One Health International Journal
One Health International Journal
One Health International Journal Volume 1 November 2015 Published biannual By “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association in Romania Under the auspices of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine CURTEA VECHE PUBLISHING HOUSE 1 One Health International Journal ONE HEALTH INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Honorary Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. René Carlson President, World Veterinary Association Prof. Dr. André-Laurent Parodi Past President of National Academy of Medicine – France Editor-in-chief: m.c. Acad. Prof. Dr. Nicolae Manolescu President of the One Health New Medical Concept Association in Romania Co-Editor-in-chief: m.c. Acad. Prof. Dr. Irinel Popesc President of the Academy of Medical Sciencies – Romania Vice-President of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine General Secretary of editorial board: Dr. Bernard Vallat Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Redaction secretaries: Dr. Iuliana Mihai Phd Student at the Romanian Academy – Bucharest, Romania Dr. Alexandru Supeanu Phd Student at the Romanian Academy – Bucharest, Romania Members of the editorial board: Prof. Dr. Alecsandru I. Baba University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine – Cluj-Napoca, Romania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Balint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Bucharest, Romania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nastasia Belc University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - Bucharest, Romania Prof. Dr. Emanoil Ceausu „Victor Babeş” Hospital – Bucharest, Romania Dr. Lisa Conti Co-Founder One Health Initiative Prof. Dr. Angelo Ferarri Director of the Reference national Centre of Veterinary and Comparative Oncology – Genoa, Italy Prof. Dr. Gregory Gray Division of Infectious Diseases, Global Health Institute, & Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Ionescu Deputy Rector, University of Medicine and Farmacy “Carol Davila” – Bucharest, Romania Dr. Laura Kahn Co-Founder One Health Initiative Dr. Bruce Kaplan Co-Founder One Health Initiative Ing. Virgil Nadolu One Health New Medical Concept Association in Romania Prof. Dr. Giacomo Rossi Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Camerino, Italy Volume 1, 2015 2 Prof. Dr. Nicolae Suciu University of Medicine and Farmacy “Carol Davila” – Bucharest, Romania Prof. Dr. Dorin Sarafoleanu University of Medicine and Farmacy “Carol Davila” – Bucharest, Romania Prof. Dr. George Stoica Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Dr. Francisc Toba Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests – Bucharest, Romania Prof. Dr. Jack Woodall Co-Founder One Health Initiative Prof. Dr. Juan José Zarate Ramos Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico Copyright © 2015 “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association – Bucharest, Romania Curtea Veche Publishing House ISSN 2457 - 8770 ISSN-L 2457 - 8770 Subscription orders: E-mail: 3 One Health International Journal Dear readers, Starting with the fourth quarter of the year 2015, we rejoice to announce you the release of the first issue of the annual publication in English of “One Health International Journal”, which will replace the “International Journal of Comparative Oncology”, under the auspices of both “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association in Romania and the Mediterranean Forum of Comparative Oncology. We invite you to submit articles relating to all the component elements of One Health concept, to be found in the hexagon on the cover. This is a brand new domain in the international medical world, and, therefore, the desideratum is also valid for Romania. Under these circumstances, it is not possible for our journal to benefit, at the present moment, as would be normal, from the expertise of a small group of One Health senior specialists, who would gather to take part in a “little reunion”. This little reunion would be convened by the board members, who, in our case, are the most representative specialists in this super new domain, and who are currently completing their spectrum of multidisciplinarity and multifactoriality. Please note, as a peculiarity, that the board members of the journal, which will be released bi-annually (in May and November), will submit scientific articles for publication as well. Some of these super specialists have an experience of over 50 years in the field. The board members are, at the same time, the very professors of future "young specialists", who, in their turn, will submit future articles to be published in our journal. The Journal Structure (the articles that will be published in the second issue of the journal) will be similar to the conceptual hexagon sides, namely they will contain facts and events from: The Comparative Medicine, that brings together both human and veterinary medicine The Environmental Medicine, that will comprise elements referring to the existence, monitoring and elimination of potentially biotic factors in air, water, soil and plants, thus establishing “the primary prophylaxis for human and animal diseases” The Occupational Medicine, that will encompass both sociological and family-related elements, which is an extremely diversified domain Zoonoses - along their entire epidemiologic chain, with a special emphasis on borderline forest zoonotic and vector-transmitted diseases – responsible for maintaining these pathologies The Comparative Oncology – another sector, the oldest of the hexagon (over half a century old), that will make a major contribution to the newest domain, namely cancer immunotherapy for humans and animals The Food and Nutrition Medicine, that, through its interdependent reunion, will create the optimum premise for healthy food and healthy nutrition notions All the above mentioned components will constitute, through the specific articles submitted for publication, the most convincing propagandistic elements for the identifying, sustaining and promoting the new One Health concept. Co-editor in chief, Academician Nicolae Manolescu Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy University Professor Emeritus Honoris Causa, Doctor Honoris Causa Corresponding member of the French Academy of Medicine President of “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association in Romania The articles for publication will be sent to: E-mail: Volume 1, 2015 4 SUMMARY “ONE HEALTH – NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT” ASSOCIATION IN ROMANIA ABOUT US/WHO WE ARE? ..........................................................................................7 “ONE HEALTH – NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT” ASSOCIATION IN ROMANIA ORGANIZATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL STATUTE OF ”ONE HEALTH – NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT” ASSOCIATION.........................................................................11 “ONE HEALTH – NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT” ASSOCIATION IN ROMANIA LEADING TEAM............................................................................................................23 PAPER SESSION..........................................................................................................29 HALF OF CENTURY OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE – COMPONENT PART OF THE NEW ONE HEALTH MEDICAL CONCEPT IN ROMANIA............................................30 ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE – A CARDINAL ELEMENT OF THE ONE HEALTH CONCEPT – IMPLEMENTED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ROMANIA………….............33 DIGESTIVE NEOPLASMS IN CANINES AND FELINES AT THE MEDICAL CLINIC OF THE FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE IN BUCHAREST – ROMANIA….........36 “ONE HEALTH – NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT” ASSOCIATION IN ROMANIA BROCHURE...................................................................................................................43 ONE HEALTH EUROPEAN INTERREGIONAL CONFERENCE – FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT.........................................................................................................45 One Health International Journal Volume 1 2015 5 One Health International Journal Volume 1, 2015 6 ONE HEALTH – NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT ASSOCIATION IN ROMANIA ABOUT US WHO WE ARE? The members of ”One Health – New Medical Concept” Association are highly qualified specialists in different domains of activity, who work together under the newly established association colours, ”One Health-New Medical Concept” – Romania, permanently bringing their product launches to new heights. The aim of their activity resides in the achievement, as a national premiere, of the”one health” which comprises the globalization of the notions of human, animal and environmental health. This concept – ”one health” cannot be translated into current practice, unless the 3 basic medicines: human, veterinary and environmental work together, interweaving the information received with practical actions taken by each and every medicine as a result of scientific thinking and of the policies carried out by OHNMC-Romania. All these factors contribute to the achievement of the second attribute of”global medicine”, that of”general prophylaxis for human and animal diseases”. This particular desideratum of OHNMC is to be realized through the permanent interplay (as in the communicating vessels) of the two component elements of the environmental medicine: the”ecoprophylaxis” and the”ecotherapy” of the living environment, that include pathogens induced by both biotic and abiotic factors. Academician N. Manolescu Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy University Professor Emeritus Honoris Causa, Doctor Honoris Causa Corresponding member of the French Academy of Medicine “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association in Romania 7 One Health International Journal ONE HEALTH – NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT ASSOCIATION IN ROMANIA ROMANIA BUFTEA COURT OF JUSTICE Court casefile no. 3200/94/2015 Court resolution no. 2635 Pronounced in open session on 29.04.2015 Court made up of: PRESIDENT: GHIHANIȘ ALINA REGISTRAR: NEGOIȚĂ DANIELA In the matter of the pending civil action regarding the claimant ONE HEALTH NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT ASSOCIATION, on the issue of granting legal personality. At the roll call for the open session the claimant is absent. The procedure has been legally carried out. The Registrar presents a summary of the case that brings to attention the following: the subject-matter of the case - granting legal personality; the procedural status of the case – on the merits; the case is at the second deadline, a period of grace granted in order to allow the claimant to submit the articles and memorandum of the association, the modified statute regarding the inclusion of an auditor, in conformity with Art. 27 inthe Emergency Ordinance no.26/2000 and updated tax record certificates for the founding members; on 24.04.2015 the claimant filed at the registry office of the court the statute, the articles and memorandum of the association and the tax record certificates. No other claims being lodged, the court postpones ruling. After deliberation, THE COURT Deliberating on the present civil case, the Court finds as follows: The claimant ONE HEALTH NEWMEDICAL CONCEPT ASSOCIATION submitted an application to Buftea Court of Justice on 01.04.2015, filed under no.3200/94/2015, in which it requested the granting of legal personality and entering in The Special Register of Associations and Foundations from Buftea Registry Court. In support of the application, the claimant filed the following documents: the articles and memorandum of the association, the statute, and the registered address Volume 1, 2015 8 proof (bailment agreement, property deed), the tax record certificates, the identity cards, the name availability proof, the patrimony proof. Also, the judicial stamp duty payment, amounting to 100 lei, was made. The application was submitted under the provisions of Government Ordinance no.26/2000. Analysing the documents and the proceedings of the case, the Court finds that the articles and memorandum of the association and the statute comprise the provisions of Art. 6 in the Emergency Ordinance no.26/2000, with subsequent amendments. Thus, the articles and memorandum of the association and the statute include regulations regarding: the identification data of the associates and the founding members, expressed willingness to associate and the intended aim, the naming and the registered office of the association, the organizational life cycle, the initial patrimony, the nominal list of governing, administrative and auditing bodies, as well as their duties and responsibilities, the authorized persons, the explanation of the aim and of the objectives, the gain or loss of associate status, the destination of the assets in case of dissolution. It has been demonstrated that the association has its own internal structure, a distinct financial asset designed to achieve the intended purpose, it is an apolitical, non-profit making association and its registered office is known. Analysing the filed documents, the Court finds that the conditions specified in Art. 6 and 7 in the Emergency Ordinance no.26/2000, with subsequent amendments and additions by Law no.246/2005 on the associations and foundations, are met, namely, regarding the articles and memorandum, the statute, the name availability proof issued by The Ministry of Justice, the registered address proof, the financial asset proof, reason for which it is going to grant the application, the way it was formulated,and to grant the claimant legal personality and enter it in The Special Register of Associations and Foundations from Buftea Registry Court. 9 One Health International Journal ON THESE GROUNDS, IN THE NAME OF THE LAW, THE COURT RULES: Accepts the application filed by the claimant ONE HEALTH NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT ASSOCIATION – Voluntari, Șos. Centurii nr 7, județ Ilfov. Grants legal personality to”One Health New Medical Concept” Association. Grants”One Health New Medical Concept” Association the right to enter in The Special Register of Associations and Foundations from Buftea Registry Court. Eligible to appeal within 5 days from notification. Sentence pronounced in open session, today, 29.04.2015. PRESIDENT: GHIHANIȘ ALINA REGISTRAR: NEGOIȚĂ DANIELA Done in quadruplicate/05.05.2015 transmitted/05.05.2015 2 originals Final sentence since no appeal entered on 29.04.2015 Filed under no. 65PJ/26.05.2015 In The Special Register of Associations and Foundations Legalised today, 26.05.2015 Place for the seal Illegible signature Volume 1, 2015 10 CHAPTER I. NAME, LEGAL NATURE, REGISTERED OFFICE, ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLE Art. 1 1.1. The association shall be called “One Health – New Medical Concept”, in conformity with the name availability proof no. 143700/12.03.2015 issued by The Ministry of Justice. 1.2. “One Health – New Medical Concept” shall be known under the acronym A.O.H.N.M.C. Art. 2 “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association is constituted and functions as a nonprofit, apolitical legal person under private law, founded under Ordinance no.26/ 30 January 2000 referring to associations and foundations published in the Official Journal of Romania no.39/31 January 2000. Within this context, “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association shall promote activities meant to achieve the goal and the objectives prescribed by Statute, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Art. 3 3.1. “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association is set up by the unanimous consent of the founding members, of thetitular members and of the honorary ones. Mention should be made of the fact that in terms of electing and being elected, the active members are endowed with the same rights as the founding members. 3.2. “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association has its registered office in Voluntari Village, Ilfov County, str. Centurii no. 7, postal code 77190. Art. 4 “One Health – New Medical Concept” Associationshall run for an indeterminate period of time. CHAPTER II THE AIM AND THE OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSOCIATION Art. 5 The aim of “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association is to implement the new global medical concept One Health, in conformity with the international norms and practices of introducing this new medical concept in the general context of notion of medicine. To this end, “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association shall coordinate and carry out activities pertaining to the four fundamental elements, 11 One Health International Journal constitutive components of this concept: 1. Comparative Medicine (Human Medicine and Veterinary Medicine), 2. Food Safety, 3. Environmental Medicine, and 4. The integrative management of the three above mentioned elements, within bioeconimy. Art. 6 The objectives of “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association are: a. Establishing a national network of research, development and implementation into One Health domain (internationally affiliated), together with the founding institutions, as well as other institutions willing to adhere to this new concept. It shall coordinate the translation into practice of the programme of primary prophylaxis for human and animal diseasesin Romania; b. “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association is permanently open to any natural and legal persons interested in adhering to this project; c. Promoting and developing scientific research projects (including those that imply the participation as author or co-author of the association or its members to national and international programmes) in the fields of comparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy, as well as projects related to the specific technological research in the domain; d. Establishing professional and organizational relationships with research, development and educational structures (institutes and agencies, both private and public, be they domestic or foreign); e. Organizing and coordinating the institutional activity of its membersat a national,as well asat an international level; f. Conducting informational and instructional sessions for those who activate in the fields of comparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy, as well as cooperation activities in the scientific and academic media; g. Organizing events and activities that foster the exchange of scientific ideas in the domains ofcomparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy; h. Implementing new scientific orientations meant to involve the ”living environment” in the « one-health » - human medicine – veterinary medicine – environmental medicinerelationship in order to operate the concepts of eco-prophylaxis and eco-therapy within the initiative to develop a strategy meant to carry out the primary prophylaxis for human and animal diseases; i. Educating and developing the civil society interest towards activities specific to comparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy. j. Promoting post-graduate education in the fields of comparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy; k. Stimulating technology transfer in the fields of comparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy. Volume 1, 2015 12 Art.7 7.1. In order to achieve its aim and objectives, “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association may organize and coordinate projects, symposiums, scientific sessions, public information, raising awareness or mobilising campaigns, etc., and collaboration activities with other similar nongovernmental organizations or government institutions, with local public authorities and economic agents. 7.2. “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association shall promote, stimulate and facilitate the following activities: a. cooperation activities in the academic and scientific media; b. educational activities at post-graduate level in the domains of comparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy (master degrees, short and medium term specialization studies); c. setting up specialized structures to conduct educational activities of the kind mentioned at point b; d. scientific research activities, post-graduate educational activities in the domains of comparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy; e. conducting studies and research activities in order to develop projects and programmes meant to encourage scientific research in the domains of comparative medicine, food safety, environmental medicine and bioeconomy; f. the participation as author or co-author of the members of “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association in national and international programmes on the research in One Health domain as well as in those regarding specific technological research: g. organizing commissions, conferences, seminars, workshops and other scientific, cultural, educational and informative initiatives; h. writing and publishing books, periodicals, flyers, posters, brochures, software, audiovisual materials and other informational materials; disseminating them by any possible means, including electronic means, via the website of the Association "One Health - New Medical Concept", radio or television shows; i. implying domestic or foreign economic agents in local community projects and partnerships with public authorities and/or non-governmental organizations, in order to support the implementation of scientific, educational and informative projects pertaining to One Health domain. j. designing and drafting programmes, as well circumscribed to One Health concept: 13 as providing scientific consultancy organizing fundraising programmes in order to support the One Health programmes; One Health International Journal "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association shall take appropriate action in order to request an NGO of Public Interest by means of Government Resolution; "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association shall take all legal steps to obtain R.E.N.A.R. national accreditation as well as international accreditation granted by the respective empowered authorities. CHAPTER III MEMBERSHIP of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association Rights and Responsibilities Art. 8 "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association is open to any specialist and/or public or private institution that acknowledges and/or activates within”ONE HEALTH” concept. Art. 9 Any natural person (regardless of race, sex, religion, political affiliation or nationality) or legal person may become a member of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association, if the following cumulative conditions are met: a. s/he adheres to the Statute of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; b. s/he manifests interest towards the aim and the objectives of "One Health New Medical Concept" Association; c. s/he is supported by the written recommendation of at least three founding members. Art. 10 If the conditions stipulated in art. 9are cumulatively fulfilled, the respective person may apply for membership on request, in writing. Art. 11 The Board of Directors shall give its verdict on the written application and shall decide, if appropriate, whether or not the applicant shall be included among the members of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association. The decision shall be discussed in the next general assembly that shall deliberate on the submitted application, either validating or invalidating it. Volume 1, 2015 14 Art. 12 All the members of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association have equal rights and responsibilities. 12.1. The rights of the members are the following: to elect and to be elected in the management and lucrative bodies of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; to be informed on the programmes and activities of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; to take part in the events and activities organized by "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association. 12.2. The responsibilities of the members are the following: to abide by the Statute of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association in both spirit and letter; to abide by the Rules of Procedure; to abide by all the other decisional documents issued by the managing board of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; to take part in activities organized with a view to implementing the aim and the objectives of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; toundertake no actions that are likely to threaten the physical or moral integrity of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association. CHAPTER IV ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE ASSOCIATION Art. 13. "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association is organized as follows: - The General Assembly is made up of: All the members of the association (founding, titulary, associate and honorary) - The Board of Directors is made up of 15 members: 1 President 1 Co-president 4 Vice-presidents 1 Secretary General 1 Deputy Secretary General 1 Financial Director 6 members 15 One Health International Journal Art. 14 14.1 The managing and decisional body of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association is the General Assembly of the members, with voting rights, which is held once a year; only the founding member have the voting right exclusively. The Board of Directors is held once a week or whenever necessary, being convened by the Secretary General. The Board of Directors makes the current decisions until a new General Assembly is held. The Board of Directors shall then submit a report on the entire one-year activity to the General Assembly. The Board of Directors is made up of 15 members, being assigned the following functions: The President of the Board of Directors who is, at the same time, the President of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; The Co-president, who may exercise the powers of the President in his/her absence; 4 Vicepresidents, whose role is to coordinate the activities of the departments of"One Health - New Medical Concept" Association The Secretary General of the Board of Directors who is, at the same time, the Administrator of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; 1 Deputy Secretary General of the Board of Directors 1 Financial Officer - 6 members of the Board of Directors The auditor of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association is elected by the General Assembly for a one year period. The auditor is a member of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association, with adequate knowledge in finance and accounting. The auditor of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association has the following responsibilities: a) monitoring the management of the associationassets; b) writing out reports and submitting them to the General Assembly; c) s/hemay attend the board meetings without voting right; d) performing such duties other than stipulated in the Statute or assigned by the General Assembly. The Scientific Council is made up of a Chairman and eight members. The Spokesperson, for national and international institutional relations. 14.2. The mandate of the members of the Board of Directors extends to 7(seven) years, who may be re-elected with a new mandate. Volume 1, 2015 16 Art.15 The responsibilities of the Board of Directors of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association are: a) The Board endorses, modifies and/or amends the activityprogrammesof "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association, as well as the implementation of the national and/or international programmes in which "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association is involved; b) The Board represents the Association in all national and international relationships they develop and approve of; c) The Board draws up the annual activity report of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association and submits it to the General Assembly; it also draws up the periodical reports and the assessment reports of the concluded or ongoing programmes; d) The Board makes proposals for the amendment and/or completion of the Statute of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; e) The Board makes proposals for amending and/or completing The Rules of Procedure; f) The Board decides upon gaining, suspending or losing membershipof "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association; g) The Board coordinates and controls all the activities carried out by "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association. Art. 16 The Board of Directors of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association meets in ordinary or extraordinary sessions convened by the President of "One Health - New Medical Concept"Association and/or, in case of temporary unavailability, by the Secretary General of "One Health - New Medical Concept". The President of the Board of Directors may partially or totally delegate his duties for a determined period of time to any third party (a natural person) on the basis of anauthentic special power of attorney. Art. 17 The activity of „One Health - New Medical Concept" Association shall be carried out within specialized departments, each department being led by a Head of Department and its respective members. SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENTS 1. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMNET, BIOECONOMY AND LEGISLATION 2. DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE 3. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN MEDICINE 4. DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 17 One Health International Journal 5. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE 6. DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SECURITY 7. DEPARTMENT OF ZOONOSES 8. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING AND BIOPRODUCTS 9. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 10. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 11. DEPARTMENT OF UCONVENTIONAL THERAPIES 12. DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE ONCOLOGY 13. DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION MEDICINE 12. DEPARTMENT OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY 13. DEPARTMENT OF ACCREDITATION Art. 18 "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association may receive sponsorships, donations, as well as amounts of money from nationally or internationally financed research and development projects, from European development funds, from budgetary funds, as well as from special consultancy contracts in One Health Domain. The sums of money obtained from the above mentioned sources shall be totally reinvested in the activity of the Association. The members of the Board of Directors may be remunerated on the basis of the revenue received by the Association for its activities. CHAPTER V – FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 19 Litigations In the event of litigations, they shall be resolved by means of an amicable settlement or brought to the court of justice for resolution, respectively to the Court of Justice adjacent to the address of "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association. The Dissolution of the Association The dissolution shall be done according to conditions expressly provided by the law, and the fixed and mobile assets shall become state property. The dissolution shall be made with the approval of the General Assembly, on condition that two-thirds of the founding members vote in favour. Art. 20. After entering"One Health - New Medical Concept" Association in in The Special Register of Associations and Foundations, neither founding members nor successors may abrogate The Articles of Incorporation. Volume 1, 2015 18 Art. 21. Also, after entering the Association in The Special Register of Associations and Foundations, The Articles of Incorporation may not be appealed by the personal creditors of the founding members. Art.22. The successors and the creditors of the founding members have the same rights towards "One Health - New Medical Concept" Association, as in the case of any other grant made by the founding member. Art. 23. The provisions of the present statute shall be completed by the legal provisions in force. 19 One Health International Journal ONE HEALTH – NEW MEDICAL CONCEPT ASSOCIATION IN ROMANIA LEADING TEAM BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President - MANOLESCU Nicolae Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, University Professor Emeritus Honoris Causa, Doctor Honoris Causa, corresponding member of the French Academy of Medicine – Romanian Academy Co-President - POPESCU Irinel Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, University Professor Doctor, corresponding member of the French Academy of Medicine - Clinical Hospital Fundeni Vicepresidents 1. SĂNDESC Dorel Emil University Professor Doctor,Secretary of State – Ministry of Health 2. CEPOI Vasile Doctor, President - National Authority for Hospital Accreditation 3. BOGDAN T. Alexandru Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy,University Professor. habil., Doctor of Engineering Honoris Causa, Doctor Honoris Causa– Romanian Academy 4. TEODORESCU Răzvan Associate Professor Doctor, Rector - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest Volume 1, 2015 20 Secretary General CEAUŞU Emanoil University Professor Doctor - „Victor Babes" Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Bucharest Deputy Secretar General NICOLAE Ştefan Associate Professor Doctor, Managing Director - Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health Financial Director Economist – IVAN Mariana MEMBERS ANDRONIE Viorel Associate Professor Doctor, President - College of Veterinarians of Romania BEGNESCU Romulus Doctor – second degree research scientist Former researcher - Oncological Institute, Bucharest CHIURCIU Constantin CIUREA Alexandru University Professor Doctor-Neurosurgeon IFRIM Mircea University Professor Doctor Secretary General - Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences ŞTIRBU Constantin University Professor Doctor Former Managing Director - “Pasteur”Institute 21 One Health International Journal THE AUDITING COMMISSION: President SPULBER Marina Members – MIHAI Iuliana PhD. Student – Romanian Academy – BÎRŢOIU Alin University Professor Doctor - University of Agronomic Sciences and Medicine, Bucharest (obstetrics and gynecology) Veterinary HEADS OF DEPARTAMENTS: 1. DEPARTAMENT OF MANAGEMENT, BIOECONOMY AND LEGISLATION Virgil NADOLU - ad interim Engineering Counsellor“One Health – New Medical Concept” Livia JITARU Lawyer 2. DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE BABA Ioan Alecsandru University Professor Doctor Honoris Causa - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj 3. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN MEDICINE BUZOIANU Anca University Professor Doctor, Dean - Faculty of Medicine, Cluj 4. DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE PREDOI Gabriel University Professor Doctor, Dean - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest 5. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE SĂVUŢĂ Gheorghe University Professor Doctor, Prorector – University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi Volume 1, 2015 22 TOBǍ Francisc Senior medical veterinary specialist, doctor of medicine First degree research scientist 6. DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SAFETY BELC Nastasia AssociateProfessor Doctor Managing Director - Institute of Research and Development for Food Bioresources, Bucharest 7. DEPARTAMENT OF ZOONOSES DANEŞ Doina University Professor Doctor, Dean - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest (virology) 8. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOPRODUCTS MANUFACTURING CHIURCIU Constantin 9. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ALEXE Petre University Professor Doctor Dean – “Dunarea de Jos” University, Galaţi – food chemistry 10. DEPARTAMENT OF EDUCATION GROZA Ioan University Professor Doctor Managing Director - Ministry of Education and Research 11. DEPARTMENT OF UNCONVENTIONAL THERAPIES MLADIN Cristian Ph.D. Student in Engineering Managing Director- S.C Mecrosystem S.A 12. DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVEONCOLOGY BALINT Emilia Doctor, second degree research scientist - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest 13. DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION MEDICINE URSU Ioan Scientific Director –“Horia Hulubei” Institute, Măgurele 23 One Health International Journal 14. DEPARTAMENT OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY JELEV Ioan Doctor of Engineering Secretary General – Romanian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 15. DEPARTAMENT OF ACCREDITATION IACOBESCU Fănel University Professor Doctor President - Romanian Accreditation Association RENAR 16. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Hideg CRISTIAN Economist SCIENTIFIC BOARD - President IONESCU Ruxandra University Professor Doctor Prorector -”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest - Co-President SARAFOLEANU Dorin University Professor Doctor - Otorhinolaryngologyist - Vicepresident SÎRBU Ioan University Professor Doctor - ”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Buharest - Members CINCĂ Sabin Doctor – first degree research scientist - Oncological Institute, Bucharest HERMAN Viorel University Professor Doctor Dean - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Timişoara Volume 1, 2015 24 STĂNESCU Marius Lieutenant Colonel Doctor - Orthopedics Clinic, “Dr. Carol Davila” Central Military Emergency University Hospital STOIAN Mihai Doctor, Managing Director - „Stefan S. Nicolau” Institute of Virology at the Romanian Academy, Bucharest SUCIU Nicolae University Professor Doctor Director - Institute for Mother and Child Protection General Manager –“Polizu” Maternity ŞONEA Alexandru University Professor Doctor Counsellor - Ministry of Education and Research TÂRGOVIŞTE Constantin Corresponding member, University „NicolaePaulescu”Diabetology Centre Professor – COUNSELLORS TO THE PRESIDENT OF „One Health – New Medical Concept” Association 1. Counsellor on national and international institutional relationships STRAJA Dan Nicolae Associate Professor Doctor -Oncological Institute –“Carol Davila”University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest 2. Counsellor on comparative medicine and humanmedicine problems BĂLĂCEANU STOLNICI Constantin Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy – Institute of Anthropology SPOKESMAN OF “One Health – New Medical Concept” Association SUPEANU Alexandru Ph.D. student - Romanian Academy Counsellor to the National Sanitary, Veterinary and Food Safety Authority 25 One Health International Journal PAPER SESSION Volume 1, 2015 26 HALF OF CENTURY OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE – COMPONENT PART OF THE NEW ONE HEALTH MEDICAL CONCEPT IN ROMANIA 1 2 3 4 Nicolae Manolescu , Irinel Popescu , Vasile Cepoi , Alexandru Irimie , 5 6 1 Alecsandru Ioan Baba , Emilia Balint , Alexandru Supeanu 1- The Romanian Academy 2- The Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences 3- The National Forum of Comparative Medicine 4- The University of Medicine “Iuliu Haţieganu” in Cluj-Napoca 5- The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca 6- The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest Briefing A. The „Pre-Modern” Period - 1814 – Gheorghe Arsaky – Defended his Doctorate Thesis on comparative anatomy in Munchen; - 1937 – Academician Radu Codreanu – Defended his Doctorate Thesis on comparative oncology in Paris. A. The „Modern” Period - 1968 – Professor Dr. Octav Costachel and Dr. Nicolae Manolescu initiate and develop comparative oncology in Romania; - 1981 – The scientific basis of comparative oncology is consolidated, through the organisation of periodical scientific meetings, once every two years, meetings that have enjoyed prominent international attendance. Amidst the organizers of these meetings we can highlight the names of Professor Dr. Ion Chiricuta, Professor Dr. Ion Adamesteanu, Professor Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu, Dr. Alecsandru Baba, Dr. Nicolae Manolescu, Dr. Romulus Begnescu and Dr. Ionel Patrascu; - 1999 – The Institute of Comparative Medicine in Romania is created at the initiative of Professor Dr. Nicolae Manolescu and Professor Dr. Irinel Popescu; 27 One Health International Journal - 1999 – The first edition of the bilingual (Romanian – English) magazine „The Romanian Journal of Comparative Oncology” is printed, that afterwards became „The International Journal of Comparative Oncology”, benefiting from an illustrious international editing board; - 2000 – Marks the consolidation of the collaboration between Romania and France in the field of comparative oncology, by awarding Professor André Laurent Parodi (who later on was elected President of the National Academy of Medicine in France) the title of doctor honoris causa, during a conference held in Sibiu, Romania; - 2006 – A fruitful collaboration between Romania and Italy is started, in the field of comparative oncology, a cooperation through which, in the year of 2009, in Genoa, Italy, the Mediterranean Forum of Comparative Oncology (FMOC) is established; the Forum is coordinated by Dr. Angelo Ferrari, on behalf of the Italian community and by Professor Dr. Nicolae Manolescu, on behalf of the Romanian community; - 2010 – The Mediterranean Forum of Comparative Oncology (FMOC) expands its horizon, by the establishment, in Romania, of the National Forum of Comparative Oncology (FNOC), as a branch of the aforementioned; - 2013 – The National Forum of Comparative Medicine is created, under the leadership of Dr. Vasile Cepoi, Professor Dr. Irinel Popescu and Professor Dr. Nicolae Manolescu; - 2015 – Represents the year of the foundation of the „One Health – New Medical Concept” Romania Association, with its two Presidents, Professor Dr. Nicolae Manolescu and Professor Dr. Irinel Popescu. Our plans for the future! 1. The internationalization of the „One Health – New Medical Concept” Romania Association, through international collaboration agreements, as well as through individual collaborations (thus far, the Association has had the privilege of accepting 18 renowned Italian personalities from human and veterinary medicine); Volume 1, 2015 28 2. Developing the infrastructure to serve scientific research and postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral education, by accessing international funding; 3. Collaborating with the various actors engaged in the One Health concept , to the purpose of completing the pack of policies and regulations for the implementation of the One Health concept; 4. Submitting the legislative pack for implementing the One Health medical concept to the competent authorities; 5. Organising the Environmental Medicine in Romania, within the One Health concept; 6. Participating to the international scientific community, by attending various scientific meetings. 29 One Health International Journal ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE – A CARDINAL ELEMENT OF THE ONE HEALTH CONCEPT – IMPLEMENTED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ROMANIA N.Manolescu1, I. Popescu2, Graţiela Gavrilescu3, Emilia Balint1, F. Toba3, A. Supeanu1 1 – One Health New Medical Concept Association in Romania 2 – Fundeni Liver Transplant Clinical Institute 3 – Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests Abstract The authors highlight, within the new global “One Health” new medical concept, endorsed in Romania by the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) in May 2014, the premiere organization of a novel structure, as a sine qua non condition for the attainment of health – Environmental Medicine. The “One Health” concept calls, in our acceptance, for the impetuosity of a novel medical mentation, that alongside the joinder of human and veterinary medicine, together standing for comparative medicine, a number of three other health compartments have to be included inside the same “medicine” notion: environmental medicine, food medicine and occupational medicine. Completing this veritable “medical hexagon” will undeniably ensure the two major health problems our planet faces:”eco-therapy”, standing for the healing of the environment and “eco-prophylaxis” for the primary disease prevention in humans and in animals. Environmental medicine is truly the key link between the entire global “One Health” concept. Key words: One Health, comparative medicine, environmental medicine Intromission While studying the literature we can find that currently there is no definite data for our topic – environmental medicine. The numerous works refer to analytic investigations of the environmental pollutants, as well as of the relationship between the environment and human and animal diseases. Environmental medicine, as a part of the “One Health” concept, by achieving specific syntheses, will enlist in the specific activity of achieving the primary disease prevention in humans and animals. Our collective has published a significant time ago, a series of papers, amongst which we note 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Discussions Environmental medicine represents in our vision the foundation stone of the new “One Health” global concept. The environment, as the host for all of the biotic and abiotic risk factors, is responsible for the development of multiple diseases in humans and animals. These factors can act directly or indirectly through vectors. Under these conditions, the aggression factors responsible for multiple pathologies in humans and Volume 1, 2015 30 animals can endanger (as a perpetual risk element), both the national safety of a certain country, as well as other nations, by following the cross-border principle. In order to tackle these key issues, we have presented, with the occasion of a previous paper (5), two notions (eco-therapy and eco-prophylaxis) that, once combined, can combat most of the actions of the biotic and abiotic factors. Conclusions The practical implementation of the two notions can be achieved by crossing a series of stages: 1. The permanent identification and quick dispatch to the county official sanitary veterinary laboratories of all of the dead bodies belonging to sylvatic animals, in order to determine the exact causes of death. 2. Monitoring within the sanitary veterinary county laboratories of the primary records of the sylvatic zoonoses. 3. The data centralization from the county sanitary veterinary county laboratories will take place at the “One Health New Medical Concept Association” in Romania, where it will be completed with the epidemiological evolution of the zoonoses and with the current situation in farm animals and pets. 4. The full data on the epidemiological evolution of the zoonoses in Romania will be sent by the “One Health New Medical Concept Association” in Romania to the Romanian Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests, to the Romanian Ministry of health and to the Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority. 5. The investigation, monitoring and synthesis of the data regarding the level of some abiotic risk factors (chemical, physical) for human and animal health, that dwell in surface and underground waters, in soils, in plants and also in the meat and milk of farm animals. 6. Thus, part of the conceptual “One Health” activity is achieved, that referring to environmental medicine, that by comparative medicine, supplies human and veterinary medicine the permanent quantification of both zoonoses as well as of the elements specific to comparative oncology. 31 One Health International Journal Literature 1. N.Manolescu, I.Miclaus, A.I.Baba, S.Bolte, Gr.Maltezeanu, V.Comişel, D.Crânganu, I.Terbea - Aspecte de eco-oncologie la om si animale - Simpozionul Universitar de Oncologie Comparată, martie 1998, Bucureşti. 2. N. Manolescu, I. Miclauş, A.I. Baba, S. Bolte, Gr. Maltezeanu, V. Comişel, D. Crânganu, V. Roman - Importanţa biotopului în evoluţia bolii canceroase. Nota preliminară - Revista Română de Medicină Veterinară, vol.8, p. 9, 1998. 3. N. Manolescu şi colab. - Eco-oncologia, ştiinta mileniului III, Medical UPDATE Bucureşti, vol.V, p. 66, 1998. 4. N. Manolescu, I. Miclăuş, V. Comişel, R. Begnescu, N. Alexandru, Emilia Balint Studiul unui areal de viaţă - condiţie maximală pentru cognoscibilitatea bolii canceroase la animale - Revista Română de Oncologie Comparată, vol. 1, p. 45, 1999. 5. N. Manolescu, I. Miclăuş, C. Savu, Aneta pop, Dana Stănculeanu, Manuella Militaru, Emilia Balint, Daniela Zisu - Monitorizarea integrată a mediului de viaţă în relaţie cu ecooncoterapia şi ecooncoprofilaxia bolii canceroase la om şi animale - Rev. Rom. Onc. Comparată, vol.5/2001 6. Nicolae Manolescu, Irinel Popescu, Vasile Cepoi, Alexandru Irimie, Alecsandru Ioan Baba, Emilia Balint, Alexandru Supeanu, “Half of Century of Comparative Medicine – component part of the new one health medical concept in Romania”, WVA/WMA Global Conference on One Health, 20-21 May, Madrid, Spain. Volume 1, 2015 32 DIGESTIVE NEOPLASMS IN CANINES AND FELINES AT THE MEDICAL CLINIC OF THE FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE IN BUCHAREST – ROMANIA Emilia Balint*, N. Manolescu** *-The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest **-The Romanian Academy Abstract The authors highlight the frequency and incidence of the canine and feline digestive tube neoplasms in the past years at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest. A total of 34 cases have been diagnosed: 32 canine cases and 2 feline cases. The most frequent sites were those of various segments of the intestine (11 cases) and those at the perianal glands (11 cases). The cellular base of the malignant proliferation was mainly that of epithelial cells (26 cases). Key words: digestive neoplasm, carcinoma, canines, felines Intromission The literature is relatively abundant in case presentations, in studies and methodologies of diagnosis and therapy (1, 2, 3). Materials and method The symptomatology of 34 animals (32 canines and 2 felines) was investigated by using clinical and imagistic techniques (gastroscopy, colonoscopy and rectoscopy), cases that manifested a classical symptomatology of neoplasms of various parts of the digestive tube or annex glands. The diagnosis for all of the cases was delivered by performing a detailed cytomorphological exam, with the use of the panoptic May Grünwald-Giemsa coloration. 33 One Health International Journal Results and discussions Chart no. 1 – Digestive neoplasms in canines and felines LOCATION TOTAL CASES DIAGNOSIS DUODENUM Total cases: 1 (Canines - 1, Felines - 0) 1 Vivid monomorphic epithelial proliferative activity that can be attributed to a neoplastic process 1 Malpighian carcinoma 1 1 1 (caul) Vegetant carcinoma Adenocarcinoma STOMACH Total cases: 6 (Canines - 6, Felines - 0) Giant cells fibrosacroma 1 Adenomatous polyp with a tendency to become malignant Stomach micropolyposis 1 Cholangiocarcinoma 1 Malignant carcinoma 1 (liver and spleen) Malignant centroblastic B cells lymphoma with liver metastases 1 Hepatoma 1 Peritoneal metastases deriving from a pancreatic acinar cells adenacarcinoma 1 Vegetant adenocarcinoma 1 Carcinomatous metastases INTESTINE Total cases: 11 1 (ileocecal valve) Solid adenocarcinoma (Canines - 10, Felines - 1) 1 Polyp masses with a tendency of epithelium coating malignization 2 Leiomyosarcoma 2 (rectum + intestine) Amelanotic melanoma 1 LIVER Total cases: 4 (Canines - 3, Felines - 1) PANCREAS Total cases: 1 (Canines - 1, Felines - 0) Volume 1, 2015 34 1 (inside the rectum) 1 (anal region) PERIANAL GLANDS Total cases: 11 (Canines - 11, Felines - 0) TOTAL CASES Squamous carcinoma Rhabdomyosarcoma + adenocarcinoma 1 (rectum) Mucinous adenocarcinoma 2 Vegetant adenocarcinoma 1 Compact adenocarcinoma 1 Low malignancy vegetant carcinoma 3 Sticker tumour 1 Fibrosarcoma 1 Solid Adenocarcinom 1 Giant cells fibroblastic sarcoma 1 Undifferentiated carcinoma with perianal tissue 34 (Canines - 32, Felines - 2) The analysis of the casuistry reveals the following situations: a. The frequency of the digestive tube and annexes neoplasms is higher in canines than in felines; b. The most frequent sites of the digestive cancer are those of the intestine, colon and perianal glands; c. The least frequent site of digestive cancer is that of the pancreas; d. Stomach and liver sites show a moderate frequency; e. The analysis of the cellular base of the tumour proliferation highlights an overwhelming frequency of the epithelial proliferations (26 cases); f. Sarcoma proliferations are moderate in frequency and those of malignant melanoma or malignant lymphoma are extremely rare; g. Amongst our cases we wish to bring forward an extremely interesting case, defined by two totally distinct types of neoplasms, at the anus level. Part of the tumour shows specific signs of rhabdomyosarcoma and the other part is typical for an adenocarcinoma structure. 35 One Health International Journal Conclusions 1. Digestive tube cancer in the two species, considering the frequency and incidence is relatively rare, comparative to other sites in canines and felines; 2. In our digestive tube and annexes cancer casuistry, the cellular base with the highest frequency is that of epithelial proliferations; 3. Both the diagnosis as well as the therapeutic actions are established only after the completion of the cytomorphological exam, an exam that is started either during the direct imagistic exam or during the explorative surgical intervention. Literature 1. A.I. Baba, 2010, Oncologie comparata, the Romanian Academy Publishing House; 2. N. Manolescu, 2003, Introducere in oncologia comparata, “Carol Davila” University Publishing House; 3. Stephen J. Withrow, David M. Vail, 2007, Small Animal Clinical Oncology (IVth Edition), Saunders-Elesevier Publishing House. Fig. 1- 4 – Pylorus adenocarcinoma Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Volume 1, 2015 36 Fig. 5, 6 - Cholangiocarcinoma (ascites) Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 - Leiomyosarcoma (intestine) Fig. 8-11 – Liposarcoma Fig. 8 37 Fig. 9 One Health International Journal Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 13 – Sticker tumor Fig. 14-17 - Metastasis of malignant hepatoma (pleura) Fig. 14 Volume 1, 2015 Fig. 15 38 Fig. 16 39 Fig. 17 One Health International Journal Volume 1, 2015 40 41 One Health International Journal ONE HEALTH European Interregional Conference Romania – Bucharest – 22-24 September 2016 Location: Palace of the Parliament Volume 1, 2015 42 ORGANIZERS Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) One Health New Medical Concept Association in Romania One Health Platform One Health Commission One Health Initiative Romanian Academy Medical Sciences Academy Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Academy Veterinary Medicine College of Romania 43 One Health International Journal HONORARY PRESIDENTS Prof. Bernard CHARPENTIER, PhD, MD Prof. André-Laurent PARODI, PhD, DVM EXECUTIVE PRESIDENTS Prof. Nicolae MANOLESCU, PhD, DVM Prof. Irinel POPESCU, PhD, MD Acad. Gheorghe SIN GENERAL SECRETARY Prof. Emanoil CEAUŞU, PhD, MD Prof. Mircea IFRIM, PhD, MD Volume 1, 2015 44 Prof. Ab OSTERHAUS, PhD, MD Prof. John McKenzie, PhD, MD Prof. Peter DOHERTY, MD Cheryl STROUD, DVM, PhD Bruce KAPLAN, DVM Laura KAHN, MD, MPH, MPP Lisa CONTI, DVM, MPH Jack WOODALL, PhD Thomas MONATH, MD Prof. Juan ZARATE, PhD, DVM Chris VANLANGENDONCK David DE POOTER 45 One Health International Journal ORGANIZING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Assoc. Prof. Răzvan TEODORESCU, PhD, DVM Eng. Virgil NADOLU Assoc. Prof. Viorel ANDRONIE, PhD, DVM Vasile CEPOI, PhD, MD Prof. Fausto QUINTAVALLA, PhD, DVM Lux HOLGER, PhD, MD Prof. Dorin SARAFOLEANU, PhD, MD Raed ARAFAT, PhD, MD Prof. Alecsandru Ioan BABA, PhD, DVM Eng. Marieta PANAIT, PhD Eng. Constantin CHIURCIU, PhD Prof. Greg GRAY, PhD, MD Prof. Alexandru IRIMIE, PhD, MD Eng. Prof. Petre ALEXE, PhD Prof. Nicolae STRAJA, PhD, MD Eng. Francisc TOBĂ, PhD Prof. George STOICA, PhD, DVM Prof. Nicolae SUCIU, PhD, MD Romulus BEGNESCU, PhD, DVM Prof. Dorel SĂNDESC, PhD, MD Eng. Cristian MLADIN Daniore VITTORIO, PhD, MD Prof. Tulio FLORIO, PhD, MD Prof. Vasile COZMA, PhD, DVM Acad. Nicolae ZAMFIR Volume 1, 2015 46 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Presidents Prof. A.T. Bogdan, PhD, DVM Prof. Angelo Ferrari, PhD, DVM SECRETARY Eng. Prof. Nastasia BELC, PhD Prof. Dorina Bogdan, PhD, DVM MEMBERS Assoc. Prof. Emilia BALINT, PhD, DVM Prof. Alexandru CIUREA, PhD, MD Eng. Prof. Fănel IACOBESCU, PhD Prof. Ruxandra IONESCU, PhD, MD Prof. Constantin IONESCU TÂRGOVIŞTE, PhD, MD Eng. Ioan JELEV, PhD Prof. Gabriel PREDOI, PhD, DVM Prof. Giacomo Rossi, PhD, DVM 47 One Health International Journal SUBJECTS 1. Environmental medicine 2. Occupational medicine 3. Comparative medicine 4. Food safety and nutrition medicine PROGRAM Thursday 22th September 2016 a.m - Participants registration - Welcoming speeches - Environmental Medicine – communications p.m - Food Safety and Nutrition Medicine Friday 23th September 2016 a.m - Comparative Medicine p.m - Occupational Medicine - Poster Session - Closure of the scientific meeting Saturday 24th septembrie 2016 Trip to the mountains - Braşov – Poiana Braşov (with the bus) Volume 1, 2015 48 List of chairmen Proposal - Prof. Bernard CHARPENTIER Prof. André Laurent PARODI Prof. Nicolae MANOLESCU Prof. Irinel POPESCU Prof. Gheorghe SIN Prof. A.T. Bogdan List of interrnational chairmen Proposal Health platform Health commission Health initiative HOTEL RESERVATION - IBIS Hotel - 75 euro/day REGISTRATION FEE Until 01.03.2016 – 150 euro/pers. After 01.03.2016 – 250 euro/pers. For students – 100 euro/pers. Article abstract DEADLINE – 01.03.2016 (title, authors, affiliation, correspondence author, summary) Abstract approval until 1.04.2016 Full article DEADLINE – 01.06.2016 CONTACT Alexandru SUPEANU, DVM – 0724 088 001/0753 616 803 Iuliana MIHAI, DVM – 0749 022 555 49 One Health International Journal Volume 1, 2015 166