2015 annual review - Keep America Beautiful


2015 annual review - Keep America Beautiful
2 0 1 5 ANNUA L R E V I E W
Table of Contents
Caring for Our Beautiful Places................................................................................................. 02
Preventing Litter...We Fight Dirty!........................................................................................... 10
Making Recycling Second Nature.............................................................................................. 16
Our Grant Programs Empower Change............................................................................... 26
Our Education Programs...Changing Behavior................................................................34
Affiliate Network: The Heart of Beauty.................................................................................38
Your Commitment and Support Advance Our Mission..............................................48
About Keep America Beautiful
At Keep America Beautiful, we want to ensure that beauty is our lasting signature.
A leading national nonprofit, Keep America Beautiful inspires and educates people
to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment.
We envision a country where every community is a clean, green, and beautiful
place to live.
Keep America Beautiful provides the expertise, programs and resources to help
end littering, improve recycling, and beautify America’s communities.
The organization is driven by the work and passion of more than 600 community-based Keep America Beautiful affiliates, hundreds of partner organizations,
millions of volunteers, and the support of corporate partners, municipalities,
elected officials, and individuals.
Our collective action champions environmentally healthy, socially connected,
and economically sound communities. Keep America Beautiful continues to
bring people together to transform public spaces into beautiful places.
Our Mission
o inspire and educate people to take action every day to improve and
beautify their community environment.
What We Believe
• People and places are profoundly interconnected.
• Thriving communities are rooted in individual responsibility and action.
• Behavior change, including education, is the foundation for lasting impact.
• Positive change happens when people work together.
(Cover Photo: Tod Martens Photography - http://todmartens.com)
Dear Friends and Supporters:
s I reflect on my second year as President and CEO of Keep America Beautiful,
I continue to be profoundly moved by the work of this organization, its staff, our
incredible affiliate network and the generosity of millions of volunteers, corporate
partners, municipalities, elected officials, and individuals.
I’m proud of the many accomplishments in 2015 and am excited for what lies ahead
in 2016 and beyond for Keep America Beautiful. We will continue to improve and
take action to get better every day at doing the work required to Keep America
Beautiful. And in doing so, we will inspire, educate and champion communities across America to be
environmentally healthier, economically stronger, and socially more connected.
More connected to each other as neighbors—not only in the individual communities we serve—but
within the vast collection of urban, suburban and rural places that each day create a new chapter in
the story of a cleaner, greener and more beautiful America.
“W e will inspire, educate
and champion communities across America to be
environmentally healthier,
economically stronger, and
socially more connected.”
We had a BIG year in 2015, helping to deliver meaningful impact in the communities served by our
more than 620 state and community-based affiliates. In the following pages you’ll be able to read about
the impact of our collective actions in 2015 and be inspired by the stories of some of the passionate and
dedicated people who play a leading role to Keep America Beautiful.
As many of you know, over the past few years we set out to revitalize Keep America Beautiful as we
continue to evolve with our 65th Anniversary approaching in 2018. As part of our journey, we led a
thoughtful and thorough review of our Vision, Mission and Values for the first time in 15 years.
Our Vision: a country where every community is a clean, green and beautiful place to live.
Our Mission: to inspire and educate people to take action every day to improve and beautify their
community environment.
Our Values:
• I nspire: We lead by example and inspire
others to take action.
• T
eamwork: We build community by
working together.
• Integrity: We act with integrity and respect.
• Passion: We bring passion to our purpose.
We thank for your continued support of Keep America Beautiful as we strive to End Littering,
Improve Recycling and Beautify America’s Communities.
Beautifully Yours,
Jennifer M. Jehn
President & CEO
Keep America Beautiful
Jennifer Jehn with a Unilever volunteer
at Unilever’s “Community Action Day”
in Englewood, New Jersey.
The Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup is the nation’s largest
community improvement program, engaging more than 5 million volunteers
and participants every year to create positive change and lasting impact in
local communities. The Great American Cleanup offers structured service
projects–experiential environmental education, organized volunteer events
and employee engagement opportunities–to deliver meaningful economic,
environmental and social impact to communities nationwide.
Keep America Beautiful launched the 2015
Great American Cleanup by ringing the New
York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Closing Bell®
with Lowe’s Market Director Michael Ricciardi
and other representatives from Lowe’s.
Great American Cleanup
Among the key values that drive
the work of Keep America Beautiful is the idea that people and
places are profoundly interconnected, and that thriving communities are rooted
in individual responsibility and collective action.
planting trees, flowers and community gardens,
among other educational and roll-up-your-sleeves
volunteer opportunities.
Nothing better embodies this value more demonstrably than Keep America Beautiful’s Great
American Cleanup, which celebrated its 17th year
in 2015. As the nation’s largest community improvement program, the Great American Cleanup
is led by more than 600 Keep America Beautiful
community-based affiliates and hundreds of other
partner organizations, with events formally kicking
off in the spring and continuing throughout the
year. The work of more than 5.4 million volunteers and participants in 2015 – 1 million more
than in 2014 – generated nearly $160 million in
measureable benefits to thousands of participating
communities from coast to coast.
• R
emoved 62 million pounds of litter and debris
for safer, cleaner communities;
The scope of the Great American Cleanup is
far-reaching with initiatives ranging from cleaning
shorelines and waterways; removing litter and
debris; renewing parks, trails and recreation areas;
reducing waste and improving recycling; and
In 2015, Great American Cleanup volunteers and
• C
leaned 96 ,000 miles of streets, highways,
trails, waterways and shorelines;
• C
leaned and renewed 69,500 acres of parks and
public lands;
• C
ollected more than 177 million pounds of items
for recycling or reusing, including PET plastic
bottles, electronics, newspaper and more; and
• P
lanted 49,500 trees and 625,000 flowers and
bulbs to strengthen the green infrastructure
of communities.
National sponsors of the 2015 Great American
Cleanup included Altria, BNSF Railway, Dow,
The Glad Products Company, Lowe’s and
Niagara Bottling.
2015 National Sponsors
Volunteers/participants..............................................5.4 million
Volunteer hours ...........................................................6.7 million
Communities involved/events held..........20,000/40,000
Measurable benefits to
communities involved.............................................$157 million
Clothing collected for reuse (lbs.)............................2 million
Pounds of single stream/
commingled recyclables .....................................99.86 million
Pounds of plastic bags/
film collected ........................................................................106,000
Pounds of other plastics collected .....................2.1 million
Newspaper recycled (lbs.) .....................................24.2 million
Electronics recycled (lbs.)...........................................10 million
Pounds of beverage containers..........................10.5 million
Other recyclable materials
collected (lbs.)...............................................................28.5 million
Litter & debris collected (lbs.)..................................62 million
Roads, streets, highways
cleaned/ beautified (miles)..............................................86,000
Parks & public lands cleaned (acres)..........................69,500
Rivers, lakes & shorelines
cleaned (miles).........................................................................10,000
69,500 ACRES
Flowers & bulbs planted..................................................625,000
Trees planted.............................................................................49,500
Residential & commercial buildings
Graffiti removal/sites abated...........................................69,000
Educational workshops held:
Educator Workshops...............................................................6,743
Community Workshops.........................................................3,164
Educational workshop attendees.........................2.6 million
10,000 MILES
1. Keep Alachua County Beautiful volunteers clean up an illegal dump in Gainesville, Florida. 2. An Evergrene Master Association volunteer clears brush in Palm Beach County, Florida.
3. Friends of Lafitte Greenway participated in a Great American Cleanup mural painting in New Orleans. 4. Keep Pensacola Beautiful volunteers completed 27 oyster reefs at Bayou
Grande in Pensacola, Florida 5. All hands show off Keep Bakersfield California slogan, “Litter: It’s Beneath Us.” 6. Volunteers take to kayaks for a Keep Grapevine Beautiful cleanup
in Texas. 7. Employees of Eli Lilly and Company shovel sand during the annual Lilly Day of Service, coordinated by Keep Indianapolis Beautiful. 8. Memphis City Beautiful volunteer
planting flowers during its Great American Cleanup “Faith in Action” event. 9. Two young volunteers from Keep Allen (Texas) Beautiful move a roll of carpet. 10. Keep Greensboro
Beautiful volunteers preparing for duty. 11. Keep Riverside Clean & Beautiful volunteers remove brush in Riverside, California.
National Planting Day Celebrates
the Value and Power of Local Ecosystems
Students from Knox County Career Center Landscape Design and Management Program help plant a Native
Pollinator Garden at the Ohio Capitol Square apiary as part of Keep Ohio Beautiful 2015 National Planting Day.
Keep America Beautiful’s
National Planting Day, a
fall initiative of the Great
American Cleanup, celebrates the value and power of local ecosystems
by mobilizing Americans to plant native species of
trees, shrubs and plants.
In 2015, Keep America Beautiful asked National
Planting Day participants to celebrate the theme
of “Keep America Bee-utiful” by focusing their
planting efforts on pollinator gardens in public
places. In collaboration with dozens of conservation and gardening organizations nationwide, Keep
America Beautiful became a founding member
of the National Pollinator Garden Network and
joined the new nationwide Million Pollinator
Garden Challenge campaign in support of President Barack Obama’s call to action to reverse the
decline of pollinating insects, such as honey bees
and native bees, as well as monarch butterflies.
Special planting activities took place in dozens of
communities. For example, Keep Ohio Beautiful
partnered with the Capitol Square Review and
Advisory Board at the Ohio Statehouse to plant an
Ohio Native Pollinator Garden, designed by scientists at The Davey Tree Expert Co. In addition to
attracting a variety of pollinators, this garden will
provide nectar sources for the beehive installed
earlier this year on the Statehouse grounds.
To commemorate the day, Keep Ohio Beautiful
kicked off the event with an interactive pollinator
educational program with students from Columbus’ Annehurst Elementary, presented by senior
entomologists from ScottsMiracle-Gro.
High school students from the Knox County Career
Center Landscape Design and Management
Program, and representatives from organizations
throughout Ohio, were on hand to educate
attendees about native plants, pollinators and
related subjects.
In the Connecticut capital of Hartford, volunteers
from The Hartford insurance company, working with Keep America Beautiful affiliate KNOX,
rejuvenated an intersection a few blocks from the
company’s headquarters as part of a 9/11 Day of
Service remembrance.
Keep Sevier Beautiful’s beautification committee
partnered with the Eugene Huskey Environmental
Center to convert the site of its former butterfly
garden into a native wildflower garden that is
supporting pollinating insects. Many plants for this
project came from the Knoxville Botanical Garden
& Arboretum’s butterfly demonstration garden.
Thanks to volunteers from the Wyndham Hotels
and Resorts Green Team, the site in Sevierville,
Tennessee, will not only be a beautiful addition
to the landscape that supports native wildlife,
but it will also serve as an education space for
young visitors.
(Top) KNOX, Inc., a Keep America Beautiful affiliate in
Hartford, Connecticut, conducts beautification events
year-round, including around National Planting Day. Volunteers (top) from The Hartford rejuvenated an intersection near the company’s headquarters in remembrance
of 9/11. Volunteers (below) from KNOX’s Greater Hartford
Green Team blazed new trails at Riverside Park.
National Pollinator Garden Network and
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
For more than six decades, Keep America Beautiful has served as our
country’s nonprofit steward of litter prevention. Litter is more than just
a blight on our landscape. Litter is costly to clean up, impacts our quality
of life and economic development, and eventually ends up in our waterways and oceans. Among our many initiatives, the Keep America Beautiful
Litter Index and Community Appearance Index are step-by-step methods
of assessing current litter conditions and other indicators which is used in
thousands of communities and by municipalities nationwide. Today, we
are as committed as ever to providing people with the resources to prevent
litter with the ultimate goal of helping to end littering in America.
Cigarette Litter Prevention Program
The Cigarette Litter Prevention Program website
was relaunched in 2015 and can be found online at
PreventCigaretteLitter.org. View the Cigarette Litter
Prevention Program PSA video on Keep America
Beautiful’s YouTube channel.
Keep America
Beautiful achieved
an average 52
percent reduction
in cigarette litter in communities that implemented
its Cigarette Litter Prevention Program in 2015, a 4
percent increase over the 2014 results.
butts on the ground to be “littering.” Keep America
Beautiful has found that cigarette butt litter occurs
most often at transition points—areas where a
person must stop smoking before proceeding into
another area. These include bus stops, entrances to
stores and public buildings, and the sidewalk areas
outside of bars and restaurants, among others.
Since its establishment, the Cigarette Litter
Prevention Program has consistently cut cigarette
butt litter by approximately half based on local
measurements taken in the first four months to
six months after program implementation. Survey
results also demonstrate that as communities continue to monitor the program those reductions are
sustained or even increased over time.
To address cigarette butt litter, Keep America
Beautiful’s Cigarette Litter Prevention Program advocates that communities integrate
four proven behavior strategies and tools:
In 2015, grants provided by Keep America
Beautiful through the Cigarette Litter Prevention
Program supported implementations across the
country in a variety of settings including downtowns, roadways, beaches, parks, marinas, colleges/
universities, tourist locations, and at special event
locations. The program has served more than 1,500
communities in 49 states, Washington, D.C.,
Puerto Rico and Canada over its history.
Research has shown that even self-reported
“non-litterers” often don’t consider tossing cigarette
• E
ncourage enforcement of litter laws,
including cigarette litter;
• R
aise awareness about the issue using public
service messages;
• P
lace ash receptacles at transition points such
as entrances to public buildings; and
• D
istribute pocket or portable
ashtrays to adult smokers.
The Cigarette Litter Prevention
Program is supported by funding
from Philip Morris USA, an
Altria company; RAI Services
Company; and the Santa Fe
Natural Tobacco Company.
(Top) I Love A Clean San Diego installed permanent
ash receptacles throughout San Diego County
with the help of a Cigarette Litter Prevent Program
grant. (Bottom) Lea King-Badyna (left) and Katy
Smith of Keep Golden Isles Beautiful show off their
“This is Litter Too” flyers.
served in 49 States,
Washington, D.C.,
Puerto Rico and
Canada over CLPP
program history.
in communities implementing Cigarette
Litter Prevention Program.
Foodservice Operators Litter Guide
“Keep America Beautiful is
Although only a small portion of the total litter
stream (5 percent of all litter in the U.S., according
to Keep America Beautiful’s landmark “Litter in
America” study), restaurant and quick-serve packaging is one of the more visible parts.
pleased to bring our knowledge
and experience about littering
behavior, litter prevention and
In an effort to help foodservice operators address
litter and littering behavior in and around restaurants and other foodservice establishments, Keep
America Beautiful partnered with the Foodservice
Packaging Institute and the National Restaurant
Association to produce “Being a Good Neighbor:
A Guide to Reducing and Managing Litter.”
The 10-page guide has a handy audit form to
measure litter around restaurants, as well as a
foodservice operator checklist to identify potential
litter locations inside and outside the establishment. There are also practical tips to help operators
reduce and ultimately eliminate litter in and
near their establishments. Recommendations for
recycling bin and trash receptacle placements make
proper disposal of packaging items convenient and
accessible. And well-known restaurateurs provide
techniques to engage employees, customers and the
greater community.
To get a copy
of the “Being a
Good Neighbor:
A Guide to
Reducing and
Managing Litter”
guide, go to
recycling in working with the
Foodservice Packaging Institute
and National Restaurant
Association in producing this
important -and relevant-guide.”
- Jennifer Jehn, President & CEO,
Keep America Beautiful
Foodservice packaging, defined as single-use
cups, containers, wraps, boxes, bags, lids, cutlery,
straws, stirrers and more, is made from a variety of
materials, including paper, plastic and aluminum.
It allows restaurant operators to serve guests in a
sanitary, convenient and economical manner. But
when the packaging isn’t disposed of properly, the
ensuing litter can have harmful effects on roads
and waterways, with consequences for the
economy and public health.
Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Litter Summit
Keep Massachusetts Beautiful (KMB) gathered
municipal, business, and volunteer leaders in
November 2015 to discuss solutions to the litter
problems that plague many of the communities
across the state.
Keep Massachusetts Beautiful conducted the
Massachusetts Litter Summit in Plymouth,
Massachusetts, to celebrate its announcement as
the 25th state-level affiliate to the Keep America
Beautiful national network. Keep Massachusetts Beautiful was founded by Neil Rhein, who
previously served as executive director of local
community affiliate, Keep Mansfield Beautiful.
“Currently, there is little coordination of efforts
across the state and low public awareness of the
litter problem in Massachusetts,” said Rhein.
“The goal of the Litter Summit is to get people
who are passionate about cleaning up litter in
Massachusetts to communicate with each other,
share best practices, and implement some of
Keep America Beautiful’s proven solutions to
the problem.”
Speakers, who shared ideas and best practices
for ending litter, included:
• M
ike Rosen, senior vice president/
marketing and communications,
Keep America Beautiful
• S
cott Wilson, director of roadway operations
at the Massachusetts Department of
Transportation Highway Division
• N
eil Rhein, founder and executive director
of Keep Massachusetts Beautiful
• V
olunteer leaders from Don’t Trash
Wareham, Duxbury Litter Sweep, and
New Bedford’s Operation Clean Sweep
Young volunteers from Keep the Rez Beautiful, which focuses on Mississippi’s Ross Barnett Reservoir, pick up litter.
Green Youngstown partnered with the United
Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley,
Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation and the City of Youngstown, Ohio, to execute a
blight-busting project on Youngstown’s South Side.
A National Literature Review on Addressing
the Community
Impacts of Blighted Properties
Blight Literature Review
May 20, 2015
Keep America Beautiful
The Vacant Properties Research Network
A project of the Metropolitan Institute at
Virginia Tech
in collaboration with Econsult Solutions, Inc.
Keep America Beautiful released “Charting the
Multiple Meanings of Blight: A National Literature
Review on Addressing the Community Impacts of
Blighted Properties,” which was the first initiative
in Keep America Beautiful’s effort to calculate the
cost of blight.
2.how policymakers and community-based organizations can leverage the report’s findings; and
Prepared by researchers through Econsult Solutions Inc., a Philadelphia-based consulting firm, in
collaboration with the Vacant Properties Research
Network (VPRN), a project of the Metropolitan
Institute at Virginia Tech, the national report
examines more than 300 academic articles as well
as special policy and practitioner reports devoted to
the concept of blight.
The report concludes with 10 overarching recommendations for policymakers, future research, and
potential actions by Keep America Beautiful and
its affiliates.
The report provides a contemporary snapshot of
how researchers, experts and practitioners describe
and understand the complex conditions that create
blight and the many policy responses that communities are taking.
The primary authors outlined:
1.what recent articles and reports say about blight;
3.how Keep America Beautiful and its network
of community-based affiliates can build on this
report to develop a blight cost calculator for
community groups and local governments.
The next phase of the initiative will involve
developing the components of a blight impact
calculator tool. The tool will help serve as a launching point for discussion about community-specific
cost estimates and return on investment for blight
remediation as well as other attendant costs.
“This pioneering synthesis of the literature will
help local officials and community-based organizations, such as Keep America Beautiful and its
affiliates, fashion more holistic strategies to address
the community impacts of blighted properties and
facilitate neighborhood revitalization,” observed
To get a copy of the
“Charting the Multiple
Meanings of Blight”
report, go to
report co-author Joe Schilling, senior research associate, Urban Institute, and former Metropolitan
Institute Senior Fellow.
Report co-author Lee Huang of Econsult Solutions
Inc. agrees. “What we found in our work is that
‘blight’ looks like and means different things in different settings. Our review of the existing literature
really underscores this point, and has yielded a very
rich look at how various communities define and
deal with blight.”
The literature review will benefit policymakers,
particularly in understanding how different
communities are addressing rising rates of vacancy
and how property abandonment has come to be a
common characteristic of contemporary blight.
The executive summary and full report of “Charting the Multiple Meanings of Blight” is available
on Keep America Beautiful’s website.
Hampton Roads Reduces
Cigarette Litter Regionally
Cigarette butts can be seen almost anywhere.
They are one of the most unsightly things on
street corners and intersections, gutters, parks and
beaches, and outside doorways and bus shelters.
Armed with a Keep America Beautiful Cigarette
Litter Prevention Program (CLPP) grant, the team
at askHRgreen.org, an environmental public
awareness program of 17 cities and counties in
southeastern Virginia administered through the
Hampton Roads Planning District Commission
(HRPDC), organized a region-wide campaign to
reduce cigarette litter.
Using the proven project model developed by
Keep America Beautiful for the CLPP, askHRgreen.
org, its local government partners and community
volunteers organized the “Cigarette Butts = Litter”
campaign. As a result of the unique, collaborative
regional approach used by askHRgreen.org, participating Hampton Roads communities reported
a reduction of cigarette litter by an average of 74
percent in study areas.
The “Cigarette Butts = Litter” project included
seven diverse study areas across Hampton Roads.
During the project, local teams and volunteers
analyzed their sites, installed cigarette waste
receptacles in strategic locations, conducted outreach directly to adult smokers encouraging them
to be mindful of their disposal habits and offered
them a pocket ashtray or auto ashtray for the cup
holder of their vehicle. Study areas for the project
included beaches, civic plazas and a downtown
Main Street, among others, in Hampton, James
According to Keep America
most littered
cigarette butts are the
item in America and make
38% of roadway litter
32% of litter in storm drains
32% of litter in outdoor
recreation areas
No Matter How Small, All Litter
To learn more about how askHRgreen.org reduced cigarette litter in the Hampton Roads region, head
over to the Cigarette Butts = Litter program or download resources from its Online Media Toolkit.
Has An Impact
LE because they contain
FILTERS ARE NOT BIODEGRADABwill persist in the environment.
acetate, a form of plastic
LIFE when
CIGARETTE LITTER IS HARMFUL to local waterways. No one wants
it is carried in stormwater
to swim with cigarette
accumulates in
doorways and
corners, gutters, and outside our community.
a sense that no one cares
City County, Newport News, Portsmouth, Suffolk
and Virginia Beach.
Pre-scans of a portion of each study area revealed
a total of 3,223 cigarette butts and plastic cigar
tips had been littered on the ground. The postscans showed that all project sites saw a dramatic
decrease in cigarette litter after implementing
the program. The positioning of cigarette waste
receptacles combined with positive reminders,
education and awareness-building helped adult
smokers properly dispose of their cigarette butts.
The results in different study areas demonstrated
that in areas with a strong sense of ownership–
namely the business or entertainment districts –
realized the most significant reductions because
of the support the program received from
local champions: the business owners, workers
and community organizations like churches
and libraries.
Type of Project Site
Park/Natural Area
James City County
Commuter Lot
Newport News
Business District
Civic Plaza
Entertainment District
Business District
Virginia Beach
Park/Natural Area
Regional Average
Decrease in Cigarette Litter
Three key factors guide Keep America Beautiful’s work to improve
recycling in America: convenience, communication and cause
(getting people to understand the many benefits of recycling and
why they should care). By educating and engaging individuals to
recycle more of the right things the right way—at home, at work
and on-the-go—we can help make recycling more economically
viable, creating jobs and providing recyclables to manufacture
new products and packaging, while continuing to reap greater
environmental and community benefits.
I Want To Be Recycled
Keep America Beautiful’s “I Want To Be Recycled”
public service advertising (PSA) and awareness
campaign with the Ad Council continued to educate and inspire Americans to recycle more and recycle right in 2015 with a number of new features.
Typical bathroom products like shampoo bottles, toilet paper rolls and toothpaste boxes are
significantly less likely to be recycled than kitchen
products, according to survey results released by
Keep America Beautiful and the Ad Council. With
this in mind and with support from new partners
and sponsors, Keep America Beautiful and the Ad
Council embarked on an exciting new phase of the
campaign to take recycling beyond the kitchen and
into the bathroom by launching two new :30 PSAs
(Hero and Smile) in March 2015, created by San
Francisco-based agency Pereira & O’Dell.
The new PSAs encourage consumers to recycle
their personal care products in the bathroom, while
the campaign website (IWantToBeRecycled.org)
provides updated educational information about
which products to recycle, how to recycle these
products, and what the products could potentially become when recycled properly. The site also
includes infographics and detailed information on
how to find a local recycling facility.
rtnership ◦ TV ◦ Online ◦ Radio
Unilever also extended its generous support of “I
Want To Be Recycled” with an innovative consumer
promotion aimed at increasing bathroom recycling.
As part of its Unilever brightFuture sustainable
living platform, Unilever distributed a newspaper
coupon insert featuring Keep America Beautiful to
more than 44 million homes nationwide in May.
Keep America Beautiful and the Ad Council also
conducted an “I Want To Be Recycled” video
contest, in association with Zooppa, the global
social community of creative talent. The contest
challenged participants to illustrate the importance
of recycling in their own voice through one of three
topics: Upcycling Made Beautiful, Recycling Mythbusters and Recycling Community Stars. Winning
videos were selected by a panel of judges from the
Ad Council, Keep America Beautiful and Zooppa.
Campaign materials are provided to help spread the message about recycling at iwanttoberecycled.org.
The campaign, which has generated more than
$116 million in donated media, has driven more
than 3.2 million consumers to the campaign
website IWantToBeRecycled.org, which includes
engaging educational resources about recycling as
well as an interactive game. Since March 2015, the
campaign ranks #1 in donated cable network media, #2 in broadcast media, and #5 in total donated
media among nearly 80 Ad Council campaigns.
The 2015 national partners of the “I Want To Be
Recycled” campaign included American Chemistry
Council, City of Austin, Dart Container Company,
Niagara Bottling, Pereira & O’Dell and Unilever.
Campaign Partners
Founding Partners
America Recycles Day
“Bathrooms, Bags & Gadgets” was the theme of the
2015 America Recycles Day
(ARD) to shine a light on
some of the everyday but
not “top of mind” consumer
products that can and should be given another life
through recycling. America Recycles Day, which
takes place on and in the weeks leading into Nov.
15, recognizes the economic, environmental and
social benefits of recycling, and provides an educational platform to raise awareness about the value
of reducing, reusing and recycling—every day—
throughout the year.
Local organizations, including Keep America
Beautiful’s national network of more than 600
community-based affiliates, governmental institutions, schools, businesses, faith-based organizations and other community partners, schedule
educational workshops and recycling collection
events in communities throughout the country
in celebration of ARD.
In addition to the hundreds of collection and education events that featured plastic bag recycling,
Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies and its Care To Recycle® program gave away
10,000 bathroom recycling bags along with an
infographic to remind individuals that personal
care items in the bathroom are recyclable as well.
In support of ARD, Care To Recycle® launched a
nationwide educational campaign and contest in
collaboration with Scholastic to teach children,
grades 1-3, about the importance of recycling
throughout the house, including the bathroom.
To highlight the recyclability of electronic “gadgets,”
CyclePoint® from SourceAmerica®, the 46-member
nonprofit eRecycling network whose mission is
to create jobs for people with disabilities, hosted
eRecycling events nationwide, including marquee
events in Maryland, Michigan and Oklahoma.
Keep America Beautiful, in partnership with the
Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) and
other partners, hosted a Congressional briefing for
ARD on Nov. 18. The purpose of the briefing was to
provide information to Members of Congress and
staff about the state of recycling, the business of
recycling, its many benefits, and the importance of
engaging individuals to recycle.
To encourage individuals to take the “I Will
Recycle” Pledge during ARD, Keep America
Beautiful conducted the “I Will Recycle”
Sweepstakes, which provided four recipients
with an Apple Certified Refurbished iPad mini 3.
Individuals were encouraged to demonstrate their
recycling spirit by posting a photo on Twitter or
Instagram holding a recyclable product that they
pledged to recycle. More than 215,000 people
have taken the “I Will Recycle” Pledge online
and in paper form at ARD events, joining a
growing movement of caring citizens committed
to increase recycling in America.
Supporters of ARD included Amcor, American
Chemistry Council, CyclePoint® from Source
America®, Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer
Companies, Northrop Grumman Corporation and
Pilot Corporation of America (Pilot Pen).
Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful’s annual “Recycle Regatta”
provides a fun and educational way to show students
how useful recycled materials can be when reused.
America Recycles Day celebrates the benefits
of recycling and provides an educational
platform that motivates people to take
action to recycle more and recycle right,
at work, at home and on-the-go.
1. Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful’s “Trashy Flashy Fashion Show.” 2. A Creekside Forest Elementary student creates an art
mosaic with plastic caps during the Woodlands Township, Texas, 3R Bazaar event. 3. An Open House at Westmoreland
Cleanways and Recycling Center in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. 4. “Shred It, Recycle It, Donate It” at Keep Forth Worth Beautiful’s ARD event. 5. Winners of Eastbrook Middle School’s America Recycles Day Billboard Design Contest in Dalton,
Georgia. 6. Students create a big ball of yarn by re-using textiles in school. 7. A “Bag Man” from the 3R Bazaar in The
Woodlands. 8. Keep Southwest Virginia Beautiful and Sustain Abingdon (Virginia) host a recycling collection event.
Reminding people that personal care items
in the bathroom are recyclable as well.
Public Space Recycling
As more beverages are consumed away from
home, research conducted by Keep America
Beautiful indicated only 12 percent of surveyed
public locations had recycling infrastructure in
place to recover the containers.
The lack of away-from-home recycling opportunities is reflected in a separate national survey
Keep America Beautiful conducted addressing
which locations people normally recycle. While
92 percent said they recycled at home only 19
percent indicated that they typically recycle in
public parks.
Since 2007, Keep America Beautiful, working
with corporate sponsors, has placed nearly
47,000 recycling bins in public spaces – such as
parks, campuses and streetscapes – and placed
more than 102,000 at residential locations,
including residential halls on college campuses. This initiative creates new opportunities to
recycle on the go.
In addition to expanding recycling infrastructure
to increase convenience, Keep America Beautiful
continues to develop new resources such as
observational studies, best practices and successful case studies to help communities grow
effective public space recycling programs.
Dr Pepper Snapple Group /
Public Park Recycling Grant Program
The Dr Pepper
Snapple Group /Keep
America Beautiful
Park Recycling Bin Grant program, in its third
year, has awarded more than 2,500 recycling bins
to local governments and community organizations across 33 states to expand the availability of
recycling in a variety of park settings, including
neighborhood and larger regional parks, beaches,
athletic fields and walking trails.
In 2015, more than 900 recycling bins were
distributed to 38 local and county governments
to make recycling more convenient for people
on-the-go. Recycling bins were placed in public
spaces ranging from athletic facilities, beach
areas, small neighborhood parks as well as state
parks, large urban parks, and nature and walking
trails, among other locations.
Dr Pepper Snapple Group Park Recycling Bin Grant bins will be used at the Riverside Memorial Park and Campground
in Blair, Wisconsin.
The 2015 grants expanded recycling to new
locations where opportunities for recycling hadn’t
already existed, giving access to over 50,000 in
park locations.
For more info visit
Coca-Cola /
Recycling Bin Grant
The Coca-Cola/Keep America Beautiful Recycling
Bin Grant Program, made possible through a grant
from The Coca-Cola Foundation, the philanthropic
arm of The Coca-Cola Company, addresses lack of
convenience by providing a significant number of
bins in strategic locations.
The grant program awarded 87 grants to communities in 41 states, providing 3,428 recycling bins
to colleges and universities, along with 1,668 bins
to local governments and nonprofit organizations.
More than 66 percent of the bins are designed
specifically for permanent, ongoing use in public
spaces such as athletic fields, K-12 schools, fairs
and festivals, special events and park settings, with
the remaining 44 percent to be used by students in
college residence hall settings.
In addition to the grant programs to support building recycling infrastructue, Keep America Beautiful
provides technical best practice guidance to grant
recipients and organizations about setting up
effective away-from-home and on-the-go recycling
To address the dual obstacles of overcoming lack
of recycling convenience and confusion about
what can be recycled, Keep America Beautiful has
developed several initiatives aimed at expanding
and improving the effectiveness of public space
recycling programs.
equivalent (MTCO2E),
were prevented from being
released into the atmosphere
as a result of the recycling
activity from grant bins.
2015 national category winners were:
Egg Harbor City Community
School of Egg Harbor City,
New Jersey,
BY was
National Champion
national champion of Keep
Egg Harbor Community School
America Beautiful’s
(Egg Harbor City, New Jersey)
Recycle-Bowl, the nationwide recycling competitionRecycle-Bowl
for K-12isstudents.
a fun, free, friendly competition and benchmarking tool for K-12 school recycling
programs to promote waste reduction activities. School recycling programs across the nation
compete in a race to collect the most recyclables over a four-week timeframe in Community
the fall. Bragging
rights and a recycled
prize 1,300
are awarded
to the school
that recycles
per capita.
45 the most
Elementary School (Dublin, Georgia)
Whether a school has an extensive recycling program or is just launching one, Recycle-Bowl is an
of Columbia,
teachers, student
green teams, and
managers to engage their school
community in recycling and provide “teaching moments” with students about the benefits of
Community School students recycled 50
District Division
pounds of materials per
student and teacher during
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
the competition. Egg Harbor City Community
2014 County, North Carolina)
School started its recycling program three years
Number of Schools Registered
GHGs Saved
8,913 MTCO2e
Schools that Reported
67% The
as part
ofof its
in Recycle-Bowl.
Number of Students/Teachers Reached
Total Pounds
Recycledwas awarded a recycled6.4
Average Pounds per Capita (School & District Division)
7.75 lbs/capita
with a hauling
parkof bench,
4.4 million
8.28 lbs/capita
7,187 MTCO2e
Waste Reduction Champion
IS 303 Herbert S. Eisenberg School
(Brooklyn, New York)
Recycle-Bowl was conducted
during the four weeks
 up
Top participating
were TX, AZ Day
and OH.
49 Nov.
states (plus
to America
15,DC) represented.
 60% were in the School Division, 14% in the Community Division, 24% in the District
Food Scrap Collection Champion
2015. Division, and 2% in the Open Division.
 87% were public schools, 10% were private schools, and 3% were charter
schools. Medanos Junior High
 54% were elementary, 15% were middle, 19% were high schools, and 12% were a mix.
24% of schools
were in a suburban
area, 15% incompeted
rural, 37% in urban and 24%
in a mix.
Nearly 700,000
and teachers
 43% of schools were registered by their community recycling coordinator.
in Recycle-Bowl, striving to recycle as much as possible. Recyclables recovered during the 2015 comMost Improved School
petition totaled 4 million pounds, which prevented
Priest Elementary Middle School
the release of 5,726 metric tons of carbon dioxide
(Detroit, Michigan)
equivalent (MTCO2E). This reduction in greenhouse gases
Driftwood Middle School
Atlantic City High School
Bellamy Elementary School
(Hollywood, FL)
(Atlantic City, NJ)
(Wilmington, NC)
from 954 passenger cars.
Students from Daggett Montessori K-8 in Fort Worth, Texas, participated
in Recycle-Bowl to learn how to recycle right at home and at school.
All national and state Recycle-Bowl winners were
presented with a recycled-content plaque recognizing their achievements. Keep America Beautiful’s
Recycle-Bowl prizes were made possible through
donations from Trex and Busch Systems.
A full list of winners, including statewide winners,
can be found at http://recycle-bowl.org.
The “Recycling@Work”
Study, commissioned by Keep
America Beautiful with support
from PepsiCo and CBRE, was
released in April 2015. The primary recommendation of the study is to provide employees with a
desk-side recycling bin and a smaller trash bin –
referred to as the “Little Trash” scenario – because
using that bin configuration, complemented by
simple, frequent and consistent messaging led to a
20 point increase in the quality of office recyclables
during the timeframe of the study.
The purpose of the study, conducted by Action
Research, was to help define best practices for
workplace recycling programs so that recycling
behaviors in the workplace will improve and, ultimately, will lead to an increase of quality and quantity of materials collected. The results provided a
number of common-sense approaches that can be
broadly applied in most workplace environments.
In addition, the research team collected qualitative
information about the potential issues encountered
prior to and during the study’s implementation, as
well as other important factors to consider when
setting up a workplace recycling program.
As part of the “Recycling@Work” Study, 200 baseline waste audits were conducted in partnership
with Great Forest, one of the leading sustainability
consultancies in the U.S. The data was used to look
for changes over the course of the program, including total recycling and trash collected by weight,
and weight and percentages of recyclables in the
recycling and trash, among other measures.
Based on the frequency of 10 targeted items in the
recycling and trash identified from the baseline
audits, the study suggests the following items
should serve as higher priorities for an office recycling program:
1.Office paper is the most frequently recycled
material, but it was still present in the trash in 79
percent of offices at the start of the study. Under
the “Little Trash” scenario, it went to nearly zero
paper in trash.
To get a copy of The
“Recycling@Work” Study,
go to kab.org/resources.
April 2015
3.Paper towels were very frequently ending up
in the recycling bin, with a steady decrease of
presence over the course of the project.
Keep America Beautiful’s “Recycling@Work”
program is a national voluntary initiative challenging businesses, government agencies, schools,
hospitals and other institutions to commit to
increase workplace recycling. By taking the
pledge and becoming a Pledge Partner, businesses
and organizations can access special recycling bin
discounts, free tools, and other resources to help
them increase recycling, encourage employee participation, and earn recognition for their actions.
4.Food scraps had enough of a similar pattern
to deserve a priority focus, though they were
not present in recycling bins as frequently as
paper towels.
For more research findings and recommendations, go to the “Recycling@Work” website. The
site includes a 10-step action plan to help pledge
partners plan their approach.
2.Plastic beverage bottles and aluminum beverage
cans are about equally present in recycling bins
and trash bins. Similar to paper, these materials
remain a priority for communicating what
to recycle.
Take the pledge today!
“Overcoming Barriers to Recycling” Research Project
With funding from The Coca Cola Foundation and
Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Keep America Beautiful
launched a research study with Purdue University
in August 2015 to better understand how different
messages (words and icons) on recycling bins can
improve recycling participation.
The purpose of the project is three-fold:
1.Survey students about perceived knowledge
of and barriers to recycling;
2.Test specific recycling messages (words and
graphics) on bin signage to see which can
influence recycling behavior; and
3.Test the influence of descriptive and injunctive
norms with bins to influence and improve recycling behavior.
The first phase of the study, which got underway
during the fall of 2015, involved laboratory-based
observations of 300 paid participants to gather
baseline data about people’s existing knowledge of
which commonly-discarded items are recyclable or
With a research assistant leading the exercise, participants were instructed to correctly place items
to be discarded in a trash or recycling bin based
on different randomly assigned sign messages
showing icon and word combinations. Separately,
participants were presented with pictures of recy-
cling and trash bins placed in different locations
and combinations to see how far they were willing
to go to recycle items.
Building off the knowledge gained from the lab
study, the second phase of the project will take
place in 2016 and will involve field-testing how
people sort material in real-world conditions based
on different signage conditions. Bins with randomly assigned sign messages will be monitored
with before-and-after waste audits to see how they
influence correct sorting into both recycling and
trash bins.
The composition audits will determine the overall
percentage of recyclable and non-recyclable items
discarded at a given location by material type;
the percentage of recyclable items discarded in
the trash and recycling bins, respectively; and
the percentage of non-recyclable items discarded
in respective bins. The intended outcome of this
phase will be an understanding of which signage
and placement conditions lead to the highest rate
of correct sorting.
The research is being led by principal investigator
Dr. Torsten Reimer, Associate Professor, Brian
Lamb School of Communication, Purdue University, in coordination with Purdue’s Office of University Sustainability. A final report detailing the reports
finding will be published in the spring of 2017.
Keep America Beautiful, the Institute of
Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), and
the Congressional Recycling Caucus
hosted a Nov. 18 briefing on the “State
of Recycling,” highlighting the economic,
environmental, and social impact of
recycling in the U.S. The event took place
in Rayburn House Office Building on
Capitol Hill.
Speakers included Recycling Caucus CoChairs Congressman John Shimkus (R-IL)
and Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ);
Robin Wiener, president, ISRI; and Jennifer
Jehn, (above) president & CEO, Keep
America Beautiful.
“Recycling plays an important role in
sustainable materials management, and
we will continue to educate, motivate and
activate people to better understand the
‘how, what, where and why’ of recycling
today and in the future,” said Jehn.
“We must all be unified in helping to
encourage the American people to
recycle more of the right things the right
way, while working together to address
the challenges to make recycling even
more successful.”
“Recycling is the first link in the manufacturing supply chain, and currently is
estimated to supply 40 percent of global
raw material needs,” said Wiener. “The
U.S. recycling industry annual transforms
more than 135 million metric tons of
obsolete materials from consumers,
businesses, and manufacturers into useful
raw materials for manufacture into new
products. Those recyclable commodities
were valued at approximately $80 billion
last year, a nearly three-fold increase
since 2000.”
Studying the influence of different sign conditions on recycling behavior at Purdue University.
The University of Iowa mascot joins other
students in promoting RecycleMania.
(Top right) Students from North Lake College (Irving,
Texas) imitated masterworks using recyclable materials for
a design class as part of its participation in RecycleMania.
For the second year in a row,
a small university in Seattle,
Wash., was crowned Grand
Champion of RecycleMania, a
waste reduction and recycling
competition among colleges and universities across
49 U.S. states and Canada. At Antioch University
Seattle, just 4 percent of the “waste” generated on
campus ended up in the trash, with the other 96
percent being composted or recycled.
RecycleMania, a friendly competition among
colleges and universities, is designed to raise awareness with students and staff about recycling and
sustainability, and provide schools with a benchmarking tool to measure their progress toward
waste reduction goals.
Competing colleges and universities are ranked
according to how much recycling, trash and food
waste they collect over two months. Between the
Feb. 1 kickoff and the final recycling weigh-in
on March 28, participating schools recycled or
composted 80.1 million pounds of recyclables
and organic materials. In the 2015 program, 394
participating schools enrolled 4.5 million students,
with the American contingent representing nearly
one in five U.S. college students.
The colleges and universities taking
home top prizes included:
“Grand Champion”
(percentage of overall waste that is recycled):
Antioch University (96 percent)
“Per Capita Classic”
(total pounds of recyclables per person):
Loyola Marymount University (73.9 lbs.)
“Waste Minimization”
(least overall waste per person):
North Lake College (3.3 lbs.)
RecycleMania piloted a new category, the “3R
Actions Challenge,” which awards points to schools
each time a student texts or tweets about reducing,
reusing or recycling. RecycleMania partnered with
myActions to introduce the “3R Actions Challenge”
with the goal to reinforce waste reduction behavior
by recognizing individual actions through campus
social networks. Chatham University, University
at Albany, University of Texas at Arlington, and
The Ohio State University were the “3R Actions
Challenge” winners in their respective school
population divisions.
Current results and 2015 archived results can be
found at http://recyclemania.org, including breakouts by category as well as how schools performed
by athletic conference, institution size, state, and
other groupings.
RecycleMania is an independent program of
RecycleMania, Inc., with program management
provided by Keep America Beautiful. The 2015
competition was made possible with the sponsorship support of Alcoa Foundation and The
Coca-Cola Company.
IN 2015
GameDay Recycling Challenge
When the Ohio University Bobcats and Western
Michigan Broncos football
rivals from Mid-American
Conference met on the field
for their Oct. 17, 2015, game,
the Bobcats were trounced
Despite the loss, the student body from host Ohio
University (OU) ended up winning quite big in
the recycling arena. Ohio University was named
one of the national winners of the 2015 GameDay
Recycling Challenge (GDRC), along with Louisiana
State University.
With 22,000 fans at the Oct. 17 game, OU diverted 95.71 percent of its trash to be crowned champion of the Diversion Rate category (recycling/
organics recovery as a percent of total trash).
Louisiana State was the victor in the Total Recycling category, recycling 86,400 pounds of trash
at a home football game.
The national competition pitted nearly 100
colleges and universities against each other with
the goal of engaging fans to reduce their game-day
waste, while composting and recycling more. Participating schools are ranked based on the quantity
of recyclables, food organics and other materials
diverted from the landfill at college football stadiums and tailgating areas. During the competition,
schools track weights for individual games, with
the totals used to rank schools nationally and by
athletic conferences.
GameDay Recycling Challenge fans recycled or
composted nearly 2.5 million pounds of game-day
waste during the course of the 2015 fall season.
Together, the participating colleges and universities
recycled or reused 2.1 million pounds of bottles,
cans, paper, cardboard and other materials, in
addition to composting or recovering 457,000
pounds of food organics.
The complete list of national and conference winners is available on the GDRC website.
The GameDay Recycling Challenge is produced
through a partnership of the College and University Recycling Coalition (CURC), Keep America
Beautiful, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency and RecycleMania, Inc. The program is
made possible through the generous support of the
Ardagh Group.
Many schools used their
participation as a means
to celebrate and raise
awareness about America
Recycles Day.
UW-Madison’s mascot Bucky Badger
promotes GameDay Recycling Challenge outside of Camp Randall Stadium. (Top right) University of Utah
volunteers show off their recycling
signs at a Utes football game.
Among the many ways in which corporate sponsors support Keep
America Beautiful is by providing funding for Community Impact
Grants that we distribute across the country. These merit-based grant
programs promote community volunteerism, and enable our affiliates
and other partner organizations to launch or enhance community
greening, beautification, recycling, education and other grassroots
community improvement initiatives. In the past six years, Keep
America Beautiful has distributed Community Impact Grants and
in-kind services valued at more than $12 million.
Lowe’s Community Partners Grants
Keep America Beautiful
affiliates and partnering
organizations have received
nearly 300 Lowe’s Community
Partners Grants the past five years, including
50 service project grants in 2015.
Over the course of the partnership, nearly 1,500
Lowe’s Heroes have participated alongside other
community volunteers, who together contributed nearly 238,000 volunteer hours to improve
local communities. In total, Lowe’s and Keep
America Beautiful have mobilized nearly 46,000
volunteers who have planted more than 1 million
flowers and bulbs, restored nearly 300 playgrounds and recreational areas, and planted or
revitalized nearly 1,250 community gardens since
the partnership began.
One highlight of the 2015 program included Lowe’s
extending its partnership of the 2015 Great American Cleanup with grant funding to renew JTV Hill
Community Center in Indianapolis. As part of the
NCAA Final Four Legacy Project, sponsored by
Lowe’s, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful worked with
75 Lowe’s Heroes to restore an indoor basketball
court used by PAL youth leagues, revitalize outdoor
playgrounds, and plant and mulch around the
exterior of the facility. In addition, the volunteers
renewed a historic wall mural of John Thomas
Vastine (JTV) Hill, the first African-American
admitted to the Indianapolis Bar Association.
The Keep America Beautiful/Lowe’s grants supported service projects in 26 states, including the
newly built Carousel Park in Kingsport, Tennessee;
the Santa Ana River and City Waterways Cleanup
to clean Riverside, California’s local waterways;
the Keep Detroit Beautiful and the Greeley Street
Block Club beautification of a highly neglected
Detroit neighborhood; a tree planting project in
Jersey City’s Columbia Park to restore trees that
were destroyed by Hurricane Sandy; and a garden
building project to transform formerly blighted
vacant lots in the Ninth Ward community of New
Orleans into an urban farm.
1. Lowe’s Heroes reconstruct the Beermann Park shelter in Dakota City, Nebraska, as part of a Keep Northeast Nebraska
Keep North
grant Platte
benefit from a Lowe’s Community Partners Grant that
its Troy-Bilt®
Root grant.
program. 3. A Lowe’s Hero helps a volunteer plant a tree at
Jersey City, New Jersey’s Columbia Park.
Keep Philadelphia Beautiful volunteers unload
trees from its UPS Community Tree and Recovery
Tree Planting Grant.
UPS Community Tree and Recovery Tree Planting Grants
The UPS Community Tree and Recovery Tree Planting Grants Program
awarded more than 30 Keep America
Beautiful affiliates with grants totaling $160,000 in 2015.
The Keep America Beautiful/UPS grant program,
in its eighth year, helps sequester levels of carbon
dioxide through strategic plantings; emphasize
the importance of native tree planting; produce
fruit from fruit trees for local consumption; and
plant trees that will have a greater likelihood of
withstanding natural disasters in communities
susceptible to natural disasters.
A UPS grant provided more than 100 trees to
residents in Northeast Philadelphia, a section
of the city whose tree canopy was disproportionately affected by Hurricane Sandy. In addition,
local UPS employees donated their time to assist
with Keep Philadelphia Beautiful’s efforts in
planting the trees.
The Knox Parks Foundation in Hartford, Connecticut, planted 15 fruit trees as part of a demonstration fruit tree grove designed for residents to learn
proper tree care as well as provide fruit for local
farmers’ markets.
Keep Athens-Clarke County Beautiful partnered
with the Athens-Clarke County Community Tree
Council to plant 20 large shade trees along the
historic Milledge Avenue corridor, one of Athens’
most picturesque streets. Many of the trees that
shaded the street were originally planted as a
double allé of arching trees in the early 20th
century. With many of the trees succumbing to
drought, the new trees will help bring the avenue
back to life.
Keep Springfield Beautiful used its UPS grant to
improve Springfield, Massachusett’s Maple Might
- Six Corners neighborhood by restoring the tree
canopy lost in a 2011 tornado. Improving the visual
and aesthetic quality of the streetscape in the target
area will add to the quality of life for its residents
and will complement the overall beauty and ecological function of this historic district of Springfield.
Another affiliate, Keep Tupelo Beautiful, used
its grant to help restore a 31-mile stretch of land
destroyed by a tornado in April 2014.
The UPS Foundation grants are part of UPS’s Global
Forestry Initiative designed to plant, protect and
preserve trees in urban and rural areas in the United
States and around the world. Since 2012, The UPS
Foundation and its environmental partners have
planted more than 3 million trees in 47 countries.
Waste Management
Think Green® Grants
In 2015, Waste Management Think Green® Grants,
totaling $300,000, were
awarded to nearly 40 Keep
America Beautiful community-based affiliates and
partner organizations across the country.
At the conclusion of the ninth year of the Waste
Management/Keep America Beautiful collaboration,
Waste Management had awarded more than $1.3
million in grant monies in support of more than 205
community service projects and programs.
Grant initiatives ranged from improving recycling infrastructure and education to expanding
opportunities for composting and community
beautification. For example, Keep Southeast Ohio
Beautiful used its Think Green® grant to help Ohio
University repurpose and convert waste stations
into all-purpose, co-located waste and recycling
stations in high-traffic student areas.
In Columbia, South Carolina, Keep the Midlands
Beautiful established the initial phase of its
Outdoor Green Steps Classroom, which requires
a STEM research greenhouse powered by solar
energy, using its Think Green® Grant funding.
The affiliate is partnering with Dutch Fork High
School in the development of outdoor and indoor
research gardens, a smaller greenhouse for a
Life Skills class, and composters turned by motors
powered by solar power.
Keep Georgia Beautiful (KGB) multiplied the
impact of its Think Green® grant by awarding
mini-grants to a number of Georgia-based affiliates
as part of KGB’s Community Orchard Project,
which focuses on planting community orchards on
publicly accessible land.
Another Think Green® Grant project expanded
the organics and composting program at Garden
Grove Elementary in Simi Valley, California, with
coordination by the West Valley Los Angeles Police
Department and West Valley Community Police
Advisory Board.
“We are very excited to have the opportunity to expand this very important program that has so many
students feeling pride in their beautiful new garden
and newly acquired skills they can share with their
family and loved ones,” said Captain John Egan
of West Valley Los Angeles Police Department.
Above: The Terry Lee Wells Discovery Museum (The Discovery), Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB), and Waste
Management (WM) collaborated for a “Waste Warriors Week” of educational activities at The Discovery. The Discovery,
KTMB and WM volunteers and staff dedicated more than 240 hours to design and facilitate eight hands-on activities
and demonstrations during the week. This partnership inspired about 3,000 kids and adults to be creative in the way
they reduce their waste and reuse common items they might otherwise throw away or recycle.
Below: Detroit nonprofit Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision used its 2015 Waste Management Think Green Grant
for its Annual Tire Sweep Challenge.
Transforming a Vacant Space into a Community Asset
What was originally going to be a simple vacant
lot remediation project in the Walnut Hills neighborhood of Cincinnati grew into a 10-day volunteer mission to lay garden paths, plant trees, and
build a student activity center and greenhouse.
Keep Cincinnati Beautiful (KCB), more than 100
Lowe’s Heroes employee volunteers and other
community volunteers worked to transform a
blighted, vacant lot in Walnut Hills into a thriving
community garden for Frederick Douglass School
and the Walnut Hills community. Volunteers from
every Lowe’s store within the region came to
help. Moreover, Lowe’s contributed thousands of
dollars of in-kind donations that were put toward
the project.
The blighted property was barren for years until
Gary Dangel, co-founder of Elevate Walnut Hills
and a community activist, was able to secure
ownership of the land. Dangel, the mastermind
behind the garden’s unique landscape design,
led the project.
The final plan
included raised
vegetable beds
by Monarch
shrubs, an art and
Frederick Douglass School
journaling area
Garden Transformation
for neighborhttps://www.youtube.com/
ing afterschool
programs, a
sensory garden, and a walking meditation pathway
meandering throughout the garden.
Drew Goebel, vacant lot stabilization program
manager for KCB explained, “Community gardens
provide healthy food alternatives, improve health
and overall wellbeing, encourage exercise, and
teach our younger population to be good stewards of the environment.” The garden was handed
off to KCB partners at the Civic Garden Center,
which will maintain the property as one of its
community gardens.
Lowe’s Heroes start framing the student activity center for this community garden in the neighborhood of
Walnut Hills in Cincinnati.
Lowe’s Heroes busily work on the Walnut Hills’ community garden student activity center.
“To ensure the project’s future sustainability, we
are continuing to build a strong team of dedicated neighborhood volunteers,” said Dangel. “And
with the ongoing support of local businesses and
organizations, such as Lowe’s and Keep Cincinnati
Beautiful, we will create a fun, interactive place
that encourages kids to explore and discover the
wonders of nature.”
“We take great pride in improving our community
and appreciate the opportunity to work with Keep
Cincinnati Beautiful on this project, which will
have a lasting impact on our neighbors and customers,” said Nick Gabel, market product service
manager at Lowe’s.
Cecil Evans, a Walnut Hills resident for nearly 40
years is very happy about what’s happening to
the lot next door. “It’s been a nuisance! I can’t
understand why people litter the earth. I lived off
a farm most of my life and plan to grow vegetables here next year!”
“Community gardens provide
healthy food alternatives,
improve health and overall
wellbeing, encourage exercise,
and teach our younger population to be good stewards
of the environment”
‑ Drew Goebel, vacant lot
stabilization program manager
for Keep Cincinnati Beautiful
Anheuser-Busch Community Restoration Grant Program
There have been an ever-increasing number of natural disasters
– wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes
and floods – devastating communities across America in recent years.
After first-responders leave the scene of the disaster,
Keep America Beautiful’s community-based affiliates are often there to help clean up the community
and rekindle their neighbors' sense of normalcy.
The Keep America Beautiful/Anheuser-Busch
Community Restoration Grant Program, launched
in 2015, was established to help enable affiliates to
repair, restore or replant their community's public
areas that had been damaged or destroyed by a
recent natural disaster.
Keep Mississippi Beautiful
Cemetery Restoration
The property in and around Woodlawn Cemetery
in Columbia, Mississippi, was destroyed by an EF3
tornado in December 2014. The tornado, which
killed five people and injured 50 more, damaged
both entrances to the cemetery with 40 live oak
trees lost to the storm. The families who visited
their loved ones at the site were devastated to see
the damage done to this once peaceful resting place.
Keep Mississippi Beautiful (KMB) recognized an
opportunity to help rebuild the cemetery and restore hope to the families and residents of the town.
Following the storm, many residents convened
at Woodlawn Cemetery, where they found the
Volunteers congregate after completing the Woodlawn
Cemetery restoration project in Columbia, Mississippi.
100 year-old trees that once shaded the cemetery
now twisted and destroyed and grave markers
now toppled and buried. KMB and partners
wanted to help the town restore this place to its
once peaceful state.
On a very hot weekend in June 2015, volunteers
from across the state came to help rebuild Woodlawn Cemetery, including Mississippi First Lady
Deborah Bryant and Columbia Mayor Robert
Bourne. Additionally, Mississippi Power employees
volunteered the day before the event, completing
the preparation work for the planting.
With the grant funds, volunteers restored the
south and north cemetery entrances and planted
Miscanthus and Mondo grasses, 10 August Beauty
Gardenias, 30 George Tabor Azaleas and 10 Sonset
Lantana, as well as laying over 1,700 square feet of
pine straw and cleaning up more than 220 pounds
of litter and debris from the cemetery. This was
the first big restoration project in Columbia after
the 2014 tornado and serves as a reminder for
residents to love and take pride in their town.
“When we learned of this grant opportunity
through Anheuser-Busch, we actively sought it
for Columbia, knowing that funds would help this
town replant many of the gorgeous trees that were
lost,” said Stephanie Hutchins, chair of KMB’s
board of directors and vice president of Southwest
Distributors. “This grant opportunity is making a
difference across the country, including right here
in Mississippi in Columbia.”
Keep Our Coast Beautiful
Community Park Restoration
Keep Columbus Junction Beautiful
Park and Shelter Restoration
James Hill Park in Gulfport, Mississippi, was a
beautiful recreational area with a mixture of boat
launches, a playground, a pavilion and much more.
The park was originally dedicated in July 1971 for
James Hill, Commander of the Naval Construction
Battalion Gulfport during Hurricane Camille, for his
efforts in support of the cleanup following the storm.
Years after devastating floods in
2008, residents
in a Columbus
Junction, Iowa,
are still working
on recovering
Monkey Run Park Makeover Video: many of their basic amenities. The
funds from its
Community Restoration Grant helped transform
an unsightly area in its downtown into an aesthetically pleasing multi-use park and community
Then Hurricane Katrina struck and the park was
decimated. After the hurricane, Gulfport and the
Mississippi Department of Marine Resources
were able to rebuild the piers and make general
improvements to the area. But additional funding
was needed to replace park benches and picnic
tables, and add native trees and vegetation to create
a sanctuary for the nearly extinct Sandhill cranes
residing in the park.
With an Anheuser-Busch Community Restoration
Grant, volunteers from the community along with
employees from Rex Distributing planted 22 Live
Oak trees, 12 Southern magnolias and 15 Bald
Cypresses along with materials to build and install
15 picnic tables and 20 park benches. James Hill's
nephew, Henry Blanton, attended the restoration
event representing the Hill family, and expressed
his gratitude for this project.
Nearly 45 volunteers came together in Columbus
Junction’s Monkey Run Park to plant nearly 60
trees and 1,000 wildflowers, while children from
a summer recreation camp worked with master
gardeners to create a wildflower nursery with trays
of seed provided by the Fish and Wildlife Service.
The newly-built park shelter has been used to host
local community events, and also serves as a location for summer recreation programs.
The James Hill Park Restoration Project was a
successful collaboration between several entities
working together to bring a very special hidden
treasure back to life.
Trees and bushes are being added to restoration projects at James Hill Park (left) in
Gulfport, Mississippi, and at the Woodlawn
Cemetery in Columbia, Mississippi (right).
Education and behavior change are the cornerstones of Keep America Beautiful. We strive
to educate and empower generations of community and environmental stewards with
curricula and real-world experiences that teach the essentials of proactive community
citizenship, including the preservation of our natural resources. Keep America Beautiful’s
resources for youth and educators from pre-kindergarten through college—designed using
our field-tested, proven behavior-change methodology—provide activities and tools to
teach the fundamentals of litter prevention; preserving our resources; responsible solid
waste management; and how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Nearly 5 million youth are
reached annually through Keep America Beautiful formal classroom or informal educational presentations, projects
Youth Education
Keep America Beautiful continues to engage,
educate and inspire youth as the next generation
of environmental stewards and leaders through its
growing educational programs and resources.
Changing attitudes and influencing behavior are
brought about most effectively using a combination
of methods, including experiential learning. Keep
America Beautiful developed two guidebooks in
2015 — one for students and one for educators or
other project leaders — that can help lead the next
generation of community stewards through the
process of service and project-based learning.
The “Youth Guide to Service and Project-Based
Learning” and “Leader Guide to Service and
Project-Based Learning” were created to promote
youth-led action for change with individuals
joining Keep America Beautiful and its network of
community-based affiliates in national events or
through the creation of service projects that reflect
the needs of an individual’s community.
In 2015, Keep America Beautiful embarked on
developing research designed to advance the nonprofit’s environmental education programming,
collaborating with higher education institutions
(Texas A&M University, Texas Wesleyan University and Stephen F. Austin University) to develop
lessons, activities and evaluation materials. The
research with Stephen F. Austin University showed
significant increases in educators’ abilities to teach
environmental topics (self-efficacy) if they were
first trained using Keep America Beautiful’s “Waste
in Place” curricula. Keep America Beautiful also
piloted a Behavior Measurement Instrument (preand post-test) in six schools which was tested and
proven to be a reliable tool to measure behavior
change in students.
To get copies of the “Youth Guide to Service and
Project-Based Learning” and “Leader Guide to
Service and Project-Based Learning” guides, go
to kab.org/resources.
Elementary school students show off how they are keeping their Albuquerque, New Mexico, community clean, green and beautiful.
Keep America Beautiful’s “Waste in Place”
is an educational
resource developed
for pre-K through
sixth grade students and educators that
offers an integrated approach to solid
waste management.
The “Waste in Place” Activity Kit includes
multi-dimensional educational learning,
including children’s books and games,
used by thousands of educators nationwide
to influence positive behavior, to foster
social responsibility and respect for the
environment, and to enrich their students’
learning experiences.
One of Keep America Beautiful’s goals in
2015 was to increase awareness of “Waste
in Place” through direct outreach and
in-person training. More than 880 “Waste in
Place” workshops were conducted across
the country with nearly 4,800 educators
provided information about the program at
various conferences and training opportunities. Moreover, nearly 110,000 emails
were delivered to educators about “Waste in
Place” through a partnership with educational publisher Scholastic. Altogether, Keep
America Beautiful and its community-based
affiliates and education partners reached more
than 1.1 million youth with information from
the “Waste in Place” curricula.
Keep America Beautiful continued its partnership with Scholastic to provide the online
resource “My Clean and Green Community” for
teachers at scholastic.com/kab. This teacher
resource section of Scholastic’s website is rich
with free materials for educators to use in the
classroom or other settings, including lesson
plans about community gardening and beautification. The web resource along with Keep
America Beautiful’s “Waste in Place” website
(http://wasteinplace.org) includes “Waste in
Place” activities and fact sheets.
The “Waste in Place” website was developed
with a generous contribution by the Wrigley
Company Foundation.
Members of the 2014/2015 Youth Advisory Council participated
in Keep America Beautiful’s 2015 National Conference.
(Top, left) Ciara Goodmanson conducting a survey with a National Conference attendee. (Middle, left) Members of the Youth Advisory Council participating in the Lowe’s “Build & Grow”
session with a Lowe’s Hero. (Bottom, from left to right) Rachel Pohl, Ariel McAffrey and Deja Chappell. (Above) Deja Chappell asks a question during a National Conference session.
Youth Advisory Council
Keep America Beautiful’s National Youth Advisory
Council (YAC) provides a unique opportunity for
high school students from diverse backgrounds
across the nation to participate in a service-learning and leadership development program. Keep
America Beautiful selects 10 students nationwide
to contribute to and inform Keep America Beautiful on programs, while acting as ambassadors and
leaders for youth service in their communities.
Through the generous support of the Wrigley
Company Foundation, members of the YAC had an
extraordinary week of education and inspiration at
Keep America Beautiful’s 2015 National Conference – Lead. Connect. Empower − in Washington,
D.C. The YAC added a welcomed perspective on
volunteer engagement, and inspired attendees with
stories about the amazing work they accomplished
during their year-long tenure.
Members of the YAC participated in two breakout
sessions led by Dr. Tamberly Conway, U.S. Forest
Service Partnership, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist. Participants received a step-by-step guide
about youth engagement and were motivated to
take what they learned and replicate it in their
local communities.
The 2014/2015 YAC also led an initiative called
“Litter Free Schools,” which was piloted in 10
locations nationwide reaching more than 6,500
students. Members participated by measuring
changes in the amount of litter on school campuses
after participation in a Great American Cleanup
activity, and then identified and implemented littering interventions. Members of the YAC achieved
an average of a 27 percent reduction in litter on
participating campuses. The members of the YAC
“class” of 2015/2016 have been selected and are
planning their “Litter Free Schools” initiatives.
The members of the 2014/2015 YAC
class come from across the nation:
Brittany Amano
Honolulu, Hawaii
Rachel Pohl
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Deja Chappell
Laine Rumreich
Indianapolis, Indiana
Ciara Goodmanson
Midway, Georgia
Millie Ma
Lexington, Kentucky
Ariel McAffrey
Oklahoma City,
Connor Stack
Lake Arrowhead,
Alex White
Sarah Young
Pflugerville, Texas
Keep America Beautiful’s national network of nearly 600 state and
community-based affiliates carries out our shared mission across the
nation. Together, we envision a country where every community is a clean,
green and beautiful place to live. Our affiliates and partner organizations
have built a framework to deliver innovative, locally-focused programs
that address the needs of diverse geographies and populations. Using the
fundamentals of Keep America Beautiful’s field-tested behavior change
approach, our affiliates reach deep into their communities to effect
meaningful, positive change every day.
New Affiliates
Allegheny Cleanways (ACW) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, celebrated its 15th anniversary of keeping
Pittsburgh and all of Allegheny County clean, green
and beautiful in 2015. It also was the year that
marked ACW’s transition to becoming Keep Pittsburgh Beautiful, one of 18 new community-based
affiliates of Keep America Beautiful.
The agency was formed in 2000 under the name of
PA CleanWays of Allegheny County and as a chapter of what is now Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.
Its initial focus was to assess the extent of illegal
dumping in its service area. In 2005, it received
nonprofit status and adopted the name Allegheny
CleanWays in 2007. Its focus has expanded beyond
conducting illegal dump assessments and cleanups
to become a more broad-based litter prevention
and education organization.
An example of a creative program that demonstrates its commitment to keeping Pittsburgh debris-free is the “Keep Pittsburgh Rivers Beautiful:
A Tireless Project.” Since 2003, ACW has removed
more than 545,000 pounds of debris, including
more than 3,300 scrap tires. Its “DumpBusters”
statistics are even more impressive – more than 1.3
million pounds of debris (including almost 12,000
tires) have been removed from the local landscape
since 2010. Now, as a Keep America Beautiful certified affiliate, it will expand its offerings to help the
greater Pittsburgh area become cleaner, greener
and more beautiful.
Miami, Florida, is another major urban center affiliated with Keep America Beautiful as Keep Miami
Beautiful, to more effectively address general issues
of street litter, illegal dumping, neighborhood
blight and community beautification. Keep Miami
Beautiful will be a coordinated program involving
the City’s Department of Solid Waste, Neighborhood Enhancement Team, Code Compliance and
Public Works with the support of the Miami Police
Department and the Office Communications.
In Illinois, Keep Champaign Beautiful developed
into an affiliate from its beginnings as a component
of the Champaign Growing Greener Environmental Sustainability Plan. A steering committee was
established with membership from the Neighborhood Services, Planning & Development and
Public Works Departments, Champaign Park
District, University of Illinois, Champaign Unit
4 Schools and broadcaster WCIA. The steering
committee completed its certification process in
2015, becoming one of 14 affiliates in Illinois,
including Keep Illinois Beautiful.
The formation of Keep Champaign Beautiful is yet
another example of how Keep America Beautiful
multiplies the impact of our actions by bringing
together civic and educational organizations with
government entities and business to create cleaner, greener and more beautiful communities.
Volunteers move a
couch from an illegal
dump during an Allegheny Cleanways cleanup.
In June 2015 Annapolis, which participated in
Keep America Beautiful’s Bud Light “Do Good.
Have Fun.” grant program in 2014 to clean up and
refresh Annapolis’ Ellen O. Moyer Back Creek Park,
became Keep Annapolis Beautiful the second Keep
America Beautiful affiliate in Maryland.
Keep Annapolis Beautiful, MD
Keep Clarksdale Beautiful, MS
Keep McNairy County Beautiful, TN
Keep Arlington Beautiful, TX
Keep Daphne Beautiful, AL
Keep Miami Beautiful, FL
Keep Bamberg Beautiful, SC
Keep DeSoto Beautiful, MS
Keep Northeastern PA Beautiful, PA
Keep Blair County Beautiful, PA
Keep Hanahan Beautiful, SC
Keep Pittsburgh Beautiful, PA
Keep Champaign Beautiful, IL
Keep Harrisburg/Dauphin County Beautiful, PA
Keep Union Parish Beautiful, LA
Keep Chester County Beautiful, TN
Keep Lake County Beautiful, FL
Keep Vestavia Hills Beautiful, AL
National Conference
Keep America Beautiful’s 2015 National Conference was successfully conducted in late January in
Washington, D.C., with attendance exceeding 350
people representing Keep America Beautiful state
and local affiliate directors, business leaders,
and policymakers.
The program featured the inspirational keynote
speaker Peter Kageyama, author of “For the Love
of Cities” and “Love Where You Live,” and the
co-founder and producer of the Creative Cities
Summit, who explored the value of emotional
engagement with one’s city, how that connection
is created and nurtured, and how it can be turned
into a local development resource.
Keep America Beautiful also unveiled its national
report, “Charting the Multiple Meanings of Blight:
A National Literature Review on Addressing the
Community Impacts of Blighted Properties,” which
represented the first phase of a long-term initiative to study, measure and combat blight in our
communities. John Kromer, Joe Schilling and Lee
Huang of Econsult Solutions, presented the results
of Keep America Beautiful’s “Blight Literature
An additional highlight of the conference was the
first Lowe’s-sponsored “Build & Grow” session — a
fantastic team-building exercise featuring a number of Lowe’s Heroes, employee volunteers from
three Washington, D.C.-area stores. The Lowe’s
Heroes helped Keep America Beautiful affiliate
leaders construct 30 picnic tables, which were
donated through Keep Prince George’s County
Beautiful to the Prince George’s County Public
School system.
Among the national experts who participated in
Keep America Beautiful’s premier educational and
networking event were:
• G
eoffrey Anderson, president & CEO, Smart
Growth America, and Ariella Cohen, executive
editor of Next City, who explored emerging
trends of resilience and how smart governments
are improving city services in their “Smart Cities”
panel session.
• E
lise Golan, Ph.D., director of sustainable
development, Office of the Chief Economist, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, who led a session
on the “Future of Food,” which explored new
technologies that can reduce food waste as well
as inventive ways to increase composting.
• E
dwin Pinero, senior vice president, sustainability and public affairs of Veolia North America,
and Jay Sherman, lead specialist, freshwater
programs, World Wildlife Fund, who examined
“How H2O Impacts Vibrant Communities.”
• C
haz Miller of the National Waste & Recycling
Association who shared his insights into how the
waste stream is evolving and how that evolution
is affecting our recycling systems.
• M
embers of Keep America Beautiful’s national
Youth Advisory Council, supported by the
Wrigley Company Foundation, who provided
insights into how to engage youth in community
service initiatives.
(Top, left to right) Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Environmental
Coordinator Tom Damico with KTBB volunteers Christine
and Dan Fisher. Dan Fisher was the recipient of the 2014
Iron Eyes Cody Award. (Center) Keep America Beautiful
National Trainer John Deuel. (Bottom) Keep Akron Beautiful
Executive Director & CEO Jacqui Flaherty-Ricchiuti (right)
receiving much-needed assistance at the Lowe’s “Build &
Grow” session.
“W hat you do for your communities is remarkable. It
is a public service of the highest order, perhaps not
fully appreciated by city leaders and citizens alike,
but one that we know is at the core of place-making,
citizenship and creating cities that are not only clean,
green, sustainable and livable, but lovable cities that
grab us by the heart and refuse to let us go. Long Live
Keep America Beautiful!”
- Peter Kageyama, Co-founder and producer of the Creative Cities Summit,
National Awards
Keep America Beautiful’s 2015 National Awards
program, presented at it’s 2016 National Conference in Orlando, Florida, celebrates many of our
country’s most dedicated community leaders – representatives from Keep America Beautiful’s affiliate
network, government, civic, nonprofit and partner
organizations, as well as individual volunteers –
whose mission-based work helps their communities be more socially connected, environmentally
healthy and economically sound.
The National Awards program featured a number
of new categories as well as the presentation of its
annual Iron Eyes Cody Award, Mrs. Lyndon B.
Johnson Award and the Young Professional Award,
which honor exceptional volunteer leadership.
The National Community Improvement Awards
were presented to organizations that help create
communities that are cleaner, greener and more
beautiful places to live. Keep Truckee Meadows
Beautiful (KTMB) in Reno, Nevada, was the
recipient of the National Community Improvement
Award in the “Beautification & Community Greening” category. For 11 consecutive years, KTMB
has conducted the Truckee River Cleanup Day to
clean a 20-mile-long span of the river, which is the
lifeblood of the rapidly growing Truckee Meadows
The City of Plano, Texas, received the National
Community Improvement Award in the “Litter
Prevention” category, in part, because of its introduction of the Community Cleanup Trailer, which
provides residents with access to tools and supplies
for city- and resident-led cleanups. Keep Luna
County Beautiful (KLCB) in Deming, New Mexico,
also received an award in the “Litter Prevention”
category because of the work of three programs –
Youth Community Service Cleanup, Toss No Mas
Fall Cleanup and the Great American Cleanup.
There were two recipients in the “Recycling &
Waste Reduction” category – Fort Hood Recycle
in Fort Hood, Texas, and Western Resource Group
in Ogallala, Nebraska. The efforts of Fort Hood
reached soldiers, civilians and families on the installation as well as the surrounding communities.
Keith County, Nebraska, entered a new phase in recycling when Western Resources Group established
itself as the public recycling center. One significant
2015 highlight included a 90 percent recycling rate
from local school programs.
The City of Allen, Texas, was recognized as the
“Overall Community Improvement” category winner. Its “Change the World” project is comprised of
37 organizations with a common goal to beautify,
repair and improve the City of Allen. In 2015, the
project involved civic, service, youth and faithbased organizations that completed 12 community
improvement and beautification projects;
(Top) Iron Eyes Cody Award recipient Frank Austin with Keep America Beautiful President & CEO Jennifer Jehn. (Bottom, left)
Keep America Beautiful Young Professional Award recipient Jenifer Pitcher with Keep America Beautiful Vice President/
Litter & Affiliate Relations Cecile Carson. (Bottom, right) Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson Award recipient Jan Dapitan with Jehn.
11 humanitarian projects; and more.
Jan Dapitan, who helped establish a culture of
volunteerism in Hawaii, was the recipient of the
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson Award, which was created
in honor of the former First Lady’s contribution to
beautification efforts across the country.
Dapitan has spent the majority of her adult life
serving the public—from teaching to directing a local Parks & Recreation Department to volunteering
as Keep America Beautiful’s Hawaii State Leader.
In 1995, she took the helm of the nonprofit Community Workday Program (CWD) as its executive
director. She established CWD as an official Keep
America Beautiful affiliate in 1998. After her retirement from CWD, Dapitan volunteered as the Keep
the Hawaiian Islands Beautiful State Leader and
spent nearly six years strengthening Hawaii’s network of Keep America Beautiful affiliates. Among
Dapitan’s greatest achievements was spearheading
the establishment of Hawaii’s Environmental
Court—only the second of its kind in the U.S.
Frank Austin of Macon, Georgia, was the recipient
of the Iron Eyes Cody Award, which was created in
honor of Keep America Beautiful’s landmark public
awareness campaign of the 1970s. Austin is a
nonprofit advocate bringing a diverse range of approaches to the Austin Smith Center for Community Development. In 2012, he won the Keep Georgia
Beautiful State Litter Prevention Award and Keep
Macon-Bibb Beautiful Award. In 2015, Austin was
chosen to serve on the Mayor’s Blight Task Force
and received first place in the State of Georgia for
Litter Prevention.
Jenifer Pitcher, a Bakersfield, California, volunteer
who serves on the board of directors of Keep Bakersfield Beautiful (KBB), was presented with Keep
America Beautiful’s Young Professional Award,
which recognizes volunteers who are younger than
40 years of age. Pitcher is the coordinator for the
San Joaquin Production Region for the Western
States Petroleum Association. Pitcher serves on
numerous local nonprofit boards in addition to her
volunteer work with KBB.
2015 State Leaders Council
Joy McKee
State Leader
Keep Alabama Beautiful
Jordan Muratsuchi
State Leader
Keep the Hawaiian Islands Beautiful
Sarah Kountouris
Executive Director
Keep Mississippi Beautiful/PAL
Sherryl Jenkins
Keep South Carolina Beautiful
Jill Bernstein
Executive Director
Keep Arizona Beautiful
Joyce Kagan Charmatz
Keep Illinois Beautiful, Inc.
Jane Polson
Keep Nebraska Beautiful
Missy Marshall
Executive Director
Keep Tennessee Beautiful
Robert Phelps
Executive Director
Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Gerry Schnepf
Executive Director
Keep Iowa Beautiful
Brenda Ewadinger
Executive Director
Keep North Carolina Beautiful
Suzanne Kho
Executive Director
Keep Texas Beautiful
Ray Scott
Keep California Beautiful
Susan Russell
Executive Director
Keep Louisiana Beautiful
Michael Mennett
Executive Director
Keep Ohio Beautiful
Mike Baum
Executive Director
Keep Virginia Beautiful, Inc.
Mary Jean Yon
Executive Director
Keep Florida Beautiful
Neil Rhein
Executive Director
Keep Massachusetts Beautiful
Jeanette Nance
Executive Director
Keep Oklahoma Beautiful
Gary Logsdon
State Leader
Kentucky Clean
Community Program
Sarah Visser
Executive Director
Keep Georgia Beautiful
Becky Bottrell
Vice President
Keep Michigan Beautiful, Inc.
Shannon Reiter
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful
Andrea Lawrence
Program Manager
New Mexico Clean & Beautiful
*As of Dec. 31, 2015
The State Leaders Council provides a forum
for Keep America Beautiful to share in policy
development and decisions of mutual benefit at the national, state, and local levels.
The Council, comprised of the lead staff person from each state affiliate, also provides
an opportunity for networking and leadership development.
Keep America Beautiful conducts monthly
conference calls, an Annual State Leaders
Council Meeting in July as well as its annual
meeting during the Keep America Beautiful National Conference, when it discusses
national initiatives and activities. The 2015
State Leaders Council Annual Meeting took
place in Kissimmee, Florida.
In 2015, the State Leaders Council, led by
Keep Georgia Beautiful Executive Director
Sarah Visser and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful President Shannon Reiter, participated
in the launch of Keep America Beautiful’s
“Charting the Multiple Meanings of Blight,”
a national Blight Literature Review initiative produced by Econsult Solutions Inc., a
Philadelphia-based consulting firm, with the
Vacant Properties Research Network (VPRN),
a project of the Metropolitan Institute at
Virginia Tech.
Visser serves on Keep America Beautiful’s
Blight Task Force, while Keep Arkansas
Beautiful Executive Director Robert
Phelps served on Keep America Beautiful’s National Awards
Committee. Visser and Reiter also
represent the State Leaders Council
on Keep America Beautiful National
Board of Directors.
The State Leaders Council’s goals
included affiliate growth, training
and prioritization of research.
Keep Tennessee Beautiful Executive
Director Missy Marshall.
Our State, Local and International Affiliate Network
Keep America Beautiful’s growing network of affiliates form a direct and intimate connection in their local communities, carrying out our mission across the nation.
Nearly 600 cities, towns, counties and states and international communities are implementing the Keep America Beautiful System as certified affiliates of
Keep America Beautiful. And Keep America Beautiful’s depth of service in different regions of the country was strengthened during 2015 with the addition
of 18 new affiliates.
• Keep North Little Rock Beautiful
• Keep Wakulla County Beautiful
Keep Alabama Beautiful
• Keep Ozark Beautiful
Keep Florida Beautiful
• Keep Winter Haven Clean
and Beautiful
• Hartselle Beautification
• Keep Sherwood Beautiful
• Keep Albertville Beautiful
• Keep West Memphis Beautiful
• Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful
• Pine Bluff /Jefferson Co Clean &
• Keep Auburn Beautiful
• Keep Birmingham Beautiful Commission
• Keep Daphne Beautiful
• Keep Etowah Beautiful
• Keep Guntersville Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Mobile Beautiful
• Keep Opelika Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Phenix City Beautiful
• Keep Saraland Beautiful
• Keep The Shoals Beautiful
• Keep Troy Beautiful
• Keep Vestavia Hills Beautiful
• Montgomery Clean City
• Operation Green Team/
Keeping Huntsville Beautiful
Keep Arizona Beautiful
• Keep Casa Grande Beautiful
• Keep Phoenix Beautiful
• Keep Scottsdale Beautiful
• Keep Alachua County Beautiful
• Keep Van Buren Beautiful
• Keep Brevard Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Broward Beautiful
• Keep Calhoun County
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Charlotte Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Bryant Beautiful
• Keep El Dorado Beautiful
• Keep Faulkner County Beautiful
• Santa Rosa Clean Community
System, Inc.
• Keep Citrus County Beautiful, Inc.
Keep California Beautiful
• Keep Clay Beautiful, Inc.
Keep Georgia Beautiful
• Keep Collier Beautiful, Inc.
• Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Ft. Pierce Beautiful
• Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful
• Keep Highlands County Beautiful
• Keep Alpharetta Beautiful
• Keep Highway Park Beautiful
• Keep Indian River Beautiful
• Keep Athens-Clarke
County Beautiful
• Keep Jacksonville Beautiful
• Keep Atlanta Beautiful
• Keep Key West Beautiful
• Keep Barrow Beautiful
• Keep Lake County Beautiful
• Keep Bartow Beautiful
• Keep Lake Placid Beautiful
• Keep Bulloch Beautiful
• Keep Lee County Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Carroll Beautiful
• Keep Manatee Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Charlton Beautiful
• I Love A Clean San Diego, Inc.
• Keep Bakersfield Beautiful
• Keep Downey Beautiful
• Keep Glendale Beautiful
• Keep Los Angeles Beautiful
• Keep Moreno Valley Beautiful
• Keep Oakland Beautiful
• Keep Riverside Clean & Beautiful
• Keep San Jose Beautiful
• Looking Good Santa Barbara
• Keep Martin Beautiful
• Keep Chatham County Beautiful
• Keep Miami Beautiful
• Keep Colorado Springs
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Miami Gardens Beautiful
• Keep ChatsworthMurray Beautiful
• Keep Nassau Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Denver Beautiful
• Keep North Miami Beautiful
• Keep Edgewater Beautiful
• Keep Orlando Beautiful
• Keep Englewood Beautiful
• Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful
• Keep Milliken Beautiful
• Keep Pasco Beautiful
• Keep Pueblo Beautiful Assoc.
• Keep Pensacola Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Pinellas Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Woodland Park Beautiful
• Keep Polk County Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Cobb Beautiful
• Keep Columbia County Beautiful
• Keep Columbus
Beautiful Commission
• Keep Conyers-Rockdale Beautiful
• Keep Covington/Newton Beautiful
• Keep Crisp Beautiful
• Keep Dade Beautiful
• Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful
• Keep Dalton-Whitfield
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Putnam Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Dawson County Beautiful
• Keep New Milford Beautiful
• Keep Sarasota County Beautiful
• Keep Decatur County Beautiful
• Keep Norwalk Beautiful
• Keep South Miami-Dade Beautiful
• Keep Dekalb Beautiful, Inc.
• Knox Parks Foundation
• Keep Tallahassee Leon County Beautiful
• Keep Douglasville Beautiful
Keep Arkansas Beautiful
• Hot Springs/Garland County
Beautification Commission
• Lakeland Clean & Beautiful
• Keep Thornton Beautiful
• Keep Winter Park Beautiful
• Keep Fayetteville Beautiful
• Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful
• Keep Dublin/Laurens
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Jacksonville Beautiful
• Keep Taylor County Beautiful
• Keep East Point Beautiful
• Keep Little Rock Beautiful
• Keep Washington D.C. Beautiful
• Keep Volusia County Beautiful
• Keep Effingham County
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Newport Beautiful
• Keep Elbert County Beautiful
• Keep Vienna Beautiful
• Keep New Roads Beautiful
• Keep Forest Park Beautiful
• Keep Walton Beautiful
• Keep Ware County Beautiful
• Keep America BeautifulTopeka/Shawnee County
• Keep Opelousas Beautiful
• Keep Forsyth County Beautiful
• Keep Fort Stewart/Hunter Army
Airfield Beautiful
• Keep Warner Robins Beautiful
• Keep Dodge City Beautiful
• Keep Slidell Beautiful
• Operation Brightside, Inc.
• Keep St. James Beautiful
• Keep Golden Isles Beautiful
• Keep Grady County Beautiful
• Keep Ouachita Parish Beautiful
• Keep St. John Beautiful
• Keep St. Martin Beautiful
• Keep Hall Beautiful
eep the Hawaiian
Islands Beautiful
• Keep Haralson Beautiful
• Keep Hawaii Beautiful
Kentucky Clean
Community Program
• Keep Jackson County Beautiful
• Keep Honolulu Beautiful
• Brightside
• Keep Jones Beautiful Commission
• Keep Kalaupapa
Settlement Beautiful
• Keep Covington Kenton
County Beautiful
• Keep Washington Parish Beautiful
• Keep Kauai Beautiful
• Keep West Feliciana Beautiful
• Keep Habersham Beautiful
• Keep Kennesaw Beautiful
• Keep St. Mary Parish Beautiful
• Keep Terrebonne Beautiful
• Keep Union Parish Beautiful
• Keep Vernon Parish Beautiful
• Keep West Baton Rouge Beautiful
• Keep Lowndes/Valdosta Beautiful
• Malama Maui Nui
• Keep LexingtonFayette County Beautiful
• Keep Macon-Bibb
Beautiful Commission
• Nani ‘O Wai anae KAB Program
• Pride, Inc.
• Keep Madison County Beautiful
Keep Illinois Beautiful, Inc.
Keep Louisiana Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Milledgeville and Baldwin
County Beautiful
• Keep Carbondale Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Abbeville Beautiful
• Keep Centralia Beautiful
• Keep Assumption Beautiful
• Keep Morgan County Beautiful
• Keep Champaign Beautiful
• Keep Baton Rouge Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Newnan Beautiful
• Keep Chicago Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Bossier Beautiful
• Keep North Fulton Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Elmwood Park Beautiful
• Keep Calcasieu Beautiful
• Keep Oconee County
Beautiful Commission
• Keep Moline Beautiful
• Keep Cenla Beautiful
• Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful
• Keep Covington Beautiful
• Keep Annapolis Beautiful
• Keep Our Mountains Beautiful
• Keep Oak Park Beautiful
• Keep DeRidder Beautiful
• Keep Paulding County Beautiful
• Keep Peoria Beautiful
• Keep Peach County Beautiful
• Keep Rock Island Beautiful
• Keep East Feliciana
Parish Beautiful
• Keep Prince George’s
County Beautiful
• Keep Peachtree City Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Salem Beautiful
• Keep Eunice Beautiful
• Keep Pembroke Beautiful
• Keep Vermilion County Beautiful
• Keep Evangeline Beautiful
• Keep Pickens Beautiful
• Keep West Cook Beautiful
• Keep Grambling Beautiful
• Keep Liberty County Beautiful
• Keep Marietta Beautiful
• Keep McIntosh Beautiful
• Shreveport Green
• Keep Polk Beautiful
• Keep Randolph County Beautiful
• Keep Hammond Beautiful
• Keep Iberville Beautiful
• Keep Roberta/Crawford Beautiful
• Keep Rome/Floyd Beautiful
• Keep Evansville Beautiful
• Keep Lacombe Beautiful
• Keep Roswell Beautiful
• Keep Indianapolis Beautiful
• Keep Lafayette Beautiful
• Keep Savannah Beautiful
• Keep Stockwell Beautiful
• Keep Lincoln Parish Beautiful
• Keep Screven Beautiful
• Keep Terre Haute Beautiful
• Keep Livingston Parish Beautiful
• Keep Jefferson Parish Beautiful
• Keep Smyrna Beautiful
• Keep South Fulton Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Sumter Beautiful
• Keep Thomas County Beautiful
• Keep Tift Beautiful
• Keep Toccoa-Stephens
County Beautiful
• Keep Troup Beautiful
• Keep West Monroe Beautiful
• Keep Madisonville Beautiful
• Keep Mandeville Beautiful
• Keep Monroe Beautiful
Keep Iowa Beautiful
• Keep Morehouse Beautiful
• Keep Columbus Beautiful
• Keep Natchitoches Beautiful
• Keep Council Bluffs Beautiful
• Keep New Iberia Beautiful
• Keep Scott County
Beautiful /ilivehere
• Keep New Orleans Beautiful
Southwest Louisiana
• Keep Pemaquid Peninsula
Keep Massachusetts
• Keep Mansfield Beautiful
• Keep North Attleborough Beautiful
• Keep Springfield Beautiful
Keep Michigan Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Detroit Beautiful
• Keep Genesee County Beautiful
• Keep Ashe Beautiful
Keep Mississippi
• Keep Cape Beautiful
New Mexico Clean
& Beautiful
• Keep Belmont Beautiful
• Artesia Clean and Beautiful
• Keep Bladen Beautiful
• Bloomfield Pride Commission
• Keep Brunswick County Beautiful
• Farmington Clean & Beautiful
• Keep Catawba County Beautiful
• Hobbs Beautiful
• Keep Charlotte Beautiful
• Keep Alamogordo Beautiful
• Keep Clay County Beautiful
• Keep Albuquerque Beautiful
• Keep Durham Beautiful
• Keep Bosque Farms Beautiful
• Keep Eden Beautiful
Keep Nebraska Beautiful
• Keep Carlsbad Beautiful
• Keep Fayetteville Beautiful
• Grand Island Area Clean
Community System
• Keep Clovis Beautiful
• Keep Franklin County Beautiful
• Keep Doña Ana County Beautiful
• Keep Gastonia Beautiful
• Keep Alliance Beautiful
• Keep Hatch Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Greenville Beautiful
• Keep Beatrice Beautiful
• Keep Las Cruces Beautiful
• Keep High Point Beautiful
• Keep Cass County Beautiful
• Keep Las Vegas Beautiful
• Keep Iredell Clean/KAB
• Keep Chadron Beautiful
• Keep Luna County Beautiful
• Keep Maxton Beautiful
• Keep Columbus Beautiful
• Keep Rio Rancho Beautiful
• Keep McDowell Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Creighton Beautiful
• Keep Roswell Beautiful
• Keep Mecklenburg Beautiful
• Keep Fremont Beautiful
• Keep Ruidoso Beautiful
• Keep Moore County Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Keith County Beautiful
• Keep Ruidoso Downs Beautiful
• Keep Kimball Beautiful
• Keep Santa Fe Beautiful
• Keep New Hanover County
• Keep Lexington Beautiful
• Keep Tucumcari Beautiful
• Keep Lincoln County Beautiful
• Keep Lincoln & Lancaster
County Beautiful
• Keep Tularosa Beautiful
• Keep Madison the City Beautiful
• Keep Loup Basin Beautiful
• Keep Meridian/Lauderdale
County Beautiful
• Keep Norfolk Beautiful
• Keep Kansas City Beautiful
• Keep Bay Saint Louis Beautiful
• Keep Clarksdale Beautiful
• Keep Cleveland Beautiful
• Keep Clinton Beautiful
• Keep Columbia and
Marion County Beautiful
• Keep Columbus/Lowndes
• Keep Copiah County Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Corinth-Alcorn Beautiful
• Keep DeSoto County Beautiful
• Keep Diamondhead Beautiful
• Keep Flora Beautiful
• Keep Greenville Beautiful
• Keep Harrison County Beautiful
• Keep Hattiesburg Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Indianola Beautiful
• Keep Jackson Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Jones County Beautiful
• Keep Kosciusko Beautiful
• Keep Leake County Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Monroe County Beautiful
• Keep Morton Beautiful
• Keep Natchez/Adams
County Beautiful
• Bright & Beautiful
• Keep Miles City Beautiful
• Keep Valencia County Beautiful
• Keep Northeast Nebraska
• Wake County Keep America
• Keep Albany Beautiful
• Keep America Beautiful of Rome
• Keep Brookhaven Beautiful
• Keep Oxford/Lafayette
County Beautiful
• Keep Schuyler Beautiful
• Keep Islip Clean, Inc.
• Keep Scottsbluff-Gering Beautiful
• Keep Mohawk Valley Beautiful
• Keep Sidney Beautiful
• Keep New York City Beautiful
• Keep Rockland Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Pearl Beautiful
• Keep Las Vegas Beautiful
• Keep Simpson County
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful
• Keep Tupelo Beautiful
• Keep Vicksburg Beautiful
• Keep Jersey City Beautiful
• Keep Waveland Beautiful
Keep Ohio Beautiful
• City of Cuyahoga Falls,
Litter Prevention & Recycling
• City of Newark Litter
Prevention & Recycling
• Keep Western New York Beautiful
• Defiance County Environmental
• Geneva Clean & Green
Keep North Carolina
• Keep The Rez Beautiful
• Keep Wilkes Beautiful
• Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Rushville Beautiful
• Keep Ridgeland Beautiful
• Keep Shelby Beautiful
• Glen Cove Beautification
• Keep Omaha Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Richmond County Beautiful
• Keep Wilson County Beautiful
• Keep North Platte/Lincoln
County Beautiful
• Keep Pike County Beautiful
• Keep Onslow Beautiful
• Keep New Albany/Union
County Beautiful
• Keep Pascagoula Beautiful
• Keep Bessemer City Beautiful
• Green Youngstown
• Hancock County SWMD
Environmental Services
• Asheville GreenWorks
• Keep Akron Beautiful
• Greensboro Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Allen County Beautiful
• Keep America Beautiful of Nash/
Edgecombe Co.
• Keep Alliance Beautiful
• Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Clark County Beautiful
• Reading Beautification, Inc.
• Keep Angleton Beautiful
• Keep Clermont County Beautiful
• Westmoreland Cleanways
and Recycling
Keep Tennessee Beautiful
• Keep Athens Beautiful
• Keep Cleveland Beautiful
• Cleveland/Bradley KAB
• Keep Columbus Beautiful
• Keep Delaware County Beautiful
• Keep Grove City Beautiful
• Keep Hardin County Beautiful
• Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful
• Keep Jefferson-Belmont Beautiful
• Keep Lake Milton Clean
& Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Lakewood Beautiful
• Keep Logan County Beautiful
• Keep Aubrey Beautiful
• Keep Austin Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Anderson County Beautiful
• Keep Big Spring Beautiful
• Keep Blount Beautiful
• Keep Brazos Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Bristol Beautiful
• Keep Brownsville Beautiful
• Keep Chester County Beautiful
• Keep Brownwood Beautiful
• Keep Cocke County Beautiful
• Keep Burleson Beautiful
Keep South Carolina
• Keep Coffee County Beautiful
• Keep Cedar Hill Beautiful
• Keep Fayetteville/Lincoln
County Beautiful
• Keep Colleyville Beautiful
• Keep Greene Beautiful
• Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful
• Keep Coppell Beautiful
• Keep Marion County Beautiful
• Keep America Beautiful
of Anderson County
• Keep Mentor Beautiful
• Keep Bamberg Beautiful
• Keep Jackson Beautiful
• Keep Corpus Christi Beautiful
• Keep Middletown Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Beaufort County Beautiful
• Keep Johnson City Beautiful
• Keep Cuero Beautiful
• Keep Montgomery County
• Keep Charleston Beautiful
• Keep Jonesborough Beautiful
• Keep Dallas Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Colleton County Beautiful
• Keep Kingsport Beautiful
• Keep Denton Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Darlington County Beautiful
• Keep Knoxville Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Dickinson Beautiful
• Keep Dorchester County Beautiful
• Keep Lakeland Beautiful
• Keep El Paso Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Edisto Beautiful
• Keep Maury Beautiful
• Keep Fort Worth Beautiful
• Keep Florence Beautiful
• Keep McMinn Beautiful
• Keep Garland Beautiful
• Keep Grand Prairie Beautiful
• Keep Perrysburg Beautiful
• Keep Southeast Ohio Beautiful
• Keep The Mahoning Valley
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Toledo/Lucas County
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Georgetown Beautiful
• Keep McNairy County Beautiful
• Keep Wickliffe Beautiful
• Keep Greenville County Beautiful
• Keep Grapevine Beautiful
• Lorain County Beautiful
• Keep Greenwood County Beautiful
• Keep Monroe County
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Morristown Hamblen
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Harlingen Beautiful
• Keep Hampton County Beautiful
• Keep Hanahan Beautiful
Keep Oklahoma Beautiful
• Keep the Midlands Beautiful
• Ardmore Beautification
Council, Inc.
• Keep Newberry Beautiful
• Keep Roane Litter Free (KRB)
• Keep Sevier Beautiful
• Keep Tipton County Beautiful
• Keep North Charleston Beautiful
• Keep Broken Arrow Beautiful
• Keep North Myrtle Beach Beautiful
• Keep McAlester Beautiful
• Keep Oconee Beautiful
• Oklahoma City Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Putnam County Beautiful
• Keep Horry County Beautiful
• Keep Union County Beautiful
• Keep Williamson Beautiful
• Memphis City Beautiful
• Keep Orangeburg County
• Keep Williamsburg Beautiful
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful
• Keep York County Beautiful
• Keep Allentown Beautiful
• Rock Hill Clean and Green
• Keep Blair County Beautiful
• Sumter County Keep America
• Keep Harrisburg/Dauphin County
• Keep Lancaster County Beautiful
• Keep Northeast
Pennsylvania Beautiful
• Keep Haltom City Beautiful
• Keep Houston Beautiful
• Keep Irving Beautiful
• Keep Katy Beautiful
• Keep Killeen Beautiful
• Keep Lake Jackson Beautiful
• Keep Laredo Beautiful
• Keep Lewisville Beautiful
• Keep Longview Beautiful
• Metro Beautification &
Environmental Commission
• Keep Lubbock Beautiful, Inc.
• Scenic Cities Beautiful Cmsn./
Chattanooga KAB
• Keep Mesquite Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep McAllen Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Midland Beautiful
• Keep Muenster Beautiful
Keep Texas Beautiful
• Keep Yankton Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Philadelphia Beautiful
• Keep Pittsburgh Beautiful
• Keep York Beautiful
• Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful
• Keep Odessa Beautiful
• Keep Pearland Beautiful
• Angelina Beautiful/Clean, Inc.
• Keep Plano Beautiful
• Clean Galveston, Inc.
• Keep Port Aransas Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Abilene Beautiful
• Keep Richland Hills Beautiful
• Keep Allen Beautiful
• Keep Richwood Beautiful
• Keep Alvin Beautiful
• Keep Rowlett Beautiful
• Alaskans for Litter
Prevention & Recycling
• Arizona Recycling Coalition
• Arkansas Recycling
• Association of
Ohio Recyclers
• Association of Oregon
• Carolina Recycling
• Georgia Recycling Coalition
• Illinois Recycling
• Indiana Recycling Coalition
• Iowa Recycling Association
• Kansas Organization
of Recyclers
A little cleanup excitement generated by OKC Beautiful volunteers.
• Maryland Recycling Network
• Massrecycle
• Keep San Antonio Beautiful
• Keep Norfolk Beautiful
• Keep San Saba Beautiful
• Keep Portsmouth Beautiful
• Keep Greater Milwaukee
Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Sanger Beautiful
• Keep Southwest Virginia Beautiful
• Keep Southlake Beautiful
• Keep Suffolk Beautiful
• Keep Sugar Land Beautiful
• Keep Virginia Beach Beautiful
• Keep Temple Beautiful
• Keep Wise County Beautiful
• Keep Prince William Beautiful, Inc
• Keep Tyler Beautiful
• Keep York County Beautiful
• Keep Utopia Beautiful
• Keep Van Alstyne Beautiful
• Newport News Public Works
• Keep Victoria Beautiful
• Richmond Clean City Commission
• Keep Waco Beautiful, Inc.
• WasteWatchers of the
Eastern Shore
• Keep Casper Beautiful
• Keep Gillette Beautiful
• Bahamas National Pride
• Michigan Recycling
• Missouri Recycling
• New Mexico Recycling
• New York State Association
for Reduction, Reuse &
• Northeast Recycling Council
• Professional Recyclers of PA
• Recycle Hawaii
• Conserva el Encanto
• Recycling Association
of Minnesota
• Keep Abaco Beautiful
• Recycling Coalition of Utah
• Keep Bermuda Beautiful
Keep West Virginia Beautiful
• Keep Hamilton Beautiful
• Southeast Recycling
Development Council
Keep Virginia Beautiful, Inc.
• Keep Fayetteville Beautiful
• Keep Whitehouse Beautiful
• Keep Wichita Falls Beautiful
• Take Pride Winnipeg!
• City of Chesapeake
• State of Texas Alliance
for Recycling
• Virginia Recycling
• Hampton Clean City Commission
• Keep Buchanan County Beautiful
• Keep Hopewell Beautiful
A leading national nonprofit, Keep America Beautiful inspires and educates
people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community
environment. We envision a country where every community is a clean,
green, and beautiful place to live. The organization is driven by the work
and passion of more than 600 community-based Keep America Beautiful
affiliates, millions of volunteers, and the support of corporate partners,
municipalities, elected officials, and individuals. Our collective action
champions environmentally healthy, socially connected, and economically
sound communities. Keep America Beautiful continues to bring people
together to transform public spaces into beautiful places.
Partners and Donors
Keep America Beautiful gratefully acknowledges the following corporations, foundations and individuals that provided contributions in 2015.
$1 million and above
• Lowe’s
$500,000 to $999,999
• Altria Group
• The Coca-Cola Company and
The Coca-Cola Foundation
$250,000 to $499,999
• Dow
• Dr Pepper Snapple Group
• RAI Services Company
• Waste Management
• Wrigley Company Foundation
$100,000 to $249,999
• American Chemistry Council
• Anheuser-Busch
• BNSF Railway Company
• CyclePoint® from
• Dart Container Corporation
and Dart Foundation
• Illinois Tool Works Inc.
• PepsiCo, Inc.
• Santa Fe Natural
Tobacco Company
• Unilever
• UPS Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
Dealers Association
$5,000 to $9,999
• Alcoa Foundation
--Alban CAT
--Carter Machinery
--Cleveland Brothers
--Foley, Inc.
--Hewitt Equipment
--H.O. Penn Machinery
--Milton CAT
--Ransome CAT
• Altorfer, Inc.
• Caterpillar Inc.
• Caterpillar Western
Dealers Association
--Cashman Equipment Company
--Empire Southwest
--Harnish Group Inc.
--Hawthorne Machinery Co.
--Holt of California
--Johnson Machinery
--Peterson CAT
--Quinn Company
--Wagner Equipment
--Western States
• Busch Systems International, Inc.
• Dow Corning Corporation
• Earth Friendly Products
• Georgia-Pacific Corporation
• Southern Wine &
Spirits Foundation
• Thomas H. Tamoney, Jr.
• Howard I. and
Elissa M. Ungerleider
• Gary Wygant
• H.O. Peet Foundation
• Harmon Foundation
Up to $1,000
• Osterman & Co. Inc.
• The Jeffery Family Fund
• James Addison
• Outerwall
• Jennifer M. Jehn
• Alex and Ani, LLC
• Owens-Illinois, Inc. and
O-I Charities Foundation
• Local Search Association
• AmazonSmile
• New Mexico Clean & Beautiful
• PwC
• Bart Andrews
• North American Power
• Ravago Americas
• Anonymous
Equipment Company
--Wheeler Machinery
--Wyoming Machinery
• Johnson & Johnson Family
of Consumer Companies
• PolyOne
• Recyclebank
• Katherine Ansis
• Shell Oil Company
• Siemens Caring Hands
Giving Campaign
• Aon Foundation
• Steel Recycling Institute
• Trinseo LLC
• Keurig Green Mountain
• TerraCycle, Inc.
• Niagara Bottling, Inc.
• Wrigley
• Teneo Holdings LLC
--Blanchard Machinery
--Carolina Cat
--Fabick Cat
--Gregory Poole
--J.A. Riggs
--Louisiana Cat
--Mustang Cat
--Puckett Machinery
--Ring Power Corp.
--Stowers Machinery
--Thompson Machinery
--Thompson Tractor
--Yancey Cat
$25,000 to $49,999
• Amcor Rigid Plastics
North America
• Bank of America Merrill Lynch
• CharityBuzz
• The Clorox Company
• Liberty International Underwriters
• M. Klein & Company
• McDonald’s USA
• McKinsey & Company, Inc.
• Natura
• Northeast Caterpillar
• AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
• Randy Babish
$2,500 to $4,999
• Phyllis and Barry Caldwell
Charitable Gift Fund
• Northrop Grumman Corporation
• Southeast Caterpillar
Dealers Association
• Gina Artese
• Mary Bailey
• Abby Beach
• Benevity Community Impact Fund
$10,000 to $24,999
• HDR Engineering
• Helene Bergeman
• Caren Brooks
• Keep Los Angeles Beautiful
• Robin Blut
• Caterpillar Plains
Dealers Association
• Merchants Distributors, Inc.
• Brad Bonn
• Ohio Cat
• Judy Bowles
• Patten Industries, Inc.
• The Bowling Family Foundation
• Publix
• Peggy I. Brighton
• Whayne Supply Co.
• Beth Buehler
• YKK Corporation of America
• Patrick Byrne, CPA
--Butler Machinery Company
--Foley Equipment Company
--Holt CAT
--Mustang CAT
--NMC Group, Inc.
--Warren Cat
--Ziegler CAT
• Jayme Campbell
$1,000 to $2,499
• Citigroup
• Allison Canady
• Tim Carey
• Dell Inc.
• Louis and Anne Abrons
Foundation, Inc.
• Deloitte LLP
• BASF Corporation
• Ernst & Young
• Victor Gallo
• Coca-Cola Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
• Honeywell
• Custom Polymers
• Kelly Tractor Co.
• EarthShare
• Morgan Stanley
• Gen Re
• National Association
of Manufacturers
• Halliburton Giving Choices
• Pilot Corporation of America
• The J.M. Smucker Company
• Praxair, Inc.
• Greg Jozwiak
• Share Fund
• Corinth Coca-Cola
Bottling Works, Inc.
• Keep Las Vegas Beautiful
• Stanley Black & Decker
• Debra Culbertson
• Brian Peace
• State of Connecticut
• Kyra Davis
• The Progress Family Foundation
• Tenneco
• Thomas Deantonio
• Gregory Ray
• Paul and AnnMarie DeBenedittis
• Hanson Professional Services Inc.
• Tina Carlucci
• Daniel Carmona
• Cecile Carson
• William C. Caruthers, Jr.
• John Cates
• Judy Chall
• Chevron Matching
Employee Funds
• Community Foundation of Utah
• Alec Cooley
• Draconis Deciryan
• Kevin Johnson
• Tyler Orton
• G. Marlin Stover
• Margaret E. Dembofsky
• Bradley Katz
• Glen Osborn
• James Stricker
• Heather Elise Dennis
• Aaron Kaufman
• Susan Parsons
• Cynthia Sullivan
• Michael Diener
• Lawrence J. Kaufman
and Mary McNeel
• Mary Partin
• Ankit Sur
• Cynthia DiNetta
• Lynn Patinkin
• Discovery Digital Networks
• Grace Keegan
• Maurice Patrick
• Tarbut V’Torah Community
Day School
• Jeffrey Dobrinsky
• Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful
• Eduardo Patrocinio
• Carianne P. Torrissi
• Therese Dreckman
• Keep Indianapolis Beautiful
• Miriam Patrocinio
• Merle Visser
• Brooke Drzyzga
• Keep Mississippi Beautiful
• Angela Pelle
• Sarah Visser
• Jane Drzyzga
• Keep Oklahoma Beautiful
• Michael Pengue
• Tom E. Waldeck
• Ryan Drzyzga
• Keep Philadelphia Beautiful
• Suzanne Marie Perala
• Kevin A. Waterbury
• Ted Drzyzga
• Keep Phoenix Beautiful
• Andy Pharoah
• Waterways Council, Inc.
• Ducks Unlimited
• Keep Riverside Clean & Beautiful
• Michael Pilsner
• April Wennerstrom
• Donald F. Dufek
• Keep Tupelo Beautiful
• Maral M Poladian
• Lauren Wittig
• Patrick Dunn
• Christina Kiernan
• John W. and Lynda N. Pope
• Steve Wolford
• Dunwoody Woman’s Club Inc.
• Jovan Kirovski
• Laura Prados
• James Woods
• Suzanne Edelberg
• Lynn Kofoed
• Michael Pratt
• Susanne M. Woods
• Eric Ertz
• Barbara Kotick
• Brenda Pulley
• Carol Woodworth
• Marcia Ferreira
• Jay Laney
• Malin Ferris
• Putnam Community
Medical Center
• Chundi Zhang
• Connie Librenjak
• Thomas Frame
• Meredith Lynch
• Kathleen Quinn
• Michael Frankowski
• Rebecca W. Lyons
• Mary Jane Quinn
• Timothy J. Gardner
• Troy Macera
• Recast Glass
• Amy Gaus
• Danielle Maiello
• Corinn Reinhard
• Kris Gilbert
• Brian Malec
• Shannon and Bryan Reiter
• Larisa Gilmore
• Christophe Marche
• Christine Renner
• Renee Giordano
• Marc Maricondo
• Bonnie Rice
• Lisa Gosnell
• David T. Marko
• Stacey E. Rice
• Raymond Gottschalk
• Travis Marks
• RJ’s Window Cleaning
• Matthew Guercio
• Missy Marshall
• Roberta Glidden Fund
• Coca-Cola Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
• Parumita Sen Gupta
• Jennifer Massey
• Mike Rogers
• EarthShare
• Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful, Inc.
• George Alphonse Maynard
• Natalie Ronstadt
• Halliburton Giving Choices
• Carey Hamilton
• Tim and Meredith McClung
• Mike Rosen
• Hammond Farms
Landscape Supply
• Tom and Jennifer Michael
• Elana Rothschild
• Siemens Caring Hands Giving
• MissionFish
• Shana Ruffus
• Jonathan Hardin
• Tommy Morales
• Roxanne Russell
• Michael Hart
• Richard Moran
• Brit Saboe
• Bob and Edith Heller
• Dean Morton
• SCE Federal Credit Union
• Richard N. Hevener
• Mark Murphy
• Ludy Schlicher
• Eric Hoffmann
• Steve M. Navedo
• Claudia Schmitt
• Bart and Sharla E. Hotchkiss
• Network for Good
• Wesley Schultz, Ph.D.
• Houston Distributing Co., Inc.
• Cindy Noah
• Jason Scott
• Paula Howard
• Kaitlin Nolan
• Erin Senft
• Stephen Howe
• Lisa O’Brien
• Kevin and Melissa Seplowtiz
• Institute of Scrap Recycling
Industries, Inc.
• Sue O’Brien
• Molly Sims
• Shannon O’Donnell
• Jason M. Smith
• Oklahoma City Beautiful, Inc.
• Randall Steele
• Ian Olson
• Robert and Erin Steele
• Rhonda Jinks
• Anne Johnson
• Bill Johnson
• Wenhong Zu
Employee Giving
and Matching Programs
• Aon Foundation
• AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
• Benevity Community Impact Fund
• Chevron Matching Employee
In-Kind Support
• Anheuser-Busch
• Busch Systems International, Inc.
• DCI Marketing
• Dow
• Earth Friendly Products
• The Glad Products Company
• Glasdon
• Niagara Bottling
• Pilot Pen
• Trex
• Wrigley
• Zane’s Inc
Vision for America Award
The 2015 Vision for America Award was presented
to Doug Oberhelman, chairman and CEO of Caterpillar Inc., in New York City on behalf of Caterpillar
and its global workforce.
The Vision for America Award is presented
annually to distinguished leaders whose personal
and corporate commitments have significantly enhanced civic, environmental and social stewardship
throughout the United States.
Caterpillar is committed to building a better world.
Its vision is a world in which all people’s basic
needs—such as shelter, clean water, sanitation,
food and reliable power—are fulfilled in an
environmentally sustainable way. Caterpillar is a
company that improves the quality of the environment and the communities where its employees
live and work.
Its mission is to enable economic growth through
infrastructure and energy development, and to
provide solutions that support communities and
protect the planet. Caterpillar’s strategy is to
provide work environments, products, services and
solutions that make productive and efficient use of
resources as it strives to achieve its vision.
“I am proud to accept this award from Keep
America Beautiful. I’m honored by what this award
represents – that Caterpillar is a company our
people can be proud to work for,” said Oberhelman
in accepting the Award. “As the world’s population
increases, demand for resources and infrastructure
will increase, too. Sustainable progress to meet
these needs and support economic growth will remain absolutely necessary. Caterpillar will continue
to lead the world in making this sustainable progress possible. We have the experience, the products
and the commitment. Our shorthand description
for our sustainability value is: The power of endurance – and that’s Caterpillar.”
Working toward aggressive sustainability goals,
Caterpillar’s tremendous progress motivates its
employees to continue working toward its vision.
For example:
Caterpillar applies innovation and technology to
improve the sustainability performance of its products, services, solutions and operations. The company believes sustainable progress is made possible
by developing better systems that maximize life
cycle benefits, while also minimizing the economic,
social and environmental costs of ownership, as
reflected in its sustainability principles.
• Caterpillar recycled 90.6 percent of its by-product
materials in 2014.
Caterpillar recognizes that sustainable progress
represents a balance of environmental stewardship, economic growth and social responsibility.
• Eighteen percent of 2014 sales and revenues were
derived from products, services and solutions
with an improved sustainability benefit.
• From 2006 to 2014, Caterpillar’s facilities have
reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
intensity by 38 percent. And energy intensity of
its operations decreased 28 percent from 2006
to 2014.
“C aterpillar has demonstrated
an unwavering commitment
to sustainability and the
belief that conservation
isn’t just good for business,
it’s good for the world.”
The Vision for America Award Dinner Chairman
Jay Timmons, president & CEO of the National
Association of Manufacturers (NAM), presented
the Award to Oberhelman, who served as chairman
of the NAM Board of Directors from 2013 through
“Caterpillar has demonstrated an unwavering
commitment to sustainability and the belief that
conservation isn’t just good for business, it’s good
for the world,” said Timmons. “Doug knows the
best way to lead meaningful change is to lead by example, and indeed many are following his example.
Across the country, manufacturers are responding
to the challenges and opportunities facing our
communities and our environment by adopting
sustainable best practices to ensure a healthier,
more beautiful America.”
To see Caterpillar’s latest progress, visit Caterpillar’s
Past recipients of the Vision for America Award,
which was established in 1986, include PepsiCo,
Wrigley, Waste Management, Nestlé Waters North
America, Xerox and, most recently, Inc.
(From left) Jay Timmons, President and CEO,
National Association of Manufacturers; Doug
Oberhelman, Chairman and CEO, Caterpillar
Inc.; Jennifer Jehn, President & CEO, Keep
America Beautiful (Photo by Kate Eisemann)
Partnerships and Initiatives
Keep America Beautiful gratefully acknowledges the following companies and organizations whose grants and sponsorships advanced our mission in 2015.
UPS Community Tree and
Recovery Tree Planting Grants
Great American Cleanup
Public Space Recycling
• Altria Group
• The Coca-Cola Foundation
• BNSF Railway
• Dr Pepper Snapple Group
• The UPS Foundation
Waste Management “Think Green” Grants
Award Partners
• Dow
• The Glad Products Company
• Lowe’s
• Niagara Bottling
“I Want To Be Recycled” Campaign
Campaign Partners
• American Chemistry
• City of Austin
• Dart Container Company
• Busch Systems
• Trex
Toolkit Partners
Keep America Beautiful
Educational Initiatives
Recycle-Bowl is a fun, free, friendly competition and benchmarking tool for K-12 school recycling
programs to promote waste reduction activities. School recycling programs across the nation
compete in a race to collect the most recyclables over a four-week timeframe in the fall. Bragging
rights and a recycled content prize are awarded to the school that recycles the most per capita.
Whether a school has an extensive recycling program or is just launching one, Recycle-Bowl is an
excellent way for teachers, student green teams, and facility managers to engage their school
community in recycling and provide “teaching moments” with students about the benefits of
• Consumer Aerosol Products Council
• Weisenbach Recycled Products
• Wrigley Company Foundation
Environmental Literacy Partners
• Niagara Bottling
• American Forest Foundation/
Project Learning Tree
• Pereira & O’Dell
• Earth Day Network
• Unilever
• Eco-School USA (National Wildlife Federation)
Number of Schools Registered
Percent of Registered Schools that Reported
Number of Students/Teachers Reached
Total Pounds Recycled
Average Pounds per Capita (School & District Division)
Percentage of participants with a hauling partner
GHGs Saved
• Amcor
• Alcoa Foundation
• American Chemistry Council
• The Coca-Cola Company
• Lowe’s
• Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company
Stewardship Sponsor
Atlantic City High School
Cigarette Litter Prevention Program
• Northrop Grumman Corporation
• Pilot Corporation of America (Pilot Pen)
• Philip Morris USA,
an Altria Company
• Microsoft
• PepsiCo Recycling
• Wrigley Company Foundation
• Altria Group
• Johnson & Johnson Family
of Consumer Companies
• Alcoa Foundation
4.4 million
8.28 lbs/capita
7,187 MTCO2e
8,913 MTCO2e
Leadership Sponsors
(Atlantic City, NJ)
6.4 million
7.75 lbs/capita
Top participating states were TX, AZ and OH. 49 states (plus DC) represented.
60% were in the School Division, 14% in the Community Division, 24% in the District
Division, and 2% in the Open Division.
87% were public schools, 10% were private schools, and 3% were charter schools.
54% were elementary, 15% were middle, 19% were high schools, and 12% were a mix.
24% of schools were in a suburban area, 15% in rural, 37% in urban and 24% in a mix.
43% of schools were registered by their community recycling coordinator.
• CyclePoint® from Source America®
Title Sponsor
America Recycles Day
Keep America
National Conference
Bellamy Elementary School
Driftwood Middle School
(Wilmington, NC)
(Hollywood, FL)
• Anheuser-Busch
Strategic Sponsors
• Dow
• Dr Pepper Snapple Group
• RAI Services Company
• Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.
• Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company
• RAI Services Company
• Steel Recycling Institute
Anheuser-Busch Disaster Restoration Grants
Supporting Sponsors
• Northrop Grumman
• Anheuser-Busch
• Owens-Illinois, Inc.
Scholarship Support
Blight Literature Review
Lowe’s Community Partners Grants
• Altria Group
• Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company
• Dr Pepper Snapple Group
• Keep America Beautiful Affiliates
and Individual Contributors
http://bit.ly/BlightLiteratureReview (13)
• Lowe’s
In-Kind Support
• Anheuser-Busch
Consumer and Retail Partnerships
Keep America Beautiful gratefully acknowledges the following companies for their creative retail, online and consumer product partnerships during 2015.
Alex and Ani
Gift retailer Alex and Ani
conducted a Charmed by
Charity event in its Rye, New York, location, with
15 percent of event proceeds donated to Keep
America Beautiful. This event is part of Alex and
Ani’s Charity by Design initiative which supports philanthropy in a variety of ways, including
allowing consumers to enter the charitable world
through their purchases.
Keep America Beautiful, in
partnership with Anheuser-Busch, had a very special
Valentine’s Day in 2015 through two CharityBuzz.
com auctions — in Los Angeles and Philadelphia,
respectively — for a one-year lease on a stunning red 2014 Tesla Model S and a $2,500 credit
courtesy of Mike Albert Fleet Solutions (to be used
towards taxes, licenses, and registration fees). The
auction received more than $31,000 in combined
bidding, netting Keep America Beautiful more
than $25,000. Keep America Beautiful shared a
portion of the proceeds with Keep Philadelphia
Beautiful and Keep Los Angeles Beautiful.
Earth Friendly Products
Earth Friendly Products, a green
cleaning product company, partnered
with Keep America Beautiful to
make available an in-kind donation
of cleaning products to members of Keep America
Beautiful’s network of community-based affiliates.
rinse. recycle. reimagine.
Start recycling in the bathroom. Give your plastics a whole new life.
Learn more at projectSunlight.us
Natura Wines
Natura Wines, produced by Emiliana Organic Vineyards, the world’s
leading organic winery, offered its
first ever social media photo contest
with support from Keep America Beautiful. The
voting initiative was supported nationally through
social media.
North American Power
Mission to Millions put the
power to give in the hands
of North American Power’s
customers. When consumers signed up for any
North American Power service, they were given
the opportunity to select a charity of choice from
a list of nonprofit partners. For every month one
remained a North American Power customer,
North American Power would donate $1 to the
selected cause.
Unilever extended its generous
support of Keep America Beautiful’s “I Want To Be Recycled” public
service advertising campaign with an
Start recycling in the bathroom. Give your
a whole
life.at increasing bathroom
its Unilever
Santa Fe Natural Tobacco
brightFuture sustainable living platform, Unilever
Learn more at projectSunlight.us
Santa Fe Natural Tobacco
distributed a newspaper coupon insert featuring
included Keep America
Keep America Beautiful to more than 4.4 million
Beautiful among a group of
homes nationwide.
five nonprofits for an online Earth Day promotion
to Santa Fe Natural Tobacco customers.
rinse. recycle. reimagine.
Nonprofit and Government Alliances
These governmental, civic and nonprofit organizations helped to multiply the effectiveness of Keep America Beautiful programs and initiatives in 2015.
American Association of Code Enforcement
College & University Recycling Coalition
Local Search Association
American Association of Code
Enforcement (AACE) is a national
nonprofit association representing
the profession of code enforcement.
Keep America Beautiful and AACE
work together on code enforcement education
and training as well as the development of Environmental Courts materials.
Keep America Beautiful
administers a webinar series
and conference workshop
for the College & University
Recycling Coalition (CURC), a
membership-based, nonprofit organization. Keep
America Beautiful also partnered with CURC to
promote recycling bin grant programs designed
to expand recycling in college dormitories and on
college campuses.
Keep America
Beautiful and the
Local Search Association partner to promote
the recycling and waste reduction of telephone
directories as part of America Recycles Day,
a Keep America Beautiful initiative.
Project Learning Tree, an American
Forest Foundation program
Keep America Beautiful works
with the American Forest Foundation (AFF) to raise environmental
awareness among youth through
various educational initiatives, including AFF’s
Project Learning Tree.
Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions
Educational Research Foundation’s
Nature Explore
Keep America Beautiful
expanded its experiential learning programs for
children through Arbor Day Foundation’s Nature
Explore outdoor classrooms. Arbor Day promotes
Keep America Beautiful affiliates who have developed Nature Explore Classrooms.
BoatUS Foundation
The BoatUS Foundation,
the foundation for the Boat
Owners Association of the
United States, engages marina partners in KAB’s
Cigarette Litter Prevention Program in an effort to
lessen cigarette butt litter in our waterways.
Green Schools National Network
Keep America Beautiful
partnered with Green
Schools National
Network (GSNN)
during the Green Schools National Conference
in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Representatives from
schools, nonprofits and industry discussed the
elements of green schools and barriers to zero
waste and recycling.
Earth Day Network
Earth Day Network promoted
youth initiatives, including
Keep America Beautiful’s Youth
Advisory Council, Recycle-Bowl, and shared
affiliate information through its network.
National Wildlife Federation
Keep America Beautiful partners
with National Wildlife Federation
to engage students in grades K-12
as environmental stewards through
recycling and community greening
initiatives. The relationship extended to RecycleMania, to recognize the colleges
and universities that did noteworthy promotional
campaigns as part of the competition.
North American Association
of Environmental Educators
North American Association
of Environmental Educators
promotes youth initiatives,
including Recycle-Bowl, and seeks ways to partner
with Keep America Beautiful on behavior-change
topics and educating initiatives.
Ocean Conservancy
International City/
County Management Association
The ICMA and KAB shared educational resources and programs that
benefit community leaders in both
organizations, including promoting grants for the
Cigarette Litter Prevention Program.
International Downtown Association
Keep America Beautiful joined Ceres
as a member of the Ceres Coalition.
The Ceres Coalition works to promote
sustainability by moving companies, policymakers and other market players to
incorporate environmental and social factors into
their decision-making and to mobilize investor and
business leadership to build a thriving, sustainable
global economy.
The International Downtown
Association promotes Keep
America Beautiful’s Cigarette Litter
Prevention Program grants to its business-member
organizations in its effort to create healthy and vital
urban centers.
Ocean Conservancy and Keep
America Beautiful cross-promoted their respective signature
programs, the Great American
Cleanup and International Coastal Cleanup.
Points of Light Institute
Points of Light involved Keep
America Beautiful affiliates in
nationally-recognized service
days and offered volunteer
leadership to Keep America Beautiful affiliates
through resources from HandsOn Network and
A Keep Knoxville Beautiful “Beautification Mob” planted 60,000 daffodils on three I-275 exit ramps around Knoxville, Tennessee.
Sustainable Electronics Recycling
International (SERI)
Keep America Beautiful was
among the initial coalition of 10
SERI R2 Leaders partners, which
is designed to support efforts by
companies and organizations to
advance the responsible reuse and recycling of used
electronics. Other partners include DIRECTV,
Goodwill Industries International, Greeneye
Partners, Microsoft, Panasonic, Sony America,
SourceAmerica, Wistron Corporation and Xerox.
Top Ladies of Distinction
United States Department of Agriculture
Keep America Beautiful and
Top Ladies of Distinction (TLD)
joined together to promote clean
and beautiful communities,
civic leadership, and youth engagement among
TLD’s national membership. Since its inception,
the organization has expanded its objectives to
include its focus on youth (known as Top Teens
of America), improving the status of women,
service to senior citizens, community beautification, and community partnerships.
Keep America Beautiful works
with the United States Department of Agriculture to promote
the People’s Garden initiative,
which incorporates sustainable practices such as
capturing rainwater, composting and planting
native species, and is a collaborative effort among
community members.
Sustainable Urban Forests Coalition
United States Composting Council
Keep America Beautiful worked with
Sustainable Urban
Forests Coalition, an
assembly of national organizations working to advance a unified urban forest agenda for our nation’s
communities, to help plan its annual conference as
well as serve on its Vibrant Cities task force.
Keep America Beautiful and
United States Composting
Council raised awareness
of the important role composting plays in waste
reduction, improved soil structure, improved
water quality, and reduced soil erosion by sharing
educational resources and collaborating on various
University of Georgia
Keep America Beautiful and the
University of Georgia are partnering to test how eco-feedback
recycling bins are affecting behavior
change and an on-the-go recycling interactive map
and database.
2015 Board of Directors and Officers
Julia Bowles
Executive Director
Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful
Connie Librenjak
Executive Director
Keep Riverside Clean & Beautiful
Beth Buehler
Senior Vice President,
Digital Strategy & Operations
Rodale Inc.
Ian Olson
Director, Sustainability Strategy and Restaurants
McDonald’s USA, LLC
Barry H. Caldwell*
Senior Vice President
Corporate Affairs, Chief Legal Officer
Waste Management
Tim Carey
Senior Director, Sustainability
Carolyn Crayton
Founder of Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful
Ex-Officio Board Member,
Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful
Troy A. Ellis
Senior Vice President,
Conversion Manufacturing,
Short term Planning, 3PL
Coca-Cola Refreshments
Monique Oxender
Chief Sustainability Officer
Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.
N. Brian Peace
Executive, Corporate Administration
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Michael J. Pengue
President, Nestle Waters Brands
Nestle Waters North America Inc.
Andy Pharoah
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs,
Sustainability & Strategy
Gregory H. Ray
Senior Vice President,
Smokeable Manufacturing
Philip Morris USA, Inc.
Cathie Gail
Executive Director
Keep Texas Beautiful
Shannon Reiter
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful
Timothy J. Gardner*
Board Advisor
Shana Ruffus
Director, CSR-Environment
Carey Hamilton
Executive Director
Indiana Recycling Coalition
Kim Jeffery*
Jeffery Advisors
Jennifer M. Jehn*
President & CEO
Keep America Beautiful
Anne Johnson
Vice President & Principal
Resource Recycling Systems
Greg J. Jozwiak
Commercial Vice President-North America
Packaging and Specialty Plastics
The Dow Chemical Company
Directors Emeritus
Richard D. Hofmann*
Stephen K. Lambright
A. Maurice Myers
Howard Ungerleider
Thomas H. Tamoney, Jr.
Tom Waldeck
Jennifer M. Jehn
President & CEO
Rebecca Lyons
Chief Operating Officer
Mike Rogers
Chief Development Officer
Brenda Pulley
Senior Vice President, Recycling
Mike Rosen
Senior Vice President,
Marketing & Communications
* Members of the Executive Committee
Wesley Schultz, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
California State University, San Marcos
Thomas H. Tamoney, Jr.* (Secretary)
Day Pitney LLP
Howard Ungerleider*
Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer
The Dow Chemical Company
Tom Waldeck*
President & CEO
Keep Phoenix Beautiful
James Woods
Senior Director, Communications
American Iron & Steel Institute
*As of Dec. 31, 2015
EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT One way in which Keep America Beautiful works with our corporate
partners is to coordinate employee engagement programs that connect our partners with the communities in which they operate. During the 2015 Great American Cleanup, Keep America Beautiful worked
with Dow and Unilever on Dow’s “Propel to Excel” leadership development program and Unilever’s
“Community Action Day” volunteer program, respectively.
Day in the District:
A Day of Beautification and Art
Dow’s “Propel to Excel” leadership development program descended upon Houston in 2015,
where they helped Keep Houston Beautiful beautify Crockett Elementary School.
Houston, like many American cities, is constantly
reimagining itself. Areas that were historically
industrial in nature are becoming havens for the
arts and artists. Houston’s First Ward and Washington Avenue Arts District are no exception, having
undergone a significant revitalization.
The Washington Avenue Arts District is home to
several converted warehouse studio buildings,
which house more than 250 studios of artists and
creative entrepreneurs as well as vast amounts
of exhibition and event spaces. Because of this
unique accumulation of creative space, the District
boasts what is believed to be the highest concentration of working artists in all of Texas.
This was the site of the Great American Cleanup
event, “Day in the District: Urban Playground,”
which brought together Keep America Beautiful
and Keep Houston Beautiful (KHB) in collaboration
with Dow’s “Propel to Excel” leadership development program to help transform this historic area.
On April 18, some 200 Dow employee volunteers
began at Spring Street Studios with the colorful
painting of 480 protective wood bollards that line
the Nicholson Bike Trail that runs from Sawyer
St. to Holly St. After the colorful transformation,
volunteers headed to Crockett Elementary to clean
and beautify the school’s fields, gardens, pond,
playground and other outdoor areas.
Volunteers also assembled mobile furniture
pieces, including benches, performance platforms
and art walls designed by local architectural
firm Asakura Robinson Company. The “moveable
furniture” is now housed in different locations
throughout the district so that “incidental” spaces,
such as underutilized concrete parking or other
vacant lots, can be transformed into impromptu
“urban playgrounds” accessible to residents and
visitors alike.
As part of the 2015 Great American Cleanup, more
than 1,000 Dow employees and their families and
friends volunteered at more than 60 locations
throughout the country.
Keeping Englewood’s Greenways Green
Approximately 25 Unilever employee volunteers,
including Unilever North America President Kees
Kruythoff, were joined by Keep America Beautiful,
members of the Englewood, New Jersey, Department of Public Works and Englewood Garden Club
to restore four beautiful garden beds in the heart
of Englewood. The project was a highlight of Unilever’s “Community Action Day,” which focused on
beautifying Englewood, the location of Unilever’s
North American headquarters.
“T he good thing about this
is you see immediate benefit
and effect. The harder...”
- Kees Kruythoff,
Unilever North America President
The garden beds were created by the Englewood
Garden Club in 2000 as part of a national Garden
Club of America initiative but eventually were
turned over to the city. In addition to supplying
the volunteer manpower, Unilever donated five
wheelbarrows and gardening tools to Englewood’s
Department of Public Works to use for the project.
Volunteerism is part of “who we are and what we
stand for,” said Kruythoff. “The good thing about
this is you see immediate benefit and effect,” he
added. “The harder we work in life, the more of an
effect that we have.”
“Green gateways are an important part of any
community from an overall beautification and
appearance perspective,” said Jennifer Jehn, president and CEO of Keep America Beautiful. “It’s the
entry point that sets the tone for the community.”
Unilever North America President Kees Kruythoff (left) “digs in” as his colleagues (right) restore a garden bed
during Unilever’s “Community Action Day” in Englewood, New Jersey.
Staff Directory
Office of the President and CEO
Marketing & Communications
Jennifer M. Jehn
President & CEO
Mike Rosen
Senior Vice President,
Marketing & Communications
Kathleen Quinn
Director, Finance
Jane Drzyzga
Executive Assistant to the CEO
Affiliate Services
Becky Lyons
Chief Operating Officer
Cecile Carson
Vice President, Litter & Affiliate Relations
April Buther Wennerstrom
Director, Affiliate Development
Grace Keegan
Director, Affiliate Communications
Shannon O’Donnell
Senior Manager, Affiliate Services
Tom Morales
Program Manager, Education & Litter
Larry Kaufman
Director, Communications
Susan Parsons
Director, Digital Strategy & Design
Danielle Maiello
Manager, Program Marketing
Susanne Woods
Director, Vision for America Award
Stacey Rice
Manager, Development
Associate Manager, Vision for America Award
Berett Garbus
Coordinator, Development
Great American Cleanup
Jason Smith
Senior Director, Program Operations
Mike Rogers
Chief Development Officer
Litter Programs
Erin Senft
Program Coordinator, Litter Programs
Steve Navedo
Vice President, Development
Recycling Programs
Meredith Lynch
Director, Annual Giving &
National Conference Corporate Relations
Brenda Pulley
Senior Vice President, Recycling
Alec Cooley
Director, Recycling Programs
Sara Brody
Director, Development
Tyler Orton
Manager, Recycling Programs
Giving to Keep America Beautiful
Contact Us
All Keep America Beautiful programs and services are made possible through the generosity
and commitment of corporations and their employees, foundations and people like you—
caring individuals from all across our beautiful land.
Corporate Headquarters
1010 Washington Boulevard
Stamford, CT 06901
Tel: 203.659.3000
Join the millions of Keep America Beautiful volunteers, individual donors and our valued
partners who support our work to end littering, improve recycling and beautify America’s
Washington, D.C. Office
1030 15th Street, NW, Suite 600E
Washington, D.C. 20005
Tel: 202.688.0600
Find us on Social Media
Visit Keep America Beautiful
at kab.org/donate!
If you would like to make a gift of securities, or become a corporate supporter, please
contact Keep America Beautiful’s Development Office at 203.659.3072 or write to:
Keep America Beautiful
1010 Washington Blvd.
Stamford, CT 06901
Attn: Development Office
Email: development@kab.org
(Below) Volunteers from Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful
show the fruits of their cleanup labor during the 2015 Great
American Cleanup. (Photo courtesy of Keep Palm Beach
County Beautiful)
(Back Cover) Volunteers from Keep Jersey City Beautiful and
the New Jersey Tree Foundation participated in a Keep America
Beautiful/Lowe’s Community Partners Grant tree-planting project. A number of Lowe’s Heroes, Lowe’s employee volunteers,
joined the effort at Jersey City, New Jersey’s Columbia Park.