gnal dec - Greater Norristown Art League


gnal dec - Greater Norristown Art League
December, 2015
Mary Ellen Sillcox, Editor
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o t h e 2 0 1 5 T h e m e S h o w Aw a r d Wi n n e r s !
 Special Theme Show Award: LONDON EYE - Allan Syphers 
 First Prize: ALLEGRO IV - Arlene Renee Finston 
 Second Prize: UNTITLED - Katherine Volk 
 Third Prize: GONE IN A WHIRLWIND - Carol Haldeman 
Arlene Renee Finston
Carol Haldeman
All Photo Credits: Arnold Winkler
Allan Syphers
Donald Robinson Memorial Award for Watercolor with Emphasis on Light and Dramatic Atmosphere:
Judy Battaglia
Marilyn Sclan
Lauren Domsky
All Photo Credits: Arnold Winkler
Indira Cariappa
Teresa McWilliams Farina
Mary Benfield Memorial Award: CHAOTIC PATTERNS - Judy Battaglia
Rose Bolef Memorial Award: UNDER THE SEA - Marilyn L. Sclan
Fran DuBon Memorial Award: UNTITLED - Lauren Domsky
Beverly Sunny Holmes Memorial Award: CHAOS IN THE KITCHEN - Teresa McWilliams Farina
All Photo Credits: Arnold Winkler
Royal Unzicker
Nancy Moldofsky
Kate Pike
Jeanne Kelly
Pat Kilgour Memorial Award: PLEASANT STREAM AFTER THE STORM - Royal Unzicker
Lois Rapp Memorial Award: HELICONIA - Nancy Moldofsky
Frank Moulton Carter Memorial Award for Imaginative Work: PATTERNS WITHIN A PATTERN - Kate Pike
Nelle Clemson Memorial Award for Excellence in Watercolor: UNTITLED - Jeanne Kelly
Robert Copeland Memorial Award for Excellence in Pen & Ink or Pencil Drawing: MISSING YOU - Paula Slemmer
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2015 Theme Show Report
Mary Maudsley and Mary Ellen Sillcox; Show Co-chairs
Isabel Bassman, Marilyn Sclan, Jane Sillcox,
Cheryl Mikucki, Claire Goldenberg, Barbara
Brown, Kathleen Shaw, Carleen Brod, Judy
Battaglia, Mary Maudsley, and Mary Ellen Sillcox. As if by magic, clean-up and the return to normal the end of Sunday was accomplished with help
from Arnold Winkler, Mary Maudsley, Mike
Greco, Royal Unzicker, Victoria Naoe, Judy
Battaglia, Cheryl and Richard Coniglio, Mary
Ellen Sillcox, and many others. Because so many
people automatically started pitching in, there may
have been those missed in being officially acknowledged. Please accept our apologies as your assistance and contributions are very much appreciated.
Needless to say, without our artists, there would
have been no show. Their artwork made GNAL
shine with such superb work!
Above all, teamwork from the beginning
through the end made this Theme Show a success –
thank you to everyone for everything you did!
Photo Credit: Mary Ellen Sillcox
Photo Credit: Arnold Winkler
At first, it seemed the “Chaos and Symmetry in
the World Around Us” theme had a few people
scratching their heads. Once the artwork was
dropped off at the Greater Norristown Art League
on Friday, November 13, it was clear that there are
very creative artists! There were 109 entries submitted by 68 artists representing various media. Juror,
Karen Kappe Nugent, wended her way through the
eclectic artwork and commented on the overall creativity of the artists.
The show was open to the public on Saturday
and Sunday and garnered many positive comments
ranging from “nice show” to “wonderfully diverse
artwork.” Of course, the main traffic was Sunday
afternoon for the reception and award presentation.
The crowd was abuzz with discussions on the artwork. Fran Barone could be seen weaving her way
through the crowd with her 50/50 basket, while
Vicki Marino raffled tickets for a gift basket. Photographer and GNAL President, Arnold Winkler,
and Board Member, Mary Ellen Sillcox were
snapping photos. Arnold captured the award winners receiving their prizes!
Putting on an art show requires much work and
our volunteers were tremendous! Friday evening’s
duties included organizing the room for drop-off
(greeting artists, checking in and labeling their artwork) and organizing the exhibition (organizing the
awards, hanging and re-arranging the artwork as
needed, soliciting for food donations and sitters). A
big thank you to Vicki Marino, Cheryl and Richard Coniglio, Ann and Glenn Haig, Mary Maudsley, Carol Salter, Jo Ann Cooksey Bono, Arnold
Winkler, Harriet Kline, Mary Ellen Sillcox.
Our luscious spread was made possible by donations from Jeanne Kelly, Deborah Dorn, Alice
Chung, Carol Haldeman, Alfonso Mason, Victoria Naoe, Ann Brennan and others who brought
food without having been asked. A huge thank you
needs to be extended to Victoria Naoe and Judy
Battaglia who took on the task of kitchen duty. And
finally, what would an exhibit at GNAL be without
wine? Thanks to Carol and Phil Salter for their
very fine wine contributions!
Greeting our guests during the show were sitters
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About 30 GNAL members and friends overcame the lure
of a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon to come to the Headquarters on November 8th, where they were treated to an afternoon lecture and demonstration of encaustic painting by Dale Roberts. In
answer to the question, the artist told the group, that while he had
learned about encaustic and other types of painting styles in art
school, he had to learn the technique on his own, and had spent the
past 35 years doing just that. He reported that at one time, he
would get up at 4:30 am to paint until he had to leave for work at
7:30 am, just to find time to practice his craft. He also said that
learning the art of encaustic painting takes a long time and that he
did not show his first painting until he had been painting for ten
The art of encaustic painting involves the use of a pigment and beeswax/resin paint that is kept hot in order to remain
fluid. His palette was also kept warm in order to prepare the paint
prior to putting it on the prepared encaustic board surface. Working over much of the board with each application, he then fused
the waxed paint mixture with a heat source, in this case using a
hair-dryer/drill looking tool, developed for this purpose. Because
the paint mixture is toxic, he discussed at length how the encaustic
painter needs to have a source of flowing air to keep the poisonous
fumes away from any area where it might be breathed in. Mr.
Roberts applied the paint mixture to the encaustic board using a
variety of tools, beginning with a large spackling tool, and then
moving to smaller similar instruments and brushes. He noted that
one of the advantages of encaustic painting was you did not need
to clean your brushes after every painting session, but could allow
them to harden and sit brush-up in a jar until the next time. Similarly, he described how he used up any paint on his palette and
collected ‘chips’ or pieces of paint left over from scraping the
painting. These he would put to use at another time.
Mr. Roberts said the advantage of encaustic painting was
that it would not darken, yellow, crack, or fade for centuries, describing encaustic masks found on ancient Egyptian sarcophagus.
He said he had no one technique or plan when he began to paint a
topic and allowed the painting to tell the story. He showed slides
and photos from the web of his paintings, which covered a wide
range of topics, from garden materials and dirt, to landscapes, and
many cityscapes. His demo was a lovely composition of buildings
and landscape, and he brought along other samples for the gatherers to touch and pass around.
Encaustic painting can take a long time to complete and
it may never tell the story you thought you wanted to tell! Mr.
Roberts said that when he was laying down color, he focused on
shapes and colors, rather than details. He painted from large forms
to smaller details, sometimes using tools such as a dentist’s pick,
to scratch into the paint in order to etch details or enhance the
color below the top layer of wax. He noted that it was important
to fuse after each layer was laid down, and that colors reacted to
the other layers in a variety of ways, sometimes to his surprise.
Some advice given by Mr. Roberts (in no particular order):
 This painting style is not for everyone!
 You will create fumes: do not use turpentine but you need ventilation. Encaustic paints are poisonous – do not digest.
 Encaustic painting does not need under painting, but you can if
you want.
 After every layer, remember to fuse with heat so new layer
adheres to the previous one. If it is not fused multiple times, it
is not encaustic. (And won’t last.) You do not need a hard fusion each time; can vary depending on what look you want.
 When finished painting for the day, just shut your heating units
off. The waxy paint will harden but will soften when the heat
is turned on for your next painting session.
 Encaustic painting takes a long time to complete, you can’t be
in a rush. Emphasis on ‘long time’ and ‘not in a rush’!
 The paint mixture is not a crayon, but you can make crayons!
 Paint large; then when you reduce the size the work looks more
precise. Paintings don’t necessarily sell overnight; some take
years and some bartering.
 The encaustic board is an untempered Masonite board that has
no oily base. You cannot paint encaustic on fabric.
 Take 20 minutes whenever you can to create art: doodle small
pen and ink or pencil drawings; add color. Practice, practice –
it will pay off. Pen and ink is a good medium because you
learn to make fewer errors over time.
 Do not use photographs for your primary source; make a sketch
en plein air, get your colors while you are there, and use a photograph only for reference.
Dale Roberts website:
Harriet Kline
Photo Credit: Arnold Winkler
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Members in the News
Carmella Tuliszewski’s (PWS, PWCS) painting “Summer
Harvest” is currently in the PWS International Exhibition and has
received The Award of Merit and Signature Status. Other of
Carmella’s paintings were also juried into the NWWS, LWS and
the BWS International exhibitions in 2015. She is a signature
member of the PWCS.
Susan Klinger has works exhibiting in the following venues:
 A pastel painting in the Pastel Society of New Hampshire 2015 It’s Pastel! Showing at Portsmouth Discover Center,
Portsmouth, NH, October 20 to November 28, 2015.
 A painting accepted to the Arkansas Pastel Society - 6th
National Exhibition, Reflections in Pastel to be held at the
Butler Center for Arkansas Studies in Little Rock, AR,
November 13, 2015 to February 27, 2016.
Carlene Brod’s painting, "CELEBRATION" was selected
to be in the Susan Komen Cancer Calendar for the month
of July 2016. Calendars may be obtained with a donation
to the cancer group.
Alice Chung has work showing at the Philadelphia
Foundation Exhibition from September 16, 2015 to
January 1, 2016.
 Art Venues Our new Facebook site, Art Venues is a place to
post Artist Opportunities, Upcoming Shows and Exhibitions,
Private Artist's shows and other Artistic Happenings in
Montgomery County and the surrounding areas. Please share
your upcoming events with our community.
 Kiwanis GNAL is pleased to announce its charter corporate
membership with Kiwanis International. GNAL's affiliation is
with the newly formed Kiwanis-Norriton Circle which will
support the areas of East Norriton, West Norriton, Norristown
and surrounding areas. Individual membership is also
encouraged to those interested in improving our community.
 Einstein Hospital, Braemer Medical Center Art Gallery
We are very proud that the Braemer Medical Center has asked
GNAL to take over the permanent art show at their facilities.
Annual Appeal
Recent contributions to our Annual Appeal campaign were
received from Rebecca Bingaman and Allan Syphers.
Thank you for your support!
Ann Greiner, a longstanding member of the art league, has
passed away. A talented artist, she attended Mike Adams’
watercolor class the past 10 years. She was a wonderful person who will surely be missed. A memorial service was held
at the Dock Woods Chapel.
Membership renewals were due by
August 31, 2015
We welcome our most recent new members
Mark Bosier (Harleysville)
Elaine Burnett (Collegeville)
Linda Hubbard Cooke (Lansdale)
Barry Kimmel (Blue Bell)
Allan Syphers (Gwynedd Valley)
If you haven't yet paid your dues, you will be eliminated
from the mailing list this month.
Please consider
continuing your membership with GNAL. We need your
talents and support.
The membership form is online at
An individual membership is $25, and a couple's
membership is $40. We hope to hear from you soon!
Jo Ann Cooksey Bono
Volunteers always welcome for
upcoming events!
Please contact Mary Maudsley or (610) 639-3752
Theme Show Award Winners
Sending out a sincere THANK YOU to Spring House Tavern, Spring House, PA; Arpeggio, Ambler, PA;
and Phil's Tavern, Broad Axe for their donations of gift certificates which we used in our fundraising raffles
at Happy Hour at Normandy Farms' Farmer's Daughter bar/restaurant on October 21st. THANK YOU also to
Blue Bell Country Club, Blue Bell, PA which donated a golf package for two.
Please join us on December 13, 2015 for our Annual Holiday Social and Gift Exchange!
See the last page for further details.
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Art with Santa
Kids aged 5 to 11 will have a fun time at our holiday "make and take."
Snowmen, Santa faces, ornaments, face painting and more. And, the
jolly one will make a visit!
Saturday, December 5th, 9:30 to 11:30 AM
Norristown Cedar Club, 810 W. Germantown Pike, East
$15.00 per child. Advanced payment required.
Register through the GNAL web site using your credit card and PayPal
or print out the registration form available on the GNAL web site
( and mail with your check made payable to GNAL to
"Art with Santa". Send to: 800 W. Germantown Pike, East Norriton,
PA 19403.
Registration deadline is November 28th.
Annual Holiday Open House & Sale
Marlene Serafine Gaudio will host the Annual Holiday OpenHouse & Sale at her Mirthful Angel Pottery & Sculpture Studio
at 1301 Valley Forge Rd, Worcester Twp.
December 4, 5 and 6, 2015
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Bingo! We have a winner!
Mark your calendar now for Saturday, February 27, 2016, for a fun
night of bingo, cash awards, suspense, 50/50 drawing, laughter and
raffles. Bring your own snacks and adult beverages to St. Titus
Church's Social Hall at 3006 Keenwood Road (off of North Wales
Road), East Norriton.
Play starts at 7 PM. Cost is $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
To register call 610-539-3393 or email
2016 Plein Air Workshops
Doug Tweddale
(note changes from last month’s entry)
Doug is an experienced plein air painter and teacher, who has studied for many years with
Master Albert Handell. Workshops include demos, critiques and help at the easel. Week-long
workshops also have a final critique of all works done during the week. Painting will be done
near public areas with easy access. All media and experience levels welcome!
Contact Doug at or
call: 215-908-0850
March 10 – 13, San Antonio, Texas
Painting locations in the San Antonio area and Coppini Academy of Art.
GNAL Members - $250, Non-Members - $300
Mary McIntosh at 210-323-3211 or Doug Tweddale
April 3 - 9, Monterey, California
Painting locations will include Point Lobos and other places of interest in the Monterey area.
Lodging discounts in Monterey. Cost:
GNAL Members - $300. Non-Members - $350
Doug Tweddale
April 24-30, Zion National Park
Workshop will be in Springdale, Utah outside the main entrance to Zion National Park.
GNAL Members - $300. Non-Members - $350
Doug Tweddale
May 15-21, Rocky Mountain National Park
Workshop will be in the park and surrounding area.
GNAL Members - $300. Non-Members - $350
Doug Tweddale
June 11 and 25, Northwest of Philadelphia
Each one day workshop will be held in an area park. Rain dates: Sunday June 12 and June 26.
GNAL Members - $40. Non-Members - $50
Doug Tweddale
July 9 and 16, Northwest of Philadelphia
Each one day workshop will be held in an area park.
Rain dates:
Sunday July 10 and July 17.
GNAL Members - $40, Non-Members - $50
Doug Tweddale
August 7 – 13, Acadia National Park, Maine
Painting locations will be in the park and surrounding area.
GNAL Members - $300, Non-Members - $350
Doug Tweddale
Barcelona Trip April 2016
Hola! Barcelona
The Greater Norristown Art League is planning a trip to Barcelona,
Spain with an optional Photography Group. Come and experience the
tapas, Flamenco, Las Ramblas, La Sagrada Familia, great photo opportunities, and more.
It is an 8-day, 6-night public tour with an established travel company. We will have a Philadelphia departure on April 30, 2016 with a
return on May 7, 2016. Since it is a public tour, space can go quickly.
Don’t delay if this is something you know you want to experience!
Our Photography Group will be led by GNAL’s own Steven Goldblatt, a former Board Member, and an award-winning professional and
fine art photographer and educator.
Deadline to register for the travel portion is November 30th
Photography Group option has a December 31st deadline
For more information, please call 610-539-3393 or
A l i s t o f a l l c l a s s e s , w o r k sh o p s a n d f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n
available can be found in the
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 G N A L B r o c h u r e a n d o n l i ne a t w w w . g n a l . o r g
When shopping at AmazonSmile for your holiday gifts, you
could also be supporting a really good cause! Go to the following
Page 6
We welcome you to the Annual
Holiday Social and Art Exchange!
Sunday, December 13 at 4:00 pm
Please join the Greater Norristown Art League and celebrate, reunite
with Art League friends, dine on great food, and give and receive a
unique and very personal gift of art for the holidays!
Braemer Medical Center Art Gallery
Co-Chair Volunteer Needed
We are looking for a volunteer to co-chair the Einstein Hospital, Braemer
Medical Center Art Gallery for GNAL Members.
The show will rotate every 4 months, so the commitment will be to assist and
organize the new show three times per year.
If interested, please contact co-chair, Linda Crane: or 610-420-9027
Committee for Organizing Outside Venues
The Greater Norristown Art League is looking for volunteers to work on the
newly formed Committee for Organizing Outside Venues. Members of this committee will locate and suggest outside venues that will enhance GNAL’s presence
in the community. Members will be responsible for recruiting volunteers to assist
with setting up a show/exhibit and collecting artwork from GNAL members or
local artists. Please contact for further information.
If you wish to participate in the exchange
(The gift art work exchange is for members only)
For the art work exchange, 2D work should be approximately
5” x 7”, matted and wrapped. Sculpture is welcome.
Please bring a food offering
If your last name begins with A – L, bring a fruit or dessert
If your last name begins with M – Z, bring a hot or cold appetizer
Opportunity to show your work!
Upper Merion Senior Service Center
Here’s an opportunity to both display your artwork and brighten the
walls of the Upper Merion Senior Service Center!
To contribute, please contact Arnold Winkler at
Mr. Winkler will gladly inform you about the next submission date for
this ongoing/rotating display.
Ev e n t h o u g h R ai n b o w A rt s & C r a f t s i s n o l o n g e r i n b u s i n e s s ,
Wa yne Ste m w ill co n tinu e to ma ke fra me s.
Th e c o n t a c t n u mb e r i s (6 1 0 ) 7 6 1 -4 9 6 1
reach a global audience for less
than the cost of a brochure
web design for local artists
contact Jo Ann Cooksey Bono;
Opportunities for Art Instructors
Temple University Lifelong Learning Society
The society is looking for an instructor to organize the Artists of Pennsylvania class syllabus for their Spring 2016 session. The instructor does not need to teach all classes, but can invite guest speakers. There is no compensation however the honorarium includes free
tuition to Temple Lifelong Learning Spring Session 2016. If interested, please contact Dan Shoulberg as soon as possible!
Artists of Pennsylvania; Lecture format
425 Commerce Drive, Fort Washington
March 16, March 23, March 30, April 6, April 13, and April 20. From 2:50 pm to 4:10 pm.
For further information, contact Dan Shoulberg, Program Coordinator at (215) 643-1844. Email
Note: It is best to contact Mr. Shoulberg by phone in between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm, and after 8:30 pm.
Upper Providence Township Recreation Center
Kevin Letrinko, newly appointed Recreation Supervisor at Upper Providence Township Recreation Center is looking to establish
and grow some of their art classes, programs, and offerings at the Center. The Center is looking for instructors to teach youth art classes
throughout the year, as well as artists to host potential ad hoc art parties (these could be for birthdays, showers, or any reason) for youth,
teens, young adults, and adults.
For further information:
Kevin Letrinko: Recreation Supervisor, Upper Providence Township Recreation Center
499 Hopwood Road, Collegeville, PA 19426
p: (484)391-2390