Chamber Chatter July 2014 - The Pas Chamber Of Commerce
Chamber Chatter July 2014 - The Pas Chamber Of Commerce
Chamber Chatter J U L Y 2 0 1 4 Chamber President: James Berscheid Jim Berscheid the owner and operator of Berscheid Meats, was elected President of The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce early in 2014. His feet hit the ground running and he has not stopped. Many meetings and events have taken place so far in 2014. Some of the meetings Jim has attended are the following, The Central North American Trade Corridor Association meeting in Bismark ND, Manitoba Chambers AGM in Dauphin MB, Hudson Bay Route Association AGM and conference in Nipawin SK. The Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) which included the three communities of the Rural Municipality of Kelsey, Opaskwayak Cree Nation and the Town of The Pas, which was held at the Kikiwak Inn. Jim is very passionate about many projects and his dedication is proving to be an asset to The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce and our communities. Lonnie Karpick is currently the Vice-President and has been very active as well, attending meetings and serving on many committees. Both have been actively working on the planning of The Pas Hub Forum which will be held on July 29th, 2014. The Pas Hub Forum PAGE 2 2014 Annual Tradeshow & Sale The 2014 Annual Tradeshow & Sale was held at the Roy H. Johnston Arena on May 8th, 9th and 10th. The Tradeshow went very well. Both the number of exhibitors and attendance were up from the past years. Congratulations to the all the winners of awesome prizes at the Loonie Parade draws. And Thank you to the amazing businesses that donated prizes to the draw. Vendors were pleased with the amount of traffic on all three you know traffic turns into sales. Those in attendance were happy with the selection of products and services that the vendors had available. It was great to see new vendors as well as the long time favorites. I was very happy to see local businesses using the Tradeshow as an opportunity to launch new products and services. OCN Blizzard had a wonderful booth with opportunity for the kids to take a shot on net and win prizes. All those who took a shot also left with a ticket to a game in the upcoming season. A big Thank You to Berscheid Meats, the exhibitors were so pleased with the delicious meal for the Meet and Greet on Thursday night. Written by Shirley Barbeau, Tradeshow organizer. Thank you to this years vendors! Aerus Electrolux Ag Society Aseneskak Casino Asessippi Parkland Economic Development Corporation Bible Baptist Church C.A.S.A.R.A. Calm Air Davis Imports Deb's Fun Zone Epicure Selections GLO Canada Gramma's Kitchen Heat in a Click & Golden Eagle Toys Jamberry Nails / Younique Jockey Person to Person K@Z Entertainment Kinsmen Club of The Pas Kleen All Main Street Fudge MEDIchair Dauphin Mid Manitoba Equipment Rentals Ltd. Murray GM The Pas Northern Building Supply Northern Manitoba Trappers Festival OCN Blizzard Opasquia Custom Knives Pacesetter Enterprises Inc. Pearl's China & Products PG's Concession Poppa Rick's Kettle Corn Queen City Belts & Buckles Redfern Enterprises Rhineland Cutlery Scentsy / It works Simonhouse Bible Camp Swimwear Express The Pas Community Development Corporation The Shiny Company Timeless Treasures True Blue Developments Ltd. University College of the North Visions by Pat Whipped Cosmetics SAVE THE DATE!! CHAMBER CHATTER Trade Show Dates for 2015 are May 7th, 8th and 9th, PAGE Donations made to Attendance booth volunteers, The Pas Girl Guides and The Pas Community Renewal Corporation. Both organizations received cheques in the sum of $1456.00 The Pas Girl Guides will be using their donation to replace doors on the Girl Guide Cabins . The Pas Community Renewal Corporation (TPCRC) will use their funds for running community events such as Street Festival and Santa Claus parade. Thank you again for all your help! 3 The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce is promoting a Community Wide Sidewalk Sale. The sale will be in conjunction with The Pas Community Renewal Corporation’s 6th Annual Street Festival. The date has been set for August 16th, 2014. The sale will run from 10:00am to 4:00pm. A few options are available for you to take part in this fun event, you can have tables set outside of your shop, have sales in your shop or book a free table down at the street festival to feature specials! The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce is currently putting together a sales flyer with the assistance of The Opasquia Times. Ads are available in the following sizes ¼ page, ½ page and full page. As a registered and advertising participant you will receive your ad in Community Wide Sidewalk Sale flyer, posters, balloons and name mentions on 102.9 CJAR. The flyer will be inserted in The Opasquia Times and the Flin Flon Reminder. The Flyers will also be mailed out to the following locations, Cranberry Portage, Snow Lake, Pukatawagan, Easterville, Moose Lake, Cormorant, and Cross Lake. Advertising will also run on NCI radio. For more information contact Shirley at the Chamber office @ 204-623-7256 or email Photos from 2013 Community Wide Sidewalk Sale PAGE Shirley’s Shopping “Shirley’s Shopping” is a shop local campaign designed to feature local business and their products and services. Shirley Barbeau, The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce office manager will visit local Chamber members businesses to take photos and gather information on the business that they would like to share with the general public. This might be new and existing products, services, renovations. It could also feature you and your team members and hours of operation. Information will be shared on The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce facebook group and page as well as our web site. If you would like to take part in this exciting new shop local campaign contact Shirley at 204-623-7256 or by email at Chamber makes Donation to the local MS Walk A total of over $11000.00 was raised in The Pas! 5 PAGE 6 Connie Chartrand named finalist in 2014 Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards Local Business women Connie Chartrand was nominated for the Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and was one of the 29 finalists chosen for the awards out of 232 nominations. An awards evening was held in Winnipeg on May 15th, 2014. Connie was nominated by Sue Lambert in the Contribution to Community Category. Connie is a hard working woman who leads by example. Connie owns and operates Paperworks Plus and Footworks Plus with her husband Art Chartrand. Although Connie is very busy with her operations she always makes time for family, friends and volunteering for community projects she is passionate about! Hats off Connie Chartrand, Way to Go!! The Women Business Owners of Manitoba is a non-profit, independent organization that addresses the unique needs of the woman entrepreneur. We exist to provide support and inspire excellence, learning and growth in business. And to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth for our members. Nominations for the Awards are solicited from across Manitoba. The businesswoman must be either an equal partner, a 50% (or more) shareholder, or sole owner in a business registered and in operation in Manitoba for a minimum of three consecutive years. She must be a major decision-maker in that business; it must be a full-time venture; and she must draw a sustainable income from that business. From the nominations received, the Selection Committee selects finalists, and subsequently winners, in each of nine award categories. The categories are, Emerging Business, Building Business, Contribution to Community, Excellence in Service, Impact on Local Economy, International Trade, Home Enterprise, Franchisee, Life Time Achievement, Young Entrepreneur, Overall Excellence, “Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year” . ( footworks Plus Congratulations to Connie and Art Chartrand on the opening of newest store in The Pas. Connie, Art and Manager, Nancy Furkalo opened the doors of Footworks Plus on May 9th, and held a Grand Opening celebration on June 13th, 2014. Footworks Plus is located at 234B Fisher Avenue. Footworks Plus has shoes for men, women and children, for causal and for dress. Friendly knowledgeable staff. Stop in to check them out, your feet will Thank You! PAGE 7 Chamber makes Donation to Community Clean up! A donation was made to the Community Clean Up campaign for $500.00. Bottle Clean-Up Campaign Lyet’s Spearheads Downtown Clean Up Campaign A total of 63 bags of garbage were removed of the streets of downtown The Pas. Lyet’s café organized the clean up and was happy to have over 20 volunteers including adults and children to help with the clean up campaign. Fresh baked cookies were waiting for the volunteers upon completion of the clean-up. Great Job!! CHAMBER CHATTER PAGE The Pas Community Development Corporation The Pas Community Development Corporation is an independent corporation to provide economic, community and tourism development within The Pas. This organization helps to address important issues that affect the community’s ability to grow, attract business, start business and generally create a place where people wish to live and retire. An additional key function of the organization is supporting tourism development and promoting the community as a tourist destination. The Pas has many opportunities in which it can grow. The Pas Community Development Corporation is here to help see that happen. Contact Executive Director Shawn McKinney, phone 204-623-2166 or email DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM LAUNCHED The Pas Community Development Corporation has launched its “Downtown Beautification Program.” This new program aims to help beautify the downtown area by providing financial support to businesses that place flowers in front of their stores. Having an attractive downtown provides a good impression for visitors and shows pride in our community. The individual business participants in this program benefit from creating a welcoming area for their customers. Applicants were able to request planters and up to $200.00 to purchase flowers and soil. Each applicant was automatically entered to be part of a contest for the best kept storefront and flower display with cash prizes of $500.00 for first place, $300.00 for second place and $200.00 for third place. Only businesses that have a storefront along highway 10 from the intersection of 7th and Gordon Avenue to the intersection of 1st and Edwards Avenue were able to apply. When participating in this program, the applicant must have agreed to be responsible for the planters and flowers. This includes watering the flowers during the season, as well as taking down and storing the planter(s) when the season is over. Application intake opened June 1 and was funded on a “first come-first served” basis until all the allocated funds have been used. Application forms could be found online at DESTINATION MARKETING PROGRAM LAUNCHED The Pas Community Development Corporation is pleased to announce the launching of the Destination Marketing Program. This program provides funding to support the development and expansion of tourism related activities in The Pas. Tourism provides a vital role in stimulating the local economy through attracting visitors to experience The Pas. There are many local groups who hold events and activities that draw people to the community. We encourage these groups to apply. These organizations do not have to be located in The Pas but are required to provide sufficient reasons regarding how businesses and accommodations within The Pas will benefit from their projects. Only nonprofits are eligible for funding. All applications are evaluated on a point system. Application forms and regulations can be found at The application deadline is July 17, 2014. If there are any questions about this program, please contact Shawn McKinney a or by phone at 204-623-2166. The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce Phone: 204-623-7256 Email: 8
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