PAS Chapter Presidents Handbook


PAS Chapter Presidents Handbook
PAS Chapter Presidents Handbook
Mission Statement
The Percussive Arts Society
(PAS) is a music service organization promoting
percussion education, research, performance, and
appreciation throughout the world.
A Message from the President-Elect
Dear PAS Chapter Presidents,
It is a real honor for me to welcome you as a Chapter President of the Percussive Arts
Society. Your role as a leader is vital to percussion education, performance, and
communication in your region. My role as President-elect of PAS is to oversee and coordinate
the activities of all PAS Chapters. I want you to know that Michael Kenyon, PAS Executive
Director, his staff at the new headquarters in Indianapolis, and I will do all we can to support
you and your chapter. I encourage you to share your ideas, successes, questions and
concerns with us in order for us to best help you.
This PAS Chapter Presidents Online Handbook is provided in order to assist you in leading
your Executive Committee and having a successful PAS Chapter. This handbook and other
valuable resources in the Chapter Presidents Section of the website are available to assist
you in the successful management of your chapter and production of events. We are always
interested in improving upon its contents. If you have ideas on how this Handbook could be
improved, and be even more relevant to Chapters, I urge you to let me know. I welcome your
input at:
PAS is proud of its many successful chapters, and it is clear that there are many ways to
organize and operate a chapter. We encourage you to be creative and entrepreneurial in your
efforts and to "customize" your chapter to promote percussion education and to meet your
members’ and region's needs.
On behalf of the Percussive Arts Society Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and
the members in your chapter, I thank you for assuming this very important position. Your
generosity, talent, hard work, and commitment are greatly appreciated.
Steve Houghton, PAS President-elect
A Message from the Executive Director
Dear Chapter Presidents,
Greetings from the Percussive Arts Society. Thank you for taking on the responsibilities of
serving as a PAS Chapter President. We have many very effective Chapter Presidents and
each has his or her own leadership style. Your chapter’s success will be largely determined
by the time and energy you are able to dedicate to its leadership.
You will find challenges and opportunities unique to your own geographic location. Other
chapter presidents both past and present can provide a wealth of information about running
a PAS Chapter. Attending the Chapter President’ Meetings at PASIC provides an invaluable
opportunity for active exchange with other chapter presidents. I hope that you will personally
attend, but if you are unable to, please send a representative if at all possible.
Communication with our chapters is essential to a healthy organization. Throughout the year,
the PAS office is always available for support. Cory Cisler, Programs and Events
Manager has been assigned to assist all chapter presidents and to provide a single contact to
the office to assist you with your needs. Cory can be reached at 317-974-4488 or by email at Please call on us to help facilitate your activities and events and I welcome
your input at: Thank you for your commitment to PAS.
Michael Kenyon
Executive Director
Chapter Purpose
The Percussive Arts Society (PAS) is a not-for-profit music service organization. Its purpose is “to
promote percussion education, research and performance throughout the world” through a viable
network of performers, teachers, students, enthusiasts and sustaining members.
Starting a Chapter
Percussive Arts Society Chapters are organized by geographical areas. Interested members should
contact the PAS office for authorization and assistance in forming a new chapter. Ten (10) PAS
members are needed to create a state or country PAS Chapter. Also see International Partnerships.
Chapter Membership
Every up-to-date dues-paying member of PAS is automatically considered a member-in-good-standing
of their PAS Chapter.
Chapter Dues
No additional dues are required or shall be solicited for chapter membership. However, additional
donations or assessments may be requested from members for special clinics and/or Days of
Chapter Bylaws
Refer to Appendix 5: Sample PAS Chapter Bylaws. Article 7 - Amendments of the Bylaws should
be considered an official PAS policy and must be included in the Bylaws of every Chapter.
Chapter Meetings
Although the number of chapter meetings per year is your option, it is expected that at least one
meeting be held. Please notify membership well in advance.
Chapter Committees
The Chapter President may appoint any committee deemed necessary for the accomplishment of
chapter activities. It is suggested that chapter members be encouraged to actively participate in
committees. Contact the PAS office or the PAS Committee Chair to indicate interest and willingness
to help.
International Partnerships
All categories are subject to approval by the Executive Director or the Executive
Committee. All partnerships are subject to annual review. To find out more information or to
inquire about international partnerships, please contact Michael Kenyon at:
PAS obligation:
• Link publicity to PAS on website and in print as available.
• Complimentary ePAS trial memberships provided as necessary.
• Alliance partnerships are not eligible for PAS grant support.
Alliance obligation:
PAS logo appears in all Alliance print media and website link established with PAS.
PAS obligation:
• Link organization to PAS on website and in print as available.
• Discount ePAS memberships available to active members of approved Affiliate Member
Organization with national/international mission and open membership policy. Contact
PAS Executive Director for more information.
• Affiliate Member Organizations are not eligible for grant support.
Affiliate member obligation:
PAS logo appears in all Affiliate Member print media and a website link must be
established with PAS.
Provide active membership mailing list to PAS annually.
PAS obligation:
• Link publicity to PAS on website and in print as available.
• Contest/Festival winners will be considered for future a PAS International Convention
Showcase Performance (PASIC registration provided).
• Award plaques provided.
• Affiliate Events are eligible for grant support.
Affiliate Event obligation:
PAS logo appears in all print and electronic media for Affiliate Event.
All active participants and host must be members of PAS (discount on ePAS program).
PAS obligation:
Link publicity to PAS on website and in print as available.
Provide Chapter website hosting.
Provide full service in all official business.
Chapters are eligible for grant support.
Chapter obligation:
PAS logo appears in all print and electronic media and correspondence for Chapter.
Active Chapter complies with PAS bylaws and policies.
Chapter President Duties
The Chapter President is the facilitator/catalyst whose job is to “make things happen” for the
Chapter. The Percussive Arts Society should be promoted in one’s Chapter by increasing
membership, promoting percussion awareness, announcing upcoming events, and
sponsoring percussion activities.
The Chapter President must:
Establish an online account with (See Establishing an Online Account
below in this Handbook.)
Represent the Chapter in all official matters.
Act as a liaison with the PAS office in all official communications in a timely fashion.
Hold and preside over at least one annual meeting.
Hold elections for officers every three years or as required when elected officers vacate
their positions. Chapter elections are easily set up online at Chapter Presidents
Submit annual Chapter Reports online at Chapter Presidents Services. This report
must include the Chapter’s Activities Report and Business Report. The report must
also include a Grant Application if the Chapter wishes to receive funding from PAS for
the upcoming year. If a Chapter Report is not received, grant funding may be in
Email Chapter members through the Chapter Presidents Services on a regular basis
as well as communicate with members via newsletters and chapter meetings. (See
Membership Lists and Mailing Labels and eMail to Chapter Members below in this
Establish and maintain a chapter website. PAS provides a basic website for Chapters
that can be easily established by contacting: (See Appendix 3:
Chapter Website Set-up.) Grant funding may be affected if a PAS Chapter does not
have a website.
The Chapter President should:
Attend annual Chapter Presidents Meetings at PASIC (or send a representative.)
Sponsor or assist in sponsoring a “Day of Percussion” featuring clinics, concerts,
meetings, etc.
In the USA, contact the state Chapter of MENC and other similar state organizations to
establish a percussion clinic and/or a PAS Chapter booth at the state music educators’
International Chapter Presidents should do this kind of promoting when and where ever
possible partnering with local music associations and organizers of music events and
Maintain contact with percussion teachers in your Chapter and ask them to encourage
their students to be PAS members.
Explore PAS Chapter affiliations with other state or country, and regional music events.
Expose PAS benefits through local music retailers, music competitions, and festivals.
Chapter President Timeline
JUNE-JULY Prepare and submit online through the Chapter Presidents Services at, your annual Chapter Report with Activity Report and Business
Report for the period of July 1 to June 30 and Grant Application (if requesting a PAS
grant) for the next year. Any Chapter President having technical difficulties with making
these reports online should email: Marrilee McNaught, Australia
Chapter president has volunteered to assist any Chapter President in completing these
forms. Contact Merrilee at: Send a memo to PAS announcing all
PAS Chapter events for September through December. Events will be added to the
Events Calendar on the website.
AUGUST 1stAnnual Chapter Reports deadline.
SEPTEMBER Expect to receive a letter announcing your Chapter’s grant award (if
requested in annual Chapter Report). Remind your Chapter members to register for
PASIC and book hotel rooms and transportation. Appoint a proxy from your Chapter’s
Executive Committee or membership if you, as President, cannot attend the Chapter
Presidents Meeting at PASIC so that your Chapter has a representative for voice and
NOVEMBER Attend PASIC, including the annual Chapter Presidents Meetings (or
send a representative). Send a memo to PAS announcing all PAS Chapter events for
January through April. Events will be added to the Events Calendar on the website.
MARCH Send a memo to PAS announcing all PAS Chapter events for May through
August. These announcements will be run in Percussion News.
As needed, utilize the Chapter President Services on the website to send emails to
Chapter members and/or all Chapter Presidents, to download labels, and conduct Chapter
Contact PAS to determine when your Chapter Grant award check should be sent to you.
Grant award checks should be requested 30 days in advance of your first scheduled event.
Chapter Vice-President Duties
The Chapter Vice-President(s) assist the President in his/her duties. Vice-President(s) act as
projects chair, thereby coordinating chapter efforts in the areas of (but not limited to) contests,
symposiums, clinics, outreach, and education conventions.
Chapter Secretary/Treasurer Duties
The Secretary/Treasurer keeps an accurate accounting of all funds in the Chapter treasury
and, with the President, prepares and submits annual expenses and the Chapter’s fiscal
report in the Business Report. The Secretary/Treasurer records the minutes of each general
meeting so that they may be distributed to the Chapter’s membership. The
Secretary/Treasurer shares responsibilities with the other officers in issuing the chapter
Chapter Executive Committee Duties
The Executive Committee shall transact all business that does not require a membership
vote. Such business may be conducted at an actual meeting of the Executive Committee, or
via mail, e-mail, computer conferencing, or telephone. The President, Vice President(s) and
Secretary/Treasurer shall constitute the Chapter PAS Executive Committee. The President
shall be the chair of the committee.
Chapter Grants – Funding Policy and Criteria
The PAS President-elect and the Executive Director consider Chapter requests for funding
through the annual PAS grant program. Requests for grants must be submitted using the
online Chapter Grant Application process. You’ll find forms for making Chapter Grant requests
online with the Annual Chapter Activities & Business Reports under Chapter Presidents
Services when you log on to It is our goal to provide financial support to any
Chapter that submits a complete annual Chapter Report and a valid Grant Application. (See
Chapter President Timeline.)
A “default amount” of $800 will be awarded to any PAS Chapter that satisfactorily completes
the PAS Chapter Activities and Business Reports and PAS Chapter Grant funding application
process. Funding amounts may be granted in lieu of the $800 “default amount” up to $10.00
per Chapter member, based on the merits of the Grant request. A supplemental PAS Chapter
Grant may be applied for and granted for additional support.
PAS Chapter Grant awards will be determined in part by the quality and thoroughness of
information contained in the online PAS Chapter Grant application and the Chapter’s
Annual Activities and Business Report.
Supplemental PAS Chapter Grant amounts may be requested and will be awarded based
on the following criteria:
Quality and thoroughness of Activities Report (page one of the online report) and success
of previous year’s activities and projects,
Description of activities and/or project(s) for upcoming year,
Justification for activities or project(s) for upcoming year,
Potential for administering and running successful activities and projects in the upcoming
Potential for fulfilling the mission of PAS: to promote percussion education, research,
performance, and appreciation throughout the world.
Possible supplemental grant requests might include but are not limited to, additional funding
for Days of Percussion, newsletters, increasing membership, and special projects.
In addition to Chapter Grants, it is imperative to raise funds in order to develop
outstanding chapter functions, newsletters, etc. The following is a partial listing of
suggested activities. (Thanks to Chris Moore of the Alabama Chapter for several
• When approaching any business regarding donated goods and services be very specific in
your request. Don’t ask for “a bunch of rooms,” or a “free meal.” Instead, request
“dinner for two clinicians” or “two rooms for the night of the 17th.” (Generally chapter
members go Dutch when attending dinners with clinicians.)
• Bring a past program with you when approaching a potential sponsor and show them
advertising space that will be donated in exchange for their goods and services.
• Network! Chapter members who are connected with local businesses can often find a car
dealer, retailer, local sports or newscaster on TV or radio, and other personalities who
once were a drummer in a corps, or are a “weekend warrior drummer,” who can
provide many services beyond an anonymous contact with business.
• Invite music stores to sponsor a clinic or concert at a Chapter-sponsored event. Be specific
in your request. For example, ask for “$278 to help sponsor Peter Erskine’s flight” not
“some money to help with Peter Erskine.” Encourage or even get an agreement with
the clinicians that are being sponsored to autograph a picture for the sponsoring
business. Many motels and restaurants have these pictures hanging long after the
event. Give some event T-shirts to sponsors as incentives and thank you gifts.
• After events are concluded, send thank you letters or cards to any business or organization
that sponsored your event in any way. It is especially powerful if the guest artists sign
the card. If you can, have all of the artists sign one poster for each of your local
sponsors, and hand deliver it to them. Many business owners consider this a highly
meaningful gesture that can pay big dividends when asking for future donations.
• Many local businesses will offer goods and services rather than money. Stores like WalMart and grocery stores will contribute “gift cards” to obtain goods for your day (e.g.,
office supplies, bottled water, food trays, etc. for participants).
• Local airlines keep blocks of rooms reserved (and unused) for people that are bumped off
of flights. These rooms sit idle most the time. When complimentary rooms are not
available try asking for a “managers special.”
• Contributions from chapter professionals. Invite chapter members to donate their time for a
Day of Percussion clinic and to adjudicate contests and festivals.
• Scholarships from local music schools, studios, private instructors, etc.
• Investigate grant opportunities from local, state, and national foundations and agencies
such as Arts Council, Humanities Council, Meet the Composer, and even businesses
such as Wal-Mart and Target. Many different types of funds are available for relevant
PAS events and programs.
• Contributions from area and state Arts Councils, local clubs, local governments, etc.
including grants. Type in “Arts Councils” in any search engine on the Internet and you’ll
find a wealth of information.
• Selling add space in Chapter Newsletter. Check with post office regarding regulations for
not-for-profit bulk mailing, which cannot contain any advertising.
• Selling tickets to concerts, clinics, and Days of Percussion.
• Sponsoring festivals, conferences and contests with registration charges, program sales, Tshirts, etc.
• Try to involve as many members as you can in this effort. Simply putting a request on your
Chapter website PAS or e-mailer will yield more information, goods, and services than
you would expect.
Suggested Financial Accounting and
Checkbook Procedures
• Keep records of all transactions to be summarized and entered in the Chapter's Annual
Report under "Financial Information" in the "Business Report." It is highly
recommended that the Chapter financial person––Treasurer or other person––use
Quicken or a similar financial software program to keep the Chapter's financial books
rather than an ink/pencil method on a register. It is easy to cut and paste your results at
the end of the fiscal year into spreadsheets or directly into the online form in the
Financial Information of the Business Report. By using this cut and paste method, it
saves you having to re-type these reports, it is easy to set categories for types of
support, and the software doesn't make arithmetic errors.
• A Financial Worksheet to assist the Treasurer is available on the website in the chapter
president services titled Treasurer’s Worksheet. This form is in Excel format and can
be downloaded, completed and then emailed to the chapter president for easier
completion of the Financial Report for the chapter.
• ALL receipts should go into the checking account (even savings account money to be used
for a specific purpose). Keep all receipts and attach to checking account statement.
Keep everything chronologically including cancelled checks.
• ALL disbursements go through the checking account (reimbursement of all cash receipts,
including petty cash or employees). Have a separate file and spreadsheet for each
fiscal year.
• Make deposit and disbursement entries in check register using pen and run your account
balance in pencil and record these in Quicken or other financial software program.
• Enter descriptive information regarding deposits and disbursements on the check register
next to the amount entry and in the financial software program.
• Purchase and use duplicate copy style deposit books so that you will always have a copy of
a deposit transaction or keep records in the financial software program.
• Enter all debit memos and credit memos upon notification from bank.
• Use checks in numerical order only.
• Prepare bank reconciliations upon receipt of monthly statements. Report any bank error
• Most banks will require a tax-exempt number (if you don’t use the PAS number the bank
will want the SSN of the person who is authorized to write the checks). This is in case a
chapter would ever have an activity that generates any taxable funds. PAS is a
501(c)(3) not for profit organization. See documentation in the Affiliation Agreement
section of this Handbook.
Establishing an Online Account
All members can establish an online account as a membership benefit. Establish your
account and access the member’s only section to get these member services.
Chapter Presidents Services
Member Forums
Publication Archives
Percussive Notes & Percussion News (current issues)
Sound Enhanced Articles
Online Research Journal
Compositions Research
Siwe Guide to Solo and Ensemble Literature
Literature, Recordings and Video Reviews
PLEASE NOTE: Libraries have no site license authorization or access to the
“Members Forums” area of the website
Follow these simple instructions and your online account will be established.
Go to the Percussive Arts Society website at Enter the e-mail
address that you used when you signed up with PAS.
The next screen asks for your Member number and Postal Code (US/Canada
residents) or your Member number and Country. Fill in the appropriate information and
proceed. (Your membership number can be found on your membership card or the
mailing label of the publication. It should be listed on the top left side of the label.)
On the next screen, double-check your information for accuracy, make any necessary
changes, and then click Proceed.
Read the Account Creation Notes and User Agreement. You must click “I Accept” to
proceed. Please read the section carefully to make sure you are aware of the site
policies that you are agreeing to.
In this screen you create your User ID and Password that will allow you to get into the
member’s only section as long as you have an active membership. Choose your
mailing options on this screen then click on the “Finish” box.
This final screen has your membership expiration date and your User ID. Print this
page and keep for your records. You may now login to the member’s only website
If you have any questions or difficulties establishing your online account please e-mail
or call the office for assistance. If you forget your password, you may click the “Forgot
your password” link from the Login screen on the site, enter your e-mail address and
your password will be e-mailed to you immediately. If you forget your User ID, you will
need to contact the office and with proper verification, we will re-establish your
Chapter Presidents Services
Use the Chapter President Services online at to make your Chapter’s
annual report, receive electronic mailing labels, send mass emails to all Chapter
members, conduct online elections, and email all Chapter Presidents. Log into the
member’s section. To the right you will see Chapter President Services. Click on this
to obtain access and instructions to all services.
Membership Lists and Mailing Labels
Computer generated membership lists and mailing labels are available at no charge
for official use within your chapter. Mailing lists may help determine if your Day of
Percussion attendees are current PAS members. Mailing lists are to be used only for
chapter mailings (newsletter, elections, etc.). You may also obtain labels for the
Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Chapter Presidents.
Membership eMail profiles
Once all a Chapter’s members’ profiles are fully updated and this service is completed in
the new database, Chapter Presidents will have available in your Chapter Presidents
Services area on the website a list of members who have either renewed their membership
or have become new members. (Chapter presidents will be informed when this new
database is completed.) In an effort to get our members to be more active and more
knowledgeable about PAS and their membership, we request that you send an email
message to these two groups welcoming them and recognizing their membership with PAS.
If you have any questions about the process or are having difficulty getting your
messages sent, please contact the office at or via phone at 317 974
eMails to Chapter Members
The purpose of sending a message to new members as they join PAS is to welcome them
on a chapter level, inform them about various items and encourage their participation with
local activities. This is a great opportunity to increase volunteer participation, and make
connections with new individuals and perhaps new programs as well. Below are listed
several items that you may want to put in your welcome message. Depending on the time of
the year, different items will be more appropriate than others
Thank them for becoming a member of PAS and let them know how you feel about PAS.
Please welcome them to participate in the society and not just be silent dues paying
members. Inform them that local chapter activities are a great way to network and get
established in the local percussion community. (See sample letters in Appendix 1)
Remind them to set up their online account to take advantage of the members section of
the website including the forums, databases for programs and literature reviews and
Inform them of the upcoming Day of Percussion or related events. Include information on how
they may become involved as a volunteer or participant including how they may bring a group
to perform or just attend.
Invite them to the chapter members meeting. You can invite them to assist the chapter
with a specific project or event.
Inform them of an events calendar if you have one on the website (if not, create one for your
Chapter!) and invite them to submit event information.
Inform them about the upcoming convention and provide them with a link to the PASIC
Invite them to visit the website to see how they can become involved with PAS and provide a
link to the site.
The purpose for sending a renewing member an email message is to thank them for their
continued support and let them know they are valued as members of the society.
This is also an opportunity to remind them about upcoming events and keep them
connected with local events and invite them to participate in activities.
Most, if not all topics brought up in the new member message can be used for renewing
members as well. It is important that the messages be different for the two different
categories. The new members should be welcomed and the renewing members should be
recognized. There is nothing worse than being a longtime member of an organization and
receiving a message from the organization that clearly demonstrates they do not know who
you are. (See Appendix 1: Letters)
Press Releases & Publicity Information
(When possible send your release about 12-14 weeks before the event. Check with local
media for their deadlines.
JAZZIZ Magazine
2650 N. Military Trail,
Fountain Square II Bldg.
Suite 140
Boca Raton, FL 33431
773 North 9th St., Ste. 253
San Jose, CA 95125
1806 Robert Fulton Dr.
Reston, VA 22091
NACWPI 53721
Fine Arts Division
1418 Lake St.
Kirksville, MO 63501
Modern Drummer
12 Old Bridge Rd.
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Down Beat Magazine
1800 W. Park Ave., Ste. 105
Chicago, IL 60606
The Instrumentalist
200 Northfield Rd.
Evanston, IL 60093
Drums and Percussion
An Den Sechs Baumchen 14
Seigburg Germany
Rhythm Magazine
Beauford Court
30 Monmouth Street Bath,
United Kingdom BA1 2
Effective ads can be published under "Music Instruments" in the classified section of the local
Contact PAS members in neighboring states and countries. Mail your announcement to
chapter presidents in your area asking them to print it in their newsletter.
Mail news information or newsletter to:
Local Arts Council magazines
Local Music Education Organizations
PAS Board of Directors
PAS Executive Committee
PAS Members (active and inactive)
PAS State Chapter Presidents
Percussion Companies
Music Stores
Radio Public Broadcasting
Schools in the area (All Secondary and College/University, Public and Private)
State Arts Council magazines
State Band Director Organizations
State Music Education Organizations
State Presidents of Music Organizations
TV Public Broadcasting Internet
State Band Director Organizations
International Association of Jazz Educators: IAJE
State MENC Chapters (Members of MENC with their own newsletter/journal)
Local/state arts council magazines
Percussion News
Deadlines for receipt of information for inclusion is 60 days prior to publication date. See for more information on publication submissions and deadlines.
PAS: Hillary Henry, Publications Manager
Rick Mattingly, Editor
32 E. Washington, Suite 1400
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3516
Fax: (317) 974-4499
Programs: Hillary Henry
Percussive Arts Society
32 E. Washington, Suite 1400,
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3516
Upcoming Events: Hillary Henry
Percussive Arts Society
32 E. Washington, Suite 1400
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3516
Helpful Hints for a Day of Percussion
It is important to remember that there is not “one way” to run a Day of Percussion.... what
works well in one chapter may not work as well in another! Be sure to talk to previous Day of
Percussion hosts in your chapter, as well as neighboring ones - or even other chapters your
size in other parts of the country and around the world.
It is important to remind you to plan your event around a “zero budget.” Plan to use existing
chapter funds, corporate donations, school funding, and/or matching grants but do NOT count
on making enough money to pay for everything at the Day. This is a more fiscally responsible
approach and then any money earned at this year’s event can be applied to next year’s Day
of Percussion.
Note: Grants can provide matching funds, allowing you to potentially double the impact of
your chapter funds. You can apply for grants from a wide range of federal, state, local, and
private sources. Submission deadlines range from one to 18 months before the event, so
plan ahead of time! The “Americans for the Arts” website ( has extensive
information on grant opportunities (click on Funding/Support). One particularly helpful link on
their website is:
Another organization, “Meet the Composer” (, provides money
to support composer interaction with audiences so if your Day of Percussion performers
are also composers, you may be able to obtain funding from them. These are just a few
It is important to have well-defined officer roles regarding DOP organization. In one
chapter, the Vice-President is the program chair and is responsible for organizing the
DOP, in conference with other members of the Chapter’s executive committee.
For example:
The program chair (chapter vice-president) is responsible for:
• Discussing potential clinicians/performing groups with executive committee
Contacting clinicians to determine fees and availability, and making travel
arrangements with clinicians
Contacting performing groups
Assembling DOP itinerary
Contacting sponsors for door prizes, and making sure door prize and industry
information is sent to the host venue
The DOP host is responsible for:
• Coordinating physical spaces for clinics/performances
Writing and printing DOP programs
Assembling door prize packages
(Note: Since the DOP host may not necessarily be a chapter officer, it is
important that he/she be included in all organizational correspondence.)
The chapter president is responsible for:
• Submitting grant request to PAS
Formulating/printing agenda and chairing the chapter meeting at DOP
Sending individual thank you notes to all clinicians, performing groups, and
The chapter secretary/treasurer is responsible for:
• Coordinating DOP registration (including name tags, list of all attendees with
addresses, door prize tickets)
Presenting chapter financial report at chapter meeting
Distributing copies of minutes from last meeting, and taking minutes at current
The chapter communications director/newsletter editor is responsible for:
• Taking photos during DOP activities (including a posed shot with chapter
officers, host, and clinicians)
Submitting an article to PAS for publication in "Percussion News"
All too often, the DOP host gets strapped with too many responsibilities. The above
organizational structure is intended to distribute duties fairly and equitably among
members of the chapter executive committee.
Some chapters have quite a large number of ensembles performing throughout the day. Other
chapters have found it much more workable to invite only one college and one high school or
middle school ensemble. Usually, one of these is from the host school, depending on whether
the host is a college or high school. Believe it or not, attendance is often greater when a high
school hosts the DOP!
Decisions regarding inviting exhibitors should be made with discretion. Some chapters have
received complaints in the past from music dealers who were not invited to exhibit at DOP.
(Not the small, independent percussion shops, but rather the full-service music dealers).
Other chapters do not receive support from the industry. (They already give so much to PAS,
including door prizes at chapter events, that this is yet another expense for them). One
possible solution: no exhibitors and no complaints! It depends on the local dealers and the
proximity to percussion manufacturers.
Ideas submitted by:
B. Michael Williams, Ph.D.
Day of Percussion Package Requests
PAS can provide membership material, publications, and a table display for Chapter Days of
Percussion and other related official PAS Chapter sponsored events. Only Chapter
Presidents may requests Day of Percussion materials and displays to be sent from the PAS
Office in Indianapolis, Indiana. Requests from other individuals in a Chapter will be referred to
the Chapter President. PAS has a limited number of displays so please make your request as
much in advance of your event as possible. To request materials, email Cory Cisler at: or call PAS directly at (317) 974-4488. Please provide event date, expected
number of attendees, and a shipping name and street address (no P.O. Box numbers please).
PAS Day of Percussion Cancellation Insurance
In an effort to reduce the financial exposure of any PAS chapter, the Percussive Arts
Society has adopted a policy of self-insuring our Days of Percussion. In the event of a
cancellation of a PAS Day of Percussion due to an unforeseen catastrophe or act of God,
the PAS Chapter President, in conjunction with the host of such an event, must submit to
PAS the following information:
Description of the planned event, including but not limited to: news releases,
promotional fliers, programs, tickets, etc., indicating the date, location and time
of the event(s).
A detailed description of all losses directly incurred by the PAS chapter:
Housing and transportation receipts of expenses incurred for guests,
Promotional expenses directly incurred by the chapter for the direct promotion of
the event.
Copies of performance agreement with guest artist(s) detailing the expenses for
which the PAS chapter is responsible.
Any other expenses that have been incurred but are not covered by alternate
sources such as department expenses, in-kind service, etc.
A description of the cause of cancellation, including any supporting materials
such as newspaper reports, etc.
Any claim will be subject to review by the Executive Director and the PAS
Executive Committee.
Any claim must be made within thirty days of the scheduled event
The following excerpt is from a July 2004 report by a subcommittee of PAS Chapter
Presidents charged with reviewing and developing ideas for organizing and hosting a Day
of Percussion. Loren Vogel Weiss chaired the subcommittee. Members included: Mike
Blake (University of North Dakota), Marshall Maley (George Mason University in Fairfax,
VA), Michael Williams (Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC), and Marc Wooldridge
(Northwestern College in Orange City, IA).
The accompanying “How to Present a Successful Day of Percussion” and online 40 page
appendix to this Chapter Presidents’ Handbook was prepared by Dr. David P. Eyler,
Director of Percussion Studies at Concordia College and Minnesota State UniversityMoorhead. This is one of the most thorough volunteer projects and one that Dr. Eyler
graciously shared with other Chapter Presidents during a special Training Session at PASIC
2001. We are fortunate to have these materials available to help others organize their Days
of Percussion, which is often the most visible event for a PAS Chapter. Dr. Eyler’s
successful events are a testament to his organizational skills and methods.... and it’s always
better to imitate something that works instead of something that doesn’t!
As you use his letters as reference copies, please remember that you should submit any
written requests on PAS stationery to show that it is an official PAS-sanctioned chapter
event. (This is especially important for the PAS Sustaining Members - a.k.a. “the industry”
- who so generously support PAS activities all over the world).
Also, remember that your chapter has neighbors! Be sure to invite percussionists from
neighboring states and countries, not just as attendees but also as performers. An event in
the northwestern corner of Iowa will be more successful if students from schools in nearby
South Dakota are invited to participate. Other countries around the world should be sure
neighboring countries are informed of their activities. And this goes for both large and small
chapters. Giving your members the opportunity to participate in not one but TWO (or maybe
more) Days of Percussion is better for everyone. Good luck as you prepare to share our
passion for percussion with musicians in your area!
Appendix 1: Letters
(Person’s name), Director of Bands
School Name
City, State/Country, zip or other codes
Dear (First name):
I want to personally invite you to join the Percussive Arts Society.
The Percussive Arts Society is the largest international organization serving the music
education community in the area of percussion. Professional educators, performers,
percussion students, and school libraries all take full advantage of what PAS has to offer.
Member services include the PAS website at which contains percussion news
of people and products, reviews, publication archives and a Members Forum to connect with
others about virtually any topic in percussion.
Our (state or country) PAS Chapter is among the best, and annually sponsors the (state or
country) PAS Day of Percussion Convention. Plus we provide a chapter newsletter; organize
percussion events and (state or country) PAS receptions throughout the year, all with you in
Enclosed is an application for membership. Please take a moment to fill it out and send it to
the PAS Office to establish your association with this world-class organization. Or, you can
join online at: We have enclosed the current (state or country) PAS Chapter
Newsletter for your perusal.
Thank you for taking time to read this letter.
(Chapter President’s name)
President, (state or country) PAS Chapter
City, State/Country, zip or other codes
(Person’s name), Director of Bands
School Name
City, State/Country, zip or other codes
Dear (First name):
I want to personally welcome you to the Percussive Arts Society. The national office has
processed your application. You should start receiving your mailings and be able to login to “Members Only.” All memberships include full access to the PAS website.
Please take a moment to go online and establish your online account if you have not already
done so.
We look forward to your participation in chapter activities and invite you to contribute to the
chapter newsletter.
If there is anything that the (state or country) PAS or I may do for you, please do not
hesitate to ask.
(Chapter President’s name)
President, (state or country) PAS Chapter
City, State/Country, zip or other codes
(To be printed on your chapter stationary
and sent 10-12 weeks prior to your Day of Percussion.)
City State Zip
Dear (Name):
The (Chapter Name) of the Percussive Arts Society will be hosting our annual Day of
Percussion on (Date) at (Location). The planning committee for this event is working
hard and we are optimistic that this day will be quite successful. Our schedule of events
to date is as follows.
(List Events)
I am writing at this time to request your support in our efforts by sponsoring [(Clinician’s
Name) for his/her clinic presentation.] or [an available artist of your choice for clinic or
concert presentation.] (Company Name) will be listed in the program as a sponsor and
we would like to give out literature or other promotional items that you send to us (we
will be in contact about promotional materials at a later date).
With your assistance we are confident that this year’s (Chapter Name) Day of
Percussion will be quite successful. Please contact me with your response at your
earliest convenience at the following address, email, or phone number.
(Contact Address/Phone/Email)
Thank you for your consideration and your support of the Percussive Arts Society. I
look forward to your reply.
(Contact Name)
(PAS State Chapter)
(To be printed on your chapter stationary
and sent 6-8 weeks prior to your Day of Percussion)
City State Zip
Dear (Name):
The (Chapter Name) of the Percussive Arts Society will be hosting our annual Day
ofPercussion on (Date) at (Location). The planning committee for this event is workinghard
and we are optimistic that this day will be quite successful. Our schedule of eventsto date is
as follows.
(List Events)
I am writing at this time to request your support in our efforts by making a donation to
our door prize program and/or send product information for our product literature
display. We are expecting approximately (Number) or attendees. Please include
posters, flyers, catalogs, t-shirts, etc.
Please send door prizes and product information by (Date 2-3 weeks prior to event) to:
(UPS Shipping Address, no PO Box)
If you have any questions please contact me at your earliest convenience at the
following (phone number, email). If you are unable to participate in this year’s event we
would appreciate your consideration for next year. Thank you for your consideration and
your support of the Percussive Arts Society.
(Contact Name)
(PAS State Chapter)
(To be printed on your chapter stationary and sent immediately after your Day of Percussion)
Name Company
City State Zip
Dear (Name):
The (Chapter Name) of the Percussive Arts Society appreciates your support of our annual
(Chapter Name) PAS Day of Percussion on (date) at (location). Your generous contribution
sponsoring [(Clinician's name) for his/her appearance] greatly contributed to the success of
the event.
It is support like yours that makes it possible for the (Chapter Name) PAS Day of Percussion
to be hosted, and we could not do it without you. We look forward to working with you again.
(Contact Name)
(PAS State Chapter)
(To be printed on your chapter stationary and sent immediately after your Day of Percussion)
City State Zip
Dear (Name):
The (Chapter Name) of the Percussive Arts Society appreciates your support of our annual
PAS Day of Percussion on (Date) at (Location). Your donation of (List Donated Items) greatly
contributed to the success of the day. The items were given away as door prizes and were
well received and much appreciated by all.
Thank you for your continued support of the Percussive Arts Society.
(Contact Name)
(PAS State Chapter)
Appendix 2: Outstanding Chapter Presidents Awards
Each year at PASIC, the Society recognizes one Chapter President for outstanding service.
The President is awarded with a plaque and the Chapter is awarded with a $1000.00 check.
Past recipients are listed below.
Ian Turnbull (Ontario), 1991
Lauren Vogel Weiss (Texas), 1992
Kristen Shiner McGuire (New York), 1993
Keith Aleo (Florida), 1994
Mark Dorr (Iowa), 1995
Nigel Shipway (United Kingdom), 1996
Marshall Maley (Virginia), 1997
Peter O’Gorman (Minnesota), 1998
Eric Hollenbeck (Alabama), 1999
Jim Royle (Connecticut), 2000
Frederic Macarez (France), 2001
Lauren Vogel Weiss (Texas), 2002
Fernando Hashimoto (Brazil), 2002
Blair Helsing (California), 2003
Anders Astrand (Sweden), Chris Moore (Alabama) 2004
Nicholas Ormrod (United Kingdom) 2005
Cary Dachtyl (Ohio) 2006
Appendix 3: PAS Chapter Website Set-Up
Please review the following information. Send the Username/Password you would like
to use to login to your FTP account to
Each Chapter has a designated space on the PAS server to host a Web site. The
naming convention for these new sites will be:
On the technical side:
Each Chapter will be given 5 MB of storage space to start with. In the event that more
space is needed, an account can be upgraded on a per-case basis.
Each site will have access to a Mail script, and a page 'hit' counter if desired.
Each chapter will be given one FTP account to access the server to upload files.
Please Note: This server does not, nor will it ever support Front Page extensions.
Your site can range from simple to complex, depending on the abilities of the person
that you have chosen to develop your site for you. If you do not have a volunteer in your
Chapter, and would like to put up a simple site yourself, here are some Web sites that
will help you get started:
eHow: A tutorial that covers everything that you need to know.,1053,42,00.html?st=ask&cr=text&lp=ie
If you want to learn more, consider these resources:
Web Monkey Resources: Lessons, Tutorials, and How To’s, from Beginner to Advanced
The HTML Writers Guild: Online resource and organization with tons of information on
how to get started.
FTP Resources: Information on how to use FTP to upload your files to the server once
you have built them.
If you would prefer to learn from a book, here are some to consider:
Creating Web Pages for Dummies - ISBN: 0764507338
Create Your First Mac Web Page in a Weekend -ISBN: 0761521356
Things to note:
This server does NOT, nor will it EVER support Microsoft FrontPage Extensions. It is not in
your best interest to use Front Page to develop your Web site, as you will have a difficult
time uploading it to the server. If you prefer to use a "visual" editor, consider Netscape
Composer (free) or Macromedia Dreamweaver (~$400).
The PAS Web Administrator’s responsibility to the Chapter web person is to ensure that the
Chapter folder exists, and is accessible by one web person as designated by the Chapter
President. We cannot provide help or tutoring with general web development. The scripts
offered to each Chapter are provided as a courtesy, and are NOT supported by PAS. The
person that is designated as the web person for your chapter should be someone with prior
experience with building a Web site. Technical support for issues regarding HTML page
content, formatting of mailto forms, or anything other than connecting to the server is not
provided. Scripts other than the ones provided as a courtesy are not allowed on our servers.
Suggestions for other scripts to add to our offering are accepted via email, and are considered
for inclusion.
The Web Editor reviews chapter sites on a regular basis. Any site containing items that are
designated as inappropriate will be sent an email asking that the specific content be removed.
Failure to do so will result in the Chapter site being deleted from our server and access to the
FTP folder revoked.
Appendix 4: A Brief History of the Percussive Arts Society
Also see:
During the late 1950s, it became obvious to many professional percussionists and music
educators that a national percussion organization dedicated to education was needed. This
need was discussed by leading percussion performers and music educators whenever they
had the opportunity to gather at regional or national music conventions, such as MENC or the
Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic held each December at Chicago's Sherman House.
During the spring of 1960, Robert Winslow, a professional percussionist and North Hollywood
band director who served as an educational advisor to Remo Belli, wrote to leading
percussion educators requesting their assistance in establishing such an organization. Among
the stated goals of the organization contained in these letters were: "to bring up to date the
present standards in our solo and ensemble contests," "to stimulate a greater interest in
percussion performance and teaching," and "to promote better teaching of percussion
While at the 1960 Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic, Remo Belli, an exhibitor at the
convention, invited a group of interested percussionists to dinner at the hotel's restaurant to
discuss the formation of the organization, and at which time he was given a mandate to
name the organization. In January of 1961 during the SW-MENC in Albuquerque, New
Mexico, a meeting was held at the Sundowner Hotel where Jim Sewrey suggested the name
"Percussive Arts Society" to Remo Belli. Others present at this meeting, in addition to Mr.
Belli and Mr. Sewrey, were Fred Hoey, Frank Arsenault, and George Frock.
Following this meeting, Mr. Winslow sent a letter proclaiming: "We are underway. The
Percussive Arts Society is open for business," and in September 1961, the Society sent its
first publication, Percussive Arts Society Bulletin, printed on a mimeograph machine donated
by Mr. Belli, to the membership. The fourteen originating members listed in the first
Percussive Arts Society Bulletin were: Remo Belli, Warren Benson, Mervin Britton, Robert
Buggert, Don Canedy, Rey Longyear, Charles Lutz, Jack McKenzie, James L. Moore, Verne
Reimer, Jim Salmon, Hugh W. Soebbing, Charles Spohn, and Robert Winslow.
After three Bulletins, a determination was made to transfer the administrative and publication
duties of the Society to Professor Donald Canedy, who was the percussion instructor and
band director at Southern Illinois University. In April of 1963, Mr. Canedy, with the advice of a
distinguished editorial board and an able group of contributing editors, published the new PAS
journal, Percussionist (in later years called Percussive Notes Research Edition) in its familiar
booklet form. Mr. Canedy served as de facto president through 1964, when, at the December
Percussive Arts Society meeting in Chicago, a constitution was adopted and regular officers
were elected. Gordon Peters became the first President of PAS; Jack McKenzie took the
position of First Vice-President and Mr. Canedy continued as Executive Secretary. Also
elected were a Board of Directors and an Editorial Board. With this solid structure, the Society
became increasingly influential, expanding its committee activities to address important
percussion issues and making policy decisions that would result in important contributions to
all areas of percussion.
An important expansion occurred in 1967 when James L. Moore's already successful
Percussive Notes became an official PAS publication. Another milestone was achieved in
1969 when the Society was incorporated in Indiana as the Percussive Arts Society,
Incorporated; a status it maintained until 1985 when it was reincorporated under the laws of
Beginning in 1971, performances and clinics called "Days of Percussion" were held in
conjunction with the yearly business meetings. In 1974, the first Percussive Arts Society
National Conference (PASNC) was held in Anaheim and at California State University at
Northridge. It was hosted by Lloyd McCausland and Joel Leach (CSU at Northridge) and the
PAS California Chapter, David Levine, chapter president. The PASNC evolved into the
Percussive Arts Society International Convention that we know today as PASIC. The first
PASIC was held in 1976 at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, and was hosted
by John Beck, the Eastman School and the New York State Chapter (see next page)
It is important to note two significant awards presented annually by the Society. First, since
1972, PAS has inducted some of the most important people in percussion into its Hall of
Fame. Secondly, since 1974, the PAS Composition Contest has encouraged the production of
hundreds of new works, many of which have become part of the standard percussion
repertoire. During the 1990s four additional annual awards were implemented to recognize
PAS volunteers and their importance to the society: PAS Outstanding Chapter President
Award; Outstanding PAS Supporter Award; PAS President's Industry Award; and Outstanding
PAS Service Award. Thus, the Percussive Arts Society, which began in 1961, as a group of
fourteen concerned percussionists, has grown to more than 8,000 members worldwide, with
significant influence on percussion performance, education, composition, publication and
The Percussive Arts Society moved to Lawton, Oklahoma, where the administrative offices
and its museum of rare and unusual percussion instruments were located from 1992-2007
Construction of the building was funded by PAS members and by the McMahon Foundation in
Lawton. The grand opening was in August 1992 and phased construction was completed in
July of 2001, finishing nearly 11,000 square feet of museum, library and office space.
In November, 2005, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the relocation of the PAS
offices, museum, and library to Indianapolis, Indiana to promote the future growth of the
Society and to frequently hold PASIC in the city where PAS operations reside. In April, 2007,
PAS moved its operations to temporary offices in Indianapolis while the new facility is being
developed. The 15,000 square foot headquarters, museum and library facility are expected to
open in 2008. This development begins another significant chapter in the growth of PAS and
the future of the percussive arts and percussion education in the world.
Appendix 5: Sample PAS Chapter Bylaws
Bylaws of the (state or country)
Chapter, Percussive Arts Society 20____
Name: The name of the organization shall be known as the (state or country), Percussive Arts
Society, hereinafter referred to as the (state or country) PAS which is an affiliate of the
Percussive Arts Society, Inc., hereinafter called PAS.
Affiliation: The (state or country) PAS has been officially recognized, and as such, will
abide by the official bylaws of PAS. It is understood that the chapter is not an
independent society, but an affiliate of PAS. (state or country) PAS members are to pay
dues to PAS for their membership and are therefore eligible to receive PAS publications
commensurate with their membership level and to attend and vote at all general (state
or country) PAS meetings.
Logo: The logo shall be the same as that of PAS.
2.1 The purpose of the (state or country) PAS chapter shall be to help fulfill the mission of
PAS and to raise the level of musical percussion performance and teaching and to increase
the understanding of the needs and responsibilities of the percussion student, teacher, and
3.1 Election of Officers: The officers shall consist of President, Vice President(s) and
Secretary/Treasurer. Terms shall be for three years with all officers eligible for reelection. All
current (state or country) PAS members who are in good standing with PAS shall be eligible
to vote. The Chapter President shall appoint a nominating committee. Nominations will also
be accepted for consideration from any current (state or country) PAS member. Previous
permission should have been received from the nominees prior to their name being placed on
the ballot. The election of (state or country) PAS officers will be conducted online through the
Chapter Presidents Services “Chapter Elections” at All members shall receive
through the “Chapter Elections” email an official ballot and slate. All ballots are to be tabulated
and new officers shall take office no later than the first day of July of the election year.
Duties of Officers:
To represent the state or country chapter in all matters of business not designated to
other officers.
To establish time and place for all chapter meetings.
To preside over chapter meetings.
To be liaison with PAS through the PAS President-elect.
To submit written reports of chapter activities when required or requested by PAS.
To appoint any additional committees deemed necessary to the accomplishment of
chapter activities.
Vice President(s)
To assist the President in his/her duties.
• To act as projects chair, thereby coordinating chapter efforts in the areas of (but not
limited to) contests, symposiums, clinics, outreach, and education conventions.
To share joint responsibility with the other officers in issuing the chapter newsletters.
To prepare and submit annual expenses and annual fiscal report.
To record the minutes of each general meeting so that they may be distributed to the
(state or country) PAS membership.
To help the President keep an accurate accounting of all funds in the chapter treasury.
The President, Vice President(s) and Secretary/Treasurer shall constitute the (state or
country) PAS Executive Committee. The President shall be the chair of the committee.
The Executive Committee shall transact all business that does not require a membership
vote. Such business may be conducted at an actual meeting of the Executive Committee, or
via mail, e-mail, computer conferencing, or telephone.
A quorum of at least three Executive Committee members–the President, a VicePresident (if more than one) and Secretary/Treasurer–is required to transact business.
Items of business shall require an affirmative vote of two for passage.
Every PAS member is a member-in-good-standing of his or her chapter. There shall be no
additional dues required of (state or country) PAS chapter members.
Each year upon timely submission of completed reports required by PAS, (state or
country) PAS will be eligible to receive a grant of support for chapter activities
The (state or country) PAS Executive Committee shall be responsible for creating an annual
budget. Following notification of the PAS grant, a final (and revised if necessary) budget shall
be created. This budget will be available to the PAS President-elect and/or Executive Director
and chapter members, if necessary.
The fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.
6.1 The location of the (state or country) PAS Days of Percussion shall vary within the chapter
to allow ease of access to events to all members.
6.2 Requests to host the Day of Percussion shall be submitted to the (state or country) PAS
Executive Committee. All host sites shall be determined by the (state or country) PAS
Executive Committee.
These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds of the voting (state or country) PAS members.
Membership must be notified by surface mail and e-mail and given at least two weeks to
7.2 Amendment proposals shall be submitted to the (state or country) PAS Executive
Committee in the following format:
Proposals shall be made in the form of text to replace, in whole or in part, some
provision of these bylaws.
Each proposal shall contain no more than one alteration of substance. A brief
explanation of the reason(s) for the revision shall accompany the proposal.
Proposals shall be considered by the (state or country) PAS Executive Committee, and upon
approval by the PAS Executive Committee; the proposal may be transmitted to the (state or
country) PAS chapter membership without change or comment. If a proposal is approved by
the (state or country) PAS membership, it will take effect immediately.
THIS AGREEMENT is made this ________ day of _______________, 20___, by and
between the Percussive Arts Society, Inc. an Oklahoma Not-For-Profit corporation,
hereinafter called PAS, and (state or country) PAS Chapter of the Percussive Arts Society,
hereinafter called “Chapter.”
WHEREAS, PAS is an Oklahoma Not-For-Profit corporation, which is exempt from income
taxes by virtue of 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and which has been established
for the following purposes:
a. To raise the level of percussion performance and teaching; to expand understanding
of the needs and responsibilities of the percussion students, teachers and performers; to
publish journals and magazines containing articles and research studies in the percussion
field and containing information on current trends in the percussion field; and to promote
greater communication between all areas of the percussive arts.
b. To receive and maintain a fund or funds of real or personal property, or both, and to
use and apply the whole or any part of the income there from and the principal thereof
exclusively for scientific, literary or educational purposes; and
WHEREAS, (state or country) PAS desires to become affiliated with PAS as a local
chapter in (state or country), and WHEREAS, the parties desire to reduce their
Affiliation Agreement to writing.
THEREFORE, in consideration of the following covenants, the parties agree as follows:
PAS is a not-for profit 501(c)(3) organization established for the purposes set out
above, and will provide certain benefits and services to the Affiliated Chapter.
The Affiliated Chapter shall be entitled to use the PAS logo and copyright materials for
the purpose of promoting the Affiliated Chapter and PAS.
All persons sympathetic to the purposes of the corporation and who are members of
the Percussive Arts Society shall be eligible for membership in the Affiliation Chapter. The
Affiliated Chapter shall be eligible for financial support from PAS to be used for the purposes
of the corporation. The Affiliated Chapter must submit an annual report to a designated PAS
executive officer giving a full account of chapter expenditures. PAS may, upon majority
approval of the PAS Board of Directors, suspend the Affiliated Chapter until full accounting is
In the event this Agreement is terminated by either party hereto, the Affiliated Chapter
shall immediately cease and desist from holding itself out as an affiliated chapter of PAS.
The Affiliated Chapter shall cover the geographical territory specified in the charter
issued by PAS. Upon application by the proposed Affiliated Chapter, the Board of Directors
shall vote upon the application and notify the person submitting the application of the Board’s
The name of the Affiliated Chapter shall be known as the (state or country) Chapter of
the Percussive Arts Society e.g. Oklahoma Chapter of the Percussive Arts Society.
PAS shall provide to the Affiliated Chapter information, educational programs, and all
other relevant materials to promote goals and purposes as set forth in this Agreement.
The Chapter shall organize itself in the following manner:
It shall elect a president, vice president(s), secretary, and treasurer.
It shall hold at least one meeting of the general membership each year.
The Affiliated Chapter shall operate at all times in a manner consistent with the
purposes set forth above.
The Affiliated Chapter shall comply with all Federal, State, County, Municipal, or
other statutes, laws, ordinances, regulations, or orders of any governmental entity, including
the IRS rules and regulations regulating not-for-profit organizations.
The Affiliated Chapter may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving PAS¬
written notice of such termination not less than 30 days prior to the date of termination.
PAS may terminate this Agreement for good cause under the following circumstances
by giving written notice to the Chapter as follows:
Upon the failure of the Affiliated Chapter to comply with any of this Agreement,
within 30 days following notice from PAS thereof, any failure of Chapter to comply with any
lawful provision of this Agreement.
Automatically, if it:
1. Is declared as bankrupt or insolvent.
2. Voluntarily ceases to pursue the purposes and goals of PAS.
3. Repeatedly fails to comply with the lawful provisions of this Agreement.
Any act that constitutes a breach of this Agreement shall be notified in writing to the President
of the Affiliated Chapter by the Board of Directors of PAS.
This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of
Oklahoma, and shall not be modified except in writing and as signed by the parties
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year set
forth above.
By __________________________ By __________________________ Percussive Arts
Society (Title) Affiliated Chapter (Title)
Appendix 6: 501c (3) Documentation
Appendix 7: Certificate of Incorporation
Appendix 8: How To Present A
Successful "Day of Percussion"
Dr. David P. Eyler,
Director of Percussion Studies
Concordia College (Moorhead, MN)
( or 218-299-4414)
I. The planning stages:
A. Find a Time, Date and Place for the DOP.
1. This should be done well in advance of the anticipated event.
a. One year or more, if possible.
b. Many universities schedule events by February of the preceding school
2. Consider a site that has several performance/clinic venues (i.e. auditorium,
band room, classrooms) in an area that is easily accessible by plane, train
and automobile.
a. Good choices for this event are a college/university, high school or
community "arts" center setting-also an excellent recruiting tool!
B. Determine the area(s) of interest or "focus" of the DOP (i.e. drumset, timpani,
mallet-keyboard, hand percussion, ethnic, etc.).
1. Obtain ideas from percussion students, area band and orchestra directors,
music stores, and other artists.
C. Make a list of possible guest artists based on recommendations from Percussion
Events Registry Company (PERC), manufacturers, Percussion News, PAS Chapter
Newsletters, respected colleagues, respected students, etc.
D. Begin securing financial support.
From area music retail stores.
From manufacturers, especially those sponsoring your guest artists.
From music publishers (if they have a percussion composer on staff).
Grants from local, state, and regional arts organizations. (See Grant
Questions in Appendix 9)
College/University funds - including honorariums, music department
budgets (i.e. equipment, music, etc.), student government organizations,
alumni associations, etc. (See examples in DOP Appendix)
Consider co-sponsoring the event with another arts organization in your
area (i.e. the International Student Center, local symphony orchestra, or the
Cultural Events/Performing Arts Series).
a. You can share an artist and their expenses, and also increase the size
of your audience at the same time.
E. Keep notes about everything - who you spoke to, what they promised to do for the
DOP, etc. -- you may need to remind them to follow through on their promises.
II. Once the artist(s), time, date, and location are secure:
A. Plan the schedule for the DOP.
Will there be clinics, master classes, concerts, private lessons, etc.?
DO NOT schedule similar events at the same time (i.e. hand cymbal
clinic against an orchestral excerpts clinic, or drumset clinic against a Latin
Percussion clinic). The first year(s) you may want to only have one event at a
time until the audience size increases.
3. Schedule enough time for everyone to travel to and from lunch and still
have time to eat and visit.
! a. 90 minutes is a good length of time for lunch.
! b. You may want to consider having box lunches for sale or have a buffet
set up for a nominal fee.
! c. You may also consider having a return "reservation" form with your
publicity, due two weeks before the event, for DOP participants who wish to
order a meal.
! d. If the DOP is on a college campus, notify the food service departments
and let them know there will be extra people on campus that day (some
food services will even offer you "special" rates for larger numbers of
! e. You can have meals ordered in (i.e. pizza, subs, etc.) and have a
special "Lunch with the Artists" for PAS members and/or area instrumental
4 If you have visiting performing groups, you should consider the following:
a. What is their travel time to the event?
1) Don't schedule a group too early if they have a great
distance to travel.
b. Allow appropriate set-up time.
1) Allow enough time in the schedule for proper set-up; the
larger the ensemble, the more set-up time needed.
c. Availability of instruments.
1) Are you providing the LARGE instruments for the group(s)? If
you are, send a list of your "available" instruments and be
specific about sizes, models, and ranges (i.e. 2 Musser M250
marimbas--4 1/3 oct. range; 1 Yamaha vibe--F-F, one set of 4
Ludwig "Dresden" timpani, etc.). (See Letter to Directors re:
equipment in DOP Appendix)
2) Tell visiting groups to bring their own small equipment, sticks and
3) Get a list of each group's equipment needs BEFORE the
event and have your student assistant(s) prepare this
equipment well ahead of time.
4) Assign areas and make signs with the name of each group to
indicate where their instruments and supplies are to be kept.
B. Arrange transportation, lodging, and meals for the guest artist(s).
1. Don't wait too long before ordering airplane tickets, however make sure
you're in close contact with your guest artist(s) before finalizing their
flight/travel plans. (See Airline Tickets & Motel Correspondence in
! a. The guest may be arranging other events to coincide with your DOP.
! b. You might be able to assist in arranging other performance
opportunities in your region and thereby share the expenses.
C. Solicit door prizes from music stores, manufacturers, publishers, and individuals, as
1. ALWAYS send a thank you letter!
2. List contributor’s names in the DOP program.
3. Keep good records of all prizes submitted for future reference. (See
examples of letters and documents in DOP Appendix)
D. Request percussion literature from publishers, manufacturers and PAS.
1. You will need plenty of tables to display this material.
III. Two months before the event: Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!
A. Send letters of invitation and posters to area (within a 200-250 mile radius) colleges
and universities, and elementary through high school band and orchestra directors,
and ALL PAS members in the region (many PAS members will travel quite a distance
for such an event).
1. Also to the recent alumni of the percussion program of the local university.
2. After the first year, mail letters to previous year's registrants. (See examples
of posters, program and invitation letters in DOP Appendix)
3. Include directions and a map to the event site with your publicity mailings.
B. Display posters in music stores and anywhere else you think appropriate, such as
bulletin boards at local supermarkets, churches (especially in "fellowship" halls),
hospitals/clinics, community centers, senior centers, etc.
C. Try and come up with a unique idea for publicity to get the local newspaper and/or radio
stations involved (they are usually looking for something unique for a "news-worthy"
story, i.e. "the world's only kazoo-playing, left-handed bongo drummer").
1. Don't overlook "Calendar of Events" listings in newspapers, area family
magazines, and on television and radio.
D. Post the DOP information on all your available web sites: PAS, school, arts council.
(See website examples in DOP Appendix)
E. Advertise the DOP in your music department's or arts organization's programs at as many
preceding concerts as possible.
F. Send the information to your state's Percussive Arts Society newsletter and to the PAS
Percussion News (also send a follow-up report after the event).
G. Include a phone number and web site (if available) in all of your publicity materials
because people may have questions concerning the event.
IV. Several weeks before the event:
A. Check and double check the facilities.
1. Be sure that you have submitted requisitions and work orders for tables (for
registration, door prizes, literature, etc.), sound reinforcement, lighting
requirements, sound shells, risers/platforms, piano moving, tuning, and/or
rental, etc.
2. If area music stores or college music groups will have an exhibit for literature
or recordings, do they need tables ordered or other assistance?
B. Fax, e-mail, regular mail, and call your guest artist(s) and clarify everything about the DOP
schedule and their personal travel schedule.
1. Double check airline schedules.
2. Double check motel accommodations.
3. Double check your guest artists' equipment needs and requirements. (See
Itinerary and Equipment Needs examples in DOP Appendix)
a. Is there a special drumset needed? Were special tambourines to be
shipped for the clinic? Are you responsible to have copies of handouts
ready for the clinician(s)? Are there any special "sound"
C. Compile a work schedule for your students and staff and make sure ALL AREAS are
covered. (See work schedule in DOP Appendix)
1. Have people ready to assist the guest artists (pick them up at the airport,
transport them to and from the DOP, assist at their clinic, etc.), work at the
registration tables, host visiting performing groups, etc.
2. Clean up/lock up at the end of the DOP takes time and lots of dependable
workers too; have responsible people to assist you.
V. At the event:
A. Have a Registration Table.
1.You "may" want to charge a fee
a. However, you should check with contributors (i.e. Arts organizations)
because some DO NOT allow a fee to be assessed at an event
they're funding.
2. The Registration Form should contain information that will be helpful in
planning a future DOP and tallying attendance data (See Registration Form).
3. You will need to distribute door prize tickets--hand out one door prize ticket
when the completed registration form is turned in (use two-part door prize
! a. Make it the registrant's responsibility to put the door prize ticket in a
"bucket" (also have them print their name on the back).
! b. Post a notice that to receive a door prize "you must be present to win"
unless you plan on mailing them out after the event.
! c. You will need to determine a cut-off time for registration and door prize
B. Have plenty of tables for literature and handouts from PAS and other music
publishers and manufacturers.
1. As a courtesy to your out-of-town guests, have a list of restaurants and
motels available along with maps. (See examples in DOP Appendix)
C. Have door prizes displayed for audience members to view during the DOP
1. They could be distributed at the conclusion of DOP events.
2. They could also be distributed throughout the DOP (i.e. hand drum given
away after the hand drumming clinic, crash cymbal after the drumset clinic).
3. DO NOT leave the door prizes unattended - they may disappear.
D. If a very large facility is used, you may want to have several hand radios (walkie
talkies) available for your assistants to keep in contact with you and each other
during the event.
VI. Final Thoughts:
A. Keep hard copies of everything you hand out or send out! If a list of instruments
needed by the visiting group can be lost, it will be that day.
B. Get plenty of rest before the event so you can be mentally and physically ready to
tackle the last minute things that will always happen.
C. Be sure to write your "Thank You" letters as soon as possible to everyone who
was involved in making your DOP a success.
Good Luck!
Appendix 9: Examples of Day
of Percussion Materials
Available as a separate download from