01-2015 JANUARY Narthex News color WEBSITE


01-2015 JANUARY Narthex News color WEBSITE
January 2015
Issue 01
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Christmas has come and the New Year is upon us. Every year I announce these things in a letter in our January edition of
the Narthex News. Like most everybody else, I usually go on to say something about resolutions (you know, those
promises you make to yourself that are put aside for other things before St. Valentine’s Day appears on the calendar) or
about how the New Year brings change.
We don’t all necessarily like change. But change happens. The sun sets and rises on the earth’s horizon and brings us new
day after new day. Children are born among us as living proof that God is at work creating new people for us to love.
Significantly, each new child who comes into the world reminds us once again of the Holy Child who came to us all by the
power of God’s creative hand.
How do we respond? Well, we have to avoid giving in to our instinct that leads us to keep things the way we comfortably
like them. When the child’s on the way, we give birth. When God is at work advancing his mission, we join in the effort.
Doing new and creative things in the name of God’s creative mission is the legacy given us by some of those who put things
as they are at Beautiful Savior. Our founders came to a corn field and built a church. That’s right; there really was a corn
field right here along Adams Road in the 1950’s. Faithful people heard God’s call to birth a church, and they responded by
changing the landscape of the neighborhood and the lives of those who would cross the threshold of Beautiful Savior’s
doors in the years since.
Bob and Janet Lendt’s family learned to respond to God’s call by advancing creation and remaining faithful to God’s
mission. The Lendt family, among others at that time, rejoiced as our sanctuary was dedicated in 1967. Since that day,
little has changed in our beautiful place of worship. But the sun rises and the sun sets. Time passes, but creation continues.
And so, after all these years, some change is coming to our house of worship and our other facilities too.
The carpet in our sanctuary has served us very well. Ask yourself, how many folks do you know who have maintained the
same carpet in their homes for 47 years? Our well-remembered red aisles must make way for something new. We’ve been
graced to have a group of dedicated folks who have researched our needs, what the industry currently has to offer, and
which products might give us another 47 years of excellent service. They have been enabled in their work by a generous
donation given by the Lendt family in Janet and Bob’s memory. The parents’ creative response is being carried forward by
the next generation—thanks be to God!
No, the carpet will no longer be red. Two shades of gray were selected. The new colors will accentuate the beautiful
marble in our altar, pulpit, and font. Rumor control: No, this project does not involve any change to the red dossal curtain
or kneeling pads in the Chancel.
God is constant, but God’s creativity brings change all around us.
And then … the world happens too.
As most of you know by now, a major drain pipe beneath the floor of our kitchen has rusted away. We’ve dug up the
kitchen floor and installed all new waste pipes. Some cosmetic work on the floor remains, but that shall be finished soon.
The kitchen work was costly, but unavoidable any longer. The really good news was that a memorial donation in the
Lendt’s name arrived just in time to cover this work and more! Our budget did not have to respond to what might have
been a financial crisis! Do you have the eyes to see that God is at work changing the world and the lives of people in it?
In this place, through the teaching of Bob and Janet Lendt and many others, we have learned to trust God to lead us through
times of change, put aside our fear of the new, and embrace creation as it advances. The creative work of the Lord is alive
in the next generation—let us respond with joy and continue to advance God’s mission in this place.
In the love of Christ,
Pr. W. Mark Behenna
God’s Beautiful Universe! A Field Trip for Epiphany!
Join us on Sunday, January 4, 2015
for a trip to the
Vollbrecht Planetarium in Southfield. Our experience will be led by
Mike Best, an astronomer known for educating and entertaining.
Bring a sack lunch and carpool from the church at 12:30 p.m. … or
meet us there at 2:15 p.m.
Holding Your Family Together
A Study Series for Parents/Families
When: Sundays, 12:30-2:00 p.m.
January 11, 18, and 25
February 8, 15, and 22
Imagine a home where every person feels loved, valued
and heard. Imagine a family that seeks God's wisdom,
will and Word together. Imagine an intimate,
affectionate community where every night is an
experience of caring, sharing, comfort and peace.
Join us at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, January 25th
for a cross-generational celebration! Bring
your favorite Bible with you. Our third
graders will be receiving their Bibles in church
that morning—we can all encourage them
to use their Bible. It doesn’t matter what your
Bible looks like, if it’s worn, has bookmarks
and post-its throughout the pages, has underlines, dog-eared pages, a fancy cover, or no
cover at all!
Bring it with you.
You can make this beautiful picture a reality in your
home. But it won't happen by accident, you need a plan!
Holding Your Family Together is a workable, powerful
plan based on a simple nightly routine: Share, Read,
Talk, Pray, Bless. This is the FAITH5, and it has
transformed families around the world. No matter your
child's age or your family's unique situation, the FAITH5
can work for you. Inside you'll find everything you need
to get your family into a nightly habit that will open
your hearts to each other and to God.
Register by
contacting Michelle Ketepa in the church office or sign
up on the bulletin board.
Highlights for the morning:
 A time to share with others your favorite
Bible story.
 Prizes for those who bring Bibles, with
special awards for the “best loved” or
“most used” Bible of the day.
 Bible games played in small groups.
The books for this course would
normally cost $40 for each family.
Because of a generous donor in
our congregation, we are able to
offer this course for just $15 per
family! Your RSVP is requested by
January 4 to have books available
at the first class session for you.
Regular Worship Schedule
Wednesday 6:30pm Informal worship in the Chapel.
Saturday 5:30pm Informal worship in the Chapel.
9:00am Traditional Worship
11:15am Contemporary Worship
Sunday Adult Education Menu—10:15am
Adult Education - RESUMES ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015 (Meets in Conference Room)
led by Pastor Behenna. Join us at any time! We start gathering at 10:15am in our upstairs conference
room. Join us for the Cross-Generational event on Sunday, January 25 at 10:15 am!
Small Adult Group Bible Study Led by Chuck Funk. We are studying the Bible texts used in
worship. We start gathering at 10:15am in our upstairs Stephen Minister Room.
Weekday Education Menu
Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study— Tuesdays at 9:30am until 11am. Led by Chuck Funk. For
men and women! Join us at any time!
Wednesday Afternoon Women’s Bible Study— Beth Moore Bible Study titled “Children of the Day:
1 & 2 Thessalonians.” Questions? Call Barb Barbour at (248) 641-3989 or Chris Kershner at
(248) 879-3221.
WEDNESDAY EVENINGS (Year-Long) We gather together on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm
year-round, in an informal worship and education setting. Great opportunity to invite your friends and
6:30pm Informal Worship
7:00pm Adult Bible Study. This study is led by our Pastoral/Ministerial Team Join us at any time!
New Wednesday Evening Study Beginning January 21!
The Evangelism Committee is sponsoring a four-week series on Martin Luther
on January 21, 28, and February 4, and 11 from 7-8:30 pm. Pastor Behenna is
presenting “Here I Stand,” the story of a German monk who became one of the most
influential figures in Christian history when he began the Protestant Reformation in the
16th Century. It’s quite a story! The Thrivent movie “Luther” will be part of Pastor’s
presentation and popcorn will be served! Look for the sign-up sheet soon! Please join us!
Donations received after December
31, 2014 will be credited to the
donor’s 2015 pledge and statement.
This complies with the IRS rules,
and also assists proper year-end
When picking up your 2015 offering
envelopes in the Welcome Center,
please be sure to check that your
name matches that on the envelope
Please contact Jan in the church
office at 248-646-5041 or by email
at jmcmichael@bslcmi.org by
Sunday, February 15, 2015 with any
changes in your address, phone
numbers and/or email addresses.
Cookie Walk THANK YOU!
We had another successful Cookie Walk of bringing in $1,250.00 which
will go towards our 2015 Adult Mission Trip. THANK YOU for everything from baking cookies, your prayers
and purchasing of our cookies! God’s blessings to you!
The New Year offers us the opportunity to consider new ap-
proaches and a new start. Many people will be making lists of resolutions (which,
unfortunately, usually last a few weeks). Why not make a New Year’s resolution
that will have an impact on your personal life and on the life of our congregation?
Ask someone what their New Year’s resolutions are and then be ready to share
yours. Make sure one of yours is to know and love God better in 2015. Sharing
that will intro into a great conversation about the Gospel.
Where do I begin? Start by asking yourself some questions. What is the Good News about Jesus Christ that you
have personally experienced? How would you share your thoughts with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and
neighbors? What life stories can you share that clearly demonstrate the activity of God’s love, grace, and mercy?
I suspect we all perform better when we have people spurring us on and when we have some definite sense of
what we’re trying to achieve. (An Evangelist without a plan is not an Evangelist at all.) Let me share some of my
New Year’s resolutions.
I’m working on my plan for the year, which includes a goal of having at least one meaningful evangelistic
conversation with someone every week. That means I’m going to have to be more thoughtful and intentional
about putting myself in contact with neighbors, friends, and loved one’s who are not yet Christians. I’m looking
forward to doing that more intentionally and aggressively this year. Pray for me.
For encouragement, I’m going to spend more time with members of the congregation who genuinely have
evangelistic hearts. I’m also going to spend more time engaging with the church Evangelism Team, and others
sharing their stories and experiences. I plan to read two books on how to share the precious Gospel and spend
more time in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit for the words to say, and to open my mind to see the opportunities
that God places in my life.
I hope you will join me this year and place Evangelism on the top of your New Year’s resolution.
Submitted by Carl Bloom, for the Evangelism Team
Please join us for
An Evening with a Purpose
Tuesday, January 27
6:15 pm - 8:15 pm
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Welcome Center
5631 N. Adams Rd. Bloomfield Hills
$12.00 per person or $80.00 for a table of eight
Eat a delicious dinner.
Learn about women at risk and
how to help free them from exploitation.
Shop to aid their efforts to support themselves & their families.
Proceeds from the evening will benefit Women at Risk.
Reservations: dcoughenour123@att.net
Our special program is titled “Worldview of Food Sources!”
Please join us! Remember to sign up on the bulletin board if you will be having dinner.
Interfaith Volunteer Caregiver’s CHILI COOK-OFF!
February 6, 2015, from 6 pm—9 pm
Here at Beautiful Savior!
Bake sale, entertainment (live band playing the old standards) and door prizes. Adults $10 at the door, Kids $4 .
Kids ages 8 and Under are FREE! Price includes: Tasting samples of all entries, endless bowls of chili, corn
bread, hot dogs and a drink.
Enter a pot of chili and receive one FREE admission! Fun prizes for winning entries. Call Carl Bloom at
248-656-6857 for more information.
All funds go to support Interfaith Volunteer
Caregivers in Oakland County.
We g e t b y w i t h a l i t t l e h e l p f r o m o u r f r i e n d s .
We have journeyed through Advent to Christmas to Epiphany, so what now? True confession:
I had to look up Epiphany, not only how to spell it, but what it means. Here is what I learned:
Epiphany: e•piph•a•ny (ɪˈpɪf ə ni)
Epiphany is a Greek word meaning “appearance” or “coming into light.” The day of Epiphany is January 6, which
marks the end of the Christmas season and begins the season that ends the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. In
the second century, “Epiphany” became the name for the commemoration of Christ’s baptism as well as his birth.
Later it centered on the visit of the Magi, Jesus’ baptism, and the miracle at the wedding in Cana.
We can have epiphanies, that is “ah ha” moments or insights from divine source. God moments? Can those
moments be calls to action? In business, every study, proposal or presentation needs to end with a call to action
or the real reason we are doing this activity. Bible studies should be the same: great to know the Word, now
let’s go out and put it to work.
This is an excerpt from a homily preached by Rev. Dr. David Smith:
A Call to Action
In today’s Gospel, Jesus leaves the Temple after teaching and goes out into the town – much as we come to
church, worship and then go home. The difference is in what Jesus did when he left the Temple versus what we
usually do when we go home.
While we often leave our Christianity in church, Jesus took his message out into the streets and into the
home of Simon and Andrew. There he found Simon’s mother-in-law ill with a fever, which he promptly relieved
for her. When word spread that Jesus had healed Simon’s mother-in-law, many others came to Simon’s house to
be healed. Early the next morning after praying, Jesus said to the disciples who were with him, “Let us go on to
the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do." And
Jesus “went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons.”
On the surface, this story is a straightforward example of Jesus healing the sick. But underneath lies a far
more radical challenge and that is to take the healing power of Jesus’ grace which we receive as Christians
out into the world so that we might aid those who are sick, feverish, or otherwise in need.
When we do that, when we go to the aid of those outside our community, the Word will spread –
here is a community of Christians who not only believe the teachings of Jesus but who live them in their lives as
well. When we do that, people will come, our community will grow and our church will be filled.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Our call to action as modeled by Christ? Seek the lost and lonely, offer comfort to the stranger, feed the hungry,
clothe the naked, care for the sick and imprisoned. In person. Out there, out of our comfort zone. It will keep
you warm this winter!
Serve the Lord.
~ Connie McKee
It is not the body's posture, but the heart's attitude that
counts when we pray. ~ Billy Graham
Outreach is an integral part of our Mission. It “Makes Jesus Known” and “Cares for the Needs of People.”
The Outreach Team plans for the dispersal of benevolence money and serves as a clearing house for
outreach activities of interest to the congregation.
Partners in Mission
Our goal is to provide prayer, encouragement and financial support to congregations who show need and a worthy
mission. During this past fiscal year, we supported the Gendabi Lutheran Church in Tanzania($7000), Mother of the
Savior in Dearborn ($5400) and Peace Lutheran in Southfield ($600). Joan Geisler serves as our contact with the
Gendabi congregation.
Serving Meals at Grace Center of Hope and Baldwin Center
We provided food and prepare dinner monthly at the Grace Center of Hope feeding over 100 people each time.
We serve a lunch at Baldwin once each month and make a donation of $250 per month to Baldwin Center.
Contacts: Joe Lujan, Carl Bloom, and Nancy Kriewall.
Food and Clothing Collections
Food items are collected in the shopping cart located in the Sanctuary hallway. The food is delivered to the Baldwin
Center food distribution mission. Seasonal Clothing drives are promoted twice a year for distribution at the
Baldwin Center.
LSSM (Lutheran Social Services of Michigan)
Money was raised for the first LSSM Mission trip. Karl Geisler is our contact with LSSM.
South Oakland Shelter (S.O.S.)
Again this year, we opened the church for one week to homeless people of South Oakland County. Thirty men,
women and children are fed and sheltered each night at the church through the efforts of over 100 volunteers. In
2014 this was during the first week in May. Contact Carl Bloom.
Adult Mission Activity
An annual multiday activity is planned that meets physical and spiritual needs of people in a community. The activity
may be local or at some distant location. The 2014 project involved participation with a number of other
congregations to upgrade facilities at Lutheran Social Services of Michigan facilities in Saginaw. Contact Carl Bloom.
Pontiac Park Ministry
This year we dedicated a day for a park ministry that consist of 1800 pounds of food from Gleaners, 1500 canned
goods that three churches collected over six months (BSLC collected 650 cans). We had a dietician giving a demo
on how to cook and use fresh vegetables. This was part of a mission trip led by Carl Bloom.
Noisy Offering
A special offering is promoted for the last Sunday of each month. This offering is designated for an Outreach effort
or partner. During 2014, proceeds of the Noisy Offering were sent to: Baldwin Center in Pontiac, $400, Adult
Mission trip, $510, and Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers (IVC), $325. Contact Carl Bloom.
Thanksgiving Baskets
Each year members of BSLC join together to donate turkeys and other food and distribute them to needy families in
the Pontiac and Troy areas. We also provide turkeys for Baldwin Center. Contact: Bob Shaw.
Giving Tree
At Christmas time BSLC puts up our Giving Tree to collect mittens, gloves, hats, toys, etc. through the HAVEN for
children of women affected by domestic violence. Contact: Lori Calbeck.
When: Saturday, March 7
Time: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Cost: $3 suggested donation per child.
Join us for a story, activities, snacks,
songs, and more! Sign up in the welcome
center or contact Michelle Ketepa in the
church office.
Quarterly events for
ages 2-4 with their
T h i r d G r a d e B i b l e s Wo r k s h o p
Families with students in third grade (or older) who have not yet received a Bible from the
church should mark your calendar for Saturday, January 24 from 9:00a.m. until noon. This
workshop is designed for students and parents to learn together ways to use their Bible as
a family. Bibles will be presented to your child with a blessing on January 25.
RSVP for this workshop no later than January 11th to help us make sure we have
enough Bibles. Contact Michelle Ketepa in the church office. A donation of $25 per family
is suggested for this workshop to offset the cost of the Bibles.
Youth in grades 6-12—save the date on
Sunday, January 18 for a fun afternoon
More details will be coming by email after
Children ages 2-5 are invited to participate in Wiggle
Worship every first, third, and fifth Sunday of the
Wiggle Worship allows children to attend a portion of
the worship service with their families to begin learning
about being a part of the faith community. Following
the children’s message, our little wigglers are excused to
age-appropriate activities—games, songs, a story, or a
craft. Children return to worship following the offering.
Help is still needed to fill the schedule.
Margie Turowski if you would like to help!
Back by popular demand—Parent’s Night Out is being planned for
Saturday, February 7 from 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Our GOD Squad (Grandparents On Duty), along with some
teenage volunteers, will be available at the church for childcare to
allow mom and dad a few hours away. Parents can join a group
going out together, or plan your own date night.
A sign up sheet will be available in mid-January. Children will need to have a release form on file
for the 2014-2015 program year. Please pack a “brown bag” dinner for your child. A minimum
donation of $5 per child is recommended for child care.
Grades 8-12 July 15-19, 2015
The ELCA Youth Gathering offers our young people an opportunity to serve together,
learn, experience powerful worship, and get a glimpse of the larger church with 30,000+
other Lutherans.
In order to raise funds for this experience, we are asking for your donations. On the
bulletin board in the Welcome Center you can find envelopes numbered from $1 through
$150. You can make a donation equal to the amount written on the envelope. Place the
envelope in the offering plate or return it to Michelle Ketepa in the church office. If all of
these envelopes are filled, we will have raised all we need for the Gathering in July!
The benefits of fundraising this way:
1.) The youth will not need to come asking the congregation for money with other events through the year.
2.) Unlike fundraisers where you receive a meal, an item, or a service in exchange for your gift, all funds from this
project are tax deductible and can be reported on your church giving report.
3.) The youth will have more time to prepare for the Gathering through team building and Bible study.
4.) Any other fundraisers done through the year can help send kids to camp, benefit benevolence activities, or be
given as an offering to Gathering projects.
Make an investment in our youth today that will pay off as they grow in faith and leadership!
Quake Grades 6-9 Youth in grades 6-9 can attend Quake in
This event is filled with worship, dynamic
February 27-March 1, 2015 speakers, workshops, study, service project, and lots of
Organized by Youth Encounter, Quakes are an
opportunity for middle-school youth to have a weekend
away while growing in faith. This particular Quake is being
held at the Radisson Hotel at the Capitol. Return your registration form with payment of $157 ($170 if
including a t-shirt) to Michelle in the church office no later than January 22. Late registrations will be
charged an additional fee. Parent help will be needed for transportation to and from the event, as well as
additional chaperones. Contact Michelle Ketepa if you can volunteer.
Praise to God!
We had
63 shoe boxes filled this year in
support of Samaritan’s Purse,
Operation Christmas Child!
What a blessing to share the joy
of the birth of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ with
children in other countries.
Your message of
Christmas and hope, delivered in the way of shoe
boxes filled with toys and necessary items may be the
only time these children see God’s love for them. So,
thank you, Beautiful Savior, for this wonderful gift.
A BIG thank you to everyone who supported our
Pie and Cookie Dough fundraiser.
$200 was
This will help our youth this upcoming
summer as they join about 25,000 other Lutheran
youth from around the country as they gather in
Detroit, July 2015.
A special thank you to Joyce Thompson, who filled 18
boxes this year during a time when she was busy
planning and singing at a concert to benefit the
renovation of Hamtramck Stadium, once the home of
Negro League Baseball, designated on the National
Register of Historic Places, where her father, Norman
Turkey Stearnes, once played; and a time when her
mother Nettie’s health was failing. Joyce, your support
of Operation Christmas Child each year is
Our Youth truly appreciate all you do to support
them in their spiritual growth!
Giving Tree Thank You!
Thank you to ALL who gave to the Haven Gift Giveaway through your donations
to the Giving Tree. A van load of gifts were delivered and were much appreciated! Christmas is the season to
remember those who are less fortunate. Thanks for your Spirit, Lori Calbeck.
Military BibleStick Thank You!
Dear Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church,
“Please accept our gratitude and deep appreciation for your support of our troops through the Military BibleStick.
Your church is a testament to sacrificial giving. Providing our brave men and women in uniform with the gift of
God’s Word in audio is a blessing that will bring them peace, comfort, and spiritual protection as they put themselves in a harm’s way while serving our country.
It’s clear that you are making a difference in the lives of our troops. And thanks to your generosity, many more will
now be blessed with their very own BibleStick! Again, thank you for standing with us in partnership to bring the
comfort of God’s Word to our military heroes.”
A Servant of Christ,
Morgan Jackson
Senior Vice-President
Congregational Prayers
Prayer Requests: Adrenne Alloso, Chris Baker, Jada Beaubien, Marlayne Behenna, Sheila Bennett-Judd,
Bob Bentz, Nathat Bristow, Ron Boger, Dylan Bok, Dina Matthewson Buckner, Andrew Bufalini, Tom Buhler,
Bev and Ed Byrne, Cheri Cady, Margie Casteel, Cathy Clauss, Bill Coughenour, Rob DeRosier,
Elizabeth Diamond, Sue Disher, Jan Erickson, Don Flett, Mike Flum, Sarah Flum, Brittany Griffith,
Tom Hershberger, Dorie Hetmanski, Mary Ann Highers, Pr. Ralph Hoke, Cory Holmes, Sandy Holmes,
Daniel Horton, Ruth Ingram, Paul Jacques, Henry Janus, Helen Jaurequi, Howard Kastner, Jim Klausmeier,
Randy Korsky, Pang Kue, Family of Shelley Lazarus, Al Michalec, Frances Miller, Lil Miller, Nancy Miller,
Angela Moceri, Barbara Munn, Margaret O’Donnell, Debbie Pothoff, Frank Rhames, Luisa Rios, Dan Rohr,
Lillian Rosedahl, Sandy Rosedahl, Dawn Rosenthal, Brian Rusher, Gordon Rusher, Pat Rusher, Clara Schoen,
Scott Schultz, Greg Schuster, Matthew Schuster, Sandra Schuster, Chloe Shaw, Nicholas Siems, Fran Smeak,
Arlene Springer, Meghan Stavale, Ida Swigart, Megan Swiss, Judy Syperyk, Till Family, Rick VanDresser,
Bob Varto,Raymond Wagonjack, John Wakeland, John Webber, Barbara Weir, Robert Weir,
Jack and Debbie Wells, Helen Werner, Linda Whiley, Ethan Williams, Andy, Tracy, Mark, Dennis, Gaston
Armed Services: Jason Adams, Zack Carne, Adam DeSantis, Jacob Eurich, Kevin Flett, Ronald French, Andrea Gerard, Rick Haile, Kirk Jackson, Scott Jackson, Josh Mackie, Military Chaplains, Matt Riffel, Aaron Stone,
Richard Stone, Stacy Tulpan, David Wells
Died: Sue Ankeny, Ervin Dukatz Sr., Dr. Jean Grant, Shelley Lazarus, Nettie Stearnes,
Baptism: Matthew Ross Layman
Birth: Lauren Annabel Eurich (Denny and Kathy Eurich’s granddaughter); Madeline Boone (Pr. Boone and
Jean’s granddaughter).
Died : Elton Kruger, 11/20/14
Baptisms: Olin Jay Ford, 11/1/14; Cameron Dennis
Raffin, 11/8/14; Mathew Ross Layman, 11/29/14
Baptized Members: 997
Church Website www.bslcmi.org
Did you know that our monthly newsletter is available on the
church’s website? Yes, you can view the entire newsletter, in
color, at www.bslcmi.org in the Church News section on the
home page.
If you’d
receive your
newsletter by email or on the website instead
of by mail, please contact the church office.
Sermons are now online at our website! Can’t
attend worship on a given Sunday, but would
like to hear the message, simply go to
www.bslcmi.org and click on the link in the
Church News section or go to “Who We Are” tab and you will
see the link to all recent sermons.
We have a grief
support group at BSLC, meeting on the 2nd and 4th
Thursday of each month, from 4 pm—5:30 pm, in the
upstairs Stephen Ministry Room. You are welcome
to come in any time and receive Christian loving
support as often as you would like. No cost to
participate. Counseling is led by Mary Jo Walters,
MA, LPC, Residential Hospice—Spiritual.
Christ Centered Care
Please contact
Dawn Carene at
(248) 646-1298 for your
personalized tour today!
We offer a creative curriculum for
children ages
birth through 12 years.
Beautiful Savior members receive a 10%
discount on tuition pricing!
Narthex News
FEBRUARY 2015 edition deadline,
JANUARY 11, 2014
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Blmfld. Hills MI 48304
Permit No. 80
5631 North Adams Road
Bloomfield Hills MI 48304
Tel: 248-646-5041
Fax: 248-646-5386
E-mail: jmcmichael@bslcmi.ortg
We’re On The Web!
Worship Schedule:
Saturday—5:30 pm Informal traditional
service in the Chapel.
9:00 am Traditional Service
11:15 am Contemporary Service
Wednesday—6:30 pm (Informal Service)
Childcare available at all Sunday services.
Available upon request for Saturday night
O u r M i s s i o n a t B e a u t i f u l S av i o r
Lutheran Church
To Make Jesus Known. Acts 4:10-12
To Equip Every Member as a Disciple. Matthew 28:19-20
To Connect People to People. Acts 2:42
To Care for the Needs of People. Matthew 25:40
To Give Glory to God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
Narthex News Team:
Editor: Jan McMichael
Production: Chris Tarajos (Team Leader),
Holly Beeby, Marie Cieslak, Jan Eagan,
Angie Griesmann, Sandy Holmes,
Nancy Kriewall, Jan McMichael,
Charlene Yauk
FEBRUARY 2015 Edition Deadline is
Sunday, January 11, 2015. Please drop
articles in Jan McMichael’s mailbox in the
copy room or email them
Council Members:
Lori Calbeck
Jan Eagan
David Hutson
Tom Ingram
Jim Kershner—President
Eric Schwarz—Vice President
Stephanie Siems—Secretary
Brian Tognetti
Lennie Wilson
Beautiful Savior Staff:
Rev. Mark Behenna, Senior Pastor
Rev. David Boone, Pastoral Assistant
Julie Steinmayer,
Minister of Music
Michelle Ketepa
Minister of Faith Formation
Diane Stibich, Bookkeeper
Janice McMichael,
Office Manager
Sheryl Banwarth, Custodian
Chris Ford,
Media Director
Dawn Carene,
Early Learning Center Director