11-09-14 NL Micah-Justice Kindness Humility
11-09-14 NL Micah-Justice Kindness Humility
Sunday, November 9, 2014 8:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Devotion: Use this resource at home to guide your household’s daily devotions. You can do this alone, as a couple, as a family; in the morning, during the day, or at night. Find a routine that works best for you. Pray: Light a candle and open your devotion time with a prayer. God of mercy, you have transformed us by your promises of deliverance time and time again. Teach us to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with you, God, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Reflect: Reflect on the key verse from Sunday’s reading. He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 Connect: Connect in conversation with others in your household. Discuss the following questions, or simply check in with “Highs” and “Lows.” What was a high point of your day? What was a low point? How do you act with justice, kindness, and humility? What can you do this week to make improvements in those areas of your life? Do: By acting on what we learn, we make God’s word come alive. Do the following activity this week. Perform an act of justice, kindness, or humility for a stranger at least once each day this week. Make a note of how your behavior shapes your attitude. Bless: Close your devotion with a blessing. God on high, inspire justice, kindness and humility in all who hear your word this day. Amen. OUR SAVIOR’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, November 9, 2014 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. Gathering Music Welcome Litany Opening Hymn Prayer of the Day Old Testament Prophet Children’s Message Sermon Hymn of the Day Apostles’ Creed The Prayers Sharing the Peace Polly Mauer “We Are Called” Micah 6:6-8 “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” Red #720 Screen Bible NT p.865 Pastor Tom Pietz Red #697 Screen Please keep in mind the concerns of your fellow congregants who may prefer to wish you peace verbally rather than shaking hands. Thank you for your understanding. First Fruits of the Harvest - Bringing our commitments to the Lord Offering Music (10:45) “Offertory—Micah 6:6-8” Arr. John Ness Beck Offertory “Everybody's Got Something to Offer” Offering Prayer Words of Institution The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional) (10:45) Choral Lord’s Prayer Distribution “This Is The Feast” Post Communion Blessing Ministry Moments Sending Hymn “Kyrie Eleison” -Dakota Road Sending Leader: Go in peace and serve the Lord! All: Thanks be to God! Postlude Chancel Choir Screen Screen Screen Chancel Choir Red page 169 Screen Polly Mauer Remembering in our Prayers Prayer Requests and Concerns: Deb Nollen; Lila Goll; Mark & Ginny Woerishofer; Brian Lund; Dick Bahr; Tom Luckiesh; Carolyn Hadfield; Verna Schiek; Maxine Benrud; Mary Minich; Jeanne Fruit; Don Molter; Jim Masterson; Barb Luckiesh; The Jensen Family; All those who are seeking employment. Prayer Requests and Concerns for family & friends of our members: Tom Gordy; Terry Gunville (friend of Kari Sagal); Pam Rehberg (friend of Carie Bronson); Robert Sitzberger (father in law of Carolyn and Jim Taylor’s daughter); David Sagal (brother of Dan Sagal); Heidi Hiemke, (daughter of Scott Dettmann); Terry (Shelliann Javorek’s partner); Bob Diest (son-in-law of Mary Minich); Justin Mezset (nephew of Irene and Steve Koenigs); Kathy Manstedt (Carie Bronson’s Aunt); Nicki; Nye Peterson (friend of Carolyn Masterson); All those serving in our Military and their families. Prayer Celebrations: Successful and enjoyable fellowship event in the Dessert Feast on 11.2. Thank you to our coordinators, Linda Arshem and Amy Kellerman and our leaders and presenters for the evening. Also our Youth for providing their services in babysitting & waiting on the tables; Congratulations to our 12 Confirmands on the Affirmation of their Baptism on October 26, 2014: Tomas Artiles, Zachary Dettman, Natalie Erickson, Katherine Jamieson, Alison Jones, Mallory Jones, Tyler Jones, Kelly Krause, Madeline Kroeger, Ashlee Sagal, Drew Shrader and Elizabeth Taubner. Congratulations to Carolyn and Jim Masterson on becoming new grandparents to Myles George Weller, born 10.17. Congratulations to Carolyn’s son Paul and daughter-in-law, Elissa and big sister, Amelia; Successful trip for our Disaster Relief Team in Moore, OK. Those who mourn: Kathi Lund on the loss of her friend, Marlene; Roberta Thomas in the loss of her mom; Lila Goll in the loss of her sister; Mark and Ginny Woerishofer on the loss of their son, Tom on Sunday, September 28; Tom and Barbara Luckiesh on the loss of Barbara’s father on October 3. Homebound: Ruby Bedore; Kay Tynefield; Alice Palmer; Kermit and Shirley Pietz; Pauline Schultz 102 (Riverside Lodge, Dousman); Hazel Leque (Masonic Home, Dousman); Herb Jensen; Richard Wegner and Bernardine Wegner (Sterling House, Sussex); Fran Shupe (Congregational Home). November Prayer Families: Lynn, John, Grace and Mya Schneider; Thomas and Dana Schreibel; Glen & Sandy Schrot; Charles & Susan Schuele; Beck & John Schulz; William & Donna Schumell; Harold Schuster; Chris, Nancy, Megan Schwartz; Gordon Scott; Charles Scheets; We invite you to complete a prayer request form for anyone that is in need of our prayers. Forms are located by the prayer box on the wall by the coffee area. Also, please feel free to contact Carolyn Taylor directly either by phone at 262-367-7124 or email indyrag@wi.rr.com, or you may contact the office at 262-367-6000. Your prayers will be lifted up in confidence weekly by our prayer team. Pastor Tom can be reached at 262-490-4057. - Page 4- Calendar Events • 11-9—11.16 Day of the Week Sunday, November 9 Worship Monday, November 10 Tuesday, November 11 Veteran’s Day Wednesday, November 12 Thursday, November 13 Friday, November 14 Saturday, November 15 Sunday, November 16 Worship Kingdom Expansion Time Event 8:15 a.m. Worship Sunday School & Fellowship/coffee Hour 9:30 - 10:30 “Unbinding Your Heart” Journey 10:45 a.m. Worship - Chancel Choir 4:00 p.m. Unbinding Your Heart Study at Pietz Home 6-8:00 p.m. 9th Grade Confirmation Mentor Workshop 5-7:00 p.m. Adult Dinner Night—See page 11 for details 3:30-8:00 Girl Scouts and Leader Meeting . 7:00 p.m. Unbinding Your Heart Study at Arshem Home 7-8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study - Unbinding Your Heart 1-3:00 p.m. Home School Co-Op group 6:00 p.m. Stephen Ministry Training - Chapel 7:00 p.m. Outreach Ministry Meeting 7-9 p.m. Boy Scout Troop #24 7-8:00 a.m. Co-Ed Bible Study - Unbinding Your Heart 9:30-11:00 “Gen” - Bible Study - Jen Lundberg 11:30 a.m. Staff Meeting 5:15-6 p.m. Youth Bells 6:00-8:00 Confirmation 7th & 8th Café Night 6:30-8:00 Unbinding Your Heart Study - Tim Culhane 6-7:30 p.m. Unbinding Your Heart Study - Deb Nollen 6:15 - 7:20 Praise Ringers 7:25 - 8:40 Choir 10:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Unbinding Your Heart 7:00 p.m. Unbinding Your Heart Study at Stocking Home 6:30 p.m. Leadership Team Meeting 6:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study Office Closed 7:30 a.m. Men’s Ministry Breakfast—All Men invited 7-9:00 p.m. SWAG HS Youth Event—Turkey Bowling 8:15 a.m. Worship– Chancel Choir Sunday School , Fellowship, Education Hour 9:30 - 10:30 “Holiday Blues” Adult Education Offering in Chapel With guest: Terese Kraemer, from Bloom Counseling 10:45 a.m. Worship It’s amazing what Our Savior’s ministries do to bless our congregation, community, nation and world. It doesn’t just happen. We rely on you to serve and give generously in your offerings. We are in a budgeting process right now and will be planning for 2015. We base our budget on your pledges. Please take the time to fill out the pledge card you received. Return your pledge during worship today or bring it in next week. We encourage you to consider the online giving which is available on our website http://www.oursaviorshartland.org/giving/ through our secure webpage by Vanco Services. You will have access to your giving statement, have the ability to change and modify it anytime, and will have the convenience of no paperwork or envelopes to mess with. It’s really pretty slick!! Go to our website at www.oursaviorshartland.org and click on the Giving button. It will take you to the online giving page, click “online giving”. - Page 6 - This is what it looks like when you hit the online giving button on our website. If you have never done “Simply Giving” or Online Giving before, you need to Create Your Online Profile. Its simple and easy. It will ask for your email address and for you to create a password. It is very easy to walk through the steps. The whole process will take you about 5-10 minutes. Once this is set up, you can edit it any time. You also will have access to your giving statement directly at tax time or anytime you want to see where you are at in relationship to your pledge. Please see the Privacy Notice From Vanco Services. Vanco is our secure processor of all online giving donations to Our Savior’s. If you have any questions on the process, please feel free to contact our Business Manager, Tracy Renner or Office Coordinator, Dawn Kreklow. 262-367-6000. - Page 7 - Sunday School News - Leanna Manser Sunday School Ministry Coordinator 262-367-6000 lmanser@oursaviorshartland.org SS Team Members: Scott Gosse - scottgosse@ymail.com & Lori Zeller -dmlzeller@att.net SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Sunday School News Classrooms are located down the East hallway on your left. “Living the Word” Teaching Kids God’s Story 2014-2015 Sunday School 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Today’s Lesson: “Justice, Kindness & Humility” Our Church Family Celebrates “The Promise of Jesus” Sunday, December 21, 2014 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. Please invite family and friends to our wonderful Christmas Program on December 21 at either 8:15 a.m. or 10:45 a.m. Participants include: StoneRollers, Chancel Choir, Praise Ringers, 5th & 6th Grade Bell Team, Youth Bells, 7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Class, Sunday School Children, and Pre-K through 4th Grade children. Parents: Planning and practices are just being formed, so watch your emails for more information on dates and times your child will need to participate. Final rehearsal will be Saturday, December 20th from 9-12:00 with a pizza party for all involved in the program, to follow the practice. Christmas Program Coordinators: Carolyn Masterson, Teri Bergendahl, Leanna Manser and Amy Holland Youth & Family News Teri Bergendahl, Youth and Family Minister tbergendahl@oursaviorshartland.org Vacation 10.27—11.1 “Confirmation to Commissioning” Confirmation Café night is Wednesday 11.12 6:00-8. Students should bring their white binders next week and leave on the table 7th & 8th outside Teri’s office (bottom shelf). EACH WEEK BRING YOUR TEEN Confirmation STUDY BIBLE, PRAYER JOURNAL, PENCIL. 7-9th Grade! Join Mrs. Bergendahl and Tim Pietz today for a NOOMA video entitled, “SUNDAY”. Here's what its about: Do we get so wrapped up in religion that we miss out on what’s important to God? Why do we do the things we do? Because we're supposed to or because we think God needs it? Do we honestly put on our best clothes for an hour once a week, stand and sit at all the right times, and sing all the appropriate songs for God's sake, or because it'll make us look better to the world around us? God hates it when we call ourselves Christians but ignore all the things he really cares about. He hates it when we go through hollow religious routines out of some feeling of duty or obligation. God doesn't want the meaningless rituals. God wants our hearts. Come join us! Watch the video and a discussion will follow. If you are visiting today, please feel free to join us! All students in 7-9th grade are invited. Congratulations to our 12 confirmands, families and mentors. You have completed an important milestone journey as you have grown in faith, friendship, wisdom and understanding. Many of our students have already decided how they will continue to engage with their church through worship, service, Affirming the Promises of small groups and mission trips. Blessings all. Baptism Those confirmed on October 26, 2014: Tomas Artiles, Zachary Dettman, Natalie Erickson, Katherine Jamieson, Alison Jones, Mallory Jones, Tyler Jones, Kelly Krause, Madeline Kroeger, Ashlee Sagal, Drew Shrader and Elizabeth Taubner. - Page 9 9TH GRADE MENTOR WORKSHOPS “Living Out the Promises of Baptism” Our Savior’s has a dynamic three year confirmation program which engages nearly 30 students in grades 7-9 in learning, serving and having fun together. This year, our mentor program has a new focus. Our goal is to teach our youth to live out their baptismal promises in a vibrant, transformative way. Each month we will explore one of the five promises of baptism and apply it to our daily lives. In October, we discussed the promise to “Live Among God’s Faithful People.” You will see mentors and students more deeply engaged in worship and other activities as they explore the question, “What does it mean to live among God’s faithful people?” TO LIVE AMONG GOD’S FAITH PEOPLE MEANS THAT WE: Read and study God’s word Celebrate God’s presence in our lives through regular participation in worship Receive gratefully God’s blessings and return a portion of God’s abundance through our giving Live a new life in Christ by caring for and encouraging others Pray daily for each other, our communities and all of creation as we move into God’s future Renew daily a connection with baptism by making the sign of the cross on your forehead This month our teams led the Prayers of the Church, studied scripture and prepared to teach it to our cohort, mailed cards to our 2014 confirmands and mentors and collected “Change for Change” for the Hartland Food Pantry. We encourage you to read through this list and perhaps consider “living out” one of these activities or continuing with one which you already practice! Our new emphasis is helping us understand who we are in Christ! New Member Informational Session 11.23 9:30-10:30 We will be offering a New Member Informational Session on Sunday, November 23 in the Chapel from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Coffee and a sweet treat will be provided. Pastor Tom will share with you the history of Our Savior’s, what we believe, missions we support, and why being a part of this “Church Family” is such a blessing!! Teri Bergendahl, Youth and Family Minister will also be there to talk about Sunday School, Confirmation, Youth programs and Cross Generational ministries here at Our Savior’s. If you are visiting us and would like to learn more, please stop by. Members: If you know of someone that may be looking for a new church home, or would be interested in hearing about Our Savior’s, please invite them to this informational session. Are you visiting us here today? Would you like more information on one of the many wonderful programs at Our Savior’s? Please let us know by talking to any of our ushers or greeters, or by filling out a Visitor / Member sheet at the Welcome Board in the foyer. If you provide us with your email we will keep you up to date on our programs and activities. Name & Address:______________________________________________________ Cell Phone Numbers:__________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________ Just tear this sheet off and give to an usher or drop in the top mailbox by the office door. Thank you for coming to Worship with us, we hope you feel at home and among friends. Deb Nollen, Service Coordinator—Update Many of you have been asking about how Deb is doing after her serious accident that broke 3 bones in her neck and fractured a bone in her lower back. Deb’s progress has been phenomenal. She will need to wear a back brace for 12 weeks, but her neck is healing after the surgery and she is gaining more mobility as time goes on. She is in physical therapy and will be in the care of a doctor at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee. Deb flew home on Saturday, November 8th with the assistance of her daughter, Crystal. Ron will be driving home. Any cards or notes can be sent to their residence at :725 Coventry Lane, Hartland, WI 53029 Lynn Minturn from the Hartland Chamber of Commerce and Our Savior’s will be coordinating meals for them through Sign Up Genius. Watch your emails if you are interested in participating. She will definitely need some help with meals for a few weeks. Thank you. - Page 11 - 2015 Daily Texts The 2014 edition of the Daily Texts will be available soon. If you would like a Daily Text, please complete the order form below and place in the offering plate or drop in the office, along with your check, and we will take care of ordering these for you. Please return your order form by Sunday, November 16 so that we will be able to receive our order prior to January 1. If you prefer to receive your daily text online, you may view it daily at: www.mountcarmelministries.com/ grow-in-the-word/daily-texts Any questions, please contact Dawn K in the office at 262-367-6000 X10 Daily Texts Order Form - Order by Sunday, November 16 I would like to purchase a copy/copies of the Daily Texts for 2015. Name: Phone Number: Email: __________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Please return this order form with your check payable to Our Savior’s to an usher or drop in the collection plate, or mail to: W299 N5782 County Rd. E Hartland, WI 53029 $7.00 x = $ Total Cost = $ Please include a check or cash with your order. Adult Dinner Night Tonight - November 9 5-7:00 The Adult Dinner Night is TONIGHT, Sunday, November 9 from 5-7:00 p.m. . Heard there was some yummy fall comfort foods being served. Glen and Sandy Schrot will be the host for this event that will take place in the fellowship hall right here at church. Please give Glen or Sandy a call 262-673-9783 to let them know you will be coming and what you might bring to enhance the menu!! Remember, this event is open to all adults (single or married) in our congregation and their friends and neighbors. Please come and enjoy this fellowship time together with your “Church Family”. Special Adult Education Program 9:30-10:30 a.m. ll.16 We will be offering a special Adult Education program on November 16 between services from 9:30-10:30 a.m. with guest speaker, Terry Kraemer from Bloom Counseling in Hartland. Beating the Holiday Blues I. Depression and the holidays: Facts and myths. II. Precipitating factors leading to depression during the Christmas season. III. The role of unresolved grief in affecting mood during this time of year. IV. Practical tips for enjoying the holidays and re-discovering how the true meaning of Christmas will bring joy and peace in the present moment. Terry Kraemer, MA LPC-IT Psychotherapist Bloom Counseling LLC 262-528-2015—510 Hartbrook Drive, Suite 201, Hartland, WI 53029 - Page 13 - - Page 14- - Page 15 - “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” -Joshua 24:15 Visit our “Le Menu” board and sign up to bring something for serving our dinners. We will need perishable items that will be stored in our frig. Wow what a response! Most of our shingles are gone! Please return the items you purchased to our house (put them in the baskets inside) by November 15th. “Whe n hung I was ry you g a eat… ve me to ..” Matth ew 25 Thank you so much for your generosity! Questions? Contact Kris Nebel at 262-538-4212 - Page 16- :35 Our guests are Coming! It’s Time to Get our Church Home Ready! Our Family Promise guests will be here in ONE week! (November 16-23) Thank you to everyone who has taken a “shingle” from the roof of our “home”! The items (big and small) that you are agreeing to provide will be of great value to our Family Promise guests. Please have your items to the church by November 15th. Perishable items can go into the “Family Promise” refrigerator on the back wall in the kitchen. ALSO--We are s*ll in need of folks to sign up for the meals that we will be serving for the week. Please take a look and see if you might be able to help. It is our responsibility to feed our families dinner every evening that they are with us. Anything that you can provide will be terrific! Last, but certainly not least, PLEASE PRAY for the program and the families that we will be serving. God has called us serve His people and there is no greater gi3 than to li3 them up in prayer. Once again, thanks for your support of this ministry. Please contact Jackie Jones (602-418-2208) or Susan Weiss (262-443-9952) if you are interested, have questions or would like to help us out. Thanksgiving Worship & Annual Pie Social 11.26.14 Come join us on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, 11.26, for a beautiful worship service presented by our Confirmation Students at 7:00 p.m. with our Annual Pie Social to follow around 7:45 p.m. We are blessed to have such a wonderful group of Confirmation Students who will collaborate together on the Worship service for the evening Our Pie Social has become quite an event highlighting some of the best pies around! We have wonderful bakers in this congregation and their pies will be there to prove it! Can’t have a social without the pies!! If you are able to bring a pie or two on Wednesday, November 26th by 5:00 p.m. Please contact Kathi or Larry Lund at (262) 367-3458. Thank you. - Page 17- The groups listed below are existing Bible study groups that meet on a regular basis Feel free to contact any of the Bible Study ministry leaders if you are interested in joining in or just stop by. All are welcome Tuesday Morning Men’s Study 7:00 a,m. Pastor Tom leads a men’s study at church on Tuesday mornings beginning at 7:00 a.m. Coffee is provided, just bring your own donut and be prepared for some lively discussion and fellowship. Come and join us before work. Contact pastortom@oursaviorshartland.org or 262-490-4057 for more information. “Unbinding Your Heart” 6 week study ending 11.10 Wednesday Co-Ed Bible Study 7:00 a.m. Co-Ed Bible study on Wednesday mornings meets 7:00 -8:00 a.m. Currently they have 6-10 co-ed members who come weekly. Topics and material change every 6-12 weeks. Video teaching series by Christian authors, bible studies, Daily text readings from the bulletin. “Our goal is to engage in the study of God’s Word, apply it to our daily faith walk and help each other grow in our faith.” Tim Culhane. Everyone is welcome to join anytime. For more information contact Tim Culhane at 262-993-1128 “Unbinding Your Heart” 6 week study ending 11.11 Wednesday Women’s Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday mornings at church in the youth room from 9:30—11:00 a.m.. Jennifer Lundberg is leading a study on Genesis. Visit our website to see more details. New study on Revelations in January. Wednesday Women’s Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Thursday Women’s Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Thursday Evening Men’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday evenings 6-7:30 p.m. in the office. For the 6 week study of “Unbinding Your Heart”, Deb Nollen is the facilitator of this group. Any one willing to help facilitate a week or two for this series, please contact Deb at 262-367-6000 X19. All materials provided. October 8 - November 12 Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study meets at 10:30 in the chapel at Our Savior’s. All are welcome to join anytime. Most go out to lunch afterwards. Great food for the body and soul!! Contact: Becki Culhane 262-3676279 “Unbinding Your Heart” 6 week study ending 11.13 Men’s Thursday Evening Bible Study meets at Our Savior’s at 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. in the Chapel. All men are welcome to join. Stop by after work sometime and see if this is right for you. For more information, contact Bill Schumell at 262-966-9713 or 262-894-5586 (Separate Bible study will be discussed, not connected to the Unbinding Your Heart program.) - Page 18- What is God’s vision for Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church? Our Core Values, which shape everything we do, continue to be: “Bible Based, Saved by Grace, Serving with Jesus Everyplace” Our primary focus for future direction: 1. Life-Giving Weekly Worship—The weekly worship gathering is the core reason we exist as a Church. 2. Service Adventures with the Poor and the Poor in Spirit—We believe that God transforms us through personal relationships with the poor, the wounded and the weak, who so often reveal God’s richness, health, and strength. 3. Enriching and Renewing Christian Households and Marriages—God created human beings with a deep longing for intimate bonds. Research has shown that stable, loving families are the optimal environment for children's health and the development of society. Therefore, we believe that our church should do everything possible to strengthen families & enrich marriages in our community. Visitors Nursery If you are visiting us today we would like to welcome you to our Church Family. We hope you find our Worship Service inspiring and feel at home and among friends. Visit our welcome center for more information located in the foyer. It is a blessing to see babies and children worshipping together with their families on Sunday mornings! Our supervised nursery is provided on Sunday mornings for parents who feel their children may need a little extra attention during the service. Parents are especially encouraged to bring their children forward with them for communion. Children not yet receiving communion will receive a blessing. Holy Communion We welcome all believing Christians to receive Christ's body and blood at the altar, regardless of age or denominational background. Infants and children whose families consider them too young for communion or those who do not wish to commune because of conscience or questions are invited forward to receive a blessing. Please take an Prayer Shawls Our Happy Stitchers Ministry group meets on the third Thursday of each month. During that time, we work on shawls and other items, to be given to those who may be experiencing a difficult time in their lives. All items are blessed by our group before being empty cup from the drawer and proceed to the serv- placed in the basket in the Narthex. Please choose er. Prefilled cups of white grape juice are available any item and attach a prayer card to give to someone as an alternative to wine. During an Intinction ser- need. We are thrilled to be spreading so much of vice, the communion assistant will also have a clear God’s love through this ministry! Please take one if wine chalice with white grape juice. you need it. Staff at Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor................ ……………….Pastor Tom Pietz ………………...pastortom@oursaviorshartland.org Youth & Family Minister……...Teri Bergendahl………………..tbergendahl@oursaviorshartland.org Music Ministries……………….Carolyn Masterson………carolynmasterson@oursaviorshartland.org Service Coordinator . ………….Deb Nollen………………………….dnollen@oursaviorshartland.org Business Manager .. …………...Tracy Renner………………………...trenner@oursaviorshartland.org Office Coordinator…………….Dawn Kreklow……………...…….dkreklow@oursaviorshartland.org Facility Management/Custodian Tom Mauer ……………………......……………tmauer@wi.rr.com Nursery Supervisor …………...Amy Holland……………………….…....hackyholland@hotmail.com Organist ................... …………..Polly Mauer StoneRollers Director …………Irene Koenigs………………………. …………..ikoenigs@wi.rr.com A/V Tech Support Supervisor….Jim Masterson…………………………………jfmaster@yahoo.com Flowers this morning are in celebration of Tori Miller’s Birthday Given by Heidi and Tim Miller Happy Birthday Tori!! Ministry Acolyte Reader Tech Team Nursery Communion Assistants Greeters Welcome Serving in Worship • Sunday, November 9 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Andrew Wipperman Hugh Walrath Ally Kellerman Amy Holland & Kelly Krause Chuck Thomas, Luann Weber Assisting Minister: Scott Gosse Carol Emmel Margaret Madsen Sydnee Sagal Trent Spear Josh Kleifgen Amy Holland & Ellie Taubner Jeff Smith-Skwierawski, Kay Kleifgen Assisting Minister: Scott Gosse Pat and Lori Fox Tom Carroll Serving in Worship • Sunday, November 16 Ministry 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Acolyte Reader Tech Team Nursery Communion Assistants Greeters Welcome Elliott Roberts Greg Nebel Bruce Bergendahl Amy Holland & Maddie Zeller Carie Bronson, Liza Klokow Assisting Minister: Lori Zeller The Sagal Family Luann Weber Carli Christman Scott Dettmann Trent Spear Amy Holland & Hayley Dettman Mary Stocking, Sue Weiss Assisting Minister: Lori Zeller Jane Babich Linda Westlie Ushers/Communion Prep/Counters for November 2014 Ushers Communion Prep Counters 8:15 a.m. Team #3: Ray Hadfield, Harold Schuster, Mark & Riley Klokow, Bill Schumell 10:45 a.m. Team #6: Tim Culhane, Tim & Heidi Miller, Bob Mikulec, John Schneider and Steve Koenigs 8:15 a.m. Margaret Madsen, Nancy Kiepert 10:45 a.m. Barbara Luckiesh John Stocking, Carol Emmel Password: hartland53029 Bible Based, Saved by Grace, Serving with Jesus Every Place! Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church • W299N5782 County Road E • Hartland, WI 53029 • (262) 367-6000 Visit our new website: www.oursaviorshartland.org
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