June/July, 2013


June/July, 2013
June/July, 2013
The monthly newsletter of Grace Lutheran Church
21 Carroll Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157
Phone 410-848-7020 – www.gracelc.org
June/July, 2013
Pastor Martha’s Article
Pastor Kevin’s Article
Grace @ Work
Potluck & Song
Traditional Music Notes
Church Picnic
Christian Ed, Youth & Family
Let’s Fill the Ark
Disaster Response Mission Trip
WELCA Picnic
Little Friends of Grace Preschool
April – YTD Financials
Timmy’s Corner
Men’s Night Out
July Blood Drive
June Calendar
July Calendar
Personal Notes
June Worship Assistants
June Altar Guild
July Worship Assistants
July Altar Guild
June Birthdays
July Birthdays
Prayer List
Pentecost – It’s Still Happening!
Deadline for August
Grace Notes is Tuesday,
July 14. Please email
your news to Dawn dstem@gracelc.org or stop
by the office during office
hours (8:30 am to 3:30 pm).
Grace Notes is also available
on our website. check it out!
This month, as we reflect on Pentecost’s power in our lives, I give
thanks for Kevin Dayhoff’s collaboration with me in this article. You
can read Kevin’s articles about Pentecost on www.TheTentacle.com
for more details of the subjects we can only write about briefly here in
the newsletter.
May 19 was Pentecost Sunday; the fiftieth day after Easter and the birthday of the church.
Along with Easter and Christmas, Pentecost is one of the three most important festivals in
the church. It’s time to renew the spirit of Pentecost in our daily lives. Here’s why.
Pentecost has many meanings, which are, in essence, really only different parts of the
elephant in the room. The English word ‘Pentecost’ is actually a transliteration of the
Greek word ‘pentekostos,’ which means ‘fifty.’
Pentecost is considered by Christians to be the ‘Birthday of the Church.’ It was during
Pentecost Sunday when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Twelve Disciples and followers
of Jesus. Today, Pentecost is the important celebration of that fateful day when the
Apostles were bestowed the gift of the Holy Spirit enabling them to preach the gospel of
Jesus Christ to all peoples and nations.
The gift of the Holy Spirit completes the Christian church’s faith in God as Trinity. Our
earliest and initial experience with God is that of the Creator - in nature, of heaven and
earth. Our second relationship with the Trinity is through God’s son, Jesus Christ, and the
story of his life, death and resurrection. Equally as important is the Christian concept that
the Holy Spirit of God is part of our day-to-day world. Yes, Pentecost may have its roots in
history, but the spirit of Pentecost lives and breathes in the present and has a direct effect
on our future.
On May 19, here at Grace the congregation witnessed seven young adults publically
affirming their baptisms as they promised to continue to welcome the Holy Spirit’s
presence in their lives as they strive for peace and justice in all the world. Other
worshippers were invited to recall our own baptismal covenant to live as God’s faithful
people in the world.
Today, many conversations are taking place concerning the health and future of the
Christian Church. The statistics on the shrinking church are grim and compelling and
require our immediate attention. Fortunately a dialogue has begun in earnest to identify
the challenges we face so that we can talk about solutions and spread the word. Please
see Kevin’s articles for details about where you can find and participate in some of these
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 1
June/July, 2013
The most important question is this: Just where do we go from
here? Many are asking the same question. Many are looking to
others for the answers. Maybe, beginning with the celebration
of Pentecost, we need to look inside for the answers.
This comes at a time when leadership, values and beliefs could
not be more important to addressing the challenges we face.
Take a memo, faith in the government to lead us out of this
wilderness just is not going to cut it.
In March 2005, columnist Doug Giles, said it best in an article,
“Robust Faith,” in the publication, TownHall.com; in which he
admonished, “If Christians would toughen up a bit, get out of
the religious closet, follow their faith instead of their fears, and
live their beliefs in a more robust way, we would once again
change the face of this nation…
“If the Christian truly follows the Christ of the Bible and wants
to impact this planet positively, then he will spend significant
and intentional time away from his church buddies and in the
company of people who are fundamentally not of his stripe…”
Here at Grace, we can see the Holy Spirit at work among us.
Some of the ministry in which we engage is internal but much
of it involves reaching out to the community. Consider these
powerful ways in which God’s Spirit is at work here at Grace:
– Serving more than 10,000 meals a year to our
community…and beyond feeding people, we interact with
the people in a loving way and on Thursdays offering a
Bible Study prior to the evening meal;
– Teaching disciples, through Sunday School, Vacation Bible
Camp, Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp, Confirmation Classes,
week day Bible Studies for children through adults;
– Opening our building to community groups, including
scouts, AA, the Red Cross and the Carroll County
Children’s Chorus;
– Sending groups of youth and adults on mission trips to
places where poverty and disaster have caused great
– Acting on our faith in daily living as 400+ people from
Grace work day by day in schools, health care, business,
government, non-profits, and many, many other places as
either employees or volunteers.
It is the Holy Spirit that brings the church to life and provides
meaning to our lives. Without the Holy Spirit, the church is just
another social club in town. It is the Holy Spirit that makes the
church a critical part of the fabric of our community.
Those of us who are Christian and have benefited from the gift
of the Holy Spirit and share in the opportunities it provides
have profound responsibilities that come with that gift of life –
and that is to share with others the joys of the church and a
better life that comes with knowing Christ.
Pentecost is very much alive today. The Spirit surprised the
first disciples with power and new life. Can the Spirit still
surprise us now? We think so! We invite you to join us in
celebrating the Holy Spirit’s powerful activity among us!
Pastor Martha and Kevin Dayhoff
Silent Observation
I remember my first day in physics class and the first
assignment. Each student was given a lighted candle and a
blank sheet of paper. The instructions were simple, write down
100 observations concerning the candle. I think I came up with
twenty or so things that I could observe with my untrained
eyes. Toward the end of the class we were given the chance to
take on the same assignment and while I still couldn't come up
with 100 observations I know I more than doubled my previous
list. My physics teacher, Mr. Brumwell, was making the point
that with training we can learn to me more observant of the
world around us. I have carried this lesson with me and applied
it to most aspects of my life.
In my walk of faith I have become increasingly concerned that
as the children of God who have been entrusted with the faith
in the early years of the 21st century we have become so selfinvolved as to lose sight of the center of the faith, Jesus Christ.
Eighty years ago the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer
gave a series of lectures around the question of "Who is
Jesus?" He said, "Insofar as the church proclaims Christ it must
fall down in worshipful silence before the unspeakable. God's
word is unspeakable. Speaking of Christ originates in silence.
Silence about Christ is the ground of speech. This is what it
means to make an obedient response to the revelation of God
that occurs in the Word. The speaking of the church through
silence is the proper proclamation of Christ. Prayer requires
both silence and crying out at the same time, both in the
presence of God in response to God's word." I believe that
Bonhoeffer is calling upon his listeners to learn to be observant
in silence. The divine and eternal nature of Christ isn't
something that can be absorbed in a spiritual second. The
ancients of the Old Testament fame would often fall to the
ground in the presence of God fearful that in the presence of
the divine power of God that they could literally be consumed
by the awesome nature of God.
In our age it so often appears as if we treat the nature of God in
Christ in a cavalier fashion. I suspect that we don't want to get
too close a look at the nature of God because we might indeed
discover in silence a word we did not expect, a word that
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
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June/July, 2013
indeed calls us to places and actions we are unwilling to
undertake. Often it seems as if the name of Jesus is invoked
and quickly applied to personal agendas. In the age of
Bonhoeffer the Church of Germany was so interested in getting
along with the powers of the age that they sold out to the Nazi
movement. Bonhoeffer seemed instead to heed his earlier
advice and spoke of Christ out of the great silence that revealed
the God of love and justice.
Today many seek to put their ideas, loves, hates and prejudices
into the mouth of Jesus—well-meaning people, who are much
too quick to speak and too hurried to pause, to fall down in
worshipful silence. Summer is now fast upon us and perhaps in
the easy days of the season we may all take the time for some
worshipful silence and be more observant and prayerful.
Not so long ago you should have received a message inviting
you into a season of prayer concerning our Growth for Ministry
program at Grace. Please indeed take the time to pray that
your eyes maybe opened to the divine nature of Christ, that we
the ministry of Grace will growth in faithful service to Christ
and that we will have the courage to follow our Lord and
Pastor Kevin
Please join Pastor Martha and Pastor Kevin this summer for a special series of sermons and worship services designed to help us
better understand and appreciate the “Means of Grace”…that is the ways in which God comes to us in order to support, strengthen
and guide us. You’ll learn more about how the Word of God speaks to us through scripture, sacraments, and daily living. We invite
you to make a commitment to attend these six weeks, beginning on the weekend of June 8 and 9. This special theme will be
experienced at all of our worship services: Saturdays at 5:00 and Sundays at 7:45, 9:00, and 10:30.
Grace Lutheran Church is a
Stephen Ministry
Heifer International
As of May 13, 2013,
the balance of the Heifer
International Fund is $2,372.80.
Congratulations to Confirmands
Thank You to Mentors!
Congratulations to the 2013 Confirmation Class: On May 19, we celebrated the Affirmation of Baptism of the following young adults
from our congregation. We also thank the adults who served as their mentors.
Danielle Auth
Rachel Border
Adam Fairchild
Brynn Martin
Megan Scocco
Tyler Snyder
Morgan Tyler
Carol Arbaugh
Peggy Martin
Junior Zepp
Debra Border
Caroline Babylon
David Cox
Allison Gladden
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
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June/July, 2013
Monthly Pot Luck and Song
June 26 & July 31 at 6:00 pm
Eating and Singing are two of the greatest pleasures enjoyed by Christians! Come out and join us on the last
Wednesday of each month (April-October) for lots of great singing and eating!!! We begin at 6:00 pm by
sharing a pot luck dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Then we sit around the table and enjoy great conversation
and share in singing some of our favorite hymns. We close with prayer between 7:15 and 7:30. If you don’t
have time to prepare a dish, join us anyway….there is always enough food. New faces as well as familiar
faces are always welcome!
Quiet Evening – Friday, June 7 – 6:30 – 8:30 pm
The next Quiet Evening program will be on Friday, June 7 at 6:30pm. Please come and experience a labyrinth from the National
Cathedral in Washington, DC. This is a wonderful opportunity to step away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The public is
Traditional Music Notes
by Ted Dix, Director
Organist and Director of Traditional Music and Music Ministry Development
I am pleased to announce that this summer I will be serving as a faculty guide for Organ Tour Italia 2013. I, and two other colleagues,
will be leading a group of ten organ students on a tour of historic Italian pipe organs from Como to Rome. The tour begins on July 11
and concludes on July 19. Following the tour I will be making my European debut in an organ recital at one of Rome’s four major
basilicas, Saint Paul Outside the Walls.
Here at Grace, be on the look-out for special musical offerings at all the various worship services. There will be vocal and
instrumental solos and duets scheduled throughout the summer.
See you at worship!
Upcoming Traditional Music Events:
 Saturday, July 20 at 11:15am – Organist Ted Dix will perform an organ recital at the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls,
Rome, Italy.
Grace Church Picnic at the Westminster Duck Pond
Sunday, July 14, 12 Noon – whenever we’re done!!
Grace members and friends of all ages are invited to join in the annual church picnic. We meet at
noon; some of the guys grill hot dogs and hamburgers and then when the meat is ready we eat!!!
The rest of the time is spent visiting and relaxing. There’s a playground for the kids and a fishing
pond that everyone can enjoy.
Participants are asked to bring a covered dish to share. You also are encouraged to bring a chair or
blanket for relaxing under the big shade tree.
If you’ve never attended the church picnic before, why not give it a try. You’ll leave having made
some new friends and having enjoyed a great meal!!
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
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June/July, 2013
by Leanne Elliott
I spy with my little eye…
Volunteers! We are looking for volunteers to help with our Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp June 17-21
and Vacation Bible Camp July 15-19! If you are interested in volunteering please talk to Leanne
Elliott and she will get you signed-up! We are especially in need of a Nurse for Mar-Lu-Ridge
Day Camp so if you are certified and interested in being our nurse for one day or the whole
week please talk to Leanne ASAP!
Looking for a trip to Athens?!
We will have our Vacation Bible Camp July 15-19 and we will be joining Paul on his journey through Athens! VBC
will run from 5:30-8pm with a family night on the last night, Friday the 19 ! If your child will be three years old by
September 1 through 5 grade we would love to have you join us! Registration is due by June 21 and forms can
be found under downloadable resources at www.gracelc.org. If you have any questions feel free to talk to Stacie
Dowling, Carrie Oddis, or Leanne Elliott.
Outdoor Movie Night
We will conclude our week of Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp with a game & movie night at Jerusalem Lutheran
Church on Bachmans Valley Road on June 21! You DO NOT have had to participate in the day camp to come to
movie night! We invite all families with children ages 3-5 grade [and their older siblings!] to join us! We will
start at 7pm with some games and playing on the playground and the movie will start after the sun sets
[approx. 8:30]. Bring your chairs, blankets, pillows etc.! We will also have popcorn! Questions? Talk to Leanne
Elliott; lelliott@gracelc.org or 410.848.7020.
Nom-Nom-Nom … It’s Time for Crabs!!!!
What better way to welcome the new students and say good-bye to our graduating seniors then by shoving our
faces with crabs! The Bowman’s are hosting our CRABFEAST for Legacy! We invite all our high school students
[including those who were just confirmed and will start high school in the fall and those who just graduated
and will be leaving us this fall] to Will & Stacy’s house [2261 Doctor Stitely Road, New Windsor, 21776] on June
22 from 6-10pm [cost is $10/student] for crabs, chicken, soda, flashlight tag, bonfire, and more! If you want to
bring your favorite food or dessert [that goes with the meal] to share you are welcome to do so! Also DON’T FORGET YOUR
FLASHLIGHT for flashlight tag! We are asking students to get themselves to and from the Bowman’s but if you need a ride please get
in touch with Leanne and she will arrange carpool for those who need it!
I Hop, You Hop, Let’s all hop to IHOP!
Legacy Sunday School will be taking a break for the summer but we WILL be going to IHOP after the 10:30
service on August 4! We will meet in the Legacy room at 11:30 and head out to IHOP! You will need to bring
along money for your meal. This will be our Legacy activity for the summer! We will send home more
information and a reminder in July!
Young Adult Tavern Ministry
We are sad to see Vicar Karin go but we do not want to see her Young Adult Tavern Ministry leave with her!
Pastor Kevin and Leanne will be continuing this ministry in the fall! Look for more information over the
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
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June/July, 2013
Let’s Fill the Ark
by Laura Heller
The Social Ministry Committee of Grace Lutheran Church, in conjunction with Heifer International, would
like to fill an Ark. Heifer’s goal is to build on an individual’s self-reliance for their nutrition and to possibly
increase their family income. Initially, in 1944, a heifer was selected since it would provide milk and a calf
that could be passed on to someone else. Since then, they have created a list of large and small animals that
would bring benefits and reproduce for the continual future. Animals are selected for different parts of the
world based on what is needed. All are not destined to become food, some are chosen as work animals for
carrying and plowing.
The total gift of an Ark is $5,000 which is a lot for most individuals, but by contributing smaller amounts towards the purchase of
each animal, we can achieve our goal of a complete Ark. Containers located in the upper and lower gathering spaces are available to
collect loose change or you can take a Heifer change box and return it once it is full. Heifer envelopes are also available or you can
simply write “Heifer Ark” in the memo line of your check and put it in the collection plate. Thank you for your support of this ongoing
Carroll County CROP Walk Recap
by Yvonne Aasen
God smiled down on the April 21 CROP Walk with a perfect sunny afternoon. Our 11 walkers from Grace
Lutheran were part of the 79 area walkers (and three dogs) from 13 churches and organizations to raise a
total of nearly $9,000 for Church World Service.
Thanks to the sponsors who made donations to help our walkers collect $1,169. Walkers were: Kevin
Clementson; George & Elaine Conover; Craig, Lois, and Jeremiah Giles; Nancy Suder; Ashley, Ben and
Logan Weber; and Yvonne Aasen. Also, thanks to Jan Mickey who volunteered at the registration table.
Of the total funds raised, 25% will be returned to Carroll County to support local agencies: Carroll County Food Sunday, Access
Carroll and Shepherd’s Staff. The other 75% will enable Church World Service to help people worldwide through self-help
development assistance, disaster relief and recovery, refugee resettlement, education, justice and human rights, and more.
Thank you for your donations. We pray for God’s blessings on the recipients of your generosity.
Disaster Response Mission Trip
by Laura Heller
The Grace Lutheran Mission Team will be traveling to Jamaica, New York from 8/4/13 to 8/10/13 to assist with rebuilding in areas
impacted by Superstorm Sandy. Contact Laura Heller at lheller1@msn.com or 443-291-6044 if you want additional information or
would like to volunteer.
Women of the ELCA
by Helen Englar
There will be no meeting in June.
The annual picnic of the WELCA of Grace will be held July 17 at the home of Evelyn Babylon. We will meet at 6:00 pm for the meal.
Please bring a dish to share. All women of the church are invited. If you plan to attend, please call Evelyn at 410-848-1232 or Helen
Englar at 410-848-3874.
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
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June/July, 2013
Little Friends of Grace Preschool News
by Anita Erb, Director
We continue to register new children for the 2013/2014 school year. We currently have 96 children registered
for the upcoming school year. We have limited openings in all classes except for our MWF Pre-K 4’s class.
On Sunday, June 9 we will be having a fundraiser at Westminster Island Green from 10:00am-10:00pm. Island
Green will donate 20% of the LFOG receipts from mini golf, the driving range or the batting park. Please bring
the flyer with you (form can be found under downloadable resources at www.gracelc.org in early June) or
mention you are with Little Friends of Grace.
Donations to the scholarship fund are always welcome and appreciated.
Summer Office Hours
The preschool office will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 until 1:00. The office will be closed May 28-May 31
and June 17-21.
Financial Report for April 2013
by F. Donald Ludwig, Treasurer
April, 2013
January – April, 2013
General Giving Income
Debt Reduction Income
Other Income
Total Income
$ 45,677.26
$ 74,168.95
$ 219,098.00
General Expenses
Improvements/ Cap. Exp.
Debt Reduction
Total Expenses
$ 87,128.86
Net Income/Loss
$ (29,511.03)
$ (57,821.46)
*1 General Expenses for the year 2013 were budgeted at $1,120,917
*2 Capital Expenses for the year 2013 were budgeted at $25,805
*3 Debt Reduction Expenses for the year 2013 were budgeted at $189,301
Proceeds from the sale of the rental properties have been disbursed as follows: $201,477.37 from the sale of 20 and 22 Carroll has
been transferred to the mortgage principal. $112,267.43 from the sale of 18 Carroll has been invested short term with $50,000.00
of the amount allocated for the Sanctuary, and $62,267.43 set aside to be used for any expenditures that may arise in the
refinancing of the mortgage in November 2013. Any excess of the $62,267.43 will go against the mortgage principal. Our principal
balance as of April 30 is $1,823,310.63.
We need to make sure we continue our giving for the remainder of the year, and especially during the summer months. Our giving
tends to drop off during the summer.
He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
In His service,
F. Donald Ludwig, Treasurer
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 7
June/July, 2013
Timmy’s Corner
Would those responsible for the weather pleeeeeease make up their minds? Just
when we think it safe to crawl out for a while, we get another blast of non-refreshing
chills. How’s a body supposed to plan a meal or figure out what will be available just
under the water’s surface today? I guess it could be worse; I could have lived in
Colorado this spring. Please, no fresh water mountain for me, I stick with the muck.
Timmy, the Terrible Hunger Terrapin
I believe this problem has two sides; it may be bad for me but good for you. Let me
say this very clearly, “NO MOSQUITOES.” Sounds simple enough right, may even be
hopeful to many. No mosquitoes to bite you, no plump larva for me, who wins this
one? Wind and cooler temperatures work in the humans favor and less bites mean
less illness. But, that only applies in this country; Africa, oh brother, that’s another
Back to the food problem for me now, unhappy terrapins are more apt to go for little
toes dangling in the water while humans sit on my log, sunning themselves when it’s
warmer. We just can’t eat fish every day. I may be difficult, but I need a variety.
Anybody else for some larva or water bugs, don’t be afraid to speak up. You don’t
eat cheeseburgers every day, do you?
You know, humans really have it made, at least in most countries. You have grocery
stores and many varieties of food establishments to eat whatever and whenever you
please, other countries, I’m not so sure. I wonder if third world countries have fast
food places? What would they offer customers, beans and rice?
I’m sorry I’ve only talked about me, me, me, this month. It almost makes we want to
share a meal with a crayfish, you know, someone completely different than me. How
about you, do you know someone that looks different than you that you could share
a meal with?
Please think about it and enjoy the mystery weather,
Men’s Night Out at the Ball Field
Men’s Night Out at the Ball Field will be on Friday, June 28 at 7:00pm with the Frederick Keys vs. Winston-Salem
Dash. The game will be at Harry Grove Stadium in Frederick. Carpooling will be available (and is preferred) from the
Carroll Street lot or you may drive yourself. The cost is $10.00 for adults; $7.00 for youth & seniors. To sign up, use
the RCR card during weekend worship services. Checks should say “Men’s Baseball” on the memo line and money
is due by June 20.
July Red Cross Blood Drive
by Emma Jane Weishaar
Grace Lutheran and St. Paul's United Church of Christ are sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, July 15 from
2-8 p.m. at St. Paul's on Green and Bond Streets. Please call or e-mail Emma Jane Weishaar at 410-848-1231 or
ejweishaar@comcast.net to schedule an appointment.
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 8
June/July, 2013
June Calendar of Events
5:00 pm Fair Trade Coffee Sale (LGS)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2013
7:30 am Fair Trade Coffee Sale (LGS)
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship (GH)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
11:45 am Ardent Folk BBQ Meeting (L)
6:00 pm Stephen Ministry Training Class (108)
MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2013
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
6:00 pm Girl Scouts Troop 307 (FH)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Meeting (107, 108, T)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
7:00 pm Children’s Chorus Rehearsals (MR, T)
7:00 pm Property Committee Meeting (108)
7:00 pm Social Ministry Committee Meeting (LGS)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
7:30 pm Men’s Bible Study (Johansson’s)
5:00 pm Ardent Folk Bible Conversation (L)
6:00 pm Ardent Folk Weekly Meal (FH/T)
7:00 pm Stephen Leaders Meeting (Parlor)
7:00 pm Youth & Family Ministry Meeting (108)
7:00 pm New Beginnings NA Meeting (109/110)
FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2013
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Conversation (Bob Evans)
6:30 pm Quiet Evening – Labyrinth (GH, FH, L, LGS, S, UGS)
8:00 pm Turning Point AA Meeting (109/110)
7:00 am Grace Lutheran Yard Sale (Carroll Street Lot)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship – Stephen Ministers Commissioning (GH)
10:00 am Barnes’ Gathering (101 Legacy)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
12:00 pm Johns Island Pre-Trip Meeting (108)
2:00 pm Children’s Chorus Rehearsal (MR)
3:00 pm Seniors Crab Dinner (FH, T)
MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2013
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
7:00 pm Adult Education Committee Meeting (Parlor)
7:00 pm Children’s Chorus Rehearsals (MR, T)
7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (L)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
7:00 pm Ardent Folk Special Dinner (FH, T)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
5:00 pm Ardent Folk Bible Conversation (L)
6:00 pm Ardent Folk Weekly Meal (FH/T)
7:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting (108)
7:00 pm Thursday Evening Book Club (L)
7:00 pm New Beginnings NA Meeting (109/110)
FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2013
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Conversation (Bob Evans)
8:00 pm Turning Point AA Meeting (109/110)
7:00 am RAIN DATE Grace Lutheran Yard Sale (Carroll Street Lot)
10:00 am Worship & Music Committee Meeting (Parlor)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship (GH)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
5:30 pm Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp Meeting (FH)
MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2013
9:00 am Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp (Various Rooms Used)
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
7:00 pm Church Council Meeting (108)
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Meeting (107)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2013
9:00 am Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp (Various Rooms Used)
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
7:00 pm Children’s Chorus Rehearsals (MR, T)
7:00 pm Christian Education Meeting (107)
9:00 am Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp (Various Rooms Used)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
7:30 pm Men’s Bible Study (Johansson’s)
(CLV) Carroll Lutheran Village (FH) Fellowship Hall
(T) Theater (S) Sanctuary (GH) Grace Hall (UGS) Upper
Gathering Space (LGS) Lower Gathering Space
(MR) Music Room (L) Library
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 9
June/July, 2013
June Calendar of Events (continued)
9:00 am Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp (Various Rooms Used)
4:00 pm Shepherd’s Staff Special Meeting (108)
5:00 pm Ardent Folk Bible Conversation (L)
6:00 pm Ardent Folk Weekly Meal (FH/T)
7:00 pm New Beginnings NA Meeting (109/110)
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2013
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Conversation (Bob Evans)
9:00 am Mar-Lu-Ridge Day Camp (Various Rooms Used)
7:00 pm Outdoor Movie Night (Jerusalem Lutheran)
8:00 pm Turning Point AA Meeting (109/110)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
6:00 pm Legacy (High School) Crab Feast (Bowman’s Home)
SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2013
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship (GH)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
7:00 pm Evangelism Committee Meeting (LGS)
7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (UGS)
7:00 pm Shepherd Staff Board Meeting (108)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
6:00 pm Potluck Dinner and Song (FH)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
5:00 pm Ardent Folk Bible Conversation (L)
6:00 pm Ardent Folk Weekly Meal (FH/T)
7:00 pm Contemporary Worship Committee Meeting (108)
7:00 pm Thursday Evening Book Club (L)
7:00 pm New Beginnings NA Meeting (109/110)
FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2013
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Conversation (Bob Evans)
7:00 pm Men’s Night Out at the Ballgame (Harry Grove Stadium)
8:00 pm Turning Point AA Meeting (109/110)
9:00 am Red Cross Babysitter’s Training (108)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2013
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship (GH)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
5:00 pm Eagle Scout Court of Honor Ceremony (GH)
July Calendar of Events
MONDAY, JULY 1, 2013
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Meeting (107, 108)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
7:00 pm Property Committee Meeting (108)
7:00 pm Social Ministry Committee Meeting (LGS)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
7:30 pm Men’s Bible Study (Johansson’s)
FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2013
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Conversation (Bob Evans)
8:00 pm Turning Point AA Meeting (109/110)
5:00 pm Fair Trade Coffee Sale (LGS)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
SUNDAY, JULY 7, 2013
7:30 am Fair Trade Coffee Sale (LGS)
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship (GH)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (UGS)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
(CLV) Carroll Lutheran Village (FH) Fellowship Hall
(T) Theater (S) Sanctuary (GH) Grace Hall (UGS) Upper
Gathering Space (LGS) Lower Gathering Space
(MR) Music Room (L) Library
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 10
June/July, 2013
July Calendar of Events (continued)
5:00 pm Ardent Folk Bible Conversation (L)
6:00 pm Ardent Folk Weekly Meal (FH/T)
7:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting (108)
7:00 pm New Beginnings NA Meeting (109/110)
FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Conversation (Bob Evans)
8:00 pm Turning Point AA Meeting (109/110)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2013
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship (GH)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
12:00 pm Church Picnic (Westminster Community Pond)
MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013
2:00 pm Red Cross Blood Drive (St. Paul’s UCC)
5:30 pm Vacation Bible Camp (Various Rooms Used)
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
7:00 pm Church Council Meeting (108)
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Meeting (107)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2013
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
5:30 pm Vacation Bible Camp (Various Rooms Used)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
5:30 pm Vacation Bible Camp (Various Rooms Used)
6:00 pm WELCA Picnic (Babylon’s Home)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
7:30 pm Men’s Bible Study (Johansson’s)
5:00 pm Ardent Folk Bible Conversation (L)
5:30 pm Vacation Bible Camp (Various Rooms Used)
6:00 pm Ardent Folk Weekly Meal (FH/T)
7:00 pm New Beginnings NA Meeting (109/110)
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2013
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Conversation (Bob Evans)
5:30 pm Vacation Bible Camp (Various Rooms Used)
8:00 pm Turning Point AA Meeting (109/110)
10:00 am Worship & Music Committee Meeting (Parlor)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2013
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship (GH)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (UGS)
7:00 pm Shepherd Staff Board Meeting (108)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
5:00 pm Ardent Folk Bible Conversation (L)
6:00 pm Ardent Folk Weekly Meal (FH/T)
7:00 pm New Beginnings NA Meeting (109/110)
FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2013
6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Conversation (Bob Evans)
8:00 pm Turning Point AA Meeting (109/110)
5:00 pm Traditional Worship (S)
SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2013
7:45 am Traditional Worship (S)
9:00 am Praise Worship (GH)
10:30 am Traditional Worship (S)
MONDAY, JULY 29, 2013
6:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 393 (102, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 393 (101A/101B)
8:30 pm AA Meeting (109/110)
TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2013
12:00 pm Table of Grace Soup Kitchen (FH, T)
7:00 pm Evangelism Committee Meeting (LGS)
5:00 pm TOPS Weight Loss Club (109/110)
6:00 pm Potluck Dinner and Song (FH)
7:30 pm Praise Band/Singers Practice (GH)
(CLV) Carroll Lutheran Village (FH) Fellowship Hall
(T) Theater (S) Sanctuary (GH) Grace Hall (UGS) Upper
Gathering Space (LGS) Lower Gathering Space
(MR) Music Room (L) Library
Personal Notes
In Memoriam:
We would like to express our condolences to the following family who lost a loved one recently:
Family of Virginia C. Sparrow – April 24, 2013
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 11
June/July, 2013
June Worship Leaders & Assistants
JUNE 1-2, 2013
5:00 pm – Kay Betz
7:45 am – Evelyn Babylon
9:00 am – Pete Tabatsko
Communion Assistants: Don Meyers, Beth Meyers, Ted Forman, Alyson Guerra, Mark Tanzey
Ushers: Tammy Lowman, Chuck Lowman, Janet Bowersox, Linwood Van Horn
10:30 am – Charlie Beckhardt, Reader: Leonard Cherry
Acolyte – 5:00 pm – Jan Mickey
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Haley Hoff
JUNE 8-9, 2013
5:00 pm – Laura Heller
7:45 am – Craig Giles
9:00 am – Jamie Krichinsky
Communion Assistants: Dena Hodges, Leanne Elliott, Janet Bowersox, Stacie Dowling, Amelia Dowling
Ushers: Nathan Dowling, Brian Sherfey, Barbara Serghini, Jocelyn Spreitzer
10:30 am – Viera Sabol
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Amelia Dowling
JUNE 15-16, 2013
5:00 pm – Lisa Turner
7:45 am – Al Doermann
9:00 am – Paul Whitson
Communion Assistants: Kim Eckenrode, Chad Plendl, Bill Comegna, Sue Roach, Laura Heller
Ushers: Sandra Harrison, Les Null, Michele Krichinsky, Jamie Krichinsky
10:30 am – Kara Schuster
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Erin Sherlock
JUNE 22-23, 2013
5:00 pm – Bob Lichtfuss, Maddie Lichtfuss
7:45 am – Karen Ganjon
9:00 am – Michele Krichinsky
Communion Assistants: Pete Morano, Dotti Morano, Don Hodges, Ann Thomas, Sandra Harrison
Ushers: Don Hodges, Dena Hodges, Brooke Hodges, Katie Brennan
10:30 am – Anna Tschiegg
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Anna Tschiegg
JUNE 29-30, 2013
5:00 pm – Carol Ann Bauman, Arthur Pease
7:45 am – Dena Hodges
9:00 am – Jan Mickey
Communion Assistants: Craig Giles, Junior Zepp, Eileen Zepp, Harold Murphy, JoAnn Murphy
Ushers: Greg Hare, Doris Hare, Dave Cox, Wyatt Cox
10:30 am – Greg Hare, Reader: Elissa Streaker
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Taylor Glass Button
Doris Hare & Viera Sabol
Cyndy Beckhardt
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 12
June/July, 2013
July Worship Leaders & Assistants
JULY 6-7, 2013
5:00 pm – Pat Goldberg
7:45 am – Caroline Babylon
9:00 am – Laura Heller
Communion Assistants: Leanne Elliott, Stacie Dowling, Amelia Dowling, Kim Eckenrode, Chad Plendl
Ushers: Perry Crowl, Nancy Taylor, Adam Fairchild, Ron Fairchild
10:30 am – Rich Schuster
Acolyte – 5:00 pm – Taylor Glass Button
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Haley Hoff
JULY 13-14, 2013
5:00 pm – Kay Betz, Reader: Laura Miller
7:45 am – Evelyn Babylon
9:00 am – Ron Fairchild
Communion Assistants: To Be Announced
Ushers: Nathan Dowling, Brian Sherfey, Linwood Van Horn, Don Ludwig
10:30 am – Charlie Beckhardt
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Amelia Dowling
JULY 20-21, 2013
5:00 pm – Laura Heller
7:45 am – Craig Giles
9:00 am – Paul Whitson
Communion Assistants: Bill Comegna, Sue Roach, Junior Zepp, Eileen Zepp, Janet Bowersox, Sandra Harrison
Ushers: Tammy Lowman, Chuck Lowman, Randy Bachtel, Bill Comegna
10:30 am – Viera Sabol, Reader: Leonard Cherry
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Erin Sherlock
JULY 27-28, 2013
5:00 pm – Lisa Turner
7:45 am – Pat Goldberg
9:00 am – Kathy Rehak
Communion Assistants: Pete Morano, Dotti Morano, Jamie Krichinsky, Harold Murphy, JoAnn Murphy, Stacey Tanzey
Ushers: Les Null, Katie Brennan, Michele Krichinsky, Craig Giles
10:30 am – Kara Schuster, Reader: Karen Ganjon
Acolyte – 10:30 am – Anna Tschiegg
Worship Leaders: Please note, assignments are being made on a monthly basis over the summer. A longer term
schedule will be sent for the fall. If you cannot fulfill a particular assignment, please trade dates with another person
and let Dawn know in the church office. Thank you!
Barbara Croft & Jean Yeakel
Janet Harrison
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 13
June/July, 2013
June Birthdays
June 1
Becker, Tony
Bergevin, Zander
Weddle, Kersti
June 2
Buttner, Thomas
Landy, Randy
Sabol, Stephen
Schlerf, Fred
Wimmer, Morgan
June 3
Barger, Inez
Eckenrode, Kim
Hoppe, Thomas
Myers, Andrew
Norris, Denny
Shimoda, Alison
Welch, Zachary
June 4
Geiman, Betty
Gilbart, Kallie
Steinberg, Doris
June 5
Smith, Alex
Vengroski, Kelly
Wright, Hailey
June 6
Darby, Brad
Michael, Nancy
Suder, Andrew
Thimsen, Arthur
June 7
Charnley, Rebecca
Comegna, Jason
Crews, Nancy
Shrader, Wade
June 9
Bream, Lindsay
DeRita, Nick
Green, Helen
Ramsey, David
Schaeffer, F. David
Schreyer, Joe
Selby, Bonnie
Thomas, Ann
Weishaar, Kathy
June 10
Fernandez, Roldolfo
Keefer, Sheilah
Monka, Johanna
June 11
Allred, Emily
Ludwig, Charlotte
Shultz, Debi
Snyder, Riley
June 12
Arbaugh, Darrin
Bitzel, Nick
Giles, Craig
Hadden, Joyce
June 13
Byers, Caroline
DeGreif, Sierra
Simms, Linda
Smith, Phyllis
Steers, John
Williams, Allison
June 14
Elliott, Leanne
Eppler, Riley
Hood, James
June 15
Connelly, Riley
DeCosmo, Megan
Utz, Arlin
June 16
Cook, Donna
Eyler, Stacey
Futrell, Miriam
Hodges, Dena
Mickey, Jan
Vietz, Sigrid
June 25
Flanagan, Virginia
Hood, Asheigh
Kurland, Anne
Lang, Richard
Ways, Duncan
Whitson, Paul
June 18
Clementson, Beth
Fullerton, Natalie
Gladden, Gillian
King, Sydney
Martin, Steven
June 26
Campanello, Joette
Lady, Kevin
Lichtfuss, Robert
McGrath, Joan
Schoenberger, Scott
June 19
Hadden, Grant
Hadden, Glen
Helm, Hattie
Ramsburg, Joanne
Wisner, Carl
June 27
Kozlowski, Nicholas
June 20
Krempin, Ken
Lueking, Parker
June 21
Boone, Norma
Hodges, Brooke
Martin, Brynn
Meyers, Donald
June 22
Baker, Meghan
Black, Bertha
Bridgeman, Robert
Rehak, Robert
Stiles, Allison
June 28
Fryatt, Logan
Schubert, Susan
Selby, Adam
Wentz, Ron
June 29
Gray, Broderick
Gray, Maxwell
Meil, Linda
Schneider, Stephanie
June 30
Blomster, Shelly
Caple, Nicole
June 23
Cappiello, Ralph
June 24
Frebershauser, Lauanne
Green, Jason
Shipley, Eric
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
Page 14
June/July, 2013
July Birthdays
July 1
Beckhardt, Jacob
Erikson, Sarah
Magee, Kathy
Van Horn, Elizabeth
Whitson, Connie
July 2
Bancroft, Ashlyn
Borleis, Caroline
Hare, Lauren
Logue, Brandon
Stanton, Timothy
Suther, Anneliese
Thimsen, Clara
July 8
Beazley, Ginny
Rudolph, Ann
Terry, Hailey
Tobery, Gordon
July 16
Bowers, Reagan
Brennan, Deborah
Fourhman, William
Fryatt, Olivia
July 9
Baust, Karyn
Schuchardt, Kimberly
Wildesen, John
July 17
Lentzner, Kyle
Meyers, Donald
Schuchardt, Jessica
July 10
Goldberg, Pat
Heuchert, Jaeda
Jenkins, Jean
O'Brien, Sean
July 18
Beaver, Reagan
DeGreif, Seth
July 19
Dowling, Nathan
Long, D. LaRue
Ridder, Susan
July 3
Alisauckas, Meg
Brynes, Andrew
Hoff, Ian
Murphy, Harold
July 11
Gretz, Ryan
Marley, Jim
Simpkins, Ella
July 4
Rainey, Ruby
Duncan, Kristina
Huffman, Timothy
Shue, Antoinette
July 12
Arbaugh, David
Fuhrman, Nina
Gillispie, Samuel
Hoff, Shirley
July 5
Duncan, Delilah
Frebershauser, Robert
O'Brien, Donald
O'Brien, JoAnne
Roys, Evelyn
Zielske, Ann
July 13
Bachtel, Brooks
Leiby, Rita
Myers, Warren
Sherlock, Matthew
Taylor, Norma
Vengroski, Julianne
Vengroski, Ian
Weaver, Payton
July 22
Allred, Corey
Crews, Dan
Gray, Brian
Hasson, Helen
Lentzner, Cheryl
Null, Deb
Schuster, Rich
July 14
Cooke, Christopher
Cooke, Alexander
Haines, Richard
Moreland, Paige
July 23
Hall, Bernice
Hoffman, Nancy
Walsh, Rachel
Weisgerber, Ronald
July 6
Leister, Jean
Zielske, Gregory
July 7
Alisauckas, Ryan
Futrell, Dennis
Houck, Robert
Kozlowski, Max
Sherfey, Kayla
July 20
Gladden, Gregory
Lewis, Heather
July 21
Buckingham, Tivis
Langevin, Clayton
Reilly, Judy
July 15
Barnes, Cathy
Border, Debra
Smith, Ellen
Ulsch, Edward
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
July 25
Gesell, Shoko
Hertsch, Katie
Hiatt, James
Johnson, Colt
Shrader, Janet
Staub, Elizabeth
Tschiegg, Rick
July 26
Bowers, Eurith
Cooper, Diane
Mens, Joey
July 27
Combs, Welsey
Fairchild, Rachel
Moores, Mary
Walsh, Maddy
July 28
Ford, Marcia
Gerting, David
Hadden, Heather
Hoppe, Linda
Simonette, Letitia
Tracey, Stephanie
July 29
Myers, Donald
Schroeder, Buddy
July 30
Chaney, Rich
Jenkins, Krista
Tanzey, Mark
Tanzey, Jesse
Tyler, Rick
July 31
Harrod, Theresa
Hegg, Trevor
Roys, Robert
Schreyer, Lauren
Shimoda, Donna
Steers, Rachel
Page 15
June/July, 2013
Please remember in your prayers…
Names will remain on the Continuing Prayer List for four weeks unless otherwise requested. Names
will then be removed unless another request is made. Please contact Dawn Stem in the church office
(410-848-7020) with any prayer requests or email dstem@gracelc.org.
Those who are serving our country: Marshall Brown, Lt. Ryan Chaney, PFC Tyler Czarnowsky, Steve Haines, Nathan
Karlson, Jeff Kelly, Adam Miller, Leah Miller, Steven P. Miller, Jr., Paul Roberts, Chris St. Germain, Fred Tiedemann, Joel
Whitson, and for all those unnamed individuals serving in our military, especially in war-zone areas
Those in Convalescent, Nursing or Rehab Centers: Sarah Barnes, Elinor Causey, George Evans, Betsy Falkenstein, Trudy
Hirt, LaRue Long, Mildred Markle, Mary Ruth Mason, Donald and Nancy Michael, Evelyn Nevius, Lillian Schaeffer, Ellen
Continuing Prayers: Marcia Adams, Marion Bauman, Gladys Bauerline, Jodi Beal, Brian Bowersox, Mrs. JoAnn Boyce,
Mike Button, Gordon Caples, Janet Clingan, Lee Danielson, Rocky & Bonnie Davis, Patsy Evans, Barbara Gordon, Becky
Gottschalk, Ann Grizzard, Dick Haines, Vaughn & Jamie Ireland, Mandy Kent, Mary Krempin, Michael Landy, Sandy &
Walter Long, Justin Meinecke, Ed O’Brien, Kay O’Hara, Alex Olson, Dail Pease, Ed Pinder, Dottie Mae Ramsel, Emily
Rutland, Erin Neal Scott, David Stem, Kaylee Stem, Lindsey Stem, Gladys Warehime, John Yarish, Jessica Young
Seminarians: Beth Clementson, Laura Heller
Global Ministry Partners: Barbara Robertson and Annie Bunio, ELCA Missionaries in Tanzania and The Lutheran Church,
Paide, Estonia.
Also please pray for our pastors, the members of the Church Council, the staff and all of God’s children at Grace
Lutheran Church.
NOTE: If you or someone you know is going into the hospital please call the church office as soon as possible.
21 Carroll Street
Westminster, MD 21157
Grace Notes is also available online at www.gracelc.org/news/grace-notes
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