Hearing Health Foundation


Hearing Health Foundation
Hearing Health Foundation
Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report
October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014
Letter From the Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
A Cure for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Is Within Our Grasp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
The Hearing Restoration Project Research Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2014 Emerging Research Grant Scientists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Hearing Loss Awareness and Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Fiscal Year 2014 Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Statement of Financial Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Statement of Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Board of Directors and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Microscopic images of the typical adult
mouse cochlea (on cover and this page)
Letter From the Chairman
am pleased to share with you our Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report. This year we saw continued, notable
research advancements that point the way toward a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus within our
lifetime. Our two research initiatives—the Hearing Restoration Project (HRP), which launched in
2011, and Emerging Research Grants (ERG), established in 1958—provide concrete hope that a cure is
on the horizon for the nearly 50 million Americans who have hearing loss and/or tinnitus.
These scientific achievements would not be possible without your support. Please accept our most sincere
gratitude for your generosity toward our mission. Details about our research efforts start on page 5.
I am delighted to highlight some of the exciting activities that occurred in 2014:
• Claire Schultz Named CEO: Claire joined HHF in April 2014, bringing with her extensive experience
in the public and private sectors. She most recently served as chief external affairs officer at Amnesty
International USA, and before that held leadership roles at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
and the Joint Distribution Committee. Along with deep leadership and management experience, Claire
has a personal connection to our mission. “As someone with a parent that has hearing loss, I have seen
firsthand the challenges a person faces on a daily basis,” she says. “I am motivated to expedite scientific
breakthroughs for the millions of people who live with hearing loss and tinnitus.”
• Strategic Planning Taskforce Formed: In July 2014, HHF’s Board of Directors approved the creation
of a strategic plan. A strategic planning task force was formed and the planning process began. It was
agreed that the goal would be to provide organizational imperatives and a set of priorities that would
guide decision-making and actions from Fiscal Year 2015 to 2019. This is HHF’s roadmap toward a
cure for hearing loss and tinnitus and to promote and spread awareness of hearing health.
• HRP Researcher Presents at the 2014 HLAA Convention: Andy Groves, Ph.D., presented on the
HRP at the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)’s annual convention. Groves, who is an
associate professor at Baylor College of Medicine, spoke about the unique collaborative nature and
how sharing data and resources has helped speed the search for a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus.
Read more about the 2014 HRP discoveries on page 7.
• Royal Arch Masons Renew Investment: In January 2014, the Royal Arch Masons made a very
generous gift of $100,000 to HHF in support of Emerging Research Grant scientists studying central
auditory processing disorder (CAPD), a hearing condition in which the ears and brain do not fully
work together. Since 2011, the Royal Arch Masons have supported HHF’s CAPD research efforts,
making it a priority to increase funds to this much-needed area that affects 5% of school-age children.
• New York Council Raises Over $60,000: On June 9, 2014, HHF’s New York Council hosted its
second annual “A Summer Soirée” to support a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus. The event was
attended by more than 200 young professionals in the New York metropolitan area. The funds raised
by the New York Council were allocated to naming an Emerging Research Grant.
• Partnership With Westone Audio: Westone Audio, a leading manufacturer of high-performance
audio products including in-ear headphones, in-ear monitors, and hearing protection, donated a
portion of every sale of its products to HHF throughout 2014. The Colorado-based company also
made an initial gift to HHF to kick off its commitment and partnered with HHF to present a hearing
protection session for musicians at the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) show in
Anaheim, California.
• Launch of the Safe and Sound Seal: The Safe and Sound Seal showcases the HHF Corporate Council’s
commitment to spreading the message of safe listening and hearing protection. Council members
include the Les Paul Foundation, the Regal Entertainment Group, and Walgreens.
• Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Debuting in November 2013, this initiative provides individual or team
fundraisers the ability to easily create and personalize their own HHF giving pages and to solicit online
support. Social media and tracking tools are also integrated; including a goal “thermometer” that offers
an at-a-glance progress report.
• Hearing Health Magazine Expands Its Reach: Each quarter, HHF distributed 8,000 magazines to
Walgreens locations in New Jersey. This is in addition to the 2,000 magazines distributed to Veterans
Administration Audiology Clinics nationwide. Read more about the magazine on page 16.
• Council of Medical Trustees Formed: HHF Medical Director David S. Haynes, M.D., created the
Council of Medical Trustees (CMT). The CMT is an expert panel of more than a dozen otologic
and neurotologic physicians and surgeons whom the HHF relies on for input and information about
hearing and balance conditions. The CMT builds on the long legacy of HHF’s Centurions, a group of
medical doctors that had held a similar role.
• Audiology Advisory Panel and Brochure Created: HHF convened a panel of 13 audiologists who
provided advice on a brochure to help patients with hearing loss and tinnitus. The brochure details how
hearing works, statistics about hearing loss and tinnitus, the risk of noise-induced hearing loss, and
the promise of a cure through the HRP. It is available at doctors’ and audiologists’ offices nationwide.
• HHF in the Media: In April 2014, HHF was included in Media Planet’s Vision and Hearing
News campaign, a special insert in USA Today, reaching millions of readers in print and online. We
contributed articles about the HRP and the importance of hearing protection. We also appeared in a
special advertising section of the May 26, 2014, issue of TIME magazine. Sprint CapTel and Sound
World Solutions purchased the advertisements and donated the editorial space to HHF to spread the
word about the HRP’s groundbreaking research.
We are excited to share our research progress in the following pages. Many thanks again for your dedication
to our work. Your support advances our commitment to life-changing research.
Shari Eberts
Hearing Health Foundation Board of Directors
A Cure for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
Is Within Our Grasp
he promise of a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus is very real. And underlying that promise is
the discovery that birds have the ability to spontaneously regrow inner-ear hair cells after they
are damaged and thus restore their hearing. In all mammals including humans, hearing loss is
permanent once these hair cells are damaged. Our Hearing Restoration Project (HRP) researchers around
the world are applying what we know about birds to people. Their goal is to regenerate inner-ear hair cells
in humans, permanently restoring hearing the millions of Americans and people worldwide who have
hearing loss. Our HRP scientists is the first international research consortium whose purpose is to
find a biological cure for hearing loss and tinnitus through hearing restoration.
How Can a Chicken Cure Hearing Loss and Tinnitus? Many types of hearing loss result from
damage to the delicate hair cells of the inner ear. Humans cannot regrow these cells—but in a gamechanging breakthrough in 1987, HHF-funded scientists discovered that birds can. Now the race is on to
apply this discovery to cure hearing loss and tinnitus in humans.
A Cure Is Possible in Our Lifetime: The HRP consortium of scientists has developed a strategic
research plan to uncover a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus. This three-phase plan starts with discovery
research and culminates in clinical trials. The plan, developed specifically by the HRP scientists and
continuously updated to incorporate new findings and approaches, is a living document meant to guide
but not limit the work.
The Best Scientists at Top Universities: Our HRP consortium is the dream team of hair cell
regeneration, comprising the best auditory scientists at leading institutions worldwide, such as Harvard,
Stanford, and Washington University in St. Louis, among others. These are some of the top institutions
with the most talented and inspired researchers studying hair cell regeneration in the ear, and their work
has already contributed significantly to the field.
Sharing Data to Accelerate Breakthroughs: For years, scientific research has been conducted in
relative isolation—one researcher or one institution working alone to tackle a major health issue. The HRP
has broken down these barriers by encouraging and celebrating cooperation. We developed the consortium
model to accelerate the path to a cure by eliminating repetitive work. This approach allows researchers to
leverage work across species and techniques in an efficient manner as each scientist shares their data and
expertise. Supporting a consortium of researchers rather than a single researcher reduces the time to
clinical trials in humans from 50 years to 10, accelerating the pace to a cure.
Building on Past Successes: Fifty years ago, restoring hearing to a person with hearing loss seemed
like a dream. Since then, HHF-funded research led to the development of cochlear implants and many of
today’s standard treatments for otosclerosis (abnormal bone growth in the ear) and ear infections. Today,
HHF-funded scientists are working on another dream—restoring hearing biologically.
The HRP Strategic Research Plan
Phase I – Discovery Research
· Examination of which genes trigger the
regeneration of hair cells in certain animals,
as well as which genes in mammals prevent
natural haircell regeneration or genes for
regeneration therapies.
Phase II – Pathway Validation
· Utilizes genes identified in Phase I to trigger
and explore pathways for hair cell regeneration
in humans.
Phase III – Develop Therapies and
Treatment Options
· The HRP consortium will partner with
pharmaceutical or other companies to develop
drugs that mimic the identified genes,
resulting in a regenerative therapy.
The organ of Corti in the cochlea of an adult DTR mouse;
the hair cells are stained green. (See #3.)
During FISCAl year 2014, the HRP consortium:
1) Discovered when blocking a specific cell communication method, supporting cells allow for hair cell
regeneration in very young mice. This is significant because mammals typically cannot regenerate
their own hair cells;
2) Discovered that nonsensory supporting cells remain for prolonged periods of time in damaged
cochleas lacking hair cells, making these supporting cells promising targets for regeneration therapies;
3) Designed a laboratory mouse whose hearing loss can be induced in a stable, reproducible way. This
is important for testing eventual regeneration therapies.
The HRP Research Updates
2014 Projects:
Single cell transcriptional profiling of chicken utricle and basilar papilla sensory
epithelium cells after aminoglycoside-induced hair cell loss
Stefan Heller, Ph.D., Stanford University
Michael Lovett, Ph.D., Imperial College London
Jennifer Stone, Ph.D., University of Washington
Mark Warchol, Ph.D., Washington University
Our studies focus on the avian inner ear, which has a particularly robust regenerative
ability. HRP consortium members have recently identified the genetic changes that
occur during regeneration in the chicken ear, and our project will build upon those
earlier studies.
First, we will use newly developed microfluidic techniques to characterize gene
expression in the regenerating chick utricle, with single-cell resolution. Those studies
will suggest candidate genes, whose function will be tested in organotypic cultures
of the chick utricle. We expect to focus on the so-called Wnt pathway, which is
suspected of playing a key role in inner ear development and regeneration. Finally, we
will explore whether the experimental strategy of single cell profiling can be applied
to the avian cochlea. We expect that precise knowledge of the cellular mechanisms of
avian hair cell regeneration will form a foundation for translating those regenerative
strategies into the ears of mammals.
Bioinformatics and Gene Expression Analysis in Zebrafish, Chickens, and Mice as
a Tool to Identify Genes for Future Functional Studies
Andy Groves, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine
Tatjana Piotrowski, Ph.D., Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Jennifer Stone, Ph.D., University of Washington
We propose to determine which genes show important expression differences within
and across the existing HRP transcriptomic datasets, and to validate and define their
expression in hair-cell epithelia in the different animal groups. Of particular interest
will be genes and pathways that show conservation among zebrafish and chickens
and those that show compelling differences between non-mammals and mammals.
To accomplish this, we propose to hire a skilled bioinformatician to assist with data
analysis and gene/pathway selection in collaboration with all consortium members.
Three laboratories (Groves, Piotrowski, and Stone) will perform in situ hybridization
to validate the RNA-Seq results for selected transcripts and define cell types in which
they are expressed. We also propose to purchase a server dedicated to the storage of
images generated from the in situ studies, which will enable consortium investigators
to mine data and generate hypotheses to test in future studies.
Expression of Wnt Pathway Molecules and Potential to Stimulate Hair Cell
Alain Dabdoub, Ph.D., University of Toronto
Albert Edge, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
Hearing loss is caused by congenital abnormality, disease (such as meningitis,
measles and mumps), exposure to excessive noise, the use of ototoxic drugs (such
as antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs) and aging. Many cases of acquired hearing
impairment are attributed to damage or loss of mechanosensory hair cells in the
cochlea. Once lost these cells, responsible for sound detection, do not regenerate.
While advances in biotechnology and our understanding of stem cell biology are
opening new avenues for development of regenerative medicine, there are currently
no biological solutions to hearing loss. Thus, a means to replace dead or damaged
hair cells would make a valuable contribution to restoration of hearing.
Wnt signaling has been shown to play a major role in stem cell biology, cell
proliferation and cell fate determination. We plan to identify the signaling molecules
in the Wnt pathway in the mammalian cochlea as an initial step in understanding its
role with the long-term aim of applications in hair cell regeneration. In our first aim
we will determine the timing and location of gene expression in the Wnt pathway
in the developing, postnatal, and adult cochlea. In the second aim we will assess
the downstream targets of Wnt signaling in Sox2-positive supporting cells at the
neonatal and adult stages. By a combination of in situ hybridization, qRT-PCR,
genome analysis, and DNA-binding studies, we will gain new insights into the
potential role of Wnt signaling in cochlear regeneration.
Characterization of DTR Mouse Model for Hair Cell Regeneration Research
Edwin Rubel, Ph.D., University of Washington
The goal of this research is to fully characterize a specific model for current and
future studies of hair cell regeneration research. Several years ago I recognized the
need for mouse system in which the inner ear mechanoreceptor cells (hair cells)
could be reproducibly removed from the inner ear without doing damage to other
components of the inner ear. Such a “model system” would allow systematic study
of hair cell regeneration at any age and in live animals. In response to this need
our laboratory designed and produced a new mouse line in which a toxin can
be introduced systemically at any age and will result in the rapid and complete
elimination of all hair cells in the cochlea and most hair cells in the balance organs of
the inner ear. This mouse line can potentially be used by the entire HRP community
to test and compare different cellular pathways and drugs that are candidates for
stimulating hair cell regeneration in the human inner ear.
Transcriptional Profiling of Purified Supporting Cells from Control and Damaged
Adult Mouse Utricles, With and Without Inactivation of Notch Signaling
Andy Groves, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine
Jennifer S. Stone, Ph.D., University of Washington
Neil Segil, Ph.D., University of Southern California
In this project, we are examining changes in gene expression that occur in supporting
cells of the vestibular organs during hair cell regeneration. We are using cell sorting
in Lfng-GFP mice to isolate supporting cells from the normal adult utricles, which is
a vestibular organ that has been well studied, and we are sequencing gene transcripts
from these cells. This approach will enable us to define genes that maintain supporting
cell quiescence. Using the same methods, we are sequencing gene transcripts from
supporting cells in adult mouse utricles at short periods after drug-induced hair
cell damage, to define the genes that are either silenced or activated as new hair
cells are being formed. Additionally, we are examining changes in gene expression
in supporting cells during inhibition of Notch pathway signaling, which has been
shown to significantly increase rates of hair cell regeneration in mammals and nonmammals. This approach will identify genes and signaling pathways that are activated
or inhibited in mammalian supporting cells as they form new hair cells, which will
provide clues as to the signals that control mammalian hair cell regeneration.
Update on this project’s progress as of November 2013: Our project is underway
with the aim of identifying genes that are expressed in hair cell progenitors and might
control hair cell regeneration in adult mouse utricles and we have made progress in
developing the needed tools for this study.
Update on this project’s progress as of June 2014: We have begun analyzing all
the genes that are expressed in newborn hair cells, in order to establish a baseline for
comparison to the anticipated supporting cell response. The next experiments will
be to analyze the supporting cells before and after the hair cells are killed.
Molecular Profiling of Purified Sub-Populations of Mouse Inner Ear Hair Cells and
Supporting Cells
Andy Groves, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine
Neil Segil, Ph.D., University of Southern California
Deafness due to the loss of sensory hair cells is the defining problem of the HRP
consortium. Since the discovery of hair cell regeneration in non-mammalian
vertebrates over 20 years ago, the challenge of manipulating mammalian supporting
cells to induce hair cell regeneration has been of primary importance to the field.
Two important discoveries have provided experimental paradigms for future research
into the failure of hair cell regeneration in mammals. The first is the demonstration
that perinatal mouse supporting cells retain a latent capacity for proliferation, and
the second is that these same cells are able to undergo a direct transdifferentiation
into hair cell-like cells. These capacities disappear rapidly during the first week of
life in mice, providing an experimental comparison within which to investigate the
biology that underlies the failure of regeneration in mammals. This project will apply
techniques of whole genome analysis (NextGen sequencing) to study changes in gene
expression (RNAseq), as well as changes in the epigenetic mechanisms that control
gene expression (ChIPseq), to better understand the process of transdifferentiation
and cell cycle reentry in perinatal mammalian supporting cells, as well as the agedependent changes that lead to the loss of these abilities.
Update on project as of November 2013: Over the past six months, the Groves
lab has completed its analysis of purified supporting cells from 1 day and 6 day old
animals. This data has been shared with members of the HRP Consortium. They
experienced technical problems with generating data from cultures of the cochlea
treated with drugs that produce new hair cells, but these problems have now been
identified and repeat experiments are underway. In the process, the Groves lab found
that they could obtain data from 80% fewer cells than they had previously been
working with, which will speed up the acquisition of new data. The Segil lab has
made progress on identifying the genetic changes that occur to the switches that
activate or inactivate genes in hair cells and supporting cells.
Update on project as of June 2014: We have now generated complete lists of genes
at these different time points and begun to analyze and verify the changes in gene
expression that we observe between birth and one week of age. These changes are
being verified by visualization of individual genes in animals, as well as by assembling
networks of genes that may be responsible for the success or failure of regeneration.
We have also begun the analysis of the underlying physical structure of genes in hair
cells and supporting cells, and have correlated these structural changes with changes
in gene expression.
Supporting Cell Fate Mapping
Albert Edge, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
Stefan Heller, Ph.D., Stanford University
Elizabeth Oesterle, Ph.D., University of Washington
The damaged organ of Corti, after the loss of hair cells, undergoes morphological
changes. These morphological changes are dependent on the type of hair cell loss
where loss of outer hair cells results in a preservation of the tunnel of Corti and
Pillar cells (Oesterle and Campbell, 2009). It is presumed that loss of inner and
outer hair cells will lead to a collapse of the tunnel of Corti and result in generation
of a so-called flat epithelium. In human temporal bone studies, both organ of Corti
remnants with a preserved tunnel of Corti and the flat epithelium are seen. It is not
known whether the flat epithelium consists of former supporting cells, or whether
supporting cells undergo delayed cell death after hair cell loss and the area of the
damaged organ of Corti becomes infiltrated by surrounding cells. The epithelial cells
of the flat epithelium are a particularly interesting cell population, because these cells
are the most likely targets for regenerative therapies.
In this collaborative project, we propose investigating the fate of specific organ of Corti
supporting cell types after outer hair cell loss and complete (inner and outer) hair cell
loss. We will utilize fate-mapping technology in transgenic mouse lines. Experiments
will use supporting cell-specific CreER or CreERT2 drivers in conjunction with a
reporter mouse harboring a targeted mutation of the Gt(ROSA)26Sor locus with a
loxP-flanked stop codon preventing transcription of tdTomato (JAX stock #7908).
We further seek to analyze the transcriptome of specific supporting cell types a) in
the neonate, b) in the adult, and c) in the adult deafened mouse.
Update on progress as of November 2013: We have started characterizing the
cells that remain after marked auditory hair cell loss and found that after some
severe insults the non-sensory supporting cells in the epithelium can retain some
normal cellular identity for long periods of time. This is encouraging because in nonmammals it is the non-sensory supporting cells that give rise to new replacement
hair cells after hair cells are lost. After different severe insults, our data suggest that
the supporting cells die and cells normally abutting the sensory epithelium move in.
Update on progress as of June 2014: This project has made substantial progress
towards characterizing the cells that remain after marked auditory hair cell loss.
We found that the majority of nonsensory supporting cells in the epithelium retain
their normal cellular identity for long periods of time, which means that they do not
simply disappear after hair cell loss. This is encouraging because in non-mammals it
is the non-sensory supporting cells that give rise to new replacement hair cells after
hair cells are lost. We also found evidence that there is a more complex response
to damage in some regions of the cochlea; we are in the process of characterizing
this response where supporting cells die and cells normally abutting the sensory
epithelium move in.
2014 Emerging Research Grant Scientists
ince our inception in 1958, HHF has awarded nearly $30 million through more than 2,000 grants
funding hearing and balance research. This money has led to dramatic innovations that increase
options for those living with hearing loss, as well as protecting those at risk. With the potential
for hearing restoration through regeneration biology, the scope of Hearing Health Foundation–funded
research has expanded enormously.
In addition to typical areas of hearing and balance research, HHF has a special focus on under-researched areas
such as central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), hyperacusis, Ménière’s disease, and Usher syndrome.
The primary goal of our Emerging Research Grant (ERG) program is to prepare scientists new to hearing
and balance research to earn funding through the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In October 2013
we were thrilled to congratulate the latest crop of ERG alumni who have received NIH support:
Wei Min Chen, Ph.D., University of Virginia (2012 ERG researcher); Sung Ho Huh, Ph.D., Washington
University (2012); Israt Jahan, M.B.B.S, Ph.D., University of Iowa (2012 and 2013); Carolyn OjanoDirain, Ph.D., University of Florida (2011 and 2013); Lina Reiss, Ph.D., Oregon Health & Science
University (2012 and 2013); Isabelle Roux, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University (2012); Rebecca Seal,
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh (2012); Ruili Xie, Ph.D., University of North Carolina (2009).
In 2014, six ERG scientists were first-year grant recipients, and four received a second year of funding for their
work. We congratulate these researchers for their achievements in this extremely competitive funding cycle.
Here is a look at their funded projects. For more details, see hhf.org/2014_researchers.
Samira Anderson, Ph.D., University of Maryland
Project: Neural adaptation in new hearing aid users
Goal: To improve the hearing aid usage rate and fitting process through assessment
of the brain’s sound processing and to determine how this processing changes with
hearing aid use over the course of six months. The use of brainstem and corticalevoked electroencephalographic responses in the hearing aid fitting may help the
clinician to understand why the hearing aid user is having difficulty understanding
speech in certain difficult listening environments.
Anderson is a General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International award recipient.
The Royal Arch Masons support Emerging Research Grants in the area of central auditory
processing disorder (CAPD).
Cynthia Grimsley-Myers, Ph.D., Emory University
Project: The essential role of URB, a novel secreted protein, in cochlear development
and planar cell polarity signaling
Goal: To investigate possible links between URB and the Usher syndrome network
of proteins. Defining these roles for URB in bundle morphogenesis may help in the
design of rational therapies for the treatment of Usher syndrome and other forms of
hereditary hearing loss in the future.
Grimsley-Myers is funded by HHF’s New York Council.
Srikanta Mishra, Ph.D., New Mexico State University
Project: Medial efferent mechanisms in auditory processing disorders
Goal: To understand the role of efferent mechanisms in auditory processing,
learning, and disability. The translational goal is to develop mechanism-based and
physiological tests for assessing auditory processing.
Mishra is a General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International award recipient.
The Royal Arch Masons support Emerging Research Grants in the area of central auditory
processing disorder (CAPD).
Shikha Tarang, Ph.D., Creighton University
Project: Transient and regulated dominant-negative RB1 inhibition to regenerate
hair cells
Goal: To characterize a newly generated model of transient and reversible gene
ablation and gather information supporting preclinical studies on hair cell regeneration,
and eventually to develop therapeutic interventions such as pharmaceutical drugs to
prevent hearing loss and restore lost hearing.
Tarang is funded by the Hulme family.
Daniel Winkowski, Ph.D., University of Maryland
Project: Noise trauma–induced reorganization of the auditory cortex
Goal: To understand tinnitus at the level of neural circuits. By building a more
comprehensive understanding of how cortical microcircuits change as a result of
noise trauma, a level of understanding will be achieved to advance efforts to reduce
or even reverse the impact noise trauma has on patients and society.
Winkowski is a General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International award
recipient. The Royal Arch Masons support Emerging Research Grants in the area of
central auditory processing disorder (CAPD).
Alan Kan, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison
Project: Exploiting the “better ear” in bilateral cochlear implants for improved
speech understanding in noisy situations
Goal: To close the gap in speech understanding performance between cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners.
Kan is a General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International award recipient. The
Royal Arch Masons support Emerging Research Grants in the area of central auditory
processing disorder (CAPD).
Zhengquan Tang, Ph.D., Oregon Health & Science University
Project: Hyperexcitability dependent on neuromodulatory state in the cochlear
Goal: To understand how different neuromodulators control the neural activity in
the central auditory system and their role in pathological auditory processing.
Tang is the recipient of the George A. Gates Research Award, presented annually in
perpetuity to an outstanding ERG scientist.
Guoqiang Wan, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Project: Functions of supporting cell–derived neurotrophin-3 in noise-induced
hearing loss (NIHL)
Goal: To gain a better understanding of the pathophysiology of NIHL and the
potential of neurotrophin-based therapeutics for treating hearing loss.
Wan is funded by the Wesley H. Bradley, M.D., Memorial Grant.
Junhuang Zou, Ph.D., University of Utah
Project: Understanding the function of PDZD7 in hair cells
Goal: To develop mechanism-based treatments for Usher syndrome by understanding
the formation of USH protein interactomes and their functions in the development
and maintenance of hair bundles in hair cells.
Zou is the recipient of the C.H.E.A.R. (Children Hearing Education and Research)
endowment, created to support an annual sensorineural deafness research grant, which
HHF absorbed in 1991 and is proud to continue.
Hearing Loss Awareness and Education
The Ultimate Consumer Resource on Hearing
Hearing Health
Winter 2014
Guitar Great
Les Paul
Tips and Tricks to
Hear Music Better
Hybrid Implants
A publication of
The Ultimate Consumer Resource on Hearing
A publication of
Hearing Health
Spring 2014
Get the Most
Out of Your
Hearing Aids
earing Health Foundation remains committed to keeping the community
informed about our research progress as well as educating the public
about hearing loss and prevention. Through our award-winning,
quarterly magazine Hearing Health and our monthly email newsletter, we keep you
informed about the latest research and technology as well as our education and
prevention efforts. Through our social media channels, Facebook (facebook.com/
HearingHealthFoundation) and Twitter (@HearingHealthFn), HHF encourages
people to engage with us through shared news, advice, and opinions.
Hearing Health magazine continues to uphold our reputation as the ultimate
consumer resource on hearing. The magazine’s quarterly readership tops 220,000,
and complimentary copies are distributed to the offices of more than 10,000 hearing
healthcare professionals.
Our magazine is proudly distributed to the members of the International Hearing
Society (IHS), the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA), members of the
American Speech-Hearing-Language Association (ASHA), and all of the audiology
clinics of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Our New
Some of our most popular stories this past year included:
See page 41
The Ultimate Consumer Resource on Hearing
A publication of
Hearing Health
Winter 2014:
Summer 2014:
• Music and Hearing Loss
• The Threat to the Military
The Threat to
the Military
• Partnership With Les Paul Foundation
• Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
• Tips and Tricks to Hear Music Better
• How to Prevent Tinnitus
• Hybrid Cochlear Implants
• Workplace Hearing Conservation
Spring 2014:
Fall 2014:
• How to Choose Hearing Aids
• The State of Hearing in the U.S.
• Hearing Aid Tips
• Hearing Loss and Your Health
• Best Hearing Aid Accessories
• 7 Reasons to Get Tested Now
• Maximize Your Batteries
• Epidemiology of Tinnitus
Summer 2014
The Hearing Restoration
Project: New Research Plans
The Ultimate Consumer Resource on Hearing
A publication of
Hearing Health
Fall 2014
Your Health, Your Hearing
7 Reasons You Should
Get a Hearing Test Now
Fiscal Year 2014 Donors
Reflects donations received between October 1, 2013, and September 30, 2014
Mr. Marc Aaronson
Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity
Mr. Max Abelson
Mrs. Janet S. Abernathy
David A. Abraham, M.D.
Ms. Estelle Abrahamson
Mr. Achanta
Mr. Bob Adams
Mr. Irwin E. Adler
Advanced Bionics
Advantage Hearing Center
Mr. Wilton J. Aebersold
Mr. Larry Aesoph
Mr. Lyndell D. Agee
Ms. Betty J. Aiken
Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Aiken, Jr.
Dr. Mohammad M. Akbar
Ms. Maureen Alcock
Dr. Ismael Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alker
Mr. Edward J. Allard
Mr. Donald R. Allman
Ms. Rosanna Aloe
Mrs. Jessica Alter
Mr. Fred E. Altrieth, Jr.
Mr. Bill Alvarado
Ambrose Monell Foundation
American Polish Citizens Club
America’s Charities
Ms. Gina An
Ms. Elrose Anderson
Mr. Peter Angelo
Mr. Mark E. Angelo
Mr. Robert C. Angert
Ann Service Corporation
Mr. Charles M. Anson, Jr.
Ms. Darlene Anthony
Mrs. Maris Appelbaum
Mrs. Josephine A. Apuzzo
Mr. Joseph T. Aquilina
Mrs. Ilda Arcari
Mr. John Argonti
Dr. Sylvia Arnold
Mr. Louis Arnold
Mr. Robert F. Arroyo
Ms. Anna V. Arzaga
Mr. Ken L. Ascher
Ms. Nancy J. Astle
Mr. Max A. Auguste
Aural Rehabilitation Services
Ms. Elizabeth C. Aurensan
Ms. Sandra Axelrad
Mr. Alvah C. Ayers
Mr. James Ayres
Mr. Richard O. Ayres
Ms. Margarett Azcona
Mr. Alejandro Baez-Sacasa
Ms. Stacey Bain
Mrs. Shirley F. Baker
Mr. Robert Baldwin
Mr. Herb Balkind
Ms. Mary Lou Ballantyne
Mr. Sanford A. Bank
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Lester C. Barnard
Ms. Judy Barnes
Ms. Gale F. Barnett
Mrs. Evelyn A. Barnette
Mr. Ken Baron
Ms. Olivia C. Barrager
Ms. Sumithra Barry
Ranjan Batra, Ph.D.
Ms. Teresa Battaglia
Mr. John Battagliola
Ms. Kelly A. Batte
Mr. Gennaro Battiloro
Mr. Vincent Baudelot
Ms. Melissa Bauer
Ms. Wendlin Baumgartner
Mr. Randall R. Beach
Dr. James A. Beauchamp
Ms. Katherine Beaver
Mrs. Ellin Becker
Mr. Dan Bedinghaus
Mr. Alan Beideck
Mr. Michael Bejzak
Mr. Mitchell Bell
Bellman & Symfon AB
Ms. Peggy S. Bellot
Ms. Margaret R. Bennett
Mrs. Lois M. Bergan
Ms. Kathy Bergeleen
Mr. Steven C. Berger
Mr. Alexander Bergson
Ms. Melissa Bergson
Ms. Leslie Bergson
Ms. Jennifer Bergson
Mr. Jeffrey Bergson
Mrs. H. Berko
Ms. Susan Berkowitz
Mr. Seth Berman
Mrs. Toby Berman
Ms. Dana Berman
Mr. Gayle A. Berne
Mr. Terry S. Bernstein
Mr. Burton Bernstein
Mr. Peter K. Bertine
Mr. Anthony C. Bertone
Mr. Robert R. Bezubka
Mr. Antonio Bisceglia
Mr. Mario Bisignani
Ms. Meredith Bixler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Blackman
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Blackwell
Mr. Ben Blanton
Mr. and Mrs. Don Blau
Mrs. Nancy D. Blaugrund
Ms. Andrey Blinkov
Ms. Barbara Block
Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Bloomberg Financial Services
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon L. Bloomfield
Ms. Eva V. Bluestein
Ms. Diane R. Blum
Ms. Hilda Blyn
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Bobb
Ms. Elspeth G. Bobbs
Dr. Maria Bobotas
Ms. Sophia Boccard
Mr. M James Bode
Mr. Steven C. Boehmer
Rev. and Mrs. A.Karl Boehmke
Mr. John R. Bogdan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bolster, Jr.
Mr. John E. Bond
Mr. Jeff C. Bonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Booth
Ms. Brooke Borneman
Mrs. Eva S. Boros
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Borton
Mr. Charles Botsford
Mrs. Priscilla Bottego
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Boucai
Mrs. Adelaide A. Boulle
Mr. Henry Bourke
Mr. and Ms. H Bourke
Mr. Ernest Bouyet
Mr. Albert G. Bovier
Miss Kimberley L. Boyd
Ms. Jeannette M. Boyle
Mrs. Barbara S. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bradley
Mr. John N. Brady
Dr. Lois Brainard
Mr. Louis Braver
Mr. Bill F. Breeding, Jr.
Ms. Nisera Breining
Mr. Lou Breland
Mr. Douglas P. Brennan
Ms. Nancy S. Brigham
Mrs. Janice R. Brody
Mrs. Patricia A. Brogan
Mrs. Marian Brooks
Ms. Hilary J. Brooks
Mrs. Barbara A. Brouwer
Mrs. Gloria G. Brown
Mrs. Tina L. Brown
Ms. Lauren Brownstein
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brueggeman
Ms. Susan Brueggeman
Mr. Daniel D. Brunda
Mr. J. D. Brundige
Ms. Lucille F. Brunson
Mrs. Suzan Bryant
Ms. Kristen D. Buckley
Mr. Thomas Buergin
Mr. Arthur Buffman
Builders Cashway
Harlan R. Bullard, MD
Ms. Susan Bundren
Mr. Steven Bunkin
Mr. and Mrs. David Burgin
Ms. Judith T. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Burnett
Mr. Charles D. Burns
Ms. Eleanor Busa
Ms. Erica Busch
Miss Betty Bush
Ms. Barbara Butan
Ms. Diana M. Caballero
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Caifano
Ms. Kristen Calabrese
Mr. George A. Calder
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Calhoun
Ms. JoAnn Cali
California State Employees Charitable Campaign
Callaway Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Janet M. Calvert
Cantor Fitzgerald
Ms. Helene Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Carey, III
Mr. Victor Carista
Ms. Meghan Carleton
Ms. Roberta Carlisle
Mr. Alfred W. Carlson
Ms. Claire J. Carren
Miss. Esther Jane Carrier
Mr. Maurice C. Carroll
Ms. Margaret A. Carroll
Mrs. De Carter-Kimsey
Dr. Sara B. Casoy
Ms. Deirdre Cassidy
CEA Foundation
Mr. John Cech
Mr. Stephen J. Cedermark
Ms. Brenda Ceneskie
Mr. Bruce Ceneskie
Mr. Scott Chait
Ms. Meghan Chan
Ms. Teri T. Chan
Mrs. Frances M. Chang
Ms. Hidy E. Chang
Mrs. Alice Chanover
Ms. and Mrs. Diana Chapman
Judith Chasin, MA CCC-A
Mr. Anthony P. Checchia
Ms. Barbara L. Chertok
Ms. Martha Chestem
Ms. Judy M. Cheung
Ms. Louise Chevalier
Ms. Clare L. Childers
Mr. William Chuckas
Mr. Calvin Chun
Ms. Carol Chung
Ms. Sorim Chung
Mr. Joseph F. Cioffi, Sr.
Mr. Mike Cittone
Mr. Robert E. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Clark
Ms. Anne Clark
Mr. Karl D. Clawson
Ms. Jennifer M. Clays
Mr. Marvin Clegg
Mrs. Patricia A. Clemens
Mrs. Cynthia S. Cleminshaw
Ms. Charlotte M. Clevenger
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cobb
Cochlear Americas
Ms. Virginia Cockrell
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Codispoti
Ms. Holly R. Cohen
Ms. Chelsea Cohen
Mr. Mendel F. Cohen
Mrs. Susan M. Cohen
Ms. Noreen S. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Norman N. Cohen
Cohesive Capital Management, LP
Mr. Thomas J. Colangelo
Ms. Chanel Coleman
Ms. Margaret A. Coleman
Mr. Frank A. Colligan
Ms. Donna Colossi
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Comerford
Community Foundation of South Georgia, Inc.
Mr. Stephen Compton
Mr. Lawrence Conigliaro
Ms. Deborah C. Conley
Connect Marketing Inc.
Mr. Charles P. Connors
Mrs. Joan Conroy
Ms. Rosemarie Conte
Ms. Patricia Conway
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Conway
Miss. Katherine Cook
Mr. Gordon Cooper
Robert R. Cooper, M.D.
Ms. Lauren Cooper
Ms. Janice M. Cooper
Ms. Ramona Cornei
Ms. Christie A. Cornejo
Mr. Eugene L. Cornell
Ms. Carmen Corsi
Mrs. Paulette S. Cotner
Mr. Michel M. Coullon
Ms. Sallyann P. Cowles
Mrs. Roberta Cowley
Mr. Leslie H. Cox
Ms. Caroline Craib
Ms. Yvette Craig
Craigs Car Care, Inc.
Ronald and Joanne Creamer
Mr. Henry D. Creger
Mrs. Marietta S. Crichlow
Mr. William G. Crist
Ms. Muriel J. Crosthwaite
Mr. Bruce E. Crouthamel
Mr. Alan L. Crowell
Ms. Jane R. Cunningham
Judith A. Curtin, Au.D.
Ms. Survella Curtis
Mr. Richard Curzon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cusey
Ms. Pam Cusick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cusick
CVS Caremark
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dabasinskas
Ms. Kristie D’Agnes
Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Dailey
Mrs. Joy S. Daise
Mr. Robert C. Daly
Mr. Joseph Damiri
Ms. Christina S. Danese
Mr. Derek Daniels
Ms. Nancy Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Danzig
Ms. Salila Dasari
Mrs. Maria Davetas
Mr. Scott Davidson
Mr. John M. Davies
Mr. Benjamin B. Davis Jr.
Mrs. Christine Davis
Mrs. Meira Davis
Ms. Julie Davis
Linda Davison, MACCC-A
Mr. John H. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. De Francesco
Ms. Angela D. de Lara
Mr. John E. De Wolf
Ms. Bertha M. Dear
Ms. Kathleen M. DeForest
Ms. Joan DeGraaff
Ms. Maria Del Villar
Ms. Sharon A. Delong
Demasco, Sena & Jahelka LLP
Ms. Jeanne Dempsey
Mrs. Joe S. Denney
Mr. Archibald M. Denny, III
Mr. Matthew Denslinger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dephoure
Mr. Marco Desena
Mr. Norbert Deutsch
Mr. Dion P. Devaris
Mr. Kenneth E. Devore
Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Dewey
Mrs. Josephine Di Filippo
Mr. Gregory Diamant
Ms. Vivian Diamant
Ms. Diane Diamondstein
Mrs. Helen Dicheck
Ms. Rita L. Dickie
Mr. Vincent L. DiCosmo
Ms. Nancy A. Dietrich
Mr. Paul Dindy
Mr. George Dintelman
Ms. Jeannine Distefano
Ms. Corinne DiStephan
Mr. Erik A. Dithmer
Mr. Darren Dizak
Mr. David A. Doane
Ms. Patricia Dobbs
Mr. Steve Doherty, Jr.
Mr. Steve L. Dole
Ms. Patricia J. Dolhun
Dr. Sherman Don
Mr. Kenneth Doody
Mr. Andy Dordea
Miss. Theresa Dottavio
Dr. Karen J. Doyle, M.D., Ph.D
Judy R. Dubno, Ph.D.
Sonia W. Hyman, M.D.
Ms. Michele Drevnick
Ms. Alaina Driscoll
Drs. Tom and Lowell Williams Foundation
Mr. Howard Dubow
Mr. Jimy Dudhia
Mr. Gerard E. Duguay, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dujka, Jr.
Mr. Jerry R. Dunn
Mr. Kevin A. Dziadual
Mr. Michael Dzik
Ear Technology Corporation (Transear, Clik, Dry &
Earl C. Hull Charitable Trust
Mr. Jerrold Eberhardt
Ms. Roberta Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin K Eberts, Jr.
Shari and Ken Eberts
EBSCO Industries, Inc.
Ms. Marecia Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan F. Edwards
Mr. Edward Egan
Mr. Cameron Eggins
Mr. Nathan Ehrlich
Ms. Norma Eigles
Mrs. Jessica P. Einhorn
Ms. Sacha Einhorn
Ms. Valerie K. Eisenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Eisman
Ms. F. Eldis
Mr. David Elfin
Mr. Jesse Elhai
Mr. Allen Eliot
Mr. Jerry Ellis
Mr. George A. Ells
Mr. Charles H. Emory, III
Energizer Holdings Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Enoksen
Envoy Medical Corporation
Ms. Meryl Epstein
Ms. Arlene J. Epstein
Ms. Beverly Erekuff
Mrs. Galene Erickson
Mr. Robert Erikson
Ms. Lucy Ernst
Mrs. Arlene Esgar
Mr. Charles D. Esralew
Ms. Rachel Esserman
Estate of Alyse M. Mills
Estate of Eileen M. Ryan
Estate of Evelyne T. Pontone
Estate of Marguerite M. Wilke
Mr. Alexander Etkes
Etymotic Research, Inc.
Mr. George Evans
Ms. Sheila C. Ewall
Dr. George W. Facer, M.D.
Mr. Seymour Fahrer
Ms. Marta A. Falicov
Mrs. Gail A. Falkoff
Mr. Gregory S. Farber
Farm Credit Services of America - Huron Office
Ms. Jody Faro
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Farone
Ms. Kara Farquharson
Mrs. Lucrezia Fasano
Mr. Lawrence A. Fauci
Ms. Janet Faulhaber
Ms. Nicole Faux
Mr. Raymond R. Fayer
Ms. Amanda Fayne
Ms. Hilda F. Feinstein
Donna M. Fekete, R.Ph., Ph.D
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Felder
Mrs. Beth A. Feldgarden
Mr. Robert L. Feldman
Mr. Melvin N. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Feldman
Dr. Arthur Felix
Ms. Virginia Fernbach
Ms. Meredith L. Fetch
FHLB Office of Finance
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Ian Fields
Ms. Deborah Fienberg
Filomen M. D’Agostino Foundation
Mrs. Carol B. Finerman
Ms. Lisa Finkelstein
Ms. Ellen Finkelstein
Mr. Peter Finn
Mr. Brian M. Finnegan
Ms. Mellita Firstenberg
Mrs. Grace Fischer
Mr. Robert E. Fishel
Mr. John F. Fisher
Mr. Harold Fisher
Ms. Yetta Fishman
Rabbi Lyle A. Fishman
Mrs. Mary E. Fisk
Mr. Peter Flanagan
Mrs. Paula A. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Flowers
Ms. Erin R. Foley
Mrs. Lynne B. Foley
Mr. David K. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Forte
Karl Fossum, MD
Mr. Bradley Foster
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Foster
Mr. Theodore Fowler
Mr. Sol Fox
Mrs. and Mr. Elva E. Frame
Mr. and Mrs Jason Frank
Mr. Marvin Frank
Mr. Brian Frank
Mr. Matthew Frankel
Ms. Sandra Franklin
Ms. Mary T. Fredericks
Mr. Lawrence W. Freedland
Ms. Margrethe T. Friedman
Dr. Orel Friedman
Mr. John A. Friedman
Ms. Laura Friedman
Mr. Alan Friedman
Mr. Joseph Friend
Mr. Clayton H. Fritz
Ms. Joyce Fuehrer-Mancl
Mr. Kenneth Fuld
Mrs. Leatrice Fung
Mrs. Lenore Furman
Mr. Blake Gadberg
Ms. Joyce Gammon
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gapud
Mr. John P. Garbera
Ms. Isabel Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour L. Gartenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Garthwait, Sr.
Mr. Sigmund Gast
Mrs. Mary Gates
Ms. Julia Gaton
Mr. Richard Gatto
Mrs. Ana Gauck
Mr. Gayle Gayle
Clarence W. Gehris, M.D.
Mr. Herman J. Geiser
Mr. Walter K. Geist
Ms. Lauren Gelfman
Ms. Eugenia Gelman
Mr. Andrew Gelman
General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons
Mrs. Harriet Genzler
Mr. Gerald Weisenfluh
Ms. Marci Gershed
Mrs. Claudia S. Geurin
Soroush S. Ghandehari
Mr. David S. Ghoneim
Dr. Suresh C. Ghorpade
Mr. Paul Gibler
Ms. Kelly Giesecke
Mrs. Joanne M. Gilmore
Ms. Joan C. Gingrich
Mrs. Rebecca M. Ginzburg
Mrs. Elizabeth Giorgianni
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Gipple
Ms. Betty Gipson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Giskin
Give With Liberty Employee Donations
Mrs. Marjorie Glander
Ms. Jeanne Glass
Mr. Eliot I. Glazer
Ms. Janine Gleason
Ms. Sally Glover
Ms. Allison Goeckerman
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson F. Goetz
Ms. Eleanore S. Goldberg
Mr. Adam Goldberg
Ms. Elaine R. Goldman
Goldman Sachs Gives
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goldmann
Mr. Matthew S. Goldstan
Mr. Seth Goldstein
Ms. Judith Goldstein
Mr. J.L. Goldstein
Mr. and Ms. Steven E. Golson
Mrs. Mary E. Gonsowski
Ms. Gloria Gonzalez
Mr. Javier A. Gonzalez
Mrs. Marjorie G. Goodman
Ms. Jessica Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gordon
Gordon Hearing Conservation, Inc.
Ms. Mary Goretti
Ms. June Gornitzka
Ms. Erica Gottlieb
Mrs. Virginia H. Graham
Ms. Gail R. Grayson
Mr. Kenneth L. Green
Ms. Raema E. Green
Mr. Joseph J. Greenberg
Ms. Arline Greenfield
Greenline Implement of Hand County
Mr. Ed Greenwood
Ms. Karen Greer
Ms. Mary J. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Griffith
Ms. Charlene A. Grill
Lawrence R. Grobman, M.D.
Mr. Hershey Groff, Jr.
Mr. John Grogan
Mrs. Diane Gross
Ms. Dana Gross
Mr. Jesse Gross
Andrew K. Groves, Ph.D.
Ms. Ashley Groves
Mr. Philip Grubaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Gruber
Mr. Gerald J. Grygo
Ms. Tara Guastella
Ms. Divya Guda
Mr. Scott Guffey
Ms. Barbara Guidos
Ms. Suzanne Guidry
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Gunderson
Ms. Jean L. Gunn
Dr. Khatuna Gurgenashvili
Ms. Barbara A. Gurtov
Mr. Juan Guzman
Mr. John Gyorffy
Gyrus ENT, LLC
Gyrys ACMI
Mr. Gene P. Hagelbarger
Ms. Maria Hagelstein
Ms. F. P. Halacka
Ms. Anita M. Hale
Dr. Stanton H. Hall, D.D.S.
Mr. Jeffrey Hall
Mr. John C. Hallacy
Miss Louise B. Hallberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton
Ms. Phylllis A. Hamo
Mr. Charles W. Hance
Mr. Thich M. Hanh
Judge Tommy Hankinson
Mr. Mike Hansman
Harbor Lights Foundation
HARC Mercantile Ltd.
Ms. Margaret Hardesty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Hariton
Mrs. Marcia S. Harmon
Ms. Jennifer Harrington
Mr. H. L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Harris
Harris Communications
Ms. Ruth B. Harrison
Mr. Neil Harrow
Harry and Roberta Salter Foundation Inc.
Ms. Sherry R. Hart
Mr. Alexander Hartman
Mr. Francis J. Hartman, Esq.
Mr. Robert N. Hartog
Mr. Henry Hauptman
Mrs. Joy O. Havas
Ms. Helen Havemann
Margaret A. Hayes, M.D.
Ms. Bette J. Hayes
David S. Haynes, M.D.
Mr. Thomas L. Healey
Ms. Gertrude R. Healy
Hearing Loss Association of Macomb
Ms. Pam Heasley
Mrs. Barbara Z. Heatly
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Heckler
Mr. Larry Heilbronn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Heinold
Mrs. Grete Heinz
Ms. Frances Heller
Mr. William Hellrung
Mrs. Ruth N. Helzick
Mr. Walter Henderson
Mr. Michael Henry
Ms. Elaine Henry
Ms. Elizabeth Henry
Henry W. Bull Foundation
Ms. Emma Herlihy
Ms. Charlotte A. Hess
Mr. S. D. Hess
Mr. Justin M. Hewitt
Mr. Jay Hiatt
Mrs. Sara P. Higginbotham
Ms. Barbara A. Higgins
Mr. Bruce A. Hill
Mrs. Gisela Him
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Himmel
Ms. Martha Himmelfarb and Mr. Steven L. Weiss
Mr. Dale Hiniker
Mr. Bryant H. Ho
Ms. Elaine Ho
Ms. Stephanie Hobart
Mr. Melvin R. Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Hochberg
Ms. Kristin Hockensmith
Ms. Sarah T. Hodge
Ms. Kelly Hodges
Mrs. Holly Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hoffman
Mr. John Hogan
Mrs. Carolyn J. Hogan
Mr. Michael Hogan
Ms. Deirdre Hogan
Mr. Patrick J. Hojnacki
Ms. Donna A. Holder
Ms. Jenna K. Holke
Mr. Thomas Holmes
Ms. Jan Holt
Mr. Adam Holtz
Mr. Dennis W. Honaker
Honeywell International Charity Matching
Mrs. Eleanor O. Hood
Mr. Julian Hoogstra
Ms. Marilyn F. Hoppe
Mr. Alan Hopper
Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. Horn Jr.
Ms. Georgina Hornby
Ms. Lila Horowitz
Mrs. Verna Houff
Ms. Fiora Houghteling
Mr. Jan K. Housinger
Mr. Andy Howard
Ms. M. Rita Howe
Ms. Susan Howell
Mr. Robert L. Howell
Ms. Jeanne Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey L. Hulme
Mrs. Stephanie Hunter
Mrs. Hollis Ann Hura
Mr. David Hurlbert
Mrs. Nancy Hussey
Mrs. Margaret P. Hutchings
Ms. Betty Hwang
Mrs. and Mr. Enid G. Hyde
Mr. R. Hyink
Hyperacusis Research Limited
Ms. Lisa Iadevaia
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Ms. Jan E. Isaksen
Ms. Rachel Izen
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Jackson
Ms. Stephanie F. Jacobs
Mr. Irwin Jacobs
Mr. Keith Jacobsen
Mrs. Anne M. Jacobson
Mrs. Betty Jaeger
Mr. Richard Jakahi
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Jankowsky
Karl P. Janowitz, M.D.
Ms. Charlotte Jarmy
Mr. Sidney F. Jarrow
F. Edwin Jarvis
Mr. Akshay Javeri
Dr. Marvin Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Jessup
Mr. Michael Jetton
Mrs. Arlene M. Jewell
Jewish Communal Fund
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland
John M. Kalny II Charitable Foundation
Mr. Carl Johnson
Mrs. Johnora Johnson
Ms. Kimberly Johnson
Ms. Louann D. Johnston
Ms. Cyndi Joly
Ms. Carol A. Jonas
Mr. James R. Jones
Mr. Howard Jones
J.E. Jones, Jr.
Mr. Philip D. Jones, Jr.
Ms. Linda Jones
Ms. Harriet Julius
Ms. S. Juran
Mr. Richard J. Kacik
Mr. Robert Kahan
Ms. Joyce G. Kahn
Mr. Samuel G. Kahn
Mr. Jared Kalmanson
Mr. Joshua Kaminstein
Ms. Martha Kammoun
Mrs. Karen M. Kapolnek
Ms. Saroj Kapur
Ms. Rosella Karp
Ms. Charlotte H. Karras
Ms. Ann Karson
Ernest Katz, III, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Katz
Mrs. Rona W. Katz
Mr. Steven Kauff
Mr. Jon M. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Kaufman
Mr. Conrad M. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kazan
Mr. David Michael Keeter
Mr. Michael Keilson
Ms. Estelle Keilson
Elizabeth M. Keithley, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Keleti
Mr. Kevin Kelly
Mr. Timothy Kelly
Ms. Gwen Kelly
Mrs. and Mr. Marie Kelsey
Mr. Jack H. Kemeny, II
Mr. Paul T. Kerby
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kerley
Mr. Scott Kesselman
Mr. Michael Kesselman
Mr. Jeffrey Kesselman
Ms. Dorcas Kessler
Mr. William Kessler
Linda F. Kessler, Ph.D.
Mr. Bertram M. Kestenbaum
Mrs. Evelyn D. Kevetter
Ms. Elizabeth Kierstead
Ms. Carolyn B. Kim
Ms. Gisela Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Kinloch
Ms. Karen M. P. Kinnear
Mr. John M. Kittross
Ms. Marjorie Klaskin
Mr. John W. Klawiter
Drs. Marcia and Jack Kleiman
Mr. Matthew Klein
Mr. Lawrence Klein
Mr. Bern Klein
Ms. Heather Klein
Ms. Emily Klemp
Mrs. William H. Klick
Ms. Dorothy A. Klippel
Mr. Richard S. Knight
Dr. Jane Knobel
Ms. Kille Knobel and Mr. Rick Stucker
Janet D. Koehnke, Ph.D.
Mr. Edwin Kok
Ms. Eva Koldovsky
Ms. Erica Kolodny
Ms. Marsha Kolodny
Mr and Mrs. Michael Kolodny
Mr. Nick R. Koltun
Mr. Abraham Kometz
Mr. Jason Konopik
Mr. Stephen M. Kopas
Mr. Ernest Kopka
Drs. Donald and Barbara Kornblau
Mrs. Joan Kornbluh
Mr. Bernard Kornbluh
George M. Kornreich, M.D.
Mr. Joseph Kotzin
Ms. Olga Kragel
Ms. Estelle Krajewski
Mr. Larry Krakower
Ms. Sarah L. Kram
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram A. Kramer
Mr. Neil Kran
Ms. Michelle L. Kraskin, Au.D., CCC-A
Ms. Ripalda Krasnoborski
Ms. Joan Kraus
Mr. Claude Krause
Mrs. Maurine Krebill
Ms. Joyce Kretchmer
Mr. K. S. Krishnamoorthy
Ms. Susan Kristoff
Mrs. Diana R. Kroger
Mr. Jeffrey J. Kroma
Mr. Michael J. Kruk
Mrs. Yvette Kruvant
Krystyann Krywko, Ed.D.
Kula Foundation
Mr. Jason Kuperman
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kupperman
Mr. Stanislav Kuznetsov
L.F.H. Foundation
Ms. Anita Lack
Dr. Peter J. Lamb
Mr. Jamie L. Lambert
Mr. Bill Lambert
Deborah L. Lamberti, LCSW
Ms. Mona S. Lamkin
Ms. Cecelia Lance
Roger and Betty Landers
Mrs. Anna O. Langdon
Mr. Julian Langer
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Langer
Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Langley
Ms. Pauline Laniado
Ms. Roberta R. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Lassagne
Carol L. Lassen, Ph.D.
Ms. Astrid Lauzet
Mr. Risley Lawrence
Mr. Jeffrey Lax
Mr. Bernard Lazar
Ms. Lisa Lazur
Mrs. Glenda Leak
Ms. Carrie Lebow
Mr. Bruce B. Lederman
Mr. Joseph Lee
Mrs. Elenor K. Lee
Miss. Ji-Yun Lee
Mrs. Flora A. Leerhoff
Mr. David S. Lefkowitz
Legendary Pictures
Ms. Jodie Leitner
Joseph P. Lemmer, M.D.
Mr. Alfred C. Lemmo
Dr. Robert S. Lemon, Jr.
Mr. Arthur M. Leon
Ms. Claire Leon
Ms. Terry A. Leopold
Les Paul Foundation
Ms. Stephanie Lesk
Mr. Robert A. Lessenberry
Mr. Wayne L. Lesser
Ms. Wendy Levene
Mr. Arnold J. Levine
Dr. and Mrs. Renee Levine
Ms. Etta J. Levine
Ms. Amanda Levine
Mrs. Mieca Levy
Mr. David E. Levy
Mr. Manford H. Levy
Mr. David Lewis
Ms. Yvette Liddle
Mrs. Mildred Lieberman
Mr. Mark D. Liebi
Ms. Barbara J. Lilley
Mrs. Caren S. Lillie
Ms. Barbara A. Lingg
Ms. Eliane Lingwood
Mr. Brian K. Lippert
Ms. Eileen Lippman
Mr. Roy G. Liptrap, Sr.
Ms. Anabel M. Lisle
Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Litt
Ms. Liliane Littman
Mr. Peter Livadas
Mr. James Lloyd
Local Independent Charities of America - CFC
Mr. Wilbert R. Logan
Mr. Frank J. LoGioco
Ms. Janet M. Lohr
Ms. Gilda Loihle
Dr. Margaret I. Lomax, Ph.D.
Mr. Jack Lombardi
Mr. Sam Lonergan
Mr. Shawn W. Lonergan
Mr. Jeffrey A. Loos
Ms. Mercedes O. Lopez
Ms. Ada Loving
Mr. John C. Lucht
Ms. Kathy L. Lundquist
Mr. and Ms. Vincent N. Lunetta
Mr. and Mrs. John Lykouretzos
Ms. Ann Marie Lynch
Mr. John C. Lynskey
Mr. John Macarchuk
Ms. Katherine Mack
Mrs. Margaret A. Mackenzie
Macquarie Group Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Syed S. Madad
Mr. Steven E. Maffeo
Mr. John Maggio
Magnolia Forwarding Co. Inc.
Mr. Mel W. Magnuson
Ms. Lucille I. Magnusson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Magovern
Reverend Richard Maichen
Mrs. Judy L. Malachowski
Mr. and Mrs. Howard I. Malkin
Ms. Tracy J. Malkin
Mr. James F. Malloy
Mrs. Dory C. Malott
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Malucci
Ms. Linda M. Mancini
Ms. Edith D. Mandel
Mr. Alfred Manhan
Mr. Anthony A. Manheim
Mr. Peter E. Mann
Mrs. Genevieve Mann
Ms. Inna Maranets
Ms. Jill Marcus
Robert H. Margolis, Ph.D.
Ms. Sharyn Marks
Mr. Kenneth Marks
Ms. Rozetta M. Marple
Ms. Meghan Marrero
Mr. Bernard S. Mars
Ms. Florine Martel
Ms. Levona A. Martin
Ms. Emily E. Martin
Ms. Lucy K. Martucci
Marv’s Furniture & Appliance
Ms. Jennifer Marxen
Mary Rose Cresce Trust fbo James V. Cresce
Mr. Jim Mas
Mr. Fredrick Masback
Mr. Marty Mashe
Ms. Allison Maslin
Mrs. Shirley Masters
Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Mauro
Max Virtual LLC
Mr. Carl May
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. May
Mr. Jim F. Mccafferty
Mr. Randall McCallum
Mr. A. Bernard McCarthy
Ms. Eileen McCartin
Dr. John McCoin
Ms. Mariann McCornack
Mrs. Bylle J. McCulley
Ms. Natalie McCulloch
Mrs. Sallie A. McDonald
Mrs. Diantha McFadden
Ms. Gina McGalliard
Mr. Michael D. McGee
Ms. Edith McGill
Ms. Ella M. McGuire
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth M. McHugh
Mr. Arthur P. McIntosh
Mrs. Janet McKenna
Ms. Avera McKennan
Mr. Harry E. McLain
Mr. Richard McLane
Mr. Michael McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McMacken
Miss Mary Jeanne McPaul
Ms. Jeanie E. McRae
Mrs. Katherine M. Meaney
Ms. Hollie E. Mechak
Mrs. Donata C. Mechem
Mr. and Ms. Mark C. Meckes
Med-El Corporation
Ms. Joanne P. Meder
Ms. Pamela Medina
Mr. Douglas Medina
Mrs. Carmen D. R. Medina
Ms. Sapna Mehta
Mrs. Jo Ellen Meier
Mr. William Meier
Mrs. Debbie Meier
Mrs. Suzanne S. Meltzer
Melvyn P. & Eleanor N. Galin Family Foundation
Mr. Alexander J. Memole
Ms. Elyse Mendel
Ms. Alison F. Mendez
Ms. Adrienne J. Mennis
Mr. Fred Merchant
Merck Foundation
Merck Partnership For Giving-Merck Employee Giving
Mr. Joseph F. Mercurio
Mr. Frederick B. Meservey
Ms. Rosalba Messina
Mr. Thomas Metivier
Mr. Roy C. Meyer
Mr. Herbert Meyer
Ms. Barbara S. Meyer
Mrs. Paula Meyer
Alan G. Micco, M.D.
Ms. Lauren Michaels
Mrs. Ellen E. Michelman
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mikolai
Milan, Inc. Pump ‘N Pak
Mr. James D. Miles
Mr. Gerald Miller
Mr. Kenneth W. Miller
Mr. James D. Miller
Ms. Phyllis H. Miller
Mrs. Lemma K. Miller
Ms. Lisa Miller
Ms. Gladys Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Milnes
Milton A. & Charlotte R. Kramer Charitable Foundation
Mr. Mark E. Mindlin
Mr. Collin Minert
Ms. Maria Minor
Ms. Velma J. Mixon
Dr. Richard T. Miyamoto, M.D., F.A.C.S., FAAP
Ms. Connie Mohr
Ms. Susan Mollroy
Mrs. Mary E. Monaco
Ms. Violet Moncur
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Monnier
Mrs. Cherie M. Moody
Mrs. Jean R. Mooney
Mrs. Mary Moore
Ms. Dorothy D. Moore
Mrs. Helen R. Moore
Mrs. and Mr. Veronica J. Moreno
Mr. Fred Morgan
Dr. William C. Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Mr. Michael Morgenstern
Mr. Jason Morjain
Mr. William H. Morley, Jr.
Mr. Joni Morris
Ms. Leona Morris
Mr. Boyd Morrison
Ms. Diantha Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Moskop
Mrs. Harvey Moskowitz
Mr. William J. Mostler
Ms. Kathleen Moynihan
Mr. Paul Moynihan
MTA-New York City Transit
Ms. Lisa M. Muchow
Mr. Neil E. Mueller
Ms. Elizabeth A. Mueller
Ms. Cheryl Muhler
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Muller
Ms. Carolyn F. Mulliken
Mr. Homer S. Mullins
James J. Murdocco, M.D.
Mrs. Gwendolyn Murr
Mr. Adam Mussomeli and Dr. Nada Alsaigh
Ms. Susan Myerberg
Mr. William D. Myerburg
Mr. Donald Myers
Mr. Allen Myers
Ms. Kelley Naaland
Ms. Jessica Naeve
Ms. Aishwarya Nagarajan
Ms. Bess Nagler
Ms. Judy Nahas
Mr. Scot E. Nakamura
Ms. Mary K. Nall
Mr. Edmond Nass
Mr. Howard Nass
Nature Bound Floral & Greenhouse
Mr. Sean J. Naughton
Mrs. Shirley B. Nauss
Dr. Rakesh Navuluri
Mr. Eric G. Nelson
Nestor Charitable Foundation
Network for Good
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Neuberger
Mr. Lynn R. Nevala
Ms. Joyce Neves
Mr. Gary Newman
Mr. Irwin J. Newman
Mr. Hai Q. Nguyen
Ms. Shirley B. Nielsen
Mrs. E.J. Bates Kiser Nightingale
Mr. Peter L. Nimkoff
Ms. Joann Nitzel
Mr. Stanley Nitzky
Ms. Tatiana Nizguretsky
Ms. Lynn Noell
Mr. Daniel Nofal
Mr. Michael C. Nolan
Ms. Susan J. Norman
North Dakota-Sec-State
Northeastern Envelope Co.
Northeastern Ohio Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Mrs. Barbara Northrop
Mr. Robert Norton
Mr. Eugene F. Nowak
Mr. Frankie L. Nunn
Mrs. Angela Nunziata
Ms. Marnie Nussbaum
Ms. Caroline Oberweger
Ms. Willow Oberweger
Ms. Claudia Oberweger
Mr. Terry O’Brien
Mr. Keith O’Brien
Ms. Deirdre O’Connor
Mr. Richard K. O’Dea
Mr. Donald L. Oglesbay
Ms. Melissa Ohayon
Ms. Carolyn R. Ohl
Ms. Brenda Oligmueller
Mr. Milton J. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Doug J. Olson
Mrs. Kathryn O’Neal-Dunham
Mr. Israel M. Oppenheimer
Ms. Diana D. O’Reilly
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Orlin
Mr. Paul E. Orlin and Mrs. Victoria Orlin
Mr. William H. Osborne, III
Mr. Wallace Oshiro
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Oslick
Oticon, Inc.
Mr. Patrick O’Toole
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Ott
Mr. Michael Otten
Ms. Edith Oxfeld
Ms. Anne Pach
Ms. Gretchen Paige
Ms. Lisa T. Painter
Mr. Martin Paliokas
Mr. Terry L. Palmer
Mrs. Helen Palmer
Ms. Gina Palmer
Mr. Walter Palmer
Mrs. Margaret Pankey
Mr. Gregory Parda
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Parker
Ms. Arlene Paskoff
Mr. Perag Patel
Ms. Ann K. Patton
Mr. David E. Pear
Mrs. Karen L. Pearson
Ms. Sharlene Pekny
Mrs. Aleda J. Penn
Penngood LLC
Pensco Trust Company
Mr. Bob Perdrizet
Mrs. Doris Perez
Ms. Perman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Perman
Didier L. Peron, M.D.
Mrs. Ruth M. Perry
Mr. Robert M. Peterson
Ms. Marion Peterson
Ms. Samantha J. Peterson
Ms. Susan Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick A. Petrelli
Mr. Eric S. Petterson
Mr. William Pfeifer, III
Mr. John M. Phelps
Mr. Steven Philips
Mrs. Joy Phoenix
Ms. Ann Marie Picardo
Ms. Marjorie D. Pickford
Dr. David B. Pisoni
Mrs. Trisha Pitter
Ms. Rachel Pizarek
Mr. Martin Plost
Ms. Amy Plucinski
Mr. Mark Plummer
Ms. Francine Pocolasky
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Podrebarac
Dr. Joseph Poirier, Jr.
Ms. Marie Pokkus
Mr. John E. Pollack
Anita and Richard Pollak
Polly Shoe Store
Mr. Albert B. Polovoy
Ms. Patricia A. Pomykalski
Ms. Sally Ponath
Mr. Charles Ponoroff
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pope, Jr.
Ms. Catherine E. Pope
Ms. Harriett E. Porch
Ms. Susan Portnoy
Ms. Roberta K. Potsic
Dr. David G. Pou
Ms. Marian E. Pounder
Mr. David A. Pravda
Mrs. Anne Prema
Mrs. Linda A. Previll
Ms. Emline Previlon
Ms. Janice Price
Princeton Area Community Foundation
Mr. Jeff Pritsky
Ms. Katherine Probst
Dr. Richard Procunier
Ms. Jessica Prucnal
Mrs. Rose Ptashkin
Publishing for Vision and Hearing
Mrs. Carlene D. Putler
Dr. and Mrs. William Putnam
Mrs. Mary L. Pyka
Mrs. Penny Qualls
Ms. Harriet C. Quandt
Mrs. Bonnie Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin W. Raber
Ms. Jeanne Radcliff
Mrs. Barbara J. Ragland
Ms. Alison Raleigh
Mr. Fidel B. Ramirez, Jr.
Mr. Norman Raphael
Mr. Benjamin Raphael
Mr. Edward Ratowsky
Mr. Arnold W. Ratzlaff
Ms. Carolyn Raynor
Mr. Alan Reed
Ms. Nyla Reed
Regal Foundation
Mr. Daniel F. Regina
Ms. Dorothy J. Reidel
Ms. Nora Reimann
Mrs. Pamela Relyea
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rendleman
Mr. Mark Reske
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Revers
Mrs. Josephine C. Rhoads
Mr. Frederic R. Rice Jr.
Rice And Dore Associates, Inc.
Mr. Walter H. Richards
Mr. Peter Richards
Mr. Andrew Richardson
Ms. Andrea J. Richman
Ms. Roberta M. Richmond
Mrs. Carol J. Rickert
Rick’s Body Shop
Mrs. Edith Riley
Mr. David M. Riniker
Mr. John Risso
Ms. Christine Ritz
Ms. Catherine F. Rivera
Mr. Jonathan Roache
Ms. Eleanor A. Robb
Ms. Alice Roberts
Mr. Coles Roberts
Mr. Richard R. Roberts
Ms. Celia A. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Robison
Mr. Dewey Robson
Mordecai Rochlin, Esq.
Ms. Karen Rockow
Dr. and Mrs. Jim L. Rodgers
Grayson K. Rodgers, M.D.
Mr. Herbert A. Rogers
Mr. Jamie Rome and Dr. Leila Mankarious Rome
Ms. Arlene Romoff
Mrs. Viola Roncone
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Root
Ms. Ola Rosauro
Mr. John D. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Roseman
Mr. Karl Rosen
Mr. Gerald I. Rosen
Mr. Andrew Rosenberg
Mrs. Alice Rosenblatt
Mr. Norman Rosenman
Mr. David E. Rosenson
Ms. Sandra Rosenzweig
Mr. Stanley E. Ross
Dr. Robert M. Ross
Mr. Ronald Ross
Mr. Thomas Rothstein
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Rovegno
Mr. Will Rowlands-Rees
Mrs. Jean E. Roxon
Ms. Anna Rozenberg
Mrs. Regina M. Rubenstein
Ms. Geraldine Rubin
Ms. Marilou Ruble
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ruffine
Ms. Kristine Rule
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Rummel
Mr. Pat Runyan
Dr. Terry A. Rutz
Mr. James E.M. Ryan
Ms. Selma P. Ryave
Mr. Sid Sablow
Ms. Barbara Sabourin
Ms. Silvia Sagari
Mrs. Susan Sagiv
Ms. E. Joan Sahms
Arun Sahni
Mr. Amir Salam
Mr. James Salatas
Mr. Saul M. Salka
Mrs. Rebecca J. Sammons
Mary H. Samuels, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sandberg
Mr. Frank Sano
Ms. Myrna M. Santiago-Ruiz
Ms. Pamela Saumier
Mrs. Maude Schaumburg
Ms. Elaine Schepps
Scheuer Associates Foundation Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Scheufler
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schickel
Ms. Mattisyahu Schicker
Mr. Joel Schiffenbauer
Ms. Roberta G. Schiffer
Ms. Beulah Schiller
Mr. Jonathan Schindler
Ms. Jennifer Schindler
Mrs. Richard J. Schlagel
Ms. Carolyn T. Schlanger
Mr. Calvert E. Schlick, Jr.
Mr. John Schlueter
Ms. Lucy C. Schmeidler
Ms. Beverly K. Schmier
Mr. James W. Schmitt
Mr. Allan Schneider
Mr. Steven Schneider
Mr. Herbert Schoenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schor
John C. Schroder, M.D.
Ms. Abigale Schucker
Ms. Heather Schulman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schultz
Ms. Claire Schultz
Mr. Stephen H. Schultz
Ms. Shirley Schultz
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Mr. Joshua Schwartz
Dr. Ilsa R. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Ms. Haley T. Schwartz
Ms. Janet Schwartz
Mr. Arthur Schwartz
Ms. Donna Schwarzbach
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scull
Ms. Jeanne-Marie Scura
Ms. Melissa Seacrest
Mr. Raymond M. Seaman
Mr. John W. Sears
Mr. Andrew Seaton-Elliott
Ms. Mary Ann Seery and Mr. Robert Podolak
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Segner
Ms. Bonny Seiling
Mr. Clifford L. Selby
Ms. Dana Selznick
Ms. Sue Sena
Sertoma Club of Nashville
Ms. Dianna L. Sexton
Mr. Don M. Shaffer
Mr. Angham H. Shami
Ms. Allison D. Shapiro
Mr. Robert Y. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shapiro
Dr. William H. Shapiro, Au.D., CCC-A
Mrs. Joyce M. Sheehy
Ms. Edythe B. Sheinbaum
Shell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Shepherds Bush
Ms. Lisa Sheppard
Mr. Robert L. Sheridan
Mr. David A. Sherman
Mr. Marvin Sherman
Ms. Hannah E. Shonfield
Mr. Elliott D. Shriftman
Ms. Galina Shtivelman
Mr. Alan Shulman
Ms. Sharyn Shuman
Ms. Mendorha Sider
Ms. Pearl Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Silverstein
Ms. Christie Simels
Mr. Andrew F. Simiola
Mrs. Sara Simon
Ms. Sherna Simonhoff Brody
Mr. Joel Simons
Mr. David M. Simons
Ms. Patricia J. S. Simpson
Dr. Steven Simring and Dr. Sue Simring
Mrs. Anne Sims
Mr. Mark Simson
Mr. Elkin Simson
Mr. and Mrs. Markus M. Singer
Theodora Sklover, M.D.
Ms. Linda Sklovsky
Mr. Robert Slossar
Mr. Elliott Slutzky
Mr. William Smith
Mr. David R. Smith
Mrs. Priscilla A. Smith-Matthews
Ms. Judy F. Smith
Mrs. Charlotte W. Smith
Mr. David E. Smith
Mr. Robert G. Smith
Mr. James L. Smith
Ms. Ann Grady Smith
Ms. Elizabeth H. Smith
Ms. Sandra K. Smith
Mr. Kyle L. Smith
Mr. Brian Smith and Ms. Kaliope Kostas
Ms. Aris Snyder
Ms. Jean C. Sobek
Ms. Angela Solicalcio
Ms. May Soll
Ms. Allison Soll
Ms. Lauren Solliday
Ms. Randy Solomon
Mrs. Dorothy Somer
Mr. Albert Somit and Ms. Linda Corder
Ms. Cari Sommer
Mrs. Claire Sommers and Mr. Sol Sommers
Ms. Serra Sonmez
Mr. Charles L. Soulant, III
Sound Cure
South Florida ENT Associates, P.A.
Dr. Thomas E. Southern
Ms. Susan Ann Speert
Mrs. Frances B. Sperry
Ms. Ruth Spivak
Mr. Lewis M. Sponar
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Springer
Sprint/Nextel Systems Corp
Ms. Achanta Sreekar
Mr. Donald S. Stabryla
Mr. Kenneth L. Stahl
Mr. John Stalba
Mr. Robert Stamm
Mr. Zak Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Norton Starr
State Employess Credit Union
Mr. B. D. Steinberg
Dr. and Mrs. Norman H. Steiner
Mrs. Linda A. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Steinman
Mrs. Ralph W. Stell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Stempel, Jr.
Mr. Gerald D. Stephens
Ms. Rachel Stetson
Ms. Carol J. Stevens
Mr. James Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stewart
Ms. Alexandra Stewer
Dr. Peter S. Steyger, Ph.D.
Ms. Ruth Stiller
Mrs. Colleen G. Stokes
Mrs. Martha J. Stoltenberg
Dr. Jennifer Stone Ph. D.
Mr. H. Arnold Strauch
Ms. Beth W. Strawbridge
Mr. John J. Subbiondo
Ms. Gina Suh
Ms. Jean B. Sullivan
Ms. Karen Sullivan
Mr. Scott Sullivan
Mrs. Donna Sunnerville
Ms. Elyse S. Sussman
Mr. Leopold Swergold
Mr. Eric Swergold and Ms. Dawn Dobras
Mr. Michael J. Switser
Mr. Amancio Sycip
Sym Labs, Inc./ Modus Persona
Mr. Michael A. Taddonio
Mr. Daniel R. Talbot
Mr. Clifford P. Tallman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jagdish Tandon
Mrs. Liang-Yuh Tang
Terry F. Tanner M.D.
Mr. Jack Tanner
Mr. Ronald W. Taylor
Ms. Lila Teitelbaum
Mr. Curt Telkamp
Mr. Jerome L. Telson
Ms. Randi Tepper
Mr. and Mrs. George Terzich
Mrs. Carol J. Terzich
Mr. and Mrs. Carol J. Terzich
Ms. Marianne Tesler
Mr. Leonard Tessier
The Barbara Epstein Foundation
The Bluestone Foundation
The Brink’s Company
The Burch-Safford Foundation, Inc.
The Charles L. Read Foundation
The Cly-Del Manufacturing Co.
The Community Foundation of Frederick County, MD
The Estate of Katherine Lahee
The Estate/ of Marjorie E. Shay
The Fred Maytag Family Foundation
The GE Foundation Matching Gifts
The Gladys and Roland Harriman Foundation
The Leigh Foundation
The Peierls Foundation, Inc.
The Samuel J. and Ethel LeFrak Charitable Trust
The Sidney, Milton and Leoma Simon Foundation
The Stocker Foundation
The/Estate of Shirley Jean Hagens
Mr. George N. Thomas
Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation
Ms. Heather Thomson
Thomson Reuters
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Tinkel
Mr. Clyde Tise
Mr. Karl Tise
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tiziani
Mr. Daniel W. Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Sol W. Toder
Mr. John Tomcho
Mr. Gair Tourtellot, III
Mr. Alexander P. Townsend
Ms. Jody Tracey
Ms. Candice A. Truex
Mr. Ronald Trust
Mrs. and Mr. Marcella Tubbs
Mr. Boyce Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tucker
Tucker’s Super Valu, Inc.
Ms. Nicole Turano
Ms. Carrie A. Turner
Mr. Anthony Tutko
Mrs. and Mr. Patricia Twigg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tyrell
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
UBS Securities
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Uhlan
Mr. Lloyd W. Ulrich
Ultratec (Captel, Inc)
United Way California Capital Region
United Way of New York City
United Way of The National Capital Area
Ms. Rita S. Unz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vainella
Ms. Lauren F. Vallese
Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Valpey
Ms. Laura Harbecke Valvo
Mrs. V. Van Alstyne
Mr. Peter Van Dijk
Mr. Glenn A. Van Popering
Ms. Mary Vande Steeg Wagner
Mrs. Joan C. Vanzo
Ms. Erin Vartani
Mr. Jason Vasilas
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Veltre
Ms. Regina Venero-Maldari
Mr. Adam M. Venokur
Verizon Foundation Matching Incentive Program
John H. Viall, M.D.
Ms. Michelle L. Vidensek
Mrs. Carolyn M. Viereckl
Ms. Helen Anne Vigness
Mr. Stevan Villar
Mr. Gerard J. Vitiello
Ms. Jean Voice-Dart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Vollmer
Mrs. Betty C. Voorhis
Ms. Helen M. Voth
Mr. David Vroubel
Mr. Robert M. Vukojevich
Mr. Brian Wachter
Ms. Barbara E. Wacker
Mrs. Selma J. Wakeham
Mr. Steven J. Waldman
Mr. Louis Walker
Ms. Eden Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Wallach
Ms. Denise Wally
Mr. Richard Walsh
Mr. Dale A. Walter
Walter Henry Freygang Foundation
Mr. Gilbert E. Walton
Ms. Candee C. Wanamaker
Ms. Vicki Ward
Mr. John M. Warner
Mr. Francis Warren, Jr.
Mr. Morris I. Warren
Mr. Seth Waschitz
Ms. Wendi A. Washington
David A. Wasserman, M.D.
Mr. Brian Wassner
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Watson
Mr. Rollin D. Weary, Jr.
Mr. Paul T. Weathers
Mrs. Nancy J. Weaver
Mr. Donald V. Webb
Ms. Evelyn Weber
Mr. Robert Weber
Mr. Joseph S. Weening
Roger and Mary Ann Wehrs
Ms. Jean E. Weichel
Ms. Dorsey Weikert
Ms. Anne M. Weiler
Dr. Monica and Mr. Andrew Weinberg
Mr. Eric Weinberger
Mr. Allan Weindenbaum
Mr. Harris Weinstein
Mr. Arnold M. Weiss
Ms. Betty M. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weiss
Dr. Herbert Weiss
Ms. Marilyn Weissel
Mr. Mark L. Weissler
Mr. David Wellinger
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Dr. Louis W. Welsh
Mr. Michael Wemert
Ms. Jennifer Wemert
Ms. Heather Werdel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Werling
Mr. David R. West
Dr. Francine Evans Weston
Mr. Michael C. Whalen
Ms. Slyvia Wheat
Ms. Susan Wheeler
Ms. Barbara Whitcraft
Dr. James W. White
Mr. and Mrs. David Whitt
Ms. Judith Wildman
Ms. Muriel L. Wilhelm
Harold A. Wilkinson, M.D.
Ms. Anita J. Willens
Mr. Scott Williams
Dr. Howard Williams, Ph.D.
Mr. Olanrewaju Williams
Dr. Howard Williams Ph.D
Mr. Douglas Williams
Ms. Elisheba Williams
Ms. Dorothea D. Williams
Ms. Nancy M. Williams and Mr. David Theobald
Mr. James D. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Williamson
Willie’s Bar and Grill
Mr. Alexander Wilson
Ms. Nancy B. Wilson
Mrs. Josephine Berkof Wilson
Mr. Kenneth S. Winer
Mrs. Sarah H. Wing
Ms. Elizabeth Winnacker
Mr. Art Winterfeld
Mr. Brian Wise
Mr. Gary Withrow
Mr. Joseph Wohl
Ms. Jen Wolf
Ms. Tracy Wolfbiss
Mr. William C. Wolfe
Ms. Carol Wolitzky-Raskin
Wolper Subscription Services, Inc.
Mrs. Janet Wolver
Ms. Jessica Woodman
Ms. Patricia B. E. Woolsey
Mr. Patrick Wright
Mrs. Betty H. Yagi
Ms. Kai-Ting Yang
Dr. Caroline Y. Yang
Ms. Sylvia Yarensky
Mr. Brett Yarkon
Ms. Ilene Yarkon
Mr. Jonathan Yen
Ms. Sara B. Yocum
Mr. Stanley Yokell, P.E.
Mrs. Karen Youdelman
Mrs. Audrey T. Youmans
Mrs. Paulette Young
Mr. Randal Young
Dr. and Mrs. Eric D. Young
Mr. Edward M. Yturri
Mr. Andy Zaltman
Mr. Richard P. Zantis
Ms. Michelle Zarnegar
Mrs. Marie S. Zehler
Ms. Naomi Zeliger
Mrs. Lynne G. Zelonis
Ms. Hazel M. Zents
Ms. Jingcai Zhu
Mr. Andrew Ziegler
Mr. Troy K. Zimmerman
Mr. Charles A. Zodda
Mr. H. J. Zoffer
Ms. Marilu Zrimc
Mr. Richard R. Zuck
Mrs. Arleen P. Zuckerman
Mr. Joseph Zujkowski
Mr. Phillip Zulli
Leonard M. Zullo, M.D.
Ms. Pearl Zulueta
Ms. Sheilah Zweier
Dr. Michelle Zweifler
Statement of Financial Position
September 30, 2014
(with comparative amounts at September 30, 2013)
Cash and cash equivalent
Advertising and other receivables
Restricted cash and investments
Intangible assets, net
Pledge receivable, net
Prepaid expense and deposits
Property and equipment, net
Liabilities and net assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Grants payable
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Deferred revenue
Deferred rent expense
Total Liabilities
Net assets
Total Net Assets
Statement of Activities
Year Ending September 30, 2014
(with comparative amounts at September 30, 2013)
$ 1,127,827
$ 2,610,011
$ 7,021,516
In-kind contributions
Special events, net of expenses
of $21,427 and $139,125 for
2014 and 2013
Interest and dividends
Realized and unrealized (loss)
gain on investments
Other income
Net assets released from
Total Support and Revenue
$ 10,117,657
Management and general
$ 1,356,787
$ 4,727,650
$ 7,395,467
$ 2,686,001
support and revenue
Program services
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets
Beginning of year
End of year
Restoration Project
2014 program
$ 478,123
Board of Directors
Shari Eberts, Chairman
Investment Professional
Michael C. Nolan, Treasurer
Managing Director, J.P. Morgan
Robert Boucai
Principal, Newbrook Capital
Advisors LP
Paul E. Orlin
Principal, Amici Capital, LLC
Judy R. Dubno, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck
Surgery, Medical University of
South Carolina
Rebecca Ginzburg
Chief Operating Officer, Junto
Capital Management LP
Roger M. Harris, Secretary
Chief Operating Officer, Newland
Capital Management
David S. Haynes, M.D.,
Medical Director
Professor, Department of
Otolaryngology/Department of
Hearing and Speech Sciences;
Director, Division of Otology and
Neurotolgy, Vanderbilt University
Chris Smith
President, Cochlear Americas
Peter S. Steyger, Ph.D.,
Scientific Director
Professor, Department of
Otolaryngology–Head and
Neck Surgery, Oregon Health &
Science University
Clifford P. Tallman, Jr.
Principal, Soskin Tallman
Inc.; Senior Vice President
and Publisher, Pharmaceutical
Claire Schultz
Chief Executive Officer
Doug Olson
Director of Development
Antonio Coppola
Director of Corporate
Andrew Papademetriou
Nichelle Johnson
Database Manager
Veronica Moreno
Officer Manager
Yishane Lee
Editor, Hearing Health Magazine
(As of October 1, 2014)
Nancy M. Williams
Creative Nonfiction Writer
and Founding Editor,
Grand Piano Passion™
(As of October 1, 2014)
Elizabeth Keithley, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Surgery
and Otolaryngology, University of
California at San Diego
Mission and Vision
Hearing Health Foundation’s mission is to prevent and cure hearing loss and
tinnitus through groundbreaking research, and to promote hearing health.
Hearing Health Foundation’s vision is to have a world where people can enjoy life
without hearing loss and tinnitus.
Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) was founded as the Deafness Research
Foundation in 1958, by Collette Ramsey Baker, a woman who lived with a
substantial hearing loss. Since then, HHF has become the largest private funder
of hearing research in the U.S. and a leader in driving new innovations and
treatments for people with hearing loss. This includes funding research that led
to the development of cochlear implants and many of today’s standard treatments
for otosclerosis (abnormal bone growth in the ear) and ear infections. In the
1990s Hearing Health Foundation advocated in Washington, D.C., for Universal
Newborn Hearing Screening legislation, to detect hearing loss at birth. Today, 97%
of newborns are tested; in 1994, only 4% were.
Hearing Health Foundation
Voice: (212) 257-6140
Fax: (212) 257-6139
363 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor
Toll-free: (866) 454-3924
Email: info@hhf.org
New York, NY 10001-3904
TTY: (888) 435-6104
Website: hhf.org