d:.:`TERLY - Carroll County Genealogical Society
d:.:`TERLY - Carroll County Genealogical Society
CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL *"d:.:'TERLY HARALSON CO, Jen.25. 1855 \u,r DOUGLAS CO. Ocl. l, z 6 HEARD CO. Dec.22 1830 TROUP SUMMER 2OO5 Plepublicatiori Sale Publication l'ages : a !'rltaia! Date: Ootober 2005 720 plus ias PrcpubLicalion price: Check or money order to: lull name index rt'' 126 Sc,i Surrrl]ler Qunrieriy, Carr'.-,ll C'.runti' Ctnr riogl "t": or http.|!!]j!.]]!$ggqlgt!-QIg for names of ccrnrteries S40 00 pius 57.50 shipping plus $2 80 sales tax lor Ceorgia resldents Local papers rvill carry pickup lirne and point' Carroll County Genealogical Society, P O. Box 576, C:1r tuiiiol, Crolgia i01i2 AParljlient_ Sircei udLircs: State Town Copies Cost Tor.l En.losed Shrpprng _ Ceorgta .larr lar THE CARRoLL COUN]./ GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY BYTHE CARRoLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SoCIETY P. O. Box 576 CARROLLTON, GEORGIA 301 12 Web Page Address VoLU[,4E XXVI - http://members.aol.com/carrollqen/ SuMnlER 2005 NUMBER 2 Table of Contents President s Message CCGS 2005 Officers Apology . . 38 38 38 38 Correction. CarrollCounty, Georgia, Cemeteries, Vol. 1 . . . Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers . . Carroll County 1890 Tax Digest . New Books in Special Collections, Neva Lomason Library . . 40 44 . 4A Items of Genealogical lnterest, Carrol/ County Times,1885 49 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church History and Records, Centennial 1868-'1968 . . . . . . Loose Court Records, John Craven, J. P. Caspers 55 Death, DennisWilliams 55 lndependent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) 56 J. W. Wessingeis Store Ledger 58 The Roops of Roopville. Georgia with a Ceremony for the confederate Homecoming at Ephesus Christian Church Veterans Buried There 60 CCGS ...61 Help ...... Members Wanted Queries.. Focus of Research lndex.... ........ .............. ............. .......60 . . . ....62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 ............64 The Carroll County Genealogical Society, CarrollCounty, Georgia, membership dues are $20.00 per person or famiy, on a calendar basis (Jan!ary through December). Life memberships are not available. This publication is included at no exka cost in the membership dues, with one copy per family. Former issues of the Quarterly are available at the prrces shown on the back page of this issue. They may be ordered from the Carroll County Genealogicai Society, P O Box 576, Carrollton GA 30112 Q!eries are published free ior nembers ofthe Societyi charges for queries $5.00 for up to 100 words foT nonmembers are This Society does not assume responsibility for errors in fact or opinion that may appear in articles furn shed by its members. We willgladly corect any errors broughtto ourattention. Copyright 2005 tssN-0734-5682 38 PRESIDENT'siilsESSAGE Dear Members: We have had four very informative and interesting programs presented by our members, Alan Pearce, Betty Jo Parsons, Mary F. Word, and Peggy Hughes. How wonderful to have such knowledgeable members who are willing to share their expertise. We have many others that we are anxious to hear. Nry philosophy is that all members help to make our Society outstanding. We all need to become salesmen. Volume 1 of the Carroll County Cemetery book will soon go to press and we are hoping to have a very successful book sale. (See flyer about prepublication price in this quarterly.) Hope you are having a wonderful summer and that you will be at our next meeting. Sincerely, Earline J. Powers President CARRoLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 2OO5 OFFICERS President . Vice Presidents Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary . . . . . Treasurer. Quarterly Editor ..... . Earline Powers Bill andWanda Maddox Alan Pearce lvlary Florence Word Betty Jo Parsons Shirley Gardner ..... "" ' Library Coordinator Web ... '.. ... Master David Word tnalil"r:::;-"** durins the bindins or the tt has been brousht to our attention Spring 2Oo5 quarterly, pages were placed in the wrong order. lf the pages in your quarterly were bound out of order and you wish a replacement copy, please notify us at our Post Offlce box number or e-mail MFword@aol com coRREcnoN ln the Spring 2OO5 qua(erly, an omission of a name was made in the "Second Sunday in May" story on page 12. lt read "Winston Brazeal (03 April 1869-15 Nov 1917) and "Winston Brazeal Lerus-na nnn WoiO iZ1 Jun 1874-17 July 1955)." lt should have read (21 Julv Jun 1874-17 Ann Word and Jerusha PRICE (03 April 186$-'15 Nov 19'17) 1955).', 39 CARRoLL CouNTy GEoRGIA CEMETERTES VoLUME 1 Cemetery surveying has been completed for the revised cemetery book Carroll County Cemeteries, Volume 1, (Western Section), Land Districts 7,8, 9,10 and 11. The cameraready copy will be sent to the printer in June. Delivery is expected by October 1, 2005. Advance sales will be held on specified days at the Curtis-Marlow-Perry House on West Avenue in Carrollton. Volume 1 will contain between 800 and 900 pages and will sell for $40.00 prepublicatjon plus $7.50 postage, making an oulof-state totalof $47.50. ln-state should add $2.80 Georgia state tax. After pre-publication sales, the cost will be $45.00 plus $7.50 postage making a totalof $52.50. Georgia residents should add $3.'15 Georgia state tax. Cemeteries included in Volume'1: Adair, Antioch Baptist, Arnold Chapel, BarksdaleWooten, Baxter, Beall, Beck, Bethel, Bethesda Missionary Baptist, Bethlehem Baptist, Bethlehem Primitive Baptist, Beulah Baptist, Bonner, Bonner-Roberts, Bowdon Baptist, Bowdon Church of God in Christ, Bowdon Church of God, Bowdon City, Bowdon Community, Bowdon First United Methodist, Bowdon lvlethodist Protestant, Boyles Family, Buchanan, Burden, camp Creek Baptist, Carrollton City, Community Memory Garden, Corinth Baptist, County Line (Old Center Point lrethodist), Craft (or Robinson), Craven, Creel-Matthews, Emmaus Primitive Baptist, Eureka, Faith lVissionary Baptist, Farmer, Five Points Baptist, Garrett's Chapel, Garrison, Gentry-Bloodworth, Green, Grice, Harcrow, Hillside, Holland, Holly Springs Primitive Baptist, Holmes, Holy Ground, Horsley (formerly Old Poplar Springs), lndian Creek l\,4issionary Baptist, Johnson-Smith, Kansas Missionary Baptist, Kight's Chapel, King Streel Carrollton City Cemetery, Lambert, Laurel Hill, Lee's Chapel Congregational lrethod st, Liberty Baptist, Linity Methodist, lrabry-Smith, l\rarlow-Payne, Martin, McBurnett lvlcPherson-Tillman, l\4emory Garden, lrerrell, Midway Community, [,1incey, lrote, lvlount Olive Baptist, Mount Olive Church Cemetery, Mount Zion United Methodist, Mountain View Baptist, New Covenant Church of God New Hope United Methodist, Oak Grove Baptist, Oak Grove Baptist (Black), OId Camp United N4ethodist, Old Pinetuckey, Owensby, Payne, Pinetucky Missionary Baptist (Black), Piney Grove (Black), Pleasant Grove Baptist, Pleasant Grove Baptist (Roopville), Pleasant Ridge Baptist, Poplar Springs Primitive Baptist, Price Family, Prickett, Providence Baptist, Reid, Roberts-Bonner, Roopville City, Roopville Road Baptist, Salem Baptist, Sandy Flat, Sardis, Shiloh, Slave Graves (unmarked), Smith Chapel. Smyrna lvlethodist, Staples, Stevenson, Stewart, Tallapoosa Primitive Baptist, Tillery, Tyus lvlissionary Baptist, Union Campground, Union Cemetery (Black), Unknown Land District I Land Lots 5'1, 61,186,229, Unknown Land District 11 Land Lots 33,156, 221, Veal Family,Veal Cemetery, Veazey, Victory Road Baptist, Victory United Methodlst, West Side lvlemory, Williams, Word, Wright, and Young. 40 The following is from Cobb's Legion, lnfantry, Company F, 'Powell's lnvincibles" by Hugh W. Barrow, 124 Manot Way, Carrollton, GA 30117, and is continued from the Spring 2005 Quarterly. CoMpTLED SERVTCE REcoRDs oF CoNFEDERATE SoLDtERS CoMPANY F, CoBB's LEGloN, INFANTRY "PowELL's INVlNcTBLES" aND LATER "ToM CoBB's lNVlNcrBtEs" This is a a list compiled by the author from Compiled SeNice Records of Confedercte So/dlers who served in organizations from the State of Georgia. Sourcel The National Archives, National Archives Records Services, General Services Administration. We summarized only what we could find, the good and the bad. Confederate records are oftentimes incomplete, inaccurate and the microfilm very difficult to read. Listed below are the Archive records which we were able to locate of men who at one time were listed on one or more of the available rosters we have of Carroll County's Company F, Cobb's Legion, lnfantry, Confederate States Army plus additional members we have found on our own in the Archives. We have also included information from the 1860 and 1870 Carroll County Census and pension data from the local courthouses and other sources. A map of the Militia Districts of Carroll County is included at the end of Chapter 1. Chanceville Post Office was located Southwest of Villa Ricai Flint Hill and Fair Play were south of Villa Rica about eight miles northeast of Carrollton, Hickory Level is northeast of Carrollton half way to Villa Rica; Laurel Hill was west of Roopville which is south of Carrollton; and Sand Hill is located about midway between Carrollton and Villa Rica, GA. Tyson, John Lieutenant F.(?) sth Sergeant, '1st Sergeant, 3rd Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Enlisted at Carrollton on August '15, '1861, by Captain Powell. John F. Tyson is listed on the Annae Wheeler roster as the company's 5th Sergeant and on Captain Moore's roster as 3rd Lieutenant. February 2, 1862, in Carroll County on sick furlough. Wounded on September 14,62, at Cramptons Gap, Maryland. JulyNovember 1862, listed as present and promoted to 3rd Lieutenant from l\rs. December 1862, "not yet commissioned." Promoted to Jr.2nd Lt. February 7, 1863. Promoted to '1st Lieutenant on March 12, '1863. There are cards showing him making numerous requisitions for clothing, food, arms and ammunition and other supplies. l\.4ay-June 1864, absent, missing, killed or captured at Cold Harbor, June 1, '1864. July-August 1964, absent, killed, or captured at Cold Harbor 1st day of June 1864. On a roster dated January'1865, elected 2nd Lieutenant September 15, '1862, promoted N4arch 12, 1853, to 1st Lieutenant. Successor, Charles l\,Iartin. On roll of Prisoner of War at Fort Delaware, where captured Gaines Farm loold Harbor] June '1 , 1864, received from Point Lookout, Maryland. His name appears as a signature to Oath of Allegiance to the United States at Fort Delaware, Delaware. Place of residence, Carroll Georgia. Complexion dark, hair da*, eyes blue, height 5' '10". Released June 17, '1865. There is a card for J. Tyson dated September 9, '1864, near New Market, Virginia, stating that he was absent, Prisoner of War since June 1, 1864. The '1860 Carroll County census shows him as a 32 year-old farmer, born in North Carolina, living in the 2nd Districlvilla Rica with wife Elizabeth (30) and children Horatio (9), William (6), Nancy (3), and Joseph ('1). (The 1860 CarrollCounty census also shows a John Tyson (18) a farmer living at home with his mother Nancy (45) born in South 41 Carolina and who cannot read orwrite; brotherAlex (16) and sister Elizabeth (12). We doubt that this '18 year-old would be promoted to a commissloned officer so quickly. This is probably not John F. Tyson (?)) The '1870 census shows John Tyson (41)farmer, Carrollton, born in North Carolina, wife Elizabeth (40), James H. ('19) (this was Horatio on the '1860 census), Wlliam (16), Nancy (13), and Joseph, ('11). Tyson, Madison L. 2nd Lieutenant Enlisted August 15, 1861, at Carrollton by Captain Powell. He is listed on the Annie Wheeler list as the original 2nd Lieutenant of the company. He is not listed on Captain Moore's June 1863 list, but his list shows no top 2nd Lieutenant. A roll of lrarch '1865 shows that he resigned September 1, '1861. Another card says his resignation was accepted September 6, 1861. Another card gives date of resignation as August 27, '1961, successor W. B. Lowe. Drew $61 .33 pay. We find that he enlisted as a private in Company G, 41st Georgia lnfantry, a company formed by Col. Charles lrcDaniel of Carroll County men, on lrarch 4, 1862. He was elected 2nd Lieutenant on NIay 6, '1962. Captured with the entire garrison at Vicksburg on July 4, 1863. Paroled there on July 6. Wounded at New Hope Church on June 1, 1864. Roll for December 31, '1864, the last on file, shows him present. Alexander and Clement Tyson, his flrst cousins, were also members ofthis company ofthe 41st Georgia lnfantry. The '1860 Carroll County census show him to be a 20 year-old (born in lvleriwether County, Georgia, on August 7, 1840)farmer living in the '1oth Districlcarrollton, wife Catherine (Broome) ('19) married within the year. After the war, he moved to Arkansas and died there on July 20, 1890. His widow drew a pension in Harrison, Boone County, Arkansas, beginning in 1905 for $50/yr. He was the son of Josiah and Mahala lvlccahee Tyson of near Villa Rica, Georgia. Although near 50 years of age, Josiah, along with another son John Dixon, enlisted in the Confederate Army in May of 1864 and was assigned to Company F, 1st Georgia (Fannis') Reserves and served as a guard at Andersonville Prison. Madison J. is the owner of one slave and Josiah is the owner of seven. Tyson, William L. lst Sergeant, 3rd Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant We quote a report from Captain [,Ioore, Captain of Company F, Cobb's Legion, to Captain William Walker McDaniel, Captain Company B, Cobb's Legion lnfantry The date of the report is not readable but it was probably written in mid to late 1863, as Captain McDaniel was promoted to l\,lajor of the Legion after Spotsylvania in May and was probably serving in that capacity at the time of this report Captain Moore was captured at Knoxville in December 1863, so it would have been before this date. "Wm Tyson enlisted on August '15, 186'1 , at Carrollton by Captain Powell. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant July 1862 and was mortally wounded at Cramptons Gap, I\raryland, on September 14, 1862, and died at Burkettsville, Maryland, October 17, 1862 Hewas last paid July 1862. Now due $205.25 for 2 mos. '17 days at $80 per mo. Volunteered for the war and never received bounty. Geo. W. lvloore, Captain Co. F lnfantry Cobb's Legion." Killed Cramptons Gap, lvlaryland. Date ofwound received September 14' 1862. Died October '17, 1862. Elected 2nd Lieutenant July 24, 1862. Succeeded by John Tyson. He is on the list of wounded POW paroled after the Battle of Cramptons Gap September 14, 1862, by General Franklin from field hospital, Burkettsville, N4aryland, "wounded both 42 thighs." Claim of deceased filed by mother Nancy of Sand Hill on September'11, 1863. The 1860 census shows him living in the Fairplay District-Sand Hill, a 20 year-old farm labo.er living in the household of Jesse Cockerell (53). He was the son of Dixon and Nancy Sasser Tyson. We do not know how or if the three Tyson men of Company F are related, but we believe that John and William are brothers and Madison their firsl cousin. Upshaw, James Private Enlisted August 15, '1861, at Carrollton by Captain Powell Captain Moore shows this man discharged. No date or reason is given. NovemberDecember '1862 discharged at Camp Marion. November 26, 1862, he is on the Register of Payment of Discharged Soldiers. Date of discharge December 3, '1861. Date of payment December 3, 1861. No reason given. No other records found. ln 1860 he was a 46 year-old farmer living in the 1oth Districfoarrollton with wife Jane (35) and Allen (14), Milligan (12), Thomas (10), and Joseph (8). The 1870 census shows him as a farmer, Carrollton, with wife Jane (43). Vaughn, George W. Private The return of November 1862 shows him absent, wounded September'14, 1862, at Cramptons Gap, Maryland, on furlough at Carrollton, Georgia, time and period unknown. He was in General Hospital Camp Winder, Richmond, on October 11, 1862, and furloughed for 20 days, admitted September 30. lvlay-June 1864 absent, supposed to have been captured at Cold Harbor on June 1, 1864. On roll of POW at Point Lookout, Maryland, released June 16-20 on joining the United States Service. Date of release: June 27, 1864. Date of capture: June 1, 1864. Where: Cold Harbor. Branch of service: Army. Deserted to enemy. His widow, Sarah Jane, filed for a Confederate pension in Campbell County, then transferred to Clayton County. Georgia. Walker, Floyd Private One card stated that he enlisted at Carrollton on August '15, 186'1, by Captain Powell. Another card states that he enlisted 1 '1th day of August at Lickskillet for the war and now entitled to bounty. November-December '186'1 , absent in hospital in Richmond, last '11 to October 28' official account supposed he is discharged. Paid $23.52 from August 1861, and reason for discharge, Surgeon's Certificate of Disability. Ward, Asa F. Private Enlisted at Carrollton on August'15, '186'1, by Captain Powell November-December 1861, present. Another card for November-December '1861, states, "Transferred from Captain McDaniel's Company B, Cobb's Georgia Legion. ' He is not listed on any Company B roster and evidently never served with it although he might have joined but for some reason missed mustering in with them on June 30, '1861, at Bowdon. He then signed with Company F on August 15. We believe that he was a cadet at Bowdon College. July-October 1862, absent wounded. November-December 43 1862, absent since September '14 loramptons Gap] now at home on furlough. He is shown on a list ofwounded POW paroled by Gen. Franklin on September 26, '1862. He is POW at Fort Henry, lvlaryland, on October'17, 1862. General Hospital#12 Richmond; age 20, occupation farmer, wounded September '14i right metacarpal of the thumb fract; flesh wounds of the side and leg; admitted; general health, good; furloughed on October 28 for40 days. Chimborazo Hospital#2, lvlay 6, '1863, "wound of right leg, flesh," age 21; occupation farmer; town, Bowensville; county, Carroll; state Georgia Iwounded at Chancellorsvillel. Returned to duty on May 15, 1863. October 7, 1863, he is in General Hospital, Farmville, Virginia "lndolent" (?) right leg. "Has been wounded in several battles." Several receipts for clothing are included in the file. November-December '1863, paid $22. August 7, 1863, he is at the General Hospital, Farmville, Virginia. Retired November 1, 1864. l\ray-June '1864, absent in hospital. On register of lnvalid Corps at Newnan, Georgia, on November 24, 1864. On his Carroll County pension application he states that he was wounded by gun shot at Cramptons Gap in joint of right shoulder, just above right ankle with loss of I % inch of bone and in the left side below the nipple with the loss of one rib. Wounded again in the leg at Chancellorsville resulting in the leg being useless. Drew pension in Carroll County through 1915. Died in September 1916 in Villa Rica. Widow, Anna, drew pension at least through 1938. Buried in Cross Plains Cemetery, born February 10, 1842, died September 5, 1916. The 1870 Carroll County census shows him as 28 years old working farm in Carrollton District with wife Margaret (22) and three children. Whisenhunt, Adam C. Private Enlisted on March 4, '1862, at Carrollton by Lt. Hood. July-November '1862, absent sick. November'1862, absent sick in Carrollton since October 21. Several .eceipts for clothing. November-December '1862, present. lvlayJune 1864, present on extra duty as blacksmith with division train. July-August 1864, present detailed as blacksmith with division train. Listed among those surrendered by Gen. Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. He is listed on the Appomattox Surrender List as a member of Company G, Cobb's Legion. This is a mistake and he should be listed as Company F. He filed for his pension in Coweta County. His widow, Alabama M., drew a pension in Carroll County. The 1860 Carroll County census shows him as a 4'1 year-old farmer of the Hickory Level District. Wife Susan (19) and son Asbury ('1). ln the next census, he is in the Carrollton District, a miller, with Sarah and five children. (These sketches will be continued in the next quarterly.) An item dated December 28, 18'19, submitted by Jack Dorsey of Mt. zion, GA Notice to travellers . . . a large waggon road is now cut out of and in good order, leading from the Ocmulgee by the lrineral Springs to M'lntosh's residence; thence to Kimulgee on the Coosa River, 60 miles above Fort Jackson. (Signed) William M'lntosh 44 Dr. Eugene Sneary, who was a member of the Society for many years and who is now deceased, abstracted the 1890 Carroll County Tax Digest some time ago when the Society attempted to reconstruct the missing 1890 Census. We are now publishing this digest in the Quarterlies to help you in your research- CARRoLL CouNw 1890 TAx DTcEST Page 1'10, Shiloh District, #1371 Georgia l\rilitia District, Post Office: Burwell s .iz Names E >* F< ASHN4ORE, Jos. T. 10 149,171 ALEXANDER, Chas. W. 10 109 50 ABBOTT, Francis M. 10 181,172 70 ALEMNDER, Wm. T. ALD(ANDER, Saml. W. ALEMNDER. David L. 10 109 101 ALEXANDER. David J. I 98,117 102 BONNER, Wm. L. '10 85 40 BONNER. Bennett W. BISHOP, V. B. (Doctor) 10 116, 115 150 BOYLS. Wm. T. 10 86 100 BOYLS, David E. 10 108, 107, 117 160 BROOKS, Francis M. 10 116 25 BONNER, Jasper A. 10 '108 50 '10 107 90 9 145 50 BONNER, Allen '10 85 67 BONNER, Jas. A. '10 85 45 BRYAN, Jas. 10, 8, 173,174, 21'l COPELAND, Jonathan 10 '110, 83 COPELAND, Thos. W. 10 82 BAXTER, Joel [L BRADEN, Jas. l. BOYLS, Wm B. BRADEN. A, L, BROWN, Walker 1, 460 CRUMBLEY, Anthony F CHANDLER. Wm. P. COOK, Geo. W. 50 oE O(! $1000 45 COOK, G. W., Agt. C. M. DODSON Mrs. A. M. COOK F. Wm. lr. 9 10 51 202 101 CANTRELL, lra 1 10 116 50 CRUMBLEY. 1 10 't'16 '100 DAVENPORT, J, G,, Agt, Mrs. Dicey BISHOP 9 175 83 DAVENPORT, Jas. G. '10 175. '10 109 s0 't0 110 10'1 '10 148 100 10 147, 142 150 10 147 '10 205 30 10 143 101 10 171 150 10 172 25 '1'14, '199 115 Page 1 1 1, Shiloh District (cont) W. FLETCHER, Jno. S. FLETCHER, R, H. DIGBY, Geo. FLETCHER. Jas. NL cRlFFlES, Chas. W. 1 1 -l GAMMON, Jos. S. H. 1 GRIFFIES, T, J,, Agt MTS, M, E, WALKER GAMMON. Jno. HEARN, J. C. A. 1 1 A. HARRISON, Jas. W. HANCOCK, Jas. 1 1 HARRISON, J. W,, Agt. N, J. HARRISON HARRISON, Jno. S. 1 '10, HEARN, Wm, S, IVEY. Jas. M. Martin I 1 IVEY, Martin J., Agt. M, E. IVEY IVEY. 253 1 GRIFFIES, C. W,, Agt, [rrs. M. L. GRIFFIES GIBSON, Henry 174,206 101 ac 10 1 '10 76 50 10 113,144 100 10 113 63 Page 112, Shiloh District (cont) D. JOHNSON, E. M. JOHNSON, Ben F. JONES, Geo. W. JETER. Richard JOHNSON, Wm. 1 1 1 1 46 T. JETER, Jno. R. I JOHNSON, Jas. 1 KUGLAR, J, M,, Agt, L, A, KUGLAR M. KEY, BurrellJ. KUGLAR, Jesse L. KUGLAR, Jas. 10 82, 109 252 I 10 a2 101 1 10 97,78 86 9 114,113 85 1 KUGLAR. Jno. D. LUIISDEN, Thos. S. P. L. LEE, l\,4arion D. LESTER, lsaac S. LAIVBERT. J, 10 118 30 1 '10 150 100 1 '10 '138,'149 150 I 71 50 10 172, 147 150 10 148 g6 50 1 1 LONG, J, S,, Agt, Martha LONG LONG, Jno. S. 1 MCBURNETT, C, J, MCBURNETT, Jas. H. 1 I MOON, Ben F., Sr. M. l\rOON, Ben F., Sr. MGGARITY, Jno. C. NTOON, Jno. I, N, MCCRAY, Jas. N.4CCRAY, H. 1 I 1 10 115,110 140 10 142.141 252 ac 1 I 97 101 1 10 84 50 10 142, 114, 143 150 '10 117, 108 110 Wm. H. MCCRAY, Geo. F. MILES. G, W. S, 50 1 MAITOX, J, W,, Agt, S, J, IVIATTOX MATTOX. Jno. 200 1 McCRAY, Stephen G. MOON. $30 1 LEGGETT, Mrs. [il. A. LUMSDEN. Richard 97 1 194 1 Page '1 13, Shiloh District (cont) NEWSOM, Wm. NIXON, Jos. N. A. 1 1 10 PEACE, Geo. PEACE, E, J 1 139 50 47 D. 171 50 98 50 10 98,112 125 9 78, 97 53 10 84,77 153 10 85 50 I 148 202 '10 85 50 10 112, 113,98 225 10 52,84 10 81 100 10 79 202 10 13S 25 10 148 50 81 50 10 117, 118 290 '10 176 141 10 146 50 THURMAN, Jno. 10 146 45 THURMAN, Jno., Agt. N, M, THURIUAN '10 146 50 PROCTOR. Martin G. ROBISON, David PARKER, Jno. 1 1 1 ROBISON, D,, Agt, M, M, ROBISON l/l. Wm. A. ROBERTS, Jas. 1 ROBERTS, 1 ROBERSON, Wm. W. ROBERTS, Thos. L. 1 ROBERTS, T. 1., Agt. J, A, M, ROBERTS ROBERTS, T, L, ANd W, ROBERTS ROBERTS, T, 1,, Agt, F, J, ROBERTS RoBISON, Albert C. 1 ROBERTS, T. 1., Agt. J, W. ROBERTS ROBERTS, T, O. 1 ROBERTS, M, C, ROBERTS, Nelson J. 1 ROBERTS, N, J,, Agt, Fitama ROBERTS A. SWAN, Jno. C. STEPHENS. Geo. W. STEED, Cramer l\rl. STEED, W, H,, JT, STEED, Wm. H., Sr. SCOTT, Jas. D. ROBISON, Jas. 10 I '1 I 1 1 I 1 Page 114, Shiloh District (cont) Oennis THURIiIAN, Jno. M. THURI,AN. Jno. A. TILLERY, Noah S. TURNER, I I 1 1 48 L. THURMAN Alfred M. UPCHURCH, Thos. H UPCHURCH. Geo. B. UPCHURCH, Jos. L. WELBORNE, Allen lvl. WRIGHT, Robt. S. WILLIAMSON, Jno. B. WEST, Geo. W. THURMAN. Jas. 1 10 146 37 10 146 35 I 144 100 10 45 200 1 1 I 1 1 1 'l 1 (This abstract will be continued in the next quarterly with the Flint Corner district.) NEw BooKS rN THE SpEcrAL CoLLEcnoNs RooM NEVA LoMAsoN LtBRARY tN CARRoLLToN Abstracts of the Early Deeds of Granville County, Notlh Carolina. 1746-1765 by Gv'ynn Abstracts of the 1867-1868 Carroll County, Georgia, Voter registration Oath Books and Retums of Qualified Volers by Turner Adventurers of Purse and Persan, Viginia. 1607-1624/5 (Vol. 1, Families A-F, revised) by Dorman A Giles family of Cenlral Georga by Bishop A List of Nineteenth Century Maps of the State of Alabama by Mason Athens, Georgia, Newspaper Clippings (Southern Banner) (Vol. ll, 1831-38; Vol. lll, 1835-38; Vol. lV, 1839-41) by Kilbourne. Carroll and Harclson Counties in Vintage Posacards by Wiggins Clinton, Georgia; An Early Nineteenlh Century Counly Seat (no author given) Columbus, Georgia, Newspaper Clippings (Columbus Enquirer) (Vol. Vl, 1847-49; Vol. Vll, 1850-52) by Kilbourne. Dewberry and Walker: Two Families of Centrai Georgla by Bishops First Families of Henry County, Georgia by Moate Fulton County, Georgia, Maffiage Records, 1854-1902by Btooke Georgia Pensioners (Vol. 2) by Payne Hancock County, Georgia, Ea y Newspaper Abstracb (Farmer's Gazette), 1803-1804, 1 806:1807 by Poss Hancock County, Geargia, Supplement to Early Newspaper Abstracts (Farmer's Gazette, 1 803-1846 by Poss Heard Caunty, Georgia, Deed Book l, 1894-1898 by lurnet Henry County, Georgia, 1821-1894, Marriages, Colored Frcedman Record of Sales, lnventory and Wills by futnet History ot Clay Tawnship, Highland County, Ohio, 1805-1935 by Manin Jackson Counly, Georgia, Deed Abstracts, Books E-G, 1808-1822by Poss Macon, Georgia, Newspaper Clippings (Messerger) (Vol. Vlll,'1859-65i Vol. lX, 1866-69) by Evans Milledgeville, Georgia, Newspaper Clippings (Southern Recorder) (Vol. Vlll, '1849-52; Vol. 49 lX, '1853-56i Vol. X, 1857-6'1;Vol. Xl, '1862+6; Xll, 1867-72) by Evans Ml. Zion, Caffoll County, Georgia by Dotsey News Since the Civil L4lar by Family News Network Papa's Paperc: The Life and Collected Works of James Jefferson Thomasson, 1851-1946 by Barrow Private James R. Baffow and Company B, Cobbs Legion lnfantry by Barow Randolph County, Alabama, Cemetery Census by Randolph County Historical Society Some Confederate Burials in Baiow County, Georgia, Cemefedes (Vol. 1) by Bridges Strickland Families and Allied Families of Hall County, Georgia by Sltickland Tales of Ray's Mi by Blanlon The Descendants of Thomas Bonner (1690) and Thones Eonner (ca. 1744) (2 volumes) by Bonner The Family of Newby Allgood The Heritage of Tift caunty, Georgia, 1905-2003 (vol. '1) by Tift County Heritage Book Committee The McLendons of Carroll County, Georgia, and Related Famlies by McLendon The Mottality Schedules lor Canoll County, Georgia (1850, 1860, 1870, 1880) by Dorsey The New Wo d Book of Baiields by Halbe't's Family Heritage The New World Book of News by Halbert's Family Heritage The Old Clintan Cemetery by Wolft The People of Chambers County, A/abama (3 volumes) by Wright The World Book of Barrelds by Halbert's Family Heritage Three Centuries of Baiields by Badield Family Roots Center Traveler's Rest and the Tugaloo Crossroads by Bowman 2dh century Henry Caunty, Georgia by Trjnet Wilkes County (Washinglon), Georgia, Newspaper Abstracts, 1802, 1805-1809 by Poss ITEMS oF GENEALoG'CAL INTERESI CARROLL COUNIY TIMES Continued from the Spring 2005 Quarterly Abstracted by Mary Florence Word 29 May 1885, Friday Morning ITEM: The Macon Telegraph says that N. A. Brewster, of Randolph Co. Ala. stood in Randolph, shot across Calhoun and killed a deer in Carroll Co. Ga. lt further stated that Irr. Brewster "goes through Cherokee and Cleburn Counties Ala. and thence into Polk Co. Ga. to his post office, and the distance'is only '1 1/4 miles"' Let's seei that brings Polk within '1 1/4 miles of Randolph, Ala., with Cherokee and Cleburn lying between; then Carroll is within gunshot, with a corner of Calhoun intervening. Haralson County, Ga. being between Carroll and Polk is close by loo. Upon the whole it would seem that the counties are stuck in pretty thick around there or else Mr. B. has a very long range gun, or counls a good many yards to the mile. The annual reunion of the survivors of company "K" 34th Volunteers will be held at Roopville, Carroll County, Ga. on the regiment of Georgia 28th and 29th of July next. As many of the survivors as can will meet on the evening of the 28th and rendezvous for the night All are requested to meet promptly at 9 o'clock a.m. on the 29th. At the tap of the drum the company will form, and the roll will be REGTMENTAL REUNtoN 50 called. Prayer by Dr. F. M. Thomasson. At 10 o'c,ock, First Sergeant J. P. Atkinson will give a brief historical sketch of the company, followed by an address from First Lieutenant J. A. Hollingsworth. The company will respond in a speech from J. A. McDonald. E. M. Smith will address us, and also any other member that may feel inclined to speak; after which soldiers are invited to participate) under Lieutenant Hollingsworth. The regimentalfife Adjutant J. J. Mclendon, of Lime Rock, Ala. will address the company. At '12 o'clock the Hon. A. D. Candler of Gainesville, Ga. (alternate Hon. S. W. Harris, of Carrollton, Ga.) will address the company. At 2 p.m. the company will have a shod parade to themselves, after which a general drill. T. W. Harris and G. A. Chambers will be on hand to give old time music. Committees: E. N. Walker, chr, W. L. Craven, F. lV. Thomasson, executive committee; J. S. Craven, a committee of one, to prepare table; G. l\r. Smith and J. M. Barnes a special Committee to meet Hon. A. D. Chandler, and ftrajor J. J. McLendon at the cars in Carrollton and see that they have conveyance to Roopville. ln memory of the dead we ask every surviving members of company "K" to wear a black badge on the leftlapel of his coat, and in memory of the living to bring baskets well filled with commissaries. We respectfully ask all sympathizing and especially the citizens in and around Roopville to give us such aid as they can in regard to alleviating the wants of hunger. We, the committee, respectfully ask the Franklin News lo publish and the Carroll County Times ar'd Caffoll Free Press to copy the above proceedings. Respectfully, J. P. Atkinson, Chr. Com. On Arrangements AovERT|SEMENTS: A splendid young mule for sale, Cash or on time. L. C. lvlandeville. Our nun's veiiings and buntings are just lovely. Askew Bradley and Co. Coffins ready finished cheaper than you can make them. Askew Bradley Co. lrr. W. J. Holland of Holland's Mill, in pond, discovered in the water an the 3rd district of this county, walking by the mill object which he first thought was the back of a duck, but which turned out to be a human body, submerged so that but a small part of the upper portion of the coat which he wore was visible. . . . The body was identified as that of Mr. Willis lvlclendon. . . . On Friday when someone met him in the neighborhood he said he was going to son lsaac's. There was no reason to suspect foul play. . . . He made his home nominally with his son, lsaac N. Mclendon. He had been regarded for some years as an eccentric character. He was born in Wilkes County and was 76 years old. His wife had died about 6 years before. They had '12 children. Residing in Carroll County were two sons, lsaac N. and D. W , and two daughters, lvlrs. Elizabeth Cole, widow of Avan Cole, and Mrs. Saphronia Alman. DRoWNED: On the morning of Thursday, May 22, Beall Paulding County, spent Sunday night with his brother, the editor. C. A. Upshaw's t.ip came in too late for this issue MaryLawingof Shady Grove HonlE NEws: N. N. will accept the thanks of the editor for a box of strawberries. Mr. B. J. Roop of Texas is visiting friends in this and Heard County. The public school term will commence any time from 1sth of June to 15 of July and continue for three months, l\/1. R. Russel, C.S.C. . Game at Grlfiin; Game called after I innings. Players, Reese, Tumlin, New, Johnson, Hay, Mitchell, Sterling, Turner, Merrell. Reported by C. A. Upshaw. [/r. P. P. Kingsberry's mule fell. He was caught under the animal. Captain Fain took him home in his buggy. 51 CoURT NEws: Bowker Fertilizer Co. vs. Starling B. Cothrane. Mortgage on land in Villa Rica to secure debt of $175.00. NEw MExtco: Mr. Clark Messer formerly of this county is visiting lsaiah Beck. Mr. D. Chambers sings "By by" it's another girl. Miss Alice E. Robison has a painful rising on herface. Mrs. Delania Q. Jones has been sutfering from the effects of neuralgia. Mr. J. T. Barnes pu.chased a gun forwhich he paid $41.25. Mr. Tom Kelly lost a fine mule. A Mr. Winding from Heard County and lvliss Loula Shiflett were married on the evening of the 21st at the residence of the brides father. Rev. J. D. H. Robison officiating. V|LLA RrcA: Mr. J. H. Pope, with a rifle and it dark ai that, killed a hawk that measured four and one half feet from tip to tip. Good shot. Two little girls, daughters of Mr. Felix E. Sheats of Fulton Co., visited their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheats last week, accompanied by their aunt, their mother's sister, l\rrs. Hellings who has had charge of them since their mother's death. SHILoH: We are requested by l\,1r. Franklin Brown of Shiloh District to state that he respectfully asks l\rr. J. T. Abercrombie, of the gth district to go at once to his house and resack his old cat. lvarried on the 24th inst at the brides father's. Mr. Jas. M. Ragan to Miss Frances C. Moon, E. W. Harper, J.P. officiating. On last Saturday, 23rd, [Ir. W. R. Leggett while on a return visit to Ala., murdered three squirrels. Mr. David E. Boyles has been on the sick list for two weeks. TAx CASE: There was a show at Villa Rica. W. D. Jones, Tax Collector issued an execution for the $200 dollars tax provided for as show tax, and S. J. Brown ordinary $25.00 for county tax. Sheriff J. M. Hewitt proceeded to Bremen with a fi fa. Hon. S. E. Grow of the Carrollton bar was asked to be present. acres, land lot 228, 1oth dist., propedy of l\r. S. Ray. Also house and lot in Villa Rica, land lot # 61, 6th district. Bounded by store house and lot of B. W. Williams, C. N. Bagwell and Cheves St. property of B. W. Williams. Also, house and lot in Villa Rica. Land lot #'16'1, 6th district bounded by N. N. Humphreys and W. A. and E. J. Cheeves. Property of Mrs. L. R. Allen. Fi fa issued against Joseph Sticher in favor of E. G. Kramer. Land lot #187, sth diskict of Carroll County. Also 135 acres land lot #73, 4th district Carroll County, property of Caleb Stone. lssued in favor of L. Kendrick. Also 50 acres land lot #17, '1oth district. Part of said lot owned by favor of Also 50 acres land lot #70, 6th district against W. R. Henry and Asa White in-Vaughn. taxes property Daniel, issued for of A. C. C. H. Dyer. Also land lot #188, 1 lth dist., Also, house and lot in Villa Rica, land lot #16'1,6th district. Property of Mrs. S. T. Allen. SHERIFF SALES: 100 5 June 1885 HaRALsoN BANNER: Mr. B. O. Monroe's little boy was drowned in the Tallapoosa River, near Monroe's l\rill. He was six or seven yearc of age. He was buried at Bethlehem Church. ANoTHER CASE: Mr. George Smith said that just before he left home he heard that one of Mr. F. lvl. B. Stripling's little children was drowned in the river. NEws: Mr. W. l\r. Claxton had an accident while returning from relatives in Barnesville. Dr. Stacy has been invited to preach the commencement sermon at FRANKLTN Bowdon College. On Sunday Charley Merrell was told that his boys were hoeing in the garden. Charley looked surprised "lt is the first time that I ever knew them to be guilty of hoeing." The Presbyterians closed their meeting Sunday night, Mr. Stacy had the assistance of Dr. DuBose of Decatur. Methodist meeting continues. Mr. Quillian is assisted by Rev. Mr. Solomon and Rev. Mr. Braswell. lvlr. James Westbrook of Haralson died May 30th of typhoid fever. WESLEY CHAPEL: Rev. S. H. Braswell preached. We attended Pleasant Grove, Rev. Mr. Davison preached. Married atthe residence ofthe bride's father, by Rev. W. J. C. Timmons, Mr. J. Y. C. Timmons to Miss lrartha S. E. McElroy. VtcroRyi Mrs. Jane Shinn is convalescent. Mr. G- W. lvlorris has some ofthe best corn we have seen. Mrs. Kate Morris of Victory is visiting her father Mr. Bland Darden of Carrollton. lrrs. Wm. Jones is in critical condition at this writing. RoopvrLLE: Prof. Walton will vacate his school for one rnonth. Miss l\,Iollie Green of this place is visiting relative in Coweta. Sacred Harp singing 3 miles south of Roopville at Bethel Church conducted by Prof J. H. Lipscomb. Mr. C. W. Wood reported that he was going home to begin laying by corn. CRoss PLA|NS: J. M. Davison, reporter Foor: The first place we halted was lvlr. Wm. Hendricks, l\,'lr. Lawing, Dave from there to see Bob Powell, J. P. Jordan's, and Ben Rigsby, Sanford Avery, D. S. Horton, Bob Rooker, Joe Horton, Jno. Smith, Cornett, and J. K. P. Byron. Found Mr. S. E. Helton with some fine wheat. Went to Sandhill, met with Uncle Johnnie Dyer. With him we met l\rr. D. M. Morgan. Spent the night with lvlr. M. V. Upshaw. We had the pleasure of an acquaintance with Dr. J. C. Smith of that place. On to Villa Rica and Bremen. C. A. Upshaw, still selling fruit trees. THRoucH THE CouNTy FRoM CaRRoLLToN oN STocK LAw: Mr. F. M. Garrett, a renter near L. Holland's Mill, in the Third district, having lived in Campbell County, has fears that no tenant in Campbell has. That of having his crop destroyed. D. Ir. Stallings of the Third district, eight miles south of Carrollton, a citizen of Carroll for fifty two years, does not want fencing. ro NEw ORLEANS: H. L. McPherson, W. L Kinney, J. M. Hamrick. Checked the hotel register and found that Capt. Jim lvlartin had stayed there. TRrp (These articles will be continued in the next quarterly.) Bapnsr cHURGH HlsroRY CENTENNIAL 1868-1958 PLEASANT GRovE AND RECoRDS The following are abstracts from the Church History and Church Records (Minutes) of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Carroll County, Georgia from 1868-'1969. These records are recorded on microfilm and are on file in the Special Collections room of the Neva Lomason Memorial Library in Carrollton. "The Church Records: Minute Books' consist of 8 volumes, with the "Church History" being 7 pages and 1 folder, as listed on 53 the microtilm. Alan Pearce, oftheCarroll County Genealogical Society and grandson of Clement Pearce (who was a deacon of Pleasant Grove Church) abstracted these records. The church was constituted in '1868 as a lvlissionary Baptist Church in the New Mexico Community and at the time was a member of the Arbicoochee [Baptist] Association. The members met on the second Sunday in April '1868 to organize. The officers elected were W. S. Twidell and N. W. l\,4oore as Presbytery, Brother Twidell as Moderator Protem, J. D. H. Robinson as Clerk and W. W. Carter as Assistant Clerk. The following persons were received as charter members: W. W. Carter, John H. Carter, Armenda C. Carter, Eliza Carter, John Holloway, Andrew J. Stewart, Mary Stewart, Mary C. Robinson, John D. H. Robinson, Catherine J. Robinson and Nancy Tate Barr, for a total of 13. The following ministers pastored Pleasant Grove during the past 100 years: Rev. N. W. Moore, 1868-1872; Rev. J. D. H. Robinson, '1872-1875; Rev. W. H. Daniel; Rev. J. D. H. Robinson, 1880-1888; Camp, 1888-1889; Rev. J. M. D Stallings, 1889-1890; Rev. Hood, '1890-189'1; Rev. J. M. D. Stallings, 189'1-1894; Rev. H. Allen, 1894-1896; Rev. J. D. H. Robinson, 1896-1905; Rev. G. L. Hicks, '1905-1907i Rev. D. W. Hight, 1907-1908; Rev. G. L. Hicks, 1908-'1909; Rev. E. E. Robinson (deceased while serving, and Rev. J. lr. Davidson finished his association year), 1909-'1910; Rev. l\r. W. Yarbrough, 1910-1916; Rev. T. A. Griffin, 1916-'1920; Rev. C. L. l\,4atthews, 1920-1941; Rev. L. G. Rogers, '1941-1946; Rev. C. L. Matthews, 1946-1947: Rev. J. L. Bryant, 1947-'1950; Rev. Kirby Bryant, 1950-1958; Rev. Virgil Rigsby, 1958-1962; Rev. J. H. Huckabe, '1962-1967; and Rev. Andrew Buchanan, 1967-1968. The following members served as deacons of Pleasant Grove Church: A. J. Stewart, W. C. Brooks, D. P. Chambers, W. F. Yeates, W. J. Wiggins, J L. Prince, W. M. Chamberc, J. H. Barr, M. O. Burt, Spencer Lowery, P. L. Wright, A. N. Chambers, W. L. Stewart, J. T. Huckabee, A. E. Calhoun, J. L. Daniel, R. F. Chambers, J. M. Burt, J. H. Word, T. D. Daniel, Howard Bradley, and Clement Pearce. church Building and Locationr The first building was a log house located on the Little glackjack Mountain Road, built in 1869. The second building was ofwood construction, located just west of the present one. The third building was of wood construction located north of the present one. The contractors were W. B. and W. A. Mclendon for a total cost of $349.00. The fourth building, which is the present one, was built of brick at a cost of $27,350.00. lt was made possible through the liberal contribution of a former deacon and wife, given in the form of a will, which was administered by Brother Dorsey Duffey in the amount of $23,750.00. This made it possible for ihe church and community to come together and worship God in spirit and truth in the fine building. The church and community made the other contributions. The contractor was Ohmer Hightower. May we ever be grateful to God and cherish the memory of Brother and Sister Stewart, who had a deep love from Pleasant Grove Church and the Community and wanted to do something to promote the kingdom's work after their departure. We wish to express our deep heartfelt thanks to Brother Dorsey Duffey for his assistance and the fine Christian-like way he administered the will to Pleasant Grove Church from Brother and Sister Stewart. 54 Also, to Brother Hightower, the contractor, we express appreciation for the fine job of building one of the finest rural church buildings in Carroll County. May the blessings of the Lord abide with each of you forever. (The name of Cofield had been written in over Mr. Hightower's name and evidently had helped with buildinq the church.) Land Purchased or Given to Pleasant Grove during the Century: ln the year of '1869, the church bought 2 acres from lsaiah Beck Sr. for the sum of 10.00, which included a right of way to the spring south of the church. ln 1885, Brother J. G. Miles gave the church 1-acre of land, so long as said church remains a Missionary Baptist Church. ln 1908, the church purchased'1 1/2 acresoflandfrom M. A. lvloon and J. M. Key for the sum of $15.80. ln 1942 the church boug ht 1 acre of land from L. M. Key's estate. This would make a total ol 5 112 acrcs. A half acre more or less was contributed from the estate of the late L. M. Key. Brother Carl Morris is listed asgiving landfora drive around the north end of the cemetery. Cemetery: The cemetery at Pleasant Grove Church has approximately 1000 graves ('1968). For three-fourths of a century the church and community had a set day to meet and clean off the cemetery and repair the graves. Since that time, the church has taken free will offerings and hired someone to keep the cemetery. The church deeply feels this is her (evidently referring to the community or the church membership) responsibility and insists that the families who have loved ones buried here make liberal contributions to this worthy cause. Membership in 1868 when the church was constituted was 13. Present membership (1968) is 223. Oldost male members: R. A. Word, age 86 (the number 64 has also been written beside the number 86); S. L. Smith, age 86; Jim Payne, age not given. Oldest female members: Amy Ward, age 88 (this name was marked through in the records); Edell Blackwelder, age 84; [,4aggie Holloway, age not given. The following is a list of names from pages 172 and 173 of the minutes from Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, with the page dated July '19'14. Three other dates are listed in the minutes and must have been updates made at a later date. Mrs. l\,4attie Robinson, J. l\,4. Word, lvlrs. Dana Word, D. P. Chambers, Mrs. S. J. Chambers, M. R. Chambers, Mrs. lvlattie Chambers, Mrs. M. S. Knight, Luther Knight, Thomas Knight, Mrs. M. J. Holloway, Miss Maggie Holloway, Miss Lula Holloway, Miss Katie Holloway (Wright) 8-20-1914, W. lr. Ayers, lrrs. Savannah G. Ayers, Mrs. F. E. Simpkins, Mrs. E. L. Lowery, P. L. Wright, lrrs. Beatrice Wright, Miss. Ella Wright 8-17'1914, J. D. Wright 8-15-1914, J. W. Holdredge, Mrs. Julia Holdredge, W. A. Chambers, Mrs. Mollie Chambers, NIrs. J. E. Alin, H. L. Alin, L. B. Simpkins, J. P. Perdue, Mrs. Marthie Perdue, C. Ir. Word, lrrs. Nilla Word, W. B. Price Sr., W. M. Price, Mrs. Nela Price, Wm. Payne, Mrs. T. O. Payne, 1,4. O. Burt, l\rrs. Lavarne Burt, Mrs. May Disedse. LoosE CoURT REcoRDs The following documents were recovered from the Carroll County Courthouse and are presently on display at the Spivey House lruseum on Bonner Goldmine Road. Abstracted by Alan Pearce and Earnest Blevins. Warrant ot Appraisement of the Estate of John Craven, deceased: lsaiah Beck Esq, Harrison Moore, P. C. Holmark, B. H. Vaughn and W. L. Bloodmont were aurhorized to appraise the goods and chattels of the late John Craven. Wm. L. Bell, temporary Administrator of estate. Dated July '15, 1859. Signed byJ M. Blulock, Ordinary. Sale Bill of the Personal Property of J. P, Caspers Filed in office December 3, 1878, D. B. Juhan, Ordy The household goods and kitchen furniture of Jacob P. Casper, deceased, were sold on November 20, 1878, by M. B. Dorough, administrator. Terms of sale were cash. Some items included were tub tray and sifter, keg of vinegar, 1 goat skin, 1 sheep skin and basket, 1 bed stead brought 35 cents while another bed sold for $13.25, dishes, 'l oven and skillet, 1 churn and jug, sideboard, 2 sets of chairs, table linens, 4 lots of bed linens (lots ranging from $2.75-$7.25), Bible and Hymn book, books, fire dogs, shovel and tongs. Sale totaled $90.55. Names of purchasers: Hesikiah Almon, D. N. Bowdon, l\r. M. Dorough, George Dorough, John Dorough, G. H. Dorough, Eliza Dorris, Wm. Dorris, Elisa Dorris, Wm. Echols, William Echols, George Hanvey, Georgia Hanvey, Henry Hauffman, Dade Heuckabee, Henry Heuf{man, Jack Thomas, Elizabeth, Walker, J. B. Webb, A. J. Williams, Rebecca Williams, A. Williamson. Farm products, wheat, oats, and corn, were also sold on November 20, 1878. Purchasers were Z. Williamson, B. L. Brown, T. W. lngraham, J. B. Webb, V. C. Pentecost, William Dorris, A. J. Simmons, J. W. Burns, Henry Harris, S. W. Millican, L. W. Millican, and J. M. DEATH We received word of the death of Dennis Wayne Williams, Villa Rica, Georgia, on June 1, 2005. Dennis had been a member of the Carroll County Genealogical Society for about twelve years. He was also a member of the Villa Rica lvlasonic Lodge No. 72 F&AM, Sons of the Confederacy, and the Concord United lvlethodist Church at Hickory Level. The Society extends its sympathy to the Williams family. 56 THE INDEPENDENTORDER oF OoD FELLows Abskacted by lrary Florence Word The IOOF, or The lndependent Order of Odd Fellows, was a fraternal organization. lt was founded on the principles of Friendship, Love and Truth. lvembers were assessed when initiated according to age, and to degrees. Membership dues were $4.00 to $5.00 each year. The money collected was used for "the sick" and to aid a widow with the funeral expenses. lnitiation fees ranged form $5.00 to $'15.00. Cards from $5.00 to $7.00 and degrees $5.00. Upon examination, members could advance from one degree to a higher degree. The 1885-1892 Minute book of Carrollton Lodge #96 was located several years ago in a downtown building in Carrollton. l\rarch 26, 1885: Charter members in the reorganizing, Thomas W. Dimmock, M. R. Russell, J. M. Huett, J. M. B. Kelley, W. F. Brown, B. A. Sharpe, H. C. White, A. D. Turner, W. B. Chambers, T. Spurlock, S. E. Grow, J. A. Huggins, W. O. Perry, J. H. Rhudy, G. W. Merrell, R. P. Kingsberry, W. L Pitts and G. W. Guthrey. At the first session, a committee was appointed to confer with the lvlasonic Lodge to secure a place to meet. April 6, 1885: ragalia, with jewels, was ordered for the officers. April 20,1885: Mr. E. G. Kramer was to be pajd $20.00 for room rent for the lodge. May 18,1885: Brother J. M. B. Kelly was fined 28 cents for being absent. June 15, 1885: S. C. White, along with others mentioned previously, voted into the lodge September 7, 1885: Brother Turner fined 15 cents for absence at last meeting without excuse. Brother Rhudy fined $2.00 for failure to "have his books." October'19, '1885; J. W. Martin and Jas. R. Richards applied for membership November 2, '1885: Applicants approved. November '16, 1885; Committee appointed to investigate the character and health of J. A. Mccord. Vote taken and he was elected to membership. December 21 , '1885: Expenditure of $1 .00 approved for coal. January 18, 1886: John W. Martin elected for first degree. Brother Sharpe announced the new door password. lvlay 17, '1886: Draft issued to T. W. Dimmock because of sickness of more that one week. July 12, 1886: Draft issued to T. W. Dimmock for $6.00 sick benefit. July 26, 1886: Draft issued to J. A. Rhudy for $2.00 for services as secretary. August 2, 1886: Committee appointed to investigate the character and morals of Mandeville for membership. Accepted on August 9, 1886. L C. June 28, 1885: J. K. Redwine, L. C. Mandeville, C. H. Merrell, J. H Croft, F. N. Cobb, C B. Simonton, R. H. Fitts, D. F. New, and J. F. Skipper were among the list of officers. 57 JAMES W. AND NEATY ANN JOHNSON WESSINGER Submitted by Mignon Wessinger James W. Wessinger (born 9 January '1840 in South Carolina, and died '19 January 1893 in Carroll County, Georgia) was the husband of Neaty Ann Johnson Wessinger (born 26 February 1847 in Georgia, and died 22 March 1924). Among the Wessinger's enterprises was a store located on the north side of the main street in Bowdon, Georgia. After James's death, Neaty Ann continued to operate the store for several years- This is a transcription of a page written by Neaty Ann Wessinger in a store ledger. The numbered notes explain who some of the people are, along with their birth and death dates. What's to be Collected this Fall, LJp to August 27, 1893 Bud's acct on this [see note 1] 141.45 52.67 Brick Yard paid 27.00 His 100.00 lnterest in 100.00 lnterest in Note: 16.00 Deris Burt [see note 21.00 J. F. Wessinger [see note 6.76 W. L. 10.00 W. 12.00 T. J. 5.50 B. L. 2.25 A. L. 7.00 J. R. 25.00 Wm. 6.00 W. S. 30.00 Ed 30.00 603.25 out note Still Liquor 2] Loworn Chandler - Meadows Bevis Braden Duke Price Hand Shinn Cash Home Propity Home Place Brick Yard Place Town Propity (store) Goods Showcase Syrrup Mill Mule Cows Hogs 3] '1200.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 30.00 100.00 30.00 25.00 2385.00 Note 1 "Bud" was Clarence Juhan Alford (born 1859;dled 12 October 1936), the husband ofAlice l\rargaret Wessinger (born 11 August 1865; died 25 April '1900). After Alice's death, he married Leonora Annie "Doll" Wessinger (born 25 September 1879;died 5 July 11952), both of whom were daughters of James and Neaty Ann wessinger. Note 2: John "Darius" Burt (born 3 November 1852; died '19 January '1923) was the son of James C. Bui (brother of Lucinda Burt Jol'1so" Couch Neaty AnT's rrother) thLs. Darius Burt was Neaty Ann Wesslnger's frrst cousin. Note 3: James Franklin Wessinger (born 2 November 1867; djed 12 February 1924) was the son of James and Neaty Ann Wessinger. It appears that Neaty Ann Wessinger neglected to include the value of the goods showcase in her calculation, and she also made a slight miscalculation of her outstanding collections. While her overall computation showed that she had total assets of slightly less than $3,000, the actual amount was $3,227.63. On another sheet dated July 21, (1891), J. W. Wessinger placed an order with Messrs Brannon Bro., Atlanta, Ga.: "Please ship me to Waco Ga. 25 lbs. English Walnutts, 25 Pears,25 Brazil nutts, 1 small box oranges, 1 small box good tobacca. Something we can sell at 50. Lb. 25 lbs red snapper fish. Get them and will forward money. Have them allshipped out Thursday so I can get them Friday. 1 box raisons." 58 THE RooPS oF RooPVILLE, GEoRGIA Researched and contributed by Oleria Lane on behalf of The Roopville Archive and Historical Society Roop, Ruppe, Rupe, Roup, Roupe, and Rupp are all spellings of this family name. The more traditional older German spelling is Ruppe. Roopville's lrartin Roop has been traced back to his grandfather lrartin Ruppe Sr. who was born between '1751 and 1755 jn Pennsylvania of German ancestry. He was a blacksmith by trade, making horseshoes, farm tools, cooking utensils, and other iron works. He is described as a rough and boisterous man with a spirit of adventure and independence that kept pushing him westward where there were fewer people and better game to hunt. ln about 1777, Martin Sr. married lvlary Barbara Mathias. They were living in Pennsylvania lrary Barbara probably would have liked to settle in one place to raise her family but Martin could not live the sedentary life. During their life, l\rartin Sr. and Mary Barbara made at least eight moves to new territories, from Pennsylvania down through the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia to Surry County, North Carolina, then to York County, South Carolina, and on to Union County, South Carolina. After a while they moved again to Rutherford County, North Carolina, then to Blount County, Tennessee. ln 1833, Martin Sr. and lvlary Barbara, now over seventy years old, made their last move, with their son Martin Jr. and his family, to Drake County, Ohio. at the time. The second child of Martin Sr. and Mary Barbara was a son, John Ruppe. This is the father of Roopville's Martin Roop. He was born about '1780 in Pennsylvania. He moved with his family across the country to Surry County, North Carolina. John met and married Phoebe Pilcher on December 18, 1804, in Surry County, North Caroljna. They later moved to Union County, South Carolina. This is where the first of their ten children-a son, l\rartin-was born on March 9, 1810. ln '1839, Martin met and married Mary Elizabeth King, daughter ofAbraham and Lucy Bradford King, all of Union County, South Carolina. ln 1845, l\,rartin and Elizabeth migrated from South Carolina to Jackson County, Georgia. After four years, they moved to Coweta County, Georgia, where they lived another four years before moving to Carroll County, Georgia, to the area where the town of Roopville now stands. The descendants of lrartin and Elizabeth Roop have contributed much to the spiritual, economic, and social growth of the Carroll County area. John King (J. K.), the oldest son of Martin and Elizabeth, was born in South Carolina and moved with his family to Georgia. ln 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate Army, serving in both Company D of the '1"' Regiment of Georgia, and in Company F, Phillip's Legion, Cavalry. ln 1872 he married Eliza A. lroore in Coweta County, Georgia, and moved to the Roopville area of Carroll County- J. K. became a dominant figure in Roopville's early years. He was the owner of over 2,000 acres of land, much of which he donated to enhance the grovvth of the area. He built several stores, a mill, and a blacksmith shop, which he sold to other busaness men, contributing to the growth of the town. He was Worshipful lvlaster of Goshen Lodge 71 in 1880. He served on the Carroll County Board of Education and was a charter member of Roopville Baptist Church. Another son, William Wright (W. W.), was the second child born to lrartin and Elizabeth. Born in Union County, South Carolina, he moved to Georgia with his parents where he 59 enlisted in the Confederate Army and served in the same unit as J. K- On November 23, 1869, W. W. married Martha Jane Moore, the sister of Eliza (wife of J. K. Roop). W. W. was a teacher and a Baptist minister. He was one of the most prominent ministers to serve in this area- He was involved in founding the Carrollton Baptist Association in 1874. During his ministry, he preached in thirty-one churches, baptizing over 2,000 people in the Carrollton Association and surrounding area. W. W. served as Carrollton School Superintendent and for over twenty-five years wrote a weekly column "Little Sermons for Little Folks" in the Carroll Free Press. l\rartin and Elizabeth's sixth child, Thomas lvl. Roop, was another important figure in Roopville's history. He was born in Coweta County, Georgia; then moved with his family to the Roopville area where he met and married Miss Florida Alexander in about '1878. They had two children, Benjamin Frank and Mary E. Roop. ln November of 1882, Thomas M- (Bud) Roop became Roopville's first postmaster, at which time the city was officially named Roopville in honor of Thomas i,L and J. K.'s father, Martin Roop. Bud also worked with his brother Benjamin Josephus (Ceph) at lrerrell's Mill in Heard County, Georgia. lt was at the mill in April 1883 that Bud's life was taken when he drowned in the terrible flash flood of the Hillabatchee Creek. The flood also took the lives of his brother's wife, Georgia Merrell, and their three small children, along with a young black girl who worked for the family. Florida remained in Roopville and later married Dr. Francis Marion Brock; they had two children, lrma and Henry Brock. Benjamin Josephus Roop was the fifth child of lvlartin and Elizabeth. After the tragic loss of his family, he later remarried and moved to Bell County, Texas. Martin and Elizabeth Roop had eleven children in all. The remaining seven were Robert H., Sarah Ann, Henry Owen, Sarah Elizabeth, James A., George W., and Savannah. Throuoh marriage, this family joined with other families of character and integrity-such as the Veals, the Almons, and others-to produce many fine citizens of this area. For the rest of the story, you'll have to come by the Roopville Archives and connect the links. ln a joint effort, the city of Roopville and the Roopville Archive and Historical Society have taken on the project of restoring the Roop House, home of members of the founding family of the town. ln conjunction with this project, the Roopville Archive and Historical Society is compiling a history of Roop ancestors and descendants. lf you are a Roop or have any ties to the family and could supply information or family stories, we would appreciate hearing from you. The Roopville Archives phone number is 770-854-8099. The address is: Roopville Archive and Historical Society, P.O. Box 285, Roopville, Georgia 30't70. Sources for this article: Roots Web World Connect Project, Carol Sealon: An Historical Account of Maftin Ruppe in America (1750-r840), George Alan Ruppe Descendants of Abraham King, a genealogy report by Jerry Merrell; History of the Cano ton Baptist Association, 1873-1973, by William Wyatt Givens. The next cutoff date is July 31, 2005. Please see that all genealogical material you wish to have published reaches us by that date. 60 Ftom The Carroll Star News, July 4-'10, 1999, by C. Wayne Cook, Forrest's Escort Camp. Submitted by Shirley Gardner HoMEcoMTNG AT EpHEsus CHRTSTAN CHURcH wrH A CEREMoNY FOR THE CONFEDERATE VETERANS BURIED THERE ln the fallof 1861 my great-great-granddaddy, George Washington Cook, left Carroll County, Georgia, to fight in the War Between the States. He left behind family and friends to fight for the cause that he and all our southern ancestors so strongly believed in-the fight for states' rights and southern independence. He went to war against a much larger and better supplied army. But the Confederate side was not driven by money as the North was. Our ancestors loved God and their southland. They believed in hard work and had the highest moral standards. Private George Washington Cook served in Company B, 7'h Regiment, Confederate Cavalry. He suNived the war unlike so many who didn't. He came back to Carroll County to live out his final years. Life was not easy after the war. ln an 1895 pension application, he lists ten children and wife all supported by labor on the farm. George W. Cook's final resting place is in Ephesus Christian Church Cemetery along with eight other Confederate Veterans. They are John T. Clark, W. T. Clark, Z. T. Gladney, Ben Knott, James l\r. Phillips, John Phillips, Frank M. Rooks, and Enoch Thornton. Ephesus Christian Church is having their homecoming on Sunday, July 11'h. They have invited me and fellow compatriots ot the Forrest's Escort Camp, Sons of the Confederate Veterans, to honor these Confederate Veterans with a memorial service. We will be in uniform and ladies in period dress. We will fire musket salutes echoed by artillery cannon CCGS 2OO5 MEMBERS, AS OF 1 JUNE 2OO5 Change of Address; Lynn B. Cunningham, 544 West Road, Williamson, GA 30292 '181. Glendora and Heather James, 2'105 Ducansby Drive SW, Decatur, AL 35603 182. Carole T. Kane, 1340 lndependence Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32940 183. Betty de Vane, 1 121 Rome Street, Apt. '1003, Carrollton, GA 301 '17 184. Batbata l. Klaffke, 4030 York Road, South Bend, lN 46614-2719 185. Deloris K. Jones,94 Fernwood Drive, Fayetteville, GA30214. Dee43f an@bellsouth. net 186. Joyce Latimer, 2907 E. Highway 166, Carrollton, GA 301 16 187. James T. Bissett, 183 Grayhill School Road, West Point, GA 31833 '188. Theo N. Mabry, HC62 Box 45, Eufaula, OK 74432 189. Julia M. Fuller,2947 Delcourt Drive, Decatur, GA 30033 190. Regina H. Burrell,406 Church Street, Bremen, GA 30'110 19'1. Eunice S. [IcElroy, 3260 Bright Star Road, Douglasville, GA 30'135-2279 . 61 HELP WANTED The following letter (excerpts) was rece ved in January from l\4ary Clyde Wright of Ocitla, Georgia. lf any of the Society's members could help please contact IVIary at the address below. Dear Carroll County Genealogical Society, I have a majorfavor to ask. December 17, my house burned leaving my husband and me with nothing but what was on our backs. My husband was born there 62 years ago. lt had been my home since our marriage 39 years ago. Our material possessions will be replaced but all our "treasures" like photos and my family tree collection are lost forever. I have dabbled in genealogy for over 30 years and had a huge amount of information in my files. Now, the only hope I have in replacing some of this info that asn't on the lnternet is through the generosity of your members. Copies of photos would really make my day. Also, two of my "brick walls" before the fire were the lrARTlN and JOHNSON families. All of my husband's ancestors are from Northwest Georgia and Northeast Alabama. His father's (Talmadge WRIGHT Sr.) side includes: George B. (Bud) WRIGHT and Ella SlrlTH John Thomas WRIGHT and Eliza KING Benjamin Franklin SMITH and Ruth Ella WARREN James [rarion WRIGHT and Lucinda C. SlrlTH (and second husband Tryon PAfiERSON) Thomas Hiram KING and Charity Matilda CHANDLER William S[.4lTH and Catherine JOHNSON John C. WARREN and Charlotte J. MICHAEL John C. Wright and Elizabeth KELLEY Gabriel D. SMITH and Nancy CAIN Benjamin KING and lrary A. BURSON Ambrose CHANDLER and Jerusha WHITE Peter MICHAEL and Rebecca MARTIN His mother's (Edwina BROCK) side includes: Henry Y. BROCK and Zelma Estelle DEESE George BROCK and Florence COLE Henry C. DEESE and Frances C. RICHARDSON Henry BROCK and Susan WOODS (and second wife Annie SMITH) Jeremiah Martin COLE and Netty Elizabeth JOHNSON Henry Turner DEESE and Mary Caroline CRU[TBLEY Elias l\,rarion RICHARDSON and Lucinda Elizabeth ANDERSON Henry BROCK and Nancy ? Jeremiah COLE and Charlotte MARTIN JoelA. DEESE and Rebecca PARKER Anthony C. CRUMBLEY and Martha FERRELL John Wesley RICHARDSON and Sarah HARBIN John Priar ANDERSON and [rartha Malysa FINCHER. l\ry address is still Mary Clyde Wright, 175 Whitley Road, Ocilla, GA 31774-4001. Son's phone number (where we are staying) is 229-468-0845. My e-mail address at work is lvlcwriqht@irwin. k 12.qa. us QUERY Would like to correspond with descendants of the following BROOK family members, ancestors of mine, who are buried at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Tyus: Jesse Gideon BROOK ('1831-1915) md. Emily PITTS. Wiley Venson BROOK (1837-1921) md. Sarah Elizabeth MOORE. Meriweather Loderick Hill BROOK (1844-'1926) md. (1) Georgia Octavia STEPHENS, (2) Prudie WILSON. Would especially like to hear from anyone who has photographs of or letters from these Ted Brooke,2055 Foster Driver, Cumming, GA 30040 Focus oN RESEARCH When you submit your Focus of Research, please indicate the first name of those you are researching. lt would help us to help you. I\,IICHAEL, MARTIN, PYRON, LEIMASTER Need names of father and mother of Peter Michael, and father and mother of Rebecca lvlartin Michael (wife of Peter l\.4ichael). Mrs. Ruth C. [Iurray, 5975 l\.4enlo Drive, Baton Rouge. LA 70808-5050 RAINWATER, WOFFORD, MILLER, THOMPSON, OWENS, BOYD, George Washington BROWN of Atlanta, HAI\.48Y, RICHARDS Shela Rainwater Wofford, 227 Valley Road, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 qensw@bellsouth.net EVANS, AKINS, HELI\,S MUSICK CAVENDER, WARD, and FLEMING Jerry and Virginia Evans,225lnland Circle Newnan, GA30263 CRAVEN, IVEY, and STRICKLAND Jan Nance, P.O. Box 43, Gallatin, TN 37066 AYERS, BENTLEY, HOWARD, BYRATI (BYRUI\,1), CARTWRIGHT, BROWNING, KILGORE. John M. SMITH, b 25 Jan '1856, (1)wife Sara JOHNSON b 1854 (?), (2) wife Drucilla WILLIAMSON b 1868 (?). James William BRANNON. Mary Emily JONES. Wayland C. Ayers, P.O. Box 596, llabank, TX 75147 63 FREEI\,IAN, PATILLO, DRIVER, BUTLER, FELTMAN, HURST, USSERY Carey L. Marsh, 2148 lnyo Drive, Los Osos, CA 93402 tsalagi2@direcway.com BOONE, CARIVIICHAEL, CREEL, EDMONDSON, LOVELL, MCADAI\4S Olive C. Hall,4013 Fosters Mill Road SW, Cave Spring, GA 30124-2277 olivec23@aol.com LASSETTER, TATIMER, BURSON, BRIDGES, BROWN, CARRUTHERS, HUTCHESON, HILL, GABLE Ted and Martha Lassetter, 3847 S. Highland Court, Bountiful, UT 84010 mlasse1932@aol.com ROOKS, Joseph HOOD and Charlie Sadie YARBROUGH ROOKS. Would like to have the names, birth, and death dates of all their children. Joseph was the son of "Matt" Rooks. Evelyn lrooney, P.O. Box 2539, Cleveland, GA 30528-0045. qrannvmoonev@alltel.net WARDS who may have married lndjans. ls there a census report for 1890 and forward? James Ward, P.O. Box 346, Hayes, LA 70646 JACKSON, NICHOLS, BIRDSONG, FLINT, EDGE, ALLEN Anne N. Allen, 112 Ora Cir., Warner Robins, GA 31088 REAVES, HUCKABY, VAUGHN, WILSON Neva King Barnhart, 2240 Mohigan Way, Las Vegas, NV 89'109-3374 WEBB, THOIVAS, MERRITT, CHANCE Carole T. Kane, 1340 lndependence Avenue, lvlelbourne, FL 32940. Ckane2@cFL.RR.com SMITH, HARDIN, HARPER, TYSON, MORRIS James Bissett, 183 Grayhill School Road, West Point, GA 31833 SHELTON, KISER (KIZER), BURDEN (BURDON) Glendora James, 2105 Duncansby Drive SW, Decatur, AL 35603 Henry Clay BRoWN, Joseph B. E. BRoWN, Francis Abigal COLQUIT Clifton L. Brown, 2486 Ashbury Place, lrobile, AL 36693 John M. SMITH born 25 Jan 1856, first wife was Sara JOHNSON born 1854 or 1858, second wife was Drucilla WILLIAITSON born '1868 or 1865; James William BRANNON; Mary Emily JONES. J. J. Camp, 249 Hurst Nlill Road North, Bremen, GA 30'110 64 INDEx Nancy 61 Winston Brazeaj, 38 A ABBOTT Francis l\4.,44 ABERCROI/1BIE J, T,, 51 AKINS,62 ALEXANDER Chas. W, 44 David J., 44 David L.,44 Florida,59 Saml. W, 44 ALFORD Clarence Juhan "8ud",57 ALIN H. 1.,54 J. E., Mrs.,54 ALLEN,63 Anne N.,63 H., s3 L. R., lv]rs.,51 S. T., Mrs., 51 ALLGOOD 49 ALI\4AN Saphronia,50 ALIUON Hesikiah,55 ALMONS,59 ANDERSON John Priar, 6'1 Lucinda Elizabeih,6l ASHI\4ORE Jos T., 44 ASKEW BRADLEY AND CO., 50(2) ATKINSON J. P.,50(2) AVERY Sanford,52 AYERS,62 Savannah G., 54 Wayland C., 62 B BAGWELL C, N. 51 BARNES J M,,50 J, T.,51 BARNHART Neva King, 63 BARR David E.,51 BOYLS David E., 44 Wm 8., 44 Nancy (Tate), 53 BARROW, 49(2) Hugh W., 40 BAXTER JoelM.,44 Jas. 1.,44 BRADFORD Lucy, 58 BRADLEY Howard,53 BRANNON James \AIlliam 62, BEALL N, N,,50 BECK 63 lsaiah,51,55 lsaiah, Sr. 54 BELL Wm L. 55 BENTLEY,62 Messrs., 57 BRASWELL Rev. l\4r , 52 S H., Rev , 52 BREWSTER NA,49 BEVIS B, 1,, 57 BIRDSONG,63 BRYAN Jas.,44 BRYANT J. L,,53 BRADEN A L.,44,57 J, H.,53 BRO\(NING,62 Kirby,53 BUCHANAN Andrew,53 BURDEN/BURDON,63 BURNS J, W, 55 BURRELL Regina H.,60 BURSON,63 N4ary A., 61 BURT Darius,57 Deris, 57 J tvl., 53 James C., 57 John "Darius",57 BRIDGES,49,63 Lavarne,54 BROCK M. O., 53, 54 BtsHoP,48 Dicey [Irs., 45 V B (Doctor) 44 Edwina,61 BUTLER,62 Francis lvlarion, Dr., BISHOPS,4S George,6'1 BYRAI\4/BYRUM, 62 BYRON J, K. P,,52 BISSETT Henry 59,61(2) James 63 59 Henry Y., 61 James T., 60 BLACKWELDER Edel,54 lrma 59 BROOK,62 Jesse Gideon, 62 IVleriweather Loderick BLANTON,43 Hi ,62 BLEVINS Wiley Venson 62 Earnest 55 BROOKE,48 BLOODMONT W 1.,55 Ted,62 BLULOCK BROOKS Franc s M.. 44 W, C., 53 J. [,4 , 55 BONNER,49 Allen 44 Bennett W Jas 44 A BROO[?'IE 44 Jasper A , 44 Catherine 4'1 BROWN,63 B. 1,, 55 Clifton 1.,63 BOONE,63 Franklin,5l BOWDON George Washington, 62 Henry Clay,63 Joseph B. E.,63 D. N,,55 BOWKER FERTILIZER co.,50 BO!\A4AN 49 BOYD,62 BOYLES s J, s1 W,F,56 C CAIN Nancy,61 CALHOUN CAMP,53 J, J.,63 CANDLER A, D,. 50 CANTRELL lG F., 45 CAR[?'IICHAEL, 63 CARRUTHERS 63 CARTER Armenda C.,53 Eliza,53 John H.,53 w w., 53(2) CARTWRIGHT,62 CASPER Jacob P.,55 CASPERS J,P,55 CAVENDER.62 CHAI\,1BERS 65 A, N.,53 D.,51 D. P., 53, 54 G, A,, 50 t\4 R,54 Lu6inda Burt (Johnson),57 CRAVEN,62 N4olie, 54 R, F, 53 S. J., Mrs.,54 J. S.,50 John,55(2) W, 1,,50 CREEL,63 CROFT J. H.,56 W 8,, CRUI\4BLEY Anthony C., 61 [rattie,54 W. l\,1., 56 53 CHANCE,63 CHANDLER A, D,,50 Ambrose,6l Charity [4atilda,61 w. _, 57 CHEEVES CLARK John T.,60 w. T., 60 CLMTON w t\4,51 COBB F N,56 COCKERELL Jesse,42 COLE Avan 50 E izabeth, 50 F orence, 61 Jeremiah,6l Jeremiah l\4artin,61 COLOUIT Franc s Abigal,63 cooK A. M., Mrs.,45 C wayne, 60 G. W, 45 Geo. W , 44 George W., 60 George Washington, 60(2) COPELAND Jonathan,44 CORNETT D. S,,52 COTHRANE Starling 8.,50 COUCH Anlhony F.,44 [4ary Caro]ine,61 Wm. M., 45 CUNNINGHAIV] Lynn 8.,60 DORRIS Elisa,55 Eliza,55 Vvilliam,55 Wm. A., 55 DORSEY,49(2) Jack,43 GIVENS GLADNEY Dorsey,53(2) DUKE J R,,57 DYER c. H,51 ECHOLS VI'illiam 55 J, 1,,53 T. D.,53 W. H, 53 Wrn.,55 EOGE,63 EOMONDSON,63 DARDEN EVANS, 48, 49, 62 Bland,52 DAVENPORT J. G,, 45 Jas G., 45 DAV]DSON J. [4.,53 DAV]SON J. t\4.,52 Rev. l\4r., 52 DE VANE Betty,60 DEESE l'lenry C., 61 Henry Turner, 61 JoelA., 61 Zelma Estelle,6l DIGBY Geo W 45 Dlt\4t\,10cK T. W., 56(2) Thomas W., 56 DISERISE May,54 DODSON c. M. 45 DORIV1AN,48 DOROUGH G, H,.55 Jerry,62 Vkginia,62 F FAIN Captain,50 FELTMAN,62 FERRELL Martha,61 FINCHER Martha lvlalysa,61 FITTS R H.,56 FLEMING,62 FLETCHER Jas. [.4.,45 Jno. S. 45 R,H,45 FL]NT,63 FRANKLIN Gen , 43 General,4l FREEMAN,62 FULLER Julia [,4.,60 George,55 G John 55 GABLE,63 M,8,,55 M. l\jl.,55 F. M., 52 GIBSON Henry H.,45 DUBOSE Ot., 52 DUFFEY E DANIEL A. C. 51 GARRETT DRIVER,62 Johnnle,52 D Jos. S.,45 GARDNER Shirley, 38, 60 GAM|\ilON Jno C., 45 Wlliam Vvyatt, 59 2.T,60 GREEN N4ollie,52 GRIFFIES c. w., 45 N4. L., Mrs., 45 T, J,,45 GRIFFIN T. A., 53 GRIFFIS Chas W., 45 GROW s. E., 51, 56 GUTHREY G, W,, 56 GWYNN,48 H HALL Olive C., 63 HAI\48Y,62 HAIlIRICK J, M,, 52 HANCOCK Jas A.,45 HAND w. s.,57 HANVEY George,55 Georgia,55 HARBIN Sarah,61 HARDIN,63 HARPER.63 E. W, 51 HARRIS Henry,55 S, W,, 50 T. W,, 50 HARRISON J, W,, 45 Jas W., 45 Jno. S , 45 N,J,45 HAUFFMAN Henry 55 66 HAY, 50 HEARN J. A., 45 Wm. S., 45 HELLINGS Mrs.,51 HELMS,62 HELTON S, E, 52 HENDRICKS Wm.,52 HENRY W R,, 5,1 HEUCKABEE Dade,55 H EU FFI\ilAN Henry,55 HEWTT J. t\4.,51 HUCKA8Y,63 BurrellJ. 46 N N,,51 HURST,62 HUTCHESON,63 J. t\4. 54 L. M , 54(2) Jas. [.4.,45 E.,45 lrarUn,45 Martin J.,45 JAMES Lreutenant,50 HOLLOWAY John 53 Katie 54 Lula,54 M. J., Mrs.,54 Maggie,54(2) HOL'T4ARK HOOD Joseph,63 Lt., 43 Rev.,53 HORTON Dave, 52 Joe, 52 HOWARD, 62 HUCKABE HUCKABEE J T,53 NIary Elizabeth,5S Thomas Hiram,61 KINGSBERRY P P. 50 R, P. 56 Brother,53 l\4r. 54 Ohmer,53 HILL,63 W J,,50 Lucy (Bradford), 58 t\4. JACKSON,63 Glendora,60,63 Heather, 60 JETER Jno. R.,46 Richard D., 45 JOHNSON,50,61 Ben. F 45 Cather ne 61 E M,45 Sara,62,63 JONES Delan a Q., 51 Deloris K. 60 Geo. W, 45 I!4ary Emily, 62, 63 WD.51 Wm.,52 KAN E Carole KELLEY T J,S,46 [/artha,46 LOVELL,63 LOWORN W, 1,, 57 LOWE W, 8,, 41 LOWERY KISER/KIZER,63 KLAFFKE Barbara 1.,60 KNIGHT Llther, 54 S., [4rs.,54 M Thomas, 54 KNOTT KRAIUER E G., 51, 56 KUGLAR J. 1v1.,46 Jas. M., 46 Jesse 1.,46 Jno. D,46 L, A,, 46 M MABRY Theo N 60 MADDOX Bi[,38 Wanda,38 I\4ANDEVILLE L. C 50, 56(2) I\,1ARSH Carey L , 62 MARTIN,48,61,62 Charles,40 Charlotte 61 J, W, 56 Jirn,52 John W., 56 Rebecca,6l L MASON,48 LAI\4BERT 1., 46 lvlartha, 63 LATII\4ER,63 Joyce, 60 LAWING [Iary,50 Mr.,52 60, 63 J, H,,52 LONG Thos. S.,46 Ted 63 K LTPSCOt\48 Richard P. 46 W1,52 LASSETTER,63 D,8.55 LESTER lsaac S., 46 Spencer,53 KINNEY J JOROAN J. P,, 52 JUHAN 46 LUI\,,ISDEN Ben,60 Jas. T.,46 Luc nda Burt, 57 Neaty Ann, 57(2) Nelty Elizabeth, 61 A, I/rs., Jno. S.,46 Abrahan,5S Benjamin,6l Eliza,61 John (J. K.),58 T.W 55 IVEY, 62 J HOLLINGSWOWRTH J, A,50 KtLBOURNE,4S(2) KILGORE,62 KING HIGHT D, W,, 53 HIGHTOWER HOLLAND 1,51 INGRAHAM General,43 LEGGETT I!4. KEY I Robert E. Lee, W, R,, 51 LEIIUASTER,62 HUMPHREYS G. L, 53(2) Julia 54 Tom,51 KENDRICK Peggy,38 HICKS HOLDREDGE Elizabeth,6l J. t\4. 8., 56(2) KELLY HUETT J, M,, 56 HUGGINS J. A.,56 HUGHES LEE Marion D. 46 MATHIAS Mary Barbara, 58 MATTHEWS c 1.,53(2) MATTOX J W,, 46 Jno. W., 46 s. J.,46 MCADAT\4S,63 I\,lCBURNETT C, J,,46 Jas H,46 67 MCCORD J, A,, 56 MCCRAY PEACE I\4ONROE 8. O. MOON Geo. F.,46 Jas. H,46 BenF,Sr.,46(2) Stephen G., 46 Jno M., 46 Wm.H,46 I\,ICDANIEL Caplain. 41, 42 Charles, Col., 41 Captain,4l MCDONALD J. A,,50 I\,]CELROY Eun ce, 60 [4artha S E.,52 IVCGAHEE lvlahala,41 t\,1ccARtry Jno. C., 46 ]\,ICLENDON,49 D. W., 50 lsaac,50 lsaac N., 50(2) J. J.,50(2) W, A, 53 W, B. 53 Willls,50 I\4CPHERSON I\,4EADOWS r. J., 57 MERRELL 50 c. H., 56 Charley, 51, 52 G, W,, 56 Georgia,59 Jerry 59 MERRITT 63 MESSER Clark,51 MICHAEL,62 Charlotte J , 61 Peter,61,62(2) Rebecca Martin,62 MILES G. S.,46 54 JG MILLER,62 MILLICAN L. W., 55 s. w., 55 INTOSH Wlliam, 43 I\,1 MITCHELL,50 Frances C , 51 i,4. A., s4 Clement,53 c. v. I\4OONEY 55 PERDUE Evelyn,63 tvtooRE,4S Captain, 40, 4'1(3), 42 A, Geo., 46 PEARCE Alan, 38(2), 52, 55 PENTECOST T. N,,46 Eliza J,,46 E. 51 58 Geo. W., 41 Harrison 55 Madha Jane, 59 N W 53(2) Sarah Elizabeth,62 I\.TORGAN D. t\4.,52 MORRIS,63 Carl,54 G, W., 52 Kate, 52 IV]URRAY Ruth C.,62 t\4ustcK,62 J, P,,54 [Iarthie,54 PERRY w. o., 56 PHILLIPS James M., 60 J.H,56 RICHARDS,62 Jas R.,56 RICHARDSON Elias Marion 6'l Frances C.,6'1 John Wesley, 61 RIGSBY Ben,52 Virgil,53 ROBERSON PILCHER Phoebe 58 PITTS Emily 62 w. ROBERTS F,J.47 Filama.47 J. A. L1 ,47 1., 56 POPE J, H, 51 Jas. [,4.,47 POSS,48(3),49 M. C.,47 N, J,,47 POWELL Bob, 52 r. Captair, 40,41, 42(3) Nelson J.,47 L..47(4) 1. O.. 47 Thos. 1., 47 Eadine,33 NANCE Jan 62 NEW 50 D F,,56 NEWSOM NICHOLS,63 NIXON Jos. N , 46 o Earllne J , 38 PRICE Nela,54 W, 8,, Sr,, 54 P PRINCE Rebecca,6l PARSONS Betty Jo, 38(2) PATILLO, 62 PATTERSON Tryon,61 PAYNE,48 Jim,54 O., 54 J.D.H,Rev,53(2) John D. H.,53 Mary C,53 1,53 Matte, 54 PROCTOR Martin D., 47 ROBISON Albefi C , 47 J. Alice E.,51 D., 47 o David,47 OUILLIAN PARKER Jno G., 47 ROEINSON Cather ne J.. 53 J. D. H.,53(2) Wnston Brazea, 38 Wm.,57 PYRON,62 OWENS,62 T Brother,56 J, A,, 56 John 60 POWERS N REESE. 50 RHUDY Mt.52 R RAGAN Jas M., 51 RAINWATER,62 J, D, H,, RCV,,51 Jas A,47 tvt. M., 47 ROGERS L, G,, 53 ROOKER Bob,52 ROOKS,63 RAY t\4 s.,5'1 REAVES, 63 Charlie Sad e REDWNE N4att, 63 J, K P.,56 (Yarbrough),63 Frank M,60 ROOP, s8 68 B. J,,50 Benjamin Frank, 59 Benjamin Josephus, 59 Benjamin Josephus (Ceph),59 George W., 59 Henry Owen, 59 J. K,,59 James A., 59 Martin,58(3),59 Mary E.,59 Robert H., 59 Sarah Ann,59 Sarah Elizabeth,59 Savannah,59 Thomas M., 59(2) William Wright (W w), 58 ROUP,58 ROUPE,58 RUPE,58 RUPP,58 RUPPE,58(2) George Alan, 59 John,58 l\4artin, Jr.,58 I\4artin, Sr.,58 RUSSELL J F. Jack,55 56 stvltTH 63 Annie 61 Benjamin Franklin 61 E. t\,1.,50 Ella,61 THOMASSON F, M,, 50 F. M., Dr., 50 THOtVtPSON,62 THORNTON Enoch,60 G. M., 50 GabrlelD.,61 George,51 J. C.,52 Jno.,52 John M., 62, 63 Lucinda C,61 S, L. 54 Wlliam, 61 SNEARY Eugene, Dr.,43 SOLOMON Rev. l\4r.,52 SPURLOCK T,56 STACY THURMAN Alfred [L, 48 Jas. 1.,48 Jno . a7\2) Jno. A., 47 Jno. C., 47 Jno. M., 47 N.M,47 TILLERY Noah S.,47 TII/l\iloNS J. Y. C.,52 W. J. C., Rev.,52 TUMLIN,50 TURNER, 48(3), 49, 50 Dr.,51 A,D,56 Mt.,52 8rother,56 Dennls,47 STALLINGS D. l|'t.,52 J. t\4. D.,53(2) STEED Cramer M., 47 S SASSER Nancy 42 SCOTT Jas. D,47 SHARPE B.4,,56 Brother,56 SHEATS Felix E.,51 Brother,53 TYSON,63 WH.51 SHELTON,63 SHIFLETT Loula,51 SHINN Jane,52 SIMI\4ONS SIMONTON c.8.,56 SIMPKINS F. E.,54 Catherine (Broome) STERLING.5O STEWART Dxon,42 Elizabelh,40 41(2) 41 C ement, 41 A J.53 Horatio 40,41 Andrew J. 53 Brother and Sister, 53(2) J.,40 W 1., 53 STICHER Joseph,51 STONE Caeb,51 STRICKLAND,49,62 STRIPLING F l\r1. 8., 51 SWAN J no. C., 47 T TATE Nancy,53 SKIPPER A exander, 41 STEPHENS Geo. W, 47 Georgia Octavia 62 Mary,53 THOIIIAS, 63 UPCHURCH Geo. 8.,48 Jos. 1.,48 Thos. H.,48 UPSHAW Allen,42 c. 4.,50\2), 52 James, 42 Jane,42(2) Joseph,42 M. V,, 52 I/illigan,42 Thomas,42 USSERY,62 VAUGHN,51 63 B H.,55 George W., 42 Sarah Jane,42 VEALS,59 TW DELL t\4.R,50,56 Wm. H, Sr. 47 U Jarnes H.,41 Joht, 40, 41(2), 42 John Dixon,41 John F. (?) 40 John F., 40, 41 Joseph,40 41 Josiah,41(3) lv]adison,42 Madison J.,41 Madison 1.,41 lvlahala (l\4cGahee), 41 Nancy, 40(2), 41 , 42 Nancy (Sasser), 42 William, 40, 41, 42 William 1.,41 WALKER E, N,,50 Elizabeth,55 Floyd 42 J. t\4.,55 M. E., Mrs., 45 WALTON Ptol.,52 WARD,62,63 Amy,54 Asa F.,42 James,63 Margaret,43 WARREN John C., 61 Ruth Ella,61 WEBB,63 J.8.,55(2) WELBORNE Allen M., 48 WESSINGER Alice Margaret, 57 J F,, 57 J W, 57 James,57(2) James Franklin 57 James W. 57(2) Leonora Annie "Doll", 57 Neaty Ann, 57(5) 69 Neaty Ann (Johnson), 57(2) WEST Geo. W., 48 WESTBROOK Jarnes,52 WHISENHUNT Adam C , 43 Alabama M , 43 Asbury,43 Sarah,43 Susan,43 WHITE Asa,51 H. C,,56 Jerusha,6l s. c.,56 WGGINS, 48 W, J,,53 WILLIAMS A, J,,55 B W., 51(2) Denn s Wayne, 55 Rebecca,55 WLLiAT/SON A. 55 Drucilla,62,63 Jno.8.,48 2,55 WLSON,63 Prud e, 62 WNDING Mr.,51 WOFFORD 62 Shela Rainwater 62 WOLFF,49 WOOD c. w, 52 WOODS Susan 61 WORD c l\,,1., 54 Dana, 54 David,38 J J H.,53 t\4,54 Jerusha Ann, 38(2) [,4ary F , 38 lvlary Florence, 38, 49,56 N 1a,54 R. A, 54 WRIGHT,49 Beatrice,54 George B. (Bud),61 J. D,,54 James ldarion.6l John C., 61 John Thomas 61 Mary Clyde,61,62 P. 1., 53, 54 Robt. S., 48 Talmadge, Sr, 61 YARBROUGH Charlie Sadie,63 M, W,, 53 YEATES W F. 53