PDF - Ascending Technologies
PDF - Ascending Technologies
Cutting edge. Ascending Technologies Unmanned aircraft solutions. UAV Inspection & Monitoring /// UAV Surveying & Mapping /// UAV Photography & Videography /// UAV Wildlife Preservation /// UAV Agriculture & Forestry UAV Flight Dynamics /// UAV Computer Vision /// UAV SLAM /// UAV Swarming Amazing Technology! 1 Let the world go round. /// With excellent UAV autopilot & multirotor technology. Find further impressions here: www.asctec.de Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany. 2 Amazing Technology! 3 Experience innovation made & developed in Germany! /// One step ahead & with a finger on the pulse of these technological times. Content Ascending Technologies – Unmanned aircraft solutions 6 About Ascending Technologies /// Part 1 Do oil & gas installation inspections – on- & offshore. 8 AscTec Professional Line 10 AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity 12 UAV Surveying & Mapping /// AscTec Falcon 8 + Geo EXPERT 14 UAV Inspection & Monitoring /// AscTec Falcon 8 + Inspection PRO 16 UAV Imaging & Photography /// AscTec Falcon 8 + PhotoEXPERT Ascending Technologies GmbH 18 Get tagged thermal 14 Bit RAW & RGB images at once. /// AscTec Falcon 8 + Video EXPERT Konrad-Zuse-Bogen 4 /// 82152 Krailling, Germany T +49 89 89556079-0 /// F +49 89 89556079-19 UAV Filming & Videography 20 UAV Wildlife, Agriculture & Forestry /// AscTec Falcon 8 + X team@asctec.de /// www.asctec.de 21 Design the future: Current R&D projects. 22 AscTec Research Line 24 AscTec Firefly Products & prices: team@asctec.de Technical support: support@asctec.de /// UAV Automatic Flight Experiments, Computer Vision & SLAM… 26 AscTec Hummingbird PC-less control, highest precision & high area output. /// UAV Swarming, Swarm Intelligence, Control Theory… Media & press: 28 media@asctec.de AscTec Pelican /// UAV LiDAR, Multiple Sensor Integration, Computer Vision & SLAM… Social network: 29 Payloads & Options 30 About Ascending Technologies /// Part 2 Swarm intelligence: Count on promising prospects. CEOs: Dipl.-Ing. Michael Achtelik /// Klaus-Michael Doth, M.Sc. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Gurdan /// Dipl.-Ing. Jan Stumpf Trade register /// Handelsregister München: HRB 166748 Tax /// Ust.-ID: DE254728199 /// WEEE Reg. Nr. 72657400 Amazing Technology! /// Security advice and disclaimer: AscTec products (AscTec Falcon, AscTec Firefly, AscTec Hummingbird, AscTec Pelican) are very easy to operate. High quality standards are held during the production process, to ensure our products are reliable and safe. However, situations in which the skills of the pilot are required can arise at any time (e.g.: sudden fresh wind in excess of 12 m/s; total masking of or disruption to GPS signals). These situations can occur and require the appropriate reaction of the operator to the warnings of the system. Ascending Technologies GmbH does not accept any liability for damages resulting from pilot errors. The correct operation of the system can be learned in training sessions, which are expressly recommended for every customer. The customer is always responsible for operating the system. Please see our General Terms and Conditions of Business and the safety instructions for further details. /// Note: At the time of publication of this brochure, all other previous brochures thereby become invalid. All texts, images, and graphics published in this flyer are exemplary illustrations and protected by copyright. Reproduction or the use of these texts, images and graphics in other digital or printed publications are not permitted without the express permission of the author. © 2015 Ascending Technologies GmbH. All rights reserved. 5 About Ascending Technologies /// Part 1 A scending Technologies is leading The German high-tech company was foun- in 2002 the national winners of the Jugend Now you can experience a growing company developer and manufacturer of micro ded in Krailling (near Munich) in 2007 by forscht (young researchers) competition, in growing markets with a wide vertical range of four pioneers of UAV technology: Dipl.-Ing. Gurdan and Doth laid the foundations for the manufacture, skilled employees and impressive Michael Achtelik, Klaus-Michael Doth, M.Sc., international hype that would envelop the unmanned aerial systems proven and tested in With over 1,000 flight systems sold worldwide, Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Gurdan and Dipl.-Ing. Jan quadcopter and multic opter. Teaming up with various challenging missions. Our latest invention: we provide unique technology solutions. Profit Stumpf. Today they are still the managers Achtelik and Stumpf, also prize winners at AscTec Trinity as the first fully adaptive control unit. from the expertise of the long-standing techno- and owners of the company. With the inven- the Jugend forscht competition, the techno- logy leaders in UAS and experience innovation. tion and development of the Silverlit X-UFO logy was perfected. UAS for professional, civil and research use. Never favor less than: Amazing Technology! Meeting the highest future demands: Quadcopter, Hexacopter, Octocopter & more – each specified to your requirements. 1 AscTec Professional Line: AscTec Falcon 8. 2 AscTec Research Line: AscTec Firefly, AscTec Hummingbird & AscTec Pelican. 1 6 2 Making history in aviation. /// Man-carrying Volocopter VC200 with AscTec Trinity /// Key partner Ascending Technologies. Amazing Technology! AscTec Professional Line. The leading expert UAS. /// Place your trust in our German high-tech solution: AscTec Falcon 8. Inspiring showcases: https://www.youtube.com/ user/AscTecVideos 8 Amazing Technology! 9 AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity – A new era of flight control. Developed, manufactured & distributed by Ascending Technologies. A scTec Trinity is the first fully adapti- that overtake control to ensure safe landing in Or imagine a surveying project: You can survey ce GPS and the new control unit AscTec Trinity. Available payload options e.g.: ve control unit with up to 3 levels of case of link loss and complete flight documenta- an area of up to 35 hectares with a ground reso- It works with maximum efficiency in the air – on- redundancy for multirotor flight systems. tion via flight data recorder. lution of 2 centimeters in a single flight! & offshore, especially in challenging conditions. AscTec Trinity makes the AscTec Falcon 8 the Unique control features: Available application packages: Basic key features: Cameras (RGB): Sony Alpha 7R – 36 MP, ISO 100–25.600, 35 mm full-frame sensor, no optical low pass filter. Sony Alpha 7 – 24 MP, ISO 100–25.600, 35 mm full-frame sensor. Sony Alpha 6000 – 24 MP, EXMOR® APS HD CMOS Sensor, changable lens. Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ61 – 18 MP, 1920/50p, 30x optical zoom. Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX7 – 10 MP, 1080/50p Full-HD Video, 3,8x optical zoom. Sigma DP1 Merrill – 46 MP, RGB layers, FOVEON X3. most advanced, efficient and safe unmanned aerial vehicle for professional operation. Reliable & perfectly predictable flight behavior in conditions with weak GPS signals or magnetic interferences. It is a triple redundant autopilot similar to Unbelievable position accuracy! flight critical devices in commercial airliners. Tiny positional corrections are possible with Sudden or enduring disturbances will actively extreme precision. be compensated very reliably. This precision can even be guaranteed at high airspeed and in highly dynamic flights. The camera will always be exactly aligned with its desired orientation G eoEXPERT – for professional UAV surveying & mapping. InspectionPRO – for professional UAV inspection & monitoring. PhotoEXPERT – for professional UAV imaging & photography. Leveled horizon! Due to improved compensation of centrifugal forces. V ideoEXPERT – for professional UAV imaging & videography. Fly straight lines! S pecial configuration – for UAV wildlife No more wavy flight paths in crosswinds. preservation, agriculture and forestry. Minimum of weight & size. Precise, flexi ble and dynamic even at high airspeeds. Ready to fly! Transportable fully assembled for mobility and efficiency in daily use. Highly energy-efficient! Low-noise, emission-free and environmentally friendly operation. D irect camera control! You can set zoom, aperture or exposure time whenever you like. Flexibility through plug-&-play-solution: You can easily change your payload. due to improved compensation of centrifugal forces. Besides unrivalled positioning accuracy There are many features available or coming up The AscTec Falcon 8 went into serial producti- The pilot has access to GPS mode, altitude and better robustness against weak signals to turn your AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity into on in 2009 and is since then used globally for mode and manual mode. You can easily switch the AscTec Falcon 8 provides automatic sensor an outstandingly efficient working machine. Ima- professional applications. For your projects the during a flight if necessary. Fully automated flight data verification, a smart plug-&-play-solution gine the benefit of exactly reproducible trajectory octocopter offers unprecedented precision and routes are exactly reproducible by waypoint for flexible payload exchange, 3 safety modes flights for aerial video or inspection purposes. safety with the reliable AscTec High-Performan- navigation with and without PC support. 3 x 10 2 m/s cm 100 ha redundant autopilot flying speed on optimized trajectory ground sampling distance done in 45 minutes maximum safety & reliability auto-shots while flying through surveying up to 35 ha high ground coverage adaptive flight control precisely controlled photo positions in 1 single flight high productivity 10 Camcorder (RGB) Sony Camcorder HDR-PJ810E – 24 MP, 1920 × 1080/50p, Exmor R® CMOS sensor, Balanced Optical SteadyShot™ with Active mode, 12x optical zoom. Thermal & special cameras (RGB, Infrared & Near-infrared) Inspection Payload TZ61 – Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ61 + IR camera FLIR TAU 2 640 + AscTec IR RAW data logger –> provides synchronously JPGS and georeferenced 14-Bit RAW thermal images. Infrared camera FLIR TAU 640 + AscTec IR RAW data logger – 640 x 512 pixel, detects smallest defects e.g. on photovoltaic modules Tetracam ADC Micro – 3,2 Megapixel CMOS sensor, non-visual colors (520–920 nm), in its element in the agriculture and forestry inspection. Precision, performance & safety. /// Technical data: Type: V-Form Octocopter Dimensions: 770 x 820 x 125 mm Empty weight: < 1 kg Max. Take-off weight: 2.2 kg Climb & sink rate: 3–10 m/s Flight velocity: up to 16 m/s Flight time: 12–22 min. Range: 1 km Tolerable wind speed: up to 15 m/ Navigation sensors: AscTec Trinity, GPS (GNSS), RTK-GPS coming 2015! Wireless communication: Diversity data link (2.4 GHz FHSS; ≈ 1 km), analogue diversity video link (5.8 GHz; 25/100 mW) www.asctec.de 11 AscTec Falcon 8 – UAV Surveying & Mapping. 1 /// Geodata acquisition & measuring. Structure monitoring: Visual bridge, dam, monument & wall survey. Surveying meets efficiency. 3D documentation and object scanning. Highly efficient operation opportunities with AscTec Trinity. Clearly precise. /// Real image positions of a survey flight with AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity. Airspeed: 8m/s; wind: 6m/s. 1 Screenshot of a gravel pit survey in Schongau, Germany. 2 UAS based visual monitoring of structures. 3 UAV survey of road conditions for maintenance mangement & infrastructure planning. 4 Archeological excavation by Archeotech: www.archeotech.ch Learn more: team@asctec.de 12 4 AscTec Falcon 8 + GeoEXPERT AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity + Basics Digital camera Sony Alpha 7R GPS Raw Data Logger Efficient Survey Package incl. AscTec Navigator AscTec Backpack Agisoft Photoscan 2 T 3 Test & fly now: team@asctec.de he AscTec Falcon 8: A valuable supplement for your instruments and devices. /// Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for the inspection of structures: In cooperation with the The AscTec Falcon 8 will not replace conventional methods, but rather will perfectly comple- Bauhaus University Weimar we work on that* research project for Germany's Federal Institut for Re- ment classic methods. With proven 50 hours of flying per week, the flight system is a real work seach on Buliding, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR). The AscTec Falcon 8 has proven horse and delivers reliable and sound data for your survey. From various heights, surface areas its worth in structural monitoring of cathedrals, dams, bridges, walls, towers and wind turbines. You can be flown over quickly, uniformly and precisely within the GPS tolerance. can easily survey all objects and structures with high resolution and maximum precision. /// Unparalleled efficiency: Ease of use of a multirotor & efficiency of a fixed wing. /// Check it out yourself: See and fly our AscTec Falcon 8 to put it to the test. Regarding GPS-based waypoint flights, the system offers an alternative to fixed wing aircrafts. Whether it is geo-referenced aerial images, map material, orthophotos or 3D terrain modeling, With the AscTec Falcon 8, you can cover an area of 35 hectares from a height of 100 meters progress monitoring, analysis of inventory, servicing or vegetation control, we know what the with a ground resolution of 2.45 centimeters in 10 minutes with one battery charge. That very AscTec Falcon 8 is capable of and we invite you to personally see for yourself. Simply join a basic quickly provides you with reliable material, for example to create orthophotos or 3D models in training course and take advantage of our rental offer with insurance protection including cover for Agisoft PhotoScan, Pix4D, AutoCAD, Acute3D, Topcon’s ImageMaster or similar editing software. all risks – economical, risk-free and with the option of purchasing it afterwards. *Maximum efficient structural monitoring: A project of the 'Forschungsinitiative ZukunftBau' shows that the AscTec Falcon 8 is able to detect deformations on structures down to the millimetre on the basis of orthophotos. 5 Air photo of the Oberkirche von Bad Frankenhausen called Schiefer Turm (Crooked tower). | 6 a Light point cloud (7 Mio. points) | 6 b Dense point cloud (310 Mio. points) | 6 c Polygon mesh (62 Mio. points) | 7 Shaded relief; segment of the high density point cloud | 8 3D printed model. www.asctec.de 5 6a 6b 6c 13 7 3 8 AscTec Falcon 8 – UAV Inspection & Monitoring. 1 /// On- & offshore: Solar & wind parks, oil & gas, plant, power stations & parks, pipelines, rigs & masts. Meet efficiency. © Cyberhawk /// www.thecyberhawk.com /// Save money with each flight. The smart UAV inspection solution. 1 Offshore inspection by Sky-Futures with the AscTec Falcon 8: www.sky-futures.com 2 Industrial indoor and outdoor inspection of an EnBW powerplant in cooperation with ALSTOM Germany. 3 Inspection of industrial plants. 4 Power pole inspection. 5 Inspection of a wind turbine. 6 & 7 Thermal inspection of a solar plant for PV module performance assessment. 8 Indoor inspection in confined spaces. Do aerial inspection work with the highest efficiency. Safety by precision – even in tight spots. 14 2 M 3 arketable and rock solid: The very best price-perfor- from the object and then freely adjust its alignment and zoom mance ratio. Compared to traditional inspections, the use making use of the live image on the monitor. You are thus in a of a remote-controlled aerial instrument makes enormous savings position to be able to make important decisions immediately or in time and costs possible. While at the same time ensuring the at the end of the flight on the basis of reliable pictures and vi- /// It is not for no reason that listed global corporations such as RWE, SSE, Shell, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Total, Centrica, Statkraft & Statoil put their trust in the successful combination of a first-class pilot and first-class system. health and safety of the workers carrying out the tasks. deo footage. Whether it is a hairline fracture or an energy leak /// Global market leaders rely on AscTec Falcon 8. – you know that sometimes every second counts; or rather that Our long-standing customers Cyberhawk Innovations and you may have to pay dearly for every second that is lost. 4 5 6 7 AscTec Falcon 8 + InspectionPRO AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity + Basics Inspection Payload TZ61. Independent Camera Control (ICC) + video goggles Test & fly now: team@asctec.de 8 Sky-Futures – both market leading global players in the area of industrial remotely piloted aerial system (RPAS) inspections – put /// Only the best for your customers: High-tech made in their trust in our advanced multirotor technology. They deploy the Germany. Highly risky fields of application demand perfect AscTec Falcon 8 for inspection of industrial plants, power parks, workmanship and tools. The AscTec Falcon 8 will win you over oil and gas flares et cetera – onshore and offshore; topside, under with its excellent flight characteristics and unique functions. The deck and in splash zones. Sometimes the flight system needs to AscTec Falcon 8 is the only UAV of its class that is able to be be piloted from support vessels. sensibly and usefully operated in the toughest of weather and adverse conditions. /// Decide based on high definition video, still & thermal imagery. Simply have the AscTec Falcon 8 take off from a safe www.asctec.de distance at a suita ble location – if necessary just a few meters 15 AscTec Falcon 8 – UAV Imaging & Photography /// COI, POI & 360° panos: Commercial, product, real estate, landscape & image photography. Each job a safe journey. /// AscTec Falcon 8 /// Developed & manufactured by us /// Close to our customers. Brilliance from any perspective. Shutter speed & aperture are remotely adjustable any time. The perfect tool for professional aerial imaging. 16 1 /// The AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity – like a tripod in the sky. 2 A 3 simple change of perspective to crea- /// Flexibility, efficiency and quality: Flying /// Between art and ease: Flying can be so te lasting impressions. When searching high at full resolution. The AscTec Falcon 8 simple. Over the years and in cooperation with for the perfect image it often comes down to can be intuitively controlled and is immediately our customers and your colleagues, we have only a few centimeters difference in the position ready for operation. Under normal conditions, refined the operation and usefulness of our flight of the camera. The AscTec Falcon 8 offers this you will already be able to confidently pilot the systems especially for you, the photographer. precision. It allows you the freedom to select aircraft after a few test flights, leaving you free Let us show you live! We would be happy to your perspective. Between light and shadow, to concentrate entirely on the photography. Fully demonstrate the outstanding flight features horizon and zenith, every subject is available to automatic image series increase your productivity of the AscTec Falcon 8. We would love you to you – and is often just a “click” away. and don’t just fulfill your customer’s wishes. challenge us – let us know what you need. 1 Commercial, St. Mauritius. 2 Tourism and image photography. 3 Remote sensing in Palo, Philipinnes after typhoon Haiyan. 4 First Responder UAV; crisis management. 5 Japan's UNESCO World Heritage: Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gõ and Gokayama by Black Falcon: www.blackfalcon.jp 6 Bavaria at the Theresienwiese in Munich, Germany. 7 Corporate image photography: Redchina Geosystems Group making an aerial selfie with an AscTec Falcon 8 after successfully assigning a partnership agreement with Ascending Technologies, China. 8 Schloss Mittersill, Austria by GIX media: www.gix.at AscTec Falcon 8 + PhotoEXPERT AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity + Basics Digital camera Sony Alpha 7 / Alpha 7R + Comfort Package 5 Test & fly now: team@asctec.de 8 4 www.asctec.de 6 7 17 1 AscTec Falcon 8 – UAV Filming & Videography /// Image films, commercials, product & music clips, real estate aerials, sports & extreme sports footage. Focus on the essential. /// AscTec Falcon 8 /// Minimum weight & size /// Maximum safety & performance. AscTec Falcon 8 + VideoEXPERT Steady & smooth close to the spot. AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity + Basics E xtreme operation options for expert usage. Independent Camera Control (ICC) + video goggles Camcorder Sony PJ810E + Comfort Package Test & fly now: team@asctec.de A new level of possible flight performance. © Markus Greber /// www.skyshot.tv 18 /// Perfect camera control with the AscTec Falcon 8 for smooth filming. T o ease tension behind the scenes: More safety and stability with a focus on the scene. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Through the professional use of an AscTec Falcon 8 on set, its advantages become obvious including its ease of use, light weight, speed, maneuverability and favorable costs – in particular in comparison to other camera-mounted flight systems. Other systems that are equipped with the same HD digital cameras have a comparative flight weight of more than 5 kilograms. That means stricter constraints at every shooting location, extra costs as a result of the individual flight permits required for each day of shooting and a greater risk every time it is used. /// Smoother flight characteristics in video mode: In the video mode the control input is actively softened. The video mode was specifically developed for special film projects and offers features that are unique such as the capability of automatically flying any path. You can imagine the AscTec Falcon 8 as a hovering Steadicam that you can direct around the scene according to preprogrammed settings, while adjusting the camera yourself – independently of the flight maneuver – and relying on the horizontal correction. No need for laying plates, stringing wires or installing mobile cranes. Define the location and the time and, with AscTec Falcon 8, you’ll have the scene in the can in no time at all. Or repeat exactly the same flight as often as you like until you get the scene right. /// Success as a matter of principle: Fulfilling your needs is our ambition. What you see with the AscTec Falcon 8 is a product of sustain able research and subsequent further development. The available camcorder options have been specially modified. Video mode, video previewing and Comfort Package are useful tools to produce magnificent footage. Whether it’s an advertising film, image or 8 music video, our system is ready to take on a leading role for you. 19 1 & 6 Aerial extreme sport imaging at the Nine Knights Event in Livigno, Italy. 2 Music video: Redweik 2014 3 European Snowkite Championship 2012 at the Haidersee, Italy. 4 Sight seeing in Munich, Germany. www. skyshot.com 5 Commercial, St. Mauritius. 7 Music video: DJ BoBo & Mike Candys – Take control. www.aura.ch 8 Find showcases online: www.asctec.de AscTec Falcon 8 – UAS Wildlife, Agriculture & Forestry. 1 /// Veterinary & phytosanitary field: Food safety, environment, animal & plant research & protection. Observe to preserve. /// AscTec Falcon 8 /// Low-noise, emission-free & environmentally friendly operation. Sustainable for people & nature. Remote sensing & monitoring for reliable facts & figures. 1 Biological study on Southern Right Whales at Peninsula Valdés, Argentina. 2, 4 Wildlife & landscape photography. 3 & 5 Agriculture & forestry monitoring. 6 & 7 Monitoring for wildlife conservation: Thermal & RGB image of a deer fawn – © DLR. www.wildretter.de Silent observation with minimal noise. 20 Design the future. Current R & D projects with involvement of Ascending Technologies: EuRoC „European Robotics Challenge“: UAV plant inspection & servicing. www.euroc-project.eu 2 3 ANCHORS „UAV – Assisted Ad Hoc Networks for Crisis Management and Hostile Environment Sensing“: UAV for crisis prevention. www.anchors-project.eu TRADR „Teaming for Robot-Assisted Disaster Response“: Human-robot teaming in disaster response efforts. www.tradr-project.eu Leading universities, research labs, institutes and companies worldwide already rely on our advanced research UAV technology to design the future. Find inspiring 4 5 showcases here. www.youtube.com/user/AscTecVideos /// ”I am sure that these systems have a big future in wildlife conservation.“ 6 Dr. Felix Patton, SWARA/The East African Wildlife Society. L 7 ocalization and prevention with the AscTec Falcon 8. Plant research with the AscTec Falcon 8. Initially developed for just one project in a small protot ype As one of the largest German institutes, the Jülich Research series for the German Aerospace Center (DLR), but now also Center is devoted to bios ciences and geos ciences. A team of used in Africa: A highly integrated payload onboard the AscTec around 150 scientists all have one objective: In times of cli- Falcon 8 helps to save life itself and entire species. Since 2010, mate change and population growth, to increase the harvest field activities in Germany and Austria have spotted wild animals yields many times over to ensure the population can be fed in from the air through remote sensing and saved them from mo- the long-term. For this reason they observe the plants under wing units. Precise thermal imaging and near-infrared cameras the ground, on the ground and, with the AscTec Falcon 8 make it possible to locate and identify the animals. Cadavers can from the air. After all the testing in the laboratory comes the contaminate feedstuff and poison animals. The technical require- acid test in the field. Only by monitoring with the flight system ments placed on the flight system for use by the Bavarian Hunting is it possible to see if what was discovered in the laboratory Association: reliability, user friendliness, efficiency including in can be reproduced in practice. Thermal images from a bird’s unfavorable environmental conditions, automatic wild animal perspective provide information about vegetation, moisture recognition and mobility in the open country. Project news : loss and actual benefits. www.wildretter.de www.fz-juelich.de 21 AscTec Falcon 8 + X AscTec Falcon 8 + AscTec Trinity + Basics We offer a range of special cameras & sensors for specific applications. Configuration X: Ask team@asctec.de www.asctec.de AscTec Research Line. The leading research UAVs. /// Simply load your code onboard: AscTec Firefly, AscTec Hummingbird & AscTec Pelican. Inspiring showcases: https://www.youtube.com/ user/AscTecVideos 22 Amazing Technology! 23 AscTec Firefly – The most advanced R&D system. /// Automatic flight experiments, computer vision, LiDAR & outdoor navigation. Up to i7. /// Highest level of safety & performance. /// “The AscTec Firefly has been a very reliable and versatile platform for our research projects in many challenging scenarios.” Dr. Markus Achtelik, Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) 24 1 T he AscTec Firefly is the latest and most advan- ced UAV in our fleets. It was engineered for highest security and easy handling, hence it is perfect for your automatic flight experiments. Besides the small nonhazardous propellers and low take-off weight, it comes with a patented redundant propulsion system, which allows a controlled flight with only 5 rotors. The modular structure enables fast component exchanges in /// Technical Data: case of a crash or modification Type: Hexacopter during integration and testing. Dimensions: 605 x 665 x 165 mm The “frame in frame” concept Empty weight: 650 g was designed to decouple the Max. take off weight: 1600 g fixed connection of payload Range: 1 km and IMU from the vibration Tolerable wind speed: 10 m/s inducing motors. This concept Max. payload: 600 g raises the quality of the sensor Max. airspeed: 3–15 m/s and camera data and avoids Max. climb rate: 8 m/s dynamic misalignments. Max. thrust: 36 N /// Flight system with redundant propulsion system and vibration- decoupled payload bay. Payloads & Options Powerful onboard computer (up to Intel® Core™ i7, 4x2.1GHz) 1 Live test with the AscTec Firefly. ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 2 Image photo: AscTec Firefly. 3 AscTec Firefly is part of Google's Project Tango: http://youtu.be/44vppay5UDc Up to three cameras for vision-based applications Laser Scanner (up to 30m range) VI-Sensor for indoor navigation Propeller Protection Wifi and XBee (wireless serial) communication links Technical details: http://wiki.asctec.de/x/WYBJ www.asctec.de 2 25 3 AscTec Hummingbird – Small but powerful. /// Swarming, swarm intelligence, automated formation flights & Control Theory. T he AscTec Hummingbird is our most mature UAV desi- and dynamic maneuvers. By using several AscTec Hummingbirds gned for aggressive and fast flight maneuvers. at the same time, swarm behavior and cooperation is explored. The robust frame and the flexible propellers tolerate harder lan- Even art projects have discovered this AscTec Hummingbird, letting dings and the simple structure makes it easy to repair. Hence this it act in a dance choreography or let a swarm of UAVs simulate a flight vehicle is the perfect tool for your research in flight control virtual fireworks. 1 Clusters of Light in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) 2014 / Islamic Capital of Culture Opening by Spaxels / Ars Electronica featuring AscTec Hummingbirds. 2 30 Years of Apple Macintosh with drone choreography by Daito Manabe controlling three AscTec Hummingbirds with sensors on his hands: http://www.daito.ws/work/apple30th.html 3 Firework & drone performance in Dubai, UAE. Payloads & Options Lightweight onboard computer (Intel Atom 4x1.91GHz) Up to two down-facing cameras Propeller Protection Wifi and XBee (wireless serial) communication links /// The sky’s the limit! Swarming intelligence is the first step to the next future milestone. Technical details: http://wiki.asctec.de/x/XYBJ /// Technical Data: Type: Quadcopter Dimensions: 540 x 540 x 85,5 mm Empty weight: 350 g Max. take off weight: 710 g Range: 1 km Tolerable wind speed: 10 m/s Max. payload: 200 g Max. airspeed: 3–15 m/s Max. climb rate: 5 m/s 1 2 26 Max. thrust: 20 N 3 /// Delightful opportunities. Swarming for Paramount Pictures at the Earth Hour Event introducing Star Trek's Into Darkness world premiere. Futuristic awareness. /// AscTec Hummingbirds + LED + code by Ars Electronica perform inspiring specials. www.asctec.de 27 AscTec Pelican – The well proven bestseller. /// LiDAR, multiple computer vision & sensor integration. T he AscTec Pelican was designed for maximum power own individual sensors and process the gathered data directly on- combined with plenty of room and huge capacity. board of the flight vehicle. All in all this flight system is the most flexible The light weight tower structure lets you mount diverse payloads and and powerful of the AscTec Research Line. easily access all electronics. Furthermore you can easily integrate your /// Technical Data: Type: Quadcopter Dimensions: 651 x 651 x 188 mm /// Power and capacity for greatest goals – ready to comply with your demands. Empty weight: 620 g Max. take off weight: 1650 g Range: 1 km Tolerable wind speed: 10 m/s Max. payload: 650 g Max. airspeed: 3–16 m/s Max. climb rate: 8 m/s Max. thrust: 36 N Payloads & Options Powerful onboard computer (up to Intel Core i7, 4x2.1GHz) Up to five cameras (3 on top, 2 below the flight system) Laser Scanner (up to 30m range) Propeller Protection Wifi and XBee (wireless serial) communication links Technical details: http://wiki.asctec.de/x/W4BJ 28 Payloads & Options e. g. /// International Aerial Robotics Competition 2013: With the AscTec Pelican. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China won Mission 6. www.aerialroboticscompetition.org AscTec Mastermind. /// Maximium power and flexibility. Up to Intel Core i7 processor FireWire, GigE, USB 2.0, USB 3.0 mSATA, SATA, microSD, CFast VGA monitor output AscTec Atomboard V3. /// Minimum weight and size. 4 x 1.91 GHz Intel Atom 4 GB DDR3 RAM; 64 GB SSD 1 DisplayPort 1 The International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) tackles challenges that are currently impossible for any flying robots owned by government or industry. Each mission is announced as long as someone is able to successfully complete it. Watch the completition of the 6th mission: http://youtu.be/B-iZE_Nn52w 2 Nine good reasons for UAV research. 5 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB3.0, 2 x UART Gigabit Ethernet; 1x Mini PCI Express Slot VI-Sensor. /// Visual-inertial sensor platform. 2 HDR global shutter cameras & industrial-grade IMU The Champion. 2 /// IARC 2009 /// IARC 2013 /// … Factory-calibrated and FPGA-synchronized image and IMU data streams Linux driver (ROS enabled); Gigabit Ethernet Camera 1/3" CMOS BlueFOX. /// Compact computer vision camera. Color/Monochrome High quality light weight USB camera Resolution: 752 x 480 @ 90 fps 3 lenses: 58°, 100°, 140° FOV Hokuyo UST-20LX laser range finder. /// Valid accuracy. Scanning Range: 0.02 – 20 m, 270° Update Frequency: 40 Hz Accuracy: +/-4 cm, 0.25° Ethernet connection www.asctec.de 29 About Ascending Technologies /// Part 2 S ince 2002 the founders of Ascending Technologies have developed and improved ted – and in the long term manned – multicopter. The environmentally friendly and emissions-free autopilot, flight and multirotor systems to enhance UAV technology. Volocopter VC200 made aviation history on November 17, 2013 in Karlsruhe. Officially the company was founded in 2007 to offer the innovative products in great demand world Sustainable development. wide. A close relation and cooperation with leading technology institutes and universities like the The AscTec Professional Line: The AscTec Falcon 8 has been in serial production since 2009. DLR (German Aviation Association), The TU Munich and the MIT in the USA as well as the tech- Today the AscTec Falcon 8 with AscTec Trinity technology is the most advanced multicopter for nologically unique developing performance and quality of the flight systems, autopilots and micro professional aerial imaging in full-HD quality worldwide. Use the expert drone for professional aerial components led to a real success story. Today the company with over 40 employees generates an imaging in the areas of industrial UAS inspection & monitoring, UAS surveying & mapping, UAS additional GBP of several millions at the location in Krailling near Munich, Germany. photography & videography. In short: For any aerial imaging that requires high flying precision and and high-resolution in any results. Remain trend-setting & focus. After all, in 2010 they set the world record for long flights of mini UAVs with 12 hours 26 minutes The AscTec Research Line: Leading universities, research labs, institutes and companies world and 56.9 seconds: The AscTec Pelican from the AscTec Research Line for university research was wide rely on our advanced research UAV technology to design the future. The R&D flight systems kept permanently charged during the flight by a laser beam – and could have kept flying indefinitely. – AscTec Firefly, AscTec Pelican and AscTec Hummingbird – provide unique flight characteristics and Collaboration with NASA-financed specialists from LaserMotive LLC made it possible. “It also shows endless research opportunities. And above all you can simply integrate your programmed algorithms how precisely a quadcopter system can fly and how accurately it can hold its position”, commented for testing in live flights with up to 1,000 Hz update rate. Gordon Strickert from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) on the successful mission. “After discussing our idea with several experts, we realized that we had undertaken nothing less than a world record with our flying swarm. Fortunately with Ascending Technologies, we found a company that is able to achieve such a task.” Like all flight systems by Ascending Technologies, it stands for quality, safety and reliability through progress. True to the premise: Pioneer work & aviation history. To this day, Ascending Technologies accomplishes pioneering work in the area of sensor data processing and flight attitude stabilization. In 2013, a cooperation with e-volo meant that they made Amazing Technology! headlines again. The company used the brand new market-leading centerpiece of their technology, the AscTec Trinity control unit, to make possible the maiden flight of the first electrically opera- /// World record! 50 AscTec Hummingbirds flying synchronously. Horst Hoertner, Senior Director of Ars Electronica Futurelab /// World record! 12:26:56.9 hours flight with the AscTec Pelican. 1 AscTec Professional Line: AscTec Falcon 8. 2 AscTec Research Line: AscTec Firefly, AscTec Hummingbird & AscTec Pelican. 30 Olympic Tower in Munich, Germany. Limit-less progress. /// Focus on the development of autopilot and multirotor technology. Amazing Technology! 31 Ascending Technologies GmbH Konrad-Zuse-Bogen 4 /// 82152 Krailling, Germany T +49 89 89556079-0 /// F +49 89 89556079-19 team@asctec.de /// www.asctec.de Products & prices: team@asctec.de Technical support: support@asctec.de Media & press: media@asctec.de Social network: CEOs: Dipl.-Ing. Michael Achtelik /// Klaus-Michael Doth, M.Sc. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Gurdan /// Dipl.-Ing. Jan Stumpf Experience progress. Trade register /// Handelsregister München: HRB 166748 Tax /// Ust.-ID: DE254728199 /// WEEE Reg. Nr. 72657400 www.asctec.de Amazing Technology!
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AscTec Research Line - Ascending Technologies
air taxi. Photo: Succesful maiden flight of
the Volocopter VC200 in Karlsruhe
on November 17, 2013.
* www.jugend-forscht.de