19 August 2014 - Weekly Gazette
19 August 2014 - Weekly Gazette
The Weekly Gazette 50c Serving Honey Grove, Ladonia, Pecan Gap, Windom, Petty & Surrounding Areas For All Emergencies.... Please Dial 9-1-1 For Assistance Established September 16, 1999 Phone: (903) 378-3558 Email: hgwcnews@yahoo.com New Website: www.honeygroveweeklygazette.com Volume 16 Number 45, August 21, 2014 Texas Vietnam Heroes Bug Tussle Trek Coming August 23rd Exhibit Coming to N.E. Texas in October By: Patti Hicks Saturday, August 23rd is the day you want to be on the square in Honey Grove. That’s when the vintage vehicles participating in the 46th Annual Bugtussle Trek will ease their way into town. The trekkers will arrive around Noon and park their beautiful vehicles in the parking lot outside the Library (between 5th and 6th Streets) while they go inside the civic center to enjoy their lunch. The public is invited to come and see these fabulous vintage vehicles, take pictures and just enjoy the fun. Don’t miss this special day in Honey Grove. This trek has been coming through our town for the past 46 years. Everyone show up and give them a hearty welcome. They will only be here about an hour so don’t be late! By: Patsi Tindel The Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit will be on display at the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library (BVML) in Honey Grove from October 11 through November 15. The exhibit features 3,417 personalized dog tags honoring each Texan who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during the Vietnam War. It is designed as an inter-active exhibit. This exhibit is free to all and open for individual visits or scheduled visits of large groups. The exhibit is costly to host and the BVML is asking for individual and business sponsorships to help bring it here this fall. If you would like to help bring this exhibit to the Northeast Texas area, in order to educate the public and honor those whose lives were lost, please contact Patsi Tindel at the BVML library at 903-669-2151 or e-mail her at 903-669-2151. Please contact her if you are a school or group to reserve a time and date to see the exhibit. Davy Crockett Festival ~ Downtown Honey Grove MARK YOUR CALENDAR! By: Patti Hicks Call for Vendors... Roxton Saturday Night By: Philip R. Rutherford The City of Roxton Community Development Committee’s Vendors’ Committee has put out their first call for vendors for the 10th Annual Roxton Saturday Night, which will be held on Saturday, September 20. As Roxton Saturday Night is always successful with an over-flow of vendors, you would be wise to get your applications in early. If you wish to be a merchandise vendor and would like a vendor application, contact Jeanne Tuley at 903-491-7078. If you wish to be a food vendor, contact Rosie Franklin at 903346-3568. Roxton Saturday Night, sponsored by the City of Roxton Community Development Committee, tries to recreate a Saturday in Roxton as it was in the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, when the streets were lined with people and vehicles. This year’s theme is “Fabulous Fifties.” Watch future issues of this newspaper for more details about the event. Hintz Stoehner Family Reunion Coming By: Charles Yarbrough The annual Hintz Stoehner Family Reunion will be held Sunday, August 31, 2014 at the Allen's Chapel Community Center from noon until it's over. All members and extended members of these families and friends of these families are invited. Please join us for worship at St. James Lutheran Church at 11:00 o'clock. We will share a pot luck dinner to be served around 1:00 o'clock at the community center with visiting before and after. Bring your favorite recipe to share, your family news and photos, your camera and your best smile and have a great time visiting with your friends and kinfolk. For more information, contact Mike Yarbrough at (903) 378-7291. Doc’s Corner 1502 West Main Honey Grove 903-378-7104 Allens Point Cemetery Assn. Homecoming August 31, 2014 The Allens Point Cemetery Association will hold their Homecoming on Sunday, August 31, 2014 beginning at 12:00 noon at the Allens Point Community Center. Bring your favorite dishes and join us for lunch and lots of fellowship. Home to see you there Sunday, Aug. 31st. The Honey Grove Chamber is once again sponsoring the annual Davy Crockett Festival, but PLEASE MAKE NOTE of the new date. It will be September 27, 2014. Those of you who have been around know that this festival has long been held on the first Saturday in October. This year the Chamber is trying something a little different. We are hoping for a better turn out of vendors and attendees and we hope for perfect weather! This festival has been going on in Honey Grove for at least the past 40 years or so. In the early days it was called a Fall Festival, but in an effort to honor the legend that speaks of David Crockett stopping through Honey Grove on his way to fight in the Alamo, the organizers named it Davy Crocket Day. According to legend, in 1836 as Davy Crockett was traveling to join the Texas Army at San Antonio, he camped in a grove just west of the present town square, on the bank of Honey Grove Creek. In letters he wrote to Tennessee, he told of the ideal place where he had camped, the "honey grove." It was so named due to the abundance of honey in the hollow trees. He vowed to return Honey Grove Back to School Bash August 22, 2014 Our Honey Grove PTO is sponsoring a Back to School Bash with an inflatable slide, water slides, rock wall, dunking booth, homerun derby and a hamster ball run. It will be $10.00 for a bracelet for unlimited play or $ .25 DOC’S COUNTRY COOKING would like to welcome DMS Mud Fest participants!!! Mud Races, ATV’s, UTV’s & Trucks 1st Weekend - PLAY DAY 3rd Weekend - PLAY DAY & Mud Racing... Even a KID PIT for play! Find them on Facebook (DMS MUDFEST) for details! 378-7104 and settle here, but as we know, Crockett never returned to this area. However in 1842, the first settler, Samuel Erwin, arrived to make the "honey grove" his home. Erwin was a friend of David Crockett and so the town was named “Honey Grove” in honor of his friend. The Chamber is looking forward to a fantastic all day event with vendors, food, games, entertainment and more. Fun for all ages! Schedule of the entertainers is not set but you won’t want to miss any of the groups we have coming……Red River RoundUp Band, Charlie and Austin Manhart and the Sons of Fannin. Vendors don’t wait too late to get your space reserved. You can find the vendor application on our website and at Eagerly Sought Antiques and Vintage Treasures (on 6th Street) on the square. You can get more information on the chamber website at www.honeygrovechamber.com. or you can call Brian Owen at 903-378-3112. As always we appreciate the support from Honey Grove Community and we are looking forward to seeing everyone on September 27. Thanks for giving us this opportunity! Doc & judy witcher a ticket with nothing over 10 tickets. We will have a full concession with hot dogs, nachos, drinks and snow cones!!! Come on out to Warrior Stadium August 22, 204 from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. for lots of family FUN!!! Doc’s Corner 1502 West Main Honey Grove 903-378-7104 cxvtÇ ZtÑ axãá F-PIE Meeting August 27 PAGE 6, AUGUST 21, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE By Nelda Campbell By: Who: Fannin Partners in Education presents speaker, Jolene Senek, LBSW, CT, GC-C, Bereavement Coordinator What: Helping Kids Deal With Grief When: Wednesday, August 27, 11:30 a.m. Where: SNAP Center, 614 E. 6th St. in Bonham Jolene Senek, LBSW, CT, GC-C, Bereavement Coordinator, who specializes in grief support at Home Hospice of Grayson, Cooke and Fannin Counties will be speaking on “Helping Kids Deal with Grief”. She will give a 30 minute talk and 20 minutes of question time. The presentation will be held on Wednesday, August 27th at 11:30 a.m. at the SNAP Center, 614 E. 6th St. in Bonham. It has been said by grief experts that children can be the forgotten mourners when dealing with grief and loss. If your child has experienced a loss you may have noticed some changes in their behavior or discovered their response to the loss is not what you expected. If you are wondering how to best support the child in your life through this loss, then I encourage you to join us at F-P.I.E. where we will talk about how children grieve differently and strategies to help them cope. This event is free and open to the public. Complimentary pie and coffee will be served. F-PIE (Fannin Partners in Education) is a cooperative effort of local agencies including Home Hospice of Grayson, Cooke, and Fannin Counties, Area Agency on Aging (TCOG), Clyde W. Cosper (Texas State Veterans Home), AgriLife Extension Office (Texas A&M System), and Texoma Housing Partners (TCOG). On the last Wednesday of each month FPIE hosts educational programs that enrich the mind and entertaining programs that tickle the funny bone. Got An Upcoming Event? We’ll put it in our calendar... FREE!! FREE LOCK WITH EACH NEW CUSTOMER Honey Grove Self Storage Now with 24-Hour Surveillance Cameras!!! 903-449-0378 903. 815. 4723 903. 587. 2004 For All Your Minor & The Friendship Baptist Church is sponsoring a free Back-To-School Bash Saturday, August 23, 2014 from 9:00 – 1:00 at the Pecan Gap Pavilion. Age groups 5 years to 6th grade. Come and learn about a God who is ALWAYS there for you!! Activities will consist of stories, crafts, games, bounce house, water-slide, hot dogs, and snow cones. Kids, come and enjoy the fun! Friendship Baptist Church. Congratulations to Victoria Camille McReynolds and Brandon Kyle Downs who wed Saturday, August 16, 2014. The beautiful wedding took place at the Lake of the Pines. Victoria is the daughter of Rebecca Erwin McReynolds and Michael McReynolds, and she is the In celebration of its 40th anniversary, Texas Highways magazine announced another round of the Texas Top 40 favorite destinations as chosen by its readers. The announcement places New Braunfels at No. 9, Nacogdoches at No. 8, and Fredericksburg at No. 7. The September “People, Places and Wide Open Spaces” issue contains the annual “Extraordinary Texans” feature. This year, the magazine profiles nine outstanding individuals, including an astronaut, an artist and an actor who help make Texas special. Also in this issue, the maga- (903) 378-2304 8 am- 5 pm Monday-Friday Fannin Bank P.O. Box 160 Bonham, TX 75418 (903) 583-5522 901 East Main Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903) 378-2200 Member FDIC www.fanninbank.com Delta Funeral Home “Serving Area Since 1939” 451 SW First St. Cooper, Texas 75432 (903) 395-2165 Colorado River; and the Medina Lake Cajun Festival. Subscribers began receiving the September issue Aug. 7, the digital edition was released Aug. 11 and the hard-copy issue is on sale today at hundreds of newsstands statewide, including H-E-B, Target, Walmart, Randall’s and Barnes & Noble. About Texas Highways magazine. Founded as a travel magazine in 1974, Texas Highways is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2014. Today, Texas Highways has nearly 400,000 monthly readers across the United States and around the world. Texas Highways’ mission is to encourage travel to and within the state. According to estimates from the Texas Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism division, travelers to and within Texas in 2013 spent more than $67.5 billion, an increase of 3 percent over 2012. This directly supported 601,000 jobs and generated $4.7 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more about Texas Highways, visit these sites on the Web: www.texashighways .com Facebook: www.facebook.com /texashighways and Twitter: www.twitter.com/texashighways By: Reuben Trussell, Pecan Gap 1308 Hwy. 56 East, H.G. (903) 378-2901 zine’s writers travel all over the state to feature a restaurant, an inn, a state park, a palace, a museum and more. Texas Highways is known for its photography. Offering a 16-page section featuring amazing images from across the state, the September issue marks the debut of new photography editor Brandon Jacobeit. Other September highlights include: the Fort Worth Water Gardens; Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens; olive growing in south Texas; Concordia Cemetery outside El Paso, where 48 buffalo soldiers and John Wesley Hardin are buried; kayaking on the Are We Better Than Our Lord? Blair Automotive West Side Square, South 5th Street sion and second in the high classic. After two weeks of heavy rain in Iowa, they were ready to get home and dry out! Two groups of ladies from Pecan Gap enjoyed an outing last Tuesday and took in the movie “100 Yard Journey” in Greenville. The ladies were unaware that the other group of friends were there. Karen Pickard, Dona White, Faye Caulfield, and Wanda Jouett ate lunch in Greenville and enjoyed the movie. Toni Woodall, Lynn Cornitius, Billie McCarrell, and Nelda Campbell also enjoyed the movie. It had been 8 years since some of us had been to a movie theater. After seeing the movie, some had the urge to go home and cook Indian food. (Not me). By: Tim McAlavy, TxDOT Air Condition Service State Inspection Honey Grove Pharmacy Thursday. Mary Alice has done well with her operations in the past and we wish her the same success. She has had one shoulder operated on and had her hip replaced and she says she will need a knee replacement next. She will soon be the bionic woman. John and Peggy Moss were in Flower Mound to help son Kyle and wife Shelly celebrate their 27th wedding anniversary. However, Shelly and granddaughter Sydni were in Des Moines, Iowa for two weeks where Sydni and her horse Vertigal competed in the Hunter/Jumper competition at Two Rivers Equestrian Center. Sydni and Vertigal won champion in the low children's division, champion in the 9.5 meter divi- Texas Highways Magazine Reveals Readers’ Choice Top 40 Destinations Major Auto Repairs! For all your pharmaceutical needs, see Mr. Lawhon at... granddaughter of Gary Don Erwin of Pecan Gap. Rebecca has two brothers Caleb and Michael. Victoria and Brandon are both from Avenger, Texas. We wish them the best. Be in prayer for Sam Tippit and six of his co-workers who were injured Wednesday in a fire at Luminant's coal mining operation south of Sulphur Springs. Sam has serious burns on his hands and feet but was expected to come home from the hospital Sunday. Sam will go through a slow healing process with much pain. Sam is the husband of Chelsey Reel Tippit and he is the son in law of Carl and Lesa Reel. Be in prayer for Mary Alice Stephens who will be having her other shoulder operated on Due to the sensitive nature of this story, the names have been changed to protect the guilty … and their marriage. A hooded robber burst into a Texas bank and forced the tellers to load a sack full of cash. On his way out the door, a brave Texas customer grabbed the hood and pulled it off revealing the robber’s face. The robber shot the customer without a moment’s hesitation. He then looked around the bank and noticed one of the tellers looking straight at him. The robber instantly shot him also. Everyone else, by now very scared, looked intently down at the floor in silence. The robber yelled, ‘Well, did anyone else see my face?’ There are a few moments of utter silence in which everyone was plainly afraid to speak. Then, Janie tentatively raised her hand, and while keeping her head down said, ‘My husband got a pretty good look at you.’ And, this one was just reported. Two good Texas friends, Beverly and Lorrie, were sitting on a bench talking........and Beverly says, "What do you think is farther ......... Florida or the moon......" Lorrie turns and says "Helloooooooooooooooo ......can you see Florida?" Finally, Ed owns a ranch and farm in Texas. The Texas Work Force Department claimed he was not paying proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to interview him. "I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them," demanded the agent. "Well," replied Ed, "there's my three farm hands who have been with me for years. They work 40 hour weeks and I pay them $1,000 a week each plus free meals and healthcare. Then there's the half-wit. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a Catfish Dinner every Saturday night. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally." The agent responded, "That's the guy I want to talk to ... the half-wit.” "Well, that would be me," replied Ed. The Hostility of the World It seems that sometimes we feel that we deserve better than we receive, just because we are Christians. Should we expect the world to treat us better than Jesus was treated? He was falsely accused by His detractors because He had fellowship with sinners; He blasphemed God; He was of the Devil; He violated the Laws of God; and He Lied. Read the following passage from John’s Gospel, and then note some closing comments. These are the words of Jesus: “If the world hates you, remember that the world hated me first. If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you like it loves its own people. But I have chosen you out of the world. So you don't belong to the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the lesson I told you: A servant is not greater than his master. If people did wrong to me, then they will do wrong to you too. And if people obeyed my teaching, then they will obey yours too. People will do all this to you because of me. They don't know the One who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to the people of the world, then they would not be guilty of sin. But now I have spoken to them. So they have no excuse for their sin. Any person that hates me also hates my Father. I did things among those people that no other person has ever done. If I had not done those things, they would not be guilty of sin. But they have seen those things I did. And still they hate me and my Father. But this happened so that what is written in their law would be true: 'They hated me for no reason.' "I will send you the Helper from the Father. The Helper is the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father. When he comes, he will tell about me. And you will tell people about me too, because you have been with me from the beginning.” (John 15:18-27) There are some today who believe that a follower of Jesus should not face serious difficulty. Illness and Need should not be a part of their lives. The Christian should not face trials and tribulations (serious problems). Some teach that a Christian’s life will be filled with days, or years, of health and prosperity. Apparently, these teaches did not study the life of Jesus. Those who are disciples of Jesus must realize that their hero was unjustly murdered by those who rejected him because of jealousy, hate, misunderstanding, and rivalry. Some of us will follow in his steps. Some, even to martyrdom itself. Our hardships and difficulties do not invalidate Jesus' call. Neither does it invalidate our ministry. These problems are a reminder that there is a spiritual battle for every human heart. Satan will do all he can to silence the voices of those who bring God's salvation. The Apostle Paul writes of this battle in Ephesians 6:10-20. Paul also described his personal struggles in Second Corinthians 11:23-29 … Read these verses and you will better understand what Jesus said in John 15 (see above). Now, here is the “Good News”. Jesus gives to us salvation that is ours now but gives the Heavenly life greater meaning (see First Corinthians 2:9). First Corinthians 10:13 assures us that we are NEVER forsaken by God. John 14-17 is worthy of your reading. You will find Hope, Encouragement, Strength and Purpose when you learn the meaning of the Presence of God’s Holy Spirit in your life. Pray for Christians in Muslim countries such as Iran and Sudan and Pakistan. This happening today! Some may be rescued, but some are being executed for being a Christian. A couple in Pakistan has been sentenced to death over a text messaged deemed to be blasphemous. Pray for our foreign missionaries and those who have converted to Christianity. Often, if they will deny Christ and turn to Islam, they will be spared. Honey Grove Heartbeats Hello, Honey Grove folks!!! Are you ready for school to start? I bet students are, after their long summer break. Other than buying new school clothes and school supplies, I bet children are ready to MEET THE TEACHER! Meet the Teacher Night has been planned for Thursday evening from 6-7 o’clock. Then, the very next evening, Friday evening, HGISD is holding their annual BACK TO SCHOOL BASH, from 5-8 o’clock at the football field... tickets may be purchased for 25 cents each in order to play in the games and events. Funds raised will benefit the HG PTO. Then comes Monday, BACK TO SCHOOL! Breakfast will be served starting at 7:30 a.m. Class bells ring at 7:55, and dismissal is at 3:15 p.m. The Friendship Baptist Church is sponsoring a free Back-To-School Bash Saturday, August 23, 2014 from 9:00 – 1:00 at the Pecan Gap Pavilion. Age groups 5 years to 6th grade. Come and learn about a God who is ALWAYS there for you!! Activities will consist of stories, crafts, games, bounce house, water-slide, hot dogs, and snow cones. Kids, come and enjoy the fun! Friendship Baptist Church. Ever been to a Bug Tussle Trek? If not, it’s a sight to see... and it’s coming to Honey Grove this coming Saturday, August 23rd! The Trekkers usually get into Honey Grove shortly after 11:00 and have lunch at the Civic Center, or at local restaurants before heading on to Paris for their Annual Banquet Saturday evening. Come on downtown Honey Grove Saturday and see all the antique cars traveling through, take pics and enjoy the event!!! The Annual Tour of the Bugtussle Trek will also once again make a rest stop at the Creative Arts Center in Bonham. This antique car club makes a journey each year from the Farmersville area to Paris, winding through Bonham, Bugtussle and ultimately east to their destination. There is always a great collection of cars and enthusiasts during this event and it's the perfect time for photo opps if you love antique vehicles. The tour usually arrives at the Creative Arts Center at 200 W. 5th St. between 9:30 and 10 AM and this year's date is Saturday, August 24. Stop by for some coffee and donuts and see the cars and talk to the owners. By: Lorrie Page Bring your camera for some great shots. Well, to only be honest, I missed this Saturday’s “Bring Honey Grove Back Alive” in downtown. My little granddaughter and I attended the DMS MudFest just at the western outskirts of Honey Grove. What a fantastic event and addition to Honey Grove! After bailing Jeep off in the mud, Payton playing with about thirty kids in the mud pit, and watching the four wheelers, street trucks, and monster trucks race.... we were simply too dirty and tired to head downtown.... but had a great time. Way to go DMS! Reports coming from those attending “Bring Honey Grove Back Alive” and visiting downtown Saturday showed that more attended this week, than last week. Here’s to hoping the idea just keeps growing!!! Always glad to see people walking the sidewalks, window shopping, stopping in the stores staying open later, and visiting with friends and neighbors. The Windom Lions Club will hold its annual Turkey Shoot fundraiser Sunday August 31, 2014. The turkey shoot will be held on the Bowman ranch south of Windom about 2 miles just off Farm to Market road 1743. Signs will be posted beginning at the yellow flashing light at the intersection of TX Hwy 56 and FM-1743. The event will begin about 12:00 oclock after church. Sandwiches and cold drinks will be sold. Youth shoots may be arranged if enough youngsters are present. Safety is very important to our club. Everyone in attendance must abide by safety rules and procedures. Brian Owen has reported, “Vivian Sylvia Crowson, just called and told me about a multi denominational service happening on the Honey Grove square Sunday Aug 31st at 6:00 p.m.. There will be food, fun, singing, and of course a good message I can imagine.” Vivian added, “Gospel Singing for 5th Sunday Community Service 6:00 pm South side of square behind post office. Sponsored by Honey Grove Ministerial Alliance. Everybody Welcome, bring your guitars, drums keyboards and have a good time. Come one, come all!!!!” Congratulations to the following Honey Grove PJC students who made the President's Honor Roll (4.0 grade point average) for the Spring 2014 semester: Seraj S. Albanoon, Brody L. Barnes, De'Ron K. Breece, Aaron C. Foster, Tom D. Greinder, Victoria A. Lintz and Michael Jay Whitlock. Making the Dean's List with a 3.5 grade point average were the following: Caleb M. Hix, Hussien K. Jabai, Forest M. Lane, Mac W. O'Dea, Brittanee M. Peavey, Gail L. Rogers and B. Shugart. Corey Congratulations also to Honey Grove students attending Texas A&M- Commerce on the Dean's List: Emily Ashcraft, Valerie Banker and Cody Joyce. Prayers are needed for many as trials and tribulations seem to happen in numbers! When you say your prayers, please keep and every one of them all in your thoughts. If you know of anyone in the hospital, sick/hurt, in nursing centers, etc that would like to receive cards/get well wishes, ship us the information for all to see. Shirley Sanders has updated Jerry’s condition on Monday, “Will try to update you on my honey, he didn't get to come home today and possibly not for several days. His white blood cells are still high despite the massive doses of IV antibiotics. His fever has been normal but was going up just a bit on the last check. The doctor is waiting for the blood cultures to come back which should be today so maybe we will know more them. Right now they are saying a bloodstream infection, septic but will know more later. Will update tonight and thank you all for your love and prayers, can't tell you how much they mean to us both. It is amazing to have amazing friends and family, we love you all and thanks you for your concern from the bottom of our hearts. Along with this, we have God on our side to and so thankful for all his blessings on us, truly undeserved.” Rusty Andrew has openly invited everyone to a Dana Magness Clemons Benefit; a Silent and Live Auction along with BRISKET, ECT, pies and cakes, Saturday from 5:00pm 10:00pm at the Civic Center (old armory) West Sam Rayburn Drive. If anyone wants to donate something for the AUCTIONS, or want to donated money, they can contact Laura Lackey, Brittney Fox, Sid Andrew, Brenda Magness, Rusty and Shirley Andrew. Donations can also be left at The Windom Feed Sack or contact Rusty and I will come pick them up for you. I also have a PAGE 5, AUGUST 21, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE Remington stainless 243 that we will be selling tickets one for one dollar 7 for five dollars and 30 for 20.00 dollars and the gun will be at The Feed Sack every weekend, so everyone can see it Ms. Lena Shaw has reported on Facebook, “An early reminder that Mrs. Muriel Burleson will celebrate her 100th birthday September 14th. Last year she received 101 cards. It would be wonderful if she received even more this year, maybe with notes about something you remember when she taught you.” Her address is: 48 Azalea Trail; Purvis, MS 39475. Mrs. Burleson is loved by many... please take the time to send her Special Birthday Wishes!!! Here’s a list of the upcomings that I know of... August 16: DMS MudFest, Mud Races! Family fun and even a safe zone, “Kid Pit” for children to play. Located between Hwy. 56 and Hwy. 82, just west of Honey Grove... at “Two Mile Turn”. August 21: Meet the Teacher night at school. A chance to find classrooms, meet students’ teachers and pick up t-shirts ordered at the end of the school year last year for the Back-toSchool-Bash! August 22: The Back-toSchool Bash from 5:00-8:00 at the football field. Tickets will be sold for 25 cents each and used for each game, etc. August 25: SCHOOL STARTS!!! August 30: Karaoke at Doc’s Corner. More info in this story. September 9: First HG PTO meeting of the year. September 27: Davy Crockett Day in downtown Honey Grove. More details coming at a later date. I am trying to begin a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly article of happenings around town. Not many responses coming in and a bit difficult to keep up with everything, but if you have any “newsy” please email to hgwcnews@yahoo.com, or you can reach us at the office at (903) 378-3558; I can even be Facebooked at “Lorrie Page”... so “friend” me, email me, call me.... but if you’ll ship me your information of happenings, we’ll certainly try to keep an ABOUT TOWN article going. Hope to hear from everyone soon! Send that local news in... to keep your newspaper local!!! WEEKLY GAZETTE hgwcnews@yahoo.com (903) 378-3558 or Facebook “Lorrie Page” Down Home The Sounds of Down Home By: John Herbert Sherwood I was in Johnnie Smith’s Feed Store when I met up with Clarence Fisher. Now we had a few things in common. We both liked to talk and we both liked to tell tales of the long ago. “Herbert” he said, “Country folks don’t need an alarm clock as much as city dwellers do, seems there is something or somebody that will do the job for you and pretty accurate too.” I worked for a farmer one time who had buildings of all kind, barns, sheds, hen houses, etc. All available for chickens to roost in and welcome to do so. Where do you think the two big roosters roosted? Well there was two scrawny Peach trees by the window, one on the left and one on the right and their alarm system went off at 4:00 a.m. Another farm I worked on had a hound that barked all night, rain or shine, but when it was daylight and the sun might shine and warm the earth, you could see him sprawled out, breathing deeply, sound asleep. Oscar Kaiser worked for James Gordon, early to late. I didn’t mind late, but I minded the heck out of early and I knew that everything that involved James Gordon would be loud. So with the sun just barely up I heard the sound of the thundering herd. It was James and Oscar as I knew it would be. He was pulling behind him three trailers pulled by an ancient H Farmall which was the only tractor they could start that day. The tractor ran like this, put put put, as it was missing badly. Then pow pow! as it back fired. Number 1 had yearlings in it. Number 2 had a radiator in it, an old car seat and 5 gas cans and number 3 had hay in it with 3 dogs riding on top of the hay. By this time Oscar and James started shouting “Where are you guys at, where’s my coffee? It’s all ready 5:30 a.m.” Finally only one last tale from Clarence. “We had a farm one time at the end of 100 acres of cotton which was owned by a neighbor. His cotton patch stretched from his land to my front door step. Neighbor decided he would turn around at the end of his row in my front yard. Driving an old green Oliver tractor and revving it up on every turn in my yard until it sounded like a General Grant Tank. It was then that I made a decision, I would never sleep another night in that house. Now we slept under a bridge, another time in a pasture. But never in that house. We are doing better now and I never get up until 10:00 o’clock. Clarence said “And that’s the way it was and I added Down Home.” Windom SNAP Center Menu -----------------------------------------Monday, Aug 25 Chicken & Dumplings, Green Salad, Vegetable Jello Salad, Bread, Dessert. ----------------------------------------Tuesday, Aug 26 Beef Casserole, Pinto Beans, Fried Potatoes, Cornbread, Dessert. -------------------------------------------Thursday, Aug 28 Fried Chicken, Creamed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Salad, Green Beans, Hot Rolls, Honey. Local Ranching Event Scheduled August 26 By: Laramie Adam, cell: 512-922-7328 The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) will host a ranch gathering Tuesday, August 26, at the Kaufman County Fairgrounds in Kaufman, Texas. Registration will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a complimentary beef dinner. The event is free and open to the public. TSCRA Special Ranger Troy McKinney will update ranchers on cattle thefts in the area and let them know how they can better protect their livestock and equipment. Mike McCravey, Texas Beef Council Industry Relations Manager, will provide an update on the Texas Beef Checkoff. Additionally, TSCRA staff will update cattle raisers on important legislative issues. Please RSVP to 800-2427820, ext. 192, or rsvp@tscra.org. To get to the Kaufman County Fairgrounds from the intersection of US-175 and TX34, head south on TX-34. After 1.1 miles, the fairgrounds will be on the left. The ranch gathering is sponsored by Novartis Animal Health and Legacy Ag Credit. Anyone who joins TSCRA at the gathering will receive a free metal gate sign courtesy of Bayer Animal Health and New Holland Agriculture. All members of the press are invited to attend. TSCRA is a 137-year-old trade association and is the largest and oldest livestock organization based in Texas. TSCRA has more than 16,000 beef cattle operations, ranching families and businesses as members. These members represent approximately 50,000 individuals directly involved in ranching and beef production who manage 4 million head of cattle on 76 million acres of range and pasture land primarily in Texas and Oklahoma, but throughout the Southwest. Fannindel I.S.D 601 West Main, Ladonia, Texas 75449 (903)367-7251 Fax: (903)367-7252 Texas Education Agency Division of Career and Technical Education (PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF NONDISCRIMINATON IN CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION PROGRAMS) Fannindel ISD offers career and technology education programs in Agricultural Science, Business Education, and Technology Education. Admission to these programs is based on interest and aptitude, age appropriateness, prerequisites, and class space available. It is the policy of Fannindel ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in its vocational programs, services, or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. It is the policy of Fannindel ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in its employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Fannindel ISD will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs. For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, H.L. Milton, at 601 W. Main St., Ladonia, Texas, 75449, 903-367-7251, and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Perry Evans at 409 W. Main St., Pecan Gap, Texas, 75469, 903-359-6314. Walker Construction Local, Dependable For all your ROOFING, Painting, Add-on’s or General Construction Work Call 903-623-4072 Granny's Place on the square Come on in... See what we have to offer! Granny’s Place Clo sed ed s S o Cl ay & 10 S. Plaza Ladonia, Texas unda d Mon y & Sun nday Downtown Ladonia day Mo 903-367-7095 PAGE 4, AUGUST 21, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE * WOLFE CITY MIRROR CLASSIFIED/LEGAL SECTION -------------------------------------CLEANING? SPRING Getting home ready for the holidays? Just need a break from house cleaning? Call today for a free quote, by honest, local citizens. Local references/referrals given upon request. Fannin, Lamar & Hunt Counties. Call Bev today at (903) 268-8775. -------------------------------------The most inexpensive way to let the public know of your Garage Sales/ Items for Sale Lost or Found Pets Small Business CALL US TODAY 903-378-3558 ONLY $5 WEEKLY!!! Advertising for 2,500 paid readers to see... For only $5.00 per week!! Call 903-378-3558 to start your ad today!!! City of Honey Grove 633 N. 6th Street Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 378-3033 PUBLIC NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission for The City of Honey Grove. Monday September 8, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Honey Grove City Hall, 6333 N. 6th Street, 2nd Floor the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing and consider the following: A zoning request by Jose Maldonado for a Specific Use Permit for the home located at 1215 W. Market Street to be used as a duplex with separate meters and sewer connections. Also, the Honey Grove City Council will meet Monday September 8, 2014 immediately following the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, in the Honey Grove City Hall, 633 N. 6th Street, 2nd Floor, to consider this request and the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Interested parties are encouraged to attend. If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact the City Secretary, Jaci Garner at 903-378-3033. Jaci Garner, City Secretary This facility is wheel chair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Persons with disabilities planning to attend this meeting and need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 378-3033 before 1:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting so that the appropriate arrangements can be made. The most inexpensive way to advertise... Classifieds!!! Call us!!! 903-378-3558 Owens Funeral Home CALL TODAY FOR APPOINTMENT Prompt - Courteous Understanding Prearranged & Prepaid Plans Available Cattlemen’s Livestock Commission Co. 1354 Clement Road, Paris, Texas Sale Begins at 11:00 A.M. For More Information Call: Charles Mallicote (903)785-7191 Charles’ Mobile (903) 739-0682 Barn (903)784-7800 Barn (903)784-2238 Sale Date Saturday, August 16, 2014 Head Count 960 Sale Every Sat. at 11 a.m. Under-300lbs 300-400 lbs 400-500 lbs 500-600 lbs 2.40 2.30 2.00 1.70 Cows Bulls Slaughter .70 - 1.29 1.05 - 1.58 533 W. Dallas St., Wolfe City, Tx 75496 (903) 496-7333 (903) 496-2283 Accepting Bids Wolfe City ISD is accepting bids/proposals for an Ag Truck. Vehicle must have seating for 5 with seatbelts, air conditioning, white in exterior color; tan or gray interior color; ¾ or 1-ton capacity; four full doors; trailer towing package; diesel engine; new with warranty; those wishing to submit a bid or proposal for supply one of these vehicles for WCISD can submit their bid or proposal by mail to: Wolfe City ISD PO Drawer L, Wolfe City, Texas 75496 Wolfe City ISD reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids based on price, ability to provide for the needs of the district, and overall value and service to the district of the proposal or bid. The deadline to submit is Thursday, August 24th, 2014 by 5pm. Bids/proposals are received when physically arriving at Wolfe City ISD Administration, 503 W Dallas, Wolfe City Texas 75496. Leather Co. Grim Reaper Motorcycle Leather & Tattoo Downtown Ladonia (903) 227-6649 Golden West Apartments: Now Accepting Applications for 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Water, sewer, garbage, appliances, lawn maintenance provided. Laundry facility. Rent is based on your income. 62 years of age or older, handicap/disabled, regardless of age. Call (903) 496-2320. “This Institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer” 903-227-6940 200 Santa Fe, W.C. 2.50 2.35 2.20 1.80 Wolfe City I.S.D. Jose Maldonado 903-496-2331 Under 300 lbs 300-400 lbs 400-500 lbs 500-600 lbs FOR SALE - Office Building at 209 West Main Street in Wolfe City (across the street from the Post Office). Call 903-227-7683 for info. Steers 4.05 3.60 3.10 2.50 600-700 lbs 700-800 lbs 800-900 lbs 1.70 1.65 1.45 2.30 2.125 2.02 600-700 lbs 700-800 lbs 800-900 lbs 1.60 1.50 1.35 2.15 2.00 1.90 Heifers 3.50 3.00 2.75 2.35 Stocker Pairs Stockers 900.00 2350.00 990.00 2200.00 Baby Calves 100-475 Holstein Steers 1.40- 2.30 Goats and Sheep - 150 Head $40-230 Abraham Maldonado 903-227-8369 Insured and Experienced We cut, trim, and climb trees (whatever size). We also build fences, do lawn maintenance, make concrete driveways and sell firewood. Free Estimate. Honey Grove Barber Shop 105 S. First (34 N. Ladonia Hwy.) (903) 450-6516 Vicki Hill Thu &Fri 9-5:30 Sat 9-1 Haircuts: $10 Leonard Pharmacy www.leonardpharmacy.net Pharmacists Eugene Kegans & Kacey Blackerby 122 W. Collin, Leonard, Tx 587-3363 City of Ladonia P.O. Box 5 Ladonia, Texas 75449 (903) 367-7011 FAX: (903) 367-7339 Notice to all customers: The City of Ladonia water system PWS ID 0740004 has violated the monitoring and reporting requirements set by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in Chapter 30, Section 290, Subchapter F. Public water systems are required to collect and submit chemical samples of water provided to their customers, and report the results of those samples to the TCEQ on a regular basis. We failed to monitor and/or report the following constituents Nitrate.This/These violation(s)s occurred in the monitoring period(s) of: Annual 01/01/2013-12/31/2013. Results of regular monitoring are an indicator of whether or not your drinking water is safe from chemical contamination. We did not complete all monitoring and/ or reporting for chemical constituents, and therefore TCEQ can not be sure of the safety of your drinking water during that time. We are taking the following actions to address this issue: The City has contacted the lab currently used by the City to discuss future timely filing with TCEQ. If the problem persists the City of Ladonia will switch to a different lab that will follow the regulations as set forth by the state. Please share this information with all people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (i.e., people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact Mayor Chris Burch at 903-367-7011. Got An Upcoming Event? CALL US... We’ll put it in “HEARTBEATS” `t|Ç fàÜxxà _|ÖâÉÜ Street 100 West Main Wolfe City Now anagement Under New M Beer is Back á bâà VÉÅx V{xv~ h LCF GLI LKCC Mahan’s Welding Service 1306 East Main St. Honey Grove, Tx (903) 378-3977 (903) 249-5990 Metal Buildings Metal Roofs ONSITE & PORTABLE WELDING PAGE 3, AUGUST 21, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE * WOLFE CITY MIRROR DMS MudFest... Racing at it’s Best! By: Lorrie Page Historic Tombstone Repaired at Oakwood By: Malinda Allison Sandy Morrison and Freida Moreland, with their husbands Don and Bill and with the assistance of Kenneth Wishard, have solved a mystery and repaired a historic tombstone at Oakwood Cemetery. For a very long time the stone for Elizabeth Lee Howeth (1852-1883) had been broken, with two large pieces on the ground near the main part of the stone. It was not clear how the various pieces had originally fit together. (see photo 1) Extensive excavation revealed that one of the pieces had sunk over 1 foot. Once that piece was uncovered the mystery of how the pieces fit together was solved. Then Don Morrison, Bill Moreland, Lucas Morrison (the grandson of Don and Sandy) and Kenneth Wishard worked to restore the stone to its previous grandeur. (see photo 2) Elizabeth Howeth was the wife of Dr. V. A. Howeth, a Texas native who studied medicine at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. He began the practice of medicine in Honey Grove in 1873 and remained there until 1883, the same year Elizabeth died, when he moved to Gainesville and later remarried. He and Elizabeth had four children Cora Lee, Herbert, Belle and Willie. \ Elizabeth is buried in a large plot area near her father and mother, F. M. Lee (1825-1890) and Ellen Lee (1829-1888). Ellen Lee was an organizational member of the Honey Grove First Presbyterian Church in 1861. F. M. Lee was elected as an elder of the First Presbyterian Church in Honey Grove in 1880. Also buried in the same area are Elizabeth's sisters Martha Lee Hulsey (1850-1885), Sophia Lee Fisher (1865-1891) and Nellie Lee (1862-1886). All four of these sisters died at a young age. Kudos for the Morrisons, the Morelands and Kenneth Wishard for taking on the task of restoring this historic stone, which now stands about 8 feet tall, and joins many other beautiful stones at Oakwood. The time is fast approaching when students end their summer vacations and return to school. The Falcons have been working out and have had one scrimmage game. The teachers will meet to prepare rooms and books on August 21, and to show the support of the community the Ladies Club of Pecan Gap will furnish their meal that day. We wish you a happy learning time, students. Study hard and take advantage of the wonderful opportunity you have. In a small school you have teachers who care and one of these days you may be a teacher yourself. Those of you who reach their 90s may even be able to submit some of the questions to the answers on Jeopardy. Some of the folks on our prayer lists are improving but others are about the same. Richard Creed is making a slow improvement and has gained back just a bit of the 25 pounds he lost when he was in the hospital. He has physical therapy twice a week and his wife Becky asks please to continue to offer up prayers for him. Hoyt Wilson, in an e-mail to Debby Crofford, related that he had seven more sessions of radiation, which were not as bad as he was told they would be and is doing okay. He is ready to get his dentures on September 14th and looking forward to eating a big t-bone steak. Both Danny and Donna Davenport are seriously ill but Donna was sched- uled to be moved from ICU to a room Sunday. Danny has been in the Honey Grove Nursing Center but is scheduled to return home soon. Jarrod and Brandi are caring for and watching after them. Although Tom Hulsey still has pain in the shoulder he underwent surgery on, it has lessened some but the right arm still needs to be immobilized. Since he is right handed that, in itself, presents a problem. Sympathy is extended to the family of Orville (Duny) Castle who is recently deceased. Graveside services were held for him at Mt. Carmel near Wolfe City Sunday at 2:00 p. m. Linda Lowry would like information on what year the Cottage Shop in downtown Ladonia closed. The owners of the store, Billie Hopkins and Ruby Ward, were her great aunts. Their sister, Linda’s grandmother, lived in Pecan Gap. It was good to talk by phone with Sandy Isaacs, widow of Tony Isaacs, recently. She is doing well, but still misses Tony. The couple traveled all over the world and drove often to the Ladonia area to visit friends and search for family connections. Ricky Beeler sings the praises of Curtsinger, the school where he teaches (and also loves the school he attended, which is Fannindel). He has recently been highlighting on Facebook those who attended Curtsinger and have come back there as teachers. A few of those who have come home to Fannindel to teach since their graduation are Mrs. Muriel Burleson, graduate of LHS in 1932, who taught both in Ladonia and Pecan Gap, Tommy Eads, Jana and Darla Stancil, Joe Boyd, Ruth Bartley Verner, Harvey Milton, Robert Wayne Milton and many others, the latest of which is Phillip Burnett, who will teach at Fannindel during the 2014 – 2015 school term. Most of you can remember others and it says a lot for a school when those who attended school there want to come back and teach. Birthday greetings on August 20th to Sandy Doerge, Brad Hudgins, Kay Bush, Anita Osborne, Robert Wayne Milton, Ron Thurman, Rachel and Renee Shaw, Doug Jones and Billy Don King; on August 21st to Oma Jean Haden, James Sandlin, Emma Howard, and Lance Smith; on August 22nd to Tommy Don Runnels, Judith Eastman Elder, Loyd Johnson, Cindy Derrick, Chloe Kai McCombie, Caitlan Shaw and Thomas Hoover; on August 23rd to Gayle Burleson Kennedy and Vera Aubrey; on August 24th to Jim Crofford, Thurman Locke, Jr. and Tyson Shaw; on August 25th to Nancy Owens, Jeremy Connell and Denise Ford; and on August 26th to Brad Rex, Kevin DMS MudFest, which came as a surprise because of the crowd at the event... until he explained that the complaints come from the area car washes. He confessed that he hadn’t even thought about that part, and is now working on installing a car wash for the racers to be able to wash their vehicles on site of the DMS property. At this point, water hoses are used to wash muddy windshields and muddy children (from the kid pit)... but the DMS crew are steadily working continuously to enhance and improve their MudFest. The first weekend of the month is a simple play-day for anyone that would like to bring 4-wheelers, Jeeps, Gators, Razors, trucks, etc to play in the mud pits. The third weekend of the month includes actual races in categories of 4-wheelers, street trucks and off-road trucks. Cost to enter the MudFest is $10 per person (children 10 years and under are FREE). Group camp is allowed for a $10 fee. The owners told, “We at DMS, along with the Outlaw Mud Crew of Paris, are trying to put on a Toys-for-Tots event November 15th for Fannin and Lamar counties; and also working on a event to benefit Texas veterans early next year.” DMS MudFest is located on FM 1396, between Highway 56 and Highway 82, two miles west of Honey Grove. Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home 803 East Main Street Honey Grove, Texas (903) 378-2291 Family Owned and Operated Gerald & Judy Howard, Owners SALE * SALE!!!! Isaac’s Emporium 20%-50% OFF Sue Reel’s Antiques & Collectibles Donna Barrett’s Antiques & Collectibles Shirley Wright’s Scentsy & Donna Cullings and Maida Smith Horse Tack & Western Decor - NEW TO ISAAC’S EMPORIUM TACK BARN Ramblings By: Lena Shaw If you missed Saturday’s, third weekend DMS MudFest races, you missed a real treat. Many parked and watched. Many brought 4-wheelers and four wheel drive toys of Razors and Gators and Jeeps to play in the mud pits.... but many brought everything from street trucks to high horse-powered, tractor tire mudders to race the clock as they made their way down the raceway of mud. What an amazing idea this was to begin at the outskirts of Honey Grove! This newspaper editor really expects this event to grow and expand as time goes on! The Johnson’s (owners) began with an idea of a familyfun bi-monthly event, and ran with it. They opened their first weekend, July 19th, with none or little advertising, and still it was a big success it’s first weekend. Since then, they have added a safe-zone, kid pit, which includes two slides for children to play safely away from incoming traffic and mud pits. They have also recently added a concession area that serves hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, candies, drinks and more. Photographer, Sharkbyte Photography was also on site of the MudFest, taking wonderful photos of racers, vehicles, and those playing in the mud. Sharkbyte Photography can be found on Facebook to see pics. In speaking to the owner, I found that there had been some negative remarks about the 101 W. Main, Ladonia, Texas Burnett, Larry Wright and Jeff Hayes. Special Birthday greetings to great niece Bettina Megan Crews on August 22nd. Happy Wedding Anniversary on August 24th to Thomas and Nancy Hoover! Does anyone agree that the writers and producers of most of the TV shows and movies that are shown today need to move to another think tank? Remember the last word Clark Gable uttered in the show “Gone With the Wind”? So mild, when compared to the sights and scenes of movies today. (903) 367-7095 Jones ~ Walker & Son Funeral Home, Inc. “Caring Service Since 1942” DIGNIFIED CREMATION... $895 Affordable Graveside Services We will honor all pre-paid plans & insurance policies from other funeral homes. 1-800-809-5079 1209 Live Oak, Commerce, TX Obituaries Boyd Music Festival Coming September 20th WEEKLY GAZETTE, PAGE 2, AUGUST 21, 2014 James W. Cummins James W. Cummins, age 82, passed away Friday, August 15, 2014, at Odessa Regional Medical Center Hospital in Odessa. He was born on July 27, 1932, to Porter and Minnie (Fair) Cummins in Telephone, TX. He graduated from Honey Grove High School, and later served in the U.S. Coast Guard during the Korean War, on the Northern Mariana Islands. He was honorably discharged in 1953. He married Juanita Mengwasser on September 22, 1956, and later graduated from Texas A&I in Kingsville, TX, with a degree in political science. They moved to Odessa, TX, where he worked for the City of Odessa, and later served many years in the oilfield indus- try, retiring from Phillips Petroleum in 1995. He was a long-time member of the Odessa Chuck Wagon Gang, member of the American Legion, and a life-time member of the Eagle’s Lodge. He is preceded in death by his parents Porter and Minnie Cummins, brother John D. Cummins, and infant daughter Connie. He is survived by his wife Juanita Cummins of Odessa; daughters Martha McAllister of New Braunfels, TX; and Amy Martin and husband, Greg of Odessa; five grandchildren Daniel McAllister, Nita Anne McAllister, Jayne Marie McAllister, Petty Officer 2nd Class currently serving in the U.S. Navy, Braden Martin and Brett Martin; and numerous nieces and nephews. He will be remembered as a man who loved his family and country. Family visitation was held from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Monday, August 18, 2014, at Hubbard-Kelly Funeral Home. Funeral services were held at 10 am on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, at Hubbard-Kelly Chapel with Father Mark Woodruff officiating. Interment will follow at Sunset Memorial Gardens. Services entrusted to Hubbard-Kelly Funeral Home of Odessa. Ole Time Country Music Show Saturday, August 23, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. The Ole Time Country Music Show will be held at Lake Bonham Hoe-Down Show place, located at 4435 CR 2610, 1/2 mile from Lake Bonham Recreation area east of the Spillway in Bonham, Texas, in the Bright Red Building. Featured guest will be Jimmy Rhodes of Celina, Texas and Renee Kelton Witcher of Bonham, Texas. Admission is FREE. Donations are accepted and appreciated. Everyone is invited and welcome. For more info. call Joan Kelton 903-583-4731. The Chamber of Commerce of Ladonia is pleased to announce the entertainment lineup for the first annual Boyd Music Festival, September 20, 2014, from 10am to 4pm. “Shoot Low Sheriff” is a Western Swing band out of Dallas, Texas. The band 7-piece group consists of vocalist Erik Swanson (formerly of Cowboys & Indians and the Texas Gypsies), Brandon Lusk (trumpet), Dustin Ballard (fiddle/electric mandolin), Jessica Munn (guitar), Larry Reed (bass), Geoff Vinton (drums), and Wayne Glasson, current pianist for the Texas Playboys and Red Steagall. The band is heavily influenced by western swing pioneers Bob Wills and Milton Brown, and plays a combination of swing standards and original compositions, as well as New Orleans jazz, ragtime and jump blues. In 2009, their song "Old Alton Rag" was featured in a television commercial for Jack Daniels and in 2012, the band was named "Western Swing Group of the Year" by the Academy of Western Artists. www.shootlowsheriff.com By: Gail Levey "The Willy Collins Band" is an eclectic group of accomplished jazz musicians and a singer-songwriter. Our music is heart- felt and raw, true to the sound of Texas, a little bit of everything from ballads to swing and all genres in between. The band released its first full length CD "Building Bridges," featuring some of Houston's finest musicians, including the likes of Paul Wall, Kelly Doyle, Geoffrey Muller, Chase Hamblin & the Roustabouts and The Axiom Quartet last November. Their second CD is expected to be released later this summer. thewillycollinsband.net "Will Tommy Jones” is Hick- "I would like to thank all who came out to Dodd City for the Barbque fundraiser." Elaine Peebles Pol. adv. pd for by the Elaine Peebles Campaign, PO Box 21, Dodd City, Texas City of Honey Grove 633 N. 6th Street, Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 378-3033 . . . e n O e ! l m l o C me a Co Rock. The self-titled album produces music that has that hicklike twang of Hank Williams, Sr., the feel of Cat Stevens, and the eclectic style of Lou Reed. They play songs designed to inspire with lyrics addressing issues many simply choose to ignore. wtjoneshick-rock.com The “John Randolph Band”, the 2013 King Country Agape Fest Male Horizon Award Winner, talented inspirational Country Music artist coming to grace our Main Stage! jrministries.com The “Scattered Pieces Band”, this dynamic young local group will steal your hearts with their fresh out of Nashville show! Their exciting variety act will definitely make you think of Branson variety shows put on by much older, seasoned artists. Dan Grobe and “Crossroads” is a local favorite with a big following, in demand at every dance hall in the county… get those dancing slippers on! We have limited space available for VENDORS For more information about this free family friendly event, please contact Gail Levey at 903-486-8912. Please join us on Facebook www.facebook.com/BoydMusi cFestival , For more information visit our website http://www.boydmusicfestival.c om The Weekly Gazette, Serving Honey Grove, Ladonia and Surrounding Areas is published every Thursday except the last week of July and the last week of December by Lorrie Page at 511 North 5th Street, Honey Grove, Texas 75446. (USPS018319) Subscription price is $35 annually in the United States. Periodical Postage Rate is paid at the Honey Grove Post Office on a weekly basis. Send subscription orders and address changes to: Weekly Gazette TEXAS The PRESS P.O. Box 165, Honey Grove,Tx 75446 MEMBER Phone: (903) 378-3558 1999-2014 Email Address: hgwcnews@yahoo.com City of Ladonia P.O. Box 5, Ladonia, Texas 75449 (903) 367-7011 FAX: (903) 367-7339 NOTICE OF 2014 TAX YEAR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR City of Honey Grove NOTICE OF 2014 TAX YEAR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR City of Ladonia For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Mark Kinnaird Fannin County Appraisal District tax assessor-collector 831 W State Hwy 56 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-8701 mkinnaird@fannincad.org www.fannincad.org For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Mark Kinnaird Fannin County Appraisal District tax assessor-collector 831 W State Hwy 56 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-8701 mkinnaird@fannincad.org www.fannincad.org A tax rate of $0.810300 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of City of Honey Grove. · PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.810300 per $100 · PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE $0.810300 per $100 · EFFECTIVE TAX RATE $0.817100 per $100 The effective tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for City of Honey Grove from the same properties in both the 2013 tax year and the 2014 tax year. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount = (rate) x (taxable value of your property) / 100 A tax rate of $0.493900 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of City of Ladonia. · PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.493900 per $100 · PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE $0.493900 per $100 · EFFECTIVE TAX RATE $0.514000 per $100 The effective tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for City of Ladonia from the same properties in both the 2013 tax year and the 2014 tax year. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount = (rate) x (taxable value of your property) / 100
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