rADr CONSALT NADI CONSULT Ruj. Kani Ruj. Tuan Tarikh ER-A. SDN BHD rrdsr', v) NADTERA/1 r 03/AM (8) 1shb. Mei, 2011 Jabatan Bangunan, Majlis Perbandaran Nilai, Peti Sural 52, Persiaran Pusat Bandar, 71800 Nilal, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus. Tuan. PERMOHONAN PELAN BANGUNAN BAGI CADANGAN MEMBINA DAN MENYIAPKAN SEBUAH STESEN MINYAK PETRONAS DI ATAS LOT PT 23323. H.S.(D) 19219, TAMAN BANDAR SENAWANG, MUKIM AMPANGAN, DAERA.H SEREMBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN DARUL KHUSUS UNTUK PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHAD. - PERMOHONAN KELULUSAN PELAN BANGUNAN Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, adalah dimaklumkan bahawa pihak kami relah dilantik sebagai Jurutera Perllnding. Be$ama-sama ini dlsertakan seperti berikul untuk kelulusan pihak tuan:- 1) Beyaran proses pelan bangunan berjumlah RM748.30 berserra borang pengiraan memproses pelan, 2) 3) 4) Bayaran Deposir Kebersihan berjurrlah RM500.00 (no. cek: ttsB 014848). Bayaran memproses pelan Perrnit BangLrnan Sementara be4umlah RM8,11.20 {no. cek: Sesalinan surat penerimaan permohonan kelulusan pelan infrastruktur, jalan 1W8014850). perparitan dan kerja tanah daripada jabatan kejuruteraan. 5) Tiga (3) pcrenggu pelan bangunan termasuk linen bersiri NADIERA/1103/A1 hingga NADIERA/1 ] O3/Ai 3. 6) Empat (4) perenggu pelan bersiri NADIERA/I103/TB 1 dan NADIERA/I101/TB2 yang menunjukkan lokasi bangunan senentara. 7) Satlr (1) perenggu pelan struktur linen bersiri NADIERA/I103/S1 hingga NADIERA/1103/S4 berserta pengiraan dan borang A yang telah dipenuhisikan. 8) 9) Sesalinan penerimaan surat permohonan kelulusan pelan landskap. 10) Sesalinan pendafiaran sladkat, borang I 1) Sesalinan 'soft copy subn1issiorl' pelan dalam lormat autocad 2000. MAA dan borang 49. Sesalinan borang A yang telah dipenuhisikan. HEAD OIfICE: No.17D JalanOrkd2B,SeksyenEs2,Buklse.tosa.43300Rawanq.SeansorDaru Ehsan Fa: +603 60244607 E na iad @^adicoisurl.cori IOHOR BRANCH: PMI D e-07. Ja an PraiUlama,l T.mai Fra utam: 13600 3r200 sandar NusalaYa, Johor Bah,u Jorior oaru takzim E.mar 12270l E-nail nad b@nad .onsull.o r PE P.nang. 12) Sesalinan borang pengesahan 60% bahan tempatan (Borane JKI/B/BT/]) dan borang anggalan ya penggunaan bahan temparan (Borane JKT/B/BT/1-A) ]rang telah dipenuhisikan. l3) 14) 15) Sesalinan carian rasmi. Sesalinan resit cukai tanah bagi tahun 2011. Sesalinan resit cukai taksiran bagi tahun 201 l. Kerjasama dan kelulusan awal daripada pihak tuan adalah sangat diharapkan. Sekian, terima kasih. Yang benar, NADI CONSULT ERA SDN. BHD. ASHIR AHAMED MAIDEEN) s/k i- Petronas Dagangan Berhad, Level 32, To$'er 1, Pelronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur. (U/P : En. Kamarul Ariflin M Sobry) Dua Medan Construction Sdn. Bhd. No. 2, Jalan Cendana 2, Taman Muhibbah, 42700 Baniing Selangor Darul Ehsan. (U/Pr Y. Bhg. Dato' Haji Nordin Selamat) HEAD OfflCEl 14300 Raw3nq. Se !o r4B Jr.n .rar rei rn0/ 51 2i /0r ,] OHO R SRANCH: 1f210 B:n.;r f.r!53 a_!a. Ftlr D.C-07 JJ an Pr.iLriams Ema:iadrb@iad.:rsur1..n web aig!. Drtu Ehsai Site Hww nadicansutt can Fax -6a1 . 3i7 7711 MPN/B/KP-01-03 SENARAI SEMAKAN PERMOHONAN BAGI PELAN BANGUNAN OLEH URUSETTA PUSAT SETEMPAT (OSC) MAJLIS PERBANDARAN NILAI Urusetia Pusat Setempat (OSC) Mail s Perbandaran Nila Petl Surat No.52 Pers aran Pusat Bandar. 71800 Nilai Negerl Semb lan DarLr Khusus :A6-7989A'/814791196 Tel Fax : 06-7994800 URUSEIrA PUSAI SETilPAT (oSC), MA]IIS SMBAilDARANM,AI, PBTI SURAT q PMSIARAN ruSATBNDAR 7l8m NII"AINmBR] SA,lBnNDlRlltKIlUSUS. Telcfm : 0fr798907M9/196 PEROSIIN PB-Al'j BA\q,NAN MGI CADAIGAN NE!tsIM DAN TIEIYIAT(qN SEB.lnH SJESEN I4II\YAK PEIROIAS DI ATAS LOT PT 2323, H.S.(D) 19249, TAr'l4j\l BANDAR SB!,A!lAl\c, lvUKIl4 II'PAIGAN, MRAI SERRAAN, NEffiI SEAILAN DARL,]I. I+USUS UNIIJK PFIR0,IAS DAGA,I@N BEMD. TAJUK PROJEK NANIA PENIOHON / PEMILIK PEMAJU Fu : 0t?9948m / PETMMS DAGANGAN BER+D AI,AMAT LEVEL 32, T0^n 1, PEIRO\IaS Tl,iIN T0,iRS, KIJA-A LII4PLR CITY CENIRE, smBB KJAI-A LU"PUR- NO. TEI,EFON 03-23313367 NO. FAX 0Tn316632 NAMA ARKITDK / JURU'fERA PERUNDING lwl ALAMAT SYARIKAT NO. C0,]9JLT 4D, RA StN. B$. JAI,AN ORKID A, SB(sYfl\] BS2, EJKIT SB{IIEA, 4SM RMNG, SS-AJ{G']R MRUL EISA!- NO. TELEFON 0r6c2P/501 NO. FAX 03.60284607 MPN/ts/KP-01-03 PERAKUAN PEMOHON {ARKITEK ATAU JURUTERA PEBUNDING) Bahawasanya kam IR. ffiHIR A+IIO MIDES1 telah r.emperakui bahawa kami r.ematuhi semua syarat-syarat yang telah d;tetapkan dl telah dalam Serarai Semakan Permohonan oleh uruset a Pusat Setenpal (OSC), N,4ails Perbandaran Nila, Negeri Sernbilan dan akan be anggurgiawab sepenuhrya ke atas petmohonan jn. ( Tandatangan ) --"q0, PFO&.\ S"-,--*"\"/o /'-o)IR, ",u'. \". BASHIfl AHAMED BIN MAIOEEN IR, BNHIR A+TM Nama Alanral %x9, No.Pendaftaran (COP PERUNDING) Tar kh UNTUK KEGUNAAN RASMIOSC, MAJLIS PERBANDARAN NILAI DiSemak Oleh Cop OSC Tarikh MPN,ts/KP-O1-03 ,/ 2 Pemohon Butir-butir/Dokumen Yang Diperlukan BII 2 Sural pemohonan yang dtandatangani oleh penrohon (Arkllek/ Pe ukis Pelan Berdaftar/JLrrutera) Borang Semakan Jabatan Bangunan yang telah lengkap dilandakan di bahaqian kolak pemohon Bayaran Memproses Pelan Bahgunan (berserta dengan Bonng Penghaan, & Bayaran Deposit Keberslhan Rl\r 500.00 seekar (kecuall banglo sahala) pedu dijelaskan 3. (Bayann hanya boteh dibuat secan lunal / wang pos / kirinan wang / bank cuaf (banket's cheque) dan kad kredit di atas nana vans Dipettua, Malts Peftanclarcn Nilaq 'sita catat nana dan nonbot telefon dibelakng dokumen ( CEKTIDAK DITEBIMA SAMA SEKALI- Archan Yanq DipeIfua MPN ) Bayaran Memproses Pelan Petmlt Bangunan Sementara bersefia dengan Borang Pengiraan perlu dije askan ,.{ (Bayann hanya boleh dibuat secara tunal / wang pos / ki man wang / bank dnt cheque) dan kad tuecllt di atas nana Yang Dipertua, Majlis PetuandEan Nilai) 'Sila catat naha dan nombot tetelon dlbelakang dokunen (banket s ( CEKTIDAK DITERIMA SAMA SEKALI - ATahan Yang DiPEIIUA MPN ) Bayaran Perkhidmatan Pembuahgan Sisa Binaan(Tong noro) bagi kategori Tambahan/Ubahsual Kiang , Bang o Seunil & R/lndiv du sahaja dan set ap seunit adalah berlurn ah RM 1,350.00 termasuk deposit tong roio. -5 (Bayann hanya boleh dibuat seca6 lunai / wang pos / kl man wang / bank draf (banket's cheque) dan kad kredit dt atas nana Yang Dtpettua, Maitis Pehandann Nitai) 'Sila catat nama dan nombor telefon dibelakang clokun.n / CEK TIDAK DTTERMA SAMA SEKALI - Anhan Ydnq D|PCdUA MPN ) Bayaran memproses Pelan Bangunan beriumlah RM'140.00 bagi permohononan menara pernancar dan lelekomunikas ( Sekiranya berkaitan) $. (Bavatan hanyaboleh dlbual secara tunai/ wang pos / khinan wang / bankdraf (banket's cheque) dan kad kredit di atas nama Yang Dipettua, Mailis Nllal) 'S a catat nana dan nonbor telefon dibelakEng dokunen / CEKTIDAK DI|ERIMA SAMA SEKALI - Archan Yand DipeTlua MPN ) ;r' 2 Salinar Borang A (Jadual Kedua UKBS 1986)- N,4ajlis Perbandaran Nilai (S a tst borcng dengan tengkap bese.ta ta kh) -8. 2 Salnan Borang Pengesahan 60% Bahan Tempatan (Borang JKT/B/BT/J) (Sila isi borans densan lenskap besetta taikh) v 2 salnan borang Anggaran % Penggunaan Bahan Ternpatan Borang J KT/B/BT/1 .A (Sila isi borang dengan lengkap beserta tatikh) 1.0. 2 Salinan sijil pendaitaran Arkitek/ Jurutera Perunding yang terklni. osc MPN,ts/KP-01-03 Bfl Butir-butlr/Dokumeh Yang Diperlukan ral 11 2 Sa si. I oeroallaran Syar:kat Ar.ile^ JJruLerd 12 2 Sal nan Siji Ca an Rasm mengenai lot tarah atau surat surat la n yang berkaitan daripada PemLrngul Hasll Tanah. 13. 2 Sa ra.r cLUi arah lerki'riyarg .elal-pJr djelaskal 2 Sa nan Premium (sekiranya berkailan) ls 2 Salnan rest cukai taksiran (sekiranya berkaitan )yang lelahpun je askan. (Jika tiada sila dapatkan surat pengesahan daripada Jabatan d 2 Salinan penerlraaan surat permohonan Kebenaran Merancang atau surat ulasan dariJabatan Perancarg Bandar dan Desa (Jika berkaitan) 1.6 (Jika belum kemukakan permohonan tercebut, waiib kemukakan peffnohonan Kebenaran Merancang setenlak dengan Pelan lnltasttuktw & Keria Tanah, Pelan Bangunan, Pelan Lanskap & Pelan Lampu Jalan bagi ke semua Jenls katego pemohonan kecuall Banglo Sesebuah. Jika tidak, pemohonan Pelan Bangundn tidak dapat dite ma untuk cli prcses). ' Ruiuk Senarai Semakan Permahonan Kebenaran l\,4erancano 2Salnan penerlnaan surat perrnohoran Keulusan Pelan nfrastruktur & Kerja Tanah ataLr surat ulasan dari Jabatan Kejuruleraan bagi setiap kategorl pelan pernbangunarl 11. (Jika belum kemukakan pemohonan tersebutr wajib kemukakan & Kerja Tanah sercnlak dengan Pelan Bangunan bagi ke semua jenis katego pemohonan. Jika tidak penohonan Pelan Bangundn tidak dapal dite ma unfuk di prcses). permohonan Pelan Inlrcstruktur 'Ruiuk Senarai Senakan Pernahonan Pelan lnfrastruktur dan Keia Tanah 2 Salinan penerimaan surat permohonar Kelulusan Pelan Lanskap 1n atau surat u asan dar Jabalan Lanskap (Jika belum kemukakan permohonan tersebut, sila kemukakan serentak dengan Pelan Bangundn), * Ruiuk SenaraiSemakan Pelan LanskaD N. 2 salnan Senarai Lukisan yang dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Bangunan ,24. Suraipengesahan bertanggungjawab yang ditandatanganl oleh Arkitek/ Jurutera Perundino mernoeraku kera keria oaiD da aman banounan / Peng esahan Ark leU.l u rutera dibuat sepeiri berikuti Pe rund ing d setiap helaiar pe an hendaklah "Saya memperakui bahawa butiran-buliran dl dalarn pelan-pelan lnl kehendak-kehendakUndang-Undang Kecil Bangunan Seragam (Pihak Berkuasa Tempalan, Negeri Sembilan) 1986 dan saya seiuiu terima langgungiawab penuh dengan adalah menurll osc MPN/ts/KP-01-03 Bit Butir-butir/Ookumen Yang Diperlukan 22 Tandatangan, nama, no, kad pengenalan dan aamat Arktek /Jurutera PerLrndjnq dan nombortelefon diatas setiap helaian pelan Pemohon Tandatargan, nama, no. kad pengenalan dan alamat penrohon/pemiik tanah/pem lik bangunan dar nor.bortelelon di atas seUap helaian pe an. P Pengesahan Jurukur Bedesen diaias setiap mergeralpas_ kedLdJhaa ba_J se-pada_ lot. pelan tapak bagi Seuap helalan pelan inen hendakah diwarnakan keseluruhannya manakala kertas hanya peLan tapak sahaja yang diwarnakan ?E: bagi sel pelan 2d. Lokasi pintu tandas hendakah tidak menghadap luang dapur.(kategori perumahan sahaja) 7. Pelan Bangunan yang dikemukakan hendaklah meng kut iofinat til e bock' yang dilampirkan, dilipat rnengikut cara yang ditetapkan (saz 44, seperti d lampiran) dan di setkan menqikut set yanq telah ditelapkan. ?8. N. 1 sel Pelan Struktur I nen (B.C plan) bargunan dan kiraar hendaklah dikernukakan oleh Jurut€ra Perunding beserla Borang A sebelum kerja binaan bangunan dimulakan. 1 'solt copy submission' pelan dalarn formal 'autocad' kecuali banglo individu 30: Pelan Bangunan yang telah disahkan oleh Arkitek/ Pelukis Pelan Berdallar / Jurutera yang dilantik perlu bersekali dalam penghantaran ke semua set-set pelan dan menyerlakan surat permohonan ( COyE|9 LETEF ) kepada setiap Jabatan Teknikal Luaran & Dalaman mengikut kalegori permohonan seperti berikutr 30.1 PEBII,IOHONAN UNTUK PERUMAHAN / KOMEBSIAL / INSTITUSI/ STESYEN MINYAK LINEN SAIZ A1 = 14 SET PELAN KERTAS DAN 1 SET PELAN JABATAN TEKNIKAL DALAMAN 30.1.1 Jabalan Banounan - 1 set pe an inen pelan kerlas + 2 set (Pelan-pelan bag i Jabatan Bangunan hendaklah dikemukakn bersama senatai semakan yang telah dipatuhi spt. dilampircn A dan perlu marye akan be6ekali pelan pelan lapakyang menuniukkan lokasi bangunan sementara,'hoarding' dan tempal cuci tayar kenderaan berat) 1 set pelan (kertas) 30.1.2 Jabatan Perancano Bandar (Peldn yang dikemukakan kepada Jabatan inihendaklah sama dengan pelan yang dikemukakan kepada Jabalan Bangunan ) osc MPN/B/KP-01-03 Butk.butir /Dokumen Yang Diperlukan Bit JABATAN TEKNIKAL LUARAN Bomba 2 set pelan (kertas) 30.1.3 Jabatan Perkhidmatan 30.1.4 Syarikal Alr Negeri Sembilan : a. Lokasi dan tapak, pelan anta bgn - 1 sel pelan (kefias) saiz A1 -er rr.rk\a1 lo\as , mere'a '. jeris dan sajz pa p, pelan sk malik palp dalaman yang disahkan ojeh Jurutera Perund ng [,]&E / Arktek yang berdaftar (sistem paip diwarnakan), lukisan detil iangk simpanan dalam tangki sedltan dalaman (j ka berkaitan), set pelan keratan bumbung menunjukkan lokasitangki ajr, ket nggian dan aras tangki b. Saft Copy Compact Disk (CD)dalan - 1 Compact Disk Iormat Auiooadrnengardungi pelan sistem paip air dalaman di atas c. Bayaran proses dalam bentuk wang pos/ bark draf berjur.lah RM100 atas narna Syarikat Air Negeri Sembilan Sdn. Bhd d. Laporan jen s bangunan dar penggunaan - 1 sel air bagi kompleks perniagaan, pembangunan besar dan rumah pangsa/ben rgkat mengikut garis panduan SAINS 30.1.5 ndah Waler Konsorliurn (WK) a. Pelan Rekabentuk : Terperinci - 3 sel pelan (kertas) b. Laporan Kejuruieraan (bag pembangunan melebihi 150 p.e) c. 2 sel Borang SSfuPDC/3 yang engkap diisi d. Salinan surat pengesahan darl SPAN bagi Perunding/ArkleldPelukis Pelan Berdailaryang di antik,diiktiraf sebaga Orang Yang Bekelayakan (Qualif ed Person) 30.'l.6 Tenaga Nas onal Berhad ' 3 set pe an (kenas) a. Pe an Lokasi, Pelar yang aoa okasi oe rca"\'a rg Lleh_ ! TNB, Pe an Bangunan yang ada menurjukkan lokasi Jangka TNB, Pelan Perpar tan Susunalur PencawangEektrkTNB. Pemohon osc MPN/B/KP-01-03 Pemohon Butir-butir / Dokumen Yang Diperlukan Bil kasiBerlso _ lse-pFa_ (\e1as' 30.1.8 Pebaoaran Pengu'Lsar Sisa oeoeial ' sel pelar ,\anas) Dar De-be6 har Awam 30.-./ Sya .al-eleko-Lr Bagi permohonan yang mempunyai Lil. Jabalan Teknikal be Rut perlu dikemuhakan I | I Luaran ] : 30.-.9 Jabatan Keselamatan & Keslhatan Pekerlaan (JKKP) : IPemohon yang hendak mendapalkan kelulusan rckabentuk dan Pemasangan lil hendaklah nempunyai kelayakan sepedibetikut aerclanat clengan hbatan inlsebagai Syarika! nenasang & nenyslenggara Lit. Eshalatot & Menpunya! sekuqng.hunnya 1 Onng'orang Kompeten vang masih denqan syatlkat tersebut dan dll|tuaf oleh iabattn ini I Dunbwalet - aklll a _eroerirc oar ulurar Sal'ral oohL_en melgela, oala-oaLa L\rrar t sepenildro o <el_eroakio JadJal Perla-a da a-n Al^1" Kiars & ar-era. 1967 o. 2 set pelan (kertas) ya_g lergkao oar -F1Lr.L"\at b'l't 6Ji/ ) dd- sair srso ya.g be.iru ,/ . Sriz da1 " rbalg lj / , Bu. -bLlir nelgera lilup,Loarg i ,/ i S.i7 "edJdL"an. oi a_ga_ dar jer r pirlu ataral iv. Sa z dar keordJka I oil h jenlera oe'{a lar def an Lbarg l l v. oe.LrrLlar a Lar ke b lit orle'a ,/ v. oerrrlJhal oagigerliar uoaraoar i{a qgfeh Lal-dya semu aiad bilik jerrera ,/ v . Bila_gar .:,lg"al yarg oi dydr o eh v:ii. T rgg arra'a seliap I \qar /. Biargar pirlL nasLl alday' 7 ,/ atas ,/ pil ,/,/ \ri. ,/ c. S i -s:iil ala I pela"ra I j,/rq oi.elJa ka I o er pe-bLal I berkenaan ,/ i. De.a.r:r '.e-lra"at oal'awa.' lL (elal' d reaabellu\ dar (. x. JJm al rJat g hetinggian blikientera Kedalaman ubanq r / ,/ ,/ ,/ / obin ne'Lt/ oeralJra,l_pe alLrar 1:sela.a mana pe-L't1.9/fp"LrtLrar ili d pa\a bao 1va '. PeraLy' meayd.aka r balawa re\abel-Jh gia' \ese d-alar da_ r4"oer.Jk pela_pa,l ieris milyak le ah beriava dala_ Ji/n-ri"_. .e -asLk r, ar ajL amoau o ba\^,a1 o'oa1 r'^^-^ ^^-, * i)i/ Perc\uat -eryala^a1 bahawa iebalal bag bal'agian_ oahaq ar lefii. spmLa pergawa pesallal nargLrc oi'llJ lala'ar . pesawal me'e".'kan <e'ela i pada l' rju19 pe'laat a t sJis gel. sL s sLis p;,l.J .prela I oar pesawal kerd"l"r )a.g lair d"r /ang seu-pdrva Ielal Be'jald aaa- t.ia,l oerga. -e'ggJra\a_ volla_ arJs Llanq alik I I I I osc MPN,ts/KP-01-03 ButiFbutlr / Dokumen Yang Diperlukan Bit Pemohon sama dengan sepuluh kalivoLtan keriadengan vollan maksima dua rlbu voltan se ama tidak k!rang dar pada salu mint apabi a d kenakan :D a1-a a baaagia,l lidLo oe lgar ko.a(_\oLdk alaL 'arg\a bird de_ga1 s6nra lilor_liLdr ledu_Jp D: a_ra'a rernir dllerniral ulano a.aL odhaqiq4/ d. ,./ b. c. oahag a_ yalg belsanaa_ oerga' senJa-l,ldi le'bu"a Di arlara mdra mala ba1a9 a1 .a'lldF a'aL lila' ]ar oe o. Bagi / asi_gar ,,a, PerakLal melyala<ar gais pJsal,,bf';at. -JIU dan "e"uata' tens ta tali penganlung '/ // pemohonan yang mempunyz(kefinggian yang metebihi 5 tingkat dan berclekatan dengan lokasj)Aluen penetbangan KLIA, Jabatan Teknikal Luatan beihut pprfu dikemukakan : ... 30._.10 Jabatan P9n'erbangan Awam Malaysia : lJiefpelan (kertas) yarg .er gkao oar a. -,6eriKu1 ,z/ . oemoangJra,r 6Zd permohonan STESEN pe u dikemukakan : d"' heli rgoia I ba'rqL,ld_ oa' a'as M1NYAK. Jabatan Teknlka! Luaran 30.1.11 Gas Malaysia Sdn, Bhd b. -e1ur.L{rar : betikut : 1 set pelan (kertas) yang lengkap dan rnenunjukkan butir butir berikut: i. Lokasl stesen minyak, cadangan lalan masuk dan ialan keluar stesen minyak darijalan utarna 2/ MPN/ts/KP-01-03 Butir-butir / Dokumen Yang Diperlukan Bit Pemohon 30.2 PERMOHONAN UNTUK CADANGAN BAFU / TAMBAHAN KILANG = 15 SET PELAN KERTAS DAN 1 SET PELAN LINEN SAIZ A1 JABATAN TEKNIKAL DALAMAN s0.2.1 Jabatan Bangunar - t"""::?";;:]'*" . '*, (Pelan-petan bag! Jabatan Bangunan hendaklah dikemuLaLan bercama senarci semakan yang telah dlpatuhlspt. dllamplan A dan pe u menyedakan bercekali pelan pelan lapakyang menuniukkan lokasi bangunan sementara,'hoarding' dan tempat cuci tayar kenderaan berat) / -'leloelar lkerlas) / 3a.2.2 Ja6a-ar Pe'arcang Barda' (Pelan yang dikemukakan kepacla Jabalan ini hendaklah #na dengan pelan yang dikemukakan kepada Jabalan Bangyhan) JABATAN TEKNIKAL 30.2.3 Jabaral Pe'kl' 30.2.1 / LUARAN d -a ar Bo-oa - 2 sel / pelay',.enasl ldr ' pelar a. Lo{as oar raoah arra bgr Syar kar A ' Nege' / ' set/. ar '\e'as . ie.lis / Semo saiz A1 -erJrjJ\ha_ okas.lere'ai da- sa / paip. oela- s. -alih oaip da al{ar yarg o salkar o el' .L'Lle(a P et r ai/g v &E Ar. Lek !drg be'darlal Lsysrem pEd diwa'rakar/. # lukisan deti tangki sirnpanan da largki sedutan da aman ljika berkaitan), set pq.r6n keralan bumbung F erJrirhhal 'al'g^i ay'le.19ga( aaf azsrc^q^ ,/ b. 9ofi copy CamDact D,s/ CD d"la- - I Canpacl 'o-rat Autacad err6'dL19i oe,al D,sh sistem pa p air da atran di alas / be.rL\ warg pos/ ba,lk drd ber urrlah RM100 arasilema Syarikal Air Neqeri Sembilan Sdn, Bhd c. Bayaran prosegdaldrr ./ i/1q bangJ€r dar penggLraal ai oagforrole.s pe r agaa1. pe-nbargL,lal. besatda_ rr-al_ pa1gsa oerlir gkat me'g 1.Lr d. Laporar gardpanduan SA NS ' sal osc// MPN/ts/KP-01-03 Butir'bulh / Dokumen Yang Oiperlukon Bit 30.2.5 lndah Waler Konsonium (lwrc a. Pe an Bekabentuk Pemohon i Terperlrcj ' 3 sel pelan (kedas) b. Laporan Kejuruteraan (bag pembangLrnan me eb hi 150 p.e) c. 2 set Borang SSfuPDC/3 yang lengkap diisi d. Sainan sural pengesahan dar SPAN bagi Perunding/ArkileUPelukis Pelan Berdaitar yang d antlk,d kliral sebagai Orang Yang Bekelayakar (Oua lied Person) 30 2.6 A'a- SekiLd' - I sel oelar /kerlas) a. oe,ar hekLrci & yang menuniukkan kedudukan lgiak kekunci & Iokasi lPelan cadangan prciek kllang serla kawasan Perumahan. inftstti. Lokas / sungai dan lainlain penggunaan lanah sekurang-ku|angnya dalam lingkungan 500 metet jeja dai tapak projyyang di caclangkan) b Borarg oe. aar AwalTdodk PAT l set/a'a1g varg erqhao d s l_erda< dl di.e-Lla(atl bag <ila1g barr 8 la.]oal-ar \ia.g ) a19,/ lidak re-a[ rk \epada E A / 30.2.7 Tenaga Naslonal Berhad // -3 a De a_ loaas. Peldr SLsL^a, n / yanq ada tol'asi Pencawanq El6[trk TNB, Pe an Bangunan set pe a^ ' 4e1as' yan#da -erJntJhaa' Jargta -NB. oela.1 Pe'par ldr Pencawang Elektrik TNF. 30.2.8 / Syar kat Te ekom unfAd Berhad - 1 sel pelan (kertas) ,/ 30.2.9 Perbadanan Pen frusan S sa Pepela Da1 Pemoer:iM , Awa- / ,/ - - sel pelal lke4as Bagi cadangan tanbahan kilang hanya Jabalan feknikal yangte ibal dengan penanbahan dipetfkan. sila tujlk terlebih dahulu dengan Jabatan Bangunan nenaslikan Jabq(an Teknikat yang dtpettlkan sebelun apaapa pethohonah dibuat osc// MPN/ts/KP-01-03 Pemohon Butir-buiir / Dokumen Yang Diperlukan 30.3 PERMOHONAN UNTUK CADANGAN BANGLO SESEB|.JA|-VINDIVIDU LINEN SAIZ A1 = tl Set peraN fenrls OIH t Ser peLA'l .tABATAN TEKNIKAL DALAMAN 30.3.1 .labatan Bangunan _ 1 set pelan linen + 2 sel pelan kerlas (Petdn"pelan bagi Jabatan Bangunan hendaklah dikemukakan bercama senaral semal<an yang telah dipatuhl spt. dilamphan A dan pe u menyertakan beBekali pelan pelanlapakyang menunjukkan lokasi bangunan semenlara,'hoarding' dan tempat cuci tayar kenderaan berat) 30.3.2 Jabatan Perancang Bandar l set pelan (kertas (Petan yang dikemukakan kepada Jabalan ini dengan pelan yang dikemukakan kepada Jabatan JABATAN TEKNIKAL LUARAN 30.3.3 Syarikat Air Negeri Sembl an : (hefias) saz A1 a. Lokasi dan tapak, pelan anta bgn _ 1 set p meier air, okasi, menunjukkan ienis dan saiz paip, pe an skimat k PaiP dal yang disahkan oleh Jurutera Perundi / Arkltek yanq berdaltar (syslem pai Lukisan detiltangki simpanan da keralan b!mbung da aman (jiha berhalan), set Pe inqgian dan aras langki meruniukkan okasitangkl a r, b. Saft Capy Conpact Disk , dalam ' 1 Compact Disk ungipe an sistem PaiP air da aman lonrat ,4utoCad meng di atas c, Bayaran proses 8M100 aias d. Laporan j air bagi m benluk wang pos/ bank Z,4a s banounan dan PenqgLrnaan p eks perniagaan, Pembangunan rumah pangsa/bertingkat mengikut gar s dral berjumlah Syarikat Air NegeriSembilan Sdn. Bhd I sel MPN/B/KP-O].03 Butlr-bltir / Dokumen Yang Dlperlukan Bit 30.3.4 lndah Water Konsortium (WK) a. Pelan Rekabentuk Pemohon : Terperinci - 3 sel pelan (kertas) b. Laporan Kejuruteraan (bagi pembangunan nrelebihi 150 p.e) c. 2 set Borang SSA/PDC/3 yang lengkap diis d. Sa|nan surai pengesahan dari SPAN bagi Perund ng/ArklieldPelukis Pe an Berdaftar yang dilantik, diiktiral sebagai Orang Yang Beke ayakan (Qua ifled Person) 30.3.5 Tenaga Nasiona Berhad a oe ar Lohasi. Pelal SJsurarL 3 sel pelar 'aeras. yalg ada lohas oe_cawa.g E e\rri\ / T\8. Pelan Bangrla_ r,arg ada ,/ -eTrr.rk\a'.o\as Jargha -NB. oelal Pe'pa'ilan / oercawa.q Flekrik T\B 30.1.6 Pe'baoa.dr PergJ-Lsar Sisa Da_ oembe s l-d'r oeoeial A!r:n 1 set pe / al/ " / Nota: 1) / / Petan-pelan bangunan yang dilukis hend?f<tah mehggunakan sekil ltoo / ,/ 2) Saiz dan lormal pelan bangunan /endaklah mengikut saiz dan lomal yang ditetapkan (Ti e Blot* ) seperti di lamphan 3) Pelan-pelan hendaklah dis+1un menglkul no.luklsan, dilipal nemaniang (saiz A4) dan d/kepilkan seliap helaian pelan meniadi 1 set pelan sepertl dl lamp)ran ,/ osc / MPN,ts/KP-01-03 URUSEflA PUSAT SEEMPAT (osq, MAII.IS PERBNDARAN NILAI, LAMPIRAN PELAN BANGUNAN MPN/ts/KP-01-03 Jabalan Bangunan LAIUPIBAN A Majlis Perbandaran Nilai Peti Surat No. 52 71800 Nilai, NegerlSembllan. Te : 06 7989007 Fax:06-7S9840S TAJUK pEFMoHoNAN : Pm& ,lAN PELA\I BANAiIIN MGI CADAI\€pN SESJAIj 5i-E5D'] I\4INryM PEIKMS DI 19249, T/MN BAJOAR SBIAMNG, NEeRI SRAILAN MRUL IAAIM DAi\l |4E!YIAP ATAS LOT PT 23323, H.S.(D) NIJKIIi4 AVPA\GA\, DANA] SERNA K}ll-SLS I-IITIIK PEIRCN\LAS DAGA\GA.i BERI+D (NO.FAtL: :. Alamat Pemohon No. Telelon/iax DAGAFII BEH+D I$M LE![ 32, KUAI-A Ltt'Pl,R CITY , 0123313367 / Nama Arkiek/JurLlera Perundino Alarnai Perundino PEIRCNAS 1, PflRONAS TI,,IIN TO,IERS, CR{lm 50088 KUALA UTAUR. t3-21316632 : IO, 47D, JA-AN ORKID BIXIT SS'iIO6A, 4BI0 A, SKSYB{ BS2, RAMNG, SELA{GOR MRUL EISA\ Perkara Bit Bayaran Memproses Pelar beseda dengan Borang Pengjraan memproses pelan. b) Bayaran Deposit Kebersihan sebanyak B[,4500.00 seekar meng kul keluasan pembangunan yang lelba| (kecuali banglo sahaja). c) Bayaran Perr. t Kerja-Kerja Kecil Binaan beserla dengan Borang Pengjraan d) Bayaran [,lemproses pelan Struktur [/enara Pernancar beserta dengan Borarg Pengiraan ( bdgi pemohonan Menara Pemancar a) sahaja) Pemohon Urusetia ({) (i) E E z) E E E .Z r'r-l Sila sertakan Cek/ Wang Pos diatas namaYang Dlpefiua Mailis Perbardaran Nilai. Surai Ulasan Pemohonan Ke !lusan Pelan lnlrastruktLrr, Jalan, 2 Perparitan dan Kerjatanah daripada Jabatan Kejuteraan MPN pedu dikem!kakan. E E MPN/B/KP-01-03 hon Bir ^ " (i) (i) TPelan luklsan saiz A1 atau A0(1 set linen diwamakan keselutuhan dan 3 set kedas ( lemasuk pelan kepada Jabatan Percncang l Bandar & Desa. MPN I hanya pelan tapak di warnakan dan I henclahlah menqanclunqi : J. oe ar loiasi \a-g lenql^rp dengar rama.a ar da,l'a_la dise" arlya herdaa an di L,.L.aar de,lga,l lebil^ I a., I E E E E IE E E T E E E E E T] E E windaws E E se--lajadi ] f-l E Jala Peri,rci 3 2 2 A,.n nrn, ,rara oan kdar ^ dan aras raoaroar Lopak ara nrr.,"n"n ""diuao, oarr d alas lor ber^elaar da_ dilorlol val.g I deloa1 eoil- e oersonpadar. 3 I J 2.4 oelar. 325 l -t - l L I I I I Aran oeroa, ran a I orq^a_q oar ga'isa1_gari:3r erqkaob;g sa a rai' lercaklal dilrr.L"\ar o alas a_laraba']oJralvarqo If L-----Jl se-rpaoan;ya I r.2.6 Lokasi e-pat oe-brarqal sa'loal sepJsal IelJse Dimens dniakan d caoarqaal oergar I I f " | Pe'ar lapa. heloa\lah lengaap oergal o -J u1'ar : ,le.daklah d IL^.J(ka_ r -rasuh dar jaldr Llala l.2. I cramoer) dar bJtirar 3.2.6.I Per L me-asi<dr kebL\ sampdl- va'g di bira oaoa seliap Jn I'rnal- boleh ne-uaLl<ar saru r.nil rono samodl- berooa oar je1.s Voo Oarbaqe B r iVGB) berr'apasil l20 L er PedL salL Lr'l lo'q sa npah be'ooa dar' [,4oble GaoaqF Bir oor\aoos li 120 L e I I 325 2 I T----l I | | '\'4GB te' L ----] I L2., pelat lirel f J Penoesalar Juru{t' Ber esel di alas seliap Lapa: oag 3 ne ai oelar henas ddt I nelai oelan - 3.3 3.4 3.5 Pelan Lantai 3.6 JaduaL penglraan tingkap dan pinru 3.7 Jaoual pelqi aar pe-gLdaraa1 percana/aar \'Natu,al ighting and Ientila!ton calculatian ) Pelan Bumbung Pelan Keratan & Pelan Pandangan hendaklah dilengkapkan dengan aras bangunan, jalan, ketingg an bangunan dan kelingglan setiap Ungkat scheoul'1 ( Doot urusetia and I MPN/B/KP-O] -03 Perkara Bit - Bahasian I Seksyen 39 (1) & (2) l Kemasan lantai dan nama-nama setiap blik dalam bangunan, 3.9 Pelan Hoardlng', bangunan semenlara dan butiran 3.10 Pelan papan tanda meng kut spesifikasi Maj s 3.11 D agramatic Sanitary & Plumb ng Layout' 3. 2 Spes fikasi tang ki alr hendak ah d eng kapkan pem asangan T 'Mosquito netting dan perlu d nyatakan dl atas pelan 3.13 Sa uran 'soi pipe dan 'waste pipe' hendaklah di as ngkan sebe um disambungkan ke saluran palp pengudaraan. Paip pengudaraan hendak ah d raikkan ldak kLlrang daripada 914mm dar paras bumbung. 3.14 Kawasan lapang ot ol rurnah dan bahu jalan hendakah disedlakan 'spot turfino . 3.15 Kawasan bercerun me ebihi 3m tinggi hendaklah disediakan struktur penahan dan pelannya dan klraanya hendaklah dikemukakan. Kawasan bercerun melebjh 3m t nggi hendaklah dlsed akan struktur penahan dan pe annya dan kiraanya hendak ah dlkemukakan. 3.17 Tandas hendakah dinaikkan 'glazedwaIties' setinggi T524 mrn dan semua tandas jenis duduk hendakah disediakan dengan systern 'duali lshing system'. 3.18 Tandas dan kernudahan bagi orang kurang upaya hendaklah dised akan bagi bangunan awanr / klang / komerslal ({) (!) E E E E E E E E T E E E T E E E E T E E buka yang boleh nenbena*an laluan udata secara bebas dan tlelak teryanggu yang tidak kutang cla pada 5% .laipada keluasan lega lanlal Bilik yang dlgunakan untuk nenenpatkan pesakltpesaklt.!l hospital hendaklah dilengkpkan dengah pencahayaan semutajadi dan pensudaraan senutajadi melalul salu atau Ebih tingkap yang menpunyai jumlah keluasan tldak kurang 15%daipacla keluasan lega lahtal b lk ltu clan hendakJah mempunyairuang buka yang boteh nembenarkan lalauan udara secan bebas dan tilak tetganggu yang tielak kutang dat ipada 7 '"" darlpada keluasan lega tantai I UKBS 1984, 3.16 Uruselia Bagikedlanan, pemlagaan alau lainlain kecuali hospitaldan sekotah hen laklah dilengkapkan dengan pencahayaan sF-?'' clan pengudahan semulaladl melalui satu atau lebih tingkap yang nenPunyai junlah keluasan ticlak kurang 10% daripada keluasan lega lantal bilik itu dan hendaklah nenpunyal tuang - 3.8 Pemohon / nstitus n E MPN/ts/KP-01-03 Pemohon Bit ({) 3.19 Bagj sesuatu tangga, tinggi sesuatu anak tangga ilu hendaklah ldak lebjh daripada 180mm dar jejaknya tidak kurang daripada 255 rnm. 3.21 Nyatakan lebar kakilima / walkway dan hendakah tidak kwang darlpada 2.25 meter ( seksyen 38 [ 1 ] dan keper uan (seksyen 38l4l hendaklah dipatuh jika melibatkan perubahan kepada paras-paras disepanlang lorong jalan kaki 3.22 3.23 Detail ?ela ning wa l' lokasinya dan but ran kjraannya jika berkenaan Blrtian 'Dua Flush System' hendak ah dikemukakan bagi tandas duduk 4. 5. L!kisan pelan'pelan oangJrar 1erda"la,l oa am seki l dak (Jrarg dar 1 i 100 seki Setiap helaian lukisan hendakah mempunyai pengesahan Arklek / Perunding sepert ber kut : " Saya nemperakui bahawa detal-detatt .tatan pelan-pelan adalah menurut kehendak-kehendak UKBS (PBT,NS ) 1986dan saya setulu te na tunodundiawab Denuh denoan sewalanvE', 6. Pelan peLan hendaklah dtandatangani oleh pemiiktanah besena nama dan ro, kad pengenalan 7. 4 set pelan tapak saiz A1 ( 1 linen) yang menunjukkan okas bangunan seraenlara,'hoard ng'dan tempat cuc tayar kenderaan berat 8. 1 set pelan linen R.C beserta 1 sei pengiraannya besena Borang A darpadaJurutera Perunding Bertaullah hendaklah dikemukakan L Ke ulusan Pelan Landskap daripada Jabatan Landskap, [,4PN hendaklah d kemukakan sebe um mendapat CCC 10. 1 'sott copy submission' pelan da am iorrnal 'autocad untuk projek perumahan, klang dan tambahan kia.g sahaja 11 Salnan Pendaftran Syarkal, gorang 12. 13. Borang A (Jadual Kedua UKBS 1986) IVIAA & - l,lajls Borang 49. Perbandaran N ai hendaklah lengkap d isl beserta tarikh peiu dikemukakan Borang Pengesahan 60% Bahan Tempaian (Borang JKT/B/BT/1) dan Borang Anggaran % Penggunaan Bahan Tempatan - Borang JKT/B/BT/1 A hendaklah lengkap dilsi beseda tarikh perlu 11 Salinan Sijl Cariar Rasmi mengerai lot lanah alau surat_sulal ain yang be (a lar daripada oemLngJ. Hasi Taral. 15. Salinan cukaitanah terkinl yang te ahpun diielaskan Uruselia ({) E E E E t] E E E E E T tl E E E E E E E T E ft E E E E n E E E E E MPN/B/KP.OI.O3 Bit /\L 17. 18. Pemohon (i) Urusetla (i) E E E @ E T] Salinan resil cukai taksiran ( sekiranya berkailan ) yang te ahplrn dijelaskan. (Jika tiada sila alapatkan suftt pengesahan da pada Jabatan Penilaian, MPN) Bayaran denda diatas kesalahan nrendirikan Bangunan tanpa kebenaran YDP (Sekiranya berkaltan ) Tanah ini hendaklah memil ki hak milik lndividu atas nama pemohon sebelum kelulusan'CCC' BAGI PEEMOHONAN KILANG BARU OAN TAMBAHAN KILANG SYARAT.SYARAT TAMBAHAN BERIKUT HENDAKLAH DIPATUHI Bit Pemohon Perkara (i) Hanya salu p nlu maslk d benarkan bagi satu oi kjlang kecual kilarg yang d bina mellbatkan ke uasan lanah lebih daripada 2 ekar. 2. 3. Buliran bilik sembahyang dengan abo ution' hendaklah diaslrgkan bagi lelaki dan wanita. Bilik makan pekerja atau kantin. Keiinggian bangunan tidak kurang daripada 3 meter bagi kilang ( 3 meter headroom ). 5. Kemudahan orang kurang upaya hendaklah disediakan. 6 'Srbsiailon TNB' h-andaklah dib ra dibelakang bangunan kilang ( merujuk kepada keputusan Malis Masyuarat Keraiaan Negeri NSDK, bedarikh 25hb lvlac 1996. L1 1 set Pelan struKu linen (RC plan) bangunan dan kiraan hendaklah cllkemukakan oleh Jututen Perunding beserta BoQng A sebelun kela blnaan bangunan dinulakan. 1.2 Tanah ini hendaklah nen lkl hak inclividu atas nama pemohon sebelun kelulusan CFO. E E E E E Urusetia (i) ft T E E E E tl MPN/B/KP-01-03 1. FEE BAGI BANGUNAN BARU KADAR BAGI TIAP.TIAP 9M LUAS LANTAI BAYARAN ( meter Persegi) MINIMA 2 JUMLAH PERSEGI Tingkat bawah Tlnqkat pertama RM 7.00 RN/ 6.00 RN/70.00 R[.t 60.00 TLnghal kedua RM 5.00 F[/ s0.00 Tingkat ketiga R[,4 4.00 RM 40.00 Tingkat keempal RM 3,OO FM 30.00 FILl3.00 R[/ 30.00 L50 RM 15.00 '1748.30 & keatas Tlrgkat tanah tingkat bawah (selain bawah ianah terbuka ) Tingkat bawah Rt\,4 RM 748,30 JUMLAH Bangunan 2.1 Bilanqan 2.2 Banounan Pertama (100%) =RM I =RM : Bangunan 2-5 (4 bangunan)i =RM Bayaran Penuh x Bll. Bangunan x 90% 90% Bangunan Keenam dan I Bayaran Penuh x Bil. Bangunan x 85% Kesepuluh 2.5 2.6 Bangunan Kesebelas Dan : Bayaran Penuh x Kedua Pu uh Lima Bll =RM Bangunan x 75% =FIN/] Eangunan Kedua Puluh : Bayaran Penuh x Bil. Bangunan x 60% Enam dan Seterusnya JUI/LAH =Rl\'4 m 2. MPN/C/KP-01-03 FEE BAGI TAMBAHAN DAN UBAHAN BANGUNAN KADAH tsAGI LUAS LANTAI ( meter persegi) TIAP-TIAP 9M BAYARAN MINIMA PEBSEGI RM 3.50 Tingkal bawah ,/ RM 3s.a// RN/l.oo Tingkat pertama R[,4 3.00 Tingkat kedua Rl\,4 2.50 Tingkat ket ga RM 2.00 Tingkat keempal RM 1.50 RM 15.00 RM 1.50 FlN.,1 / w 25.04 RM 2A.OA & keatas Tingkat lanah ( tingkat bawah selain 15.00 bawah tanah terbuka ) RM JUI\,'ILAH . 1 ktAan hendaktah dtbuaynabs bahasian tinqhat vane te tbat sahala. PerJbard,l <epaoa ga'is9lhaoamr dan pe a" legak 2.1 Perubahan lepq/gar x/ ,/" 22 Petubana/ iepada r RNI 18.00 'FI/19d0r sanhadapan I:rokal pelar tegaB lalan .rq\al\ - qtul -aM 2.3 Peqehffi bahag an bilk-blik t,Ftrlzsoo' -1o<ar, -RlV JUMLAH MPN/B/KP-01-03 FEE BAGI PERI\,IIT SEMENTARA KADAR BAGI ITEM l BAYABAN JUMLAH UNIT RM 50.0o/sehar l.Bangsal urluk Dertuniukkan 2.Tempat Sembahyang R[./ 20 oo/sehari 3.[/eletakkar bahan-bahar RM 18.00/per m2 Lntuk sebulan bangunan alas ja an pihak kebenaran dengan PBT 4.Stor, Kabin RN,4 100.00/6 bulan Perancah yang didirkan di atas ialan 6.Pelantar kerja, kerja berangka, platform alau 5. slruktur 6 tulan RM1m.m 1 Tahun R450.m RNI 5.oo/sebu an RM 50.00/sebu an sementaTa daripada apa'apa jenis yang didi kan di atas bumbung bersempadan T.Papan tanda projek LPapan (Hoard rg alau RIV 50.00/setahur dendeng ) di atas ja an lorong- orong jalan RlM 3.00/per m 230-378 x 3 R1691.20 kaki JUMLAH BM o,, ." MPN/B/KP-01-03 Yang Benar s,t;rY*q IB,BASHIR AI]AMED BIN MII Nama No, Pendaitaran %;ilt Cop Rasmi UNTUK KEGUNAAN PEJABAT Nama Penerima Jawatan Tarikh I : \.P\RKP.,01 >4< i#i "(w UNDANG.UNDANG KECIL BANGUNAN SERAGAM BERKUASA TEI\'1PATAN, NEGER SEMB LAN) 1986 (P HAK ) BOFANG A PERAKUAN PELAN.PELAN BANGUNAN/STRUKTUR ( Bag Endorserne'r atas pe an-pe an !ntLJk d kemukakan ufiLrk dilu Lrskan IUNDANG-UNDANG KEC L 3 Yang (r )(C ) DAN 16 (2 ) )l D pertLra Majls Perbandaran Niai T10sa Nilar. Saya memp€rakui bahawa detal'detaii daam pe an pe SEBUM SIESEN I.4INYAK P 0lDiNGnN lE\tslM DA\ .I4A'IYIAPKAI'I M.iAS DI AT;15 . ]!Fl an a tu !88!Lq\ .AR!.r({ ....rnrnn. .r.{l,!-qtt. c flliQg. . ""q, ada ah menurut kehendak-kehendak LJndang Undang !g$li4...|,1q,. l!l'(lll.lwAqr!, DAERAf] sRE\tsa1, .Tlp'$ 4q$ A-\ 9tr14p, Kec Bargunan Se.agam (Pjhakberk!asa Tempatan l..leger Semblan) 1986 dan saya setllLr terima langg u nglawab penrh dengan #6"i,"g r,r#6',n"l.*r : lB: 9N|rlB.AM-!0- MIDEs,,r NADI CONSULT ERA SDN. BHD. No: 47D, Jalah oikld 28, 8t2 CIVIL crvrL \? "e--e%\ \S/ - IR.BASHLB AHAI,IED '' ''' Kelas Seksyen BS2, Bukil Senlosa, 48300 Rawangt'Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : 03.6028 4507 Fax : 03-6028 4607 ' Pat c. g y arg n ar a iid.k b et k..aer. BN I,IA]DEEN ?iK* @nnayoanx EIANKEFT'S CHEGILIE , ,-"--'i:' -:'' Ls* ".* *t OATE : d'EEEA trF oRDEF FM ="*******7,tr3 - 3+ Fo. MALAYAN BANK NG BERHAD . fiT=&,!4t:rT:Il'6* . r:0 0 [.O (=lrD H MOHO SHAH lr,BLq[. ??. IeO5lr] O0B0????? ?rL' 0 t llllaylran k EIANKEFIIS CHEOUE t6;ndlffl ,1 .' .:" -,-4 ,-/ ii pF 006iOO (SGC) DD/MM'"/Y dtEt^ otr oRDEF *.p.,ayt,i:,;. E S F NcGrr FIM **s***+*:scc, d +c Fo. MALAYAN BANKING BEFHAD i aFLSAN l:OO ll'O l l8l8[' rN . irrt*rtnuT$lr6r . oois'oo lSGc) I?" lt05]rl O0E0????? ?, nt @naaszrranr ii i PA, aurhonsed srgn6t4Siil sH^H BANT<EFI'S CHE(TUE 41E'EJ' ^.. F ff FLNGGIT'i:l)t:i.,li,r.:tilu iltii iii: ::l1. l*;tN ADl lfF oFDEtr tM *********g1l . ?a, Fo. MALAYAN BANKING BEEHAD tA0ijhon sed s aBrsAN Nr r:OO rrOll.85OL' s.4ture6l Mo$! sHAt{ . *i=aftstrf:It 6+ .,."*_***-**"tfipal{ Fr 006{00 I?" l I0 5lt: OOEO??????' {scc) Oa CONSLILT N-{DI CON-SLII-T FRA SDN BHD.*,;: v Ru . Kani l\ADIERAi luan Tarikh Ruj. Il0liA\I (l) F._- : : ]1{TANGAN DAN KEfuI' I 1shb. N1ei. 201I . ,\I --"1 SEBAGAI BUKTI PEI Yarg Diferlua. Vajlir Perbander.rn Nilai, P.!i Sura! 41. Pcrsiaran Pusat Bandar, lan Penraldl. 7l t00 Nilai. Negeri Sembllan Darul Khusus. (L'/P: .Iabatan K€ju ruteraan) t:r'- "":":""*"-' "':::':l j TLlan. PIRXIOIIONAN P[L-{N KERJA TA\AH DAN IN}'RASTRUKTUR B-A.CI CIDA\CAN MENIBINA DA\ T-ENYIAPKAI SEBUAH STESEN NIINYAK PritRoNAs Dl ArAS LOT PT 23J2t, H.S.(D) 192,19, TANTAN tlANr)AR SENA\\'ANG, }IUKI}I -4.NIPANGAN, DAERAH SfRENIBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN DARUL KHUSUS UNTUK PITRON-,\,S DAGANGAN BIRIIAD. - PER lOHONAN KELULIJSAN PELAN KERJA T-4.r"AH DAN INFRASTRLKTUR NlerLr.juk kepada perkara di etas, adal:rh dimrklunka bebewe pihak kAmi telah drl.rntik ini discriakan sepcrii bcrikui ul)iuk kelulusan sebagei Jurulera Perunding Bersana-sirma pihak tuan: l) IiSx (l) FerenggLL pela ternrasuk lincn bersiri \ADIERAiI l0ii RDI lringga NADIERAil l0li RD5 dan NADIERAi t l0j"!$ I hingga NADl!RA,'L 10ilENl 2) Sesalinan surat perlnohonrn Borang j) ,i) 5l 6) 7) 8) 9) l0) ll) l2r ll) Kl tang ditandelangani oleh JurLrrera Perunding bersefid (senerai senrakan butiran pelan kerja tllnah dan infiastruktlrr) S€selinan sijil pcrakuan pendaflaran sebagai Sesaiinan sijil Jurutere Profesional. perakuan pendallaran syarikaL. Sesalinan carian rasmi Ba)aran proses pela| b.rjumlah RlU6.1l..l0 berseru borrn.q \1. (rf,,. cek: lBB 014852), Se:jxlinaf resir cukdi len.lh bagi rahun 2011. Sesalinan resir cukai takiiran bagi lehun 201L Sesalinar borang Kl din K.+ (pengcsaheo daripada Jururera Perund Sesrlinan'soti col)- dalam beniuk iulocad 2000 Sesrlinar 'Po\\er Al,lorney (PA)' Du! (:) ielinar pengirean rekrbentuk ternbok penehan Dua (ll \r salinao pcngiraan hidraulik (iistem jalen & perperitan) r7D Ja:i -{ C H EAD d 2E r6!3.4i2$at0i ] OHOR BRANCN E iia. r..rriiq;d-rnir.rr OffICE: *( o|i;w:/s ffi ,+f Dn (2) salinan pengiraan perangkap kelodak (sill lrap) untuk kerja tanah yang terliba!. ]5/ Sesalinan sura! perakuan terima langgungiawab unruk kestabilan tembok penahan. -L6l Sesalinan laporan pengiraan rekabentuk slruklur. l7) Tiga (3) salinan pelan ukur. Kerjasama dan kelulusan awal daripeda pihak tuan adalah sangat diharapkan. Sekian. terima kasih. Yang benar, NADI CONSIJI,T ERA SDN. BHD. R AHAMED MAIDEEN) s/k :- Pelronas Dagangan Berhad, Level 32, Tower 1, Petronas Twin To!vers, Kuala Lumpur Cily Centre, 50088 Kuela Lumpur. (U/P i En. Kamarul Ariflin M Sobry) Dua Medan Construction Sdn. Bhd. No. 2, Jalan Cendana 2, Tanan lvluhlbbah, 42700 Ba ing, Selangor Darul Ehsan. (U/P: Y. Bhg. Dato' Hsji Nordin Selamat) HEAD OFfICE: e. tiS2 Butrserl.ta i330a liawai.J Sel3lqo/rl3ru:rrsei Tc' +li03.11023450/ Far a6C3.6023a607 Ema nad @nad cor 3u I ..r, .m3r i'rsa 9e ,, !.,y, E ma sJ200 a3nd:r Nusaraya iad lbaditd cols! I.on E tr.r n.d r@Md.o,.,I-r CADANGAN MEMBINA DAN MENYIAPKAN SEBUAH STESEN MINYAK PETRONAS DI ATAS LOT PT 23323, H.S.(D) 19249, TAMAN BANDAR SENAWANG, MUKIM AMPANGAN, DAERAH SEREMBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN DARUL KHUSUS UNTUK PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHAD PENGIRAAN REKABENTUK STRUKTUR NADI CONSULT ERA SDN. BHD. NO. 47D, JALAN ORKID 28, SEKSYEN BS2, BUKIT SENTOSA, 48300 RAWANG, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN TEL: 03 6028 4507 FAx 03 6028 4607 E-mail nad @nad consu Lcom CAWANGAN JOHOR: NO 148, JALAN JATI 1 TAI\4AN NUSA BESTAR JAYA, 81200 BANDAR NUSAJAYA, JOHOR BAI]RU, JOHOR DARUL TAKZ I/] A7-51217A7 FAx:07 512 27A7 E-mail nadi b@nadico nsult conr lEl CAWANGAN PULAU PINANG: PMT D G 07 JALAN PRAIUIAIMA4 TAMAN PRAIUTAMA 13600 PRAt PIJLAU PINANG PULAU [,1UTiARA TEL 04-390 2707 F!x: A4-397 2707 E-mall nad p@nadiconsult com www.nadiconsu t.conl CADANGAN MEMBINA DAN MENYIAPKAN SEBUAII STESEN MINYAK PETRONAS DI ATAS LOT PT 23323 HS(D) 19219, TAMAN BANDAR SENAWANG. MUKIM AMPANGAN. DAER{I{ SEREMBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN DARUL KHUSUS. STAT]ON MINYAK CANOPY STEEL DESIGN Purlin Desiqn Span = 4425 mm Size = Zxx = 44.3 cmr Ixx = DL = 0.5 kN/mr (RooD 0.s (r.22) 0.61 kN/m LL = 0.25 kN/m1(Roo0 0.2s (1.22) 0 Design load = 1.4 (0.61) 150 x 65 x 20 x 3.2 mm thk @ 1220 mm c/c. i32 'C' Channel purlin cma Loadine + r.6 3l kN/m (0.31) = L35 kN/m n = 1.3 5 kN/m vvwvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv!vv 4.42s 1 'l m >'/ r,rvrl \7r CIVIL IN. BASH]R AHAI,{ED BiN M]4JDEEN %-tr'Y Desiqn 1. Nfomeni rnar = 1.35 i1.125) 8 = 3.30 : lo . ...r "ir. l -rr =215!(41iri0) = lAi h\m 12.1E LNm > = 2.27 De0eclion )oK 510.31) 141251 184(205x10 Allowable kNm - l_ o-r ' Derl-it,n = ,1. 3.30 = ) (3l2tl0 ) nm L1361) = 1125/'360 = l:.3mm > 22lmm )O.K I Beam Desisn (Beam 1) Spart =8.5m Size = 45? D = 457.2 mm t = 9.1 mm x 191 x 74 kg/n ttB. Ixx Zxx = 1461 cm Dead Load Beam-selfload Purlin = = = 74 kg/m x 740 N/m 0.74 kvn Load = = - Beam + Purlin l0 3.2 kg/in x 8.5 m 2',7.2 ke 0.272 = kN/rn A.'74+A.272 ActualDesign Dead (Considered per meter run lor the whole beam area) - 1.012kN/m Load = 1.012kN/m= 8.5 m Actuai Design Life Load = 0.25 kN/m' 0.12 kN/m'? Suseested Load Dead T oad 0. s( E.5il +8.5/2) 1.25 kN/n Life 0.25 (8.si2 +8.5i2) 2.1: kNln Design load 1..1(,1.25) + 1.6(2.1l) 9.:16 kNi nr n = 9.3 6 kNrm 85m Desiqn = 9.36 r8.5) 8 = 84.5 kNm 2. Moment capacity - Py Zxt = 275 x 1161 110 84.5 kNm = 101.8 kNm 3. AclLEIDeflection = 5 rvl-r = 5 /3 84 o.K ) o.K EI 12.13) (8s00) 184 ( 205 = 2.12 4. Allowable deflection + x 10 )( 33388 r 10 ) mt11 = l./360 = E500/360 = 5. Shear lv 21.61 = 9.36 mm (8. > 2.12nlm s) 2 =3978k\ 6. Shear Capacity , Pv =0.6PyrD = 0.6 (2?s) (9.1) (457.2) = 686.5 kN > 39.78 kN + O.K I Beam Design (Be,rm 2) Span = 8500 nlm Size = 305 x 165 x 5,1kgim L]B. D = 310.5 mnr I - Ixx = 11?00 cm Z\x = 7.7 mm l5l cm = n I 5.14 kN,m 1 Loadinq DL = 0.i kN/m' = 2.13 TOTAL TOTAL + (RooD 0.s ( 8.5/2 ) ]}r'hl SL = 54Kg/rn x 9.81/1000 = 0.53 kN/m DL = 2.13 kNin - 0.53kN,m = LL = 0.25 kN,rn' LL = DesignLoad,n = l.:1(2.66) 1.06 + 0.25 ( 8.5/2 ) kr\/tr = 5.14 kN/ln + 1.6(1.06) 2.66 kN/m ._ Desjsn l. Moment max 8 = 41.12 2. Moment capacity kNr, Zn =Py =275x753x10 = 207.1 L Acrual Deflection kNm > 41.12 kNm + O.K = 5 \\rL4 /38181 =5 (1.0) f8500) 381( 205 x l0rl( I17001 l0 r ) = /,.llmr|, 4. Allowable deflection = L/360 = 8000/360 = 22.22 5. Shear Fr mm > 222mn ) O.K = 5.14 (8.5) 2 6. Shear Capacity , Pv 21.85 kN = 0.6 Py t D = 0.6 (275) (7.7) (310.5) = 39s kN > 21.85 kN + O.K I Beam Desisn (Beam 3) nm SPan = 3000 Size = L52x 1521i7 kg/rn L]B. D = 161.8 mnt t = 8.1 mm Ixx = 2213 cm ZL\ = 214 ctn n = 2.56 kNi'm w\1.!1.\lwll wwwrv\1'ww\vrv\1'wwwww 1 :.on 'l Loading t)I = 0.5 kN/m' + (Rool0.5 ( 3.0, ) = 0.75 kN/n 9.81/1000 = 0.16 kN/m = 0.75 kN,h + 0.36kN,/rn = 1.ll kN/m = 37kg/m x SL TOTAL DL LL TOTAL = 0.25 LL Design load, kNtn' -:' 0.25 ( 3.0/2 ) = 0.38 kN/nt n =1.4(1.11) = 2.i6 kNr'nr + 1.6(0.38) Delr-gl L Moment max fi.0l = 2.56 8 = 2.88 kNm 2. Moment capacity =Pl Zxx =275 x 7i3 = 207.1 3. Actual Deilection xlo kNm > 2.88 kN'm + O.K = 5 wL4 /384 EI = 5 {{J.3S) 13000) 384 ( 205 x r0 r)(2213 x 101) = 0 088 mnl 4 Allowable defleciiorr = l./160 = 3000i360 = 8.33 5. Shear lv mm > 0.088nnl )O.K = 2.56 f3.0) 2 =384kN 6. Shear Capaclty, Pv = 0.6 Py r D = 0.6 (275) (7.7) (310.5) = 195 kN > 384kN +OK COLUN/D] DESIGN aC1) Size = 200 x 100 x 6.3 R]]S 7.11cm rr = 4.14 cm P\ = l7S Sx = Z\ = 231 cm i85 cm Analysis: DL LL CollLrdn Loading = = Weight= 3.0 kN/n 1.5 kN/m 1.5 kN/m : Delretrlra!fl@r-lsadlllc Been Left & Beam Right Beam lefi DL = LL Beam Righr 3.0 x i.5 x 3.0, x 3.0/2 = 23.6i kN = = 1.5x1.5x3.0i2x3.0/2 DL = LL = = 11.E1 kN 3.0 x i.5 I t.0/2 x 1.0/2 23.63 kN 1.5x1.5x3.0/2r3.0/2 ll 8l kN 10 Axial Load at section: fc \ .4 (11 .26) + 1 .6 (23 .62) 103.96 kN Effective Heisht : Lex = Le), 0.85 L 0.85 (s030) 4276 mn Siendemessi Lex 1216 '7 .11 x l0 60 )"! = tey rj- = 4276 4.1,1x = l0 103 Comoressive Strenetl'r: Pcx 239 N/nn 153 N/mm 153 N/mm AgPc = 15:1 x 36.0 x 10 551 kN 11 Nominal Moment : (D/2)+100 (200/2)+100 200 mm Total moment for floor x-direction (B/2)+100 (100/2)+100 150 mm Toral noment for first floor 1-direction [1.4 (17.26) + 1.6 (23 62)] x (200 x 10 20.'79t2 l0 10 kNm Ll.4 (47.26) + 1.6 (.23.62)l x (1501 10 NIv 15.60 78kNm Buckline resistance moment. Mbs i 0.5(L/!) !_r 0.5 ( 5030/4.14 x 10 ) 60 Bendins Streneih : 213 N/rnm t2 = 213 :i 231 = 49 kNnr I l0 ) (Fc,/AgPc)+(MlMbs)+(\1y !Zx) < - (101.96/s5l) + (1010/49) + = 0.:10 s l (l8r275rlt5) l Thereibre 200 x 100 { 6.3 (Rectangular Hollo$ Section, RHS) sectior is adequate ll NADI CONSULT ERA SDN BHD CADANGAN [,lENlBiNA DAN lr/]ENYIAPKAN SEBUAH STESEN lvllNYAK PETRONA D ATAS LOT PT 23323 HS(D) 19249, TAI4AN EANDAR SENAWANG, rviUKrl,l SEREMBAN NEGERI SEI/]BILAN DARUL KHUSUS DE5]CN Job I Loading Desiqn Load = (1.4 L= Dead Load = 7.20 kN/m: Lrfe Load = 4 OO kNlm'? Ded Load + 1.6 Lie x L = 49.440 kN,/m 25.00 Jo ., = Momenr wL'/3 = 55.62 kNm Mar = 0.156 i.ubd? As Actua Deae.lio. A awable Defeaion = [Nm :>OKl (useBFcAl0-2Lryat 26 From Tab e 3 r0 26 L 55.620 243 75 =it\ ATljZ = 6l/ 69 = L/d = NEi 1103 Date r MAY 2011 Data Momenr No > 1200 l.5dx2 r 0 rqs N/mm? =>oKl MPN/ts/KP-01-03 UNDANG.UNDANG KECIL BANGUNAN SERAGAM ( PIHAK BERKUASA TEN,IPATAN, NEGERI SEI\,1BILAN) 1986 ) BORANG A PERAKUAN PELAN.PELAN BANGUNAN/STRUKTUR ( Bagi Endorsemen atas pelan-pe an untuk dikemukakan untuk d uluskan ) IUNDANG-UNDANG KEC|L 3 ( 1 ) ( C ) DAN I 6 ( 2 ) l rat kh :.1.E.W?9.11 Yang D pertua. Majls Perbandaran Nilai 71800 Nilai. Saya rnemperakul bahawa detail delail da am pelan pe an ia tu CADA\GAN I€IBIM DA\ I'E,iY IAPKAN SBIJAH STTSB.i I'1IMM PEIRCNNS DI ATAS,..H.5(D)..19.?4.9...........seksyen..:.......-...-...'.. ,...^ IEGRI sEEl-A\ g$l! ltllsl{ . . T/MN BA\DAR SB\LMNG, IIJKIII4 A!PAI,{GA\, DAERAH o"q. pEm0,As SEtsAII, qA!4lq! qq{q, adaiah menurul kehendak-kehendak Undang lJndang Kecil BangLlnan Seragarn (Pihakberklasa Tempalan, Nege Sembian) 1986 dan saya seiuju te matanggungiawab penuh dengan sewajarnya. Nama A amat No. Pendaltaran IR. BA+IIR A]+I'@ MIDEB{ . ' NADI'""No. CONSULT ERA SDN, BHD. 470;Jiilaii Orkid 28, 8772 : Seksyen BS2. Bulll Sentosa, 48300 Rar,(EnE, Selefqor Datul Ehsan Fax: 03'6028 4607 I:l :93.91?9.199,1 'P.tang yang nana tidak betkenaan. 6fhR R,BASNIF AHA|,4ED BIN illAIDEEN ?iK'9 t! 1 i ,_, !. r, .'- ,,t4 t\ - 1..3t{1ti.l at:a.tlt} ApnrirliaN ,132d.r::rltNOirar 11L, r :t ,.rai/i! Ltra. :: : Ruj Kami taRLr.r:;ri a,,rr !at.,i\aaP !AlttL !: \IKSK,NADTI]RA] I IOI /A N'I T]] Ruj. l LLan .l arlkh lJruseira 03hb. Mei,2011 DAN KEMBALIK AN sEBAGAI BUKTI PENERIMAA''I irre rexoereNceN i"r iui'n itt PLrsal SeLenpat, Niajlis Perbrndaran Nilai, Peti Surat 5:. Persiar.rn Pusat Bandar. Tandaiangan Pel]errma 71300 Nilai, Pl:1T \_egeri Sembilan Darul KhLlsus (U/Pi Jabat:rn Landskap) Tarikh S.:;\\ ritat : Tuan, PtrR}IOHONAN PtrL--\N LANDSKAP B.{GI CAD DAN }{E\YIAPKAN SEtsUAII STESEN IIINYAK PE IRO\.\S D PT 23323, H.S.(D) 19249, TAN1AN B,{ND.\R SENA\\ANG, }'IT]KIM AXIPANGAN, D-A.ERAH SEREI\II]AN, NEGERI SEIItsTI,A\ DARUL KH{;SUS T]NTUK PETRONAS DACANGA\. BtrRHAD. . P I'R}IOHONA:,J KILULUS.A.N PEL.\r.' N{erujuk kepada perkoro di atis. adalrh dinaklumkan bahowa pibak kami lclal) dilentik sebagai Ju tere PerlLndins. Bcisalne,sema ini disefrakan sepcrli bcrikut unluk kclLrlusan pihak tuan:- l) Lmpal (1) perenggu pelen termasuk linen bersirl NADIERAi 10l9,,LSl hingga NADIERA/ I I0]r'LSl berraiz A1. 2) Enpal Jjtf perenggu pelan bersiri NADIER.{,'10:9rLSl hingga NADIERAILt0t/LSl bersdiz A3 i) Sesalinan sijil pendafiaran Arkjtek .1) Sesalinan sijil pendaiirran Slrrik.rt Arkitek Landslat. \) Bavalan memproses pelan berjumlah R,\150.00 6) Borang senarei semakan fermohonan bagi pelan 1alldskap )anc ielah dipcnulrisikan LanJskap. Kerjarama dan keluLusa ewal daripadd pihtk tuan adalab sansat drharapkan Sekian. terima kasih Yang benar. ARKITLK L.{NDSKAP ,o'L/ (ROZITA BINTI ISHAK) 8;',^t t. Ie a; w{. y*-4* Vk :- Prtronrs Dar!ngrn Berhad. Level ll. lo\!er l. F.r.onas [r\'in I o\.fs. Kuala Luinpur Cit) Cent|e. j0038 Kuala Lunpur. (L,/P I En, Krmrrul Ariffin ]I S0brI) Dua !J.dar Cor\trucrion Sdn Rhd. \o. 2. J.1m Cleideie l. Iamin NluliIbah, .11100 Harlin{. Selengor (I:,/Pr \. Dflrl tshg. Fhsar Drto' H:rji Nordin Sehmrt) Nidi a'onsuh Fra Sdr llhd.. No. 1,-D, Jrlan Orkid lB, Scks!c:r BSl. Bukir Senlosa. 13i1)ll Rana g. Selaigor Dar.rl Ehs,u. (ll.P: Ir. Illshir Ahamed N{aideen) DAGAHGAN 'i.i-, ,; " q _.,i|-J THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 MALAYSIA PI,JBLIC COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES MEMORANDUM ANU ARTIGLES OF ASSOCIATION OF FETRONAS DAGANGAS\I BERHAD lncorporated on Sthday ofAugusi 1982 Reorinted after incorporaufc ailthe amendments made to lMemoiandlnr znd Ariicles oi As3aciatinn p.3sed on 2'1'lanuary r!94 6 August2001,10 Jyly 2007 and 27 Julv 2010 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 MEMORANDI.JM OF ASSOCIATION OF PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHAD The name ofthe Cornpany is 'PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERIIAD The reg stered office of the Company will be situated if [,4a]ays a The objects forwhich ihe Company is established are (1) To carry on the business of acquiring, impoding expodin!l storng, ppirgo' otherwse transportng, distrbuting, rnarketing dealng in buyng and sel ng petroleum, oils natural gas iquefied ratural gas, coa rretals and other minerals and hydrocarbon substances of every kind and a I krnds of prodLrcts and by-products derived from the foregoing or any of them (21 To prospect, explore for bore, dril, mine, produce, cxtr'act, explot, retine, distill, compound, ireat, process. nanufaciure producis afd by products from pipe, store, transport, buy, sell transfer disiribute, supply and othcrwrsc dcai in, petroleurn crlde oil natural gas coal, metals and other minerals and hydrocarbon substances of every kind and their products and by prodlrcts of any kind whatsoever. (3) To puTchase, take on ease ot exchange, or acqlrire by conveyarce grafl licence, lease mineral deed, royalty, conlract, concession, franchis-- optiorr ol othe.wise, any right ttle, interest or estate in and under any lands rn Nlaiaysi.r and the submarine area in the region thereof, or in and Lrnder any other tards and submarine area over which l\,4alaysia rnay exerc se jufsd ction irroluding rights to exp ore, prospect for, bore, mne and dig for, win get, obiain end extract peiroleLtm, oil, natural gas, coal meias, mrnerals and other tnineral and hydrocarbon substances thereunder 14) To provide ior any company engaged or having an intercsl in eny branth of the petro eum, coa and mrneral lndustry advice, services laci hes and asslstance in connecuon with any bLlsiness carred on or proposed lar bc carried on by them or otherwise for the advancenent of their inicrcst (5) To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, build and construct upon develop hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal prcpedy and afy riqhls oi priv leges oa interest which the Company may think necessary convenient or desirable with reierence to any of these objects and capable of being profiiably dealt $th in connection with any of the Company's buslness or businesses, propedy or righis ior the time being and in particuiar any land buldings, ir'rsta lations, easements. concessions, patents, palent .ights or rights of an analogous character, whether Malaysian or foreign licerces genera or specal farms or larrned privileges, nronopolies, secret processes, trade marks. copyrighis, pant irnplements tools patents of all knds anLi sto.k in rrade (13) To enter into contracts agreenrenls and arran!crnents wLlr any otlll::ir company, whether n l\4alaysqal ir a y other part of ihe w{rr d, for lh€ carry ng out by such other company on behalf of the Comp:lny of any of the objects for whlch the Coffpany is fonned (14) To establish and maintaln or p ocure the establshmeft afil oiarnlerirnce of any non-contrrbutory or coftiblrtory pension provjdent or superafruaton funds for the benefit of, and to grve or procure the giving ol dofaLrofs gratuities, pensions, allowances or emouments to rny pcrsons who :rr.r or were at any time in the empoymeft or seryice of tho C.mpany or its predecessors in business or ol any company which is ;r sLrbsrdirry of trc Cor.pany or is allied to or associated with the Cornpany or wilh any sLrch subsidiary company, or who are or were at any tirne Directors or officers of the Company or of any such prcdecessors or other company as aforcsaid and the wives, widows families and dependents of afy sLrch persons, and a so to establish and subsjd se or subscribe 1,r any insLitutims. cLrbs o fufds calculated to be for the benefit of or to advance the interests and we I b{-.irg of the Company or of any slch other cornpany as aforesaid or crf any slch persons as aforesald, and to make afy paynrents for or towilrds ihe insurance of any such persons as afoTesaid, and to sLLbscribe or guaraftee inofey for charitable or benevo ent objects or for afy exhlbit on or for any publ c gencral or uselul object afd to do any of the maltels aforesaid eihcr aonc or in conjunction with any such other company as aforesa d (15) To pramote any company for the pueose of acquirinll al .r.rrry oi th-. propertres and iab lities of th-- Company or for any olher pLrpose whl.h rnny seem d rectly or indirect y calculated to benefit or prorfole the purposes of the Company. (16) Genera ly to acquire any propefty of any kind or any nterest lhere n and any rights which the Company may think necessary or convenrent for lhe puryoses of lts business and to improve, manage, develop. exchange. lease. mortgage dispose of, sell or otherwise Lurn io account afy slrch propcrty, nlcrcsL or rights. (17) To invest, or otherwise deal with the moneys of the Cofipafy upon slrch securlty or without security and in such manner as may from t mc to t me bc d (18) ete n'. ined. Subject to any siatutory prohibltion. to lend mofey to sucir pctson afd of su.h terms as may seem expedieni and ln particular to cusiomers and others having dealings wjth the Conrpany and to guaraniee, or en!,a!l-a as s!.curites for the peformance of contracts, undertakings, respons biities. or liabilities ol any person, f rm or company bLt not to carry on the bus lress ol a regrstered money-lender. (19) To borrow or raise money and 10 secure or discharge any dcbt or ob rgaton ot or binding on the Company n such a manner as may br. thought lit lor the purpose of the Company and ior the purpose of ra s ng or secur ng money or any other purpose, to issue any rnoftgages debentures or debentore stock. perpetua or otherlvise bonds, letters of hypothecat on or ief or obligations of the Company, either at par, prem urn or discount, and either redeemable cr irredeemable, or perpetual secured upon all or any pari of the Lrnderiak ng, revenLre rghts and property of ihe Company. present and fuiure, ncluding uncalled capitaL or the unpaid cals of the Company, and to exchange or vary from time to time any such secufites, and to purchase redeem or pay oll any such securltres. (24) To remunerate any person, frrrn or company for seNices rendered or io be rendercd in piacng, or asslsting to place. or gua€nteeiig the plac!ng or procuring ihe underwriting of any of the shares oT debentures or other securiUes of the Corfpany or of any cornpany in which this Cofipany may be interested or propose to be nterested or in or about the conducl of the business of the Company, wheiher by cash payment or by the allotment of shares or securities of lhe Company, credited as paid up n fLrll or in part otherwise. 3 (30) Todoall or any of the above thifgs nlVaaysiirafdinanyothlrrpartLrl th. world, eithel as princlpa s, agents contraclol5 tflrst,-es or otherw se ,nd by or through trustees. agenis sLrb-contraclors, corporaton orolhen!se aod erthcr aione or in conjuncUon wth others, afd to procurc thc Company to bc reg stered or recogn sed in any foreign c.runtry or p n.e {31) To dislribute any of the propeny oltho ajorllporry n spedie or kirrd anronq thc shareho ders. (32) To amalgamate or unile w th or absorb ifio ihe Corrrparry any otlrcr c'rnrpnny or assoclation or bus ness, or the m--mbers ol any othel company or association wheTever foffned for objects sinl lar. analogous or slbscllary to any of ihe objects of the Company or carying on any business capable of being conducted so as dlrectly or nd rectly to befefit the Cornpany an.l lo forrn, eslablish and bring olt and assist n the forination or establLstrrlrent of any such company or assoc at of afd to acquire and h.lld share5 or ifteiests thereln. own shares subject to and irr acrord:rnce wrllr thc Companes Act, 1965, The Rules of the Depository .egllations afd r.ade pursuant thereto and the requirements ol tire Kuala I urIlpLrr Sbck Exchange and any other relevant aulhorities (33) To plrrchase is (34) (35) To exeraise the powers contained in the Th rd SchedLrle to tlre ncl To do all such other lhings as may be considered irrcdentirl or cond!.i'/-'to the attainmenl of any of the foregoing objects expressy declared that the word company'ln this Calrs" slral bo deemed to inc ude any person or partnership or otll€r body of pe sorrs. whclhcr ilorn cied in I\4alays a or elsewhere, and whether existing or hereafler be iormed and words denoting the singular number only shal incudelhe pL.rrel numberarrd vce vcrs:r nndso thai the objects specified in each sLrb-c ause of this c;rrlse and all lhe powers thereof shall except where olherwise expressed n each sub tl:rlse, beregar.led.s Lndependent objects. and ln no way lin,jted or reslricled by releterrce L! or nlcrence from tlre terms of any other sub-claLrse or the name of the Company nor s any general expresson ln any sub clause to be naTtowed or restr cted by any particulariLy oi expr'.ss orr ttle same sub And lt s hereby clause or by the applicatjon of any rule of construction ejusdem generis or otherw sc. The liabllty of the IVlembers is limited. author sed share capltal of the Company is R r'r!J!iL One B ii(nr 000000,000.00) dvided inlo one brllon (1 000,000,000) jha{.s of Ringgit on-a (R1,,41 00) each, with power to increase or .educe lis cap tal and !v th power froirr lirl'e l() The (RI\n1 to asue any shares in the or ginal or new capilal w th any prefererrc-' or prrority ln thc payment of divdends or the distributlon of assets or othe.wise over any olher sl)ares. whether ordinary or preference, and whether rssued or noi, and lo vary the regLriations of the Company as fat as necessary to give effect to any sLlch prcference or paoritr", and, upon the subdivision of a share to apportion the right to partic pate in proflts or surplus assets with special rights, priorlties and privileges to any of the subdivided shares or the righi to vote n any manner as betlveen the shares rcsulting from such subdi'risiorr tirne THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES ARTIGLES OF ASSOCIATION OF PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHAD PRELIMINARY Definition '1 ln these Artlcles, if not inconsistent with the subject or context: "Words Meaninqs the Companies Aci 1965, and al subsidiary leglslation lhereunder for the Ume being ln force and aifecting the Company. ''Approved IViarket means IDeleled] means the audit ,Place' "Audit Comr. ttee' cornrriLlee appoi'rled rrl accordance with the regulations or requiremerts prescribed by the Exchange frorn Urne to iimc 'Authorised Nominee" means a person who is authoised lo aci as nofn nee as specfied under the R!les these Articles of Assocraton as now adopted or as from time to time alicrcd by Special ResolLrtion 'Beneficial Ownel' means IDeletedl "Book Closing Date" means IDeleiedl "Central Depositories Act" means The Securities lndustry "Company" means PETRONAS DNGANGAN BERHAD ''Comrnission" rneans IDeleted] I "Convert ble Securities" (Central Depositorjes) Aci 1991 S-.curities lvhlch are convertible or by the holder, or automaticalih by thelr lerms of issue lnto shares oi sfocks. exercisable 'Seal meens 'Secretary/Secretaries" include thc cofr rr.ill sc,r of tho llontpaIl a te)rporary or.sssiaft Secretary anrl any r any of th! dut,-s of lhe Secretary ol person appointed by the Board to pedor the Cornpany. " n W.iting" and "Written" inclLrde prrtrng. liihographt, phirtoitr:rirhy arxl otlrer means of rcpresenting or reproduc ng wor{ls n , v sihl. form "Year" means a year fTom thc 1st January to the 31st Dcccmbcr rrc usrve Words irnpoating the singu ar nLrnrber shall inclrde the p ural n!mber and vicc versa Words importing the mascullne gender shall nc udc thc fcmirine qcn.ler Words impofting persons sha I nc ude corporatio rs Headings and underinings ate for convenierce interpretation of these Ariicles ofy af.l do not affoct thc Unless the contrary intention appears and subjeci to th.r llules afd irry wrilterl laws to the conirary, a person whose nam€ appe:rs I th.l.iea]lrrd ()l llep{rsitors is entitled to all rights beneflts powers and pivilegei and sublect to al liabiities, duties and obligations n respect ol or ads ng from, any share ,s if ht were a fuiember registered ln the register ot lvemb--rs maftained by th. Company. nstead of the Depository or rts nominee corfpary in M/hose name the share is registered. Save as aforesalcl, wotds ot expressions ronTJrf-d rn tl L',c pdulL .i,.Ll inconsisient wlth the subject or context, bear the sarne n!s as lir Lh. Ari 11 r"l The regu ations contained in Table A in the Foufih Schedule lc) the Aci sha I not app y to the Company except so far as the same ate repeaied or conta ned in these SHARE BUY BACKS The Company may, subject to and in accordance witlr tfe Acl lhe jegLlrLiors and orders made pursuant to the Act, the c.rnd tjo s restrictlons arrd lirflialirns expressed ir ihese Adicles and the reqL rements of the [xchange and any other re evant aL.tthorliies from t me to time, by resolution purchase its own sharcs Any shares in the Company so purchased by the Company shall be dealt wlh in accoTdance wth ihe Act and the guide ines ssLred by the Exchange ard/o.any other re evant authorities lrom Ume to time. ShIARES Without prejudlce to any special rrghts previously conferred on the ho ders oi any exisiing shares or class of shares but subject to the Act and the provis ons of these Afticles the 3hares shall be under the conlrol of the Di.ectors who may allol or othetuise dispose oi the same to such persons and on such lerrns and cofditLons wlth such preferred, deferred or other spec ai ights or such restrictions whelher rn regard to dividend, voling, return of capital and with full power to glve to ar'ly person the call on any shares either at par or at a prerniurn during such time and for such conside€tion as ihe Directors deternrlne, PROVIDED ALWAYS: (d) The repayment of preference capital other than redeernable prcferencc capital or ant other alteration of preiererrce shareho dels rights mayonly be made_pursuani to a special resoluton of ihe preference sharelLodcrl concernGA, PROV|DED ALWAYS that where the necessary maritity for suchaspeclal resolution is noi obiained atthe rneeting conserrt lrr wii n!J ri obtained from the holders of three fourths ol the prelerencB caprta concerned wthin b/r'o (2) mofths oi the meetirrg shal be;rs vdld afd effectual as a special resolulion carrled ai the rn-'etirg the contrary ihai may be g ven by thc Compnny I genertr meetng all new shares or other convertibe securities shall before sslre, be ollcrcd to sLrch persons as at the dale of the offer are entitlcd to rcceive nolices lrom the Corllpany of general meetings, in propodion as neady as the crrcumstances adrlllt, to the amount of the exsting shaTes or secuti|es to which they are enutled lhc offer shall be made bV noiice specifying the number of shares or securties offered and limit ng a time within whlch lhe offer if not accepted will be deemed io be dec ined and, after the expiration of that time, or on the rece pt of an intrmahon trom thc person to whom the offer is made that he declines to accept the shares or securliics offcre,:l the Directors may dispose ol lhose shales or securiues in such mafner as thcy think rnost beneficiallo the Company. The Directors may ikewise also disposc of ony new shares or securities which (by reason of the ratio whrch ihe new shates or securLties bear to shares or securities held by persons enltled to an otlcr ol ncw srlares or secuaities) cannot, in the opinion of the Dlrectors. be conveninniy ot rcdLrndcrths articie'. Subject to any direction 10 lArtic e deletedl Subject to the Acl ihe provision of lhese nrtcles and the r-'qLrifements ol ljr.' Exchange any ssue of shares or Converilb e Secur ties by a PrlnciPal S!bsilii:1ry ilrn_ diutes or coulcl potenlia ly d ule the Company's equity interest rrr tfc lrr rr.rp,r Subs diary by 25% or more shal reqlrire the prior approval of the Cornpa ]y n goneral meeting CERTIFICATES The certficates of tite to shares shall be issLred under seal and signed by orrc D rector and countersigned by the Secretary or anoiher Dlrector or sorrlc other person appolntecl by the D rectors. The requirement of the signatures of a D l-'ctor afd a Secrelary or another Director or some other percon appointed by lh-' D rectors rnay be satisfled by affixing to the cedflcates a facslmile of their signatures. 10 (a) Subject to the provisions of lhe Act, the Central Deposltories Act, the Listing Requirements and the Rules, the Cornpany sha ailot shares and despaLch notlces of alloiment to the a lottees and make an app ication ior the quoiation of such securities within the stipulated time frame as.nay be prescribed by the Exchange. Every certiiicate shall be rssued dfder the Seal and bear ihe signatures or the autographic signatures of onc Dire.tor and the Secretary oa another Director or such other pe$on as may be authorrsed by the Direciors, and sha I speclfy the shares io which it relaies and the arnount paid up thereon provided that the Directors may by resolution cletermine thai such signature, or either of them, shall be affired by slreh other person as rnay be authorised by the Directols €+ sonle relroo or s/s.en o.lec1dnr-d sgralue. 11 19 Any sum lvhich by the tenrs of alotment of a sharo ls rnade payable upo r i'.: 'l1lbl all6tn]ent or at any fixealdate, whetheron accoLLnt of theamoLrnlol theshrreo-1rnI :'llrJ' by way of premium, shall, for a I plrposes of these Artickrs, be deemed to be a cal duly made and payable on the date frxed for payment afd in cas" oF nonpayment, the provislons of these Adicics as to payrneft ol rrieresl dtrd expenses, fode ture and the llke ard ajl relevant provisrons ol ihese Articles sh:rll apply as rf such sum were a ca I duly rnade and noiif ed as hereby provided nr 2A The Directors may, onthe issue oi shares dlfferentiate betlvt:err the holders.s the amolnt of ca Js to be paid and the t rnes of payment 21 The Directors may, if they think flt, receive ifom any [,4ember wil ing to advance a"cptan" cr Nol lhe same or any part of the moneys due rpon his shares beyoncl the sllms Anrourrlr caled pad in a.lvance or so much actually caled uf ihereon and upon the moneys so thereof exceeds the amolnt for the iime berng caled up on thc shar-'s in respect of whch such advance has been made the D rectors rrlay pay or allow sLrch interest as may be agreed between them and such N]lembcr 22 Any amount pa d on shares n advance ofcalls shall not, whlst carry ng conier a right to padicipate in profit. Lr lnterest, rlcr'nt 'rr I A rrrLlrad- ALTERATION OF CAPITAL 23 by shall The Cornpany may from tinre to time by ordrrary resolltiorr rlrcrease trre caprtaL such amduni to be dlvided into shares of srrih amoLrfl as ihe rcsoltion Ll'':":e (raprial prescribe. 24 25 The Company may from ti'ne lo ume by Ordinary Resolrtion 8:i:;]l::l ge (a) consolidate and divide a or any of its share capital inio sharcs of ld amount than its exlst ng shares, (b) subdivide its shares, or any of them into shares of smalcr irmount than is fixed by the l\,4emorandum of Association so however that in lhe st bdivisnrn the proportion bet\rveen the amount paid and the arnoLrnl f any unpad on each reduced share shall be the same as it were in the cas" of the share frorn which the redLlced sharc is derived; or (c) cance shares which at the date of passng of ihe resolutiorr if that behalf have not been taken or agreed to be taken by any peson or havF hFef fodeited and dim nish the amount of Lts share capiial by the arnounl or tlre shares so calce ed The Company rnay, by speclal resolution, re.luce its captal, arry c.rpil.l reclemption reierve iund br aiy share premlunl accounL if ally manner autlrorlscd by ill], . ", Rerlrctr'n or caprar Law OPTIONS OVER UNISSUED SHARES 26 Subject to the prcvisiors oithe Act and the rules oflhe Fxchange the Directors Polverro cr_'ate opt!n5 are;mpowered to create options of ary kind whatsoever over orln iespect ol the percons ai to such unissued share capita of the Company, including warrants, such |me, for such considelation and on such terms as lhe Directors shall n their absolLte di.crehon thr_k fL 13 36 .ai lle reg 't "trotr ol lo.l 1 | ' I I l I periods as the Directors may irom tme to tnro determifc, prov dcd a ways ihat such regLstration sharLl nqt be suspended for more thaf thirtv (30) days in any year or such rumber ol days as nray be prcscr bcd by the Fxchafge The Company sha gi'/e the Exchafge pror wrticn nchcc of the perrorl of the niended suspension or closure and tfre purposcs tfrercof wh ch notc-shal be at least ten (10) lviarket days atttsr thc dalc ol annollncement to the Exchange or suclr number of days as nisy bc prcscrbcd by the Frchafge ln re ation to the closute the Compafy shall gve writen fotrce rn accordance with the Rules to prep:rre tlre opprrrpri:rte Record ol D"posilor\ (b) 37 38 At east three (3) IMarkel Days' pror notice or slrch ollrcr p.rlod as may be required by the Exchange (or, sutrject to any wr Ltorr larLvs to the coftrary such other period provided for under the Rules) of arry sLrch suspension shal be given to the Depostory to enable the Ucposlto.y to prepare the Record of Depositors P.ovded that where the Record ol DepositoF s required jn respect of colporatc actions at least sevcn (/) Market tlay'l pr or notice sha lbe qiven to the Depository The Depository anay refuse to register aty transfer of depos tdd sco!rty that docs not cornply wjlh the Central Depositories Act and the Rules Sulrie.t to thc Act the Centra Depositories Act and the Ru es, no sha e slla I rrt arly circltmstances be transf-arred to any nfant, bafkrLrpL or person of unso!rrd rrrlrld Nothing ln these Afticles shall preclude tlle L}'ectors fionr recognising a renLrnciatron of the allotment of any share by the a lottec n favot r of sonre otlrcl person 39 Neiiher the Company noT ts D reclors nor any of ts officeE sha I inc!r arry iab lity for regisiering or acling upon a trafsfer of shares apparenly nradc by sufficient pariies, althouqh the same may, by reason of any fraud or other cause noi known to the Company or its Drrectors or other oiflcels be egaiy lnoperatvc or insufficent to pass the property in the shares proposed or profcssed to be transfened and although the tiatlsier may. as bet\&.cn th-' llansferor arld transferee. be llable to be set asde and notwilhstarrding thai ihe Compafy fay have notice that such jnstrumeni of tiansier was signcd or erecui"d and delivercd by the hansferor n blank as to the name of the transi'ercc or the particu ars of lhtl shares transfered oT otheru,r'ise rn defeclive manner And ln every sl]ch case the person rcgisteled as transferee, his executors, admrnlshators and ass !,lrls aione sha I be entitled to be recognised as the holder of such sharcs and ihe prcv ous holder shal , so far as the Company is corcerned bc deemed Lo havc transfcrred hls whole title lhereto. TRAflSMlSSll]h{ oF SHARES 4A Act the Central Depos tories Ad and Rulns case of tl'te death of a rneraber the eqa persofal reprcscniatives of tle deceased, shal be the only persons aecognised by the Company as havinll any tiile to hjs lnterest in the shares but nothing herein conta ned shall reLease the estale of a deceased holder lrom any ab lity n respect of ary shares wh ch had Subject to the provsons of the 11 been held by him. 41 Any person ertitied to a shaae in consequence of the dealh or bankruptcy of a l/lember may, upor such evidence being produced, as rnay irom tlme 10 time properly be required by the Depository and subject to the Rules and as herelnafter provided, e ect either to be registered himself as ho der of the share or to have some person nominated by h m regrstered as the transferee thereol but the Depository shall in e iher case, have the same right to decline or suspend registration as they would hal€ had in the case of a transfer of the share by that ivlember before his death or bankruptcy Provided a ways that where lhe share is a Deposited Security, sublect 10 the Ru es, a transfer or withdrawal of the share may be carried out by the percorl beconr ng so enliiled. '1s lf the requremefts of any such noiice as aloresard 3re not conlplie.i with, any share n respect ofwhich the noiice h3s been gven. rrrry al :rrry llrre there.rfler before the payment required by the notice has beef be foferted b! a aesolution oithe Directors to that ellecL Such forfeiLrre shal lnc[Lde a div den.]:, declared in respect of the forfe ied shar--s and not a.hraly pad before tile forfeiture 48 When any share has been forfeited in accordarrce w ltr lhese Arh. es lloic'. of thc forfelture shallforthwth be g ven to holcle! of tlre sha ? or t'r llre per:.,r ':nlLi.d io the share by reason of his deaih or bankr!ptcy, as the casc rlray bc and ir'l lrftry of such notice havfg been given and the forleltLlrc wrth te.lite th"reof shal forthwith be made ln the Reqister of Memberc of Recofd of D-apositors oppos te lo the share but the prov sions of this Arlicle are d rcctory only 3nd no fodeitlr e sha be in any rnanner nvalldated by any offrission ot neglect to gve arry suclr notrcc or to make such enlry as aforesaid. 49 50 51 52 A fodeited share rnay be sold or otherwisc disposed on srch terfirs and rn su.h manner as the Dlrectors think fit. and ai any Ume before a sa e or drsposit on th. fodeture n'ray be cancelled on such ierrns as ihe Directors thLrrk lrt A person whose share has been fodeited shall cease lo be a lvlernber if rcspccl of the iorfeited share but shaLl notv/lihstandlnq, relrran rnblc to pay lo the Company a I money which, at the dale cl forfeitule, was payable by h m to tho Company in respect of ihe shares (logelher with inleresl;rl a ftrt-a nol exriued Ir! ten per cent (10%) per annum fron the dale oi fc,rfeiture to the date of paynrerrt o l the rnoney for the time belng Lrnpaid if the Directors thrrrk flt to enlorrc payrrent of slch interest) but hls Liability shaL cease if and wlrerr ihe comfafy rc.erve:l payrnent in fLrlof allsuch moneys in respect of the slares A statutory decaration n writing that the declarant ls a director o a secretary of the ConTpany and that a share ntheCompafyhasbcefdliyfoletedonadale stated in the declaralion, shall be conclus vc evidence of the lacls tlrere rr sLalcd as aga nsl al persons clarrning io be erttlle+to the sh3r"5 The Cornpany may rece ve the coas deraiio r. ll any. g ven ioi a flrrf.riied share orr any sale or disposition thereof and may execlrle a trarrsfer of thc shnre ll favoll' of the person to whom the share is so d or disposed and hc sha I thereLrporr be regisiered as the holder of the share and shall not be bound lo see to the applcation of the purchase money, if any nor shall his ttle to the strarc bc affected by any irregula ty or invaid'Ly in the proceed ngs in r-'fererrce to the forfeiture, sale or disposal of the share Subject 1() any len for sLrns rrot pr.rscft y payable, if any residlre of the pToceeds of saie of shares wh ch was fofeilcd anil soid or disposed. after the saiisfaction of tl,e unpa d cals or irlstallrcnts payable at flxed tmes and accrlred interest afd expenses, shall be pad to the person entited io the shares immediately before the fofeiture thereof or his execuiors, adminrstrators or assignees or as he directs. 53 The provisions of these Anices as to fodelture shalappy in the case of non paymenl of any sum which, by the terms of issue ol share becomes payeble at a fixed time whether or account of the nomjnal value of the share or by way of pre.nium as if the sarne had been payable by vi{ue of a ca I d! y made and notified GENERAL NREETINGS 54 An annual general meeting oi the Compa.y shall be he d once every yea. at such tme not beng more than fifteen (15) lvonths o. such period as provde for in Section 143 of the Act after the holdmg of the ast preceding annual general meeting and a1 such place as may be determ ned by the Dlrectors All general meetjngs other than annual genera meetings shal be called extraordinary genera meetings. 62 lf within half an hour from ihe lime appolnted fc,r the meetrfg a qirorlrrr rs not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to €Ech other trlrre and place as thc Directors may delerm ne and if at the ;djourned meet ng .r quorurlr is not presL-nt withrn ha f an hour lrorn the time appointed lor ho ding th-' adlourned rneeting, the Men'rbers present shall be a quorum 63 The Chairman of the Board of D rectors shall preside as chairrnan arl cvcry genera meeUng of the Company. lf there s no sLrch C ra rrnan or if he sh.rll nol be present within iifteen minutes afler the tLme .ppoirled lor llre hodlng of the meeting or is Llnwilng to act the Directors present shalchoose one of thel numbea to be Chairman of the rneeting and in their dcfault of so diirrg thc l\4ernbers present shall choose one of their Menrbers to be chairmaf of the meeiing 64 The Chairman ofa geneTa rneeting may adjourn ihe safire frorrl tlme to tlme and lrom place to pace. No business shall be transact"d at any alllollrned m'-etlrlg other than the buslness left unfinlshed al the,_neetirrg lrom whLch the:dJoLrrnmcnt took p ace 65 Whenever a meet ng is adjourned for thldy (30) days or more, nohce ol a.llourned meeting sha I be g ven in the same rnanner as rn the case of an original nleeirfg NoUce oi adlourned meeting and the reasons therelor shall f!'1her be !iverr to the Exchange Save as aforesaid t shal not be nec-ossary to gve any notice ol adjournment or of the business to be transacted at ihe acljo!rned mcat ng 66 At any general meeting, a resoluiion put to the vote of the meetrrrg lrlusi bc decided bn a show of hands unless a po I is (before or on the declaration oi the resut ofthe show oi hands) demanded - (a) (b) by the chairmanl by at least h/r'o (2) N,4embers present in person or by proxy I l ll ' o a lver oFr or Ven oF-s p?e)Fn. oorr' ' \c) o/ ir _or le,, L'an or e .e.t'oi I'e LolJ 'lr \oll.g Jr r o , h'I\l'd r' I the right to vole at the meetifg; or (d) by a llember or [4erfbers holding shares in the Company conf"rring a rrght to vote at the meeting being shares on which af aggregatc sLm has bccn paid !p eqlal 10 no1 less than one tenih of lhe total sum pa d up on 3ll The shares conferring that r ght Provided ihat no poll shall be demanded on the rireeting or on any quest on of adjournmeni 67 (a) eecton of a Charrran of ir lJness a pol is so demanded, a declaralion by the Clrarnan ilrat a resolution has on a show of hands been carr ed or ca(ied Llnanimous y or by a particular majority or lost and an entry to that effect in the book c6ntaining the minutes ol the proceedings of the Company is conclusve evidence of the fact wlthout proof of ihe number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or aga nsi the resolution (b) 68 The demand for a po 1 may be withdrawn. lf aooll isouvder€noed, ltnLsIoeul en '1 su'l a1 i_(erva o- ao ou rne_t o- orhe-\ ."F as t'e Chai _lanne e.he dl olreo d1'l nd drrec .)_d .h' t L' o the poll wi I be tha resolution of the meeting ai which lhe poll was demandetl 69 n the case of an equa ity of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a poll the castnqvote Chairman of the meeting, at which the show of hands takes place or at which the poll rs demanded has a casting vote ,t9 78 Where it is desired to afford ll,4enbers ar optioitLrnit/ uf v lft l!, r Jganst a the instrurnent appoif trng a proxy siral be in tulollow nq form or s!.lL -.iesolution b,_a as l! e D:f-ctors ndy oppto.Peironas Daqanqan B--rhad hereby Company, be ng a Member/l\rl--mberc of :ppolnt oa fa Inq him. oi my/our ptoxy to vote for me/us on my/our behall'ai tre (afnua or extraord nary, as the case may be) genera meeling oftheCompany iobcheidonthe ... day of ......... ......., 20...... andatanyadlournmentihereof S9 ed Lhis .. ddyo'... 20 This form is to be used 'in favour oi the reso Lrtiof against * Strlke out wh chever nol des red (Lrnless othcrw s.r may vote or absta r as he th nks fit) rfsirtited th.r proxy 79 The instrument appointing a proxy and the pcwer of attorrrey or ollrer authofly. r{ any under which it is s qned or a notar aly certified copy of thai pow.r or:ruthoriLy shall be deposited at the reg stered olfce of the Comparry. or aL sucll olhcr p.1crl within l\,4alaysia as is specifed for that pLrrpose n Llre notice convenng the meeling, not ess than forty elghl (48) hollrs before the hme tor holding th{l meeting or adjourned nTeeting at which the person nam.rd in lhe ifstrument proposes to vote, or. in the case of a poll, not less than twefly iour (24) horrs before the time appointed forthe takng of the po I, and i1 delerLt thc inst'rrment ofprory shal not be tTeated as va ld. 80 A vote given in accordance wlth the terms of an liory or:rttoflley shall be valid not\rvithstanding the previous death or unsorlrdness of m nd ot tfre prnclpa or revoca|on oi ihe insirument or oi the alrthority t]nde whiclr the instrurnent was executed or the transfer s gjven, f no irtimation in wr ting ot slrch death. unsoLrndness of mnd, revocauon or transfer as aforesaid has been received by the Company at the registered office betore the corim.rnc.rmcnt of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the instrunrenL is LLsed DIRECTORS 81 (a) Alllhe Directors ofthe Company shall be natural persons llre first drrectors of the Cornpany are Tan Sri Abdu lah Bin l\,4ohd Salleh and Dato Rastam Abdul Had (b) Unless otheMise deterrnined by the Company in generai rleeing, the rninimum number oi D rectors shal be not iess ihan tlvo (2) nor more thar ten (10). (c) Unless otheMise determined by the Company in general meetjng, at least (2) Diaectors or one-third of the Board of direclors. whiche,/er is h gher shall be lndependent Directors. lf the number oi djrectors is not 3 or multlple of 3 then the number nearest one{h rd shall be used for purposes of determining the requisite number of lndepenqqlt DirectoE t\rvo a2 Director need not be a l\,4ember and until otheM se determined bV the ln general meeting, shall not be requ red to ho d any sfare Company qualifLcaion 2'l No oualncator 90 91 Each alternate Drcctor, whist acting in tlre placc ol llrc l) rcr:Loi wlrorrr hr: repres€nis, shall exerc se and d scharge all th€ dlltrcs and fun€tr.$s of slcll D rector but sha I look to such D rector solely for his remun.ratiori and .rny fee paid by the Company to the alternate shall be deducted from llr.rt Dircctors remuneration. Sublect to the prov s ons of the Lsting Rcqtrl.mcnis an altcrnate D rector shalnot be appointed as a mernber of thc ALrdt Corrnr itee of tlre Company. The appointment of an alterfate Direcl.rr shal be c.rn.ellcd d rd Ltrt ;ltcrn:i" Director shall cease to be a Director v/trenever the Dire.t'rr who alrpoi'rlu.i him shail give notice in writng to the Secretary that lhe irlterrrdic l-J Iucbr represenUng him has ceased io represent him, provided that a Oircctor who reiires at any ordinary meeting and is reelccted shal not for the purposc of th s Arllce be deemed to have ceased to be a Director The appointnlent of an alternate Director may ai any lime be revoked by a maioriiy of lh-' Directors oth.r than the Director who appolnted hlm 91A Where an Alternate Director is himself a Director, he shall have d s-'pafai. vote on behalf of the Dlrector he is representing n addition to h s owri vole 92 Every person acting as an alternate Dlrector shall be deefiled to be an ollccr ot the Company and shalL alone be respons ble to the Cofrpany lrrr hls own scts and defaults and he shal not be deemed to be the ageft of or ior the D rector appoinling him. APFOINTMENT, REMOVAL AND ROTATION OF DIRICTORS 924 An e ection of directors shall take place each year 93 Ai the first Annual General l\4eeting of the Company all the Directors slr:ll ret rc from office and al each AnnLlal Gefeial lveelrng n eveiy sLLirsequ'rrrI yL]:lr ai least one-thrrd of the Direciors for the time belng, shall reLre Irr offce PROVIDED ALWAYS that all Directors. shail reiire fro'n oifce orrre :ri Leest in each three (3) years bul shal be eigible lor re-election A retLr lr!:l Drr.rlirr shal retain office until the close of the meeting at which he reiires The Di'eciors to retre at such Annual GeneTal l\4eetings (other than th" first) shal b.r the Directors who shal have been ongest in offce. As belween two or more 'l/h.r have been in ofljce an equal length of tmethe DirectLir Lo rohre sha ir'letrlillol agreement beh,veen them be determined by lot. The lerrgth ol time 3 Direcior has been n office shall be cornpuled from his ast eleclofi oI appoLrtment \i\/lren hc has prev ously vacated off ce 94 No person not being a retiring direcior shali be e lgible for e eci on to thc office ol drrector ai any qeneta rneeung uness a l\4ember intending lo propos€r him for election has at least eleven (11) clear days before the rneelirrg, letl at the registeaed office of lhe Company a notice in witing du y s gned by the nomLnee g ting his consent to the nomlnaiion and signirying his cand daturc for the oft ce oa the intention of such I\4ember to propose hlm for election, PROVIDED THAT irr the case of a person recornrnended by the D r-'ctors for election, n ne (9) clear days' notice only shall be necessary and notLce of each and every candidalure foi election to th; board of directors shall be served on the regisiered holders of shares at least seven (7) days prior io the meeting at \/hich the election s to take place. The Company at the rneeting at which a Director so retire may fiL the vacaled office by electing a person thereio and in defaut the reUing Dlrector shal if offdilrig h mself for reelection and not be ng disqualfied unclet the Act from hoEing office as a Director be deemed to have been reeleiied, unless at the meeting lt is express y resolved not to flll the vacaled office or Lln;ess a resolution for:the reelection of that Director is put to the meeting and ost 103 Questions arisinq at any meeting of the Direciors shal be decidctt by a majoiity of votes with eaeh Dlrector havifg one vote In thecaseofan eqlra ly €+*/4les the Chairman shall have a second or casting voie save and exccpt whcre lhar.l are only t\,vo (2) D rectors present at the n'reetng or jf there are orry two (2) D-eClOrS Co.npetel r ,o !o. o Lhc qu4 l , r'l 144 The Chairman shall preside ai every rneellng c,f D ectors but if al .rny mcctnq the Chairman is not present within fifteen {15) minute'j aftcr the tirrc app,rinl,:rd for holding the meetng or s unwll ng to aci then lhc Dir-'ctors prosorrl shrll choose one of their number to be Cha rman of the lit)eting 105 The Directors may delegate any of their powers to a cornmittee consistrng of such mernber o. membeF of their body as they th nk fit and the comrnrttee so formed shal in the exercise of the powers so deegated corrlorm to afy requlaiions that may from time to time be imposed orr them bY the Direct.rrs lr accordance with the reguiations or reqLl rements prescrjbed by th" Exchargc from time to lime. 106 All acts done at any meeting of the Directos or a committee of lJ recto.s or by any person actng asa Director shal not\tr/ithstandirg that t shall aftcrwards be discovered that there was some defect in the appointment ol slrc r Drf€ctors or persons aciing as aforesaid or llrai they or ary ol thefl werc drsqLrallfled be as val d as if every such person had been duly appolnted and was quatf ed t.r be a Director. 147 108 109 The remainlng Directors rnay conlinLre to act notwithstand ng af y vacancy n th.r r body, but if and so ong as their number is reduced lrelow lhe mifrrnurrl lrurfber flxea by or pLrrsuant to these Ariicles, the remaining Directors may erccpl in an emergency, act only for the purpose ol increasing th-' nlmber of DirectoE to such miniilum number. or to summon a q-'neral meeting of Lhe Company The meetings and proceedings of any such commtiee f consisling ol lwo or more mem6ers slra I be governed by the provisLons heren coniairrod'J.i regulaiing the meetings A resolution in writing slgned or approved by ette. te egrarrr tel'rt or telelax by al the Directors oT iheir alternates shall be as valid and effectuaL as tf it had been passed at a meeling of DiTectors dLlly conveneil and hekl A ly such reso ui on may cons st of severa documents in I ke fornl each sig red by one or more Direclors 109A (1) ' Forthe pLrrpose of Article 99 and sLrbiecttothela\/sJorthe irm. being rrr force in this jurlsdiction the contemporaneous linking logethel by an instantaneoLrs ielecoi-nrnun cation device of a nurnber oi Dircctors no lcss than the quorum requlred by Artic e 100, wheiher or not any one 1rr inore of the Directors ls out of l\4alaysia, is deemed to constiiute a nle.ting of tlre directors and all provisions of these Articles as to meetings of the Drrectors will apply to such meeting held by inslantaneous teiecommunicalion dev cc so ong as the folowing conditions are met:- all the Direciors shail have received notlce of a nreetrng by instantaneous teLecomrnunication device for ihe purpose ol such -reetnq. Notce o' a y such neelrq wll oe o',e ' o l\' ns.aTi;neous te,-.onnLln caL.o- dev ce ot n a.y o h- , Inr r' (a) r permitted (b) , bY these Articles; Directors taking paal n the meet ng by the device mllst be hear Directors takng part at the oiher and/or see each of the each of ihe inst-stantaneous lelecommunication commencement and for the duration of the meeting; rc, o' the mee:l'9 Fd,h Di FC|O lLr ar r_e .o-rne'cele.t _ s preso4ce lo. the pulpose of l'e -e_tnq lo a o ack'owleoge the other Directors tak ng Part. 25 L 112 .i13 fegoliabe pTornissory notes. drafls bils oi exchaoge. afd oitrer instrum;nts ind all rerierpts for money pa d to lhe Companv shdll lre s llncd, drawn, accepted, endorsed, or otherwise executed, as the D rectors llom tlrrc 11] time determine. Al cheques, lhe -+li"'r'"r! Dlrectors may exerclse a I the powers of the Corrlpany to guarantee the payment of money payable undcr corliracts or obllgatr.rrs of a corripeny wrlch a related th rd party wth or withoLrt secuiues is BORROWING POWFRs 114 The Directors may from ume to ume borrow or raise such sums of moncy as they think necessary for the purpose of the Company PROVIDED ALWAYS that tire Directors shaii not borrow any rloney or modgagc or charg(,' any o' ihe roi"r' I -^ Co-od_vsor(ssubsld,.' Jl derP'oP : o i9 ,ss-e debentures ano olhet se - I:e- rdh.ll ' o clebt, I ability or obligaUon of ar unrelated third party 115 116 " qllo I J d'r"'i r The Drrectors may borrow or Taise any such money as aloresa d uporr or by the issue or sale of any bonds, debeniures debenture stock orsecuites afd lpon such terms as to iime of repayment, rate of interest price ol ssle or sal'r' payment of paeraium or bonus upon redemption or rcpayrnent or otherwise as they may think proper Subject as aforesaid, the Directors may secure or providc for the paynrenl of any mo;eys to be borrowed or ralsed by a modgage or charge upon all-or 3ny pari of ths undertaking or property of the Company both present-and of future :Lr)d upon any capltallema ning Llnpaid upon the shares of the Cornpafy whetlr'r called up or not or by any other security, and the D rectors rnay confer Lrpon any modgagees or pers6ns in whom any debentures, debentLrre stock o securty s vest;d, such righis and po\vers as they think necessary or expe'li"nt arrd thcy ia u iea ir . ri 'ra\ \e9L a_v i,operil o, r'corpdrr lF Lo n lhF 'r'l '" | 'r'' talseo dn I or ro ani Foneys so bo-o\le.j 'o holder, sur:h rlgllls and debeniule or by any them nted by to be appo reieiver poweTs as lhe birectors may lhink necessary or exped ent in relation to.the _hF' or I*c n d_dqoir6nl Lrndefla^,no or orooelr' ol -ecerrg ( g or enbrr^q o al\'Dol' l \4'r _ the-eof o e ra. ' resoect or Lnoaro cap'al ano o.he-r'r'lse dno nal nJ\e a'u lr u l'b_ 'l fritees'or if'e pripo.e ol l.nher,ecLlr:v.'l ar l '_' ' "h Teraunerated. The trusiees shal not be foreigfers a foreign colp'rrailon or I a corporauon under a folelgn contlol 117 118 The Directors shall caLrse a proper .eg ster to be kept n accordance wilh lhc requirements oi the Act of a modgages aFcl charges specifica ly affectlrlll the property of ihe company. Any cjebenture or other seclrjty may be issued at a dscolnt prerrriLm or othe.wise. MINUTES 119 The Directors shal cause minutes to be duly entered in books provrded for the p!rrpose: (a) rbr Of appointrnent of Directors and the Secretary or Secretaries rc) O (d) Of Of rne nares ol a ' r_e D re_to s p'esent a each meellno o I eD" lo Comm nee Of D -ectors and Of (he Co1 pdny I q6 ^rd meeting. a'l resol. io_s and p-oceeo 'lgs oI general neelngs dnd of n rhe D!recLoTs a_a Con'1.ihee of D'reLto's al orders made by the Directors 27 'o i and any Committee of Directors' g 3!rrtur!or r or ^ c'rr"r"llre #l]]];'"t" INDEIHNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS 127 Subjeci to the provisions of the Act every LlLrcctor l"4anager Trtrst--" Secr"tary and other officei or seruant of the Conrpany sha I b" indemnilied Lry the Coinfan / for any travelling expenses and other cosl charges and eiperr5es and o5ses incurred by hirn ln or about the discharle of h s dlriies, except such losscs or expenses as suffeTed or lncurred as a result of his o\l'n n.]g iqcnce bre]ch ol duty, wiful acts or deiaults; and t slra bc the drrty of lhc Lllreciors ouL ol Lr. funds of the Company to pay all cosls losses aFd exporrses $rhLl:h any slr.h officer or sewant rnay !ncur or become iab e io by reason of any co ltlacl c'll.rrcd nto or act or deed done by him as sllch officer or se.vant or in any \,vay ln the discharge of his duties except such osses or expenses as incured as a result of hls own negligence, default, wilfL acts or breach of dr'rty 124 No Director or other officer of the Company sha I be lable for Lhe acls r-'.eipts neglects or defaults of any oiher Director or officer or tor loinlng in ;ny recerpt ol other act for conformiiy or for any loss oI expefses sufiered or incrr red by the Company through ihe insufficiency or defcLency ol tiue to any plopcrty ircquiled by the order oi the Dlrectors for or on behalf of the Company or lor the insufficiency or deficiency oi any security ln ot upon lvhich any ol thc mDneys of the Con]pany shall be invested or for any loss or dariage ari:iir!l fronr llre bankruptcy, insolvency or tortious act of any person with whon irny moneys, securities or effecis shal be deposited or for any loss darfage or rlisfortuf" whatever which shalL happen in the erecutiof of thc dutes ol hs offce or in relation thereto uness the same happen ihrough hls owrr negllg-'nc-' default. breach ofduty breach of kust or dishonesty ofwhich he rfay beglilty nreliton to the Company. JOINT HOLDERS OF SHARES 129 lArticle deletedl DIVIDENDS rJ0 Subject to any rights oa privjleges for ihe t me beifg atlached to any shares in the capital of the Company having preferent al or special rights in regard to d v derid and to the provisions of these Articles as to the Ieserue and deprccistof TLrrrds the proflls bfthe Company which shalfrom tme to time be determirled to be distrlbuted by way of div dend shaLl be applled in payment oi dividefds Lpon the ordinary shaies 6f the company rn proporiion to the alnounts respectivc y p.rkl up thereon or credited as pald up ihereon at the end o{ the period n respecl of which the dividend is declared other than the amount pa d in advance ol ca ls 131 132 The Company in genera meeting may declare divdends but no drvidend shal exceed the amount recommended by the Dlrectors The D rectoN may from time to time pay to the l\lernbers such nterim divldends as appear to the Directors to be lusufied by the profits of the Company lfatarry tme the share capital of the Company s divided into dilferent classes the Directors may pay such inter m d vidends in respect of those shares in ihe capita of the Company '}/hich confer on the holders thereof deferred or non preferentia rlghts as \,vell as ln respect of those shares which confer on the holders there6f preferential rlghts w th regard to dlvidend and provided tlraL the, Directors act bona fide they shall not lncur any responsibillty 10 the holder of share conferrlng any prefereltial rights for any damage thal they may suffer by reason ol the plym_ent of an lnterim dividend on any shares having deferred or non-preferential r ghts. 29 CAi]ITALISA+ION OF REPORTS 139 The Company ln general meetifg may !pof the rccommerrdalon of tlrc Dlrectols, resolve thai it is desirab e lo capitalise any pari of the moncy for ihc iime being standing io the credlt of any ol lhe Company s reservc ircco!nts or i.) the credit of the profit and oss acco!nt oJ oihcl1,1/ se avaiiable for dlsiribution an,l accodingly that such suTa be set kee ior drslr bution anrongsl tire [lembe15 who would have been entitled therelo il d str buted by way ol d v durrd arrd rr Urc sarrrc proporlions on condition that the sanie be not paid in cash but app Led e tlrer Ir or lowards paying up any amounts for the iinre belng unp:rid on any slraros hc d by such IVembers respeclively or paylng up n fu I unissued shares or dcbentlrcs of the Cornpany to be a lotted and d stributed, cred ted as fully pald up to and amongst such lvlembers in the one way arrd parily in the other and the Directors shalgive effect to such reso ution A share premiurn accoLrnl and a caprtel redemplion reserve may for the pLrrposes oi this reguaton, be app ed ony rri ihe paying up of unissued shares to bc ssued to Merfbcrs of the Comprny as fully paid bonus shares. fta Whenever such a resolltion as aforesaid sha have been passed the Directors shal makeall appropriations and applicat ons of the Lrnd vided proiris resovcd to be caplalsed thereby, and all allotments and rssues of fllly pald shares or debentures if any, and generally shall do al acts and things required to gve effect thereto with full power of the Directors to make such provi.'r on by the rssue of iracUonal certlficates or by paymeni in cash or otherwrse as they th nl! fit for the case of shares or debentures becom ng distribltable n fract|Jfs and also authorise any person to enter on beha f of a I the lMernbers entltled thercto ifto an agreement wilh the Company providlng for the alloirnent to them rcspectiv-'ly credited as fully paid up of any further shares or debenhrres to which they may be enUtled upon such capitalisation or (as the case may require) for the payrnent up by the Company on iheir behalf by the application thereto of their proportio s of the profits resolved to be capitalised of the amolnts or any part of Lhe amounts remain nq unpaid on the r exisling shares, aird any agreernent rrade ufd.rl sucll aulhoriiy shall be effective and binding on a I sltch l\lembers ACCOUNTS 141 The Directors shall cause proper accounting and othe records to be lcpt and sha I distrlbute cop es of balance sheets and other documents as requ red by the Act ancl the Exchange and shal from iime to time d"termlne whether afd to what extent and at what times and places and under what condil ons or rc!,lu aiions lh'i accounting and other records of the Company or any of them shail be open to lhe inspection of iMembers not be ng Diaectors and no Menrber (n01 being a D rector) shall have any right of inspecting any account or book or paper of the Cornpeny except as conferred by stakLte or authorised by the Directors or by th-' Cornpany in general meeting 142 The Drrectors shall from time to t rne in accordance with SecUon 169 of thc Act, cause to be prepared and laid before the Company in general meeiing sllch profit and ioss accounts, balance sheet and repoTts as are referred to in thaf Sectlon PROVIDED a ways that the interval between the close of a financial year of the Company and the ssue oi the annlal audlted accounts, the Directors and auditors reports to the Exchange sha I noi exceed four (4) lvlonths or such penod as may be prescribed by the Listing Requ rements. AUDIT 143 at east in every year the accounts of the Company sha i be examined and the correciness ol the profii and loss account and balance sheets shaLl be ascertained by one or more auditors and the provisions of the Act and the Once regulat ons and requirements prescribed by the Exchange in regard to the audit and the powers riglrts, duties appointment and qualificatlons of auditors shalj be 31 Atdl 153 (a) Notice of every generai meet ng sha bc g v.-n jf afy nlanner hereinbefore authorised tol (i) (il) every Meinber, (ti) the auditor lor the time bcing of th'- C.rrrpirny nnd ( (b) v) every person entted to a sirarr. irr corrsequerce oi lhe deatlr or bankruptcy of a llernber v/ho b!l f.n iris ,l"allr or b.rnkrlrpL,ry lvo!ld be eniiiled to receive notici-. of thc rrre'-tirrq, the Exchange Nootherperson shal be entlled to receive n.riiccsof genera meetinqs WINDING UP 154 lf the Cornpany is wound up the liquidator rnay. w th the sanctiof of a Spec al Resolltion of the Company, divide amofgst the l\lcrrrLrcrs i I k nd ihe '.ilro -' or any part oi the assets ol the Cornpany (whether th'-y oorrsrst of properiy .f th-a same k nd or not) and may for that purpose set such velLre as he deems h r upolr anv property to be clivjded as afotesaid .urd m.ry Llei"rnine lrow Lhe d1v sro I shall be carred out as bei\,veen the l\,4embers or d llercnt casses ol l/]ernbers Ihc ljqu dator may, wth the lke sanction vest lhe who t or parl ol any stlclr oss(-'ts, in trustees upon such irust for the benelit,rf the conhibuiorrcs as thc l.llr daior thinks ft, but so that no l\,4ember shal bc compeled to accepl any shares or other securliies whereon there is any liabilty 155 On the voluntary liquldation of the Company no colnrri sslon or fee sha I be paid a iquidalor unless it shall have beef approveil by Members in general meeting The ar.ount ofsuch payrnent shalbe n'iiLiir'l to ali l\4enrbers aL least seven (7) days prior to the nreeting at which t is to b. .onsitleled to SECRECY CLAUSE 156 Ac| no |embei shall L'e eniiiied to eFier into or premises or propefty of the company nor to req!re Lttlon or nspect any 3ny detaiL ol th!: Companys tradirg respectng d scovery of any information manufacturngoranyrnalterwhichisor aybe I lhe nall re of a trade secret or secret process which rnay re ate to t re condlct oi ihe blsiness ol ttr{r Cornpan / and \rvhich in the oprnion of the Dlrectors wou d bc lnexpe.l ent n the rtere* ol the l,4embers of the Company to commun]cate to the pub c Save as T.ay be prov ded by the ALTERATIO['{S OF ARTICLES 157 These Art cles have been drafted in a rianneT to ncorpolate the requirernsnis of the reievant governing statules, regulations and glrdehfes WiLhout prelLld ce to any provisions in the Act or under lhese Articles pertain ng to the amendr.ents of the Articles in the event the app icable provisions of any reLev.rr)l governlfg statutes, regu ations and guidelines are frcm tjrne to time amended, modified or varled. such araendments nrodiflcations or variatlons sha I be deerned inserted herein whereLrpon these Articles shall be read and cofslrued subject to end n accordance wth the amended modfied or vaTied statutes, regulations and guidellnes. The Company shal comply with ihe provis ons of the relevanl governing staiutes, regulatlons and/or guideJines?s may be amended, modified or var ed from tin're to Ume and any other app icable dlrectives or requirements lmposed by the Te evant stock exchange andfor any olher regulatory aLlthoriUes io the extent required by aw, noi\,lithstanding ?ny provisions ln tl,ese Adices to rhe contrary 1 Tan S iAbdJ'lah Bin Mohd Salleh 21, Jalan Seua Jaya Damansara Heights Kuala 2. Lumpur Company Direclo' Dato' Rastam Abdul Hadi 23, BukiiTravers Kuala Lumpur ComPanY Director Dated this 16th day of July 1982. Witness to the above signature: NIK SAGHIR AIN MOHD NOR Advoc,rie and So lcitor Kuala Lumpur ''. -:. n- .€ .'ii ;,i' - .i ..] :l L I ioo ; ? t;;, s €' -i'ra ,:t l i iF' l! gF6'l 5se - o l, EbF d6 I o I E ul dl z q 3EE =n; - *,a 40 (9(J <# z, 4a SEF F ril 6q ; --E = Fa o M o d -e! i:. 5 Sr == 2;':i 9l :) '.,tx a 2 ut li *o tt <, ra (9O ct= 2<< -u) :i!! E+ 4E :is ?ix 9a. i3 cD* T ii .=;d &ur .< .t) eo (D7 z4 (J( eU < - diN -= =;iFlN 6 g€Eis E= lr t! 3Sotr E4 a: aE q. = t = 66:! €) in li in = 9E 6ii idF ci ><t= FEA .P€= $z;R -eg s2Ze e: E F!: o'of i *+65 ! =+E EbB 2 4 ;,=: d -e, gk to z <te o F .g E !l =o v>A o F 4a 6q Pm: AE 3E q3 s_0 *B d(.9<: : E!4 q $ ?!E k6 fu! tr+ = o)P: $ a! d'€ E a .g E-.9 E d ;-. Ft g g€ o tr- .'l # o E E d =o =E !jbl E= 2A E:E &o tr< s 'a cDI < o dtr z.a o- 5.a g; 6g(! UJ Qq = ;i< e=E i!= q + :F +r -:15 q Eu e 6'sqd :EsC o FP:: n-.e G ' d:: € Pd E:o 3=3 -=i? E '6 :! tr+ EP q= 2 = .g E = T .g E.; i5 .r !.:: 3-< = ;u b--*9p:l _9 i: di! 4,; E -:rur tl ; €dl:; pz1;.=, E 92 ! EF Y6: !<di?r - 1z q:3 F 5^: > R5 € c Fi 3 o F:5 t! 33 (, E =r G= b3 ;rg ,=. Comoanv N0.88222"0 This is the Annexure "A'referred to by me in the Form for purpose of identification- l9 daled sir'JLriy 2010 arld signcd by nre AZZAN (LS 0005484) Company Secretary PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHAD 1. DATO'CHEW KONG SENG @ CHEW KONG HUAT 1. Peironas Gas Berhad 2 Great Wall Plastic lndustrial Berha'ld rdr ' I o \l r_ dl 3 Aeon Co (fu|, B_d 'orn"rly tcos'r .8''l r-novlr lormr-l 4- Cuocolano (Malsysral FFrhdd "llo'lrpo'q 5. 6 7. 2. ProPerties Berhad) PBA Holding Berhad Encorp Berhad Bank ofAmerica Malaysia Berhad OATO'DR. THILLAINATHAN AJL RAMASAMY 1. Geniing Berhad 2. Bulsa l\,4alaysia Berhad Lodged in the oftice ofthe Registrar of Companies by :' Ahnrad NabilBln Az zai {LS:0005484) PE-lR0NAS Dagangan 8€rhad Leve 30, Tower l, PETRONAS Twin Towels Kuaia Lumpur City Centre 50088 Klala Lumplr Faxr2331 1957 Tel: 2331 3633 Pag€ 4 MPN/ts/KP-01-03 Lampiran B BORANG JKT/B/BT/1 PENGESAI.IAN PENGGUNAAN 60% BAHAN TEMPATAN SEMASA IVEIMOHON KELULUSAN PELAN BANGUNAN Yang D perlua, Majlis Perbandaran Nila, 71800 NILAI Saya/Kaml memperaku dan setuju terima tanggungjawab sepenlhrya bagl mempastikan bahawa ke4a-kerja pembinaan bangunan/bangunan-bargunan iajtu ?IBIIQHqI'lAI!,.P.EI-A.N.. BANCl.]NAI]...BA,G,I., CADAI\GAN,,I,lEIYIBI.NA.. BAN..l,4ENy I.APXAN,. SEBUAH STESEN YIIJI4I ll]l9f.l.: 9l AII! aras'Loro,.Pl ?99?9 f19{D) AIYPAMqAN, *SIMBitAN TAT{AN BANDAR SENAWANG, I4UKI}4 DAFqAO STqfi4BAIi"' NECTRI PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHAD. Akan mengglrnakan sakurang-kurangnya 60% bahan-bahan tempatan. Anggaran 7o penggunaan bahar'bahan tempatan adalah sepedidi Lampiran B1 berkembar. ("ffi?T CIVIL IN,BASI]IF AHAIIED BIN MA]OEEN T/Tangan dan Cop Orang Yang Mengemukakan Nama I Alamal : No. IR. BASHIR AHAMED IlAIDEEN NADI CONSULT ERA SDN. BHD. 'Noi47DiJalan O*id 28' ' ''''''''''' "" Seksyen B52, Aukll Sentosa' R/ 7148300 Rawalq Sela-gor DarJlEhsan o"ldalarar'. .i'.1.lret.;ol.eo:e,4'soz. Ft.:03-6028 Kelas ?ir''' a607 1e24e MPN/ts/KP-O1-03 Lampiran Bl BOFANG JKT/B/BTN-A ANGGARAN % PENGGUNAAN BAHAN TEMPATAN l66lM PRt4G0,lA\ PB,AN BAI'{g.MN BAGI CADANGA|I DAN I4BIYIAPKAN SEBUM SIESB! I\4INYIK PEItrT.IAS DI ATAS LOT PT 8323, HS(D) 19249, TAMq\ BA\DAR SE{A,/ANG, I1KI}4 Projek : ...l\!P.A\GAll1..DA€ll,El. ffiEBA\ j..I\BGRI..SRAILAji-DA?UL K'lLlStS UftJK.PETRo]qs DqgA,tcAJ{ s-Et1p, Saya / . Karni rnengesahkan bahawa anggaran 7o kandungan bahan tempatan berdasarkan kos yanq akan diounakan baol proiek d atas adalah seperti ber kLrl Peralaian : [/ Bahan Asas (batu, Bahan Ker.asan pasir, besl, kayu, ubin (cat,san taryliftings, (wiring, il escalator, atab dsb) ubin lantal, hanrper, aircord dsb) Kesel!r!han &E (wejghled everage) dsb) Bahan Tem patan Berikul pula d Bahar Tempatan Bahan Tenrpatan senaraikan bahan/peralatan yang perLu diimport Bahan Tempatan dan sebab_sebabnya, #xs T/Tangan dan Cop _- Nama IB.BASHIR AHA]\IED BIN MAIDEEN kakan , ...18.'..ffql]tB.,fl14'@..ryAIPE.fl , ?il-o,,* MPN,ts/KP-01-03 Lampiran Bl BORANG JKT/B/BT/1-A ANGGARAN % PENGGUNAAN BAHAN TEMPATAN Pfl-AN BA\SJMN BAGI CnDA,l@\ IBAIM DAN l4R!ry$PKA! SElJAlt STESB! I1INYK PEIKMS DI ATAS LOT PT 23323, HS(D) 19249, TAI\4A\ BA\DAR SS\IA A\G, T{X]I4 Projek: ...I\!P.A\GA}It..0A!Rr,ll..SEBA\! .Mml .SRAIUI{.DA}RUL.l{.lUS$ u,lTlJK PEIRoIAS MGA\GAN PRUI]\AN 9R1{,........ Saya / Kami raengesahkan bahawa anggaran % kandungan bahan tempatan berdasarkan kos yang akan d gunakan bagi projek di alas ada ah seperu berikul : Bahan Asas (batu, Bahan Kemasan Peralatan M & E pas r, besi, kayu, ub n (cal,sanilary fitt ngs, (wiring, lif escalator, alab dsb) ubin lantai, hamper, air-cond dsb) Bahan Tempatan Bahan Tempalan Kese uruhan (weighted everage) dsb) Bahan Tempalan Bahan Tempalan Berikul pula disenaraikan bahan/peralatan yang perlu dlimport dan sebab sebabnya, 4..r'r e.s'/,-T/Tangan dan Cop {E) rvrl \7r IF.BASH]f, AHAMED BIN |l4A DEEN Orang Yang lvlengemLrkakan Nama le-Jotq9 Kaedah Tahah NEGERI SEMBILAN JADUAL ]A SIJIL CARIAN RASMI lKnedah 3a) Adalah diperakui bahawa suatu carian rasmi telah djbuat mengikut Seksyen 385, Kanun Tanah Negara berkenaan tanah berikut : Jenis dan No. Hakmilik : GRN 231773 BaDdar/Pekan/Nlukin : Mukin Ampdgd Nonb.r Svil Piawai : 40,18 : 56-B Meter Pemegi : Sdda-lmdla LoI : Lot 37087 Nombor Pclar AkDi : PA 78162 Nonbor Tempa! Daerah ; Betkmn : ) Tiada | 9 Ma. Tarikh Daftar Pajakan Tarikh Lupur (Jikn $adtna tanarya .rau P.)okun) 2010 CDkaiTanah : RM1.49a.00 Balawa pada tarikh dan waktu perakual ini dikeluarkan butir buti tanah tersebut adalah sepefti berikut : Kategori Kegunaan Syarai Tanah Nyata SekaLT Alamat : Bangunan : Tsnsh ini hendaklah digunakan untuk pcruiagaan ( Stesyen Minyak ) sahaja. Kepenringan Pemilikan dan , : TIADA : , PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHAD No. Syarjtat : 88222 D Tenubuh di bawah Akla Syaril(ai 1965, l/l bahagiar TOWER 1 PETRONAS TWIN, TOWERS, KUALA LUMPUR C]TY, CENTRE, 50088 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Tanggungan dar erdosan-€ndosan lain : NT JI,IS PER}ANDAR{N SEREMBAN Urusan-urusan dalam Perserahan yang belum didaftarkan : Tiada Halnnlik : 050i0tcRN002l1r?l :1 [ 2] Tarikh : 19/05/2011 MukNurai Hakmilik yang terdahulu : (Jika ha*niLik Taritrd mula diberi milik Hakmilik Asal ( Tetap atau Senentara Hakmilik sebelun daripada ini Dikeluarkan pada : 11:10:52 pagi 18 Ogos 1910 Muldm Ampangan GRT 2738 : Perkars lain yang melibatkan hakmilik tunbu gM) Mukim Ampangan HSD 192,129 Mukim Ampangan GRN 127458 : TariLh : 19 Mei 2011 Nombor Resit | 10519150035 ( RM40.00 Haknilik :050501CRN0021U73 :2 [ 2] Tarikh : 19105/2011 Mutasurai -. q- !b" ,n. dr .lr. rLd. 0mrD denirie rl: p. dd€'Jri 'bsm PEJABAT TAN:dH DAN GTd]-IAN NEGERI SEMBILAI\I h :. E cck unrk bay@b di alls lend.Ihn ditulis deng& diD,lbs Nc ?ayee OrlJ' R.sit ini n6d,klan disimpe baik-hait tu lerdanq HakDnit Ncg.ri Senbil& da juga mestikh dedohore ndbave balik. da Ddtilan diujn*le apalila mst ha.k dip€rbuat Se,J^a^-4 ' Pst ' Ne/ 'b/t'L4o3 KERA'MN NEGERI SEMBILAI{ DARUL KTIUSUS BILCUXAI TANAH 2011 SILA BAWA rLil @*r BI! INIUNTUK PEMBAYARAN : ilililililt1 r rillfi llllllllll llllll lll 050501GRN00231773 OAERAH T PEf RON'"S DAGANGAN SERHAD rOWER I PETRON'€ TWN TARIKH TOWERS, KUALA LUMPUR CITY CENTRE. 5'033 KUALA LUMPUR XEGUNAAII : 202 RTKH KEMASKNT CEIAKAN : : j tBF TE'RON'.S DAGANGAN 05 SEREMSaN l0r0lz011 26{)12011 CEIAKAN PERTATA EOS) P€RlllAGMN 0.00 JUM!.AH i RM l40A.0O l{Olls6A : RM 75.00 10,00 OENDA ] RM aEaEluM 1 JUr.l JIXA NONS &q OBqMPAIKAN RM RM R 1303@ 1,573.00 r,543.00 FTD SEFE|,IBAN O5O5O16RNOO231??] 1105110501140040 13105/2011 09r4€ {SILAI.IHAT SEBELAH) Rri1.4c8.00 cEl( i8?45t TFRI14A 1(ASTIi (l]i14 NILAI w!A.rLrs*Pfl 'RAN "",""" "'" r i!; I I +:t'ftl ni:it*r$r=: I:r. aLilt'r';: :.:,':;: :::lr 20.00 L iTNOTISTUNTUTAN B IIGK WARAN; I B 19 3,888.00 NOT!S E 1 296 00 151.40 B]L CU(A TAKS AAN :1:l! ll.:i : -;-:";:jl YAN6 DIPERTUA' wl.:LtS Pe nenNOnRAl'1 l'ltLlt ao -iGK NOT S E BILTGK CUKAITAKS R ''=,- t .rt -\ ;, :! ,/,/ ,I ,B, .{ ? CONSI]I,T NADI CONSULT EILA SDN IIHD oosra;yr NADIERn\i I1C3i AM (18) Rul. Karni Ruj. Tuan Tarikh 18hb. Mei,201l Jebaian BanguDan. Majlis PerbMdaran Nilai. Peli Sural52, Persr'eran Pusal Bandar, 71800 Nilai. Negerr Sembilan Darul Khusus. PIIRMOHONAN PEL-A.N ]]ANGUNAN BAGI CADANCAN NIEMBINA DAN }TENYIAPKAN SEBU.A.H STESEN \IINYAK PETRONAS DI ATAS LOT PT 23323, H.S.(D) 19249. TA}IAN BANDAR SINAWANC, MUKI}I AMPANGAN, DAERAH StrREIIBAN. NEGERI SEMBILAN DARUL KIIUSUS UNTUK PDTRONAS DACANGAN BERHAD. - PERAKUAli KERJA-KERJA PAIP DALA,}IAN B-A.NGUNAN Memjuk kepada perk.tra di aras, saya meml€rakui bahawa buriran buliren di daLam pelan iri adalah menurut kehendak-kehendak Undang-l]fldang Kecil Bangunan Seragam (Pihak Berkuasr Tempatan, Negeri Sembilan 1986) dan saya prnL; 11, l(rj"-.Jrl"IJ" . ! Yang benar, NADI CONSLTLT ERA SDN. BHD. . -. seuj! terima tanggungiawab ) aaF. PRoFa^\ Sv _-*=--,'ob *$)r-^ \"4 iL civ,,L .,-+/' civ \o. lN,BASflii AHAMET BIN MA]IEEN ASHIR AHAMF',I) \{AII)T]F,N) -*-'..V r *v 3\-z T.: N. 148 .. ai Jer i Iam.n i. +6C7'5r21707. Fai peLan HEAD OfllCEi Seksv.n BS2 Buk I seilosa 43300 Rawai9, s. :ntor oaar Ehsan +603-60231t07 Fat 1603-6C23t60/ E mai nad Onad.orsr IOHOR BRANCH: Nusa eesr.r Jaya 31200 Eandar Nusajaya Johor aahru iohor m -601 5122707 E na : nad jb@iac;.onsu I .om iMID G-0/ laan :, P,a, Urana d/f "do.'o