Security Update Nr. 34, 2/2006 - English


Security Update Nr. 34, 2/2006 - English
no. 34 Edition 2/2006
Rudolf Weber in conversation with Bertrand Piccard
Where boredom is unknown
Fingerprints win hands down
from page 4
Case Studies
from page 10
“The biggest risk in life is to rest on our certainties”
Kaba strengthens its base in China
A sparkling idea
A vacation dream come true
Pleasant climate in metro stations
The all-in-one card at Lausanne’s polytechnic
State-of-the-art technology with cuddle effect
Irish hotel chain adopts biometrics
Swiss parliament building solves security question
Lever power
Where boredom is unknown
Kaba opens the doors on Mercedes-Benz World
Your hostess: The empress of Austria
Ranked 48th worldwide, 7th in Asia
PwC goes for contactless all-in-one card solution
page 24
from page 26
from page 30
Fingerprints win hands down
Enterprise data collection: Getting off on the right foot
E-Plex — a solution for every door and every budget
Efficient process management with Kaba and Sun Microsystems
Versatile new biometric module
High security for financial service providers
To the washroom — hands off
Off to your vacation rental property — forget the keys
Kaba America’s new Traveling Roadshow
Kaba elolegic cylinder wins prize for design excellence
Entry into Asian hotel market
Trade shows
Cover photo: Paris metro tests screen doors | RATP, the Parisian mass transit authority, issued an international tender for equipping subway
lines 1 and 13 with half-height automatic platform screen doors. Alongside two competitors, Kaba Gilgen AG received supplier qualification
and was the first company in Europe to install a half-height pilot configuration without disrupting subway operations. Trials with the platform
screen doors at the “Invalides” station will continue until the end of October 2006.
Portada: Instalación de prueba en el metro de París | El RATP publicó una convocatoria internacional para equipar las líneas de metro 1 y 13
con puertas automáticas de media altura para los andenes. Kaba Gilgen AG ha sido elegida, junto con dos empresas de la competencia, para la
licitación pública, siendo la primera empresa en Europa que ha instalado un equipo piloto que está en funcionamiento en plena actividad de
metro. El periodo de prueba en la estación “Invalides” se extiende hasta finales de octubre de 2006.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
“Realists try to create their own image of the world.
Visionaries, however, try to transform the world into their
image.” About ten years ago, when psychiatrist and expedition leader Bertrand Piccard announced his vision to
circumnavigate the world in a hot-air balloon, he evoked
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini,
quite a few skeptical smiles. But Piccard, who hails from
Chief Communications
Lausanne (Switzerland), ignored the pessimistic voices and
Visiones | “El realista intenta formarse una
in 1999, when he landed his Breitling Orbiter 3, made global headimagen del mundo. El visionario, por el
lines: Bertrand Piccard was the first person ever to circle the planet
contrario, intenta transformar el mundo a su
in a hot-air balloon. Another adventure is slated for 2011: Piccard
imagen.” Cuando Bertrand Piccard, psiquiatra y guía de expedición de Lausanne (Suiza)
and his team plan to circumnavigate the earth with an airplane
hace unos 10 años hizo pública su visión
powered exclusively by solar energy, including the takeoff phase.
de dar la vuelta al mundo en globo mucha
gente se rio de él. Pero él perseveró y causó
What constitutes the success of an expedition? In July 2006,
sensación a nivel mundial con la vuelta al
Bertrand Piccard met Rudolf Weber, the Kaba Group’s CEO. In their
mundo en el Breitling Orbiter 3: Bertrand
Piccard fue el primer hombre en dar la
conversation about risk management, leadership and visions,
vuelta al mundo en globo sin paradas. Para
it becomes clear that there are many parallels between leading an
el año 2011 tiene prevista otra aventura:
Piccard está planeando junto con su equipo
expedition and running a company as a CEO. More about this topic
dar la vuelta al mundo en una aeronave que
on pages 4 to 7.
despega por su propia fuerza y que utiliza
exclusivamente energía solar. ¿Qué es lo
decisivo para el éxito de una expedición?
Bertrand Piccard se reunió en Julio de 2006
con Rudolf Weber, CEO del grupo Kaba. En su
coloquio sobre Risk Management, Leadership
y visiones se hacen patentes las similitudes
que hay entre guiar una expedición y las
tareas de un CEO. Más información sobre
este tema en las páginas 4 a 7.
Probablemente ya lo habrán notado: desde
el otoño de 2006 el grupo Kaba tiene un
nuevo diseño, que es reflejo de los valores
esenciales de nuestra empresa: calidad, innovación, fiabilidad, liderazgo tecnológico y
tradición. En el marco de este proceso, nuestra revista Security Update también ha sido
remodelada ligeramente. Esperamos sus
En esta edición del Security Update queremos saludar de forma especial a todos los
empleados del grupo Wah Yuet Group: desde
agosto de 2006 esta empresa productora en
China pertenece a la familia Kaba. En las
páginas 8 y 9 encontrará información detallada sobre esta nueva sede de Kaba en el
lejano oriente.
Perhaps you have already noticed: The Kaba Group has been
presenting itself in a fresh new way since the fall of 2006. The new
corporate design reflects the core values of our company: quality,
innovation, reliability, technology leadership and tradition. Within
the scope of this refinement, your Security Update has also received
a subtle facelift. We are looking forward to your comments.
In this issue of Security Update, we wish to extend a particularly
cordial welcome to the staff members and customers of the Wah Yuet
Group. The production company in China joined the Kaba family in
August 2006. Pages 8 and 9 provide further information on Kaba’s
new pillar in the People’s Republic of China.
I wish you enjoyable reading.
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
“The biggest risk in life is to
rest on our certainties”
What constitutes the success of an expedition? Swiss balloon pioneer Bertrand Piccard, who
circumnavigated the globe non-stop in his Breitling Orbiter 3 in 1999, meets Rudolf Weber,
CEO of the Kaba Group. Their conversation focuses on risk management, leadership and visions.
Bertrand Piccard (BP) For me, the most
interesting part of an expedition is
the one you cannot predict because that
is adventure. For that, you have to use
all your potential, skill and awareness to
succeed. What matters the most here
is your flexibility — your ability to adapt to
the unknown and use unpredictable
situations as a stimulus for creativity and
intuition. In an expedition as well as
in life, there are also risks that you are
able to control. And in these areas,
you need to put all your energy and technology.
Rudolf Weber (RW) Well, I think in our
company we could make approximately
the same assessment. It’s not like we
are risking our lives, but we put the company at risk. We have a sophisticated
set of controls of course, but in the end
the human factor represents the greatest
risk. But we should never forget that
people also offer the greatest potential
and the greatest opportunities.
Rudolf Weber
Rudolf Weber has been Chief Executive
Officer of the Kaba Group since July 2006.
From 1986 to 1996, he was a member
of the Executive Committee, with various
marketing-oriented functions, at Elco
Looser Holding AG, Zurich. From 1996 to
2001, he was Chief Operating Officer of
Hoval Heiztechnik, Feldmeilen, and from
2002 to 2006 CEO of Fr. Sauter AG,
Rudolf Weber studied at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH) and at
the University of St.Gallen (HSG); he has
a degree in engineering and in business
administration. Rudolf Weber is married
and father of two children. He resides in
Steinmaur, Switzerland.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
“ I have learned over my
years of managing
companies that flexibility
and teamwork matter
the most.”
BP I believe that the biggest risk in life is
to rest on our certainties, because if
we do that, when a problem comes up we
will not be ready to solve it and we
will not be able to find an innovative solution. A CEO who only has certainties
is leading his company into disaster. He
will not be ready to understand the
threats or prepare for potential crises.
One of the most important qualities a
leader can probably have is the capacity
to have doubts.
“ If you believe that the
other person is
wrong, it is impossible
to negotiate.”
RW I agree. Many of my most positive
BP Well, if you plan to fly around the
BP Two factors were very important. One
experiences have come as a result
world in a balloon, you naturally have
is this team factor. Each solution was
of expressing my doubts — not in an
to face risks. In the Breitling Orbiter
found by the entire team. The other one
anxious way, but just in asking open
3-project, we minimized the risks by
was flexibility in strategy.
questions such as: “What would you do?”
working as a team, which was a very
Ultimately, you have to ask the right
important part of our success. Most of
RW I have learned over my years of
questions if you want to get the
our competitors did not have this
managing companies that flexibility and
right answers.
team spirit. We interacted continuously
teamwork matter the most. You cannot
with all the people involved, which is
just set up goals and try to achieve them
BP The right balance between managing
why our ground team functioned so well.
in a rigid way, blame others if goals
what you can control and adapting to
Sometimes we started to argue with
are not met and leave one company for
what you can’t control — this makes a
them because we had different visions.
the next. This is not a route to success.
man successful on an expedition.
But there was no need for anyone to
I have led several companies in my life in
issue orders. If you just tell people what
situations where I learned to be flexible,
RW I think it’s the same for a CEO.
to do instead of explaining things to
for example in a turnaround. It’s no
Business people nowadays do not take
them, I think it is useless.
use taking some academic theory and
trying to adapt it to business realities —
risks any more. That’s why a lot of industries in Switzerland have failed and
RW This is very much the philosophy
you have to listen to people. And you
disappeared in the last 20 years. We
that I try to bring to my business life.
have to try to use what you have learned
have to take controlled risks in order to
So teamwork was one of the key factors
and experienced in your life and bring it
succeed, and that is what we do at Kaba.
of your success?
into the team in order to succeed. But
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
one of the prerequisites for your success
was that you put your vision out there.
You need to have a strong clear vision
and the employees need to share it.
BP What is your vision for Kaba?
RW We want to be one of the top three
companies for security technology in
the world. Kaba is not a follower; Kaba
is a pioneer because we have always
created markets. I think, as in a soccer
tournament, it is crucial that your
management strategy takes you to the
final. For Kaba, this means staying
independent and being successful so that
we can fulfill our social responsibility.
Therefore, growth is important for us as
well as for our shareholders. Furthermore, since our industry is very competitive, we need to be one of the techno-
BP This reminds me of the situation
logical leaders. To manage all this, we all
need to share a common vision. We
when we couldn’t get permission to
Rudolf Weber (right) in conversation with
Bertrand Piccard on risks and visions.
fly over China at first. In the beginning
have a very multicultural management,
we felt that we could persuade the
and we get really good input from the
Chinese with logical, but Western, argu-
various cultures.
ments – a complete failure. So we tried
BP Our entire team was built like that.
We had people that were as different
as possible, different backgrounds and
personalities, and the only common
denominator was the wish to understand
“ You need to have a strong
clear vision and the
employees need to share it.”
to understand their point of view, and
then the negotiations went really well.
If you think that the other person is
wrong, it is impossible to negotiate. We
have to understand that, very often, the
other person is right and we are wrong.
others, to learn from others, to show
interest in others. To accept the differ-
RW What drives you to start new, very
ences, not to flatten them out — this
ambitious technological projects again
makes a very good team.
and again?
RW That’s also very important for integrating different cultures and points of
view within a company.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
BP To live an interesting and useful
life. When I was 11 years old, I was
invited with my father to watch several
Apollo launches to the moon. There
I met the astronauts, I met the people
who run the American Space Program, and as I watched them, I said:
“That’s the type of life I want.” And you,
why are you interested in challenges?
RW I’m curious about life. I have had
good experiences in learning new things
and going into new areas. In general,
I think it is fascinating to gain a better
picture of different cultures. I think
enjoying new experiences and learning
new things are among the motivations
that drive me to lead a company.
¿Qué es lo decisivo para el éxito de una
expedición? | Bertrand Piccard, el pionero
suizo de los viajes en globo, que dio la vuelta
al mundo sin paradas en 1999 con un Breitling
Orbiter 3, se reunió con Rudolf Weber, CEO
del Grupo Kaba. En su coloquio sobre Risk
Management, Leadership y visiones se hacen
patentes las similitudes que hay entre guiar
una expedición y las tareas de un CEO. Por
ejemplo el equilibrio óptimo entre los factores
controlables e incontrolables es decisivo para
el éxito de una expedición. También desde el
punto de vista empresarial es importante
correr riesgos controlables. En ambos casos,
el trabajo en equipo y la flexibilidad son factores fundamentales para llegar a la meta.
Esencial es además una visión clara y precisa,
que tanto el guía de la expedición como
el CEO deben transmitir a su entorno. Esta
visión debe ser compartida por los empleados. Kaba, como empresa, debe estar en
una de las tres posiciones punteras en tecnología de seguridad a nivel mundial, según la
visión de Rudolf Weber como CEO del Grupo
Kaba. “Es decisivo que la estrategia directiva
nos lleve a la meta. Para Kaba ésto significa
fundamentalmente mantenerse independientes y tener éxito, para de esta forma poder
cumplir nuestros compromisos sociales.”
Bertrand Piccard
Coming from a dynasty of explorers and
scientists, from the moment of his birth in
1958 in Lausanne (Switzerland), Bertrand
Piccard was predestined to break boundaries. He first made his name as a psychologist and psychiatrist, and even here
he crossed over boundaries by integrating
Oriental teaching into his work. As a pioneer of hang-gliding and ultra-light aircraft,
he was able to satisfy his interest in human
behavior under extreme circumstances.
After winning the first transatlantic balloon
race in 1992, he set up his best-known
project, the Breitling Orbiter 3. In 1999,
in the last great adventure of the twentieth century, he circumnavigated the globe
non-stop in a balloon, notching up the
longest-lasting and furthest flight in the
history of aviation. Piccard is much sought
after in the media as a speaker and a
writer of books. Through the work of his
foundation “Winds of Hope” he also puts his
success to good use for humanitarian purposes. In his latest project, Solarimpulse, he
is aiming once again to break boundaries of technology and aviation: he and his
team are planning in 2011 to circumnavigate the earth in an aircraft which will take
off unassisted and will be operated by solar
power alone.
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
Kaba strengthens its base in China
With its purchase of the Wah Yuet Group, Kaba has acquired a modern Chinese manufacturing business.
Wah Yuet produces high-quality locks and cylinders as well as keys and key blanks, mostly for sale via
American and European partners.
“I would like to send my best wishes
Ulrich Graf. The two entrepreneurs first
to all employees of the Wah Yuet Group
met five years ago. In 2002 Ulrich Graf
and welcome them to the Kaba family,”
was taken on a tour round the plant in
said Ulrich Graf, Director of Kaba Holding
Taishan City and was impressed by
AG. “I would also like to extend my wel-
the efficiency and precision of the manu-
come to Wah Yuet’s clients. Thank you all
facturing processes. The mutual trust
for the loyalty you have placed in the Wah
and respect between the two men
Yuet Group and in Kaba. And, finally, my
prompted Kin Shek Ng to enter into
thanks go to Kin Shek Ng, Wah Yuet’s
concrete negotiations last year with a
founding father, for the huge confidence
view to selling his company to Kaba,
he has shown in Kaba by putting his life’s
and the negotiations were successfully
work in our hands.”
concluded in mid-August 2006. Ng
acquired 5.2 % of Kaba’s shares as part
Acquisition based on mutual trust
of the transaction and so will remain
The acquisition of the Wah Yuet
closely involved with Kaba. He is con-
Group represents a quantum leap in Asia
fident that Wah Yuet and its staff will be
for Kaba. The original basis for the even-
in good hands with Kaba. Furthermore,
tual sale to Kaba was the relationship
Kin Shek Ng believes that “bringing
built up over several years between Kin
our two companies together will without
Shek Ng, the founder and previously
doubt also have beneficial effects for our
the sole shareholder of Wah Yuet, and
customers in the future”.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
A friendly handshake seals the deal:
Kin Shek Ng, founder and previously sole
shareholder of the Wah Yuet Group, and
Kaba’s Ulrich Graf.
Kaba refuerza su presencia en el lejano
oriente | A mediados de agosto Kaba cerró
con éxito las negociaciones de compra
del grupo Wah Yuet. Esta moderna empresa
industrial china creada en 1974 tiene una
plantilla de unos 4.000 empleados y fabrica
cerraduras, cilindros, llaves y matrices
para llaves de alta calidad que se comercializan principalmente a través de socios
distribuidores estadounidenses y europeos.
La compra de la empresa se basa en una relación de confianza desde hace ya años entre
Kin Shek Ng, fundador y hasta la fecha
único accionista de la Wah Yuet, y Ulrich Graf,
delegado del consejo administrativo de Kaba
Holding AG.
Production site on the Silk Road
The Wah Yuet Group, which was
Broad product portfolio
Wah Yuet manufactures high-quality,
founded in 1974, set up its first production
competitively priced products, mostly for
site in Hong Kong. Today the company
sale through American and European
works from its factory in Taishan City,
partners. The company has an excellent
situated 140 km west of Hong Kong, which
reputation with clients for its precision
opened in 1995. Taishan City’s industry
and its technically refined products. Its
and infrastructure have grown steadily
broad portfolio ranges from locks – includ-
over recent years owing to foreign invest-
ing door locks, bike locks and all types
ment. The Wah Yuet Group’s modern
of padlocks – to keys, cylinders and key
production facility of around 280,000 m2
blanks. Especially its door locks are very
is located in Guanghai in the south of
popular in North America.
Taishan City by the South China Sea.
Guanghai can look back on a long and
colorful history, mainly because of its
location on the famous Silk Road. In the
recent past, significant investments have
been made to refine production and
optimize processes within the Wah Yuet
Group. The company acquired its ISO
9001 and ISO 14001 certification in 2001.
Wah Yuet Group in brief:
- Founded: 1974
- Number of employees: 4,000
- Floor space: 280,000 m2
- Turnover: CHF 85 million
- Product portfolio: locks, keys,
cylinders, key blanks
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
A sparkling idea
Gerolsteiner, Germany’s leading mineral water bottler, gave Kaba the first opportunity to install CardLink.
The brand new software concept connects the offline and online worlds and represents a new dimension in
Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co. KG
is the leader in Germany’s mineral
water industry. Headquartered in the
Vulkaneifel region, the company
generated in 2005 193.6 million in
net product sales with 790 employees.
It exports natural, non-alcoholic
beverages to 25 countries around the
An integrated solution that combi-
of security,” explains Mate Ursic, Kaba
nes access control with time and atten-
Key Account Manager. “With CardLink,
dance management: CardLink is an
we have come a quantum leap closer to
innovative concept that connects the
the big goal of fully addressing this need.”
standalone realm with the online world.
Instead of at least two systems as were
The pilot project — bundling
previously required, one single software
three into one
program now controls centralized
“The objective at Gerolsteiner was to
authorization management for access
renew the security systems. The underly-
control, attendance, and electronic
ing idea: to merge the access function as
locking systems. Moreover, CardLink
well as time and attendance under SAP
loads the authorization data directly
into a meaningful whole and thus to opti-
on the user media. Thus, employee ID
mize internal procedures,” reminisces
cards, badges or keys tell the offline,
Heinz Lorse, Head of Central Services.
standalone components mounted on
For the business administrator, the added-
doors (digital cylinders or door furniture
value issue was clearly in the focus from
readers) who has access when and where.
the very beginning. “We wanted the in-
“Nowadays, organizational efficiency
vestment to perceptibly contribute to the
in company environments is more impor-
company’s bottom line. And we just took
tant than ever before. This is why cus-
it for granted that Kaba solutions are
tomers are looking for attractive and sen-
secure,” said the project manager with a
sible all-in-one solutions in the domain
twinkle in his eye.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
Ideas refrescantes | En la empresa
Gerolsteiner, líder alemán en la producción
de aguas minerales, Kaba instaló por
primera vez CardLink en el marco de un proyecto piloto. El concepto innovador de
software unifica los entornos online y offline:
el mismo software dirige ahora la gestión
central de autorizaciones para control de
acceso, gestión horaria y sistema electrónico
de cierre. Además CardLink imprime las
autorizaciones directamente en los medios
del usuario. En junio de 2006 se puso en
marcha la primera fase del proyecto, con la
instalación de soluciones base, como la
implementación del sistema Kaba exos 9300.
Esta solución ha supuesto un avance importante en la optimización de los procesos
internos y ha sido muy bien acogida por los
empleados de Gerolsteiner.
Uniting access with time and attendance
management in a single integrated system is possible with CardLink. The Kaba
elolegic c-lever, an electronic door furniture reader, is a key component of the
innovative solution.
Security across a virtual network
Gerolsteiner’s Exos 9300 system was
door,” says Heinz Lorse. “They were a
bit surprised initially. But in the mean-
On track
In the first phase of the project in
inaugurated in July 2006: It centrally
time, it has become second nature.
June 2006, the basic solution was instal-
manages the profiles for online access
Overall, the solution came across very
led and the Kaba exos 9300 system was
control as well as the digital locking
well at Gerolsteiner.”
initialized. In the meantime, selected sites
components of the elolegic product
family. Authorization management is
handled by the company’s Facility Secur-
have already been equipped with CardA versatile organizational instrument
Procedural simplifications played
Link. Currently, the project team is
defining further optimization processes
ity department. Thanks to its innovative
an important role as regards the accept-
in collaboration with Gerolsteiner and
concept, it proved possible to integrate
ance of the system. Every day, large
implementing them on an ongoing basis.
CardLink throughout the plant with
numbers of representatives from external
“In the preparatory period, Gerolsteiner
almost no added wiring. As is common-
companies move about on Gerolsteiner’s
invested considerable planning expertise
place in Kaba solutions, the “door open-
premises as well. In the past, these per-
in the project and created a set of speci-
er” is based on Legic technology, which
sons and vehicles were monitored with
fications with a clearly defined list of
at Gerolsteiner is hidden in a key fob. The
conventional means and access rights
requirements,” notes Kaba project mana-
electronic c-lever readers on the doors
were granted manually – which naturally
ger Stephan Timmler. “Thanks to the
are openable with the fob, provided the
resulted in a tremendous workload.
spirit of partnership shared by the rep-
authorization is verified of course. These
Thanks to the deployment of entrance
resentatives of both companies, the
CardLink components are connected
and exit readers in combination with
project got off to a great start.”
to the system via a virtual network, and
Kaba exos 9300, the movements of visi-
they are validated on a daily basis.
tors are tracked electronically now.
“For our employees, it was a new expe-
At the same time, it is always clear who
rience to realize that a fob can open a
is en route for which cost center.
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 11
A vacation dream come true
Between crystal-clear water and a deep blue sky, the Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa nestles in a bay fringed
with white sand and majestic lava rocks. But security cannot be neglected even in this idyllic setting.
Pure relaxation thanks to
convenient security.
The hotel offers guests a unique
duction of the locking system some three
blend of Polynesian tradition, comfort
years ago. Eléonore Petin, Sales & Marke-
and interior elegance in a luxuriant
ting Manager at Bora Bora Nui Resort &
setting. The 120 luxury suites and villas
Spa, sums up the advantages of the
at Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa are spread
Solitaire 710-II: “What sold us, besides the
over 6.5 hectares of lushly vegetated
design, was ease of programming, ease
terraced land, affording a splendid view
of use for guests and staff and, of course,
of the private bay with its turquoise-blue
optimized security.”
For the same reasons, this system
The Kaba Ilco Solitaire 710-II locking
will also be used at another Starwood
system was selected for security at the
hotel scheduled to open in French Polyne-
exclusive resort. In the course of a month,
sia. Meanwhile, in line with Kaba’s high
130 system units were installed in the
standard of service, further training is
bungalows; hotel staff then received the
scheduled for the resort’s maintenance
needed training. All components have
personnel and hotel staff.
worked trouble-free since the intro-
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
Donde los sueños de vacaciones se hacen
realidad | El exclusivo hotel Bora Bora Nui
Resort & Spa ofrece a sus clientes lujo en
un entorno idílico. Pero ni siquiera el paraíso
puede prescindir de seguridad: el sistema
de cerraduras Solitaire 710-II se ocupa de la
seguridad. Próximamente se aplicará el
mismo sistema a otro hotel Starwood en la
Polinesia francesa.
Pleasant climate in metro stations
The Hong Kong subway system carries some 2.4 million passengers per day. Safe, dependable service is the
top priority. Special climate-control doors at station entries keep the indoor temperature at a pleasant level.
Since the Mass Transport Railway
ensuring safe, comfortable and — what
(MTR) was inaugurated in 1979, it has be-
is more — faster travel. A Kaba mainte-
come indispensable as one of the key
nance team takes care of the 3020 auto-
parts of Hong Kong’s transit network.
matic doors installed on 76 platforms.
It is the most heavily used public trans-
In addition to the platform screen
portation in the world. Trains run 19 hours
doors, Kaba climate-control doors in
every day, traveling on seven lines with
service at two subway stations also con-
53 stations located along the 91 kilome-
tribute to passenger comfort. Specially
ters of track.
designed air-curtain units mounted
Efficient planning, sound construc-
onto the automatic sliding doors at the
tion practices, and a focus on service-
entry of the stations help to conserve
ability and maintenance enable the MTR
conditioned air, keeping out dust and hot
Corporation to offer first-class safety,
outdoor air. The atmosphere in the inte-
reliability and functionality. The company
rior parts of the stations remains pleas-
has devoted much attention to improving
antly cool. The pilot units have been
passenger flow.
working for two years to the operator’s
For several years, the MTR has used
full satisfaction, and more such doors
automatic platform screen doors in
will be installed this year.
32 stations to keep waiting passengers
away from the track danger area, thus
Condiciones ambientales óptimas | El Mass
Transport Railway (MTR) de Hong Kong
es el medio de transporte público más frecuentado del mundo. Las puertas automáticas para andenes (Platform Screen
Doors) suministradas por Kaba permiten un
transporte seguro y cómodo y a la vez
aumentar la frecuencia de circulación. Las
puertas aislantes especiales en las entradas
a las estaciones evitan el paso del polvo y
del aire exterior. De esta forma, en el sistema
suburbano el aire se mantiene a una temperatura agradable.
Climate-control doors for the Hong Kong
subway, the world’s most heavily frequented public transit system.
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 13
The all-in-one card at Lausanne’s polytechnic
One multifunction card for everything: Some 11,000 staff members and students at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) identify themselves at access points with badges featuring
integrated Legic technology. The same badges are used for checking out books at the library, making
photocopies and paying for restaurant and cafeteria purchases.
Polyright SA markets the most
advanced multifunction microchip card
system currently available. Companies
like Vacheron Constantin, Télévision
Suisse Romande and the universities of
Lausanne, Neuchâtel and Fribourg rely
on these intelligent systems. The solutions were developed in cooperation
with Legic Identsystems AG, the company responsible for configuring the
Legic cards. In Switzerland, Polyright SA
is the university market leader with a
share of 42 %.
There is no doubt that the most ambitious project in this domain involves
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
in Lausanne. Polyright was commissioned
to act as a general contractor in the implementation of a new microchip system
with integrated contactless Smart Card
technology. Today, about 11,000 staff
members and students are holders of
such a multifunction card that remains
valid for their entire academic tenure.
The card features a rewritable zone
With its customized solution the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology in
Lausanne is en route to a secure future.
and can be reloaded with credit at a
self-service kiosk. It handles many different functions. The badge is used to
gain access to the buildings, as a library
ID and as a payment medium for campus
restaurants and cafeterias as well as
photocopiers. The 600 access points —
some equipped with biometric solutions
(fingerprint and iris scanning) — are
managed by a decentralized system via
the Internet.
14 |
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
Sistema integrado multifuncional en el EPF de Lausanne | Una tarjeta multifuncional para todo:
unos 11.000 empleados y estudiantes de la ETH de Lausanne se acreditan para el control de
acceso con tarjetas de tecnología Legic integrada. Las tarjetas son a la vez carnet para la biblioteca, tarjeta de fotocopias y medio de pago en el restaurante y la cafetería. Este ambicioso
proyecto fue llevado a cabo por la empresa Polyright SA.
State-of-the-art technology with cuddle effect
Virtually everyone recognizes a Steiff teddybear with the “button in the ear”. To market these universally
beloved plush toys, Margarete Steiff GmbH needed a powerful enterprise data collection system.
An eventful heritage: In 1880,
tion data. Among the events logged are
Margarete Steiff founded what would be-
incoming and outgoing orders (both
come the world’s most renowned maker
individual and bulk orders) with quantity
of plush animals. Her nephew, Richard
reports, interruption reports, identifi-
Steiff, designed the first jointed teddy
cation of errors and defects, rework,
bear a mere 22 years later, and these
tooling times and overhead activities.
stuffed creatures are now ubiquitous in
Entries are subjected to a real-time
children’s rooms. Products from Steiff’s
online plausibility check and an event-
wide range are sought after everywhere;
oriented assessment. What is more, the
the name stands for quality, sheltered
system automatically monitors data
childhood and meaningful play.
transfer from and to the SAP R/3 PPS
To bring more transparency to the
También los peluches precisan gestión de
datos | En 1902 la empresa Margarete Steiff
GmbH se hizo famosa al fabricar el primer
osito de peluche articulado. Hoy en día es
uno de los más conocidos fabricantes de peluches en el mundo — caracterizados por el
botón en la oreja. Para mejorar la gestión de
horarios y datos de empesa, así como el
control de acceso, se instalaron 21 terminales
BDE de Kaba. La solución, resultado de la
cooperación con UCI, permite más transparencia en los procesos de producción.
system and reports any orders that
company, its management chose Kaba
are canceled or changed. The Kaba-UCI
partner UCI, in Bad Boll, to provide
solution renders the entire manufactur-
time + attendance, enterprise data collec-
ing process more transparent. Steiff
tion and access control capabilities.
reports that its investment was quickly
Since 1998, Steiff employees have been
using 21 EDC terminals to acquire produc-
Teddy’s delight: The investment in a
comprehensive time and data collection
system quickly paid for itself.
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 15
Irish hotel chain adopts biometrics
Time + attendance recording and staff access control pose a challenge to any hotel manager. In Ireland,
the Jurys Doyle chain is deploying an ingenious biometric solution as a way of meeting the challenge.
The Irish hotel chain Jurys Doyle
owes its rapid expansion to the 1993
launch of Jurys Inn Budget Hotels. The
company’s portfolio has grown to a
current total of 34 properties in Ireland,
Great Britain and the USA.
To satisfy present and future needs
in the area of time + attendance and
access control, Jurys Doyle has chosen
a Kaba biometric solution. Today, all
fingerprint data on the chain’s employees
are stored in a central system.
Every new hire has two fingerprints
scanned with a B-Net 91 20 terminal
and is assigned an identification number.
Biometric terminals are then used for
all hotel access control as well as timekeeping. For this purpose, the staff member places a finger on the sensor and is
identified by the system, which compares
the fingerprint with the employee’s ID
number. If the system finds a match, it
allows entry and simultaneously clocks
the employee in.
Cadena hotelera irlandesa apuesta por la
biometría | La gestión horaria y el control de
acceso de los empleados suponen un desafío
para toda empresa hotelera. La cadena irlandesa Jurys Doyle, en curso de rápida expansión desde 1993 con sus hoteles Jurys Inn
Budget Hotels en Irlanda, Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos, se ha decidido por una solución
biométrica de Kaba.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
Fast-growing hotel chains need modern time and access
control systems that can accommodate future needs.
Swiss parliament building solves security question
The Swiss parliament building, seat of the federal executive and legislature, occupies a prominent site
in central Berne. Like other countries, Switzerland has had to optimize security precautions for members of
the parliament and visitors.
The parliament building was erected
As security requirements became
an Orthos interlock into the secure areas
in 1902 to plans by architect Hans Wilhelm
stricter, automatic doors were needed to
on the upper level. Four more Orthos
Auer. His aim was to create a national
control access by visitors and officials.
interlocks are located in the broad hall of
monument worthy of representing “the
Their introduction began in 2003, when
the dome; a central sliding door with
world’s oldest democracy” — a claim
two Geryon revolving doors and ten
a panic leaf provides a way of escape in
the Swiss are proud to make. At the same
Orthos security interlocks were installed
case of emergency. Additional interlocks
time, the structure was to be a physical
in two phases. All security features have
in the side corridors protect access to
embodiment of Switzerland: Auer
been operational as of spring 2006.
the east and west wings, ensuring opti-
called for the use of none but Swiss con-
Two security revolving doors control
mal security in the Swiss parliament
tractors and Swiss materials. The result
visitor access to the parliament build-
became one of the country’s most
ings; a valid admission card serves as
grandly conceived works of art. The “hall
authorization. Being completely trans-
of the dome” is famous for its many
parent, the all-glass units harmonize
symbolic reminders of Swiss history and
perfectly with the historical elements of
also as an arena for vigorous debates
the building. Officials use their perma-
during parliamentary sessions.
nent identification cards to pass through
Revolving doors, interlocks and
automatic sliding doors blend in with
the historic ambiance of the Swiss
parliament building and address
sophisticated security requirements.
El Parlamento soluciona una cuestión de seguridad | En el edificio del Parlamento de Berna,
sede de los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo de la Confederación Helvética, se han instalado puertas automáticas giratorias Geryon, así como esclusas unipersonales Orthos — todo ello respondiendo a los crecientes requisitos en materia de control de acceso de visitantes y diputados. Son
una muestra excelente de cómo armonizar la mejor protección con la arquitectura histórica.
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 17
Lever power
Kingston Elementary School features the latest advances in school building design. It was no accident that
PowerLever, with its integrated power generating mechanism, was chosen for the security system.
The modern school in Berea, Ken-
electronic access control. The PowerLe-
tucky, comprises a central hallway and
ver turned out to be the perfect solution.
several “pods”. Facilities used by all
This patented lock generates its own
grades — media center, auditorium,
power and requires neither expensive
cafeteria and gymnasium — are located
cabling nor batteries. The energy need-
together off the main entry area. This
ed to operate the lock and activate
special configuration offers excellent
the access control software is produced
conditions for a high level of school
by rotating the lever before entering
a PIN code. The system is fast and easy
Clearly defined criteria were applied
to use, and it can be maintained by
in selecting the right security system.
just one staff member as part of the daily
Conventional systems have the drawback
that keys can go missing or fail to get
turned in. Financial factors ruled out
Simple, cost-effective and autonomous: The PIN code-controlled locking
system generates its own power and requires no wiring.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
La energía que viene de la manilla | El colegio Kingston Elementary School en Berea,
Kentucky (EEUU), está equipado con los más
modernos adelantos en materia de construcción de escuelas. La elección de PowerLever
como sistema de seguridad no fue por casualidad: al mover la manilla de la puerta, el cerrojo patentado genera la energía necesaria
para introducir el código PIN y para el control
de acceso.
Where boredom is unknown
With its aquatic parks and attractions, Port Aventura is the Spanish version of Disneyland. In order to handle
the enormous stream of visitors, a reliable, fast and convenient access control system was needed.
Port Aventura, located in Salou
near Tarragona, is more than the largest
theme park in Spain: it also comprises
criterion, since it allows optimal planning
of the resources needed in the park.
An additional benefit that contri-
an aquatic resort and a unique spectrum
butes to the success and acceptance of
of luxury hotels inspired by Mediterra-
the system is the fact that the visitors
nean, Caribbean and Mexican originals.
may use their room card to access all the
Controlling the massive access of
areas and activities within the park.
a yearly average of more than three and a
Kaba and Informática El Corte Inglés have
half million visitors is not a trivial issue:
accomplished this by combining different
the access must be fast, convenient, and
card technologies (barcode/magstripe)
reliable at the highest level.
seamlessly between the different systems.
Port Aventura decided to opt for
a solution resulting from the partnership
Port Aventura can fully rely on the
chosen solution in its continuous effort to
between Kaba Spain and Informática
deliver fun and enjoyment to everyone.
El Corte Inglés. Kaba was responsible for
the main hardware components such
as high-performance tripod barriers and
electronic access control devices, whereas Informática El Corte Inglés implemented a full-featured ticketing solution
integrated into the SAP enterprise software environment.
The installed system allows every
access event to the park to be fully monitored in real time. The current total
visitorship figure is always available to the
park management. This key parameter
is called “inpark” and it is a main decision
Donde aburrimiento es una palabra desconocida | Port Aventura, con su parque
acuático y de atracciones, es el equivalente
español de Disneylandia. Para gestionar
el enorme número de visitantes (tres millones
al año) Kaba España ha instalado en cooperación con Informática El Corte Inglés un
sistema de acceso fiable, rápido y cómodo
para el usuario.
The result of a successful partnership between Kaba and Informática El Corte Inglés:
A dependable access control and resource management solution for theme park visitors.
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 19
Kaba opens the doors on Mercedes-Benz World
Mercedes-Benz World, recently built outside the main gate of DaimlerChrysler’s plant at Untertürkheim
(Stuttgart), is the world’s biggest car museum dedicated to models of a single make. The museum
expects a million visitors a year.
Inspired by the Wankel engine:
the Mercedes-Benz Museum
showcases 120 years of automotive history.
Cleverly designed by the Dutch
Structural statics have been pushed
design were built for this high-prestige
architects van Berkel & Bos, the museum
right to the limit. A building this crooked
project. Five swinging gates afford
has a trefoil footprint reminiscent of a
could not have been conceived at all
barrier-free wheelchair access. The
Wankel engine. Visitor routes descend
just a few years ago. Not until engineers
control features, stylistically consistent
along two interlocking helices that
had computer simulation in their tool-
with the futuristic lobby, guide visitors
link the nine floors. “Collection” spaces,
box could they perform the design calcu-
to an elevator that takes them to the
flooded with light, house thematically
lations for this complicated threedimen-
ninth floor where they begin their fas-
grouped displays of 175 famous origi-
sional structure.
cinating journey through Mercedes-Benz
nals, including cars that once belonged
The museum’s staff needed a suit-
to Kaiser Wilhelm II and Princess Diana.
able approach to controlling the stream
The “Mythos” exhibit rooms invite the
of visitors. Kaba’s concept clicked on both
visitor to travel in time through the 120-
the technical and the aesthetic levels.
year history of the Mercedes-Benz brand.
Eight automatic turnstiles of special
El museo de automóviles más grande del mundo | El “Mercedes-Benz Welt” en Stuttgart-Untertürkheim es no solamente el museo más grande del mundo dedicado a una sola marca de
automóviles, sino también una obra de arte por su arquitectura, inspirada en un motor Wankel.
Para regular la entrada de los visitantes previstos — un millón al año — Kaba ha instalado ocho
trípodes automáticos construidos especialmente para este proyecto, así como puertas pivotantes para el acceso de personas de movilidad reducida.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
Your hostess: The empress of Austria
Just twenty minutes from Mozart’s city Salzburg, the fabled Hotel Schloss Fuschl stands on a peninsula
in the lake whose name it bears. The castle became famous in the 1950s when its romantic locale made
it the perfect backdrop for the Sissi movie trilogy, starring Romy Schneider.
The Fuschl castle looks back on a
while the property was being renovated.
lively past. Archives from as early as the
Schloss Fuschl is now fitted with a Kaba
mid-15th century mention it under the
penta locking system and the Exos 9300
name “Fuschlhaus” or “Schloss Fuschl-
SBS solution with an interface to Opera
see”. Its greatest flowering came around
hotel reservation software. Online cylin-
1624 under Prince-Archbishop Paris
ders give access to the hotel rooms, while
of Lodron. The castle became the proper-
Elolegic thumbturn cylinders and keys
ty of the Austrian imperial house in
and multi-point locks with online readers
1833 and rapidly fell into disrepair. Until
give hotel guests a sense of protection
the early 20th century, the estate was
truly fit for an emperor.
repeatedly being sold, leased out and
Invitados en casa de la emperatriz de
Austria | El hotel Schloss Fuschl, situado
cerca de Salzburgo, se hizo famoso por
el rodaje de las películas de la emperatriz
Elizabeth, con Romy Schneider en el
papelde “Sissi”. Por su ubicación en un
paisaje tan idílico y romántico, el hotel
invita hoy al descanso y el ocio. La renovación del hotel conllevó la instalación de
un nuevo sistema de acceso y seguridad,
proyecto confiado a Kaba, con el fin de
dar a los clientes una protección realmente
digna de un emperador.
even seized for debt.
The castle was turned into a hotel
around 1950-51. A few years later it
became the location where the historical
romance Sissi and two sequels were
shot, with Romy Schneider and Karl-Heinz
Böhm in leading roles as the empress
and emperor. Romy Schneider’s suite can
be yours today if you wish!
Since 2001, the hotel has been run
by ArabellaSheraton Hotelmanagement
GmbH, which gave Kaba a contract to
install a new security and access solution
The integrated security solution with
online interfaces provides the noble
hotel with regal security in fairytale
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 21
Ranked 48th worldwide, 7th in Asia
Nanyang Technological University in Singapore obtained its impressive 48th ranking among the world’s
top universities not just for its educational qualities, but also for promoting factors that benefit the learning
climate. One such factor is internal security on the campus.
Security for students: Without any
extra alteration work, over 700
conventional mechanical locks were
transformed into intelligent, digital
locking systems.
Puesto 48 a nivel mundial – número 7 en
Asia | En la Nanyang Technological University
(NTU) de Singapur la seguridad ocupa un
lugar primordial. Al mejorar el ambiente de
estudio, ha contribuido – entre otros factores
– a llevar a esta universidad al puesto 48 a
nivel internacional. Para la recien construida
zona residencial de estudiantes se ha elegido una solución Kaba elolegic compatible
con las cerraduras mecánicas ya existentes.
Actualmente más de 700 cilindros digitales
Kaba elolegic y 2.500 tarjetas Legic velan
por la seguridad del campus universitario.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
At present, 23,000 students attend
cal locking system into an intelligent digi-
the Nanyang Technological University
tal locking system with time functions.
(NTU) in southwestern Singapore. The
Legic cards now open the doors to on-
institution has been ranked no. 7 in Asia
campus residences and faculties. If a card
by the “Times Higher Education Sup-
gets lost, it can easily be blocked and
plement (THES)”. NTU is making a con-
replaced by another.
tinuous effort to improve its learning
and leisure-time infrastructure.
Students’ safety is an important con-
With over 700 Kaba elolegic digital
cylinders and 2,500 Legic cards, the
installation is centrally administered by
sideration, so the university chose a Kaba
handheld programming units and the
elolegic standalone solution for a new
Organiser V2.0 software. This allows a
on-campus housing complex. The system
flexible and straightforward authoriza-
provides multilevel access control and
tion management of the entire mechatro-
extensive audit capabilities without costly
nic access system at all times. The high
wiring. Because the Kaba elolegic digital
standard of safety and a user-friendly key-
cylinders can be easily integrated into
less system make a crucial contribution
existing locks and handles, no extra costs
to a pleasant learning environment.
were incurred for converting a mechani-
PwC goes for contactless all-in-one card solution
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a world-renowned firm active in financial auditing and business consulting
services as well as tax and legal consulting. In November 2005, the company brought all its Zurich operations together in a new, modern headquarter building.
The new facility in Zurich’s Oerlikon
of the overall design and supplied all
district needed an ingenious access
locking systems, checkpoint interlocks
system guaranteeing the utmost in secu-
and glass security doors.
rity along with the greatest possible
PwC Facility Manager Corina Gerber
convenience. Every day, 1,200 employees
states: “We are very satisfied with the
use their contactless Legic personal
new systems. All our expectations and
ID card to pass through the building
requirements were met. Maximum safety,
entrances, operate interlocks and eleva-
monitorability, user-friendliness and
tors, and open floor lobby doors. For
flawless functionality — these were impor-
access and security outside office hours,
tant from the facility management’s
two entrances are also equipped with
perspective. In addition, we wanted to be
biometric fingerprint readers. Purchases
sure that the new systems would be
in the snack bar and from vending
upgradeable so that we could later
machines are transacted without contact
accommodate further applications.”
or cash, and even printers require an
ID card to function. Kaba was responsible
Solución all-in-one card | La tecnología manos libres de Legic fue la solución de control
de acceso elegida para satisfacer los exigentes requisitos de PricewaterhouseCoopers en
su nueva sede de Zurich Oerlikon: 1.200 empleados se identifican con una tarjeta personal manos libres, abren puertas y esclusas de
seguridad, utilizan la cantina y los expendedores automáticos sin necesidad de dinero
efectivo e imprimen documentos – una solución all-in-one-card de Legic!
A scalable all-in-one solution provides
user and maintenance-friendly security
and monitorability for the daily benefit
of 1,200 staff members.
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 23
Fingerprints win hands down
Everyone is talking about biometrics. In high-security environments – banks, research facilities, etc. –
biometric solutions have long been commonplace. Now, there is a growing trend toward biometric-based
access control in small and medium-sized enterprises. But what exactly is biometrics and how does it work?
pattern of veins on the back of the
hand or the lines on fingertips. For data
protection reasons, the deployment of
biometric identification at border
crossings or in crime prevention is sometimes hotly debated, but for access
control, its application is meanwhile undisputed. Stefan Kurz, Head of Product Management, Kaba Germany,
explains: “The biometric features of a
person create a decisive advantage
over conventional identification means
such as PIN codes, keys or badges –
simply because they cannot be forgotten,
lost, eavesdropped or passed on to
But not all biometric solutions are
the same. Fingerprints are still the
front runners. According to a new study
by the International Biometric Group,
the market share of fingerprint biometry
in the USA is 43.6 %. In Europe, a similar
trend has been noted. The currently
“Biometrics” stands for techniques
available sensors fulfill important criteria
that allow the identification of indivi-
such as resistance to environmental
duals based on personal features. The
factors, operating convenience and com-
human body has many such features:
the face, the eyes (especially the iris), the
Biometric Market by Technology for 2006
Multiple 4%
Signature 2%
Fingerprint 44%
Face 19%
© 2006 International Biometric Group
24 |
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
Voice 4%
Iris 7%
Hand 9%
Middleware 11%
tures called “minutiae” by experts — into
face and the scan is then compared with
a string of numbers. In other words,
locally stored data (1 : n comparison).
fingerprint at a point of entry. The minu-
a series of numbers and not the finger-
If he is positively identified, a door will
tiae-based method is very suitable. It
print itself is then saved to a hard disk,
open or a time + attendance booking
does not require a 1 : 1 image of the finger,
the RAM device of a terminal or the chip
will take place.
but instead focuses on certain character-
on a Smart Card.
How does fingerprint biometrics work?
There are various ways to scan a
istics of the papillary lines. “This method
A carefully scanned reference print
Conversely, the verification method
does not require fingerprint data to
has proven to be the most reliable one,
is needed to assure that a biometric
be stored in a central database: it is sto-
and that is why Kaba systems are based
solution will work flawlessly. For this
red on the user’s personal ID medium.
on it,” adds Kurz.
purpose, a random fingertip is placed on
The process involves inserting the badge
the glass surface of the sensor and
and then placing the finger on the
scanned. For security reasons, a second
sensor. This is a 1 : 1 comparison and if the
finger is scanned in case the first one
person’s finger matches the fingerprint
might become temporarily unscannable
data on the badge, the system records
due to an injury.
a positive identification event.
It is not easy to judge conclusively
Biometric test methods
Today, the access control market
The principle is straightforward. The
which method is better suited for access
control purposes. The success of a
uses two different biometric test meth-
solution depends heavily on the sensor
ods: identification and verification. In
technology used, its acceptance by
both cases, the reference fingerprint
users and the degree of integration in
is needed to recognize a person’s identity.
the overall solution.
With the identification method,
scanner unit produces a digital image
a person’s finger data first need to be
of the finger. An algorithm transforms the
converted into a string of numbers
scanned line patterns — with their bifur-
and stored. To identify himself, the user
cations, isles, and hooks and other fea-
places his finger on the sensor sur-
Huella dáctilar en la vanguardia | La biometría — métodos para reconocer a las personas basados en características personales (rostro, iris, venas etc.) — es un componente ya totalmente
establecido en materia de control de acceso. El más frecuente es el basado en la huella dáctilar.
Fundamental es un impecable registro de referencia que permita al sistema establecer la
comparación. Hoy en día se encuentran en el mercado dos tipos de procesos de comprobación:
la identificación (los datos de referencia están almacenados de forma local) y la verificación
(los datos están almacenados en una acreditación personal).
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 25
Enterprise data collection:
Getting off on the right foot
E-Plex – a solution for every
door and every budget
Functionality, convenience and good design make the new
B-Net 95 20 an excellent choice for a company that is just getting
into enterprise data collection. Six function keys with writable
keycap inserts take care of standard functions such as logging orders in and out or recording interruptions and their causes. Custom partitioning enables the terminal to perform many other
functions, such as tracking work hours or counting pieces. Along
with an internal reader module such as a Legic device, a second
reader can be connected in order to log such items as production
documents. Designed for 200 employees and 4,000 events, this
new EDC terminal can handle up to 3,500 employees with memory upgrades.
Kaba’s E-Plex electronic standalone locks combine the
strength, simplicity and reliability of the Simplex mechanical pushbutton locks with the enhanced security and convenience of electronic access control. A vast array of options and mechanical features provide a facility with a solution for every door.
The new E-Plex 2000, the latest addition to the E-Plex brand,
now also provides a solution for every budget. This entry-level lock
provides 100 access codes. Installation is quick and easy as there
are no wires to or through the door. Users and locks are easily managed at the door with simple keypad programming — without the
Iniciación ideal en el BDE | Gracias a su funcionalidad, su gran comodidad de uso y su atractivo diseño, la nueva terminal B-Net 95 20 es
adecuada para el inicio de recopilación de datos de empresa, al contar
con todas las funciones estándar necesarias. Mediante ampliación de
memoria, esta terminal para 200 empleados y 4.000 entradas puede
gestionar hasta un máximo de 3.500 empleados.
26 |
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
need for software. The lock is also user-friendly and has customizable parameters to fit the needs of different access points.
Cerrojo electrónico de teclas para todos los bolsillos | El cerrojo
de teclas E-Plex 2000, el más nuevo producto de esta línea, ofrece con
100 códigos de acceso una solución para cada bolsillo. El cerrojo unifica la sencillez y fiabilidad del cerrojo mecánico Simplex y la alta seguridad y comodidad de un sistema electrónico de control de acceso.
Efficient process management with
Kaba and Sun Microsystems
Versatile new biometric module
The integration of Kaba exos into the Sun Java System Identity Manager now enables enterprises to build complete processes for security and authorization management and make
security-relevant processes more efficient. The configuration of
the two systems was developed by the German IT service provider Peak Solution.
Kaba exos access control is a leading system solution that
protects premises against unauthorized access. Using space and
time zone profiles together with a variety of hardware components, the application controls who may enter which areas and
when. According to a Forrester study, the Sun Java System Identity Manager is currently the leading platform for central management of digital identities as well as the automatic creation and
blocking of user accounts and privileges.
Más eficacia con Kaba y Sun Microsystems | La integración de Kaba
exos, una solución anterior para control de acceso, en el sistema
Sun Java System Identity Manager, permite a las empresas configurar
de nuevo procesos generales para la gestión de seguridad y autorizaciones, lo que aumenta la eficacia en los procesos relevantes de
Autumn 2006 sees the launch of the new CBM compact biometric module with optimized operating convenience. Made up of
a sensor and a keypad, this biometric identification reader fits into
the standard reader housing of most Kaba Benzing terminals and
so can be integrated into any time + attendance or access control
terminal. Prospective users now have a much wider range from
which to choose the terminal that exactly fits their needs. The CBM
Identity Manager
has a 500-person internal database; employee fingerprint data are
acquired on the spot and stored directly in the reader.
Card Management
IT Systems
Nuevo módulo biométrico para múltiples aplicaciones | Kaba lanza en
otoño de 2006 el nuevo módulo biométrico CBM (Compact Biometric
Modul) con un proceso de manejo optimizado. El lector de identificación biométrica cabe en la carcasa stándar de los módulos de lector de
la mayoría de las terminales Kaba Benzing, lo que permite integrarlo
en tantas terminales de gestión horaria o de control de acceso como se
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 27
High security for financial
service providers
To the washroom – hands off
Orthos PIL-M03 personal interlocks provide optimized secu-
Imagine you are visiting a public toilet. The door knob you
rity for sensitive areas inside banks. Sections, sidewalls and gla-
grasp has just been handled by many people. How much more re-
zing are highly resistant to forced entry and projectiles. Further-
assuring it would be to enter through an automatic sliding door —
more, access takes place in two phases: Staff members enter their
without having to touch anything! The simple, compact ETM drive
codes on a keypad at the interlock. After authorization has been
offers a clever solution for indoor toilets. All components — guide
granted, a biometric fingerprint reader inside the interlock veri-
rail, carriage and automatic drive — are preassembled and ready to
fies the identity of the person admitted before the exit opens.
use as soon as the unit is set up.
Double-checking is always the safer option.
Because the track rollers, drive mechanism and control unit
are hidden, the ETM combines comfortable visitor flow with effective interior design. The material, color and treatment of the
Alta seguridad para instituciones financieras | La esclusa unipersonal
PIL-M03 de la línea de productos Orthos no sólo está equipada con
elementos de protección a prueba de robo y balas, sino que permite
además controlar la identidad del usuario en dos etapas: la autorización se comprueba mediante un código y además mediante la huella
digital en el interior de la cabina.
28 |
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
door leaves can be matched to the design created by the architect.
Higiene en los rincones más privados | La puerta corrediza automática con la unidad motriz compacta ETM ofrece una solución inteligente
e higiénica para servicios públicos situados en el interior. Permite
un óptimo flujo de personas, teniendo a la vez un diseño muy atractivo.
Todos los componentes están preinstalados y listos para poner en
Off to your vacation rental
property – forget the keys
How can the administrator or owner of a vacation rental property avoid the physical handover of keys?
Easy: By remotely generating a time sensitive code from the web that gives his guests access to the building.
Oracode is a clever keyless and cardless Kaba solution that allows owners
or administrators to authorize access to a
building during a definable time window –
no matter how far away the structure
might be. The administrator logs on to a
high-security web portal and defines the
duration of a guest’s access window.
Sophisticated encryption software generates a six-digit code that contains this
“Managing access to our properties
information. The administrator passes
has never been easier,” states Rene Tay-
this code on to the tenants and when
lor Sabados of Sea Turtle Gateways Inc.
they arrive, the software in the rental
Vacation rentals. “The property owners
property’s pushbutton lock interprets the
love the extra security for themselves
code and validates access for precisely
and for their properties. Guests save time
that time frame.
because they do not have to pick up keys
The secure online application gener-
and can go straight to their units. We
ates separate access codes for each
have been using the Oracode system since
renting party. The codes can be gener-
2003 and would recommend it without
ated months in advance or on short noti-
hesitation to any homeowner or property
ce. The security and dependability
manager.” Oracode has been successful
of Oracode is based on high-level e-code
on the U.S.-market for many years.
scrambling; the lock records all events
for audit purposes.
How does Oracode work?
The administrator
designates a specific
time window for his
guests on the Kaba
e-code website.
The online software
transforms his rental period data into
a six-digit code and
the administrator
communicates the
code to his guests.
The guests proceed
directly to the property. They require
neither badges nor
The door of the rental
property opens after
the code is entered.
Vacaciones sin llave | Gracias a Oracode, la
solución de Kaba sin llave y sin tarjeta, el
administrador puede otorgar un permiso
de acceso a un apartamento de vacaciones
durante el período de tiempo deseado – independientemente de dónde se encuentre en
ese momento. El administrador introduce
a través de un portal de internet de alta
seguridad el período de alquiler correspondiente y recibe como respuesta un código
electrónico de seis dígitos de duración limitada, que a continuación les comunica a
sus clientes. Al introducir este código en el
cerrojo electrónico de teclado instalado en
la puerta de entrada al apartamento los clientes pueden acceder cómodamente al mismo.
Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
| 29
Kaba America’s new
Traveling Roadshow
A Kaba exhibit traveling the U.S.
Kaba elolegic cylinder wins
prize for design excellence
When Fiera Milano Tech launched its
since early 2006 offers visitors a chance
Security & Safety Award at the Sicurezza
to learn about and interact with pro-
show in March 2006, the new Kaba elo-
ducts from the Access Control and Key
legic cylinder won the prize in the design
Systems Divisions. The interactive show
category. Placement of the electronics
on board the Kaba mobile includes keys,
in the thumbturn of the cylinder results
key duplicators and encoders, car keys,
in a compact, elegant look. Quick and
cloning and programming equipment
easy to install, the cylinder is an optimal
as well as replacement cylinders. It also
standalone solution for critical security
showcases access control systems and
requirements and for retrofitting to
keyless mechanical locks.
mechanical systems. It fits any door that
The show vehicle hit the road on
complies with the Europrofile standards.
April 10 with a multistate itinerary.
“We take pride in this distinction,” says
Planned stops include annual locksmith
Anna Villani of Kaba Italy. “It underlines
industry shows, local lock and key
our role as a leader in the field of mecha-
events and special presentations for
nical and mechatronic systems.”
end users and building engineers.
Kaba de gira por Estados Unidos | Desde
Abril de 2006 Kaba está viajando por América con una exposición itinerante. La exposición interactiva muestra al público interesado
ejemplos de productos de las áreas Access
Control y Key Systems. Entre las estaciones
previstas se encuentran las grandes ferias
profesionales del ramo de la cerrajería, diversas ferias locales de comercios especializados y eventos especiales para clientes y técnicos de edificios.
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Security Update no. 34– 2/2006
Los cilindros Kaba elolegic ganan un premio
de diseño | Durante la feria “Sicurezza“ en
marzo de 2006, la Fiera Milano Tech presentó
el premio “Security & Safety Award“. El nuevo cilindro Kaba elolegic, compacto y con el
sistema electrónico alojado en el pomo, ganó
el premio en la categoría de diseño.
Entry into Asian
hotel market
Kaba has added one of China’s
leading real estate developers — Greenland Group — to its client list. The firm
has ordered access systems for a series
of hotel projects including a new Holiday
Inn Express in Shanghai. Located in the
city’s Putuo district, the property will
be equipped with the 760 K hotel lock by
the end of 2006.
The Greenland Group contract will
be supported by Kaba’s new facility
in Suzhou (China), which opened in early
2006 with the aim of boosting market
share in that country and throughout
the Pacific Rim region. Installation, service and technical support are now
conveniently located, giving customers
in Asia the assurance that a highly
motivated and well-trained local team
will be constantly ready to meet their
needs both promptly and reliably.
Trade shows
Ferias profesionales
Interbad 2006
27. 9. – 30. 9. 2006
ACI (Europe Airport Exchange)
9. 10. – 11. 10. 2006
Security 2006
10. 10. – 13. 10. 2006
Master Locksmiths Association
12. 10. – 14. 10. 2006
Systems 2006
23. 10. – 27. 10. 2006
Management Conference & Exhibition
28. 10. – 31. 10. 2006
14. 11. – 17. 11. 2006
Personal Austria
22. 11. – 23. 11. 2006
15. 1. – 20. 1. 2007
Intersec 2007
21. 1. – 23. 1. 2007
23. 1. – 27. 1. 2007
5. 2. – 10. 2. 2007
15. 3. – 21. 3. 2007
Security Update is published in spring
and fall in English (15,000 copies) and
multilingual edition (21,000 copies).
17th year
Kaba Management + Consulting AG
8153 Rümlang, Switzerland
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini
Chief Communications Officer
Volker Bachmann
Simone Fischer
Anita Giger
Werner Kühnlein
Carole Leubler
Jürg Nyffenegger
Joachim Schmidt
Daniela Schöchlin
Reader Service
Corporate Communications
Phone +41 44 818 92 01
Fax +41 44 818 91 94
Design and Realisation
8404 Winterthur, Switzerland
© RATP (page 1); Alain Herzog (page 14)
Reproduction is subject to permission from
the Chief Communications Officer.
Kaba®, Bedanet®, Bedas®, Com-ID®,
Ilco®, LEGIC®, Paxos®, Silca®, Simplex®
etc. are registered trademarks, IntelliboltTM,
PowersaverTM etc. trademarks of the
Kaba Group
Due to country-specific constraints
or marketing considerations, some
of the Kaba Group products and systems
may not be available in every market.