August 2015 - Municipalité de Saint
August 2015 - Municipalité de Saint
THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN Aerial view of the Jacques Cartier river valley (East and West sides of the SaintSaint-GabrielGabriel-dede-Valcartier Municipality) Volume 8 | Issue 4 AUGUST 2015 Inside this issue: Community Information 2-4, 14-18 Municipal taxes 4, 18 Urbanism 5, 6, 8 Public Works 6-8 Fire Safety Services 9, 10 & SQ Sports, Recreation 2,3 11-16 and Culture SUBJECTS OF INTEREST • B MB F L D BBQ • M T !" • HHW C!" • H%!! A"'"!( • M B-%( • NEW R! 2016-2018 • « R( '! ((! » !((! "1! SQ FAMILY DAY AND FIRE HALL OPEN HOUSE AUGUST 21 & 22 More info pages 2 & 3 MOT DU MAIRE A WORD FROM THE MAYOR I am sure that all citizens are enjoying the summer weather and are ready to attack their fall projects with renewed enthusiasm. Once again our weather is not as hot or dry as the West but we don’t have their forest fire problems either. The big news in the Community is the announcement by Village Vacances Valcartier of the construction of a 4-star hotel with an interior waterpark. This hotel will have 153 suites available to suit all the needs of its clientele and is scheduled to open in December 2016. Other facilities include a wave pool, a spa, a lounge-style sports resto-bar and a convenience store, are just a few of the highlights to be enjoyed 365 days per year. It is foreseen that 200 permanent jobs will be created thus securing our local economic development. The extension of the fire hall is now complete and ready to house our new firetrucks. Just a few finishing touches remain. For road works, our sector to work on this summer is Redmond Road starting at civic number 171 to the entrance of des Plateaux Street. The works should be finished by the end of August in time for the start of the new school year. The Community Golf Tournament will be back this year on September 13th for our 21st edition. It will be held at the Castor Golf Club as usual. Our Community housing residence is now at full capacity with all 18 units rented. A second garden has been made in front to complement the existing one at the back. Students from Vallée Jeunesse have volunteered to help with the landscaping and this has been much appreciated. Our Community calendar will be available in December with the theme being Municipal Fire Safety Services. One last thought, road safety should always be a priority for all citizens. Remember that we share our roads with pedestrians and bikers so keep this in mind while driving. Have a peaceful rest of summer and all the best for a great autumn! Brent Montgomery Don’t forget to turn back your clocks on November 1st. This is also the perfect occasion to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. PLEASE KEEP THIS AS A REFERENCE DOCUMENT UNTIL DECEMBER 2015 THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN Page 2 WELCOME TO ALL RESIDENTS’ FAMILIES AND FRIENDS! The Sports and Recreation Department and the Fire Safety Services invite you all to come and enjoy these two funfun-filled family activity days. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21ST 6 pm: BEER GARDEN (under the shelter - adults 18+) and CANTEEN (Club Ados) 6:30 pm: SLO-PITCH TOURNAMENT (men’s and women’s) SOCCER FOR ADULTS (Black Bears’ field) 9 pm: FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT - Community Center (bring your blankets and lawn chairs) SATURDAY AUGUST 22ND KIOSKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS THROUGHOUT THE DAY (SQ, Fire Safety Services, YOGA Tune Up and Sportball) 10 am: SLO-PITCH TOURNAMENT (Come cheer them on!) 10 am-7 pm: USED BOOKS SALE (Community Center) 10 am - 3:30 pm: OPEN HOUSE - Fire Hall ∗ HEY KIDS: COME VISIT THE FIRE HALL, TRUCKS AND GO THROUGH THE FIREFIGHTER FOR A DAY OBSTACLE COURSE AND HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN DRESSED AS A FIREMAN! ∗ Sporadic raffles throughout the day Noon: BEER GARDEN (under the shelter - adults 18+) 1 pm: FACE PAINTING, INFLATABLES, ZIP LINE, POPCORN, COTTON CANDY, ANIMATION FOR CHILDREN AND MORE! Don’t forget your bathing suit to play in the splashpad and wading pool! ∗ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Page 3 Volume 8 | Issue 4 FAMILY DAY A CAUSE THEY REALLY TAKE TO HEART! AND OPEN HOUSE AT THE FIRE HALL OnSaturday,August22ndbetween12 and2p.m.,ireighterswillbe collectingfundsonBoulevard Valcartier.Proceedsfromthis collectionaswellasproceedsfrom therafleswillgototheQuebec FireightersFoundationforBurn Victims. AUGUST 21st & 22st You can bring your own chairs and blankets for the fireworks. Also, bring your own fireworks to contribute to the show on Saturday night but make sure to hand them over to one of the volunteer firemen in charge of the event before 4 pm! Continued-SAT., AUGUST 22ND LIVE BAND «carl tremblay blues band» ∗ On the menu: ∗ Pulled pork Sandwiches OR ∗ Chicken skewers (limited quantity) ∗ 3 kinds of salads 2 pm: ELIMINATED FROM THE SLO-PITCH TOURNAMENT? Get a team together to play: Horseshoes (registration at the terrace under the shelter) ∗ Beach volleyball ∗ Basketball 3 on 3 5 pm: SUPPER (see menu on the left) $7 per person, $5 children aged 6 to 11, Free for children aged 5 and under 7 pm: SLO-PITCH TOURNAMENT FINALS IN THE EVENING: PARTY UNDER THE SHELTER WITH LIVE BAND AND FIREWORKS! THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN Page 4 COMMUNITY GOLF TOURNAMENT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 TH The Sports and Recreation Department is currently organizing its annual fall golf tournament for 2015 at the Club de Golf Centre Plein Air Castor Base Valcartier. This activity will be held on Sunday, September 13th for the price of $80 per person. The event will start with a brunch, and a fabulous prize draw! The game to be played is Continuous Mulligan and a minimum of 10 foursomes is needed for the activity to take place. Schedule: 10 a.m.: Brunch 11:30 a.m.: Golf MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 2014-2017 Brent Montgomery, Mayor -General Administration MRC committees: -Public Security (President), Agriculture, Metropolitan dossiers and transport Shelley MacDougall, Councillor seat 1 -Public Security (Police, Fire Safety Services, Civil Protection) To register, 418 844-2097. DÉPÔT DU NOUVEAU RÔLE D’ÉVALUATION 2016-2017-2018 The assessment roll and you! Exceptionally, this year, the threeyear assessment roll for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 will be deposited at the latest on October 31st, 2015 by the evaluation firm Groupe Altus. Public Notice of this deposit will then be published. According to the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire (MAMOT), here are the most frequently asked questions regarding municipal property assessment as well as their answers. What is an ASSESSMENT ROLL? The assessment roll is a resume of the inventory of properties situated on the territory of a local municipality. Its main use consists of indicating, for municipal and school taxation purposes, the value of every property based on its real value. What is the REAL VALUE? The real value or market value of a property is its exchange value on the free and open competitive market. In other words, it is the most probable price that a buyer will accept to pay if the property were for sale. WHEN does an assessment role come into effect? The assessment roll comes into effect on the 1st of January of the first exercise for which it is prepared. What is the DURATION of the roll? The evaluator prepares the assessment roll every three years and for three consecutive financial exercises. This means that unless modifications are made to the property, its real value registered in the roll remains the same for the duration of the roll, being three years. Can the assessment roll be MODIFIED during these 3 years? At its updating, the assessment roll may be modified for various reasons, notably in the cases of renovation or expansion of a property. Raymond Bureau, Councillor seat 2 -Urbanism -Transport (voirie and snow removal) Martin Hicks, Councillor seat 3 -Sports and recreation -General Administration (personnel) -Schools, public lighting Thomas Lavallee, Councillor seat 4 -Transport, Agriculture, Nuisances (voirie, snow removal, public lighting, animals) -General Administration (personnel) Dorothy Noël, Councillor seat 5 -Health and hygiene (waste, recycling, water treatment) -Culture (Municipal Library) David Hogan, Councillor poste 6 Dossiers: -Environment and Transport (public lighting) -Community and Religious Groups Page 5 Volume 8 | Issue 4 Zoning By-law #148 11.3 OUTDOOR STORAGE OF FIREWOOD The outdoor storage of firewood for non-commercial purposes (personal use for the main building) is permitted on land where a residential building is erected. This storage must meet all of the following conditions: a) The wood shall be properly piled and stacked and cannot at any time be left in a loose pile in the yard except for a continuous period not exceeding 30 days; b) The storage shall be situated in the side or rear yard, respecting a minimum distance of 2 meters (6.6 ft.) from property lines, unless an opaque fence or hedge is built in accordance with this By-law. The maximum height of the fence is 2 meters (6.6 ft.); c) The storage must not obstruct a window, door or exit, nor be located under these; d) The maximum height for this storage is 2 meters (6.6 ft.). Shelters for firewood (regulation available at the Municipality) can be located on a lot where a residential building is erected in accordance with this By-law. The outdoor storage of firewood is allowed on vacant land located in a zone that is not residential. The wood must be stored properly, piled and stacked to a maximum height of 2 meters (6.6 ft.) and comply with the implantation standards prescribed in the said zone. Zoning By-law #148 11.4 OUTDOOR STORAGE AND STORAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES The outdoor storage of recreational vehicles such as a trailer (motorized or not), tent trailer, snowmobile, motorcycle, watercraft or yacht is allowed on a lot where a residential building is erected, with the following conditions: a) Must be located in the side yard or rear yard, at a distance of 2 meters (6.6 ft.) of the lateral and back lines, if impossible, may be located partly in the front yard, with 2 meters (6.6 ft.) minimum lateral lines without encroaching more than 2 meters (6.6 ft.) on the front yard, measured from the front wall of the building used as a residential dwelling (see FIG 4); b) For vehicles, they must be in working order and have a license allowing them to travel on the road, trail or water for the year. Snowmobiles, watercrafts, motorcycles or other recreational vehicles shall be stored inside a building and not be visible from the street during the respective offseason in Quebec. BY-LAW #166 CONCERNING CULVERTS, PRIVATE ENTRIES AND DRIVEWAYS AND DRAINAGE *This By-law has been in effect since June 2010* The purpose of this By-law is to: • Insure uniformity of structures • Avoid erosion of private entries to ditches and to public roads • reduce the load of surface water directed to public infrastructures (roads and ditches) The main guidelines of this By-law are the following: • Permits and a deposit guarantee are required for any new access from an existing public street, modification or reconstruction of pre-existing access • Specific standards for construction • Prohibition to direct runoff towards the street or ditch (Quebec Civil Code, Art. 979) • Only a foundation drain can be connected to the ditch • No rain gutter or sub pump may discharge into the municipal right of way For more information, please contact the Municipal Inspector: Mr. François-Michel Hardy – 418-844-1218 THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN Page 6 PORTABLE SPEED DISPLAY CAUTION—CLARK’S BRIDGE In order to raise the population’s awareness of the dangers associated with speeding, the Municipality has purchased a portable speed display. This apparatus will be placed in alternating locations throughout the territory. The display unit registers data concerning the recorded speeds and the Municipality sends this data to the Sûreté du Québec in order to target and increase monitoring in areas where speed limits are exceeded. At the same time, we invite you, dear citizens, to reduce your speed while driving for the welfare and safety of everyone! At the beginning of this school year, the Public Works Department urges you to be careful when crossing Clark’s bridge with your vehicle. We remind you that the new traffic sign indicates that you should: «YIELD THE RIGHT-OF-WAY TO ONCOMING TRAFFIC» Which means that traffic going South (towards Quebec City) does not have to stop while traffic going North (towards Redmond Road) is obliged to yield the way to oncoming traffic. Zoning By-law # 148 - 8.2 WINTER SHELTERS, SNOW FENCES AND WINTER PROTECTION Winter shelters for both vehicles and pedestrians located at the entrance of a building, and snow fences and other winter protection are allowed in all areas, from October 1st to April 30th of the following year. Location a) A winter shelter cannot be built on a vacant lot. b) The winter shelter can be erected in the front yard as a parking space on the driveway or vehicular or pedestrian access to this area. The winter shelter can be located in the side or rear yard. c) A winter shelter cannot be installed closer than 3 meters (9.8 feet) from the pavement, and must be on one’s private property. d) A winter shelter cannot be installed at less than 3 meters (9.8 feet) from a fire hydrant, or be attached to it. Structure a) The structure of a winter shelter can be made of wood or metal. Structure or framework must not be apparent. b) Winter shelters must be evenly covered with canvas specifically designed for this purpose (eg: Fabrene) or painted or stained wood panels; The use of polythene is prohibited. One single type of covering material is allowed per winter shelter. Special Provisions a) An additional annex building (carport, gallery, porch, etc.) can be closed during the same period and with the approved aforementioned materials. b) The winter shelters including a structure and snow fences must be dismantled and removed at the end of the period allowed for each year and be stored in an area invisible from the street. c) A winter shelter must be kept clean, firmly anchored and well maintained (no canvas or damaged canvas, unattached, etc.). REMINDER CONCERNING GIANT HOGWEED This is an invasive plant and contact with its sap combined with exposure to the sun’s rays can cause skin lesions similar to burns. To properly identify the plant and to learn how to dispose of it, please consult: ( Please also note that even though the Municipality occasionally receives reports of the presence of this invasive plant (it can easily resemble other plants such as cow parsnip, for example), the territory is not currently invaded by this species. The vigilance of all to eradicate Giant Hogweed can only benefit the entire population. GIANT HOGWEED NOTIFICATION Communicate with the Municipality or, call the Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development and Parks’ Information Center at 1-800-561-1616. Take a photo of the plant to help confirm your observation by the MDDEP professionals. Page 7 Volume 8 | Issue 4 HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD WASTE DEPOT (HHW) SEPTEMBER 20 TH The Municipality will offer a hazardous household waste recycling depot, free of charge, on Sunday, SEPTEMBER 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the municipal garage parking lot (1745 Boulevard Valcartier). You must bring your dangerous materials to the depot location. Here is a list of materials that can be recuperated: PAINTS Paints: • sold by retail businesses (100 ml containers and larger) • sold by wholesale businesses (170 L containers and larger intended for architectural use) • primers and paints (latex, alkyd, enamel and other) • metal or anti-rust paint • aluminum paint • dyes • varnishes • lacquers • products or preparations for the treatment of wood (preservatives) or masonry (acrylic sealers for driveways) • signalisation paints (those available in retail businesses) Aerosol paints ORGANIC HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD WASTE Acetone, adhesives, aerosols, solid fire starter, rubbing alcohol, starter fluid, glue, wax, antifreeze, caulking, dye, plastic cement, solid fuel, fondue fuel, lock de-icer, degreasing agents, oil stain remover, paint thinner, petroleum distillate, ink, epoxy, gasoline, ethylene glycol, roofing tar, motor grease, heating and lamp oil, lubricant, methanol, petroleum, polish, Polyfilla, leather, suede or vinyl protector, liquid resin, silicone sealant, wallpaper remover, shoe dye, turpentine, toluene. INORGANIC HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD WASTE Acids, bases, oxidizing agents, batteries, pesticides and insecticides Fluorescent compact light bulbs (CFL) If you are not sure that a product you would like to dispose of is on the list, bring it in to the depot and the trained employees will help you. Each container must be intended for residential use only. All products must be in their original containers. For safety reasons, do not mix products. During this collection, you may also take in your used oil, used oil filters and oil containers (non commercial use only). This service is also offered free of charge throughout the year by the Municipality by appointment only. Thank you for your active participation for a clean and healthy environment! DISTRIBUTION OF WOOD CHIPS At certain times of the year, the Municipality has wood chips to distribute. If you wish to receive some, please contact the person responsible for Public Works, Dany Laberge at 418844-1218. Chimney cleaning You may reserve equipment to clean your chimney at the Municipality. This service is free of charge. Page 8 THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN BULK WASTE PICKUP GARBAGE AND RECYCLING CONTAINERS The weekly collection of non-household waste (dry materials) is held weekly until the end of November. Starting the first week of December and this, for the winter season (December, January and February), the collection will take place the first Thursday of each month. This service functions on a call-in basis only. Please do not deposit nonhousehold waste in front of containers or community mailboxes. You must call the Municipality at 418 844-1218 to request this service and provide an itemized list of materials to be picked up or register for the collection online ( in the “Online Request” section of the home page. It is important that these materials be sorted and organized (ex: carpets rolled and tied, metal sorted, wire rolled and tied, etc.). You may dispose of used tires (noncommercial use only) and rims. You may also dispose of cooking or frying oil in their original container or in a labeled clear plastic container. Please note that vehicle carcasses or frames, tree and brush debris, household garbage and leaves as well as recyclable materials will not be collected during these weekly pick ups. You may not dispose of renovation materials in your regular garbage bin as the waste management company will not pick up your garbage. We can pick up a limited amount of these materials in the non-household waste weekly pick up. You must first place a request with Dany Laberge, person responsible for Public Works. For major renovations, contact the Municipality to find out where you can dispose of these materials. We would like to remind residents that large garbage and recycling containers located on a number of nonmunicipalized streets are there for the use of residents who do not have door to door collection for garbage and recycling. Because they do not have rolling bins, the Municipality has installed large garbage and recycling bins for their use only. When residents who benefit from door to door collection use these containers, those with the right to use them cannot dispose of their waste since the containers are full. Please be civil and respectful towards your fellow citizens and do not use these containers if they are not meant for you. Notice to Sommet Bleu Development and Domaine William Neilson residents To avoid the nuisance of wild animals getting into your garbage, all household waste must be deposited inside and not SPECIAL COLLECTION OF FALL LEAVES Bags of leaves will not be picked up during the regular weekly collection of household garbage. The Municipality will organize a special collection the week of November 2nd. Bags of leaves should be placed by the side of the road in front of your residence. No reservation required. next to the containers put at your disposal. Please note that the garbage removal company will not pick up garbage which has been left next to the containers. If containers are full, we ask that you please wait until next collection day. As for the recycling, you must fold or cut cardboard boxes before depositing them in the recycling bins in order to avoid filling these up too quickly. To dispose of dry materials, please contact the municipal office. Thank you for your collaboration. BLUE-GREEN ALGAE Blue-green algae, also known as "cyanobacteria", are bacteria that occur naturally in Quebec bodies of water. They spread especially in the summer. When they become too abundant, blue-green algae form blooms, which can spread over a part or the entire body of water. The water turns green, and its texture becomes similar to that of paint or broccoli soup. Scum can also appear on the surface of water contaminated by blue-green algae. Generally, it is when you start to see scum that bluegreen algae can become harmful to your health. Health Effects Some blue-green algae produce a toxic substance that can result in health problems. For instance, a person may experience symptoms of gastroenteritis or experience irritation of the skin or throat after drinking water contaminated by blue-green algae or after coming into contact with it. If you have been in direct contact with blooms or scum, or have swallowed water contaminated with blue-green algae, watch for the following symptoms: stomach ache, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, fever, skin irritation, throat irritation If one or several symptoms are manifested 24 to 48 hours following contact with contaminated water, contact InfoSanté 8-1-1 or see your doctor. State that you have been in direct contact with blue-green algae or that you have swallowed water contaminated by it. en/conseils-etprevention/algues-bleuvert/ Page 9 Volume 8 | Issue 4 MESSAGE FROM THE SÛRETÉ DU QUÉBEC Ride with class: Share the road respectfully! The Sûreté du Québec, in collaboration with Vélo Québec and the Fédération québécoise des sports cyclistes (FQSC), invite sports cyclists, cyclotourists and car drivers to « Ride with Class » as part of an innovative program that promotes best practices on the road. Noting the growing popularity of cycling on the road and wishing to work proactively in order to prevent an increase in the number of bicycle victims, the three partners ask road users across the province to commit to a "code of living". The FQSC is also confident that the project will be successful, as stated by Louis Barbeau, General Manager of the Federation. “The security of cyclists on the road remains a priority for the FQSC. We are therefore very happy to partner with this project in order to help promote responsible practices on the part of all cyclists, and also drivers! so we are very pleased to partner in the project to promote a responsible practice by all cyclists, but also motorists! By recalling in concrete terms the behaviors to prioritize, this initiative will undoubtedly contribute to a better coexistence on our roads." For Suzanne Lareau, President and Director General of Vélo Québec, “sports cyclists, who participate in large numbers in our events, are an important clientele to communicate with when talking about bike safety and sharing the road.” Cyclists and drivers interested in learning more about the “Ride with Class” movement and commit to respecting the Code of Living can do so by consulting the Website: Sûreté du Québec Montréal – General Headquarters 514 598-4848 | RIDE WITH CLASS ON BIKE OR BY CAR, LEAD BY EXAMPLE: ADOPT A FLAWLESS BEHAVIOUR AND INSPIRE RESPECT IN ALL ROAD USERS! CODE OF LIVING FOR SPORTS CYCLISTS 1. Remain visible. By day or by night, make sure you are visible (headlights, taillights, reflectors, clothes or accessories with reflective stripes). Use removable lights for your outings on gloomy days or later in the day. 2. Ride on the right side and keep on course. Predictable and respectful behaviour of traffic regulations allows drivers to adapt their driving and to better predict their needs for passing other vehicles. 3. Respect red lights and obligatory stop signs. We will never say it enough: traffic lights and stops signs are for all road users. This is all the more pertinent when we know that since 2008, 3 collisions out of 4 involving cyclists and causing victims happened at an intersection or in its vicinity. 4. Ride in small groups. On outings, the more you are, the more difficult it is to manage the unexpected. Opt for outings with cyclists riding at the same speed in order to create small consistent groups. 5. Opt to ride on the shoulder of the road. In fact, 90% of collisions happen in traffic lanes. Whenever possible, opt for the shoulder. You will be safer there. TIPS FOR DRIVERS 1. Remain alert. Cyclists have the same rights as other road users to ride on the road. They are not obligated to use cycling paths or the shoulder of the road. Keep an eye out: many ride on secondary or numbered roads! 2. Signal your intentions. At all times, use your turn signals when making a turn. Cyclist will be able to adapt their trajectory according to your maneuvers. 3. Avoid honking your horn to signal your presence. The surprise factor could startle the cyclist and result in a dangerous move. 4. Share the road. In fact, 90% of collisions happen in traffic lanes. Cyclists try to favor the shoulder whenever possible, but often the roadside is in bad shape or littered with debris. 5. Perform safe passing maneuvers. When approaching a cyclist, slow down and leave enough space when passing. The Highway Safety Code forbids you to pass a cyclist in the same traffic lane if space is limited and states that you may cross into the other lane on a single or double line in order to perform a safe passing maneuver. Page 10 THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN FIRE PREVENTION WEEK—OCTOBER 4 TH TO 10 TH Fire Prevention Week will be held from October 4th to 10th this year under the theme of « Sitôt averti, sitôt sorti! ». Protect yourself and your family from fire at home...Consult our fire prevention tips at: http:// If a fire does occur... ♦Alert other occupants immediately. ♦Leave the house without wasting any time. ♦Go to your pre-arranged outside meeting place and make sure that no one is missing. ♦Call 9-1-1 once you are outside. THE GOLDEN RULE NEVER RETURN INSIDE a building if flames or smoke are present. Remember that only firemen have the protective equipment necessary to save a person or an animal trapped inside a burning house. BYRON MCBAIN FUND BBQ This community activity is organized by Fire Safety Services and will be held on Sunday, September 6th at the Valcartier Community Center. The number of chickens is limited so YOU MUST RESERVE YOUR CHICKEN! (½ chicken with bun, salad and dessert for $12) Games for kids: 4 pm Dinner served: 5 to 7 pm To reserve: 418 844-3755 (Susan) THE LEUCAN SHAVED HEADS CHALLENGE $51 500! This is the impressive amount of money that was raised and given to Leucan on May 30th on the occasion of the 3rd edition of the MRC de La JacquesCartier’s Leucan Shaved Heads Challenge. A total of 55 participants accepted the challenge to shave in support of children with cancer and their families. Our Municipality’s firefighters raised an amount of $4 100 and challenge you to exceed this amount in 2015, since the MRC de La Jacques-Cartier’s Leucan Shaved Heads Challenge will be held right here in Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier. A SAFE HALLOWEEN TRICK OR TREAT ROUTE In order to provide our children with a safe environment to do their trick-ortreating, Fire Safety Services will be out patrolling and controlling traffic from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Halloween night (Saturday, October 31st). The patrolled route is as follows: Boulevard Valcartier, between Morley Street and the Dépanneur du Village; Morley Street; Domaine St-Gabriel; Place Leduc. We ask drivers to please be vigilant along the streets mentioned above and to travel below the posted speed limit. We also ask the collaboration of the people residing along the patrolled route to please keep their dogs tied and to turn off their outside lights if they are unable to participate or when they can no longer receive trick-ortreaters. Thank you very much for your cooperation and we hope that this effort will help the children enjoy a safe and happy Halloween. Come to the FIRE HALL to pick up a flashing pin and a surprise before starting your Halloween route. We will also be serving hot chocolate and coffee! Hey kids, have an adult check your candies before eating any! This activity is made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality, Fire Safety Services and the Sports and Recreation Department. Parents, park your vehicle in the Community Centre parking lot and walk the trick-or-treat route with your children! Page 11 Volume 8 | Issue 4 SPORTS AND RECREATION PROGRAM—FALL 2015 Registration period: until Friday, September 4 th INFORMATION Pamala Hogan Laberge, Sports and Recreation Director 418 844-2097 or METHODS OF PAYMENT You must fill in a registration form available on the municipal website. Night deposit (only checks are accepted): You may deposit your registration in the night deposit box at the Town Hall, 1743 Boulevard Valcartier. In person: Checks, cash or direct payment are accepted. Payment by check: Payments by check must be made in one payment dated September 15th, 2015 and in the name of “Municipalité de Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier”. For amounts exceeding $125, it is possible to make two instalments; the first for September 15th, 2015 and the second for October 15th, 2015. For a check returned for insufficient funds, a fee of $10 will be applicable and the payment will have to be made in cash. Taxes: Taxes are included in the price when applicable. HOW THE COURSES FUNCTION Beginning of courses: Courses will begin the week of September 7th, 2015 unless otherwise notified. Number of participants: The number of registrations for each activity is limited (minimum and maximum of participants). If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the Sports and Recreation Department will cancel the activity and reimburse all persons registered for the activity. Activity confirmation: Complete payment must be received for a registration to be valid. If you do not receive a call from the instructor before the beginning of the course, the activity will take place as scheduled. Responsibility: The Municipality does not assume responsibility and shall not be held liable for any bodily damages, theft or loss that may occur during an activity offered by the Sports and Recreation Department. PLAYGROUP FOR CHILDREN 3 TO 5 YEARS OLD We strive to provide a warm nurturing bilingual environment for children that will promote each child’s physical, social, emotional, creative, cognitive and intellectual development. Our program provides a place where each child can explore his/her own individual potential. Playgroup’s interactive environment encourages curiosity, problem solving, creativity and social growth. We recognize and encourage the amazing potential children have to learn! In order to offer this activity, we must have a minimum of 6 children therefore, we suggest that you register as soon as possible. Children must be toilet trained to attend this group. Where: Community Center Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Duration: 14 weeks from Sept. 8 to Dec. 10 Cost: 2 days/week: $240 USEFUL PAGES 1. Clubados Valcartier 2. Club de soccer les Ours noirs de St Gabriel de Valcartier 3. Club de Taekwon-do de Saint Gabriel de Valcartier 4. Habitations Communautaires Saint Gabriel de Valcartier 5. Ligue de balle molle Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier 6. Terrain de Jeux Saint-Gabriel-deValcartier Playground 7. Vie Communautaire Saint-Gabriel de Valcartier Community Life 8. Les mamans de St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier 9. Centre Physik 10. Service des loisirs communautaires de la Garnison Valcartier 11. Le Centre de la famille Valcartier CLUB ADOS 3 days/week: $340 Group animators : Sandra Woodbury and Jayne Doddridge FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: Clubados Valcartier Page 12 THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN TAEKWON - DO The Taekwon-Do Club is for adults and children aged 7 and older. The philosophy of Taekwon-Do is to eliminate fighting by discouraging an aggression by a force that must be based on humanity, justice, morality, wisdom and loyalty with the objective of building a better, more peaceful world. The creed, recited at the beginning of each course by the instructors and students, reflect this philosophy: 1. Courtesy 2. Integrity 3. Perseverance 4. Self control 5. Courage Place: Community Center Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. (advanced) Duration: 2 sessions/week as of September 15th Cost: $105 coloured belts $115 black belts ($20 extra for non-residents, payable once a year) Teacher: Rock Soucy Reserve early as places are now limited and we will now use first come, first registered formula. Parents are invited to sign up with their child. STEP Course reserved for adults (12 years and older) Where: Community Center When: Monday & Wednesday Schedule: 7 to 8 p.m. Duration: 12 weeks as of Sept. 14 Cost: $40 Teacher: Lise Cauvier 50 % rebate for students. Class size is limited, please register as soon as possible. 50+ QUILTING SALE AND EXHIBITION WORKOUT Fitness routine to develop, strength, balance and coordination for persons 50 and over. Featuring quilts and other quilted crafts made by Betty’s Quilters members. Raffles and vendors on-site. Refreshments and snacks will also be available. Where: Community Center When: Sunday, October 25th, 2015 When: Wednesday mornings Time: Time: 9 :30 am Duration: 10 weeks from Sept. 23 to Nov. 25 Where: Valcartier Community Center. Cost: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free admission! $50 (payable to the teacher) You can register on-site the first morning or with Pamala Laberge at 418 844-2097. MULTI SPORT ACTIVITY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN 16 MONTHS 1/2 TO 3 YEARS OLD Where: Community Centre When: Saturday mornings Time: 9-9:45 16 months to 2 years old 10-10:45 2 - 31/2 years old Duration: 10 weeks from Sept. 26 to Nov. 28 Cost: $167 (payable to the teacher) Registration and information on-line at BETT Y’S QUILTERS Welcome new members! This activity is for adults. Team projects or projects for beginners are proposed or you can work on your own projects. The main objective is to learn and share everyone’s knowledge. Where: Community Center When: Mondays, from Sept. 14th Schedule: 9:00 am to 3:30 p.m. Cost: $30 for the year Information meeting on the first Monday. Volume 8 | Issue 4 Page 13 THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are the heart of this community. It is through their dedication and hard work that helps Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier be as fantastic as it is! A special thanks to our soccer, softball and Family Day volunteers. Without you, these programs would not be the success they are. Thank-you to our summer employees who also put their hearts and extra time into their jobs! Without our volunteers we wouldn’t be able to provide the high standard and variety of activities that we do. A special thank you to all our wonderful, talented, committed and amazing community volunteers. Your contribution means the world to all those you support. The time and dedication of all our volunteers is hugely appreciated by myself and the municipal council. PAM BYRON MCBAIN FUND Mr. Byron McBain was an extraordinary volunteer in our community for well over 30 years. He passed away on September 7th, 2011 following a long battle with cancer, but that fight never slowed him down. He was a volunteer fireman and became Director for our Fire Safety Services. He was also a great volunteer with his Church. Mr. McBain was the catalyst for many acts of charity helping to improve the quality of life for his fellow citizens. The Byron McBain fund will serve to promote volunteerism within our community by offering grants for education to young citizens having volunteered for the Municipality. The fund will also serve to reward or reimburse Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier citizens having made a gesture of charity or humanitarian aid to their fellow citizens. This non-profit fund is entirely managed and operated by the Municipality’s Fire Safety Service. To make a donation, please make your cheque out to the order of Byron McBain Fund and mail to 1743, Boulevard Valcartier, Saint-Gabriel-deValcartier, Quebec, G0A 4S0. VOLUNTEER STUDENTS, DON’T FORGET TO APPLY FOR THE BYRON MCBAIN FUND BURSARY BEFORE OCTOBER 31ST. DETAILS ON THE MUNICIPAL WEB SITE. CONDITIONING ROOM GYM Schedule: **New schedule as of September 8** Monday to Friday 6:00 to 1:00 pm Monday to Thursday 3:00 to 8:30 pm Friday 3:00 to 6:30 pm Saturday 7 a.m. to 12 pm Price list: 1 month: $30/pers. or $40/family** 3 months: $60/pers. or $80/family** 6 months: $110/pers. or $140/family** 1 year: $200/pers. or $260/family** **family= adults and children/students 14 to 25 Students (14 to 25 years old), volunteers, 50 and over: 50% rebate (except card and session rates) 1 session: $5/person 20 sessions card: $60/person Non-residents: $20 more Age requirements: 14 to 16 years old (Cardio only) 16 and above (Cardio + Weights) Person Responsible: Jean-François April B.Scs. Physical Education Coach expert FCPAQ Telephone: 418 844-1218 Extension 233 Email: THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN Page 14 EMPLOYMENT OFFER Physik Sports Center Fitness Monitor The monitor instructs, supervises and encourages the members of the Physik Sports Center. He/she instructs and advises members in accordance with the center’s fitness standards. He/she will also inspect the equipment, initiate corrective action, administration, cleaning and all other tasks requested by the Coordinator. Proceed with the opening and the closing of the sports center. Qualifications: ∗ Valid CPR and first aid courses or be available to follow the course; ∗ Knowledge of fitness standards and physical training in a gym; ∗ Knowledge of instruction and prevention techniques; ∗ Application of policies, procedures and regulations. The candidate must: MRC - PRESS RELEASES COLLECTIVE TRANSPORT SERVICE ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT The TCJC presents the new schedule which will come into effect on August 1st. To accelerate the Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier route, we will no longer be servicing the RTC stop at the Wilfrid-Caron/Racine intersection. The first stop will be at the Sainte-Foy cegep, which is located on the rue de la Médecine at the corner of Chemin Quatre-Bourgeois. The route to the University is also optimized by using the access lanes reserved solely for buses. Small steps The adjustments represent the maximum that was possible to do given the current grant programs. See schedule on page 16. LONG LIVE CULTURE IN JACQUES CARTIER EN ROUTE TO A FIRST CULTURAL FORUM This event is intended for artists, artisans, cultural workers, members of cultural organizations, business people as well as elected officials and municipal employees of the region, will be held on October 15th at the Manoir du Lac Delage. All Forum’s activities will be concentrated in a single day. Programming will notably include a conference, a panel comprised of three local contributors, three workshops serving as toolboxes for delegates as well as a plenary session. ∗ ∗ Be in good physical condition; Be available to work night split shifts; To register for the Cultural Forum For $35, participants can take part in different activities of the Forum, lunch included. The registration period will commence soon via the website of the MRC of La Jacques-Cartier (under the Culture tab, Cultural Forum ). Watch the promotional video on the MRC’s website and your municipalities’ various social networks. ∗ Like to work as a team and with the public. For more information, persons interested can contact Mrs. Stéphanie Laperrière, at 418 844-2160, ext. 227 or Gym schedule: 2015 REGIONAL CHRISTMAS CARD CONTEST, TO YOUR BRUSHES! Monday to Friday: 6:00 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 to 8:30 pm What’s new? The categories were reviewed this year to better balance the number of participants and offer them more opportunity to stand out. They'll be divided into the following five categories: Budding artists 1 (5-7 years); Budding artists 2 (8-10 years); Young talent (11-15 years); Recreational artists (16 years and over); Initiated artists. Some prizes were also subsidized to reach $ 300 in order to pay tribute to the creative talent of our artists, young and old. Finally, among the techniques used, collages will now be accepted. For the participation rules and conditions, visit, under the Culture tab. Fridays: 3:00 to 6:30 pm Saturdays: 7:00 am to 12:00 Please forward your C.V. to: Pamala Hogan Laberge, Service des sports et loisirs 1743 Boulevard Valcartier Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier (Québec) G0A 4S0 or Please note that only those candidates retained for interviews will be contacted. Registration information: To register, please contact Mrs. Stéphanie Laperrière at 418 844-2160, ext. 227 or The deadline for registration and deposit of the artwork is October 14th, 2015. Page 15 Volume 8 | Issue 4 INVITATION ARTISTS AND ARTISANS EXHIBITION VALCARTIER COMMUNIT Y HOUSING Registration to the Shannon-Valcartier artists and artisans exhibition Valcartier Community Housing is a residence for autonomous and semi-autonomous seniors. This is a new home where the residents have found new friends and neighbours, and some have been reconnected with old acquaintances. It’s now time to register before September 1st as an exhibitor for the Shannon-Valcartier artists and artisans exhibition to be held at the Shannon Community Center on November 14 and 15. Crafts or food categories accepted. The cost for registration is $20 per day for Shannon residents and the military community and $35 for neighboring residents. You can now register electronically. Space is limited. To register, please call Vanessa Paquet-Labbé at 418 844-1085 or Chantal Thompson at 418 844-6060. VALCARTIER FAMILY CENTER OPEN HOUSE Come and discover your Centre, dine with us and vote for those who will represent you. We would like to invite you to our open house to be held on Thursday, September 10th, 2015 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Valcartier Family Centre. In addition, take this opportunity to attend our Annual General Assembly from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., a great opportunity to learn about the CFV’s latest achievements and vote for your next representatives on the Board. A spaghetti supper will be served from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. at a cost of $5 per adult and free for children. Babysitting services and the meal will be free to those attending the General Assembly. Reservations for the meal can be made with Chantal Thompson and for babysitting services with Geneviève Girard before September 8th at 418 844-6060. Welcome to all the military community! PSL - SPORTS & LEISURE PLAN The sports facilities are open to the general public and as a resident of Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier, you get preferential rates on the Sports and Leisure Plan (PSL) membership, which provides you with many benefits such as access to the Sports Centre where you will find cardiovascular machines and strength stations; an indoor running track; spin bikes; a Taekwon-do area with proper equipment; multi-activity courts (badminton, tennis, soccer, volleyball, basket-ball and deckhockey); squash courts and a rock-climbing wall. You will also have access to diverse quality infrastructures, such as a community center; arenas; an outdoor heated pool; many outdoor soccer, beach volleyball and tennis courts; a nature trail and a skate park. The building houses vibrant people sharing a space and looking out for one another. They enjoy doing puzzles and playing cards. This year, an entertainment committee was formed, and now Friday night is movie night. Other activities have been and will continue to be planned in the near future, such as playing bocce (pétanque) outside. The residents held their first brunch this spring which was a considerable success. A new addition to the property this summer is a Community Garden. The residents can now garden together outside in plots on the ground and in two gardening tables. Here, the residents can enjoy being outside and growing their own food. Members of the community can garden in a plot of their own as well. The building will have been open two years come August. It is a beautiful home and a busy place, and has added a burst of family and friendly energy to the community. ∗Look out for our new bulletin board which was installed at the entrance of the Valcartier Community Center to announce occasional workshops, activities and events. ∗Follow us on Facebook: LOISIRSVALCARTIER ∗Watch for our Fall program booklet, to be delivered to your mailboxes in August. ∗Give us a call for more information: 418 844-5000 ext. 5226 THE INDISPENSABLE NEWS BULLETIN Page 16 MUNICIPAL LIBRARY Used books sale! The used books sale will be held at the same time as the Family Day activities. Used books will up for sale inside the Community Center on Saturday, August 22nd from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Prices vary from $0.10 to $1.00, or fill a bag and make us an offer! Profits will be donated to the Municipal library. Come early for the best selection, come back later for the best bargains! TD Summer Reading Club: Children aged 5 to 12 years old may still register to the TD Bank Summer Reading Club. Drawing of prizes will be held at the Municipal Library on August 27 at 7 pm. STORY TIME September : stories and songs Saturday, September 26 at 3:30 pm October: Wear a costume and come celebrate Halloween with us! Stories, songs, crafts and treats await... Friday, October 23rd at 6:30 pm November: stories and songs Saturday, November 14 at 3:30 pm SCHEDULE Opening Hours until August 31st Monday and Thursday: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Opening Hours as of September 1st Monday: 2 - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Wed.: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Saturday: 2 - 4 p.m. Come see our new books, a book rotation was done at the beginning of August! OUR LIBRARIAN’S MUST READS Adult Category: Betrayal - A. J. McCarthy Teen/Adult Category: Paper Towns - -John Green Children’s Category: Give me back my Dad! - Robert Munsch Page 17 Volume 8 | Issue 4 CBJC - PRESS RELEASES BEGINNING OF DOWNSTREAM MIGRATION OF SMOLT: HOW NOT TO CONFUSE THEM WITH YOUNG TROUT AND FOLLOW-UP STUDY BY DONE BY THE CBJC As happens every year, from the end of May to the beginning of July, the smolt (juvenile salmons) regroup to migrate in the Jacques-Cartier River. After 2 or 3 years in the river, they take the road to the sea to finish their growth period; this is what is called downstream migration. We must remember that Atlantic salmon fishing is strictly forbidden in this river, as it is in many other salmon rivers because of the low return of brood stock. In the JacquesCartier River, adult salmon and smolt must therefore be returned to the water under penalty of the law. In order to differentiate between smolt and young trout, which look very much alike, you can refer to the drawings on this page or to the CBJC’s identification panels located at some fishing sites along the Jacques-Cartier River. SALMON MIGRATION AND FISHING ON THE JACQUESCARTIER RIVER Atlantic salmon migration in the JacquesCartier River is well under way. Already, about one hundred salmon have been transported by the Corporation du bassin de la Jacques-Cartier (CBJC) in order to allow them to reach reproduction sites. This transportation is of great importance to insure the survival of this species in the river and is a very effective reintroduction effort. As you probably already know, fishing of Atlantic salmon is strictly prohibited on the Jacques-Cartier River: it is not allowed to even try to catch one and accidental catching of a salmon must be returned to the water under penalty of the law. It should also be noted that an important change has just been made by the Ministère de la Faune, des Forêts et des Parcs. Indeed, since July 17th, fishing of all species is now prohibited on the Jacques-Cartier River in the section situated between the downstream side of the McDougall dam in Pont-Rouge to the Donnacona dam. Wildlife officers regularly patrol this sector to ensure compliance with the new regulations. CBJC ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY The Corporation du bassin de la Jacques-Cartier (CBJC) annual General Assembly was held last June 16th. Members were informed of the Corporation’s different realizations in 2014 and 2015. The Annual Report can be consulted at the CBJC head office or on-line at At the meeting, the financial report carried out by the Accountant firm was presented. In addition, members were informed of different projects, current and upcoming, for summer 2015. To conclude the meeting, the position of President and those of six members of the Executive Board of the Corporation were renewed for the next year: Claude Sauvé, President; Claude Lessard, Secretary-Treasurer; Claude Phaneuf, 1st Vice-President; Michel Beaurivage, wildlife Vice-President; Michel Bertrand, Vice-President; Pierre Veillet, Vice-president; Danielle Boutet, Vice-President. Mr. David Hogan, Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier municipal councillor was elected as an administrator of the Corporation. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SPOT CYANOBACTERIA ON LAC SAINTJOSEPH? Summer is in full swing and the conditions exist to promote the development of cyanobacteria. In July, already 5 reports of blooms have been reported to the CBJC team. You should know that since 2006, Lac Saint-Joseph has been hit a few times a year by more or less significant blooms of cyanobacteria for few hours. What is cyanobacteria? (Refer to article for bluegreen algae on page) What should I do if I observe a cyanobacteria bloom? ∗ Do not touch or ingest water containing cyanobacteria. ∗ Take note of the date, time and the precise spot of the sighting. ∗ Take pictures, if at all possible. ∗ Communicate your observations to the regional office of the MDDELCC at 418-644-8844, during working hours. ∗ Outside working hours, communicate your observations to Urgence-Environnement at 1-866-694-5454. ∗ Communicate with the CBJC at 418875-1120. For more information , you can contact us at 1-888-875-1120, by email at or visit M"#$%$&'($)* +, S'$#)-G'/0$1(-21-V'(%'0)$10 TOGETHER, IN THE HEART OF NATURE 1743 Boulevard Valcartier Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier (Quebec) G0A 4S0 Telephone: 418 844-1218 Fax: 418 844-3030 Email: MUNICIPAL OFFICE CLOSED Statutory Holidays: Monday, September 7 th Monday, October 12 th MUNICIPAL WEBSITE WWW.SAINT WWW.SAINT--GABRIEL GABRIEL--DE DE--VALCARTIER.CA MUNICIPAL TAXES The 3rd and final instalment for municipal taxes is due on September 1st, 2015. Interest and penalties will apply to the account’s totality for all late payments. Payment methods: In cash (at the counter), by cheque made in the name of Municipalité de Saint-Gabriel-deValcartier (at the counter, by mail or in the night deposit), by direct payment (at the counter) and by Internet, by phone or at the ATM at your financial institution. The annual municipal tax bill will be mailed the first week of March, 2016. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS MUNICIPALITY Administration 418-844-1218 Public Works 418-844-1218 Sports & Recreation 418-844-2097 Club Ados 418-844-1327 Library 418-844-4040 Municipal Emergency (voirie)418-844-0911 Ministry of Transportation 418-643-6903 MRC de La Jacques-Cartier 418-844-2160 Sûreté du Québec *4141 (cell. phone) (non-emergency assistance) 418-310-4141 EMERGENCY Info-Santé Phone service down Info Transports Telephone Directory Community Services Guide 9-1-1 8-1-1 6-1-1 5-1-1 4-1-1 2-1-1 DATES TO REMEMBER AUGUST 21-22 Family Day and Fire Hall Open House 22 Used books sale 27 Summer Reading Club draw for prizes—Library SEPTEMBER 1 4 er rd 6 8 9 3 and final payment of municipal taxes Last day to sign up for Sports and Recreation activities Byron McBain Fund BBQ Playgroup Fall session begins Open House at the Valcartier Family Centre 13 14 15 16 Community Golf Tournament, 21st Edition Beginning of Step and quilting Beginning of Taekwon-Do Beginning of Hip-hop dance lessons 20 23 26 26 HHW Collection Beginning of 50+ workout Beginning of Sportball for young children Library Story Time 1st 23 31 31 OCTOBER Winter shelters and garages permitted as of today Library Story Time Halloween Safety route and activities Deadline for Byron McBain Fund applications NOVEMBER 1 Return to normal daylight savings time 2 Special collection of Fall leaves 14 Library Story Time 14-15 Shannon-Valcartier Artists and Artisans exhibition 26 Last weekly collection of bulk waste er
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