Linn County Fair Book
Linn County Fair Book
OPEN CLASS FAIRBOOK July 13—16, 2016 General Info Static Departments Animal Departments How to Exhibit .......................... 2 Entry Number Card ................... 3 Exhibitors Rules ........................ 3 Static Entry Form ................... 32 Agriculture ..............................4 Art, Crafts and Hobbies ............6 Baked Goods ...........................8 Floral & Horticulture .............. 11 Food Preservation.................. 13 Photography .......................... 15 Table Setting .......................... 16 Textiles .................................. 17 Livestock Rules...................... 23 Health Requirements ............ 24 Large Animal Entry Form ....... 30 Rabbit Entry Form ................. 31 Beef Cattle ............................ 25 Dairy Cattle ........................... 26 Dairy Goats ........................... 27 Sheep ................................... 28 Rabbits ................................. 29 For 4-H and FFA Information contact the Linn County Extension Office at 541-967-3871 Or visit their website Every effort has been made to have the exhibitor’s premium book as correct as possible. No liability is accepted for possible errors or omissions. Copies are available online at and at the Linn County Fair & Expo Center Office, 3700 Knox Butte Rd E, Albany, OR 97322. For more information, email or call the Fair office at 541-926-4314 or 800-858-2005. The Linn County Fair is a county-wide showcase of agriculture, crafts, industry and business. It provides county residents the opportunity for the exhibition of livestock, farm and horticulture products, and articles of arts, crafts and beauty. What is an exhibitor’s Premium Book? Everything you need to know about entering goods and livestock in the 2016 Linn County Fair! This year’s fair is set for July 13—16, at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center in Albany. The exhibitor premium book includes all of the rules and regulations pertaining to the fair and details of each of the exhibit categories. There are two classes in which to enter the fair: Static Goods and Livestock. Each is divided into a number of categories, such as beef cattle, sheep, clothing, baked goods, and so on. Under each category is listed the person in charge of the exhibit, the time of judging, the premiums and the rules and regulations of that event. The rules also list when entries close and what can be entered under each category. Open class livestock MUST pre-register. Entry forms are located on pages 30-31. Exhibitors entering static Art, Photography, and or Textiles are strongly encouraged to pre-register. The entry form is located on page 32. All entry forms are due to the Linn County Fair office, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany, by Tuesday, June 28, at 5 PM. To enter in the 4-H and FFA categories please contact the Extension Office at 541-967-3871 or their website Fair and Expo facilities are available for rental throughout the year. Contact the Fair and Expo Office for more information and rates, 541-926-4314 or 800-858-2005. To Exhibit in Open Class at the Linn County Fair 1. 2. 3. 4. form 5. Each person entering an item in the Linn County Fair must have an individual entry number (only one entry number per person). • FIRST TIME: completely fill out entry card (on next page) and present it at the fair office, or call the Linn County Fair & Expo Office at 541-926-4314 or 800-858-2005, or email and we can give you a number. For non-animal exhibitors this can be done when you bring in your exhibits. • RETURNING: If you already have a number, you must use that number again this year (if you don’t know your number, call the Fair & Expo Office at 541-926-4314 or 800-858-2005 or email and we can give it to you). Present your entry number to each department as entries are made. Livestock (beef cattle, dairy cattle, goats, sheep and cavies) MUST PRE-ENTER by June 28. Use the forms on pages 30-31 in this book and either hand deliver or mail to: Ronda Sherman, Linn County Fair & Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Road E, Albany, OR 97322. Art, Photography, and Textile entries are strongly encouraged to pre-entered by June 28. Use the on page 32 in this book and either hand deliver or mail to: Ronda Sherman, Linn County Fair & Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Road E, Albany, OR 97322. See specific departments for details on entry dates, judging times, and release times. 2 Ex. # ____________ Entry Number Card Each exhibitor assumes the responsibility for all property during the Linn County Fair. All property that is lost, stolen or destroyed will be at the risk of the exhibitor and not at the risk of the Linn County Fair Board or the Linn County Fair & Expo Center. Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: City: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Zip: ____________________________ Phone (Area Code): __________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s Rules and Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Open Class Department exhibits are limited to residents living or owning land in Linn County, except where noted within specific departments. All entries must be prepared and/or grown by the exhibitor. Decisions of the judges are final. The American Placing System is used: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Appropriate awards will be assigned based on quality of exhibit as deemed appropriate by the judge. Non-animal exhibits may be entered in Linn County Fair only once. Fair management reserves the right to reject any exhibit or display if it is deemed inappropriate. The Linn County Fair will not be liable for any loss or damage to exhibits. In Compliance with the Oregon Clean Air Act, there is no smoking inside public buildings. Outside smoking areas are designated and smoking is permitted in those areas only. No Dogs or other domestic pets are allowed on the Fairgrounds except those participating in the Fair or as a service dog to a disabled person. If you received an exhibitor’s number in the past, it must be used at the current Fair. If you do not know, cannot find your number, or are a new Fair exhibitor, come to the Fair & Expo Office at 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany, call 541-926-4314 or 800-858-2005. or email Exhibitors MUST have an exhibitor number to exhibit in the fair. Exhibit tags are available at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office prior to the beginning of the Fair. Open Class entry forms are found in the back of this book. Entry forms may be photocopied for individual use. Entry forms must be appropriate to the department in which the exhibit is entered. Premiums will be paid Friday & Saturday (July 15-16) from 1 PM —5 PM and Sunday, July 17, from noon— 5 PM only at the Fair & Expo Office information window. Exhibitors must show identification before premiums will be released. Premiums will not be mailed. Unclaimed premiums will go back into the Fair fund one week after the end of fair. Linn County Fair & Expo is not responsible for any entries that are not picked up at the times specified in the Premium Book. Items remaining 10 days following the close of the fair will be given to local social service organizations. Exhibits will be released at times listed in Premium Book ONLY. 3 Department 1—Agriculture Department 1 • AGRICULTURE Superintendent Colleen Robert 541-995-6660 Intake: • Tuesday, July 12, noon to 6 PM Judging: • Wednesday, July 13, beginning at 9 AM Release • Saturday at end of FAIR • • • • Entry Procedures 1. Entries will be accepted during the above mentioned hours only in the Willamette Expo Center. 2. Persons picking up entries must have the exhibitor’s tag and identification. Entries not picked up will be removed from the building. 3. Registration numbers, forms and exhibitor tags may be obtained at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany. 4. Premiums are as follows: $3.00—first place $2.00—second place $1.00—third place Ribbon—fourth place 5. All exhibits must be grown by exhibitor. 6. Each exhibitor is allowed two exhibits per lot in each class. Entries must be of two different varieties, otherwise the judge may refuse to award premiums on exhibits duplicated and/or not named. 7. List variety name on entry tag, i.e. list variety names as specified on seed packet such as ‘Golden Jubilee Corn’ for dept. 1, class 1, lot 13. 8. Exhibitors must furnish their own plates, boxes, or bags for exhibits. CLASS 1 Vegetables • High quality, uniformisty and atractiveness are the key to a good exhibit. Choose entries that are typical of the variety, edible at time of show and the same ripeness. Entries should also be alike in size, shape and color when more than one specimen is called for. • Beets and carrots should have one-half inch of stem. The tap roots should be left on. All small rootlest should be removed. • Mature onions should have the roots taken off just below the base of the bulb and tops cut off one inch above the bulb. Snap beans should be well matched in all characteristics; be tender and snap redily. They must be picked carefully with the stems left on. Cucumbers should be well matched, not over-mature, typical of the variety and should have the stems left on. Being of storage type it should not be washed, but lightly brushed off. Summer squash should be well matached, typical of the variety, crisp and tender. Short stems should be left on. Summer squash may be washed. Tomatoes may be yellow or red, well matched and free from defects. Root vegetables must not be scrubbed or have the skin rubbed excessively. Dirt should be soaked and lightely washed off. Lot Number 1. Artichokes—3 specimens (1/2” stem) 2. Beans, green pole—5 pods 3. Beans, green bush—5 pods 4. Beans, purple—5 pods 5. Beans, yellow—5 pods 6. Beans, all other—5 pods 7. Beans, dried—1/2 pint 8. Beets, table—5 specimens 9. Beets, cylinder—5 specimens 10. Beets, golden—5 specimens 11. Broccoli—1 main head or 5 shoots 12. Cabbage, green—1 head 13. Cabbage, red—1 head 14. Carrots—5 specimens 15. Celery—2 stalks 16. Collard Greens—5 leaves with stems 17. Corn, sweet—3 ears shucked on one side 18. Cucumbers, lemon—2 specimens 19. Cucumbers, slicing—2 specimens 20. Cucumbers, pickling—5 specimens 21. Cauliflower—1 head 22. Dill Plant—5 seed heads (10” stems) 23. Eggplant—1 specimen 24. Garlic, green—5 bulbs, green tops w/ roots attached 25. Garlic, dried—5 bulbs 26. Garlic, elephant—4 whole bulbs (not cloves) 27. Gourds, dried and cleaned—1 specimen 28. Kale—5 leaves with stems 29. Kohlrabi—2 specimens 30. Leeks—1 bunch 31. Lettuce—1 head 32. Onions, white—3 specimens 33. Onions, Walla Walla Sweet—3 specimens 34. Onions, red—3 specimens 35. Onions, other varieties—3 specimens 36. Parsnips—5 specimens 37. Peas, Shelling—5 specimens 38. Peas, snap, edible pod—5 specimens 39. Peas, snow, edible pod—5 specimens 40. Peppers, hot—5 specimens 41. Peppers, Sweet or Bell—2 specimens 4 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. Peppers, other varieties—5 specimens Potatoes, white—5 specimens Potatoes, red—5 specimens Potatoes, blue—5 specimens Potatoes, other—5 specimens Radish, red—5 specimens (1/4” stem) Radish, white—5 specimens (1/4” stem) Rhubarb—5 stalks Shallots—3 bulbs Spinach—5 leaves with stems Squash, zucchini green—3 specimens (6”-10”) Squash, zucchini yellow—3 specimens (6”-10”) Squash, scallped or white —3 specimens Squash, yellow crook neck—3 specimens (5”-8”) Squash, any other variety—1 specimen Swiss Chard—5 leaves with stems Tomatoes, green—5 specimens Tomatoes, red, slicing —5 specimens (2” or over) Tomatoes, yellow, slicing —5 specimens (2” or over) Tomatoes, paste—5 specimens Tomatoes, cherry—5 specimens (under 2”) Other Vegetables—2 specimens CLASS 2 Extraordinary Vegetables • Tall corn and sunflowers may be brought in with roots attached and in buckets or plastic sacks so they will hold up for the duration of the fair. • Product will be judged on the unusual and quality. • Limit one per lot number. Lot Number 1. Largest Potato by weight 2. Tallest Corn by height 3. Biggest Sunflower head (diameter) 4. Tallest Sunflower by height 5. Biggest Apple 6. Most Unusual Vegetable 7. Biggest Tomato (circumference) Department 1—Agriculture CLASS 3 Fruits and Nut • Plate Exhibit—4 specimens • Exhibitors are resonsible for naming the variety of fruit shown by them and the judge may refuse to award premiums on exhibits not names. • Apples should be polished, uniform in size and color, and have the stems left on. All leaves and sections of branches attached to the stem should be removed. • Peaches, fresh prunes, and plums should have their stems and natural blossom or waxiness left on. • No more than two entries per lot per person. • Entries must be of different varieties (i.e. ‘Patriot Blueberry’ and ‘Elliot Blueberry’ may be entered into dept 1, class 3, lot 11 by the same entrant but not two samples of the same variety.) Lot Number 1. Apples, Gravenstein 2. Apples, Crabapple 3. Apples, Red 4. Apples, Green 5. Apples, Yellow 6. Blackberries—1/2 pint 7. Blackberries, Black Caps—1/2 pint 8. Blueberries—1/2 pint 9. Boysenberries—1/2 pint 10. Raspberries—1/2 pint 11. Strawberries—1/2 pint 12. Berries, other—1/2 pint 13. Cantaloupe—1 only 14. Cherries, Bing—1 pint 15. Cherries, Lambert—1 pint 16. Cherries, Rainier—1 pint 17. Cherries, Royal—1 pint 18. Cherries, Pie—1 pint 19. Peaches 20. Pears 21. Plum, Italian 22. Plum, Japanese 23. Plum, other varieties not listed 24. Prunes, fresh 25. Nuts, Walnuts—15 (not shelled) 26. Nuts, Filberts—20 (not shelled) 27. Other Fruit CLASS 4 Herbs • Potted with good drainage Lot Number 1. Basil 2. Chives 3. Marjoram 4. Any other herb CLASS 5 Miscellaneous CLASS 9 Threshed Grain, 1/2 Pint Lot Number 1. Honey, comb 2. Honey, strained 3. Eggs, brown—1/2 dozen 4. Eggs, white—1/2 dozen 5. Eggs, blue or green—1/2 dozen 6. Eggs, Bantam—1/2 dozen 7. Eggs, Duck—1/2 dozen 8. Eggs, Goose, Emu, Ostrich—1/2 dozen 9. Eggs, Other—1/2 dozen 10. Peppermint oil Lot Number 1. Barley 2. Corn 3. Oats 4. Quinoa 5. Rye 6. Wheat 7. Any other variety CLASS 6 Wool—Sheep • All fleeces will be judged by specific breed standard. • All fleeces shown must have been sheared in the spring or summer within 13 months of the opening date of the Linn County Fair. • All fleeces entered must have been sheared from sheep owned by the exhibitor. • All fleeces must be in clear plastic bag. Lot Number 1. Dried Beans 2. Dried Peas 3. Orchard Grass 4. Perennial Grass, any variety 5. Annual Grass, any variety 6. Other seeds Lot Number 1. Long White: 34+ micron (suggested breeds: Romney, Lincoln, Border Leicester, Coopworth, Salish, etc.) 2. Long Natural: 34+ micron 3. Medium White: 26-33 micron (suggested breeds: Polypay, Corriedale, Dorset, Suffolk, Hampshire, Cheviot, Southdown, East Freisien, Finn, Romeldale, etc.) 4. Medium Natural: 26-33 micron 5. Fine White: less than 26 micron (suggested breeds: Cormo, Merino, Dorper, Rambouillet, Columbia, etc.) 6. Fine Natural: less than 26 micron 7. Primative White: variable diameter depending upon breed standards (suggested breeds: Shetland, Icelandic, Navajo-Churro, Jacob, Fat tail, Karakul, etc.) 8. Primative Natural: variable diameter Lot Number 1. 1st cutting 2. 2nd cutting 3. 3rd cutting CLASS 10 Grasses, Legumes and Seed, 1/2 Pint CLASS 11 Alfalfa Hay • One (1) flake wrapped open end in clear plastic. CLASS 12 Grass Hay • One (1) flake wrapped open end in clear plastic. Lot Number 1. Fine Fescue 2. Tall Fescue 3. Other Grass CLASS 7 Llama Fleece Lot Number 1. Colored Fleece 2. White Fleece Agriculture special awards CLASS 8 Alpaca Fleece TBA Lot Number 1. Colored Fleece 2. White Fleece 5 Department 2—Arts & Crafts Department 2 ARTS & CRAFTS Superintendents Dalana Prunk 541-619-6812 Entry Intake: • Saturday, July 9, 11 AM to 4 PM • Sunday, July 10, 1 to 4 PM Judging: • Monday, July 11, 9 AM Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, NOON—3 PM Pre-registration of art, textile, and photo entries strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Entry form on page 33 Entry Procedures 1. Entries will ONLY be accepted and released during the above mentioned hours at the Willamette Event Center. 2. Persons picking up entries must have the exhibitor’s tag and identification. Entries not picked up will be removed from the building. 3. Registration numbers, forms and exhibitor tags may be obtained at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany. 4. Premiums are as follows: $3.00—first place $2.00—second place $1.00—third place Ribbon—fourth place 5. All entries are to be made by the exhibitor within one (1) year of the opening date of the current Linn County Fair. 6. Strong hangers are required for hanging pictures and wall-hangings (steel, or other strong wire, preferably no smaller than ~22 gauge). If proper hanging equipment is not attached, entries are subject to our alteration. 7. Each exhibitor is allowed two entries per lot in each class. 8. Copies of paintings will be accepted, but must be labeled as such. 9. All entries must be marked on reverse side with artist name, address, title of work, class, and lot. 10. Any exhibitor selling their work on a regular basis, or teaching, must enter professional classes only. 11. If there is no category in which to place your art piece, please bring it with you so that we can try to find a suitable class and lot (not guaranteed). ART CLASS 1 Professional CLASS 6 Children (ages 12 and under) Lot Number Lot Number 1. Oil Painting 1. Oil 2. Water Colors 2. Acrylic 3. Drawing (Pencil, Charcoal, Ink) 3. Water Colors 4. Pastel 4. Drawing (Ink, Pencil, Charcoal, Pastels, 5. Crayon Pen) 6. Acrylic 5. Other 7. Abstract 8. Other CLASS 2 Acrylic (Adult—18 and over) CLASS 7 Children (ages 13—17 years) Lot Number 1. Landscape Lot Number 2. Seascape/Marine 1. Oil Painting 3. Portrait or Figure 2. Water Colors 4. Still Life 3. Drawing (Pencil, Charcoal, Ink) 5. Structures 4. Pastel 6. Abstract 5. Crayon 7. Animal 6. Acrylic 8. Other 7. Abstract 8. Other CLASS 3 Water Colors CLASS 8 Poetry & Lyrics Lot Number • All work must be original. 1. Landscape • Poems and Lyrics should be typed legibly. 2. Seascape/Marine • Any poetry or lyric form is acceptable. 3. Portrait or Figure • MUST be in frame or sheet protector. 4. Still Life 5. Structures Lot Number 6. Abstract 1. Child (ages 12 and under) 7. Animal 2. Junior (ages 13—17) 8. Other 3. Adult CLASS 4 Drawings (Ink, Pencil, Charcoal, Pastels) CLASS 9 Graphic Design Lot Number 1. Landscape 2. Seascape/Marine 3. Portrait or Figure 4. Still Life 5. Structures 6. Abstract 7. Animal 8. Other Lot Number 1. Typography 2. Abstract 3. Structures 4. Other CLASS 5 Oil Lot Number 1. Landscape 2. Seascape/Marine 3. Portrait or Figure 4. Still Life 5. Structures 6. Abstract 7. Animal 8. Other 6 CLASS 10 Recycled Art Use at least 5 materials that could be recycled or reused. • Dimensions, no larger than 2’ wide by 3’ tall. • Title your art piece on a small card and include one sentence describing your art piece. Lot Number 1. Junior (ages 12 and under) 2. Adult (ages 13 and over) Department 2—Arts & Crafts CRAFTS & HOBBIES CLASS 11 Ceramics Lot Number 1. Figurine 2. Container 3. Dolls 4. Set of 3 or more 5. Handmade Pottery 6. Plate, Bowl, Cup 7. Other CLASS 12 Porcelain Lot Number 1. Figurine 2. Container 3. Dolls 4. Set of 3 or more 5. Handmade Pottery 6. China (place, bowl, cup) 7. Other CLASS 13 Polymer Clay Lot Number 1. Figurine 2. Container 3. Dolls 4. Set of 3 or more 5. Handmade Pottery 6. Plate, Bowl, Cup 7. Other CLASS 14 Glass & Glassblowing Lot Number 1. Figurine 2. Container 3. Dolls 4. Set of 3 or more 5. Handmade Pottery or Beads 6. Plate, Bowl, Cup 7. Leaded & Stained 8. Other CLASS 15 Woodwork Lot Number 1. Lathe 2. Furniture 3. Toys 4. Box 5. Model House or Structure 6. Carving 7. Trivet 8. Scroll Saw 9. Wood Burning 10. Yard Art 11. Vehicles 12. Other CLASS 18 Juniors (ages 13—17) Lot Number 1. Handmade Pottery 2. Carving 3. Models CLASS 16 4. Woodworking Miscellaneous/Creative Hobbies 5. Jr. Collections (3-5 items collected by exhibitor or made by exhibitor shown in a Lot Number closed case) 1. Basket Weaving 6. Basket Weaving 2. Weaving 7. Rubber Stamping 3. Silk Flowers 8. Wearable Art 4. Leather Tooling 9. Pen & Ink, Watercolor 5. Toole & Decorative 10. Jewelry 6. Beading 11. Beading 7. Rubber Stamping 12. Collage 8. Wearable Art 13. Legos 9. Collections (3-5 items collected by 14. Other exhibitor or made by exhibitor shown in a closed case) CLASS 19 10. Ornaments Jewelry 11. Wrapped Wire 12. Legos Lot Number 13. Other 1. Beading 2. Wrapped Wire CLASS 17 3. Rings Children (ages 12 and under) 4. Necklaces 5. Bracelets Lot Number 6. Anklets 1. Handmade Pottery 7. Earrings 2. Carving 3. Models CLASS 20 4. Woodworking Paper Craft 5. Children Collections (3-5 items collected by exhibitor or made by exhibitor shown Lot Number in a closed case) 1. Print Making 6. Basket Weaving 2. Scrapbooking/Memory Pages 7. Rubber Stamping 3. Collage 8. Wearable Art 4. Aging 9. Ornaments 5. Origami 10. Pen & Ink, Watercolor 6. Decoupage 11. Jewelry 7. Paper Cutting/Scherenschnitte 12. Beading 8. Other 13. Collage 14. Legos CLASS 21 15. Calligraphy All Media 16. Other Should contain minimum of 3 types of media. Lot Number 1. All Media 7 Department 3 —Baked Goods Department 3 BAKED GOODS Superintendent Lorrie Tharp Entry Intake: • Tuesday, July 12, 2 to 8 PM Judging: • Wednesday, July 13, 8 AM Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, NOON TO 3 PM Entry Procedures 1. Entries will be accepted and released during the above mentioned hours at the Willamette Event Center. 2. Persons picking up entries must have the exhibitor’s tag and identification. Entries not picked up will be taken to the fair office. 3. Registration numbers, forms and exhibitor tags may be obtained at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany. 4. Premiums are as follows: $3.00—first place $2.00—second place $1.00—third place Ribbon—fourth place 5. Each Exhibitor is allowed two different entries per lot in each lot. 6. The recipe MUST accompany each entry or it will not be accepted. Winning recipes will be published in a recipe book. 7. Enter products on disposable plates covered with new resealable bags, except for pies. 8. All entries must be made by the entrant. 9. No mixes except in class 3. 10. Judging will take into consideration general appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and uniformity. 11. Youth and Children may compete with adults in open class. CLASS 1 Yeast Bread • Exhibit 1/3 loaf or 4 rolls Lot Number 1. White Bread 2. Dark Bread (other than white) 3. White Dinner Rolls 4. Dark Rolls 5. Sweet Rolls 6. Coffee Cake 7. Foreign or Holiday Bread 8. Sourdough Bread 9. Bread Machine, white only 10. Bread Machine, any other type 11. Bread Machine, shaped outside machine CLASS 5 (cinnamon rolls, Artisan, etc.) Cakes 12. Other • Exhibit 1/2 layer or 1/3 tube cake. • All cakes are exhibited without icing CLASS 2 except lots 7, 8, and 9. Quick Breads • No recipe needed for lots 7, 8 and 9. • Baking power or baking soda. • Exhibit 1/3 loaf or 4 muffins/biscuits Lot Number 1. Chocolate Lot Number 2. Yellow/White 1. Bread (vegetable, zucchini, pumpkin, carrot) 3. Bundt 2. Fruit, Raisin or Nut Bread 4. Angelfood (other than zucchini & Banana) 5. Carrot 3. Banana Bread 6. Cupcakes—3 (with papers) 4. Muffins (no paper holders) 7. Decorated Cupcake—3 (with papers) 5. Biscuits 8. Decorated Cake (may use form) 6. Coffee Cake 9. Wedding Cake (may use form) 7. Foreign or Holiday Bread (e.g. gingerbread) 10. Other 8. Cornbread 9. Scones CLASS 6 10. Other Cookies • Exhibit 4 cookies CLASS 3 • No recipe needed for lot 14 Using ready-made mixes • Recipes using ready-made or pre-made Lot Number product in your original recipe. 1. Oatmeal (i.e. frozen bread dough made into 2. Chocolate Chip only cinnamon rolls.) 3. Chocolate Chip, other 4. Peanut Butter Lot Number 5. Sugar 1. Yeast product 6. No Bake 2. Quick Bread product 7. Brownies (Cinnamon rolls, coffee cake, etc.) 8. Bars and Squares (other than brownies) 3. Cookie product 9. Ginger Snaps 4. Gluten Free 10. Snickerdoodles 5. Other 11. Shaped (not Snickerdoodles or Ginger Snaps) CLASS 4 12. Filled Pies and Pastries 13. Molasses • For pies, cheescakes, cobblers, and tarts 14. Decorated enter entire product. Any size pan may be 15. Refrigerated used. 16. Drop • We will accept pies that require 17. Other refrigeration. We have storage space to secure your pie plates until they are CLASS 7 picked up. (Be sure to mark you plastes Candies for identification.) • Exhibit 4 pieces • Pudding mixes may be used but not as the main filling ingredient. Lot Number 1. Fudge Lot Number 2. Toffee 1. Single Crust, Fruit 3. Divinity 2. Single Crust, Cream or Custard 4. Nut Brittle 3. Double Crust, Apple 5. Dipped Chocolates 4. Double Crust, Other (Berry, Cherry, etc.) 6. Fruit Candies 5. Cobblers & Crisp 7. Carmel Corn—2 cups 6. Cheesecake 8. Molded Candy 7. Meringues (1), Tarts (1), Cream Puffs (4), 9. Other Turnovers (4) 8. Other 8 Department 3 —Baked Goods CLASS 8 Crackers • Exhbit 4 crackers Lot Number 1. White 2. Whole Wheat 3. Other CLASS 9 Youth (9-18 Years) • No recipe needed for lot 6. Lot Number 1. Yeast Bread—1/3 loaf or 4 rolls 2. Muffins (no paper holders) 3. Quick Bread—1/3 loaf or 4 rolls (using baking poweder or baking soda) 4. Pie 5. Cake—1/3 cake (no icing) 6. Decorated Cake (may use form) 7. Chocolate Chip Cookies 8. Drop Cookies— 4 cookies 9. Bar Cookies— 4 cookies 10. Shaped Cookies—4 cookies 11. Decorated Cookies—4 cookies 12. No Bake Cookies—4 cookies 13. Peanut Butter Cookies—4 cookies 14. Other Cookies—4 cookies 15. Candy—4 pieces 16. Crackers— 4 crackers 17. Pie 18. Other CLASS 11 Gluten Free • A recipe must accompany each entry or it will not be accepted. • Pre-Made Flour mixes may be used as an ingredient only Lot Number 1. Yeast 2. Quick Bread—Bread 3. Quick Bread—Muffins 4. Quick Bread—Other 5. Cake 6. Cookie 7. Other CLASS 12 Low/No Sugar Cookery • Use natural fruit pulps, pieces and sugar substitutes—not honey. • A recipe must accompany each entry or it will not be accepted. Lot Number 1. Cakes (cupcakes, loaf, not layered) 2. Snack Foods (e.g. candies) 3. Cookies 4. Other Special Award Best of Classes 11 & 12—$10 award CLASS 10 Children’s (under 9) • No recipe needed for lot 4 Lot Number 1. Yeast Bread—1/3 loaf or 4 rolls 2. Quick Bread—1/3 loaf or 4 rolls (using baking poweder or baking soda) 3. Cake—1/3 cake (no icing) 4. Decorated Cake (may use form) 5. Cupcakes—4 (with papers) 6. Drop Cookies— 4 cookies 7. Bar Cookies— 4 cookies 8. Shaped Cookies—4 cookies 9. Decorated Cookies—4 cookies 10. No Bake Cookies—4 cookies 11. Peanut Butter Cookies—4 cookies 12. Other cookies—4 cookies 13. Candy—4 pieces Special Award The James and Maureen Robert Memorial Children’s Award will be awarded to the Best in Class for Class 10. The winner will receive a special ribbon. Previous winners are not eligible. Sponsored by Colleen Robert, Harrisburg. 9 Department 3 —Baked Goods Friday, July 18 SPECIAL CONTESTS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Saturday, July 19 Saturday, July 19 DESIGN YOUR OWN GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEWELL’S SUMMER SALAD CONTEST MOM NEWMAN’S APPLE PIE CONTEST If you were the Girl Scout Cookie Counsel, what Reinvent the typical summer BBQ salad by • kind of cookie would you make? What kind of making your best creative summer salad box would you create? Make the next recipe. delicious Girl Scout cookie and box. • e b o t s t r s e e t t a n l o a C t l a a i d c e e c p n ! S nou e t a d n a This years kids contest has been created, • managed and judged by the third generation of the baked goods department, Payton Jean Sewell, age 9. As a junior Girl Scout, she is • working toward earning her Bronze award. • • • Entries will be taken in the Baked Goods Department on the Sunday of fair from noon-1:00 PM. This contest is open to men, women and children of all ages. All entries will be judged against each other in one class. Anyone entering this special contest will have free fair entry with their apple pie. Last year’s winner is not eligible to enter this year. Awards will be given out following judging. You do not need to be present to win. Bring your entry to the Baked Goods Department on the Saturday of fair from 11:00 to 11:30 AM. Anyone entering the special contest on Saturday will have free fair entry with their salad. Awards will be given out at end of pie contest. • • • Bring your entry to the Baked Goods • Department on the Friday of fair from • 11:00 to 11:30 AM. Children entering the special contest on Rules for Entry Friday will have free fair entry with their Rules for Entry 1. Recipe MUST be typed on an 1. Contest is for infividuals ages 16 and creations. 8 1/2 X 11 inch piece of paper. Please Awards will be given out at 12:30 PM. above. include your name, address and phone Divisions 1. Children (Under 9) 2. Youth (ages 9-18) 2. 3. 4. One entry per person. Food can be any form of a salad using any ingredients. Recipe MUST be typed. Please include name, street address, and phone number. Please bring food ready to serve (i.e. hot food hot, cold food cold). Rules for Entry 1. A recipe MUST accompany each entry or 5. it will not be accepted 2. All entries must be made by the entrant. 3. Bring four of your bite size Girl Scout cookies on a paper plate in a clear size Awards resealable bag. If you choose, you may 1st—$25.00, 2nd—$10.00, 3rd—$5.00 bring some extra cookies in your box for display. 4. Judging will be based on originality, neatness, creativity and deliciousness 5. Follow rule #7 under “Entry Procedures” (pg. 8) for enterine your exhibit Awards 1st—$5.00, 2nd—$3.00, 3rd—$1.00 In both Children’s and Youth divisions 10 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. number in lower right corner. You must have both the crust and filling recipe to exhibit. Only standard 9” or 10” two-crusted oven baked pies allowed. No pre-made or mix allowed. No fruit allowed except apples. Pie must be made by exhibitor, only one pie per entrant. Bring pie completely cooled and covered with plastic wrap. Put your name on the bottom of your pie plate. Pies will be judged 20% on appearance, 40% on crust and 40% on filling. Awards 1st place—$100.00 and a special ribbon 2nd place—$50.00 and a special ribbon 3rd place—$25.00 and a special ribbon Department 4 —Floral & Horticulture Department 4 FLORAL & HORTICULTURE during the course of the fair. HORTICULTURE TIPS: • Select material in it’s prime, and make sure it is pest free. • Cut flowers in the early evening hours of the day before they are to be exhibited. Entry Intake: • Place immediately in luke warm (not • Tuesday, July 12, NOON to 5:30 PM hot) water with a commercial Judging: preservative added to the water. • Tuesday, July 12, 7 PM • Keep out of drafts in a cool dark Entry Release: place. • Sunday, July 17, NOON TO 3 PM Superintendent Betty Richards Sarah Richards Entry Procedures 1. Entries will be accepted and released during the above mentioned hours ONLY at the Willamette Event Center. 2. Registration numbers, forms and exhibitor tags may be obtained at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Road E, Albany. 3. Premiums are as follows: $3.00—first place $2.00—second place $1.00—third place Ribbon—fourth place 4. All entries in Horticulture classes must have been grown by the exhibitor. 5. Exhibitors planning to enter numerous flowers should plan to arrive one hour before closing. Entries will NOT be allowed after 5:30 PM. 6. All outdoor plants must have been in possession of the exhibitor for at least 60 days before fair. All indoor plants must have been in possession of the exhibitor 180 days before fair. 7. Each exhibitor may have ONLY two entries per lot. 8. Pots must not be heavier than the exhibitor can lift by themselves. 9. Floral arrangements must be the work of the exhibitor. Containers for floral arrangements must be labeled on the bottom with exhibitor’s name and address. No artificial flowers or foliage permitted in fresh flower classes. 10. Pots must be clean and free from disease and/or bugs. Remember these are to be the best of Linn County! 11. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to replace wilted and faded blooms CLASS 1 Dahlia • Dahlias should have no side buds. • Centers should only show in single or collarette varieties. Lot Number 1. Decorative, sm— 1 bloom (4 to 8 inches) 2. Decorative, lg—1 bloom (8 to 10 inches) 3. Straight Cactus—1 bloom 4. Incurved Cactus— 1 bloom 5. Ball—1 bloom 6. Pom Pom— 3 blooms 7. Dwarf—2 blooms 8. Single or Collarette—1 bloom 9. Water Lily variety—1 bloom CLASS 2 Roses Lot Number 1. Hybrid Tea—single bloom 2. Hybrid Tea—spray 3. Grandiflora—single bloom 4. Grandiflora—spray 5. Floribunda—spray 6. Miniature—single bloom 7. Miniature—spray 8. Heritage or David Austin varieties 9. Other (includes Hedge Roses) CLASS 3 Gladiola Lot Number 1. Large—1 stem 2. Dwarf—1 stem (1 variety) 11 CLASS 4 Lilies Lot Number 1. Lily Asiatic, unscented 2. Lily Oriental, scented 3. Day Lilies 4. Other CLASS 5 Perennials Lot Number 1. Allium 2. Alstroemeria 3. Astilbe 4. Daisy, Gloriosa 5. Daisy, Shasta 6. Feverfew 7. Hardy Fuchsia, single 8. Hardy Fuchsia, double 9. Hydrangea 10. LaceCap Hydrangea 11. Liatris 12. Phlox 13. Other CLASS 6 Annuals Lot Number 1. Asters—2 blooms (1 variety) 2. Giant Marigolds—1 bloom (1 variety, 3”+) 3. Dwarf Marigolds, double—3 blooms (1 variety, 1” or less) 4. Dwarf Marigolds, single—3 blooms (1 variety, 1” or less) 5. Regular Marigolds, single or double — (1 variety, 2”) 6. Johnny Jump Ups 7. Pansies—3 blooms 8. Snapdragons—1 stem 9. Petunia, single—1 stem 10. Petunia, double—1 stem 11. Sunflower 12. Violas 13. Bachelor Buttons 14. Nigella 15. Campanula 16. Lupine 17. Zinnias, small 18. Zinnias, giant 19. Other Department 4 —Floral & Horticulture CLASS 7 Lot 2 Outdoor Plants Advanced • Pots and containers will be judged on • Open to anyone who has won 5 or condition and cleanliness. more arrangement blue ribbons. Lot Number 1. Fuchsia, double 2. Fuchsia, single 3. Geraniums, zonal 4. Geraniums, ivy 5. Geraniums, Martha Washington 6. Impatiens 7. Upright Patio Planter (annuals) 8. Dish Garden / Mix 9. Hanging Baskets 10. Other CLASS 8 House Plants • Pots and containers will be judged on condition and cleanliness. Lot Number 1. African Violet, single 2. African Violet, double 3. Foliage, upright 4. Foliage, trailing 5. Dish Gardens, foliage blooming. 6. Dish Gardens, cactus 7. Dish Gardens, succulent 8. Bonsai 9. Orchid 10. Mounted Orchids 11. Novelty container 12. Other Select a theme from the following: • Garden Party • Holiday CLASS 10 Children's (12 years and younger) All outdoor plants must have been in possession of the exhibitor for at least 60 days before fair. All indoor plants must have been in possession of the exhibitor 180 days before fair. Pots must not be heavier than the exhibitor can lift by themselves. Pots must be clean and free from disease and/or bugs. Remember these are to be the best of Linn County! and/or Lot Number 1. Stem Flowers—any variety 2. Potted Plants 3. Dish Garderns— combination of plants in 1 dish 4. Arrangements— Select a theme from the following: • Birthdays • Holidays • Summertime CLASS 9 Flower Arrangements • Only fresh or minimum of dried plant material may be used. • Arrangements should reflect the exhibitors best interpretation of the class title. Lot 1 Beginner • Open to anyone who has won 4 or less arrangement blue ribbons. Select a theme from the following: • Picnic • Holiday 12 Department 5 FOOD PRESERVATION Superintendent Ronda Pomeroy 541-405-1310 Entry Intake: • Tuesday, July 12, 2 to 8 PM Judging: • Wednesday, July 13, 9 AM Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, NOON TO 3 PM Entry Procedures 1. Entries will be accepted and released during the above mentioned hours ONLY at the Willamette Event Center. 2. Persons picking up entries must have the exhibitor’s tag and identification. Entries not picked up will be removed from the building. 3. Registration numbers, forms and exhibitor tags may be obtained at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany. 4. Premiums are as follows: $3.00—first place $2.00—second place $1.00—third place Ribbon—fourth place 5. Each exhibitor is allowed two entries per lot in each class 6. All jars must be labeled accurately as to content, processing method, processing time, and date processed. 7. All products must be processed according to the most recent recognized canning methods in the following publications: Ball Blue Book and OSU Extension Service Bulletins. All products must meet USDA recommendations. Contact the Superintendent if you have questions. 8. Brand name jars with new lids and rings must be used. 9. All mincemeats, salsas and sauces must include a recipe to be considered for judging. Department 5 —Food Preservation CLASS 4 Jellies CLASS 1 Canned Fruit Lot Number 1. Applesauce 2. Apple Slices 3. Peaches 4. Pears 5. Apricots 6. Plums/Prunes 7. Berries 8. Cherries, dark 9. Cherries, light 10. Cherries, pie 11. Rhubarb 12. Mixed/Fruit Cocktail 13. Low Calorie Canned Fruit 14. Syrups 15. Fruit Juices 16. Fruit Pie Filling 17. Other CLASS 2 Canned Vegetables Lot Number 1. Cut Beans 2. Beets 3. Carrots 4. Corn 5. Peas 6. Sauerkraut (no pressure) 7. Tomatoes (pc or bwc) 8. Tomato Juice 9. Mixed Vegetables 10. Other CLASS 3 Jams Lot Number 1. Apricot 2. Blackberry 3. Boysenberry 4. Loganberry 5. Marionberry 6. Blueberry 7. Cherry 8. Freezer Jam 9. Peach 10. Raspberry 11. Strawberry 12. Butters/Conserves 13. Chutneys 14. Marmalades 15. Low Sugar Jams 16. Other 13 Lot Number 1. Apple and/or Mint 2. Blackberry 3. Mint 4. Raspberry 5. Strawberry 6. Marionberry 7. Loganberry 8. Boysenberry 9. Blueberry 10. Other Berry 11. Currant 12. Grape 13. Plum 14. Low Sugar Jellies 15. Other CLASS 5 Pickles and Relishes Lot Number 1. Asparagus 2. Beet Pickles 3. Bread & Butter Pickles 4. Dilly Beans 5. Dill Pickles, brined 6. Dill Pickles, quick method 7. Sweet Cucumber Pickles 8. Sour Cucumber Pickles 9. Zucchini Pickles 10. Fruit Pickles 11. Corn Relish 12. Zucchini Relish 13. Sweet Pickle Relish 14. Catsup & Sauces (enclose recipe) 15. Salsa (enclose recipe) 16. Mixed Vegetables, pickled 17. Mushrooms, pickled 18. Vinegars 19. Other CLASS 6 Meats, Fish, Poultry Lot Number 1. Beef or Pork 2. Chicken, Turkey or Rabbit 3. Salmon 4. Tuna 5. Shell Fish 6. Wild Game 7. Mincemeat (enclose recipe) 8. Other Department 5 —Food Preservation CLASS 7 Men Only CLASS 10 Gift Packages Lot Number 1. Choice of Fruits—1 jar 2. Choice of Vegetables—1 jar 3. Choice of Jams—1 jar 4. Choice of Jellies—1 jar 5. Choice of Pickles and Relishes—1 jar 6. Choice of Meats, Fish or Poultry— 1 jar 7. Choice of Dried Fruits—1/4 cup (1 exhibit) Lot Number 1. A gift package of 5 different preserved foods. Each item should be individually labeled as to content. CLASS 8 Juniors Only (18 and under) CLASS 11 Sugar Free Jam Lot Number 1. Cherry 2. Peach Lot Number 1. Choice of Fruits—1 jar 2. Choice of Vegetables—1 jar 3. Choice of Jams—1 jar 4. Choice of Jellies—1 jar 5. Choice of Pickles and Relishes—1 jar 6. Choice of Meats, Fish or Poultry— 1 jar 7. Choice of Dried Fruits—1/4 cup (1 exhibit) CLASS 9 Dried Foods • Should be put in plastic bag, preferably Ziploc, minimum of 1/4 cup. • Must have a label stating variety of contents, drying time, method (oven, dryer, sun), added ingredients and date prepared. Lot Number 1. Apples 2. Apricots 3. Bananas 4. Pears 5. Prunes 6. Melons 7. Grapes 8. Blueberries 9. Peaches 10. Fruits, other 11. Fruit Leathers—1/4 cup (1” pieces) 12. Herbs & Spices 13. Corn 14. Onions 15. Peppers 16. Tomatoes 17. Squash & Cucumbers 18. Vegetables, other 14 Department 6 PHOTOGRAPHY Superintendent Alleen Porter 541-979-0693 10. Entry Intake: • Sunday, July 10, 2 to 5 PM • Monday, July 11, 2 to 6 PM Judging: • Tuesday, July 12, 9 AM Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, NOON TO 3 PM Pre-registration of art, textile, and photo 11. entries strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Entry form on page 33 12. Entry Procedures 1. Entries will be accepted and released during the above mentioned hours ONLY at the Willamette Event Center. 2. Persons picking up entries must have the exhibitor’s tag and identification. Entries not picked up will be removed from the building. 3. Registration numbers, forms and exhibitor tags may be obtained at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany. 4. Premiums are as follows: $3.00—first place $2.00—second place $1.00—third place Ribbon—fourth place 5. Entries may not have been previously exhibited in the Linn County Fair open classes. 6. Each exhibitor is allowed two entries per lot in their class. 7. Each entry must have the following on the back at top center: “top”, title, name, address, and phone number of the exhibit. Exhibitors name should not be visible when hanging. 8. The minimum print size is “5 x 7” and the maximum size is “9 x 12”. The maximum panorama size is 6” x 18”. The maximum size for mounts and collages is 20” x 24”. Maximum photo size for Lot 15 is 4” x 6”. 9. All prints must be mounted. 3/16 inch foam core or 4-ply mount board is ideal. NO CONSTRUCTION PAPER 13. 14. 15. mounts will be accepted. This will be STRICTLY adhered to this year by the Superintendent. Borders on mounts should not extend more than 2” on any side. Framing of any kind (wood, metal, plastic, or glass) will not be accepted. While mattes are not required, they are strongly recommended for protection as well as presentation. Plastic wrap (shrink wrap) is also acceptable although it may be necessary to make some small openings on the back in order to hang the entry. If the print or the matte slips, print and/or mount separate, the print will be removed from the exhibit. Photos MUST HAVE Velcro hangers, dots, or squares, adequate to with stand the weight of the exhibit for the duration of the fair. The fair WILL NOT supply these. No digital manipulation beyond basic processing (i.e. clarity, brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, etc.) is to be used on photos except for Lot 13. Photos deemed “over-enhanced” will be assigned to Lot 13. While the utmost care will be taken, no responsibility for loss or damage during transit or exhibition can be assumed. All photos must be “family friendly”. CLASS 1. Adult 2. Teen (ages 13-18) 3. Youth (12 years old and younger) Lot Number 1. Action—Photo should clearly depict movement. Or movement that has been arrested in an interesting way. BE CREATIVE! 2. Agriculture 3. Architecture 4. Animals (pets, farm, wildlife) 5. Close-up and Macro 6. Flowers, Plants 7. Landscape 8. Waterscape—Water should be the DOMINANT feature of the photo. 9. People, Portraits 10. Still Life—This is a set-up of items together to create a pleasing photo. It is NOT a picture of something 15 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Department 6 —Photography stationary (the opposite of action). Careful planning and execution are required for a successful still life. Examples would include a bowl of fruit with unique lighting, or a jar of marbles, etc., or odd objects that relate to each other in some way. It is probably not a picture of that funny lookin’ tree stump in your backyard. Sunrise, Sunset—Try to capture that stunning dawn or dusk light with glaring color on clouds. It is more than just a picture at 8:30 in the evening. Collage/Montage Computer Imaging—This means a highly altered photo that abstracts the subject or applies special effects to the photo to even fool the eye. This takes thought and more than a click or two on the keyboard. Linn County, Oregon (Photo must have been taken within Linn County, Oregon) - Photo should be of a subject that can clearly be identified as being IN Linn County. Again, that cool stump in your backyard is NOT the best choice. Sequential Photo Series— Series of 4-12 photos taken in immediate sequence which tell a story of a sporting event, person or animal in action, etc... Sports Phone Photos (Photo must have been taken with a phone. Be honest!) Other—This category is for that odd-ball photo that does not fit anywhere else in the listed Lot #’s. It is not a place to dump something because you have too many of one category Department 7 —Table Setting Department 7 TABLE SETTING Superintendent Melinda Sorte 541-979-1070 Entry Intake: • Monday, July 11, Noon to 6 PM Judging: • Tuesday, July 12, 9 AM Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, NOON TO 3 PM CLASS 1 Table Setting Lot Number 1. Adults (18 and over) 2. Youth (age 12-17) 3. Children (age 11 and under) Special Award Special prizes will be awarded to the entries that most creatively present any theme. There will be prizes for Adult, Youth and Children classes. Entry Procedures 1. Entries will be accepted and released during the above mentioned hours ONLY at the Willamette Event Center. 2. Persons picking up entries must have the exhibitor’s tag and identification. Entries not picked up will be removed from the building. 3. Registration numbers, forms and exhibitor tags may be obtained at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany. 4. Premiums are as follows: $3.00—first place $2.00—second place $1.00—third place Ribbon—fourth place Rules for Entry: 1. Exhibitor supplies their own standard card table, 34 inches X 34 inches. 2. No Perishable food is to be used. 3. Judges will be looking for practical table settings using accepted rules of etiquette. 4. Creativity is encouraged. 5. The following should be included on the table: menu and tableware appropriate to the chosen theme. Use at least 2 place settings; no more than 4. 6. Linens, glassware, flatware, dishes and accessories should be marked with the exhibitor’s name but marking should not show when in place. Reasonable precautions will be taken to insure the safety of exhibits, but the Fair assumes no responsibility for loss or damage. 16 Department 8 TEXTILES Superintendent Colleen Robert 541-995-6660 Intake: • Saturday, July 9, Noon to 5 PM • Sunday, July 10, 10 AM to 4 PM Judging: • Monday, July 11, 9 AM Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, Noon to 3 PM 4. 5. 6. Pre-registration of art, textile, and photo entries strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Entry form on page 32 In an effort to encourage participation, we have made some changes in the Textile Department. 1. 2. 3. There are now levels for each class as below – please indicate on exhibit tag & on pre-entry form: 100 Youth 12 and under 200 Teen 13-17 300 Adult under 5 years’ experience 400 Adult over 5 years’ experience 500 Professional Children & Youth classes (previously Class 6 & 7) have been removed and the above youth levels apply to all Classes. So a youth under 12 who wants to enter a small tied comforter would enter as level 100, Class 5, Lot 1. We have added some special con tests/challenges – please see the section titled SPECIAL CLASSES, CHALLENGES & CONTESTS for details. 7. 8. 9. 10. Entry Procedures 1. Entries will be accepted and released 11. during the above mentioned hours ONLY at the Willamette Event Center. 2. All exhibitors shall be from Linn or adjoining counties. Persons picking up 12. entries must have the exhibitor’s tag and identification. Entries not picked up will be removed from the building. 3. Registration numbers, forms and 13. exhibitor tags may be obtained at the Department 8 —Textiles Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Doilies and tatted items may be Knox Butte Road E, Albany. mounted for display as appropriate. Premiums are as follows: 14. All work will be judged with regard to $3.00—first place beauty, degree of perfection, amount $2.00—second place of work and suitability to the purpose $1.00—third place intended. Ribbon—fourth place 15. Once an exhibit has been checked Awards given on points will be as into 4-H as an exhibit it cannot be follows; 5 points Blue Ribbon, 3 points entered in open class. Red Ribbon, 2 points White Ribbon. 16. Recycled garment class is taking All quilts (infant to king size) are something and making a new item REQUIRED to have a 4” hanging (ex. Jacket made into vest, adult dress sleeve (temporary sleeves are ok— to child garment, etc.). Adding lace or no straight pins or safety pins) other embellishments does not securely fastened to the back top qualify. edge of the quilt. If you are unsure of how to make a hanging sleeve, *All Textile Awards listed at please visit : end of Department* decoratingwithquilts/ss/ SPECIAL CLASSES, quilt_sleeve.html CHALLENGES & CONTESTS for detailed instructions or contact the Department Superintendent for CLASS A assistance Project Linus Each exhibitor is allowed two entries • All entries in this class will be judged per lot in each class. and premiums paid. All articles must be made by exhibitor • All entries will be donated to Project within the past year. Exceptions are Linus at the close of fair. bedspreads, quilts, afghans, large • For additional information on Project needlework, tablecloths and rugs Linus please visit which must have been completed Lot Number within the past two years. 1. Receiving blanket Exhibitor’s name on the entry form 2. Infant size quilt must be the person who made the 3. Infant size tied comforter item. If someone other than the 4. Infant size crochet afghan exhibitor quilts your quilt it must be 5. Infant size knit afghan entered as a group. Anyone who shall 6. Infant size fleece blanket purchase or borrow articles to exhibit 7. Teen/Youth size quilt them in his or her name shall forfeit 8. Teen/Youth size tied comforter all claims as an exhibitor. 9. Teen/Youth size crochet afghan Any person who receives pay for 10. Teen/Youth size knit afghan teaching classes for a specific 11. Teen/Youth size fleece blanket technique or who sells their work for more than cost must enter the Made in America Quilt Block Contest professional category within the Sponsored by Bolts to Blocks, Albany Oregon desired class. Articles must be clean or they will not 1. Quilt block fabric packets can be purchased for $3.00 from Bolts to be judged. Items must be free of odor Blocks, 133 Broadalbin St SW, Albany, and animal hair or they will not be OR 97321. accepted. Phone number 541-704-0386 No article will be accepted that has previously won an award in the 2. The General Public will vote for their favorite entry. General Public voting Textile department of Linn County will begin on opening day of fair, Fair. Wednesday, July 13 and end Friday, Please bring garments on hangers. July 16 at end of day so that the Return of hangers is not guaranteed. 17 Department 8 —Textiles winning block(s) can be showcased on CLASS 2 Saturday Quilts—Hand Quilted 3. Winners will be notified by phone or email on Saturday. Lot Number 1. Bed Runner BLOCK REQUIREMENTS 2. Combination of Techniques (piecing/ 1. The completed block needs to applique/embroidery/embellished) measure 12.5” square from raw edge 3. Cross Stitch or Hand Embroidered to raw edge and ready to set into a (including red/bluework) quilt. Do not quilt or finish the edges 4. Group (made by two or more of your block. people) 2. Exhibitor may use an established 5. Hand Appliqued pattern or create an original block. 6. Hand Pieced 3. The fabric packets will have 3 pieces 7. Machine Appliqued of material from the American Made 8. Machine Pieced fabric line; some of all three fabrics 9. Miniature (not to exceed 24” square) must be used in the block. 10. Paper Pieced 4. You may add as many other colors/ 11. Seasonal fabrics as you desire 12. Table Runner/Topper 5. Embellishments & fusible web 13. Wall Hanging (not to exceed 60” applique must be securely sewn on. square, must be ready to hang) 6. Completed blocks may be mailed (to 14. Use of Pre-printed Blocks arrive by July 6th, 2016) or dropped off 15. Any One Other—Not listed above at these locations: Linn County Fair, Attn. Colleen Robert, 3700 Knox Butte CLASS 3 Rd, Albany, OR 97322 OR Bolts to Quilts—Machine Quilted by Maker. To Blocks, Attn. LCF Block Contest, 133 be judged on entire item – quilting Broadalbin St SW, Albany, OR 97322 included. ***A SPECIAL AWARD IS DONATED BY A Lot Number FRIEND OF THE FAIR TO THE EXHIBITOR(S) 1. Bed Runner OF THE WINNING BLOCK(S).*** 2. Combination of Techniques (piecing/ applique/embroidery/embellished) CLASS 1 3. Cross Stitch or Hand Embroidered Quilts—Baby or Youth Size (45” X 60”) (including red/bluework) • Hand or Machine Quilted (Specify on 4. Group (made by two or more entry card) people) • Kid theme/Kid-friendly fabrics 5. Hand Appliqued 6. Hand Pieced Lot Number 7. Machine Appliqued 1. All Over Quilt (whole cloth type) 8. Machine Pieced 2. Combination of Techniques (piecing/ 9. Miniature (not to exceed 24” square) applique/embroidery/embellished) 10. Paper Pieced 3. Cross Stitch or Hand Embroidered 11. Seasonal (including red/bluework) 12. Table Runner/Topper 4. Group (made by two or more 13. Use of Pre-printed Blocks people) 14. Wall Hanging (not to exceed 60” 5. Hand Appliqued square, must be ready to hang) 6. Hand Pieced 15. Any One Other—Not listed above 7. Machine Pieced 8. Paper Pieced 9. Seasonal 10. Use of Pre-printed Blocks 11. Any One Other—Not listed above 18 CLASS 4 Quilts—Machine Quilted by Professional To be judged on the quilt only – not the quilting. • Wall hanging and over 45” Lot Number 1. Bed Runner 2. Combination of Techniques (piecing/ applique/embroidery/embellished) 3. Cross Stitch or Hand Embroidered (including red/bluework) 4. Group (made by two or more people) 5. Hand Appliqued 6. Hand Pieced 7. Machine Appliqued 8. Machine Pieced 9. Paper Pieced 10. Seasonal 11. Table Runner/Topper 12. Use of Pre-printed Blocks 13. Wall Hanging (not to exceed 60” square, must be ready to hang) 14. Any One Other—Not listed above CLASS 5 Tied Comforters Lot Number 1. Tied Comforter – smaller than Twin 2. Tied Comforter – Twin 3. Tied Comforter – Double 4. Tied Comforter – Queen 5. Tied Comforter - King 6. Any One Other—Not listed above CLASS 6 Miscellaneous Patchwork Items Lot Number 1. Appliqued & Quilted Pillow 2. Baby Accessories (i.e. bumper pads) 3. Home Accessories (1 or more pieces securely fastened together) 4. Paper Pieced 5. Patchwork/Appliqued Stuffed Animal or Doll (items must be made entirely of fabric; no plastic except eyes and interior joints) 6. Pieced & Quilted Bag or Purse 7. Pieced & Quilted Pillow 8. Adult Dress/Skirt/Shirt (pieced/patchwork/appliqued) 9. Adult Jacket /Vest (pieced/patchwork/appliqued) Department 8 —Textiles 10. Adult Sweatshirt (pieced/patchwork/appliqued) 11. Child’s Clothing (pieced/patchwork/appliqued) 12. Child’s Vest (pieced/patchwork/appliqued) 13. Seasonal 14. Table Topper/Runner 15. Tied Comfort 16. Any One Other—Not listed above CLASS 7 Children’s Sewn Garments Lot Number 1. Apron 2. Baby/Infant Wear 3. Bib 4. Blouse/Shirt 5. Coat/Jacket/Vest 6. Costumes 7. Dress/Jumper/Skirt 8. Ensemble (two or more pieces) 9. Pants or Shorts 10. Party/Wedding (up to 12 years) 11. Sleepwear 12. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 8 Adult Sewn Garments Lot Number 1. Apron 2. Baby/Infant Wear 3. Bib 4. Blouse/Shirt 5. Coat/Jacket/Vest 6. Costumes 7. Dress/Jumper/Skirt 8. Ensemble (two or more pieces) 9. Pants or Shorts 10. Party/Wedding (up to 12 years) 11. Sleepwear 12. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 9 Serger Lot Number 1. Home Accessory 2. Apparel 3. Purses/Bags 4. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 10 Knitted Articles or Clothing Lot Number 1. Afghan 2. Baby Afghan 3. Baby Outfit 4. Bedspread (Threadwork) 5. Bibs 6. Child’s Clothing 7. Dishcloths/Potholders 8. Doilies (under 14”) 9. Doilies (14” to 20”) 10. Doilies (over 20”) 11. Doll Clothes 12. Edgings 13. Gloves/Mittens 14. Hats 15. Scarves 16. Item made on Circle or Rectangle Loom 17. Man’s or Woman’s Sweater/Vest 18. Pillow 19. Rug 20. Seasonal Items 21. Slippers/Booties/Socks 22. Stole/Shawl/Poncho 23. Table Runner/Tablecloth 24. Tote or Purse 25. Toy/Animal 26. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 11 Machine Knitting Lot Number 1. Accessory 2. Cardigan/jacket 3. Household item (afghan, tablecloth) 4. Infant Set (more than one item) 5. Sweater/Vest 6. Any One Other – Not Listed Above CLASS 12 Crocheted Articles or Clothing Lot Number 1. Afghan 2. Baby Afghan 3. Baby Outfit 4. Bedspread (Threadwork) 5. Bibs 6. Child’s Clothing 7. Dishcloths/Potholders 8. Doilies (under 14”) 9. Doilies (14” to 20”) 10. Doilies (over 20”) 19 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Doll Clothes Edgings Gloves/Mittens Hats Item made on Circle or Rectangle Loom Man’s or Woman’s Sweater/Vest Pillow Rug Seasonal Items Scarves Slippers/Booties/Socks Stole/Shawl/Poncho Table Runner/Tablecloth Tote or Purse Toy/Animal Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 13 Bobbin Lace • Not Knitted or Crocheted Lot Number 1. Bookmark 2. Doily 3. Edging, under 2” 4. Edging, over 2” 5. Garment Accessory 6. Jewelry 7. Picture 8. Pillow Cover 9. Scarf 10. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 14 Needle Lace Lot Number 1. Centerpiece (over 20”) 2. Centerpiece (12” to 20”) 3. Doily (under 12”) 4. Handkerchief Lace Trim 5. Clothing Lace Trim 6. Needle Lace Motif 7. Needle Lace Picture 8. Jewelry 9. Ornament or Bookmark 10. Edging (up to 2”) 11. Edging (over 2”) 12. Fans 13. Collar 14. Scarf or Shawl 15. 3D Item 16. Any One Other—Not Listed Above Department 8 —Textiles CLASS 15 Tatted Articles CLASS 18 Felting—Handmade Lot Number 1. Bag or Purse 2. Centerpiece (over 12”) 3. Clothing Tatted Trim 4. Doily (under 12”) 5. Handerkerchief Tatted Trim 6. Jewelry 7. Lunch Cloth, Tablecloth, or Placemats 8. Pillowcases Tatted Trim 9. Tatted Ornament or Bookmark 10. Any One Other—Not Listed Above Lot Number 1. Clothing Acessories 2. Garment 3. Rug 4. Toys 5. Wall Hanging 6. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 16 Roman Point Lace Lot Number 1. Doily 2. Ornament 3. Picture 4. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 17 Spinning and Weaving Lot Number 1. Handspun Skeins (One skein of at least 1 oz each; skeins should have a 4”-6” swatch, a tag stating content s and yarn description—worsted, bulky, novelty, etc. and a sample of fiber started with and how it was spun). 2. Handspun Accessories (Hat, Scarf, Mittens, etc) 3. Handspun Child’s Garment 4. Handspun Man’s or Woman’s Garment 5. Other, Handspun 6. Rug 7. Blanket 8. Hand Woven Fabric (1 yard minimum) 9. Woven Accessories (Hat, Scarf, Mittens, etc.) 10. Woven Child’s Garment 11. Woven Man’s or Woman’s Garment 12. Woven Wall Hanging 13. Any One Other, Woven—Not Listed Above CLASS 19 Swedish and/or Huck Weaving Lot Number 1. Afghans 2. Baby Afghans 3. Placemats 4. Pillow/Pillow Cover 5. Seasonal 6. Table Runner 7. Wearing Apparel 8. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 20 Hand Embroidered Articles—Traditional Lot Number 1. Apron 2. Bib (Child’s) 3. Candelwicking 4. Doily (under 14”) 5. Doily (over 14”) 6. Dress (Child’s) 7. Dresser Scarf (Cutwork or Solid) 8. Guest Towels (set of two) 9. Hardanger, any item 10. Picture 11. Pillow 12. Pillowcases (Cutwork or Traditional Embroidery) 13. Place Mat Set (Two Pieces) 14. Ribbon, any item 15. Russian Embroidery 16. Tea Towels (set of two) 17. Kitchen Towels 18. Any One Other—Not Listed Above 20 CLASS 21 Counted Cross Stitch • All pictures must be mounted and ready to hang—all hanging devices must be strong enough to hold the picture. Lot Number Mini – 8” and under 1. Kit 2. Picture 3. Scene 4. Sampler 5. Picture w/beading 6. Picture w/Hardanger 7. Drawn/pulled work Over 8 “ 8. Kit 9. Picture 10. Scene 11. Sampler 12. Picture w/beading 13. Picture w/Hardanger 14. Drawn/pulled work Specialties 15. Centerpiece, Hardanger (under 12”) 16. Centerpiece, Hardanger (over 12”) 17. Doily, Hardanger (under 12”) 18. Doily, Hardanger (over 12”) 19. Dresser Scarf 20. Guest Towels (set of two) 21. Pillowcases (set of two) 22. Pillow 23. Tablecloth, cross-stitch 24. Tablecloth, Hardanger 25. Wall Hanging/bell pull, Hardanger 26. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 22 Needlepoint or Petit Point Lot Number 1. Canvas, painted (10-12 ct) 2. Canvas, painted (14 ct and over) 3. Canvas, painted (18 ct or above) 4. Canvas, outline only, stitcher picks colors and stitches (18 ct) 5. Canvas, outline stitcher picks colors and stitches (20 ct or above) 6. Canvas, original design (specify canvas count) 7. Canvas, kit (10-13 ct) 8. Canvas, kit (14 ct or above) 9. Canvas, graph, chart or counted (10-13 ct) 10. Canvas, graph, chart or counted (14-18 ct) 11. Canvas, graph, chart or counted (20 ct or above) 12. Canvas-drawn, pulled, or blackwork (specify count) 13. Long Stitch 14. Bargello 15. Pillow, includes dimensional figures (stuffed stand up types) 16. Stool Cover (must be on stool) 17. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 23 Brazilian Embroidery Lot Number 1. Accessories 2. Clothing 3. Picture/Wall Hanging 4. Pillow 5. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 24 Romanian Point Embroidery Lot Number 1. Accessories 2. Clothing 3. Picture/Wall Hanging 4. Pillow 5. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 25 Evenweave (over 22 ct) Cross Stitch Lot Number 1. Picture, Redwork 2. Picture, Floral 3. Picture, People 4. Picture, Sampler 5. Picture, Scene 6. Picture, Animal 7. Picture, Accessory 8. Any One Other—Not Listed Above CLASS 26 Holiday Decorations Lot Number 1. Christmas Angel/Doll 2. Christmas Card Holder 3. Christmas Tree Decorations 4. Christmas Tree Skirt 5. Christmas Tree Topper 6. Easter Decoration (any item) 7. Halloween Decoration (any item) 8. Holiday Centerpiece 9. Holiday Picture 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Holiday Table Linen Holiday Wall Hanging Pillow/Pillow Cover Snowman Stocking Thanksgiving Decoration (any item) Any One Other—Not Listed Above 11. 12. 13. 14. Department 8 —Textiles Enhancement (stamping, dyeing, etc.) Portrait Technique Recycled Objects Used (with Machine Embroidery) Free Motion Embroidery (Luny used in crewel designs, self made fabrics) Any One Other—Not Listed Above 15. CLASS 27 Creative Design in Textiles • The following section (Lots 16-19) is • This class is for items that will not fit limited to work done NON-FREE in to other textile classes MOTION with a sewing machine designed for normal sewing, using Lot Number any of the machine’s available 1. Animal or Toy stitches (i.e. programmed stitches or 2. Centerpiece (3D) cams) in a unique or artful way. 3. Doll Clothes 4. Dolls 16. Garments 5. Recycled Clothing—MUST include (purchased or personally made) picture of original item. (Recycled 17. Home Decorative uses item is taking something and making (pillows, table linens, etc.) a new item; such as a jacket made 18. Framed Pictures/Wall Hangings into a vest, adult dress into a child’s 19. Any One Other—Not Listed Above garment, etc.) 6. Needle Felting • The following section (Lots 20-23) is 7. Ornaments limited to work done on 8. Rug COMPUTERIZED home sewing 9. Seasonal Decoration machines using digitized designs 10. Bag, Tote or Purse 11. Wall Hanging (not framed or quilted) 20. Embroidered Quilts 12. Any One Other—Not Listed Above 21. Embroidered Garments (purchased or personally made) CLASS 28 22. Embroidered Household Item Sewing Machine Art (towels, tablecloth, etc.) • The following section (Lots 1-16) is 23. Any One Other—Not Listed Above limited to work done FREE MOTION on a sewing machine designed for normal sewing; not cams, programmed stitches or computer work. Lot Number 1. Thread Painting (straight stitch) 2. Thread Painting (side stitch) 3. Thread Painting (combination of straight and side stitch) 4. Cutwork on Fabric 5. Bobbin Work (free motion stitch only) 6. Machine Needle Lace 7. Beading by Machine 8. Silk Ribbon by Machine 9. Fabric Manipulation (folded flowers, floating flowers, 3D objects, etc.) 10. Applique-free (motion stitching added) 21 Department 8 —Textiles SPECIAL CONTESTS Monochromatic Fabric Color Challenge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make any fabric item from the random color swatch provided by the Textiles Department at the Linn County Fair. Your item will be judged against others in its same “class” (aprons against aprons, bag against bag, etc.) and the highest placing item from all entries in the Monochromatic Color Challenge will be the winner. In the event of a tie, judge’s discretion will be used. Only colors on the color card may be used, no true black or white - you do not have to use every color on the card. Items must be completed and entered at the 2016 Linn County Fair during exhibit intake. Please return the color card with your entry – Please contact Colleen Robert at for your color card. Color cards are randomly drawn All Yarn Contests – Knitting & Crocheting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exhibitors may make any pattern/ item desired, BUT must use designated yarn. Plymouth Yarn for Plymouth Contest, Brown Sheep Yarn for Brown Sheep Contest, etc. Items will be judged against like items (hats against hats, afghans against afghans) and the highest placing items in both knitting and crochet using the designated yarn will be the winner. In the event of a tie, judge’s discretion will be used. Must include one complete label from yarn with each entry. Special awards will be provided by Designated Yarn Company for the top two winners, one for crochet and one for knitting Yarn Companies included in this contest: Berroco Yarns, Brown Sheep Yarns, Red Heart, Plymouth Yarns, Universal Yarns. Textile Award Sponsors Berroco yarn Brown sheep yarn company Ladies of liberty Plymouth yarn company Quilter’s dream batting Universal Yarn Company The Purple Frog Quilt Shop Finally Together Quilt Shop 22 McCall’s Pattern Company Sewing Contest 1. 2. 3. 4. Exhibitors may make any of the below patterns for this contest: Tailored Shirt M6750 or M6124 Fitted Top M7326 or M6124 Skirt/Pant M7287, M7131 or M7253 Just for Fun M7200, M7199, M6951 or M6972 Exhibitors may embellish as desired. Items will be judged against the same standards as other sewn items; seam finish, construction techniques, etc. Items will be judged against like items (shirts against shirts, skirts against skirts) and the highest placing item from the above pattern choices will be determined the winner - one for adult and one for kids/youth. In the event of a tie, judge’s discretion will be used. Special awards will be provided by McCall’s Pattern Company for the top two winners. Open Livestock Rules Open Livestock Rules 1. Management reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions or differences in regard there to or otherwise arising out of or in connection with, or incident to, the Fair, except as otherwise specified herein. 2. Each exhibitor will be responsibility for any loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by or arising from, any animal or article exhibited or owned by the exhibitor, and shall hold harmless Linn County, its offers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims for damages or loss, either to person or property, arising from any connection with the exhibit. Each exhibitor shall waive any right to subrogation against Linn County. 3. All livestock shall be the property of the exhibitor and shall so appear on the records of their respective breed associations. A certificate of registration must accompany the animal. These registration certificates will be checked by the superintendent and must be available for checking at any time during the Fair. On livestock that has bee transferred, the transfer must have been completed by the association and be in the name of the person that exhibits the animal at the time of the show. Transfer of papers must be completed 30 days prior to entry deadlines. Where the certificate indicates more than one owner, the animal must be shown in the name of all owners or partnership by name. 4. An inspection of livestock will be made upon arrival. Any animals having a history of being exposed to any contagious or infectious disease less than 30 days prior to entry may be refused. No animals admitted with ringworm, fungus, or warts. 5. Each exhibitor shall furnish necessary feed for his/her animals and arrange for the care of them during the fair. 6. The IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics shall apply. 7. Manure must be cleaned out of stalls and pens and placed in designated areas only. 3. 4. judge and the clerks. The decisions of the judges shall be final in all classes and lots. Lots in which one exhibitor is represented, the judge will indicate an appropriate award eligible in that lot according to the quality of the animal. Camping Policies 1. Tents are $20.00 for duration of fair; all others (RV, trailers, etc.) are $40.00 for duration of fair. 2. All 4-H and FFA campers must fill out the camping form included in this book and submit it with camping fees in order to reserve a camping space. (See camping form in 4-H/FFA section of book). 3. All open exhibitors must include camping fees with their registrations if they plan to camp. 4. Any questions, call the fair office at 541-926-4314 or 800-858-2005. Open Class Livestock Passes 1. Open class large animal exhibitors will receive one (1) season pass (armband) for one to three animals for water and feeding. (Armband MUST be on the exhibitor’s wrist snuggly during the run of fair or they will not be allowed into the fairgrounds). 2. Open class large animal exhibitors with four or more animals will be issued two (2) season passes, only if it is necessary. 3. Each large animal exhibitor will receive one (1) parking pass. 4. Open class animal exhibitors need to check with their Superintendent for wristbands. 5. 4-H/FFA exhibitors who also exhibit open class will not receive additional passes for open class entries. Exhibitors Parking Pass 1. One (1) parking pass per family is given regardless of the number of exhibitors in the family. There will be no exceptions. Decorations and Signs 2. All 4-H leaders and FFA Advisors will be issued one (1) 1. Exhibitors are encouraged to decorate their exhibit area parking pass. Leaders may park in the windsock lot if there using the current year Fair Theme. is space or in the lot across the street from the 2. Livestock exhibitors are permitted to display a sign over Fairgrounds. each exhibit advertising their own herd. 3. The Linn County Fair will not allow vehicle parking in RV 3. Commercial signs, such as feeds, minerals, stock, row. This area is for camping only. medicines, etc. will not be permitted anywhere in the livestock exhibit area. REMINDER • There is not daily parking inside the back gate or loading/ Judging and Awards unloading zone. 1. In general the single judge system is the policy of this show • There is a 20-minute time limit to load or unload animals, and in every case the judge will be selected with the equipment and/or feed. Then the vehicle must move to utmost care. Upon the request of the exhibitor, the judges the parking lot at Timber Linn Park. will be required to give their reasons for the decision • ABSOLUTELY NO VEHICLE PARKING IN THE RV AREAS. rendered. 2. No person other than those holding the animals being exhibited will be allowed in the show ring during the time of judging except the Superintendent of the division, the 23 Biosecurity Checklist/Best Practices Biosecurity Checklist/Best Practices Before and During the Fair: After the Fair: • Make sure all veterinary health inspectors and • Keep fair animals isolated from other animals and pets certificates of veterinary inspection are current for all for at least 30 days. the animals you will take to the fair. • Check these isolated animals every day for any signs of • Follow the fair vaccination guidelines and give illness. recommended vaccinations at least 10 days before the • Care for isolated animals separately, then shower, event. change your clothes, and clean and disinfect your boots • All incoming 4-H animals, poultry, rabbits, breeding before going to other areas of the farm. stock, horses, and open class animals must have a • Contact a veterinarian as soon as you see any unusual veterinarian visual health observation prior to weigh in symptoms in any animal. Many diseases look like FMD; or participating in any fair events. only a veterinarian can tell for sure. • Disinfect all equipment, such as buckets, shovels, wheelbarrows, manure baskets, lead ropes, blanket, These Biosecurity practices are a good idea no snares, clippers, scissors, brushes, show box, and so matter what disease might be of concern. forth before entering the fairgrounds. The goals are to keep every animal healthy and to • Don’t share equipment with other exhibitors unless it safeguard the Oregon livestock industry. has been cleaned and disinfected before and after use. • Avoid entering the pens/stalls and coming in contact Top Five Disease Prevention Recommendations with animals from other farms. Contact the fair • Segregation—Prevent contact of your livestock with veterinarian or superintendent when animals are in other animals. need of attention. • Restrict use of feed, equipment, and trailers to your • As much as possible, minimize feed and water changes animals and disinfect after use. from home to fair. • What happens at the fair stays at the fair. This includes • Clean and disinfect all items at the end of the fair equipment (unless cleaned and disinfected), feed, and before taking them home. bedding. • Properly dispose of unused bedding, hay and feed after • Notify a veterinarian immediately is an animals the fair. Do not take it home. becomes ill. • Minimize stress by keeping animals cool, well bedded, • Isolate animals returning home. and comfortable. • Carefully consider whether exhibition animals should LCFB Sub-Committee for return home after the fair, and what risk that presents Biosecurity and Best Practices to other animals at home. • If an animal becomes ill at the exhibit, consult a • Steve Mote, Chairman veterinarian. • Kerry Johnson □ Give notice to the exhibition manager/ • Dr. Ben Braat superintendent. • Dr. Mike Huber □ Give notice to the biosecurity sub committee. □ After a diagnosis is made by a veterinarian a meeting will be held to determine what action will be taken, if any. The meeting will consist of the owner, veterinarian, superintendent, and Biosecurity sub-committee □ If determined that the animal needs to be quarantined or sent home, the owner has the option to a second opinion by another licensed veterinarian of their choice at the owners expense. □ After the second opinion has been reached, reconvene for final decision with all parties. 24 Department 9 —Beef Cattle Department 9 BEEF CATTLE Superintendent Kathy Growcock 541-258-8809 541-401-1701 (cell) 7. 8. Judge Dave DeAngelis Enter Exhibits: • Wednesday, July 13, by 9:00 PM Judged: • Friday, July 16, 1:30 PM • Saturday, July 17, 12:30 PM Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, 9 AM OR after Market animals are gone. Entry Procedures 1. Entries open to Linn County (and adjoining counties if space is available only. Featured Breed open to all. 2. Entry and $5.00/head fees will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and must be registered by June 28, at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Rd, Albany, OR 97322. 3. Entry fees MUST be paid at time of registry. NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED. 4. Entry forms are on page 30. 5. Premiums are as follows: $35.00—first place $25.00—second place $15.00—third place $10.00—fourth place Rules 1. All exhibitors must follow the IAFE National Code of Showing Ethics. 2. NO Exhibitor parking behind the barns. Park at Timber Linn Park, trailers can be parked in gravel area. 3. Limit of two premiums per lot per exhibitor. 4. Livestock must be the property of the exhibitor or immediate family and shall so appear on the records of their respective breed associations. A certificate of registration must accompany the animal. 5. Requirements for registration of calves will conform to individual breed associations rules. These registration certificates will be checked by the Superintendent and must be available at any time during the fair. 6. All 3/4 blood and lower Shorthorns must be shown in All other Breeds Class. Animal must be red papered to show in 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Shorthorn Class. Livestock that has been transferred must have been completed by the Association and be in the name of the person or ranch that exhibits the animal at the time of the show. No person having entered anything for competition will be allowed to withdraw or change the entry after opening day of the show. However, substitutes will be accepted in the event of injury, sickness or death of an animal which has been properly entered and accepted. Any livestock showing evidence of ring worm fungus or other communicable or infections disease, will be refused entry. Nose lead required on bulls one (1) year and older. Cross Ties required on all animals. All bedding will be provided. Areas will be designated for manure disposal. Animals entered in 4-H/FFA must be stalled with 4-H/FFA. A minimum of six (6) entries with two (2) or more owners in any one breed will insure an individual breed show. Entry fee required on all classes except classes awarded ribbons only. Commercial class to be all non papered animals. CLASS 1. Hereford (Show Friday) 2. Murray Grey (Show Friday) 3. Red Angus (Show Friday) 4. Shorthorn (Show Friday) 5. 6. 7. 8. All Other Breeds (AOB) (Show Saturday) Commercial (Show Saturday) Supreme Female (Show Saturday) Supreme Bull (Show Saturday) Lot Number 1. Jr. Heifer Calf—after Jan. 1, 2016 2. Winter Heifer Calf— Nov. 1—Dec. 31, 2015 3. Sr. Heifer Calf—Sep. 1—Oct. 31, 2015 4. Late Summer Yearling— July 1—Aug. 31, 2015 5. Summer Yearling Heifer— May 1—June 30, 2015 6. Spring Yearling Heifer— March 1—April 30, 2015 7. Jr Yearling Heifer—Jan. 1– Feb. 28, 2015 8. Sr. Yearling Heifer— Sep. 1—Dec. 31, 2014 9. Jr. Cow—Jan. 1—Dec 31, 2014 10. Sr. Cow—Born before Jan. 1, 2014 11. Cow and 2016 Calf—Natural nursing cows with calf allowed. (Cows must show in class 8 or 9, calves in class 1 or 11) 25 CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Jr. Bull Calf —After Jan. 1, 2016 Winter Bull Calf — Nov. 1—Dec. 31, 2015 Sr. Bull Calf — Sep. 1—Oct. 31, 2015 Late Summer Yearling Bull— July 1—Aug. 31, 2015 Summer Yearling Bull — May 1—June 30, 2015 Spring Yearling Bull — March 1—April 30, 2015 Jr. Yearling Bull —Jan. 1—Feb. 28, 2015 Sr. Yearling Bull—Sep. 1—Dec. 31, 2014 Two Year Old Bull—Jan. 1—Aug. 31, 2014 CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION BULL ALL ANIMALS MUST BE SHOWN IN INDIVIDUAL CLASSES IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING CLASSES: 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Pair of Calves —from Class 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13 Calf Get of Sire — Three calves, both sexes represented. Sired by one bull. Need not be owned by one exhibitor Get of Sire — Four animals, both sexes represented. Sired by one bull. Need not be owned by one exhibitor Exhibitor’s Best Four Head — (Ribbon only) Produce of Dam — 2 Offspring (Ribbon only) All Champion Chairs donated by Coastal Farm Special Awards Belt Buckles donated by Zehner Farms, Bar 10 Hay 2015 Beef Supreme Champions Supreme Bull: Rocking K—Hereford Supreme Female: Stockton Cattle Co.—Angus Livestock that has been transferred must have been completed by the Association and be in the name of the person or ranch that exhibits the Superintendent animal at the time of the show. Ben Krahn 8. No person having entered anything 541-230-4513 for competition will be allowed to withdraw or change the entry after Judge opening day of the show. However, Darryl Olson substitutes will be accepted in the event of injury, sickness or death of Enter Exhibits: an animal which has been properly • Thursday, July 14, by 10:00 PM entered and accepted. Any livestock Judged: showing evidence of ring worm • Friday, July 15, at 11:00 AM fungus or other communicable or Entry Release: infectious disease, will be refused • Sunday, July 17, 9 AM OR after entry. Market animals are gone. 9. Cross Ties required on all animals at tie outs. Tie outs will be limited. Entry Procedures 10. All bedding will be provided. Areas 1. Entries open to Linn County and will be designated for manure adjoining counties only. disposal. 2. Entry and $5.00/head fees will be 11. Animals entered in 4-H/FFA must be accepted on a first come first serve stalled with 4-H/FFA. basis and must be registered by 12. A minimum of ten (10) entries with June 28, at the Linn County Fair & two (2) or more owners in any one Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Rd, Albreed will insure an individual breed bany, OR 97322. show for next year. 3. Entry forms are on page 30. 4. Premiums are as follows: CLASS $20.00—first place 1. Jersey $15.00—second place 2. Holstein $10.00—third place 3. Guernsey $5.00—fourth place 4. Other Breeds Department 10 DAIRY CATTLE Rules 1. All exhibitors must follow the IAFE National Code of Showing Ethics. 2. NO Exhibitor parking behind the barns. Park at Timber Linn Park, trailers can be parked in gravel area. 3. Cattle must be hornless. 4. Limit of two premiums per lot per exhibitor. 5. Livestock must be the property of the exhibitor or immediate family and shall so appear on the records of their respective breed associations. A certificate of registration must accompany the animal. 6. Requirements for registration of calves will conform to individual breed associations rules. These registration certificates will be checked by the Superintendent and must be available at any time during the fair. 7. Lot Number 1. Jr. Heifer Calf— March 1—May 31, 2016 2. Intermdeiate Heifer Calf — Dec. 1, 2015—Feb. 28, 2016 3. Sr. Heifer Calf— Sep. 1—Nov. 30, 2015 4. Summer Yearling Heifer— June 1—Aug 31, 2015 5. Jr. Yearling Heifer— March 1—May 31, 2015 6. Winter Yearling Heifer— Dec. 1, 2014 – Feb. 28, 2015 7. Sr. Yearling Heifer— Sep. 1—Nov. 30, 2014 JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE 26 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Department 10 —Dairy Cattle Jr. Two Year Old & Sr. Yearling in Milk — March 1—Aug. 31, 2014 Sr. Two Year Old Cow— Sep. 1, 2013—Feb. 28, 2014 Jr. Three Year Old Cow — March 1,— Aug. 31, 2013 Sr. Three Year Old Cow — Sep. 1, 2012—Feb. 28, 2013 Four Year Old Cow — Sep. 1. 2011 — Aug. 31, 2012 Five Year Old Cow — Sep. 1, 2010 —Aug. 31, 2011 Six Year and Older Cow— Prior to Sep. 1, 2010 SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE SENIOR RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE GRAND CHAMPION BRED AND OWNED SUPREME CHAMPION 15. Best Three Females — bred and owned by exhibitor—same breed 16. Produce of Dam— two animals, either sex, any age; the produce of one cow. Show name of Dam on entry form. 17. Dam and Daughter 18. Exhibitors Herd Department 11 DAIRY GOATS Superintendent Alice Paul 541-812-0871 Judge Ashley Culver Enter Exhibits: • TBD Judged: • Saturday, July 16, 8 AM to 2 PM Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, 8 AM 10. An ADGA certificate of registration must accompany the animal; duplicates of applications will be accepted for animals under 6 months old. 11. Animals entered in 4-H/FFA must be stalled with 4-H/FFA. 12. All bedding will be provided. Areas will be designated for manure disposal. 13. Exhibitors shall provide their own hay and feed. CLASS 1. Alpine 2. LaMancha 3. Nigerian Dwarf 4. Saanen Entry Procedures 1. Entries open to Linn County and 5. All Other Purebreeds (AOPS) 6. Recorded Grade adjoining counties only. 2. Entry and $4.00/head fees will be accepted on a first come first serve Lot Number basis and must be registered by 1. Jr. Doe Kids — April 1—June 30, 2016 June 28, at the Linn County Fair & 2. Intermdeiate Doe Kids — Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Rd, AlMarch 1 —March 31, 2016 bany, OR 97322. 3. Sr. Doe Kids — Before March 1, 2016 3. Entry forms are on page 30. and under 1 year 4. Premiums are as follows: 4. Yearling Doe — $15.00—first place 1 to 2 years old, never freshened $12.00—second place $10.00—third place JUNIOR CHAMPION $8.00—fourth place JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION Rules 1. All exhibitors shall be from Linn or adjoining counties only. 2. All exhibitors must follow the IAFE National Code of Showing Ethics. 3. ADGA RULES SHALL GOVERN. 4. All animals must be purebred, full American or recorded grades. 5. All goats shall be the property of the exhibitor or immediate family. 6. Limit of two premiums per lot per exhibitor, two entries per lot. 7. No more than 20 total goats per exhibitor 8. No withdrawal of entries is allowed, however, substitutions will be accepted. 9. Any goat showing evidence of infectious or communicable disease will be refused entry. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Does in Milk — under 2 years Does in Milk — 2—3 years Does in Milk — 3—4 years Does in Milk — 4—5 years Does in Milk — 5 years and over SENIOR CHAMPION SENIOR RESERVE CHAMPION BEST UDDER IN BREED 10. Dam and Daughter 11. Dam, Daughter, and Granddaughter 12. Get of Sire— 3 Does, any age with same sire 13. Produce of Dam — 2 Does, any age with same dam 14. Dairy Herd — 3 Does in milk, owned by exhibitor 15. Breeders Trio — 3 Does any age, bred and owned by exhibitor 27 Department 11 —Dairy Goats BEST JUNIOR DOE IN SHOW BEST SENIOR DOE IN SHOW BEST UDDER IN SHOW SPECIAL AWARDS SPONSORS Two Track Farm Shedd, OR Department 13 SHEEP Superintendent Terri Salisbury 541-619-6588 ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL TERRI 5. 6. Judge Tracy Haslem—Wool Tracy Haslem—Meat Enter Exhibits: • Tuesday, July 12, Time TBA Judged: • Wednesday, July 13, 4 PM—WOOL • Thursday, July 14, 5 PM—MEAT Entry Release: • Sunday, July 17, 9 AM OR after Market animals are gone. Entry Procedures 1. Entries open to Linn County and adjoining counties only. 2. Entry and $3.00/head fees will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and must be registered by June 28, at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Rd, Albany, OR 97322. 3. Entry fees MUST be paid at time of registry. NO late entries accepted. 4. Entry forms are on page 31. 5. Premiums are as follows: $10.00—first place $8.00—second place $6.00—third place $4.00—fourth place If more than eight (8) entries per class, will pay to six (6) places). $3.00—fifth place $2.00—sixth place Rules 1. All exhibitors must follow the IAFE National Code of Showing Ethics. 2. NO Exhibitor parking behind the barns. Park at Timber Linn Park, trailers can be parked in gravel area. 3. Limit of two premiums per lot per exhibitor. 4. Livestock must be the property of the exhibitor or immediate family and shall so appear on the records of their respective breed associations. A certificate of registration must accompany the animal. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Livestock that has been transferred must have been completed by the Association and be in the name of the person or ranch that exhibits the animal at the time of the show. No person having entered anything for competition will be allowed to withdraw or change the entry after opening day of the show. However, substitutes will be acceped in the event of injury, sickness or death of an animal which has been properly entered and accepted. Any livestock showing evidence of ring worm fungus or other communicable or infectious disease, will be refused entry. Bedding not provided. Areas will be designated for manure disposal. Animals entered in 4-H/FFA must be stalled with 4-H/FFA. A minimum of ten (10) entries with two (2) or more owners in any one breed will insure an individual breed show for next year. All sheep covers shall be removed after showing during the day and all sheep must be identified by a ranch or family name placed over the pens. All sheep must comply with State of Oregon Scrapie laws. Scrapie tags must be in sheeps ear. Please check with the Superintendent on health papers. All lambs must have lambs teeth, checked by Judges and Superintendent. CLASS—Wool 1. Black Sheep (Registered) 2. AOB White —Wool (Registered) 3. Natural/Colored Romney 4. White Romney CLASS—Meat 5. Horned Dorset 6. Hampshire 7. Shropshire 8. Suffolk 9. Wether—Sires/Dams 10. AOB Meat—Registered Lot Number 1. Yearling Ram —1-2 years old 2. Fall Ram Lamb — Sep. 1—Dec. 31, 2015 3. Spring Ram Lamb— Jan. 1—April 31, 2016 4. Pair of Ram Lambs —any age 5. 6. CHAMPION RAM RESERVE CHAMPION RAM Yearling Ewe — 1-2 years Fall Ewe Lamb — Sep. 1—Dec. 31, 2015 28 7. 8. Department 12 —Sheep Spring Ewe Lamb— Jan. 1—April 31, 2016 Pair of Ewe Lambs—any age CHAMPION EWE RESERVE CHAMPION EWE 9. Breeders Young Flock —to consist of two ewe lambs and one ram lamb, all bred and owned by the exhibitor. 10. Get of Sire — four animals from the same sire, any age, both sexes, bred and owned by the exhibitor. 11. Flock — two yearling ewes, two ewe lambs, and one ram under two years of age, must be owned but not necessarily bred by the exhibitor. 12. Best Pair — your best two (2) sheep. CLASS 11 Market Lambs Lot Number 13. 110—150 pounds (lamb not eligible if shown in 4-H or FFA) ARBA REGIONAL ROMNEY SHOW The Linn County Fair will host the 2016 American Romney Breeders Association Regional Romney Show. All fair rules apply plus the below items. American Romney Breeders Association will pay additional premiums for the regional show. Exhibitor must be a paid member of ARBA by June 30, 2016, to receive additional premiums. Contact Karen Nichols for questions at 541-990-0577. ARBA Junior Show will be judged at the same time as the open show with juniors pulling forward for their placings. ARBA Junior Showmanship will be judged on Wednesday, July 13, between the Natural Colored and White Romney Shows. Department 14 —Rabbits Department 14 RABBITS Superintendent Meadow Gufsteson 971-237-5073 Judge Kendal Bledsoe Enter Exhibits: • Saturday, July 16, 7:30 AM by 9 AM Judged: • Saturday, July 16, 9 AM Entry Release: • Saturday, July 16, 2PM Entry Procedures 1. Entries open to Linn County and adjoining counties only. 2. This is a one day, carrying cage show. 3. Entry and $2.25/head fees will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and MUST be registered by June 28, at the Linn County Fair & Expo Office, 3700 Knox Butte Rd E, Albany, OR 97322. Entry fees MUST accompany entry. Entries without payment will not be accepted, NO EXCEPTIONS. 4. Day of show entries $3.00/animal 5. This is an official ARBA Sanctioned Show. 6. Entry forms are on page 32. All rabbits must be entered on Linn County Fair entry forms, any other forms will NOT be accepted. 7. Premiums are as follows: $3.00—first place $2.00—second place $1.00—third place 8. All premiums must be picked up at the fair office. PREMIUMS WILL NOT BE MAILED. 9. This is a no comment card show. Rules 1. This is an A. R. B. A. sanctioned show and will be governed by the latest rules of the said association. Filing of an entry indicates acceptance of such rules. It is not necessary to be an A. R. B. A. member to enter. 2. Rabbits entered must be a standard breed and variety recognized by the A. R. B. A. Purebred rabbits only. Pedigrees are not required to show. 3. 4. 5. All fure entries must be entered in regular class in addition to fur class. All fur will be considered Breed Fur. All rabbits must be permanently ear marked and earmarks must match entry blank. Substitutions in same breed, sex, variety, and class only. All rabbits must be free from any communicable diseases. Questionable animals will be sent home. Dirty animals will be turned away. ARBA Sanction #KOA2364 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Mini Satin Netherland Dwarf Polish Rhinelander Satin Angora Silver Silver Marten Standard Chinchilla Standard Rex Tan Thrianta HEAVYWEIGHTS CLASS 1. American 2. American Chinchilla 3. Beveren 4. Blanc de Hotot 5. Californian 6. Champagne D’Argent 7. Checkered Giant 8. Cinnamon 9. Crème D’ Argent 10. English Lop 11. Flemish Giant 12. French Lop 13. Giant Angora 14. Giant Chinchilla 15. New Zealand 16. Satin 17. Silver Fox LIGHTWEIGHTS CLASS 18. American Fuzzy Lop 19. American Sable 20. Belgian Hare 21. Britannia Petite 22. Dutch 23. Dwarf Hotot 24. English Angora 25. English Spot 26. Florida White 27. French Angora 28. Harlequin 29. Havana 30. Himalayan 31. Holland Lop 32. Jersey Wooly 33. Lilac 34. Lionhead 35. Mini Lop 36. Mini Rex 29 Lot Number—HEAVYWEIGHT 1. Junior Buck — 3—6 months old 2. Intermediate Buck—6 –8 months old 3. Senior Buck — more than 8 months old 4. Junior Doe — 3—6 months old 5. Intermediate Doe—6 –8 months old 6. Senior Doe — more than 8 months old Lot Number—LIGHTWEIGHT 1. Junior Buck — 3—6 months old 2. Senior Buck — more than 6 months old 3. Junior Doe — 3—6 months old 4. Senior Doe — more than 6 months old CLASS 48 Penn of Three Fryers • 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 lbs. each • Not to exceed 79 days • To be judged on conformation, condition, uniformity, weight, color and breed. Lot Number 1. Breed Fur, Colored 2. Breed Fur, White CLASS 49 Fur Animals • Specify breed on entry form • Animals must have been shown and qualified in regular breed classes to show in this class. Lot Number 1. Breed Fur, Colored 2. Breed Fur, White 30 (Entry deadline June 28, 2016) Animal Registry Name = Date of Birth (PLEASE CHECK ONE) Total fees enclosed: $ _______________ Sex Sheep (13) ___________ Registry Number Dairy Goat (11) ___________ Total number of head: ___________ x Entry fee $ __________ Lot # Dairy Cattle (10) ___________ Number of pens NEEDED in Open Class only: ______ Date: ____________________ Return this form and fees to: Ronda Sherman, Linn County Fair and Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Rd E, Albany, OR 97322 Exhibitor’s Signature: _____________________________________________________ My signature certifies that I have read understand, and will abide by the rules and regulations governing exhibits at the Linn County Fair as published in the Official Premium Book. The owner of the exhibit(s) releases the Linn County Fair from any liability from loss, damage, or injury to livestock or other property while such property is on the ground of the Linn County Fair. I further declare all statement made in connection with said entries are true. If you are a 4-H/FFA Exhibitor: Number of animals stalled/penned in 4-H/FFA: ______ Camping Space needed*: Tent: ____ RV (size): _________ Camper (size): _________ (Every effort will be made to provide a camping space, but is not guaranteed) *Do NOT mark if you are registered to camp with 4-H/FFA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Class # Beef (9) ___________ County: _______________________________________________ Age (if under 18): _____________ Exhibitor #: _________________ Use separate sheet for each Department. Consult the Official Premium Book for lot and class number, entry fees, entry closing and release times. ENTRIES NOT ACCEPTED WITHOUT FEES. Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________ Ranch/Farm Name: _______________________________________________________ Owner’s Name (if different from Exhibitor): ________________________________ Exhibitor’s Name (print): _____________________________________________________________________ Phone (with area code): ______________________________ Use separate sheet for EACH Department Entry Form for Open Class Large Livestock Entry Form for Open Class Rabbits All Rabbit entries must use this entry form: other forms will NOT be accepted. Use separate sheet for Rabbits and Cavies Exhibitor’s Name (print): _________________________________________ Phone (with area code): _________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City: ________________________ Zip: ______________ County: ___________________________________________ Age (if under 18): _____________ Exhibitor #: _________________ Consult the Official Premium Book for lot and class numbers, entry fees, entry and release times. NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED WITHOUT FEES. (Entry deadline June 28, 2016) Rabbits (14) ___________ Class # Lot # Ear Tag # Fur: ___________ (PLEASE CHECK ONE) Breed Variety Class Sex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total number of animals: _________ x Entry fee: $ _________ = Total fees enclosed: $ ___________ NOTE: If you are a 4-H/FFA Exhibitor, please complete the following: Number of animals in 4-H/FFA: ____________ Number of animals in Open Class only: ____________ My signature certifies that I have read understand, and will abide by the rules and regulations governing exhibits at the Linn County Fair as published in the Official Premium Book. The owner of the exhibit(s) releases the Linn County Fair from any liability from loss, damage, or injury to livestock or other property while such property is on the ground of the Linn County Fair. I further declare all statement made in connection with said entries are true. Exhibitor’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Return this form and fees to: Ronda Sherman, Linn County Fair and Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Rd E, Albany, OR 97322 31 Entry Form for Open Class Art, Photography, and Textiles USE SEPARATE SHEET FOR EACH DEPARTMENT Pre-entry is not mandatory but strongly encouraged!!! Exhibitor’s Name (print): _________________________________________ Phone (with area code): _________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City: ________________________ Zip: ______________ County: ___________________________________________ Age (if under 18): _____________ Exhibitor #: _________________ Consult the Official Premium Book for lot and class numbers, entry fees, entry and release times. USE SEPARATE SHEET FOR EACH DEPARTMENT Art (2) ___________ Class # Photography (6) ___________ Textiles (8) ___________ (PLEASE CHECK ONE) Lot # Description Tag # (Optional) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 My signature certifies that I have read understand, and will abide by the rules and regulations governing exhibits at the Linn County Fair as published in the Official Premium Book. The owner of the exhibit(s) releases the Linn County Fair from any liability from loss OR damage to property while such property is on the ground of the Linn County Fair. I further declare all statement made in connection with said entries are true. Exhibitor’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Return this form to: Ronda Sherman, Linn County Fair and Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Rd E, Albany, OR 97322 32