philippines organizing committee
philippines organizing committee
Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Thursday, December 10 Arrivals & Registration Optional Pre-Program Sightseeing Pre-Convention Meetings 6:00 PM Reception (MillenniumHall) 7:00 PM Opening Banquet [101] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) \ Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Friday, December 11 7:00 AM Interfaith Prayer and Meditation [102] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) 7:00 -8.30 AM Breakfast(CentennialHall,Allregularmealswillbeheldhere) 8.00 AM - 6.00 PM Exhibitions Open (MillenniumHall) 8.45 AM Opening Plenary: Peacebuilding 2010 [103] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) 10:30 AM Break 11:00 AM Concurrent Sessions Religions and Peace: FromDialoguetoSharedCommitmentandCooperation [104] (Rigodon Hall) The Family and Social Transformation: Marriage,FamilyandPeacebuilding [105] (MaynilaBallroom) Serving Together for Peace: EmpoweringPartnershipsandYouthinanInternationalServiceCorps [106] (Pandanggo&Polkabal) 12:30 PM Lunch with discussion topics by table [107] (CentennialHall) 2:30 PM Concurrent Sessions: Best Practices Advancing Interfaith Cooperation, Addressing Social Issues [108] (RigodonHall) Family and Peace: BuildingPeace,OneFamilyataTime [109] (MaynilaBallroom) Culture of Service: CorporatePhilanthropyandCivilSociety [110] (Pandanggo–Polkabal Hall) 4:00 PM Break 4:30 PM Plenary Session: Innovative Leadership for Peacebuilding [111] (Pandanggo–Polkabal Hall) 6:00 PM Dinner (CentennialHall) 7:30 PM Free Time Informal Meetings Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Saturday, December 12 7:00 AM Interfaith Prayer and Meditation [102] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) 7:00—8.00 AM Breakfast (CentennialHall) 8:45 AM Plenary Session: The Mindanao Peace Initiative [112] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) 10:30 AM Break 11:00 AM Concurrent Sessions Reconciliation and Leadership Forum: PeopleofFaithasLeadersofReconciliation [113] (RigodonHall) Faith, Family and Peace: FamilyastheSchoolofPeace [114] (MaynilaBallroom) Volunteering and Peace:] RoleofVolunteeringinPeacebuilding [115] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) 12:30 PM Lunch with discussion topics [116] (CentennialHall)) Manila City Hall Roxas Boulevard, Manila Peacebuilding 2010 Luneta Park Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 2:30 PM G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Concurrent Sessions Defenses of Peace: EducatingforPeaceandInterreligiousUnderstanding [117] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) Smarter Relationships: RelationshipEducationandCharacterDevelopmentforYouth [118] (RomaSalon) Peacebuilding Relationships at Home and in the World [119] (ChampagneSalon) Poverty and Peace: InnovativeModelsofPovertyReduction [120] (SampaguitaHall) Disaster Response and Peacebuilding: InnovativeModelsandToolsforVolunteerResponsePrograms [121] (RigodonHall) New Media: Tools for Effective Reporting [122] (MaynilaBallroom) 4:00 PM Break 4:30 PM Concurrent Sessions 7: 00 PM The Next Generation Peacebuilders: YouthEmpowermentandNewMediainServiceandPeacebuilding [123] (RomaSalon) Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: BridgingReligiousDifferencesthroughService [124] (RigodonHall) Sports for Peace: HarnessingtheUnifyingPowerofSports [125] (MaynilaBallroom) Training: TheAnatomyofPeaceinFamilies, Part 1 [126] (Sampaguita Hall) Celebratory Banquet [127] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Sunday, December 13 7:00 AM Interfaith Prayer and Meditation [102] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) 7:00 AM Breakfast (RigodonHall) 8.45 AM Plenary Session: Updates and Plans for GPF 2010 [128] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) 10:00 AM Break 10:30 AM Closing Plenary: Perspectives for 2010 / Call to Action [129] (Pandanggo–PolkabalHall) 12:30 PM Lunch (RigodonHall,Departuresmaybeginafterlunch) Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Post-Convention Optional Programs 1:30 PM Hall) International Youth Reception and Meeting [130] (Pandanggo–Polkabal 2:00 PM Training: TheAnatomyofPeaceinFamilies, Part 2 [131](SampaguitaHall) 2:30 PM Optional Sightseeing Program: Intramuros Tour [132] (MeetinLobby) 6:00 PM Dinner (RigodonHall) Monday, December 14 7:00 AM Breakfast 4.30 AM Mindanao Fact Finding Tour [133] 7:00 PM Dinner Tuesday, December 15 7:00 AM Breakfast Departures Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n SESSION DETAILS # 101 Session Title Location Opening Banquet PandanggoPolkabal Hall Welcome to the Global Peace Convention! We stand together with leading voices from around the world that include social entrepreneurs, interfaith leaders, and prominent representatives from civil society, the private sector, government, academia, the performing arts and religion. The Opening Banquet is a wonderful opportunity to interact with global decision-makers, engage experts in discussion of critical issues, and meet like-minded people from around the world. 102 Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Take a few moments each morning on your way to breakfast to “sharpen the saw” by joining with others in guided interfaith prayer and meditation. Representatives of Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Confucian and other faiths will share from their own traditions. PandanggoPolkabal Hall Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time for breakfast! 103 Opening Plenary: Peacebuilding 2010 Looking ahead to 2010, the Convention carries forward the worldwide successes of the Global Peace Festivals to a new level, promoting the Global Service Alliance, interfaith cooperation, families as instruments of peace, and a wide range of best practices for a world of lasting peace, indeed, One Family Under God. 104 Religions and Peace: From Dialogue to Shared Commitment and Cooperation All religions teach peace, just as all people desire peace. Yet, from time to time, some have unfortunately used sacred scripture and religious obligation to legitimatize war and oppression. In every faith, enlightened leaders should examine their sacred writings and traditions and identify the aspects that call for serving the larger whole as well as those that lead to parochialism and a focus on self-preservation. Both aspects exist in each religion. PandanggoPolkabal Hall Rigodon Hall The challenge of our century is to honor the parochial elements that support the divine indwelling in a way that also encourages people to appreciate and collaborate with those of other faiths. It is essential that we move from dialogue and arms-length respect to genuine shared commitment to peace and to cooperative action for peace. Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 # 105 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Session Title Location The Family and Social Transformation: Marriage, Family and Peacebuilding Maynila Ballroom Because the approaches to solving global problems such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, prejudice and violence must be multi-faceted, it is essential to realize the importance of strengthening the family (the school of love and character) as an essential part of peacebuilding. This session will examine the correlation between obstacles to world peace and the breakdown and devaluing of marriage and the family. Building a culture that will sustain peace and stability can only be accomplished when we gain clarity about responsible sexual ethics, spiritual growth, the role of parents, the importance of marital commitment, and the needs of children. 106 Serving Together for Peace: Empowering Partnerships and Youth in an International Service Corps The Global Peace Festival has issued a clarion call to establish a global peace corps through which young people from diverse cultures and even enemy nations can serve together to address common challenges and promote peace. The United Nations and world leaders such as US President Barack Obama have likewise called for multilateral service alliances across nations. The Global Peace Service Alliance is working with a coalition of service partners to implement this call. This session will examine the role of the private and public sectors as well as international entities including the United Nations in building a global culture of service that addresses the UN Millennium Development Goals and peacebuilding. 107 Lunch with Table Discussion Topics Look for signs on the tables to find the topics of the morning and afternoon sessions that will be discussed. Or, if you prefer, you may sit at a general discussion table. 108 Advancing Interfaith Cooperation, Addressing Social Issues Interfaith activity and cooperation is one of the three central “pillars” of the Global Peace Festivals. A new vision of interfaith based on universal principles and centered upon the concept of “One Family Under God” opens the door for a new and exciting level of cooperation across all faith boundaries. Tremendous advances for peace are possible when this new vision and unity are applied to a variety of pressing social issues. Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service PandanggoPolkabal Hall Centennial Hall Rigodon Hall Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 # 109 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Session Title Location Family and Peace: Building Peace, One Family at a Time Maynila Ballroom By sharing innovative approaches to guide our youth and strengthen marriage, parenting and families, we can gain inspiration as well as practical ideas for projects and methods to impact our communities. This session will introduce several Best Practices for strengthening the family such as character education, marriage and family enrichment, combating HIV/AIDS, challenging public policy, and teaching youth about making healthy choices. 110 Culture of Service: Corporate Philanthropy and Civil Society This session will spotlight innovative practices to build up the culture of service in each nation and to forge multi-national networks for increased impact in areas such as the environment, universal education and poverty eradication. The role of corporate philanthropy and social responsibility programs working in partnership with NGOs and faithbased initiatives along with the unique contributions of youth in forging a global service alliance will be examined. 111 Plenary Session: Innovative Leadership in Peacebuilding A cross section of prominent leaders will offer their insights on the Global Peace Festival model and on Peacebuilding 2010: Interfaith Family Service in this highly informative session. 112 Plenary Session: The Mindanao Peace Initiative The Mindanao Peace Initiative (MinPI) is a fast-growing civil-society peacebuilder and is involved in a participatory and inclusive approach to peace anchored in respect for cultural and religious differences. MinPi has identified sectors from the grassroots peace constituency representing Mindanao Island’s Christian and Muslim religious leaders, Lumads, academe, business, professionals, and public servants, with the majority of participants coming from the Department of Education. This session will highlight the work of MinPI and present innovative projects and approaches in peacebuilding developed in Mindanao. Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service PandanggoPolkabal Hall PandanggoPolkabal Hall PandanggoPolkabal Hall Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 # 113 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Session Title Location Reconciliation and Leadership Forum: People of Faith and Conscience as Leaders of Reconciliation Rigodon Hall Differences in religion, culture, and ideology are often a source of division and conflict. However, it is within our religions and sacred traditions that we find the resources to awaken our consciences and inspire us to act in ways that promote peace. Great leaders have called upon these resources to find the courage, compassion, and conviction necessary to overcome injustice and champion the cause of peace. In this forum, several leaders share about the role of faith and conscience as the inner tools necessary for effective leadership and peacebuilding. 114 Faith, Family and Peace: Family as the School of Peace Wars are fought, ancestral resentment is maintained, and prejudices are passed down partly because we fail to see others as we see ourselves. This session will demonstrate how a practical handling of relationships within the family provides a model for peacebuilding that has global applicability. When individuals learn to be at peace within, they are able to see the reality of others and act in accordance with their conscience, principles and compassion. When we learn the tried and true skills of communicating for peace we can establish understanding and solve conflict even in the worst of disputes. The practical paradigms presented in this session can help us create peaceful relationships in the family and in the world. 115 Volunteering and Peace: Role of Volunteering in Peacebuilding Increasingly the nexus of peacebuilding and volunteering has come into play as the assets of volunteers in both conflict prevention and post-conflict rebuilding have come into play in regional hot spots. This session facilitated by Service For Peace will elicit participant stakeholder input based on the rich array of experiences in GPF social impact models worldwide and provide highlights of peace volunteering and service learning. 116 Interfaith l Family PandanggoPolkabal Hall Centennial Hall Lunch With Table Topics (2) Peacebuilding 2010 Maynila Ballroom l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 # 117 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Session Title Location Defenses of Peace: Educating for Peace and Interreligious Understanding PandanggoPolkabal Hall The Preamble to the constitution of UNESCO states, “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” Some say that our challenge in the 21st century is to construct the defenses of peace in the minds of children. Speakers at this session will describe the circumstances under which they work and present best practices they have developed for educating children in areas where religion has been used to fuel violence. Speakers will describe educational initiatives in places such as Pakistan and Mindanao, Philippines. 118 Smarter Relationships: Relationship Education and Character Development for Youth Roma Salon Many youth fall into destructive relationships because they lack the family model, knowledge, self-awareness and relationship skills. We can improve the lives and future of our youth by teaching good decision-making, character development, the nature of a healthy relationship, smart choices about sex, and preparation for lasting loving marriages. 119 Peacebuilding Relationships at Home and in the World The fundamental attitudes and skills in personal relationships are learned in the family. However, how many parents or couples are taught or have accomplished effective relationship skills? Do we always succeed at establishing peace within the family? This session will examine key concepts to learning effective peacebuilding in our home, mirroring what is needed for peacebuilding in the world. 120 Poverty and Peace: Innovative Models of Poverty Reduction This session will examine innovative models of poverty reduction and disease eradication within the framework of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. We will examine the UN International Year of the Volunteer (IYD 10) campaign as one tool for global organizing during the 2010 Global Peace Festivals. 121 Disaster Response and Peacebuilding: Innovative Models and Tools for Volunteer Response Programs Champagne Salon Sampaguita Hall Rigodon Hall Natural disasters in the Philippines and other South Asia locales including the tsunami have prompted increased global disaster readiness, response capability and public-private networking. This session will examine innovative models and tools for voluntary response in global disaster and its significance to the peacebuilding process by engaging civil society leaders across cultural boundaries. Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 # 122 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Session Title Location New Media: Tools for Effective Reporting Maynila Ballroom This session will look at the impact of new media technologies - Web-based, digital and interactive - on traditional journalistic practices. It will discuss tools and tips to research, write, publish and publicize content on the Web, offering interactive material on effective online writing. The session will also touch on the new opportunities emerging for community-building and advancing social causes. 123 The Next Generation Peacebuilders: Youth Empowerment and New Media in Service and Peacebuilding Roma Salon The Global Peace Service Alliance is collaborating with interfaith youth and service leaders in developing international networking and resources to equip next generation leaders. This session will be organized by innovative young leaders from diverse faith traditions to further this networking process and to examine resources such as Global Youth Service Day and new social media to further engage the vibrant leadership of the Millennial Generation. 124 Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Bridging Religious Differences through Service Rigodon Hall When people from different traditions spend a few days together living as a community and working for the benefit of others, mutual understanding develops and barriers begin to dissolve. Such programs demonstrate that it is possible for our global family to live together in harmony under God for mutual benefit. 125 Sports for Peace: Harnessing the Unifying Power of Sports Competitive sport stimulates the development of unity between a person’s mind and body through challenging personal limitations. Athletes, therefore, strive to reach their individual best while also encouraging their teammates, and even their competitors, to reach new levels of excellence. This profound experience often results in lifelong friendships even among competitors. This session will analyze sports programs and present ways in which to harness the unifying power of sports and apply it to peacebuilding activities and educational programs. Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Maynila Ballroom Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 # 126 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Session Title Location The Anatomy of Peace in Families, Part 1 Sampaguita Hall Participants are introduced to a little known problem that helps clarify how we move from a heart that is at peace to a heart that is at war. From there we start to see the conflicts and challenges in life with renewed clarity, understanding and more importantly, compassion. Participants learn a framework that invites them to participate in spreading peace not just within their immediate families but to people in other aspects of life. The Arbinger Institute is a renowned international management training and consulting firm and scholarly consortium. People who experience the Institute’s training report that they now possess a much deeper understanding of the origin of conflict. Part 2 of this training will be held at 2:00 pm on Sunday, December 13th. 127 Celebratory Banquet After a full day of discussing significant issues, this dinner program is an opportunity to enjoy uplifting entertainment, as well as to engage and interact with colleagues and new friends. 128 Plenary Session: Updates and Plans for GPF 2010 Global Peace Festival organizers from a number of nations report on their exciting plans for upcoming 2010 festivals. This session provides an excellent opportunity for the exchange of both information and inspiration. 129 Closing Plenary: Perspectives for 2010 / Call to Action As the historic inaugural Global Peace Convention draws to a close, prominent world leaders reflect on the issues and opportunities before us. The Convention concludes with a stirring call to action to implement the GPF vision and model throughout the world 130 International Youth Reception and Meeting Network and brainstorm with youth leaders from around the world, working on strategies to promote effective solutions in the arenas of interfaith, family and service. Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service PandanggoPolkabal Hall PandanggoPolkabal Hall PandanggoPolkabal Hall PandanggoPolkabal Hall Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 # 131 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n Session Title Location The Anatomy of Peace in Families, Part 2 Sampaguita Hall The second half of the Arbinger Institute training. (details in session 126) 132 Optional Program: Intramuros Sightseeing Tour Lobby Learn about the history of Manila and the Philippines, from the earliest times through ruling periods by Spain, the United States, Japan, and finally to independence. Preregister for the tour, and be in the lobby by 2.30pm 133 Mindanao Fact Finding Tour The Mindanao Peace Initiative (MinPI) is a fast-growing civil-society peace initiative involved in a participatory and inclusive approach to peace anchored in respect for cultural and religious differences. It has identified a grassroots peace constituency representing Christian and Muslim religious leaders, Lumads, academe, business, professionals, and public servants, with the majority of participants coming from the Department of Education. This is an opportunity to travel to Mindanao and see the situation on the ground for yourself. Pre-registration and additional fee required. Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n International Advisory Council Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n International Advisory Council Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009 G l o b a l P e a c e C o n v e n t i o n PHILIPPINES ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Mr. Felino "Jun" Palafox, Jr. Chairman, Philippine Organizing Committee Founder, Chief Architect, Palafox Associates Mrs. Leonida "Baby" Bayani Oritz Vice Chair, Philippine Organizing Committee Treasurer, Philippine .National Red Cross (1999-2007) Vice Chair, Philippine Organizing Committee Dr. Nona Ricafort Commissioner on Higher Education, Office of the President Dr. Haha Esnaira Estrella Abid-Babano Regional Director, Dept. of Education Region X Mr. Edgardo Castro Board of Trustees, Global Peace Festival Foundation, Philippines Hon Josephine DC Dominguez Undersecretary Liaison Office for Political Affairs, Office of the President Mr. Aya Goto Executive Director Global Peace Festival International Dr. Emelyn Q. Libunao Staff Director for Program Management Philippines Information Agency Mr. Fernando O. Pena President MOF Company (Subic), Inc. Dr. Samuel M. Salvador Vice President for Academic Affairs Polytechnic University of the Philippines Mr. Rey M. Vargas Director of Education El Shaddai Dr. Michael G. Zablan Executive Director UPF Philippines Peacebuilding 2010 Interfaith l Family l Service Manila, Philippines December 10-14, 2009