Executive Board And Officials Quiz California Secretary of State


Executive Board And Officials Quiz California Secretary of State
OCTOBER 2005 • VOL. 16 NO. 10
Napa Business Focus
Bi-weekly E-mail keeps you
up-to-date on legislative issues
and the business community.
See inside for details...
1556 FIRST STREET • NAPA, CA 94559 • (707) 226-7455 • WWW.NAPACHAMBER.COM
The Valley’s Daily News Source
Wells Fargo Bank
Accelerated Marketing
Group - Randy Martinsen
Silverado Resort
Tri-Eagle Beverage
Napa Golf Course at
Kennedy Park
The Vintage Bank
Exertec Health & Fitness
First Bank
Hawthorn Inn and Suites
Dey, L.P.
Charter Oak Bank
Pepsi Bottling Group
Hilton Garden Inn
Golden State Warriors
Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurances
Mark Coleman, State Farm
Kathryn Fitzgerald, CFP(R)
Continental Real Estate Services
Joe Turner Customer Service Consulting
Executive Board And Officials Quiz
California Secretary of State
Bruce McPherson, Secretary of State
that.” McPherson estimates the cost of the
for California, recently visited the Napa
upcoming special election will be $275,000
Chamber of Commerce and answered
for Napa County, but that figure could
questions from the Executive Board.
The Secretary of State’s office has 490
A big concern is voter registration and
involved in
“California has
the elections,
over 16 million
political reregistered voters
form, business
and 76% voted in
the last election,”
explained McPherCommercial
son. “We’re
Code filings,
working on the 18
to 24 year-old age
notaries public,
group because at
and protecting
least half are not
and showcasregistered to vote,
ing the state’s
and compared to
history through
other states, that
the California
figure is high.
Bruce McPherson, Secretary of State
State Archives
We’re working with
and the California Museum for History,
community colleges because only 15% of
Women and the Arts.
those in college are registered to vote.”
Of these, McPherson stated their
His office is also active in providing acbiggest responsibilities are overseeing
cess to voting for those with disabilities and
elections and voter information. “With
having at least one polling booth with full
the special election being called, it’s goaccess for the blind.
ing to make my job more interesting,”
He is confident the voting process will
said McPherson, who is California’s 30th
be smoother this year. “Sequoia Systems,
Secretary of State. “It’s our role to insure
the type Napa has, is certified and will meet
stability and uniformity in the elections.
the demands and do what it needs to do. We
I’m meeting with each of the 58 county
want people to feel comfortable and know
registrars, who are all dedicated to doing
it is accurate.” He commented that 50% of
California Chamber Warns Business To Take
Action On Upcoming Election
“In considering each of the measures, the
California Chamber of Commerce Board
of Directors specifically looked at the
impact each would have on California’s
economy and jobs climate,” said Chamber
President Allan Zaremberg.
Prop. 74 – Teacher Tenure –
The “Put the Kids First Act” improves
our education system and ensures our
children get the best education and best
teachers possible by changing an outdated
tenure system.
Prop. 75 – Paycheck
protection – Support
A statutory intiative requires public
employee labor unions to get consent from
employees before deducting money from
their paychecks for political purposes.
Prop. 76 – Budget Reform: Live
Within Your Means – Support
This is a simple, bi-partisan budget
reform. Prop. 76 will ensure our state
lives by the same basic rule that California
families live by: Don’t spend more money
than you bring in.
Prop. 77 – Legislative
Redistricting – Support
Will take the redistricting out of the
hands of politicians and make them more
accountable to the voters of California.
Rather than letting politicians make
backroom deals to protect their potential
districts, this initiative creates a
bi-partisan independent panel of retired
judges to draw fair and competitive district boundaries.
For more information on each of these
measures please visit www.calchamber.com ■
California voters vote by absentee ballot,
which is higher than the national average
of 32%. This figure could increase now
that it is possible to register as a permanent absentee.
In response to a question about whether California is governed by initiatives
and if the laws make it too easy to get
initiatives on the ballot, McPherson said,
See McPherson inside.....
Tapped For
Chamber Board
The nominating committee of the
Napa Chamber of Commerce has recommended the renewal of 3 year terms for
several of the current directors whose first
terms will expire at the end of 2005. In
keeping with the Chamber’s bylaws, directors may be invited to run for a second
3 year term for a maximum of 6 years in
Those directors being invited to return
include Merritt Fink, the chair-elect
and owner of The Merritt Fink & Associates physician recruiting firm; Becca
Hood, loan executive of the Umpqua
Bank; Mary Klein, Director of Imaging
Services at Queen of the Valley Hospital;
and Brenda Speth, Publisher of the Napa
Valley Register. Becca, Mary and Brenda
have all served out the terms of previous
directors who resigned from the board for
various business-related reasons.
Directors whose terms have expired
and will not be returning to the board
include Perry Teaff, Kurt Nystrom,
Kathleen Patterson and Chuck Shinnamon. Replacing these directors will be
Dennis Pedisich, President of Napa Community Bank; Randy Martinsen, President and CEO of Accelerated Marketing
Group; Susan Hays, co-owner of Site for
Sore Eyes; and Michael Richmond, General Manager of Bouchaine Winery.
Each year the Chairman has the opportunity to appoint 6 directors to the board
for a 1 year term as well. The following
individuals have been appointed to serve
during 2006: Mel Engle, CEO of Dey,
L.P.; Sandy Elles, Executive Director
See Nominations inside.....
Billcos Billiards & Darts, LLC - Jeri &
Bill McCulloch - 1234 Third Street - Napa
- (707) 226-7506
vanderToolen Associates - Phil
vanderToolen - 855 Bordeaux Way - Napa
- (707) 224-2299 - Email: tniles@vtanapa.
com - Website: www.vtanapa.com
ParentsCAN - Joan Lockhart - 3299
Claremont Way #3 - Napa - (707) 2537444 - Email: joanl@parentscan.org
- Website: www.parentscan.org
Napa Music Supply - Patricia & David
Shibley - 2034 Redwood Rd. - Napa
- (707)628-5253
Barry Martin Consulting - Barry
Martin - Napa - (707)258-7843 - Email:
Chimney Rock Winery
- Gaspar Sayoc - 5350
Silverado Trail - Napa (707) 257-2641 - Email:
com - Website: www.
Legacy Clubs, Inc. - Richard Kline
- Napa - (707) 253-7400 - Fax: Email: rmkline@
For a complete listing
com - Website: www.
of Napa Chamber of
Commerce members,
updated hourly, go to
Rutherford Hill Winery - Gaspar Sayoc
- 200 Rutherford Hill Rd - Rutherford
- (800) 637-5681 - Fax: (707) 963-1871 Email: info@rutherfordhill.com - Website:
Bidwell Consulting Services, Inc.
- Creasia Gale - 110 Independence Circle,
Suite 102 - Chico - (530) 891-9519 Website: www.bidwellconsulting.com
Brownell Construction - James Brownell
- PO Box 548 - Middletown (707) 987-4419
The Cottages of Napa Valley - Mike
Smith - 1012 Darms Lane - Napa - (707)
252-7810 - Email: info@napacottages.
com - Website: www.napacottages.com
Kelly-Moore Paint Co. - Jeromy Becker 3199 Jefferson St - Napa - (707) 251-3764
- Website: www.kellymoore.com
Zare - Jeromy Smith
- 5091 Solano Avenue
- Napa - (707) 2573318 - Email: zare@
zarenapa.com - Website:
Britton Tree Services, Inc. - Joseph T.
Borden - 890 Dowdell Lane - St. Helena (707) 963-7578 - Email: joe@brittontree.
com - Website: www.brittontree.com
RE/MAX Napa Valley - Susan Lyon
- 780 Trancas Street - Napa (707) 738-0441
Professional Growth Systems - CA
Office - Jan C. Bouch - (877) 276-4414
- Fax: (707) 252-7030 - Email: info@
systems.com - Website: www.
Consultants-2-Business - Dawn E.
Croft - 4225 Solano Avenue #521 Napa - (707)251-0769 - Email: dawn@
consultants2business.com - Website:
www.consultants2business.com ■
Napa Chamber hosts KVON 1440 Radio show every
Tuesday afternoon, 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Sponsorships Available
Napa Chamber members who are interested in promoting their business on KVON 1440
AM radio and help out the Chamber at the same time will be interested to know that the
Tuesday afternoon edition of Everybody’s Business is now open for on-air sponsors. Up to
four businesses will receive numerous radio advertisements (throughout the week) in return
for their investment. If you are interested in promoting your business as a community leader
and sponsoring this local business information and interview show, contact Kate King at
707-254-1146. ■
Napa Chamber 2005 OFFICERS
Connie Anderson, Chairman of the Board ...........Napa Valley Marketplace
Merritt Fink, Chair-Elect ...................................................... Merritt Fink, LLC
Jeri hansen, Vice-Chair Advocacy .............................. Napa Valley Vintners
Liz Davis, Vice-Chair Community............................Alkar Human Resources
Jeff gerlomes, Vice-Chair Resources .................... On Demand Direct Mail
Anil Patel, Vice-Chair Marketing ................................Hawthorn Inn & Suites
David Wildhagen, Treasurer .................................................. Payroll Masters
kurt Nystrom, Immediate Past Chair ................................................. COPIA
By Kate King ACE,
Napa Chamber
of Commerce
of your important computer files and data?
Have you looked at the physical location
of important documents, equipment and
emergency supplies? Do you have alternative methods to contact each of your employees, customers and vendors? Is there
an evacuation plan that everyone knows
about? Do you have first aid kits, flashFOR AN
lights and other emergency equipment in a
central location that everyone knows? Are
your financial records secure and safe?
It was the best of times, it was the
Have you given any thought – and more
worst of times…. Remember that quote?
importantly, any training to your employWell, when Katrina hit the southern coast
ees – regarding what to do in the case of
I think it certainly described our couna flood, an earthquake
try. In the midst of
or any other disaster?
tragedy, despair and
If not, perhaps you are
incomprehensible de“Don’t be caught
setting yourself up to
struction the residents
unaware. Think now
be a victim.
of countless towns
As business ownabout how you can
across America came
ers, as residents and as
to the aid of victims.
help protect your
neighbors, we should
Locally, donations
business assets,
consider all the alterpoured out of Napa
natives and have plans
Valley. Blood drives,
your employees,
to put into action in
fundraisers, volunteers
the case of an emer– there was nothing
gency. There are lots
your neighbors
to large or too small
of resources out there.
to be offered. All was
in the case of a
Visit the city’s website
gratefully accepted.
at www.cityofnapa.org
Again, the American
and click on Weather
spirit triumphed, we
& Flood for informawere united as one
tive advice. Or, visit the county’s website
great country again.
at www.co.napa.ca.us and click on EmerIt will be many months, possibly
gency Services. You will find several tips
years, before that area of the country
on how to be prepared for natural disasters
returns to any normality. Meanwhile, the
at both sites.
rest of us begin to get over all the shock of
Don’t be caught unaware. Think now
the newsprint and television images and
about how you can help protect your busigo on with our lives.
ness assets, your employees, your family
But we here in Napa should rememand your neighbors in the case of a natural
ber that we, too, are vulnerable to natural
disaster. Don’t put it off. The people of
disasters and we should make sure we are
Louisiana and Mississippi weren’t
prepared. Specifically, the rainy season is
prepared enough. Don’t let that
nearly here – are you ready? We’ve been
happen to us. ■
fortunate for several years now – but the
flood control project is far from completNOMINATIONS
ed. In fact, it is in dire jeopardy right now,
continued from front page...
especially with federal resources being
stretched to the limit. We may be on our
of the Napa County Farm Bureau;
own for a while in making any progress
Joelle Gallagher, Executive Direcand in the meantime, we must make sure
tor of COPE Family Services; Bill
we are prepared in case of a flood or other
Lockhart, investment professional
for Edward Jones Investments; Barry
Has your business created an emergenMartin, a communications consultant
cy plan? Do you have frequent back-ups
and currently the Public Information
As the membership organization
for business, we promote our
community’s economic vitality and
quality of life through leadership
development, advocacy, facilitation
and education.
Sal Bianco, The Doctors’ Company; Richard Bottarini, City of Napa; Sandra Elles, Napa County Farm Bureau; Al Erario, Dey, LP;
Joelle gallagher, Cope Family Center; John glaser, Napa Valley Unified School District; Susan hays, Site For Sore Eyes; Becca
hood, Umpqua Bank; Don huffman, Huffman Communications; Mary klein, Queen of the Valley Hospital; Randy Martinsen,
Accelerated Marketing Group; Don McConnell, Syar Industries, Inc.; Linda Parks, Lixit Corporation; kathleen Patterson, Central
Valley Builders Supply; Michael Richmond, Bouchaine Vineyards; Chuck Shinnamon, Quail Run Apartments; Mike Silvas, Morgan
Lane; Brenda Speth, Napa Valley Register; Perry Teaff, Napa Community Bank; Roger Walther, KVON/KVYN Radio; Mark Willey,
Bridgeford Flying Service hONORARy DIRECTORS: Julian Weidler, NVEDC
Coordinator for the Flood Control
Project and various City of Napa public works projects; and Matt
Connolly, Projects & Properties Manager for Channel Properties.
The slate of directors will be approved by the Board. As prescribed
in the by-laws, any Chamber member who would like to petition to be
considered for a position on the board
of directors must respond within 10
days of receipt of this newsletter, with
a written request and the signatures of
10 Chamber members in good standing. If any such petitions are received,
an alphabetically listed ballot shall be
mailed to members in good standing
for a member vote. If no petitions are
received by October 15, the recommended slate shall be automatically
elected. ■
By Connie Anderson,
Publisher of Napa
Valley and Contra Costa
Marketplace Magazines,
2005 Napa Chamber of
Commerce Chairman of
the Board
As my incredible year as Chairman
of the Napa Chamber draws to a close, I
thought it important to look back at our
goals and see how we fared. Have we
been busy!
One of our board goals when I
started in January was to arrive at ways
to do significant marketing for the city
of Napa. By early spring, the Napa as
a Destination committee was formed.
Merchants and professionals got together
and brainstormed ways to attract locals
and visitors to our city.
After many meetings and hours of
work, I’m happy to say that we have
tangible results. First, we selected
the Traveler’s Channel to produce a
visitor channel and a Napa Chamber
of Commerce channel for local hotels.
Accompanied by Chamber staff, directors
and videographers taped businesses
and settings both in Napa and around
the valley. These tapes feature 19 local
businesses and now play continuously in
10 Napa hotels.
Another successful offshoot of this
committee is the Hometown Hosts
program, where locals are encouraged
to bring their professional or social
organization meetings to Napa, with
incentives for those booking the trips.
So far, after only a few months of
implementation, this program has booked
five groups into Napa who otherwise
would have attended meetings in other
cities. These groups benefit the economy
not only from the hotel’s TOT, but also
spend money in our shops and wineries.
This committee was also directly
responsible for working with the city
to streamline, define and reestablish a
film commission in Napa. This is a clean
industry that can add significant cash to
city coffers.
Another of our goals was the
formation of a 501(c)(3) foundation. We
have gone through the process, written
the by-laws and have had it reviewed
by our attorneys. By the end of 2005,
this foundation will be available as an
option for businesses to use to support the
Chamber and its activities. We hope this
will result in additional, larger beneficiary
amounts generated from our Golf
In 2005 the Chamber had another
first: the successful endorsement of
a mayoral candidate. The Chamber
continues its commitment to interviewing
and recommending candidates for public
We have partnered with the Napa
Valley Economic Development
Corporation in several areas, most notably
this month’s Economic Outlook.
Finally, we have brought together
interested parties to discuss transportation
issues and continue to support selfhelp initiatives for transportation
improvements as well as continuing to
focus on improving the safety of Jameson
continued from front page...
“Initiatives are part of the public process,
but they should be subject to discussion.
Of the initiatives filed, three-quarters
don’t get enough signatures (to be put on
the ballot) and of the quarter filed that do
qualify, only one-third succeed. There are
at least 50 in circulation now.”
His office also has a fraud investigation unit that investigates the initiative
process, specifically signature verification.
To answer a question about tracking
businesses that leave the state, McPherson said, “We know that 270,000 new
businesses come into the state per year,
which has gone up. We would only know
if a business left the state if they didn’t file
a tax return. Our office isn’t equipped or
responsible to track departing companies.”
Napa Mayor Jill Techel presented
McPherson with an information packet
about the Flood Control project. “We
need to keep our community safe, and our
(promised) state money is not coming,”
said Techel. “We’re $51 million short and
we’ve been waiting since 2003 for the
Heather Stanton project manager of
the Flood Control District added, “There
are nine counties who have not received
a total of $85 million, so we’re working
Chairman elect Merritt Fink commented, “New Orleans had a lot of warnings
that were not heeded for flood control. We
have to get on top of it.”
“One of our
board goals
when I started
in January was
to arrive at ways
to do significant
marketing for the
city of Napa.”
Reaching all of these goals has taken
many people, hard work, cooperation and
patience. For me, it’s been an inspiring
and educational opportunity to help the
board turn ideas into actions. ■
FOCUS Napa Chamber’s
“Pay now or pay more later,” Stanton said.
McPherson promised to review the
material and forward it to the appropriate
state legislator.
Techel enjoyed their interchange. “I
was pleased that the Secretary of State
came to Napa and was willing to spend
the time having conversations with local
leaders,” Techel said. “I found his update
on election reform and the time line very
interesting and challenging. I was motivated by his sharing that the registration
of voters from 18-24 was low statewide
and want to work with local groups to see
if we can engage these young potential
voters and get them registered.”
When asked what Chambers can do to
work with the Secretary of State’s office,
McPherson asked that we communicate.
“Please go to our web site (www.ss.ca.
gov) and give feedback. We want to know
how it can be a service to you.”
“We were gratified that the Secretary
of State made a special effort to visit with
the local business community though the
Napa Chamber,” said Kate King, President and CEO of the Napa Chamber. “His
visit gave us additional insight into the
workings of one of the busiest departments of the State.”
King stated that the Napa Chamber
actively recruits local, state and federal
lawmakers to meet with Chamber executives face-to-face to communicate the
needs of the business community. ■
PIctureD at Left:
Merritt Fink, Chair
Elect, The Merritt Fink
Company; Connie
Anderson, Chairman of
the Board, Napa Valley
Marketplace Magazine;
Bruce McPherson, CA
Secretary of State and
Jill Techel, Mayor of
If you aren’t reading it... you
are missing the most current news
available on legislative issues and local
Members are encouraged to submit
their Press Release to be published.
This is the best FREE advertisement!
The E-News is published every two
weeks. To submit your press release
email jaeger@napachamber.com ■
Napa County
Redevelopment and the River
Taking Advantage of the Changes...
How Will Your
Business Adapt?
Barry Schuler,
Former Chairman & CEO of AOL
Sunne Wright McPeak,
Secretary of the Business,
Transportation and Housing
Agency; State of California
Register online at
Find out on
October 14, 2005
Napa Valley Marriott hotel
For more information
call (707) 226-7455
Napa Chamber of Commerce Upcoming Events...
$2 Member
$10 non-members
414 So. Jefferson St.
Napa Chamber of Commerce and NVEDC presents
Oct. 20, 2005
5:30-7:00 p.m.
for 2006
January 27, 2006
at Napa Valley Marriott Hotel
October 14, 2005
at Napa Valley Marriott Hotel
For more information call the Chamber at (707) 226-7455 or visit our website and register online at www.napachamber.com
hosts Chamber
NETWORKING EVENT at DG’s Jazz Club. (Top) Over 200 Chamber members
mingled and enjoyed wine poured by Andretti Winery and Napa Wine Company. (Right)
Liz Ratliff, DG’s welcomes the crowd. (Left) Roberta & Greg Wright, Wright’s
Photography take part in all the Napa Valley pleasures - people, art, music, food & wine
at DG’s! Thanks go to the Napa Chamber Ambassadors, Melissa Teaff Catering,
Vallerga’s Market, Accelerated Marketing Group, Amanda’s Massage & Bodycare,
Greene’s Cleaners, Lixit Corp., and Napa Valley Marketplace for their donations. ■
California Secretary Will Discuss
Statewide Issues At Napa County
Economic Outlook For 2006
Sunne Wright
and Housing
Agency will replace Secretary
Mike Chrisman
as a keynote
speaker at the
upcoming Economic Outlook
sunne WrIGht McPeaK for 2006.
As Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, Sunne
Wright McPeak directs California’s largest
government agency. Her 16 departments
include such complex organizations as
Caltrans, the CHP, DMV, and the Depart-
ment of Corporations. Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger appointed her to the
cabinet-level post in November of 2003.
Also slated to appear is the Napa
County Auditor-Controller, Pamela Kindig and the Napa City Manager, Patricia
Thompson. Each will be sharing a State
of the County and State of the City report,
The Napa Chamber of Commerce
and the Napa Valley Economic Development Corporation are presenting the Napa
County Economic Outlook for 2006,
which will be held on October 14, 2005,
8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., at the Napa Valley
Registration for the event is available
online at www.napachamber.com or by
calling (707) 226-7455. Cost is $99
per person. ■
This is the first in a series of articles
community’s non-profits,” said Maples.
highlighting the Chamber’s President’s
“We’re in all the fairs and sponsor the
Circle members. The prestigious
Napa Expo and the Chef’s Market.
President’s Circle members reWe feel participating in comceive special benefits throughmunity events is the best way to
out the year and are promoted
market our company and get
as major sponsors of every
our name out there.
Napa Chamber event. They
“Like any business, we’re
are recognized on all Chamber
interested in annual growth in
publications and promotions.
our share of the market. Also,
Tri-Eagle Beverage
Tri-Eagle Beverlike any business we
“Your Local Anheuser Busch Distributor”
ages, headquartered
have the same conin Fairfield, began
cerns, such as the price
operations in 1988.
of gas.”
“We have 70 employees and handle a
Why is the company a President’s
diverse array of imported and domestic
Circle member? “The Napa Chamber conbeer,” said Tom Maples, general manager,
tinually supports us through information
who has been with the company for 26
and legislation. Kate has really gone to
years. “We distribute within Solano and
the plate for us. Not all chambers are that
Napa counties to over 850 accounts. We
involved, in fact, most aren’t.”
sell only to licensed facilities, not directly
When asked what he wants the Chamto the public.”
ber members to know about Tri-Eagle,
Tony Lazzerini, whose family started
Maples replied, “I just want people to
the business, is president.
know us as community-minded folks.” ■
“We strongly believe in supporting the
from being a member
of the Napa Chamber
of Commerce
• Creating a Strong Local
• Promoting the
• Providing Networking
• Representing Business
to government
• Political Action
Call Sherrell Harper at (707) 254-1142
for more information
kate king, President/CEO ...............................
(707) 226-7455, kate@napachamber.com
Lisa Jaeger, Director of Marketing ..................
(707) 254-1147, jaeger@napachamber.com
Rosalynd Nelson, Resource Manager ............
(707) 254-1145, roz@napachamber.com
Paula Wick, Customer Service ........................
(707) 226-7455, paula@napachamber.com
Sherrell harper, Membership..........................
(707) 254-1142, sherrell@napachamber.com
kathleen Dreessen, Communications ............
(707) 258-1070, kathleen@napachamber.com
Lynn Page, Office Support ..............................
(707) 254-1143, lynn@napachamber.com
katherine Zimmer, Marketing Specialist .........
(707) 254-1144, katherine@napachamber.com
COMMERCE editorial is
exclusively produced by the Napa
Chamber of Commerce, 1556 First
Street, Napa, CA 94559.
EDITOR ..........................Lisa Jaeger
Please email submissions to
The Napa Chamber of Commerce Television Show!
Interviews with local businesspeople and highlights on
what the Napa Chamber is doing to promote the community and
create a strong local economy.
Hosted by Ira C. Smith On Napa Cable Channel 28 Sundays 7:30 p.m. Saturdays 4:30 p.m.