pilot study: camden catchment
pilot study: camden catchment
Coastal Region Environmental Assessment and Management • PILOT STUDY: CAMDEN HAVEN CATCHMENT Technical Report 4: The Camden Haven estuarine fishing and oyster cultivation industries (JL.C!lGE t.£'ftM.tV Ctal..!N L~£; -f1) CA £/CIli~N MAYol JJ£Pr. () ~ LfiIt05 In - z z g- 6'!-7'i? COASTAL REGION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT PILOT STUDY CAl-IDEN HAVEN CATCHMENT TECHNICAL REPORT 4 - COMMERCIAL FISHERIES AND OYSTER CULTIVATION This report presents a review of the N.S.W. estuarine fishery, data on the Camden Haven estuarine fishery and data on the Camden Haven oyster CUltivation industry. The statistical information presently collected does not allow for any detailed analysis of the ecological nature of the estuarine fisheries of N.S.W. Conclusions on the condition of the Camden Haven estuary are restricted to general comments because of this lack of relevant data. Suggestions for revision and alteration to the method and content of data collected on both estuarine fisheries and oyster CUltivation are presented. Suggestions for further research and the establishment of a series of ongoing monitoring programmes are included within the report. ,- " A report to the Coastal Council of N.S.W. Colin Creighton, University of New England, Armidale, 1984 7 Angourie Street, Angourie, N.S.W. 2464 - ii - CON TEN T S Page INTRODUCTION 1.1 Content and Principal Aim of the Camden Haven Regional Study 1 1.2 Delineation of the Study Areas 1 1.3 Camden Haven Study - Report Structure 2 PART I CONTEXT AND METHOD OF INVESTIGATION 3 2.1 Biological Monitoring and Indices 2.2 Estuarine Fisheries of N.S.W. - their nature 2.3 3 2.2.1 Condition of a Fishery 4 2.2.2 Estuarine Waters and Fluctuations in Environmental Parameters 6 2.2.3 History of the N.S.W. Estuarine Fishery 8 2.2.4 Methods of Capture 11 2.2.5 Regulations 12 2.2.6 Principal Species of the N.S.W. Estuarine Fishery 13 2.2.7 The Relationships Between Estuaries and Inshore/Offshore Fisheries of N.S.W. 14 Biological Monitoring at the Community Level - the Selection of Suitable Indices for an Analysis of Estuary Condition 17 2.3.1 Fisheries - methods of assessment 17 2.3.2 Estuary Condition and Estuarine Fishes - the selection of indices 17 PART II THE CAMDEN HAVEN ESTUARY FISHERY 21 3.1 History of the Camden Haven Fishery 21 3.2 Catch and Life History Features of Selected Species 25 3.2.1 River garfish (HemiphamphuB ardeZio) 26 3.2.2 Dusky flathead (PZatyaephaZus 28 3.2.3 Flattail mullet (Liza argentea) 31 3.2.4 Luderick (GipeZZa tPiauspidata) 33 3.2.5 Sand whiting (SiZZago BiZiata) 35 3.2.6 Sea mullet (MUgiZ aephaZU8) 38 fUSaUB) I - iii - ,.' 3.2 (continued) 3.2.7 Sand mullet (MYxus eZongatu8) 40 3.2.8 Other Species Significant Within the Estuarine Catch 41 3.3 Community Assessment 42 3.4 Discussion 44 3.4.1 Perceived issues - Camden Haven Estuary Fishery 44 3.4.2 Estuary Condition and N.S.W. Catch Statistics 48 3.4.3 N.S.W. statistics - Suggestions for Alterations to Method and Content of Data Collected 48 A PART I II THE CAMDEN HAVEN OYSTER CULTIVATION INDUSTRY 4.1 It- 52 The Sydney Rock Oyster (Saccostrea commerciaZi8) and Estuary Condition 52 4.1.1 Factors Affecting Total Production 52 4.1.2 Oysters and Water Quality 54 4.2 History of Harvesting and Cultivation of Oysters Within the Camden Haven Estuary 56 4.3 Discussion 62 CONCLUDING COMMENTS 66 REFERENCES 67 1~ 1"- LIST OF FIGURES , Ii . FIGURE 1: Hypothetical and generalized curve of historical development of a fishery (after Kesteven, 1971) 5 FIGURE 2: Total catch of fish in estuarine waters of N.S.W., 1910-1980 9 FIGURE 3: Annual fish catch, Camden Haven fishery, 1890 to 1981 2la FIGURE 4: Effort, Camden Haven estuary fishery, 1900 to 1981 2la FIGURE 5: River garfish, total catch Camden Haven and N.S.W., 1940 to 1981 26a FIGURE 6: River garfish, seasonality of Camden Haven catch, 1980 to 1981 25 FIGURE 7: Dusky flathead, total catch Camden Haven and N.S.W., 1940 to 1981 27a , - iv - FIGURE 8: FIGURE 9: FIGURE 10: FIGURE 11: FIGURE 12: FtGURE 13: • FIGURE 14: FIGURE 15: FIGURE 16: FIGURE 17: FIGURE 18: FIGURE 19: FIGURE 20: FIGURE 21: FIGURE 22: FIGURE 23: Dusky flathead, seasonality of Camden Haven catch, 1980 to 1981 30 F1attail mullet, total catch Camden Haven and N.S.W., 1953 to 1981 30a F1attail mullet, seasonality of Camden Haven catch, 1980 to 1981 32 Sea mullet, total catch Camden Haven and N.S.W., 1940 to 1981 37a Sea mullet, seasonality of Camden Haven catch, 1980 to 1981 37 Sand mullet, total catch Camden Haven and N.S.W., 1953 to 1981 <lOa Sand whiting, total catch Camden Haven and N.S.W., 1953 to 1981 35a Sand whiting, seasonality of Camden Haven catch, 1980 to 1981 34a Luderick, total catch Camden Haven and N.S.W., 1940 to 1981 33a Luderick, seasonality of Camden Haven catch, 1980 to 1981 34a Seasonality of prawn catch, Camden Haven estuary, 1981 to 1982 41a Variation in species composition of Camden Haven estuary catch, 1940 to 1981 42a Catch per unit effort (approximate), Camden Haven estuarine fishery, 1948 to 1982 43a Bream, seasonality of Camden Haven catch, 1980 to 1981 41a Trumpeter whiting, total catch N.S.W. and proportion caught within inshore waters 36a Oyster production, Camden Haven estuary, 1883 to 1980 56a LIST OF TABLES L TABLE 1: Area of capture, fish species 18 TABLE 2: Luderick movements, Hastings Entrance 33 TABLE 3: Bacterial contamination - ·availab1e data, sources and application 64 1. 1.1 INTRODUCTION Context and Principal Aim of the Camden Haven Reg lona I Study The Coastal Council of N.S.W. was established under the N.S.W. Coastal Protection Act (1979). The principal functions of the Coastal Council as defined by the Coastal Protection Act are as follows:•.• to give advice and make reports and recommendations to the Minister [Planning and Environment] for the purpose of encouraging, promoting or securing - • (a) the protection and maintenance and, where practicable, the enhancement and restoration of the environment of the coastal region and its natural and man-made resources; and (b) the orderly and balanced utilisation and conservation of the coastal region and its resources, having regard to the financial resources of the state and the social and economic needs of the people of the State. f It was the contention of this author, that for the Coastal Council to fulfil these functions, a method of coastal region environmental assessment was required. In March 1980, through the University of New England, the present project was initiated. The project had as its principal aim, the definition, application and appraisal of a method of coastal region environmental assessment. The method of assessment was structured so as to include those aspects that would facilitate land use allocation and land use management within the ~.S.W. coastal region. To provide practical application and evaluation of the method, the Camden Haven region (midnorth coast of N.S.\~.) was selected as the pilot study area. During 1980 the project developed through discussion with oth@c research workers and t~ collection of available data on the Camden Haven region. A method of~essment was formulated. Aspects requiring field investigation were defined and methods of data collection selected. Field work proceeded during 1980. In January 1981, a Research Grant was obtained from the Coastal Council of N.S.W. This grant enabled the author to purchase necessary equipment and instruments and to carry out further field work . The provision of this grant is gratefully acknowledged. 1.2 Definition of the Study Areas No specific definition of the coastal region is contained within the N.S.W. Coastal Prot~otion Aot (1979). This author, in recognition of the biophysical linkages between land and water areas of a catchment, defined the coastal catchments of N.S.W. as comprising the 'coastal region'. The patterns of landform that comprise this 'coastal region' may be agglomerated within specific catchment types with defined landform, land use and process characteristics. For example, with respect to the estuaries of the N.S.W. coast, Roy (1982) suggested that there were three distinctive types. There are as follows:- --- - .. - 2 - 1. Drowned river valley estuaries with full tidal exchange. 2. Barrier estuaries with attenuated tides. J. Saline coastal lakes with ephemeral entrances and no tides. The Camden Haven region was sub-divided with respect to catchment type:- the Lake Cathie-Lake Innes catchment (coastal lake system, ephemeral ocean entrance) and, the Camden Haven catchment (barrier estuary). Methods of assessment, while similar in principle, varied in specific detail for each of these study areas. Recommended management strategies resulting from the research varied accordingly. The Lake Cathie-Lake Innes catchment was the subject of a separate report (Creighton,1983). The results of research of the Camden Haven catahment are presented within a series of technical reports. 1.3 • Camden Haven Study - Report Structure Technical Report 1 (Creighton and Morgan, 1982) detailed the catchment approach to land use planning and management. Using a geneticbased method of land appraisal, land areas of the catchment were mapped within land systems. Selective mapping of land units allowed for the delineation of coastal lands and uplands. Mapping of the land resource in this fashion facilitated the definition of specific land use allocation and land use management guidelines. Technical Report 2 (Creighton, 1984) reviewed available data on the physical and biological attributes of the Camden Haven estuary. Data detailing the variation of salinity, temperature and light penetration within the estuary was collected and collated to the available data. Technical Report 3 (Creighton, 1982) presented data on water quality. water quality data for the Camden Haven River above the tidal limit was reviewed. Field investigations included the identification of point resources of bacterial contamination (via contamination levels within oysters) and the collection of data on dissolved oxygen concentrations within the estuary. T~, Technical Report 4, provides data on the oyster cultivation and commercial fisheries of the Camden Haven. A review of the N.S.W. estuarine fishery and a method of assessment of estuary condition based on available data ar~presented . in Part I o~ this re~t. Part II of the report details the Camden Haven estuary fishery. The oyster cultivation industry of the Camden Haven is detailed in Part IIIof this report. I - 3 - PART I: 2.1 CONTEXT AND METHOD OF INVESTIGATION Biological Monitoring and Indices Biological monitoring is a method whereby changes in an environment are assessed through the responses of animals and plants. Davie (1975) suggested that biological monitoring has many advantages over traditional monitoring techniques, but that the most important advantage that it may provide the most sensitive and meaningful method of measuring impact on the environment. This research project has as its principle aim, the definition, application and appraisal of a method of coastal region environmental assessment. Man's actions within the coastal region manifest themselves through varied impacts upon the estuarine environment (e.g., Sorenson, 1974; Hodgkin, 1974; Lenanton, 1974). Biological monitoring via the selection of specific indices may allow for the on-going assessment of environmental conditions within the estuaries and lagoons of the N.S.W. coastal region. The aim of this portion of the research project is to formulate and appraise methods whereby available data may be used for such a purpose. The ACMRR/IABO Working Party (1976) suggested that an index may be defined as a variable which measures the response of a system (a population, community or ecosystem) to some stress or stimulus. With respect to the selection of suitable indices, this group stated the following:Busy decision-makers and the public-at-large prefer to deal with formulations that are simple numerically or graphically. Thus the search for measurable characteristics of stimuli and responses is usually focused on simple indices and simple functional relationships. Though rather complex mechanisms may be known to underlie ecological interactions, a simple rationalization should be sought at the outset which may well satisfy the decision-maker, if not the scientist trying to gain deeper understanding of the operation of the system in question. The fate of such simple formulations will be deterndned by tiheirpractical performance. Within this investigation of the Camden Haven estuary, indices for estuarine condition~ formulated and described via the use of available data for commercial fisheries and oyster cultivation. These data, albeit in varied forms and degree of accuracy, are routinely collected. Later discussion will detail past and present data collection methods, together with comments on the extent and relevance of the data presently collected. Recommendations for reappraisal and alteration of the methods and nature of data collected are detailed. These recommendations are based upon the results of this research project - particularly the practical performance of the simple formulations chosen to exploit available data as indices of estuary condition. To provide a context for this investigation the following discussion provides information on the nature of the estuarine fishery resources. A review of methods for the assessment of fisheries and the description of a method of appraisal suitable for this investigation complete this background discussion. - 4 - 2. 2 Estuarine Fisheries of N.S.W. - Their Nature 2.2 .1 Cond ition of a Fishery Kesteven and Burdon (1971) detail the characteristics of fishery resources. They suggested that while fisheries have similarities with other primary industries engaged in the exploitation of natural resources, fisheries have particular characteristics which affect both their nature and, their management. These characteristics are as follows:the natural resources are living and renewable; the resources exploited are wild and to these man makes no contribution (c.f. aquaculture which has characteristics similar to agriculture); because the resources are wild, man cannot control what is to be available for harvesting at any time; (under these circumstances Kesteven and Burdon suggested that management should incorporate studies of the resource and habitat, thereby allowing for the exploitation of the resource at the most opportune time); the fishery resources are generally common property - Kesteven and Burdon suggested that because of this, the amount of effort applied is not subject to the restraints that govern exploitation of a solely-owned resource. Consequently, governments have a more direct and continuing responsibility than would normally be acceptable for other industries; the circumstances of fishing operations encourage both a high degree of individualism and, an opportunist philosophy amongst those involved in the industry. To quote Kesteven and Burdon:Fishing is an irregular, intermittent occupation which is largely dependent on the weather. But even when this is favourable, the taking of a catch depends on whether the fish are located, prove to be vulnerable to capture, and the gear is successfully operated. In consequence, catches, fishermen's income, and market supplies are subject to marked uncertainty; fish as a product presents specific problems in handling and marketing. These problems include, the perishable nature of fish, transport, refrigeration, storing and processing. These problems are aggravated by the uncertainty of supply. The characteristics of the Australian fishery resource and its products are detailed by the Report of the Senate Standing Committee on Trade and Commerce (1982). The Report discussed the nature and quantity of the resource base noting that by world standards the resource base is not large. With regard to particular fisheries, all areas of effort were classified with respect to the level of exploitation presently apparent. The Senate Standing Committee suggested that the inshore/estuarine fisheries were amongst that group of fisheries that are already fully developed. Kesteven (1971) provided a more detailed perspective on which to base interpretations of the stage of development of a fishery. Kesteven's generalized curve of the historical development of a fishery is reproduced - 5 - (El SEcOND ST•• • ILlU_O PHAN. % U . ,a) ""n MV£lOl'. MENTAL PM"I£ (el C U FIRST ST . . .. 1 I-- (0) SECOND MIlEL""· "~NT Al PMASE C', THUIID ST. . . lurED PHAir 1 .... , ------- ,~---- .. -- ... --. ' lunD PHAS€ (A) DISCOVERY OF ArSOt.a 1 1 FIGURE 1: Hypothetical and generalized curve of historical development of a fishery (after Kesteven, 1971). in Figure 1. Kesteven developed five primary categories of industry status in an historical sense. These are as follows:- Nascent fishery: resource discovered but not fully quantified, experimental catches only; the east coast Orange Roughy (HopZostethus atZantiaus) or the North west Shelf Scampi (Metanephrops andamaniauB) fisheries could be classified as being presently in this category. Developing fishery: These fisheries are characterized by increased catches and, significant increase in both effort and equipment; Kesteven described the latter part of this phase as follows:- At some stage the industry is expanded fully to the limits of the resource and no further increase in catch is possible, and we may note that the ultimate size of each fishery is determined by the size of the resource. The fishing mortality brought about by fishing effort itself brings about changes in the stock and these are reflected in the catch. Generally fishing operations reduce the overall size of the population, the range of size and the relative strength of different age classes in the population, and hence the average size and average age of the individuals. The East Coast Royal Red Prawn (HaZiporoides sibogae) and gemfish fisheries are at present within this general category of "developing fishery". Stabilized fishery: The general appearance of a stabilized fishery is of minimal change. So far as the fish resource is concerned, the essential characteristics are that natural and fishing mortality are more or less in balance with growth and reproduction. Fishing equipment and techniques used coverge upon a standardized pattern. A present example of such a fishery is the N.S.W. king prawn (Penaeus pZebejus) fishery. Kesteven suggested that, at time of writing (1970), the estuarine fishery, particularly the sea mullet (MUgiZ aephaZus) fishery was in such a category. - 6 - Changes observed by this author over the past five years suggest that the mullet and, the estuarine fishery in general, may now be in Kesteven's fourth category, the declining fishery. Dec I ining fishery: A principal feature of this condition is a steady reduction of the . stock, the onset of which may be concealed by an intensification of fishing effort so as to ensure the maintenance of the catch. The equipment in such a fishery becomes neglected and is kept in operation beyond its normal life. The Clarence estuary mullet fishery is presently in this condition. Quotas that in the 1950-60s could be fulfilled in several days/ week effort are now largely unfulfilled. Equipment used is often substandard. Those remaining in the fishery have increased effort with a significant propotion of the fishermen previously involved now employed in other sectors of the industry, such as the prawn fishery. Further detail of the east coast mullet fishery and the estuarine fishery in general is presented in later discussion. At this point, however, it should be stated that the analysis of condition of a fishery involves the incorporation of a series of interrelating factors (e.g., Thomson, 1953). These factors as they relate to the Camden Haven estuarine fishery, dominate later discussion. For the moment it is sufficient to suggest that the estuarine fishery of N.S.W. may be classified as either in an extended phase of stabilization or, in some cases, in a state of decline. Extinguished fishery: A fishery in this condition has ceased operations. The resource may have been reduced by fishing effort to such an extent that operations are no longer viable (e.g., the east coast whaling industry) or, there has been a disappearance of demand for the product (e.g., the Australian pearlshell fishery) or, environmental conditions are such that the resource is no longer available in viable quantities (e.g., oyster, SaaaoBt~ea aomme~aialiB, dredge beds of the N.S.W. estuaries). The preceding review of Kesteven's (1971) classification of the stages of development of a fishery provides a context within which to detail the present N.S.W. estuarine fishery. Aspects requiring detail include the nature of estuarine waters, the history of the fishery, the methods of capture, species exploited and the relationships between species and the surrounding environment, measures that have been effected to regulate the harvesting of the resource and, the relationships between estuarine fisheries and inshore/offshore fisheries (fisheries are as defined by Pollard, 1976). 2.2.2 Estuarine . waters and fluctuations in environmental parameters Within this research project a distinction has been made between barrier estuaries and coastal lagoons. This distinction was based upon the recognition that the particular aggregation of land and water resources that comprises a lagoonal catchment differs markedly to those of a barrier estuary. Similarly, differences exist between barrier estuaries and the - 7 - more marine-dominated emb·ayments of drowned river valleys (e.g., Thomson, 1959b,e; SPeC, 1981). The results of research within the Cathie-Innes lagoonal system were presented in Creighton (1983). Regarding the fishery resource of this system, it was found that both conditions and catch rates varied markedly with entrance condition. It is the contention of this author that the management of these differing resource types should vary according to their particular characteristics. For example, Creighton (1983) recommended that the present largely ad hoc artificial opening of lagoonal ocean entrances requires detailed re-assessment. Present management philosophies are generally underlined by the assumption that wherever possible, barrier estuary conditions should be achieved. Such a philosophy takes no account of the conditions, biota and productivity of the lagoonal systems during periods of entrance closure and high water levels of reduced salinity. Aspects such as the population dynamics of the entrapped fish resource, the utilization of the lagoonal systems by nesting waterfowl and the prevailing coastal processes should be fully considered bofore approval for artificial opening of these systems is granted. The contribution of each of the various component estuary types to the total estuarine catch within N.S.W. waters is at present undefined. Recent statistics do not allow for the analysis of the estuarine fish resource on this basis. For the remainder of this report discussion is centred upon the characteristics of the fish resource of N.S.W. barrier estuaries. Barrier estuaries are as previously defined (Roy, 1982). Natural 'baseline' conditions within barrier estuariee vary. Day (1951) emphasized that the distribution of flora and fauna within an estuary cannot be based on a single factor of the environment. He suggested that a complex of periodically changing parameters limits the colonization to a restricted number of organisms with a wide range of ecological adaptions. Hodgkin (1978) discussing the estuarine environment and variation within particular representative parameters, stated the following:- An estuarine environment is one of constant change, both spatial and temporal, one where biologically significant environmental parameters may vary over an extreme range, both in space and time. Not only is there change on this scale in salinity, but in water flow, temperature, turbidity and light penetration, nutrient supply, predation pressure and even in this sheltered situation, in degree of wave action. They add up to a complex of environmental change, the several strands of which are difficult to disentangle; together they determine the nature of the estuarine ecosystem. Spatial and temporal variation of a series of environmental parameters for the Camden Haven estuary were presented in Technical Report 2 (Creighton, 1984). Data on the fluctuation of salinity, temperature and light penetration in response to varying climatic conditions was collected. Further data, collected from various sources, was reviewed and collated to the~ata on salinity, temperature and light penetration. These data included the characteristics of freshwater discharge to the estuary, the tidal characteristics of components of the estuary system and, the distribution of benthic flora. - 8 - The environmental changes that occur in barrier estuaries may evoke particular responses of feeding activity, growth rate, fecundity and so forth within fish species (e.g., SPeC, 1981; Hodgkin, 1978; Hill, 1982; Glaister, 1978a,b; Thomson, 1959c,e). The consequential changes in the overall competitive efficiency of one species relative to the others with which there are interactive relationships may generate biological chain reactions that could significantly alter species composition and spatial patterning of communities (ACMRR/IABO Working Party, 1976). It follows that no biological measure utilized as an index need necessarily remain constant. Rather, there are spectra of values which encompass the normal range of responses. This complicates the selection and application of specific indices of estuarine condition. To some degree, this may be accounted for by the study of the system over a long period. Unfortunately, as is detailed in the following discussion, data on the early period of development of the N.S.W. estuarine fishery is largely non-existent. Data presently collected is more suitable for such an analysis, however inadequacies in the content of data collected are still apparent. This is discussed in detail with reference to the Camden Haven estuary in Part II of this report. 2.2.3 History of N.S.W. estuarine fishery Tennison-Woods (1882) detailed the estuarine fisheries, methods of capture and regulations as they relate to the development of these fisheries in the late 19th century. Even during this 'nascent-development' phase of the estuarine fishing industry, it was recognized that the estuary areas were important, at least as nursery areas if not as spawning areas. He commented as follows:- The bays and creeks of every harbour and the still waters of every lake and river swarm, under natural conditions, with the young of these fish [sea mullet, snapper, the breams, the garfish, blackfish and whiting] in all stages of development •.. We must protect the spawning fish and their young fry in the inlets, if we desire to prevent the absolute extinction of the best of our food fishes. Burdon (1971) discussed the development of the Australian fishing industry in total, presenting detail of catch of scale fish over the period 1905 to 1970. He discussed the impact on total fish catch of improved transportation and marketing, changes in methods of capture, the establishment of new fisheries such as the prawn and tuna fisheries and the impact of socio-economic conditions such as the Depression and World War II on effort. Thomson (1953) provided extensive detail on the development of the estuarine fisheries of N.S.W. and Qld. The reader is referred to this paper for a discussion of all aspects of the fishery over the period 1910 to 1950. Figure 2 presents the total fish catch in estuarine waters of N.S.W. over the years 1910 to 1980. The estuarine catch in N.S.W. increased from the beginnings of the fishery to a peak in 1915 after which the fishery maintained a fairly constant catch until 1924 when a marked drop in catch occurred. The fishery stabilized at this new level until • - 9 - FIGURE 2: TOTAL FISH CATCH t NSW ESTUARINE WATERS t 1910 to 1980. 10pOO 5,000 1910 Notes: 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 Data presented extracted from N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Reports and correlated to Thomson (1953); Effort data not available; Thomson (1953) presents an indication of CPUE for the period 1910 to 1950. The development of the prawn fishery and the lack of representative data prohibits continuing this analysis to the present. 1930 when a further reduction in total catch was recorded. The fishery then showed signs of recovery with catches exceeding the 1915 catch in the years 1940, 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945. Over the period 1945 to 1951 there was a continued reduction in total catch, with catch in 1951 and for all the following years exoept 1953, being less than the previously recorded minimum catches of 1930 and 1931. Apart from some slight increases in catch in the mid-1950s and 1970s, total catch over the period 1953 to 1979 has remained relatively constant with an average annual catch over the period 1960 to 1978 of 3.74 x 10 6 kg. Slight increases in the mid-1950s and 1970s may be associated with the recovery of estuarine systems following the significant flood events that were experienced immediately prior to these periods. Thomson (1953) presented an indication of effort by the use of catch/man over the period 1910 to 1950. No data are available which accurately portrays effort over the period 1950 to 1980. Fishermen over this period have become increasingly involved in various sectors of the industry, moving from say the prawn to scale fish fisheries as a function - 10 - of seasonal abundance. As Thomson noted, even if this information was available, the relationships between availability and true abundance of population need not necessarily remain constant. Kesteven (1942) discussed the estuarine fishery prior to 1938. He suggested that depletion existed due to overfishing. Thomson (1953) discussed Kesteven ' s findings and suggested that Kesteven's interpretation, while justifiable in the light of current theories did not adequately portray the characteristics of the estuarine fishing industry. Thomson suggested that a number of factors omitted by Kesteven should be considered. These factors included the variation in effort as a function of the economic climate, the temporary and in some cases permanent transference of effort to other sections of the industry, fluctuations in market demand, natural fluctuations in fish populations and alteration of the carrying capacity of estuaries as a function of conflicting and impacting land uses within the coastal catchments. Each of these factors are relevant to a discussion of the total catch over the period 1950 to 1980. A further factor, catch by amateur fishermen has become of increasing significance over this period (e.g., Pollard, 1976: Cheng, 1981). As to the degree with which each of these factors has affected the total catch, this is open to discussion. Certainly, there has been a continuation of natural fluctuations in fish populations. The post-flood periods of the mid-1950s and 1970s, were previously mentioned. Similarly, there has been fluctuations in market demand. For example, gluts of sea mullet on the market are to some extent still present. The one factor that perhaps above all others has increased in importance over the post-World War II period is the alteration of the carrying capacity of the estuaries. This was alluded to in the N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report of 1959:- A careful analysis of the estuarine catch over the past ten to fifteen years gives an indication of the possible adverse affect of closer settlement on adjacent lands upon the productivity of these waters. For example, the commercial production of bottom feeders like Black Bream and Dusky Flathead has fallen considerably during this period. The wholesale denudation of flora on the catchments and foreshores of coastal lakes and rivers for housing settlement and horticultural and agricultural purposes is viewed seriously by the Fisheries Authorities •.. The intense competition as development of the State gains impetus makes it difficult to control this situation. Creighton (1983a) discussed the changes in land use practice within the Clarence catchment and, the implications for estuarine wetlands. The period post-World War II was described as the "mechanization period". Over this recent period the development of a varied range of mechanized equipment has allowed for the drainage and alienation of wetlands on an unprecedented scale. Pressey and Middleton (1982) discuss the impacts of the flood mitigation works of this period upon the estuarine biota. Numerous .other papers recount the changes to the estuarine environment that have occurred over the past thirty years (e.g., SPCC, 1979, Dunstan, 1979: Pollard, 1979: Hodgkin, 1974, 1978: Lenanton, 1974, Saila,1980: Chubb et aZ., 1981). - 11 - No specific conclusion can be made at this stage of the discussion as to the aggregate impact of these changes on the N.S.W. estuarine fishery. Based on the total catch data presented in Figure 2, the period 1960 to 1980 could be classified as representative of a stabilized fishery (Kesteven's classification, 1971) - albeit at a much reduced level. However, as discussed, total catch is but one factor of a series that should be considered. Perhaps, for example, the total catch has increasingly represented a greater proportion of the available stock. In such an eventuality, the fishery may be classified as declining. To provide further background for this investigation the following sections provide data on the methods of capture and the regulations pertaining to the estuarine fisheries of N.S.W. 2.2.4 Methods of capture The methods used in the estuarine fishery have remained substantially the same during the period 1910 to the present. Methods employed in the fishery are as follows:set-netting: the laying of a long gill net across a likely area; these nets are fixed in position and left for varying periods to allow moving fish to be entangled in the nets. Laying, clearing and lifting of these nets is usually done by one fisherman working from a flat-bottomed punt. mesh-netting: the laying of a gil net in a semi-circular to circular area; the fish are either scared into the net or, by the use of two punts the net is hauled in, entrapping the fish within the net. beach-seining or hauling: a net is laid out from a beach or back-net with both ends of the net brought back to the beach; fishermen then haul the net into the beach or back-net, trapping or entangling any fish in the net's path. Trapping within estuaries is restricted to the taking of crabs the mud crab (Scylla serrata) and the blue-swimmer (Portunis peZagiaus) . Prawn species, principally the school prawn (Metapenaeus macZeayi) and the greasyback (Metapenaeus bennettae) are captured using pocket nets, hauling and otter trawling. Otter trawling with the target being prawn species is permitted within five N.S.W. estuaries (SPCC, 1979). No substantial by-catch of fish species is associated with otter trawling, with, par~icularly the larger fish moving away in front of the leadline. Trawling may, however, have had some impact on the fish and associated biota of the estuarine fisheries. Possible adverse impacts include the disturbance of benthic flora and to a lesser, possibly minimal extent, fauna (e.g., Gibbs, Collins and Collett, 1980), the raising of turbidity levels, thereby affecting light penetration (this is particularly apparent in shallow, muddy substrate lake areas such as Lake Wooleweyah, Clarence estuary); the disturbance 'of fish affecting their movements and feedir.g; and, the capture and subsequent death of juveniles and small non-commercial species such as the herrings. While the methods of fish capture remain substantially unaltered, over the period 1900 to the present, equipment used has varied. Nets are of synthetic fibre. Boats vary from the more traditional wooden punts and - 12 - tenders to aluminium punts. Outboards have now largely replaced the inboard motor, often in the past an adapted car engine. This has provided fishermen with a greater degree of mobility, providing for a more efficient use of the time available for fishing. It is believed that this change may have substantially increased actual fishing effort. The methods and the equipment used in the fishery parallel the characteristics of a sustained and in some cases, a declining fishery. Methods have converged on a set pattern with no substantial changes. At the same time, there has been some improvement in the equipment used. These are characteristics of a sustained fishery. Coincidentally, a lot of the equipment is used beyond its normal life with capital investment generally minimal. Additional to this, a very limited number of fishermen are entering the fishery, most fishermen actively engaged in the fishery being so employed for the past twenty to thirty years. These are characteristics of a declining fishery. 2.2.5 Regulations One of the most important tools for the management of fisheries is that of legislation. Most fisheries legislation is designed to affect the fishery directly, although, as welcomme and Henderson (1976) suggested, it is becoming increasingly obvious that laws passed in domains other than fisheries may also have far reaching consequences for the waters or the fish stocks in them. It is recognized that the series of N.S.W. Acts generally termed as 'environmental legislation' may do more for the fish stocks of the estuarine waters than say, any move to control the mesh size of the fishing gear used within these waters. For a review of some of the legislation that is within this category, refer to Collett (1976) or Creighton and Morgan (1982). Legislation aimed at the estuarine fishery itself usually attempts to control either the type of gear in use or some feature of it, or, to restrict the fishery in time or in place. Limitation of the selectivity characteristics of gear is enforced within N.S.W. Regulations dating from the Fisheries Act of 1881 (with modifications in subsequent Acts) restrict the mesh size used in both the scale fish and prawn fisheries of the estuarine waters. Much of the theory underlining mesh selection by size in gill nets has been shown to have somewhat dubious foundations (e.g., Thomson, 1959a; Hamley, 1975). Concurrent with this regulation of mesh size are regulations controlling the length of netting and methods used. For example, in 1938, regulations were included within the Act to restrict the lengths of hauling nets to less than 400 fathoms (Regulation 17). In 1942, this regulation was amended such that hauling nets could not be landed by any method other than against a stake or back net (length and mesh specified). A further measure, acting complementary to the regulations of mesh size and methods of capture is the declaration of minimal legal lengths. These regulations were often formulated in the absence of any data upon which an estimate of optimum catch could be based. As Thomson (1950) stated, the criterion for establishing a minimum length was the early conservationist precept of permitting a fish to attain a size at which it would have spawned at least once before being captured. Aspects - 13 - such as sexual dimorphism and fecundity should be fully considered before the implementation of such regulations. The fishery is further restricted via regulations on place of capture and effort. Certain waters are closed to commercial fishing on the grounds that they are either spawning and nursery areas, or, so confined that migrating schools of fish would be completely captured or, were closed as a result of pressure from tourist and angling groups. Regulation of effort within estuarine fisheries may be generally seen to have as its principal objective the amelioration of the conflict situation between professional and amateur fishermen, rather than actual management of the fish resource. For example, while regulations for particular waters and particular fisheries vary, it is generally the case that professional fishermen are required to be off the water (or at least tending nets in preparation to do so) by 9 a.m. Saturday • • The Senate Standing Committee on Trade and Commerce (1982) commented at length on the nature and scope of N.S.W. fishery regulations. Extracts from this report are as follows:- Until recently New South Wales has been philosophically and fundamentally opposed to the need for fisheries management. Fisheries administrators in that state have maintained that a resource will look after itself and that fishermen should be allowed to fish it to a level which becomes uneconomic; fishermen will move on to another resource giving the original resource time to regenerate and then will move back to it. Other State fisheries authorities believe that attainment of the greatest economic return from fisheries is best achieved by restricting the number of entrants to the fishery or applying other management measures which are tailored to suit the biological and economic stability of the fishery ••• The attitude previously adopted by New South Wales fisheries administrators is considered to reflect a cottage industry approach towards the Australian fishing industry which is out of tune with contemporary attitudes and is regarded as inappropriate for a national primary industry. The Committee suggested that problems concerning Australian fishery regulations and their lack of effectiveness in ensuring the management of fishery resources was the result of a series of factors. These are as follows:conflict between States and between States and the Commonwealth; the absence of a satisfactory working relationship between the public and the private sectors of the industry; and the paucity of fisheries research data and statistical information on which sound management decisions can be based. Detail on the inadequacies of the statistical information collected on the N.S.W. estuarine fishery are presented throughout this report. Recommendations as to alterations to the present methods of data collection and the nature of data collected are presented in Part 2 of this report. 2.2.6 Principal species of the N.S.W. estuarine fishery Pollard (1976) discussed the N.S,.W. fishery and the relationships between estuaries and total catch. Using 'area of capture' as the criterion - 14 - for sub-division, Pollard presented three tables listing the following:species in which more than 50% of the total catch was taken directly from estuarine waters; species in which less than 50% of the total catch was taken directly from estuarine waters; species in which none of the catch was taken directly from estuarine waters; and distribution by area of capture for crustaceans and molluscs. All data presented by Pollard was based on N.S.W. State Fisheries figures for the years 1962 to 1972 (inclusive). Those species presented by Pollard for which greater than 50% of total catch was captured in estuaries are as follows:- River garfish (Hemiphamphus ardeZio), Shortbeaked garfish (Arrhamphus saZeroZepis), Dusky flathead (PZatyaephaZus fusaus), Flat-tailed mullet (Liza argentea), Sand whiting (SiZZago aiZiata), Sand mullet (Myxus eZongatus), Sea mullet (MugiZ aephaZus) , Luderick (GireZZa triauspidata), Bream (principally Aaanthopagrus austraZis), Silver biddy (Gerres ovatus), Tarwhine (Rhabdosargus sarba) , Sea garfish (Hyporhamphus austraZis), Trumpeter whiting (SiZZago maauZata) and the crabs, mud and blue-swimmer (SayZla serrata, Portunus peZagiaus) Other species described by Pollard as being also represented, at least occasionally, in the estuarine catch are as follows:- Conger eel (Conger verreauxi), Trevally (especially Caranx georgianus), Tailor (Pomatomus saZtatrix), Mulloway (Argyrosomus hoZoZepidotus), Yellowtail (Traahurus maauZZoahi), Slimy mackerel (Pneumatophorus austraZisiaus) , Yellowtail kingfish (SerioZa ZaZandi), Anchovy (EngravZis austraZis), Sand flathead (PZatyaephaZus arenarius), Pilchard (Sardinops neopiZaharduB) , Snoek (Leionura atum), Teraglin (Atraatosaion aeqvidens), Morwong (CheiZodaatyZus fusaus and GoniiBtius veBtitus)·, Snapper (ChrYBophrys auratus), Australian salmon (Arripis trutta), Yellowfin tuna (NeothannuB maaropterus), Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnuB maacoyii) and Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus peZamis). As described by Pollard (1976), the juveniles of the first ten of this latter group of species are common in the estuaries with the major portion of the catch of most of these species taken in inshore and estuarine waters. With the exception of snapper which spends a large proportion of its juvenile life within estuaries, the remainder of these species are generally marine and not normally dependent on the estuaries at any particular stage of their life cycles. A large proportion of the prawn catch is obtained in estuarine waters. All commercial prawns, with the possible exception of the Royal Red prawn (H. sibogae), caught within N.S.W. waters are dependent upon the estuaries for a major portion of their life cycle. Pollard (1976) details area of capture for all prawn species as follows:- estuarine 39%, inshore 17% and offshore 49%. Data contained within recent N.S.W. State Fisheries Reports suggests that for the period 1968-9 to 1978-9, 38% of the total prawn catch was obtained in estuarine waters. The estuarine prawn catch is dominated by the school prawn (M. maaZeayi) and the greasyback (M. bennettae). • - 15 - Thomson (1953) discussed the relationships between the sea mullet catch and the total catch of estuarine fish. In the period of Thomson's investigation, the sea mullet accounted for 35 to 46% of the total N.S.W. estuarine catch. Thomson in his assessment of the condition of the mullet fishery, noted the problems of using available data, particularly with regard to effort and the range of species. For example, wi~h regard to range, as Kesteven (1942) and Thomson (1953, 1963) noted, the sea mullet of the eastern Australian seaboard forms one stock, the local populations of which are regularly mixed by the periodic 'hardgut' and spawning migrations. Consequently, in attempting to assess the condition of the fishery it is necessary to consider the stock as a whole, irrespective of state boundaries and of differing State controls. Thomson found that fluctuations in the total estuarine catch (N.S.W. and southern Qld) closely correlated to fluctuations in the sea mullet catch. This correlation was not as obvious when the catches of a particular estuary were investigated. Thomson suggested that local conditions, rather than factors common to the whole stock, determined the level of catch in a particular estuary. These comments may be equally applicable to several other species that pre-dominate in the estuarine catch, but have a distribution range extending along the eastern seaboard and are known to spawn at sea (e.g., luderick, bream, sand whiting, sand mullet). Other species such as the river garfish and the dusky flathead, for which all life history stages depend primarily on estuarine habitats, may provide more applicable data for the examination of estuary condition. While features of the life history of particular species have been alluded to in the above discussion, it is not thought relevant to detail the life history features of all species prominent in the estuarine catch. The reader is referred to SPCC (1981) for a listing of the life history features of most of the species mentioned above. Life history features for the prominent fish species of the Camden Haven fishery are detailed in Section 3. 2.2.7 Relationships between estuarine and inshore/offshore fisheries of N.S,W. As alluded to in the previous discussion, Australian estuaries are recognized as valuable nursery areas for many commercial fish species (e.g., Pollard, 1976; Lenanton, 1974, 1977; Chubb et aZ., 1979, 1981; Bayly, 1975). Similar comments are applicable for overseas estuaries (e.g., Gunter, 1967; McHugh, 1967; Jhingran and Gopalakrishan, 1973; de Sylva, 1975; Wallace and Van der Elst, 1975; Warburton, 1979; Clark, 1977; Shenker and Dean, 1979; Weinstein, 1979). Recent investigations (Lenanton, 1982) have shown that, with particular inshore environments, not all species could be regarded as exclusively estuarine dependent. Lenanton's findings were based on research in south-western Western Australia. Similar comments may be applicable for inshore waters within the Great Barrier Reef (e.g., Olsen, Dowling and Paterson, 1980). No similar findings are known to exist for the high wave-energy coasts of N.S.W. and Victoria. - 16 - Studies on estuarine dependence within N.S.W. waters are limited. The most detailed study was that carried out as part of the Environmental Control Study of Botany Bay (SPCC, 1981). This report presented results on a detailed investigation of the ecology of fish species within Botany Bay and associated rivers. While the ecology of fish in this marinedominated environment may vary to that within a barrier estuary environment, their general classification of estuarine dependence is thought to be applicable to the barrier estuaries of N.S.W. SPCC (1981) identified four categories of estuarine dependence. These are as follows:species with all life history stages dependent on estuaries for all their main ecological requirements; species with all life history stages dependent on estuaries for all their main ecological requirements except spawning; species with juveniles dependent on estuaries for all of their main ecological requirements, but with adults inhabiting areas outside the estuary; and species with adults dependent on estuaries primarily f spawning, but with all life history stages typically fund outside the estuary. Additional to this, it was suggested that a further category could include those species that were found to utilize estuarine habitats, but are believed to be primarily dependent on inshore or offshore marine habitats for all their ecological requirements. A list of species for each of these categories is presented within Appendices 2, 3 and 4 of the SPCC (1981) report. This concept of estuarine dependence, defining to some extent the relationships between the estuarine and inshore/offshore fisheries, has important implications for land use allocation and management within the coastal region. Given the high degree of estuarine dependence of most of the commercial fish and crustacea species and assuming that the fishing industry is both an important sector of the nation's economy and an essential source of food resources, account should be taken of the impacts of land use upon the estuarine and reverine environments. Impacts from land use may be classified as being of one of the following types:changes in water quality - pollution and enrichment, e.g., industrial, agricultural and urban land uses; changes in water quantity - both fresh and tidal flows, e.g. dams, impoundments, irrigation, drainage and diversion schemes, roads and bridges, training walls; changes in the structure of the estuarine/riverine environment, e.g., sedimentation, infilling of wetlands and the isolation of component areas by dams, impoundments, flood levees, training walls and roads. Such changes have, albeit in varying degrees, occurred within all barrier estuary catchments of N.S.W. It is suggested that the aggregate impact of such changes may be best assessed by an examination of the condition of the estuarine fisheries of the coastal catchments. The following section describes those aspects that should be included within • - 17 - an examination of the condition of a fishery. The section is concluded by a description of the method chosen for the assessment of the Camden Haven estuarine fishery. 2.3 Biological Monitoring at the Community Level - the selection of suitable indices for an analysis of estuary condition 2.3.1 Fisheries - methods and assessment Section 2.2.1 of this report detailed and classified the condition of a fishery within five discrete groupings - nascent, developing, stabilized, declining and extinguished (after Kesteven, 1971). Char~c terist!cs Tepreae~tqtive of each of these particular categories were detailed in-this discussion. Kesteven (1971) detailed various indicators of the condition of a fishery and methods to ascertain their particular significance. He suggested that indicators of condition could be grouped within three general areas - technological, economic and resource-based. This investigation is aimed at examining the condition of the estuary rather than the condition of the fisher~per se. The condition of the fishery in its general aspects ~>taken as aeiftg indicative of the general condition of the a&~~aLitte environment which support9 ( the~ stocks. For these reasons thO analysis ~based upon an investigation of the principal species explo~ted in the Camden H~ven estuarine fishery, providing a review of each species' life history, the trends in yearly catch and, the trends in effort generated to exploit these species. As discusse~ by Thomson (1953) and Welcomme and Henderson (1976), _ suoh-&n investigation ' is not simple. To provide adequate data upon which to describe the condition of the fishery, information collected must include data on the historical development of the fishery, social and economic pressures acting on the fishery and, take account of the multispecies nature of the fishery. These aspects are included within the methodology. To provide a basis for the assessment of the impact that changes associated wi~and use practice may have had on the fishery, knowledge of the land resource and it~ components, water quality and the natural fluctuations in the environm~tal parameters that characterize the estuarine waters are required. These data were detailed in Technical Reports I, 2 and 3 of this research project. Reference is made to the results of these associated investigations in later discussion. 2.3.2 Estuary condition and estuarine fishes the selection of suitable indices Table 1 presents the dominant species of the Camden Haven estuarine catch with an indication of the area of capture for each species. Area of capture information is for N.S.W., displaying both Pollard ' s (1976) data and, data for the entire period of available information - 1954 to 1979 (as documented within N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Reports). The s1ight discrepancies between Pollard's data and that calculated for the - 18 - TABLE 1: Area of capture, fish species Pollard (1976) (t) N.S.W. (195479) (t) EstuaInrine shore Estuarine Inshore River garfish (H. arde Lio) 96 4 97 3 Dusky flathead (P. fuscus) 95 5 94 6 Flattail mullet (L. argentea) 89 11 88 12 Sand whiting (3. ciliata) 82 18 83 17 Sand mullet (M. elongatus) 82 18 80 20 Sea mullet (M. cephalus) 80 20 83 17 Luderick (G. tricuspidata) 80 20 86 14 Species period 1954 to 1979 m and by environmental data. Within Part I area of capture for each of the e ecies ar re Comments describing the trends apparent for each particular species are included within the text. ~ \ ~ Of the seven species detailed within Table 1, the first three, River garfish, Dusky fla~A~ and Flattail mullet are known to spawn within estuarine waters of N.S.~~~ese species are believed to spawn within the Camden Haven estuary (pers. comm. - professional fishermen). The life history features of these species conform with the SPCC (1981) first category of estuarine dependence - species with all life history stages dependent on estuaries for all their main ecological requirements. The remaining four species of Table 1 conform with the second category of estuarine dependence, as defined by SPCC (1981)- species with all life history stages dependent on estuaries for all their main ecological requirements except spawning. Three of these species are known to spawn close inshore - Luderick, Sand mullet and Sand whiting. Inshore spawning may ensure the early arrival of eggs and/or larvae within sheltered estuarine nursery habitats (SPCC, 1981). The remaining species, Sea mullet, is generally believed to spawn in offshore waters. Offshore spawning maximizes the opportunity for wider dispersal of the larvae along the eastern coast. Given the spa~ing characteristics of these seven species, a general categorization of populations is possible. This categorization is as follows:Estuarine - River garfish, Dusky flathead, Flattail mullet; Regionai - Sand whiting, Sand mullet, Luderick; Eastern seaboard - Sea mullet. • - 19 - The extent of the regional populations for each of the species grouped within this category is undefined. Temporal variations in populations and in biophysical factors such as inshore currents together with a lack of knowledge on the behaviour of each of these species prohibits further analysis. Similarly, the extent of the Sea mullet population will vary with both fluctuations in population and biophysical factors (e.g., Thomson, 1953, 1955, 1963). ~' ~ ~~ ~ ~, ho~(v~r, be inferred-&hat some indication of, estuary condi tion can be gained via the study of catch rates for these species f. Pro. idlilg that eRS factgrs affecting fishing eifoL L aLe quel1 Lifiect; ~ I' a .ri', I~ (III- t ~ry , corfaltion wtl:t, J!li ng=Qtlbe: Inas i ge-Zleflecte d h~e cate Tii"SMcs. River garfish, Dusky Flathead, and pe. 1bl9 Flattail mullet, p&pulitioRG ~n Be regarded as largely distinct populations~ TReSE sp 188 may be particularly useful as indicators of estuary condition. The populations of ~~ all other species within a particular estuary will"to i la2~p ExL~, be ~~~ . depe~d~nt on the carrying capacit~ of the estuary and thus, , '~ !!~ cond~ bon'. Otht\r ~c~ors.,... ecb . _ ~_e~ J'~. degree of recruitlr6n~uven' s to 1;:he estuary (presnmably-mrt fecundity usually e s· ~high recruitment rate) and the environmental 'baseline' condi ~ons ~ithin the estuary.(tQ~~ aetors a~~antjfj~r~er to Creighton (19a4) for a de~cription of €OE(se fact6rs ~ ~he Haven estuary). Wi hin this in estigation da"baJVaJJ,.ab1e--o a the previously listed species are pre ented. Th ~~~lofthis phase of the investigation is to dete~whi~h species, if Vany, may be regarded as indicat~~ of estuary condft'IOn. FoJ-- ~ a.-.,f -k c.o .;U ,'''' ~ .... ~:.. • ~ l'J t{ c ;; I ~A ;t 5 IF,"~ f?t/~/ AS~OUS~, Mllti-species fisheries" are subject to fluc• tuations and shifts in population structure and composition as a function of both exploitation and prevailing environmental conditions. Heavy utilization may effectively eliminate the larger species, leaving those that are smaller, faster growing and usually more efficient converters of primary production. Acceleration in growth rate and a reduction in the size of maturation of the exploited species may occur (e.g., Welcomme and Henderson, 1976). Eventually the relative population sizes will vary, with planktonic and benthic feeders. d~minating th~ ~t~c#s, ....f.i!ih~y. l!ish cO~'K1t~~~~ ~~.! _tj~.dergo s~m~la; changes when suSject to l~~ng ~i!A~ itoe 'rrom ~ Apo1 l..u.§Ilrl,·' enrichment !h"modifica'tion of the estuarine "i/vironment (e.g., 1 ier and Henderson, 1973; Regier an 0 us, . ~ -----~CJr. I F I ~ounted for~~n~~{~~ These/changes in community structure are two mechdUism§. Firstly, the seven species previously listed provide differences in both behaviour and food resources exploited. By consideration of the catch of each of these species, general comments on changes in community structure are po~le. Secondly, th~elative catch, ?-..-«"' over time, for each of these species JIlT quantified. This l.o8 achieved ~~ ~.,{.J the calculation of the proportion of total estuarine cat ach of the i/CJ species over the period for which data~available. his phase of t e <. • investigation has the objective of providing information on changes in community structure of the Camden Haven estuarine fishery - if any so exist. ~R'esLigaLieh v~a To provide a context for species and community structure of consideratioll "",*86 QQ gjU9:g to the history of the fishery, indications 4Z /tI. . :uoi p ~ /' ~~/L. these investigations of the individual the Camden Haven estuarine fis~ _I history of the fishery. ~~etajJjng h~ of fishery condition and the changes in L. fI-! • - 20 - methods and effort that have resulted It was hoped at the wille of instigation of this investigation to also relate tUe data collected to prevailing environmental conditions. Data on prevailing environmental conditions was collected by this author over the period 1980-81. Discussions were held with professional fishermen and a questionnaire/log book circulated to all fishermen engaged in the estuarine fishery. U~y, insufficient returns were received to allow for an analysis of the impact of prevailing environmentat 'baseline' conditions on . catch rates. Fishermen stated that, in the past, any investigation usually meant further restriction of th~ir / ~S;iviti~S ~heir reluctance to cooperate ~nderstandable in ~l~ of t 0~1issues relating to estuarine fisheries that are generally perceived by the public and by amateur fishing 9roups. Perceived issues, resulting in a conflict situation, hav~ often been transferred into regulations via political action - in a lar~ numb~r Qf cases without adequate recognition of the biological factors that govern the resource base. 1 The method of investigation adopted for the Camden Haven estuarine fishery, ha,Lassociated with it numerous inad~qyacies aqd deficieQCies. Horemost amongst these must 8e the following: - ~-.tt. - ....<--1<--~ ;...,' Selection of species - Other species may provide a more representative indication of estuarine conp'~~ion. Unfortunately, data not available for a number of species that may~useful in such an investigation (e.g., Trumpeter whiting~ Greasy-backed prawn and Mud crab). ~". ~ . Fecundity, natural mortality and fotal population - Information on these aspects for the species chosen 1s Incomplete. It hlle'I8 ehilot: no estimate of the total population for a particular estuary is pdssible. Commercial catches will represent varying proportions of the total po~ulation of a particular species for a particular estuary. Area of capture - Information available on catch does not differentiate between particular areas of capture within a particular region. For example, some of the Camden Haven based professional fishermen occasionally work~ake Innes. Catches within Lake Innes were shown to fluctuate markedly with environmental conditions (Creighton, 1983). Opportunist qarvesting of this system varie~accordingly so that ~ t~ent of the ·contribution of this fisq~... to the Camden Haven total caitCli ~ possible. Simila:t;ly, no account ~:possible of the opportunist h rvesting of particular species during spawning (and in the case of Sea ullet, ~ardgut) migration~. Catches on the ocean beaches of the Camden Have region and included w~~hin the Camden Haven catch need not reflect the 'ze and exploitation tate of the local population. i'osf/,*,. ~ailable Quantification of effort - No data precise quantification of effort expended within the which allow~or the estuar~iShery. These and associated factors are discussed fur~~Part II of this re~r~uggestions for alterations to co~ten~;~h~d. of statistical s:~ 0 lection for estuarine '-s~i are included li~l}in :h:~ later di""(' ( 16;; {/ -~ .t. fo ~,j --;£fi< ~ PI "-- ~ t!>l .". • ~ 1P~ I.i£ ~ fi.--- /U~ . • - 21 - PART II: i1 THE CAMDEN HAVEN ESTUARY FISHERY J:i.!...s tor y of the Camden Haven Fi shery '\ Figure 3 presents the annual production (scale fish) for the Camden Haven fishery (estuarine, inshore and offshore). rt 1S suggestea ~ 4fotal production to at least 1959 approximates the production from the estuarine fishery. Data on total fish production is not available for the period 1960 to 1~68 (inclusive). Sometime during this period the development of offshore fi~hing methods and equipment allowed for increased production from the offshore fishery. Estuarine catch over this period generally declined. Peaks in estuarine catch during the early 1960s and 1970s correspond~to abnormally high catches of Sea mullet. ~ h3Ve been aSSoei-ated wi; tions in 'basel' , t w~h series of significant flood events occurr A Figure 4 presents an indication of effort ~or the Camden Haven e s tua rine fishery. The figure is approximate, being composed of d~ ~~ various sources of varied acouracy. A large number of fishermen~a~ve ~ only temporarily employed in h . fis , with fluctuations in market, eC0!J~c:. ,an social factors ' evance. For example, the~iTOd ~ost-1930 saw an influx of unskilled persons entering the f ishery in an attempt to gain a livelihood. A similar increase in effort occurred following World War II. From 1956 onwards, total effort in the estuarine fishery remained approximately stable, slightly decreasing as long-term experienced fishermen retired from the industry. No indication of time spent in the various sectors of the estuarine fishery is possible. ~ The £Q.llowipg BOilalieiltar~nd extracts t aken from N.S.W. State Fish~ies An nu "] Rep01: tS p!I!'e uide urther data on the development, extent~ effort and me~h~PIOy ~ n '~~en estuarine fishery. ~ ~ C-,. ~ -, Prior to 1900" with no regular output for the catch, fishing waaJ l imited t o providing for local needs . The following extracts describe the north coast fishe ~ in general and the Camden Haven fishery in particular f o r this period. N. S.W: St ate Fis heri es Annu a l Report, 1885: Fishing operations on t he north coast continue, ,as heretofore, to be confined to the limited s upply of local wants and to the production of small quantities of salt fish, the latter work being mostly carried on by Chinamen, who send away, consigned no their own countr~quantities of the finest whiting and other fish. A few of our own fishermen occasionally take up the work, but generally 'with indifferent results, though in one instance on the Richmond River, salt f~h was for a time regularly sent to Fiji . ' . During the winter months, June, July and part of August, fresh fish was s ent t o Sydney from the Cl ar ence, Manning, Macleay and Hastings Rivers, t he returns being good, and the fishermen only regret that the opportunity did not continue. N. S.W. St ate Fishe ri es Annua l Report, 1890: Sea mullet made their first appearances in the river [Camden Haven) on the 18th of March; " f-- ') ~ Iii 2 i I ~ L.. !a i ; . o. S ~ LL ~ ..J .. i I<l ; §~ i ! d I 0 0 • --~------~------~I .. I i ~ ~ I I I I - « I ..... i i ~ UJ ~ - 22 - they were working their way up river against a strong fresh. Several large schools of salmon appeared in the river on the 9th of September and are still there. Whiting have been very scarce here until last month; there is a fair store of other kinds of fish - bream, flathead, tailor and jewfish. There has been issued in Sydney for this river five yearly fishermen's licences, and three yearly fishing boat licences, six halfyearly fishermen's licences and two half-yearly fishing boat licences. Only 177 bushels of fish have been sent to Sydney market, on account of their not being able to get them away to market in good condition. There is or have been three men fishing and cleaning them during the last two months, but they complain of the irregularity of the steamer, as they have lost several cases of fish and eels on account of the steamer being delayed several times on the river. There has also been an average of about ten baskets per week caught for local consumption. N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report, 1895: Camden Haven cannot be classed as a fish-producing water, on aocount of there being no certain' communication with Sydney, the traders there being sailing craft only. It is strange that while there is no trade done with fresh fish there is no attempt at curing, for there are fish to be caught in abundance; and moreover, the finer kinds are very plentiful. No doubt the time will come when this place will be used by fishermen. In 1901 steamer trade was established with Sydney. This allowe~ for the development of the Camden Haven estuarine fishing industry:Regular communication with the metropolis is maintained by two steamers, thus affording good means of transit. Net fishing is fairly remunerative, the number of men employed being about twelve, and five boats. N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report, 1901 Development of the industry was, however, still hindered by the lack Of;] transport with at best, one steamer per week to Sydney. This reduced the levels of exploitation of the fish stock, constraining the deve.lopment of, the industry:The greater part of the fish captured consists of mullet of good size and quality, which are netted in Queens and Watson Taylor Lakes. The steamer traffic is irregular, otherwise a larger fishing population could be main'. ~~:rO~' N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report, 1906 Approximately 29 men and ten boats were involved in the estuarine fishery ~6 with marked fluctuations in effort, as a function of availability of transport. Documented impacts upon the Camden Haven fishery of the time included sedimentation with a subsequent change in distribution of seagrasses (particularly the previously sandy oyster dredge beds of the entrance channel) and the harvesting of mangroves for use in oyster cultivation. By 1909 most of the mangrove areas adjacent to the oyster cultivation areas of the Camden Haven had been harvested:- - 23 - I am informed that a motor boat has been supplied by the lessee (Mr J.F. Gibbons) for the purpose of towing and collecting mangroves for' spat catching. The heavy inroads made on this material has almost exhausted the home supply, and in future long distances will have to be traversed for suitable supplies. N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report, 1909 Regulations were later formulated in an attempt to ensure the more efficient utilization of mangroves harvested for use in oyster cultivation. By 1938, experiments were being carried out to determine a suitable replacement for mangroves. By approximately 1950, the entire N.S.W. oyster industry had adopted hardwood stakes as a suitable replacement for mangroves. The estuarine fishing industry developed during the pre-World War I period with the establishment of an iceworks in 1911. By 1915, the North Coast Railway ensured the regular transport to Sydney market of the catch. Effort during this period varied and was largely depend~nt on the comparative return for effort from fishing and alte.cnL~i..ive a.t:ea"s 0': employment such as forestry. By 1919, the industry was well established with 32 men employed in the industry. Two of these men were involved in offshore fishing for lobsters and snapper, Equipment included 7 launches, 1 steamer (offshore), 11 boats and 5 punts. Methods used were principally meshing and hauling. Hauling often involved the cooperative effort of up to ten fishermen. The use of hand winches reduced the effort involved in this method of fishing. c;; Over the period 1920 to 1930 there was generally greater than 25, but less than 30, men employed in the estuarine fishery. This was a period of stabilization with some slight improvement in methods and equipment. Expansion of the Camden Haven estuarine fishery did not occur during this period as a direct result of the development of the offshore trawling industry in the Sydney region. Comments from the 1926 N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report on the impact of the development of the trawling industry on estuarine fisheries of N.S.W. are as follows:I have frequently pointed out that the Trawling industry has not been an unqualified blessing, seeing that it is crushing mullet from the market and reducing the number of inshore fishermen operating. Mullet has been the great standby of these fishermen, and it does not pay them to capture the better class fish, which of course are not in such prolific shoals, unless they can at the same time find a market for the mullet. Deep-sea flathead is steadily capturing the publi0 taste, and the catches of mullet are decreasing so that our figures disclose the fact that the total catch of fish passing through the market today is little more than when the inshore fishermen only were operating. The reader is referred to the Annual Report of 1928 for a detailed evaluation of the aff.ect of the offshore trawling industry on the estuarine fisheries. The period 1930 to World War II saw a marked increase in effort Camden Haven fishery with, by 1939, approximately 55 to 60 men employed in the estuarine sector of the Camden Haven fishery. This period also saw the development of fishing regulations limiting area and method - 24 - meshing nets in the entrance channel of caPtur~ In 1933, the use was prohibited. Haulin~ nets ere restricted to 400 fathoms length in eens and Watson Taylor Lakes. In 1942, this 1938 for the waters of both regulation was modified suc that hauling nets in Watson Taylor and Queens any method other than against a stake or backLakes could not be landed uld not exceed 25 fathoms of mesh not less than net, the length of which one inch. ~uAt+-.. The per/od following World War II saw the development of other- , sectors of th;t'dustry, particularly the inshore prawn fishery and the \ offshore line d trap fishery, with a subsequent reduction in effort in the estuarine ishery. Fish stocks during this period were reported to be declining throughout the estuarine waters of N.S.W. Decreases in catch during this period were attributed to closer settlement and land clearing, with the subsequent problems of siltation and pollution. Mullet production during this period was variable with market fluctuations, adverse climatic conditions and a reported decline in stocks affecting the fishery. Effort in the Camden Haven estuarine fishery over this period varied, with a general trend of decline (refer to Figure 4). The present Camden Haven estuarine fishery supports some 18 persons who are believed to be employed generally full-time in the estuarine scale fish and prawn fisheries. As well as the normal regulations applying to estuarine fisheries, area and method of capture within the Entrance Channel, Gogleys Lagoon and Stingray Creek are stipulated. The Entrance channel below the eastern entrance of Gogleys Lagoon is prohibited for all types of fishing with the exception that meshing nets of a mesh throughout of not less than 15 mm may be used for the capture of Mulloway. Fishing by means of all nets is prohibited in Gogleys Creek entrance. Within Gogleys Lagoon, the Entrance Channel and Stingray Creek fishing is prohibited by means of meshing nets except by the method known as splashing during October to March J.-:..- I'~ in;J:::t/1. Discussions with local fishermen led to the following list of comments concerning changes to the estuarine fishery and problems associated with present p~Ges:)p • I_~· f-- / Fishermen suggested that there was a need for prawn size regulation to restrict the capture of undersized prawns (often sold as bait at a lower price) • Beach hauling during spawning migrations requires regulation. Fishermen suggested that a large number of men entered the fishery temporarily during these periods, affecting the longterm catch of permanent professionals and resulting in market gluts. Total populations of all fish species would appear to have decreased in size, with meshing becoming an inefficient method of capture. Setting is reported to be now carried out over a longer period to ensure reasonable catches. The training walls are believed to have altered the migratory and estuary-recruitment patterns of the mullets, Luderick and whitings. - ______________ ;;> Associated with the construction of the training walls , sand shoals within the entrance channel have increased in extent. - 25 - Watson Taylor Lake has markedly reduced in depth on account of siltation over the past thirty years. Queens Lake would appear to have a denser coverage of benthic flora than say ten years ago, with increased progradation of the entrance channel sand spits. Freshes within the estuary are now sudden and of reduced time period. It was suggested that previously runoff persisted for a longer period, with a subsequent longer period of brackish conditions prevailing throughout the estuary. These issues are discussed within Section 3.4 of this report. Data pertaining to some of these issues was presented in previous Technical Reports (Creighton, 1982, 1984; Creighton and Morgan, 1982). 3.2 Catch and Life History Features of Selected Species The following discussion presents detailed data on ~ Ie spe~ies predominating in the Camden Haven estuarine catch - S~~, Flatta i l and Sand mullet, River garfish, Sand whiting, Luderick and Dusky flathead. Data presented includes a summary of the life history features, areas and methods of capture, total catch - Camden Haven and N.S.W., seasonality and comments on the apparent trends in the commercial catch. Additional species are discussed briefly. Species included in this discussion include school and Greasyback prawns, Trumpeter whiting, Yellowfin bream and the Mud crab. FIGURE 6: RIVER GARFISH. SEASONALITY 1980 to 1981 OF CAMDEN HAVEN 4,000 3,000 2,000 KQ/McI'IIh ~OOO J FMAMJJASONDJ FMAMJJASOND 1980 1981 CATCH • , - 26 - 3.2. I River garfish (Hemirhamphus ardeZio) Life History Features: The River garfish is found within the estuaries of southern Queensland and N.S.W. It inhabits shallow, weedy flats and ranges from the entrance of the estuaries to almost the tidal limit. All features of the garfish's life cycle are achieved within the estuarine environment. Spawning is believed to occur over the period september to November. Eggs (comparatively large) are attached by means of fine, hair-like filaments to the benthic flora of the flats which form their normal habitat (Roughley, 1966). No information is available on growth rates and seasonal movements within the estuaries. Thomson (1959d) classified River garfish as a herbivore, reporting that Zostera sp. dominates their food intake. He suggested that diatoms and algaes comprised less than 20% of their diet • • • It has been suggested that River garfish may occasionally migrate to adjacent estuaries. Virtually no information is available, however one such incidence was reported for the Hastings River in the N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report, 1909:- unusual occurrence in connection with river garfish took place in July, when a fair school of remarkably fine fish from 3 oz to 51 oz in weight, a few sea fish interspersed amongst them, entered from sea, probably having migrated from some adjacent river. An Further Information: Roughley, 1966; Thomson, 1959a,d. Areas and Methods of Capture, Camden Haven: Garfish are captured by the use of small meshed nets either by beach hauling across seagrasses or bullringing a school. Within Camden Haven, fish are captured, particularly by bullringing, in Queens Lake (entrance area and channel area extending to Herons Creek), Stingray Creek and the entrance channel. Commercial catches peak in the mid-year, with significant catches from May through to November. Catch for the Camden Haven, Camden Haven and N.S.W. Total Catch: total catch for N.S.W. and percentage caught in inshore waters of N.S.W. are displayed in the accompanying figures. Catch for the Camden Haven prior to 1953 represents all species of garfish. Given the composition and relative catch rates of all species as available from 1953 onwards, it is suggested that these data are representative of'the River garfish catch (albeit slightly greater). After 1952, catch of River garfish for the Camden Haven fluctuated markedly. There would seem to be a trend of increasing catch over the period 1959 to 1972 following a sharp reduction in catch in the years 1957 and 1959. Catch after 1972 has fluctuated markedly, however yearly catch has never exceeded the maximum recorded catch in 1956 of 7.2 tonnes. Data for total catch in ~.S.W. waters is available for the period 1953 to 1979. The total catch displays marked fluctuations with a maximum catch in 1974 of 135 tonnes. Total catch has declined continuously since 1974 with minimum yearly catch of 19 tonnes in 1979. The maximum catch of 1974 corresponds to the maximum proportion of the catch captured in inshore ~ RIVER GARFISH CAMlEN HAVEN 8 6 TONNES 4 • 2 RIVER NSW- ESTUARfiE AN) GtlRA~H INSHORE 150 TONNES 100 ~o % RIVER GARFISH - INSHORE 30 % 20 10 1940 1950 1980 - 27 - waters (20%). For all other years for which information is available, greater than 90% of the catch was captured in estuarine waters. River Garfish and Estuary Condition: River garfish is a particular target species requiring a particular net. No information is currently available on effort. However, because of the particular method of catch, it is suggested that information on effort may be easily collected. Noting the seasonal abundance of River garfish and the recruitment to mature stock and thus exploitation of stock during the middle portion of the calendar year, it is suggested that catch statistics for each estuary should be collected for calendar, not financial, years. • with respect to the Camden Haven, professional fishermen suggested that the catch of River garfish reflected both market demand and the abundance of the local population. They suggested that the local population has declined over the period post-World War II. The limited data that is available supports this contention • Because River garfish generally carries out all features of its life cycle within estuaries, it may be an appropriate index of estuarine condition. Data requirements for analysis of catch statistics with this end objective in mind are as follows:Information on the carrying capacity and total population of particular estuaries; Further information on life history features (e.g., movements and response to environmental 'baseline' factors); Yearly description of market factors and their influence on effort; Alteration of the method of collection of catch statistics to provide calendar year statistics for each estuary; and Information on effort for each particular estuary. If such data was collected, River garfish may provide an appropriate index of estuary condition for a particular feeding type - the herbivores. @ DUSKY FLATHEAD CAttC:lEN HAVEN 30 N.A. 20 / • TONNES 10 FLATHEADS (Unditt.-ioted ) \. \ \ NSW- ESTUARINE AND INSHORE \ 400 ....,FLATHEADS ....... . ..., \ '"'.\ 3)0 \ TONNES r.- \.-" .\ \ 200 DUSKY 100 FLATt£AD % DUSKY FLATHEAD- INSHORE 20 % 10 1940 1950 1960 1910 1980 - 3.2.2 28 - Dusky Flathead (PLatycephaLus fuscus) Life History Features: Features of the life history of Dusky flathead are detailed below. Most of the information presented is adapted from SPCC (1981). This study detailed the ecology of various species within the marine-dominated embayment of Botany Bay and its associated estuaries - Cooks and Georges Rivers. with a similar diversity of habitats present within the barrier estuaries of N.S.W., it is suggested that the results of the Botany Bay study are applicable, at least in general terms, to the barrier estuaries of N.S.W. Spawning: over the Jllil-):iod D~er to April with peak in February; sE-awning habita~is Zostera weed beds within the estuaries; Habitats of post-larva';~ smal~ juveniles: grass, mangroves and shallow mud; Habitats of large juveniles: deep mud (winter); Zostera sea- deep mud and shallows (summer); Habitats of adults: Zostera seagrass (summer); Zostera seagrass (winter); deep mud and Feeding type: small size class - Macrophagic Carnivore (fish and crustaceans); large size class - Macrophagic Carnivore (crustaceans and fish) ; Similar spawning periods as that detailed above have been documented for the Camden Haven region (N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Reports, 1903-1909; Creighton, 1983). Thomson (1959c) tagged Dusky flathead in an attempt to ascertain their movements in response to prevailing environmental conditions. He stated that there was no evidence of movement of flathead, in Lake Macquarie, but noted that they were tagged and recaptured in small numbers (13 returns over a three year period) . Further Information: Roughley, 1966; Thomson, 1959c,d; SPCC, 1981. • Areas and Methods of Capture, Camden Haven: Dusky flathead are captured using the techniques of meshing and setting. Within Watson Taylor Lake the main areas of capture are the sandy substrate channel areas associated with Camden Haven ~nd Stewarts Rivers and the entrance channel. Within Queens Lake the channel areas, particularly along the southern bank associated with Stingray and Herons Creeks, provide most of the catch for this lake. Commercial catches peak over the mid-year - April to July with reduced catches throughout the remainder of the year. Camden Haven and N.S.W. Total Catch: Catch for the Camden Haven, total catch for N.S.W. and percentage caught in inshore waters of N.S.W. are displayed in the accompanying figures. Catch for the Camden Haven prior to 1953 represents the total flathead catch and includes the catch of Sand flathead (PZatycephaLus arenarius). Methods of catch utilized in the Camden Haven fishery of the time were not conducive to large catches of Sand flathead - inshore trawling being virtually non-existent. It is suggested that total flathead catch approximates the Dusky flathead catch. Information available (N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Reports) suggests - 29 - that virtually all the catch was obtained from estuarine waters. Maximum total flathead catch for the period of available information was 27.4 tonnes (1945). After 1952 catch of Dusky flathead initially increased from 6.1 tonnes in 1953 to a peak of 19.3 tonnes in 1955. Catches for all years following except 1966 and 1967 were less than 13 tonnes. Where information was available (1950s to 1960s) virtually the total catch was obtained from estuarine waters. The trend of rapid decline then approximate stabilization presented by the Camden Haven catch is similar to that detailed for Lake Macquarie by Thomson (1959a). This may be simply the result of sustained fishingeffortand, for that matter, increased amateur effort. Insufficient information is available to confirm this, or to quantify any changes to the total population that may have resulted from estuary condition. • Data for total catch in N.S.W. waters is available for the period 1941 to 1979 (all years except 1943 and 1944). The overall trend in total catch is similar to that for the Camden Haven. The N.S.W. total catch displays a marked reduction in catch over the period 1941 to 1954, with catch declining from 500 tonnes to 115 tonnes. Following this marked reduction in catch, the yearly total catch appears to show cyclical variations, ranging from 120 tonnes to 220 tonnes over a period of years. Up until 1972 catch from inshore waters was generally less than 7\. Maximum proportion of catch from inshore waters of 20.5\ occurred in 1976. It is suggested that the recent variations in area of capture may be attributed, at least in part, to the development of the inshore school prawn fishery. During periods of significant fresh water discharge and low salinities within estuaries, Dusky flathead may be significant in the fish by-catch of the inshore School prawn trawl fishery. For example, this is particularly apparent in the area known as the 'bullring' off the Clarence bar. Catches of Dusky flathead by school prawn trawlers within the Clarence estuary are generally insignificant. Dusky Flathead and Estuarine Condition: All features of the Dusky flathead's life history are attained within the estuarine environment. It has been suggested that Dusky flathead may move between nearby estuaries (pers. comm. - N.S.W. State Fisheries). No documented occurrences of such movements are known to this author. Further investigation is warranted. Given the estuarine dependence of Dusky flathead, it may provide a suitable index of estuary condition. Because Dusky flathead is a macrophagic carnivore and therefore comparatively divorced from the primary production of estuaries when compa-red ~ River garf~~, analysis of catch rates may be more complex than that for River garfish. Data requirements for such an analysis include the following:-Information on the carrying capacity and total population of particular estuaries; Further information on life history features (e.g., movements and response to environmental 'baseline' factors, growth rates and movements between estuaries?); • - 30 - Yearly description of market factors and their influence on effort; Alteration of the method of collection of catch statistics to provide calendar year statistics for each estuary; and Information on effort for each particular estuary. Complexities are associated with the collection of effort data because Dusky flathead is often not the target species of the inshore zone'. These resultant incidental catches comprise 'a significant proportion of the total catch. Further investigation of these concepts and alterations to the methods and content of statistical information collected for the fishery is recommended . • FIGURE 8: DUSKY FLATHEAD. SEASONALITY 1980 to OF CAMDEN HAVEN 1981. 4,000 3pOO Kg/Month 2POO IPOO JFMAMJJASONDJ 1980 FMAMJJASOND 1981 CATCH, MULLET @FLATTAIL CAMDEN HAVEN TONNES 10 5 400 300 TONNES 200 100 NSW- ESTUARINE % FLATTAIL 3 20 10 1940 1950 AND MULLET - INSHORE INSHORE - 31 - 3.2.3 Flattail Mul let (Liza argentea) Life History Features: Flattail mullet are distributed throughout southern and eastern Australia from Fremantle (W.A.) to Cooktown (Qld). The species is most abundant within N.S.W. and southern Queensland. Features of the life hsitory of Flattail mullet are detailed below. As with the previous commentary on Dusky flathead, most of the information is adapted from SPCC (1981). Similar comments on the applicability of this data to barrier estuaries apply. Spawning: over the period October to June with peak in the period February to April; spawning habitat is within the estuaries and possibly also inshore; Habitats of post-larvae and small juveniles: probably in a passive mode; Habitats of large juveniles: throughout the year; mangroves, upper estuary and river, Habitats of adults: seagrass and shallow sand (summer); upper river and shallow sand (winter); Feeding type: small size class - Omnivore (insects and algae); large size class - Herbivore/Detritivore (detritus and algae) . Thomson (1959b,c) provided an estimate of the total population of Flattail mullet and detailed their movements within Lake Macquarie. He suggested that Flattail mullet were continually on the move around the shallows of the lake, generally within schools. The reader is referred to the following list of reports and papers for further information on the Flattail mullet. ~ @; F" rt hec I 0 fornet I 0", SPC(@1981. Roughl.y (i)qt ,Q,66, Tho~on, 1959:~C 8 Areas and Methods of Capture, Camden Haven: Flattail mullet are captured using the techniques of meshing and setting. A large proportion of the catch is incidental to the main target species, Sea mullet,. Refer to the later discussion on areas of capture of Sea mullet for detail on specific areas. The commercial catch of Flattail mullet peaks in midyear over the period May to July. Significant catches may occur throughout the remainder of the year, though very limited numbers are captured for the period November to February. Camden Haven and N.S.W. Total Catch: Catch for the Camden Haven, total catch for N.S.W. and percentage caught in inshore waters of N.S.W. are displayed in the accompanying figures .•- No data is available on catch ,./. for both Camden Haven and N.S.W. prior to 1953. The catches for both Camden Haven and N.S.W. show marked yearly fluctuations. This may be compounded by the present method of collecting data for financial years rather than calendar years, presenting a distorted impression of the actual yearly mature stock. . Maximum catches for the Camden Haven were in 1960 and 1974 (15.7 and 11.8 tonnes respectively). Catches for the Camden Haven of less than c - 32 - 2 tonnes occurred in the period 1961 to 1967 (inclusive) and from 1979 to 1981 (inclusive). Maximum total catch for N.S.W. of 492 tonnes occurred in 1962. Minimum catch for the period 1953 to 1979 was 80 tonnes in 1979. limited period of data available does not present any particular trend in total catch for either the Camden Haven or N.S.W. No information is available that allows for comment on the recent low levels of catch. It should be noted, .however, that th~(.,marked reduction in catches is ~;~t replicated by either the Sea or the Sand mullet catches. Th; Flattai I Mul let and Estuary Condition: All features of the Flattail mullet life history are attained within the estuarine environment. SPCC (1981) suggest that Flattail mullet may, as well as spawning within estuarine waters, spawn close inshore. If so, dependent on the direction and behaviour of inshore currents, this may.allow for the repopulation of adjacent estuaries. Further investigation of the spawning behaviour of Flattail mullet is required. -'Flattail mullet, an omnivore, would complement Dusky flathead (Macrophagic carnivore) and River garfish (herbivore) as an indicator of estuary condition. Data requirements for such analysis are similar to those previously listed for Dusky flathead, viz. carrying capacity and total population per estuary, further information on life history features - particularly spawning behaviour and response to 'baseline' factors, calendar year statistics and information on effort (again complicated because of the role of the incidental catch). FIGURE 10: FLATTAIL CATCH, MULLET, SEASONALITY OF CAMDEN 1980 to 1981. 600 400 Kg/Month 200 J FMAMJJ ASONDJ FMAMJa ASOND 1980 1981 HAVEN - 33 - 3.2.4 Luderick (GireZZa triouspidata) Life History Features: Life history features of the Luderick, as adapted from SPCC (1981), are as follows:Spawning: over the period October to December with peak in October; spawning habitat is the inshore waters; Main period of recruitment to the estuary: December; Habitats of post-larvae and juveniles: probably in a passive mode; Habitats of large juveniles: October to Zostera seagrass, Zostera seagrass; Habitats of adults: estuarine channels, rocky reefs and Z08tera seagrass/ Feeding type: small size class - Omnivore (algae an~ co:'epods); large size class - Herbivore (algae and Zostera). Thomson (1959d) suggests that filamentous algae dominates the diet of Luderick. with respect to their movements, Thomson (1959c) suggested that movement within Lake Macquarie did not form any particular pattern. Four of the Luderick tagged by Thomson (1959c) were recaptured remote from the lake - two in the Sydney region (Botany Bay and Port Jackson) and two on the mid-north coast (Laurieton and Forster). N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Reports for the years 1903 to 1909 document the movement of schools of Luderick adjacent to the Hastings entrance. Results are summarized in Table 2. TABLE 2: Year Luderick movements, Hastings estuary Passing Hastings entrance 1903 Entering estuary January, May 1904 October, November October, November 1905 July to October July, August, October 1906 Nil Nil 1907 April, May, July, September, October April, May, September, October 1908 June, July, October, November June, October, November 1909 May, June, July, December May, June, July, September, December Area and Methods of Capture, Camden Haven: The entrance channel is the main area of capture of Luderick within the Camden Haven estuary. Fish are captured using the method of meshing (with splashing). Meshing and ( /q,1 \J LUOERICK CAMDEN HAVEN 30 20 IN.A., • lONNES 10 800 \ NSW - ESTUARINE AND INSHORE 600 TONNES 400 200 % LUDERICK - ·INSHORE (NSW) 25 20 % 15 10 5 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 - 34 - setting for Luderick is also carried out within Watson Taylor Lake, particularly in the channel areas between camden Haven River and the entrance channel. Some Luderick are captured by these techniques in Stingray Creek. Virtually no Luderick are captured within Queens Lake. The Camden Haven catch may also include Luderick captured in inshore waters using normal beach hauling techniques. The commercial catch displays a seasonal peak over the period March to July, with significant catches throughout the remainder of the year. Camden Haven and N.S.W. Total Catch: Catch for the Camden Haven, total catch for N.S.W. and percentage caught in inshore waters of N.S.W. are displayed in the accompanying figures. Catch for the Camden Haven is available for 1941, 1942 and from 1945 to present. Camden Haven catch display~a marked decline in the early 1950s, with gradual recovery to the maximum recorded yearly catch of 27 tonnes in 1971. All previously detailed species displayed maximum annual catch in the 1940s. Since 1971, the Camden Haven catch has been reduced, but still at least equal to the catch of the 1940s. N.S.W. total catch displays a somewhat similar trend to the Camden Haven catch, with generally increasing catches over the late 1950s and 1960s. Maximum catch of 880 tonnes in 1973 is slightly lower than the maximum recorded catch of 900 tonnes in 1941. As with the Camden Haven catch, annual catch has declined following the early 1970's maximum. Luderick and Estuary Condition: with the longshore movement of" Luderick as previously detailed, the species is not suitable as a resident index of estuary condition for a particular estuary. Catch of Luderick may, however, provide some indication of conditions within estuaries. Later discussion details the relative proportions of all species in the Camden Haven estuary catch. Th!S'information, together with the data on Camden Haven total catch of Luderick, suggests that conditions relevant to the Luderick fishery have changed significantly" Increased catch of Luderick and increased proportion of total catch may be attributed to one or both of the following factors:a) increased utilization of the total population; b) increased carrying capacity of the Camden Haven estuary. Creighton (1983) detailed the levels of enrichments (particularly phosphates and nitrates) entering the Camden Haven estuary. The levels of these enrichments were considered to exceed natural levels. Sources include fertilizers applied to agricultural lands and adsorbed to soil particles which entered the estuary during significant erosive events, and inadequate treatment of human waste, particularly via septic tanks. Similar problems and resultant impacts on the fish biota have been detialed for the Peel-Harvey estuary, Western Australia (Department of Conservation and Environment, W.A., 1981). With filament~ algae dominating Luderick's diet, it is suggested that changes in water quality (and thus the primary productivity of the estuary) may have allowed for enlargement of the total population of Luderick within the estuary. As with all other comments on estuary condition made within this section of the report, further information is required. FIGURE 15: SAND WHITING. SEASONALITY 1980 CATCH, to OF CAMDEN HAVEN 1981 . 500 Kg/Month • J FMAMJJASONDJ FMAMJJAS OND 1980 1981 FIGURE 17: LUDERICK. 1980 SEASONALITY to OF CAMDEN HAVEN 1981. 31)00 2POO IPOO J FMAMJJ ASON OJ FMAMJ J ASOND 1980 1981 CATCH, - 35 - 3.2.5 Sand Whiting (SiZZago aiZiata) Life History Features: Sand whiting are distributed throughout south-eastern and eastern Australia with the main area of capture being central to northern N.S.W. and southern Queensland. Features of the life history of Sand whiting are detailed below. As with previous commentaries, most of this information is adapted from SPCC (1981). Spawning: over the period February to April with 'peak in February; spawning habitat is close inshore, probably the surf zone and possibly also sand bars at estuary entrances; Habitats of post-larvae and small juveniles: shallow sand and Zostera seagrass; probably in a passive mode; Habitats of large juveniles: shallow sand and patchy Zostera; Habitats of adults: shallow sand; Feeding type: small size class - Carnivore (polychaetes and amphipods); large size class - Carnivore (polychaetes and crustaceans) • Cleland (1947) details information on growth rates, spawning time and areas of capture within N.S.W. and Queensland. He suggests that there is a difference of some three months between spawning times, but that no raciation of the stock exists. Cleland contends that the lack of raciation is due to the distribution of larvae and post-larvae by inshore currents rather than any actual migration of juvenile or mature stock. Sources of further information on the Sand whiting are detailed below. 1966; Further information: SPCC, 1981. Cleland, 1947; Thomson, 1959d; Roughley, Areas and Methods of Capture, Camden Haven: Whiting are captured predominantly by meshing (with splashing). Most of the Camden Haven catch is taken from the entrance channel and Stingray Creek. Depending on physio-chemical conditions, catches may also be taken from the sandy channel areas of Queens and Watson Taylor Lakes. The commercial catch of Sand whiting displays two seasonal peaks - autumn and spring (refer to Figure 15). Camden Haven and N.S.W. Total Catch: Catch for the Camden Haven, total catch for N.S.W. and percentage caught in inshore waters of N.S.W. are displayed in the accompanying figures. The percentage caught in inshore waters displays a marked upward trend from the mid-1960s. This can be directly attributed to the development of the inshore prawn trawl fishery. It is not known whether Sand whiting's utilization of inshore areas is primarily a function of physio-chemical factors associated with river freshes or whether whiting utilize inshore areas for feeding throughout their adult life cycle. Given the reduced fluctuation in percentage of Sand whiting captured in inshore waters compared to that for Trumpeter whiting (Figure 22) it is tentatively suggested that Sand whiting may utilize inshore waters for feeding throughout their adult life cycle. r SAND WHITING CAMDEN HAVEN 4 \ N.A. :3 TONNES 2 WHITING (Undi fferentioteel) SAND NSW - ESTUARINE ,[' WHITING AND INSHORE '- 200 NA TOI'fo£S CatdI- 100 \ --'\ /'\ r---'" v " \_---' 'I \/ WHITING v SAND WHITING \ \ .. .,,,\\ I \ V' " I Estuarine -•••• (Undifferentiated) % SAND WHITING- INSHORE 40 30 20 10 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 - 36 - Catch of whiting for the Camden Haven prior to 1953 includes the associated species Trumpeter whiting (SiZZago macuZata). Figures available for the composition of the Camden Haven whiting catch suggest that Trumpeter whiting comprise, on average, less than 2.5% of the total catch of whiting. Maximum catch of Trumpeter whiting for the Camden Haven was 150 kg in 1960, comprising 8.5% of the total whiting catch for that year. It is suggested that the total catch of whiting prior to 1953 approximates that for Sand whiting. Over the period, as for most of the other species dominating the Camden Haven catch, the total catch displayed a marked decline. Catch of Sand whiting for the Camden Haven after 1953, while displaying marked yearly fluctuations, is at best stabilized, possibly increasing over rec~t years. To date, however, annual catch has not exceeded the maximum yearly catch-.af-3.9 tonnes in 1945. The N.S.W. total catch displays/a significant upward trend in total catch from 1953 to 1979. This trend is replicated by the proportion of the total catch caught in inshore waters. Sand Whiting and Estuary Condition: The lack of raciation detailed by Cleland (1947) suggests that the inshore spawning of Sand whiting is sufficient to ensure both a homogenous population and the recruitment of post-larvae/juveniles to the estuaries of the N.S.W. coast. Sand whiting catch may be useful as an indicator of conditions within N.S.W. estuaries in total, rather than as an index of condition for a particular estuary. The upward trend of total N.S.W. catch can be attributed to-the following factors:Change in fishing methods have allowed for an increased level of harvesting of the total population; and \ I . The increased harvesting of the mature stock has allowed fora greater proportion of juveniles to survive to maturity (assuming food stocks are finite and fully exploited); and/or Conditions within N.S.W. estuaries have altered, thereby allowing for increased populations of Sand whiting. Information available suggests that all these factors may be of importance, with the trend in the estuarine catch (dashed line on figure) replicating that for the total catch. It is suggested that Trumpeter whiting may provide a more useful indicator of estuary condition for particular estuaries. Trumpeter whiting are known to spawn in the deep sand areas of estuaries (SPeC, 1981). Feeding characteristics of the two species are similar. Total' catch of Trumpeter whiting for N.S.W. and the proportion caught within inshore waters are displayed in Figure 22. Total catch for the Camden Haven, where information is available, is also presented in this figure. Information for the Camden Haven is insufficient for analysis. The proportion of Trumpeter whiting caught within inshore waters of N.S.W. fluctuates markedly. This may be attributed to the varying physio-chemical conditions experienced within estuaries as a function of .I TRUMPETER CAMDEN WHITING HAVEN 0·15 0·1 TONNES 0·05 N.A. NSW- ESTUARINE 40 AND Total catch TONNES \ I 20 \ I catch 10 % TRUMPETER WHITING - V INSHOR! 70 60 0/0 50 40 30 20 10 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 - 37 - climatic variations. Both total catch for N.S.W. within estuarine and inshore waters display an upward trend. It is tentatively suggested that alterations to conditions within N.S.W. estuaries may have allowed for an increased population of both whiting species. Information is not available to confirm this hypothesis. Data requirements necessary for such an analysis and to quantify the trends in both whiting stocks are as follows:Information on the carrying capacity and total populations of particular estuaries; Further information on life history features (e.g., movements and response to environmental 'baseline' factors, growth rates and utilization of the inshore environment by mature stocks); Yearly description of market factors and their influence on effort; Alteration of the method of collection of catch statistics to provide information on particular age classes; Information on effort for each particular estuary; Information on changes to N.S.W. estuaries (e.g., changes in configuration and quantity of sandy substrates as a result of entrance training walls). FIGURE 12: SEA MULLET. 1980 to SEASONALITY OF CAMDEN HAVEN 1981. 2SpOO 20,000 15,000 10,000 Kg/Month 5,000 JFMAMJJASONDJ 1980 FMAMJJASONP 1981 CATCH. @ SEA MULLET CAMDEN HAVEN 300 200 TONNES 100 \NA~ MULLETS NSW - ESTUARINE AND INSHORE 3,000 Ta.lNES 2POO 1,000 MULLETS SEA MULLET % SEA MULLET - INSHORE 30 20 10 1940 1950 1960 1970 1900 - 38 - 3.2.6 Sea Mul let (Mugil cephalus) Life History Features: Sea mullet is found in the coastal waters and estuaries of the tropical and subtropical zones throughout the world. Thomson (1963) provides detailed data on the distribution and ahundance of Sea mullet. Because Sea mullet is the dominant species in the N.S.W. estuarine catch, a large amount of information is available on its life history. The following summary presents a brief review of this information. Sources of further information are listed following the summary. Spawning: over the period April to July with peak in April; habitat is usually offshore, however there is some evidence to suggest that M. cephalus may be able to reproduce within an enclosed embayment (Creighton, 1983, reviews the relevant data); Period of recruitment to the estuary: June to October; Habitats of post-larvae and juveniles: Zostera seagrass, intertidal to supratidal areas - mangroves, reeds, sedges; Habitats of large juveniles: seagrasses (summer); estuary and river (winter); upper Habitats of adults: river, estuary, ocean (summer); and river (winter); estuary Feeding type: Detritivore/Herbivore (detritus, diatoms, bluegreen and green algae); main food items may differ with ~t'!-J oN ~ ~ Sea mullet is estuarine dependent in that he major part of the life cycle is spent in-coastat=±akes, rivers and bays, extending up-river to the brackish and fresh portions of the rivers. A smaller portion of its life is spent in inshore waters during various migrations (inclu~ing spawning. J/ ~-l'~ migrations) . 11 ~ t\,... ~i~1 ~ d; ",~, ~ , e, II? / Da~evf(., 1902;_~son, CI' • ~ (r, ~' ,.j. 1;~4,.1' Further information: 1950, 1953, 1955, 1959b,c,d, 1963, 1980; Chubb et al., 1981; Lenanton, 1982; and additional reports and papers as'refe£eneed tcr~-tn these reports. ~ ~ ""~ "r I' (/--~' Areas and Methods of Capture, Camden Haven: Mullets are captured ." using the techniques of meshing and setting throughout the Camden Haven estuary. Activities are carried out in ali areas of watson Taylor Lake and associated creeks and rivers with backwater areas such as Bensons Inlet and Dirty Corner being favoured locations. Within Queens Lake, as with Watson Taylor, it is 'where you find them', however, the northern shore near the entrances to Limeburners, Bobs and Waterloo Creeks are favoured locations. Beach hauling is generally over a period of less than two months' duration, centred on April to May. The fishery displays a marked seasonality with Camden Haven catch greatest during the months February, March, April and May. Significant catches are made throughout the remainder of the year. Camden Haven and N.S.W. Total Catch: Catch for the Camden Haven, total catch for N.S.W. and percentage caught in inshore waters of N.S.W. are displayed in the accompanying figures. Catch for the Camden Haven fjt;':c:.. ~J,1/1 - 39 - prior to 1953 represents the total mullet catch and includes the catch of s~nd and Flattail mullet. Catch data after 1953 displays both the total mullet catch for the Camden Haven and the Sea mullet catch. The close correspondence between these two plots suggests that the total mullet catch prior to 1953 approximates the Camden Haven Sea mullet catch. The ~s er~appears to be stabilized around an average annual catch in excess of 120 tonnes. Recent catch rates, while below average, are not the minimum recorded catch for the Camden Haven. Minimum catch of 35 tonnes recorded in 1957. Total catch for N.S.W. displays a decline over the period 1945 stable, slightly increasing annual catch over the period Thomson (1953) discussed in detail the status of the N.S.W. mullet fisery. Reference to Thomson's report and the problems of analysis of total catch were detailed in Part I of this rePQ For a arge part the post- or ~-peri~d,-marxe ac ors (e.g., gluts, quotas) signifi tly influenced the total catch of Sea mullet. As previously suggested, re nt total catch may represent a larger proportion of thp. tota popu ation. No detailed information is available, howevf'r indica.tions such as the removal of quota restrictions for the Clarence estuary suggest that this may be so. - Sea Mul let and Estuary Condition: Chubb et al. (1981) detail the estuarine dependence of Sea mullet for the Swan-Avon fishery. From extensive sampling of estuarine and nearshore locations, it was found that the commercial fishery was based mainly on individuals that have apparently never been at sea since the first few weeks of their life when they entered the river system as recruits. Insufficient data is available to allow for an analysis of estuary condition based on Sea mullet catch. Most certainly, the drainage of brackish swamps in the post-World War II period has reduced the carrying capacity of the estuaries (e.g.' .~~~l953; Pressey and Middleton, 1982). Information required for an analysis i~d e ~ing:- ~on on th I arrying capacity and total population of partiClI]af../stuaries; • ~Yearly description of market factors and their influence on effort; Alteration of the method of collection of catch statistics to provide information on location of catch, method of catch, and",age class .iet:: each l3aI"ticuJar estnaiFYi Coordination of statistics collected with Queensland and to a lesser extent , Victoria; Information on effort for each particular area of capture; Further data on life history features such as natural mortality rate and behaviour in response to variations in environmental 'baseline' factors. Further investigation of these concepts and alterations to the methods and content of statistical information collected for the fishery - 40 - 3.2.7 Sand Mullet (MYxus elongatus) Life History Features: The Sand mullet is distributed from Western Australia (approximately Fremantle-Swan estuary) to Queensland (approximately Maryborough). Thomson (1980) suggests that it is quite common in estuaries throughout this range. Features of the life history of Sand mullet are detailed below. As with previous descriptions, most of this information is summarized from SPCC (1981). Spawning: over the period December to June with peak in the period December to February; spawning habitat is close inshore; probably near the mouths of estuaries; Main period of recruitment to the estuary: April; February to Habitats of post-larvae and small juveniles: shallow sand (> 81% sand) and Zostera seagrass beds, probably in a passive mode; Habitats of large juveniles: Zostera seagrass beds; Habitats of adults: shallow sand and seagrass (summer); upper river including freshwater and shallow sand (winter); Feeding type: small size class - Microphagic Carnivore (micro-crustaceans); large size class - Detritivore/ Omnivore (detritus, algae and crustaceans). Further information: SPCC, 1981. Roughley, 1966; Thomson, 1954, 1959d, 1980; Areas and Methods of Capture, Camden Haven: Sand mullet are captured within the estuary using the techniques of meshing and setting. As with Sea mullet, beach hauling provides a significant proportion of total catch. Catch, particularly within the estuary,maybe incidental to the main target species, Sea mullet. Refer to the previous discussion on areas of capture of Sea mullet for detail on specific areas. ,Camden Haven and N.S.W. Total Catch: Catch for the Camden Haven, total catch for N.S.W. and percentage caught in inshore waters of N.S.W. are displayed in the accompanying figures. No data are available on catch for either Camden Haven or N.S.W. prior to 1953. The Camden Haven catcn for which information is available displays marked fluctuations. It was suggested to the author that, in some cases, Sand mullet may not have been rigorously separated from the other mullet species. Actual yearly catch is therefore suspect. Maximum catch recorded of 10.4 tonnes occurred in 1975. Annual catches as displayed, are generally much less, with for all other years catch less than 5.2 tonnes. I The limited period of data available for N.S.W. suggests that there has been an upward trend in total catch of Sand mullet. The peak yearly catches do not correlate with the proportion caught within inshore waters. The high yearly catches over the early to mid-1970s period may relate to the flood events and brackish conditions within estuaries over ® SAND MULLET CAMDEN HAVEN 8 6 TONNES 4 2 N.A. NSW- ESTUARINE AND INSHORE 80 60 TONNES 40 20 % SAND MUllET - INSHORE 40 30 20 1940 1950 1960 1910 1980 - 41 - this period. Similar peaks are apparent within the Flattail and Sea mullet \ catches over this period. I Sand Mul let and Estuary Condition: All features of the Sand mullet life history except spawning, are attained within the estuarine environment. Inshore spawning may ensure both a homogenous population and the recruitment of post-larvae/juveniles to the estuaries throughout the Sand mullet's range. Sand mullet's feeding characteristics complement the feeding characteristics of those species previously detailed. It is suggested that further investigation of Sand mullet catch and the factors affecting the catch may provide useful information on both estuary condition and the factors affecting the total population of Sand mullet throughout its range. Data requirements for such analysis are similar to those prevously detailed for other estuarine dependent species that spawn in inshore waters. 3.2.8 Other SpewJes Significant Within the Estuarine Catch Other the following:- specie~of significance within the :stuarine catch include Short-beaked garfish CA. Yellowfin bream scZeroZep~s), \ CA. australis), Silver bfddy (G. ovatus), Tarwhine (R. sarba), Sea garfish (H. australis), Mud 6rab (8. serPata), Blue swimmer or Sand crab (P. pelagicus), School pra~ (M. macleayi) and Greasyback prawn (M. bennettae). All of these s~ecies, except Greasyback prawns, Silver biddy and Sea garfish are generall~\believed to spawn outside the estuarine environment, usually inshore. . . The estuarine spawning species may provide useful indicators of estuary condition for partiCUlar~stuaries. Problems in analysis include the following:• Quantification of effort - for example, Silver biddy and Sea garfish are particular target species for which effort varies markedly; \ Quantification of market factors; po~ulations Lack of knowledge on total city of particular estuaries; ~ and the carrying capa- Lack of knowledge on life history features such as the possible movement of stock between nearby 'estuaries and the influence of environmental 'baseline' facto1s on behaviour; Presentation of data for financial\~ears - most species displaya seasonal abundance which, with the long period of exploitation of the estuarine fish s~ocks, generally represents the catch of a particular age crass. For most species (notable exceptions include the School\and Greasyback prawns) this seasonal abundance correlates clos~r with calendar than financial years; \ Data on catch not available - for example, no data is.available on the catch of Greasyback prawns within estuaries. FIGURE 18: SEASONALITY ESTUARY. OF PRAWN 1980 to 1981 . CATCH. CAMlEN HAVEN 4,00 3,000 Kg/Month 2/)00 1,000 J F MAMJ J AS ON OJ FMAMJ J AS OND 1980 1981 FIGURE 21: BREAM. SEASONALITY 1980 to OF CAMDEN HAVEN CATCH. 1981. KO/ Month 200 100 J FMAMJJASONDJFMAMJ JASOND 1980 1981 - 42 - Problems involved in the collection of such data include the quantification of recreational/amateur effort and the method of catch. Greasyback prawns may be a separate catch when hauling and pocket netting techniques are used within estuaries. However, no separation of School from Greasyback prawns, and for that matter, from other species such as juvenile King prawns (P. plebejus) is possible for the estuarine prawn trawl fishery. As for prawns, there is no separation within the data recorded for crab species. It is suggested that the Mud crab, while generally believed to spawn in inshore waters (e.g., Hill, 1982), may provide a useful index of estuarine condition. Separation of the crab catch into species and further investigation is recommended. As with the previously detailed seven species, further investigation and the quantification of all these factors is recommended. Later discussion (Section 3.4) details a suggested method for improvement in collection and content of catch statistics for the N.S.W. estuarine/inshore fisheries. 3.3 Community Assessment Fish communities appear to undergo similar changes when subject to loading, whether it be from pollution, modification of the environment or fishing pressure. In an attempt to provide some information on such a phenomena, the proportion of total catch for the seven key species of th~ Camden Haven fishery was-calculated. Figure 19 presents this information and is based on yearly returns, as made available by the Laurieton Cooperative. Comments on each of the seven species are as follows:River garfish: Proportion of total catch represented by River garfish displays a range of 0.5% to 10.5%, with a trend of increasing, but fluctuating proportion of total catch apparent from the late 1950s to present. This conforms with the ~ove general comments for a fish commu~subject to loading. Proportion of catch displayed a maximum over the period 1955 to 1957 far in excess of that for the following years. • Dusky flathead: Proportion of total catch represented by Dusky flathead displays peaks over the periods 1954 to 1957, 1966 to 1968 and 1978 to 1981. These peaks are progressively of reduced magnitude, with an apparent trend of decline for all other years. Professional fishermen reported that there has been a reduction in the average size of Dusky flathead captured, so that recent years may represent a greater and younger proportion of the available stock. No precise information is available to confirm these claims. Flattai I mul let: The proportion of total catch of this species displays marked fluctuations with a peak in 1960 (13.5% of the total catch) and 1974 (9.1% of total catch). While the period of information available is limited and in no way represents an indication of the natural stock, prior to both exploitation and the alteration of estuary condition associated with land use practice, it is suggested that the data available presents a slight decline in the Flattail mullet proportion of the total catch. Sand whiting: In all years except 1957 (3.0% of total catch), Sand whiting has accounted for less than 2.5% of the total catch. The J FIGURE 19' VARIATION SPECIES IN COMPOSITION . SEA 901 ,\ nl f\ CAMDEN \ f\ II to 1980. I LUDERICK /\/ V V \ f \ I 20 ~15 1\ A II 1\ CATCH, 1940 ESTUARY HAVEN I MULLET A MULLET (Undifferentiated ) 851 ~, \ OF V '\ - / \I ~IO .5 75-1 NA. 70 1 1 \ II ( \ I I \ \ 1-0 V 1/ WHITING (Undiffennlioled ) 651 SAND l5 WHITING ~ :1 50 I II 1/ J\- 45-1 "I \ ) .5 /\r-...... N.A.~ Lo A FLATHEAD I 51 f I/I(~'V\ "- NA . . 0-1 SAND 1940 1-10 A MULLET 10 :1 lis -. GARFISH RIVER GARFISH (Undifferentiated) 1 ~ FLATTAIL to , 1950 1\6 19rO MULLET 1\ "'- ~. T70 I tl5 A DUSKY FLATHEAD I .10 V - '-I \ I \/\ f .5 , N.A. I!fSO . 1140 10 1950 1960 19'70 la80 % Catch - 43 - proportion'of total catch would appear to be fairly stable around an average of 1.5%. Luderick: Luderick is the one species of the seven spee4es investigated which displayS~ marked increase in proportion of total catch~maximum in 1971 - 16.2%)~ Average proportions for each of the deca~s of available information are as follows:- ~ I' 1940-49: 1950-59 7.7% 6.8% 1960-69 6.7% 1970-79 11.6% (7 years only) It was previously suggested that the increase in proportion of total catch may be related to enrichment of the estuary, thereby providing a greater available food stock and thus a greater total popUlation of Luderick wi thin the estuary. Other factors, as detailed previously, may be of significance. Further investigation would be required to detenr.ine the precise reasons for this shift in the proportion o~ the total catch. Sea mul let: Of all the species detailed, Sea mullet displays the most marked fluctuations, from a minimum of 48.5% to'a maximum of 88% of the total catch. Responses to environmental 'baseline' factors, the variable availability of travelling schools on ocean beaches within the region and market factors such as reduced demand during market gluts, may be partly responsible for this marked fluctuation. Sand mullet: The limited information available on Sand mullet catch suggests that there may have been an increase in the proportion of total catch since the early 1970s. As previously detailed, factors responsible for such a trend are not quantifiable without further investigation. ~ S;~ Figure 20 presents yearly catch per unit effort for the~seven key species of the Camden Haven estuarine fishery. Catil~ is tile t'l5'tal yeaY'.l:~~e=ma'rk:~et'I-v:ta-th~r~i-e~on=F.i6h,j,ng~Goo~e . Effort w,,4!. t~ as ~ those fishermen licensed to operate within the Camden H~ven estuary. Tl:1eee data were ohtaiRea fLum tTte ~~. Th~ effort data is at best an approximation of real effort. Fishermen may move from one sector of the industry to another dependent on abundance of stocks, seasonality, market factors and so on. Additi.oniMl), eiome-f~e, Et,t best,=,Bart;:;;,tim~B1m:.e=q__JJ!,,;9,.;-, beach",haul.ingc.CZ'.ews), ~~hout the inaustry there exists a variation in experience and skill and actual time spent fishing. W _'-d..~ ~ figure ~ that following a reduction in catch per unit effort over the early to mid-1950s, there followed a period of increasing then approximately stable CPUE with some slight decline in the mid-,to late 1970s. While CPUE is generally taken as being indicative of the condition of a fishery, this need not necessarily be so. Firstly, ~ detailed aee"e, available effort data is extremely inaccurate. Secondly, if stocks are declining, fishermen will compensate, where possible, by fishing longer. F~~~e, Camden Haven professional fishermen suggested ~:~ 31+.- , 11~ I) FIGURE 20: CATCH PER HAVEN UNIT EFFORT ESTUARINE ( APPROXIMATE) •. FISHERY. 1948 to CAMDEN 1981. 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 CPUE (Kg/Man) 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 • 2,000 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 YEAR 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 - 44 - that they are now setting for longer periods. Thirdly, market factors will influence the actual effort so that if returns per kilogram caught are reduced, effort will increase to provide a similar economic return. Fourthly, CPUE does not provide any indication of the total available population. For example, Kesteven (1971) suggested that, in a declining fishery, actual effort and catch may initially increase, with subsequent further impact on the fishery. Given these inadequacies of CPUE as being representative of a fishery, no conclusions on the condition of the fishery can be drawn from these data. In the following discussion, some sugyestions are made concerning improved content and method of collection of catch statistics which would, in the long-term, allow for improved assessment of the condition of estuarine fisheries of N.S.W. 3.4 Discussion 3.4. I Perceived issues - Camden Haven estuary fishery A series of issues describing the changes to the estuarine fishery, as perceived by Camden Haven professional fishermen, was reported in Section 3.1 of this report. Comments on each of these issues in the light of this investigation of the fishery and the previously published reports in this series are as follows. Sedimentation within Watson Taylor Lake: Sediments of the Camden Haven estuary were described and mapped within Technical Report 2 (Creighton, 1984). Changes in the pattern and quantity of sediments were noted yia the inspection of avail?ble aerial photographs (1940 to present) . - Within Watson Taylor Lake, "associated'~with Camden Haven and Stewarts River deltas, sandy fluvial facies were observed to be prograding over muddy lake bottom facies with sheltered areas that, in the 1940s, were intert~l now supratidal. This report also provided data on light penetration levels within the :estuary, providing information on the reduction in light penetration associated with significant discharge events. From the associated data on salinity, -.{t was concluded that the recovery period from high levels of suspended solids was not related to tidal flushing or to the destabilization of suspended colloidal material, but, rather, was a direct result of sedimentation. • watson Taylor Lake was described in Technical Report 2 as a settling basin for the waters of both the Camden Haven and Stewarts Rivers. In an attempt to quantify the actual sediment loading in the estuary, data available on water quality at Logans Crossing (above the tidal limit, Camden Haven River) was reviewed within Technical Report 3 (Creighton, 1982) . , Based on available data for 1979, suspended solids loading on theCamden Haven estuary via the Camden Haven River was estimated at 540 tonnes/annum. Using the land resource and use appraisal data of Technical Report 1 (Creighton and Morgan, 1982), it was suggested that the additional input of suspended solids via the Stewarts River sub catchment would increase this calculated annual loading by a factor less than 2. These data suggest that Watson Taylor Lake may be infilling at greater than 'natural' levels. To confirm this hypothesis, detailed analysis of bathymetric changes within Watson Taylor Lake would be required. - 45 - Bathymetric charts for Watson Taylor Lake, the entrance channel, Stingray Creek and Queens Lake are available from 1890 to the present. These data, collected by the Department of Public Works, are difficult to interpret because of the varied datum levels and transects used. The method of investigation detailed by Bryant (1980) may be applicable for such an analysis. Lack of time prohibited the inclusion of this method of investigation within this series of Technical Reports. Sand shoals within the entrance channel: The location and configuration of major sand banks within the entrance channel would see~o have altered little over the period 1940 to 1979. Actual variation in volume of these sediments is difficult to quantify. Aga~n the method of Bryant (1980) may be ap~licable. However, land use associated changes would complicate such analysis. Changes over the past forty years include modification of the entrance training walls, breaching of the river training walls during flood events, dredging, both in the ocean entrance and the estuary entrance channel, bridge construction and other lanQ ~US& associated changes such as the draining and filling of fringing wetlanus, and the construction of oyster cultivation racks. All of these aspects may have altered the tidal characteristics of the estuary, with subsequent changes to the sedimentation pattern. • -Inspection of available aerial photographs and a ' review of historical data suggests that the construction of river and entrance training walls has assisted the transport of beach and nearshore marine sand into the estuary. Refer to Druery and Neilson (1980), McLean and Burgess (1975) and Neilson and Gordon (1980) for further discussion of the mechanisms involved. Nature of fresh water discharge and runoff: Professional fishermen suggested that freshes within the estuary are now sudden and of reduced time period, thereby reducing the period of brackish conditions throughout the estuary. The impacts of land use on ~off patterns fO~J particular catchment types are well d9cumented (e.g.fKuprianov, 1980; ~ Greenberg et aZ., 1979; Loucks, 1975; \Branson, 1975). What is not well documented is the changes that have occurred in water yield for Australian coastal catchments in association with land use changes. For the Camden Haven catchment, data on freshwater discharge have been collected for the Camden Haven and Stewarts Rivers since 1970 by the Water Resources Commission of N.S.W. These data are described within Technical Report 2. No data are available prior to 1970, such that no comparisons between recent data and the catchment in 'natural' condition is possible. Certainly recentJlischarge curves display sudden peaks with the shape of the recession curves demonstrating the lack of prolonged freshwater discharge. It is expected that changes in the characteristics of the freshwater discharge have occurred, however no quantification of such change is possible from the available data. The impact of these changes (albeit extent unknown) on the biota of the Camden Haven estuary are not quantifiable. Further data on the life history features of all species, together with data on the changes to freshwa ' ~r discharge and tidal flushing characteristics, would be required for such an analysi~. The data provided by the Water Resources Commission, together with the salinity and temperature data detailed within Technic~l Report 2, may be useful for any later investigation of the impact of land use changes • • - 46 - on water quantity within the Camden Haven catchment. As noted within Technical Report 2, it is recommended that such studies be carried out for all the estuaries of the N.S.W. coast. This would allow for the assessment of the impact of future changes in land use patterns on water quality and ,quantity. Benthic flora: Professional fishermen suggested that there have been changes in the distribution and density of seagrasses and algaes throughout the Camden Haven estuary. Changes'noted are as follows:- * Queens Lake - increased distribution and'd~nsity of seagrasses throughout the lake with increased algal growth in some areas such as the southern shoreline; * Entrance channel - increased distribution and density of seagrasses; * Watson Taylor Lake ~ increased algal growth and reduction in density and distribution of seagrasses. Limited information is available on the changes in benthic flora within the Camden Haven estuary. N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Reports of the late 1890s-early 1900s note the growth of Zostera sp. on oyster dredge beds of the Camden Haven entrance channel. It wa~ s~ggested that this growth was related to increased sedimentation within the entrance channel with sandy substrate being replaced by a mud/sand mix. Evans and Gibbs (1981) detailed the seagrass distribution and_i abundance within Queens Lake and Stingray Creek. Their investigation provides a frame of ,reference for future investigations of Queens Lake ... Tech!1ical Report 3 (Creighton, 1982)/ of this series identified a point so~ce of enrichment on the southern shore of Queens Lake - caravan park, inadequate treatment of septic wastes. Algal growth was particularly evident in the foreshore areas adjacent to this point source .. ,.This report also-provided an 'j:!stimate, of iI>'resent levels of enrichments ,,'phos'phates and nitrates, entering the, estuary from the upper catchment. J ., " ,.,' '-'. J • Technical Report 2 (Creighton, 1984) suggested that any~educ tion in the extent. and density of seagrasses within Watson Taylor Lake may be related to increased levels of suspended solids. Certainly, those areas of seagrasses remaining in watson Taylor are covered with fine particulate matter and associated algal growth. • • It was noted in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of this report that changes in the fish population, as indicated by total catch and proportion of total catch, ~ be related to changes in the benthic flora of the estuary. Particularly, the recent increase in proportion of total catch of Luderick and River garfish may be related to, among other factors~"changes in flora" within the estuary. Total population: Professional fishermen suggested that the total populations of all fish species would appear to have decreased in size, with meshing becoming an inefficient method of capture. Setting is reported to be now carried out over a longer period to ensure reasonable catches. Amateur fishermen also suggested that there has b~en a decline in fish stocks. - 47 - While recogn~z~ng the limitations of yearly catch as an indicator of total population, rt~should be noted that for Dusky flathead, River garfish, Sand whiting and Sea mullet, there has been a distinct decline in total yearly catch over the period early 1940s to present. Data available is limited such that no specific conclusions 2an.be made for these species or, for that matter, for the other species that predominate within the Camden Haven estuarine catch. ( !f Aspects that may" effec.t/the carrying capacity of an estuary include light penetration, )'-i)h1s'i~al chemistry, 'extent of estuarine wetlands, fishing effortcand_the hydrological regime. Present light penetration levels, physic'af 'chemistry and 'the hydrological regime of the c~mden Haven estuary were detailed in Technical Report 2. As previously noted, no quantitative conclusions can be made concerning changes to these attributes. Fishing effort has been substantial since the early 1900s. Again, because of the lack of d~ta no specific conclusions can be made .. ,/, _, "." I 'j'. ~I I , ' .. I ".,I .' " J • ",1, • With regard to estuarine wetlands, Technical"'Report 1 (Creighton and Morgan, 1982) mapped and described the estuarine wetlands of the Camden Haven. As was noted within this report, most of the brackish estuarine wetlands on riverine alluvium have been disturbed, generally drained for agricultural purposes. Additionally, areas of mangroves and salt marsh such as those on the southern side of the entrance channel, have been effectively isolated from the estuary by roadworks. Presently available information on the function of estuarine wetlands is limited. To this author's knowledge, no studies exist which accurately relate the extent and the alteration of extent of estuarine wetlands to the carrying capacity of an estuary. • Training wal Is and fish movements/behaviour: Professional fishermen hav~ suggested that the training walls may have altered the migratory and spawning patterns of fish species.' Certainly, the construction of training walls on most N.S.W. barrier estuaries has reduced, often obliterated the extensive sand shoals and channels that once characterized their entrances. This may have had some impact on those species that spawn in the entrance inshore area, particularly the whitings and the Flattail and Sand mullets. No research .on this aspect of fish behaviour is known to this author. Secondly, it is well established that training wall~Jalter the localized current patterns of the barrier estuary entrances.' As to whether this has influenced the migratory behaviour of such species as Sea mullet and Luderick, no informationi~'available. ..;,J /'.(.- Beach haul ing - the need for regulation: Professional fishermen suggested that beach hauling requires regulation. They suggested that ~ large number of men entered the fishery temporarily during these periods, affecting the long-term catch of permanent professionals and resulting in market gluts. This, in the author's experience, is a common complaint of estuary fishermen of the N.S.W. coast. With regard to Sea mullet, it is not at present known what proportion of spawning stock actually re-enter estuaries following their spawning migration (e.g., T\lomson, 1960). Research on this aspect would be required prior to formulating any regulatory changes to the present methods of catch. It is suggested, however, that the concept of restricting effort to those permanently employed is worthy of immediate consideration by the relevant authorities. . • • - " 48 - The previous discussion has detailed the perceived issues facing the Camden Haven estuarine fishery as they relate to the data collected by this study. The following section evaluates commercial catch statistics as indicators of estuary condition. Foremost among the problems of such an ~pproach is the lack of relevant data on the commercial catch. Suggestions for revision and alterations to the data collected on estuarine fisheries completes this discussion. 3.4.2 Estuary condition and N.S.W. catch statistics Because of the nature ~f the statistical data available, very limited definitive information is provided by the previous analysis on the pondition of the Camden Haven estuary. As detailed within previous sections, there has been a marked reduction in the total catch of some species, principally River garfish, Dusky flathead and Sand whiting. The total catch of Luderick displayed a similar reduction with recovery in recent years to previous levels of catch. For species such as Flattail mullet, Sand mullet and Trumpeter whiting, the time period of information available is not sufficient to allow for any precise conclusions concerning changes to the total catch. Similar comments can be made concerning the previous attempt at community assessment. For the Camden Haven there has been a distinct increase in the proportion of catch for Luderick, River garfish and Sand mullet. A decrease is apparent for Dusky flathead and Flattail mullet. However, information is insufficient to precisely define the nature and reasons for these apparent trends. Inadequacies in the information available have been 'previously listed for each particular species. It can be concluded that the statistical information presently collected does not allow for any detailed analysis of the ecological nature of the estuarine fisheries of N.S.W .. Such a conclusion was reached by Thomson (1953) within his analysis of the status of the East Australian Sea mullet ~ishery. Similar comments concerning presently collected statistics are contained within th~PQrt of the Senate Standing Committee on Trade a'11 Commerce (19821...' This investigation has, hQwever,' identified som~vproblems and inadequacies in the nature, content and methods of data collection for the N.S.W. estuarine fishery. The analy.sis has also identified some areas where further research is required. suggestio~s for revision and alteration to the data collected on estuarine fisheries, together with some suggestions for further research, ~re presented in the following section. ,;;: 3.4.3 " N.S.W. statistics - suggestions for alterations to method and content of data collected , . It is suggested that data content and collection methods for N.S.Wi estuarine fisheries be revised to provide more detailed info;rmation on both the ecologic and economic aspects of the fishery. Aspects requiriug inclusion in such a revised system include the follow±ng:Area of Capture: Information in N.S.W: Sj;a,te Fisheries Annual Reports is presented according to a series of 'fishing districts'. These districts are effectively an agglomeration of coastal lagoons and - 49 - estuaries for a particular region. For example, as ~his sLudy-fias shown (Creighton~3), catch from the Lake Innes-Cathie lagoonal system is included either within the Camden Haven or Hastings District, dependent on which Cooperative handles the catch. Similar comments apply to other coastal lagoons and some of the smaller barrier estuaries (e.g., Nambucca, Bellinger Rivers) of the N.S.W. coast. It is suggested that catch information for each particular estuary/lagoon/embayment be retained by use of a data storage system with summaries of this information included in N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Reports. For some of the larger systems such as the Clarence estuary, further delineation of area of capture may be useful. Similarly, data on catch inshore by beach-hauling techniques should be collected and stored for appropriate regions. Data on by-catch from such as prawn trawling inshore should be collected for these areas, with separation of catch data based on the method of catch. Effort and Catch Data: The data provided on effort by the number of licences issued is virtually useless in any assessment of the condition of a fishery. Similarly, there are numerous problems with catch data provided by fishermen'S monthly returns. It is suggested that improved effort and catch data could be provided via the assistance of Fishermen's Cooperatives. It is proposed that the present system of fishermen ' s returns be abolished and be replaced by data collection at point of landing. A form, to be completed by Cooperative staff with the assistance of fishermen whenever catch is weighed-in could include the following information:- area of capture, method used, target species, weight of catch (by species), number of crew and time spent fishing. Some account may have to be taken of aspects such as holding of catch (e.g., by prawn trawlers). This could be incorporated within the format of the data ~ l~ion method. It should be noted that this data collection method will not necessarily account for unsuccessful fishing trips, nor will it account for private sales. The problem of recreational catch should also be noted. For some species, recreational effort can be regarded as inconsequential (e.g . , mullets, River garfish). However, for species such as Dusky flathead, Sand whiting, nream and Luderick, some account of recreational effort is CGASidezed necessary. Further investigation of these problems is recommended. Seasonal ity and Age of Catch: Estuarine fisheries are generally exploiting a particular age stock. This is mo~t defi~tely the case with species such as prawns, River garfish and gen~fally the mullets and whitings. It is suggested that any summations presenting yearly catch should take account of this factor and present information accordingly. For example, yearly catch based on the financial year is applicable for species such as School prawns. For most of the estuarine fish species, the calendar year provides a more appropriate delineator of age of stocks (and thus the influence of such factors as pree~environmental 'baseline' fluctuations). To complement this aggregation of catch into yearly data, it is suggested that routine examination and ageing ar-marketed fish be effected. Division of a monthly sample of the fish cBtch from particular estuaries into appropriate size classes would provide sufficient data for these purposes. 'Regional' Stocks: As discussed previously, ' several of the species predominating in the N.S.W. estuarine fishery are part of at , - 50 - least regional stocks that are also captured in Queensland and/or victoria (e.g., .Sea mullet, ,Sand mullet, tuderick,Jand whiting). It is suggested that cooperation with.th~ r!;!Jevant agencies in these States is required to provide an indication of total catch and effort. The adoption of a uniform method of data collecti~ 'is considered worthy of detaiied cooperative investigation. " Further Species Del ineation - Crustaceans: I~is suggested that further species delineation may be appropriate for the crustaceans. Delineation of crabs into particular species may provid~useful information on both stocks and estuary condition. with regard to the prawn species, it is difficult to envisage how any separation of .School from Qreasyback prawns can be effected. Certainly, these species" can be (easily sepaFated from mature King and Royal red prawns. Delineation, at least to this extent, is recommended • • Environmental 'Basel ine' Factors: The c~ction of data on particular age classes will provide some information o~the influence of environmental 'baseline' factors on the total stock and catr.h rates. Complementary data on variations in these factors, at'least in a qualitci.tiv~ fe~ is necessary. For example, data on freshwater discharge to estuaries is routinely collected by the N.S.W. Water Resources Commission. Similarly, salinity and temperature data are collected for at least one point for all the oyster producing estuaries of N.S.W. (e.g., Wolf and Collins, 1979). It ~~'applicable ,tq extend the collection of physiochemical data of estuaries to include associated parameters such as light penetration, (secchi disc; and to extend the points of data collection to provide representative data for the various sectors of each estuary/ lagoon/embayment. Associated with this extension of routine data collection, it is suggested that the 'Estuarine Environment and Resources Programme' conducted by N.S.W. State Fisheries may need to be enlarged to incorporate further data collection on aspects such as seagrass distribution (e.g .•,/E-Ga:ns and Gibbs, 1981)~ov1:de ~arly summaries of conditions w:H=hin estuaries as they influence"both juvenile and mature fish stocks. .< ,f / Market and Economic Factors: Market factors and the analysis of trends in capital investment within a particular fishery are important attributes in any analysis of fishery condition. It is suggested that various aspects providing information on these factors be collected either monthly or yearly, as may be applicable. For example, the yearly collection of data on boats and equipment for a particular estuary and/or fishery could be collected by the relevant Fishermen's Cooperatives. This information, together with a monthly summary of market factors as they influence effort and Cooperative operations, would provide useful data for fishery assessment. These data could be stored using appropriate techniques~summarized within N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Reports. " (..:: The summation and presentation of all the.above information, together with information on the other fisheries of N.-Ef.w., requires detailed appraisal by the responsible agencies. It is suggested that the Annual Reports of N.S.W. state Fisheries should provide information on each particular fishery in separate sections. Each section detailing a particular fishery could be further subdivided into ecological and economic aspects. The presentation of data in this fashion would facilitate the ongoing appraisal and management of each particular fishery. / , / I - 51 - The results of investigation for each particular specie~ provided comments on areas of research that would assist the analysis of both fishery and estuary condition. Areas of research worthy of further investigation include the-foTluw±ng~Fish movements - for all species in response to environmental 'baseline' factors; between estuaries for species such as River garfish, Flattail mullet and Dusky flathead; and the extent of 'regional' populations of species spawning inshore. Population assessment - total stock for all species; carrying capacity of particular estuaries/lagoons. and the Life history features - further information on natural mortality for all life stages of species; information on growth rates, spawning behaviour, fecundity etc. Influence of man-induced changes on species and popUlations - for example, training walls and other entrance altering mechanisms su~h as the artificial opening of coastal lagoons, sedimentation, alienation of wetlands and changes in water quality and quantity. Information provided by research into these aspects would facilitate both the management of the fish and crustacean resources that the N.S.W. coastal region provide~ an~the allocation and management of land uses within the coastal catchments. - 52 - PART III: 4. I THE CAMDEN HAVEN OYSTER CULTIVATION INDUSTRY The Sydney Rock Oyster (Saaeostrea aommeraialis) and Estuary Condition The Sydney Rock Oyster may provide an indication of estuary condition via fluctuations in production and by the analysis of the quality of the oysters themselves. Firstly, it is evident that oysters must have the proper environment in order to multiply and be marketable. water depth, temperature, salinity, turbidity and quality must conform to the narrow range of oyster growth requirements and sanitation. All of these conditions are affected by man-made changes in the environment pollution, enrichment, dredging and filling, alteration of wetlands and engineering works that offset tidal flushing, water circulation ond sedimentary patterns. An analysis of commercial production rates may provide some indication of the overall condition of a particular estuary. Secondly, oysters may provide valuable information on actual water quality. Oysters are filter feeders; they filter out food and oxygen from the water they take in and circulate out. This traps plant plankton used for food, but bacteria, viruses, metals and pesticides are also trapped and concentrated for they are not circulated out after the water has been filtered. 4. I. I Factors Affecting Total Production Aspects that affect production rates include the following:- , I Effort and Methods of Cultivation: Changes in total production as a result of fluctuation in effort will involve a time lag of some 2 to 3 years, dependent on the cultivation methods employed and the particular estuary involved. Recent advances in artificial cultivation techniques (e.g., Wisely, 1980, 1983; Holliday, 1983) have effectively reduced cultivation periods and allowed for increased production rates. Developments presently in progress such as hatchery spat production and artificial fattening in ponds (e.g., Nell, 1983) will further increase production, as well as reducing the dependence of cultivation techniques on the condition of the estuarine environment. Natural Predators: Oysters are subject to heavy mortality during the larval and soft-shelled phases. Many larvae die because of unfavourable environmental conditions. For example, the decline of the dredge beds relates, in part, to the loss of a suitable substrate upon which the larvae may attach - sandy sediments having been overlain by muddy sediments. Predation also takes a heavy toll of the larvae and newly settled spat. Predators of oyster larvae include the mullets. Oyster spat are included within the diet of such species as Yellowfin bream and Tarwhine. Growing hard-shelled oysters are part of the food crop of stingrays and Mud crabs. Welks and starfish also rely on oysters for a portion of their diet. - 53 - ! The mudworms (Boaaardia and PoZydora sp.) present a particular problem, in some cases markedly reducing production rates. Heavy infestations of mudworms cause the oyster to loose condition. The worst feat;re of mudworm infestation is that the shell blister is easily broken when the oyster is opened and the mud released from the blister detracts from the appearance and taste of the oyster. Research by Skeel (1977) found that worms subjected-bo continuous salinaties of 15 to 20% stopped reproducing, died young and spent much less time feeding than worms kept at 25 to 30% salinity. Further, silt load in-water was found ··to be an important factor in the development of mudworm infestations. For example, no mudworm is found in the Wagonga Inlet ,:;'wh~~eas in the Manning River, Tuross Lake and the Camden Haven, where the silt loads are or have been heavy, worms can be a serious problem. Mudworm was first noticed in the Camden Haven in 1896, appearing in problem proportions in the late 18905, early to mid-1920s, mid-1950s and in the early to mid-1970s. o Microorganisms such as the diseases known as Winter Mort;ality and QX can all but decimate a particular crop. A severe outbreak of 'winter mortality' has been known to destroy up to 80% of the marketable crop (e.g., Malcolm, 1972). Heaviest mortality is normally in the largest oysters. Cold water temperatures and high salinities appear to be associated with a high incidence of the disease. Winter mortality has, to date, not been a problem on the Camden Haven estuary. QX (Haplosporoidian - MarteZZei sydneyi) would seem to be related to hydrology, particularly freshwater discharge and water quality. Experiments by the author suggests that the cumulative effects of land use practice may be related to the mortality rates of this disease (Creighton, 198]a). As evidenced by regular testing of oysters by N.S.W. State Fisheries over the preceding two year period, this disease would seem to be 'spreading' southwards, with QX evident within the Macleay estuary in 1983. QX has not yet been encountered in the Camden Haven. '-'. F I uctuat ions In Env I ronmenta I 'Base I I ne' Cond I t Ions: High temperatures and flooding may cause oyster mortality. During summer, because of high temperatures, mortality is common and severe killings can occur when low tides expose the oysters for long periods on excessively hot days. Immersion of oysters in freshwater for several days is not injurious, but. exposure to freshwater for long periods, as can occur during flooding, causes high mortality. Man-associated Changes to Estuary Condition: The above factors affecting production may be aggravated by 'changes to the estuarine environment which places the oyster under 'stress'. The concepts of synergistic effects on oysters has yet to be fully researched. Evidence available suggests that problems may be substantial (e.g., Ward, 1982). Some obvious areas of concern include changes in estuarine hydrodynamics, soil erosion within the catchment and wetland alienation. For example, changes in estuarine hydrodynamics associated with engineering works may increase the sediment rates in particular areas, thereby smothering oysters, reducing feeding rates or increasing the prevalence of mudworm. Increased sediment loads on the estuary as a result of soil erosion will result in similar problems. Wetland alienation may reduce the available food for • - 54 - the oysters (e.g., Dunstan, 1977) and alter estuarine water quality and quantity. Other problems include the alternative, often conflicting, uses for a particular waterway, thereby reducing the available area for oyster cultivation. Bacterial and chemical contamination may lead to a substantial reduction in market demand. The problems of bacterial and chemical contamination are detailed in the following discussion of the use of oysters as an indicator of estuarine water quality. Section 4.2 details the history of harvesting and CUltivation of oysters within the Camden Haven estuary. This discussion is accompanied by Figure 23, which presents annual production for the Camden Haven, together with comments on production effort and the factors that have influenced total production. 4.1.2 Oysters and water qual ity Research towards the application of bivalves as indicators of water quality are well documented (e.g., Thomson, 1979, 1983; Harris, Fabris, Statton and Tawfik, 1979; Klumpp and Burdon-Jones, 1982; Ritz, Swain and Elliot, 1982; Wotton and Lye, 1982; Read, Anderson, Matthews, Watson, Halliday and Shiells, 1982; Plusquellec, Beucher and Legal, 1983). Actual investigations involving S. commerciaZis are limited. with regard to heavy metal contamination, the work of Mackay, Williams, Kacprzac, Kazacox, Collins and Auty (1975) and SPCC (1979b) are the only documented research known to this author. SPCC (1979b) found that oysters taken from the Georges River, had elevated levels of a number of potentially toxic metals. The degree of contamination varied throughout the estuary, with generally lower levels experienced in those downstream areas subject to comparatively· high levels of tidal flushing. Mackay et al. (1975) sampled oysters from 19 of the oyster growing estuaries and embayments of the N.S.W. coast. Oysters were sampled for copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and arsenic. Results for the Camden Hav~n estuary, as presented by Mackay et aZ., were all well below the recommended NHMRC standards. The documented methods and results ot Mackay et aZ. also present an indication of metal uptake with respect to oyster age and the affects of location on the accumulation of heavy metals by S. commerciaZis. They suggest a method of sampling and analysis for the future monitoring of metal levels in this species. , With regard to bacterial contamination of oysters, concern for the possibility of ingestion of viral pathogens from oysters harvested from N.S.W. waters has been expressed since the early 1960s. During this period, under the leadership of Dr Myers, investigations were made on the possibility of purifying oysters by the use of Ozone. While definite recommendations were made, no regulations for purification or control of sewage discharge to estuaries followed these recommendations. In July 1978, there was a major outbreak of gastro-enteritis attributed to Georges River oysters. At least 1500, possibly as many as 5000 persons, were affected (SPCC, 1979). The causative agent was identified as a parvovirus (Norwalk virus), entering the estuary as a result of overloading of the sewage system by heavy rain (pers. comm., Health Commission of N.S.W.). - 55 - Following the 1978 outbreak, the Health Commission of N.S.W., in cooperation with N.S.W. State Fisheries, instigated a series of dry and wet ~eather tests of oysters throughout the estuaries of.N.S.W. This investigation was a~med at establishing pollution levels within N.S.W estuaries by analysis for total c9lony count, faecal coli forms and Escherichia coli accumulated within mature·oysters. Results of the tests led t; reg~lati?~s controlling the future preparation and marketing of oysters. Under the Pure Food Act (1908), Regulation 19B(a) ,. by May 1983, all oysters marketed were required to have been purified in an approved depuration plant, no matter where they were harvested. The Health Commission investigation also established priorities in terms of those eight estuaries in which depuration plants were to be in operation by a gazetted date, well prior to that applicable state-wide. The Camden Haven estuary was one of those estuaries so defined. The eight estuaries which, in bacterial terms, were defined as being the 'most polluted' were Brisbane Waters, Georges, Macleay, Brunswick, Wooli, Camden Haven, Tweed and Manning Rivers. These rivers vary in representative parameters such as catchment size and alteration, development pressure, tical volume and freshwater flow. The one linking factor, as resultant ~rom the Camden Haven study (Creighton, 1983) and a preliminary investigation of Wooli and Brunswick Rivers, was the inadequate treatment of human waste, particularly overloaded and/or poorly located septic tanks. 'Purification of oysters before marketing can be regarded as only a stop-gap solution to the health problems associated with the inadequate treatment of human waste and the subsequent uptake by estuarine organisms of viral pathogens. Problems associated with this approach include the following:Depuration depends on the oysters continuing to feed while in the depuration tanks. It would seem that, for satisfactory removal of viral pathogens, a salinity level of 31-34 ppt and a temperature of l8-22°C are required (pers. comm. Health Commission of N.S.W.). These conditions are not always available to the oyster farmers at their point of intake. Depuration'will probably have'no effect on any contaminants present in a cellular form. Further, the survival rate of viral pathogens has yet to be determined. No evidence is yet available which confirms that all viral pathogens will necessarily be removed from the gut of the oyster. Not all oysters will be purified. For example, those oysters harvested by the public from public oyster leases and other non-commercial areas such as training walls. Other species of estuarine biota are susceptible to viral .pathogens. For' example, two cases of non-transferable cholera have been reported as resulting from the eating of Clarence River School prawns. Mud crabs, S. serrata, may also accumulate viral pathogens. While no species-specific studies are known, overseas studies have shown the accumulation of viral pathogens in similar species (e.g., Giralomo, Wicqyashi, Miranda, Wehneger, 1972). j 0.'0 , 56 It is suggested that, in association with the presently enforced pruification regulations, steps should be taken to monitor and control discharges to the estuaries of N.S.W. The control of these discharges can be seen, not only as a reduction in the risk to public health, whether it be through the ingestion of oysters, Mud crabs and other species, or through the intake of water during recreational pursuits, but also as a means to reduce the discharge of enrichments (particularly nitrates Viraraghavan, 1982) and toxic chemicals to the estuaries. Later discussion presents a suggested method whereby oysters may be used for such a purpose. 4.2 History of Harvesting and Cultivation of Oysters Within the Camden Haven Estuary The natural oyster beds of the Camden Haven estuary were being commercially exploited by the early l880s. Figure 23 details the recorded production from 1883 to 1980. A summary of the following review of methods of culture and reasons for production fluctuations are appended to the figure. Documentation of the Camden Haven oyster industry prior to 1900 is contained within the Annual Reports of N.S.W. State Fisheries. The following information has been extracted from these reports. In February 1883, the Chief Inspector of Fisheries reported on the presence, location and condition of five dredge beds, four of which were situated in the entrance channel, and the fifth in Stingray Creek. Details of these dredge beds as of February 1883, are as follows:No.1, 'the upper bed': The bed was 60 metres in an average water depth of two to the bed was silting up very rapidly, reducing 20 metres. Sample dredges found a reasonable small in size. originally 370 metres by three metres. By early 1883 its width to approximately quantity of oysters, though No.2, 'the middle bed': This bed was downstream of No.1, but still upstream of the present Dunbogan-Laurieton bridge. Originally the bed was 200 metres by 40 metres wide. By 1883 the bed was reduced to half this size, with few oysters remaining on the bed. No.3, 'the lower bed': This bed, below the present DunboganLaurieton bridge, was originally 370 metres by 30 metres, but, like No.2, in consequence of silting was only half this size in three to four metres of water. All of these beds (1, 2 and 3) originally had shelly to sandymud bottoms. ~ No: 4, 'the mi I I bed': This bed was on a rocky, shingly bottom situated in front of the saw mill (adjacent to the present Fishermen's Cooperative)., The bed was 'small and relatively unimportant', containing few oysters when inspected. No.5, 'the creek bed': This bed, 250 metres by 30 metres was located in Stingray Creek, approximately midway from Camden Point to Queens Lake entrance. This bed ~as found to be slowly silting over a pipeclay bottom with shells and soft sandy mud. water depth was between ~wo and three metres. b ;Z ~ iii ~ ij) ~ ij), ~ o beds, first -=========---_. effort Increased exploited plus Increased no conditions; inaeose I 0 0 ~ b Health scare ; effort, improved 18Clwliques, mudworm; favourable 'but years; State- wide; fremes, mudworm ; fully Qeek; exploited losses; fully StinQnIY Flood / freshes, floods / Heavy ." mudworm; 'Mangroves No causing weed; Mudworm Red in mangroves only mudworm; Siltation, No Mudworm evident; sticks present exhausted ; rock I - mangrove cultiwtion- bollast beds for previous dredge No dolo available OJ 1:> 0 n exhausted; leases, B tJ) 0 0 b __----====------ --- '*tS o ~ o N ij) o ~ o ~ ~ 0 0 b N III no mudworm ; / ,- "TI .f'" ~ il5 I OJ (1) (1) [ :0 ~ -< fT1 ~ Z fT1 :x: ~ Z fT1 0 ~ 1> (') ~ ~ o -u :0 :0 ~ fT1 N OJ fT1 :0 @ i - 57 - Additional to these dredge beds, it was estimated that in February 1883, 800 to 1000 bags of bank and mangrove adhered oysters were still available for collection. Similar to other rivers of N.S.W., the Camden Haven was rapidly depleted of sizeable oysters, the dredge beds being depleted by the end of 1883. The N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report for that year comments as follows:The natural beds have been worked during the year under an expiring lease, and also, subsequently by dredgers under royalty. They are now much reduced and are closed. The heavy exploitation of similar beds in the Georges and Hunter rivers had led to the appointment of a Royal Commission in 1876, 'to investigate the Oyster Fisheries'. The findings of this Commission, published in 1877, included the following comments on oyster culture and dredge beds: There is no part of the world better, we might almost say .'>0 [.;nll, adapted for the growth and culture of the oyster as New South Wales. The climate, the nature of the cOast line, with its numerous inlets and creeks, and the natural existence of the best varieties of the bivalve itself, all combine to mark this country out as the most likely of all places for successful ostreiculture. Unlike the coasts of England, Scotland, and Europe generally, where the coldness of the temperature in summer is sufficient to prevent sometimes the shedding of the spat at all, and always to limit the quantity of it, here we have invariably the spat distributed with a profusion which under proper regulations would make our oyster supply unlimited and inexhaustible. And yet with all the advantage of a bounteous supply we are actually informed that the natural beds are so nearly exhausted that a bag of oysters can now only with difficulty be raised in a day, where a year or two ago it would have been easy to dredge 50 bushels in the same time. The same process of exhaustion, with a few praiseworthy exceptions, is going on in the leased beds, and we can see no remedy for this crying evil except by making it more to the interest of those leasing oyster beds to conserve, improve, and keep up the supply, than to clean the beds out in the shortest possible time and have done with them. • The Report of the Royal Commission was accompanied by the draft of a Bill, adopted with modification in the Oyster Fisheries Act of 1884. This Act prohibited the dredging of oysters under the licence system. Replacing the licence system was a lease system of lengthened tenure, distributing the oyster-bearing areas amongst those willing to CUltivate oysters, the Crown on its part affording to the lessees absolute control over their leased areas, and complete protection against trespass. f In the Camden Haven, Frank Gibbins applied for and obtained a series of leases. Foreshore improvement using ballast rock and stakes, together with the management of the dredge beds, was initiated in 1886. The work of improving the oyster leases during 1887 was considerably affected by increased siltation and the presence of a bloom of red weed (poss·ibly Cepcunium sp.), which "lay and decomposed on the oysters in such quantities as to destroy them" (Annual Report, 1887). By 1894, extensive works had been carried out, the Camden Haven producing 750 bags of oysters for the year. The report of the Fishery Inspector, Fredrick W. Smithers, details the condition of the industry and methods employed:- - 58 - During my last visit to Camden Haven, I examined the whole of the areas leased to Hr. F. Gibbins, and it is with gratification that I am enabled to report favourably on the areas in question •.. I found every available patch of his leases on the river was covered with ballast carefully placed in order to catch spat, thereby making barren foreshores prolific, as can be seen upon casually looking at the stones, which are covered with spat, when, upon their attaining a few months growth, they are carefully knocked off and placed upon other leases for maturing purposes. Again if whole stones are removed fresh ones are put down, everything in fact, being carried out in a most scientific and systematic manner. Any mangrove foreshores are utilized in the same way . •.. The sequel to this success, in the first place, - 1. By the lessee studying conscientiously his future interests. 2. Carrying out oyster culture as ·far as his energy and means will permit. 3. Conservation of spat supply. 4. Avoiding overworking. 5. The interest taken in the matter by manager and men. 6. By paying the employees so much per week to attend to the areas, instead of so much per bag to gather them, as is done by others. Taking the deep water beds as a whole they are very creditably managed indeed, and might be taken as a pattern by other oyster leBsees. The foreshores, which are used for catching spawn, present a wonderful contrast to that which prevails on other lessees' areas. The foreshores, also, on which the oysters are laid down, present a magnificent sight, being a mass of oysters. It is highly satisfactory to know that such were removed from beds upon which they could not attain a large or rapid growth, and are now doing well where they have been transplanted, and it is still much more satisfactory to see the public estate improved in this manner .••• .•. In conclusion, I would draw attention to the fact that seven years ago Camden Haven was almost totally devoid of oyster life, and I submit that my report upon its present oyster bearing qualities will be received with pleasure by the Conmrissioners. N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report, 1894 The mudworms (presumably Polydora webBteri) first appeared in the Camden Haven estuary in 1896. By this time infestations of worms were greatly diminished throughout the remainder of N.S.W. No explanation for the time lag between the appearance of mudworm in the adjacent Manning and Hastings Rivers (late l880s) and the Camden Haven can be given. Two possible explanations are as follows:The occurrence of mudworm in the Camden Haven is related to the transportation of ballast and shell from the Hunter River, this occurring in the mid-1890s. Silt loads in the Camden Haven prior to the mid-1890s were not of significant magnitude to foster large populations of mudworm. Production in the Camden Haven estuary was affected by mudworm, particularly in the years 1896, 1898 and 1900. Due to the presence of the mud- • - 59 - worm, the impact on production of the increase in effort of the l890s was not apparent until 1901, production then being 2,181 bags from a total of 23,600 metres of foreshore held by three lessees. Total N.S.W. production for 1901 was 18,473 bags. During 1902 an Act of Parliament was passed to further regulate the fishing and oystering industries. The most important clause of this Act, so far as it effected the oyster industry, was as follows:- Every lessee shall cultivate his leased area by laying down below highwater mark sufficient quantity of clean, hard substances, such as stones, shells, stakes, shingles, tiles, logs, or other like material for catching spat, within twelve months of the issue of the lease, and any person failing to take proper steps to cultivate such leased area shall be liable to have it cancelled. Oyster and Fisheries Act, 1902 This provision had the effect of stimulating the more negligent lessees throughout the state to improve their leases, in order to obviate the risk of forfeiture. The Annual Report of 1903 details the cultivation methods in the Camden Haven in accordance with those methods defined in the Act of 1902. In part, the Report states:- ... rows of ballast stones, in some cases parallel to and others at right angles from the shore. Oak, mangrove, and honeysuckle boughs and stakes along the shore, shingles driven into the soil in oblique positions parallel to the shore about half-tide mark .•• On one lease inspected I evidenced an area of 800 yards taken up on pure sand in a good run of tide, and ballast stone about three feet high laid along the shore about halftide mark, and scores of oysters about four months old can be seen on the underside of each stone. N.S.W. State Fisheries Annual Report, 1903 While cultivation area increased and methods improved, gradual deterioration in the dredge bed productivity offset the increased effort. Production during this period reduced to less than 800 bags per year. The decline in dredge bed productivity can be attributed to increased siltation (already noted as a problem in 1883), together with the periodic heavy infestations of mudworm. The colonization of silted"dredge beds by seagrass (presumably Zostera sp.) is well documented in the Annual Report of 1907:On one of the large beds in the main channel it was noticed that there had been a great recent acquisition to the growth of the seagrass around and in the vicinity of the oysters. This grass is a real danger at times, as it ,. sometimes spreads with great rapidity and acts as a break for sedimentary matter, which settling upon the oysters, completely buries and smothers them. Larkum (1976) takes a slightly different view on the role of seagrass with respect to sedimentation and oyster dredging. In a discussion of the seagrasses of Botany Bay, he suggested that oyster dredging with the inevitable ripping out of seagrass beds would increase the problems of sedimentation. Larkum noted that once the protective covering of seagrass was removed the sediments became mobile and subject to wave action. He suggested that the moving sand, the heavy load of silt in the water and the increased turbidity of the water would have made the growth of both Zostera sp. and oysters impossible. In the Camden Haven estuary, dredges - 60 - without catching'bags were used to clear the dredge beds of seagrass. This may have compounded the problems of sedimentation. However, the reported increased growth of seagrass on the dredge beds is not in concurrence with Larkum's interpretation of events subsequent to the initiation of dredging. It is suggested that increased silt loads within the estuary (soil erosion - agricultural and forestry operations within the catchment) resulted in changes to the substrate, allowing the colonization of Zostera on what was previously a shelly, sandy-mud substrate. The increased CUltivation effort in itself, caused further problems, particularly in obtaining a suitable substrate for spat collection. By 1911 Mr Gibbons was using a motor launch for the purpose of collecting and towing mangroves for spat collection. By 1913 most of the available mangrove on the Camden Haven had been cut and used. Similar problems were being encountered State-wide, with larger rivers, such as the Hastings and Clarence, supplying mangrove to the smaller estuaries. Mangrove cutting was regulated by means of licences in the late 1900s, with, in 1924, further conditions relating to the cutting of mangroves imposed with the object of utilizing all parts of the tree. Dunstan (1976) suggested that mangrove areas harbour the microorganisms essential as food for the oysters. Destruction of the mangrove areas of the Camden Haven may, in part, account for the continued low productivity over this period. By World War I the Camden Haven oyster industry had reduced in foreshore lease length to 17,375 metres (29,210 metres in 1908), with seven men employed using two launches, two boats and two punts. The reduction in lease area reflected the withdrawal of those areas previously put under lease which were not giving the return to labour of other leases. During the 1920s, production further reduced due to a reduction in effort (4 men employed) and the presence of mudworm. Production in 1922 was only 128 bags, compared to a N.S.W. total of 24,811 bags. Fluctuations in production continued during the 1930s, these fluctuations reflecting the changing climatic conditions, incidence of mudworm and change in effort. By 1938 ten men were employed using three launches, five boats and four punts for a production of 355 bags. Little detail is available on the oyster industry of the Camden Haven during World War II, the production in 1942 being 63 bags, no data available for 1943 to 1944 and no production occurring in 1945. Heavy floods and a series of freshes in the period 1948 to 1950 further hindered production, no oysters being marketed for the period 1949 to 1954. At this time there was a total of 28 foreshore leases comprising 14,645 metres and 6 offshore leases. Further floods in 1956 reduced production for the period 1956 to 1958. Increased effort, together with improved c~imatic conditions led to a production of 920 bags in 1959. During the early 1960s, production fluctuated from peaks of 729 bags and 749 bags in 1960 and 1963 respectively to nil p~oduction in both 1961 and 1962. From 1967 onwards, with dry conditions and increased interest in the industry, further leases were laid down, particularly in Gogleys Lagoon. By 1970 there were 44 foreshore leases of 17,430 metres total length, together with 55 hectares of offshore leases. The 1970s saw further increase in effort in oyster production in the Camden Haven, together with the application of improved methods to increase productivity. This increased effort was offset by heavy flooding , - 61 - in 1973, this flooding being followed by an infestation of mudworm, the production 1975 falling to 276 bags from 1, 5Ql bags in 1974. Reduction in mudworm infestation, together with dryer climatic conditions in the latter part of the 1970s, led to increases in production commensurate with effort and techniques employed. Production in 1976 was 1,975 bags, in 1977 1,913 bags, in 1978 3,672 bags, and in 1979 3,227 bags. It is interesting to note that it was not until 1978 that the production of 1901 of 2,181 bags was exceeded. The present Camden Haven oyster industry employs some nine owners full-time, an additional eight owners part-time, three full-time employees and 12 to 15 casual employees. Tray production is becoming the dominant method of cultivation. Most of the: stick production is for provision of spat for trays. With the introduction of purification, it is virtually necessary to tray oysters prior to purification and marketing. Spat (overcatch) and barnacles are a major deterrent to st,ick production in the entrance channel and Gogleys Lagoon. The majority of stick production is therefore located in Queens Lake which usually produces spat free oysters because of weed growth. Recent attempts at cultivation in Watso,~ Taylor Lake appear not to have been very successful. It is suggested that this may be due to high turbidity levels, rather than low salinity levels. (Recent experiments suggest that the range of osmoconformity for the Sydney rock oyster is between 15 and 45 ppt salinity. Feeding rates altered little over this range - pers. comm., J.A. Nell, N.S.W. State Fisheries. ) Nursery areas are found between North Haven Bridge (crossing Stingray Creek) and Camden Point. This is the only area of the waterway where conditions are suitable for spat growth. It is essential that the area be protected to ensure continuity of spat supply to the local oyster industry. Camden Haven oyster growers suggested to the author during the course of this investigation a series of problems/issues. These are as follows:- Depuration Versus Water Quality Control: As discussed in detail by Creighton (1982), the sources of viral pathogens within the Camden Haven are limited. Adequate control of human waste disposal techniques, particularly septic tanks, was considered to be far preferable than the implementation of purification regulations - with the subsequent costs of depuration plant for each grower. Si Itation Within the Estuary: This problem was particularly evident for Gogleys Lagoon. The shape of the bay and its entrances form a very effective silt trap. This problem was previously studied by the Department of Public Works (1977). Relocation'of Oyster Leases: Growers suggested that a large proportion of the currently leased area is unused because of its unsuitability for commercial production. They suggested that rationalisation and relocation to more suitable areas should be effected. Relocation is difficult because of the conflicting interests with commercial and recreational fishermen. The policy of Laurieton Fishermen's Cooperative is to oppose all applications for new leases as they claim it reduces fishing areas. Similarly, recent applications for oyster leases have been opposed by recreational fishermen (numerous articles in local press) • - 62 - Further detail on siltation within the Camden Haven is presented in Creighton (1984). Oysters and water quality are discussed at length in the following section. The problems of lease rationalization are beyond the scope of this project. 4.3 Discussion While yearly production principally reflects effort and the cultivation techniques utilized, generalist information on estuary condition is also presented by the previous analysis. Aspects worthy of mention are as follows:Dec I ine In the Dredge Bed Resource: The decline of the dredge bed resource can be attributed to two factors - overharvesting and sedimentation. Overharvesting has only a short-term effect on the resource. Providing conditions remain suitable, it is expected that over time the resource would be replenished. This has not occurred to any great extent. This may be attributed to sedimentation within the estuarine areas that once provided suitable substrate for larval recruitment. Oyster larvae will not adhere to muddy/slimy sediments. A washed sandy substrate is required. Secondly, even though these sediments still exist to some extent on the dredge beds, the higher sediment loads within the estuary provide a continuously suitable habitat for the mudworm. Incidence of Mudworm: Intertidal cultivation of oysters in the Camden Haven has been subject to four distinct periods of heavy mudworm infestation - late 1890s, early to mid-1920s, mid-1950s and early to mid1970s. These periods of heavy infestation coincide with major flood events for the system. It is suggestedthat "major floods provide a large slug of sediments to the estuary, with the recovery period following these events extending for some years. Further supportive data for this hypothesis is contained within the Department of Public Works (1977) study of Gogleys Lagoon. This study demonstrated that periods of major shallowing in Gogleys Lagoon corresponded to these major flood periods. Mangroves and Oyster Production: OVer the period 1900 to 1910, most of the mangroves adjacent to the oyster beds of the Camden Haven were harvested to provide a suitable substrate for spat. It is reported that, by 1913, virtually all the available mangroves on the Camden Haven had been harvested and that bundles of sticks were being transported from the Clarence to the Camden Haven. Very limited information is available on both oyster feeding requirements and the primary productivity of the N.S.W. barrier estuaries. Because of this no specific conclusions can be made concerning the importance of mangroves to the productivity of the estuary in general, or to oysters in particular. It is, however, interesting to note that regardless of variation in effort, there was a marked decline in oyster production by 1903, and that oyster production over the period 1903 to World War II remained low. It was not until the postWorld War II period that oyster production increased significantly. Admittedly this period also involves the adoption of improved cultivation techniques - especially since 1970. It is suggested, however, that the relationships between wetlands, particularly intertidal mangrove areas, and oyster production are worthy of further investigation. - 63 - To provide more precise data on estuary condition via oyster production, further data including effort, environmental 'baseline' conditions, oyster diseases and cultivation practices is required. Such an approach may be justified, providing a long-term basis on which to monitor estuary condition. Modern data storage methods facilitate this type of analysis. It is suggested that further investigation with a view to defining data requirements for the analysis of oyster production of particular estuaries is warranted. The discussion in Section 4.1.2, together with Creighton (1983), presents two aspects with regard to oysters and water quality within estuaries. Firstly, the data provided by the Health Commission- N.S.W. State Fisheries investigation of bacterial contamination within oysters., .is suitable for the location of point sources of bacterial contamination within the oyster growing estuaries of.N.S.~. Secondly, because-of the feeding characteristics of oysters and the spatial location of oyster leases within most N.S.W. estuaries, oysters may be useful indicators of estuarine water quality - providing information on both hea\~ metal and bacterial contamination. The following discussion briefly reviews the method utilized to exploit available data to detect point sources of bacterial contamination within the Camden Haven estuary. Following this review of the method detailed by Creighton (1983), suggestions are made for the implementation of an ongoing monitoring programme of estuarine water quality. It has been previously suggested to the author that the contention that the real problem with bacterial contamination of oysters is pollution of waterways and that, if a clean water policy was adopted, oyster purification would be unnecessary is 'somewhat idealistic' (pers. comm., Dr Ayres, N.S.W. State Fisheries). As Dr Ayres stated, it is idealistic in the sense that 'problems already exist in some areas and that adequate funding for remedial and future works is simply not available on call'. While this is admitted to be so, it is considered that wherever possible, the data already available should be utilized to identify sources of bacterial contamination and, once identified, to ensure that remedial works are undertaken within the framework of existing regulations. These comments are particularly applicable to those estuaries such as the Camden Haven, Wooli, Manning and Brunswick Rivers where urban development is limited and easily controllable. , The identification and assessment of two major sources of bacterial pollution for the Camden Haven estuary was based upon the application of available data from various sources. The data used and also readily available for most other N.S.W. estuaries is displayed by Table 3. ( The application of the data included in Table 3 relies upon the examination of the spatial variation in E. coli, concentrations throughout the estuary (various leases) for particular freshwater discharge characteristics. Locations where discharges are suspected to occur are defined by this analysis. On-site inspection of these locations is then necessary to locate imbalances within shoreline estuarine biota. The presence of these imbalances 'verifies' the location of a discharge, excessive nutrients being mirrored by biotic performance. If the discharge is from a septic treatment system, further verific~tion can be obtained using the normal methods of dye ,testing. 'The only other major point source of faecal pollution of N.S.W. estuaries is likely to be / - 64 - TABLE 3: Bacterial contamination - available data, sources and application Source Data Application Freshwater quality Local council Upper catchment contamination Freshwater flow water Resources Upper catchment contamination Salinity fluctuation in oyster growing areas N.S.W. State Fisheries Desorption of E. coli from sediments Oyster lease location N.S.W. State Fisheries Point source location Estuarine hydrodynamics Hydraulic surveys, Public Works Department Definition of transport processes within estuary Land use and waste treatment data Local council Local knowledge and advice intensive animal feedlots. These are, in most cases, situated well upriver. The lower estuary oyster producing areas are expected to respond to such a source in direct relation to their access :to contaminated upriver waters. The low survival rate of E. coli within estuarine waters will further dampen the effects of such sources. . ... ... '- .. . ) At most, the method will define all major sources o~ba~terial pollution within a catchment. At least, the method is pertinent to the resolution of bacterial pollution problems within the lower estuarine areas. More often than not, it is expected that these pollution problems are attributable to the poor location, performance and/or overtaxing of septic tank systems. The Camden Haven was one of six northern N.S.W. rivers defined by the Health Commission of N.S.W. as being heavily polluted by organisms of faecal origin. The information required for similar investigations of other estuaries is readily available. It is recommended that, at best, the Macleay, Brunswick, Wooli, Tweed and Manning Rivers be investigated for the location of point sources of bacterial pollution. If successful, the investigation could be extended to all oyster growing estuaries of N.S.W. A project such as this would be simple to implement, cost effective in that it relies on available data, assist in the control of associated pollutants such as organic and toxic chemicals, be of benefit to estuarine biota and of benefit to the health of the general public. Based on the findings of such an investigation, recommendations could also be made towards the implementation of guidelines for the treatment of human waste within the coastal region of N.S.W. - 65 - The concept of on-going assessment of estuarine water quality using S. commerciaZis as an indicator presents an approach worthy of further investigation. It is suggested, for example, that the data provided by Mackay et aZ. (1975) on heavy metal contamination be regularly updated with concurrent research on the identification and control of sources of heavy metal contamination. Similarly, it is suggested that oysters could be utilized to regularly monitor bacterial contamination within estuaries. This, as well as providing further 'insurance' for the present practice of depuration, would allow for the control of associated enrichments and contaminants, particularly nitrates and toxic chemicals, as well as ensuring acceptable water quality for recreational requirements. This monitoring scheme could be further expanded to include the analysis of chemical derivatives of pesticides and weedicides. If a monitoring scheme, based on S. commerciaZis, was to be implemented some particular experimental design procedures 'tlould need to be formulated. For example, sample oysters should preferably be taken from a series of locations (leases) throughout each estuary. Secondly, sampling should take account of climatic variations, with sampling occurring during both dry and wet weather periods. Associated research should include:shoreline surveys to identify actual and potential pollution sources; hydrographic studies to determine the impact of major sources of pollution on estuarine waters with, where necessary, recommendations for control of these sources; and analysis of these data to determine both the time period of further sampling and, if necessary, further research into particular aspects that the samples have demonstrated as being a problem for a particular catchment. As a side benefit relevant to the expansion of the Sydney rock oyster CUltivation industry, this proposed research programme'would also provide information that would allow for the classification of N.S.W. estuaries on the United States scheme (Heikoff, 1980). This classification scheme has been implemented for particular waterways in Tasmania, thereby allowing for the export of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) to the United States - without, incidentally, any need for depuration . • - 66 - CONCLUDING COMMENTS This report has presented a review of the N.S.W. estuarine fishery, data on the Camden Haven estuarine fishery and data on the Camden Haven oyster cUltivation industry. Because of the nature of the statistical information available, only generalist conclusions could be made on the condition of the Camden Haven estuary. With regard to the Camden Haven estuarine fishery, it was found that, for particular species, notably River garfish, Dusky flathead and Sand whiting, there has been a marked reduction in total annual catch. The total annual catch of Luderick displayed a similar reduction with recovery in recent years to previous levels of catch. For species such as Flattail mullet, Sand mullet and Trumpeter whiting, the time period of information available is not sufficient to allow for any precise conclusions concerning changes to the total catch. As well as changes to the total catch, there has been changes to the proportion of catch by species. A distinct increase in the proportion of catch for Luderick, River garfish and Sand mullet was noted. A decrease was apparent for Dusky flathead ,nd Flattail mullet. As for total catch, information available is insufficient to precisely define the nature and reasons for these apparent trends. Inadequacies' in th~ information available were list~d' i;r' each particular species. It can be concluded that the statistical information presently collected does not allow for any detailed analysis of the ecological nature of the estuarine fisheries of-N.S.H. Suggestions for revision and alteration to the data collected on estuarine fisheries, together with suggestions for further research, were presented in Section 3.:a 'S;-(.IF'3es-4·S-51). Suggestions for alteration to data collection include(the following aspects:- area of capture, effort and catch data, seasonality and age of catch, information on 'regional' stocks, further species delineation, particularly crustaceans, environmental 'baseline' factors, and market and economic factors. Areas of further research includel- fish movements, population assessment, further data on life history features, and data on the influence of man-induced changes on species and populations. The review of available data on the oyster cultivation industry of the Camden Haven was, as for the fishery, restricted by the lack of appropriate data. Generalist comments were, however, possible on the nature of sedimentation in the estuary, and the significance of mangroves to oyster production. To provide more precise data on estuary condition via oyster production, further data including effort, environmental 'baseline' conditions, oyster diseases and cultivation practices, is required. Further investigation with a view to defining data requirements for the analysis of oyster production of particular estuaries was recommended. The use of the Sydney rock oyster (S. aommeraiaZis) as an ongoing monitor of estuarine water quality was also discussed. It was recommended that available data on bacterial contamination be utilized in an attempt to identify point sources of bacterial pollution within N.S.W. estuaries. On-going monitoring for heavy metals, bacterial contamination and chemical derivatives of pesticides and weedicides was recommended. A method whereby such a programme could be implemented was briefly discussed. .. , l .. - 67 - REFERENCES 1975 NaturaZ and Modified PZant Communities as ReZated to Runoff and Sediment YieZds. A.D. 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