health medications
health medications
UCHUMI CATALOGUE AVAILABLE STOCK LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 TOILETRIES FOODSTUFFS WINES &7 SPIRITS SHOE POLISH SANITARY TOWELS & DIAPERS HEALTH MEDICATIONS LOT 1 TOILETRIES BATHING SOAPS: FLUIDS POWDER AND PIECES NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 REFERENCE 6 161100 609839 6 161100 609822 6 161109 721396 6 161100 609808 6 161109 721372 6 161100 609785 6 161100 609815 6 161100 601932 6 161100 603349 6 161100 601918 6 161109 723567 6 161109 723468 6 161109 723550 6 161109 723543 6 161103 121932 8 693495 032322 8 693495 032223 8 693495 024570 6 001087 009362 6 001087 008594 6 001087 008631 6 161109 723550 6 008879 001030 6 161102 005929 6 008879 005007 6 161102 005950 6 161102 005684 6 161102 005689 6 008879 005038 DESCRIPTION Geisha Germi Guard 2in 1 - Revitalizing - Mint &Green Tea Geisha Germi Guard 2 in 1 - Soothing Neem & Basil Geisha Germi Guard 2 in 1 - Calming Chamomile & Vitamin E Geisha Softening Rose Geisha Germi Guard 2 in 1 - Refreshing Lemon & Sun Flower Geisha Soothing Aloe Vera Geisha Moisturising - Coconut Milk - vitamin E Geisha Germi Guard - Mint & Gren Tea Geisha Germi Guard 2 in 1 - Revitalizing - Mint & Green Tea Geisha Germi Guard - Neem & Soothing Basil Geisha Moisturising - Coconut Milk - vitamin E Geisha Moisturising - Coconut Milk - vitamin E Geisha Softening Rose Geisha - Invigorating Lemon YEYO - Pink Blossom Palm Olive - Nourishing Sensation- Milk & Rose Petals Palm Olive - Balanced & Mild - Chamomile Extract & Vitamin E Palm Olive - Moisture Care - Aloe & Olive Extract Lux - Shak me up Lux - Soft Caress Lux - Velvet Touch Geisha - Softening Rose Imperial leather - Classic Luxurious Family Bath Imperial leather - Germ Protect - Natural Imperial Leather - Extra Care - Luxurious Mild & Gentle Imperial Leather - Natural Anti Bacterial Imperial Leather - Germ Protect - Natural Protect with Neem Imperial Leather - Extra Care - Luxurious Mild & Gentle Imperial Leather - Classic Luxurious - Family Bath MEASUREMENTS COUNT MEAS. 225g 73 pcs 225g 61 pcs 225g 33 pcs 225g 6 pcs 225g 3 pcs 225g 7 pcs 225g 1 pc 125g 42 pcs 125g 3 pcs 125g 27 pcs 100g 22 pcs 60g 2 pcs 100g 2 pcs 100g 2 pcs 125g 68 pcs 175g 21 pcs 75g 16 pcs 100g 3 pcs 100mg 8 pcs 200g 11 pcs 200g 7 pcs 100g 13 pcs 200g 64 pcs 200g 72 pcs 200g 48 pcs 200g 20 pcs 200g 79 pcs 2 X 200g 64 pcs 2 X 200g 44 pcs 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 6 161102 005691 6 161102 005936 6 161102 005936 6 161102 005691 6 161102 005950 8 850169 009367 6 221048 050565 6 221048 050541 6 221048 050558 6 221048 050534 6 221048 051647 6 221048 051616 6 221048 051630 6 161100 952591 6 161100 952645 6 161100 952638 6 161100 952607 6 161100 952614 6 161100 952621 6 161100 952966 6 161109 723543 6 161109 723567 6 161100 603349 6 161100 601918 6 161100 609822 6 161102 003413 6 161102 003352 6 161102 004342 6 161100 600270 6 164000 884641 6 161102 004106 6 161102 004113 6 161102 004281 6 161102 004090 6 161102 006032 6 161102 004281 8 690506 025083 8 690506 025090 8 690506 429331 8 690506 429355 8 690506 349240 Imperial leather - Germ Protect - Natural Imperial leather - Germ Protect - Natural Imperial Leather - Natural - Herbal Care with Aloevera Imperial Leather - Natural Protect with Neem Imperial Leather - Natural Invigorate - with Mentol Imperial Leather - Classic - Long Lasting Luxury Life Bouy - Care - Anti Bacterial bathing bar Life Bouy - Dual Fresh Life Bouy - Herbal Life Bouy - Total Life Bouy - Total - Deo Fresh Life Bouy - Total - Deo Fresh Life Bouy - Herbal Dettol Original - Anti Bacterial Dettol - Active Soap - Anti Bacterial Dettol - Anti Bacterial - Cool Dettol - Anti Bacterial - Herbal Soap Dettol - Anti Bacterial - Skin Care Soap Dettol - Anti Bacterial - Sensitive Soap Dettol - Anti Bacterial - Original Soap Geisha - Invigorating Lemon Geosha - Moisturising - Coconut Milk & Vit E. Geisha - Germi-Guard 2 in 1 - Revitalising Mint & Green Tea Geisha - Germi-Guard - Neem & Soothing Basil Geisha Germi-Guard - 2 in 1 Soothing Neem & Basil Flamingo - Luxurius Milk Soap Flamingo - Zesty Lemon Flamingo - Sweet Rose Sunlight Soap Nevia Body Milk Soap Ushindi Gentle Multi - Purpose Soap with Glycerine Ushindi Gentle Multi - Purpose Soap - Lemon fragrance Ushindi Gentle Multi - Purpose Soap - Plus + Ushindi Gentel Multi - Purpose Soap - (With Stain Removal) Ushingi Plus Delicate - with Fabric Softener Ushindi Plus - Antiseptic with Germ Antimanator Duru 1 + 1 Moisturising & Softening Duru 1 + 1 Moisturising Purifying Duru Pure & Natural - Freshness Duru Pure & Natural - Happiness Duru Gourmet Mango Ice cream 3 X 125g 3 X 125g 375g 375g 200g 15 X 36g 200g 200g 200g 200g 100g 100g 100g 90g 90g 90g 90g 90g 90g 60g 100g 100g 125g 125g 225g 215g 215g 215g 175g 120g 200g 200g 175g 175g 175g 175g 360g (4 x 90) 360g (4 x 90) 340g (4 X 85) 4 X 85g 375g (5 X 75g) 2 2 43 7 4 9 76 22 5 2 427 76 46 17 23 33 13 1 1 36 7 6 31 19 2 34 47 11 13 7 59 28 20 39 37 4 6 17 8 8 6 pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pc pc pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs Packs Packs Packs 71 8 690506 025069 72 8 690506 025076 73 8 901160 000164 Duru Moisturising & Nourishing Duru Moisturising & Refreshing Zino Plus - Soap 360g (4 x 90) 360g (4 x 90) 75g 3 Packs 1 pack 2 packs WASHING SOAPS: FLUIDS, POWDER, FABRIC CONDITINER AND DISINFECTANTS 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 6 161100 609020 6 161100 609013 6 161100 609006 6 161103 120850 6 161103 120483 6 161109 720023 6 161109 720016 6 161109 720009 6 161100 607484 6 161100 607613 6 161100 607491 6 161100 607620 6 161100 607545 6 161107 010591 6 161107 010607 6 161109 720122 6 161103 120881 6 161102 004908 6 001085 126559 6 001085 126733 6 161100 605817 6 161100 604063 6 161102 005813 6 161102 005806 6 009601 541701 6 009601 541633 6 161100 950016 6 161100 950009 6 161100 650238 6 161100 046931 6 161100 046054 6 161100 046023 6 161100 046061 6 161100 952270 6 161100 952263 6 161100 952287 Omo Extra Fresh - Fabric conditioner Omo Extra Fresh - Fabric conditioner Omo Extra Fresh - Fabric conditioner Nomi White Washing Powder Nomi White Washing Powder Omo fast Action - Hand washing powder Omo fast Action - Hand washing powder Omo fast Action - Hand washing powder Sunlight 2 in 1 - Tropical Sensation - Hand Washing Powder Sunlight 2 in 1 - Sunrise Sensations - Handwash - Washing Powder Sunlight 2 in 1 - Tropical Sensations - Handwash - Washing Powder Sunlight 2 in 1 - Sunrise Sensations - Handwash - Washing Powder Sunlignt 2 in 1 - Spring Sensations - Handwash - Washing Powder White Star Magic - Multi Active Detergent White Star Magic - Multi Active Detergent Omo fast Action - Hand washing powder Nomi White Washing Powder Cussons Ushindi Washing Powder - Lavender Freshness Omo Auto Washing Powder Omo Auto Washing Powder Vim - all Purpose Cleaner - Lemon Fresh Vim - all Purpose Cleaner - Lemon Fresh Morning Fresh Scouring Powder - Lemon Fresh Morning Fresh Scouring Powder - Lemon Fresh Jik Bleach - Spring Fresh Jik Bleach - Regular Perfumed Jik Bleach - Regular Perfumed Jik Bleach - Lemon Fresh Jik Bleach - Lemon Fresh ACE Lemon Bleach ACE Regular Bleach ACE Regular Bleach ACE Regular Bleach Mortein Doom Power Guard - All Insect Killer - Lemon Mortein Doom Power Guard - All Insect Killer - Lemon Mortein Doom Power Guard - All Insect Killer - Lemon 1 kg 500g 200g 1kg 500g 200g 500g 1kg 1kg 1kg 500g 500g 1kg 1kg 500g 3.5kg 3.5kg 1kg 1kg 2kg 1 kg 500g 1 kg 500g 750ml 750ml 250ml 750ml 250ml 1000ml 1000ml 500ml 2500ml 300ml 180ml 400ml 21 41 120 26 68 221 24 9 12 9 28 6 2 7 5 2 7 10 1 1 27 14 7 10 4 14 3 14 6 32 3 36 7 72 8 3 pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts tins tins tins tins bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 6 161100 952362 6 161100 952355 6 161100 952379 6 008940 500110 6 008940 500066 6 008940 400489 6 008940 500080 6 008940 500073 6 161101 010283 8 696630 114594 6 291100 713721 6 291100 713648 6 291100 713738 6 291100 713691 6 291100 713707 6 161100 953055 6 161100 950559 6 161100 952423 6 161100 950559 6 161100 950900 6 161100 950900 6 161100 950498 6 161100 951655 5032619 616148 5 032619 616124 5 032619 616100 0 234003 50001 0 234003 54122 0 234003 50018 6 931492 389110 6 931492 399751 6 931432 388953 6 931492 399768 0 242000 10652 6 223001 345015 6 931492 303338 6 931492 399324 6 931492 399331 6 001085 116789 6 001085 017598 6 161100 047570 Mortein Doom - Coachroach Killer Mortein Doom - Coachroach Killer Mortein Doom - Coachroach Killer Tropical Wild Mask - Air freshner Tropical - Flower fresh - Air freshener Tropical - Ocean - Fresh - Air freshener Tropical - Flower Collection - Air freshener Tropical - Powder Fresh - Air Freshener Tropical - Lavender Bouquet - Air freshner New Star - Bathroom Cleaner Rungu - Lemon - Fragrance Rungu - Potpourri - Flora fragrance Rungu - Natural - Fragrance Rungu - Lemon - Fragrance Rungu - Orange - Fragrance Harpic Power Plus Harpic Active - Cleaning gel - Citrus Harpic Power Plus Harpic Active - FreshHarpic Active - Cleaning gel - Marine Harpic Active - Fresh - Marine Harpic Active - Cleaning Gel - Mountain Pine Harpic Active - Fresh Peach & Jasmine. Sumo Thick Bleach - Ocean Blue Sumo Thick Bleach - Citrus Sumo Thick Bleach - Pine Renuzit Renew - Citrus Sunburst Renuzit Aroma - Adjustable Renuzit Renew - Fresh Lavender Blue Touch - Oven Cleaner Blue Touch - Spring- Fabric Softener Blue Touch - Fabric Refresher Blue Touch - Fabric Softener Lavender Purex Natural Elements Tripple Action Mr. Muscle Toilet Cleaner - Duck Blue Touch - Dish Washing Liquid - Apple Blue Touch Multi Purpose Cleaner - Pine Blue Touch Multi Purpose Cleaner - Lavender Sunlight Lemon - 100 Dish Washing Liquid Sunlignt Lemon - 100 Dish Washing Liquid ACE - Toilet Cleaner Citrus 300ml 180ml 400ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 750ml 500ml 750ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 1000ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 750ml 750ml 750ml 212g 212g 212g 592ml 1330ml 520ml 1330ml 27loads 500ml 600ml 946ml 946ml 750ml 400ml 500ml 18 3 4 10 8 3 11 12 8 13 2 4 2 2 2 22 9 9 62 4 10 41 9 18 7 8 9 2 3 18 5 4 2 8 6 2 8 8 13 19 3 bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles pcs bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 6 161102 005790 6 161102 007077 6 161102 006971 6 952711 245192 6 952711 245185 6 952711 245208 6 161102 000740 6 161102 000948 6 161102 002881 6 161102 005806 6 161102007701 6 161102007671 6 161102007664 6 161102007695 6 161102007657 6 161102006582 6 161102006575 6 161102006568 6 161102006056 6 161102006049 6 161100046436 6 161100046382 6 161100046337 6 161100046429 6 161100046375 6 161100046450 6 161100046405 6 161100046412 6 161100046368 6 161100046399 6 161100046856 6 162060481992 5 032619616049 5 032619616001 5 03261961025 6 161102004809 6 161102004816 6 162060481961 6 162060481985 6 162060481978 6 162060481688 Flamingo Soothing Hand Wash - Aloe Vera Flamingo Soothing Moisturing Hand Wash - Peach Flamingo Refreshing Hand wash - Lemon 7 days Deep Cleansing Laundry detergent - Lavender Flavour 7 days Tripple actions Laundry detergent - Floral Fantasy 7 days Tripple actions Laundry detergent Floral Fantasy Morning Fresh Super Concentrate - Original Fresh Morning Fresh Super Concentrate - Anti Bacterial - Dish Washing Liquid Morning Fresh Super Concentrate - Anti Bacterial - Dish Washing Liquid Morning Fresh - Scouring Powder - Lemon Fresh cussons ushindi plus gentle fabric conditioner ( purple rain) cussons ushindi plus gentle fabric conditiner ( fresh) cussons ushindi plus gentle fabric conditiner ( fresh) cussons ushindi plus gentle fabric condtioner ( purple rain) cussons ushindi plus gentle fabric conditioner (fresh) cussons ushindi plus washing liquid (tropical) cussons ushindi plus washing liquid (tropical) cussons ushindi plus washing liquid (tropical) cussons ushindi plus washing liquid (fresh) cussons ushindi plus washing liquid ( fresh) so soft fabric softenr and conditioner ( comfort) so soft fabric softenr and conditioner ( comfort) so soft fabric softenr and conditioner ( comfort) so soft fabric softner and conditioner (tender) so soft fabric softner and conditioner (tender) so soft fabric softner and conditioner (gentle) so soft fabric softner and conditioner (gentle) so soft fabric softner and conditioner (fresh) so soft fabric softner and conditioner (fresh) so soft fabric softner and conditioner (luxury) so soft fabric softner and conditioner (baby) tuku multi purpose liquid dtergent toilet guard gel toilet cleaner (ocean fresh) toilet guard gel toilet cleaner (citrus fresh) toilet guard gel toilet cleaner (mountain pine) cussons ushindi gentle dish washing liquid cussons ushindi gentle dish washing liquid tuku dish washing (green apple) tuku dish washing (green apple) tuku dish washing (red apple) tuku dish washing (red apple) 400ml 400ml 400ml 1ltr 1ltr 2ltr 750ml 750ml 450ml 500g 2.25l 2.25l 750ml 750ml 300ml 1l 500ml 250ml 1l 500ml 2.5l 750ml 300ml 2.5l 750ml 2.5l 750ml 2.5l 750ml 750ml 750ml 5l 750ml 750ml 750ml 500ml 1000ml 500ml 1l 500ml 1l 18 6 5 8 3 1 6 15 18 2 13 5 36 20 34 27 37 16 12 10 6 6 11 8 12 2 3 1 22 7 7 14 5 7 10 16 24 31 21 22 17 bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles bottles Tins pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 3 516663550006 3 267793000007 6 164000324079 6 164000324239 6 008940500073 5 032619616124 6 161100605817 6 161100951655 6 009601541657 6 164001742063 6 161102001587 6 161102000610 6 161102006346 6 161102006469 6 161102000009 6 161102001563 6 161102001570 6 161102000597 6 161100047495 6 161100047372 6 161100047532 6 161100047396 6 161100047488 6 161100047365 6 161100047471 6 161100047518 6 161105 535003 5 000185 106301 6 164001 742421 6 121370 00039 6 121370 0011 4 6 121370 00046 6 941272 510252 2 100001 150549 2 100001 50549 2 100001150549 6 941272 510238 6 941272 510252 6 941272510252 6 931492 322025 6 931492 322124 instant yeast plus saf instant 2in 1 saf instant jireh liquid detergent jireh hand washing gel tropikal powder fresh air freshner sumo thick bleach (citrus) vim lemon fresh harpic active fresh jik bleach regular kawa carpet shampoo morning fresh dish washing paste( zesty lemon) morning fresh dish washing paste( zesty lemon) morning fresh dish washing paste( zesty lemon) morning fresh dish washing paste( original fresh) morning fresh dish washing paste( original fresh) morning fresh dish washing paste( original fresh) morning fresh dish washing paste( antibacterial) morning fresh dish washing paste( antibacterial) bloo active clean disinfectant toilet cleaner ( pine fresh) bloo active clean disinfectant toilet cleaner ( pine fresh) bloo active clean disinfectant toilet cleaner (citrus fresh) bloo active clean disinfectant toilet cleaner bloo active clean disinfectant toilet cleaner (ocean fresh) bloo active clean disinfectant toilet cleaner bloo active clean disinfectant toilet cleaner ( lavender fresh) bloo active clean disinfectant toilet cleaner (fruity fresh) Action Plus (Shine) Detergent Bloo Ach Clean - Listern Blocks- Yeyos Disinfectant - Kawa Double killing Powder - Farco Rapid kill-Aerosol Double killing Powder - Farco Rapid kill-Aerosol Farco Rapid Kill - Rats & Mouse Bait Pellets Fresb blue Fresh Blue Fresh Blue Fresh Blue Fresh Blue Fresh Blue Fresh Blue 3 In 1 Large Glue Traps - Blue Touch Large glue Traps for mice & Rats - Blue touch 500g 500g 1l 500ml 300ml 750ml 1kg 500ml 5l 5l 250g 500g 800g 800g 500g 250g 250g 500g 1l 500ml 1l 500ml 1l 500ml 1l 500ml litres 45g 1 litre 300ml 400ml 100g 3 in 1 2 in 1 2 X 50g 2 in 1 2 in 1 3 X 50g 32202 (2 traps) 32211 (2 traps) 13 21 4 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 21 5 1 15 1 6 14 9 50 29 30 56 10 8 10 34 8 20 3 102 8 47 2 1 5 1 1 2 28 3 pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs bottles packs bottles tins pcs circuts pcs Pack o f 2 balls pieces pc pack of 3 balls pieces b oxes boxes 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 6 161100 952270 6 161100 952287 6 161100 952362 6 161110 530086 6 161110 530024 6 161110 530109 6 161110 530079 6 161105 30062 6 161110 530048 6 931492 322117 6 931492 322209 Mortein Doom Mortein Doom - Power Guard Mortein Doom - Power Guard Odorex - (air freshener) - Tropical fruits Odorex - Disnfectant Balls Odorex - Disnfectant Balls Odorex - Forest fruits Odorex (Berries) Odorex (forest fruits) Roach Glue Traps (Trampa para Cucaraclas) - Blue touch Roach Inn 300ml 400ml 300ml 1560g 200g 120g 150g 150g 50g 32211 (4 Road traps) 322202 (2traps) 8 1 4 104 2 9 44 83 2 18 4 tins tin tins boxes pkts pkts boxes boxes boxes boxes boxes 1 3 6 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 10 6 5 1 1 1 2 13 13 1 7 2 2 1 3 2 tin tins bottles tins tins tin tin tins bottles boxes pcs bottles tins tins tins tin tin tin bottles bottles bottles tin bottles tins tins tin tins tins HAIR MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS - SHAMPOO/ REMOVER/ OILS ETC 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 8 02535 00117 6 8 02535 00504 4 6 49010 75126 9 6 49010 751337 0 3428 55315 9 8 38891 02012 4 8 38891 02010 0 6 161100 042049 6 161100 042308 8 02535 00303 3 4 015000 520027 6 161100 042308 6 161101 011112 3 610340 010033 2 100811 016028 8 02535 00504 6 161100 042223 3 600540 944597 3 610340 011788 6 166110 045163 6 161100 045620 6 161100 042216 7 94258 00720 0 6 49010 75155 9 6 49010 75163 4 6 49010 75169 6 6 49010 75109 2 6 164001 139245 Protective mega Growth Protective mega Growth - Leave in Do Grow Mega Thick Doo Grow Tripple Strength Growth/lotion Olive Oil Organics Extra Virgin (Moisturerizing C natureplex Gel Velvet Hydrating Natureplex Lotion Vitamin Infused Aleo Miadi Cholesterol Treatment Miadi Neuttralizing shampoo Perfective Growth Renew root rebound EXOTIC Garden Miadi - Neutralising Shampoo Aleo Vera Hair Food Dark and lovely rich and natural hair food Jireh Hair Food Protective Mega Growth - Leave in Miadi Olive Oil - Relaxer - Super Dark and Lovely Precise Daimond (regular) Scalp Wash Braids n' Weaves Black Silk - Oil Moisturising Lotion Black Silk - Leave in Treatment Miadi - Olive oil Relaxer - Super T- Tree - Parnevu - Leave in Conditiner Doo Grow (Hair Vitalizer mega Thick) Doo Grow (Hair Vitalizer Triple Strength) Doo Grow Medicated Hair Vitalizer Doo Grow Mega Thick Intensive Repair La Belle (Hair food) 425g 425g/120z 178ml 350ml 444ml 80l 80l 200g 475ml 425g 150ml 475ml 200g 150ml 250g 425g/120z 400g 450ml 100ml 237ml 250ml 200g 354 ml 100ml 100ml 113g 450g 150g 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 6 164000 613432 6 164001 139603 6 164001 139191 7 94258 00710 1 7 94258 00710 1 6 161100 042292 6 161100 042254 8 690131 690465 7 94258 00820 7 6 161100 045590 4 015000 536738 6 281031 243671 6 161100 042421 6 161100 043077 6 161100 042476 6 161100 045637 3 610340 013607 6 164000 613166 6 161107 220402 6 164000 613159 7 94258 00720 0 8 02535 11405 0 6 161100 043114 6 164000 313432 6 281031 246818 6 32169 11172 5 6 161100 042056 6 161100 042414 6 161100 042438 5 000101 959417 6 006174 000284 6 164001 139269 6 161100 042285 6 32169 11099 5 6 32169 11069 8 6 161107 220457 6 32169 12011 6 6 161102 002379 6 161102 002492 8 410269 918787 la Belle Hairfood La Belle Perfumed Jelly La Belle Perfumed Jelly T tree Herbal Grow T-tree Herbal Grow Miadi - Protein Reconstructor Miadi Olive Oil - Relaxer - Regular Nail Polish Remover - Farmasi - (Rose) T- Tree Braid Spray Black Silk - Neutralising Shampoo Cream & oil, Silk & Mongolia Fresh & Oil Hibiscus & Cranberry Miadi - Herbal Gro Pomade TCB - Hair food Miadi Olive Oil Relaxer (supper) Black silk Hairfood Dark and Lovely Ultra Cholestrol Moist Jelly Moist Jelly Moist Jelly Balry T-tree leave in Conditioner Protective Mega Growth - Hair & Scalp TCB Naturals - Hair & Scalp Conditioner Stressed Hair Moist Hair Pomade Nutri Skin Acai Berry ORS - Elastic - I - TEA Miadi (cholesterol Treatment) Miadi Hair food Miadi Herbal Gro - Pomade Cussom Carex Complete Aleo Vera Refreshing gel Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginning Soft n' Straight la Belle Pink Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion Miadi Protein Treatment Olive Oil ORS Extra Strength) ORS Olive Oil Cream Hair Dress Radiant Braid Spray T tree Herbal Oil (ors) Venus Hair Food Venus Hair Food anti-breakage Venus Moisturizing Curl Activator Wells Almond Oil B.P 340ml 450g 250g 170g 170g 200g 400g 100ml 354ml 475ml 250ml 250ml 200g 170g 1KG 200g 450ml 500g 500g 425g 354ml 142g/50z 283g, 333ml 250g 250ml 248ml 400g 400g 400g 50ml 200ml 100G 227g 250ml 156g 275ml 210ml 110g 70ml 2 tins 3 tins 2 tins tins 1 tin 2 tins 3 tins 47 bottles 2 bottles 2 bottles 4 pcs 3 pcs 1 tin 6 Tins 4 tins 1 tin 3 tins 1 tin 1 tin 1 tin 1 bottle 4 tins 2 Tins 1 tin 6 pcs 4 bottles 2 tins 6 tins 2 tins 1 bottle 7 boxes 5 bottles 1 tin 3 boxes 2 tins 1 tin 1 tin 1 tin 1 tin 5 tins 1 bottle 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 6 008166 000074 6 161100 042193 8 02535 00115 2 6 008166 000098 6 000166 000067 6 161100 040007 5 000101 946400 5 000101 346170 5 000101 665400 5 000101 959417 5 000101 959509 0 45836 00600 0 6 281031 245972 3 610340 001154 8 690506 421076 8 690506 421106 6 164000 324147 5 000101 989919 6 164001 742032 6 164001 139313 6 164001 139306 6 164001 139313 6 164001 139606 6 716592 978194 4 891228 480028 6 164000 324116 0 75285 10886 4 0 75285 10885 7 0 75285 00742 6 Floral (Mossi chips) - Fragrance Flower Miadi - Braids Spray Protective mega Growth Regular Mossi chips Sandal Fragrance - Mossi Chips BIC 1 Carex Complet - Bacteria Protect - Zinc Carex Complete - Original Carex Complete - Aloe Vera Hand wash Carex Complete - Aloer Vera - Refreshing & Hand Gel Carex Complete - Moisture Plus Castrol Oil Hair Treatment Cream and Oil Cocoa Butter oil & Cocoa oil Dark & Lovely - Diamond Rich Duru Gourmet Duru Natural Herbal - Shampoo (Green) Imperial leather - Citrus burst Kawa Hand Gel (KH) La Belle - Hair Shampoo (Pink) La Belle - Hair Shampoo (Pink) La Belle - Hair Shampoo (Yellow) La Belle - Hair Shampoo (yellow) Samona Conditioner Schick Silk effects Shampoo - Egg Silk (Yellow) Soft sheen Carson Moisturizing Finishing Lotion soft sheen Carson Moisturizing Finishing Lotion Softsheen Carson shape transformer C/wrap 475ml 236g 250ml 250ml 250ml 50ml 250ml 213g 250ml 265ml 300ml 300ml 1.0Ltrs 300ml 1ltr 500ml 1ltr 500ml 1ltr 1ltr 1.0Ltrs 500ml 250ml 4584ml 6 3 5 6 8 56 4 10 10 5 9 4 6 5 1 2 10 1 3 5 5 8 4 1 45 7 2 1 2 boxes bottles bottles boxes boxes pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs tins pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs bottles bottle bottles BODY LOTIONS 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 6 164000 715020 6 164000 715157 6 164000 715180 0 170000 0348 6 161104 891131 6 161104 891049 6 161100 043992 6 161100 043947 6 009639 030925 6 164000 613043 Samona Skin Care - Jelly Samona Skin Care - Perfumed Samona Skin Care - Perfumed All Day Freshness Aloevera Lotion Aloevera Lotion Amara Baby Petroleum Jelly Amara Baby Petroleum Jelly Avis Body Jelly Baby Jelly 100g 150g 100g 473ml 250ml 400ml 250g 100g 250ml 110g 3 3 3 8 1 pcs 25 pcs 10 20 1 25 pcs 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 0 261690 68644 6 490107 51016 5 012551 010566 0 342855 5716 0 101810 40085 0 101810 40009 0 101810 41655 0 101810 41808 0 458360 01074 6 161102 005841 6 161102 005834 6 161102 006872 8 998103 100999 8 998103 000947 8 856159 542017 5 151102 006858 8 850169 547210 6 008879 012340 6 008879 012326 6 161102 006834 6 161102 00948 6 008879 012357 6 161102 004816 8 998103 000978 0 170000 4452 0 170000 4797 0 170009 9743 0 170000 91181 0 170000 46495 0 170000 71916 0 170009 94499 6 164001 204813 8 690506 395049 8 690506 006228 8 690506 415051 8 690506 34112 8 690506 421076 8 690564 21076 8 690506 398873 8 690506 398873 8 690506 481120 Body fantansies - cucumber melon fantasy Bonus Shampoo Cherry Blossom & Vitamin E Cocoa Butter & Shea Butter Cocoa Butter Formula A - Vitamin E. Cocoa Butter Formula A - Vitamin E. Cocoa Butter Formula A - Vitamin E. Cocoa Butter Formula A - Vitamin E-Lotion Cocoa Butter no Petroleum Jelly Cussons Baby - perfumed Jelly Cussons Baby - unperfumed Cussons Baby Aloe Vera jelly Cussons Baby Head to Toe Wash Cussons Baby Lotion Cussons Baby Lotion - Soft & Smooth Cussons Baby Natural Cussons Baby oil Cussons Baby Perfumed Jelly Cussons Baby Perfumed Jelly Cussons Baby Unperfumed Jelly Cussons Morning fresh - super concentrate Cussons unperfumed Jelly Cussons Ushindi - Gentle dish washing liquid soap CussonsBaby Lotion Dial Natural Moisurizing Body wash Dial Naturals - Moisturising Body wash Dial Nutri skin Dial Round - The Clock Odor - Protection Dial Round - The Clock Odor - Protection for Men Dial Round - The Clock Odor - Protection-All freshness Dial Triple Moisture Dishwashing Care Duru Conditioning Shampoo for Coloured hair Duru Conditioning Shampoo for dry & damaged hair Duru Conditioning Shampoo for fine Weak Hair Duru Conditioning Shampoo for Normal hair Duru Gourmet Duru Gourmet Duru Moods - Liquid Soap Duru moods Liquid Soap Duru Natural 443ml 300mls 600ml 355ml 200g 100g 400ml 250ml 213g 275ml 275ml 110g 200ml 100ml 200ml 275ml 200ml 110g 60ml 275mls 750ml 110ml 1000ml 200ml 400ml 473ml 354ml 473ml 473ml 473ml 473ml 500g 700ml 700ml 700ml 700ml 300ml 300ml 400ml 400ml 300ml 1 1 2 3 5 pcs 2 29 6 13 4 15 26 1 2 5 16 21 37 1 1 1 8 1 4 1 18 5 2 4 1 2 1 11 6 5 pcs 4 2 1 1 7 1 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 8 690506 451707 6 321691 1172 6 281031 245972 8 690131 006532 8 690131 006518 8 690131 651527 8 690131 651534 8 690131 651510 8 690131 101145 8 690131 006273 8 690131 651053 8 690131 653521 8 690131 651022 8 690131 656034 8 690131 651039 8 690131 690052 8 690131 690038 8 690131 006501 8 690131 006525 8 690131 002152 8 690131 002084 8 690131 002015 8 690131 001506 8 690131 001537 8 690131 1001520 8 690131 001513 8 690131 100414 8 690131 100353 8 690131 651046 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8 690131 100926 8 690131 100933 8 690131 100445 8 690131 540098 8 690131 677503 8 690131 001766 8 690131 651541 3 059943 009066 5 010159 894158 5 010159 894141 6 001374 026706 Duru Shampoo with Olive Oil Elastic -i-Tea Fa Cream & oil Cocoa Butter & Coco oil Farmasi - Antibacterial - Chamomile & Green Tea Farmasi - Antibacterial - Grape seed & Shea butter Farmasi - Energising Shower Gel - Berries & Vanilla & Orghid Farmasi - Exotic Shower Gel-Apricot & Coco & Mango Farmasi - Romantic -Shower Gel - Cherry, Almond & Pomegranate Farmasi Aloe Vera Therapy- Hair Conditioner Farmasi Body Care - Bubble bath Farmasi Cream- Hand Wash Farmasi Energising hand & body cream Farmasi Energising Hand Wash - Berries, Vanilla & Orchid Farmasi Exotic Body Scrub - Apricot Coco & Mango Farmasi Exotic Hand wash - Apricot & Coco & Mango Farmasi Facial Cleanser Milk - Dry & Sensitive Skin Farmasi Facial Cleanser Milk Normal & Combination Skin Farmasi Hand Care - Anti bacterial -Aloe Vera & Mongolia Farmasi Hand Care - Anti bacterial -Pomegranate & Vanilla Farmasi Hand Wash Farmasi Hand wash - Sunflower of Hope Farmasi Hand Wash - The Miracle of Nature Farmasi Herbal Line - Gentle daily wash Farmasi Herbal Line - Gently cleaning & oil control Farmasi Herbal Line - Natural Shiny Hair Farmasi Herbal Line - Revitalising & Repair Farmasi Milky - Hand wash Farmasi Orange - Hand wash Farmasi Refreshing Hand wash - Lime, Melon & Strawberry Farmasi Refreshing Hand Wash-lime, lemon, strawberry Farmasi Rose Therapy Hand Wash Farmasi Rose Therapy Shampoo Farmasi Sea Therapy Farmasi Skin Hydration Farmasi Tutti Fruitti - Balsam Farmasi Woman Soft Touch Farmsi Refreshing Shower Gel-Lime, Melonie, Strawberry Freshmatic Max Retin Gentle Essentials - Aloe Vera Gentle Essentials - Vitamin E Girl friend - Honey Twist Body Cream 700ml 240ml 250ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 1000ml 500ml 200ml 500ml 170ml 500ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 445ml 500ml 445ml 700ml 700ml 700ml 700ml 300ml 300ml 500ml 500ml 300ml 300ml 375ml 500ml 400ml 400ml 300ml 250ml 400ml 400ml 250g 8 1 4 14 1 2 9 4 4 8 1 6 2 17 3 5 8 9 9 8 6 11 8 3 17 8 23 6 1 2 pcs 31 16 5 4 17 13 8 1 3 1 2 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 5 000101 990752 5 000101 990762 6 161102 006483 5 000101 990250 5 000101 990250 5 000101 991974 8 003510 006564 6 164000 823091 6 164000 823015 6 164000 823008 6 164000 823039 6 164000 823008 5 000171 051202 6 003001 017989 6 001011 411353 6 001011 801529 6 003001 003562 6 008879 034267 6 008879 034250 6 161102 000122 6 161100043787 6 001087357258 6 001087012072 6 001087357272 6 001087357067 6 001087012027 6 001087357265 6 161104895689 6 161104895702 6 161104895177 6 161104897584 8 888103004970 8 888103004963 4 800888184030 4 800888182173 4 800888183996 6 161104 895559 5 161104 893342 6 221048 051647 5 010322 156054 6 161100 42339 Imperial Leather - Citrus Burst Imperial leather - Citrus burst Imperial leather - for men active Imperial Leather - Jasimine touch Imperial Leather Jasimine Touch Imperial Leather Soft Touch Intesa - Gel Doccia - Shampoo Jago - after Shave Jago - after Shave Jagor - After Shave Jagor - After Shave Jagor - After Shave John West Johnson's baby lightly frangranced aqueous Cream Johnson's Baby Moisturising lotion Johnson's Baby Powder Johnson's Healthy skin - Pure tissue oil Joy Body Lotion - Replenishing Joy Body Lotion - Replenishing Joy Body Lotion - Replenishing Amara natural glow nourishing avocado vaseline intensive care dry skin repair vaseline men body vaseline intensive care cocoa glow vaseline intensive care cocoa glow vaseline men body vaseline intensive care aloe soothe versman body versman body versman body versman cool Imperial leather classics luxurious fragrance softly soft and smooth rexona men-xtra cool rexona men- xtra cool rexona men-active Junior Perfumed Jelly Juniors Perfumed Jelly Life Bouy Marine Wash - Turtle Wax MIADI protein Reconstructor 300ml 300ml 175ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 250ml 1000ml 460ml 200ml 100ml 200ml 120g 500ml 500ml 400ml 500g 400ml 200ml 100ml 200ml 200ml 200ml 400ml 400ml 200ml 400ml 200ml 100ml 400ml 40ml 40ml 50ml 25ml 50ml 100g 250g 75g 500ml 400g 3 1 2 1 1 10 3 12 29 7 16 6 2 1 1 1 6 4 4 55 2 8 14 16 5 6 1 49 70 13 15 28 23 7 3 7 25 5 1 2 1 pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 8 004120 021480 8 004120 021510 8 004120 021527 8 004120 010200 8 004120 010200 8 004120 010194 5 021156 130163 6 164000 613081 6 164000 613050 6 164000 613050 6 154000 513210 6 164000 613074 6 164000 613081 6 161107 220402 6 161104 891162 6 161104 891179 4 005808 965540 4 005808 802104 4 005808 944439 4 005808 803132 4 005808 944552 5 009607 090012 6 009607 960029 4 005808 944613 4 005900 088635 6 009607 090029 6 009607 090258 6 009507 090210 6 161104 895542 6 161104 895535 6 161104 89555 6 161104 890028 6 101104 895627 6 161104 895634 6 161104 89511 6 161104 890073 6 161104 8900 6 161104 895498 6 161104 890158 6 009622 390104 6 009622 390098 Milmil Coccia Body wash Milmil Doccia Body Shower White Musk Milmil Doccia Body Shower Yorghurt & Milk Milmil Shampoo - Green apple Milmil Shampoo - Melarede Milmil Shampoo Neutral miele Miraglo Furniture Polish Movit Movit Baby Jelly Movit Baby Jelly - Petroleum Jelly Movit Herbal Jelly Movit Herbal Jelly Movit Herbal Jelly Movit Petroleum Jelly Neem Lotion Neem Lotion Nevia - Body Lotion - Moisturising Nevia - Body Lotion - Nourishing Nevia - Body Lotion - Smooth Sensation Nevia - Body Lotion Moisturising Nevia - Body Lotion- Repair & Care Nevia - Crème Nevia - Crème Nevia - Men Body Lotion Hydration Nevia - Men Energy Nevia Crème Nevia Perfumed Petroleum Jelly Nevia Petroleum Jelly Nice & Lovely - Juniors Perfumed Jelly Nice & Lovely - Juniors Perfumed Jelly Nice & Lovely - Juniors Perfumed Jelly Nice & Lovely - Perfumed Baby Jelly Nice & Lovely - Perfumed Herbal Jelly Nice & Lovely - Perfumed Herbal Jelly Nice & Lovely - Perfumed Petroleum Jelly Nice & Lovely - Perfumed Petroleum Jelly Nice & Lovely - Perfumed Petroleum Jelly Nice & Lovely - Petroleum Jelly Nice & Lovely - Pure Baby Jelly Nice & Lovely Avocado Oil Nice & Lovely Avocado Oil 300ml 300ml 500ml 1000ml 1000ml 1000ml 300ml 250g 250g 250g 500g 110g 250g 500g 400ml 200ml 100ml 200ml 100ml 200ml 100ml 50ml 150ml 100ml 250ml 150ml 250g 250g 250g 800g 100g 100g 250g 100g 500g 250g 100g 500g 250g 300ml 100ml 4 6 3 3 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 12 1 3 28 75 20 28 31 23 31 8 12 12 24 1 1 2 7 8 2 16 12 3 5 11 35 4 6 1 12 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 6 161104 891018 6 009622 390012 6 161104 895610 6 009622 390272 6 161104 898994 6 161104 895535 5 151104 895474 6 161104 891087 6 151104 891094 5 012251 010580 0 342855 54125 0 342855 5315 8 906048 840092 8 906048 840078 6 161104 890028 6 181104 895627 6 161104 895634 6 009607 0902041 5 151104 895511 6 161104 890073 6 151104 890065 6 161104 890558 6 161104 890110 6 009607 090685 4 800888 182128 6 161102 000160 6 161102 006018 5 032619 507071 6 154000 715006 6 164000 715051 6 164000 715228 0 382760 0901 6 164000 715259 0 110250 15004 6 162060 481961 6 001087 357272 6 001087 012041 6 161100 605268 8 160099 7 6 160098 0 6 161102 002386 Nice & Lovely Carrot Lotion Nice & Lovely Hair food Nice & Lovely perfumed Herbal Jelly Nice & Lovely Pink Oil Moisturiser - Hair lotion Nice and Lovely - Fruitilicious shower & Bath Nice and Lovely Junior Perfumed Jelly Nice and Lovely perfumed Jelly NKE & Loven Natural Honey NKE & Loven Natural Honey Ocean Spa & Vitamin E Olive Oil Olive oil Body Whip - Moisturising cream Ozana Rose Ozona Mix Fruit & Cream Perfumed Baby Jelly Perfumed Herbal Jelly Perfumed Herbal Jelly Perfumed Petroleum Baby Jelly Perfumed Petroleum Jelly Perfumed Petroleum Jelly Perfumed Petroleum Jelly Pure Baby Jelly Pure Petroleum Jelly Pure Petroleum Jelly Rexona - Shower cream Roberts - Antiseptic Disinfectant Roberts Antiseptic Disinfectant Salad Cream Samona Herbal Jelly Samona Herbal Soap Samona Skin Care - Non Perfumed Scurl "No Drip" Skin Care Perfumed Sudo Cream- Antiseptic Healing Cream Tuku Green Apple Vaseline - Cocoa glow Vaseline - Men Body Lotion Vaseline Blue Seal Vaseline Blue Seal Vaseline Blue Seal Venus - Hair food 200ml 100ml 500g 250ml 400 ml 500g 500g 400ml 200ml 600ml 355ml 444ml 75g 75g 100g 250g 100g 100g 500g 250g 100g 250g 250g 50g small 100ml 500ml 285g 250g 120g 250g 236ml 250g 250g 500ml 200ml 200ml 250ml 100ml 50ml xxxx 1 2 2 6 3 6 5 4 5 1 4 1 pcs 4 1 14 5 1 1 15 8 9 5 3 5 4 3 1 4 6 3 1 1 6 1 1 1 3 11 5 1 457 458 459 460 461 6 161102 002782 6 161102 002775 6 161104 891056 6 161101 010689 6 162060 481985 462 463 464 465 466 467 6 001087005432 4 015000540421 4 015000520010 4 015000914253 4 005900098238 6 295124006227 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6 161101890274 6 161101890083 6 009614480134 6 009614480158 6 009614480127 6 161101891189 6 161101890168 6 161100760684 6 161100760691 6 161100760707 6 009614480216 6 009614480189 6 161101890113 6 161101890144 Venus leave in Treatment Venus Nuetralising Shampoo Vitamin E Vovin Lemon flavour - Dish washing liquid soap Zuku Green apple - Liquid soap 250ml 250ml 200ml 1000ml 1000ml 1 10 21 1 2 Axe Twist Deodorant body spray Fa Deodorant Blue Romance Fa Deodorant Caribbean Lemon Fa Natural & Power with absorbing bamboo extract Nivea energy fresh Shirley may Love ( body spray) 150ml 150ml 150ml 150ml 150ml 200ml 6 2 1 2 4 1 pcs pcs pc pcs pcs pc 52 238 99 27 115 3 7 15 78 98 187 6 50 38 1 1 23 13 55 10 4 113 44 6 6 pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs DEODORANTS OTHER TOILETERIES: TOILET PAPER ROLLS/KITCHEN TISSUE/NAPKINS/FOIL/FILM 6 009611180051 6 009611180006 6 161100760943 6 161100761308 6 161101890823 6 161101890786 6 161101890755 6 161101890762 6 161101890205 9 333527076557 cosy white toilet paper cosy white toilet paper velvex premium toilet rolls velvex premium toilet rolls velvex premium toilet rolls fay quilted toilet paper fay quilted toilet paper velvex designer napkins (blue) velvex designer napkins (green) velvex designer napkins (red) velvex hankies- premium multipurpose tissues velvex kitchen towels fay serviettes ( blue) fay serviettes (pink) fay serviettes (white) fay facial tissue fay facial tissues (white) velvex aluminium foil velvex cling film fay cling film fay foil fay foil 30cm*5m fay foil 45cm*5m fay kitchen towels cling wrap 60m*30cm 10roll pack 1 roll 10roll pack 4 roll pack 1 roll 10roll pack 1 roll 100sheets 100sheets 100sheets 60sheets 2 roll pack 100 sheets 100sheets 50 sheets 60m 15m 60m 5m 5m 2 roll pack LOT 2 REFERENCE MANUAL ITEM TOTAL MEASUREMENTS COUNT DESCRIPTION UNIT MEAS. NO. ROYCO 1 2 3 4 6 6 6 6 5 6 7 8 8 8 6 6 161100 161100 161100 161100 605459 605534 605428 605428 Royco Royco Royco Royco Muchuzi Muchuzi Muchuzi Muchuzi Mix Mix Mix Mix - Beef Flavour Chicken Flavour Beef Flavour Beef Flavour 500g 200g 55g 55g 39 14 18 16 Tins Tins Tins Tins Divella Divella Italiano Italiano 500g 500g 400g 500g 5 11 16 13 pcs pcs pcs pcs Jenan 500g 17 pcs Paone Pasta Di Jemola - digrand duro Selva (Spagetti) Spirali (Pastiticio Riscossa) 500g 500g 250g 5000g 137 6 51 37 pcs pcs pcs pcs 350g 250g 250g 250g 250g 225g 250g 5 2 11 29 25 10 1 tins pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs SPAGETTI/MACAROONI 005121 005121 223001 223001 000405 000122 310314 510772 9 6 290410 210098 10 11 12 13 8 6 8 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 008455 291003 690890 011780 008202 150173 001014 009505 OTHERS FOODSTUFFS : IN PACKETS/TINS ETC 925467783909 221012 250038 223001 972457 223001 972488 223001 972013 223001 971412 223001 971986 Quality cow local Ghee Crisp Rice Toons Bran flakes Toons Choko flakes Toons Choko mix Toons Choko Rice Crisps Toons Conflakes 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 6 223001 976996 6 223001 972051 6 223001 971160 6 221012 370118 6 704903650570 6 704903620054 6 009601 430616 6 221012 250021 6 164001286017 6 161101 450775 0 1727335034 6 162000024012 6 161101450744 8 005695009521 8 0409731 6 291003501131 6 223001510826 6 704903650057 6 704903630063 6 290410210095 6 161103120164 4 28466120313 8 008453004200 8 008857300764 6 00883500640 8 011780009277 9 555218 707117 6 164000 817281 6 164008 17298 xxxxxxxxxx 0 4 1331 02442 8 901047 00522 9 555218 709258 Toons Honey Crisps Toons prosted flakes Toons strawberry filled Fruit rings Pure odi butter Pure odi butter Rich Tea Ginger Biscuits Loopy nut Pam (simnut butter) White oats - Natural & wholesome American garden popcorn Corn flour Nutri-rich white oats Pomodori secchi Copperi Hayat Italiano Premiumm pasca Jajopa Natural Honey Jajopa Natural Honey Jenan Mukwano Nacho sliced jalapenopeppers Paone Pasta Reggia Peptang Riscossa Sweetcorn -Kernel Naturally dried dates Naturally Hazel nuts butter Beans - Goya Pinto Beans - Goya Chaminar Basmati Rice Apricot Halves - in syrup 250g 255g 250g 375g 850g 500g 1kg 250g 400g 1kg 240g 400g 500g 520g 120g 400g 1ltr 500g 300g 500ml 473mls 500g 500g 500g 500g 425g 439g 822g 825g 15 20 26 14 20 30 2 11 20 2 3 19 7 3 1 17 18 pcs pcs pcs pcs tins tins pcs pcs tins pcs boxes 70 1 18 1 5 17 1 2 6 4 4 7 1 2 17 tins boxes tins tin tin tins pkts pkts tins tins pkta tins 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 900852921018 900852921032 161107775605 161107770020 032619507514 240101 60003 290410 130006 290410 140005 Cow & gate nutri junior cow & gate nutri Fortune Golden Golden country baby cereal wheat & milk Instant noodles - Chicken flavour Instant noodles- onion Chicken flavour Instant noodles- Vegetable flavour 400g 400g 500ml 62 63 64 65 66 6 6 6 6 6 161103810072 161103810133 161103810195 161107770020 008835000213 Instant porridge Maganjo breakfast cereal maganjo toto infant cerael Ofuta Peptang vinegar 300g 500g 500g 500ml 200ml Kilimanjaro café Tanica café Uganda Arabica roasted coffee Uganda Arabica roasted coffee Tanica café Barilla stelline Kayonza Tea Kayonza tea Kilimanjaro coffee mac coffee mac coffee Masaba Espresso pure coffee Masaba Espresso pure coffee 40g 40g 1kg 500g 50g 500g 1kg 1kg 40gms 100g 250g 500g 71 58 16 65 57 30 38 38 67 25 21 136 58 80 7 640124 370264 Savanah Espresso Gold 250g 77 81 82 83 84 Savanah Espresso Gold savannah gold savannah gold zigoti coffee 500g 1kg 500g 250gms 15 11 pcts 24 pcts 4 pcts 400g 8 14 3 4 18 9 59 49 pcs pcs pcs pkts pkts pkts 2 boxes 2 pcs 3 pcs 4 6 COFFEE AND TEA 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 6 6 1 1 6 8 5 6 6 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 1 009622390153 009622390092 479412504236 479412504228 009622390016 076800315271 16400094859 164000948596 009622590153 887290130011 887290130394 640124 370233 640124 370219 640124 370271 640124370288 640124370271 479412504250 pcs pcts pcts tins tins SOFT DRINKS AND OTHER RELATED ITEMS 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 164000564468 1640000564529 164000564512 164000564482 164000564321 164000564338 164000564451 164000564437 164000564499 164000564420 164000564307 164000564277 164000564284 164000564383 164000564390 164000564284 164000564277 164000564406 164000564307 164000564314 cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing pineapple flavoured drink pineapple flavoured drink mango flavoured drink black currant flavoured drink orange flavoured drink mango flavoured drink mango flavoured drink strawberry flavoured drink strawberry flavoured drink black currant flavoured drink black currant flavoured drink mango flavoured drink pineapple flavoured drink orange flavoured drink mango flavoured drink pineapple flavoured drink mango flavoured drink pineapple flavoured drink black currant flavoured drink strawberry flavoured drink 3l 5l 5l 5l 1.5l 1.5l 3l 2l 3l 2l 1l 1l 1l 2l 2l 1l 1l 2l 1l 1l 3 9 11 2 19 16 5 5 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 5 8 7 9 pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs 24 6 009602540215 Red Muscadel Orange River Cellars 3 btls 25 6 161100421400 Altar Wine 2 btls 26 8 011835002536 ToMao Castellonorato Dry white wine 5 btls 27 5 602926827157 OmZado Bruto Natural 2 btls 28 5 602926927116 OmZado Vinho Regional Alentejano Branco white 5 btls 29 5 602926927123 OmZado Vinho Regional Alentejano Tinto Red 2 btls 30 0 85000003817 E & J V.S.O.P Superior Reserve Brandy 31 8 010376002203 Quotidiano 1 btl 32 2 100001050146 Il greco Ciccariello 1 btl 33 0 87000006928 Captain Morgan Jamaican Rum 4 btls 34 8 004300012826 La Cacciatora Barolo 5 btls 35 7 501012916127 Tequila Camino Real 13 btls 36 5 601083641101 Sandeman white Porto 6 btls 37 5 601083001592 Sandeman ruby porto 2 btls 38 3 049197110076 Courvoisier Cognac 4 btls 39 0 85000004135 E & J Brandy 750ml 4 btls 40 6 001496011796 Viceroy Old liqueur Brandy 41 3 058080068219 Kriter Blancde blanc brut 7 btls 42 8 011835002178 Ciccariello Frascati dry white wine 75cl 1 btl 43 8 011835002178 Frascati prodotho in Italia (secco) 1 btl 44 6 161100421271 Caprice Sweet red table wine 45 6 161100421288 Caprice sweet white table wine 46 8 004300011584 La Cacciatora bonarda dell'oltrepo pavese 3 btls 47 8 004300550144 Piemonte Brachetto Dolce 2 btls 48 4 003310152403 Henkell Trocken 4 btls 49 6 009679750432 Perdeberg winery Chardonnay/ viognier 1 btl 50 3 262153108751 Le Rose' de Mouton Cadet Bordeaux Rose 1 btl 51 9 300694370849 Angove Chalk Hill Blue Semillon Chardonnay 750ml 1 btl 52 6 001812500034 Zappa red 750ml 4 btls 53 6 0018125000041 Zappa white 750ml 3 btls 54 6 001495080007 Chamdor Sparkling Grape 2 btls 27 btls 15 btls 6 btls 19 btls 55 6 001495080106 chamdor sparkling red grape 1 btl 56 9 300694339846 Angove Butterfly Ridge 750ml 1 btl 57 4 067700012081 Jagermeister wolfen Buttel 750ml 6 btls 58 9 300770044886 Eagle Hawk Wolf blass 3 btls 59 6 001812501109 Triple see Butters 750ml 5 btls 60 6 001812501147 Butters pepper mint 3 btls 61 7 21059667500 Skyy Infusion 62 8 004300013618 Love of God Altar wine 1 btl 63 3 263286314996 Baron d'Arignac 4 btls 64 6 002123103006 Simonsig (Chenin Blanc) 5 btls 65 6 002123109008 Simonsig (Chardonnay) 3 btls 66 8 004300489048 La Marchesina (Brut) 2 btls 67 8 004300588048 La Marchesina (Gran Dessert) 1 btl 68 3 4381000597 Muscador Rose 2 btls 69 6 001495200504 Drostdy Hof Extra light 70 6 002390102306 Swartland winery 4 btls 71 6 004786007752 Arniston Bay Crist & fruity 2 btls 72 6 161101600811 V & A 200 ml 2 btls 73 6 001496010577 Kliporift 74 8 007355006017 Ferrari Brut Metodo classico 1 btl 75 2 100001385668 Ferrari Maximum Brut 1 btl 76 8 011835001119 Ciccariello Castelli romani 1 litre 2 btls 77 8 010103930864 Richot Brandy 4 btls 78 6 002123112008 Simonsig stellen Bosch Gewurztraminer 8 btls 79 3 035131652108 Cuve'e spe'ciale vin Blanc white wine 750ml 8 btls 80 6 001812011929 Saint Vincent Clisp & lively 4 btls 81 6 001495000357 Durbanville Hills Chardonnay 6 btls 82 8 410702004558 Penasol Airen 83 9 300694363643 Angove Butterfly Ridge 750ml 84 3 035540005663 St. Remy Ala Crème 85 8 902147011548 Crown whisky 47 btls 10 btls 15 btls 2 btls 13 btls 1 btl 64 btls 86 8 902147010947 8 P.M whisky 18ml 72 btls 87 8 902147010923 8 P.M whisky 750ml 2 btls 88 6 161107600266 Honey Dew Brandy 89 8 902147011524 Crown whisky 750ml 90 0 89627128502 Concannon Sauvignon Blanc 91 6 002390131306 Indalo Chenin Blank 92 6 00150690567 Sauvignon Blank Ancient Earth 5 btls 93 8 004300033036 Crested Crane Sweet red wine 8 btls 94 8 004300033012 Cresred Crane Dry white wine 11 btls 95 8 004300032992 Crested Crane Dry Red wine 96 3 347590002951 Beehive Napoleon 70cl 11 btls 97 3 012993017917 Beehive Honey 70cl 21 btls 98 3 012993017948 Beehive Honey 1 ltr 99 6 001495001088 Richelieu 12 btls 100 8 901199014057 Aristocrat premium whisky 375ml 22 btls 101 8 901199014101 Aristocrat whisky 22 btls 102 6 164002746084 Great Lakes special Dry Gin 200ml 17 btls 103 8 901199018024 Aristocrat Brandy special reserve 375ml 5 btls 104 8 901199015023 Aristocrat Rum 375ml 1 btl 105 8 901199014064 Aristocrat Premium 180ml 2 btls 106 8 901199018017 Aristocrat Brandy 750ml 5 btls 107 8 901199015016 Aristocrat Rum 750ml 5 btls 108 8 011835002475 Poggio delle Sassaie chianti 2 btls 109 6 161101600804 V & A 750ml 2 btls 110 6 001495201037 Drostdy Hof 27 btls 111 9 311043078279 Hardys Chardonnay 1 btl 112 8 000013003458 Pirovano 1 btl 113 8 000013003465 Carbernet Pirovano 2 btls 114 6 009603930541 Kibao Vodka 350ml 3 btls 115 6 009603930992 Kibao Vodka 750ml 1 btl 116 6 161100420823 Kibao Vidka 250ml 1 btl 1 btl 11 btls 7 btls 11 btls 6 btls 6 btls 117 6 002045001909 Neethlingshof Estate 2 btls 118 3 250390033677 Delagne & fils Brut Rose 1 btls 119 6 164002892019 Silverback premium Vodka 700ml 6 btls 120 6 164002892026 Silverback premium Vodka 350ml 8 btls 121 8 000020005285 Cinzano prosecco 2 btls 122 1 00001455148 Prosecco extra dry 1 btls 123 6 161107600211 London No. 1 premium white Gin 350ml 4 btls 124 6 161107600181 Meakin's London dry Gin 2 btls 125 8 901199016020 Aristocrat extra dry Gin 375ml 33 btls 126 6 164002746060 Great lakes special Dry Gin 750ml 10 btls 127 6 164002746077 Great lakes Special Dry Gin 350ml 1 btl 128 6 164002746091 Great lakes Special Dry Gin 200ml 24 btls 129 6 164002746046 Victoria dry gin 200ml 5 btls 130 6 164002746039 Victoria dry gin 200ml 38 btls 131 6 164002746022 Victoria dry gin 350ml 30 btls 132 6 164002746015 Victoria dry gin 750ml 11 btls 133 6 161101602693 Richot Brandy 200ml 39 btls 134 8 901199016013 Aristocrat extra dry gin 750ml 3 btls 135 8 41041400466 Eristoff 70cl 4 btls 136 8 901199017256 Ice Vodka 7 btls 137 6 161100420601 Royal Dry Gin 750ml 6 btls 138 8 000570000433 Bosford London dry gin 6 btls 139 8 902147000511 Magic Moments 140 6 164002746169 Vigor 141 6 16400276114 Legitimate whisky 750ml 6 btls 142 6 164002746121 Legitimate whisky 350ml 4 btls 143 6 164002746145 Legitimate whisky 200ml 3 btls 144 6 164002746138 Legitimate whisky 200ml 28 btls 145 6 009603930046 Milano Bianco 2 btls 146 9 311043078279 Hadys 1 btl 147 3 159560700077 Chablis 1 btl 3 btls 19 btls 148 5 000289021203 Gordon's London dry gin 20cl 8 btls 149 8 011835002352 Pinot Grigio 1 btls 150 2 100001050140 Il greco Ciccariello 1 btl 151 3 500610031281 Chateau Fonfroide Bordeaux 1 btl 152 6 001452272896 Nederburg Stein 2014 750ml 2 btls 153 8 410702004558 Penasol Airen 1 btl 154 6 009602540215 Red Muscadel Orange River Cellars 1 btl 155 3 159560603804 Calvet 1 btl 156 8 011835002673 Orsano medium sweet white wine 1 btl 157 3 262152001756 Mouton Cadet 1 btl 158 8 011835001119 Ciccariello Castelli Romani 159 6 001497110016 J.C LeRouk extra dry sparkling wine 750ml 3 btls 160 8 004300011584 La Cacciatora bonarda Dell'oltre po'pavese 75cl 1 btl 161 9 300694370849 Angove Chalk hill blue 750ml 1 btl 162 8 906027632137 Tornado whisky 180ml 41 btls 163 8 906027632113 Tornado whisky 750ml 11 btls 164 5 010752000321 William Lawson's 165 8 901199014545 AC Neat whisky 750ml 9 btls 166 8 901199014552 AC Neat whisky 375ml 17 btls 167 8 901199014569 AC Neat whisky 180ml 27 btls 168 8 901199014446 AC Black whisky 750ml 9 btls 169 8 901199014453 AC Black whisky 180ml 17 btls 170 8 901199014095 Aristocrat whisky 750ml 2 btls 171 8 901199014040 Aristocrat premium whisky 750ml 3 btls 172 8 902147010923 8 P.M whisky & scotch 750ml 4 btls 173 8 002230000302 Aperol Aperitiso 70cl 5 btls 174 6 001496010577 Klipo Rift 750ml 3 btls 175 4 069874 Black Tower 75cl 176 6 009603930503 Hunter's choice 750ml 9 btls 177 6 161100420786 Hunter's choice 250ml 39 btls 178 6 009603930510 Hunter's choice 350ml 1 btl 1 btl 9 btls 25 btls 179 6 161101602693 Richot Brandy 200ml 9 btls 180 5 000289021203 Gordon's london dry gin 20cl 1 btl 181 8 90119018024 Aristocrat Brandy 375ml 11 btls 182 8 901556019749 Afri Bull café rum 80ml 7 btls 183 8 901199015023 Aristocrat Rum 375ml 8 btls 184 6 001452212007 Zomebloem sauvignon blanc 750ml 5 btls 185 6 001495000357 750ml 3 btls 186 8 000013005315 Terre Bianca vino bianco Durban ville hills chardonnay 75cl 4 btls 187 8 004300550144 Vino Spumante Piemonte, Brachetto 75cl 14 btls 188 8 004300489048 La Marchesina Vino spumante Brut 0.75cl 1 btl 189 6 00181250109 Tripple Sec Butters 750ml 6 btls 190 8 000013003540 Soave cantin Pirovano 75cl 5 btls 191 8 004300120545 Soave Casavinicola Caldirala 0.75cl 3 btls 192 8 004300124543 Casavinicola caldirala classico 75cl 1 btl 193 8 003446401327 Mancini latorretta 1ltr 12 btls 194 8 004300011867 La Cacciatora garganega chardonnay veneto 195 6 969696965045 Kals white sweet wine 750ml 1 btl 196 6 969696965014 Kals Red sweet wine 750ml 1 btl 197 2 100001050146 Il grene ciccariello 75cl 4 btls 198 8 0043005880448 La Marchesina gran Dessert 0.75cl 5 btls 199 6 002045001909 Nineethling shot estate 750ml 2 btls 200 8 011835001102 Ciccariello castelli romani 1ltr 1 btl 201 8 004300120545 Soave Casavinicola Caldirala 0.75cl 1 btl 202 8 011835002673 Onsano medium sweet white wine 0.75cl 2 btls 203 8 0118350022352 Ciccariello pinot grigio 75cl 2 btls 204 8 011835002154 Ciccariello Frascati 75cl 6 btls 205 8 008265017162 Inzolia goldo 0.75cl 5 btls 206 8 011537900645 Leukanos Basilicata Rosso 75cl 10 btls 207 8 010376002197 Quotidiano 750ml 19 btls 208 6 161105471455 Kitara wine (red) 300ml 8 btls 209 6 161105471431 Kitara wine (white) 300ml 7 btls 5 btls 210 3 262152001756 Mouton Cadet bordequk 75cl 15 btls 211 5 602926927116 UmZadu Branco white 75cl 5 btls 212 8 011835002536 Tomao Castellonorato dry white wine 75cl 6 btls 213 9 311043078279 Hardy's VR cahrdonnay fresh and fruity 750ml 3 btls 214 8 010376001688 Poggio alla gala famiglia gattavecchi 750ml 5 btls 215 8 410388001179 vega libre medium sweet 75cl 2 btls 216 9 300694339846 Angove butterfly ridge 750ml 1 btl 217 6 120050000004 Milano bianco vermouth 750ml 2 btls 218 6 161105471448 Kitara wine (red) 750ml 219 6 161105472780 Kitara wine rosy medium sweet 220 3 159560603804 Calvet carietals chardonnay 75cl 12 btls 221 8 0037531004127 Fragoline 75cl 6 btls 222 9 311043007743 Hardy's stamp of Australia 750ml 3 btls 223 5 010677915007 Martini Rosso 100cl 2 btls 224 5 010677924009 Martini Bianco 75cl 4 btls 225 5 010677935005 Martini Extra dry 100cl 9 btls 226 5 010677934008 Martini Extra dry 75cl 11 btls 227 8 007531001416 Gavi Morando 75cl 3 btls 228 9 311043078293 Hardy's VR varietal Range merlot 750ml 6 btls 229 9 311043078309 Hardy's VR varietal Range cabernet sauvignon 8 btls 15 btls 5 btls LOT 4 SHOE POLISH NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REFERENCE 6 161102 110067 6 161102 110074 6 161102 110050 6 161105 000266 6 161105 000259 6 161105 000228 6 161105 000211 6 161105 000297 6 161102 110241 6 161102 110456 6 161102 110272 6 161102 110463 6 161102 110289 6 161102 110227 6 161102 110258 6 161102 110234 6 161102 110296 6 161102 110722 6 161108 970108 6 161100 221017 6 160052 2 6 161108 970054 6 160053 9 6 160221 2 6 161102 1 10760 6 161102 1 10166 6 1611021 10180 6 1611021 10777 6 1611021 10487 6 1611089 75356 6 161110 530437 DESCRIPTION Ric Brown Suede Cleaner Ric Dark Brown Suede Cleaner Rick Mustard Suede Cleaner Super Shine Shoe Polish - Dark Tan Super Shine Shoe Polish - Dark Tan Super Shine Shoe Polish - Black Super Shine Shoe Polish - Black Super Shine Shoe Polish - Toney Red Ric Shoe Polish - Toney Red Ric Shoe Polish - Mid Brown Ric Shoe Polish - Dark Tan Ric Shoe Polish - Mid Brown Ric Shoe Polish - Dark Tan Ric Shoe Polish - Black Ric Shoe Polish - Toney Red Ric Shoe Polish - Black Ric Shoe Polish - Dark Tan Rio Shoe Polish - Black Kiwi Shoe Polish - Dark Tan Kiwi Shoe Polish - Dark Tan Kiwi Shoe Polish - Dark Tan Kiwi Shoe Polish - Toney Red Kiwi Shoe Polish - Toney Red Kiwi Shoe Polish - Black Ric Shoe Cream - Calf White Ric Shoe Cream - Calf White Ric Shoe Cream - Black Ric Shoe Cream - Black Ric Shoe Cream - Dark Tan Kiwi Shoe Cream - Dark Tan Rio Suede Cleaner - Brown ITEM MEASUREMENTS 100ml 100ml 120ml 80g 32g 32g 80g 80g 80g 80g 80g 32g 32g 32g 32g 12g 12g 40ml 80g 80g 12g 32g 12g 16g 60ml 110ml 110ml 60ml 110ml 100ml 100ml MANUAL TOTAL COUNT 77 37 36 141 245 49 161 53 107 85 72 42 88 39 70 57 12 617 53 42 143 232 154 337 22 26 4 23 34 1 20 UNIT MEAS. Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins Tins 32 6 223002 056118 33 6 223002 056125 34 6 161110 530420 Rio Shoe Polish - Black Rio Shoe Polish Brown Rio Suede Cleaner - Black 100ml 100ml 100ml 2 Tins 41 Tins 5 Tins LOT 5 SANITARY TOWELS/DIAPERS NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 REFERENCE 6 934212 206742 6 933192 296675 6 934212 260676 6 934212 206733 6 933725961339 6 933192 296651 6 933192 296668 6 933192 296651 6 933319 296644 6 934212 206780 6 934212 206739 6 933192 296644 6 928104992486 6 933192 296682 6 933192 296699 6 933192 296699 6 928104992455 8 690742 100766 8 690742 100643 8 690742 100742 8 690742150488 8 690742100766 8 690742 300180 8 690742 150488 8 690742 00759 8 690742 100873 6 161100 760707 6 001019 905892 6 224007 557174 DESCRIPTION 7 days 7 days Diapers 7 days Dry & breathable 7 days Dry & breathable 7 days extra large pads 7 days Maxi 7 days midi 7 days pampers 7 days pampers 7 days Pampers 7 days Pampers 7 days Pampers 7 days panty liners 7 days super baby daipers 7 days super baby diapers New & Improved 7 days Super diapers 7 days super plus pads Canbebe Canbebe - Comfort Dry Jumbo Canbebe 2 mini Canbebe 3 midi (4-9kg) Canbebe 3 midi (4-9kg) Canbebe -bebek bakim ortusu Canbebe comfort dry midi Comfort dry Comfort dry Designer Napkins Huggies -dry comfort Mofix 2 mini ITEM MEASUREMENTS 9-18kg (13pcs in @ pack) 3-7kg (40pcs in @ pack) M6-11KG (22pcs in @pack) M6-11kg (14pcs in @ pack 9-18kg (9pcs in @ pack) 5-11kg (10pcs in @ pack) 9pcs in @pack 3-7kgs (11pcs in @ pack 18 pcs in @ pack XI+11kg (12pcs in @ pack) 3-7kg (11pcs in @ pack) 36 pcs in @ pack 32 pcs in @ pack 9-18kg (32pcs in @ pack) 4-9kg (13pcs) 7-18kg (56pcs in @ pack) 3-6 kg (40pcs in @pack) 70pcs 13pcs 12 adet/ pcs 4-9kg (70pcs in @ pack) 100 pcs in @ pack 12-22kg (7daipers in @ pack) 3-6kg (40pcs in @ pack) TOTAL MANUAL COUNT 22 1 6 9 4 12 8 26 14 13 31 2 105 2 5 2 9 16 1 8 1 1 14 1 22 20 1 3 1 UNIT MEAS. pkts pkt pkts pkts pcs pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pcs pkts pkts pkts pcs pkts pkts pkts pck pck pkts pkt pcs pcs pkt pkts pkt 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 6 224007 557235 6 224007 557198 6 224007 557181 6 224007 557129 6 224007 557181 6 224007557150 6 224007557181 6 224007557174 6 224007557259 6 224007 557181 6 224007 557174 6 224007 557211 6 224007 557259 6 224007 557259 6 244007 557266 6 224007 557129 6 224007 557198 6 224007 557150 8 003110 481303 8 003110481303 6 161100 760387 6 164002122017 6 164002123014 6 164002 123014 6 161101 891523 6 161101 891493 6 161101 891516 6 161101 891509 3 384122 230550 3 384123 085006 2 100001 158668 6 163538 281106 6 933192296675 6 933192296668 6 933192296651 6 933192296699 6 164002 710191 6 164002 710153 6 164002 716177 Molfix Molfix Molfix Molfix Molfix - 2 mini Molfix (3-6kg) Molfix (3-6kg) Molfix (3-6kg) Molfix (7-18kg) Molfix 2 mini Molfix 2 mini Molfix -3 midi Molfix 4 Maxi Molfix Junior Molflix - 4 maxi Moltix Moltix Moltix - 2 min New born neonato Newborn mini(3-6kg) Paper napkins Princess 8+2 free pads Princess 8+2 maxi thick Princess Sanitary pads Sparkle Scouring Pads - (1 Pc in a packet) Sparkle Scouring Pads - (1 Pc in a Packet) Sparkle Scouring Pads - (12 Pcs in a packet) Sparkle Scouring Pads - (4 pcs in a Packet) Spontex Bathroom - Pink - (1 Pc in a Packet) Spontex Gratounett - Red - (1 Pc in a Packet) Spontex Scouring Pads - (1 Pc in a Packet) Spontex Scouring Pads - (4 Pcs in a Packet) Super Baby Diapers (7 days) (3-7kg) Super Baby Diapers (7 days) (5-11kg) Super Baby Diapers (7 days) (9-18 kg) Super baby diapers maxi (9-18kg) Wellness Daipers (feather soft) Wellness funky pants Wellness funky pants 7-18kg (8pcs in @ pack) 4-9kg (9pcs in @ pack) 2min 80pcs in @ pack 11-25kg (7pcs in @ pack 3-6kg (80pcs in @Pack) 10pcs 80pcs 40pcs 32pcs 3-6kg (80pcs in @ pack) 3-6kg (40pcs in @pack) 4-9kg (36pcs in @pack) 4-18kg (32pcs in @ pack) 11-25 kgs (28pcs in @pack) 7-18kg (64pcs in@pack) 7 pcs in @ pack 9 pcs in @ pack 3-6kg (10pcs in @ pack) 3-6kg (28pcs in @ pack) 28pcs 100 napikins in @ pack 8+2 pads in @ pack Giant Small Small Small Flexy Small 40pcs 10pcs 9pcs 32pcs 3-6kg (10pcs in @ pack) 5-9kg L 10-15kg (10 pull ups in @pack) 2 1 2 3 3 25 1 1 1 1 7 4 1 14 3 12 20 24 2 2 2 2 6 3 199 76 11 14 128 68 100 65 1 8 13 2 6 1 9 pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pcks pck pck pck pkt pkts pkts pkt pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pck pkts pcks pcks pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pkts pck pcks pcks pcks pkts pc pkts 69 70 71 72 6 164002 710139 6 164002 710153 6 164002 710184 6 164002 710139 Wellness funky pants -extra dry Wellness Funky pants -extra dry Wellness pants Wellness pullups (M5-9kgs (22 pullups in @pack) M5-9kgs (10 pullups in @pack) 10-15 kg 22 pull ups 13 pkts 13 pkts 1 pc LOT 6 HEALTH MEDICATIONS FOOD SUPPLEMENTS / HEALTH LIVING PRODUCTS/ SOAPS EXPIRY DATE REFERENCE 1 5 031720 000655 DESCRIPTION Elbow Support - Fortuna MEASUREMENTS 31.5cm UNIT MEAS. 9 pcs 2 5 026143 989533 Basic Nutrition - folic Acid 400mg 9 pcs 3 5 026143 989298 Vitamin B6 10mg 3 Tins 4 5 026143 989236 Cranberry - (Vitamins) 500mg 7 pcs 5 5 026143 989540 Multi - vitamins 10mg 5 pcs 6 5 026143 989502 Selenium Plus - vitamins A, C & E 200mg 5 pcs 7 5 026143 991765 Rose Hip - Vitamins 500mg 5 pcs 8 5 026143 909159 Lecithin - Vitamins 1200mg 1 pcs 9 5 026143 909661 High Strength - Glucosesamine -Sulphate 2CKL 500mg 2 pcs 10 5 026143 987294 Pepper mint - Vitamins 50mg 2 pcs 11 5 026143 989199 Evening Primrose oil 500mg 2 pcs 12 5 026143 909708 High Strength Vitamin C 500mg 1 pcs 13 6 959091 69455 MSM Complex - Vitamins - Clucosamine+ Chondroitin 500mg 5 pcs 14 9 590916 074 Sugar Balance - GSL 1700mg 2 pcs 15 8 901160 000164 Zino Plus - anti -fungal Soap 75g 3 pcs 16 8 901248 418058 Emami Mento Plus - (pain balm) 9ml 2 pcs 17 4 712568 660034 Skeeter Guard - Musquito Repellent 80mg 9 pcs 18 4 015000 527361 Fa Yoghurt - Aloe Vera with Yoghurt Protein 250ml 3 pcs 19 4 015000 527378 Yoghurt Vanilla Honey with Yoghurt Protein 250ml 3 pcs 1.6 months 20 6 281031 251652 Vitamins & Power-Vitamin B+ honey melon 250ml 8 pcs 1.6 months ITEM NO. TOTAL MANUAL COUNT 21 6 281031 251621 Vitamin & Power -Vitamin C + pink -Grape fruit 250ml 3 pcs 22 5 900852 921018 Nutri Junior - Cow & Gate - Growing up milk 400g 2 tins 1 yr
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