The Ramble:


The Ramble:
April 2015
Judo Throws Seminar
On March 22ns KMNY held our first of many Judo throws seminars! Luckily we beat out the snow this time around. Bills brother Tony, a 5th degree black belt in Japanese Ju Jitsu, and a first-­‐degree black belt in Judo came up and taught us about 5 different types of Judo Throws. Some throws were harder then others, but once you had that light bulb moment and realized it’s all about weight transfer and not muscle it definitely became a lot easier. It was definitely an awesome Saturday with a great turn out learning how to throw people around. A big thanks to Bill and his brother for running the seminar. I see a part 2 in our future. Instructor Certification
On March 6-­‐8 a few of our very own students Trish, Matt, Cara, and Konrad and 3 students from our Middletown location Belle, Jason and Mark attended the Phase A instructor certification through Krav Maga Alliance. We are excited to be adding them to our team as each of them passed with silver and bronze certifications. W e also had Gil test and pass his Level 5 instructor certification down at Tony Morrison’s school in Long Island the March 20-­‐
22nd. They all put in a lot of hours training leading up to the 3 days 8 hours a day of training and then taking the test. If you see them don’t forget to wish them congratulations. St. Patty’s Day Parade
We would like to thank everyone who came out and participated in the St. Patrick’s Day parade. We had such a blast and are already thinking of ideas for next year, if you have any please don’t hesitate to share! Review Week & Test Day
Test Day is right around the corner! The week of Aril 6-­‐10 w ill be Review Week. All regular classes will be held. Please look over your levels curriculum and bring to class any questions you may have. Test Day w ill be Sunday April 12th. Please keep a lookout for future posts and emails to see if you are eligible to test, along w ith testing times. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Issue #: [Date]
Sit Amet
Instructor Of The Month – Trish Formisano How long have you been doing Krav M aga? Four years! I Love it never and I’m never going to stop What got you interested in Krav M aga and Why? I have always been interested in kickboxing and w orking o ut but I saw a movie where J-­‐Lo did it to survive and I was like I got to do that!! So I Googled KM and it was in my town! I was shocked totally meant to be!!! You just got certified as an instructor, do you plan on continuing? My cert w as just the beginning; I'm going ALL the way! Black belt and beyond! KM it's become essential to me leading a positive happy life which then benefits my family and friends, it just branches off in every area of my life As a fitness instructor do you think fitness plays a huge roll in KM Training? FITNESSS is essential to KM AS breathing is to being alive that's how strongly I feel bout that. Everything from techniques to combatives and defenses will become a million times better if you up your strength & fitness routine!! U need both I want more and more students to give fitness a try! I encourage everyone to see the connection! What is your training routine like? My training is awesome keeps getting better I go bout 6 days a week. I train hardcore wit my best B (Cara), boxing Muay Tai pads mitts and explosive fit drills 2.5 hours 3 days a w eek. I weight train 2 to 3 times a week and I attend the fitness classes and Krav Maga classes on pretty much a daily basis. I'm trying to stretch more lol that's the hardest workout for me ever!!! What are the things you love about KM, how has it changed your life? My favorite things are I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment after every class. I can't believe the stuff I have learned and actually do I feel like a beast!! KM has completely changed my life; I am such a different person than I w as before I started. I'm so much more assertive in a good w ay. I have so much more confidence in my decisions and myself. I feel I'm way calmer and more centered which is actually funny because w hat we do is it combative and explosive. My chi is way more aligned now that I have discovered my purpose, which is doing Krav Maga. 2
Issue #: [Date]
Sit Amet
Student Of The Month – Rudy Gilly
How long ago did you start here at Krav Maga? It will be 4 years in January. What are some of your favorite things about Krav M aga? 1) Staying in shape and being healthy 2) Level 1 & 2 stuff, that’s the workout 3) Gun & Knife Defenses How has your fitness improved? It has improved dramatically. I have lost 35lbs and my breathing has improved, which makes it easier to run stairs. What was your goal from the start? I was introduced to Krav by Dom Plunkette. I enjoyed it so I stuck with it, plus its so close to my house. Why did you choose Krav Maga? I made up my mind, I was 57 feeling miserable and I needed to get into shape. How long do you plan on training? Forever! What do you love about KMNY? I believe I would be able to defend myself against an attacker because w e train real life attack scenarios. What are your favorite techniques to use? Offensive Front Kick, Series of Elbows, and Palm Strikes Are you planning on going for your black belt? Not sure, perhaps if the body holds up. How has it changed your life? 1)
It has given me more energy It has given me confidence in business Makes you think more clearly Quit Drinking 3
Issue #: [Date]
KMNY would like to welcome
all of our new students who
joined this month and all of
our students who renewed.
You guys are the heartbeat of
this place! Thank You!
Colleen Murphy
Zee Kellock
Francesca Levethan
Isabella Levethan
William Schlosser
Dolor Sit Amet
Training this
Sunday Morning Segment:
Long Gun Defense
Stances & Meaning TBA
Ground Work Seminar
Part 2
Set stance Ready to show respect Attention Stance Ready to pay attention Seated position Ready to listen and learn Fighting stance Ready to give 110% 4