

Volume 5, Issue 5
Sergeant Bluff-Luton Comm. Schools
May 2008
Superintendent’s Letter
I would like to congratulate the Class of 2008 and their families. Graduating from high school is a great accomplishment and something to be proud of. The mission of Sgt. Bluff Luton Community Schools is “In partnership with parents and the community, the Sergeant Bluff‐Luton Schools will challenge students to take responsibility for their education and to apply their learning to a diverse and changing world.” The success of our graduates is the true test of whether or not we are fulfilling our mission. As these seniors leave our school system I want to wish all of them the best of luck. There will be an open house retirement party on Thursday, May 22 at 4:00 to honor three long time employee’s, Candy Boustead, high school Special Education teacher, Dianne Clark high school Language Arts and Tess McCulley middle school and high school nurse who will be retiring from Sgt. Bluff‐Luton Community Schools at the end of the current school year. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this event as we honor them and their years of service to the youth of our community. All three of these individuals have demonstrated a passion for students throughout their tenure. I would like to thank all of the parents who donated their valuable time to help with the prom and after prom party activities. Also a special thanks to our junior class spon‐
sors Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Kerrigan for their time and commitment to all of the prepara‐
tion and work that goes into the prom activities. On Monday, April 28 the district “Facility Coordinating Committee” met to continue our discussion on the present and future needs of our school district. The coordinating committee is made up of community members, parents, teachers, school board mem‐
bers and the superintendent of schools. This committee has been working over the past several months to study and review the future facility needs of our school district. We are discovering that there are no easy answers to our facility issues and many vari‐
ables which must be considered. We are discussing and debating which of the many options we have available makes the most sense both educationally and financially. We will continue to work together until we have a firm plan of action we can recom‐
mend to the entire Facilities Committee and to the Sgt. Bluff‐Luton School Community. NOTE CHANGE for 2008‐2009 School Year: The regular board meetings for the 2008‐
2009 school year are being changed from the third Thursday of each month to the sec‐
ond Thursday of each month. Meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. in the middle school board room. May 2008 Calendar
KINDERGARTEN MUSIC PROGRAM May 2 The kindergarten children will share their gift of music and rhythm during a performance that will be held in the 3‐5 gym at 2:00 p.m.. We look forward to seeing you there! STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK May 5‐9 What a great time to tell any SB‐L employee how important they are in your life, present or past! Whether it is the classroom teacher, bus driver, or cook every person contributes collectively to how your child(ren) learns and values their education. The staff is truly the reason why so many families choose SB‐L! May 6 SUMMER SCHOOL PARENT MEETING Parents of K‐5 students enrolled in summer school are invited to attend an informational session on Tuesday, May 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the 3‐5 commons. At this short meeting, teachers will be introduced and parents will hear about the curriculum that will be used from July 10 through July 25. DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 7 This committee meets to finalize recommendations to the board of directors. The May 7 meeting begins at 4:15 p.m. and is held in the high school library. 5‐12 BAND CONCERT May 8 The SB‐L band students will show off their skills in the high school gym as they join with the middle and high Bands to perform at 7:00 p.m.. On Saturday, April 26, the 7th and 8th band travelled to Anthon‐Oto‐Maple Valley Junior High Band Contest. The band received a superior rating at this contest. This is a special musical night and we invite everyone to come and listen! MORNING WITH MOM/BOOK FAIR May 9 Students who come to Mornings with Moms on Friday, May 9 will be able to purchase books after breakfast. If you are not able to come for breakfast with your child, then send money and he/she will be able to go during their lunch recess. This book fair is “buy one and get one free”! Available book order forms will go home the week prior to the Scholastic book fair. Any parents are wel‐
come to browse the book fair on Friday, May 9 in the 3‐5 gym EXCEPT during DARE Graduation from 10:30 a.m. ‐ 11:30 a.m.. DARE GRADUATION May 9 at 10:30 Parents, please plan to attend as your fifth grade students graduate from DARE on Friday, May 9 at 10:30 a.m.. The pro‐
gram sponsored by the Sergeant Bluff Police department honors the fifth grade students at 10:30 a.m. in the gym. Prior to graduation, the students will be treated to breakfast pizza. Once graduation concludes, the students will be bussed to Rollerama for skating from 12:15 p.m. until 2:30 p.m.. Busses will return the students to the 3‐5 Elementary for regular dismissal time. SCHOOL BOARD RECOGNITION WEEK May 11‐17 Volunteer school board members serve thousands of hours each year working to ensure every Iowa student receives a solid education. School
Board Recognition Week, May 11-17, 2008, is an opportunity to say thanks to our school board members.
FARM TO SCHOOL May 12 Fourth graders have a farm experience as 4‐H members under the direction of Lou Matthey show animals and farm equipment to help students gain an understanding of the farm culture on May 12 at 9:30 a.m.. The 4‐H students do an outstanding job of ex‐
plaining the information and showing their critters or equipment to the students. Please remind your child to dress for being out‐
side on this date in case of cool weather. Page 2
Sergeant Bluff-Luton District Newsletter
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING May 15 The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors is scheduled for May 15 at 6:00 p.m.. This National School Board Appreciation month
and the staff would like to extend our appreciation to each of the board members for their support of educational programs at SB-L. The
meeting is held in the middle school board room. Parents and community members are always welcome to attend.
CELEBRATION: Explore New Worlds…Read May 22 Students who have met their reading goal for all eight months of the Explore New Worlds…Read program will wear their PTO pur‐
chased T‐shirts. Presidential and Perfect Attendance Awards will be distributed as well as other awards. Parents/guardians are cordially invited to attend this special assembly at 2:30 p.m. in the 3‐5 elementary gym. SWIMMING PARTY( Weather permitting) May 27 Students who read during the school year will be treated to an hour of swimming at the Sergeant Bluff swimming pool. All students will be treated to sno‐cones for reading over 500,000 minutes. Appropriate swimming attire is requested for all swimmers. CLOSING DATE AND TIME FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR Noon on May 28 No breakfast or lunch will be served on this day.
Primary & Elementary News
CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK PENNY CAMPAIGN ‐ Most parents/guardians recognize this as CMN. Once again our students have brought in their pennies in support of local children who have serious or terminal ill‐
nesses. The students and staff would like to thank Pioneer Bank for counting the donated pennies. The K‐2 building collected $1,292.80 and the 3‐5 building collected $1,375.39!! EXTRA CLOTHING ‐ As the weather is changing, please be sure your child has an extra set of clothing in his/her locker appropriate for the weather – they may need a change or more of clothing as it gets chilly. TRAFFIC ‐ The drop off and pick up area in the southwest parking lot seems to be going well. Just remember to NOT have students walk between busses. This is a definite safety hazard. Middle School News
SB-L Middle School Events
The 8th grade student council members will be serving breakfast to the middle school staff in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week on Wednesday, May 7. The Middle School Ice Cream Social will be held during Advisory on Friday, May 23. All middle school stu‐
dents and staff will go outside and enjoy an ice cream treat. Tuesday, May 27 is Slogan T‐Shirt Spirit Day. Students are asked to wear a t‐shirt with a slogan on it. An example is "Pink is the new black!" Slogans must be clean and appropriate for school. Anyone choosing to wear an inappropriate saying on a shirt will be asked to turn it inside out. Volume 5, Issue 5
Page 3
Elementary Edition, Spring 2008
By the end of the May, you should receive all of the
artwork created by your child this past school year. I
always enjoy hearing about the mini-art galleries that
many parents create in their homes with the art made by
their children.
For those who would like to have their children continue
creating art during the summer months, you might want to
check out the 5th annual Sioux City Art Center Summer
ArtCamp ’08. There are half and full day sessions offered
for children in two age groups: 6 - 8 and 9 – 12 years old.
For more information, contact the Art Center at 279-6272
or visit this web link:
Mr. Bisenius
*We have just finished up our gymnastics unit
and while the mats were out we also learned a little bit
about the sport of wrestling. The students did a great
job rolling and balancing. The 4th and 5th graders did
some team building activities.
*Units coming up: Jump Rope and Fitness unit.
Football is always our last unit so we can go outside
and enjoy the weather and work on different types of
*The students have a lot of fun activities coming up at
the elementary. A swimming day is planned and also
the Air Wave machines are coming into the gym again
this year. Due to all the different exciting activities
planned at the end of the year we will not be having
our annual field day :( Have a great summer and
don’t forget to get outside and enjoy the weather!
Mr. TerWee
*I would like to send out a special “thank-you” to the parents
and special guests who attended the concerts this past school
year. The children loved to perform and share their musical
talents with you. This year we featured one concert for each
grade level. This concert format seems to have been a big
success and we are planning on continuing it next year. Next
year’s concert dates will appear in the school calendar, at open
house, at the fall conferences and in newsletters in the fall.
* Just a note for next year’s 5th graders, if you wish to play
drums in the band, you will need to have 1 year of keyboard
instruction (piano lessons).
*Don’t forget to go and check out the cool music at “Saturday
in the Park” July 5 at Grandview Park in Sioux City. Have fun
this summer and see you all back next year!
Mrs. Kerrigan
April was School Library Media Month
A group of fifth grade actors and actresses helped us
celebrate by creating a video highlighting the 23 books
that were nominated for this year’s Iowa Children’s
Choice Book Award. After viewing the video each
elementary school student had the opportunity to vote
for the title that sounded the most interesting to them.
We are anxiously waiting to hear which book will receive
the award!
All third, fourth and fifth grade students were invited
to participate in the Library’s Annual Bookmark Contest.
Five winners were selected from each grade level with
copies of their bookmarks being distributed to all
elementary school students.
We said “bon voyage” as the library’s ship sailed on
to another port this spring. We hope you will continue
to “Explore New Worlds” by reading all summer long!
Mrs. Ellerbeck
5th Grade – We are so excited about the D.A.R.E graduation activities planned for May 9th! Students
completing the D.A.R.E. program requirements will participate in a ceremony recognizing each student,
and will be treated to snacks, t-shirts, and an afternoon of skating sponsored by the Sergeant Bluff Police Department.
4th and 3rd Grades – We are learning the importance of resisting drug use by understanding different kinds of drugs
and their effects on our bodies. Throughout our lives we will experience pressure from our friends and the media to use
drugs and we need to be able to recognize the pressure and know strategies to resist drugs.
I have enjoyed working and learning along with every student this year. Have a safe and wonderful
summer break!
~Mrs. Jansen ☺
Special Olympics
By Heidi Grimaldo and Heath TerWee
On April 19, 2008 we had five students and one adult participate in the Special Olympics in Sioux Center. They com‐
peted in a variety of events such as the following: softball throw, shot put, running events, and wheelchair races. The following students participated in Special Olympics and received the following awards: Corinne Meyer‐ 50 m dash 4th place, 100 m dash 4th place Chelsea Paxson‐ 50 m dash 2nd place, 100 m dash 2nd place Iesha Foy‐ 50 m dash 1st place, 200 m dash 1st place Tiffani Johnson‐ softball throw 3rd place, 50 m dash 3rd place Patrick Kerrigan‐ shot‐put 3rd place Those that received 1st place in their events may participate in the state events for Special Olympics being held in Ames on May 22‐24. Tasha Conklin will be participating in the state events for swimming. She will compete in the 25 yd freestyle and 25 yd breaststroke. We appreciate those that came to watch the students and adult compete and for those who have supported them. We also like to thank the Middle School for purchasing our Special Olympics uni‐
forms for the athletes to wear. 6th Grade News
The 6th graders were recently rewarded for their outstanding effort on the ITBS test this year. Over all the 6th grade class was 90% proficient in science, 78% proficient in Reading, and 87% pro‐
ficient in mathematics. Every student in the 6th grade this year made goals for themselves based on their performance in the 5th grade. The students looked at their scores from the year before and highlighted the test areas they wanted to improve. When the results came in the students compared their scores from this year to 5th grade. If they showed improvement in four or more tests, they earned a reward party. We are happy to report that each student in the 6th grade showed the necessary improvement to participate in the party. As a reward for all their hard work, students enjoyed pizza and pop and spent an afternoon watching a movie . The students enjoyed the reward and had good reason to be proud of their accomplishments. Congratulations 6th Graders! Page 4
Sergeant Bluff-Luton District Newsletter
6th Graders Are Going Places
Sixth graders have read over 2,000 books and over seventy million words from August 2007 to April 2008! The fol‐
lowing students are the top ten AR point earners in sixth grade (as of April 24, 2008): Jenna Smith 276.5 Austin Lauters 536.2 Emily Lecy 241.1 Hannah Jensen 377.4 Taryn Jansen 226 Kelsey Krohn 340 Diana Phiakham 217.1 Ashtin Hazel 331.9 Desiree Paxson 217.1
Josh Massey 301.6 Favorite AR quizzes taken include A Child Called It, Best Friends: A Clique Novel, The Clique, Among the Hidden, Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel, Invasion of the Boy Snatchers, The Lost Boy, and Revenge of the Wannabees. Sixth graders voted on their favorite books. Here is a list of the Top Ten favorite AR books: The Fire Within by Chris D’Lacey Molly Moon’s Hypnotic Time Travel by Georgia Byng Icefire by Chris D’Lacey Burned by Ellen Hopkins A Dog’s Life by Ann Martin Heat by Mike Lupica The Ghost’s Grave by Richard Peck Farm Team by Will Weaver Marley & Me by John Grogan “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." ‐ Groucho Marx Math Bee
Each year, the 7th and 8th grade students have the opportunity to attend a math bee competing against area schools at the Northwest Area Education Agency in Sioux City. Students attending the math bee are given five individual tests. The individual tests are Number Sense and Estima‐
tion, Patterns and Functions, Geometry and Measurement, Statistics and Probability, Ratios, Pro‐
portion, and Percent. They are also given one team test on problem solving. Interested students prepare throughout the year and compete against each other to be on the team. On April 14th, nine 7th grade students attended the math bee in Sioux City. The students that participated were Conner Adams, Mckenzie Best, Grace Boatman, Rachel Gray, Erin McCord, Christian Roos, Justine Sponder, Allison Wegner, and Brett Zahner. All students performed very well. Of the nine 7th graders from SBL, Allison Wegner placed in the top 20 and received a medal. On April 15th, the 8th grade took 10 students to compete in math bee. SBL students attending were Lukas Brenden, Cole Croston, Viet Ho, Josh King, Zach Murrell, Nick Nielsen, Alicia O’Donnell, Shelby Tomoson, Jacob Weber, and Emily Wisecup. The 8th grade teams had one student, Lukas Brenden, place in the top 20 and was awarded a medal. We had several students within three points of the top 20 students and a team of five students within one point of the top 10 teams. Good job and congratulations to all math bee participants! Volume 5, Issue 5
Page 5
8th Grade Recognition Program
By Joe Trotzig—Middle School Principal
The end of the school year is drawing to a close and it is time to begin preparing for the 8th grade Recognition Program, scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 28th, 2008. 8th grade teachers have already begun making plans to make the program a memorable occa‐
sion. The emphasis for the program will be recognizing the participation and accomplish‐
ments of our 8th grade students who have worked so hard this year. In view of the recent re‐
quirements for creating 4 Year Academic Plans, we are emphasizing to students the program is not a “graduation” ceremony but rather a moment which begins a transition to their future high school careers. This will be the largest class in the history of SB‐L to move to the high school from the 8th grade. We have made a few minor changes to the format due to restrictions on time and gym space, including the addition of a speaker and a photo slide show to end the program. We anticipate a significant turnout of parents and family, which will likely fill our bleacher space for the program. We have planned the program to last around an hour. Students are encouraged to dress in casual but program appropriate attire. We also respectfully request that there be no limousines waiting to pick up students outside the building after the program is over. As has been tradition, parents are encouraged to participate in planning and assisting in the preparations for the 8th Grade Recognition Dance to be held at the Bluffs Family Recreation Center from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on May 28th. Even though this is not a school‐sponsored activity, I encourage parents to participate and assist if possible. Contact Star King at 712‐281‐7066 if you are interested in helping. 8th Grade Travels Back in Time to Ancient Past
By Mr. Black
The eighth grade at SB‐L middle school recently traveled back in time 12 million years as we took a field trip to Ashfall Fossil Beds near Royal, Nebraska as part of our study of fossils and Earth history. The students got to see and interact with the remains of ancient Mid‐
west grassland animals including barrel‐bodied rhinos and three‐toed horses. This site is recognized around the world as one of the best places to view pristine mammal fossils. Be‐
ing an actual working fossil site and not a museum, students were able to view the work of paleontologists and see the fossils in the ground just as they appeared millions of years ago. Ask your favorite eighth grader to describe the trip! Page 6
Sergeant Bluff-Luton District Newsletter
New Multimedia Speaker & Projective System in the
Middle School Commons
Through a generous gift from Sioux City Brick, the SB‐L Middle School commons is now equipped with a new multimedia sound and projector system. The system in‐
cludes a sound amplifier, DVD burner/player, 8 speakers in the ceiling, a large pull‐
down viewing screen, and a high resolution projector mounted on the ceiling. This system can be used to show a variety of multimedia, including videos, DVD’s, CD’s, cable television broadcasts, and can be directly connected to computers to display instructional files and pictures. The system is also adaptable for additional devices to be connected, such as video games, which may someday be used as a reward for excellent student behavior or achievement. The excellent sound system in the ceiling has already been used for a middle school dance. Thanks goes to Chris Brown and Doug Ericksen for the skill they used in installing the system. Students and teachers at the middle school are very appreciative of this gift from Sioux City Brick and look forward to many years of enjoyment from this system. High School News
From the High School Spanish Classes
Spanish 1 We’re now tackling our final project which is an essay in Spanish which includes an oral presen‐
tation. It’s hard to believe that in one short school year, the students can write an understand‐
able essay in another language, let alone present the entire thing in Spanish. Spanish 3 The 2nd graders at SB‐L have now been introduced to the Spanish language. The high schoolers not only learned about the work it takes to present a well‐planned lesson, but also about the fun of sharing their knowledge. It turned out to be a great morning for all. Both the 2nd graders and the high schoolers loved recess!!! With all our projects completed, Spanish 3 is now finishing the textbook and preparing for a comprehensive test. Spanish 4 Es el último año del colegio para estos estudiantes. Ellos saben mucho de español y de colegio, pero todavía tienen que aprender mucho de la vida. Volume 5, Issue 5
¡Buena Suerte, Graduados de 2008! ☺
Page 7
SB-L Concedes Close Contest in KTIV Quiz Bowl
~Deb Collins, Coach
For the first time in school history, the Sergeant Bluff‐Luton varsity Quiz Bowl team reached the Final Four and faced Sioux City North in the semifinals of the demanding KTIV Quiz Bowl on April 9, 2008. Team captain Scott Bokemper directed Jason Saar, Daniel Anderson, and Devon Schuler through the grueling contest of two well‐matched teams vy‐
ing for a championship berth. Ultimately, SC North came out on top by a margin of just five answers, for a final score of 225‐175. The match will air on KTIV News Channel 4 on April 19 at 5:00 PM. Bokemper capped his Quiz Bowl career with scoring honors for his eight solo responses; Saar and Anderson added sin‐
gle answers, while Schuler contributed to group responses. The squad’s teamwork and dedication throughout three months of strenuous KTIV competition was outstanding. Despite ending their season with a loss, the SB‐L varsity Quiz Bowl players had a remarkable year, setting a number of school records as they collected two tournament championships and one third‐place finish, in addition to their KTIV accomplishments. This group set the highest standard ever for their JV counterparts, who earned second‐ and third‐
place honors themselves this year. Both squads represented their school and their community with tremendous en‐
thusiasm, positive attitudes, perseverance, and commitment to achieving team and personal goals. Seniors Scott Bokemper, Jason Saar, Reese Wilson, Marlise Boedeker, Zeb Cook, and Mike Mertens leave the SB‐L Quiz Bowl program in a much stronger position than they found it as freshmen. Their energy, scholarship, leadership, and humor have helped build a team that can truly compete with any other. It has been an honor and a privilege to coach this talented group! PICTURE of SB‐L Varsity Quiz Bowl Players and Alternates: (L to R) KTIV Quiz Bowl host Matt Breen, Marlise Boedeker, Jason Saar, Mike Mertens, Devon Schuler, John Aguirre, Scott Bokemper, Reese Wilson, Zeb Cook, Daniel Anderson, Coach Deb Collins Mission
In partnership with parents and the community, the Sergeant Bluff-Luton Schools
will Challenge students to take personal responsibility for their education and to apply their
learning to a diverse and changing world.
Page 8
Sergeant Bluff-Luton District Newsletter
Sergeant Bluff-Luton
Primary Building
Little Steps Daycare,
located in the Sergeant
Bluff-Luton Primary School is
currently filling spots for the 20082009 school year.
If you are interested,
call 943-8792 or 943-8805.
Kelly Adams, Principal
206 South “D” Street
Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054
Facts about ...
Iowa Public
School Boards
Gender of K-12 Board Members
K-12 Boards
ore than 2,000 men and women serve
on local public school boards in Iowa, guiding the education of 482,500 young people while
overseeing a budget of more than $4.2 billion.
School board members are elected by their local
communities in an election held the second Tuesday of each September. They serve three-year
Under age 25
26-35 years
36-40 years
41-50 years
51-60 years
61+ years
All Members
Under 5 years
5-9 years
10-14 years
15-19 years
20+ years
Total 1,224
Average length of service: 5 years
K-12 School Boards by District Enrollment Size
# Boards Percentage
# Board
Under 250
Length of Service
Average age of those reporting: 50 years
Area Education
Agency Boards
he state’s 10 area education agencies
(AEAs) are governed by 88 board members
who are elected for three-year terms by public
school board members. Iowa AEAs are intermediate service units that provide special education, media and educational services to local
College Boards
owa’s 15 two-year community colleges are
governed by five to nine board members
elected by local residents in an election held
the second Tuesday of each September.
They are elected to three-year terms. One
hundred twenty-two people serve on
community college boards.
Gender of Area Education
Agency Board Members
All Members
Average length of service Average age of those reporting
11 years
66 years
Gender of Community
College Board Members
All Members
Average length of service Average age of those reporting
11 years
66 years
Role of School Board Members
Vision: The school board engages the community
in setting the course to guide local education, keeping student achievement as the primary focus.
Structure: The school board employs a superintendent, adopts policies and plans, and ensures that
human and financial resources are allocated to accomplish the vision.
Accountability: The board monitors student
achievement, evaluates progress toward district
goals, and reports progress to the community.
Advocacy: The school board serves as the key
advocate on behalf of students and public education and builds partnerships with others to support
student learning.
Time donated to public education:
Iowa school board members are volunteer elected officials who donate their time to school board
service. Each week, Iowa school board members
donate thousands of hours in service to Iowa students.
Iowa Association of
School Boards
6000 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50312-1417
All facts are for the 2007-08 school year.
Prepared March 2008.
Book Club Meeting
Sgt. Bluff Public Library
High School Media Center – 708 Warrior Road, Sgt. Bluff
7:00 pm Thurs. May 22nd
Featuring the book:
The Book Thief
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Set during World War II in Germany, Markus Zusak’s groundbreaking new novel is the
story of Liesel Meminger, a foster girl living outside of Munich. Liesel scratches out a
meager existence for herself by stealing when she encounters something she can’t resist–
books. With the help of her accordion-playing foster father, she learns to read and shares
her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids as well as with the Jewish man
hidden in her basement before he is marched to Dachau.
This is an unforgettable story about the ability of books to feed the soul..
Anyone interested in discussing this book is invited to attend!
To be discussed June 26th
By Carolyn Jessop
The dramatic first-person account of life inside an ultra-fundamentalist
American religious sect, and one woman’s courageous flight to freedom
with her eight children.
These books are available for check-out at the library
Public Library
The Elementary and Primary Libraries are open
to the public on alternating Saturdays from
9:00 am to 11:30 am, with story time beginning
at 10:00 am in the Primary Library.
May 3rd – Elementary
May 10th – Primary
May 17th – Elementary
May 24th – Primary
May 31 - Elementary
The High School/Adult Library is open to the
public on Thursday evenings from 4:00 pm
to 8:00 pm and on Saturday
mornings from 9:00 am to 11:30 am.
Public Library Card Applications are available
at these libraries and at Sergeant Bluff City Hall.
Public Library Cards are FREE and may also be
used at all Sioux City Public Libraries.
Stop by and check us out!
Sgt. Bluff Public Library
2008 Summer Reading Program
Enter the Reading Kingdom!
Discover Dragons (and other mythical creatures)
@ your Library!
Participate in contests, prize drawings, story hours, games,
reading incentives, craft activities and much more!
Primary Library:
May 24th – Dragons
June 7th – Unicorns
June 21st – Royalty
July 12th – Fairy Tales
August 2nd – Knights
August – 16th – Party
Elementary Library:
May 31st – Dragons & Unicorns
June 14th - Royalty & Knights
July 5th – Magicians
July 19th – Fairy Tales
August 9th - Party
May Lunch Menu
Biscuit & Gravy, Jce
Mexican Burrito Wrap
Pancake on Stk, Jce
Hot Ham & Cheese
Curly Fries
Sugar Cookie
Churro, Saus, Frt.
Pepperoni Sub
Sun Chips
No School
Omelet, Tst, Frt
Glazed Carrots
Mandarin Oranges
Monster Cookie
12 Saus Bar, Tri Tator,
Chicken Fried Steak
Mash Potatoes & Gravy
Sunshine Bars
19 Cinn Roll, Bacon, Jce
Mr. Rib
Tator Tots
Peanut Butter Bar
26 Cooks Choice
Sack Lunch:
Ham Sandwich
Fruit Rollups
Waffle, Saus, Jce
Mac & Cheese
Bread & Butter
Green Beans
Chocolate Cake
13 Tastries, Bacon, Jce
14 Cereal, Tst, Jce
Spag Sauce W/ Noodles
Bread Stick
Carrot Sticks
Mixed Fruit
Peanut Butter Cookie
Bagel, Saus, Jce
French Fries
Mixed Fruit
27 No Breakfast
Last day no lunch
Have A Great Summer!!!
Saus& Egg Bisq ,
Baked Beans
Carrot Sticks
Mixed Fruit
Ice Cream
Bac& Egg Bisq, Jce
BBQ Pork Sandwich
French Fries
Chicken Patty
Tator Tots
Carrot Cake
Cereal, Tst, Jce
Chicken Nuggets
Mash Potatoes & Gravy
Mixed Fruit
15 Bkfst Burrito, Jce
Corn Dog
Tator Tots
Mandarin Oranges
Chocolate Chip Bar
Cooks Choice
Hot Dog
Bkfst Pizza, Jce
French Toast Sticks
Tri Tator
Sausage Links
22 Cooks Choice
Baked Beans
Green Beans
Mandarin Oranges
Ice Cream
Milk is offered
SB-L Community Schools
PO Box 97
Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054
Return Service
Nonprofit Postage
Sergeant Bluff, IA
Permit No. 2