Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet Issue 101-090111 September 2011 KMNY Welcomes: We want to welcome the following new students to the KMNY Nation. More students have joined us since; we will welcome them in Newsletters to come: Kia Anthony Jason Roth Doreen DiGiacomo Mike McManus Michael Fitzpatrick Megan Crow Adults Adults Adults Adults Force Training km-X Training This Month: Week 1 Level 1 - Strikes & SD Level 2 - Bobbing, Strikes, Hand/Leg Def, Ground Level 3 - Strikes, Ground, Stick, Sparring Level 4 - Gun, Stick, SD, Review Week 2 Level 1 - Strikes, 360 & Inside Def, SD Level 2 - Strikes, Hand/Leg Def, SD Level 3 - Strikes, Gun, Rolls, SD Level 4 - Strikes, Cavaliers, Knife, SD, Sparring Week 3 Level 1 - Strikes, SD, & Ground Level 2 - Strikes, Def. & Counters, SD Level 3 - Review, Sparring, Ground, Fall Break Level 4 - Review, SD, Sparring, Ground, Stick Week 4 Level 1 - Review Prior Weeks Level 2 - Movement, Strikes, SD, Ground Level 3 - Mitts, SD, Sweeps, Strikes, Gun Level 4 - Gun, Knife, Strikes, Review Nation News: - If the introduction of a newsletter isn’t news enough, read on… Our 3rd annual Student Appreciation Party will be held on Saturday Sept. 24th at the Krav Cabana. More info to follow but save the date Our first ever KMNY student survey was a great success. About 2/3 of the student base responded with some excellent feedback. We’ve already started addressing you’re your questions, comments and concerns, and we pledge that within the next 6 months we will address all responses. We’re committed to our students and we are going to want to know if we in fact did what you asked, so expect to be surveyed again in 2012. Until then, thank you, thank you, thank you. For survey results, see page 3 A new class schedule is now available. If you don’t yet have one, email to request one. The new schedule takes effect Monday Sept. 19th. We’ve added lots of classes including two more Krav Maga Segments and a new Krav Maga Theme class. We’ve also added several Fundamentals classes, perfect for teens, new students or anyone that wants to refresh the basics. These Fundamentals classes feature new up and coming instructors, so your support is greatly appreciated On Sept. 19th, KMNY Somers will launch a new Fitness Program. Morning and evening classes include Martial Fit, Kick Boxing, Combat Fitness, Boot Camp and Stretch. Classes feature both seasoned instructors as well as up and coming instructors. Separate registration is required, and here’s more on that… In response to overwhelming survey support, and recognizing the inevitable need to prevent (and in the unfortunate event, treat) muscle–skeletal conditions, in addition to straight up fitness classes, KMNY teamed up with GEB Medical, a well established medical advisory and solutions company, to bring preventive muscle-skeletal services in house. Dr. Meri Rosco, a Thai Boxing Black Belt herself, will be on hand to provide muscle-skeletal evaluations and treatment, and she will be in direct contact with your fitness instructors to discuss any limitations that you may have so that exercises can me modified for optimal results. Best of all, if your insurance qualifies, not only is your muscle-skeletal treatment virtually free, but your enrollment to the Fitness program would practically be a giveaway – This incredible, too good to be true offer, is available only through KMNY – more on page 6 1 Issue #: 101-090111 Issue [Date] Training This Month: …continued Monday Night Segment: Knife vs. Knife Wednesday Night Segment: Sparring Sunday Morning Segment: Thai Pad / Focus Mitt Work Monthly Theme: Higher Force Options Dates To Remember: Mon. Sep. 4, New Class Schedule Announced Fri. Sept. 9, Mass Intro 6:30 pm Sat. Sept. 10, Mass Intro 10 am Mon. Sept. 19, New Schedule In Effect Sat. Sep. 24, KMNY’s 3rd Annual Party – All Day Event Sun. Oct. 9, Level III Test 11 am Sun. Oct. 23, Level I Test 11 am Sun. Nov. 20, Level II Test 11 am December 19, LE Certification Course Unsolicited Comments From Our Students: Davide, I want you to know that I will carry what you tough me (in many ways) with me until I am dust… I want to thank you for being in the top 4 teachers that have influenced me in such a positive way in my life to date.... you are special September 2011 Dolor Sit Amet The Ramble: A good Instructor has not only the skill and the knowledge, but also has the experience. Skill and knowledge alone can only take you so far. Experience is what carries you the extra mile, and differentiates you from the crowd. I’m sure you can all relate to what I mean. But most people perhaps don’t realize that like it or not, experience oftentimes comes from bad judgment. One evening in 2004 I was teaching adults and had the pleasure of having a new student in class, a female. Let’s call her Amy. I wanted Amy to get the most out of class so shortly after warm up I paired her up with another female student who had slightly more experience. Let’s call this other student Jane. I thought it was a good match up, and a good move on my part. Not more than 10 minutes pass and Amy is paired up with someone else while Jane is sitting outside in the sitting area. I step outside and ask Jane if there is anything wrong. She says everything is fine. I pause and ask her again. She assures me that everything is OK and that she’s just resting. I must have asked 3 or 4 times and got the same reassuring answer every time. I turned toward the door to walk back in but didn’t. I stopped, looked at Jane and expressed to her how I felt. I was almost certain something was wrong but I didn’t know what, and I admitted to her it could be the emotional me, but I felt I had to give it one last chance. Others may have continued along the lines of no, no, no, everything is OK, but she had the courage to criticize my judgment. She explained to me that she was there that night to train hard, for her own reasons, and that she was looking forward to training with the partner she chose to pair up with, who was her husband by the way (I knew that), and that she didn’t appreciate me switching her partner. I apologized to her. She was right. I learned two things that evening that neither skill nor knowledge ever taught me; to always allow a student the opportunity to tell me what’s wrong, and not to partner students based on what I think makes a good match In case you haven’t noticed, nowadays I always allow students to select their own partner. I only change partners if safety becomes a concern for me. No doubt that I am the way I am because of what I experienced that evening in 2004. Consequently KMNY Instructors too rarely match up students. It’s not in our ‘culture’ I guess, and I guess I’m to blame. Some may say that matching up students is a good thing, but until I have a contrary experience as noble as that one, I doubt I’ll easily change. If you have something you want to say about anyone of us, why not e mail it to 2 Issue 101-090111 #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet September 2011 KMNY Survey Results: Apart from basic info such as age, sex, training location, etc., the first survey question asked students to rate Instructors. Survey results and related comments indicate that our Instructors are highly regarded. Overall, 10’s far outnumber all other scores. We’re extremely flattered, thank you. But we did receive constructive criticism and scores to match. Now we know how we rate and what we need to work on to improve Very, very few select the class that their going to attend based on the Instructor teaching it, and an overwhelming majority would attend a class taught by a new or different Instructor About ¼ of responders would prefer to have the class levels split from the beginning. Everyone else either prefers the existing format or has no preference, but virtually all agree that class ought to be split after warm up A large number of new students (3 months or less) think that the more experienced students (6 months or more) don’t want to work with them, yet in sharp contrast an overwhelming number of more experience students are willing, and even extremely willing, to work with new students. This seems to suggest that more experienced students, though willing to work with less experienced students, may not be doing so in large scale Many of you want to know what we intend to teach ahead of time and would like to see: more of a mix of sparring, fun stuff, partner changes, identification of techniques, less time spent warming up, more ground work and weapons, strikes to varied targets including light impact, more context and continuity with training, less use of terminology unfamiliar to new students, more compassion from the instructors, and splitting of levels sooner and perhaps even further. Lastly, a large number of students asked for more scenario based training We received some very good feedback relevant to how we could improve. Thank you. …continued on p.4 The Ramble: ….continued However, and here is the point of my little story, in case you haven’t noticed, much like it’s not in our culture to match up students, it’s also not in our culture to run class with an iron fist. Our Instructors are very, very relaxed. Walk off the mat if you must, skip an exercise if it you need to, come late or leave early if that’s all you can manage, sit out and just watch if you want to, laugh, laugh a lot even, and switch up your partner, in fact, switch your partners often. Why not? Just because I don’t switch you (or other Instructor’s don’t switch you) doesn’t mean you can’t switch on your own. Do you think your Instructors would frown upon that? We wouldn’t. If anything, we’d encourage it, as long as it’s respectfully arranged, preferably ahead of time. Hey, this is your class; you’re paying to be here, you’re free and in control, to a certain extent, so do what’s best for you and you alone. So there you have it, my matchmaker phobia. About a month ago Paul and Dave, two experienced students, were working together kicking each other’s ass on one side of the red mat. Suddenly, one whispered to the other and they broke off, quickly making their way to the complete opposite side of the red mat. They targeted a pair of new students and asked if they could jump in. As the class progressed, the four alternated back and forth. Paul and Dave still got a chance to kick each other’s ass, and the two new guys got some great training, thanks to Paul and Dave. I don’t know if KMNY influenced what Paul and Dave did, but I sure hope so because THIS ought to be the culture that defines KMNY, a culture passed on from experienced student to new student. By: Davide G. 3 xperiadrenars on o comk over e winwered S-1s at September 2011 Dolor Sit Amet KMNY Force Training Division "Train Like Your Life Depends On It" This month's Force Training tip deals with Combat Breathing. This method, depicted here on the left, is taught to soldiers and law enforcement officers to counteract the adrenaline dump associated with high stress encounters. It is taught by many, most notably Col Dave Grossman (US Army retired) and author of several books dealing with interpersonal violence. If practiced correctly, this process will help slow down heart rate and keep you out of the lethal "freeze" PHOTO DALE STOCKTON soar. o from set in. memntially longe with. ursuit d offi“Highended of sol- controlled-breathing techniques for stress control while fighting. The breathing technique known as chi breathing, sanshin breathing, autogenic breathing and probably a dozen Issuealso-known-as 101-090111 #: [Date] more names has been recently touted in police training circles as combat breathing. Stay safe kids. By: Maj. Ed Raso Survey Results: …continued CONDITIONED RESPONSE Many progressive police training classes now teach this We also learned that a staggering number of you think highly of KMNY: almost all of you are extremely likely or very breathing exercise, but most don’t take it far enough to likely to recommend us to others, 90% of you scored us a 10 and almost everyone else scored us a 9. But we did make it functional. In most cases, instructors teach this receive a handful of 8’s, 1 person scored us a 7 and another a 6, so clearly we have work to do. technique in the completely tranquil, sterile environment far asclassroom, what prevents recommending to others, comments included boring and soft training, class size, ofAs a quiet whichyou failsfrom to give officers proper us mentoo much warm up, bathroom conditions (unfortunately tal cues to trigger the breathing pattern subconsciously. not managed by KMNY by the way), air conditioning, and monthly fees Officers will need this technique most when their adrenaWith respect to expanded programs, approximately 90% of you said that you would participate in a fitness program if line and the moment overload their short-term memory it fit your schedule. Of those that would participate, only 4 responders would participate instead of their current with information vital to their survival. membership, all others would participate in addition to their current membership. We now know what technique our officers must learn, but howthan do we teach it so they to do it when theyweekday evening 6 to 8 pm or weekend morning classes. The More half of those whoremember would participate prefer need thehighest most? Well, probably can’t. were Teachweekday them to evenings 4 to 6 pm and weekday mornings. As far as costs for next ittwo rated you options (in order) remember to do it, that is. you To expect officers to you consciously a fitness program, 40 of responded that would be somewhat likely, very likely or extremely likely to pay for a fitness program in breathing addition technique to your current membership remember to use the is neither realistic vs. 28 of you who would be unlikely pay. Of the 40 who would be likelyYou to pay, would be willing to pay up to $40 a month. The rest would be willing nor dependable. can, slightly however,more makethan it ahalf conditioned to pay to upa to $60 stimulus. a month. If our fitness program also incorporated additional services like muscle – skeletal response specific evaluations and nutritional support, manyyou offorget you would be just as likely or more likely to participate. Only 18 Bruce Lee was once quoted, “Learn it until it.” responders remained uninterested. I believe he meant we should learn techniques so we can perform themwere without thought. he said program in the If KMNY ableconscious to subsidize theAsfitness payments through your healthcare provided, 69% of all responders pursuewhile the option. movie “Enterwould the Dragon” teaching a young apprentice, feel.”a feature on our website for students to enter profile information, 60% of responders would If KMNY “Don’t were tothink, provide consider it, 32% are unsure and 8% would not ➔➔ June 2006 be l interested LAW OFFICER 43 spring and for 20 other responders it would depend on timing, 18 responders would in a MAGAZINE trip to Israellnext costs and so on. 39 responders would not be interested The last section dealt with miscellaneous questions, and we got some great comments Thank you all for your feedback 4 Issue 101-090111 #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet September 2011 Kids Corner Facts & Tips: There are 4 calories in a gram of protein and 4 calories in a gram of carbs. There are 9 calories in a gram of fat and 7 calories in a gram of alcohol. And did you know that a pound of fat is the size of a grapefruit? There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. That is a lot of calories! I’m sure most of us consume only half that amount in a day so it’s definitely not easy to burn that many calories You should eat 4-5 times per day, so definitely start your first meal when you start your day. Breakfast not only jumpstarts your metabolism but provides the blood sugar to help your brain function well. Think protein in the morning. Good examples are high protein, low sugar yogurts like Chobani, egg whites, cottage cheese or a protein shake. Then try to eat every four or five hours after breakfast. Have your last meal a few hours before you go to bed rather than right before going to bed. Set a curfew, such as, “I won’t eat past 9p.m.” to help remind yourself to eat early and to give your body a chance to metabolize your meal. By: Dr. Meri Rosco This month, try to answer these questions correctly, ask your parents for help if you want to. Then, put your name on it the sheets and hand them in by Oct. 15th. If you get all the questions right, you’ll get to warm up the entire class. How cool would that be? Don’t worry, we’ll help you with the warm up, it’s part of learning to be a leader. When doing a left side break fall, which part of your body should hit the mat first? a. Your entire left side b. Your left leg c. Your left arm d. Your left hand When making a low kick, which part of your body leads the motion? a. Your foot b. Your hip c. Your knee d. Your shin Mr. Davide’s favorite food is spaghetti with meatballs True or False? Pro Shop Sale: Through October 15th, complete sparring gear package on sale. Head Gear 16 oz. Gloves Shin Guards Mouth Guard Groin Protection Krav Maga Bag Regular Price $320 + tax & shipping Sale Price $260 + tax & shipping The easiest way for someone to make you look foolish is to: a. Call you names in front of a lot of people b. Start a rumor about you like telling people that you smell c. Tell people not to invite you to parties, sleepovers, etc. d. Get you really mad so that you push them or hit them When are you allowed to use Krav Maga a. When your in km-X class b. When your home and your parents are there c. When you are afraid that someone is about hurt you d. All of the above After km-X class we read a story that has a theme. List all themes covered in your class this month (Sept. to Oct.) …continued on p.7 5 Issue Issue 101-090111 #: [Date] September 2011 Dolor Sit Amet Fitness Program & Extended Services: Fitness Program classes are identified as such on the class schedule. Participation to these classes is by registration only. If you’re a Krav Maga student, wish to participate in fitness classes and have medical insurance that qualifies, you can enroll for unlimited Fitness classes at a flat fee of only $10 a month. If you qualify, your insurance company will require that you undergo an initial muscle-skeletal evaluation, which will be provided at our facility and at your convenience by Dr. Meri Rosco. To maintain your Fitness Program enrollment at $10 a month, your insurance may also require periodic progress evaluations, again at our facility and at your convenience, which will be billed separately by Dr. Rasco (GEB Medical). These additional fees, if applicable, vary from $10 to $15 a month If you’re NOT a Krav Maga student but wish to participate in our Fitness classes and have medical insurance that qualifies, you can enroll to the Fitness program at a flat fee of $40 a month. In addition to class participation, your insurance company will require that you undergo an initial muscle-skeletal evaluation, which will be provided at our facility and at your convenience by Dr. Meri Rosco. To maintain your enrollment at $40 a month, your insurance may require periodic evaluations, again at our facility and at your convenience, which will be billed separately by Dr. Rasco (GEB Medical). These additional fees, if applicable, generally don’t exceed $25 a month If your insurance does not qualify, regardless of whether or not you participate in Krav Maga, the fee to enroll in the fitness program will be $85 a month To determine whether your insurance qualifies, kindly fill out and submit to us the qualification form on page 8 before Monday September 12, this is important. We’ll respond with your eligibility within 48 hrs. Enjoy Your Training Your Training: Exercising without goals is like always going to practice for any sport, but never having a game. Why practice? If you don't set a goal for yourself, what are you working so hard for? Or, on the other hand, it might be the reason you find it so difficult to work hard at all. Setting a goal will give you something to work toward and achieve, so make them realistic and challenging. "I want to loose weight" or "I want to look good in a bathing suit” is not a goal. “I want to do 15 pushups by the end of September”, “I want to loose 5lbs. in the next two months”, or “I want to be able to do the entire warm up without taking a break by Halloween” are goals. These are very realistic and attainable goals, and will give you a great sense if accomplishment. Achieving goals you have set will also help keep you motivated. So when you reach your first goal, set another and raise the bar for yourself. I believe that if you give this a solid chance you will be amazed at the results! By: Chris A. 6 101-090111 Issue #: [Date] Kids Corner …continued From an Instructor’s point of view, a great student is a student that: a. Tries really hard b. Has the highest belt c. Has been in km-X the longest d. Is the most talented student in class Fighting stance really has only 4 basic balance points; front, back, left, right True or False? Movement in fighting stance has only 4 direction; forward, backward, left, right True or False? Mr. Marc is a: a. Police officer b. Fire fighter c. Medic d. All of the above Mr. Paul coaches: a. Soccer b. Football c. Basketball d. None of the above Aside from Mr. Davide, which other Instructor has been teaching for KMNY the longest? a. Mr. Marc b. Mr. Paul c. Mr. Chris d. Ms. Tiana Dolor Sit Amet September 2011 Our Students: This Month: Kate O'Keefe - Somers, NY - Training for just over 2 Years. Question: What made you start training in Krav Maga? Kate: I was looking for something physical other than the gym as an outlet. The gym was boring to me. I didn't know much about Krav Maga so I figured I would give it a try. Questions: Has training changed how you feel? Kate: Yes. I feel great when I train. I have lost weight, gotten in better shape and my personal confidence has improved. It has also opened my eyes up to a different world as a woman. I have learned that there are times when it is ok for me to be aggressive to protect myself and the people I care about. I feel more secure and as the saying goes…I "fear less" Question: It's been over 2 years now…what motivates you to keep training? Kate: I just enjoy it very much. Classes are never the same and I am always learning something new. Every time I come to class I am challenged by the instructors and other students which keeps me on my toes. Question: What are some of your favorite things about Krav Mage NY Kate: When I started at Krav Maga NY I was instantly accepted by everyone. All of the instructors and students made me feel comfortable right from day one so I feel at home here. I am also constantly learning new things which is exciting. Question: What would you say to someone thinking about trying a class Kate: I would say to absolutely give it a try. You can do it no matter what your starting point is. It is a very safe environment. You will have fun, challenge yourself and train with a great group of people. A Message About Kate: When Kate walked in for the first time, I sensed right away that she was intimidated by what she saw. To her credit, she pushed passed her fears and took her first class. Two years later, Kate is a different person altogether. Nowadays it doesn’t matter how many sticks, knifes and opponents we put in front of her, she’s game. Keep it up Kate Interview By: Paul F. Note By: Davide G. 7 Issue Issue 101-090111 #: [Date] September 2011 Dolor Sit Amet Insurance Inquiry Personal Information Referral Source: KMNY Name: _____________________________________ DOB :_____ /_____ /_____ ! M or ! F Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________ State:________ Zip:_______________ SS#:__________-________-__________ Marital Status: ! S !M !D ! Sep ! W Tel#:(H):___________________________________ Email Address: ___________________ Tel#:(O): ________________________ Primary Insurance Information Carrier:_____________________________________ ID#:________________________________________ Policy Holder:________________________________ Policy Holder’s DOB:___/____ /___ Relationship to policy holder: !Parent !Spouse !Self !Other Secondary Insurance Information Carrier:____________________________________ ID#:_______________________________________ Policy Holder:_______________________________ Policy Holder’s DOB:___/____ /___ Relationship to policy holder: !Parent !Spouse !Self !Other Employer:__________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ / 1 2 = 9 7 8