Message - Waupun Area School District


Message - Waupun Area School District | March 2016
from the Superintendent:
The Board of Education and I have been working
diligently on the district’s finances. The story on the right
is one example of that work. As you probably have heard
by now, the high school will be paid off in 2018. Twenty
years ago, a $28 million referendum was passed in the
community to build a new high school. Because this
debt is retiring, it provides the district with a “window of
opportunity” to address current facility needs without an
increase to taxpayers above the current debt service level.
Additionally, interest rates are still near historic lows –
averaging near 2.75% right now. This means we can
do a lot for our facilities, improve the way we deliver
instruction, and provide a top-notch educational
experience for our kids. Be watching for information about
the potential November referendum as well as a facilities
survey that will be sent out to all households at the end
of April. All of the information about the facility study,
including videos of the meetings, is on our district website
under the district/facility tab.
At the February School Board meeting, we refinanced
our general obligation bonds. By refinancing our bonds to
a lower interest rate (5.375% to .7%), the district saved
$317, 823. Before you ask what we are going to do with all
the extra money, the savings are essentially passed on to
our taxpayers! So if you are a WASD taxpayer, rejoice! The
tax levy will be reduced by this amount over the next two
years. This is another example of the steps we have taken
in the last several years to be fiscally responsible without
cutting programs.
I look forward to your
continued support of the
school district. Please do not
hesitate to call me with any
questions or comments
you may have.
Tonya Gubin, Ed.D.
Great things are happening in the
Waupun Area School District.
We are continuing to move forward!
The Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) has worked
over the last several months to review and access district
facility needs. To understand the strengths and limitations
of each building, they have toured District facilities with
each school’s principal and district consultants, Eppstein
Uhen Architects and CG Schmidt Construction.
• Educational Adequacy: How well WASD schools
function in providing appropriate learning spaces to
support existing and/or future programming for
• Handicap Accessibility/ADA Review: How well each
building accommodates individuals with disabilities and
complies with the American with Disabiliies Act (ADA).
In March the FAC began to review and assess
comprehensive conceptual options to address the
identified district needs, including preliminary, estimated
costs. The group will also support the final development
of a community-wide survey being distributed in May
to all district residents to gather broader input prior to
making advisory recommendations to the School Board
in June.
The FAC’s work and input will help ensure that future
facilities decisions reflect the values and priorities of all
district stakeholders. Throughout their meetings, they
have studied the following:
• Architectural and Building Systems: Review of all
major building systems including mechanical, electrical,
plumbing, and structural components at all four schools,
as well as the Education Service Center.
• Building Capacity & Utilization: How much capacity
(space/potential) each building has to accommodate
student enrollment today as well in the future. This
includes classrooms as well as core spaces (library,
cafeteria, gym, hallways-traffic flow) spaces, surrounding
site layout and traffic circulation, physical education
and other outdoor recreational support space.
Visit the district website and
click on “Facilities Planning” for more information on the
work of the Facilities Advisory Committee.
Waupun FFA Celebrates National Agriculture Week! The statistics tell the story.
Nowhere in the world is there a better quality or higher
quantity of food available than what we have here in the
United States. This mammoth feat is accomplished by 1% of
our population who are involved in production agriculture!
Every person in this country relies on just 1% of the entire
population to provide them with their most basic needs.
This is cause to celebrate!
National Agriculture Week celebrated the American
farmer and all of the jobs associated with the industry. The
Waupun Area FFA chapter had activities planned all week
to celebrate and demonstrate their appreciation for the
agriculture industry.
A highlight of the week was the Annual Bun Run. FFA
members baked, frosted and delivered more than 300
fresh cinnamon rolls to area farmers before school on
Friday morning. While many young people today
struggle to get out of bed on a normal school day, WAHS
had a flood of activity by 5:15 am that morning. Abby
Henken, WAHS FFA President said, “This is one of my
favorite activities of the year. Being able to surprise our
local farmers with a fresh cinnamon roll during their
morning chores is just the best! It is just a very small token
of appreciation for all that they do for all of us each day!”
Another student favorite was “Drive Your Tractor
to School Day”. Members spend the night before
washing and waxing their favorite tractor for this annual
event. Most of our members met at Helen’s for breakfast
and then created a parade of tractors through town and
filled the WAHS parking lot with green, red and blue!
“I remember being a little kid watching the tractors every
year and couldn’t wait to get to high school to do it
myself”, said FFA member Zach Hartgerink. Community
members would drive through the parking lot every
year to see the display that the students created. The day
would not be complete without the students driving their
tractors to Culver’s for some delicious custard and a group
picture after school.
Some of the other events planned for the week
included a donation to our local food pantry, a dress-up day
at school and much more! Take the time to celebrate our
countries most important industry, AGRICULTURE!
Page 2 | March 2016
High School
State Ice Fishing
On Saturday, Feb 20, the Waupun
High School ice fishing team
competed in the Wisconsin state
bass fishing tournament in Shawano,
Wisconsin. The team took 15th place
out of 53 teams. Over 500 students
took place in this competition.
Members of the high school team are
Austin Krause, Colton Plonsky, Josh
Munro, Ben Lund, Robert Woock,
Gavin Schultz, Carson Schramm,
Carter Flegner, Nate Brown and Cam Beek. We were only 10 inches from placing in the tournament despite
never fishing the lake before. Good job to all the boys on the team. Austin Krause won an ice shanty as
one of the prizes given away.
SAGES - Cultivating Inquiry. Growing Minds. Walls Optional.
Can an individual make a lasting difference?
200 S. Depot Street | Fox Lake, WI 53933
Phone: (920) 928-3136
The school for
AGricultural & Environmental Studies
(SAGES) is a public charter school,
grades 4K-8, in the Waupun Area District.
SAGES utilizes project-based learning
with an emphasis in agriculture
and environmental sciences.
Cultivating Inquiry and Growing Minds.
Walls Optional.
SAGES Chess Team competed in The Wisconsin Chess
Federation tournament in Baraboo and came home with
2 trophies! The team came in first in our division, and Cole H.
placed second in individual performance in our division.
We were so proud of all of these kids! They all played 6 rounds
of chess, and they were all competitive players!
This is an essential question SAGES’ students
are exploring in a variety of ways. The students
and staff (grades K-8) pitched in to raise $1,200
plus collect socks & underwear for the Waupun
REACH program through a Change War that
culminated at the SAGES’ PTO sponsored Family
Dance on Friday, February 12. A special check was
presented to Wendi Dawson, REACH Coordinator
during the weekly, all-school town hall meeting.
A few other ways learners are making a
difference...The first graders are researching and
observing the patterns of the sun so they can
determine the best placement of a future “Garden
Classroom” at SAGES. The project was initiated by
the same 1st graders who saw a need for seating,
out by the current raised bed garden space.
Middle schoolers are actively researching “Water
Scarcity” and developing sustainable solutions as
a part of their “World of 7 Billion” project. The end
product of student research and “power learning”
will be the creation of a short video – up to 60
seconds – about human population growth that
highlights the global challenge: Water Scarcity.
Students were asked to narrow their focus by
concentrating on a sub‐theme within the topic like
aquifer depletion, water conflicts, pollution, impact
on girls’ education, or irrigation.
In the spirit of project-based learning (PBL),
SAGES’ middle school students are connecting
their classroom project work to the real world
through interactions with local water experts and
participation in “Field Study” trips.
Guest speakers included: Dave Imhoff,
groundwater model demonstration; Bill Bruins,
tenure on WI DNR Board; Andrew A. & Kelly
Thomas, Wisconsin Rural Water Association.
Field Study trips included: Walking trip to Fox
Lake Water Treatment Station, Day in Milwaukee –
Tours at UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater
Sciences, Growing Power (an urban agricultural
center with aquaponics, vermicomposting, etc.)
and Horicon Community Gardens (rain collection
system). | March 2016 Page 3
Congratulations Warrior Hockey Team
Impressive 20-7 Season Record
Liz Olson, principal of Rock River Intermediate
School, was just awarded the Wisconsin Council of
Administrators of Special Services award (WCASS)
as an outstanding administrator. She was chosen
based on the following:
•How the individual goes above and beyond
•Innovative work/leadership
•Initiatives undertaken
•Unique value the individual contributes/
What sets them apart from their peers.
Expressing an Opinion
Writing an opinion is a basic part of the language
arts curriculum. First graders have been writing
about what they like and support it with reasons.
Ideas of what they like range from an ice cream
shop to video games to well-known waterparks.
The Lucy Calkins Units of Study in Opinion,
Information, and Narrative Writing are used for
instruction. These writing activities provide a good
foundation for the junior high years and higher
when students are writing an argument to support
claims with reasons and relevant evidence.
thank you!
Thank you Linda Smedema and 6th graders who
have helped with the Make a Wish bake sale for
the past 3 years. This year $150 worth of toys were
donated and $1850 was raised through the
bake sale and raffles. Thanks to everyone who had a
part in
liz olson!
Thank you Liz Olson for your tireless work as an
advocate for our students with special needs.
Writing About What You Read
Using sticky notes to record thoughts about what
is read is a great way to enhance comprehension.
Students are writing questions they have about
what they have read, parts of the story they
like best, a surprising part, an important part, a
confusing part, or a prediction. These students from
Julie Wittchow’s fifth grade classroom place the
Post-it note on the exact page that has prompted
their writing. One student said although he did not
use this technique last year, he liked using it now.
Austin Farr, State
waupun gyymnastics
make history!
Waupun Author visits Meadow view primary
The students and staff of Meadow View Primary had a special treat. Local Author, Cody VandeZande
presented his children’s book, A Great White
Christmas, and how he was inspired to write
the story from his background experience of
swimming/filming sharks off the coast of Australia.
The students really enjoyed hearing about Cody’s
experiences and exactly what it takes to create and
complete a finished product.
A special Thank You to Cody’s sister Braelyn, Mrs.
Oechsner, and Mrs. Caul for helping to make this
experience happen. Also a huge Thank You to Cody
VandeZande for taking time to present his book and
share his experiences. He also signed purchased
books for students and staff. If you’re looking for a
great children’s book, we highly recommend Cody
VandeZande’s, A Great White Christmas!!!
It’s the 1st time in school history that gymnastics
has advanced to state as a team. Three girls are
going individually on 6 events. “Our motto this
year was ‘make history’, and now it’s true!” stated
Coach Emily Engelhardt. “I am super proud of them
and that our years and years of work is paying off,
and that the sport is finally getting some more
recognition!” Congratulations Ladies! | March 2016
Page 4
For more detailed
information, scan to
visit our website.
WASD Schools
Education Service Center (ESC)
950 Wilcox Street • Waupun, WI 53963
Congratulations to
Melissa Derksen!
Congratulations to
Mady Steinbach!
Mady was awarded a $100 Merit Award at
the Beaver Dam Arts Association High School
Art Show. Mady was also recently awarded
a $14,000 a year (renewable for four years)
scholarship for the Milwaukee Institute of
Art & Design.
Missy is this year’s recipient of the Wisconsin
Association of
Cheer/Pom Coaches
(WACPC) dance
coach of the year
phone: 920-324-9341 • fax: 920-324-2630
Superintendent: Dr. Tonya Gubin
Director of Business Services: Carrie Hintze
Director of Teaching and Learning: Dr. Judith Hoeppner
Director of Student Services: Wendi Dawson
Director of Buildings and Grounds: Mike Bos
Director of IT: Adam Holzman
200 S. Depot Street •
Fox Lake, WI 53933
Phone: 920-928-3136 • FAX: 920-928-2284
Principal: Bruce McMurry
Meadow View Primary
601 Grandview Avenue •
Waupun, WI 53963
Phone: 920-324-3361
• Fax: 920-324-0490
Principal: Andy Kohn
Rock River Intermediate
451 E. Spring Street
• Waupun, WI 53963
Phone: 920-324-9322 • FAX: 920-324-2929
Principal: Liz Olson
Assistant Principal: Amanda Pound
Waupun Area Junior/Senior High School
801 E. Lincoln Street
• Waupun, WI 53963
Phone: 920-324-5591
• Fax: 920-324-6995
Principal: Katie Grundahl
Assistant Principal: Steve Lenz
Assistant Principal: Rob Meyer
Activities Director: Keith Milkowski
Congratulations warriorettes!
4K Program
For 2015-2016 4K registration questions, please contact
Linda Meagher at 920.324.9341, x2117
or at
Alto Reformed
Mon-Thurs am only
N3697 Cty. Hwy. E • Waupun, WI 53963 920-346-5505
Meadow View Primary School
Mon-Fri am & pm
601 Grandview Avenue • Waupun, WI 53963
Mon-Fri am only
200 S. Depot Street • Waupun, WI 53963
Waupun Preschool
Mon-Thurs am & pm
114 S. Forest Street • Waupun, WI 53963 920-345-1124
Wee Care
Mon-Fri am & pm
1 West Brown Street • Waupun, WI 53963
The Warriorettes traveled to LaCrosse this year to compete at State and placed 7th. Way to go Ladies!!
waupun area school district board of education
Welcome to the Waupun Area School District where our goal is to foster an educational
environment in which student achievement is at the forefront. High expectations and a focus on
professional learning among our staff, ensure high levels of learning for all students.
Our Collective
Commitments to You
We will…Provide a safe, positive, and accepting learning environment;
Collaborate with students, families, and communities to improve learning
for your child; Take collective responsibility for helping all students learn at
high levels; Never stop learning, collaborating, and improving as a staff;
Ensure our schools are a vital part of our communities and vice versa.
Challenging Minds, Inspiring Action, Prepared for Tomorrow
Current Board Members: (Back row) Dylan Weber (2014); Glen Wilson (2010); Jennie Patrykus (2014), (Front row) Roger
Schregardus (2004), Vice President; Bill Bruins (2010), President; Ron Paul (2009), Treasurer; Kathy Schlieve (2010), Clerk.
In collaboration with our youth, families, and communities, we will prepare
our students to be resilient, determined, and productive citizens with a
passion for learning in an ever-changing world.