Abiding Tidings - Abiding Savior Lutheran Church


Abiding Tidings - Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
Abiding Tidings
July/August 2016
Upcoming Events
Independence Day
Monday, July 4
Church office closed
NO Monday night service
Community Breakfasts
Saturday, July 9 and
Saturday, August 13
8:00 –10:00 a.m.
Boatload of Pizza Planning Meeting
Wednesday, August 17
6:30 p.m.
Rally Day
Sunday, September 11
Two services at 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
In this issue...
Rummage Sale/
Flea Market Recap
Lutheran World Relief Collection
Pastor Mike’s Note
Social Ministry Notes
Outreach for Hope Bike Ride
Youth Confirmed
Congregation Votes for
Parking Lot, Digital Sign
he congregation voted in
favor of pursuing the parking
lot and digital sign projects during
a special meeting held May 22.
Members learned about the
projects during a temple talk in
April and had opportunity to ask
questions during an Adult Forum
held in early May.
Recently, Jack Newman
and Mike McGhee ran piping and
wiring out to the sign location
from the church building as the
current wiring would not be
conducive for the new digital
Munson, Inc., the
contractor hired to repave the
parking lot, has submitted
requests for permits with the City
of Milwaukee. Munson hopes
to start the repaving project
sometime in August. The digital
sign will be installed once the
parking lot is completed.
For questions about the
two projects, please see a Church
Council member or Jack Newman.
Paul Erickson Elected Bishop
of Greater Milwaukee Synod
he Rev. Paul D. Erickson, West
St. Paul, Minnesota, was
elected June 4 to a six-year term as
bishop of the Greater Milwaukee
Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA). The
election was held during the synod
assembly June 2-4 at the Tarble
Arena at Carthage College in
Erickson was elected on
the fifth ballot with 190 votes to
165 votes for the Rev. Lisa BatesFroiland, pastor of Redeemer
Lutheran Church in Milwaukee.
“I’m excited and hopeful
about our future as we continue
the work of establishing vibrant
faith communities committed to
working with God in the establishment of a more just, peaceful and
compassionate world,” Erickson
said. “The ELCA Greater Milwaukee Synod has a strong history of
Rummage Sale/
Flea Market
biding Savior raised over
$4,200 between the annual
rummage sale and the Heavenly
Treasures Flea Market!
The rummage sale
was held on Saturday, June 4
and offered everything from
housewares to furniture. A bake
sale was also held during the sale,
helping to add to the final total.
Twenty-eight vendors
participated in the Heavenly
Treasures Flea Market. Buyers
could purchase jewelry, plants,
sports memorabilia, tools, comic
books, crafts, furniture and much
Thank you to those who
donated items to the rummage
sale, those who baked items
for the bake sale, flea market
vendors, those who purchased
items from the two sales and all
of the volunteers who helped out
at the events. These two events
wouldn’t have been successful
without your help! A special thank
you to the Boy Scouts for their
help in setting up for the flea
Look for photographs from
the rummage sale and flea market
on page six of this issue!
The Abiding Tidings is published
bi-monthly for congregation members of
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church,
5214 West Luebbe Lane,
Milwaukee, WI 53223.
Web address: www.abiding-savior.com.
Copyright © 2016 Abiding Savior Lutheran
Church. For questions, comments or article
submissions, contact the church office at
(414) 354-4514 or at
Bishop’s Election
Continued from front page
creative and faithful ministry, and I look forward to finding out what
God has in store for us all as this next chapter unfolds.”
Since 2014 Erickson has served as director of Agora in St. Paul,
Minnesota, a ministry that helps develop lay leaders for immigrant
and multicultural congregations in Minnesota and South Dakota. He
was assistant to the bishop for evangelical mission in the St. Paul Area
Synod from 2008 to 2014.
The bishop-elect earned a Bachelor of Arts from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, in 1983 and a Master of Divinity
from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 1989. Erickson
earned a Doctor of Ministry in congregation mission and leadership
from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 2012. Adolphus Gustavus is one of 26 ELCA colleges and universities. The Lutheran School of
Theology at Chicago and Luther are two of eight ELCA seminaries.
The Rev. Jeff Barrow, current bishop of the Greater Milwaukee
Synod, has served one six-year term and will retire this summer.
Erickson will be installed as bishop Saturday, October. 8, at 2
p.m. at St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wauwatosa.
Items to be Collected for LWR
he Women of Abiding Savior
(WELCA) will be collecting
items for School and Baby Care
Kits and new bars of soap for
Lutheran World Relief in August and
September. Please place your items
in the receptacle in the Welcome
Area. Thank you!
Needed for School Kits:
70-sheet notebooks
30-centimeter rulers
Pencil sharpeners
Blunt scissors with embedded
steel blades
Erasers (2 1/2 inches)
No. 2 pencils with erasers
Ballpoint pens
Box of 16 or 24 crayons
Needed for Baby Kits:
• Lightweight cotton T-shirts
• Gowns or sleepers
• Receiving blankets (cotton,
flannel or knitted with lightweight yarn)
• Jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts
with hoods or baby caps
• Cloth diapers
• Socks
• Hand towels (dark color)
• Bath size bars of gentle soap
Please note: Gently used large or
bigger t-shirts are being collected
for making diapers.
✟ ✟ ✟
Charity Collections: An on-going, year-round project
Campbell’s Labels: Collected for
Bethesda, Inc., Watertown, WI (used
to purchase equipment for their residents). See a sample portion of the
label needed on the bookshelf against
the north wall in the Conference Room.
Box Tops for Education: Collected for
Thoreau School, Milwaukee. Please
place these items in the designated
slot in the white box located on the
bookshelf against the north wall in the
Conference Room.
A Note from Pastor Mike
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from our
Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your
father’s house to the land that I will show you. 2I will make of you a great nation,
and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.
3I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in
you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’
Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was
seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. 5Abram took his wife Sarai
and his brother’s son Lot, and all the possessions that they had gathered, and
the persons whom they had acquired in Haran; and they set forth to go to the
land of Canaan. When they had come to the land of Canaan, 6Abram passed
through the land to the place at Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. At that time the Canaanites were in
the land. 7Then the Lord appeared to Abram, and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he
built there an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him. 8From there he moved on to the hill country
on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; and there
he built an altar to the Lord and invoked the name of the Lord. 9And Abram journeyed on by stages
towards the Negeb.
Genesis 12:1-9
here might your journeys take you this summer?
One of the most repeated, comforting motifs of scripture is that of God calling unsuspecting souls into
new adventures of service and faithfulness. Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jacob, Joseph, Ruth, Peter, Paul.
All of them, wary of their work and journey, yet of profound use to God. I believe it really is comforting
to recognize that there really is no servant of God who is ever prepared for what God is calling them
to. The honest truth, really, is that God uses the process of life and ministry to turn us into whatever it
is that God needed from us. God equips us, along the way, for the work that God needs from us. That
was true of Abram. It’s true for you, too.
Over these summer months, many of us will be called away on journeys of renewal as we spend time
with friends and family and maybe even just some good time relaxing. Your experience might not be
as dramatic as God’s calling of Abram in the story above, but I tell you, it matters no less. You belong
to God wherever you go, no matter the journey that you are a part of, and God is always (ALWAYS!)
using you for the sake of love and the kingdom of God. Usually, the hardest part for us in any of that is
learning to trust that God’s work is being done in and through us, no matter what.
Where might your journeys take you this summer? Wherever they lead, know that God goes with you,
works through you, and will be revealed to you through those you encounter. Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Mike
Social Ministry Notes
hepherd pie casseroles will
be needed on Tuesday, July
5. The casserole assembly team
prepared enough casseroles
for July; however, for those
desiring to work from home,
a sign-up sheet will be posted
in the Welcome Area on the
blue bulletin board. We will
need a driver to deliver these to
Agape, so a volunteer would be
appreciated on the sign-up sheet.
upcakes will be required on
Tuesday, August 2, so watch
for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin
board in the Welcome Area.
olunteers will be required
to help setup and serve on
the third Tuesday of every month:
Tuesday, July 19 and Tuesday,
August 16. Volunteers should
be at the Agape Center by 5:30
p.m. and serving will conclude at
approximately 6:30 p.m. See Tom
Krueger if you have any questions.
s always, we thank the many
faithful volunteers who
continue to help us in so many
ways each and every month for
the Agape Center. We would
never be able to fulfill our
ministries without you!
Noisy Offering
s you will recall, on the first
Sunday of every month,
a “noisy offering” is collected
to help support the following
organizations: ELCA World
Hunger, Granville Interfaith,
Sojourner Family Peace Center
and the food pantry at St.
Catherine’s. In May, we collected
$79.52 and in June, we collected
$89.73. The total to date is
$252.41. At the end of the year,
the total amount will be divided
equally and a check sent to each
of the charities. Thanks to all for
your support!
Memorials and
biding Savior has received
and gratefully acknowledges the following gifts:
In memory of
Richard Mattson
Chuck & Connie McLaughlin
George & Marilyn Moore
The Gathering
lease save the date on
Saturday July 23 and plan to
join us when we will be setting
up, serving lunch and cleaning
up at Our Next Generation
Neighborhood Center, located
at 3421 West Lisbon Avenue.
We require between 10-12
volunteers, and we will carpool
to the location. Donations of
fresh milk and cookies are always
appreciated. A sign-up sheet will
be posted for volunteers.
The Social Ministry Team does not
meet during the summer months
but will reconvene in the fall.
Watch the bulletin for dates! We
welcome all to join us and get
involved in outside ministries! Current members include: Joan Cullity, Mary Idhe, Sharon Kasik, Tom
Krueger, Inge Liebl, Vicky Merwin,
Marianne Newman, Sally Newman
and Pastor Mike Anderson.
Card of Thanks
To my dear family at Abiding Savior:
I would like to thank all of
you for the cards, visits, flowers and
phone calls while I was in confinement in the hospital and rehab for
six and a half weeks. My deepest
gratitude to everyone. I love you all.
Joyce Clausing
In memory of
Irene Eimer
Marilyn Eimer
Outreach for
Hope Rides Again
he Outreach for Hope Bike
Ride is coming on Saturday,
September 10! Financial gifts to OFH
support ministries among people
living in low-income communities
in Southeast Wisconsin. These
congregation and ministry centers
• Medical care
• Summer neighborhood
• After school tutoring
• Job counseling
• Neighborhood ministries
• Groceries
• Clothing
• Meals, and much more!
Join Jack Newman for the
ride and picnic and pedal to push
down poverty! On-line registration
is currently being accepted at
If you can't join in, please consider
a donation. This year, Outreach
for Hope has set a goal of raising
Help Outreach for Hope
reach its goal—for the sake of ministry. Talk to Jack Newman for more
Luther Manor
Enjoys Cookies
Abiding Savior Youth
Recently Confirmed
ladys Larson and the
residents of Luther Manor
thank you for your cookie
donations in May! Donated
cookies were served to residents
of the health care area with
coffee or tea during weekdays by
a volunteer.
In addition, the Friends
of Luther Manor will be holding
their annual membership drive in
September. Consider becoming a
member for only $5.00 a month.
Yearly and lifelong memberships
are also available. Your
membership dues are used for
various projects to benefit Luther
Manor residents.
For more information,
please see Gladys Larson or watch
for membership registration in
n Sunday, May 15, three of Abiding Savior’s youth celebrated
their confirmation during a special service. Congratulations to
Amanda Hoppe, Alex Hoppe and Rodney Eggold! May God bless
you as you continue your faith journeys! For more confirmation
photographs, check out Abiding Savior’s Facebook, Google+ and
Flickr pages!
Volunteers Needed
for Breakfast
Soul Train Participates in
Run/Walk for the Hungry
biding Savior’s next
community breakfasts are
Saturday, July 9 and Saturday,
August 13. Volunteers are greatly
If you can help, even for
just a little while, please sign up!
The sign-up sheets are located in
the Welcome Area on the green
bulletin board by the Luebbe Lane
entrance. Breakfast organizers
encourage you to sign up early to
make sure they will have enough
volunteers to cover vacations and
other absences by those who
regularly volunteer.
For questions about
the breakfast, please see Jonas
Edstrom, Heather Willette, Deb
Jacobs or John and Gloria Morris.
embers of Abiding Savior’s Soul Train group participated in the
Capuchins’ annual Run/Walk for the Hungry on Friday, June
17 at the Summerfest grounds. The event provides support for the
St. Ben’s Community Meal and House of Peace. Over 1,800 people
participated and in addition to monetary donations, Usinger’s donated
one pound of meat for every person who participated. From left to
right: Mary Ihde, Scott Villmow, Jack Newman, Paul Braatz, Cindy
Braatz, Kelly Grant Moore and Matt Moore.
Rummage-o-Rama at Abiding Savior!
eople were on the hunt for steals and deals at Abiding Savior’s annual rummage sale that was held on
Saturday, June 4. Check out these pictures from the sale!
Heavenly Treasures Featured at
First-Ever Flea Market
wide variety of items from crafts to sports memorabilia to tools to refinished furniture were available
for sale at the Heavenly Treasures Flea Market that was held on Saturday, June 18. Twenty-eight
vendors participated, and food was also for sale thanks to a local veteran’s group.
Volunteer Opportunities: Get Involved!
There are many opportunities to share your gifts with fellow members and the larger community. So take a
chance and try something new! You’ll deepen your faith and your relationship with others. If you would like
your group listed in future editions, please contact the Church Office.
Community Breakfast
Abiding Savior’s free breakfast is served
to young and old of any economic
means within the larger community.
Several opportunities for volunteering exist including greeting, Friday preparation,
cooking, serving, operating the beverage
cart and resetting place settings. Guests
love music, too, so musicians are always
welcome! Volunteers are also needed
to help solicit/pick up donations as well
promote the breakfast. Most duties do
not take much longer than two to three
hours. Sign-up sheets are available in
the Welcome Area. For more information, contact Heather Willette at (414)
399-0193 or at hlwillette75@gmail.com.
Questions can also be addressed to Jonas
Edstrom, Debbie Jacobs or Gloria and
John Morris.
Handbell Choir
Help create a festive and joyful sound
by playing with the handbell choir! High
school youth and adults are welcome to
join; no previous musical experience is
required. The choir rehearses weekly September through December and February
through May, playing in church once or
twice a month. For more information,
contact Susan Eggold at (414) 315-1127
or at susan@eggold.com.
Homebound Ministry
Homebound Ministry makes once-amonth calls on those in our congregation
who are no longer able to attend servcies. As part of the visits, Holy Communion is given. Training is provided, and
the group meets once a quarter at 1:15
p.m. If you are interesting in participating or have questions, please see Pastor
Mike or call Joan Cullity at (414) 3548292 or e-mail at JoniC@wi.rr.com.
Prayer Chain
Abiding Savior offers two prayer chains:
one by telephone and one by e-mail.
Members include special requests from
fellow Abiding Savior members in their
own daily prayers. For the telephone
chain, contact Joyce Clausing at (414)
Prayer Chain (continued)
354-5207 or Mary Jeanne Krueger at
(414) 354-6489. For the e-mail chain,
contact Chris Weichart at (414) 3550062 or at cweichart@wi.rr.com.
The Quilters
The Quilters meet every Wednesday
morning at 9:00 to create quilts to send
to Lutheran World Relief every year.
In addition, the group has people who
cut, tie and sew at home. The Quilters’
creations are beautiful and keep needy
people warm throughout the world!
If you have a gift for sewing and quilting and want to help, contact Jeanette
Lammi at (414) 354-9662. Donations of
fabric and other materials for making the
quilts are welcome, too!
Social Ministry
Individuals who like to work in a group
setting to help organize and plan activities to reach out to the greater Milwaukee community and our sister congregation, Pan de Vida in Jayaque, El Salvador,
are encouraged to participate! Your
hearts and hands will offer much needed
support to others. The group normally
meets on Wednesdays, every other
month, at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested
in joining or attending a meeting to see
what the group is about, please call Joan
Cullity at (414) 354-8292 or e-mail at
Soul Train
Physical exercise can do wonders for the
soul! And you can often help support a
good cause! Abiding Savior’s Soul Train
is a group who walks or runs in many
of the organized races in the Milwaukee
area. The runs are typically 5K or 10K
routes while walks are usually no longer
than a 5K. A schedule of available races
is posted in the Welcome Area, and you
are able to participate in as many as you
choose. For more information, contact
Jack Newman at (414) 841-8933.
✟ ✟ ✟
Sunday School
Teaching Abiding Savior’s kids can be
very rewarding! There is always a need
for Sunday School teachers, especially
for the preschool class. In addition to the
lesson readings, music, arts and crafts,
and games are used to reinforce lesson
themes and teach Christian values. For
more information, contact Kathy Paulson
at (414) 507-5422.
Worship Assistants
Abiding Savior’s services offer many roles
that help provide wonderful worship
experiences for those who attend. Your
help is always needed to read, assist with
communion, greet members and visitors,
usher or set and clean up the altar. To
get involved, call the Church Office or
e-mail at office@abiding-savior.com.
Vocal Choir
If you enjoy singing, consider joining
Abiding Savior’s vocal choir! The group
meets on Sundays after late service six
weeks prior to Christmas and six weeks
prior to Holy Week and Easter. The
group sings a wide variety of repetoire
from beautiful classical pieces to uplifting spirituals. No music reading required
and shower singers to opera divas are
welcome! Contact Kelly Grant Moore at
(414) 708-8500 or at kgmoore@wi.rr.
com for more information or to join.
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
All women are invited to participate in
WELCA through small groups, called
circles, that meet once a month and in
larger gatherings held throughout the
year. WELCA also spearheads various
drives like the fall school kit and the
winter wear collections. For more information or to get involved, contact Mary
Jeanne Krueger at (414) 354-6489 or
Connie McLaughlin at (414) 354-1944.
ASLC Members Complete Diakonia Program
haron Kasik and Helen Martin were among six individuals who
recently completed all of the requirements for the Greater
Milwaukee Synod’s Diakonia program. Their accomplishments were
recognized during a special worship service that took place at Our
Savior’s Lutheran Church on Saturday, June 11. Bishop Jeff Barrow
delivered a special sermon that day with participation from clergy
throughout the synod. Pastor Mike Anderson served as presiding
minister and worship music was provided by Greg Eggold, Dave Kasik
and Kelly Grant Moore. Diakonia is a two-year lay leadership program
offering courses in topics such as the Old and New Testaments, church
history, Christian ethics and worship practices. Congratulations to
Sharon and Helen for completing this wonderful program. May God
continue to bless you throughout your spiritual journeys!
Church Directory
Abiding Savior Staff
Church Council
Pastor Rev. Michael Anderson
Mobile: (414) 379-3639
David Kasik
(414) 357-8319
Director of
Music and Communications
Kelly Grant Moore
Business Manager
John Hempler
Office Assistant
Monica Scheftgen
Worship Schedule
Sundays: 9:00 a.m.
Mondays: 6:30 p.m.
Heather Willette
(414) 747-9563
Deb Jacobs
(414) 906-1752
Jonas Edstrom
(414) 243-7868
Marie Hoppe
(414) 699-7853
Main Contact Information
Mailing Address
5214 W. Luebbe Lane
Milwaukee, WI 53223
(414) 354-4514
Sister Congregation
Pan de Vida Lutheran Church
Jayaque, El Salvador
Valerie Phillips
Financial Secretary
(414) 352-6087
Mission Statement
Experiencing God in our neighbor,
we serve with our hearts and hands
Abiding Savior is a member of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,
Greater Milwaukee Synod
Worship Assistant Schedule ~ July/August 2016
Unable to serve on your scheduled date(s)?
Please trade and notify Monica in the office at (414) 354-4514 or at office@abiding-savior.com
Altar Guild
July 3
July 10
July 17
July 24
July 31
Madlyn Dobschuetz &
Marilyn Eimer
Sally Newman
Mike McGhee &
Bob Susami
Marianne Newman
Joan Cullity &
Suzanne Blad
Marijo Bullis
Chuck and Connie
Helen Martin
Marilyn Eimer &
Louise Severson
Marlene Kapustanczek
Teams 5 & 6
Teams 5 & 6
Teams 5 & 6
Teams 5 & 6
Teams 5 & 6
Sally Newman
Joa n Cullity
Sharon Kasik
Rodney Eggold
Erica Kallas
Sally Newman
Sally Newman
Sally Newman
Sally Newman
Sally Newman
Team 5 Ushers: Roy Clemens, Paul Clemens
Team 6 Ushers: Aaron Weichart, Bryce Fisk, Haden Fisk
Food Pantry Volunteer: TBD
Agape Center Food Delivery: TBD
Altar Guild
August 7
August 14
August 21
August 28
Gladys Larson &
Sally Luck
Becky Lonergan
Suzanne Blad &
Madlyn Dobschuetz
Marianne Newman
Mike McGhee &
Bob Susami
Marijo Bullis
Marilyn Eimer &
Joan Cullity
Melissa Kowitz
Teams 7 & 8
Teams 7 & 8
Teams 7 & 8
Teams 7 & 8
Cyndi Kochanski
Jeff Kowitz
Vicky Merwin
Rebecca Steinbach
Kathy Paulson
Kathy Paulson
Kathy Paulson
Kathy Paulson
Team 7 Ushers: Robert Schimek, Steve Burdick, Marjorie Burdick
Team 8 Ushers: Suzanne Blad
Food Pantry Volunteer: TBD
Agape Center Food Delivery: TBD
Highlights and Special Events:
July 9: Community Breakfast
July 23: Serve at The Gathering
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
Independence Day
Office Closed
NO Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al Anon
3:00 Agape
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al Anon
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al Anon
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
6:30 BENO
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
8:00 Men’s
8:00 Community
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
7:00 Crew 194
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
5:00 Agape
Meal - Serve
9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
9:15 Serve at The
7:00 Boyscouts
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al Anon
7:00 Boyscouts
Private Event,
9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
6:30 BENO
7:00 Crew 194
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
Highlights and Special Events:
August 13: Community Breakfast
August 17: Boatload of Pizza
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al
3:00 Agape
Meal (cupcakes)
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
6:30 BENO
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
7:00 Crew 194
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
8:00 Men’s
8:00 Community
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al
5:00 Agape
Meal - Serve
9:00 Quilters
6:30 Boatload of
6:00 CTAC
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
6:30 BENO
7:00 Crew 194
Office closed
Pastor’s day off
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al
7:00 Boyscouts
9:00 Quilters
6:00 CTAC
7:00 Boyscouts

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