Parrish Village News
Parrish Village News
Parrish Village News For copies of this newspaper, please visit In this issue of the Parrish Village News August 2014 FREE Volume 21, Issue 8 Parrish Y Summer Camp provides kids a great summer! 186 children learn good sportsmanship, go on field trips and have fun Iris McClain reports on the old red brick building on page 3. Some seasonal summer recipes for you to try from Cookie on page 5. Ralph continues his travel through Portugal on page 5. By all measures, this year’s Parrish Y Branch summer camp for kids may be the best one ever. When asked how he felt about the camp one participant said, “I like coming here because its real fun and all my friends come here.” A parent of a camper added, “I love it because the children have a great time. They like it because they do lots of different activities and the counselors really care for the kids. The Y is truly there for families like ours which is a single parent home. They really do make a difference and we are truly thankful.” In addition to a wide range of activities and games, each week the campers are treated to a field trip along with two visits to swim in the pool at Cross Creek. So far field trips have included a Ray’s game, the Ringling circus, bowling and a giant water slide. The Camp started on June 10th and runs through August 11th and is held at the St. Frances Cabrini Church‘s Mother Cabrini Center and uses the fields at Parrish United Methodist Church. Y Camp Director Colby Hall said, “We moved the camp to St. Frances Cabrini last year and it has really worked out great. The building is large enough for our indoor activities and the big parking lot along with the fields at Parrish United Methodist Church are just right for our outdoor activities. We are very grateful to both churches for their generosity and support.” Campers ages 5-13 can sign up for as many weeks as they want, and through the end of July, 186 children had signed up for one or more weeks of camp with attendance averaging 98 per week including 20 teenagers who are in a separate program. The Y has a policy that says no child will be excluded from camp because financial reasons and so far this year 37% of attendees have some or all of their camp fees paid from the Branch’s scholarship fund. The Branch scholarship fund relies on donations from Branch staff, members and individuals along with an annual fundraiser and grants. Last year the scholarship fund received a grant from the Parrish Foundation which is funded by the annual Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off. In addition to the adult counselors helping run the camp, there is a group of teenagers 14-16 years old that are called Counselors in Training (CIT’s). They assist the adult counselors and hopefully will one day return as full counselors. When asked why he was a CIT, one replied, “It’s fun and it teaches me how to be a leader plus I get volunteer hours for school.” All in all a great summer camp for a lot of kids thanks to the Parrish Branch of the Manatee County YMCA. The Parrish Y has been a great addition to the Parrish community since it was established here in 2008. Its programs, family involvement and good values have done so much to improve the community making it a better place for families and individuals. Its 5+ years in Parrish have had the most positive impact of anything coming into the community. The Parrish Foundation Grant Application process has begun The Parrish Foundation is accepting applications now for grants from charitable organizations serving Parrish area residents. Foundation President Hugh McGuire said, “I don’t know which we enjoy the most -- the Heritage Day Festival and Chili Dr. Patty Schnur specializes in children’s dentistry. See page 19 Please see The Parrish Foundation CONTINUED ON PAGE 36 Upcoming Events: PAC Plein Air Class: September 13 POSTAL CUSTOMER PAC Fall Concert: November 8, 2014 Parrish Heritage Day/ Chili Cook Off: March 7, 2015 Manatee County Youth Rowing received a grant from The Parrish Foundation in 2013 from funds raised at the third annual Chili Cook Off. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL PERMIT # 943 P AC Choral Concert: November 30, 2014 Parrish Village News page 2 Parrish Village News Official publication of the Parrish Civic Association, a non profit coporation. P. O. Box 257 Parrish, FL 34219 Cookie Jordan Publisher and Editor 941-776-9019 Volunteer Staff Advertising Manager Gene Orlowski Contributors Ralph Bellrose Travel Jan Kaufman Patrick McGinnis Pets Plus in Parrish Stacy McKee Y News Ben Jordan Cookie Jordan Capt. Ric Liles Message from the Editor The news this month is mostly about development - more fast food restaurants (Dunkin’ Donuts and Taco Bell), possibly a Chili’s and a hearing on the planned development at Creekside (behind and beside CVS Pharmacy. I do wonder what else the Benderson people have in mind for that big shopping area. It was rumored that a Sweetbay would go in but that was before the economic downtown that occurred precipitating the stopping of nearly all commercial development in the Parrish area. Well, we will soon see! School is starting back this month and I encourage you to be extra careful around the schools when driving and please, please observe the speed limits. They are there for a reason -- safety of the community’s children. A man’s watch has been found. If you have recently lost a man’s watch and can identify it, please call the Good Samaritan at 941-541-7719. Brutus is still missing - help find him Speaking of speeding, I would like for all speeders on US Highway 301 to slow down. I have shaken my fist, given “dirty looks,” and watched to no avail. Somehow, everyone has to get where they are going one minute faster. Why???? Brutus has been missing since April 27 from a home on Larson Lane in Kingsfield in Parrish 34219. He has reportedly been seen near Gamble Creek Estates. He has distinctive marks: his hind quarters show very little fur; his weight was 17 pounds at time of his disappearence; he is a neutered grey Tabby with short hair; his left ear shows a small indentation; the roof of his mouth has a black birth mark; and he is very shy and may appear frightened. If you have information as to his whereabouts, please contact Carlo Calanni at 941480-9476 or cell 941-234-9432. Brutus needs to be home and his owners dearly miss him. Did you know . . . The Parrish Village News prints 12,000 copies of the newspaper each month? All residences in the 34219 zip code, eastern Ellenton and eastern Palmetto receive copies? County officials read the newspaper monthly? Newspapers can be found at the Rocky Bluff Library, the Y, PJ’s Sandwich Shop, Ferraro’s, Leslie Wells Realty and 1st Manatee Bank? August Blood Drives in the Area Iris McClain Leslie Wells Real Estate Joann B. Larson Extension Service Kathryn Newman Inspirational Stories Norma Kennedy This newspaper is printed by Sun Coast Media Group Venice, FL Saturday, August 2: CRPE Ministries, 5425 39th Street East, 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Bradenton. Sunday, August 3: CRPE Ministries, 5425 39th Street East, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Bradenton. Sunday, August 3: Peace Presbyterian Church, 12705 State Road 64, 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM, Lakewood Ranch. Tuesday, August 5: Rocky Bluff Library, 6750 US Highway 301 North, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Ellenton. Thursday, August 14: UTC Climate Controls & Security, 8985 Town Center Parkway, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Bradenton. Thursday, August 14: Tri Net Inc., 9000 Town Center Parkway, 8:30 AM 12:30 PM, Lakewood Ranch. Friday, August 15: Cricket Wireless, 5280 Ranch Lake Blvd., 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM, Bradenton. Saturday, August 16: Yacht Club at Heritage Harbour, 6510 Anchor Loop, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Bradenton. Sunday, August 17: Parrish United Methodist Church, 12125 71st St. East, 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM, Parrish. Monday, August 18: Sacred Grounds Coffee House, 4650 E. State Rd 64, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM, Bradenton. Friday, August 22: Lakewood Ranch Medical Center, 8330 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Lakewood Ranch. Saturday, August 23: Bogeys Sports, 7230 52nd Place East, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Bradenton. Saturday, August 23: Ed’s Tavern, 10719 Rodeo Dr., 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM, Lakewood Ranch. Thursday, August 28: Rock River Tools, 2953 63rd Ave. East, 1:30 PM 4:30 PM, Bradenton. “This Old Building” 12209 81st Street E. Iris McClain This Old Building was built in 1910 by W. P. Frier. He and his family operated a dry goods store in this building. George Lundy ran the store for him and it was called the Frier Building for many years. As time went on, other Parrish families have owned and operated other types of businesses in this building: some of those have been Sims Store, Robert E. Lee Youngblood Store, Herbert Hickox Grocery Store and Carl Collins General Store. It was also called the Sikes General Store or the Sikes Building for many years. Parrish Power Tools & Equipment ran a business there for many years. Vivian Simmons Buice remembers her mom, Louise Lundy Simmons, talking about a lot of the young people would go dancing on Saturday nights back in the 1920s, in this building. In later years, the local community would bring their chairs and pickup trucks, hang a big white sheet or board on one side of this building and watch movies on Saturday nights. In recent years this building was owned by Carolyn J. King. She sold it to Rick Cains Property Inc. in 2000 and they sold it to James E. Parks in 2004. According to the results of the Manatee County Historical Structures Survey, this early brick commercial building retains its original basic form with the exception of the front entry. Storefront openings in the north façade have been replaced with new inappropriate infill. This structure could be restored to its original appearance. While not significant for individual listing, this commercial building is potentially eligible for listing as a contributor to a National Register District and as a contributor to a local district under Criteria C – Design/Construction with the area of historical significance architecture. I would like to thank Sidney and Vivian Buice, JoAnn Rogers and Lamar Parrish for sharing the history on “This Old Building.” Parrish Village News page 3 Update on the old Cement Structure south of Old Tampa road and north of the river on 104th Avenue Iris McClain I have not heard from anyone that knows anything about this old structure, other than the descendants of the Godfrey family. I do have the names of families that owned land in that immediate area: 1847 - Jacob Pyburn to William B. Hooker 1869 - Samuel B. Reid 1879 - Timothy Alderman Parts of this property were divided up and sold to many families during the 1880s – Henry H. Saffold, Crawford P. Parrish, Thomas Browning, E. E. Rowlett, J. J. Biggs and Henry Davis. 1899 - Annie Biggs, William A. Lundy 1950 – John B. Parrish, Phillip G. Par- Part of building that is still standing on rish, Ralph Henderson 104th Avenue. 1954 - Ada D. Lundy/widow, sold her part to Phillip G. Parrish 1960 – George Doughty sold to F. Chase Godfrey/Louise Godfrey An old Post Office search does confirm there was an Erie Post Office in this immediate area. If you know any information about this very old structure, please give me a call 776-0542 or e-mail I would like to thank Cindy Russell, historian at the Manatee County Historical Library and Norma Kennedy for much help in gathering this information. Now at Creative Edge Hair Studio Amanda Davis Amanda Davis has over 20 years’ experience and specializes in color and cutting. She has been through extensive training with Vidal Sasson and many others to advance her opportunities. To keep up with the latest trends and if you are searching for a new look, please give Amanda a call for a free consultation. 727-599-9828 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 Selling a piece of Paradise to you, your family and friends! DONNA DRUMHELLER, Realtor 941-914-8130 Cell 941-739-6777 Office 888-292-0228 Toll Free Owned and operated by NRT LLC Inside of red brick building when it was Robert E. Lee Youngblood’s store in the Frier’s Building. Call me today to list your home in Paradise! RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 11215 State Road 70 E, Suite 105 Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Parrish Village Newspage 4 Now at Creative Edge Hair Studio Realty Reality Leslie Wells Asyoumightimagine,aRealtor is a professional who has seen it all andhearditall.It’sourjobtoknow everythingaboutthehousesweshow, the neighborhoods we visit and the peopleserve.Perhapsthat’swhyyou callonusasatrustedadviser,evenif wearen’tyourpersonalRealtor. Part of the fun of home-shopping is cruising local neighborhoods looking for yard signs and checking out the scenery. Sometimes, the excitement is overwhelming when you find what seems to be a perfect Leslie Wells match.“That’stheONE!”yousaytodrivingbuddy.“Let’scall!”Andyoudo. Theagent-on-dutyatthenumberlistedonthesignhappily answersyourbasic questionsandasksafewoftheirownincludingyourname,phonenumberandthe nameofanyRealtoryoumaybeworkingwith.Thinkingit’snobigdeal,yousay you aren’tworkingwith one.Afterall,youdon’twanttoslowdowntheprocess. Youwanttoseeyourpotentialdreamhomenowandyouragentisn’tavailableatthe moment. Youtourthehomeanditisperfect;everythingyouwanted.Youwanttowrite up anoffer,butoops!Nowwhat?Timetofessup.Youdohaveanagentafterall. Or...maybe,youthinktoyourself,“IfIworkwiththeRealtorlistedonthe sign,I’llgetabetterdeal.” Soundfamiliar? The truth is we love sharing our knowledge with you and we love showing homes.However,oneofthemostimportantthingsyoucandoasahomebuyer isbe up-frontwithusaboutyouraffiliations.Realtorshavealong-standingtraditionof workingwellwithoneanother.Evenifweworkforcompetingfirms,westillhave similarinterests.Whenhomeshopping,hereareafewwaystohelptheprocessgo smootherforeveryoneinvolved: Mindy Enfinger Mindy has been a Master Stylist/Colorist for 28 years. She has been working in Parrish and Palmetto for the past 13 years. She feels that communication is the key to her success. Her major in college was Art which has helped her to always stay creative. “I am looking forward to seeing all Parrish friends - old and new.” 941-704-9147 8405 US Hwy 301 N w Suite 101 w Parrish, FL 34219 ons* petitor Coup m o C ll A g n Now Honori SPECIAL OFFER 10% OFF Any Service of $25 or more *Other nail salons in the Parrish & Ellenton areas only. Coupon must be original and not photocopied. We now offer facials, peel & mask, eyebrow color & PERMANENT MAKEUP 8227 US Highway 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 WWW.ACCENTNAILSPA.COM (Ellenton Commons between Butterfield’s and Pinch A Penny) 941-776-5744 Agentslovehonesty.Behonest,beopen,andtelluswhatyouexpect.Wehaveto haveasmuchinformationaspossibletohelpmakeyourdreamcometrue.Ifyou’ve beenworkingwithanagent,pleasesayso.Agentsarecompensatedinacoupleof differentways,butshowinghomesisn’toneofthem.Here’salittleknownfactthere is no compensation awarded to a non-listing agent when you window-shop UNLESSyourfinalpurchaseismadethroughthem. Agentslovefeedback,andwe’renotalwaysthebestatreadingminds.Ifyoulikea certainhomeordislikeacertainneighborhood,sayso.Don’tkeepusguessing.We wanttoknoweverythingandthensome.Trustme,youwon’thurtourfeelings.The moreweunderstand,theeasieritisforustofindandnegotiateyourpurchase. Agentsloveloyalty.Ifyoutellusupfrontyouareworkingwithanotheragent,we canhelp.We’llcontactyouragentregardingthelistingandpointtheminalltheright directions.They’llappreciatetheloyaltyandwe’llappreciatespendinglesstimeon asalewearenotfinanciallycompensatedon.We’llneverturnyouaway,butwe areloyaltoour“paying”customersandrelyonthemtomakealiving.Simplyput, everyonewinswhenalltheplayersareidentifiedupfront. HappyShopping! Sales Statistics - North Zip Codes 34221, 34222, 34219, 34250 Total Sold (Distressed Sales) June 2014 June 2013 122 34 132 43 Average Price $232,238 $201,927 Median Price $215,000 $191,000 Average SQ FT Heated 2,096 Average List Price Average Sales Price by SQ FT Average Days to Close $242,957 $108.43 149 Source: Manatee Association of Realtors Morgan Trailers, Inc. 941-776-1444 Same Location Since 1987 Hundreds of quality NEW & USED farm & commercial items can be seen at our website & welding shop on S.R. 62 in Duette. We may close for special events, so please call before you visit! Custom built trailers & cookers. Equipment bought & sold. Some trades accepted. Surplus – Salvage – Steel – Wood – Fixtures Stainless Steel Tables – Aluminum Smokers – BBQ Grills For information, pictures, & prices, please see our website: Cooking with Cookie Seasonal Summer Recipes Oporto Parrish Village News page 5 Ralph Bellrose Summer vegetables are in the storesandatmarkets.Theyareprobablyasinexpensiveastheyaregoing tobe.Also,itisreallyhot!Doyou want to spend hours in the kitchen cooking?No,Isuspectedyoudon’t. So,herearesomeeasysummerrecipesthatyouandyourfamilymaylike. Cucumber Watermelon Salad (pictured at right) 1smallredonion,halvedandsliced intothinhalfmoons 2Tbsp.limejuice 2Tbsp.extravirginoliveoil 1seedlesswatermelon,cutintocubes 3babycucumbers,seededandcut intocubes 1cupfetacheese,crumbled 1/2cupmintleaves,slicedthinly Mix red onion with lime juice in a bowl; set aside to marinate at least 10 minutes. Stir olive oil into mixture.Tosswatermelon,babycucumbersandfetacheesetogetherinalarge bowl.Pourtheredonionmixtureover thewatermelonmixture;tosstocoat. Sprinklemintoverthesalad;toss. Yield:10servings. Three Cheese Scalloped Potatoes 11/2poundsYukongoldpotatoes, thinlysliced 2Tbsp.butter,divided 1pintheavycream 2clovesgarlic,thinlysliced Saltandpeppertotaste 2cupsCheddarcheese,shredded 4slicesprovolonecheese 1/2cupParmesanorRomanocheese, grated Slow Cooker Barbecued Chicken 6skinless,bonelesschickenbreast halves 1(12-ounce)bottlebarbecuesauce 1/2cupItaliansaladdressing 1/4cupbrownsugar 2Tbsp.Worcestershiresauce Placechickeninaslowcooker.Ina bowl, mix the barbecue sauce, Italian salad dressing, brown sugar and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over the chicken.Coverandcook3to4hours onHighor6to8hoursonlow. Yield:6servings. Fresh Peach Cobbler 8fresh,ripepeaches(about5cups), peeledandsliced 1tsp.vanilla 1Tbsp.freshlemonjuice 1tsp.groundcinnamon 2cupssugar,divided 1/2cupunsaltedbutter,melted 1cupallpurposeflour 1Tbsp.bakingpowder 1cupmilk 1/2tsp.salt Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Spray a 1 1/2-quart casserole dish with non-stick spray. Layer half the potatoslicesinthebottomofacasseroledish.Dotwithhalfofthebutter cut into small pieces. Arrange half of the garlic slices over the potatoes, then pour half of the heavy cream over. Sprinkle one cup of Cheddar cheeseoverthelayerandseasonwith the salt and pepper. Repeat layering ofpotatoes,garlic,creamandCheddar cheeseandthentopwiththeslicesof provolonecheese.Seasonagainwith thesaltandpepper.Bakefor1/2hour then sprinkle the Parmesan or Romano cheese over the top. This will createasemi-hardcheesecrust.Continuebakinguncoveredforanother30 minutes, or until potatoes are tender whentestedwithafork. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Pour meltedbutterina13x9-inchbaking dish.Inamedium-sizedbowl,sifttogether 1 cup all purpose flour, 1 cup sugar(reservetheotherforthepeaches), 1 tablespoon baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Add in the 1 cup milkandstirjustuntilallingredients are combined. Pour the batter over thebutter.DONOTSTIR.Inalarge, saucepan, combine sliced peaches, 1 cupsugar,1teaspoonvanilla,1tablespoon fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. Bring this mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Pour the peach mixture evenly over thebatter.DONOTSTIR.Bakefor 40to45minutesoruntiltopisgolden brown.Coolslightlybeforeserving. Yield:6servings. The Ponte D. Maria Bridge in Oporto, Portugal designed Gustave Eiffel in 1843. We return to Oporto, completing our cruise on the Douro River. Oporto, you will remember, was founded by the Romans in the 4th century and is the second largest city in Portugal. It is well known for its historic bridges, including “The Ponte D. Maria,” a wrought iron railway bridge designed by Gustave Eiffel in 1843. Even though the historic city center was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996, many of the city’s oldest houses are deteriorating; and, the population has dropped by over 100,000 since the 1980s. I described historic Lisbon as having a shabby elegance. To borrow a phrase, Oporto is Lisbon without the glitter. I hope an increase in tourism will be enough to stop the decline because Oporto possesses some true architectural gems. The beautiful Café Majestic, an “Art Nouveau” coffee house opened in 1921 and has long been a gathering place for famous artists and writers from around the world. It’s rumored that J.K. Rowling spent time here working on her first book, “Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.” The baroque Clerigos Church was designed by Nicolau Nasoni (Mateus Palace) and completed around 1750. The façade is decorated with garlands and shells and an indented pediment; and, the altar is constructed of spectacular polychrome marble. Its soaring 230-foot bell tower, the Torre dos Clerigos, is considered a symbol of the city. The Sao Bento Railway Station, opened in 1916, was built on the site of a 16th century Benedictine monastery. The vestibule is decorated with large blue and white Please see Oporto CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 Yield:6to8servings. Enjoyyoursummer!Bonappetit. The Cafe Majestic, an “art noveau” coffeehouse which opened in 1921. Parrish Village News page 6 Compassion l l l l l l Private Duty Services Companion Services Personal Care Homemaking Hourly Visits & Nursing Medication Management l l l l l Excellence l Reliability Medicare Certified Skilled Nursing Physical Therapy Occupational & Speech Therapy “Bayada caregivers enter my home with confidence, energy, and hope. They are wonderful people who show me respect, kindness, and consideration.” Patients ALWAYS have a choice for their Health Care Serving the Sun City Area since 2008 and new to the Parrish and Ellenton areas 813-633-6800 129 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Ste. #102 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Accredited by Community Health Accreditation Program, the leader in home care accreditation HHA 299991722 l HHA 20171095 The next concert that the Parrish Arts Council will sponsor is scheduled for Saturday, November 8, 2014 at the Florida Railroad Museum grounds. One of the featured bands will be Chasing Blue, a bluegrass band from the Boston area. They have great credentials and already have two albums released. (You might want to go to their website and listen to some of their music.) If you would like to help with this concernt, you may do so by going to the Parrish Arts Council website at or contacting Norma Kennedy, PAC President at We also hope to have some painting classes soon. Watch future issues of this newspaper to find out about them. We’ll keep you posted. Parrish Village Newspage 7 For questions about advertising in The Parrish Village News, call Gene Orlowski at 776-8524 or send him an email at ARCHITECTURAL MARBLE IMPORTERS Will visit your home to care for your dog or cat 7 days a week, year round Stone Countertops & Flooring Supply w Fabricate w Install James Newby I am a former Humane Society and Southeast Guide Dog volunteer. Have been a local Florida resident for 33 years. Lifetime animal lover. Full time pet sitter. Visit includes: bringing in newspaper and mail and watering plants, if needed. I live in Parrish - within a few minutes of your home. I’m a responsible, dependable and caring person. Registered with the Ellenton Vet Clinic. Member of Pet Sitters International. 2560 12th Street w Sarasota, FL 34237 (941) 365-3552 Fax (941) 955-6644 email: Visit my website at Please call Donna at (813) 443-2448 or (941) 447-9722 Bonded/Insured BRUCE WHIDDEN CONSTRUCTION Jana Motwani “All Work Guaranteed & Built To Last” 12281 Britt Road 813-634-4459 Residential Contractor Room Addition Screen Room General Repairs Back to School Back to Beautiful Sale! 10% off all Pencils (lip & eyeliners) Crayons (lipsticks & lip gloss) Erasers (anti-ageing products) Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2859 Roofing Contractor Shingle-Tile Metal General Repairs CCC1328858 CRC049124 Independent Beauty Consultant Pool & Spa Contractor New-Used Resurfacing General Repairs w 941-531-3450 CPC1457847 Jim Pierce and Southern Integrity Performing the third Saturday night each month at Parrish United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 each. This group provides such a unique sound with the addition of fiddle palayer Roland Newman from Tampa and Gary Pierce, Jim’s brother from Pasco County. Their blend of vocals will not be heard anywhere else. Don’t miss an opportunity to hear them!!! John P. Stinson, Inc. Backhoe, Grade Tractor, Dirt, Shell, Culvert Pipe Installation Land Clearing l Demolition Licenses To Install & Repair Septic System COMPLETE SITE WORK 941-776-3234 941-812-5962 PJ’s SANDWICH SHOP Mon. - Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 12342 U.S. Hwy. 301 Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2307 JUDY AARNES Real Estate Specialist (941) 907-1033 EXT. 132 BUSINESS (941) 776-3170 FAX (941) 776-0020 RESIDENCE (941) 704-9744 CELLULAR (941) 776-2141 “A Full and Complete Line of Quality Hardware Products” Featuring MannaPro and Buckeye Nutrena Products Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated P. O. Box 235 12320 301 North Parrish, FL 34219 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE, INC. 8334 Market Street Bradenton, FL 34202 James Parks Manager Airport Shuttle Service No need to pay top dollar at an ad agency! - Call Bold-in-design Today Print & Marketing Solutions for your business. Graphic Design, Web Sites, Logos, Brochures, and much more!!! Sherry @ 941-780-5385 . Friendly, Reliable Transportation To All Airports # Mike: 721-8540 or cell 704-0441 Parrish Village Newspage 8 Mike Young Calling all women who love to sing and perform -- and have fun! Screen & Window Repair New screens, Re-screening, Replacement Rollers, Reglazing, Balance Rods, Sliding Glass Door Rollers, Awning Window Operators 941-932-7819 NORTH RIVER CHURCH OF CHRIST For All Have Sinned The story is told about the little boy who went to church with another family. When he got home, his parents asked him what the preacher had preached about. “Sin,” the lad replied. The parents looked at him with some puzzlement, and then asked, “Was he for it or against it?” The 21st Century in the West has seen a rise in disbelief in both God and the Bible. With this there has also been a rejection of the concept of sin – of “violation of God’s law” (1 John 3:4). Many who profess to believe in God really do not believe in the God revealed in the Scriptures. They have invented in their imaginations a God who does not Himself believe in sin and the fact that it exists. They have a concept of God as an over-indulgent grandfather figure who tolerates any and every thing. The result is tragic as people blissfully ignore what God has actually said on the matter. Further, there is a marked drop in respect for the rights of others, for the personal property of others, and for the sanctity of human life in general. The concept of real, objective moral evil has become something to scoff and laugh at in many circles. Men make a mock of sin. Relativism and subjectivism have gained the upper hand in the dominant culture: thus producing a crass and often even vicious society. Some years ago Dr. Karl Menninger, in his monumental work Whatever Became of Sin?, warned of the coarsening of society, the break-down of culture, and the rise of brutality from the loss of the concept of sin in our belief systems. Doyousingintheshowerorhumalongtoafavorite song?Doyouwanttobe apartofaspecialgroupofwomen? MagicofManateeSweetAdelineChorusfromBradentonislookingforladiesto jointhemforournewseason.Theyareafriendly,upbeatcommunity-orientedgroup ofextraordinarywomenwhogathertosingandperformfour-partharmonyandto havefun!Youdonotneedtoknowhowtoreadmusic.ThisgroupiscurrentlyinvitingnewmemberstocomejointheMagic!TheMagicofManatee. ThegroupregularlyrehearsesonTuesdaynightsinBradentonbeginninginAugust. They perform a Christmas show, an annual show in February and entertain throughoutthecommunityforclubsandorganizationsduringtheyear.TheyrecentlywontheAudienceChoiceAwardinthenewShowPerformancecategoryatthe SweetAdelineRegionalConventionandCompetitionheld inDaytonaBeach. Forinformation,callLuAnnat941-722-9395,orPamat941-753-6594,orvisit The current problem with bullying in public school and through various social media is a case in point. Bullies can do it and get away with it! No moral absolutes are allowed to stand in their way. The Scriptures teach that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Until we realize the great need for God in our world view and daily lives, the break-down in families, culture, and society will continue to accelerate. Historically, nations that do not put the brakes on in their moral slide do not long prosper once started on the downward course. The human predilection toward sin is strong. The Bible is God’s hedge against it (Psalm 119:11, 105). The North River Church of Christ believes fervently that the way back to a better way of life is God’s way. It is going back to the Bible as the rule and standard for moral conduct. Come and be with us as we strive to live for King Jesus as He taught everyone to live! Our services each Sunday are: 10:00 A.M. for Bible Study, 11:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. for worship. On Wednesday we have Bible Study at 7:00 P.M. Also, visit us on the web at North River Church of Christ Call Acqua Pro Experts Free Estimates 941-735-4405 PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE WASHING AND SOFT WASH HEADQUARTERS FULLY INSURED BARBERSHOP Increase Property Value “Where attention to detail matters!” Mon - Tues 9 - 5 Wed - Fri 9 - 7 Sat 9 - 3 8003 US HWY 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-9927 FULL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL Improve Safety COMMERCIAL EMAIL: ACQUAPROEXPERTS@GMAIL.COM WEBSITE: ACQUAPROEXPERTS.COM Remove dangerous mold, mildew, moss, fungus, algae, grime, dirt and black stains from some of the following exterior surfaces: • Driveway/Walkway/Patios to restore to a natural and cleaner appearance! • Housing Exterior/Gutters/Leaders to bring life back to the original color with a fresh look of cleanliness! • Fences to look clean and almost like new! • Roof to improve the look of it’s life time appearance! Simply Smart Travel: San Diego Parrish Village News page 9 Jeffrey R. Orenstein, Ph.D. If you enjoy travel, this column is for you. My goal is helping people those over 50 (and under 50, too) leverage the most satisfaction from their precious travel time and dollars. Each column will share what I have learned on trips near and far and/or provide travel ideas and tips from experts. San Diego is a mountain-ringed metropolis with a pleasing personality that offers something for almost everyone, including year-round great weather and 70 miles of beaches. Despite its being a cosmopolitan and diverse city of over 4,200 square miles, it is still very much a Navy Town, with one-third of the Pacific Fleet based there. You can also feel its palpable Mexican influence (not surprising since it borders on Mexico) and although it is very urban and urbane, the dessert and mountains are close by and you can find solitude, even wilderness, within its borders in close proximity to nightlife, great jazz and good food. Before You Go For background and a flavor of the city, Read San Diego Legends: The Events, People, and Places That Made History by Jack Scheffler Innis (2004) for stories of the characters that define San Diego; Under the Perfect Sun: The San Diego Tourists Never See by Mike Davis, Kelly Mayhew, and Jim Miller (2003) which takes a critical look at the city’s history, military economy, right-leaning politics and the local pecking order. When you’re ready for reservations, some useful websites are:, the official visitor’s bureau site. is a solid commercial site with some deals. is a state site with good information. San Diego is primarily a Navy Town with one-third of the Pacific Fleet based there. w w ers with restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, entertainment, culture and shopping – including tony Horton Plaza). Old Town, the original Spanish settlement in California- shops, restaurants and entertainment. Take a harbor tour to see the skyline from a different view and to observe San Getting There San Diego’s Lindbergh Field is close to downtown and is an easy bus or cab ride to most attractions. Interstates 5 and 15 provide connections from the north and I-8 goes east. Amtrak provides frequent trains from San Luis Obispo and points south. Cruise ships also dock there. Getting Around Forget the car. San Diego has a superb public transportation system with frequent Coaster commuter train service, the Trolley light rail and buses everywhere. Senior fares are only $1.20 a ride. Gaslamp Quarter. Please see Simply Smart CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 Are you feeling the health insurance crunch? Call Greg and save a bunch! Greg Egan Mingei Museum at Balboa Park is dedicated to art of the people (mingei) from all eras and cultures of the world. When You Are There - If You Have Two or Three Days: Must-sees for a short trip are: w Balboa Park (Get a One Day Explorer Pass, good for five museums). w Gaslamp Quarter (16 square blocks of Victorian buildings and modern skyscrap- US Health Advisor 941-465-1270 Parrish Village News page 10 August activities at Rocky Bluff Library Priscilla Bard retires Priscilla Bard who has been with the Manatee County Library System for ten years (four at the Rocky Bluff location) retired from service at the end of July 2014. A retirement reception was held for her at the library on Friday, August 1 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Patrons, fellow workers, Manatee County staff and some of the Friends of Rocky Bluff helped her celebrate this occasion. She was presented with numerous cards and a special gift from the Friends group - a leaf on the Giving Tree in the lobby of the library along with a Certificate of Appreciation. Priscilla plans on spending more time with her children and getting to know her grandkids better in the New England area. Best wishes, Priscilla! Mana-Tweens Book Discussion on August 7 Has your Tween ever thought about taking a ride on a spaceship to a distant planet? The first of Cameron’s Mushroom Planet books, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet casts a spell many years after its first publication. It’s the August selection for the ManaTweens Book Discussion group on Thursday, August 7 at 6:00 p.m. David and Chuck, two best friends, build a rocketship after reading a mysterious newspaper advertisement asking for just such a spaceship and promising “adventure” to the boys who bring the best spaceship to an address that they’re not even sure exists. Mystery piles atop mystery and revelation on revelation, until the two boys find themselves on a rescue mission to a tiny, invisible planet orbiting only a short distance (astronomically speaking) from the Earth itself! The writing is smooth, straightforward, and engaging, and Cameron’s characters are sketched out with clear and emphatic detail. This is a fascinating book and well worth the read even if you are an adult who is trying to remember why some kids’ books still stick with you. should be completed by mid-September. Other Activities in August Other events occurring at the library in August include Pre-School Story Time on Fridays - August 1, 8, 15 and 29at 10:30 a.m.; Mana-Tween Crafts (Paper Airplanes) on Thursday, August 14 at 6:00 p.m.; and a family movie on Saturday, August 9 at 2:00 p.m. Retiring employee Priscilla Bard receives a Certificate of Appreciation and leaf for the Giving Tree in the Rocky Bluff Library for her years of service presented by Friends’ President Doris Pope. Evening Discussion Group meets on August 20 The Evening Book Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, August 20 at 6:00 p.m. The book being discussed will be The Devil in the White City by Eric Larson. Larson intertwines the true tale of the 1893 World’s Fair and the cunning serial killer who used the fair to lure his victims to their death. Everyone is welcome to attend the discussion group. Renovation and Improvement Programs Near Completion The landscaping and ponds in front of the library and the lobby area just inside the front door are nearing completion. The work done by the Friends of Rocky Bluff, Manatee County, The Florida Extension Service and Armstrong Landcaping Early Voting at the Library Rocky Bluff Library is one of the selected locations in Manatee County for Early Voting. The library will be open on August 19 through August 23 for those who want to vote early in the upcoming election. This will take place in the meeintg room of the library. New Hours of Operation Rocky Bluff Library has new hours of operation. Please make note of these new hours to better serve the patrons. Monday - Closed Tuesday - 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday - 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Thursday - 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Friday - 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday - Closed Become a member of the Friends of Rocky Bluff Library. You can join by clipping out the form below and dropping it along with a check in the box provided at the library or mail to the address on the form. Join the Friends of Rocky Bluff Library Name: Address: City: State: Telephone: Email: Types of memberships Zip: Date: Individual Member - $5.00 Family Member - $10.00 Sustaining Member - $25.00 Lifetime Friend - $100.00 Are you a new member or a renewal? q New q Renewal Please make check payable to Friends of Rocky Bluff Library. Drop your completed form with your check into the Friends’ box at the library. Dues and contributions may be tax-deductible. Drop in the box at the library or mail to: Friends of Rocky Bluff Library, P. O. Box 133, Ellenton, FL 34222. Give it a try-----Simplify! Carol Ciarniello, Parrish Professionals Parrish Village Newspage 11 True Family Farm Hydroponic Grower Randy True Owner 941-725-0205 941-776-0870 Join our Produce Club to pick up a weekly basket of locally grown offerings straight from the farm as well as items obtained from the immediate surrounding area. Fresh local honey, too. Call for information on our pasture fed, organic beef program. Ican’tfindit……….Idon’thavetime……….Ididn’tknowIhadthat……..One ofthesedaysI’llcleanoutthatcloset….. Howoftenhaveyousaidthosewords,andthenjustshruggedandcontinuedon yourmerrywaymakingabsolutelyNOchanges?Yourfrustrationandstressbuilds asdothepilesofpaperonyourdeskorthestuffinyouroffice/workroom/garage …..ok,ENOUGH!It’stimeto“Simplify”. TakeadeepbreathandcallPamKeller.Believeitornot,herpassionistotake yourdisorderandturnitintoaneat,orderly,manageablesystemthatyoucanmaintain.Shedoesmorethanrearrangeandorganize:Pamwillcreateforms,schedules, work-flowcharts,etc.andeachitemwillbetailoredtoyourspecificneeds.Simplify isnota“onesizefitsall”enterprise.WithPam’shelp,your“todo”listwillbea “done”list!Andyou’llbeamazedthatnowyouhavesomefreetimetoenjoythe thingsthatareonyourbucketlist-likemaybeyouwanttolearntoplaythepiano; well,Pam isanaccomplishedpianist,andshegiveslessons,too! Pambringsawealthofknowledge,experience,faith,loveandcareinto“Simplify”.Sheattributesthebasisofherskillstolessons shelearnedearlyinlifefrom hermother.Hergoldenruleis“DoeverythingtothegloryofGod.” PamisamemberofParrishProfessionalsNetworkingGroupwhichishowwe met.She’sabigcity(Boston)transplantwho,alongwithherhusband,thoroughly enjoysthesmall town, countrylifeoflivinginParrish,Florida. Sodon’twaitanylonger----Giveitatry----Simplify;andthennextyearyou won’tneedtowrite“getorganized”onyourNewYear’sresolutionlist!Youcan ParrishProfessionalsmeetsonthe3rdThursdayofeachmonth,andwewelcome yourparticipation.Formoreinformationvisitourwebsite:www.ParrishProfessionals.orgorcallJackieFelixat941-504-2376. HOME AND 2.4 ACRES Doris Howard 941-730-0944 Wagner Realty 5215 State Road 64 E Bradenton, Florida 34208 This spacious 2 story Parrish home has a master suite with attached office, 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, bonus room, and a comfy family room with brick fireplace. Plenty of room to roam both inside and outside. Call Doris Howard, 941-730-0944. From our farm to your fork in hours - not weeks. NOW located in the Rocky Bluff Library Parking lot on US Highway 301 in Ellenton Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM . Vendors needed for market. Call for information: 941-725-0205. Parrish Village Newspage 12 2014 Herald Tribune Readers’ Choice FIRST PLACE BEST LOCAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT $ 5 off any purchase of $25 or more Ferraro’s says “hello” to all children going back to school and “goodbye” to those the staff leaving us for college Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 8/31/2014 Wild Monday - 2 for $22 Choose from Baked Ziti, Pasta & Meatballs, Manicotti, Cheese Ravioli, Stuffed Shells or Lasagna with 2 House Salads, Garlic Bread, 2 Small Cannoli Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 8/312014 $ 2 OFF ANY LUNCH 8348 US 301 N. Corner of 301 and Old Tampa/Erie Roads 817B 14th Street West 3 Blocks South of Manatee Avenue PARRISH/ELLENTON BRADENTON 941-723-1111 941-747-9900 Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 8/31/2014 Amber (left) and Andrea (right) are shown with Frank LoGrande. These ladies are going off to college in the fall. Ferraro’sextendsabig“thankyou”totheyoungladieswhoaregoingofftocollege thisfall.Theyhavebeenagreatstaffworkingattherestaurantwhiletheywereinhigh VOTED BEST! WE DELIVER! schoolbeforegraduation.Also,athankyoutoGiuseppeandbestwishesasheenterslaw school.Whilewemayseesomeofthesefolksaroundtherestaurant,wewillmissthem butwishthemwellintheircareerendeavorstowardhighereducation.Wearereallyproud Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. ofthemall! Hours : Mon-Thurs 11 am - 9 pm Fri & Sat 11 am - 10 pm Sun 12 pm - 9 pm We welcome all the students, teachers and families with back-to-school age children.ItisgoodtohaveeveryonebackintownandwewantyoutoknowyouarewelcomeatFerraro’s.Withalltheschoolactivitiesthatwillbeginshortly,youmight nothavetimetopreparemealsbutwantthefamilytohavedinnertogether.CometoFerraro’sandmakeitafamilynightout.Ourmenuisgreatforeveryone-childrenand adultsalike.Plustryoneofourspecialsonthecouponsabove. Whilewe’retalkingaboutbacktoschool,takealookatthecustomizedgymbagbelow.Ferraro’swillbegivingout1,000of thesegret,redgymbagsforchildrengoing backtoschool.LookforourpromotionsatlocalschoolsandtheY.Bethefirsttoreceiveoneforyourbooksandschoolsupplies. Drive safely and watch out for children walking to and from school. Compliments of S - SOLAR Innovative Solar, Inc. “Selling Environmentally-Friendly Products Since 1993” Sales-Service-Installation Jerry Taracek (President) 073373_SO • Pool Heating • Hot Water Systems • Attic Fans Phone/Fax 813-922-4324 • Cell Phone 813-857-7595 License# CVC56776 Back to School and Labor Day Trivia Parrish Village News page 13 Jim Casey, Host of Game Show Trivolution seen at Ellenton Applebee’s each Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. Back to School Trivia 1. In Florida, how many school days are mandated by law a. 170 b. 175 c. 180 d. 185 2. How many words can the average Number 2 pencil write? a. 1,000 b. 5,000 c. 7,000 d. 45,000 3. Crayola Crayons are a staple of BTS items. How many different types are available? a. 8 b. 36 c. 64 d. 120 4. If a child decides to skip school, you could be getting a call from? a. Army b. FBI c. Truant Officer 5. Why is a school bus yellow? a. It’s such a bright, lovely color b. Federal law mandates the yellow color c. Because other drivers must use caution around them Labor Day Trivia 6. As of June 2014, there were this many Full-Time workers in the US (35 hrs per wk) a. 75 million b. 100.5 million c. 119.5 million d. 200.3 million 7. How many people are considered self-employed? a. 900,000 b. 3 million c. 7.5 million d. 10.3 million 8. How many union members are there in the US? a. 1.5 million b. 15.8 million c. 75 million d. 117.5 million 9. Commuting to work is laborious. What is the average time Americans spend getting to work a. 5 minutes b. 15 minutes c. 25 minutes d. 55 minutes 10.What percentage of the working population are moonlighters, working two jobs? a. 2% b. 5% c. 7% d. 17% Answers on page 41. CALL TODAY for your FREE Skin Cancer Screening Exam Call 941-776-1577 to reserve your spot The Skin Cancer Centers / Dermatology Associates Howard A. Oriba, M.D. Michael G. Caruso, M.D. Leslee Baute, P.A.C. 8959 US Highway 301 N Parrish/Ellenton (Parkwood Square Shopping Center) WWW.THESKINCANCERCENTERS.COM Parrish Village News page 14 Manatee County Extension Service Classes for August The Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service is offering a variety of free educational classes for May 2014. The Extension Service is an educational program within county government which brings the resources of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) to Manatee County to: solve local problems, provide educational opportunities, promote economic enhancement and development, and improve the quality of life for all of our citizens. August 9, 9:00 a.m. - Noon - Fall Vegetable Gardening: Learn the vegetable gardening basics from where to locate the garden, how to prepare the bed soil, what vegetables to plant in the fall garden, and how to deal with the carrot-snatching wildlife. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. Registration Instructions Unless otherwise noted, all classes are free and are held at the Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service, 1303 17th Street West, Palmetto, Florida 34221. Minimum workshop size is required; workshop size is limited. Register in advance online via our website at or call 941-722-4524 for all workshops. water runoff which can help reduce the levels of pes ticides and fertilizers that drain into ponds, streams, lakes, and our Bays. Learn how to install, paint, and maintain a functional rain barrel. Start conserving today. Class to be held in the Horticulture Learning Center at the Extension Office. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. September 17, 10:00 a.m. - Noon - Container Gardening 101: Learn the basics of creating beautiful ornamental and edible container gardens. Presented by Manatee County Master Gardeners this program includes information on containers, soil, and plant selections, as well as information on the design of the garden and how to keep your plants healthy in their container. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. Fall gardening. September 13, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Coyote Awareness: Come learn the history of coyotes in the United States and Florida; the coyote’s behavior and habitats; and how they interface with our life style. Can we live in harmony with the coyote? Are there precautions for homeowners to reduce coyote encounters? Yes! Lisa Hickey, certified Master Naturalist, will discuss these subjects. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. Coyote. September 17, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. - Rain Barrel Workshop: Storing rainwater aids in the reduction of storm NEED-A-RIDE? Roy McChesney Call: (941) 746-4891 Cell: (941-228-3134 References Cadillac Door-to-Door Parrish to (or from) Sarasota/Bradenton Airport: $50 Parrish to (or from) St. Pete/Clearwater Airport: $65 Parrish to (or from) Tampa International Airport: $70 Parrish to (or from) Orlando International Airport: $150 Appointments, Etc.: $20 hr. Clip and Save # Rain barrel. Container gardening. Beginning September 19, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Florida Master Naturalist Program – Coastal Systems Module: The Florida Naturalist Program (FMNP) is an adulteducation program for persons interested in learning more about Florida’s ecosystems or wishing to increase their knowledge for use in educational programs as volunteers, employees, and ecotourism guides. Through classroom instructions, field trips, and practical experience, this class will provide instruction on the general ecology, habitats, vegetation, wildlife, and conservation issues of Coastal Systems in Florida. We will address naturalist interpretation skills, environmental ethics, and the role of humankind in shaping our past and dePlease see Extension CONTINUED ON PAGE 26 Oporto CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 “azulejo” tile murals that depict Portuguese landscapes and historical events. The project, completed in 1916 by Jorge Colaco, contains over 20,000 individual tiles. In the evening, we had our farewell dinner on board the ship. The following morning we bid the captain and crew goodbye and boarded the buses for a trip to Cascais, a Portuguese sea-side resort. The plan had us stopping at Coimbra and Fatima along the way. Coimbra is the third largest city in Portugal and served as the nation’s capital from 1131 to 1255. Its most important attraction is the University of Coimbra, one of the oldest universities in Europe. It has a peculiar history. It was founded in Lisbon by King Dinis in 1290. In 1308, conflicts arose between the monarchy, the Pope, the residents of Lisbon, and the students; and, the university was relocated to Coimbra. In 1338, King Afonso IV moved it back to Lisbon. It returned to Coimbra in 1354. Then in 1377, King Fernando decided it really belonged in Lisbon. Finally in 1537, King Joao III sent it back to Coimbra where it has remained. (Politics and education, forever linked.) This “wandering” university currently hosts over 20,000 students from around the world. Other sites worth visiting include the “Old Cathedral” completed in the 13th century. This Romanesque building, built on a sloping hill, looks like a fortress, with high crenellated walls and narrow windows. The magnificent Gothic altarpiece in the main chapel is made of wood and was carved by the Flemish artists Oliver de Gand and Jean d’ Ypres. Another “must see” is the Santa Cruz Monastery with its beautiful, baroque pipe organ. The first two kings of Portugal are buried here and during the 16th century the best Portuguese sculptors, painters and architects contributed to its decoration. Coimbra, named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013, has the atmosphere of a wealthy, cultured, university town similar to Salamanca, Spain. Next stop Fatima. Parrish Village News page 15 Above - The University of Coimbra founded in 1290. Above - The Clerigos Church completed around 1750. Above - The Santa Cruz Monastery. Above - The pipe organ at the Santa Cruz Monastery. Above - The blue and white tile mural at the Sao Bento Railway Station. Above - A panoramic view of Oporto. Parrish Village Newspage 16 History Matters! Tidbits about Parrish Norma Kennedy Fort Hamer, then and now In1849,FortHamerwasestablishedbytheUnitedStatesArmyandnamedfor GeneralThomasLyonHamer.Ittakesitsnamefromamilitaryencampmentthat waslocatedthere.ThefortwaslocatedsevenmilesuptheriverfromtheManatee settlement.ItwassituatedonthesouthsideofManateeRiveraspartofastringof fortsestablishedacrosstheStateofFloridainordertoprotectandseparatethesettlers fromtheSeminoleIndians.Itwasafortifiedsupplydepotandhospitalduringthe SeminoleIndianWarsandinoperationfrom1849to1850. ThefortlocationwaseasilyaccessiblefromTampaorKeyWestbyboat/ship. OnthenorthsideofManateeRiver,therewasaroughtrailfromTampatotheManateeRiver.Thisroad,atthattime,wascalledFortKingTrailandaftertheestablishmentofFortHameronthenorthoftheRiverwherethepresentdayFortHamerRoad islocated,thenamewaschanged. A ferry landing was established on the northern bank to move the troops and settlerssouthwardfromTampa.Thefortservedasthehospitalandrecoveryareafor theentirevicinity.Ithadastoreroom,dispensaryandhaybuilding.Logbuildings lodgedthemenservinginthewar.TheArmy’sroleatFortHamerandalongManatee Riverwastosupplythemilitiafromtimetotimewithprovisions. Fort Hamer in 1856 was reactivated during the Third Seminole War or Billy BowlegsWar.ItisbelievedtobethestartingpointfortheTrailofTearsasitwas anembarkationpointforwhichshipwouldtaketheIndianstothereservationsinthe west.AlthoughFortHamerisnotofficiallyonthattrail,itisregardedasarelicofthe IndianRemovalperiodandconnectedtotheTrailofTears. In1876to78,FortHamerwassoldtoWilliamB.Hooker,acattlemanwhohad hishomeinParrish,thencalled“OakHill.”ItwasbelievedthenthatFortHamerwas goingtobecomeagoodbusinessasaportbecauseitwasthefarthestpointupriver thattheshipscouldreach. Inlateryears,thecommunityofParrishusedthelandingtoshiptheproduceand cattletoCubaandTampa.Aftertherailroadwasestablishedin1902, therailswere usedtoshiptheirgoods. FortHamerbecauseofitshistoryseemedsadandisolated;however,throughthe yearsitwasabeautifulplaceonManateeRiver.Today,Parrishisgrowingagainat afastpaceandtheFortHamerParkisnowabeautifulparkwitha“stateoftheart” rowingfacility.Itisusedbythecommunity asagatheringplacetoenjoytheriver’s beautyandrecreationalamenitiesandgrounds.Ithasaboat launch,fishingpier,rowingplatform,restroomsandpicnictables. References from the Manatee Historical Library. Your Emergency Matters WHY WAIT? Quality Care from ER Experts At South Bay Hospital, our ER experts have the equipment and experience to handle the most critical medical emergencies. And with average wait times that are consistently shorter than the national average. Text “ER” to 23000 for Average ER Wait Times Message and data rates may apply. For more info, visit For 24/7 health information and physician referrals, please call Consult-A-Nurse at 1-888-685-1595. 4016 Sun City Center Blvd. I Sun City Center, Florida I Parrish Village Newspage 17 Call to artists: Paint Parrish! Art Festival in Parrish TheParrishArtsCouncilwouldlovetohearfrom you ifyouareinterestedinexhibitingandsellingyour artatourNovember8thConcertSeriesFestivalatthe FloridaRailroadMuseuminParrish.Nexttotheconcertwillbeanoutdoorartistmarket,thefirstinwhatis expectedtobearegulareventtopromotelocalartists. Parrish En Plein Air Incaseyouhaven’theard,thepeopleofParrishare settingouttodevelopanidentityofartscultureintheir backyards.OnSaturday,September13,2014,starting at9:00a.m.youareinvitedtogatherattheparkatthe FortHamerRowingFacilityforamorningofpainting enpleinair. En plein air is a French expression which means “intheopenair”andisparticularlyusedtodescribethe actofpaintingoutdoors,whichisalsocalledpeinture surlemotif(“paintingontheground”)inFrench. Artistshavelongpaintedoutdoors,butinthemid19thcenturyworkinginnaturallightbecameparticularlyimportanttotheBarbizonschoolandImpressionism.Thepopularityofpaintingenpleinairincreased inthe1870swiththeintroductionofpaintsintubes(resembling modern toothpaste tubes). Previously, each paintermadehisownpaintsbygrindingandmixingdry pigmentpowderswithlinseedoil. French Impressionist painters such as Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir advocatedenpleinairpainting,andmuchoftheirwork was done outdoors, in the diffuse light provided by a largewhiteumbrella. Wearesurroundedbytheartsonallsidesandhave manyartistslivinginthearea.Nowisthetimetohelp futuregenerationsrememberthesmalltownofParrish throughthearts.TheParrishArtsCounciliscomprised ofartistsandartaficionadoswhowouldliketocreatea visualrepresentationofcurrentandpastscenesthrough paintingenpleinair,or,inopenair.Whetheryouarean experiencedpainterorjustmotivatedtogetexperience, please consider joining your Parrish artist neighbors inpaintingscenesofourareatobedisplayedatfuture events,onyourwallsorsoldatyourfestivalbooths! For information on exhibiting at the festival or paintingenpleinairwiththePAC,pleasecontactJerriPhillips,FineArtsCommittee,ParrishArtsCouncilat(941) We Find you the Best Coverage for the Best Price... DAN RODGERS CUSTOM INTERIORS “Experience Equals Quality” w Complete Renovations w Kitchens w Baths w Design Software w w w w All Phase in - Drywall Painting Tile Counter Tops Locally Owned Business Over 30 Years Experience Fully Insured All Permitting Needs 941-782-7729 l Office/Fax: 941-531-4093 Parrish Village Newspage 18 4-H camp transformed into learning jungle during five-day stay At left Parrish Camp Buddies Marisa Badour and Trenton LePriol pose near at the flagpole during their busy week at camp. Above counselors and campers bid farewell at the closing event. During the weeklong residential camp, 4-H CampCloverleaflocatedinLakePlacid,Floridawas transformedontoalearningjungle.WelcometoOur Junglewasthethemeofthisyear’scamp,soeverythinghadajungletwistwhileyouthenjoyednature inasafe,funenvironment.Inthemockjungle,youth builtrelationshipsandlearnedabouttheoutdoors,environmentaleducation,healthylifestyles,swimming, kayaking,scienceandmore.Campersandcounselors alike got a chance to try new things in a positive, inclusiveatmospheresuchaspaddlingakayak, discovering marine life, performing a skit, driving anATV,andmakingnewfriends.The4-Hcamping experience engages youth in activities focusing on belonging, independence,mastery,andgenerosity. Formoreinformationonthe4-Hprogram,contacttheManateeCounty4-HOfficeat941.722.4524. 4-Hprogramsareopentoallyouth(ages5-18)without regard to race, color, sex, handicap or national origin. At left the Manatee County 4-H camp delegation pose for a group shot at camp. Your Home Awaits! GAMbLE CREEk Just Reduced $20,000 JusT LisTEd Custom bruce Williams Home RivER WiLdERnEss Luxury Pool Home on Preserve Lot! LExinGTOn barely lived in 4 bedroom home i can help with any of your buying or selling needs To see our other listings please visit CALL TO GET YOUR TRUE NUMBER TODAY! JORDAN D. CHANCEY REALTOR® FL Broker-Associate, CDPE®, CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager Certified Distressed Property Expert Direct/Cell (941) 545-8816 Call or email: Leslie Wells Realty Inc. Lic. FL RE Broker Madison Wells Parrish: 8338 US White, HWY 301REALTOR North, Parrish • Phone 941-776-5571 8268 US HWY 301 North, Parrish, FL 34219 941-405-6917 Thousands of Listings At Your"Like"Fingertips! me on Facebook! [] Visit Today. MEMBER: National Association of REALTORS NAR® • National Association of Residential Property Managers NARPM® • Florida Notary Public Martin Jewelers Come see our great, new rings and pendants! Parrish Village News page 19 “Dr. Patty” Schnur opens children’s dentistry practice in Parrish Over 45 years combined experience of repairing jewelry and watches Jewelry Repair - Sizing, Soldering, Stone Setting, Stone Replacement, Engraving, Adjustable Shanks, Custom Designing, Pearl Restringing and More! Watch Repair - Batteries, Bands, Crystals, Overhauls, Movements, Stems, Crowns, Cleaning and More! Also Available - Estate Jewelry, Sea Jewelry, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Medical Alert, Money Clips, Zippo Lighters, Gift Items, Key Chains, Flasks, Watches, Watch Bands, ID Bracelets, Business Card Holders and More! Mention you saw this ad and receive 10% off any purchase or repair! Ellenton Commons 8235 US Hwy 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (Next to Allstate) Hours M - F: 10 - 6 S: 11 - 4 Closed Sunday 941-745-5678 Dr. Patty Schnur is pictured at Florida Smile Design with her daughter Sarah. Children’s Dentistry Now In Parrish! 776-5135 Call Today! Most Insurances Accepted 8251 US Hwy 301 N Parrish, FL Located in Ellenton Commons Plaza with Florida Smile Design Dr. Patty Schnur PNFS,LLC is the independent dental practice of Patricia Schnur, DMD DN15863. Practice limited to patients under the age of 18. In a survey done by the Parrish Village News newspaper in 2006, the residents spoke out that they wanted services closer to them rather than having to go so far to obtain them (Bradenton, Sarasota or University Parkway). One particular need identified was that for a children’s and adolescent’s dentist. It has taken eight years for that to occur, but now Parrish has one. Dr. Patty Schnur is located at Florida Smile Design located in Ellenton Commons (near Butterfield’s Restaurant). Since she graduated from the University of Florida 13 years ago, she practiced general dentistry at Florida Smile Design for nine years and also spent time working in Sarasota. While working in Sarasota, she discovered that she has a real affinity for working with children. A mother of three children herself ages 9, 11 and 13 (Daniel, Sarah and Ben), she identifies with children’s particular needs in dentistry and can also talk to them as a mom. She also recognizes that children and adolescent dental needs are different from adults. That gives her a real edge in her specialization in children’s dentistry. She is quite familiar with what they study in school, what television programs they watch, what movies they see, what sports they participate in and generally their interests. She says, “Establishing a good, friendly dialogue is just part of the process to get children used to going to the dentist and having a good experience.” She is well versed in nutrition and feels it is a “key” factor in promoting good dental care. She also instructs children on good oral hygiene methodology so they can learn good practices at an early age. She is well informed on children’s dietary needs and provides helpful information to parents so they can perform preventive measures to take care of their children’s teeth and gums. Dr. Patty accepts children anywhere from age 2 to 18. She is educated in all the modern techniques and the office has “state of the art” equipment. (They are even installing television sets so that the children are entertained - and somewhat distracted - during procedures.) Many Parrish residents already go to Dr. Rick Schnur, Patty’s husband, at Florida Smile Design from the time he opened his practice there. Patty and Rick have been married 20 years and enjoy activities such as Little League baseball games, swimming at the beach, or going to school activities. If you are looking for a dentist for your child or children, give Dr. Patty a call at Florida Smile Design 941-776-5135. You can also visit her website at Parrish Village News page 20 March 7 set for 2015 Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off Be watching this newspaper and the website ( for announcements about the 2015 Parrish Heritage Day and Chili Cook Off. As the committee begins to plan next year’s event, the details will shape up. The 2015 event promises to be bigger and better than ever! With 5,200 people attending the 2014 Cook Off and 22 teams competing, this year will include more teams, more activities for the children, more vendors, bands, food (besides the great chili) and lots of fun for your family! Some teams are already tweaking their recipes and trying out the variations during the summer. Remember, all the proceeds from this annual event go to The Parrish Foundation Grant Fund which awards grants to charitable organizations serving the residents of the Parrish community. In the last three years, over $80,000 in grant money has been awarded. You can participate by being a sponsor, entering a team, paying for a team unable to fund the expenses to have a team, coming to the event or being a volunteer or being a vendor. This is one of the most worthwhile events in the Parrish area all year long. Mark your calendars now for March 7, 2015. You won’t want to miss it! Handyman and Home Watch Services by Jim 941-650-7685 • • • Professional Insured Free Estimates North River Hair & Nails “Hello Beautiful” Full Service Hair Salon for the entire family Extended Hours by Appt. to fit your schedule. (Call for details.) Friendly atmosphere and great prices. Visit our website @ for a full list of prices and online appointments. Or just give us a call! 941-776-1199 (12244 US Hwy 301 North, Parrish, FL) See you soon! $800 off $400 off single hearing aid. Savings on MSRP. Cannot be combined with other offers. Not valid on previous purchases. Expires 12/31/2013. Call 941-776-5555 to schedule your FREE hearing screening. Beltone Hearing Care Center 7012 Highway 301 North, Ellenton, FL 34222 (in the Ace Hardware Shopping Center) 941-776-5555 Singing is good for your health Parrish Village News page 21 Kathryn Newman I’m a trained opera singer. Seriously, I am… or, I was back in college. Don’t judge; it paid for college, so I did what I had to do. It beat waiting tables or dancing on poles (no offense, wait people and pole dancing people.) Opera wasn’t my preferred singing style, but since I was on a vocal scholarship I had to “sing along” so-to-speak and train like a good girl (in order to get the scholarship money) in the ancient-old art that is opera. Opera didn’t come easily to me. The notes were easy enough, but the tedious hours of training for proper breath management, brighter resonance, vocal amplification and vowel placement (Yeah, I know…BORING!) was excruciating. Then, there was the added bonus of learning to sing in other languages. (Yes, I’m being sarcastic.) Fun. I spent time outside of regular classes in practice rooms (required, of course) and three times weekly in private lessons. In between all of my opera instruction, I was in theater productions, a Madrigal group and a paid singer for the university’s on-campus church choir. Whew…I’m exhausted just remembering. Them’s were tough times, but also happy times. Happy times because although I was constantly busy, I was doing something I loved doing…SINGING! Singing made me happy. My love for singing began with a love of music in general. My father was a saxophone player for an east coast band known as The Bel-Airs (not to be confused with the actually famous group from the west coast with the same name) and when being a husband, father and provider took front seat to playing in a band, my father continued to practice his craft in front of his new audience…his three daughters. I loved hearing him play Billy Preston & Bruce Fisher’s hit song of 1973: “Will it go ‘round in circles (saxophone riff); will it fly high like a bird up in the sky (saxophone riff again).” Or one of my favorites, “The First Time Ever I saw Your Face” written by Ewan MacColl in 1957, but made popular in 1972 by Roberta Flack. It didn’t matter what album we played: The Beatles, Barbra Streisand, Aretha Franklin or even Ronco’s Greatest Hits, my dad would moisten that reed with his spit, tune the brass valves by moving the mouthpiece ever so slightly and play his tenor sax along with every melody line as if it were waiting for his mellow accompaniment. Since I was only about four or five at the time and couldn’t play an actual musical instrument, I would play the only instrument I did have…my vocal chords. I’d sing along to every song whether I knew (or understood) the words or not. Singing became more natural to me than anything else and so became a natural part of my life. It wasn’t until sixth grade, however, that I found singing to be a true passion. The music teacher in our elementary school told me that there were two openings left for an audition of high school and middle school-aged students for what was known as a state-wide chorus performance. I was only 10 at the time, but would soon be 11, so I auditioned and was granted one of the two remaining spots. My passion for singing really became evident after that four-day practice process. When I heard how all of those male and female voices singing six to eight different parts blended together in the singing of Julia Ward Howe’s “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” I was mesmerized. From that point on, I was hooked on choir singing and harmonies and continued to be involved in music in various forms. To this day, my husband and I still record rock, jazz and praise and worship music in our studio and have enjoyed forming several bands along the way. (We’re in need of a few more musicians, too, btw. Just throwing it out there!) As I said before, singing makes me happy. There are even scientific findings that Please see Singing CONTINUED ON PAGE 37 Let me treat you to coffee while we sort out the options you have in today’s market & why now IS or IS NOT the right time for you to sell! Call or Email Me: Kathryn Newman, Realtor Since 1997 Designer & Stager 941.773.6999 Parrish Village Newspage 22 Simply Smart Travel CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 DiegoasaNavytown. w Hop-on,hop-bus(OldTownTrolleyTours). If You Have Several Days Inadditiontotheabove: w w w w w RentacarorhireadriverandvisitoCabrilloNationalMonument(daytime only)and/or,intheotherdirection,journeyalongthePacifictoOceansidein NorthCounty.Temeculawinecountryisanhouraway. Goonanall-afternoonwine-tastingtourbytrain(http://www.lajollawinetours. com). VisittheSanDiegoZoo. RidetheSanDiegoTrolleytoSanYsidro,attheMexican border.Walkto Tijuanafortheadventuresome.Bringyourpassportand becareful! VisitMissionBay,SeaWorldandLaJollaonthecoast. Exploring San Diego at A Glance w Mobility Level: Recommendedforthosewhocanwalkshortdistances,climb stairsandhavetheabilitytoenterandexitbuses,trains,cabs,etc.Accessibility information for the handicapped is at travel-guides/accessible-traveling.aspx. w Senior Travel Considerations:None.SanDiegoisanidealdestinationfor over-50travelers. w When To Go:Withitsperennially-mildclimate,SanDiegoiscomfortable year-round.Toavoidcrowdsandgetthebestchanceatlodgingdiscounts,late spring andSeptemberarebest. w Where To Stay:HotelCirclehasallthenationalbrands.Otherniceplaces tostayarenearGaslightDistrict,downtownandMissionBay. Forclassic luxury,tryHoteldelCoronado. w Special Travel Interests:U.S.PacificFleet,photographyattheSanDiego ZooSafariParkandmanyotherlocationsincludingnearbyBajaCalifornia Mexico. Orensteinistheco-publisherandexecutiveeditorof Living On The Suncoast Magazine.Heandhiswife Virginiaenjoysimplysmarttravelandwritingaboutit. HecanbereachedatJOrenstein@simplysmarttravel. com.Commentsarewelcome. Photographs courtesy of Jeffrey Orenstein. The San Diego Zoo has had a love affair with giant pandas ever since two of them came to visit for 100 days in 1987. In 1996, they worked out an agreement with China to house two adult pandas and their young offspring. Below (left) sea lions pose in the sun on the wharf and below (right) pedestrians line up at the border crossing at San Ysidro to cross into Mexico. Ride with the #1 car insurer in Florida. Kim Vole Ins Agcy Inc Kim Vole', Agent 8169 US Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 Bus: 941-776-5900 With competitive rates and personal service, it’s no wonder more drivers trust State Farm . Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. ® ® CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. 1001142.1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL San Diego Harbor Tour scene. Parrish Zack Morris earns Good Grades Award from Mosaic Parrish Village News page 23 What do STEM education and crop nutrients have in common? They are both vital to sustaining our future food supply. In central and southwest Florida, The Mosaic Company tackles both with a program focused on the success of the company’s employees, their families and communities. As the world’s largest producer of phosphate and potash based crop nutrients, Mosaic remains committed to recognizing children of its employees for top grades in math, science and English through its Good Grades incentive program for more than eight years. In fact, last semester alone, Mosaic has provided more than $8,500 in gift cards to 377 Florida students for their accomplishments. Even as Mosaic’s Florida workforce tops 4,000, the company works to ensure that not only its employees succeed but also that an employee’s entire family thrives. As the 2013-14 school year comes to a close, Mosaic is recognizing students across central and southwest Florida who earned top grades in STEM subjects. These bright students set an example of success for the entire community. One student recently recognized was Zack Morris, a resident of Parrish whose mother works in the Fish Hawk Reclamation Department at Mosaic in Lithia. Zack is an exemplary student! He goes to Johnson Middle School and is a hard worker and achiever. Zack says, “The Good Grades program is an incentive to achieve. I have completed my middle school work and am already taking high school courses.” Zack hopes to go to Georgia Tech after high school or possibly MIT or Stanford and major in aerospace engineering. Zack loves reading, computer programming and playing video games. He is also involved in the new Manatee Youth Rowing Program for middle school children. He has recently participated in the two-week camp down at the Fort Hamer Rowing Facility where they practice four hours a day. He is also involved in many community service activities like SCUBAnaults International and the Gold Star Family Support for wounded veterans. Zack is quite an enterprising young man. Mosaic awards cards to achieving students twice a year. He has taken his awards (gift cards) and sold them to his mother. Then, he took the money and invested it in the stock market and is earning on his investments. Zack’s mother, Laura, is impressed with Mosaic for supporting the family and providing incentives for education of young people. She has been associated with the mining industry for 18 years and has been with Mosaic for two years. Florida is home to the headquarters of Mosaic’s phosphate operations and many of the company’s phosphate production facilities. Certified U HAUL Dealer “We’re in your neighborhood.” Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday: 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm Locally owned and managed. Variety of sizes to fit all needs and budgets. Wondering about what the Parrish Civic Association does during the summer? The Board is busy planning activities for the 2014 - 2015 year which include: Meetings starting in October The Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off Projects to make Parrish better Climate Control Units Non-Climate Drive Up Units Flexible Terms & Accomodations Moving Supplies 24 Hour Access Located behind C & K Smokehouse Ask for Cris. 12123 US Hwy 301 North Parrish, FL 34219 941-479-7877 Parrish Village News page 24 Senior Enrichment Center Calendar of Events for August Take your dog to “Bark in the Park” Renaissance on 9th is the area’s premier meeting and banquet facility, offering elegant and full-service rental space for weddings, events, and meetings, as well as professional, on-site and off-site catering services. Renaissance on 9th is centrally located just south of downtown Bradenton, and houses the 9th Street Bistro offering affordable lunch with delicious daily soup, quiche and sandwich specials, Monday through Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You can stop by Generations Gift Shop or the new 2nd Generation Thrift Shop and browse the latest in fashion, jewelry, bags, gifts, and home accessories. The gift shop and thrift shops are open to the public Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Senior Enrichment Center at Renaissance on 9th has a motto - “Live now – age later! For the fun & over 50.” It is located at 1816 9th Street West, Bradenton, FL 34205. The phone number is 941-749-0100 and the website is where you can obtain more information. Many activities are offered at Renaissance on 9th. Here are the highlights for July. “Flights & Bites” Beer Pairing & Cooking Demo Thursday, August 14, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Join us for an interactive cooking demo led by Chef David Meador and Chef Joe Stoddard. Cost is $30 per person. Price includes samples of each dish, flight of beer, cooking demo, recipe book, and nonalcoholic beverage. Additional beverages available for purchase. Seating is limited. RSVP by Tuesday, August 12 to 941-749-0100. AAA Mature Driving Class Tuesday, August 19 and Wednesday, August 20, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – It’s never too late to brush up on your driving skills! RSVP to Debbie at 941-798-2221 x2263. “Managing Your Diabetes” Wednesday, August 20, 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Join us for an informative class led by a Walgreens pharmacist. This Conversation Map education session is designed to help you discover what you want and need to know about managing your diabetes or that of a loved one. Seating is limited. RSVP to Audrey Mills at 941-749-1561. Pancake Breakfast Friday, August 29, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. – This monthly pancake feast includes Renaissance CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 Bring your dog to the ball game and have lots of fun! McKechnie Field on, August 17. Have a great time! Beck Family Day Care Home Flights &Bites Beer Pairing & Cooking Demo Presented by Chef David Meador & Chef Joe Stoddard Thursday, August 14 5:30-7:30pm $30 per person Price includes samples of each dish, flight of beer, cooking demo, recipe book, and non-alcoholic beverage. Additional beverages available for purchase. 941-776-1027 12515 County Road 675 w Parrish, FL 34219 BB Nail Spa Professional Nail Care RSVP by Tuesday, August 12 to 941.749.0100 1816 9th Street West Bradenton, FL 34205 941.749.0100 w Parrish resident for 31 years w Great place for your kids to learn and grow w Stop by, see what we have to offer you and your child 10% OFF All Services Local Technicians Tuesday Special Senior Day 20% New Equipment Coupon must be presented at time of service. Good till 8/31/2014 8326 US Highway 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 (Allris Plaza) 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Monday - Saturday 941-479-7787 Parrish Village Newspage 25 Service, Repair and Replacement Everything NEW in this 4 bedroom 2 bath POOL home in West Palmetto $189,900 Reasonable Rates for all your Cooling Needs Clint Mosley, Owner Meeting Your Air Conditioning Needs Since 1988 ws Who kno od? hborho ig e n r u o y I do! ay! Email tod 2@yaho ctm490 725-2636 For rent like new 3 bedroom 2 Parrish $1200 per month. Owner Performs All Work! Attention Parrish Residents! Do you need to have your A/C Checked? Not sure who to trust? Almost ready. 4 bedroom 2 bath for rent in Palmetto $1050 per month. Mosley A/C is owned & operated right here in Parrish 941-504-2331 What is your dream business? Visualize it here! This property is 2.34 acres on 301 in the ever growing Parrish area. Right by all the new growth in the area. The possibilities for this property are yours to imagine. Not sure you can find a better spot in the price range. $399,900 Volunteering with someone else in mind Wouldyouliketoknowhowtoliveamorefunandfulfillinglife?Volunteeringistheanswer. Giveuntoothers, andimprovetheirlivesthroughyourpresence.Whynotempoweryourselftohave an active mind, better health, a sense of purpose, all while socializing too? The SHINE Program (ServingHealthInsuranceNeedsofElders)canassistyouin alloftheseendeavors. Olderadultvolunteersreceivemanylife-changingbenefitsthroughservice.Accordingtothe CorporationforNationalandCommunityService,manyolderadultslivelongerasaresultofvolunteering.AccordingtoToday’sResearchonAging,theadvantagesofservingothersinolderadulthood alsoincludeslowingthedeclineofcognitivefunctionanddepressivesymptoms. SHINEisafreeprogramundertheFloridaDepartmentofElderAffairswhichisoperatedlocally throughtheWestCentralFloridaAreaAgencyonAging.Staffandvolunteersoftheprogramprovidefree,unbiasedandconfidentialMedicarehealthinsurancecounseling.Theprogramiscurrently inneedofvolunteers.Individualswhoarepassionateabouthelpingprepareothersforsomeofthe mostcrucialdecisionsinlife,likechoosingtherightMedicareplan,makesuccessfulvolunteersfor SHINE. Asweage,thelikelihoodofpayingout-of-pocketformedicalcostswillincrease.Nonetheless, SHINEvolunteersteachotherstobeconfidentinmakingtheircoveragedecisions.Since1993,the, more than 3,180,000 residents are Medicare beneficiaries in Florida. On average, beneficiariesspend$38,688out-of-pockettowardsmedicalassistanceduringthelastfiveyearsoflife. The rewards for volunteering with SHINE are abundant. Individuals complete a professional trainingbytheFloridaDepartmentofElderAffairsandtheirlocalAreaAgencyonAging;servethe communitybyeducatingothersonanindividualbasisandthroughoutreachevents;gainknowledge aboutMedicaretobenefitthemselvesandlovedones;andbecomeapartofanaward-winningteam. Ifyouareinterestedinvolunteeringtoday,pleasecontacttheSHINEprogramat1-800-96-ELDER (1-800-963-5337).Formoreinformation, Volunteer for SHINE today. Enlighten others with informed decisions tomorrow. Perspective of a SHINE Volunteer: “I came to SHINE initially as a client and a caregiver. I became a volunteer for the SHINE program to help others in the way that I was helped.” “We don’t get a paycheck, but we get paid every time we help someone. When someone can’t pay their bills and I help them get assistance, that’s payment in my book.” Parrish Village News page 26 Extension CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 termining our future. Classes begin September 19 and continue on September 26, October 3, 10, 17, and 31. Graduation will be held on November 4 in the Manatee County Commission Chambers where graduates will be presented with a UF-IFAS certificate of completion, embroidered FMNP patch, and an FMNP Coastal lapel pin. The cost for the course is $225.00, which includes all field trips, 40 contact hours of instruction, and a comprehensive student reference workbook. Registration will open July 31 at www., click on “coastal systems” and then click on Manatee County. For further information, please contact Cindy Mozeleski or Lisa Hickey. September 23, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Landscape Tips and Smart Irrigation: This class satisfies the irrigation and landscape educational classes for the Manatee County Outdoor Water Conservation Rebate Program. Two classes in one! Workshop topics will include: Florida-friendly landscape tips; how to adjust your inground sprinkler system to conserve water; and the benefits of installing smart irrigation devices. Register online or call Joann. September 27, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Growing Herbs in Your Garden and Cooking with Herbs: Learn about growing herbs, which herbs grow well in our county, and how to dry them or prepare them for many uses. We will also demonstrate how to incorporate herbs in a few delicious and nutritious recipes. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. Manatee County Master Gardeners Open Educational Gardens: Located on the Extension Service grounds, the educational gardens are designed to showcase the different ways Manatee County residents can be more successful gardeners and make their yards more Florida-Friendly. The educational garden first started as a greenhouse project in 2000. Eventually an old Extension Building was torn down to make way for planting of the gardens in 2010. Micro-irrigation on timers is installed throughout the gardens. The state-of-the-art greenhouse cost approximately $45,000 to build and is designed for air circulation and cold protection. A concrete floor and generous bench spacing allows for handicapped accessibility. Many plants are Florida natives as indicated on signs. The Educational Gardens includes a nursery area for plants coming out of the greenhouse; a vegetable garden; butterfly garden and a special children’s garden which includes A to Z plants and a wandering maze. As you stroll through the gardens you will notice creative ways to use wheel barrels, a fountain and a salad table for your gardening needs along with using rain barrels for plant watering. Various trees are planted throughout the gardens such as Jack fruit, the Pumelo from Southeast Asia, the Sapodilla from Mexico and the Jaboticaba from Brazil. The Florida Master Naturalist class of 2011 planted a wetland area and is provided with water through a 1,200 gallon cistern. Excavation and planting was completed in November 2012. The Master Gardeners invite you to come for a tour! To ensure that a Master Gardener can walk you through the gardens, please make an appointment by calling the Master Gardeners’ Plant Diagnostic Clinic (941) 7224524. Staff may not be available for impromptu visits. Master Gardeners are staffed Monday through Friday, (9am-4pm) and closed Wednesday. Additional Information 1. The Manatee County Master Gardener monthly E-newsletter, The Master Gardening Bench, is available to download at -- look for The Master Gardening Bench on the right of the page and click on “Monthly E-newsletter.” 2. Can’t make it to the Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service office to get advice or to solve your gardening problems? E-mail us at manateemg@gmail. com. Be sure to include as much information as you can in your e-mail and include your telephone number in case additional information is needed. Attach photos if possible. Remember, a photo can be worth a thousand words! 3. Get FYI from FFL (Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program). Visit the Manatee County Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program page on Facebook and “like” us to stay current on workshops and classes, events, publications, tips for your landscape, plant information, and more. 4. Interested in having a beautiful landscape while saving water? The Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service offers a Mobile Irrigation Lab with a FREE evaluation of your landscape and irrigation system. Call Bob or Martha at 941-722-4524 today to schedule your free evaluation. 5. Ask an Extension Master Gardener! - Every 2nd Saturday (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), Visit the Extension Master Gardener information table and get answers to your gardening questions. Location: South Manatee Library, 6081 26th Street West, Bradenton. 6. Ask an Extension Master Gardener! – Every 2nd and 4th Saturday (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), Visit the Extension Master Gardener information table and get answers to your gardening questions. Location: Rocky Bluff Library, 6750 U.S. Highway 301N, Ellenton. PHYSICAL THERAPY & REHABILITATION MONTHLY QUARTERLY SEASONALLY ACCEPTED INSURANCE: • Aetna Medicare • Medicare Advantage • Geico/USAA Automobile Insurance* • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida • Medicare Complete • Humana Medicare • Cigna • Medicare Railroad • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) • Tricare/Humana Military Healthcare Many other insurances accepted • Freedom Optimum Health Care • United Healthcare MEDICARE PART B: Ellenton Commons: Office Hours: 8263 US Highway 301 N We do F.F.S. and provide you with insurance billing Mon-Fri: 7:30AM - 4:30PM Parrish, FL 34219 Saturday: 10AM - 1PM at 20% DISCOUNT Phone: 941-776-5585 Sunday: Closed “When your insurance runs out ... We have you covered NO DOUBT!” Fax: 941-776-5655 Parrish Village Newspage 27 Small but Mighty Manatee takes Top Honors at State 4-H Horse Show Loweredtoasmallcountydivisionwithjustfivequalifiers,Manatee trottedawaywithtophonorsattherecentState4-HHorseShowinTampa. Withover325ridersatthestatewide show,Manatee4-Htoppedthesmall county division by winning the EmeraldAwardforbeststalldecorations and the Golden Shovel Award for maintaining the cleanest and neatest stableareaduringtheshow. Additionally,AmandaNealqualifiedfortheregionalshowandwillbe representing Florida at the Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championships inRaleigh,NClaterthismonth. Formoreinformationonthe4-H horse program, contact the Manatee County 4-H Office at 941.722.4524. 4-H programs are open to all youth (ages 5-18) without regard to race, color, sex, handicap or national origin. Pictured (left to right): We are the stars!? Amanda Neal, Jordan Olson, Melissa Katzenberger, Beth Ciemniecki, and Faith Houseworth pose in front of their award winning exhibit just before the parade of counties. INTERCOASTAL MEDICAL GROUP Welcomes Anthony R. Hemmer, MD Board Certified, Family Practice to Lakewood Ranch Dr. Hemmer joins Intercoastal Medical Group, a patient-focused health care provider of more than 65 board certified physicians in multiple specialties. Intercoastal Medical Group provides integrated electronic medical records and diagnostic services for your safety and convenience. ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS A weekend “Urgent Care” Clinic and Emergency Room coverage by an Intercoastal physician means that your health care needs are covered 24/7. Guiding your health care needs, from the routine to the complex, is our commitment to you. 941-907-6016 IMG Lakewood Ranch Medical Office Building 11505 Rangeland Prkwy., Bradenton, FL 34211 (SR 70, exit 217 off I-75) A Patient Focused, Multi-Specialty Group l Medicare and most insurance accepted Same day appointments often available National Expertise l Seven Locations Traffic Lights Humane Society sponsors Understanding Patrick Walsh, PGA Golf Professional and AimPoint Green Reading Certified Instructor Kitten Adopt-a-thon Parrish Village News page 28 55 kittens find their purr-fect homes Below a perfect little, black kitten in a staff member’s lap. Above kittens Dezi and Darla with the Noble Family. It was raining cats during the Kitten Adopt-a-thon on Friday, June 27th through Sunday, June 29th. There were smiles galore as adopters made the kind of deep connection that permanently changes the lives of humans and shelter pets alike. By the end of the week-end, families and individuals had opened their hearts and homes to 55 kittens and cats. Over a course of three days, local animal shelters and rescues kicked off their 2nd annual Kitten Adopt-a-thon by offering a reduced adoption fee of $25 for all kittens and cats. Participating organizations included Humane Society of Manatee County, Bishop ASPCA Animal Shelter, Gulfshore Animal League, Humane Society at Lakewood Ranch, Manatee County Animal Services and Nate’s Honor Animal Rescue. Throughout the event, a steady stream of eager adopters visited adoption locations to find their purr-fect furry feline. The success of the Kitten Adopt-a-thon is attributed to all the shelters, rescues, staff, volunteers and adopters. For those who did not make it out for the Kitten Adopt-a-thon, there are still many kittens available. The Humane Society of Manatee County is continuing the $25 adoption price for kittens and in honor of Independence Day, all adult cats were $17.76 in July. The Humane Society of Manatee County is a private non-profit 501(c) (3) organization that receives no funding from tax dollars or any other umbrella organization. The mission of HSMC is to provide critical life-saving sheltering, veterinary, adoption and humane educa-tion programs to our community. For more information go to Henrietta with her new mom, Ann Sweeney. While watching the British Open last week you may have noticed the professionals had different game plans. Some hit drivers on certain holes while others hit fairway metals or long irons. Hitting approaches to the greens sometimes they aimed at the flags while other times they aimed for areas off the greens. Professionals know that the secret to playing better golf is found in the understanding of when to take risks and when to throttle back. The lower handicap golfers utilize the ‘traffic light’ approach as they game plan their round. Imagine driving down the road. As you approach a busy intersection the traffic light dictates three choices for you to follow: green allows you to go through without worry; yellow lets you continue but with caution; and red means you need to stop. The next time you play golf utilize the traffic warning signals as you game plan the hole you are about to play. If the fairway is wide open and there is no trouble then consider it a “Green Light” and pull out the driver. If, on the other hand, there is water on one side and out of bounds on the other side with a very small landing area then you should consider it a “Yellow Light” and proceed with more caution. If the driver is not a club you hit straight, you should probably swing a fairway metal or hybrid just to put the ball in play. As the old Scottish caddies say, “It is better to gain something on the hole then hit three from the tee.” Approaching the green should carry the same Traffic Light mentality. If the pin is tucked over a bunker with no landing area, that would be a “Red Light” pin and you should aim away from the target, especially if hitting from any distance outside 100 yards. If the pin is towards the very front of the green, what the professionals call a “sucker pin,” then that would be a “Yellow Light” and you should proceed with caution and aim past the hole. But if the pin is located dead center of the green with no visible trouble then that would be the “Green Light” and you should fire right at the target. If you implement the Traffic Light philosophy, you will more likely enjoy a stress free round producing lower scores. If the light is green, go for it, but if it is yellow or red, you better slow down and contemplate if the risk is worth the reward before you run the light! For more information on playing strategies or the game of golf in general, contact any one of the PGA Golf Professionals at River Wilderness Country Club at 941-7762602. Bet you want a Betta! Parrish Village News page 29 Pets Plus The beautiful betta is perhaps the most popular fish to own as a pet. Prized for their colorfulness and gracefulness as they swim through the water, they’re a wonder to the eye, but also relatively easy to take care of. Bettas do not require much; and as long as you know a few rules to taking care of them, you can enjoy their beauty and company easily. Bettas have an amazing range of diversity in terms of appearance. You can get them in almost any color, from pink, green, and red, to white, black and even orange and blue! But it doesn’t stop there. While all bettas have similar heads and bodies, did you know there are 12 different kinds of tails they can have as well? All of them stunningly beautiful, especially the Crown and Rose Tails. Bettas may come in all shapes and colors, but they’re all taken care of the same way. First, you must get them a living space. This isn’t difficult, as they don’t need a lot of room. You can keep them in a simple bowl, just give them enough room to swim around and have fun. Also, leave a bit of room at the top for air because betta fish have a labyrinth organ that permits them to breathe straight from the air. They do this frequently, but not for long, so they do still need water as they also breathe through their gills. In addition to this, feed your betta a very tiny bit of fish food every day, change their water when it’s dirty, and they should be fine. The only other rule of betta fish is to keep them away from each other. They have the nickname “fighting fish” because when they see each other, they often become aggressive. This means that, though there are so many kinds, you can’t have them all in one place. Not only can they not be kept in the same water; they cannot even be kept next to each other in clear glass bowls, or they will see each other and become stressed. Visit Pets Plus in the Parkwood Plaza Shopping Center to see a variety of pets! PETS PLUS Overall, bettas are beautiful and easy to take care of, but that’s not all. They’re also very active and fun. Watch them swim around all day and create bubbles on the surface of the water. Bubbles are made by the males to form a nest to protect the eggs for his mate. You and your sweet betta (or bettas, as long as you don’t let them see each other) can be happy together as long as you follow the simple care instructions and love them with all your heart. As always, research whether these or any other pets are a good fit for you, your family and your lifestyle before bringing them into your home. Should you have any questions, feel free to stop in and ask your local pet professionals for more information. Mon - Sat: 9 - 8 Sun: 11 - 5 8943 US HWY 301 N - Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-0770 Saturday, August 9th and 23rd - 1 - 3 PM Low Cost Pet Vaccination Clinics Heartworm Tests Low Cost Pet Medications Parrish Village News page 30 Local youth visit UF Research Center during 4-H Green and Growing Field Day Local youth had a day-long visit of the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research Center in Balm. After departing from the Manatee County Agricultural Center, youth enjoyed traveling to the research center and touring the laboratories and greenhouses where they learned all about plant connections first hand. OPEN DAILY 4-9 Renaissance CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 pancakes, sausage, orange juice and coffee. In addition to our Traditional Buttermilk Pancakes, this month’s special flavor is “Nutella”. Cost is just $4 for members and $5 for non-members. Special Movie and a Meal Tuesday, August 26, 1:00 p.m. Movie Title, “The Great Gatsby”. Let’s have some fun and dress in “Gatsby Era” attire for this month’s feature film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan. Along with the movie, guests may enjoy a special “Gatsby Era” lunch. Cost for this special event is just $5 for members and nonmembers. RSVP by August 25 to 941-749-0100. No outside food or drinks allowed. Please arrive between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to allow time for lunch before the movie begins. Silver Sneakers Welcome! Members of the Silver Sneakers program are now welcome to use the fitness center at Renaissance on 9th and participate in exercise classes at no additional cost. For more information, call 941-749-0100. Great Classes! Yoga For Cancer Patients and Survivors Tuesdays, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Facilitated by the Center for Building Hope and hosted by Renaissance on 9th, this yoga class is designed for cancer patients and survivors to help cultivate healing and awareness and to help reduce stress. This class is open only to cancer patients and survivors and is free to attend. Participants may just show, no RSVP necessary. For more information, call 941-749-0100. Italian Study Group – Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. This class will focus on teaching participants the frequently used conversational language, travel, culture and history of Italy. Cost is Free for members and $2 for non-members (per class). For details and reservations, call 941-749-0100. Tai Chi for Balance – Mondays at 1:00 p.m. and 1:45 p.m. During these introductory classes in Tai Chi and Qigong, participants may build strength, increase balance and flexibility, and improve health and well-being. Cost is Free for members and $5 for non-members (per class). For details and reservations, call 941-749-0100. Tai Chi – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. During these introductory classes in Tai Chi and Qigong, participants may build strength, increase balance and flexibility, and improve health and well-being. Cost is Free for members and $5 for non-members (per class). For details and reservations, call 941-749-0100. Silver Sneakers Yoga – Mondays at 11:00 a.m. Improve balance, posture and flexibility. Silver Sneakers covered. Cost without Silver Sneakers is $5 for Members and $7 for Non-Members. Silver Sneakers Classic – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Suitable for varying levels of mobility. Silver Sneakers covered. Cost without Silver Sneakers is $5 for Members and $7 for Non-Members. Line Dancing – Dust off your boots and join us for this fun activity. Free for members, $5 for non-members. Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. If interested in joining a class, call 941-749-0100 or sign up at the front desk. August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – You’re invited! The Senior Lunch Club meets on Fridays at 11:00 a.m. for a great meal and to hear about a variety of topics from guest speakers. $8.00. Call Sheila at 941-747-4655 for more information. August 6, 13, 20, 27 -- “Coffee Talk” - Every Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., join us for a casual social, chatting with others over coffee. Free to attend. Coffee and Danishes provided. First come first served, ‘till the coffee runs dry! Bring friends…More people, more fun! Renaissance on 9th Volunteer Program Renaissance on 9th has volunteer opportunities that come in many different shapes and forms – ranging from facility tours, to class instruction, to filing and office work. We will work with you to find a volunteer job that best utilizes your strengths and skills. For more information, contact Sue at 941-749-0100. Parrish Village News page 31 E�p�� B��l� Calling all artists! Unleash your creativity to help feed local families in Manatee County! The Food Bank of Manatee is looking for local volunteers and artists to make or paint bowls for our annual Empty Bowls Luncheons, to be held on November 6, 2014 at Main Street in Lakewood Ranch and November 7, 2014 at Renaissance on 9th in Bradenton. Guests of these events enjoy a variety of soup provided by dozens of local restaurants with fresh bread, and then select a unique, handcrafted ceramic bowl (made by you!) to keep. The symbolic meal of soup and bread demonstrates that together, we can fill the empty bowls of our neighbors in need. If you or your group would like to get involved, call Lauren Blenker at 941-749-0100 or lblenker@foodbankofmanatee. Completed bowls needed by September 1, 2014. Proceeds benefit OF MANATEE 2013 The Food Bank of Manatee 811 23rd Ave E • Bradenton, FL 34208 941-747-4655 • Nicole Gabbard 941-685-0451 Jason Gabbard 941-718-1111 TWIN RIVERS - Over 2,600 square feet, 3/3 home with a bonus room. Gorgeous pool and spa overlooks a large lake and preserve. Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and crown molding. All of the bells and whistles. Offered at $399,000. River Plantation Rental, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths with almost 2,300 square feet. Nice open floor plan and screened in lanai. Great for entertaining! $1,800 per month. act Under Contr Call us for a tour of our center and learn about membership perks! Call 941-749-0100 today. When you enjoy events at Renaissance on 9th, you support the programs of Meals on Wheels PLUS. This home has over 3,000 square feet, located on over half an acre of land, and on a private cul-de-sac. This 4/3/1 has Corian countertops and stainless steel appliances in the kitchen. It also has two master suites and a bonus room. Plenty of room for a large family! Offered at only $299,000. Seller is saving over $4,000. Realtors that save you money!! Twin Rivers - Over 3,200 square feet. 3/2 plus a den and bonus room that includes a pool table!! Home includes a beautiful pool, spa and private landacaped yard. This home also has granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and crown modling throughout. A must see!! Offered at $469,000. Sellers: Never pay 6% again!! Buyers: 1% rebate towards your purchase!! Parrish Village News page 32 Continue the Progress! Vote for Julie on Aug. 26! Or Vote Early/Absentee! Manatee in 2014 p 20% increase in l all school grades p Improved writing l scores for all grades p First positive fund l balance in 4 years p 6,000 more computers l in classrooms Julie Aranibar helped bring needed change to our schools. Because of that, our students are doing better. Continue the progress 3 Focus on our 3 Build on what 3 Put divisive r r r students’ overdue needs we’ve already achieved together politics aside and vote for Julie Aranibar Aug. 26! Julie Aranibar knows what our students need. Her record shows it. With Julie on the School Board: u Staffing decisions are now based on need and not politics. u Students get the help they need earlier. u Our schools have a budget surplus for the first time in 4 years. u Taxpayer dollars are spent with greater Now, she wants to lead our schools to a brighter future that includes: u 21st-century technology in all of our schools. u A high school to serve the budding Parrish/Ellenton/Palmetto area. u A career/technical high school to improve ALL of our students’ job-readiness. transparency and accountability. Vote for Julie Aranibar Aug. 26 • • 941.705.1010 Paid for by Julie Aranibar, nonpartisan, for Manatee School Board District 5 Parrish Village Newspage 33 T-Shirt Design Contest—Southeastern Guide Dogs 2015 Walkathon Southeastern Guide Dogs announces a T-shirt design contestforits2015Walkathon,thecharity’sbiggestannual fundraiser of the year. The winning design will be worn by Walkathonparticipants,volunteers,andstaffmembersat sevenuniquelocations,andwillbefeaturedonWalkathon promotionalitemssuchasbanners,signage,theSoutheastern Guide Dogs Walkathon website, Tervis tumblers, and more.Artistsofanyexperiencelevelareinvitedtosubmit original designs and concepts in a digital format, and the winnerwillreceivea$100giftcertificatetotheSoutheastern GuideDogsonlinegiftshop. “Ourdogsmakeadifference,andourWalkathonsmake adifferenceforourdogs,”saidTitusHerman,CEOatSoutheasternGuideDogs.“It’ssuchafunandrewardingevent, and thousands of people will be wearing these Walkathon T-shirtsinsupportofourpuppiesandprograms.” The 2015 Southeastern Guide Dogs Walkathons will beheldinSarasota,Bradenton,Tampa,St.Petersburg,The Villages,OrlandoandFt.Myers.TheWalkathonsaredogfriendly,family-friendlyeventsheldinFebruary,Marchand April. The 2015 locations and schedules are available at About Southeastern Guide Dogs: Southeastern Guide Dogs is internationally accredited and one of the most respectedguidedogschoolsintheUnitedStates.Established in1982,SoutheasternGuideDogs’missionistocreateand nurtureapartnershipbetweenavisuallyimpairedindividual andaguidedog,facilitatinglife’sjourneywithmobility,independenceanddignity.Throughtheirprograms PawsforIndependence™,PawsforPatriots™,andGiftedCanines™,Southeasternhasmorethan400active guidedogteamsacrossthenationand continuestoplacemorethan100dogsannuallyintoguidingandother careers,allatnochargetotheguidedogrecipient,thankstothegeneroussupportofdonorsandvolunteers. Visitwww.guidedogs.orgformoreinformation. Parachute for Paws Saturday, August 23rd, 10am-12pm at Bishop Animal Shelter 5718 21st Ave West, Bradenton Come out to this adopt-a-thon and skydiving event and donate to the animal welfare organization of your choice. Watch Commissioner John Chappie and Assistant State Attorney, Lisa Chittaro skydive and land at Bishop Animal Shelter at noon. Participating shelters include Bishop Animal Shelter, Humane Society of Manatee County, Nate’s Honor Animal Rescue, Humane Society at Lakewood Ranch, Safe Haven Animal Rescue, Manatee County Animal Services, Gulf Shore Animal League and Underdog Rescue. Pet-friendly celebration at Motorworks Brewing, 1014 9th St W, from 1pm-3pm. Come meet me at the after-party at Motorworks! Princess, Motorworks Brewing Brewery Dog Commissioner John Chappie Lisa Chittaro, Assistant State Attorney Sponsored By PARRISH RESIDENTS ONLY 2.75% Real Estate Commission “COMPARE COMMISSIONS” $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ GulfCoast $250,000 x 2.75% $6,875.00 Franchise Company <<<<<<< Sale Price >>>>>>> $250,000 <<<<< Commission >>>>> x 7% <<<< Cost to Seller >>>> $17,500.00 Savings To Seller = $10,625.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ u Comprehensive Advertising - We will advertise your home in the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) Multiple Photos, Virtual Open Houses. We have a contract with several Real Estate publications for optimal exposure to our local and national market. u Internet Advertising - Your home will be placed on the MLS,,, and many others, for Maximum World-Wide Exposure. u Unconditional Release Policy - Most competition only offers a long term listing contract that, unfortunately for clients, is legal and binding. GulfCoast Preferred Properties understands that unforeseen circumstances arise and with this in mind you may cancel the listing contract at any time for any reason, with written notice. Don’t spend your money on expensive franchise fees!!! Call us for a free Home Value Assessment, before you trust your home to anyone else!!! GULFCOAST PREFERRED PROPERTIES, INC. Ronald H. Alicea BROKER/OWNER 941.776.1010 “Real Estate Done Right” Parrish Village News page 34 For subscription information to the Parrish Village News, see page 41. Redfish, trout and snook so much biting! Capt. Ric Liles, Reel Simple Fishing Adventures It makes a nice gift, too! Sign up for either Drywood or Subterranean Termite Guarantee and receive an instant up to $600.00 discount!!!! Island Pest and Termite Control, Inc. State Certified, Licensed & Insured Please ask for a free termite inspection and if you sign up for a Drywood and/or Subterranean Guarantee receive a discount up to $600.00 and/or $1,200.00 (if signed up for both) Please call immediately - only the first 500 customers are eligible!!! 3651 Cortez Road West, Suite 400, Bradenton, FL 34210 Toll FREE Number: 855-778-1337 Visit our website at or email us at “The bugs stop here.” Farm Fresh and Locally Grown Citrus & Produce Fresh Squeezed Juices, Dakin Dairy Milk, Cheese, Brown Eggs, Local Honey, Jams, Salad Dressings, Grass-Fed Beef & Much More! Open Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM till 5:30 PM 12255 N. Highway 301 N, Parrish, FL - 1/4 mile north of CR 675 “Our family farming for you!” Tim & Hiedi Brown 941-776-2710 Becky B. with the second snook of her life - a hefty 41.5” beast she caught while fishing in Tampa Bay with Capt. Ric Liles and Reel Simple Fishing Adventures. This month’s report comes on the heels of a 10-day family vacation that took me and my gang through a loop of the New England states. We started and finished in Boston with a 7-state tour in between. With clients scattered all over that area of the country, it was not hard to find interesting things to check out. The one thing that is rediscovered every year while out of town is that I am a flatlander at heart. It was a great trip that was enjoyed for the beauty and for the history, but it sure is nice to be home. I know you are ready for some fishing information. All my news is 10 days old, but most of it will ring true as the patterns do not change that rapidly this time of year. Before I left, the bite had quieted down a little. The best bite was coming from redfish and trout. The redfish were harder to find than they had been due to all the rain staining the water. Most of the trout were under the slot, but we were able to pick a few out here and there that meet the mark. There were a couple of nice surprises with back to back days of monster snook. Unusually enough, we got both fish during the middle of the day on slow moving water. Not the best conditions for catching trophy snook. One was almost 42 inches and the other one was a little over 38 inches. It was funny the day we got the 38-inch snook: we also got a couple small sharks, and the anglers were so much happier with the sharks than with the big snook. Sharks draw a lot of attention and now is the best time to catch sharks in the bay area. The mangrove snapper bite was also pretty good when I left and I expect it to have only gotten better. Catching a limit of mangrove snapper right now should not be a big deal. We even did it with a banana in the boat before I left. Gag grouper season (state waters) is in for any of you grouper diggers and even though it’s not as good as the cooler months, there are good opportunities out in the bay area waters for you. The one positive that awaits me now that I am back is that the fry bait that was on the flats has had almost two weeks to grow. Bait can make or break a fishing trip and its always a welcome event when it’s easy to catch. I received a question via email this past month from one of the readers and I will answer it but will keep the answer short due to column space. “Is braided line worth the money for the average angler?” Yes it is! There are three things that come to mind when the benefits of braided line are discussed. Lack of memory, lack of stretch and increased casting distance due to the smaller diameter per pound test. The cost difference of braid versus monofilament line is minimal when compared to everything else associated with fishing. Is a better shot at a trophy fish worth a few bucks more? A majority of anglers would say, “Yes!” Hope that helps. Until next time, good luck and be safe on the water. Remember: don’t let your kid be the one that got away; take them fishing. For charter information, you can call 813-601-2900, email, or visit Parrish Village Newspage 35 The Parrish Civic Association welcomes Officers and Board members for 2014 - 2015 our returning members! Ben Jordan - President Basic Member Frank & Daryl Nosek Williams & Kathleen Yee Tami Vaughan - Vice President Cookie Jordan - Secretary Norma Kennedy - Treasurer Cindy Chin Gretchen Fowler Jim Gertz Denise Greer Karen Lanese Iris McClain Pearl McCraw Malcolm Norwood Michael Wells Parrish Sponsor Tony & Teresa Freed Marlene Ghezzi Joseph & Barbara Novak Anthony M. Triglia William & Kathleen Turner Thank you for your support! Full Service Salon and Spa For Men and Women tive C r e ag e Ed Hair o i Stud SPA 80 9 MA59 05 • 140 • MA 27543 MM Janet Akerberg Stylist/Colorist 26 years Lidia Kovtuschenko Stylist/Colorist/Short to Long 18+ years 941.773.9338 941.345.3363 Mindy Enfinger Melissa Tennimon, LMT Master Stylist/Colorist 28 years 6 years 941.704.9147 941.249.1969 Colleen M. Johnson, LMT Esthetician Jamie Cook Master Stylist/Colorist 9 years 941.518.7972 Dana Cullen Spa Master Stylist, 20 years Sarah Hamel 941.704.8365 Stylist/Color Expert/ Short to Long Cert, 7 years Nail s Alice McClary 941.580.4554 HAIR Master Stylist/Colorist Airbrush Makeup 9 years 941.518.4419 Rebecca Skates 301 22 years 941.780.0066 Hair Stylist/Nail Tech, 13 years 941.737.5239 Amanda Davis Master Stylist/Colorist 23 years 727.599.9828 Crystal Centeno Hair Stylist/Makeup Artist, 10 years 863.677.1043 • Hair Cutting, Styling, Coloring • Keratin Treatments • Massage • Facials • Nail Services • Spa Packages • Gift Certificates 8405 US Highway 301 N, Suite 101, Parrish, 34219 f Parrish Village Newspage 36 Look No Further... WOODY’S DESIGNS Is Here! Custom Cabinetry & Granite Counter Tops Flooring All Hard Surfaces Tile-Backsplash-Shower Tile Finish Trim Work Painting Custom Pavers Decking Pressure Washing Specializing in Kitchens and Bathrooms Established since 1986 Stephen Woodland 941-776-8068 941-445-1251 The Parrish FoundationCONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE CookOffwiththelotsofpeopleandfamilieshavingfunandenjoyingsomegreatchili earlyintheyearortheawardingofgrantstothewonderfulorganizationsservingParrish residentslaterintheyear.Botharegreattimesforagreatcommunity.” FundingforthesegrantscomessolelyfromtheproceedsfromtheHeritageDay FestivalandChiliCookOffandnextyear’seventwillbeheldonMarch7,2015atthe FloridaRailroadMuseuminParrish. ThedeadlineforsubmittingagrantrequestisSeptember20,2014andgrantswill SingingCONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 there!) AsIsaidbefore,singingmakesmehappy.Thereareevenscientificfindings that provethatsinginghaspositivephysicalandpsychologicaleffectsinourbrains. Theactofsingingreleasesendorphins,thebrain’s“feelgood”chemicals,andshares some similar effects with exercising. According to http://science.howstuffworks. com’sarticle,“DoesSingingmakeyouhappy,”“singingreleasesendorphins,which givethesingerandoverall“lifted”feelingandareassociatedwithstressreduction. It’salsoanaerobicactivity,whichgetsmoreoxygenintothebloodforbettercirculation,whichtendstopromotegoodmood.Andsingingnecessitatesdeepbreathing, anotheranxietyreducer.” Thephysicaleffectsofsingingcanreducestress?Cool!Lessstressmeanslowercortisollevelswhichlowersthechancesofthat“sparetire”or“jellyroll”forming. (You’ve all broken out into song, haven’t you?) Stacy Horn writes in the Life & StylesectionofTIMEMagazine,“Whatresearchersarebeginningtodiscoveristhat singingislikeaninfusionoftheperfecttranquilizer,thekindthatbothsoothesyour nervesandelevatesyour spirits.”Whodoesn’tappreciateaperfecttranquilizer?No sideeffectsandnoco-pay. Someofthegreatestconnectionsbetweensingingandhappiness,however,reach beyondthemerephysicalconsequences toadeeperlevelofpsychologicalresultsespeciallyin groupsinging.“Studiesshowthatgroupsingingisthemostexhilarating andtransformativeofall,”saysStacyHorn.“Ittakessomethingincrediblyintimate, asoundthatbeginsinsideyou,sharesitwitharoomfulofpeopleanditcomesback assomethingevenmorethrilling:harmony.” AccordingtoChorusAmerica,32.5millionadultssinginchoirs,upbyalmost10 million over the past six years. With a plethora of singing talent shows on every nightoftheweek(seemslike)andshowslikeFox’sGlee,it’snosurprisethatgroup singingisontherise. [Letmeinterjecthereforamoment.Idon’twatchanyofthosetelevisionshows; eventhoughIlovesinging…theygetonmynerves.I’veseenpiecesofNBC’s,The Voice,andthinkthatitseemstobethemostfairintermsoffindingtalentbasedon talentandnotbasedonlooks,age,etc.AsfarasGleeisconcerned:Really?How unrealisticandcheesycanyouget?Andhowaboutthatadultcontent?Wow,high school sure has changed. Of course, don’t get mad at me if you absolutely love thoseshows…myparentsdo(whatever)andtheyrolltheireyesatmeforlovingThe WalkingDead.Ithinkaglitzyshowchoirofflesh-eatingzombiessingingpop,rock, rap,reggaeandalittlegospelmightbethenexttrendforatelevisionseries…Ibetter Parrish Village Newspage 37 writedownthatidea!] Sowhatarethepsychologicaleffectsofgroupsinging,youask?Concentration on timing, vocal parts, notes and technique make it difficult to worry about life’s problems and learning new songs, harmonies, etc., keep our brains active. More importantthanconcentrationandlearningarethesocialaspectsthatcomewithbeingapartofagrouporchoir.Socialramificationslikehavingasupportsystemof belonging,gettingoutofthehouseandworkingtowards acommongoaleachhave tremendousbenefitsforallages. Youdon’thavetojoinagrouptoenjoythebenefitsofsinging,though.Whether you singwell(peoplecanstandtolistentoyou)oryousingpoorly(peoplerunwhile coveringtheirears),simplysingingahappytunecanprovetoberewarding.Sodon’t worryabouthowyousound(I’mabelow-averagesinger,atbest);beltoutsome happytuneswhileyou’reworking(yes,likeanelf)orwhileyou’reintheshower (everyonesoundsbetterintheshower!)Singinthecartoyourfavoritestationor on ajogaroundtheneighborhood.Sure,we’reallgoingtolookatyoudrivingor jogginglikeyou’reanutbag,butwhocares?You’rereleasingthoseendorphinsand loweringthatnastycortisollevelinyourbody. Earth,Wind&Firesaiditbest: Whenyoufeeldownandout Singasong,it’llmakeyourday Youneedlil’timetoshoutonout Singasong,it’llmakeaway Andifyou needsomethingtoreallyputasmileonyourface,watchPharrell Williams’video“Happy”anddon’tforgettosingalong! Parrish Village Newspage 38 Adoptions and news from the Humane Society of Manatee County Why Adopt? EverytimeyouadoptananimalfromtheHumaneSocietyofManateeCounty, youenablethemtosavethelifeofanotheranimalinneedofalovinghome.Each adoptionalsobringstheHumaneSocietyonestepclosertobecomingahumanecommunity–acommunitywherealladoptableanimalsfindpermanentlovinghomesand euthanasiaisnolongeracceptedasameansofpopulationcontrol. TheHumaneSociettyisproudofitsefforts,andtheBoard,staff,andvolunteers ofHSMCarecommittedtoplacing100percentoftheanimalsbroughttoHSMCfor adoptionintopermanent,lovinghomes. FAQ About Adoptions What does the adoption fee include? Not only do you take home your new best friend, but all of the animals are spayedorneutered,microchippedanduptodateonalltheirvaccinations.Petinsurancefor30daysisalsoincluded.Adoptionfeesare$75forallthedogsandkittens, $50foradultcats6monthsorolder. What is the Selection Criteria? Petsplacedupforadoptionneedtobeofsoundtemperamentandgoodhealth. Petswithahistoryofsevereaggressionoruntreatableconditionsarenotsuitablefor theadoptionprogram.Manyanimalsundergosubstantialmedicaland/orbehavioral rehabilitationpriortoplacementforadoption.Forexample,thedogenrichmentand obedienceprogram,staffedbyagroupofdedicatedvolunteers,workswithallthe dogstohelpthemdevelopgoodmannersaswellasspecialneedsdogsinorderto resolvebehaviorproblemsthatotherwisewouldbeadeterrenttoadoption. Do you ever get purebred dogs or cats? It is estimated that about 25 percent of the animals brought to the shelter are purebreds.Ifyouareinterestedinaspecificbreed,checkthepetliststoseeifone is available. The Humane Society of Manatee County also works with purebred dogrescueorganizations.Manytimes,thesedogsaretransferredfromtheHumane Societytorescuegroupswhospecializeinadoptionofaparticularbreed.Thatway HSMChasmoreroomformixbreeds. Can I return a pet I’ve adopted? Yes,theHumaneSocietyofManateeCountywantsyouandyourpettobea goodfitforeachotherandrecognizesthatdespiteeveryone’sbestefforts,sometimes thisdoesn’thappen.Termsofreturnare: TheHumaneSocietyofManateeCountywillacceptyourpetbackwithin10 days of adoption. After 10 days each animal will be evaluated according to the HSMCselectioncriteria.Theadoptionfeeisnon-refundable. Pleasecall747-8808todiscussyourcircumstanceswithacounselorandscheduleadateandtimeforreturn. “Like” the Humane Society of Manatee County on Facebook TakealookattheHSMCFacebookpage.You’llfindpetsavailableforadoption,recentadoptions,specialeventsthatarecomingupsoonandmanyothernews aboutSocietyprograms.Besureto“like”usonFacebookwhileyouareonthesite! Parachute for Paws Saturday, August 23rd, 10am-12pm at Bishop Animal Shelter 5718 21st Ave West, Bradenton Come out to this adopt-a-thon and skydiving event and donate to the animal welfare organization of your choice. Watch Commissioner John Chappie and Assistant State Attorney, Lisa Chittaro skydive and land at Bishop Animal Shelter at noon. Participating shelters include Bishop Animal Shelter, Humane Society of Manatee County, Nate’s Honor Animal Rescue, Humane Society at Lakewood Ranch, Safe Haven Animal Rescue, Manatee County Animal Services, Gulf Shore Animal League and Underdog Rescue. Pet-friendly celebration at Motorworks Brewing, 1014 9th St W, from 1pm-3pm. Come meet me at the after-party at Motorworks! Commissioner John Chappie Lisa Chittaro, Assistant State Attorney Princess, Motorworks Brewing Brewery Dog Sponsored By Parrish Village News page 39 Preserving summer’s bounty of fruit and vegetables You’ve been to the farmer’s market and have seen all the lovely fresh vegetables that you’ve been waiting for. You want to buy them all up, hoping they will last for a long time. But, alas, that’s not to be. What to do? That gets you to thinking - why don’t I try to preserve some this year for the winter. After all, you can only eat cucumbers at every meal for so many days in a row before you start to feel like you are, in fact, a cucumber. Canning is a wonderful way to store your fruits and vegetables while they are in season and make the harvest last through winter when local and seasonal foods are scarce. Canning in both water baths and pressure cooking heats the food, killing any microorganisms that may grow, and also creates a vacuum seal in the jar. The vacuum seal will prevent any air from coming in contact with the preserved food that could encourage cell growth and cause the food to spoil. You may ask, “Why can?” The answer is simple: Canning saves you money; it is eco-friendly; canning cuts down on waste; it’s fresher and tastes better; and there are no BPA or additives. What do you need? This is the list: Canning Jars and Seals – use mason-style jars with sealed lids and rings, which can be found at most grocery stores. Wide-Mouth Funnel – makes filling jars with sauces or jams easier and less messy. Lid Wand – for easy removal of lids and rings from boiling water. Ladle – for filling jars. Large Pot – for boiling canned preserves and jams, fruits, tomatoes and pickled vegetables. Pressure Canner – used for canning vegetables and meats because it has the ability to reach a higher temperature. Tongs of Jar Lifters – rubberized lifters make removing cans from their water bath less. slippery, but a good pair of tongs can work just as well. Clean Cloths – used to wipe down jars, lids and rims of jars. How do you start? Start by sterilizing your jars. Wash your lids and jars in hot soapy water. Then move them to a boiling water bath for ten minutes to sterilize. Remove jars from the water bath, but leave the lids in the hot water until you’re ready to use them to ensure they don’t come in contact with anything before you seal your jars. Slice, dice, pickle and pour. It is best to can your fruits and vegetables immediately after you get them for the highest vitamin and nutrient concentration. The longer a fresh piece of produce sits, the more vitamins it loses. Prepare fruits and vegetables by slicing and dicing, prepare your jams and preserves using your favorite recipes and pickle vegetables before placing in the jars. Tomatoes should have lemon juice or another citric acid added to them prior to canning to ensure their pH level is above 4.6, and ascorbic acid solutions can be added to fruits to prevent browning prior to placing in jars. Iron, aluminum and copper should not be used when preparing your fruits and Please see Preserving CONTINUED ON PAGE 44 Mike Armstrong Landscaping, Inc. “Serving Manatee County Since 1978” For All Your Landscaping Needs Come see our varieties of plants for your landscaping needs! “Give the gift that keeps on Growing” 776-0410 776-1076 8475 69th Street E, Palmetto, FL 34221 Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Call ahead. Parrish Village Newspage 40 Manatee County Y Parrish Branch 12214 US 301 N. Parrish, Florida 34219 941-981-5323 Electrical Contractor Charles Gullett - Owner 941.723.4341 Residential • Commercial • Industrial EC 13004847 • Licensed & Insured Join the Y and Get-A Little Cooler Our Summer Membership Special is ENDING SOON! er will New memb Cooler! receive a Y NO JOINING FEE (up to $100 savings at sign up) Available for a limited time. Support our advertisers! They make the Parrish Village News possible. Wildman’s Complete Pool Care LLC. Customer satisfaction is guaranteed Wes Wildman Owner/Operator Cell: (941) 322-4108 Reliable and dependable service Clean-Out Maintenance Quality Work Dave Psimer Design Installation Free Estimates (941) 720-0239 In addition SAVE on Summer Camp, Swim Lessons, Youth Sports and more. Group exercise classes such as; Pilates, Yoga, Zumba are included with membership and Kid Zone (babysitting while you workout) is FREE to our family members. SENIOR GAME DAY ms Adult Progra ROW CLASS CROSSMAXX DYNAMAX TAI CHI Ongoing programs! ms Kid’s Progra OUTDOOR SOCCER CHEERLEADING SWIM LESSONS BALLET CLASSES Registration has begun! Stop by the Y for more information or visit Are you ready to sign up? Online registration is available! Parrish Village News page 41 Back-to-School tips for parents Starting the new school year can be a time of great excitement… and anxiety. Help calm your child’s fears (and your own) with these teacher-approved tips. Meet the new teacher. For kids, one of the biggest back-to-school fears is “Will I like my new teacher?” Breaking the ice early on is one of the best ways to calm everyone’s fears. Take advantage of your school’s open house or back-to-school night. Tour the school. If your school hosts an open house, be sure to go. Connect with friends. A familiar friend can make all the difference when heading back to school. Tool up. Obtain the class supply list and take a special shopping trip with your child. Avoid last-minute drilling. When it’s almost time to stop playing, give a five-minute warning. Chat about today’s events and tomorrow’s plans. While it is important to support learning throughout the summer, don’t spend the last weeks of summer vacation reviewing last year’s curriculum. Ease into the routine. Switching from a summer to a school schedule can be stressful to everyone in the household. Avoid first-day-of-school mayhem by practicing your routine a few days in advance. Subscribe to the Parrish Village News Some people who used to live in Parrish have asked how they can receive the Parrish Village News. The answer is to subscribe and it will be mailed to you monthly. The paper comes out at the first of every month and will be mailed to your residence - no matter where you live. You can keep up with what’s going on in Parrish as well as see the growth and important news affecting this area. There are people who are enjoying “This Old House” and have requested copies as well as those outside the mailing area in Bradenton, Sun City, Wimauma and other places near to Parrish. Keep up with eveything through this local newspaper. The paper is 40 pages long. It has been in business for over 20 years and keeps on growing! Local businesses find it a great place to advertise their services and products. Readers give it high marks. Send in your subscription today. Back to School and Labor Day Trivia Trivia Answers 1. c. 180 2. d. 45,000 3. d. 120 4. c. Truant Officer 5. b. Federal law mandates yellow 6. c. 119.5 million 7. d. 10.3 million 8. b. 15.8 million 9. c. 25 minutes 10. b. 5% About the Author: Jim Casey is a Parrish-based Game Show Host and has entertained thousands in the Bradenton and Sarasota area since 2010. You can play the Game Show and try to win $500 Wednesday nights at 8:30 p.m. at the Ellenton Applebee’s. Full schedule at Parrish Village News page 42 Worship Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH 12125 71st Street East Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-1533 Rev. Joe Skidmore, Pastor Sunday Services Bible Classes, all ages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:45 AM Morning Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 AM Evening Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 PM Wednesday Services Youth Group Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. . . . . . . . .7:00 PM Parrish Baptist Learning Center Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM casualatmosphere,engagingmusic relevantteaching,funkidsprograms @ Williams Elementary School 3404 Ft Hamer Road 941-803-4722 Check our website for Sunday Service Times Faith Lutheran Church 9608 Highway 301 North Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-1395 Reverend Philip Vangen, Pastor Saturday Service - 4:30 PM Sunday Services - 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Sunday School / Bible Study - 9:15 AM Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Church 12001 69th Street East Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-9097 Pastor “Jay” J. Jancarz EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH “Making Heaven a reality here on earth” 10 AM Sunday 6:30 PM Wednesday A FRIENDLY, SPIRIT-FILLED GATHERING Nursery & Childrens Ministry 5425 39th Street E, Bradenton, FL 941-806-7550 NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 9422 Old Tampa Road Parrish, Florida 34219 Church Office - 776-8687 Kevin Thompson Senior Pastor Sunday Services SundaySchool(forallages)..9:15AM AllAges Worship..................10:30AM Children’sChurch..........10:30AM EveningWorship............6:00PM Nurseryavailableforallservices Wednesday AdultBibleStudy&Prayer.....7:00PM AwanaClub(ages3-6thGrade).7:00PM WordofLife(Teens)..........7:00PM Everyone Welcome Reverend Fletcher Lawson, Jr., Pastor 941-776-3723 Fellowship Alliance Church 5735 69th Street East Palmetto, Florida 34221 Phone: 941-723-9593 Pastor Bruce Quackenbush Sunday Services 6:00PMPrayerMeeting(inhomes) Third Friday each month 1WayCafe-Doorsopenat7:00PM The cafe offers: praise music, a featuredartist,openmicandfreerefreshments. Small Groups - call Church Office for times Email: Crossroads Christian Church 1400 10th Street W, Palmetto, FL 941-729-2327 Pastor Jeff Mohler Bible Study - Sunday 9:00 a.m. Church Services - Sunday 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Rev. Rick Chaffin, Pastor Sunday Services 9:00AM.......................Worship 9:00AM.......SundaySchool/BibleStudy 10:30AM......................Worship 10:30AM............Children’sChurch Wednesday Services 5:30PM..............HandbellChoir 5:45PM....................Worship 6:00PM..Children’sandYouthActivities 6:30PM......................Choir EVERYONE WELCOME! (NurseryProvided) MY FATHER’S HOUSE 7215 US Highway 301 N Ellenton, FL 34219 11915 82nd St E Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2568 Parrish United Methodist Church Connecting people with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ Traditional Worship 8:15 AM Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM Blended Worship 11:11 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM 12180 Highway 301 North and CR 675 @ flashing yellow light Back to the Word Church Pastor : Dr. Jim Parker 7710 121st Ave. E, Parrish, FL 34219 155 W. Center Ave., Sebring, FL 33870 941-773-7081 (IntersectionofUSHwy301N and72ndSt.E/AmsterdamAve.) Non-Denominational Spirit-Filled Contemporary Worship Pastors; Revs. Robert & Anne Barber (941) 776-9016 Sundays 9:15AMSundaySchool-Allages 10:30AMPraise,Worship&Word 6:00PMBilingualService(English/Spanish) (Coffee&Cookiesatallservices!) Wednesdays 7:00PMWorship&BibleStudy (Adults&Youth) Bible-Based - Casual Dress Nursery Available ALL WELCOME New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church There’s a place for you in My Father’s House! SabbathServices: Saturday at 10:30 AM - Parrish, FL Saturday at 5:30 PM - Sebring, FL NEWCHRISTIAN NON-DENOMINATIONALCHURCH YOUAREINVITED! Atthechurchatthe“Y” ComeworshipwithuseverySunday6PM StartingFebruary14th ManateeFamilyYMCA,12214US301NinParrish PASTORDANNAWARA phone:365-5433/920-5511 www.THELIVINGSANTUARY.COM Rev. James W. Berrien, Pastor WE SAY YES TO CHRIST!!!!!! Come Check Us Out Saturday Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 noon (12:00 noon Mass from Christmas to Easter) Confessions - Saturday 3:00 PM St. Mary’s Baptist Church Erie Road Parrish, Florida 34219 8305Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 ChurchOffice-722-0218 Sunday Services - 10:45 AM Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. 825 9th Street W, Bradenton, FL 34205 941-776-0026 - email: Dress Down & Be Yourself Service Times: Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am WestCoast 11750 U.S, Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 (941) 776-2422 North River Church of Christ 13885U.S.Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 (941)776-1134 Sundays BibleClasses(allages).....10:00AM MorningWorship...........11:00AM EveningWorship...........6:00PM Wednesdays BibleClasses.............7:00PM Personal home Bible studies or correspondence courses upon request Don Sturiano - Pastor Nursery and children’s church provided ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1010 24th Avenue West Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-5292 Weekly Schedule Sunday: 7:40 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Rite I 9:00 a.m. Adult & Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Rite II Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing Service Thursday: Smart Guys Tutoring 4:30 p.m. The Rev. Glen Graczyk First Baptist Church of Gillette 3301 Moccasin Wallow Road Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-1937 Sunday Service Sunday School - 9:45 AM Children’s Worship - 10:30 AM Worship Service - 10:30 AM Everyone Welcome! (Nursery Provided) Buffalo Creek Middle School Harvest Field Community Church Where you can count on Christ! Non-denominational Bible based - Christ centered Worship Services 10:00 AM Sundays Nursery available 7710 121st Avenue East, Parrish, FL Casual dress, warm fellowship Music is a combination of contemporary and hymns Bible Study 7:00 PM each Wednesday Pastor: Rev. Terry L. Cary - 941-725-4150 “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest fields.” Mat. 9:38 NIV BETHISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center 1115DelWebbBlvd.E. SunCityCenter(813)634-2590 SHABBATSERVICESFRIDAYEVENINGAT7:45PM TORAHSTUDYSATURDAYAT12NOON Rabbi: Philip Aronson Cantor: Dr. Sam Isaac Parrish Village Newspage 43 Williams Elementary readies for school year Back to School Night set for August 14 Williams Elementary will host Back to School Night on Thursday,August 14th. Prekindergarten through 2nd gradewillbefrom5:30to6:15p.m.Grades3through5 willbe6:15to7:00p.m. Grade level supply lists are available on the school’s website or parents/guardians may purchase their child’s school supplies for $30 with cash or a check payable to WilliamsElementary.Thefeewillcoverthecostoftraditionalclassroomsupplies. Formoredetails,pleasecontacttheschoolat776-4040. You can be a volunteer at Williams Pictured are Volunteer Coordinator, Alison Cooper and Volunteer Kristen Panico. SchoolvolunteersareaveryimportantassettothestaffandstudentsatWilliams Elementary.Allvolunteersmustcompletethe2014-2015SchoolDistrictVolunteer Packetandallfirsttimevolunteersmustattendaone-timetraining.Trainingdates willbe: Monday,August11th5:00p.m. Thursday,August14th10:00a.m. Formoredetails,pleasecontactAlisonCooperat776-4040,ext.2003orBrandi Bartmanatext.2000. Welcome back students, teachers and parents! Hope you have a wonderful year! Debbie Cook named new Assistant Principal It is with great pride and excitementIamnowyourAssistantPrincipal of Williams Elementary. I am looking forward to working with the staff, students and parents in providing the best possible educational program for our students. I graduated from the University of South Florida with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary, and a minor in Early Childhood.IalsoattendedtheUniversityofSouthFloridatoreceivemyEducationalLeadershipdegree.Ibeganmy educationalcareer23yearsagoandhave taughtvariousgradelevelsfrompre-kindergarten,kindergarten,first,thirdandfourthgrades.IhavetaughtatBallardElementary,B.D.GullettElementary,andManateeElementary(whereIalsoconducted APduties).Ihavealsotaughtataprivateschoolatthebeginningofmycareer. I am married to a wonderful man, David. David and I are “empty nesters.” Our childrenaregrown,marriedandwehavefivegrandchildren,withanotheroneonthe way.Ilovebeingagrandma!!DavidandIareinvolvedinourchurch,andIenjoy spendingtimegardeningmyrosebushes. Pleasefeelfreetostopinandsayhello,asmydoorisalwaysopen.Beingapart ofthiscommunityisaprivilegeandpleasure.Ilookforwardtoawonderfulschool yearatWilliamsElementary! DebbieCook Williams has new PTO Board Williams welcomes its new PTO Board for the 2014 - 2015 school year. Left to right are Amy Padgett - Treasurer, Christi Milan - 2nd Vice President, Krista Meler - President, Beth Pyell - 1st Vice President and Nicole Gabbard - Secretary. Parrish Village News page 44 Preserving CONTINUED FROM PAGE 39 vegetables to can. These metals can cause discoloration of the produce. Fill your jars. There are a few things to remember when filling your jars. First, be sure not to fill them completely. Produce expands during the boiling process, so leaving adequate space at the top prevents the jar from leaking and making a mess. After filling your jar with produce, unless canning jams, jellies and preserves, you’ll be pouring liquid to submerge the fruit or vegetables. Pour the boiling water, pickling solution or juice to cover up to the top of your produce. Make sure there are no air bubbles along the sides of the jar and that the produce is submerged in the liquid. Wipe the rims of the jars down with a clean cloth and cap with the flat sealing lids and rims. Process your jars. Preheat water in your pot or pressure cooker. For hot produce, water should be preheated to 180º F, and for cold produce, it should be around 140º F. This will help prevent the jars from cracking when they are placed in the pot. Water should be an inch or two above the top of the canning jar when they are placed in the pot for a water boiling process. Use a pressure canner according to the manufacturer’s directions to determine the amount of water needed in the bottom prior to adding the jars. Add the jars using your tongs or jar lifter, and place them in the vessel so they are not touching. Place the lid on your pot or pressure canner. With water bath canning, bring the water to a slow boil and then start your timer to process for the length of time dictated by which vegetable you’re canning and the altitude at which you live. For pressure cooking, you’ll want to check for the length and temperature needed for your region as well. Remove your jars and let them cool. Place your jars on a flat wood or cloth-covered solid surface to let them cool. Let them sit for a day to completely cool. While cooling, your jars will start to pop, creating the vacuum seal. After they have cooled, press down on the center of your jars to ensure they have sealed completely. Any lids that spring back have not sealed and can be placed in the refrigerator and eaten first. Label and store your preserved food. Label your jars with the contents and the date. You can write directly on the lid with a Sharpie or download and print or purchase specialty labels for your jars. Once you have them labeled and have wiped off any food pieces or water from the outside of the jar, store your food in a dark, dry place until you’re ready to enjoy. The Master Cabinet Maker, Inc. All types of custom cabinetry Kitchen/bath design and remodeling Also polymer outdoor cabinets Countertops 941-723-0278 2200 US Hwy 301 N, Palmetto, FL Insured - References Call to visit our local workshop Like us on Facebook Cabinets made in America Ellenton-Parrish Lions host event The Ellenton-Parrish Lions Club hosted an event for members representing all Florida Lions Club Districts at Southeastern Guide Dogs for a special presentation by Joel Clark about the Keith G. Hirst Canine Assessment Center, funded in large part by Lions Clubs. Titus Herman, Lions Andy Kramer and Helen Arnold welcomed the group for dinner on Friday night and for a detailed tour and lunch Saturday morning. Southeastern Guide Dogs was named 2014 Tampa Bay NonProfit of the Year. These Districts are represented in the group photo. Lions of Ellenton-Parrish, Ocala 200, Lake Placid, Lutz-Land of Lakes, Englewood, Cocoa Beach Southside, Viera, Kissimmee, Fleming Island, Ancient City, Coral Springs Downtown, Sebastian, Miami Maritime, South Florida Asian-American, Buena Vista-Biltmore and West Miami Sunshine. Lowe’s heroes renovate Humane Society Parrish Village News page 45 Lowe’s employees make an impact in Manatee County Each year, Lowe’s Heroes Program helps to improve the communities where Lowe’s employees work and live by choosing a local non-profit organization as the recipient of a volunteer project. Lowe’s store #1843 in Bradenton chose the Humane Society of Manatee County as their 2014 community service project. In mid-July a team of Lowe’s employees took several days to renovate a very old and dysfunctional part of the Humane Society that houses the offices and administration staff. Previous renovation projects at the Humane Society were always focused on the animal shelter areas, such as dog kennels and play yards. Donor and grant money was always reserved for those crucial areas that directly impacted and improved the life of the dogs and cats in the shelter. The Humane Society took this opportunity from the Lowe’s Heroes Program to improve a neglected area that will benefit the employees of the Humane Society for years to come. The Humane Society of Manatee County would like to thank the volunteers from the Lowe’s Heroes Project, store #1843: Tim Swanson, Amber Ray, Sandra Costello, Kinikis Kapono Hughes, Kevin Johnson, April Reynolds, Jeanna Tito, Sonya Hukill, Luis Crespo, Shawn Hubbard, Joan Gavin, Ronnee Kovalovsky and Tim Bradley. HEAT BUSTERS AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING LLC 941 - 518 - 8550 FREE FREE 2nd LEAK No Service OPINION Call Charge CHECKS With Repair “Our Name Says It All” “WELCOME TO PARADISE” SALES AND VACATION RENTALS FOUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ELLENTON OFFICE: 941-729-2381 PARRISH OFFICE: 941-776-1411 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CALL 941-729-2381 OR 941-776-1411 FRONT ed Reduc RIVER COMMERCIAL Excellent location on the Manatee River in Ellenton, FL. Two parcels of 1.9 acres mostly cleared with mature oaks and palms. Visible from US 301 and I-75, could be used for a hotel, restaurant, etc. Contact Nick Easterling 813-714-9391 or Whitney Watson 941-812-2823 RYE WILDERNESS Spacious 3-4 bedroom 3 bath home situated on a half acre lot with a heated cage pool and spa. Features a gourmet kitchen with stainless and granite, exquisite master suite, open floor plan, private office and pool access from multiple rooms. An oversized 3-car garage provides ample room for cars and toys. $436,900 Contact Mary Burke 941-524-8969 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE CALL 941-722-5108 FREE ESTIMATES ON REPLACEMENTS 24 - Hour Emergency Service Quality Tune & Check by Qualified Service Experts $35 New L 00 Senior Discounts, Military & Retired Military Discounts, First Responder Discounts! Lic# CAC1816809 isting isting New L VERANDA SPRINGS Well cared for 2/2 with many fine features including two screened lanais and a rear deck. Upgraded kitchen appliances with plenty of pantry space. A must see! $57,900 Contact Dawn Trock 941-962-0297 or 941-723-0182 RIDGEWOOD ESTATES This 2/2 is as cute as a button! Furnished, newer wood flooring and a newer roof. There’s a spacious master and a newly enclosed lanai. Located in a great, pet friendly community. $28,900 Contact Dawn Trook 941- 962-0297 or 941-723-0182 PROPERTIES WANTED FOR SALE OR LEASE RENTAL RIVER WILDERNESS Annual 3/2, single family pool home located in a gated, golf community. $2,200 monthly Contact Bonnie Manny 941-807-5192 PARRISH 12244 US HWY 301 N. l NORTH RIVER 2500 Blk of US HWY 301 N. RENTAL MELWOOD OAKS Annual 2/2 villa, unfurnished, community pool. $1,100 monthly Contact Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 l HOLMES BEACH 5201 Gulf Drive l BRADENTON BEACH 102 Bridge Street Parrish Village Newspage 46 Employee Benefits A Lifetime of Job Mobility for Generations X and Y Jackie Felix Today’s young and mid-career professionals readily assume that their workingliveswillbefarlesspredictablethantheirparents’careerpaths,butcontinueto placeahighvalueontheirabilitytoobtaininsurancecoveragethroughvariousemploymentsituations.ThisisaccordingtoconsumerresearchcommissionedbyThe GuardianLifeInsuranceCompanyofAmerica. WhiletheirBabyBoomereldersmayhave aspiredtoachieveupwardmobility by spendingmuchofalloftheirworkingyearsbeingpromotedupthecorporatelatter ata singleemployer,GenX(ages30-45)andadultGenY(ages18-29)membersexpectalifetimeofsignificantcareerevent-notjustchangingemployers,butbranching intoentirelynewcareersandevenstartingtheirownbusinessesalongtheway. Thisexpectationismorepronouncedamongyoungerworkers,GenYforeseeing anaverageof8.3significantcareerevents,comparedto5.5suchchangesexpected formembersofGenX,accordingtoGuardianLife’ssurvey. Whilesomeofthesesignificantcareerchangesmaybeunplanned,20percentof GenXrespondentscited“layoffs/downsizing”asthemostlikelyreasonand27percentofGenYspecifieda“changeinfamilysituation,” themostcommondriverfor bothcohorts(39percent)wasthedesire“toearnmoremoney,”whichfaroutstripped theirdesire“toliveinadifferentplace”orasanantidotetobeing“boredwithcurrent job”(lessthan10percent). Theseresultsshowthatyoungerworkersclearlyvaluetheirabilitytoearnan income,andthatitwillbethedominantfactorbehindeachsignificanteventoftheir lives.Thisiswhytheseworkersseetheimportanceofprotectingtheirincome.This researchalsoconfirmsthatthisgenerationofmobileworkerswantsto protecttheir mostimportantasset-theirabilitytoearnanincome-evenwhentheyleaveforgreater opportunitysomewhereelse. Whenitcomestoanygroupinsurance,inthiscase,disabilityinsurance,portabilityisakeyissue.Inmanyways,supplementaldisabilityinsurancecombinesthe best of group and individual insurance coverage. Because it’s offered through an employerasavoluntarybenefit,employeescantakeadvantageofdiscountedgroup ratesandlimitedmedicalunderwriting.Becausethepoliciesareindividually owned andportable,employeescantakethemtotheirnextjobs. For more information on strategic insurance planning, call Jackie Felix 941504-2376 or email today. Your Hometown is Our Hometown! Banking bigger doesn’t always mean better! To us, you are more than just an account number. You are our neighbors, our friends and our colleagues. We’re proud of our community bank status and know the personalized service we provide makes all the difference. Locally Owned • Community Involvement • Commercial & Personal Banking Senior Checking • Online Banking Member FDIC Parrish Office 12215 US 301 North • 941-776-5040 Cortez Office 5100 Cortez Road West • 941-795-5040 For banking hours, directions and other information visit: Parrish Village Newspage 47 Parrish Civic Association Corner August 2014 Message from the Membership Chairman Dear Friends: Dear Friends: New commercial development is finally coming our way This is a big week for Parrish residents that want more local shopping options as well as full service restaurants. On Thursday August 7th the County Commissioners will be asked to approve a new plan for the shopping center called Creekside Commons that sits on just over fifty acres at the corner of Erie Road and 301 in Parrish. The only store on the property now is a CVS pharmacy but that will all soon change if the Commissioners approve the new site plan. There is no real difference in the total amount of square footage in the center versus the original plan that was approved almost six years ago but the configuration has been changed a great deal mainly by increasing the size of the anchor store and making space for up to eight smaller stores. There are still at least three outparcels that can house the restaurants we all have been asking for. The biggest question is what the anchor store will be. There is almost as much buzz about this as there was about which restaurants were going on the two pads in front of Kmart (yes, we know a Chili’s and Dunkin’ Donuts with a Taco Bell across 301 on the old Sonic site). Some say they are sure that the anchor will be a Walmart while others hold out hope for a Home Depot or Lowe’s. (For those of you who will oppose a Walmart, let me remind you about the need for a price competitor to Publix that many people opinioned in the last survey in this paper. Also, have you been in the new Walmart at the corner of State Road 70 and Interstate 75? It’s pretty nice.) Regardless of what the anchor is this new center will FINALLY give us the full service restaurants we all agree we need so badly in Parrish. A friend claims he has already booked a standing reservation for 6:30 p.m. every Saturday night in one of the new restaurants. But he also had assured me that a Bonefish was going where the old Sonic was. The Annual Membership Drive for the Parrish Civic Association began in January for the calendar year 2014. I hope you have already paid your dues for the 2014 calendar year. If you have not or are new to the community and would like to do your part by joining the PCA, there is a form below you can complete and mail it along with your check. If you provide your email, we will send you notices of important meetings about development in the area, meetings scheduled and events you might like to attend. We appreciate your generosity and your joining the PCA. The only source of revenue for the Parrish Civic Association is dues. Your dues go to help our organization in many ways: supporting the Parrish Children’s Christmas Party, funding for the annual Heritage Day Parade and this year’s third Chili Cook Off (signs, posters, publicity), helping to pay for the Ys Fall Festival held in October, helping pay for bringing the Board of County Commissioners to our PCA meetings to talk about issues and concerns of the Parrish residents and many other activities performed by the Parrish Civic Association. We now have over 375 members of the Parrish Civic Association. That’s a very good number of people in the community who are interested in the Parrish community and making it the best place to live in Manatee County. If you are interested in helping out on any of our activities and want to be on a committee, please contact Ben Jordan, our President, at We would be pleased if you would like to help. We have already met with several people new to the area who are getting involved in our community’s activities. It is a lot of fun and a great group of people who work to make a lot of activities occur. And, volunteering is fun. We need people for the Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off, Parrish Arts Council as well as other activities during the year. We hope to see you soon in and around our Parrish community! Cookie Jordan Membership Chairman 941-776-9019 Join the Parrish Civic Association. Just clip out the form below and mail it in with a check for your dues. Surprising growth of the Parrish Village News We were researching the surveys that have been published in this newspaper last week (2006, 2011 and 2013) and while we have most of the back editions stored electronically, we don’t have the early editions on these files. Thus, we were reduced to going through old copies of the newspaper and specifically to the August 2006 edition. When we located it, my first thought was this can’t be all of it because it was so thin. But I was assured this was the whole paper – all 24 pages of it. That’s right -- in just eight years (and remember most of this period was during the recent recession) this paper has grown from 24 pages to 48 pages. Hat’s off to our Publisher and Editor Cookie Jordan as well as to all the contributors that write for and help with the paper. But equally important are all of the paper’s advertisers that help pay for the paper, and our readers who use the services of our advertisers. THANK YOU! I wish to join the Parrish Civic Association. Here are my dues. Mail to Parrish Civic Association, P. O. Box 257, Parrish. FL 34219. (Please print.) Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone No.: Email Address: (Above information is for PCA use only. We do not give out or sell to outside parties.) It’s great to live in Parrish. Please feel free to contact me with any ideas or concerns about Parrish. Ben Jordan President, Parrish Civic Association or (941) 776-9019 Please check one: Amount Enclosed $ New Member $15.00 Basic Member (Member and Spouse) $25.00 (Community Booster) $50.00 (Parrish Sponsor) $100 or more (Community Patron) $500.00 or more (Community Sponsor) Renewal Parrish Village Newspage 48 COMM UNITY POOL FENC ED Y ARD Enchanting 3 bedroom 2 bathroom abode with cocktail pool just 1 mile to I-75 and I-275 M5900899 $209,750 FENC ED B Immaculate and MOVE-IN READY, this custom 3 Bedroom/ 2 Bath home in popular Lexington M5900363 $239,900 ANCIE NT OA KS ACK YARD Perfect condition inside and out. 3Bedrooms, 2 Baths in Parkwood Lakes M5846159 $239,900 NORT HWO OD PA RK Jasmine model opens to a formal living and dining area. Immaculate condition with tons of upgrades and amenities. M5900509 $269,000 LEXIN GTON This home offers four bedrooms as well as an additional room that would make the perfect office or den. M5844471 $288,900 BUILT 2010 School is in Session! A GREAT TIME TO BUY! RIVER WILD ERNE SS This home boasts nearly 3200 sq. ft. of luxury, 5 Bedroom 4 Bath home is has it all! This incredible 2 story home offers not only function, with a pool/patio area great for both lounging and entertaining guests. M5845636 $589,900 but all the gorgeous upgrades. M5846408 $344,900 COMM UNITY POOL The private enclave of Arbor Oaks is home to this stately custom 4/2.5 home. M5841457 $299,000 DETA CHED BUILD ING Southern Living style home on 10 full acres, gracious 3 Bedroom, 2 and a ½ bathroom home built in 1998. M5846734 $579,900 Open and spacious floor plan, vaulted ceilings, niches and nooks and a POOL! All situated on a preserve lot! M5842759 $259,900 HARR ISON RANC H Open kitchen with breakfast area and counter bar. 4 bedrooms, including a spacious master suite are upstairs for added privacy. M5900382 $279,900 5 ACR ES This is a rare opportunity to live in the country, but yet be within 5 minutes of Publix, public boat ramp and many restaurants. M5844153 $315,000 1+ACR E 2 ACR ES Open floor plan, Chef’s kitchen, commercial grade This stunning home boasts nearly 4400 square feet appliances and more. Deluxe pool with paver of luxury, charm, and beauty. Spacious pool/patio surround. M5844997 $449,900 area with outdoor kitchen. M5900756 $499,900 PRIVA TE PO OL US Hwy 301N home is situated on one full acre Parrish Thisononea quietownercul-de-sac overlooking one of the many Foxbrook lakes. M5900055 $389,900 5 ACR ES Quality built with all of the upgrades, Olympic pool, detached garage/workshop boasts 3 bays for cars + RV. M5846499 $599,900 Visit for variety of Annual Rentals in Manatee County 8268 US Hwy 301N, Parrish, FL 34219 • 941-776-5571 •
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