FEBRUARY 2012 - Pensacola Yacht Club
FEBRUARY 2012 - Pensacola Yacht Club
JIB SHEET Established 1908 FEBRUARY 2012 P e n s a c o l a Ya c h t C l u b P e nPs e an co l ac oYa t cChltu b sa l ac h Ya Club FUN AROUND THE CLUB STAff NOTES ON THE HORIZON IN FEBRUARY... Wednesday, February 1 Stephen First Wednesday Program – 7PMSuchy, General Manager FLAG OFFICERS JERE ALLEN Commodore c 529-0927 h 916-4480 jcallen43@gmail.com SUSAN MCKINNON Vice Commodore/Facilities c 450-0703 h 477-9951 susanmckinnon@me.com Thursday, February 9 Capdevielle Organizational Meeting – 6PM BOB DAWKINS Rear Commodore/Membership c 380-5713 Thursday, February 9 Food and Wine Demo – 6:30PM JOHN BUZIAK Fleet Captain/GYA Coordinator c 291-2115 h 457-4142 buziakj@cpmechanics.com Tuesday, February 14 Junior Board Meeting – 5:30PM LINDA WHITMAN Secretary/Risk Management Entertainment c 572-2956 h 476-5006 lindaw@cox.net or lwhitman@whitmanandwhitman.com DAN SMITHSON Treasurer/Finance c 449-7843 h 968-1260 capndan@panhandle.rr.com Thursday, February 2 Hospitality Committee Meeting – 12noon Saturday, February 4 Super Bowl Regatta/Intergalactic Keel Boat Roundup Tuesday, February 14 Valentine’s Day Dinner – 6PM Wednesday, February 15 Board Meeting – 6:30PM Thursday, February 16 General Membership Meeting – 6PM rear.commodore@pyc.gccoxmail.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Saturday, February 18 Mardi Gras Regatta ALAN MCMILLAN Commodore Emeritus c 449-3101 h 456-6264 alan.c.mcmillan@gmail.com Tuesday, February 21 Membership Committee Meeting – 5:30PM LEE HARGROVE Marina & Dry Storage c 292-4783 l.hargrove@mchsi.com Saturday, February 25 Raft Up to LuLu’s Marina BRUCE PARTINGTON Junior Sailing h 433-7208 bruce.partington@gmail.com or b.partington@cphlaw.com BEN MYERS Communications c 293-0565 h 470-0395 benmyersjr@yahoo.com BOB RIGGS FCYC c 251-753-4026 h 251-990-5908 vhriggs@bellsouth.net Director rleidner1@cox.net ANN PLEUNE Director c 449-3905 h 470-0325 apleuneus@aol.com Tuesday, February 28 Ham Radio Club Meeting – 6PM COMING UP IN MARCH… Thursday, March 1 Hospitality Committee Meeting – 12noon “Promoting the Finest Homes in Northwest robert leidner h 433-6323Florida” Friday, March 2 Mexico Night/Regatta Al Sol Kick Off Party – 6PM Friday, March 2 Prospective Member Night – 6PM Friday, March 2 – Sunday, March 4 Flying Tigers East Coast Championships th Saturday, March 3 Maxine Series Regatta PYC MANAGEMENT JIM WARWICK General Manager 433-8804 ex 104 jwarwick@pyc.gccoxmail.com DEON BOATMAN Office Manager 433-8804 ex 101 deon@pyc.gccoxmail.com Thursday, March 8 PYC Facilities Committee Meeting – 5:30PM JENNIFER LANGHAM Accounts Payable/Webmaster 433-8804 ex 100 Jennifer@pyc.gccoxmail.com Tuesday, March 13 Junior Board Meeting – 5:30PM KELLY RING Event Coordinator 433-8804 ex 102 events@pyc.gccoxmail.com Thursday, March 15 Food and Wine Demo – 6:30PM STEPHANIE KOPACZ Bar Manager GREG SPITZER Dockmaster 433-8804 ex 103 bar@pyc.gccoxmail.com Preview Property Specialist 433-8804 ex 107 Call 850-572-1944 kitchen@pyc.gccoxmail.com peithudson@aol.com 433-8804 ex 108 DockMaster@pyc.gccoxmail.com DEBBIE BLOCKER Dining Room Supervisor 433-8804 ex 112 Debbie@pyc.gccoxmail.com Each Office is Independently ERIKA BARNES Jib Sheet Editor 433-8804 ex 113 receptionist@pyc.gccoxmail.com Saturday, March 3 PYC Country Western Night – 6PM Wednesday, March 7 First Wednesday Program – 7:00PM Saturday, March 17 – Tuesday, March 20th US Sailing Instructor Training Course Wednesday, March 21 Directors Meeting – 6:30PM Saturday, March 24 Raft Up to Ingram Bayou Tuesday, March 27 Ham Radio Club Meeting – 6PM Saturday, March 31 Cruising Couples Regatta Page • February ‘12 ARTIE GLESS Executive Chef Owned and Operated SETON ffATS COMMODORE’S COMMENTS Jere Allen reganaM lareneG ,yhSundowners cuS nehpetS PYC Ceremony The new year really started with a bang— there were a lot of activities occurring at PYC during January. It all began with a wonderful New Years Eve dance, followed by a Bowl Championship get together to watch the Tide and the Tigers play for football’s #1 ranking. The Change of Watch and Sundowners Ceremony took place mid-January and was followed by a Louisiana Saturday night party at the end of the month. I hope you came to PYC to take part in some of these activities and had an enjoyable time! Karen and I attended the winter meeting of the GYA on January 5th and 6th hosted by the Biloxi Yacht Club. After 53 years of racing Flying Scots the GYA voted to establish 2018 as the year to transition from the Flying Scots to a new boat. PYC is always a fun place to be on Friday night and a great time to bring guests and perspective members. Bill and Diana Mayo brought two special guests on Friday the 13th. Chet Dufford and his wife Pat; Chet is skipper of ”adirolF tsewhtroN ni semoH tseniF the “Peace Maker” the 3 masted sailing vessel moored at Palafox Pier. Their other guest was Kamin Lamberton, Captain of the Global 1200 (the big blue boat at the port — you can’t miss it). It was great visiting with these individuals and hearing stories of their vessels and travels. Both were presented with a PYC burgee and if you look closely at the Global 1200 you will see the PYC burgee being flown just below the Stars and Stripes. Kamin will also be the speaker at the first Wednesday program in February talking about the Global 1200 and its capabilities. eht gnitomorP“ February promises to be another busy month with the Super Bowl, Intergalactic Keel Boat and Mardi Gras regattas being tsilahosted icepS ytrby epoPYC. rP weiveThe rP cruising group of boaters will be 491at -275 -058 llaC rafting 4up Lulu’s in Gulf Shores for the weekend later moc.loa@nosduhtiep in the month. There is also a wonderful Valentine’s Day Dinner on the 14th. Hope to see many of you taking part in one of these events. The kitchen renovation continues to progress on schedule and should be completed by our yltnednepednI si ecfifO hcaE detarepO dna denwO Valentine’s Dinner. Photos by Julie Connerley February ‘12 • Page STAff NOTES VICE COMMODORE’S COMMENTS Stephen Suchy, General Manager As you read this, the kitchen renovations should be at least seventy-five percent complete. All updates, thus far, have been accomplished on schedule. The goal is to be fully operational by the third week of February. If you have not been to the Club lately, you have missed some really terrific culinary creations! The kitchen staff has performed flawlessly in maintaining great food and service, while operating out of the “limited space” banquet kitchen. Long time PYC member and frequent Grille Room patron, Skip Hartford exclaims, “There’s been no change in the food quality. You wouldn’t even know that a kitchen change was made. The food is great!” Facilities initiatives for 2012 include improving the landscape on the north side of the property, additional shade around the pool, and addressing security concerns at the docks and the dry storage area. The Junior Clubhouse continues with improvements and will be ready for our Junior Sailors come spring. Speaking of Junior Sailors, you’ll see a new face around the Club this spring. Please join me in welcoming our new Sailing Director, Scott Tillema, to the South’s Finest Yacht Club. Scott brings to the Club a wealth of on the water experiences to enhance the boating experience for the whole membership. In celebration of Arbor Day, the Escambia County Extension Service and the Division of Forestry recently offered free seedlings. Commodore Jere Allen, First Lady Karen, Commodore Emeritus Alan McMillan, my husband Ian and I obtained twenty-eight wax myrtles, and fifteen Shumard oaks at the Jones Swamp Reserve for replanting on the property. Staff, Jr. and Carolyn Pulford also picked up an oak, two wax myrtles, and two River Birches. To our delight, Diane Schweigert was volunteering at the Arbor Day give away. These fast growing trees have been planted where it is my hope they will flourish. The wax myrtles are located in a line along our west-side border, north of dry storage, which will provide a natural barrier between our boat yard neighbor and us. The mature height will be 15-25 feet with a spread of 20-25 feet. The oaks were planted north of the tennis courts. At mature height, they will grow 55-80 feet with a spread of 40-50 feet. All are marked with pink fluorescent tape, so as you leave the property, look right and left to track their growth. At planting time, all are approximately twelve to eighteen inches tall. Our Entertainment Chair, Linda Whitman, has exciting events planned for the year. As you read this, we’ve already had a fantastic time at the Louisiana Saturday Night, and are looking forward to a very special Valentine’s Dinner. Additionally, we will sponsor sailboat racers in the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras Regattas this month, and will be cruising over to Lulu’s in Gulf Shores for our monthly raft-up. Thank you to Jim and Linda Oyler for their leadership. According to plan, participating members will sponsor each raft up. Many thanks to all who signed up, and to Johnny and Ruth Smith for hosting the February cruise. If you have an area or event you are interested in, please contact a committee member listed on the back of the Jib Sheet. Together, we can make it happen! See you at the General Membership meeting, Thursday, February 16! Susan McKinnon Change of Watch “Promoting the Finest Homes in Northwest Florida” Page • February ‘12 Preview Property Specialist Call 850-572-1944 peithudson@aol.com Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Photos by Julie Connerley SETON ffATS MEMBERSHIP REPORT reganaM lareneG ,yhcuS nehpetS For a number of years we have held a prospective member night on the first Tuesday of each month. This year the Membership Committee chose to move the prospective member nights to Friday night in time to have an application posted for the required two weeks before the next Board meeting. The dates selected so far are March 2, March 30, April 27, June 1, and June 29. These dates will be listed on the club calendar and we will send a reminder email in the preceding week. The prospective member component of the evening will consist only of a short meet and greet upstairs at 6:30. The consensus of the Membership Committee was that the activity and camaraderie evident on Friday nights would be more attractive than a “sales pitch” approach. The first falls on the same night as the Mexico party. Remember that if you have a prospective member there is certainly no need to wait for one of these occasions. At the Board meeting on January 18, three new members were approved: Landon McKinnon, Landon is a Private Investigator; Bridgid Thomas, Bridgid is a research nurse at Andrews Institute; and Joseph Leone, Joseph is an FAA examiner. Please introduce yourself to these new members and consider them when you need crew. Bob Dawkins BCS Championship Party ”adirolF tsewhtroN ni semoH tseniF eht gnitomorP“ LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM THE CLUB Some of our members have faced unfortunate significant monetary, medical, or other hardships, forcing them to seek temporary leaves of absence from PYC. Questions have arisen about whether those on leave may come to the Club and, if so, when. In a nutshell, members on LOA should not use PYC as if they were regular members and should not generally come to PYC even as a member’s guest. Exceptions to that would be when the member on leave is also a member of an organization that has a function at PYC, when invited by attend tsila aicmember epS ytrepoto rP w eiverP a special function or celebration 4491-or 275-for 058 PYC llaC sponsored regattas. While we are at PYC, moc.loa@nosduhtiep striving to be fair to our broader membership, we do not want our members on LOA to feel uncomfortable when visiting the Club when exceptions allow, and we look forward to welcoming them back as full members, as yltnednepednI si ecfifO hcaE detarepO dna denwO their personal circumstances permit. February ‘12 • Page STAff NOTES report fleet captain’s John Buziak Stephen Suchy, General Manager DON’T LET THE KIDS HAVE ALL THE FUN! When you see our most junior Opti racers on the water in January honing their skills, you can be forgiven for thinking “Its too late for me to learn.” NOT! Over the past year I have seen quite a number of membership applications posted where the stated goals included a desire to get involved in sailing. Around the bar by I have many other members express the desire to get back in to sailing (by the way…I have been keeping a list). What is stopping you? THE TIME IS COMING SOON TO ACT ON THAT URGE! This is a cautionary tale for the young members expecting children, or who have young children. It’s easy to fall in the trap of dropping the kid off at soccer/baseball/lacrosse… and camp out on the sideline for the games. Your days playing soccer/baseball/lacrosse are predominantly behind you, so getting out on the field with them is not realistic. But sailing is different! Ask the Rices, Prochaskas, Buziaks, McMillans, Melroses, Smiths (Chuck’s Clan)… They will tell you some of their most precious memories are the times they spent on the water with their children. Now, you may be concerned that you sailing skills are rusty, or non-existent. We can help you get over that barrier. Just as the weather starts to warm our new Sailing Director, Scott Tillema, will report aboard. Kirby, Joe and Bruce will have their sail training program well under way and humming along. What will poor Scott have to do if you do not come down to the club and avail yourself of his services? Moms! Need a break from the kids? Come on down! I will find you a baby sitter. We will rig a Scot for you and hook you up with a mentoring sailor if you need one. WE WILL GET YOU ON THE WATER! In the spring, we will start up our mid week racing again. Wednesday Nights will be for Dinghys and Thursday Nights will be for the Keel Boats. If you feel your competitive juices get flowing we can get out on the water in a racing boat! Not sure you want you want to race, but you love to be out on the water at dusk, hop on a Race Committee boat on Wednesday Night. If you missed the 1st Wednesday program and have been hearing about the big Doings at the GYA meeting shoot me an e-mail and I will send you a copy of the presentation. We will start the racing season off with a bang with the the 1st Intergalactic Keel Boat Roundup”. This event has been created to meet the growing demand for One Design Keel Boat venues. The Trip 26s look to be the strongest fleet with seven registered boats. We are also hoping to provide starting lines for Flying Tigers, Melges 24s, Vipers and a host of others. Stay tuned, I will be circulating a draft of the Thursday Night Racing for comment. GOTTA REGATTA 2012 FEBRUARY 2-4 Super Bowl Regatta/Intergalactic Keel Boat Round-up PYC 2-11 Valentine PBYC 2-18 Mardi Gras PYC MARCH 3-2 3-3 3-10 3-17 3-31 Flying Tigers Champs Maxine #1 & Commodore’s Cup #1 Maxine #2 Maxine #3 Cruising Couples #1 NYCP PBYC PYC PYC APRIL 4-14 4-16 Commodore’s Cup #2 Preemie Cup NYCP PBYC MAY 5-5 5-9 5-17 5-19 5-26 Sea Buoy Race Regata al Sol U20 Nationals Navy Cup Memorial Day Regatta PBYC SYC PYC NYCP PBYC PBYC JUNE 6-2 6-15 6-23 6-29 Cancer Society Regatta PYC Offshore Challenge Cup Jr. Olympic Fest PYC PYC JULY 7-21 7-28 Bikini Cup Race for the Roses NYCP PBYC “Promoting the Finest Homes in Northwest Gulfport to PensacolaFlorida” PYC Page • February ‘12 SEPTEMBER 9-8 Commodore’s Cup #3 Chappell & Stitt 9-15 To the Pier & Back NYCP PYC PBYC OCTOBER 10-6 PYC #1 10-12 WFORC 10-20 Schreck Regatta PYC PYC NOVEMBER Preview Property Specialist 11-3 Cruising Couples #2Call 850-572-1944PYC 11-10 Jubilee Regatta peithudson@aol.com Individual FS Champ PYC 11-17 PYC #2 PYC 11-18 Turkey Trot PBYC Each Office is Independently DECEMBER Owned and Operated 12-8 Santa Claus Regatta PYC junior sailing The following Officers andBoard Members for 2012 were nominated b y t h e P Y C J r. n o m i n a t i n g committee and approved by the PYC Board: Joe Leccese (President), Kirby Smith IV (Vice President), Chris Buechler (Treasurer), Kelley Amos (Secretary), Ben Addison, Jim Krippes, Bert Rice Jr., Dan Brewer and Bruce Partington. The board anticipates having several committees active this year such as: Sailing, Optimist, Laser/420/ Crew, Sponsorship & Fund Raising and Junior Membership Experience. Committee Chairs are being identified and parents/guardians and other friends of Junior Sailing are welcome to participate and attend board meetings. Currently the PYC Jr, Board meetings are held at PYC the second Tuesday the month starting at 5:30PM. SETON ffATS reganaM lareneG ,yhcuS nehpetS Joe Leccese Three of our PYC Junior Sailors made the trip to Miami this Christmas break to compete in the 2011 Orange Bowl International Youth Regatta. Dodge Rees, Brandon Addison, and Adrian Pereira all sailed in the Laser (full) class. After four days of sailing, Dodge finished with an outstanding t h i r d p l a c e i n a v e r y c o m p e t i t i v e f l e e t o f future Olympic and college varsity sailors. Brandon finished 14th followed by Adrian at 15th place. This is Dodge’s and Brandon’s last year to compete in this particular youth regatta which had 559 sailors in Laser, Opti, and 420 fleets. Congratulate them on their great finishes. As we look forward to a great year of junior sailing my personal thanks to all of you (you know who you are) that have helped and continue helping me to “learn the lines not the ropes”! Junior Sailing is a very fulfilling experience for our family from 2012 will be a great year for PYC Jr. and the supporting your own child, camaraderie amongst future generation of sailors! There are many people parents/guardians to attend traveling regattas to thank for making 2011 a good year and preparing and much more. I urge everyone to explore the for 2012; PYC Staff, PYC Flag Officers and Board benefits of volunteering and participating with the of Directors, PYC Jr. Board of Directors, Generous PYC Junior Yacht Club. Please do not hesitate Sponsors/Donors, Camp Counselors, board ”adirolF Summer tsewh troN ni semocontacting H tseany niF ehmembers t gnior toofficers morwith P“any Junior Sailors, Parent, Guardians and friends of questions you may have and provide us with your junior sailors. Sincere thanks for your continued contact informaton. support and cooperation. Have you seen the changes going on at the Junior Clubhouse? Check it out! The final phase of renewing the Junior Clubhouse is in progress with interior finish starting including: new flooring, painting and much more resulting in a brand new Junior Clubhouse. Additionally, the new Sailing Director will be starting soon and look for additional information in other parts of this Jib Sheet. Sunday sailing is here again at 1:30PM conditions permitting. Johnson who will tsilaicepSThank ytreporyou P weto iveDominic rP be helping Optimist Green Fleet, Safety and 4491-with 275-05 8 llaC moc.loa@Bruce nosduhtPartington iep Conditioning, that will work with Optimist Red, White and Blue fleets on fine tuning rigs, strategy and tactics on and off the water and Bert Rice Jr. who will be supporting Lasers,420 dnepednI si ecfifO hcaE and otheryltnecrew detarepO dnboats. a denwO February ‘12 • Page STAff NOTES Main Stephen Suchy, General Manager CLUB HOURS NEW SUNDAY HOURS Brunch Specials 11am-2pm Bar Menu 11am-5:30pm Hor d’oeuvers 4-6pm Bar Closes at 6:30pm CLOSED ON MONDAY TUESDAY thru THURSDAY Lunch 11am-2pm Happy Hour 5-8pm SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd LIVE MUSIC & LINE DANCING COUNTRY FOOD FAVORITES $20 per person -RESERVATIONS REQUIRED- PYC COOKING DEMO + WINE PAIRING Dinner 5:30-8:30pm “Promoting the Finest Homes in Northwest Florida” FRIDAY Lunch 11am-2pm Happy Hour 5-6pm Jackpot/Split ticket Drawing 8pm Dinner 6-9pm SATURDAY Lunch 11am-2pm Bar Menu available All Day THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th Beginning at 6:30pm -RESERVATIONS REQUIREDBANQUETS, WEDDINGS, MEETINGS, & MORE! Preview Property Specialist Call 850-572-1944 peithudson@aol.com Dinner 5:30-8:30 Reservations for dining and parties are appreciated. Page • July ‘11 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated PYC is ready to serve! Events@pyc.gccoxmail.com SETON ffATS Events reganaM lareneG ,yhcuS nehpetS Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Dinner First Course First Course IN THE RAW th Tuesday, February 6PM-9PM Tuesday, February 14th146PM-9PM RESERVATIONS REQUIRED RESERVATIONS REQUIRED IN THE RAW Shrimp & Scallop Ceviche in the Raw Shrimp & Scallop Ceviche in the Raw served on the Spoon served on the Spoon - $7.95 -OR-ORMÉNAGE À FOIE MÉNAGE À FOIE A Threesome of Foie Gras, Honey A Threesome of Foie Gras, Honey Figs and Port Figs and Port - $10.95 Second Course Course Second TEMPTATION SHRIMP CLASSY CAESAR SALAD S A L A D Blend of Fresh Romaine, Traditional LusciousCaesar ShrimpDressing, and FreshShredded Greens Creamy Laced with and Caviar Pearls of the Sea Parmesan, Croutons in a Lemony Vinaigrette Dressing -OR-ORG ARDEN OF EDEN SALAD G A R D ESalad N OTeased F E D EbyN Tomatoes, SALAD Sensual Sensual Salad Teased by Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Onions with Cucumbers, and Onions with Your Choice of Dressing Your Choice of Dressing (Salad Choice included with Entrée) CLUB SPECIALS SUNDAY Third Course Third Course VEAL CHOP & WILD FOREST VEAL CHOP & WILD FOREST MUSHROOMS MUSHROOMS Grilled Veal Chop and a Silky Seduction Grilled Veal Chop and a Silky Seduction of Wild Mushrooms Drenched in White of Wild Mushrooms Drenched in White Truffle Decadence with Rosemary Truffle Decadence with Rosemary Fingerling Potatoes and a Medley of Fingerling Potatoes and a Medley of Vegetables Vegetables - $24.95 -OR-ORGROUPER ENROBED IN PUFFED GROUPER ENROBED IN PUFFED PASTRY PASTRY Sizzling Grouper Grouper Layered Layered with with Grilled Grilled Sizzling Asparagus, Peppers, Peppers, and and Boursin Boursin Cheese, Cheese, Asparagus, then wrapped and Baked in a Puff Pastry with with then wrapped and Baked in a Puff Pastry Garlic Kissed Kissed Mashed Mashed Potatoes Potatoes - $21.95 Garlic -OR-OROFF SSII LL KKYY PPAA NN SS EE AA RR EE DD BB RREE AA SS TT O CC HH II CC KKEENN Kissed by by the the Spices Spices and and heat heat served served over over Kissed Honey Lemon Lemon Risotto Risotto with with Au Au Jus Jus Perfumed Perfumed Honey Caramelized Maui Maui Onions Onions and and aa Medley Medley of of Caramelized Vegetables - $14.95 Vegetables Fourth Course Course Fourth OCCO OLL AATT EE LLO O VVII NN ’’ II NN DDUU LL G G EE NNCC EE CCHHO AA Giant PuddingLaying LayingBetween BetweenTwo TwoLayers Layersofof Giant Mouthful Mouthful of of Sweet Sweet Chcocolate Chocolate Pudding Chocolate Drenched Drizzled Strawberry Coulis MoistMoist Chocolate Drenched CakeCake and and Drizzled with with Strawberry Coulis - $5.95 -OR-ORMO ONN TT BBLL AANN CC CC AA KK EE RRAASSPPBBEERRRRYY M BeanMousse, Ice Cream, Chocolate Pineapple LusciousVanilla Chocolate Kirsch SoakedGanache, Raspberries, VanillaKabobs, Sponge Cake, a Kiss of Cool Whip and Shell Romance Red Maraschino Pure Love Chocolate Pyramid and Fresh RaspberriesCherries - $8.95 Brunch Specials $5 Bottomless Champagne & Mimosas $3 Bloody Marys WEDNESDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT Peel & Eat Shrimp $7.76++ THURSDAY ”adirolF tsewhtroN ni semoH tseLuncheon niF ehSpecial t gnitomorP“ Fried Mullet NO REGULAR MENU SERVICE FRIDAY Menu Dining or Soup & Salad Buffet NEW PYC BAR SPECIALS – 5PM to 8PM TUE Any Flavor Absolut Vodka WED Wine Down Wednesday $5 ++ Any Glass of Wine tsilaicepS ytreporP weiverP 4491-275-058 llaC THUm oc.loa@nosduhtiepTop SAT yltnednepednI si ecfifO hcaE detarepO dna denwO Shelf Margaritas Martini Night $3 ++ $4 ++ $5 ++ Friday Night Drawing SATURDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT Prime Rib $16.95++ No To Go Boxes February ‘12 • Page STAff NOTES HOSPITALITY HOSPITALITY Stephen Suchy, General Manager GWEN HERRIN && JEAN Gwen Herrin JeanFLEEGE Fleege As we begin a New Year, the PYC Hospitality Committee would like to remind the membership that our Committee’s main purpose is to welcome new members, visitors, and you, the members, to PYC, as well as, encourage ALL members to become more involved in their Club’s activities and events. All Hospitality Committee members wear red name tags, so we are easy to pick out of the crowd on Friday nights at the Club. If you have a question, ask one of us. If you need a new friend, we’d love to be your new friend and introduce you around. If you want to know how you can get involved in a Club activity, we will help you. In addition to being the official PYC Welcoming Committee, we have raised money to support the Kitchen Renovation Fund by sponsoring a Fall and Spring Fashion Show luncheon each year with proceeds going to the fund. Also half of the money collected for the Friday Night Split Ticket drawing goes directly into this fund. Over the years we have provided funding to replace or purchase new equipment needed to keep our kitchen updated. Contact Ann Owczarczak if you wish to volunteer to sell tickets on a Friday Night at the Club. CEnTERBOARDS Lyn Harrison MEMBERSHIP CHANNEL MARKERS After leaving Loafers Glory II in Grenada in May, P/C Larry and Ann-Marie Bowyer have been back on land catching up with their kids, grandkids, Mother, brothers, nephews, and friends at PYC attending family reunions, weddings, and enjoying the Christmas holidays with family. However they are now they back on Loafers Glory II in Grenada getting ready for the next leg of their “adventure”. Track the Bowyer’s progress on their website at the following web address: http://www.winlink.org/dotnet/maps/positionreportsdetail. aspx?callsign=KJ4CHW. A map will show their last reported positions. To see photos check their website at www.loafersgloryii.shutterfly. com. “Promoting the Finest Homes in Northwest Florida” Bob Fleege is also on a sailing adventure with friends. Mid rom ditor s Walt esk January he sailed out ofthe Pensacola with his crew Wilde and Pat Jackson. The guys plan to bump along the Florida coast with the final destination being Key West. There will be a crew change in the Keys. Bob and his brother, Mark plan to spend the month of February enjoying the sights and sounds of Key West before sailing back to Pensacola. F e ’ d Gwen Herrin spent the Christmas and New Years holidays in Tulsa OK with her daughter and son-in-law, Michelle and Weldon Holecombe. Her grandson Thomas Holecombe flew in from Houston TX to also spend the holidays with them. We wish a speedy recovery to Tom Chastant, Erin Dawkins, and Connie Trammell from their recent surgeries. Page 10 • February ‘12 Kathy Chagnard Preview Property Specialist Call 850-572-1944 peithudson@aol.com Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated CRUISER’S CORNERSETON ffATJS & L im inda Oyler reganaM lareneG ,yhcuS nehpetS New Year’s Day was once again the opening day of PYC’s cruising season. Thirty-five to forty survivors from the New Year’s Eve party gathered to begin the year with mimosas and bloody Marys in the sailing center. The weather was beautiful and we made good use of the deck. If you haven’t observed the marina and surrounding waters from one of the rocking chairs on the deck of the sailing center you have missed one of the best views in Pensacola. The variety of brunch foods was amazing, plentiful, and delicious. Spirits were high as we discussed the fun raft-ups we had in 2011 and the expectations of a great sailing season in 2012. Cruising for 2012 is in the planning stages so look for dates and destinations in next month’s Jib Sheet. Most of our raft-up destinations are accessible by auto and we welcome everyone. If you are not on the cruising list and wish to be added, drop an e-mail to jnlagain@gmail.com and we will be happy to add you to the list. New Year’s Day at the Sailing Center WHY WE SAIL IN WINTER We left the slip about 3 PM on January 7. The wind was very light after the recent rain shower and the sky looked threatening in all directions. We had planned to spend the night at Fort McRae and were determined not to let a little thing like weather stop us. As we motored toward the navy base we marveled at how wonderful the weak January sun felt when it peaked out from behind the clouds. Just beyond the mouth of Pensacola Pass we crossed the tide line. There in the tide line were more birds than we had ever seen before. Thousands of birds, including gulls, pelicans, least terns, cormorants, and pipers were dining from one side of the bay to the other. We joined other boats that had stopped to watch and take pictures of this amazing sight. A little further into our voyage we encountered a dredge working in the land cut. A short exchange of pleasantries on the VHF radio assured both parties that each knew the intentions of the other and we could pass safely. As we left the intercoastal a group of eight to ten dolphin joined us and led us all the way into the anchorage from the west. They left us only after our anchor was securely set. Then one of them gave a tail wave and they all proceeded out the east side of the anchorage. Except for one other sail boat, one power boat, and one tent on the beach, we were alone at Fort McRae. We had just barely recovered from the dolphin encounter when our attention turned to a breathtaking sunset. The almost full tsilaicepS ytreporP weiverP moon 4was rising at the same time the sun was setting, treating 491-275-058 llaC us tomaospectacular of color. A perfectly grilled steak and c.loa@nosduhdisplay tiep a glass of red wine topped off the evening. By noon Sunday the breeze had picked up to almost 10 knots and we enjoyed a glorious sail back across the bay to PYC. Think what we would have missed if we had let a little rain keep us home. That yltnedn epednI siis ecfifwhy O hcaE you find boats on the bay in most any kind detarepO dna denwO of weather. Bloody Marys for Everyone ”adirolF tsewhtroN ni semoH tseniF eht gnitomorP“ Sunset at Ft. McRae Birds in the Tide Line February ‘12 • Page 11 STAff NOTES FCYC REPORT Stephen Suchy, General Manager The General Meeting of the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs was held at the Coral Ridge Yacht Club on January 1315, 2011. PYC was represented at the meeting by FCYC Director Bob and Vicki Riggs. Thirty two of the thirty-six member Clubs were represented at the conference. Coral Ridge Yacht Club is located directly on the eastern shore of the Atlantic ICW at Mile 1059. Three bascule bridges, Oakland Park, Sunrise Boulevard, and 17th street Causeway, separate the Club’s marina from the Port Everglades Inlet. Consequently, Coral Ridge YC is a superb stop for cruisers waiting for a weather window to navigate the 42 nautical miles to Bimini. Of course all of the other exciting aspects of the City of Fort Lauderdale await the transient visitor to this Club. Because of its popularity to cruisers transient slips are always in demand, but dock master Sharon Crockett (954-566-7886) will do her very best to accommodate your vessel. Once secured to the dock you’ll be able to enjoy the excellent facilities available at the Club! The week end’s activities got underway Friday evening with a South Florida clam bake and live entertainment. This event was held at the Club’s pool and water side tiki bar and gazebo; what a wonderful venue! On Saturday spouses were treated to high tea and a vintage fashion show. FCYC Directors, of course, devoted the afternoon to a series of business meetings and lectures. Two important issues were presented and approved by the assembled Directors. First the slate of officers for 2012 presented by the Nominating Committee was approved. The new officers, including Commodore-Elect Harry Peret of the Sarasota YC and Vice Commodore-Elect Ray Starsman of the Isles YC, will be installed at the March FCYC General Meeting. Second the Council’s operating budget for 2012 was approved. The Council enjoys a solid financial position, but it was noted that revenue from sales of” FCYC Cruising Guides” was lower than anticipated. During the Government Affairs Committee report an issue of immediate import for PYC was discussed. The Coast Guard’s new marine radio network Rescue 21 is now fully operational in the Gulf of Mexico, and rescue centers can now receive instant distress calls from our DSC-capable VHF marine radios. However 90% of the VHF emergency calls monitored by the Coast Guard do not contain position data and nearly 60% do not provide identification data! For all boaters at PYC, let’s insure that our marine radios are registered and interfaced with our GPS systems! Saturday’s program concluded with a gourmet dinner and dancing and entertainment. Coral Ridge YC should be congratulated for hosting a great FCYC General Meeting. The next General Meeting will be held in March at the Sarasota Yacht Club. Remember all PYC members are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information telephone Bob at 251-990-5908. Bob Riggs PYC’s New Year’s Eve party started the year off right “Promoting the Finest Homes in Northwest Florida” Page 12 • February ‘12 Preview Property Specialist Call 850-572-1944 peithudson@aol.com Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated SETON ffATS Members mingle and make friends 2012 Raft-Up & Cruising Schedule reganaM lareneG ,yhcon uSFriday nehpenights tS Feb. 25 Mar. 24 Apr. 21 May 9 May (TBD) Jun. 9 Jul. 14 Aug. 18 Sep. 1 Oct. 6 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Lulu’s Marina Ingram Bayou Fort McRae Isla Mujeres Big Sabine Pirate’s Cove Little Sabine (Blue Angels) The Wharf Panama City / Bay Point Barber’s Marina (Lost Bay) Little Sabine (Halloween) Fort McRae (Blue Angels) Progressive Marina Party Lighted Boat Parade hosted by Johnny & Ruth Smith hosted by Chuck & Peg Minnick hosted by Rusty & Trish Bonds hosted by PYC & SYC hosted by Bob Holmes hosted by John & Melissa Myron hosted by Randy Ray & Kim Hamilton hosted by Bob Riggs & John McGill hosted by Jim & Linda Oyler hosted by Mike Beard, Julie Denton, & Ron Bray hosted by Rusty & Trish Bonds hosted by Commodore Jere & Karen Allen hosted by Jim & Linda Oyler hosted by Jim & Linda Oyler ”adirolF tsewhtroN ni semoH tseniF eht gnitomorP“ Regata al Sol XXVII MEXICO NIGHT KICK-OFF PARTY Friday, March 2nd Join us for Mexican Buffet, Cervezas, tsilaicepS ytreporP weiverP 4491-275-058 llaC moc.loa@nosduhtiep Margaritas & Live Music! yltnednepednI si ecfifO hcaE detarepO dna denwO $25 per person -Reservations RequiredFebruary ‘12 • Page 13 LIC #EC0003127 STAff NOTES Stephen Suchy, General Manager INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE (850) 438-1555 • FAX: (850) 438-0017 P.O. BOX 9625 PENSACOLA, FL 32513 2405 WEST HERMAN STREET PENSACOLA, FL 32505 MICHAEL McLEMORE PRESIDENT FRIDAY NIGHT WINNERS All Friday Night winners need to check in with the volunteers at the Ticket Table. 12-30-11 No Drawing 1-6-12 Jackpot: Wine: Dinner: Split Ticket: $200 Andrew McMillan – NP Carole Barnett Andres Candela $146 Randy Ray 1-13-12 Jackpot: $225 Kirby Smith – NP Space Available • GREAT RATES Wine: Charles Nearn “Promoting the Finest Homes in Northwest Florida” Ad Sizes Dinner: Mary Stitt Split Ticket: $107 Conrad Hamilton Business card 1¼x 3¾ ADVERTISE IN THE JIB SHEET ¼ page 5x 3¾ ½ page 5x 7½ Full page 7 ½ x 10 Contact the PYC office at 433-8804 receptionist@pyc.gccoxmail.com 1-20-12 Jackpot: Wine: Dinner: Split Ticket: $250 Jim Oyler – P Melissa Myran Anne Pleune $97 Randy Ray PYC CAPDEVIELLE TEAM Organizational Meeting Thursday, Feb. 9th at 6PMPreview Property Specialist Call 850-572-1944 peithudson@aol.com If you are interested learning more about Capdevielle sailing and getting information on the 2012 Capdevielle sailing schedule please join us! If you can not attend but are interested in participating you can contact Adam Sammis @ asammis@gmail.com. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Page 14 • February ‘12 FEBRUARY 2012 SETON ffATS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY BRUNCH 11AM - 2PM CLUB CLOSED LUNCH 11 AM - 2 PM DINNER 5:30 - 8:30 PM HAPPY HOUR 4 - 7 PM BAR MENU 11AM - 5:30PM HORS D’OEUVRES 4 - 6 PM WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY reganaM lareneG ,yhcuS nehpetS LUNCH 11 AM - 2 PM DINNER 5:30 - 8:30 PM HAPPY HOUR 4 - 7 PM LUNCH 11 AM - 2 PM DINNER 5:30 - 8:30 PM HAPPY HOUR 4 - 7 PM BAR CLOSES 6:30PM 1 FIRST WEDNESDAY PROGRAM YOGA 5:30pm 5 6 7 8 19 13 14 15 PYC BOARD MTG. YOGA 5:30pm MEMBERSHIP MTG. 26 PEEL & EAT SHRIMP VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER 21 27 28 HAM RADIO CLUB 4 super bowl regatta/ intergalactic keel boat races 10 PRIME RIB 11 CAPDEVIELLE ORG. MTG. Food and wine demo JR. BOARD MTG. 20 9 LUNCH 11 AM - 2 PM DINNER 5:30 - 8:30 PM 3 HOSPITALITY MTG. PEEL & EAT SHRIMP YOGA 5:30pm 12 2 LUNCH BUFFET 11 AM - 2 PM HAPPY HOUR 5 - 6 PM DINNER 6:00 - 9:00 PM JACKPOT DRAWING PEEL & EAT SHRIMP 22 16 17 18 MARDI GRAS REGATTA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MTG. 23 PRIME RIB 24 PRIME RIB 25 YOGA 5:30pm RAFT UP TO LULU’S MARINE PEEL & EAT SHRIMP PRIME RIB 29 YOGA 5:30pm PEEL & EAT SHRIMP ”adirolF tsewhtroN ni semoH tseniF eMARCH ht gnitomo rP“ 2012 1 2 MEXICO NIGHT/REGATTA AL SOL KICK OFF PARTY HOSPITALITY MTG. PROSP. MEMBER NIGHT FLYING TIGERS EAST COAST CHAMPIONSHIPS 4 5 6 11 12 13 19 20 10 FACILITIES MTG. 26 PEEL & EAT SHRIMP 14 YOGA 5:30pm PEEL & EAT SHRIMP 21 15 16 FOOD AND WINE DEMO 22 27 PEEL & EAT SHRIMP 28 PRIME RIB 17 US SAILING INSTRUCTOR TRAINING COURSE 23 PRIME RIB 24 RAFT UP TO INGRAM BAYOU YOGA 5:30pm HAM RADIO CLUB yltnednepednI si ecfifO hcaE detarepO dna denwO 9 PYC BOARD MTG. tsilaiceUS pS ytrepINSTRUCTOR orP weiverTRAINING P SAILING COURSE 4491-275-058 llaC moc.loa@nosduhtiep 25 8 3 YOGA 5:30pm JR. BOARD MTG. 18 7 FIRST WEDNESDAY PROGRAM FLYING TIGERS EAST COAST CHAMPIONSHIPS MAXINE SERIES REGATTA pyc cOUNTRY WESTERN NIGHT PRIME RIB 29 30 PRIME RIB 31 YOGA 5:30pm CRUISING COUPLES REGATTA PEEL & EAT SHRIMP PRIME RIB PYC Bar & Dining Room - 432-7006 • Reservation Line - 433-1382 • Office - 433-8804 February ‘12 • Page 15 Pensacola Yacht Club P.O. Box 989 Pensacola, Florida 32591 www.pensacolayachtclub.or g FLAG OFFICERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AND PYC MANAGEMENT Commodore Cruising COMMITTEE CHAIRS TIM BURR tburr@gtbs.com JIM & LINDA OYLER SCOTT HARRELL HOME 516-7212 916-0869 h 932-1737 ViceCommodore/ SAM FOREMAN jnlagain@gmail.com Facilities/EPA/Community Relations Rear Commodore/ Endowment Membership WORK 470-8022 470-0869 samannasea@aol.com Cell 910-0833 932-0501 Fund lscottharrell@bellsouth.net Chair P/C SAM FOREMAN c 748-0498 Fleet Captain ALAN McMILLAN panamasam@att.net mcalan@cox.net Secretar y/Bylaws/GYA Offshore Rep BERNIE KNIGHT bak37bav@msn.com Facebook/Hospitality Treasurer/Finance DAN SMITHSON JEAN FLEEGE capdan@cox.net jfleege@aol.com Marina & Dry Storage/ Storm Preparedness FCYC BOB FCYC Rep 516-6218 457-7815 c 221-1211 916-4480 RIGGS c 251-753-4026 TONY . COLE Cell 384-9360 434-8855 vhriggs@bellsouth.net Tonycole4@cox.net Fleet Counsel JOHN MERTING Fleet Surgeon Cruising JIM & LINDA OYLER P/C ROGER MORASKI, MD joyler4250@aol.com topgunu20@aol.com Capdevielle Team/ GYA One Design Grill Room Endowment Fund FCYC Alternate Fleet C ounsel w 916-9645 JOHN MERTING WORK h HOME 969-1995932-1737 ROBERT LEIDNER h 433-3503 riedner1@cox.net Cell 516-1580 c 206-8378 BERT RICE Bert.rice2010@yahoo.com DAVE HOFFMAN DAVE HOFFMAN dave.antares@gmail.com Historian h 438-1843 934-6625 conwadham@aol.com Juniors/Sea Cell 377-3213 HumanScouts Resources ED HELMS Ehelms7477@yahoo.com 477-3956 Entertainment SHARON PETTIT 377-9841 randalray@me.com sharonpettit@msn.com 515-1110 c 748-9760 Commodore Emeritus STEPHEN SOLICE so42son@aol.com Cell 380-8268 Long Range PlanningPlanning Long Range 432-6197 P/C Manager TIM BURR General c 516-7212 h 916-0869433-8804 STEPHEN SUCHY tburr@gjtbs.com Stephen@pyc.gccoxmail.com Office Manager Member Seminars DION BOATMAN dion@pyc.gccoxmail.com 433-8804 Accounts Payable/ JENNIFER LANGHAM 433-8804 LINDA WHITMAN c 572-2956 Webmaster Jennifer@pyc.gccoxmail.com lindaw@cox.net ANN PLEUNE apleuneus@aol.com Hospitality 433-1382 LESLIE HOWELL leslie@pyc.gccoxmail.com h 470-0325 WORK GWEN HERRIN talkingwen@cox.net HOME 438-1843 c 529-2939 jjjbean@aol.com h 932-5958 934-0471 JibSheet Mailing LESLIE YOUD CHARLIE & PHYLLIS NEARN 456-3653 Junior Sailing BRUCE PARTINGTON Race Committee b-partington@cox.net BOB SUTTON c 662-397-9285 Member Seminars BOB DAWKINS 429-7214 rrsutton01@cox.net h 850-466-2929 rdawkinsphdmph@bellsouth.net 916-9645 ROGER MORASKI, MD Design/Capdevielle Team DOUG SANSOM topgunu20@aol.com SAMMIS c 529-1857 GYAADAM Coordinator CHIP MacMILLAN asammis@gmail.com Historian/Heritage Committee Heritage Committee CHUCK SMITH, MD 449-5966 Hospitality/ JEAN FLEEGE Cell 221-1211 Publicity JibJULIE Sheet Editor jfleege@aol.com B. CONNERLEY c 293-4031 Publicity/Photography FleetGYA Surgeon One GYA Multihull HOME 456-5966 Photo Coordinator COMMITTEE CHAIRS Past Commodore John Matthews johnmatthews@cox.net GYA Multihull Cruising DON WATSON CHARLIE HARP WORK GWEN HERRIN Conrad Hamilton talkingwen@cox.net Event Coordinator/ Reservations HUNTER RIDDLE Cell 380-3531 loft@schurrsails.com FlowersJOHN SHAFFER LIBBA DENNIS j_shaffer@ml.com FR. JACK GRAY plato518@cox.net RANDY RAY 995-1452 JERE ALLEN Cell 529-0927 jereallen@mchsi. com Fleet Chaplain/ Hospitality Human Resources JULIE B. CONNERLEY Race Committee Trophy Committee BETSY MORASKI topgunu20@aol.com NEIL MCMILLAN 932-2093 455-1854 529-2939 dave.hoffman@taminco.com Cell 293-4031 h 433-1981 969-1995 somcmillan@juno.com Risk Management LINDA WHITMAN 477-8060 lwhitman@whitmanandwhitman.com Sea Scout Ship #411 SKIPPER ERIC FRITZ USCG Liaison ericfritz@mchsi.net BOB FLEEGE USCG Liaison BOB FLEEGE bobpyc1776@aol.com Cell 554-4515 c 291-8528 Cell 291-8528 bobpyc1776@aol.com 916-0479 va