran people who
want peace.
Also, at the invitation of the Franciscan Friars of the Roman Catholic Church
on Friday, March 27, as the Migrant Pastoral Lutheran Church, we participated along
with their counterparts in other churches in a “Via Crucis Migrants” (Migrants’ Way of
the Cross). This took place in the Plaza Gerardo Barrios, opposite Metropolitan Cathedral. It was an ecumenical event in which each participating institution could express
their ‘way of the cross’ station a free and creative way. A press conference was held
to report the latest information related to the situation of migrants. That same Friday
morning busloads of returning migrants from the Mexico/USA border had come to the
Pastora Blanca speaking at the
Directorate General of Immigration.
Via Crucis Migrants event
In another topic, after 35
years history will finally recognize the life and contributions of Monsignor Romero
who was assassinated during our civil war for speaking out against injustice and
violence. El Salvador, Latin American people and the world will celebrate his beatification. The beatification ceremony will take place on May 23; this follows a long
process of study and analysis of his writings and homilies. The village of Jayaque
is preparing for this great moment with plans being made for a great festival! The
celebration will include Pan de Vida Lutheran church because Monsignor Romero
transcends the religious denominations. It is a holy day for all Salvadorans, as his
martyrdom was for everyone.
Romero is still present, his message is
current. I would say that, if today Monsignor Romero
Plaza Gerardo Barrios
were alive to view this society for which he fought so
hard, the cause for which so many gave even their lives, and see that we have not yet made great
strides, he would stand with us. And now, what do we do to provide a follow-up to his message?
Violence is the order of the day, murders increase, crime statistics grow alarmingly. Our youth, our
children are living a real hell in the streets, in the neighborhoods, and we often see them there as
rare, strange beings, without realizing that we, as adults, have great responsibility for them.
All these activities have developed at a time when there are still present frustrations
and gaps in the recent elections for mayors and deputies. The elections have left all Salvadorans
feeling frustrated by the inability of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal to issue election results within
Savior of the World Plaza
the stipulated time; results were only completed 27 days after the elections took place.
Brothers and sisters, God’s call is for everyone, especially for the authorities to have in their
hands the power and decision-making capacity to work in building the society that God wants. God built a beautiful creation so
that everyone would have what they need, in abundance, without distinction of any kind. God loves us all equally, and so God
calls us to work for good, denouncing sin; for that reason, we support all initiatives that contribute to peace. Amen.
Florist Avenue News
lorist Avenue Church has considered many
options for revitalization and is enthusiastic
about furthering its partnership with All Peoples
Congregation. The Florist Avenue church council
approved resolutions to close as a separate entity
and unite in membership with All Peoples in order
to strengthen ministry at 40th Street and Florist
Avenue. These resolutions will be voted on at a
congregational meeting in May. Please keep us in prayer, as we do you, also.
In Christ,
Rev. Carol Creitz, Pastor
Pastor Carol will be retiring this June. Many thanks to her for
contributing articles to the Tidings, which have provided a deeper
connection to our mission congregation, Florist Avenue Lutheran.
Many blessings to you in your retirement, Pastor Carol!
Abiding Savior to Offer
Medication Collection
his spring, join members of Abiding Savior as we care for God’s creation
by keeping medications out of landfills and waterways. Don’t drop them
into the trash or in the toilet. Instead, from May 10-31, bring your leftover
or out-of-date medications, vitamins and minerals and other supplements
to church and drop them into the receptacle located in the Welcome Area.
Recycling medicines is not only better for the planet, it’s important for longterm health, too! Why?
• Community Safety. Medications thrown in the garbage may be
potentially discovered by children, pets and other people who
would use them inappropriately.
• Water and Soil Pollution. When drugs (prescription and over-thecounter) are tossed into the garbage or flushed down the toilet
or sink, their chemical components will enter our water supply.
Though small in quantity, the impact of these drugs on wildlife
and humans has yet to be determined. Serious concern over the
interaction of these medications is particularly high. Scientists and
environmentalists have been raising concerns about the presence
of pharmaceuticals in the environment for over 20 years.
• Antibiotic Resistance. When drugs prescribed to fight infection
enter the environment unnecessarily, the potential for drugresistant germs becomes significantly higher, making it much
more difficult for humans to protect their health from serious
Luther Manor
Seeks Volunteers,
uther Manor is looking for teen
volunteers during the summer
months and beyond. Boys and girls,
ages 12 and older, are needed.
Volunteers get the opportunity to
meet wonderful residents and other
teens. If you know of any teens who
may be interested, please have them
contact Lori Schultz at (414) 4643880.
ookie donations for Luther
Manor would be appreciated.
Luther Manor Health Care residents
receive a cookie with coffee midmorning on weekdays. If you can
provide store-bought or homemade
cookies (no nuts, please), contact
the church office or Gladys Larson.
Gladys is also looking for a volunteer
to help her deliver the cookies to
Luther Manor.
Easter Breakfast
Casserole Receipe
any people who attended
Abiding Savior’s Easter
Breakfast enjoyed the egg casserole
that was provided and have requested
the recipe from the organizers. Here it
8 eggs slightly beaten
8 slices white bread, cubed
2 c. milk
1 c. shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 lb sausage links or ham--
cubed and cooked
1 tsp. dry mustard
Salt and pepper to taste
Grease or spray 9 x 13 pan. Place
bread cubes and sausage or ham in
pan. Mix remaining ingredients and
pour over bread and meat. Tightly
cover pan with foil and refrigerate
overnight. The next day, preheat over
to 350 degrees. Uncover casserole and
bake for one hour. Serves eight.
Church Council
Members Installed
Memorials and
biding Savior has received
and gratefully acknowledges
the following gifts:
In memory of Hazel Jennings
Irene Eimer
In memory of John Clemens
Marilyn Moore
Joe and Arlene Tarro
In memory and honor of
Ruth Aas for the Sunday School
Norman, Paul and Matt Aas
Directory to be
On Sunday, April 12, Abiding Savior installed its 2015 council during the
10:30 worship service. From left to right: Jonas Edstrom, Heather Willette,
Marie Hoppe and Dave Kasik. Not pictured: Deb Jacobs.
Clean-Up Day
et’s flex our hospitality
muscles and spruce up the
neighborhood in the process!
A neighborhood clean-up event
has been scheduled by BENO for
Saturday, May 16. Come to Abiding
Savior at 9:00 a.m. to receive street
assignments. Coffee, juice and
doughnuts will be waiting for you
upon your arrival! This will be about
a one-hour time commitment.
Trash bags will be provided. Bring
a pair of gloves and your favorite
“grabber” device, if you have one.
A sign-up sheet will be available
in the Welcome Area. Please sign
up so an appropriate amount of
food can be purchased. A clean
neighborhood is a happy one–
come on out to make ours happy!
AA/Al-Anon Can
Provide Support
o you or a family member
struggle with alcohol? Do you
need help supporting a family member
who is dealing with alcoholism?
AA and Al-Anon both meet
at Abiding Savior Monday evenings
at 8:00. They are always welcoming
new members no matter the person’s
For more information, check
out the following websites: AA: www.
aamilwaukee.com; Al-Anon: www.
al-anon.alateen.org. AA also has a 24hour hotline: (414) 771-9119.
✟ ✟ ✟
new church directory listing will
be published sometime in
August and the church office needs
your current information.
Starting in May, a copy of
the current directory will be made
available in the Welcome Area. Please
review your information carefully.
If there are any changes to your
address, phone number and/or e-mail
address, a form will be available for
you to notate any changes. You
are also welcome to contact the
church office at (414) 354-4514 or at
office@abiding-savior.com with any
changes to your contact information.
Thank you in advance for your help in
completing this project!
Holy Week/
Easter Thanks
hank you to all of the worship
assistants, Susan Eggold and the
handbell and vocal choirs for making
Abiding Savior’s Holy Week and
Easter worship experiences powerful
and meaningful. Your work is greatly
Social Ministry Notes
e are still drawing from the
Shepherd Pie casseroles
which were made and frozen by
our Assembly Team. For those that
prefer to work at home, casseroles
will be needed for Tuesday, May 5.
A signup sheet can be found in the
Welcome Area. We will also require
volunteers to deliver the casseroles
to the Agape Center at 3:00 p.m. on
that first Tuesday; again, a signup
sheet is available.
upcakes will be required on
Tuesday, June 2; however, we
have a supply for this month and will
not need volunteer bakers for June.
olunteers will be required
to help setup and serve on
Tuesday, May 19 and June 16.
Volunteers should be at the Agape
Center by 5:30 p.m. and serving will
conclude at approximately 6:30 p.m.
See Tom Krueger if you have any
Mt. Meru
e are still looking for a
volunteer to manage the Mt.
Meru coffee program. The coffee
mostly sells itself and requires only
that coffee is available for sale and
is replenished from Florist Avenue in
a timely manner. Consider becoming
a volunteer for this worthwhile
mission! See Joan Cullity for details
or call her at (414) 354-8292.
El Salvador Emphasis Sunday
lease plan to be with us on
May 10 as we focus on our
partnership with Pastora Blanca Irma
Rodriguez and Pan de Vida Church.
We will feature special music and
our “very own” Sally Newman as
a speaker for both services. Light
refreshments will also be served
between services.
Mother’s Day
lso on May 10, we’ll recognize
mothers and all women.
Watch for special gifts that will soon
be available for sale in the Welcome
Area, a wonderful way to celebrate a
special person in your life!
Florist Avenue Lunch Program
astor Carol Creitz at Florist
Avenue was contacted
regarding the Florist Avenue Kids
Lunch Program, which Abiding Savior
has participated in for a number of
years. Because she is retiring in June
and Florist Avenue will be merging
with All Peoples Church, there will be
NO Summer Lunch Program this year.
Detail of the new Easter banner now hanging
in the sanctuary. Thank you to Helen Martin
for creating this beautiful interpretation of
Jesus’ resurrection!
Hearts + Hands =
Soup for the Hungry Event
rom the proceeds of our Hearts
+ Hands = Soup Bowls for the
Hungry Soup Event in February,
the Social Ministry Team agreed to
donate $100 to the food pantry at
St. Peter Immanuel (they serve zip
code 53223) and $200 to the food
pantry at St. Catherine’s. The balance
of $228.00 was placed in the Pan de
Vida church account for future use.
The Social Ministry team wil not
meet during the summer but will
reconvene in September to plan for
2015-2016. We encourage everyone
to join us! Watch for the first fall
meeting date in the bulletin. Current
members include: Joan Cullity, Mary
Idhe, Tom Krueger, Inge Liebl, Vicky
Merwin, Marianne Newman, Sally
Newman and Pastor Mike Anderson.
Boxtop and Campbell Soup labels
have a new container and a new
home! Look for the new white
Rubbermaid drawer unit in the
Conference Room on the book
shelves. Keep those labels coming!
Need Lawn
awn care at Abiding Savior this
year will be done by Paul’s
Lawn Mowing Service. Paul
Braatz lives in the Bradley Estates
neighborhood where his business is
based. In addition to lawn mowing,
he offers trimming and leaf raking
services, all at reasonable rates. If
interested, see his notice on the
Welcome Area bulletin board located
to the left of the Conference Room
doors for more information.
Pastor Mike Anderson leads participants
in the Easter Vigil service held on April 4.
Easter Vigil was the concluding service in the
Triduum or the Three Days, which began with
Maundy Thursday and included Good Friday.
Volunteer Opportunities: Get Involved!
There are many opportunities to share your gifts with fellow members and the larger community. So take a
chance and try something new! You’ll deepen your faith and your relationship with others. If you would like
your group listed in future editions, please contact the Church Office.
Handbell Choir
Rejoice Singers Ensemble
Vocal Choir
Help create a festive and joyful sound
by playing with the handbell choir! High
school youth and adults are welcome to
join; no previous musical experience is
required. The choir rehearses weekly September through December and February
through May, playing in church once or
twice a month. For more information,
contact Susan Eggold at (414) 315-1127
or at susan@eggold.com.
The Rejoice Singers help lead worship at
the 10:30 service and are always looking
for new members! If you enjoy singing
or playing an instrument and love providing meaningful worship, consider joining!
Rehearsals are held at 9:30 on Sunday
mornings. For more information, contact
Kelly Grant Moore at (414) 708-8500 or
at kgmoore@wi.rr.com.
If you enjoy singing, consider joining
Abiding Savior’s vocal choir! The group
meets on Sundays after late service six
weeks prior to Christmas and six weeks
prior to Holy Week and Easter. The
group sings a wide variety of repetoire
from beautiful classical pieces to uplifting spirituals. No music reading required
and shower singers to opera divas are
welcome! Contact Kelly Grant Moore at
(414) 708-8500 or at kgmoore@wi.rr.
com for more information or to join.
Homebound Ministry
Homebound Ministry makes once-amonth calls on those in our congregation
who are no longer able to attend servcies. As part of the visits, Holy Communion is given. Training is provided, and
the group meets once a quarter at 1:15
p.m. If you are interesting in participating or have questions, please see Pastor
Mike or call Joan Cullity at (414) 3548292 or e-mail at JoniC@wi.rr.com.
Prayer Chain
Abiding Savior offers two prayer chains:
one by telephone and one by e-mail.
Members include special requests from
fellow Abiding Savior members in their
own daily prayers. For the telephone
chain, contact Joyce Clausing at (414)
354-5207 or Mary Jeanne Krueger at
(414) 354-6489. For the e-mail chain,
contact Chris Weichart at (414) 3550062 or at cweichart@wi.rr.com.
The Quilters
The Quilters meet every Wednesday
morning at 9:00 to create quilts to send
to Lutheran World Relief every year. In
addition, the group has people who cut,
tie and sew at home. Their goal for next
October is 600 quilts! If you have a gift
for sewing and quilting and want to help
meet next year’s goal, contact Jeanette
Lammi at (414) 354-9662. Donations of
fabric and other materials for making the
quilts are welcome, too!
Social Ministry
Individuals who like to work in a group
setting to help organize and plan activities to reach out to the greater Milwaukee community and our sister parishes,
Florist Avenue Lutheran and Pan de
Vida in Jayaque, El Salvador, are encouraged to participate! Your hearts and
hands will offer much needed support
to others. The group normally meets on
Wednesdays, every other month, at 6:30
p.m. If you are interested in joining or attending a meeting to see what the group
is about, please call Joan Cullity at (414)
354-8292 or e-mail at JoniC@wi.rr.com.
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
All women are invited to participate in
WELCA through small groups, called
circles, that meet once a month and in
larger gatherings held throughout the
year. WELCA also spearheads various
drives like the fall school kit and the
winter wear collections. For more information or to get involved, contact Mary
Jeanne Krueger at (414) 354-6489 or
Connie McLaughlin at (414) 354-1944.
Soul Train
Physical exercise can do wonders for the
soul! And you can often help support a
good cause! Abiding Savior’s Soul Train
is a group who walks or runs in many
of the organized races in the Milwaukee
area. The runs are typically 5K or 10K
routes while walks are usually no longer
than a 5K. A schedule of available races
is posted in the Welcome Area, and you
are able to participate in as many as you
choose. For more information, contact
Jack Newman at (414) 841-8933.
Worship Assistants
Abiding Savior’s services offer many roles
that help provide wonderful worship
experiences for those who attend. Your
help is always needed to read, assist with
communion, greet members and visitors,
usher or set and clean up the altar. To
get involved, call the Church Office or
e-mail at office@abiding-savior.com.
Do It or
Don’t Do It
t may help to think of it this
way. If you were meant to
cure cancer or write a symphony
or crack cold fusion and you don't
do it, you not only hurt yourself,
you even destroy yourself. You
hurt your children. You hurt me.
You hurt the planet.
You shame the angels who watch
over you and you spite the Almighty, who created you and only
you with your unique gifts, for
the sole purpose of nudging the
human race one millimeter farther
along its path back to God.
~ Steven Pressfield
Church Directory
Abiding Savior Staff
Church Council
Pastor Rev. Michael Anderson
Mobile: (414) 379-3639
David Kasik
(414) 357-8319
Director of
Music and Communications
Kelly Grant Moore
Business Manager
John Hempler
Office Assistant
Monica Scheftgen
Worship Schedule
Sundays: 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Education Hour: 9:15 a.m.
Mondays: 6:30 p.m.
Heather Willette
(414) 747-9563
Deb Jacobs
(414) 906-1752
Jonas Edstrom
(414) 243-7868
Marie Hoppe
(414) 699-7853
Bill Smithyman
Financial Secretary
(414) 331-4307
Mission Statement
Experiencing God in our neighbor,
we serve with our hearts and hands
Main Contact Information
Mailing Address
5214 W. Luebbe Lane
Milwaukee, WI 53223
(414) 354-4514
Sister Congregation
Pan de Vida Lutheran Church
Jayaque, El Salvador
Pastora Blanca Irma Rodriguez
Mission Congregation
Florist Avenue Lutheran Church
Milwaukee, WI
Pastor Carol Creitz
Abiding Savior is a member of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,
Greater Milwaukee Synod
Neighborhood Clean-Up
with BENO
Start of large item
drop-off for Rummage
Office Closed
Pastor’s Day Off
3:00 Agape Meal
9:00 Quilters
6:30 BENO
Office Closed
8:00 Men’s
Pastor’s Day Off Fellowship
6:00 CTAC
8:00 AA/Al Anon
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
Regular Worship
Last Day of
Sunday School
12:00 Phoebe/Ruth
6:30 Christian
6:30 Acoustic
7:00 Leaders 194
8:00 AA/Al Anon
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
7:00 Crew 194
Office Closed
9:00 BENO
Pastor’s Day Off Neighborhood
Regular Worship 6:30 Acoustic
7:15 Church
12:00 CTAC
12:00 CTAC
9:00 Worship Service
Sunday Worship Schedule, unless noted
8:00 Worship
9:15 Fellowship/Sunday School
10:30 Worship
Dates to Remember
Mother’s Day
El Salvador Sunday
6:00 CTAC
Regular Worship 6:30 Acoustic
Sunday School
8:00 AA/Al Anon
12:00 CTAC
5:00 Agape Meal - 9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
6:00 Polaris
District Meeting
Office Closed
Pastor’s Day Off
24 Pentecost
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
6:30 BENO
7:00 Crew 194
Office Closed
Pastor’s Day Off
25 Memorial Day
9:00 Worship
8:00 AA/Al Anon
12:00 CTAC
9:00 Worship
12:00 CTAC
6:00 CTAC
Items for the rummage sale can be dropped
off during office hours (Monday—Thursday,
9am—12pm) or Sunday (8:00am—11:30am)
Dates to Remember
Rummage Sale Sorting
9:00 Worship
12:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
7:15 Church
3:00 Agape Meal
9:00 Quilters
6:30 BENO
Office Closed
Rummage Sale
Pastor’s Day Off
6:00 CTAC
8:00 AA/Al Anon
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
8 Tidings Deadline
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
11:30 Visitation
7:00 Crew 194
Office Closed
8:00 Men’s
Pastor’s Day Off Fellowship
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al Anon
6:00 CTAC
Rummage Sale
8:00 am—2:00 pm
9:00 Worship
6:30 Acoustic
5:00 Agape Meal - 9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
12:00 CTAC
8:00 AA/Al Anon
Father’s Day
21 Father’s Day 22
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
6:30 BENO
7:00 Crew 194
Office Closed
Pastor’s Day Off
9:00 Worship
12:00 CTAC
8:00 AA/Al Anon
9:00 Worship
6:30 Acoustic
10:30 TOPS
7:00 Boyscouts
8:00 AA/Al Anon
6:00 CTAC
Office Closed
Pastor’s Day Off
6:30 Acoustic
12:00 CTAC
Worship Assistant Schedule ~ May/June 2015
Unable to serve on your scheduled date(s)?
Please trade and notify Monica in the office at (414) 354-4514 or at office@abiding-savior.com
May Greeters
Altar Guild
May 24
May 31
Chuck & Connie
Bob & Jean Marquardt
Melissa Kowitz
Sally Newman
Teams 1 & 2
Teams 1 & 2
8: 00: Mike Burns
10: 30: Cyndy Kochanski
Sally Newman
Rebecca Steinbach
Kathy Paulson
Deb Jacobs
Sally Newman
Kathy Paulson
Deb Jacobs
May 3
May 10
May 17
8: 00: Rob & Becky
10: 30: Suzanne Blad &
Joan Cullity
8: 00: Rob Lonergan
10: 30: Marianne Newman
8: 00: Team 1
10: 30: Team 2
8: 00: Sally Luck &
Gladys Larson
10: 30: Marilyn Eimer &
Mike McGhee
8: 00: Marilyn Smithyman
10: 30: Marlene Kapustanczek
8: 00: Team 1
10: 30: Team 2
8: 00: Rob & Becky
10: 30: Louise Severson &
Virginia Hall
8: 00: Becky Lonergan
10: 30: Erin Anderson
8: 00: Team 1
10: 30: Team 2
8: 00: Mike Burns
10: 30: Sharon Kasik
8: 00: Bill Smithyman
10: 30: Vicky Merwin
Kathy Paulson
Deb Jacobs
Sally Newman
Deb Jacobs
Team 1 Ushers: George Moore, Randy LeBeck, Victor Bornick, Jr., Marilyn Moore
Team 2 Ushers: Joan Cullity, Mary Lublin
Food Pantry Volunteer: TBD
Agape Center Food Delivery: TBD
June June 7
June 14
June 21
June 28
George & Marilyn
Mike McGhee &
Madlyn Dobschuetz
Muriel Birk &
Carolyn LeBeck
Rob & Becky Lonergan
Altar Guild
Bill Smithyman
Melissa Kowitz
Helen Martin
Rob Lonergan
Teams 3 & 4
Teams 3 & 4
Teams 3 & 4
Teams 3 & 4
Mike Burns
Bill Smithyman
Joan Cullity
Jeff Kowitz
Kathy Paulson
Deb Jacobs
Sally Newman
Deb Jacobs
Deb Jacobs
Sally Newman
Deb Jacobs
Team 3 Ushers: Roger Schroeder, Kevin Becker, Dan Becker
Team 4 Ushers: Michael Dorn, Sara Willette, Lou McCargo, Nancy Gramprie
Food Pantry Volunteer: TBD
Agape Center Food Delivery: TBD

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