A RAW LIFE - SistaSense


A RAW LIFE - SistaSense
My Journey From Cooked To Raw Foods
By Nubia I
Notice: This text is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical text. The information
provided herein is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not
intended to be a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. It is
given with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering medical advice. If
you have a medical problem, continue to seek competent medical help.
A Raw Life: My Journey from Raw to Cooked Foods
Copyright 2011 by Nubia I/Lisa Sutton
All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other
information retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher, except by a
reviewer who may quote brief passages or reproduce illustrations in a review with the
appropriate credits.
All Photographs by: Warren Goodson
Nubian Dreams Publishing
Oakland, CA 94606
510 467-4463
A Raw Life
As I walk through the farmers market, I delight in the array of rainbow colors of rich, dark
greens, nourishing red tomatoes, flowers in red, green, pink and even purple. The sun is shining,
but never as bright as the people that peruse the market. Farmers are displaying their bounty,
simply, yet abundantly. Fruits and vegetables, only what is in season,
dangling before my eyes. I am in a living food haven and I am excited.
For many years, I have been going to the farmers market. In the
beginning, I rarely bought fruits and vegetables (isn’t that funny) I would
usually skip these delights and head for the fragrant colorful flowers. I
love flowers. I would buy them every week and decorate my house with these symbols of love,
sensuality and beauty. I would comment to friends that these flowers were so uplifting and
would heighten the vibration of my home tremendously. I was in heaven.
Little did I know then, that the vegetables and fruits at the market had the same positive effect on
the psyche and consciousness, and that the color green has been known to be healing for the eyes
and soul, according to horticultural therapists, these green colors have the ability to heal diseases,
psychological ailments and even sad emotions, just by being viewed each day. It wasn’t until I
became a raw foodist, that I discovered the other healing effects of living foods. Living foods or
raw foods, as they have been commonly become known are foods that are not cooked, but eaten
in their original state.
This concept may seem foreign to most people when they first hear it, but when I explain to them
that when the eat a salad it is eating raw foods, this usually makes sense to most people. Before
becoming a raw foodist, I had no idea that one could solely live on foods that are never cooked.
The belief is that foods cooked over 112 degrees loses vital nutrients, vitamins and enzymes
which are believed to break down the food in our bodies for healthy absorption.
There is a belief amongst raw foodist that food in its natural uncooked state is more nutritious
and powerful. Many raw foodists believe that the food is already cooked and nourished by the
sun, that nature, already made these raw fruits and vegetables perfectly. What you will find today
is a bunch of talented raw food chefs who create cuisines that are delicious and could rival any
cooked burgers, pizza, even macaroni and cheese without being cooked.
The information I will be presenting in the book is just an introduction to raw foods, so elaborate
recipes will not be included, instead I decided to focus on simple and easy recipes that anyone
could follow without all of the expensive equipment most raw food chefs use for the more
extravagant dishes. There are many Raw and living food books on the market when you are
ready to tackle raw gourmet dishes, they can be found at the library, bookstores and on line.
Also, in the back of this book, in my resource section, I have included books that have many
more raw food recipes. So with that said, let’s get into my story, my journey, if you will, to Raw
and Living foods. Ready, Set, Go!
In The Beginning……
I will never forget the day I decided to become Raw. It started off as any other day in my life. I
woke up that morning in no particular mood; all I wanted was to have a tall glass of fresh pressed
juice with my “Juiceman Juicer”. I washed my organic fruits and vegetables, took out my juicer,
and gave thanks to whomever, that I had a juicer, but, when I turned it on, the juicer sounded
funny, the motor was running, but slowly, and then very quickly; it silenced. It broke. Stop
working. It conked out on me.
Well, I am certainly one that believes that everything happens for a good reason- although at that
time I could not see the reason. I was so upset. I wanted fresh pressed juice and I wanted it
now! Suddenly, I had an idea, two weeks prior I had entertained about ten women in my home
where I facilitated a sacred womb circle.
In this circle, the women were introduced by me and my good friend three basic raw recipes.
And the best part was that one of these recipes included a smoothie which is usually made in a
blender, to which I did have available. Now it wasn’t fancy, I don’t think I paid more than $25
for it, but unlike the juicer it worked.
As I pulled out the hand written recipes, I realized that one of the recipes was for a green
smoothie. I felt elated, because first, I had most of the ingredients in the house that the recipe
called for and second I could still have “Juice” maybe a little thicker but it would be green and
I remember the taste of this green smoothie vividly. It was smooth (or course) cold (due to the
ice cubes) and sweet (agave nectar added). Immediately, I pulled out my organic collard greens,
and sweet ripe bananas, some agave nectar, my water and ice, some flax seeds and went to town.
As I blended my smoothie, my mouth started to water in anticipation. And when it was all
blended up I was not disappointed, this drink satisfied me in every way. I felt satiated, it tasted
good, and I felt a feeling of euphoria, and the fact that I was eating healthily soothe my spirit
That day I wound up making three smoothies and drinking all three. At dinnertime, I decided to
prepare the other two recipes on the list, which included a raw green salad made with arugula, a
spicy wild green, that tastes delicious and a green goddess dressing to top it off.
I ran to my local natural food store and bought what I needed. Again, I followed the recipe to the
letter and produced the most delicious, most satisfying salad I had ever tasted. That was day one.
I had eaten all raw and didn’t intend to. I merely wanted a green juice, but as you may know, life
has a way of leading you down a road that you may have not expected to travel.
Fortunately, for me it was a road that I had been introduced to a few times but refused it because
at that time, I couldn’t imagine doing without cooked foods. Again, my journey started out as an
“accident” (although I believe there are no accidents in the universe), that became my present
day wonderful life.
Day two started off similar to day one. I made three green smoothies drank those throughout the
day and I started to crave more water so I listened to my body and drank, drank, drank. I still
had salad and a green goddess dressing leftover so again I ate that. It was amazing. I felt so good
and so satisfied that I didn’t need to eat anything else for those two days. I felt great. By day
three I did the same, this time adding fresh fruits like apples and oranges as snacks but not much
more. What was more amazing was that I looked better. How could this be? My skin was
radiant. My eyes were so white and clear. My skin felt softer and my attitude was so joyous. I
wanted to dance and sing and give, give, give.
My daughter even noticed my sparkle and asked what I was doing. I told her about the green
smoothies and she replied, “Keep it up mommy you look great!” I knew I was on to something
but didn’t understand what it was.
Unfortunately, old habits die hard, by the fourth day I was invited out to dinner with my
carnivore friend. He wanted to eat, so I convinced him to go to a vegan restaurant called
Herbivore in my town. He reluctantly agreed and off we went. When I sat at the table I couldn’t
believe how hungry I was. I ordered two appetizers, a main course and desert and something to
drink. In addition, I ate half of his dinner, appetizer and desert and was looking for more. My
date looked at me curiously wondering what had gotten into this 5”2, 115 pound individual. I
told him please excuse me but I am hungry. I explained my raw adventure for the last three days
and said I must need more food. He laughed, paid the bill and off we went.
Almost immediately upon leaving the restaurant I started sneezing, then my nose began to run. I
felt very warm and very tired almost lethargic. I started getting very sleepy. How could this be?
This was good old vegan foods, cooked mind you, but vegan and natural and healthy. In the
past, I had eaten here many times and felt a sense of peace and calmness after my meal but this
time it felt like I was coming down with the flu, but get this, in about an hour my body was still
hungry. I was craving more cooked foods.
What I Learned…
Later on into my raw food journey, I learned that the reason I was eating so much cooked foods
at dinner was because I was craving nutrients that had already been cooked out of the food. My
body wanted nutrition and I thought it wanted more cooked foods. In fact, when I was eating the
raw foods I felt satiated almost immediately because I was getting all the nutrients my body
needed. What a valuable lesson to learn.
When I got home I layed down quickly, but before going to sleep, I said to my daughter, who
greeted me at the door, “Maryam, I ate cooked foods and it made me feel bad, tired and drained,
I think the raw is so much better, why did I do this to myself?”and then I passed out ( a little
dramatic) fell asleep, but when I woke up I decided to research and find out everything I could
about raw foods verses cooked foods and see if others had had a similar experience as me.
First place, the internet! What I found out about raw foods astounded me to no end. Here is how
I made my transition to raw foods. This is merely the beginning of my journey in which I wish
to provide to you. Listen closely, take what you can use and have an open mind, okay let’s
I now know that the sleepy feeling was due to the extra work my digestive system had to do in
order to digest the food. It was working harder, which increasingly slowed down my energy and
made me want to take a nap.
How To Maintain A Raw Life
Now there are a few things one must remember when going raw and that is, this journey is a
transition. So what’s most important is that you do it at a pace that is comfortable for you. I
transition cold turkey. It was all or nothing for me. Prior to being raw I was a vegetarian and not
a very good one at that. I did not eat many vegetables. I ate lots of process “vegan” foods and
occasionally I ate dairy, on the upside, I would drink lots of water and fast at least four times a
year giving my body a much needed rest. At this point, I had been a vegetarian for seventeen
years and was craving something that would help me to stay vibrant my whole life. You can
transition to raw foods at any place in your life. Whether you are a meat-eater, vegan, vegetarian
or a combination of many diets, all you need to do is be willing to try new things, be willing to
make mistakes and most of all be willing to get back up again and start all over if you fall.
The first thing I can tell you is most likely you will slip up. It takes practice for your body mind
and spirit to get use to the changes. The best way to help your body through the transition is for
the first 21 days, if possible, stay away from cooked foods. This is a good time to decline dinner
offers and a great time to ask for help from a spouse, partner, friend, relative or older child to
prepare all cook meals in the house. You are changing to a diet that will help you feel better and
live longer and so asking for help from your friends should not fell like a burden. Mentally, you
must let go of guilty feelings about asking for help because changing the way you eat is as
mental as it is physical. Create affirmations relating to the changes you are making as well as
staying away from all negative things. Make sure to especially stay away from those things that
trigger your desire to eat poorly. This may include food commercial, radio advertisements and
even magazines that display these disastrous foods. As many of you know, we are holistic
creatures and many things excite us. Many of us are visual learners and so seeing, let’s say a
picture of a Big Mac, in the media, might take you off the raw food path.
I suggest surrounding yourself around positive food images like magazines about organic
farming that show pictures of beautiful, colorful fresh fruits and vegetables and listening to radio
stations or internet shows that promote healthy living and eating. If possible, recruiting a friend
to go on this journey with you could be helpful. Make sure this friend is as serious about raw as
you are or this friend may take you off track and be a hindrance and not a motivator. I also
recommend getting out in nature and thinking about all the reasons you decided to go raw,
whether that be for spiritual reason, ethical reason, health reasons or just plain vanity reason. All
of the reasons are legitimate and only have to make sense to you. It would be a good idea to
eventually invest in a good high-speed blender one that is sturdy and able to process thick leafy
greens and stalks. A juicer would also come in handy, if you can obtain one, but if not don’t
worry. In time, all you need will be provided. I believe that the blender is most important as it
can blend fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and liquids easily and effortlessly. For the first 21 days I
suggest lots of salads. You can use red, green or romaine lettuce as well as spinach greens,
arugula, kale, Swiss chard, collards, cabbage, shredded beets and carrots, cucumbers avocadoes
raisins and nuts and seeds sparingly. There is no end to all the delicious salads you can create.
In the beginning, you will need to detoxify the body so that your body can properly prepare itself
for the raw food lifestyle. The green salads will clean your cells, blood, organs and all of your
body to help to release old toxicity that is often trapped in the body temple. Feel free to have as
much salad as you want in a day, just make sure that your produce is 100% organic. Most
conventional fruit is heavily sprayed with herbicides, pesticides and other harmful chemicals that
greatly reduce the nutritional value of the fruit. After all, you do not want to fill your body with
a bunch of harmful chemicals. Your body deserves more. In order to cut costs, you could shop
for your organic fruits and vegetables from local farmer markets where the produce tends to be
less expensive.
The farmers market is a great resource for staying healthy and a good place to surround yourself
around like minded people. Believe me, after coming home from the farmers market you will
feel more alive, refreshed and proud of yourself for loving your body enough to give it healthy
In addition to salads, for the next 21 days, you must have smoothies. Go for at least 3 a day.
One in the morning, one in mid afternoon and the other in the evening before the sun goes down.
These smoothies will help provide the vitamins and minerals you will need to sustain your
energy and curb your hunger. In the beginning, you will most likely feel very hungry as your
body is used to having large amounts of cooked foods each day. Many of us are use to three
meals of cooked foods a day and our bodies will have to get use to the change of eating mostly
salads, raw salad dressing and smoothies.
The most important part to a successful transition is an intake of fresh clean water. Whether it be
filtered, purified, distilled or alkaline. Water helps to flush the system of toxins and will help
lessen any stomach cramps you might receive.
How To Incorporate Raw Supplements Into Your Diet
If possible, adding whole food supplements would be great. I recommend Spirulina, a green
algae powder from the sea that will provide you with B-12, protein, calcium and many other
essential nutrients. Spirulina powder can be put in your smoothies, fresh-pressed juices or even a
glass of water. Be careful not to overdo it the first time taking it. Start out with a half of
teaspoon and gradually more up to a tablespoon a two a day. If you are highly toxic, the
Spirulina may seem too strong for your system, if so cut back on dosage but please keep taking it
as it will give you the energy you will need to withstand your first 21 days Raw.
Another important food supplement is Aloe Vera. This is a plant in the garlic family. It is a
succulent. This plant is known the world over for its medicinal purposes. Aloe helps to
stimulate the digestive system. It activates digestive enzymes and supports liver function. It also
helps to stimulate good immune function. There are many ways to take Aloe Vera. One way to
take it is directly from the plant leaf. This can be done by scraping the gel from the leaf and
putting the gel in a warm cup of water or you can simply buy the gel in a juice form from your
local health food store. Just make sure it is extracted from the plant 100%. Aloe is one of my
favorite plants because it can be used externally as a skin salve and for cuts and burns as well as
internally safely as a blood purifier and digestive aid. There are numerous herbs on the market
but I will not go further into it at this time. Let’s keep in my mind that this is a beginner's
manual to transitioning to Raw foods and we want to be gentle, kind and patient with ourselves.
It is important that we continually give ourselves time and space to nourish our bodies, minds
and souls. So keeping our goals clear will be essential. I suggest you write down clearly what
you wish to accomplish with this lifestyle change and if you feel yourself wavering you can
referred to your goals as a means of motivation. Remember, if you can get through the first 21
days you are more or less home free. It has been stated, that it takes 21 days to either make or
break a habit and at this time we wish to create a habit that is first good for us and second longlasting. Believe me, if you could eat healthy green foods for 21 days your body will start to
crave these healthier foods. The body is an amazing mechanism that can heal itself and all it
really needs is your help.
Using Dehydrated Foods In Your Raw Food Diet
In the beginning, particularly after the first seven days, your mind may feel like you are getting
bored with salads and smoothies and may desire more. I hesitantly suggest dehydrated foods.
These are foods that are put in a dehydrating oven. This process is when the food is heated
slowly below 110 degree and the water is extracted from these foods. These foods could be
dehydrated crackers, bread, cookies, kale chips, cauliflower or even dried fruit. I am hesitant to
recommend these foods, although they are technically Raw, they are far from living. What we
ultimately want is to hydrate the body which is to keep water and add water to our bodies.
Dehydrated foods are just that, healthier foods that is devoid of water but still have some
nutritional value. And I will admit, by week two I was indulging in these foods that I often
bought at local health food stores. These foods did make my transition easier as it gave me that
satiated feeling I was desiring without me going to cooked foods. I often would eat flax crackers
and with it I would prepare an avocado dip with tomatoes, garlic, onions, hot peppers and
perhaps some salt. Please do not hesitate to indulge in these foods in the beginning but
eventually whether that is in three weeks, six months or a year you want to include more living
foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds into your life but again just be patient with yourself and
remember you are not a failure because you eat dehydrated foods. You are in fact, truly a
success everyday you say no to cooked foods.
hat To Do If You Eat A Cooked Meal on You Raw Food Diet
Of course, as I said in the beginning you may slip up and have some cooked food or even a cook
meal. Your body will probably negatively react to these foods causing feelings of fatigue or
even indigestion, acne breakouts or even stomachaches. No need to worry, simply forgive
yourself and the very next opportunity make yourself a green or fruit smoothie and continue your
raw food journey. Remember, the pyramids weren’t built in a day and building your body will
take time to construct a monument worthy of your beautiful spirit. Remember too, that
tomorrow is another day to get it right. If you find yourself in the throes of cook foods simply
wait about 30 minutes to an hour and drink one glass of water and the juice of one lemon or lime.
This will aid your body to clean out your system slowly. I suggest either starting off with a
green smoothie and them making your next meal a salad without the high fats like avocadoes and
nuts. Prepare a salad of mostly greens and a light salad dressing. Perhaps, consisting of apple
cider vinegar, olive oil and maybe some spike seasoning.
After a day of that, you can add back the avocado, nuts and seeds and eventually your
dehydrated foods. I must say that during your transition process do not be surprised at how
loving and kind you will feel. Your skin will glow, your eyes will sparkle, your energy will be
high, and your body will just fell better all over. You may even start to adopt other healthy
modalities. Like yoga, tai-chi or dance. You may find yourself meditating more (sitting more
quietly) or listening to more meditative music. You may even find that your creativity is
sharpened and start experimenting with different raw food recipes.
he Many Health and Beauty Benefits of the Raw Food Diet
There is no limit to the health benefits of raw living foods. I personally experience improved
eyesight, clearer skin (no acne) softer and more supple skin all over, the removal of calluses,
thicker hair, and some reversal of graying hair, less feelings of hunger, clearer mind, able to
retain information, calmer spirit, great ideas and most of all tremendous amounts of energy. I
generally need less sleep, waking up feeling refresh. My bowel movements are smooth and
plentiful usually eliminating shortly after each meal. You might find that your bowel
movements have fewer odors and due to the leafy greens may take on a green color, no need to
be alarmed as this is normal. And for those who need to shed some weight the raw food diet will
take care of that. Some people embarking on raw foods for the first time tend to lose large
amounts of weight. If this happens to you, please do not be alarmed, within a year of this diet
your weight will regulate and you will find yourself at your perfect weight. The weight loss in
the beginning happens because your body in releasing large amounts of toxins that have been in
the body for years. At this point the nutrients in the live foods are speeding up the cleansing
process because of the water and accessible nutrients that are found in raw living foods.
Eventually, when this process is over the body can then start to repair itself and this is where the
weight regaining starts to happen. This process will allow the body to find its natural ideal
weight because the nutrients in the foods will be able to be absorbed as opposed to wasted.
Please be patient with yourself and don’t go back to cooked foods because you are getting
skinny. I know there will be a lot of pressure from your family when they see how skinny you
are but know that this too shall pass. Eventually, within a year your family members will be
asking you for advice on how to stay young, fit and healthy. You must be strong to get through
the first year because of all the changes but once you do it will be smooth sailing from there.
On the other hand, if you are underweight, you may find yourself putting on a few pounds. This
is what happened to me. I actually gained five pounds and although I was not under weight I
believe the body knows what the perfect weight should be for you. I like to say that raw foods
helps the body release waste and then goes to work to rebuild your cells and tissues and
distributes the nutrients more effectively which I believe will bring you to your perfect weight. I
have also found that my body became more toned with little or no exercise and when I did
exercise my body took half the time that it used to get back into shape. This way of eating ,to
me, is nothing less than holy bliss and I personally recommend it to anybody who wants to feel
and look their best and remember your goal many not be to be 100% raw, although this is what I
prefer, you would benefit greatly if you went 80% raw or 50% raw or less. Just remember, the
more raw and living foods you can consume, the more I believe that you will receive the full
health benefits I have already described.
he Importance of Keeping Raw Snacks With You…
Something that is important to remember in
the beginning of your raw food journey is for
you to carry snacks with you each day. I
remembered never leaving home without raw
snacks, for instance I would put sliced celery
or carrots or both and some avocado dip in
Tupperware containers. I would also bring
with me sliced apples and creamy raw nut
butters. Sometimes I would carry a couple of
apples and some sliced oranges or some
yummy applesauce or raw chocolate pudding
and sliced strawberries to dip in it. I believed
these snacks saved me from indulging in
cooked foods.
The places I would carry my snacks to, would
be, the bookstores that sold tea and chips and
pastries. I often visited these kinds of bookstores and would often stay for many hours. I would
also bring these raw snacks to the movie theater, the park with my daughter even to the library
and while I did not eat in the library, if staying a long time, I usually was very hungry afterward
and would eat these snacks in the car before going home. I would also be sure to drink water and
drink it often. Particularly, water where Spirulina was added to it, this kept up my energy and
curbed my appetite tremendously. After my daily excursions, and before going to bed, I would
give thanks for completing another day raw and go to bed planning and anticipating another
successful raw day.
The Importance of Keeping a Positive Attitude on the Raw Food Diet.
Before going to sleep and upon waking and really just anytime during the day, I would read
uplifting literature dealing with the raw food lifestyle and natural health in general. YouTube
became a great source of raw food information. I watched these programs on YouTube
religiously. I was so intrigued by this information that I decided to create my own YouTube’s. I
believe, to date, that I have created over 350 YouTube videos on everything from raw foods and
fibroid tumors to raw foods and radiant skin, curing ailments and everything else holistic under
the sun. Please feel free to check out my YouTube’s by typing in nubiaisutton1 at the YouTube
site. I know you will not be disappointed. In the end, or is it just the beginning, I feel happier
than I have ever felt. But this is my journey and now it is time for you to embark on yours.
I could give you many reasons to become raw or at least include raw living foods into your life.
I could and will provide recipes to get you on your way to raw. I could even break down my
daily diet to you in detail. All this would be beneficial to you, I am sure, but first you have to
really want to change. You will first have to change your mind from the same old worn out
thinking patterns that you have probably been entertaining thus far. You are going to have to
change the notion that someone outside yourself is going to heal you. You have the power to
change and really only you have that power. Everything else is merely and aid to good health. If
you do not believe in self-healing you may have a hard time adapting to this kind of lifestyle
change. That is what I am essentially promoting, a lifestyle change that will change your life.
What do you really believe about natural healing? What do you believe about your ability to
heal yourself? Do you put your health and well-being into another person’s hand? Why? It’s so
unfortunate that we have been taught in western society that others can heal us better that we can
heal ourselves. We must fully participate in our healing or we will continually be looking
outside of ourselves for help. You ultimately are the key to your healing. I am merely a friend
with knowledge here to assist. So don’t quit. If you relapse just keep going. Remember nothing
that is really worth something comes totally easy. Sometimes we have to work for what we truly
say we want. But I will tell you the work can be enjoyable, trust me. Sit down and make you a
raw smoothie, relax, sip slowly and visualize your perfect health, wealth and longevity. You can
do it. I’m counting on you! Hotep!
In the pages to follow, I have included basic raw recipes to get you started on your raw living
food journey. Please remember this is only an introduction, so go slowly. Be consistent and
don’t give up. You are on the right track!
MANGO SORBET (makes 4 servings)
This recipe calls for frozen mangoes, my favorite fruit. I always prefer fresh everything, so I’ll
prepare fresh mango a day or two before and the freeze it. Frozen mango from the freezer aisle
will work too.
2 cups chopped frozen mangoes
1 cup of filtered water
1/3 cup agave syrup
Combine the mangoes, water and agave syrup in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.
Serve immediately. Or, for an icier, more solid texture, scoop into a container and place in the
freezer for an hour or more. To make in an ice cream maker, chill the mixture in the freezer for
an hour or so, then scoop into the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Let thaw for 10 minutes before serving.
Recipe by Ani Phyo
Nubias’s Slide Right Next To Me Green Smoothie (Makes about 32 ounces)
This recipe is both nutritious and delicious. Enjoy!
½ bunch of Dinosaur Kale also called Lacinato or Russian Kale)
1-2 Frozen Bananas
1 Mango (optional)
2 Handfuls of Raisins
½ cup to 1 cup of Water
Ice Cubes ( about 12 cubes)
Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend on high until smooth. Pour into glass
and drink immediately. Green smoothie can be kept fresh in refrigerator for up to three days.
Recipe by Nubia I
Raw Green Salad
½ bunch Arugula (or baby arugula)
½ c. of soaked sunflower seeds
1 c. of mixed salad greens
Wash and spin greens in a salad spinner, or dry with paper or cloth towels. If buying prewashed packaged greens wash again and dry. Arrange greens in a bowl; tear into bite sized
pieces, if desired.
Green Goddess Dressing
1 clove garlic
Juice of one lemon or lime (or enough to measure ¼ cup)
½ c. cilantro (coarsely chopped)
1 c. parsley (coarsely chopped)
2 tbsp. Nama Shoyu, Tamari Sauce or Braggs Liquid Aminos
½ c. extra virgin olive oil
½ c. spring or distilled water
Blend all ingredients in a blender for 30 seconds. Add more or less water for desired thickness.
Chill in refrigerator or use immediately. Yield: about 1 cup
Raw Berry Crisp*
6 c. mixed berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries & sliced strawberries)
1 tbsp. maple syrup (more or less to taste)
1 c. raw pecans
½ c. raw walnuts
½ c. pitted dates, roughly chopped
½ tsp. cinnamon
In 7 x 11- inch dish, toss berries with maple syrup, place nuts, dates and cinnamon in food
processor and pulse until coarsely ground. Scatter nut mixture over berries. Serve immediately
or chill until ready to eat.
*Adapted from Whole Foods recipe collection for deserts
Kale, Avocado & Carrot Salad*
1 bunch dino kale greens
1 avocado, diced
1 carrot, shredded
2 tbsps. Braggs Liquid Aminos
¼ c. Nutritional Yeast
Juice of 1 fresh lemon
¼ c. extra virgin olive oil
4 garlic cloves (minced)\
1 tomato, sliced (opt.)
Wash and dry kale. Remove kale leaves from stem (save stems for smoothies, juicing or
compost). Stack about 4-5 leaves, roll up burrito style and thinly cut chiffonade so that the
leaves look finely shredded. Repeat until all leaves are used up. Place leaves in bowl. Add
shredded carrots to kale. Finely mince garlic cloves. Add olive oil to garlic cloves and blend
into a paste with a whisk utensil or spoon. Set aside. Add Braggs Liquid Aminos, Nutritional
Yeast and lemon juice to kale. Add garlic paste and mix everything together with a large spoon
or with your hands. Add diced avocado as a garnish. Decorate with tomato slices. (serves 4)
*Adapted from The Joy of Living Live A Raw Food Journey by Zakhah
Nutritional Information (FYI)
Flax oil- natural oil (aka Linseed oil) highly recommended for the general well-being and whole
body nutrition and is considered to be nature’s richest source of omega 3 fatty acids that are
required for the health of almost all body systems.
Flax meal-provides fiber
Agave nectar- plant based sweetener made from several different species of the Mexican agave
plant which tequila is also made of.
Arugula- low in calories and high in vitamin A and vitamin C. Peppery taste, used to liven up
spring mixed salads. Standard salad bowl green. Arugula is called rocket in parts of Europe.
Cilantro- aka coriander, highly nutritional value, considered an herb and spice since both its
leaves and its seeds are used as a seasoning, condiment. Good source of iron, magnesium and
Parsley- Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Good source of folic acid, one of the most important B
vitamins. Storehouse of nutrients that features a green and vibrant taste.
Amino Acids- the basic building blocks of proteins. The body makes many amino acids. Others
come from food and the body breaks them down for use by cells.
Kale-Kale is high in calcium, chlorophyll and vitamin A contents. Kale is packed with bloodbuilding iron. A mixture of nutrients in kale is beneficial to eyesight, bones, teeth, blood and
lymph glands, which will swell if they are calcium deficient.
Bananas- Bananas are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. They are a good source
of dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, manganese and vitamin B6.
Raisins- Raisins are counted as the most nutritious dried fruits in the whole world. They are fatfree, cholesterol-free and high in fiber. Raisins are the best source of quick energy.
Spirulina- Is a microalgae that thrives in hot, sunny climates and in alkaline waters around the
word. Spirulina produces twenty times as much protein as soybeans. It contains vitamin B12
which is needed for vegetarians for healthy red blood cells. It protects the immune system and it
supplies nutrients needed to help cleanse and heal, while also curbing the appetite.
Resources: Health Food Stores in Northern California
Whole Foods Market
3000 Telegraph Ave.
Whole Foods Market
295 27th Street
Berkeley, CA
Oakland, CA
510 649-1333
510 834-9800
Berkeley Bowl Market Place
Berkeley Bowl Market Place
2020 Oregon
920 Heinz Ave.
Berkeley, CA
510 705-1580
Berkeley, CA
510 898-9555
Grand Lake Farmers Market
The Food Mill
Lakeside Avenue
3033 MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, CA
Oakland, CA
510 482-3848
Farmer Joe’s Marketplace
Lakeshore Natural Foods
3426 Fruitvale Avenue and
3321 Lakeshore Avenue
3501 MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, CA
Oakland, CA
510 482-8899
510 482-8178
City Slickers Farm
People’s Grocery
West Oakland, CA
909 Seventh St.
Oakland, CA
510 652-7607
Prescription for Nutritional Healing
Phyllis A. and James F. Balch, M.D.
Conscious EATING
Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
The City of Wellness:
Restoring Your Health Through The Seven Kitchens of Consciousness
Queen Afua
Heal Thyself:
For Health and Longevity
Queen Afua
Overcoming an Angry Vagina
Queen Afua
Sacred Woman:
A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind and Spirit
Queen Afua
Tapping The Power Within:
A Path to Self-Empowerment for Women
Iylana Vanzant
You Can Heal Your Life
Louise L. Hay
About Nubia I
“Healing is my life.” This statement is one that is not just a slogan, but it has been a reality for
me. My name is Nubia I and I am the founder and creator of Wombniverse and The Black
Berry Beauty. I am also a client. I started this program, initially, to help myself eradicate
reoccurring womb issues that the doctor just could not seem to rid. I notice that after particularly
stressful times in my life, birth of a child; divorce; new relationships; unfulfilling jobs etc., I
would experience womb abnormalities, like chronic indigestion, heart palpitations, abnormal pap
smears, menstrual problems, reoccurring yeast infection, heavy bleeding and other embarrassing
womb issues.
I would constantly see the doctor who usually just gave me drugs, or said that there was nothing
short of antibiotics that he could give me to help my situation. I left feeling frustrated and
confused, which in turn, made my health deteriorate. I began to get frustrated, but out of the
frustration, I decided to be pro-active and take my healing into my own hands. I immediately
changed my diet, becoming a vegetarian and later an organic vegan raw foodist. I started to
meditate, which I learned from healing classes in my community. I started to feel better, but still
my issues were not yet resolved. In fact, it wasn’t until I realized that there was a mind/body
connection to my healing and that my thoughts had a lot to do with my health issues.
I decided to explore this notion, studying under spiritual masters, that I saw vibrate the kind of
health I desired. What I discovered after more than 20 years on this joyous journey was that the
doctors couldn’t help me any better than I was willing to help myself. I bathe in hot springs,
traveled throughout the world, learning from spiritual masters, dancing traditional healing
dances, participating in sacred rites of passages, as well as taking salt baths and using essential
oils and crystals to facilitate my healing.
This healing was my savior, in that I learned, I grew and I started to excel. Today I can say,
because of this journey, I am healed of all womb afflictions, living the life I always imagined
filled with love, joy and prosperity.
My mission is to give to you, what was so generously given to me; a place to receive expert
guidance and love and to help women globally heal from the stresses of being a woman in this
More About The Author
Nubia I is the Founder and Director of WOMBNIVERSE and The Black Berry Beauty, a
holistic institute dedicated to the health and wellness of women and the men who love them. She
is an internationally known wellness coach, raw and living food chef, womb yoga instructor,
dancer and poet. She has helped many women and men find new life through her books, DVD’s,
workshops and lectures. Nubia I holds and Associate Degree from Laney College in Arts and
Humanities and a Bachelors Degree from California Institute of Integral Studies. She is the
proud mother of one and resides in Oakland with her daughter and devoted spouse. For speaking
engagements, workshops, retreats, raw beauty products, e books, one on one phone consultation
and more you can contact Nubia through her website at http://www.theblackberrybeauty.comail
at nubiaisutton1@gmail.com or by phone at 510 467-4463. Blessings.
This is a picture of my Beautiful Daughter and I at the beginning of my raw food journey. She has always been my biggest
supporter and without her help and patience I could have never truly embarked on this journey as well as I did. Much love
and blessings to her and to all those that support me through YouTube and all that receive one on one consultations from
me. Much love and peace,
Nubia I