May 2013 - Genesis Housing Association


May 2013 - Genesis Housing Association
8 MAY 2013
News from
Benefits are changing
– are you affected?
10 Creating
the most
of Genesis online
19 Making
Despite the unseasonably cold conditions this
Spring we have reached a number of significant
milestones at some of our developments.
Benefits are
changing – are
you affected?
In February, I attended
a ceremony to mark
the start on site of
one of our major
developments located
in Chelmsford. We will
be building 507 homes
at the site by 2015,
providing a mix of
affordable and private
new homes.
Contact Genesis: |
033 3000 3000
View the magazine online at
A message from
Neil Hadden,
Chief Executive
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
Together with the Board,
I also attended a topping
out ceremony at our Zenith
House development in
Colindale. Zenith House
consists of 308 new
homes, 97 being used
for social rent. Both these
developments demonstrate
our commitment to building
affordable homes and
creating places where people
want to live. In all, we completed
almost 700 new homes during
2012/13 and we have a committed
development pipeline of over 2000.
In this magazine, we highlight a number of
improvements we have made to our services as
part of the Genesis Way programme. A new Repairs
Hub has been introduced to ensure you are
dealing with a dedicated team when
you contact us with repair queries and
in June we are implementing a new
system at our contact centre to help
improve the quality of service to you.
We continue to consult with our
residents to ensure we are changing
to benefit you. Our new Responsive
Repairs policy has been shaped by our
residents and we have
held a formal resident
consultative forum for
service charges.
We are aware that our
repairs service and
service charges are the
two areas that require
most improvement and
I can assure you that we
are working hard to
bring that about.
Neil Hadden
Chief Executive
350th kitchen milestone
celebrated with charity donation
Keepmoat added a finishing
touch to their 350th kitchen
built for Genesis by donating
£350 towards the new resident’s
charity of choice, Great Ormand
Street Hospital.
The Greater Haven Gateway
partnership awarded Genesis
Care and Support a £222,000
homelessness prevention
Keepmoat Regeneration Director,
Mike Brogan, expressed his delight
at the milestone, “I’d just like to
say a big well done to the team on
the great achievement of hitting
the 350th property with minimal
problems. Great achievements like
this are down to pure hard work
and great team efforts. We were
more than happy to help celebrate
by donating the money to such a
worthwhile charity.”
LGBT History
Greater Haven Gateway
awards Genesis grant
for homeless prevention
The grant will be used to reduce
homelessness in the Suffolk
and Essex region by delivering
a two year private rented
accommodation project.
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT)
History Month takes place every year in
February. Genesis marked the occasion and
celebrated diversity through a Residents
Forum Walk around Historic Gay Soho.
The event started with a guided tour of one
of our newest properties, Tabron Court in
Bolsover Street. The group then spent the sunny
afternoon on a walking tour of LGBT Soho, run
by community organisation Centred. The group
learnt about Lesbian social networks in the
country house set and visited a range of sites
including the cross-dressing underworld of the
19th Century, the Colony Club and the location
where Elton John and David Bowie recorded
their hits.
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
Commencing in April 2013, the
project aims to grow access to
private sector accommodation
for people harder to house in the
area, whilst supporting landlords
and tenants in sustaining
tenancies. The customer group
being supported is single non
priority people with homeless
The project will cover Uttlesford
District Council and seven of
the eight Suffolk and Essex local
authorities which make up the
Greater Haven Gateway Housing
Group (Babergh, Braintree,
Ipswich, Maldon, Mid Suffolk,
Suffolk Coastal and Tendring).
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
I am delighted
that Genesis
has secured this
contract to develop
prevention services
across the Greater
Haven Gateway.
Working with local
partners and private
landlords we will
develop a range of
services which will
help greater numbers
of people maintain
their tenancies and
secure suitable
Lawrence Santcross –
Deputy Director Care &
Half-term fun
Grahame Park residents event
On February 20, a resident
event was held at the Grahame
Park Community Centre
hosted by local organisations.
Over 100 people attended.
There were free activities
provided by Fair Play Barnet and
Rolling Base for children and
young people and information
on local services and free
training opportunities.
The event was delivered as part
of the Grahame Park Action
plan, which aims to help local
residents get involved in their
community and help make it
a better place for them to live
in. It coordinates activities in
Grahame Park and provides
people with the best services
and opportunities. Local groups,
organisations and residents
have created this new action
plan, with the vision to create “A
strong, thriving and prosperous
Save a Life
First Aid Course
community where different
people come together, feel safe
happy and proud to live.” There
is a focus on the key areas that
residents and local groups have
identified as important. This
includes creating more training
opportunities and courses, and
building a safer community.
The Grahame Park Small Grants
Programme was also launched
at the event. There is a pot of
£30,000 available, funded by
Genesis Housing Association
and Barnet Homes, for groups
to apply for grants of up to
£3,000 for any project which
contributes to the Grahame Park
Action Plan.
In January the British Red Cross
delivered a 'Save a Life' First Aid
Course to the Grahame Park
Youth Focus Group. 13 young
people attended the 2 hour
course to learn and practise
some first aid basics that could
save a life in an emergency.
They were taught how to help
someone who is choking,
unconscious and breathing, and
unconscious and not breathing.
Melisa, one of the students said,
“Today I learnt how to save a life
and I'm very happy that I have
been taught. I have learnt about
the air ways and how to put the
chin up and tilt them on their
side, I have learnt loads of things
and want to say thank you.”
This course is a great way to
ensure that young people are
prepared to deal with emergency
situations and have the ability to
act calmly and save a life.
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
There was no time to rest this
half term for 36 young people
who participated in a range of
exciting activities organised
by Genesis Community at
Stratford Halo.
The group went on a
London-wide treasure hunt,
introducing them to many
famous landmarks. They visited
Outdoors in the City activity
centre where they participated
in teamwork and problem
solving activities.
The voluntary organization,
Conflict and Change, delivered
a workshop about challenging
negative attitudes towards
people with disabilities and
learning difficulties.
The week ended with an outdoor
games session. The young
people braved the icy cold
to enjoy games of rounders,
football and sideline jumping on
the spot to keep warm.
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
The half term activities were well
received by the young people
involved and their parents. Soifur
Rahman, Youth Worker with
Genesis Community, who helped
organise the activities said, “The
young people (and their mums
and dads) were very appreciative
and want us to do more stuff
with them during next holidays.”
neighbourhoods, teaching
the group how to produce
their own vegetables.
Joel Mbuyi, one of the
participants agreed, "This
programme really helps me and
others because you really care
about us and want us to have
fun. This programme has made
me a better person by teaching
me to respect others."
Workshop organiser and Genesis
Community Youth Worker,
Jermaine Ricketts, said, “The
young people had a great time.
We visited other Groundwork
projects and they learned a lot.”
Local resident Natalie Blake
told, “My son really enjoyed the
Genesis Project. Jermaine and
the team were very helpful.”
The learning continued
over half term for ten young
residents from Mitchellbrook
estate in Brent who learned
about growing vegetables.
Genesis Community teamed
up with Groundwork London to
run workshops on sustainable
Groundwork, who is applying
for funding to improve the
green spaces on the estate, also
worked with the young residents
to develop a local improvement
For information on
activities for young
residents contact
Genesis Community
on 033 3000 9000 or
email infocommunity@
Helping through the cold
Elderly residents
assisted during cold snap
During the winter cold snap, more than 100 residents aged 80
and over were contacted by Genesis to check their welfare and
determine if their heating was working effectively.
Property Managers were quick to refer any issues to our Tenant
Support Team, Property Services and the Energy Efficiency Manager.
Some residents even received personal visits to explain how the
heating controls worked.
Cold weather scheme for homeless
Due to the freezing cold weather
in the last week of January,
Genesis, in partnership with
Ipswich Borough Council,
opened their doors at their
Cavendish Lodge scheme for the
second time this winter offering
emergency beds to homeless
The Severe Weather Emergency
Programme, which has been
running for several years, is
offered to any rough sleepers
in Ipswich when night time
temperatures are predicted
to be below freezing for three
consecutive nights. The heavy
snowfall in January week meant
that it was a much needed
provision for homeless people in
the area.
Keen to offer even more this
year to those in need, Genesis
contributed bunk beds to
provide extra capacity and even
built insulated dog kennels due
to the demand of rough sleepers
with dogs wanting to access this
Frederick Dickerson, an exserviceman, was able to access
these services as his dog
Shaggy, his companion of 15
years, could be accommodated
in the kennels. Fred had been
made homeless when he was
asked to leave his living situation
by a family member who had
mental health problems. By
his side, through all of this was
Sally Tynan, Supported Housing
Officer at Ipswich Borough
Council, said “The partnership
working between Genesis
Housing Association and Ipswich
Borough Council is excellent
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
news for homelessness
provisions. With accommodation
and facilities at Cavendish Lodge
going from strength to strength,
and the provision of extra
sleeping space to accommodate
users, we'll be able to help those
in need not just through the cold
weather, but all year round.”
The Severe Weather Emergency
Programme has been activated
several more times throughout
this chilly year including over
Easter, providing a roof and
warmth to the street homeless
of Ipswich.
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
Support Team of
the Year Award
Genesis Care and
Support have
nominated the
team from the
Ipswich Severe
Weather Emergency
Provision for the
Housing Heroes
2013 'Support Team
of the Year' Award.
Creating employment opportunities
Opportunities Plus Programme
In the last year Genesis
Community has helped 135
residents into employment
with their highly successful
Opportunities Plus
Programme, offering preemployment workshops, IT
training, life skills coaching,
work clubs and business
start-up advice.
Grace Oppong, a Brent resident
who took part in an IT workshop
said, “The course has helped me
to improve my IT skills so that I
can job search, write emails and
search for things on the internet.”
Opportunities Plus Team
Leader Steve Nicola added,
“We are ready to offer any help
our residents need to get into
employment, including assisting
them with CV’s, coaching
them in interview techniques
and helping them fill out job
Genesis Community has
developed partnerships with
the National Careers Service,
Working Men’s College, Remploy
and a number of organisations
who are providing training for
residents. Workshops have
been scheduled for various
locations in and around London
throughout the rest of the year.
For information on the program
or employment assistance
please contact Genesis
Community on 033 3000 9000
or email infocommunity@
I am extremely happy
and delighted that I have
been employed by G4S.
My friends and family are
asking me how I got the job
and I tell them thanks to
my employment advisor
Aku Caliph at Genesis
Housing association and the
Woodberry Works Club who
supported me every step of
the way to secure this job.
Genesis Housing Association delivered
an excellent service including 1:1 advice,
helping me write a good CV and improving
my interview skills. You helped me build my
confidence, thank you!
Zhe ‘Joe’ Wang. Joe registered on Employability
Programme last November and has now
secured a job as a Network Support Engineer.
Youth ility
The event is part of the localised
employability programme run by
Genesis Community, designed to
support young people aged 16-24 who
are not in education employment or
training back into mainstream education
and employment.
Thanks must go to event participants
CCP Training, Brent Sport Service's, Skills
training UK, RBSS, Reed in Partnership,
Catalyst & Gateway, and The Prince's
Trust. Local youth now have the tools
they need to create a better future with
a focus on completing their education or
building a bright career.
Margaret Obiri-Yeboah
(pictured right
with Aku Caliph)
In January, 30 young people from
Brent met with specialist youth service
providers to learn about apprenticeships,
accredited training and business start up
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Creating employment opportunities
Business start-up
graduation ceremony
Woodberry Down
business success
Twelve months after joining a Genesis business
programme, three Woodberry Down residents are
finding their business is flourishing. Michael Gosling,
John Campbell and Yemi Akinfenwa launched their
security business, Cre-namic, with the support
of the ‘Four steps to starting your own business’
scheme. One year in, despite the difficult economic
climate, Cre-namic is thriving, creating jobs and
recruiting people from the local area.
Cre-namic was awarded a contract by Berkeley
Homes to deliver security warden services in an
area of Woodberry Down. This contract is a great
achievement for the business, showing how the
regeneration is helping local people deliver local
services for fellow residents.
Ruchell Peng, Regeneration manager at Woodberry
Down, said “Congratulations Cre-namic. It’s great to
see a real success story come out of the four steps
scheme, as it shows other residents what can be
achieved through a bit of hard work.”
The Four steps scheme – a free step-by-step
programme which offers professional advice and
support to residents on how to develop business
ideas into successful trading companies – is open to
all Woodberry Down residents.
Contact Paula Hines on 020 3222 7000 for more
information about how you can join.
Graduates of Business StartUp celebrated the completion
of their 14 week course with a
'Dragons' Den' style event.
The 10 graduates from across
London pitched their business
ideas to the panel of ‘dragons’
from Genesis Community and
Barclays Bank, competing for
potential funding of up to £750.
A variety of business plans were
presented ranging from a cab
service to a catering service to
film production to support for
young mothers. Congratulations
to our graduates on their
fantastic ideas.
• Yvonne Gill – Film Production
• Carlos Munoz – Cab Service
•Atinuke Oduneye – Life Coach
• Suzanne Watt – Spa Service
• Paula Pires – Catering
•Margaret Swaniker – Support
for teenage mothers (pre and
post birth)
•Alex Ayodele – Fashion retail
•Elizabeth Paget – Fashion retail
•Samira Mahmud – Fashion
•Rosemary Shabu – Property
service for single mothers and
families on benefits
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
Wardens at Woodberry Down
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Welfare Reform
Benefits are changing
– are you affected?
Benefit Cap
The government has decided that households where people are out of work should not receive more
money in benefit than the average salary. All out of work households of working age will see their total
household benefit capped. If the cap affects you, your total household income may go down.
What amount will benefits be capped at?
A week for
single people
A week for families
and couples
This amount includes housing benefit and is not impacted by the number of children in your household.
When will the benefit cap start?
This will depend on where you live. In April 2013 the benefit cap was implemented in four London
boroughs (Haringey, Enfield, Croydon and Bromley). It will be rolled out to the rest of the country between
July and September 2013.
Will the cap affect my household?
If you receive any of the following benefits, are of working age and out of work then the cap may affect you.
There are many changes occurring to the
welfare benefit system. These changes may
affect how much benefit, including housing
benefit, you receive.
• Bereavement allowance
• Child benefit
•Employment and support allowance
• Housing benefit
•Income support
• Maternity allowance
• Widowed parent’s allowance
• Widow’s pension
You may be impacted if you:
• Are of working age and are out of work
• Under occupy a property
Over the next few pages we explain the
changes and provide some advice on what
you can do if you are impacted.
• Carer’s allowance
• Child tax credit
• Guardian’s allowance
•Incapacity benefit
• Jobseeker’s allowance
• Sever disablement allowance
• Widowed mother’s allowance
Impacted households should have been contacted by the Department for Work and Pensions.
Your local authority or Genesis staff may have also been in contact.
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G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
Welfare Reform
Bedrooms determine
housing benefit
What you can do
If you are affected by the welfare reform changes consider some of the
following options to make sure you meet your financial commitments.
New rules have been introduced by the Government to calculate housing benefit. This is known as the
‘bedroom tax’ as housing benefits are calculated based on how many people live in your home and the
number of bedrooms you have. If you have spare bedrooms according to the new rules your housing
benefit will be reduced.
How do I determine if I have a spare bedroom?
The rules allow for one bedroom for each of the following:
•Adult couple • Single parent
•Two children of the same gender under the age of 16
• Two children under the age of 10, of any gender
•A person needing a separate room because of disability
•A carer (or carers) providing overnight care
•Any other person aged 16 and over
What happens to my housing benefit if my house is under occupied?
If you receive housing benefit and have more bedrooms than required according to the new rules stated
above, your housing benefit could be reduced.
One additional
bedroom – eligible
rent is reduced by
Two additional
bedrooms – eligible
rent is reduced by
Increase your income
Additional or new employment can be a great
way to offset any impact on your household
There are exemptions from the benefit
cap which you may qualify for if you find
employment or increase your hours at your
current job.
•Get help finding employment from the
Benefit Cap Team at your local JobCentre
•Find out about employment support and
employment initiatives being run in your
area. Contact Genesis Community on
033 3000 9000 or by email at
Rent out a spare room to a lodger
Taking a lodger may also help towards the cost
of your household bills. If you want to consider
renting a spare room, you will first need to
contact your Property Manager, as you will
need Genesis' permission first.
Are there any exemptions?
The new bedroom rules do not apply if:
•You live in supported or sheltered accommodation where Genesis provides or commissions care
•You are a shared ownership resident and rent a share of your home from Genesis
• You live in temporary homeless accommodation
•You are a sole tenant or a joint tenant aged 61 or over on 8 April 2013
•Foster carers even if they do not have a child placed with them as long as they have been approved
as a carer within the last 12 months or between placements, as long as the gap has not been more
than 12 months
•Adult offspring in the armed forces who are away on operations will be counted as continuing to
live at home, as long as they intend to return home.
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
Keep informed
To support you through these changes we will
regularly update our website with the latest
information. You can also speak to a member
of staff about your situation by calling our
Contact Centre.
Call 033 3000 3000
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
Learn some extra budgeting skills
Managing your finances may help to lessen
the impact of the changes. There are a
number of organisations who provide free,
confidential advice.
•The Money Advice Service can help you
develop a personal spending plan and give
you advice on bank accounts and other
financial products.
030 0500 5000
•The Citizens Advice Bureau is a good
one-stop-shop for general debt and
housing related advice or services.
•StepChange Debt Charity (formerly
Consumer Credit Council Service) offers
free and confidential telephone based debt
0800 107 2207
Move to a smaller property
Downsizing to a smaller property can help you
avoid the housing benefit reduction. There
are often financial benefits of downsizing,
such as cheaper council tax and energy bills.
If you are interested in downsizing, contact
Genesis using the details below.
Keeping you connected
Possible longer
wait times at the
Contact Centre
in June
Make the most of Genesis online
you can find all the latest news
and information for residents,
including information on the
services we provide and how
you can get involved.
Report anti-social behaviour
Anti-social behaviour as conduct
that is "capable of causing
nuisance or annoyance to any
person". It can take many forms
such as graffiti, people making
too much noise in your estate or
more serious forms such as racial
harassment to threats of violence.
Many common resident
requests can also be done
In June we will be conducting training
for the contact centre teams in a new
customer relationship management
system. During this period, you may
experience slightly longer call waiting
times than usual, but we will try our best
to keep this to a minimum.
Please bear with us. This training will
help us to provide better service to you
in the future.
Request a repair
Use the online repair
finder tool to request
a repair to your home.
The online tool will
ask you to explain the
problem and identify
where in your home
it is located. You will
then receive tips
about any actions you
should take prior to
the maintenance work
being done to limit
If you experience ant-social
behaviour you can report it using
the online form on our website. A
representative from Genesis will
then get in contact.
Access tenancy
You can also speak to us
directly via our Twitter feed:
Ask us any question and we'll
do our best to help.
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
If you are a member of
SeeMyData you can view your
rent account online. If you aren’t
a member you can register by
following the links on the Genesis
Go to Residents> My rent and
service charge> See my rent
account online.
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
Provide feedback
We like to know how we are
performing so if you have any
complaints, comments or
compliments log them online.
Use the online form to give us
Can't find what you are
looking for or don’t have
access to our website?
Our Contact Centre is
available to help from 8am to
6pm for resident calls and 24
hours a day for emergency
repairs. Call 033 3000 3000.
Performance update
We will provide services you can rely on
It will be easy to get through when you contact us
75% of residents are satisfied it is easy to get through
Maximum 7% calls to contact centre abandoned
When we've made an appointment to visit you,
we will arrive on time
90% of residents satisfied their appointment is kept
We will aim to ensure you’re satisfied with the
quality of repairs
80% of residents satisfied with the quality of their repair
How we did
in 2011/12
We will provide services right first time
How we did
in 2012/13
72.9% 78.1%
10.0% 5.0%
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
86.5% 86.0%
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
74.9% 77.4%
90% of back office messages receive a response
within 3 working days
We will let you know in advance if we’re
running late or early
90% of residents satisfied they’re updated when we’re
running late
When it’s a complicated matter we will keep you
regularly updated
70% of residents satisfied they’re updated for the
duration of the problem
70% Contact Centre calls resolved at first point of contact
We will provide our service in a way that recognises
that your time is valuable
80% of residents satisfied repair service is convenient
We will complete repairs right first time
70% of residents satisfied repairs completed right
first time
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
88.8% 93.1%
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
17.8% 20.9%
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
63.9% 63.3%
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
50.4% 77.2%
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
78.9% 83.9%
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
64.6% 70.9%
We will be open, helpful, polite and respectful
Our staff will be consistently polite, helpful
and respectful
We will keep you informed
We will get back to you when we say we will
We will resolve call enquiries when you first
contact us
90% of residents satisfied staff are polite and helpful
We will deal with complaints fairly and helpfully
55% of residents satisfied with way complaints are handled
Most service standards will be measured by an
independent organisation so you can rely on the
accuracy of our reports
Most service standards will be measured by an
independent organisation
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
86.8% 98.7%
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
45.1% 47.2%
How we did
in 2011/12
How we did
in 2012/13
75.0% 75.0%
Transforming our
The Property Services
project is transforming our
repairs and maintenance
service. From now until
early 2014 the project will
focus on improving dayto-day repairs including
communal repairs.
and maintenance service
So far we have held focus groups with our
residents so we can design a new service that is
fit for purpose, we have appointed a new senior
management team including the new Property
Services Director and merged our internal
contractor and the maintenance team to create a
single unified Property Services.
In response to the feedback from the resident
focus group we created a Repairs Hub and we are
launching a Genesis Responsive Repairs Policy.
Repairs Hub
The new Repairs Hub which went live on April 8 is an
interim service improvement measure.
What does this mean for you?
For the first time, there is a dedicated team dealing
with all your repair queries. Our aim is to provide:
this means
for you
•A resolution for you at the first point of contact
•One point of contact to manage demand on
answering calls which means less queuing time
and less call transfers
•Multi skilled Customer Service Officers trained
and equipped to assist you with a range of repair
related matters
•Improve the response time to the e-mails from
three days to one working day
Improved resolution of repair
problems by our Contact Centre
staff when you call
Delivering a reliable and consistent service
where we deliver on what we promise
The contact details for
the Repairs Hub are:
Operatives and Surveyors attending appointments
when they say they will
More repair jobs completed ‘right first time’ with accurate
timescales given when this is not possible
T: 033 3000 3000
This is a new policy to Genesis and has been shaped
by our residents. This states our commitment to
making progress, what you can expect from us in
delivering the service and what we expect from you.
The policy includes clear guidelines on how we
are committed to delivering an effective service,
such as:
•Completing routine repairs within 15 working
days from the date you report them (for
emergencies, we will respond and make safe
within 24 hours)
•Operating an out of hours emergency service
every day of the year accessible via the Contact
•Giving you high levels of customer service at all
times with clear service standards
•Offering you a clear appointment time and
informing you if we are running late
The policy includes residents’ responsibilities too,
such as:
•Reporting repairs to us as soon as you become
aware of the problem
•Providing us with access to carry out the repair
and letting us know if you cannot make the
•Keeping the inside of your home clean and in
good condition
•Clearing the area around the repair to allow our
skilled operatives to resolve the issue
Full details of the policy and more information about
the Repairs Hub are available on our website or by
contacting us on 033 3000 3000.
Clear and transparent service standards so you know what to expect
Genesis Responsive Repairs Policy
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Protecting our homes
against tenancy fraud
Get involved with service
charges improvements
Tenancy fraud is a significant
problem, disadvantaging
those who are in genuine
need of social housing. We
have recovered 28 properties
since September 2012 and
have a number of ongoing
investigations. The successful
recovery of these properties has
saved a substantial amount of
public money that can now be
invested in those individuals who
are in genuine need.
Improving Service Charges
You have told us that a key area for improvement is
Service Charges. This is a priority for Genesis, and
a project has been established to achieve these
objectives over the next 18 months:
If you’d like to get involved but can’t attend
meetings, we would still appreciate your
contribution. You can provide feedback through
email, surveys, focus groups, letters, over the
telephone or attending other meetings.
•Developing a transparent customer service that
inspires confidence in Genesis
•Delivering a better value for money service
•Improving the customer experience
•Setting accurate, timely, understandable and
complete Service Charges
Register your interest
To join the group, please email servicecharges@, stating how you would like to be
involved, if you are interested in a specific aspect of
service charges and the best way to contact you.
In February, Genesis recovered a
property from an individual who
planned on subletting one of
Genesis’ two bedroom flats for to
fund their extravagant lifestyle.
A Genesis property manger
first became suspicious during
the application process when
the applicant’s story was
inconsistent with his application.
Little supporting evidence
was supplied despite being
repeatedly asked for.
The case was referred to the
Tenancy Fraud Advisor, Javier
Garcia, who worked with Property
Manager, Sonia Dodia, carried
out an investigation where it was
revealed that the individual in
question had deceived Genesis
by lying on their application.
Our investigations found that
the applicant owned several
properties across London and
the South East.
A notice to quit was served
on the individual and they
were informed that they had
to surrender the tenancy
immediately to avoid further
action from Genesis, and that
supporting evidence would be
passed on to the relevant local
authority, and potentially to the
police for further action.
If you suspect
someone of housing
fraud contact us
T: 020 8451 8222
The perpetrator withdrew their
application and surrendered
the tenancy within a week.
Genesis will now be able to let
this property to an individual in
genuine need of social housing.
Remember that with your help
Genesis can continue to combat
tenancy fraud.
Our dedicated approach to
tenancy fraud has resulted in
the recovery of 28 properties
since September 2012 and has
generated a number of ongoing
investigations. The successful
recovery of these properties has
saved a substantial amount of
public money that can now be
invested in those individuals who
are in genuine need. The savings
involved by Genesis effectively
tackling tenancy fraud exceed
thousands of pounds.
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
We hope that you have noticed some
improvements so far but we are aware that there
is a long way to go to provide a service that our
residents want and expect.
Working with residents
We have been working with a group of residents on
the design and approach of Service Charges. We’re
very grateful for their contribution and wouldn’t
have been able to achieve the results we have so far
without them.
You can also write to us to register your interest at:
Service Charge Improvement Group
Genesis Housing Association
Capital House
25 Chapel Street
An invitation to join the group
We’d like this group to be representative of all our
customers so are extending an open invitation to all
residents to join this group and help improve service
charges at Genesis.
What’s involved?
The group meets every two months at our
London office to discuss different aspects
of service charges.
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
Resident information
Changes to external
appeals for complaints
From 1 April 2013, if you want
to escalate a complaint to the
Housing Ombudsman you
must first approach a local
designated person. This change
comes as part of the Localism
Act 2011, designed to engage
communities in decision
Each year more than half a million
accidents occur outdoors at the
home. Follow these useful tips to
work safely whilst enjoying your
garden during the warmer weather.
Tools and equipment
•Protect yourself with a residual
current device (RCD). When
using electric tools make sure
they are protected by a RCD. This
will cause the supply to trip out,
avoiding electric shock if a tool
is defective or has a damaged
power cable.
• Supervise children. Children like
to try what those around them
do so if they wish to help in the
garden be sure to teach them
how to use the tools safely and
always supervise them.
• Lock tools away. Do not leave
any tools unattended where
children could attempt to use
them. Keep the tools locked away
when not in use.
A local designated person
could be:
•Any MP in England;
•A local councillor for the local
authority of your property (not a
parish or district council); or
•A tenant panel recognised as a
designated panel by Genesis.
These designated people will
use their local knowledge and
relationships to work with Genesis
and our residents to reach a good
outcome for both parties. They
can also refer the complaint to
the Ombudsman if appropriate.
We are currently reviewing our
complaints process to make sure
it is fit for purpose and further
information will be shared in June.
As part of this process we are also
considering what the recognised
tenant panel may look like. Our
residents will be consulted before
we make any decisions.
Tips for safe gardening
this summer
•Avoid or minimise chemical
use. Many people use chemicals
such as weed and moss killers,
slug pellets and fertiliser in the
garden. These can be potentially
hazardous to people and
wildlife so consider avoiding or
minimising the use of chemicals
where possible.
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
•Follow the instructions. If there
is a need to use chemicals always
read and follow the instructions
regarding its use.
•Lock chemicals away.
Chemicals should always be
locked away in their original
containers where they are out of
reach of children.
•Beware when digging.
Be aware of hidden dangers such
as glass and metal. Remove waste
promptly and recycle where
•Rinse empty containers. When
disposing of a container make
sure you rinse it out thoroughly
with water.
Hygiene and hand washing
•Wash your hands. Soil contains
an array of micro-organisms
that can be potentially harmful.
Cat, dog and fox faeces can
also contaminate soil and hard
surfaces. Wear gloves and always
wash your hands after gardening.
Avoid touching your mouth with a
dirty hand (including smoking).
• Cover cuts. Apply plasters to
any cuts you may have before
handling soil.
Resident gets funding
for MensShed scheme
Brian Chambers, resident of Orford Road writes
about his passion to set up a local MensShed
group in Felixstowe.
I attended a residents working group
meeting in September 2012 where a
presentation by an organiser from
the group
on how the
works and
how it could
benefit the
area we live
Living in
there are
lots of semiretired men
and I felt
that I could
promote the
men shed programme further. I took the idea to
an ambitions meeting that was held at the local
collage and did a presentation, and I was given lots
of positive feedback.
My next step is to attend another meeting to find a
venue for the project and gather local interest. I am
sure with the help from the local organisations and
the general public I can progress with this fantastic
opportunity for Felixstowe and residents within
Genesis Housing Association.
This movement began in Australia where, as here,
there are large numbers of disengaged men not
joining in community activities and frequently living
alone (c.500,000 men over 50 live alone in the UK).
There are many different reasons for this including
that men have
an expectation
of being selfreliant and of
meeting their
own needs.
It is also
can present
for men
loss of role,
and income
which many find it hard to adapt to. Finding a way
of working, alongside others and with a purpose,
but without imposed demands can be exactly what
some men need.
There are now more than 800 sheds in Australia
with increasing numbers in New Zealand, Ireland,
Canada and USA where they are called ‘mens dens’.
Members worldwide point in particular to
the health and well-being benefits of men
coming together.
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
Become a
If you are keen to ensure that your communal areas are always in great
condition, and that the services are of top quality, why not become an
Estate Watcher?
As a trained Estate Watcher you can:
• Monitor cleaning and grounds maintenance
•Report back to a dedicated Genesis officer if services do not meet the
required standards
•Attend an update meeting with Genesis twice a year
Interested? For more information about becoming an Estate Watcher
please email
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
Homemade pizza
by Dan
Pizza Dough
– 600g strong plain
– 1 tbsp salt
– 1 tbsp sugar
– 1 ptk dried yeast
– 1 tbsp honey
– 3 tbsp veg oil
– 1 egg
– 335g warm wate
£100 of high
street gift
G magazine
Capital House,
25 Chapel
– Cheese (grated)
– Topping of choice
You can also
email your
feedback to
1.Mix all dry ingredients together 5.For the toma
to sauce place all
Daniel is the house rep at his
and form ring on worktop
ingredients in saucepan and
e, where he runs weekly
(ensure thick outer walls to
simmer for about 20 mins until cookery sessions
passing on
stop leaks)
reduced and thickened
passion for
2.Add all other ingredients to
6.After proving re-knead for 1
to Genesis
centre of ring and work in flour
min, divide into 4 equal balls
with a folk insuring that outer
and roll out to form circle with
wall don’t break (or you will get
a thickness of about 5mm
due to health problems. He is
wet feet)
7.Top pizza base with sauce,
excellent qualified chef and
3.Once all ingredients come
cheese and topping of our
worked in some very well
together knead for 10 mins
lished kitchens, even
add a little flour if needed to
8.Bake for 10 to 15 mins at
for her majesty the
form smooth dough
180 – 200°C
l is working with the
4.Prove for 1 hour somewhere
their Business
warm, covered with a damp
e, aiming to
open his own cafe style bistro.
ISSUE 8 may 2013 / G magazine
Your feedback
Please tick the appropriate
response below
agree nor
To enter the
draw simply
complete the
survey and
send to
To what extent do you agree with the following statements...
Tomato Sauce
– 2 tins chopped to
– 1 tbsp oregano
– 2 cloves garlic (ch
– Seasoning to tast
Congratulations to Kevin McGlinchey
– the winner from the last edition. Kevin
won £100 of high street gift vouchers.
I found G magazine to be
interesting and informative
I enjoyed reading about
activities in my local area
I found the information in
G magazine relevant
I took action (eg contacted
Genesis/thought about my
finances) after reading
G magazine
How do you get the majority of your information from Genesis?
Property Manager
G magazine
Posted letters
Genesis website
I do not access any information
Other, please specify
Can you provide any additional feedback?
Contact details
The winner will be drawn by 30 June 2013 and notified by phone.
G magazine / ISSUE 8 may 2013
If you need any part of this information in large print,
Braille, on audio tape or explained in your own
language please contact us on the number below.
033 3000 3000
Genesis Housing Association, Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DT