Market Leaders and their Challengers in the Top 40
Market Leaders and their Challengers in the Top 40
The Barth Report and Germain Hansmaennel present 2008 Market Leaders and their Challengers in the Top 40 Countries The innovation for diatomaceous earth-free one-step filtration and stabilization ® BASF’s innovative filter excipient Crosspure® : • Clarifies beer through filtering out turbidity-active compounds • Stabilizes through adsorbing phenolic compounds • Maintains taste and character of the beer • Absolutely insoluble and completely removed from the beer • No labeling requirement • Eco-friendly and highly economical: unlimitedly regenerable Pour pure beer. For more information please contact or call +49 621 60-28112. ® = registered trademark BASF SE Explanation The ranking of the countries is based on production volume. The number on the left of the country indicates its world beer production ranking. The ranking of the breweries is based on their domestic production market shares and not on domestic sales volumes. FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION If the group behind the domestic brewery is written in capital letters it means it has a participation over 50 %. If it is written in small characters it means it has a participation below 50 %. Sources: Barth-Report 2008/2009, United Nations and World Bank Statistics ABI SAB HEI CAR MOCO KIR ASA AB INBEV SAB-MILLER HEINEKEN CARLSBERG MOLSON-COORS KIRIN ASAHI POPULATION: Population in million of inhabitants. PRODUCTION: Production of beer in million of hectolitres. Imprint: PCC: Per Capita Consumption of beer in litres. Publisher: Joh. Barth & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Nuremberg MS: Market share based on the mentioned breweries’ domestic sales. The breweries are mentioned in the national ranking either if their market share is superior to 10 % with a minimum volume of 1 million hl or if they appear in the top 40 brewery list having more than 5 % market share in the respective country. GNP: Gross National Product in billion US$. Editor: Stephan Barth, Managing Partner, Nuremberg Subeditor: Heinrich Meier, Georgensgmuend Layout: Büro Alexander Fröde, Cologne Printer: COS Druck & Verlag GmbH, Hersbruck. THE BEER MARKET IS THIRSTY FOR NEW IDEAS. LET’S TALK ABOUT THEM. New Symrise beer mixes. What does next year’s trend setting drink taste like? Whether it’s fruity, fresh, exotic or tangy – the modern and younger consumer particularly welcomes new taste concepts for beer mixes. Wherever a beer is ordered, we make sure that it is one of yours. The key to success in the beer market has, after all, always been a question of getting the mixture right. Symrise – always inspiring more … North and Central America Canada 15 2USA USA 2 Mexico 6 POP GNP PROD PCC MS 302.3 13,847.0 231,772 83 79% AB INBEV MILLERCOORS SAB MOCO Quick Helper POP: Population in million GNP: Gross National Product in billion US$ PROD:Production of beer in million of hectoliters * Estimate PCC: Per Capita Consumption beer in liters MS: Market Share 6Mexico POP GNP PROD PCC MS 105.2 878.5 82,343 60 99% MODELO ABI CUAUHTEMOC FEMSA 15Canada POP GNP PROD PCC MS 32.6 1,177.4 23,662 70 86% LABATT ABI MOLSON MOCO ABI AB INBEV SAB SAB-MILLER HEI HEINEKEN CAR CARLSBERG MOCOMOLSON-COORS KIR KIRIN ASA ASAHI WEYERMANN® MALT Brennerstrasse 17-19 · 96052 Bamberg - Germany · South America 14 Venezuela 19 Columbia 29 Peru 4 Brazil 37 Chile 24 Argentina 4Brazil 14Venezuela POP GNP PROD PCC MS 191.3 1,313.3 106,300 * 57 99% AMBEV ABI SHINCARIOL KAISER FEMSA PETROPOLIS POP GNP PROD PCC MS 27.4 231.4 24,905 101 80% POLAR REGIONAL 19Columbia 24Argentina POP GNP PROD PCC MS 40.1 185.3 19,000 * 43 100% POP GNP PROD PCC MS 39.5 256.1 15,500 * 41 90% BAVARIA SAB QUILMES ABI CCU ARG Hei 29Peru 37Chile POP GNP PROD PCC MS 27.9 99.2 10,800 36 96% POP GNP PROD PCC MS Quick Helper 16.5 142.0 5,870 35 100% BACKUS&JOHNSTON SAB CCU Hei AMBEV PERU ABI CIA CHILE ABI POP: Population in million GNP: Gross National Product in billion US$ PROD:Production of beer in million of hectoliters * Estimate PCC: Per Capita Consumption beer in liters MS: Market Share ABI AB INBEV SAB SAB-MILLER HEI HEINEKEN CAR CARLSBERG MOCOMOLSON-COORS KIR KIRIN ASA ASAHI If you want to be successful, you need competent partners! Sachon trade magazines Innovative magazines for professional decision makers Your contact persons: BREWING AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRY INTERNATIONAL, ESPAÑOL and CHINA GETRÄNKEINDUSTRIE Sabine Berchtenbreiter, Tel. +49 / 82 61 / 9 99 - 3 38 BRAUINDUSTRIE DOEMENSIANER Anita Elsäßer, Tel. +49 / 82 61 / 9 99 - 3 31 GETRÄNKEFACHGROSSHANDEL Helga Reß, Tel. +49 / 82 61 / 9 99 - 3 32 Verlag W. Sachon GmbH + Co. · Schloss Mindelburg · D - 87714 Mindelheim Telephone + 49 / 82 61/ 9 99 - 0 · Fax + 49 / 82 61/ 9 99 - 3 91 · · Asia 7 Japan 20 South Korea 1 China 30 India 21 Vietnam 17 Thailand 27 Philippines 1China 7Japan 17Thailand 20South Korea POP GNP PROD PCC MS 1,339.0 3,250.8 410,301 32 50% CRE SNOW SAB TSINGTAO Asahi YANJING AB INBEV POP GNP PROD PCC MS 127.7 4,497.0 61,111 52 99% KIRIN ASAHI SUNTORY SAPPORO POP GNP PROD PCC MS 63.9 240.2 20,725 31 92% SINGHA CORP BEER THAI CHANG POP GNP PROD PCC MS 48.5 957.0 18,615 37 100% HITE ORIENTAL BR. 21Vietnam 27Philippines 30India Quick Helper POP: Population in million GNP: Gross National Product in billion US$ PROD:Production of beer in million of hectoliters * Estimate PCC: Per Capita Consumption beer in liters MS: Market Share POP GNP PROD PCC MS 85.1 68.5 18,499 19 58% SAIGON BR. HANOI BR. Car APB Hei POP GNP PROD PCC MS 87.9 156.9 13,300 16 93% SAN MIGUEL Kir POP GNP PROD PCC MS 1,125.7 1,136.0 9,950 1 75% UNITED BR. Hei SAB INDIA ABI AB INBEV SAB SAB-MILLER HEI HEINEKEN CAR CARLSBERG MOCOMOLSON-COORS KIR KIRIN ASA ASAHI Western, Central and Eastern Europe 3Russia 5Germany 8U. K. 9Poland POP GNP PROD PCC MS 141.1 1,250.0 114,000 81 83% BBH CAR SUN INBEV ABI HEINEKEN RUS EFES RUS POP GNP PROD PCC MS 82.3 3,322.0 102,860 111 38% RADEBERGER GR AB INBEV GER BITBURGER GP OETTINGER POP GNP PROD PCC MS 60.1 2,772.5 49,469 88 77% SCOTTISH & NEW HEI CBL MOCO AB INBEV UK CARLSBERG UK POP GNP PROD PCC MS 38.1 400.0 35,600 93 90% PIVOWARSKA SAB ZYWIEC HEI OKOCIM CAR 10Spain 11Ukraine 12Netherlands 16Romania POP GNP PROD PCC MS 44.8 1,438.9 33,400 84 84% POP GNP PROD PCC MS 46.4 138.5 32,030 62 94% POP GNP PROD PCC MS 6.3 768.0 26,500 * 77 90% POP GNP PROD PCC MS MAHOU - SAN MIGUEL HEINEKEN SP DAMM SUN INBEV ABI OBOLON BBH CAR 18Czech Rep. 22Belgium 26France 28Italy POP GNP PROD PCC MS 10.3 165.8 19,806 159 79% POP GNP PROD PCC MS 10.6 453.6 17,796 86 68% HEINEKEN NL BAVARIA GROLSCH SAB INBEV NL POP GNP PROD PCC MS 61.6 2,560.2 14,430 31 67% 21.5 160.1 20,774 92 69% SAB RO BRAU UNION RO HEI INBEV RO ABI POP GNP PROD PCC MS 59.1 2,104.6 13,212 31 52% PLZENSY PRAZDROJ SAB STAROPRAMEN ABI HEINEKEN CZ INBEV ALKEN-MAES HEI KRONENBOURG CAR HEINEKEN FR HEI HEINEKEN ITA PERONI SAB 31Turkey 32Austria 33Ireland 34Portugal POP GNP PROD PCC MS 73.8 504.8 9,900 12 99% POP GNP PROD PCC MS 8.3 373.9 8,937 108 63% POP GNP PROD PCC MS 4.3 223.7 8,846 106 99% POP GNP PROD PCC MS 10.6 214.1 8,208 61 98% EFES TURK TUBORG BRAU UNION HEI STIEGL GUINNESS DIAGEO MURPHY HEI UNICER CAR CENTRALCER HEI Quick Helper 35Denmark 36Hungary 37Serbia 39Bulgaria POP: Population in million GNP: Gross National Product in billion US$ PROD:Production of beer in million of hectoliters * Estimate PCC: Per Capita Consumption beer in liters MS: Market Share ABI AB INBEV SAB SAB-MILLER HEI HEINEKEN CAR CARLSBERG MOCOMOLSON-COORS KIR KIRIN ASA ASAHI POP GNP PROD PCC MS 5.4 315.1 7,870 81 97% CARLSBERG ROYAL UNIBREW POP GNP PROD PCC MS 10.0 128.4 7,049 79 90% BRAU UNION HEI DREHER SORGYAR SAB BORSODI SORGYAR ABI POP GNP PROD PCC MS 7.4 39.5 6,366 61 87% APATIN ABI CARLSBERG SERB. EFFES POP GNP PROD PCC MS 7.6 39.6 5,770 74 56% ZAGORKA HEI KAMENITZA ABI CARLSBERG BUL Turkey Russia Bulgaria Romania Serbia Ukraine Hungary Poland Austria Italy Czech Rep. France Germany Belgium Netherlands Denmark Spain Portugal U. K. Ireland 3 31 9 36 11 37 16 39 28 32 5 26 18 8 34 10 35 12 22 33 Indispensable – Worldwide Print – Newsletter – Online Contact us now! Fachverlag Hans Carl GmbH P.O. Box 99 01 53 90268 Nürnberg, Germany Phone: ++49(0)911/9 52 85-0 Web: Africa and Oceania 25 Nigeria 23 Australia 40 Angola 13 South Africa 13South Africa 25Nigeria 40Angola 23Australia Quick Helper POP: Population in million GNP: Gross National Product in billion US$ PROD:Production of beer in million of hectoliters * Estimate PCC: Per Capita Consumption beer in liters MS: Market Share POP GNP PROD PCC MS 47.9 273.6 25,900 59 95% SAB POP GNP PROD PCC MS 148.1 114.4 15,400 9 94% NIGERIAN BR. HEI GUINNESS NIG.DIAGEO POP GNP PROD PCC MS 17.5 53.0 5,325 25 95% SABA-CASTEL Sab N.GOLA SAB POP GNP PROD PCC MS 21.0 848.8 17,080 85 82% FOSTERS LION NATHAN KIR Barth-Report Hopfen – Beilage, Format 175 x 120 mm, PT1/PT2, CC-en34-AZ085 05/09 Life is liquid. (7) Your bottom line is our top priority. CC-en34-AZ085_05-09.indd 1 ABI AB INBEV SAB SAB-MILLER HEI HEINEKEN CAR CARLSBERG MOCOMOLSON-COORS KIR KIRIN ASA ASAHI We firmly believe brewers will always deserve a healthy profit! That’s why we’ve reduced our lines’ energy consumption to an historic low. Without, of course, compromising the beers’ flavourful excellence in the slightest. On the contrary: when it comes to taste, all the indicators are still right at the top of the scale! Find out more at: 29.05.2009 9:45:34 Uhr More about hops Hop Science Newsletter The Barth-Haas Grants Our Hop Science Newsletter informs about the newest research activities and new findings to provide the readers with all kind of hop related information. If you would like to receive the Hop Science Newsletter once a month free of charge please write to The Barth-Haas Group wants to support research activities that focus on the use of hops and hop products in all kinds of brewing applications. Therefore the Group confers grants for students of brewing science worldwide. Learn more about the Grants on The Barth-Haas Grants 2009 were given to the following awardees and each will receive a grant of 2,000 euros: University/Institute Research/Supervisor Form of project Titel Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Prof. Paul Hughes Master Thesis Instrumental bitterness dectection based on a sensory partitioning mechanisms Universita Politecnica de Madrid Alfonso Herrera Master Thesis Development of sun struck flavour in light-stable beers TU München/ BRI Nutfield Dr. Krottenthaler/ C. Walker Research Project Degradation products of the iso-alpha acids: Factors affecting their formation, development of a routine analysis and their influence on the sensory properties of beer TU München Dr. Illberg/ Claudia Ronquillo Master Thesis Hop/hop products and gushing TU Berlin Prof. Frank-Juergen Research Project The anti-radical behaviour of hop constituents and their Methner ANZ_Blume_Bier_175x120_UK_03.06.09:Layout 1 contribution to theSeite beer staling 03.06.2009 14:44 Uhr 1 BECOPAD The plate and frame filter becomes an enclosed system. Drip- and loss-free 20 % more efficient 50 % reduction in flushing volume and backwashing 100 % pure filter cellulose No change of colour, flavour, or taste Top 40 Countries Market leaders 2008 and their challengers in the top 40 countries beer production 2000 beer production 2007 220,000 232,500 54,900 82,600 110,429 57,812 70,998 55,279 24,000 26,400 10,270 25,072 24,500 18,590 23,074 12,097 11,543 17,916 13,500 18,568 7,430 14,733 17,150 12,000 6,300 18,926 12,200 12,575 5,627 5,500 6,903 8,750 8,710 6,451 7,460 7,300 --- 4,193 4,115 1,232 393,137 232,839 115,000 96,000* 103,970 81,000 62,804 51,341 35,500 34,350 31,561 27,259 26,530 26,249 23,920 19,422 21,700 19,897 19,000* 17,886 18,000 18,565 16,770 14,500* 13,500 15,096 13,600* 13,520 9,236 9,000 9,205 9,044 9,270 8,191 8,042 7,550 6,067 5,680 5,686 3,958 1,277,603 1,653,845 1,679,181 World beer production 2008 1,815,616 Market share top 40 countries 2008 92.5 % 1 CHINA 2 USA 3 RUSSIA 4 BRAZIL 5 GERMANY 6 MEXICO 7 JAPAN 8 U.K. 9 POLAND 10 SPAIN 11 UKRAINE 12 NETHERLANDS 13 SOUTH AFRICA 14 VENEZUELA 15 CANADA 16 ROMANIA 17 THAILAND 18 CZECH REP. 19 COLUMBIA 20 SOUTH KOREA 21 VIETNAM 22 BELGIUM 23 AUSTRALIA 24 ARGENTINA 25 NIGERIA 26 FRANCE 27 PHILIPPINES 28 ITALY 29 PERU 30 INDIA 31 TURKEY 32 AUSTRIA 33 IRELAND 34 PORTUGAL 35 DENMARK 36 HUNGARY 37 SERBIA 38 CHILE 39 BULGARIA 40 ANGOLA Total beer production 2008 410,301 231,772 114,000 106,300* 102,860 82,343 61,111 49,469 35,600 33,400 32,030 26,500* 25,900 24,905 23,662 20,774 20,725 19,806 19,000* 18,615 18,499 17,796 17,080 15,500* 15,400 14,430 13,300 13,212 10,800 9,950 9,900 8,937 8,846 8,208 7,870 7,049 6,366 5,870 5,770 5,325 Quick Helper Production of beer in 1,000 hectoliters * Estimate The 40 largest brewing groups Merger and Acquisition Highlights of the 40 largest brewing groups worldwide as of 31 December 2008 The mainly debt financed take-over of Anheuser-Busch by InBev was, of course, the event of the year creating by far the world’s largest brewer with some 388 million hl annual beer production (excluding the volumes of Modelo, Mexico). The new company is called AB InBev. It produces roughly every 4th beer in the world and has joined ranks with the world’s largest consumer goods companies. The dissection of Scottish&Newcastle by the Heineken-Carlsberg “consortium” was a further milestone in the “beer monopoly” bringing the BBH-Group into the Carlsberg fold. Another mega-merger went almost unnoticed in the hectic year 2008: SABMiller and Molson-Coors pooled their US activities under a newly formed Joint Venture by the name of MillerCoors with SABMiller holding 58 % of the new entity and Molson-Coors the remaining 42 %. The disappearance of a number of breweries from the Top 40 List (Anheuser-Busch, BBH, S&N) made space in the league table for some newcomers: Saigon Beverage Corporation (SABECO), Vietnam, and United Brewery, India. We have also decided to list China Resources Breweries Ltd., China, separately this year, of which SABMiller holds a 49 % share and which was included in SABMiller in our report for 2007, as SABMiller’s operational control seems limited. For 114 years Doemens in Munich-Gräfelfing has been a capable and professional partner to the brewing and beverage-industry. Doemens Academy educates brewmasters, foodstufftechnologists and is a reliable partner to all young people starting their career in the beverage-industry. • Doemens Seminars offer a wide variety of courses to continue education within the brewing and beverage-industry. • Doemens Technicum provides a wide variety of specialists to help in any field beverage-industrie has to cope with. • World Brewing Academy offers English language courses in brewing-technology with classes in Chicago/USA and Munich/Germany. • For further information please contact us: Fon: +49-89-8 58 05-0 or The 40 largest brewing groups The 40 largest brewing groups worldwide as of 31.12.2008 Brewery and Rank Country 1 AB InBev 1) 2 SABMiller 2) 3 Heineken 4 Carlsberg 5 China Resource Brewery Ltd. 6 Tsingtao Brewery Group 7 Grupo Modelo 8 Molson-Coors 9 Yanjing 10 Femsa 11 Asahi 12 Kirin 13 Efes Group 14 BGI / Groupe Castel 15 Polar 16 Diageo (Guinness) 3) 17 Gold Star 18 Chongqing Beer 19 Grupo Schincariol 20 San Miguel Corporation 21 Radeberger Gruppe 22 Grupo Mahou - San Miguel 23 Pearl River 24 Obolon 25 Hite 26 Singha Corporation 27 Foster’s Group 28 Petropolis 29 CCU 30 Lion Nathan 4) 31 Oettinger 32 Beer Thai (Chang) 33 Saigon Beverage Corp. (SABECO) 34 Damm 35 Suntory 36 Bitburger Braugruppe 37 Sapporo 38 United Brewery 39 Shenzhen Kingway 40 Shanghai Suntory Production vol. 2008 in mill. hl Belgium United Kingdom Netherlands Denmark China China Mexico USA/Canada China Mexico Japan Japan Turkey France Venezuela Ireland China China Brazil Philippines Germany Spain China Ukraine South Korea Thailand Australia Brazil Chile Australia/New Zealand Germay Thailand Vietnam Spain Japan Germany Japan India China China Total World beer production 2008 Percentage of world beer production 388.1 174.4 161.5 109.3 73.0 54.3 51.5 51.1 42.2 41.1 23.1 22.7 22.6 19.8 19.0 19.0 18.5 17.7 17.0 17.0 13.5 12.2 11.9 11.3 11.1 11.0 9.0 9.0 8.9 8.5 8.5 8.3 8.1 7.7 7.6 7.4 7.2 6.4 6.3 6.2 21.4 % 9.6 % 8.9 % 6.0 % 4.0 % 3.0 % 2.8 % 2.8 % 2.3 % 2.3 % 1.3 % 1.3 % 1.2 % 1.1 % 1.0 % 1.0 % 1.0 % 1.0 % 0.9 % 0.9 % 0.7 % 0.7 % 0.7 % 0.6 % 0.6 % 0.6 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.4 % 0.4 % 0.4 % 0.4 % 0.4 % 0.4 % 0.3 % 0.3 % 1,523.0 83.9 % 1,815.6 100.0 % Quick Helper The data were taken from the brewer’s own annual reports. In other cases, the production volume had to be estimated after different sources had reported differing or no figures. Without Modelo Without China Resource Brewery Ltd. 3) Last year’s figure, no new data available 4) In May 2009 majority take over by Kirin 1) 2) BARTH-HAAS GROUP HOPS ARE OUR WORLD Hops are our World We are the experts: For years, Joh. Barth & Sohn and the companies of the Barth-Haas Group have been going strong on all continents. Your company will benefit from our experience and knowledge. Joh. Barth & Sohn and the companies of the Barth-Haas Group are the world’s largest hop products and services supplier. For more information contact: EUROPE/ASIA: Joh. Barth & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG · · GREAT BRITAIN: BOTANIX Ltd. · · CHINA: Barth Haas (Beijing) Trade Co., Ltd · Fax +86 10 65907095 · AMERICA: John I. Haas, Inc. · · AUSTRALIA: Hop Products Australia · · Germain Hansmaennel 8 A rue du Maire Kuss · Strasbourg Telefon: +33-6-08 89 57 46 · Fax: +33-3-88 32 67 17 · E-Mail:
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