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Cherokee Bluff Council of Co-Owners, Inc.
Quarterly Newsletter
July 2015
Message from the Board President
Dear Cherokee Bluff Residents,
There have been some wonderful happenings on the Bluff in the last
few months including the following:
 John Rosati joined the boar d in Febr uar y and has jumped feet
first into his role as chairperson of the Physical Plant Committee. He
has dedicated a lot of time and energy in helping improve our
grounds by working with Volunteer Landscaping to improve several
areas throughout our community with mulch and plantings. If you
see John around the community, please give him a well deserved
expression of thanks.
 The waterfall is up and running again after several months of
research and bid gathering. The new pump system will allow us to do
repairs in the future if needed rather than requiring a pump
 We are welcoming another new board member this month. Luke
Chill has gr aciously agr eed to ser ve the r emainder of Michael
Nolan’s term after he stepped down from his board position. We are
grateful for the years of service Michael provided to his community
and look forward to the contributions Luke can lend to the board.
 The tennis courts are due for resurfacing and we are getting bids to
have that done. Additionally, we are having those companies give us
ideas and bids on resurfacing just one tennis court and repurposing
the remaining space. Some repurposing ideas discussed include a
basketball court and/or pickle ball courts. Click on link for more info
on pickle ball: We are
looking forward to reviewing the design ideas that will be presented.
We are hoping to make this area something the whole community
can use and enjoy.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
8:00AM - 3:30PM
Closed on Wednesday
(865) 573-2360 Office
Thank you to all the residents who have planted flower s in the
islands in front of their unit. Your efforts really improve the look
and appeal of our community. Keep up the good work, it is greatly
I know I speak for all the members of the board when I say that we
would love to see you at the board meetings and hear your voice and
input regarding our most unique community.
Karen Nickell (Unit 1917), HOA Board President
Board meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the
month at 6:30 P.M. in the clubhouse.
Don’t forget to visit our website at The minutes of the
most recent board meeting are always posted there once they are approved. The
website also provides access to the Master Deed, By-laws, Amendments, and Rules
and Regulations, the current quarterly newsletter, and other helpful information.
Too hot to
have your
outside? The
clubhouse is
1–25 people
- $50
26-50 people
- $75
51-75 people
- $100
76-125 people
- $150
Things to do outdoors :
Find a park:
5 :00 P.M.
126-150 people - $175
What a wonderful gathering of residents at our meeting on June 8. We had a
wonderful mix of owners and renters among the 24 of us. Of course, we’re trying to
convince those renters that they really need to be permanent residents. What a
fabulous group of folks we have up here on the Bluff! Wonderful assortment of ages
and stages in life; it’s why I love it up here. And I really believe the food is improving,
if that’s at all possible. We always have a great assortment of real food and some
dessert for a great ending.
I was thrilled that Duane and Nancy Johnson came so we could wish them “bon
voyage” for this next chapter as they move closer to their son. I’ll sure miss having
them on the Bluff and their wealth of knowledge of the property, which has been
immensely valuable to me as a board member. They voiced their pleasure of living on
the Bluff for the last 30 years, and all the great memories they have. I’ll miss them as
they’ve always been great about coming to and helping with the socials, and
encouraging their neighbors to come.
We decided to have another cookout this summer, so mark your calendar for
SUNDAY, JULY 12 at 5:00 P.M. Bring whatever you want to throw on the grill, a dish
to share and your favorite adult or otherwise beverage, and a chair would be smart!
The cookout will be downstairs on the pool side of the clubhouse. I’ve heard a rumor
that a couple of the men are going to build us a permanent outdoor grill so that we do
not have to schlep grills to the clubhouse. You GO GUYS! The pool, of course, will be
We’re trying to vary our agenda for future events. What do you think of a progressive
happy hour visiting some units instead of coming to the clubhouse? What’s something
fun that YOU would be interested in? Give me some feedback. We’re hoping to get some
new folks that are not currently available on Monday nights to the cookout.
Dianna Mercier, Board Secretary and self-appointed Social Chair (who’s looking for a co-chair)
Many household items can be dangerous to dogs and cats -- everything from antifreeze,
insecticides, and aspirin to raisins and sugar-free gum. Many of these have antidotes.
Call the Animal Poison Control hotline at 888-426-4435 or the Pet Poison Helpline at 800
-213-6680 immediately. They can probably help you even before you get to the vet.
Those pets requiring outdoor
exercise when outside of their unit
shall always be leashed, under control
of a caretaker, and never a threat to
other pets or persons.
Stay ultra-hydrated to avoid heat stroke.
Water is good, but Gatorade and PowerAde
with electrolytes help replace salt and retain
No pet is to be maintained or housed
outside its appropriate unit.
All pets requiring outdoor exercise,
except those of visitors (up to 5 days),
must be registered with the Bluff’s
management company by pet
description and identification, Bluff
unit number and regular caretaker
name or names.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion:
heavy sweating
cold, moist skin, chills
dizziness or fainting
a weak and rapid pulse
muscle cramps
fast, shallow breathing
nausea, vomiting or both
If you experience these symptoms, move
to a cooler place and cool down immediately
Kindness is the language
which the deaf can hear
and the blind can see.
by dousing yourself with cold water and
Appropriate removal of pet wastes
always is the responsibility of the
caretaker. Fines of $100 may be
imposed on Bluff units for infractions
to these pet rules.
Keeping Our Community Looking Good
We need all of our resident's help in keeping our
community looking its' best. Please do your part and
remember to:
hydrating. You may need to seek medical
• Pick up after your pet and dispose of waste
Symptoms of heat stroke:
• Pick up litter you notice in the community and
dispose of it.
warm, dry skin with no sweating
• Make sure household trash is bagged, secured and
disposed of in a timely and appropriate manner.
strong and rapid pulse
Thank you for taking pride in the appearance of our
community. Your cooperation is appreciated!
confusion and/or unconsciousness
high fever
throbbing headaches
nausea, vomiting or both
If you experience these symptoms, seek
medical attention right away.
Please submit information on
units for sale to the office if you
would like the info to be added
to the website at
custom of
Flag into
July 4, 1776 - The Declaration of Independence was approved by the
Continental Congress.
July 18, 1947 - President Harry Truman signed an Executive Order
determining the line of succession if the president becomes incapacitated or
dies in office. Following the vice president, the speaker of the house and
president of the Senate are next in succession.
August 14, 1935 - President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act
establishing the system which provides for a system of Federal old-age
benefits. The Social Security system also aids states in providing financial aid
to dependent children, the blind and others, as well as administering a system
of unemployment insurance.
the shape of a triangle
bestows unique honor
and respect upon the
September 2, 1789 - The third Presidential cabinet department, the U.S.
Treasury, was established by Congress.
July 2, 1881 President James A.
Garfield was shot and
mortally wounded as
he entered a railway
station in Washington,
D.C. He died on
September 19th. He
was succeeded by
Chester A. Arthur.
August 2, 1923 President Warren G.
Harding died suddenly
in a hotel in San
Francisco while on a
Western speaking tour.
He was succeeded the
next day by Calvin
Please remember that all
structural changes to any
condominium, especially
anything exterior even if it
is just replacing a door,
windows, or replacing a
deteriorated deck board,
must be reviewed by the
Architectural Review
Committee and approved
by the Board of Directors
prior to the start of any
construction. The form
can be picked up in the
office, or requested by
email at
The completed form must
be submitted back to the
office at least two weeks
prior to the board
meeting for consideration
at that meeting.
September 14, 1901 Eight days after being
shot, President William
McKinley died from
wounds suffered during
an assassination
attempt in Buffalo,
New York. He was
succeeded by Theodore
President: Karen Nickell, 1917
Vice-President: John Rosati, 1935
Treasurer: Mike Mynatt, 1911
Secretary: Dianna Mercier, 1871
Diana Fox, 1901
Luke Chill, 1906
Vickie Norton,1879
When you are
outside, please be
mindful that the
bluff does drop off
dramatically. Do not
get too close to the
edge of the bluff.
All doors and door frames are to be
painted Bluff Almond.
All windows should have dark
metal aluminum frames or almond
vinyl frames.
All wood window trim should be
painted Bluff Gray.
These formulas are available at
Graning Paint, 600 E. Magnolia
Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917. Their
phone number is (865) 546-4881.
You may drop your HOA monthly fees off at the office,
mail them to the office, or mail them to:
Cherokee Bluff
9041 Executive Park Drive, Suite 250
Knoxville, TN 37923
Residents of Cherokee Bluff will enjoy
another Boomsday celebration this
year. Here are a few guidelines that
you should be aware of regarding
inviting guests to enjoy the fireworks
Residents are encouraged to invite guests to enjoy the fireworks display; however,
you will be limited to 2 vehicles other than your own registered vehicles due to the
tremendous demand and the limited parking available. Residents with unpaid,
delinquent dues or outstanding fines will be limited to registered automobiles with
CB stickers only.
In order to admit your guests past the guard post, they will need a special pass that
will be distributed in advance at the office. Lost tickets will not be replaced.
Security guards will be posted at a check-in point located at the mailboxes
approximately half way up the hill and again at the Guard Station. Your guests will
be required to present their parking ticket at both locations in order to park on the
property. NO EXEPTIONS will be made to this policy!
Please instruct your guests that the first automobile is to park parallel in front of both
your garage doors. The second automobile is to park in the designated “Visitor”
parking areas. Please ask your guest NOT to park in undesignated areas or in front
of units other than your own as they will be towed from the property. This includes
double parking in front of your unit, whether parallel OR perpendicular to your
garages. It is important to maintain an open right-of-way for any emergency
vehicles and regular traffic flow. Overflow parking will be directed into the field
near the tennis courts and garden areas.
Remember to be a good neighbor. Please furnish facilities for your guests and
assure collection of all cans, bottles and debris. It is your responsibility for your
guests to be aware and observe our community rules and regulations and standards
of conduct. Please note that no fireworks displays are permitted on Cherokee Bluff.
Such displays are illegal within the City of Knoxville and they present a substantial
fire risk to us all.
You will be notified later of the date for the 2015
Boomsday celebration, and when the tickets will
be available to be picked up in the office.