PDF - Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church


PDF - Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Tucson, Arizona
Vol 39
A Monthly Publication of
Some post-Easter thoughts:
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
7570 N Thornydale Road
Tucson, AZ 85741
Jesus came to Jerusalem, knowing what would happen to him. He knew the violence and hatred and
what it would cost him. Yet he came anyways.
What are the Jerusalems in your life, where hatred
and violence hold sway? How much do you want
Jesus there?
Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs 9:30 AM - 4:00PM
Phone: 744-2665 Fax: 572-2068
Email: office@beautifulsavior.net
Website: www.beautifulsavior.net
Beautiful Savior Academy
No 4 APRIL 2016
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, as a sign of servant love that was the hallmark
of what the Kingdom of God is and does. He even washed the feet of the one who
would betray him, the one who would deny him, and all of the others who would
take to their heels and flee his fate. Where do you need the cleansing love of God in
your life? Whose feet should you wash?
Jesus then offered himself as the Passover meal, with his body and blood, to feed and
nourish us into eternal life. He gives of himself, completely, for you and this world,
as a sign of God’s love. So if you are what you eat, how is Christ’s gift of himself
transforming you? How is the gift of his flesh showing forth in yours?
9:00 A.M.
APRIL 3 & 17
APRIL 6 @ 6:00 PM
6:30 PM
Our Mission
To connect family,
friends, neighbors and
community with our
Beautiful Savior
For Jesus, after the meal, was arrested, and after a grievous injustice, was handed
over to be crucified. Yet, he went peacefully. However, even after having been
mocked, beaten, and then nailed to the cross, he prayed for the forgiveness of those
who persecuted him. How do you respond to injustice? Is it different if it happens
to you, or to someone else? (especially if it happens to an enemy?)
Even after enduring all of that, he just didn’t stay down. Jesus proclaimed in word
and deed that death is not the final answer. Through the love of God, new life is
yours. How is God’s love bringing you new life?
For Easter Sunday may be in the past, but our life is in the future. The gifts of
God’s grace in Jesus Christ are meant for our future. Forgiveness, reconciliation,
love, mercy, and new life are the tools that can take us into tomorrow, into new life,
into an ongoing realization that this is the day that the Lord has made- so let us rejoice and be glad in it!
May the blessings of our risen Lord and Savior, be with you now and forever!
Remember that God loves you, and so do I!
Pastor David
Beautiful Savior Lutheran
is a member of the
Grand Canyon Synod of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop
The Rev. Stephen Talmage, Synod Bishop
Work Day
April 23, 2016
Plan to join us between
7:00—10:00 a.m.
Something for everyone.
Rev. David L. Pavesic
(520) 275-2410 for emergencies
Facebook: David Pavesic
“Christ In Our Home”
Daily Devotionals Available
$3.00 Large Print
$1.50 Small Print
Office Administrator
Dorothy Pederson
Admin & Clerical
Available in the Narthex
Put envelope in the offering plate.
Jeremy Knight
Director of Music &
Faith Formation Coordinator
Rebecca Solomon
Rhonda Karrer
Shanda Sundberg
Assistant Director
Candace Camamo Kindergarten Teacher
Carrie Munyon
Preschool Teacher
Lisa Vaskovic
Preschool Teacher
Charlene DeWitt
Preschool Teacher
Linda Spain
Preschool Aide
Sharon Burgess
Preschool Teacher
Kelly Jennings
Preschool Aide
Rebecca Vorholzer
Preschool Aide
Stephanie Arellano Aftercare Teacher
Submit articles, photos,
and updates for the calendar
no later than the 10th
of each month, please.
Join us for Fellowship following worship:
From 10-11:00 a.m. coffee or lemonade and
cookies are served in Werner Hall across the
courtyard. Catch up with old friends. Meet new
ones. Donations for cookies being accepted.
Bring them on the first Sunday of each month.
Interested in helping? Sign up in kitchen.
Contact Sandy Petersen, 579-9355, for info.
Congregation Council
Judy Shaffer
Brian Ackerman
Colleen McDonald
Shannon Bryant
Betsy Korsmo
Mary Perry
Sig Smitt
Karen Johnson
Offering Secretary
Church Related and Supported
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA
Lutheran Social Services of the SW
Lutheran Campus Ministry at UA
CA Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks, CA
2016 Flower chart ~
is Available in the Narthex
Flowers must be paid for when you
reserve a date... please give the check to
Sandy Petersen or place in the offering
plate. Celebrate a special occasion, or
remember a special person, etc.
Cost is $35. Please make check payable
to Beautiful Savior.
We are registering! And I am happy
to report that several of our classes are almost
at capacity with the other classes at least half
full. This is the best start to registration that
we have seen in the past several years.
Whether it’s the growth in housing, the economy or our efforts in advertising…its working!
But we can’t let up; I would love to begin our
school year at maximum capacity. Please
continue to share our posts on Facebook, talk
with those around you about our program and
let me know if you have any ideas for advertising. Together we can make a difference in
the lives of children.
Don’t forget you have until April 15th
to make a contribution to Arizona Christian
School Tuition Organization and claim it on
your 2015 taxes. After April 15th contributions can still be made at any time during the
year, but they will then count towards your
2016 taxes. Currently we have 6 children enrolled in our kindergarten class for the fall.
Our hope is to have at least 12 children. The
yearly tuition for 12 children comes to
$36,000.00. The last notice I got from ACSTO reflected $8,000.00 in our school pool.
We can do better than that. Won’t you consider taking advantage of the private school
tuition credit and providing a solid early
learning foundation for a child in our community? Please note that you can take advantage
of both public and private school tax credits as
well as the overflow/plus credit. Thanks for
your anticipated support!
If you know of somebody who will
have a kindergartner in the fall please share
this information with them:
 Studies show gains in academic
achievement for those students who
begin their academic career in a small
class size – we keep our class size no
larger than 12 students
 Supportive environment with one-onone attention allows for the development of better coping skills on the part
of the student
 Faith formation encompassing compassion, acceptance, forgiveness and a
sense of responsibility
 Surrounding charter schools are charging $250.00 to $285.00 per month for
full day kindergarten with no scholarships available. We charge $300.00
and have scholarships available
 Music instruction supporting the left
side of the brain which houses language and spatial competence
 In general, smaller schools are associated with higher achievement
 We accept children age 5 by September 30th who demonstrate academic
and social/emotional readiness
Spring Blessings,
Rhonda Karrer, M.Ed.
Praying, Playing and Learning Together
Spread the News…
Now Registering for Summer and Fall Programs!
Fall classes begin Monday August 8th
Preschool ~ Pre-Kindergarten
Advanced Pre-Kindergarten
Full Day Kindergarten (Age 5 by Sept. 30th)
Morning and Aftercare available
2, 3 or 5 day programs available with tuition beginning at $120.00 per month
Scholarships available for kindergarten through ACSTO
Summer fun 2016
“All Aboard the Reading Express”
June 6th – June 23rd
(Ages 3 – 6)
Call the academy office for more information or to schedule a tour!
579-1453 | Rhonda Karrer, M.Ed, Director
Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization (ACSTO)
PO Box 6580 Chandler, AZ 85246
(480) 820-0403
Tax Season is just around the corner. Make plans to take advantage of the Arizona
Private School Tuition Tax Credit! Contributions can be made by mail, by calling,
or online. The deadline for participating is April 15, 2016 to
be eligible for 2015 taxes. Brochures are available in the narthex with a contribution card attached. For more information, contact the Academy at 579-1453. Funds provide
scholarships for children to attend our Kindergarten class
and ensure they receive a Christian education. Please do not
send money to the church or school.
Family FUN Night
Sunday, April 3, 2016
3:00-6:00 PM
Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church
5360 E. Pima Street (Just west of Craycroft)
Come experience “A Day at Camp”
Fun & Games  Camp Fire  Faith Stories
Carnival Games Dunk Tank
50/50 Raffle  Prizes
Free BBQ Dinner will be Served 
Please RSVP for Dinner to Dorothy at 520-744-2665 or
Dorothy@beautifulsavior.net All youth and their families are invited.
Elementary/Middle School Camp:
Monday 5/30/16--Friday 6/3/16 at Triangle Y Ranch
 Youth who have completed 3rd-8th grades are eligible to attend.
 Older youth can be considered for counselors or leaders in
training. Applications are available online, interviews are April 9th
at Streams in the Desert Lutheran. For more information, visit
High School Camp:
Friday 7/29/16—Sunday 7/31/16 at Pine Canyon (Willcox, AZ)
 Youth who have completed 9th-12th grades are eligible to attend.
Partial scholarships are available. Contact Jeremy Knight for information.
Help Send A Youth to Camp!
“Jesus’ love and promises for me came alive the week I went to Bible
camp.” So say countless adults years later. Now we want to support
our youth to attend! Would you help with a gift for Camperships?
Please write a check to Beautiful Savior, marking the Memo:
“Campership” and place it in the Offering. You will be supporting
the faith formation of our youth! Camp costs $240 this year.
Envelopes are available in the narthex.
Sunday School for ALL Ages…
Sundays at 10:15 a.m. in the Conference Room
For an intergenerational faith formation time that will be
accessible to our kids, and an experience for adults. A
time where we bind together in fellowship, and learn
from one another. A time of sharing, learning, prayer.
ALL are invited to join us for Sunday School for ALL Ages.
Affirmation of Baptism
is an opportunity to refresh your faith, grow in faith,
and journey farther in your faith. It use to be called,
"Confirmation", but the ritual is "Affirmation of
Baptism." This class is open to all 7th grade on up.
Do you wish to commit to going further? Follows the
Sunday School for ALL Ages and ends by noon.
Vacation Bible School
June 27– July 1, 2016
If you are interested in helping, contact
Jeremy Knight at 744-2665 or
A VBS Fun Shop will be held on
Saturday, April 2nd at OSLC for Station
Leaders. RSVP to Jeremy by March 30th.
A meeting will be held on April 10th
following worship in Werner Hall for
those interested in being crew leaders or helping in other
capacities… Make plans to join us this summer!
Taizé: A Service of
Candlelight, Prayer, and Song
Every Wednesday
Looking Ahead:
W !
N ril
meets Monday
April 25, 2016
at 6:15 p.m. Meetings
are open to all.
People of all ages are invited to attend!
We will begin our evening with Taizé
worship together at 6:00 and follow it up
with small group activities based on your
interests. For more information, please
contact our Faith Formation Coordinator,
Jeremy Knight, 744-2665 or
May 16-17
Academy Graduation
May 30-June 3
SALCA Summer Camp
June 16-17
Synod Assembly, Vegas
June 27– July 1
Vacation Bible School
Worship In the Courtyard
and Annual Picnic
April 17th at 9:00 a.m.
Beautiful Savior Academy Courtyard
Bring lawn chair or Blanket!
Picnic immediately following the
service 10:30 a.m. Sign-up to bring a
side-dish, dessert, etc to share. Hamburgers & Hotdogs provided. Bring
balls, gloves, frisbees, and more to enjoy an afternoon outdoors. Other
activities include: basketball, volleyball, and playground.
Helpers needed to cook, set-up and more, contact the office: 744-2665
In April, the single dollar bills placed in the offering plate each
week will help purchase shoes for students at Thornydale
Elementary School. Thank You for your continued support!
The Labels for Education Program is winding down.
Changes will be coming in August, 2016.
Don’t forget to turn in labels you already have at home.
CAMPBELL’S LABELS: Not just Soup Labels. Pick up
a list on the counter in the narthex or check it out online at
Donations support the Navajo Mission in Rock Point, AZ.
ELCA World Hunger Awareness: Blessed be God, who is our Bread; may all the world be clothed and
fed! Pick an envelope up in the narthex and place it in the offering plate.
The Cup of Cold Water:
A NOISY OFFERING of your loose and spare change will be collected on the fourth Sunday of each
month during worship. Funds collected will support local benevolence. We challenge
each of you to save up each month and make a difference.
Food Collections - Little Red Wagon: Bring in non-perishable foods
(fruit, jelly, tuna, pasta, pasta sauce, canned meat, cereal, jello,
diapers, formula, etc.) Hygiene items, toilet paper and adult/
baby diapers are also needed. The wagon is in the narthex. ICS
accepts perishable foods directly.
MONTHLY ITEM: Peanut Butter
Call the office, 744-2665, for more information.
Do you Shop Online?
Support Beautiful Savior by shopping at Amazon Smile.
When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate a
percentage of each item (excluding shipping & handling,
taxes, and service charges, and less any rebates or returns.)
Follow the link to get started now!
WELCA Annual Rummage Sale
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Donate your gently used treasures
the week prior, between April 4-8th.
Help is also needed for sorting,
pricing, and selling. All proceeds
benefit the missions of the Women
of the ELCA. Contact Lenny Pfiefer
for more information, 325-0794.
Children’s Community Choir Spring Concert
Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Werner Heritage Hall
Join the fun as a group of kids meet some of the great composers of the past in this short
musical for young performers. This humorous, yet educational program is actually a great
way to introduce your students to the musical styles of Mozart, Bach, Strauss, Beethoven
and Brahms along with some contemporary music your kids will really relate to.
Tickets can be purchased in the office or after service on
Sundays. CONTACT JEREMY KNIGHT (520) 744-2665
13th Annual FLIM Golf Tournament!
The Fund for Leaders in Mission has been providing full and partial scholarship to
seminary students since the year 2000. The goal is to provide full tuition to all seminary
students, so that no one enters ministry with debt.
“Fund for Leaders in Mission (FLIM) Golf Classic”
Monday April 4, 2016
11:30 am Shotgun Start
Oro Valley Country Club
Oro Valley, Arizona
For more information, please contact:
Pr. Ken Ahlstrand, Coordinator
pasken@comcast.net 520-481-4536
Registration forms are in the narthex.
In the meantime, round up your foursome!
Worship “In the Park” and
Annual Picnic
April 17th at 9:00 a.m.
Beautiful Savior Academy Courtyard
Bring lawn chair or Blanket!
Picnic immediately following the
service 10:30 a.m. Sign-up to bring a
side-dish, dessert, etc to share. Hamburgers & Hotdogs provided. Bring
balls, gloves, frisbees, and more to enjoy an afternoon outdoors. Other
activities include: basketball, volleyball, and playground.
Helpers needed to cook, set-up and more, contact the office: 744-2665
Worship is something we 'do.' However, do we know some of the reasons why we do what we do?
A new member of our congregation, retired pastor Richard Mauthe, has offered to do a series of
articles on this topic. Read on and learn, and may it deepen and enrich what you do in worship as a
part of the body of Christ gathered. - Pr. David
Notes on our Service of Worship
The Kyrie
In the mid-1980’s the band Mr. Mister sang a
song entitled “Kyrie Eleison;” it rose to the top of
the charts for quite a while the next year. For many
people, that is their only point of reference to an
ancient phrase used in the New Testament gospel
accounts. There are variations of that phrase in
each gospel, and yet the common thread is found in
human need and divine response.
Someone in need approaches Jesus and usually
kneels before him and asks for his restoring touch.
Kyrie is the Greek for Lord!, and Eleison means
Have mercy! It is therefore the plea of people who
turn to Jesus when they realize they can no longer
control what life is throwing at them. In our Service the Kyrie follows the Order for Confession
and the Apostolic Greeting.
The LBW format of this plea is as follows, with
Lord, have mercy following each petition:
In peace, let us pray to the Lord.
For the peace from above, and for our salvation,
let us pray to the Lord.
For the peace of the whole world, for the wellbeing of the Church of God, and for the unity of all,
let us pray to the Lord.
For this holy house, and for all who offer here their
worship and praise, let us pray to the Lord.
Help, save, comfort, and defend us, gracious Lord.
The Service of Worship as laid out by our ancestors
in the faith is the drama of salvation laid out in a
Service of Thanksgiving, and the Kyrie helps us
understand exactly who we are when we meet God.
While calling ourselves a miserable bag of worms
as Luther called himself is perhaps not the most
evangelism-friendly way to invite folks, his point is
that we can only approach God with empty hands,
knowing that all we have, all we receive, especially
the gospel, is pure gift. The Kyrie assists us in understanding ourselves as those who are about to be
reminded of how much God loves us, and what
God has done for us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus our Lord and Savior.
Prayer Shawl Guild
Women of the ELCA
A monthly gathering for knitting
and crocheting. Meets on the third
Thursday of each month at 6:00p.m.
A light supper is served. Call Karen
Johnson, 481-0874.
Bible Studies
Do-Day Crafters
Join us on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 9:15 a.m. in
Werner Hall. Call Barbara Foor,
Join us on the second Thursday
of each month at 12:30 p.m. for
a potluck lunch, laughs and
friendships. Call Sandy Petersen,
579-9355 for information or with
questions. Bring a friend!
Sign up in the narthex.
Order your copy of Gather Magazine (by calling 800-638-3522 or
online at womenoftheelca.org) for
this year’s Bible study:
JOY CIRCLE meets on the
second Tuesday morning of each
month at 9:30 a.m. from September
-May. For more information, call
Janice Molina, 744-0389.
more information, call Mary
Speidel, 909-3584.
Altered at the Altar
Spring Conference Meeting at
Abounding Grace
Saturday, March 5
8:30 am-3:00 pm
$15 at door
Check the weekly bulletin for updates!
Rehearsals for the Chancel
Choir Wednesdays
7-8:30 p.m.
Come join us.
No Experience needed.
Handbells Rehearsals
Tuesday Evenings
6-7:00 p.m.
If you are interested:
Contact Jeremy Knight
744-2665 or 623-986-7996
Outreach Marketing Ministry
Needs YOUR help!
The Marketing Ministry team is looking into how we can
share our facilities with the community, do you have suggestions on:
· Writing Policy
· Revising the existing agreement
· The duties of an Events Coordinator
· Items to consider when others use our facilities?
If you would like more information, or to be notified of the next meeting,
contact Betsy Marco at Email: Betsy@babcotucson.com
Or Cell: 520-490-3368
Jonny Agren, Bob Alan, George & Yvonne Basabilvazo, Jazmyn Creason, Jeannie Eike, Daniel Engelby, Evan Fox, Susan Hawk, Dave Kanto, Darrell
Karrer, Melinda Ketelsen, Chris Lamb, Ed
McCauley, Kaye Miller, Jim Myers, Linda Nichols,
Pete Pederson Sr, Ryan Rody, Lois & Mike Shade,
Dallas Speidel, Del Speidel, Andrew, Cheri, Denny
& Rosella, Kris, Liz, Melissa, Suzie, Tricia, and Diamond Children’s Center.
Adam Booth, Nephew of Saltsmans;
Zachary Hill, nephew
Steichen; Stephanie
Huether; Skip Kiefhaber, Brother-in-law of the McMahons; Ernest Lake; David Lake; Levi Magda, friend of
Pfeifers; Christopher Pederson, son of Pedersons; Eric
O’Brian; Kyle O’Brian; Arthur Rico, Nephew of Saltsmans; Chris Steiner and David Madden, Nephews of
Claasens; John Stum III; Paul Tritch, Son of Tritchs;
Curt Weber, Nephew of Saltsmans; Ashley Wik, Granddaughter of Helen Reid
For Those Who Grieve
For the friends & family of Jefferey Anderson, son of Nancy Hively, at his death.
A service was held on Saturday, March 5, 2016.
For the friends & family of Daphne Hanson, at her death.
A service was held on Monday, March 7, 2016.
For the friends & family of Melba Smith, at her death.
Celebrate with us on April 3, 2016 During Lutherans Linger Longer (LLL)
Taylor Grenfell
Abigail MacArthur
Madison Randle
Katie Newman
Dustin Cassel
Jim Graser
Paula Alden
Jordan Lippert
Bill Lettmoden
John Alden
Michele Romero
Rebecca Claasen
Matt Ogden
Margaret Nilsen
Margie Colie
Dianna Ebeling
Michelle Machado
Our apology if we missed your special day.
Call the office to let us know, 744-2665.
Don & Mary Schumacher
Mark & Jennifer Mullen
Becky & Bill Seils
Frank & Carmen Hemrick
Business & Professional
A directory of the members and special friends of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church who wish to promote
their business or service to our readership. There is no charge to advertise. Call 744-2665 to participate.
Sahuaro Cafe
Open Seven Days A Week
6:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Breakfast Served All Day!
Telephone Care of the Soul...
Free * Anonymous * Confidential
Interfaith Support & Crisis Helpline
12142 N Rancho Vistoso Blvd
Suite 120
Oro Valley, AZ 85755
C&J TIRE.............Cory Layton
4458 E Speedway Blvd
Your solution for all your landscape needs.
Weekly, Bi-weekly, or monthly services.
Power Sweeping - Powerwashing _ Day Porter _ Landscaping
Ph: 520-271-5228
PO Box 91712
Tucson AZ 85752
(520) 345-8787
Danny Alcala
Travis Dorschner
Robot Hobbies
Lisa Lehmann
Tom Stutsman
PC Installation & Repair ¤ Networking
Website ¤ Classes
Cell: 444-4180
Wendy Grenfell at Ivan’s
Becky the Pet Nanny
4771 North First Ave.
Becky Seils, Owner 850-5478
Tender loving pet care in your home while your work or travel.
Carmen Hemrick
Buy or Sell Avon
10% discount for BSLC members
Dorothy Pederson.
Shop my Avon store - www.youravon.com/chemrick
Independent Beauty Consultant
Exercise classes M/W/F 9am to 10am
and Easy does it class at 10:15 to 11:15am at
Christ the King, 2800 W. Ina Rd. Call Carmen
Hemrick for more info at 907-2695.
Licensed and Insured
Reorders - Classes on Request - Products Delivered
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
PO Box 90925
Tucson, AZ 85752-0925
Taizé: A Service of
Candlelight, Prayer, and Song
Every Wednesday
at 6:00p.m.
April 2 ~ VBS Fun Shop
April 3 ~ SALCA Family Fun Night
April 4 ~ FLIM Golf Tournament
April 9 ~ Annual Yard Sale
April 17 ~ Outdoor Worship & Picnic
April 23 ~ Community Shred-It Day