2015 november 2 - Our Savior`s Lutheran Church


2015 november 2 - Our Savior`s Lutheran Church
Inside this issue:
Pastor Ashley
Pastor Sarah
Staff Restructure
Congregational Life 6
Your participation in the life of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is very important
and appreciated. By joining together with other members and friends, our congregation is able to serve one another and proclaim the power of God’s love.
As we look to the coming year it is clear that God is calling us to thrive as a congregation. What does it mean to thrive? Our Stewardship Theme is “Thriving”
because the leadership of Our Savior’s believes that discerning God’s call to the
future, connecting congregation members to one another and excelling in our
worship in praise will allow us to thrive.
2016 Intent (Pledge) Cards were sent out on October 24th. Please let us know if
you did not receive one. It is our hope that each household will consider increasing their giving for 2016 by at least $5.00 per week. This would raise an additional $164,840. Any increase in giving makes a huge difference to our budget.
Please pray about this request: Review the blessings God has given you. Think
about how our congregation’s ministry can thrive when we reach our goal for the
coming year. Then determine your response to this invitation as the Lord leads
you. Be assured that your offering—whatever amount you give—will be greatly
Book Club
Advent Worship
Children’s Ministry 9
Gallery on the Go
All Saints Sunday
November 1, 2015
On All Saints Sunday
we remember those
members who have
died in the past year
and take a moment
to light a candle and
say a prayer.
Paul Gray Sr.
Jessica Jandro
Keith Fuller Jr.
Avis Savre
Del Mestad
In worship on Wednesday, November 4th and Sunday, November 8th there will
be a time during the service to turn in your pledge card. If you are unable to
attend worship you may mail the pledge card to the church office before that
date. Thank you for being a vital part of this congregation!
Karen Sherwood
Gladys Rebling
Mary Kinde
Marlyn Evenstad
William Mostrom
Ellie Steffens
Page 2
A Word from Pr. Ashley
In the movie, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,” Linus tells Charlie that in
his experience “there are three things that I’ve learned never to discuss with
people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.” If I were to add to Linus’ list I
would also add money.
There are certain topics we are taught that you do not bring up in polite, small
talk. These topics include religion, politics, money and for Linus, the Great
Pumpkin. Linus has strong feels about the Great Pumpkin and knows that others
may not agree with him. The same is true about the topics of religion, politics,
and money. These are topics that people often feel passionate about and have strong opinions. For this reason, we are usually taught to keep our opinions to ourselves.
During this season of Stewardship you will notice that we are asking people to talk about two of the three
topics: religion and money. In fact, the Pastors and Staff are not the only ones to talk about religion and
money. We have worked with the Church Council, Stewardship Task Force and other congregation members
to make sure that every member of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is contacted during our Stewardship Campaign.
These conversations are not intended to be conversations that offend people or lead to heated debate. The
intention of these conversations is that we can thank every member for their support and participation in
the ministry of our church. These conversations are ways to draw people into the life of this community and
encourage them to think about how this congregation makes a difference in their life or in the life of other
As disciples of Christ we are called to be in relationship with others. The relationship that Christ modeled
was not one of polite conversation or small talk; it was a relationship of listening, a relationship of deep care
and concern, a relationship where God was proclaimed and lives were transformed.
Our Stewardship Theme is “Thriving” and one way that we can thrive together as a community of faith is by
reaching out to one another and growing in relationship with more and more people. Our hope with personalized contacts is that as a congregation we can grow in deeper relationship with one another and with God.
Thank you for your support and participation in the life of our congregation,
Pr. Ashley Osborn
A Word from Pr. Sarah
Does the development of faith have a beginning? Does it have an end? Do we ever
hit “plateaus” or “valleys” in our spiritual life? As a church, how do we support and
encourage people of all ages in their walk of faith, regardless of age or stage?
We all know that faith development happens across the entire spectrum of our life
span. What we needed at age five is vastly different from our spiritual needs at 25 or
Yet church programming for faith development has tended to begin at the start of
Sunday school and come to a relative end when young people are confirmed.
In a recent worship survey, 91% of those answering the question stated that they do not come to Sunday
morning Bible Study. Some of these may attend other Our Savior’s Bible studies, but for many, worship is
the sole time during the week that faith formation happens.
What would happen if we took a look at every age and stage at Our Savior’s and asked how we could support faith for each generation?
We might find that worship alone is not enough. We might find that there are sections of our congregation
who need support and encouragement in “plateaus” or “valleys” in the midst of life’s changing circumstances. We might find that people of all ages are eager to continue growing in their faith.
Later in this newsletter you will find a diagram showing a new staffing structure that your Church Council has
approved. It includes the position of “Director of Faith Formation”. In creating this position, and inviting our
current employee Kira Anderson into it, we hope to address the very points I have written about above.
At the same time, this staffing structure seeks to uphold the strong tradition of youth and children’s ministry
you have long been known for at Our Savior’s.
I invite you to take a look at the new staffing structure, the list of positions and descriptions, and the current
needs of Our Savior’s. Reach out to a Council Member, to me or to Pr. Ashley if you have questions.
As a church, I feel we have the obligation to serve the whole spectrum of spiritual needs across the generations and I believe this staffing structure is an excellent way to work towards that goal.
The Church Council will be meeting in November to finalize job descriptions, and we look forward to moving
into this new structure on January first.
In Christ, Pr. Sarah
Our Savior’s Staffing: October 2015
The Our Savior’s Church Council has approved the creation of the following positions to meet the needs of
youth and all people of the congregation:
Director of Faith Formation (Full Time): This position will shift the responsibilities of the current Children’s Ministry position to include oversight for spiritual growth for all ages. Families, kids of all ages and intentional community building will be the primary focus of this position.
Youth Coordinator (Part Time): This position will bring relational support to Middle and High School
students. The focus of this position will be Wednesday evening relationship building and confirmation support, weekly youth group and Bible Studies, special activities, and summer programming
such as mission trips and confirmation camp. An important component of this job will be keeping in
contact with youth and building strong relationships with them.
Children’s Coordinator (Part Time): This position will be responsible for coordinating children’s ministry on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. The focus of this role is implementing curriculum
and organizing classroom supplies, as well as supporting students, teachers, families and volunteers.
Generations Pastor (Part Time): This position will develop and implement strategies for intergenerational and relational ministry at Our Savior’s. Responsibilities will also include outreach to retired
and aging members of the congregation.
As these positions are developed, the current pastors will be taking on new roles as well. The Associate Pastor will direct confirmation and provide oversight for the Director of Faith Formation. The Lead Pastor will
participate in all areas of ministry on a rotating basis.
The goal expressed by the congregation’s leadership is that people of all ages have multiple persons to
support them in their life of faith.
This staffing structure has been developed to meet that goal.
Please Note: All of the above will be accomplished without raising the budgeted amount for staff compensation and benefits.
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Congregational Life
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Our Sympathy to:
Facts and Figures for
September 2015
3 Year Comparison
Vivian and Clarence Anderson
In the death of Vivian’s sister,
September Offering
September Expense
Eunice Larson.
Lori Tuff
In the death of her mother,
Barb Tuff.
Dave and Rachel Yetzer
In the death of Rachel’s grandfather.
Terry and Lisa Drewitz
In the death of Terry’s father,
James Drewitz.
Bob and Shermayne Cross
In the death of Bob’s father,
Smoky Cross.
Tammy and Roger Meyer
In the death of Tammy’s mother,
Irene Fritsche.
May the promise of the resurrection into eternal life give
you much hope and comfort in this time of loss.
Thank you for your faithful giving and
for being willing to work towards full
financial health at Our Savior’s!
You can donate to Our Savior’s
by scanning this QR image
with your mobile
device. If you would like more information about electronic giving please contact Georganne in the office by calling 331
-2276, ext 202 or email at
Attention D.R.I.P. investors: An
annual D.R.I.P. meeting will be
held on Sunday, November
15th following worship. This is
an opportunity for you to ask
questions and receive information on your investment in Our Savior’s. We
appreciate your participation.
October 11, 2015
John Robert Kohanek
Son of
Bobbi Meyer and Joe Kohanek
Welcome to the family!
Tuesday, November 3
All Purpose Room
Jay Treadway
Faribault Foundations
Page 7
Attention Our Savior’s
Book Readers:
Attention Our Saviors Reader: Join us on November 16th at 7:30 pm when we discus
"We’ll Be The Last Ones To Let You Down." By local author Rachael Hanel. Our
group meets in the Library.
About the Book: This book presents the unique, moving perspective of a gravedigger’s daughter and her lifelong relationship with death. It is also a masterful meditation on the living elements of our cemeteries: our
neighbors, friends, and families and how these things come together in the eyes of a young girl whose childhood is suffused with death and the wonder of the living. (Barnes and Noble Review)
Fundraiser to Support Pastor Wal Reat’s
Ministry in South Sudan
Our Savior’s Quilters have planned a fundraiser and would like to invite the congregation to join us! The funds raised
will be used for the support of Pastor Wal’s ministry in South Sudan.
A black and white queen size quilt (made by the quilters) will be raffled off on Sunday, December 13th following
the church service. Raffle tickets will be sold beginning Sunday, November 1st.
Handcrafted items will be for sale beginning Sunday, November 22nd, along with silent auction items for bids. A
“Take It Home Today” price option will be included. The sale and auction
will end at 11:00am on December 13th.
We invite any Our Savior’s groups, individuals or families to contribute
goods or services for the sale or silent auction (no used items please). The
“price” for each item would be set by the person donating it. Please bring all
items to the church by November 15th.
Update from Pastor Wal Reat
Pastor Wal has been traveling to the refugee camps in
Ethiopia. This is a picture of him at the Tharpam Refugee
Pastor Wal’s work amongst our Christian brothers and
sisters brings hope and support to countless people living
in refugee camps. Thank you for supporting this important ministry of Our Savior’s.
2015 Sunday Advent Worship Schedule
9:30 a.m.
1st Sunday in Advent—November 29
“Waiting For Bethlehem’s Light”
Presented by Free Spirit
2nd Sunday in Advent—December 6
“The Christmas Carol Special Report”
Presented by Sunday and Wednesday School children
3nd Sunday in Advent—December 13
Presented by Our Savior’s Singers
4th Sunday in Advent—December 20
Presented by Proclaim
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C h i l d r e n ’s M i n i s t r y
3 year old Stepping Stone Class
We are excited for our 3 year old Sunday School students to
participate in their first Stepping Stones class. As children enter
the Sunday School programming, the congregation recognizes
them by gifting them a new children’s Bible. It is one of the
ways that Our Savior’s seeks to support parents in the promises made during baptism. Our hope is that parents and guardians will read God’s story together through
this kid-friendly Bible. This particular storybook Bible was carefully chosen as a tool
to turn story time into devotional time. It includes engaging images, discussion
questions and age appropriate stories that will relate directly to the life of your
Class Schedule
for November
There will be no classes
on Wednesday, November 25th or Sunday, November 29th due to
Thanksgiving. Enjoy your
family & friends & everything God has given
Parents or guardians and 3 year olds are asked to join us for the three-year old
Stepping Stone class on:
Sunday, November 1st from 9:00 – 9:30 am
(in the Chapel)
We will celebrate this Stepping Stone in worship on:
Sunday, November 8th at 9:30 am
Please let Kira Anderson know if you any questions;
kira@oursaviorsfbo.org or 507-331-2276.
Wor s hi p
November 25
In the Chapel.
This year we had a record number of kids join Kira for Youth Blast at Good Earth
Village in Spring Valley Minnesota. We took 12 students for a 24 hour trip to experience God’s love in nature, Bible study, prayer, camp fire and hiking! A BIG Thank
you to Sara Lueken who helped chaperone the students with Kira, we love having
parents and other adults join us for trips like this! OSLC looks forward each year to
taking kids on trips like these! The congregations generous financial and prayer
support is much appreciated by the kids who attend programing and the adults
that support it!
Page 10
Children’s Christmas Program
DRESS REHEARSAL – Wednesday, December 2nd 6:15-7:30pm
We have been practicing our music for the Children’s Christmas program which is on
Sunday, December 6th at 9:30am!!! All of the children participating in the Sunday and
Wednesday School are asked to sing in the Program. I understand that 40 minutes might be a long time for the 3
and 4 year old kids, so if you do not want your child to participate in the actual program please let me know,
however we do encourage all of the kids to join us.
We will have a dress rehearsal on Wednesday, December 2nd from 6:15-7:30. All Sunday and Wednesday
children must attend this rehearsal. The rehearsal time will be used to have the kids practice going on and off the
risers, their songs and also hearing some of the narrations in between songs. It is important for all children that
are going to be in the program to be at the rehearsal. Please see Kira if there is a conflict with this time. We are
asking all families to please be here at 6:15 for worship, as it will be a shortened worship and we will begin
immediately following the service.
Advent for ALL
Advent is a time of waiting! As Christians we are waiting for the birth of Jesus. Advent is a time to celebrate light in
the midst of darkness! On Sunday, November 22nd at 6:00pm OSLC will be hosting an Advent
Event that is open to everyone! We will be serving a light meal of soup to all who gather! We
will also be creating an advent remembrance item for everyone to take with them to help
them remember advent all season long. We ask that everyone pre-registers so there is
enough food and advent items for each family unit. There is a sign up on the Welcome Center
in the Narthex, or please let the front office know if you will be participating! This event is a
free will offering event, and we hope to see you all there!
Mission Trips
MISSION (miSHen) noun
an important assignment carried out for political, religious or commercial purpose, typically involving travel.
A group of people sent on a mission.
We are excited to start planning for our 2016 Summer Mission Trips! This year
there will be two trips planned. One for middle and one for high school! The
dates and locations are still TBD, but we can’t wait to decide and share it with the
congregation! We are excited for where this year’s mission work will take the youth of our congregation! Isaiah
6:8 says; And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said,
“Here am I! Send me.” If there are any adults that can commit to a week of service along side the youth as
they work for a week serving others, please let me know! We are always looking for adults to chaperone/
mentor the youth on these trips!
November Volunteers
Team 3
Larry Churchill ©
Pete Roberts ©
Karen Churchill
Marvin & Mary Tatge
Lyle & Ruth Olson
John & Shirley Currie
Steve & Teresa Thompson
Alan & Becki Bender
Joyce Elsen
Erica Staab-Absher
Butch & Jean Hanson
Welcome Center Greeters
November 1
Julie Bongers & Kids
November 8
Nikki Lemke
November 15 Pat Otis
November 22 Jena & Brad Lombard
November 29 Arvid & Pat Mensing
Attention Welcome Center Greeters: We would like to place the greeters in the new narthex behind or by the Welcome Counter. This will give the greeters a central place for new people to find them for information and to welcome
them to Our Savior’s as they enter the church building. Please be at the Welcome Counter 15 min. before service and
right after service for about 15 min. Thank you.
November 1
November 15
Comm. Prep
Darrel & Wendy Rossow
Dave & Sarah Stensrud
Butch & Jean Hanson
Jan & Shirley Luikens
Lori Boyle
James & Thelma Nelson
Lyle & Ruth Olson
Pam & Allen Salveson
Erica Staab-Absher
November 1
Barb Karli
November 8
Todd Markman
November 15 Linda Mueller
November 22 Butch Hanson
November 29 Free Spirit
Sound & Tech Team
Sound / Media Shout & Lights
November 1
Mark Zentner / Ken Butzow
November 8
Chris Trebelhorn / Gabe Trebelhorn
November 15 Roger Meyer / Dick Lawson
November 22 Curt Danielson / Georganne Danielson
November 29 Mark Zentner / Ken Butzow
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Our Savior’s Lutheran
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w w w. o u r s a v i o r s f b o . o r g
Café Midweek
November Menu
November 4
Sloppy Joes
Serving is from
Cost is $3.00 per person
November 11
with a family maximum
Of $15.00.
Come enjoy great food
and fellowship with your
November 18
Beef and Chicken Tacos
Our Savior’s family!
November 25
Happy Thanksgiving (no meal)