expect the best - Merschman Seeds
expect the best - Merschman Seeds
EXPECT THE BEST Soybean Seed Treatment Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean What is ILeVO®? ILeVO® seed treatment is the only solution for Sudden Death Syndrome that has activity against nematodes. It protects the root system against the SDS fungus and has activity on nematodes in the seed zone, producing healthier plants for higher yield potential. Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. THE BEST EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Top Soybean Pests ILeVO® provides protection for 2 of the top 5 Soybean pests: Sudden Death Syndrome & Soybean Cyst Nematode Yield loss (bushels) Diseases 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 5 yr Average Soybean cyst nematode 120,048,000 118,129,000 97,940,397 125,650,565 133,115,238 118,976,640 Seedling diseases 55,492,000 56,042,000 46,327,562 23,048,260 44,317,103 45,045,385 Charcoal rot 9,417,000 38,552,000 41,720,708 73,364,448 39,169,879 40,444,807 Sudden death syndrome 34,473,000 70,088,000 21,868,235 20,417,654 28,554,330 35,080,244 Phytophthora rot 44,679,000 38,774,000 34,856,052 23,151,711 30,203,419 34,332,836 Sclerotinia stem rot 59,275,000 23,651,000 11,762,263 3,902,656 16,115,617 22,941,307 Brown stem rot 19,942,000 13,658,000 15,916,517 12,494,432 10,468,833 14,495,956 Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST How Important is SCN? Source: G. Tylka, ISU Your friend in the field.® Soybean cyst nematode (SCN), (Heterodera glycines) is the leading cause of soybean yield loss in N. America. SCN symptoms are NOT unique or diagnostic; they may look like those due to many other causes. SCN is not always visible on roots of infected plants. SCN can cause significant yield loss without any above ground symptoms and can go undetected for numerous years SCN are developing resistance to the commonly used plant based tolerant varieties (i.e.. PI 88788) Growers lose 1-2.5 bu/acre for every 1,000 SCN eggs at planting Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Soybean Nematodes Over 100 species of nematodes have been shown to feed on soybeans, but undoubtedly the major nematode affecting soybeans is Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Additional nematode species that can cause damage include root knot, reniform, lance, lesion, ring, stubby root and sting Image courtesy of UGAm PlantPath Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Does SCN Interact with Other Diseases? Infection by SCN juveniles and the eruption from roots by the maturing females creates openings in the root surface that can serve as entry points for other soil-borne soybean pathogens such as Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, Fusarium (the cause of sudden death syndrome, Fusarium wilt, Fusarium root rot) and Macrophomina (the charcoal rot pathogen). Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST How Important is Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) prevention? Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), (Fusarium virguliforme) has contributed to an annual yield loss of over $540M /year since 2009 and the trend is on the rise When SDS visual symptoms are present, yield loss can exceed 70% When no SDS visual symptoms are experienced, root rot affects can still contribute to 20-30% yield loss SDS is persistent in all soil types and overwinters on corn and cotton making traditional rotational practices less effective Highly affected SDS market Your friend in the field.® Movement of SDS is on the rise -- started in AR in 1971 and now cases are reported in Canada Source: IPSOS Market Research Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean Distribution of SDS – North America 2002 1997 2005 2004 1993 1997 1986 1992 1993 1984 1971 1999 1986 2000 1984 1997 1984 1984 1997 1997 Source: J. Bond SILU Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. THE BEST EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome The causal agent of SDS is Fusarium virguliforme (or Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines). It is a soil-borne pathogen and once present in a field can be easily spread with soil movement. Initial infections occur on the roots and crowns of young soybean plants as early as the seedling stage. Infection by F. virguliforme causes root rot. Hallmarks of soybean SDS include foliar necrosis and chlorosis, vascular discoloration of roots and stems, root rot and death. Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome Infection can occur at any time, but earlier infection results in increased disease severity. Infection from germination to early V stages leads to colonization of xylem vessels and greater symptom production. First noticeable symptoms of SDS occur at R2 and are caused by toxin(s) the fungus produces. Fields are photosynthesizing very well means that the toxin the fungus makes can move through the plant more efficiently. Foliar symptoms include leaf drop, reduced ability of the plant to provide nutrients to promote pod fill, aborted pods, and ultimately yield losses. Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Hidden Phase of SDS: Root Rot “The fact that some plants showed significant root rot, but escaped the development of foliar symptoms, demonstrates the complexity of a disease” - Mbofung, Harrington, Steimel, Navi, Yang, and Leandro 2012. Can J. Plant Pathol. SDS is one of the most aggressive soybean root rot pathogens The root rot phase of SDS will occur in the absence of foliar SDS symptoms Soybean tolerance to SDS does not protect against the root rot phase of SDS Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Protects Against Root Rot Caused by SDS SDS Tolerant Variety 64.3 bu 55.9 bu + 8.4 bu/acre Base + 0.15 mg ILeVO Your friend in the field.® Base Treatment SDS Susceptible Variety 59.7 bu 51.6 bu + 8.1 bu/acre Base + 0.15 mg ILeVO Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. Base Treatment EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Reduces Root Infection by SDS Pathogen ILeVO® @ SDS rate^ Control Confocal microscopy ^SDS rate = 0.15 mg ai/seed of ILeVO Your friend in the field.® ILeVO® @ 0.075mg ai/seed Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST 2014 – Showcase Trial, Iowa Base - No ILeVO® Your friend in the field.® ILeVO® – SDS rate^ Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Reduces Intensity of SDS Foliar Symptoms 52 bu/acre Your friend in the field.® 60 bu/acre Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Yield Impact and Disease Index Yield Losses commonly do not exceed 20-30% of a crop, but cases have occurred where yields were reduced >70% due to SDS. At R6 (full seed), for every 10 unit increase in the disease index (DX) there is a 7% reduction in yield. Rating Foliar Symptoms Disease Incidence (DI) - % of plants in the plot showing leaf symptoms. Disease Severity (DS) - Severity of diseased plants scored on a 1-9 scale. Disease Index (DX) = (DI*DS)/9; range of 0 (no disease) to 100 (all plants prematurely dead at or before R6). Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean Disease Index (DX) < 20 = 2.6 – 3.8 bu/A Your friend in the field.® J.Bond, SILU Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. THE BEST EXPECT Soybean Disease Index of 25 - 30 = 6.8 bu/acre J.Bond, SILU Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. THE BEST EXPECT Soybean Disease Index (DX) 50 – 60 = 8.0 bu/acre J.Bond, SILU Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. THE BEST EXPECT Soybean THE BEST 2011 – 2014 ILeVO® Yield Benefit Average Yield Benefit from ILeVO Compared to Control trt.*(Bu/Acre) 181 Sudden Death Syndrome Trials Across USA Disease Pressure Ranged from 0 – 80 Disease Index^ Scores 16 14.34 14 12 10 8 6.86 8 7.77 5.24 6 4 6.96 6.81 3.78 2.63 2 0 Disease Index Disease Index Disease Index Disease Index Disease Index Disease Index Disease Index Disease Index Disease Index 0 0 -10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 14 Trials 83 Trials Your friend in the field.® 24 Trials 16 Trials 15 Trials 10 Trials 6 Trials Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. 7 Trials 6 Trials 11 - IL 14 - AR 12 - IN 0 13 - IL 13 - IL 13 - MI Your friend in the field.® -5 -10 Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. Posi ti ve Yi el d Response obser ved at 89% of the Si tes. 72% of the ti me yi el d benefi t i s 2 bu/ acr e or mor e Average 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 -AR 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 13 - KS 13 - KS EXPECT 13 - KS 13 - KS 14 - IL 14 - IL 13 - IL 13 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IA 14 - IL 13 - IL 13 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 12 - IL 14 - IA 12 - IN 14 - AR 14 - IA 13 - KS 13 - KS 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 12 - CAN 14 - IA 14 - IL 12 - CAN 14 - MN 14 - IA 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - MN 14 - MN 13 - IL 13 - IL 14 - IA 12 - IL 14 - IL 13 - IL 13 - IL 14 - IA 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IA 14 - IA 12 - IN 14 - IA 14 - MN 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IA 13 - IL 13 - IL 12 - MN 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IL 14 - IA 14 - AR 14 - IA 14 - MI 13 - MN 13 - MN 11 - IL 13 - MI 13 - MI 13 - IL 13 - IL 14 - MI 11 - CAN 14 - IL 14 - IA 14 - MI 13 - AR 13 - AR 14 - MN 14 - IL 11 - IL 11 - IL 11 - IA 14 - IL 14 - IA 14 - MI 14 - MI 13 - MO 13 - MO 11 - IL 14 - MI 14 - AR 13-WI 13-WI 14 - AR 13 - Ar 13 - Ar 13 - IN 13 - IN 13 - MN 13 - MN 12 - IL 14 - MI 13 - IN 13 - IN 14 - MN 12 - IN 12 - CAN 14 - AR 13-WI 13 - IL 13 - IL 13-WI 13 - IL 13 - IL 12 - IL 14 - MI 13 - MI 13 - MI 11 - WI 11 - IL 12- AR 14 - MI 11 - WI 13 - IL 13 - IL 11 - IL 11 - MN 13 - MN 13 - MN 11 IN 12 - IL 11 IN 11 - IA 12 - IN 12 - MN 14 - IA 14 - AR 14 - AR 11 IN 11 - IA 14 - MI 14 - MN 14 - IL 11 - IL 11 - IL 12 - IN 14 - IA 12 - IN 11 - WI 11 - IL 13 - IL 13 - IL 14 - MI 14 - MN 13 - IN 13 - IN 11 - IL 13 - MI 5 14 - MI 20 11 - IL 13 - IL 13 - IL 14 - MN Soybean THE BEST 2011 – 2014 ILeVO® Yield Benefit 190 Sudden Deat h Syndr ome Tr ials Acr oss USA Aver age Yield r esponse = 5.4 Bu/Acr e 15 10 5.4 2 EXPECT Soybean 30 20 Yield Benefit of ILeVo @ SDS rate^: 2014 Trials ILeVO® evaluated on 92 varieties spread across eight locations. 94.6% of the trials showed a yield benefit which averaged 7.7 bu/acre. 15 10 5 0 -5 AR MN MI MN MI IA IL MN MI AR AR IA MI MI AR MN MI AR AR MI MI MI IA IL IL MN MI IA IL MI MI IA AR IA IL IL IL IL IA IL IL MN IA IA IA IL IL IL IA IL IA MN MN IL IL IL IL IA MN IL IA IL IL IL IL IL IL IA AR IA IL IL IL IL IA IL IL IL IL IL IL IL AR IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL Yield Benefit (bu/acr e) 25 THE BEST * Yield Advant age was acr oss mult iple seed var iet ies of var ying genet ic t oler ance for SDS; as well as var ying levels of SDS^ SDS r at e = 0.15 mg ai/seed of I L eVO -10 Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST The “Halo” Effect: Frequently Asked Questions Q1: H ow does I L eVO w or k ? A1: I L eVO per meat es t he r oot s and young seedlings, moving at a high-concent r at ion int o t he cot yledons and unifolat es and st ays in t he seed zone. Q: What causes the H alo Effect on the cotyledons? A: The H alo Effect is limit ed t o t he cot yledons and does not appear on t he unifoliat e or t r ifoliat es (t r ue leaves). The discolor at ion is limit ed t o t he edge of t he cot yledons and is t r igger ed by t he I L eVO seed t r eat ment t hat is absor bed int o cot yledons aft er syst emic movement . Q: H ow long does the discolor ation last? A: The discolor at ion last s on t he cot yledons unt il t hey fall off t he plant ; however, once plant gr owt h r esult s in unifoliat es and init ial t r ifoliat e pr oduct ion t he plant will appear nor mal in color. Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. “Halo” Effect EXPECT Soybean THE BEST ILeVO® Unique Mode of Action high low Soil sur face 10DAP 14DAP 27 DAP 60 DAP cot yledons 60DAP • M oves fr om Seed Tr eatment to Zone Ar ound Root & Cr ow n of Plant • I L eVO can be det ect ed mainly in t he cot yledons wit h r emar kable concent r at ions also in t he seed zone, and t he par t of t he st em below t he soil sur face Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST The “Halo” Effect: Frequently Asked Questions Q: H ow does I L eVO w or k ? A: I L eVO per meat es t he r oot s and young seedlings, moving at a high-concent r at ion int o t he cot yledons and unifolat es and st ays in t he seed zone. Q2: What causes the H alo Effect on the cotyledons? A2: The H alo Effect is limit ed t o t he cot yledons and does not appear on t he unifoliat e or t r ifoliat es (t r ue leaves). The discolor at ion is limit ed t o t he edge of t he cot yledons and is t r igger ed by t he I L eVO seed t r eat ment t hat is absor bed int o cot yledons aft er syst emic movement . Q3: H ow long does the discolor ation last? A3: The discolor at ion last s on t he cot yledons unt il t hey fall off t he plant ; however, once plant gr owt h r esult s in unifoliat es and init ial t r ifoliat e pr oduct ion t he plant will appear nor mal in color. Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. “Halo” Effect EXPECT Soybean THE BEST The “Halo” Effect: Frequently Asked Questions Q4: I s ther e an effect on seedling emer gence or plant stands w ith I L eVO? A4: Aft er four year s of field t est ing, I L eVO®-t r eat ed soybeans emer ge at t he same speed t hat t he unt r eat ed bean emer ges. The pr esence of t he H alo Effect does not impact emer gence or plant st ands. Q5: I s ther e a gr ow th r esponse to I L eVO ®? A5: I n some inst ances, gr ower s may see an init ial slower gr owt h r esponse as t he soybean plant begins t o pr ocess or met abolize I L eVO®. The slower gr owt h allows t he developing plant t ime t o build-up it s int er nal r esist ance t o I L eVO®, effect ively jump-st ar t ing t he plant ’s defense r esponse in a manner similar t o how t he human body r eact s t o vaccines. Twent y t o 30 days aft er emer gence, gr ower s will begin t o see a healt hier looking plant , as compar ed t o unt r eat ed soybeans, because of t he effect ive cont r ol of SDS. Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. “Halo” Effect EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Unique Mode of Action: Summary • • • BASE TRT Your friend in the field.® Necr ot ic cot yledons = “H alo” Effect • Phot o-sensit ive r eact ion t o t he concent r at ion of I L eVO on t he mar gin of t he cot yledons • No impact on emer gence, plant st ands or yields Dr awst r ing effect & yellowing on t he unifoliat e leaves • Occur s mor e fr equent under slower gr owing condit ions Slow-gr owing dur ing Ve t o V2 st ages • Par t icular ly when soil & air t emper at ur es ar e cool • Tr ansit ions quickly t o nor mal plant char act er ist ics as t r ifoliat es appear BASE + ILeVO @ 0.15 Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean Is There a Response to Herbicides? Pr e-emer ge her bicides can damage soybean - I L eVO ® does not incr ease the lik elihood of damage - I L eVO ® does not incr ease the sever ity of damage H er bicides Used (20 Tr ials) • Aut hor it y XL • Fier ce H er bicide • Sencor DF Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. THE BEST EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Distinguishing Between ILeVO “Halo” Effect & Pre-emergent Herbicide Damage ALS ILeVO “Halo” Effect red veins Classic Fir st Rat e ILeVO “Halo” Effect VLCFA stem lesions cotyledon necrosis Cobr a Valor Spar t an Photosystem II leaf chlorosis drawstringing growing tip death yellow leaf tips chlorotic leaves Sencor L or ox War r ant Zidua Dual I I M agnum Your friend in the field.® PPO Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST ILeVO® Complaint Handling Guidelines: • • • • We ar e likely t o see t he “H alo Effect ” in 90% of all soybean fields on t he cot yledons and we will not pr ovide 100% cont r ol of SDS in all cases. Ther efor e, Bayer will not set t le any complaint s involving eit her incident . Alleged injur y complaint s t o soybeans t r eat ed wit h I L eVO® r esult ing fr om secondar y fact or s such as her bicide injur y, insect feeding, or adver se weat her condit ions will be addr essed on an individual basis. Tech Ser vice and/or Seed Tr eat ment K AM s Fr om Bayer must be involved in t he complaint invest igat ion. Complaint s involving nemat odes will not be addr essed using nemat ode count s of any kind. BCS will not compensat e for I L eVO® in r eplant sit uat ions Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer. EXPECT Soybean THE BEST Any Questions? 60 bu/acre 52 bu/acre Your friend in the field.® Always read and follow label instructions. ILeVO® is a registered trademark of Bayer.
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