Las Vegas, USA, 16-18 Febrero 2016 CONVOCATORIA Y CONDICIONES DE PARTICIPACIÓN Madrid, 21 de octubre de 2015 1. INTRODUCCIÓN La Federación de Industrias del Calzado Español (FICE), con el apoyo de ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, organiza la participación de empresas españolas de calzado en las ferias que componen Magic Market Week en Las Vegas y que tendrán lugar del 16 al 18 de febrero de 2016. 1 MAGIC MARKET WEEK – Las Vegas WWD MAGIC FN PLATFORM WSA@MAGIC CURVENV@MAGIC PLAYGROUND SOURCING AT MAGIC PROJECT LAS VEGAS PROJECT WOMEN’S THE COLLECTIVE THE TENTS POOLTRADESHOW 16-18 febrero Las Vegas Convention Center 15-18 febrero 16-18 febrero Mandalay Bay Convention Center Confección femenina joven, junior y accesorios Calzado (marcas) para mujer, hombre, junior y niño Calzado “pronto moda”. Stands decoración libre Moda íntima y baño Moda infantil contemporánea Outsourcing para los sectores de la confección y el calzado Colecciones contemporáneas, calzado y accesorios para el hombre Colecciones contemporáneas y accesorios para la mujer Moda masculina clásica y moda joven para el hombre Moda masculina. Diseñadores y lujo Arte, creatividad, jóvenes diseñadores. Boutique de ropa y accesorios para la mujer y el hombre 2 Un total de 39 expositores participaron en las ferias de Magic Market Week de agosto 2015 a través de FICE, lo que presentó un aumento del 70% respecto a hace un año. Otras 20 firmas acudieron a través de sus distribuidores/agentes norteamericanos. Por lo tanto participaron un total de 59 expositores, en representación de 82 marcas. Magic Market Week cuenta con 11 ferias, 3.900 marcas y más de 64.000 visitantes de 121 países La gran mayoría de empresas españolas de calzado participan en FN Platform, que se ha convertido en el evento de calzado más importante del país y año tras año sigue incrementando el número de expositores y visitantes. En la actualidad este evento acoge a 700 expositores y 1600 marcas (señora, caballero, joven, niño) de más de 20 países agrupados en seis áreas (BOND, PLAY, ZEN, CAMP, COSMO, BLACK DIAMOND). PROJECT Las Vegas es el evento de moda contemporánea donde se exponen colecciones avanzadas de hombre. Se celebra en el recinto Mandalay Bay Convention Center y exponen alrededor de 300 marcas. PROJECT WOMEN’S presenta colecciones contemporáneas y accesorios para la mujer y se celebra en Mandalay Bay Convention Center. SOURCING AT MAGIC es el evento de outsourcing/marca blanca para los sectores de la confección y calzado. Participan expositores de más de 35 países. Se celebra en Las Vegas Convention Center. WSA@MAGIC. Calzado “pronto moda” con stands de decoración libre. Han participado 230 marcas y tiene lugar en Las Vegas Convention Center. IMPORTANTE Contratación de espacio+decoración Esta convocatoria se centra en la feria FN PLATFORM por ser el evento donde participan la inmensa mayoría de marcas de calzado, pero igualmente tenemos la información del resto de eventos de la Magic Market Week. Apoyo ICEX Se apoya a las empresas de calzado que participen en cualquiera de las ferias de Magic Market Week (teniendo en cuenta que hay una cantidad total máxima de apoyo de ICEX a esta actividad). Las condiciones de apoyo son las mismas para todas las ferias de Magic Market Week Las Vegas. 3 El mercado estadounidense es muy importante para el sector del calzado Estados Unidos es el cliente número uno para el calzado español fuera de la UE. En 2014, las exportaciones han ascendido a los 3,5 millones de pares por valor de 145,2 millones de euros. Estos datos reflejan un crecimiento del 13% en valor y un 7% en pares. El precio medio de exportación es el más elevado: 41,68€/par. • Las perspectivas para este mercado son positivas por el buen posicionamiento del Made in Spain y la favorable paridad euro/dólar. Durante el primer semestre de 2015, las exportaciones de calzado a USA han ascendido a 2 millones de pares por valor de 86 millones de euros, con unos significativos aumentos del 17% en pares y 28% en valor. EEUU es el mayor importador de calzado del mundo, con un cuarto de las importaciones mundiales totales y un mercado del calzado dominado en un 99% por importaciones. En 2014, USA importó 2.350 millones de pares por valor de 26.595 millones USD. • España es el noveno suministrador de calzado de EEUU. La posición de España ha mejorado en los últimos años; el volumen de exportaciones ha experimentado una tendencia al alza al mismo tiempo que se ha producido un aumento en el precio por par de calzado femenino, dejando a España en el segundo lugar mundial en precio por par muy cerca de Italia. El producto fabricado en España tiene las mejores oportunidades en el segmento de gama media-alta y alta, niveles por debajo de los cuales es muy difícil competir con el producto de origen asiático o de Brasil. Es un mercado de 316 millones de habitantes con una renta per cápita de 53.000 USD. • Se trata de un mercado maduro, saturado y en el que la competencia es muy dura, aunque sigue teniendo capacidad de aceptar nuevas marcas. El mercado del calzado en EEUU en 2012 alcanzó los 54.000 millones de dólares. Dentro del sector, el segmento más importante es el calzado femenino, que supone el 49,3% del valor del mercado estadounidense y dentro de éste, el zapato informal sería el principal, seguido del de vestir. • Estados Unidos en país muy extenso, con importantes diferencias regionales en la demanda de los consumidores, cimentadas tanto en diferencias de sus gustos, como en sustanciales variaciones climáticas entre los estados del Sur y del Norte. • Evolución exportaciones de calzado a USA (millones €) 400 350 300 200 150 100 50 4 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 0 2000 Millones € 250 2. CONTRATACIÓN DE SERVICIOS 2.1. Empresas interesadas en que FICE les tramite completamente su participación Principales servicios que ofrece FICE: FICE como entidad interlocutora con FNPLATFORM: - Coordina el envío de las solicitud oficiales - Planifica y negocia activamente con la feria las ubicaciones individuales de las antiguas y nuevas empresas: cambios, ampliaciones,… 1. Espacio. Contratación 2. Pagos 3. Promoción 4. Durante la feria 5. Gestión ayudas ICEX 6. Gestión ayudas CC.AA FICE realiza la gestión de cobro y pago en nombre de los expositores. Ver apartado 8 Presencia de personal de FICE en la feria, atención al expositor y a los compradores, colocación de los logos obligatorios, reportaje fotográfico stands FICE se encarga de la tramitación y gestión de los apoyos de ICEX. Ver apartado 5 Colaboración con las Asociaciones de FICE e Instituciones Autonómicas para la tramitación de ayudas. Ver apartado 5 ¿CÓMO INSCRIBIRSE EN FNPLATFORM? Deben enviar a FICE la siguiente documentación: 1. Solicitud de inscripción de FICE cumplimentada y sellada (se adjunta documento Excel en anexo) 2. Contrato oficial de la feria cumplimentado. La firma y sello deben ir en las páginas 1,5 y 6. (se adjunta pdf en anexo) 3. Depósito: 50% del coste participación (que la feria obliga a adjuntar con la solicitud oficial) 100 200 300 400 pies2 pies2 pies2 pies2 (9 m2) (18 m2) (27 m2) (36 m2) 10’x10’ 10’x20’ 10’x30’ 10’x40’ 20’x20’ 3.000,00 6.000,00 9.000,00 12.000,00 € € € € Aquellas empresas con derecho a recibir ayudas de ICEX (según normativa de temporalidad) deben además enviarnos: 4. Declaración responsable de estar al corriente en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias y con la seguridad social (se adjunta en anexo documento Word). Debe cumplimentarse en todos sus apartados, en papel original con membrete de la empresa, firmada y sellada. Notas: - No se aceptará ninguna solicitud que no venga acompañada del depósito, ya que junto a la solicitud de participación hay que enviar a la feria el anticipo correspondiente. - FICE se reserva el derecho a realizar una selección de empresas en base a criterios objetivos: 1º Idoneidad del producto para el mercado 2º Experiencia comercial de la empresa. - Ante la cancelación de un stand asignado y aceptado, FICE facturará los gastos de gestión por los trabajos realizados. 5 2.2. Empresas interesadas en que FICE solo les gestione los apoyos de ICEX Las empresas que, de todos los servicios ofrecidos por la Federación, sólo desean que FICE haga de gestor de la ayuda ICEX, el coste de dicha gestión será del 15% sobre el total de ayuda autorizada a la firma, sin distinción entre socio y no socio a la Federación. Los gastos de gestión de la ayuda se cobrarán tras la liquidación de ésta por ICEX. Ver apartado 5 sobre las ayudas ICEX. ¿CÓMO INSCRIBIRSE? Deben enviar a FICE la siguiente documentación: 1. Solicitud de inscripción de FICE cumplimentada y sellada (se adjunta documento Excel en anexo) 2. Copia del contrato oficial de la feria enviado a los organizadores 3. Declaración responsable de estar al corriente en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias y con la seguridad social (se adjunta en anexo documento Word) Debe cumplimentarse en todos sus apartados, en papel original con membrete de la empresa, firmada y sellada. 3. FECHA LÍMITE DE INSCRIPCIÓN: 6 de noviembre de 2015 6 4. COSTES DE PARTICIPACIÓN EN FNPLATFORM 4.1. Empresas interesadas en que FICE les tramite completamente su participación Concepto de gasto Feria Pack espacio + decoración (60,95 US$/pie2) 100 200 300 400 pies pies2 pies2 pies2 2 Otro……….. FICE (1) (1) (9 m ) (18 m2) (27 m2) (36 m2) 2 10’x10’ 10’x20’ 10’x30’ 10’x40’ 20’x20’ Costes 6.095,00 US$ 12.190,00 US$ 18.285,00 US$ 24.380,00 US$ 60,95 US$ x ….pie2 Publicidad y promoción Gastos de organización, negociación con la Asociado feria, asistencia en feria, etc. No asociado Empresas que participan en Gastos de gestión por la tramitación de ayudas ICEX (2) la feria a través de FICE 200,00 € 475,00 € 635,00 € 0,00 € A estos importes se les cargará el correspondiente IVA español. A las empresas que se acojan a los servicios prestados por FICE, no se les cobra gastos de gestión por la tramitación de las ayudas ICEX. (2) 4.2. Empresas interesadas en que FICE solo les gestione los apoyos de ICEX Las empresas que, de todos los servicios ofrecidos por la Federación, sólo desean que FICE haga de gestor de la ayuda ICEX, el coste de dicha gestión será del 15% sobre el total de ayuda autorizada a la firma, sin distinción entre socio y no socio a la Federación. Los gastos de gestión de la ayuda se cobrarán tras la liquidación de ésta por ICEX. 7 OCNVOC 5. APOYOS AYUDAS Las ayudas de ICEX están dirigidas en su totalidad y destinadas íntegramente a las empresas. FICE gestiona estas ayudas como único organismo reconocido por la Administración del Estado y rinde cuentas ante ésta puntualmente a través de las auditorías a que se someten todas las actividades desarrollada en el marco del Plan Sectorial. APOYOS El importe máximo de apoyo ICEX para esta actividad será de 150.000 € y quedará condicionado a la aprobación del Plan sectorial 2016 con la entidad colaboradora FICE Las condiciones de apoyo son las mismas para todas las ferias de Magic Market Week Las Vegas. 1. Concepto apoyable: Pack: Espacio+decoración (Sobre factura de la feria) 2. Normativa ICEX de temporalidad: El porcentaje de apoyo ICEX a las empresas en las Ferias de Participación Agrupada está sujeto a una política de aplicación temporal de apoyos ICEX, mediante la cual el apoyo a las empresas participantes disminuye en función de ICEX España los años de participación en el mismo. Exportación e La temporalidad se aplica a la empresa, NO a la actividad: 5 años (Para ferias Inversiones bianuales no se tienen en cuenta las ediciones sino los años, manteniéndose los 5 años). Para la contabilización de la temporalidad se tendrán en cuenta años consecutivos o no consecutivos, a partir de 2008 (incluido). En el caso del apoyo a las ferias de Las Vegas de febrero 2016: - Las empresas que hayan recibido ayuda para esta feria durante cinco años o más a partir de 2008, dejan de percibir cualquier tipo de apoyo para esta actividad. - Las empresas que hayan recibido ayuda para esta feria durante menos de cinco años recibirán el apoyo general con un máximo del 35% sobre los conceptos de espacio y decoración con un tope de superficie apoyable de 500 pies2 - Las nuevas empresas expositoras en 2016 tendrán un apoyo adicional del 5% sobre el porcentaje general de apoyo sobre los conceptos de espacio y decoración con un tope de superficie apoyable de 500 pies2. 3. Seguridad Social y Hacienda Pública. Las empresas beneficiarias de la ayuda deberán estar al corriente de pagos a la Seguridad Social y a la Hacienda Pública y no haber sido sancionados con la pérdida del derecho a la percepción de subvenciones o ayudas públicas. 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FONDOS FEDER: Este servicio/actividad es susceptible de ser cofinanciado/a por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). La aceptación de la ayuda implica la aceptación de la inclusión en la lista de beneficiarios publicada de conformidad con los Reglamentos Comunitarios correspondientes y que regulan dichos Fondos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LEGISLACION APLICABLE: Las ayudas previstas en el marco de esta actividad se concederán conforme a lo previsto en el Reglamento (UE) 1407/2013 de la Comisión de 18 de diciembre de 2013 relativo a la aplicación de los artículos 107 y 108 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea a las ayudas de minimis. La ayuda total de mínimis concedida a una única empresa no podrá superar los 200.000 euros durante cualquier periodo de tres ejercicios fiscales, habida cuenta de las otras ayudas también percibidas durante este mismo período, de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 3, apartado 2, del Reglamento mencionado. De igual forma, le es de aplicación la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, General de Subvenciones y el Real Decreto 887/2006, de 21 de julio de desarrollo, en todo lo relativo a las ayudas dinerarias sin contraprestación económica al igual que la normativa interna de ayudas de ICEX aprobada por el Consejo de Administración de 12 de diciembre de 2012. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANTE: El ICEX valorará muy positivamente que las empresas que participen en los programas sectoriales autoricen al Departamento de Aduanas e II.EE de la Agencia Estatal de la Administración Tributaria (siempre que no lo hubiera hecho previamente), a que remita a ICEX información sobre su comercio exterior. La autorización señalada se ha de cursar una sola vez, y lo podrá hacer de dos formas: 1. Mediante autorización electrónica en la dirección https://www.agenciatributaria.gob.es/AEAT.sede/tramitacion/DC15 y siempre que se posea el correspondiente certificado electrónico de persona jurídica. Este es el proceso más simple y el más recomendable. 2. Mediante autorización en papel. Para ello deberá acceder a http://www3.icex.es/icex-aeat/web/index.html y obtener más información, así como la forma de proceder para cursar su autorización. Consulte con la Federación o con la Asociación Autonómica de FICE más cercana. Organismos autonómicos de referencia: CC.AA. IVACE Internacional. Generalitat Valenciana Instituto de Promoción Exterior de Castilla (IPEX) Agencia de Desarrollo Económico de la Rioja (ADER) Consejería de Economía y Competitividad. Islas Baleares Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior 9 6. DECORACIÓN EN LA FERIA FN PLATFORM • • • Decoración modular para todos los expositores Costes: Footwear Package (espacio + decoración): 60,95 US$/pie2 Espacio mínimo a contratar: 100 pies2 (10’ x 10’) Stand base 10x10 pies2 (100 pies2) (aprox. 9 m2) El precio incluye: • • • • • • • Espacio contratado Moqueta (gris claro) 3 paneles blancos de tela con marcos en aluminio (8’ de alto – 2,44m-) Cartel exterior con el nombre identificativo de la marca (12 "X 36") 1 mesa blanca cuadrada (29"x 29" – 74x74cm-) 2 sillas de color blanco 2 módulos de estanterías (Cada módulo tiene 58 "de largo x 72" de alto con 5 estantes por unidad) (1,47m ancho x 1,83 alto) • 1 papelera • Iluminación superior (techo del pabellón) • Limpieza diaria del stand (durante la noche) • Acarreo de materiales (Solamente hasta 300 libras de peso de producto) • Conexión Wi-Fi gratuita • Toma de corriente eléctrica (500 Watts) * A medida que aumenta el tamaño del stand, los contenidos se multiplican proporcionalmente. Existe posibilidad de contratar elementos de decoración extra si fuese necesario. 10 2. CO Stand 10x20 pies2 (200 pies2) (aprox. 18 m2) Stand 10x30 pies2 (300 pies2) (aprox. 27 m2) 11 Stand 10x40 pies2 (400 pies2) (aprox. 36 m2) Stand 20x20 pies2 (400 pies2) (aprox. 36 m2) NV 12 Empresas montadoras de stands Para empresas que quieran una decoración interior del stand personalizada les informamos: El contratista oficial es www.ges.com Les trasladamos también los datos de otras empresas decoradoras autorizadas: Mehmet Sukun Executive Director MK Displays International 8000 River Road #9C North Bergen, NJ 07047 mehmet.sukun@mkdisplays.com T: +1 917 667 0026 F: +1 707 667 3752 Jim Fitzpatrick JPS Designs/Division 2 Construction jimf@jpsdesigns.net General Contractors License #986010 127 Industrial Way Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 P.949-650-9992 F.949-650-9995 C.949-677-6629 www.jpsdesigns.net www.division2construction.com Manuel Rodrigues CEO thedisplayshop 261 Madison Avenue, Ninth Floor New York, NY 10016 T: 917.697.6340 manuel@bytds.com www.bytds.com Dennis Carroll FDI Group dennis.carroll@fdi-group.com (860) 883-4574 Carson Peterson Associate Partner Design Compendium visual industrial architectural 155 20th St. Brooklyn, NY 11232 p. 718.499.7722 f. 718.499.0740 c. 614.804.0767 carson@designcompendium.com www.designcompendium.com www.designcompendium.tumblr.com 13 7. FICHAS TÉCNICAS DE LAS FERIAS MAGIC MARKET WEEK LAS VEGAS 1. LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER Shows en Las Vegas Convention Center: SOURCING at MAGIC: Subcontratación y marca blanca WWDMAGIC: Moda contemporánea y accesorios para mujer joven y juniors PLAYGROUND: Moda contemporánea y accesorios para niños y bebes. CURVENV@MAGIC: Moda íntima y baño FN PLATFORM: Marcas de calzado para mujer, hombre, junior y niño WSA@MAGIC: Calzado pronto-moda para mujer, hombre, junior y niño 14 FN PLATFORM LUGAR FECHAS PERIODICIDAD TEMPORADA Las Vegas, Estados Unidos 16–18 febrero 20116 (martes a jueves) Bianual (febrero y agosto) Primavera-verano 2016 Días de exposición Horario al visitante Martes, 16 febrero 9.00 – 19.00 Miércoles, 17 febrero 9.00 – 18.00 Jueves, 18 febrero 9.00 – 18.00 HORARIO PRODUCTO Nota: Los expositores pueden acceder a sus stands una hora antes y una hora después del horario al público. Calzado Las Vegas Convention Center (FN PLATFORM se celebra en SOUTH HALL) 3150 Paradise Road Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (702) 892-0711 Se tardan unos 10-15 minutos en taxi desde cualquier hotel. La feria pone a disposición de los participantes unos autobuses con varias rutas entre el recinto y los principales hoteles. LUGAR DE CELEBRACION 15 BOND – Caballero de vestir y trendy PLAY – Moda infantil y junior ZEN – Confort CAMP – Casual, tiempo libre COSMO – Colecciones de mujer trendy y de diseñador BLACK DIAMOND – Alta gama/lujo ÁREAS WEB www.magiconline.com/fn-platform ORGANIZADOR SHOW MANAGEMENT'S CORPORATE ADDRESS MAGIC/FN PLATFORM 2501 Colorado Avenue, #280 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Phone: (310) 857-7500 Fax: (310) 857-7510 Leslie Gallin - President of Footwear lgalllin@magiconline.com Belinda Pina - Sales Director bpina@magiconline.com FEDERACIÓN DE INDUSTRIAS DEL CALZADO ESPAÑOL (FICE) CORDINADOR Núñez de Balboa, 116 – 3ª planta. Of. 5 y 6 28006 Madrid PARTICIPACIÓN T: +34 915 627 001 F: +34 915 620 094 info@fice.es www.fice.es ESPAÑOLA Persona de contacto: Imanol Martínez imanol@fice.es APOYOS ICEX ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones Paseo de la Castellana, 278- 28046 MADRID Persona de contacto: Blanca Carbonell Arroyo. Jefe de Sector Calzado T +34 91 349 61 00 blanca.carbonell@icex.es VISITANTES Profesional: La entrada es únicamente para profesionales. Tipo de visitantes: Importadores, mayoristas, detallistas, grandes almacenes, boutiques, fabricantes y prensa especializada EXPOSITORES 700 empresas / 1.600 marcas de 20 países 16 59 empresas PARTICIPACIÓN ESPAÑOLA (agosto 15) NOMBRES DE ALGUNOS COMPRADORES ASISTENTES (agosto 15) ALEJANDRINA'S ALMA EN PENA ARRELS BARCELONA ART AUDLEY BASS3D BIG DREAM BIG LEAF BIO LIFE BIO TIME BRAKO BRENDA ZARO CAMPER CANADIAN JOHN CASTAÑER CASTELL MENORCA CIENTA COOLWAY CORDWAINER CUCADA DESIGUAL DORKING EL NATURALISTA ELI 1957 ELI DRIVER FABIOLAS G'FIELD GOLD BUTTON HANNIBAL LAGUNA HISPANITAS HOWSTY IGOR Kids' IGOR Women's IMARA MODA INNOVA FOOTWEAR JOAQUIM FERRER KANNA KMB LARO LOLA CRUZ akira Alan’s Shoe House Aldo Amazon.com amer ican rag Amy’s Shoes Anthropologie asos.com Athlete’s Foot B Barnet t Baker ’s Birkenstock Bakers Footwear Group Bare Feet Shoes Barefoot Tess Barton’s Fami ly Shoes Beck’s Shoes Inc Becker Shoes Belk belmont army Benjamin Lovel l Shoes Bloomingbirds Bloomingdale’s bluef ly.com Bob Jones Shoes Boot Barn Boot Star Boot World Boscov’s MACARENA MENBUR MOOK MTNG MYSTIFY NATURAL WORLD NEOSENS NEW ROCK PALOMA BARCELO PALOMITAS BY PALOMA BARCELO PAPANATAS PASEART PENELOPE COLLECTION PERTINI PIKOLINOS PIMIENTOS PONS QUINTANA PROCONTACT SHOES PURA LOPEZ RAMON TENZA REFRESH REBECA SANVER RIA MENORCA ROOBIN'S SAB SABRINAS SACHA LONDON SAPENA SPAIN SIXTYSEVEN SLOWWALK TAKE ME TONI PONS UNISA VERACRUZ VIDORRETA WANDA PANDA WAU WONDERS XTI XTI KIDS Dna Footwear Dodds Shoe Company Doumi t t Shoes Inc DSW Easton Shoes Inc Eilatan Englin’s Fine Footwear European Shoe Shop European Walking Store Famous Footwear Feet First Inc Foot Comfor t Center Foot Locker Inc Foot Solutions Footloose Forum Group Fossee’s Freedman Shoes Freelance Shoes Sydney FrontRunners Gal leries Lafayette Gi l t Groupe Gimme Shoes gnossem Gordon Shoes Grapevinehill Gravi typope Gregory’s/Fred Segal Feet Jul ian Gold Karavel Shoes ki t son Kidz Shoe Revue Kohl ’s Koko & Palenki Kurt Geiger la bella La Chaussure Lamoda Ru Lebos Inc Li ttles Lloyds Shoes Lord & Taylor lori ’s designer shoes Lucky Shoes Macy’s Madison International Marchesa’s Fine Shoe Salon Marmi Mason Companies Inc Men’s Warehouse MGM Resor t s Mi l ler Shoes Mi roball i Shoe Inc Miss Jackson’s mister b Moxie 17 Brooks Shoes For Kids Brown Shoe Fit Co Brown’s Buckle Burch’s Fine Footwear C & E Fashions Cathy Jean Inc Cedros Soles Century 21 Chaussures Tony Chr istensen’s City Soles Colorado Footwear Comfort One Shoes Cusp Dan Brothers Shoes David Z David’s Shoes Deliciouz Dillard’s Gymboree Habi t Hal ls Halls Merchandising Halo Shoes Hawley Lane Shoes Heels.com Hide and Sole Howards Shoes For Children HSN Hudson Bay Company Hype DC Ideel i Ingledew’s Shoes J. Gi lber t J. Stephens J.C. Penney Journeys Journeys Kidz Joyce Bout ique My Glass Sl ipper myhabi t Nak Shoes nastygal Neiman Marcus Nordstrom Novus Shoes O My Sole Of f Broadway Olympia Sports Inc Onlineshoes.com Opening Ceremony Pacsun Paper Shoes Payless Shoe Source Picardy Shoe Parlour Pink Sugar Shoe Boutique Piper l ime Shoe Stores Ltd 18 SOURCING AT MAGIC SOURCING AT MAGIC es el evento de outsourcing/marca blanca para los sectores de la confección y calzado. Se celebra en Las Vegas Convention Center. La parte Sourcing Footwear se ubicará en el South Hall (segunda planta por detrás de WSA) y la parte de confección en el hall norte. http://www.magiconline.com/sourcing-at-magic WSA@MAGIC WSA@MAGIC. Calzado “pronto moda”. Decoración libre Se celebra en Las Vegas Convention Center South Hall (segunda planta sobre FNPLATFORM) Participan 230 marcas. http://www.magiconline.com/wsa-at-magic WWD MAGIC WWD MAGIC. Moda femenina joven, junior y accesorios. Se celebra en Las Vegas Convention Center (central hall) http://www.magiconline.com/wwd-magic 19 3.1.2. MANDALAY BAY CONVENTION CENTER Shows en Mandalay Bay Convention Center: THE TENTS: Moda masculina y accesorios de alto nivel. PROJECT: Colecciones contemporáneas, calzado y accesorios para la mujer y el hombre THE COLLECTIVE: Moda joven para el hombre y colecciones de caballero tradicionales y accesorios. POOL TRADESHOW: Arte, creatividad, jóvenes diseñadores. Boutique de ropa y accesorios para la mujer y el hombre 20 PROJECT (MEN’S & WOMEN’S) PROJECT Las Vegas es el principal evento de moda contemporánea, donde exponen colecciones avanzadas de mujer y hombre, premium denim y colecciones de diseñadores. Se celebra en el recinto Mandalay Bay Convention Center. http://www.magiconline.com/project-las-vegas THE TENTS THE TENTS. Moda masculina. Diseñadores, creatividad y lujo. Se celebra en Mandalay Bay Convention Center. http://www.magiconline.com/tents THE COLLECTIVE THE COLLECTIVE. Confección masculina clásica y moda masculina joven. Se celebra en Mandalay Bay Convention Center. http://www.magiconline.com/the-collective 21 8. PUBLICIDAD Y PROMOCIÓN Las actividades de publicidad y promoción están pendientes de definir. Entre otras actividades, están previstas las siguientes: • • • • Envío de notas de prensa sobre el evento y las marcas españolas de calzado a periodistas y medios del sector de moda. Página web: www.shoesfromspain.net Anuncio en el catálogo de la feria. Displays 9. Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) Les recordamos que los ciudadanos españoles no necesitamos VISA para entrar en los Estados Unidos, pero sí hay que cumplimentar el ESTA online (y abonar el pago) Les adjuntamos el link: https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/esta/esta.html?_flowExecutionKey=_c822B3FB9-19E4-B3C4-22C4002CC0C15FFC_kD83FBCCD-B3A7-A8BA-0D88-2923CF874E42 10. EMPRESAS LOGÍSTICA Y TRANSPORTE AMERIWORLD ENTERPRISES, INC. 3325 N.W. 70TH Avenue Miami, Florida 33122-1332 T: (305) 777-0548 ext: 2004 F: (305) 477-4050 www.ameriworld.com Contacto: Julián E. Rubio. General Manager jrubio@ameriworld.com EURO CARGO EXPRESS 20 East Sunrise Highway, Suite 305 Valley Stream NY, 11581 T: (718) 978-0808 F: (718) 276-5443 Contacto: Alex Silvestre asilvestre@eurocargo.com Polígono Industrial El Pastoret. C/ Illes Balears, 3 03640 Monóvar (Alicante-Spain) T: +34 966 966 996 F: +34 966 966 626 11. PERSONAS DE CONTACTO FICE: Imanol Martínez. Director Marketing (T: 915 627 001; imanol@fice.es) ICEX: Blanca Carbonell. Jefe de Sector Calzado (T: 913 496 325; blanca.carbonell@icex.es) 22 Magic Market Week (16-18 febrero 16) SOLICITUD DE INSCRIPCIÓN MAGIC MARKET WEEK (Las Vegas, 16-18 Febrero 2016) Tipo de actividad Feria, participación agrupada Nombre MAGIC MARKET WEEK Lugar Las Vegas, USA Fecha 16-18 febrero 2016 Datos para la inscripción, facturación y expediente de ayudas ICEX: Empresa NIF Dirección fiscal Código Postal Localidad Provincia Comunidad Autónoma Teléfono Fax E-mail Web Director o Apoderado de la empresa Persona de contacto para esta actividad E-mail Móvil de contacto Persona de contacto en Dpto. Admon. E-mail Asociación Empresarial de pertenencia Tipo de empresa Tipo/s calzado Marque con una X las casillas correspondientes Señora Caballero Niño Señora Caballero Niño Clásico Casual Trendy Fiesta Moda joven Confort Botas Cowboy Botas de agua / Wellingtons Sneakers Tiempo libre Deporte Espadrilles Ortopédico Zapatillas de casa Tallas especiales Bolsos Otros: __________________________________________________________________________ Rango/s de precios (tarifa a clientes) Indique con una X < 30 30 € - 59 € 60 € - 99 € 100 € - 149 € > 150 € Página 1 Magic Market Week (16-18 febrero 16) Nombre de la feria Espacio Indique con una X Solicita un Booth Package: 100 pies 2 (10'x10')... $6.095,00 200 pies 2 (10'x20')... $12.190,00 2 $18.285,00 2 $24.380,00 300 pies (10'x30')... 400 pies (10'x40')... Datos para las actividades de comunicación NOMBRE IDENTIFICATIVO: MARCAS COMERCIALES: Marca 1: Marca 2: Marca 3: Marca 4: Dirección 0 Código Postal 0 Localidad 0 Provincia 0 Comunidad Autónoma 0 Teléfono 0 Fax 0 E-mail 0 Web 0 Datos del agente/distribuidor en USA: Empresa Persona contacto Dirección Teléfono Fax E-mail Web Comentarios Página 2 400 pies 2 (20'x20')... $24.380,00 Otro tamaño... $60,95 $/pie2 Magic Market Week (16-18 febrero 16) Deposito (Sólo para empresas que contratan su participación a través de FICE) Cantidad de: Por medio de: BBVA: ES91 0182 2499 3802 0803 9262 La Caixa: ES65 2100 2859 6202 0016 5597 Banco Sabadell: ES04 0081 0212 9000 0254 2657 Fecha de inscripción: Firma de la persona apoderada y sello de la empresa Nombre:_______________________________________________________ Anexo legal: Conforme al Art. 5 de la Ley 15/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le informamos: • Que el destinatario de la información recogida será FICE, con la finalidad de su inclusión en un fichero de datos elaborado para esta actividad, con los siguientes fines: - correspondencia con la empresa, - inclusión de parte de la información en los materiales de promoción y/o campañas de publicidad - los datos serán cedidos a la feria e ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones - los datos de las entidades participantes en esta actividad serán publicados en www.shoesfromspain.net • Que tiene Ud. la posibilidad legal de ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, en los términos establecidos en la Ley, dirigiéndose a FICE, Núñez de Balboa 116-3ª planta, 28006 Madrid. Contacto: Imanol Martínez T: 915 627 001 imanol@fice.es FEDERACIÓN DE INDUSTRIAS DEL CALZADO ESPAÑOL (FICE) Nuñez de Balboa, 116 - 3º - Of. 6. 28006 Madrid T 34 91 562 70 01 F 34 91 562 00 94 info@fice.es www.fice.es Página 3 Contract Return Deadline: November 6, 2015 FEBRUARY 16–18, 2016 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER SHOW MANAGEMENT USE ONLY: SALES REP: ___________________________ CUSTOMER NO: ________________________ MANDATORY: EXHIBITING COMPANY INFORMATION – Please provide ALL information requested in this section. EXHIBITING COMPANY NAME _____________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE ____________________________________________________________ STREET __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY _______________________________________________________________________________ STATE _________________ ZIP ________________________ COUNTRY ________________________________ SHOW CONTACT _______________________________________________________________________ TITLE ______________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL _________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE ______________________________________ FAX _______________________________________ BILLING INFORMATION (IF DIFFERENT THAN EXHIBITING COMPANY INFORMATION) BILLING COMPANY NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE ____________________________________________________________ IF BILLED UNDER SHOWROOM NAME (LIST HERE) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY _______________________________________________________________________________ STATE _________________ ZIP ________________________ COUNTRY ________________________________ BILLING CONTACT _____________________________________________________________________ TITLE _____________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL _________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE ______________________________________ FAX _______________________________________ PACKAGES- See page 2 for detailed booth description. COMMENTS/CONFIGURATION REQUESTS/SPECIAL SHOW FLOOR MERCHANDISING REQUESTS (The following details can only be taken into account where feasible and cannot be regarded as a condition of participation) FOOTWEAR BOOTH PACKAGES QTY RATE TOTAL EARLY PAY RATE 100 SQ. FT. (10’ X 10’) $6,095 x $5,895 200 SQ. FT. (10’ X 20’) $12,190 x $11,790 400 SQ. FT. (10’ X 40’) $24,380 x $23,580 $60.95 / SQ FT x $58.95 / SQ FT OTHER CONFIGURATION Please specify in increments of 100 sq. ft. TOTAL ORDER 50% DEPOSIT DUE WITH SIGNED CONTRACT BALANCE DUE DECEMBER 10, 2015 TOTAL TOTAL ORDER PAY IN FULL BY OCTOBER 16TH TO QUALIFY FOR THE EARLY PAY RATE LISTED ABOVE Payment Schedule: A payment must be returned along with this signed Application & License Agreement. If exhibit space is licensed after any of the listed dates, the full amount corresponding to the most recently passed date is due at this time to secure participation. Failure to meet payment requirements will result in enforcement of clause #13 of agreement. PLEASE NOTE: The fees listed reflect a 3% discount from standard prices and apply only to payments made by check or wire transfer. Wire transfers are subject to a $50 transfer fee. PAYMENT INFORMATION WITH ALL PAYMENTS PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR COMPANY NAME, SHOW NAME, AND INVOICE OR CUSTOMER NUMBER (FOUND AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE) BOOTH ASSIGNMENT WILL NOT BE RELEASED NOR EXHIBITOR BADGES DISTRIBUTED UNTIL 100% OF BOOTH FEE HAS BEEN PAID. ONLINE/CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: epay.advanstar.com Make checks payable to: Advanstar/FNPLATFORM Attn.: Accounts Receivable 131 West First Street Duluth, MN 55802-2065 Tel. (218) 740-7200 WIRE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS: Bank: Wells Fargo Bank Address: 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 ABA Number: 121000248 Account Number: 4121100705 SWIFT BIC Number: WFBIUS6S (International Only) Beneficiary:Advanstar/FNPLATFORM AGREEMENT We understand that our Company will not participate in other concurrently held trade shows in the United States; if it is determined by Advanstar, in its sole discretion that an Exhibitor is participating in such a show, including by the use of a separate trade name, Advanstar reserves the right to prevent an Exhibitor from setting up their Booth, to close a Booth during the Event and to cancel this Participation/Exhibit Space Contract without any liability to the Indemnitees as defined in this Participation/Exhibit Space Contract, and retain the full Participation Fee and Exhibit Space Fee as liquidated damages. Breach of this provision may result in your exclusion from future Advanstar Events. Please sign and date this Agreement and send to Advanstar to secure your space. Required deposit MUST accompany Agreement. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBITING COMPANY SIGNATURE (Authorized by Exhibiting Company) DATE By signing this Agreement the Exhibiting Company agrees to the Show Agreement Terms and Conditions found in this Agreement. Any change in the Exhibiting Company’s mailing address, show directory information, brand names or product listings must be requested in writing. By signing above the Exhibiting Company hereby affirmatively consents and agrees to receive (i) facsimile advertisements sent by or on behalf of Advanstar Communications Inc. to the facsimile number above; (ii) telephone solicitations initiated by or on behalf of Advanstar Communications Inc. and directed to the telephone number provided above; and (iii) commercial electronic mail messages sent by or on behalf of Advanstar Communications Inc., its affiliates, lines of business and divisions. PLEASE FAX ENTIRE SIGNED AGREEMENT TO: (310) 943-2007 FNP 082115 PAGE 1 Contract Return Deadline: November 6, 2015 FEBRUARY 16–18, 2016 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER EACH 10’ X 10’ / 100 SQUARE FOOT BOOTH PACKAGE INCLUDES:* • FLOOR SPACE • BOOTH CARPET (SWORD - LIGHT GREY) • NEW FIT WALL SYSTEM - FABRIC WALLS & STURDY INTERLOCKING FRAME SYSTEM (8’ HIGH FABRIC BACKWALL / 8’ HIGH FABRIC SIDEWALLS) • (1) BOOTH SIGN - 12” X 36” • (1) TABLE 29” X 29” (WHITE) • (2) CHAIRS (WHITE) • (2) WHITE EZ SHELVING UNITS (UNIT IS 54” LONG X 72” HIGH, 5 SHELVES PER UNIT) • (1) WASTEBASKET • ENHANCED OVERHEAD LIGHTING • NIGHTLY BOOTH VACUUMING • DRAYAGE / MATERIAL HANDLING (300 POUNDS FOR PRODUCT ONLY) • COMPLIMENTARY WI-FI CONNECTION • 500 WATTS ELECTRICAL OUTLET BOOTH SIZE 10’ x 10’ 10’ x 20’ 10’ x 30’ 10’ x 40’ 20’ x 20’ OTHER $60.95 PER SQUARE FOOT FOR FOOTWEAR PACKAGE $6,095 $12,19 $18,285 $24,380 $24,380 $60.95 per sq. ft. *As booth size increases, your booth package items/contents are multiplied accordingly. Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees to be solely responsible for (a) all exhibition booth costs and expenses not described above, including , with limitation, all additional costs and expenses for drayage, additional furniture, additional electrical, cleaning and booth decorations not included in the Booth Package and (b) any other exhibition booth packages or services selected by Exhibitor. NOTE: Actual working space may be somewhat smaller to allow for thickness of walls, etc. PLEASE FAX ENTIRE SIGNED AGREEMENT TO: (310) 943-2007 PAGE 2 Contract Return Deadline: November 6, 2015 FEBRUARY 16–18, 2016 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER MANDATORY: KEY PERSONNEL – Please provide ALL information requested in this section. Name ________________________________________________ Title __________________________ Phone ______________________ E-Mail ___________________________________ SENIOR MANAGEMENT CONTACT Name ________________________________________________ Title __________________________ Phone ______________________ E-Mail ___________________________________ DECISION MAKER Name ________________________________________________ Title __________________________ Phone ______________________ E-Mail ___________________________________ PR / MARKETING CONTACT Name ________________________________________________ Title __________________________ Phone ______________________ E-Mail ___________________________________ PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT / SOURCING CONTACT COMPANY INFORMATION Annual Sales Volume for 2015: $0 - $500K $500K - $1M $1M - $10M Year Business Launched: ________ Does Your Company Export? Yes Is “all or virtually all” your product Made in USA? Yes No $10M - $50M No $50M + (For details on Complying with the Made in USA Standard go to http://business.ftc.gov/documents/bus03-complying-made-usa-standard) MANDATORY: SHOW DIRECTORY / WEBSITE INFORMATION – Please provide ALL information requested in this section. Exhibiting Company Name ________________________________________________________________ Sales Contact Name ____________________________________________________ Street Address 1 ____________________________________________________ Sales Contact Job Title __________________________________________________ Street Address 2 ____________________________________________________ Sales Contact Phone ____________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ State ___________ Sales Contact E-mail ___________________________________________________ Zip ______________________________ Province __________________________ Company Website ______________________________________________________ Country __________________________________________________________ Primary Country of Origin ________________________________________________ WHO ARE YOUR RETAIL CUSTOMERS? (Stores who carry your brand) BRANDS YOU SIT WITH IN RETAIL? 1. _________________________________________________________________________ 1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________ MANDATORY: BRAND NAME / PRODUCT INFORMATION: Please fill outBRAND one box for each brand. At least ONE box must be completed. Attach / PRODUCT INFORMATION 2 additional page(s) if needed. Place your company name at the top of any additional pages sent. BRAND NAME #1: (To be printed on booth ID signs) BRAND NAME #2: (To be printed on booth ID signs) ________________________________________________________________________ Indicate if this brand is Men’s (M), Women’s (W), Children’s (C), MWC J A Juniors’ (J), or Accessories (A). ________________________________________________________________________ Indicate if this brand is Men’s (M), Women’s (W), Children’s (C), MWC J A Juniors’ (J), or Accessories (A). WHOLESALE PRICE: WHOLESALE PRICE: Men’s Footwear Women’s Footwear Children’s Footwear Juniors’ Footwear Accessories Men’s Footwear Women’s Footwear Children’s Footwear Juniors’ Footwear Accessories under $100 $101–$199 $200+ x% of your Business in each category______________________________ under $100 $101–$199 $200+ x% of your Business in each category______________________________ PLEASE CHECK THE BOXES THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRODUCTS ON EXHIBIT: PLEASE INCLUDE A CURRENT PICTURE CATALOG OR LINE SHEET WITH THIS CONTRACT. PLEASE CHECK THE BOXES THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRODUCTS ON EXHIBIT: PLEASE INCLUDE A CURRENT PICTURE CATALOG OR LINE SHEET WITH THIS CONTRACT. M W K J Athletic Casual Lifestyle Comfort Contemporary Designer - American Designer - European Eco/Vegan Orthopedic/Pedorthic Rugged/Outdoor Shoe Care M W K J Athletic Casual Lifestyle Comfort Contemporary Designer - American Designer - European Eco/Vegan Orthopedic/Pedorthic Rugged/Outdoor Shoe Care MWK J Skate/Surf Slippers Social Occasion/Dressy Special Sizes Wellness Western ACCESSORIES: Handbags/Totes Socks/Hosiery/Legwear PLEASE FAX ENTIRE SIGNED AGREEMENT TO: (310) 943-2007 MWK J Skate/Surf Slippers Social Occasion/Dressy Special Sizes Wellness Western ACCESSORIES: Handbags/Totes Socks/Hosiery/Legwear PAGE 3 Contract Return Deadline: November 6, 2015 FEBRUARY 16–18, 2016 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER BRAND NAME / PRODUCT INFORMATION: Please fill out one box for each brand. At least ONE box must be completed. Attach additional page(s) if needed. Place your company name at the top of any additional pages sent. BRAND NAME #3: (To be printed on booth ID signs) BRAND NAME #4: (To be printed on booth ID signs) ________________________________________________________________________ Indicate if this brand is Men’s (M), Women’s (W), Children’s (C), MWC J A Juniors’ (J), or Accessories (A). ________________________________________________________________________ Indicate if this brand is Men’s (M), Women’s (W), Children’s (C), MWC J A Juniors’ (J), or Accessories (A). WHOLESALE PRICE: WHOLESALE PRICE: Men’s Footwear Women’s Footwear Children’s Footwear Juniors’ Footwear Accessories Men’s Footwear Women’s Footwear Children’s Footwear Juniors’ Footwear Accessories under $100 $101–$199 $200+ x% of your Business in each category______________________________ under $100 $101–$199 $200+ x% of your Business in each category______________________________ PLEASE CHECK THE BOXES THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRODUCTS ON EXHIBIT: PLEASE INCLUDE A CURRENT PICTURE CATALOG OR LINE SHEET WITH THIS CONTRACT. PLEASE CHECK THE BOXES THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRODUCTS ON EXHIBIT: PLEASE INCLUDE A CURRENT PICTURE CATALOG OR LINE SHEET WITH THIS CONTRACT. M W K J Athletic Casual Lifestyle Comfort Contemporary Designer - American Designer - European Eco/Vegan Orthopedic/Pedorthic Rugged/Outdoor Shoe Care M W K J Athletic Casual Lifestyle Comfort Contemporary Designer - American Designer - European Eco/Vegan Orthopedic/Pedorthic Rugged/Outdoor Shoe Care MWK J Skate/Surf Slippers Social Occasion/Dressy Special Sizes Wellness Western ACCESSORIES: Handbags/Totes Socks/Hosiery/Legwear MWK J Skate/Surf Slippers Social Occasion/Dressy Special Sizes Wellness Western ACCESSORIES: Handbags/Totes Socks/Hosiery/Legwear BRAND NAME #5: (To be printed on booth ID signs) BRAND NAME #6: (To be printed on booth ID signs) ________________________________________________________________________ Indicate if this brand is Men’s (M), Women’s (W), Children’s (C), MWC J A Juniors’ (J), or Accessories (A). ________________________________________________________________________ Indicate if this brand is Men’s (M), Women’s (W), Children’s (C), MWC J A Juniors’ (J), or Accessories (A). WHOLESALE PRICE: WHOLESALE PRICE: Men’s Footwear Women’s Footwear Children’s Footwear Juniors’ Footwear Accessories Men’s Footwear Women’s Footwear Children’s Footwear Juniors’ Footwear Accessories under $100 $101–$199 $200+ x% of your Business in each category______________________________ under $100 $101–$199 $200+ x% of your Business in each category______________________________ PLEASE CHECK THE BOXES THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRODUCTS ON EXHIBIT: PLEASE INCLUDE A CURRENT PICTURE CATALOG OR LINE SHEET WITH THIS CONTRACT. PLEASE CHECK THE BOXES THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRODUCTS ON EXHIBIT: PLEASE INCLUDE A CURRENT PICTURE CATALOG OR LINE SHEET WITH THIS CONTRACT. M W K J Athletic Casual Lifestyle Comfort Contemporary Designer - American Designer - European Eco/Vegan Orthopedic/Pedorthic Rugged/Outdoor Shoe Care M W K J Athletic Casual Lifestyle Comfort Contemporary Designer - American Designer - European Eco/Vegan Orthopedic/Pedorthic Rugged/Outdoor Shoe Care MWK J Skate/Surf Slippers Social Occasion/Dressy Special Sizes Wellness Western ACCESSORIES: Handbags/Totes Socks/Hosiery/Legwear PLEASE FAX ENTIRE SIGNED AGREEMENT TO: (310) 943-2007 MWK J Skate/Surf Slippers Social Occasion/Dressy Special Sizes Wellness Western ACCESSORIES: Handbags/Totes Socks/Hosiery/Legwear PAGE 4 Contract Return Deadline: November 6, 2015 FEBRUARY 16–18, 2016 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER All Exhibitors and their representatives participating in the Show identified on the front page of this Exhibit Space Agreement (this “Agreement”) agree to be bound by and are required to comply with the terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) stated in this Agreement, as well as the Show Rules and Regulations or Show Guidelines and the Exhibitor Services Manual or Service Kit (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Show Rules and Regulations”), which are integral to and fully incorporated by reference into this Agreement. In consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Exhibitor agrees as follows: Management and Show related business purposes. 9. Restrictions on Assignment and Subleasing Exhibit Space: Exhibitor cannot sell, assign, transfer, or convey this Agreement, or assign, share, sublet its Exhibit Space, or any part thereof, without the prior written approval of Show Management, which approval may be withheld in Show Management’s sole and absolute discretion. This Agreement, the Terms and Conditions and the Show Rules and Regulations will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Show Management’s approved successors, assigns, and personal representatives of Exhibitor. Any attempted sale, sharing, subletting, assignment, transfer, conveyance of this Agreement or any portion of the Exhibit Space in 1. Defined Terms: “Show” means the specific expositions or conferences identified on the front page violation of this Section shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and such action will be voidable at of this Agreement. “Exhibition Facilities” means all venues or facilities in which or where the Show the option of Show Management. is conducted. “Show Dates” mean the dates over which the Show is conducted including move-in, show days and move-out days at the “Exhibition Facilities”. “Show Management” means Advanstar 10. Withdrawal or Reduction in Exhibit Space: Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that (a) each of Communications Inc., a New York corporation and its owners, directors, officers, members, agents, the following shall constitute a material breach by Exhibitor of its obligations under this Agreement: (i) affiliates, representatives, employees, service contractors, successors and assigns, unless the context any cancellation or termination of this Agreement by Exhibitor; (ii) Exhibitor’s withdrawal from the Show or Exhibitor’s failure to participate in the Show in the manner described herein; or (iii) any reduction by requires otherwise. “Facility Management” means the owner or manager of the Exhibition Facilities in Exhibitor of its Exhibit Space; and (b) Show Management will suffer damages based upon and arising which the Show is conducted, and its employees and agents. “Exhibitor” means the applicant identified from such breaches. Exhibitor further acknowledges that the damages suffered by Show Management on the front hereof Exhibit space (“Exhibit Space” or “Booth Space”) means the space applied for from the breaches described in the preceding sentence will be substantial and that the parties may herein. “Exhibit Space Fee” means the required Participation/Exhibit Space fee, including all deposits not be capable of determining the extent of such damages with mathematical precision. Therefore, if and other fees to be paid to Show Management as set forth on the front of this Agreement. Show Exhibitor breaches this Agreement by cancellation or termination of this Agreement, withdrawing from Management and Exhibitor are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the “Parties” and “Party” the Show or by notifying Show Management that it is reducing the number or size of its Exhibit Space(s) in the singular. as set forth on the front side of this Agreement for any reason or no reason, Exhibitor shall automatically 2. Show Rules and Regulations: Show Management will have the right, in its sole and absolute forfeit the Participation/Exhibit Space Fee(s) and any other fees paid to Show Management and Show discretion, to establish and/or modify the Show Rules and Regulations and the use of Exhibit Space Management shall retain all such amounts as liquidated damages arising from Exhibitor’s breach covered by this Agreement, as deemed appropriate by Show Management. Show Rules and Regulations of this Agreement. Upon Exhibitor’s execution of this Agreement, Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees shall be made available to each Exhibitor prior to the Show, if requested in writing by Exhibitor Show to pay the Participation/Exhibit Space Fee(s) or any other fees to Show Management regardless of Management may post the Show Rules and Regulations on-line. Show Management will endeavor to whether or not Exhibitor cancels or terminates this Agreement or actually participates in the Show. provide Exhibitor with changes or modifications to the Show Rules and Regulations, however, failure Notices advising Show Management that Exhibitor is canceling or terminating this Agreement, to provide or non-receipt of such changes will not invalidate or nullify such changes or modifications. withdrawing from the Show or that Exhibitor is reducing its Exhibit Space must be made in writing by overnight courier or by certified mail, return receipt requested and shall be deemed delivered to Show 3. Effective Date of Agreement: Upon Exhibitor’s execution and delivery of this Agreement to Show Management on the date such notice is actually received by Show Management. Notices communicated Management, this Agreement becomes a binding contract between Show Management and Exhibitor to Show Management in electronic form will not be considered to be written. Liquidated damages (the “Effective Date”), subject to each party’s respective rights set forth in this Agreement. A non- cannot be applied toward Exhibit Space at other shows or advertisements. Show Management assumes refundable and non-transferable payment in accordance with this Agreement is required upon no responsibility for having included the name of the withdrawn Exhibitor or description of its products Exhibitor’s return of this executed Agreement to Show Management. The Participation/Exhibit Space in Show directories, brochures, news releases or other material relating to the Show. Fee set forth in this Agreement and on Exhibitor’s invoice reflect a 3% discount (the “Preferred Form of Payment Discount”) from Show Management’s standard prices (the “Standard Prices”) for 11. Scheduling or Location Changes: Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that Show Management the applicable services and apply only to payments made via Show Management’s preferred form of reserves the right to change, increase or decrease Show hours, number of days, Show dates, Show payment: check and wire transfer. Payments for services made using credit cards are based upon Show location or Show name. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, Exhibitor Management’s standard Prices (determined by dividing the prices set forth in this Agreement and on acknowledges and agrees that if Show Management elects to re-name, change, increase or decrease Exhibitor’s invoice by .97) and are not entitled to the Preferred Discount. The wire service fee is $50 Show hours, days, Show dates or Show location, Exhibitor shall not be entitled to and expressly disclaims which is non-refundable. There will be a $100 charge for refunded checks; replacement payment must any right or claim to the return of any portion of the Participation/Exhibition Space Fees paid to Show be made by money order or certified check. Late fees may be assessed on balance due after deadline Management. Additionally, if Show Management re-locates the Show to a different city than originally at the rate of 5% of the balance due. As of the Effective Date Exhibitor agrees to use the Exhibit Space scheduled over dates which are not more than 60 days earlier or 60 days later than the original Show assigned by Show Management in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and the Show Rules and dates, no refund will be due to Exhibitor, but Show Management shall assign to Exhibitor, in lieu of the Regulations No Exhibitor shall be permitted to exhibit or participate in the Show or gain access to the original Exhibit Space, such other Exhibit Space as Show Management deems appropriate and Exhibitor Exhibition Facilities unless and until Exhibitor has paid the full Participation/Exhibit Space Fee and any agrees to use such space under the terms of this Agreement. However, if Show Management elects to terminate the Show other than for a reason previously described in this Section, Show Management other fee(s), if acceptable. may refund to Exhibitor the Exhibit Space fees previously paid, in full satisfaction of all liabilities and 4. Qualified Exhibitor: Eligibility is generally limited to companies, firms or entities actively and obligations of Show Management to Exhibitor and Exhibitor waives all claims it might have against legitimately engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing or selling at wholesale, Show Management for damages or expenses and discharges all claims against Show Management in merchandise, materials, services or supplies related to the Show. Qualified Exhibitors must either exchange for such refund. be the manufacturer, licensed dealer, distributor or representative of the goods, products or services displayed.. Exhibitor shall not make any promotional efforts, nor supply any transportation, or engage 12. Condition of Exhibition Facilities: Show Management makes no representations or warranties, directly or indirectly in any activity that has the effect of drawing attendees away from the Event to a express or implied, to Exhibitor regarding the condition of the Exhibition Facilities or the utilities provided by the Exhibition Facilities, or the success of Exhibitor’s efforts for which the exhibit space will hospitality suite or any non-event exhibit area or competing trade show concurrent or otherwise. be used or to the number of Show attendees or the demographic nature of such attendees. 5. Products & Services Displayed: Exhibitor may display or exhibit only products and services comprising materials, equipment, apparatus, systems and other component products or services as 13. Breach: If Exhibitor fails to make any payments on time as stated herein or breaches or defaults set forth on the first page of this Agreement and/or deemed by Show Management, in its sole discretion, in any of its obligations under this Agreement, Exhibitor shall be deemed in material breach of to be relevant to industry/s or field/s which are the primary focus of the Show. Show Management, in its this Agreement. In the event of breach by Exhibitor of its obligations under this Agreement, Show sole and absolute discretion, will determine whether a prospective Exhibitor is eligible to participate in Management will have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement, retain the Participation/ the Show, the suitability any merchandise or service for exhibit or display, the amount of Exhibit Space Exhibit Space Fee and all other monies, if any, paid to Show Management prior to the breach, and provided an Exhibitor, and Exhibit Space assignment and placement. Show Management reserves the withhold from Exhibitor possession and occupancy of the Exhibit Space or direct Exhibitor to vacate the right of final approval as to which publications Exhibitor is allowed to display within its Exhibit Space. Exhibition Facilities, as applicable, and Exhibitor expressly agrees to (i) waive it’s rights to receive any The design of Exhibit Booths will be controlled and approved by Show Management exclusively, in its payment discounts, and (ii) pay Show Management the full Exhibit Space Fee set forth on the front of this Agreement, together with all costs of collection incurred by Show Management including but not sole and absolute discretion. limited to all reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and interest. Show Management’s rights under 6. Exhibit Space Refusal or Modification by Show Management: The execution of this Agreement this Section are non-exclusive remedies and Show Management expressly reserves any and all of its and the payment of the Participation/Exhibit Space Fee, does not guarantee that Exhibitor will be (i) rights and remedies under applicable law. Additionally, Show Management shall have the right, but permitted to exhibit at the Show: (ii) assigned to a particular exhibit hall, section or location within the not the obligation, to license the subject Exhibit Space to another party prior to the Show without any Exhibition Facilities; or (iii) provided with the actual amount of Exhibit Space requested. Notwithstanding refund, rebate or allowance whatsoever to Exhibitor and without in any way releasing Exhibitor from anything herein to the contrary, Show Management, in its sole and absolute discretion, retains the right any liability hereunder. to refuse to provide or assign, to modify or to cancel Exhibitor’s Exhibit Space assignment, and/or terminate this Agreement, without cause, for any or no reason whatsoever, at any time, without liability Show Management is expressly authorized (but has no obligation) to occupy or dispose of any Exhibit or further obligation to Exhibitor. Show Management shall not be held responsible or liable for any Space vacated or made available by reason of any action taken under this Section in such manner as it costs, expenses, damages or any other sums whatsoever incurred by Exhibitor or any other party as a may deem best, and without releasing Exhibitor from any liability hereunder. Exhibitor’s right to obtain result of any Exhibit Space rejection, cancellation, modification or change in Exhibit Space assignment. and use exhibitor personnel badges shall immediately be revoked and forfeited in the event Exhibitor If Exhibitor’s Exhibit Space application is rejected or cancelled by Show Management prior to the Show, breaches this Agreement by cancelling or terminating this Agreement or withdrawing or failing the Exhibit Space Fees paid by Exhibitor may be refunded, except if the rejection or cancellation is due to participate in the Show. A breach by Exhibitor of its obligation under this Agreement (including breaches described in Section 10 above) shall jeopardize Exhibitor’s ability to exhibit at future Show to Exhibitor’s breach of this Agreement or as otherwise stated herein. Management shows. 7. Compliance Requirements: Exhibitor agrees to abide by, adhere to and be bound by all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations, including without limitation 14. Right to Off-set: Exhibitor expressly acknowledges that Show Management reserves the right to fire, utility and building codes and regulations, and any rules or regulations of the Exhibition Facilities, apply any Participation/Exhibit Space Fee paid pursuant to this Agreement (i) to remedy any breach by Exhibitor under this Agreement; (ii) to remedy any breach of Exhibitor or its affiliates under any other including any union labor work rules. agreement(s) between Exhibitors or its affiliates and Show Management or its affiliates; and (iii) for 8. Show Related Commercial Messages: To the extent Exhibitor provides any information to Show payment of any checks returned for NSF (including any bank fees related to the NSF check).; . Exhibitor Management, including contact information and other personally identifiable information, Exhibitor agrees to pay to Show Management the amount offset against a past due amount within 10 days of the hereby grants to Show Management the right to use or release such information for all lawful Show date of Show Management’s notice or, if the deadline for the applicable payment is more than 10 days PLEASE FAX ENTIRE SIGNED AGREEMENT TO: (310) 943-2007 Initial Here: _________ PAGE 5 Contract Return Deadline: November 6, 2015 FEBRUARY 16–18, 2016 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER from the date of the notice, by the applicable deadline. If Exhibitor fails to pay the offset amount within the required period, Exhibitor shall be considered to be in default of its payment obligations under this Agreement and Show Management shall have the right to terminate or change Exhibitor’s Exhibit Space and exercise its other rights under this Agreement. RESPECTIVE OWNERS, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE OR FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER WHETHER OR NOT APPRISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOST PROFITS OR DAMAGES. SHOW MANAGEMENT MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE NUMBER OF PERSONS WHO WILL ATTEND THE SHOW OR REGARDING ANY OTHER MATTERS. EXHIBITOR EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PROVIDED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW SHOW MANAGEMENT’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY TO THE EXHIBITOR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO, IN CONJUNCTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THIS AGREEMENT, THE USE, REFUSAL, REJECTION OF EXHIBIT SPACE, OR JUDICIAL DETERMINATION OF SHOW MANAGEMENT’S WRONGFUL CANCELLATION OF EXHIBIT SPACE WILL BE LIMITED SOLELY TO THE RETURN OF ALL OR A PRORATED PORTION OF ANY EXHIBIT SPACE FEE PAYMENT PREVIOUSLY PAID TO SHOW MANAGEMENT BY EXHIBITOR. 15. Force Majeure: If the Show is terminated for any reason beyond the reasonable control of Show Management, including without limitation acts of God, war, mob, riot or civil commotion, strikes, labor disputes, accidents, governmental laws, ordinances, regulations, requisitions or restrictions, unavailability of facilities, lack of utilities, commodities or supplies, inability to secure sufficient labor, civil disturbance, terrorism or threats of terrorism, disruption to transportation, disaster, fire, earthquakes, severe weather, epidemic or pandemic, or any other comparable calamity or casualty, Show Management may terminate this Agreement without liability, and Show Management may retain the earned portion of the Exhibit Space Fee required to recompense it for expenses and commitments 19. Americans with Disabilities Act: Exhibitor shall have the sole responsibility for ensuring that its incurred up to the time of terminating the Show. Any remaining unearned Exhibit Space Fee may be Exhibit Space is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and any regulations refunded to Exhibitor. under that Act. Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that, in connection with the Show, it will be a public accommodation as defined under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). If any part of an Exhibition Facility is damaged or if circumstances beyond Show Management’s reasonable control make it impossible, impractical or inadvisable for Show Management to permit 20. Intellectual Property, Music Licensing and Use of Copyrighted Works: By executing this Exhibitor to occupy or continue to occupy its assigned Exhibit Space location during any part of or the Agreement, Exhibitor represents and warrants to Show Management that Exhibitor owns or validly entire Show, Show Management will retain the right to relocate Exhibitor. If, Show Management, in its possesses the right to make, use, perform, sell and display any patented products, copyrighted works, sole and absolute discretion, determines that relocation is not feasible, Exhibitor will be charged a trademarks, service marks and trade names (collectively, “Intellectual Property”), as the case may pro rata Exhibit Space Fee for the period that the Exhibit Space was or could have been occupied by be, used by Exhibitor at or to promote its activities at the Show and all affiliated events. To the extent Exhibitor, and Show Management will refund the remaining portion of the Exhibit Space Fee paid, minus necessary to fulfill Show Management’s express obligations hereunder, including without limitation, to a share of costs, expenses and commitments required to recompense Show Management up to the time advertise, promote and market the Show, ShoptheFloor website or any other website owned by Show of termination, in full satisfaction of all liabilities to Exhibitor, and Exhibitor agrees to waive all claims Management or to use in connection therewith, Exhibitor hereby grants Show Management a nonit might have against Show Management for damages or expenses discharge of all claims against exclusive, royalty-free, revocable, non-transferable worldwide license (without the right to sublicense) Show Management in exchange for such refund. to use Exhibitor’s trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names, copyrighted content, hypertext links, 16. Indemnification: To the maximum extent permitted by law Exhibitor agrees to protect, indemnify, domain names, icons, buttons, banners, graphic files and images. Exhibitor will be responsible for defend (with legal counsel satisfactory to Show Management), and hold harmless, Show Management, securing any and all necessary licenses or consents for (a) any performances, displays or other uses of the Exhibition Facilities, and City where the Show is held and their respective owners, directors, officers, copyrighted works, trademarks or patented inventions or designs and (b) any use of any name, likeness, members, employees, affiliates, service contractors, agents and representatives, as applicable, from signature, voice or other impression, or other intellectual property owned by others at the Show. any and all claims, actions, demands, damages, liability, or expenses of any kind or nature, including 21. Photographs and Recording: From time to time, photographs, motion pictures and/or video without limitation judgments, interest, reasonable attorneys’ fees and all other costs and charges in recordings (collectively the “Recordings”) may be made in the Exhibition Facilities, which Recordings connection with or arising out of (i) Exhibitor’s use of any the Exhibition Facilities or Show services, (ii) may include images of Exhibitor, its employees, agents, representatives, spokespeople and related Exhibitor’s noncompliance with or breach of this Agreement or any statutory, regulatory or common law merchandise and displays. Exhibitors may not hinder, obstruct or interfere in any way with such obligation, (iii) Exhibitor’s failure or alleged failure to obtain any necessary third party licenses (ASCAP, Recordings whether by Show Management, its agents, attendees or other exhibitors. By signing the BMI, SESAC, etc.) to stage, produce and/or perform any copyright musical or other works in connection Exhibit Space Agreement, Exhibitor, on its own behalf and on behalf of its principals, employees, with Exhibitor’s activities at the Show; (iv) Exhibitor’s direct or indirect infringement of any copyright, officers, directors, agents, representatives, and spokespeople, hereby licenses and authorizes Show trademark or other intellectual, proprietary, publicity or privacy rights of any third party in connection Management to use the names trademarks, tradenames and logos and likenesses of Exhibitor and of with Exhibitor’s activities at the Show or any public relations, promotional or other material furnished any of Exhibitor’s principals, employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, and spokespeople by or on behalf of Exhibitor; and (iv) any claims of property damage or personal injury including death, participating in the Show or any associated events and depicted in any of the Recordings for commercial caused by or attributed in part or in whole to any action or failure to act whether by negligence or purposes, including, without limitation, to advertise, promote and market the Show. otherwise on the part of Exhibitor or its products or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, guests or invitees, except to the extent due to the sole negligence or willful misconduct 22. Show Management Decisions: Any and all matters, compliance issues or questions not specifically covered or addressed in this Agreement, the Rules & Regulations will be subject solely to the decision of Show Management or its owners, directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents. and determination of Show Management. Exhibitor agrees that Show Management will have full power 17. Insurance: Exhibitor has full responsibility for its product, equipment, displays and Exhibit Space in any matter of interpretation, amendment and enforcement of all Terms and Conditions and Show personnel. As a condition for Exhibitor’s right to exhibit at the Show, Exhibitor, at its own expense, agrees Rules and Regulations, Sponsorship Materials and in the Facility Management contract, to which Show to maintain adequate insurance to fully protect and indemnify Show Management and its affiliates, Management is or will be a party as it deems necessary for the general success of the Show, and in all co-sponsors, service contractors and the Exhibition Facilities from any and all claims, arising from instances Show Management’s rulings will be final. Exhibitor’s presence or activities at the Show. Show Management, the Exhibition Facilities and the City where the Show is held and their respective owners, directors, officers, members, employees, affiliates, 23. Governing Law/Arbitration: This Agreement and these terms and conditions shall be construed service contractors, agents and representatives, as applicable, do not accept responsibility, nor is as a whole in accordance with their fair meaning and the laws of the State of New York. The Exhibitor a bailment created for merchandise or equipment delivered by or to the Exhibitor at any time. Show and Show Management agree that any and all disputes in any way relating to, or arising out of this Management will not be responsible for the loss of any property from any cause and urges Exhibitor to Agreement or the assignment, use, denial, change, or cancellation of exhibit space, shall be submitted exercise reasonable precautions to discourage loss due to theft or any other cause, including but not to the American Arbitration Association (AAA) for arbitration before a single arbitrator in accordance limited to, the removal of all small and valuable items from Exhibitor’s exhibit space each evening at with the rules of AAA then in force and effect as the sole and exclusive remedy for resolving such controversies. The parties agree that the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and the close of the Show. that a judgment may be entered on such arbitration award in any court of competent jurisdiction. The The following insurance coverage is required: (i) Worker’s Compensation Insurance to the statutory parties agree that any such arbitration shall take place in New York, NY. The prevailing party in any limits; (ii) Employer’s Liability Insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 each accident; (iii) such arbitration shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence fees, incurred in connection with such arbitration. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT BY combined Single Limit for bodily injury to any one person in any one occurrence, $2,000,000 with SELECTING ARBITRATION AS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR RESOLVING ALL DISPUTES AMONG respect to injuries to more than one person in any occurrence, and $1,000,000 with respect to damage THEM, THEY ARE WAIVING THEIR RIGHT TO A TRIAL TO WHICH THEY MAY BE OTHERWISE ENTITLED. of property and coverage for contractual, copyright infringement, operation of mobile equipment, products and host liquor liability; (iv) Automobile Liability Insurance coverage for owned, non-owned 24. Miscellaneous: This Agreement shall not constitute nor be considered to create a partnership, and hired vehicles, including loading and unloading operations with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per employer-employee relationship, joint venture or agency between Show Management and Exhibitor. The occurrence for $1,000,000 combined single limit and (v) coverage in an amount sufficient to protect headings to the various sections of this Agreement are inserted only for convenience of reference and Exhibitor and Exhibitor’s property, goods, wares, merchandise, chattels and any other property (i.e., are not intended nor will they be construed to modify, define, limit or expand the intent of the parties transit from factory or warehouse to the Exhibition Facilities while stored or exhibited, and returned as expressed in this Agreement. If any portion of this Agreement becomes or is declared by a court of to Exhibitor’s premises) against loss, damage, theft or injury of any nature, and any claims arising competent jurisdiction to be illegal, unenforceable, void or invalid, then that portion will be considered from any activities conducted through the duration of the Show, including move-in, Show days and severed from this Agreement and all remaining portions will remain in full force and effect as long as move-out days. The above required policies must name as “Additional Insured” by endorsement: the essential terms of this Agreement remain valid, legal and binding. No waiver of any breach, failure, Show Management (ADVANSTAR COMMUNICATIONS INC.), the Exhibition Facilities and the City where right, or remedy will be considered as a waiver of any other breach, failure, right, or remedy, whether the Exhibition is held and their respective members, officers, directors, agents, representatives or not similar, nor will any waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless made in writing and signed and employees (the “Insured Entities”). Exhibitor shall deliver a Certificate of Insurance to Show by Show Management. Termination of this Agreement will not affect or modify those obligations of the Parties under this Agreement that by their terms are to survive the termination of this Agreement. Upon Management upon Show Management’s request. Exhibitor’s execution of the Agreement Exhibitor acknowledges that it has read and understands the 18. Limitation Of Liability: EXHIBITOR EXPRESSLY ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY, LIABILITY AND RISK Terms and Conditions and the Show Rules and Regulations, and expressly agrees to accept the same ASSOCIATED WITH, RESULTING FROM OR ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH EXHIBITOR’S PARTICIPATION OR extent as if set forth in full in the Agreement. PRESENCE AT THE SHOW, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL RISKS OF THEFT, HARM, LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY TO OR OF ANY PERSON (INCLUDING DEATH), ITS OWN PROPERTY OR THE PROPERTY OF 25. Entire Agreement: This Agreement, the Show Rules and Regulations and any amendments and OTHERS, BUSINESS OR PROFITS OF EXHIBITOR, TORTIOUS ACTIVITY OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING LIBEL, schedules referred to herein constitute the complete and exclusive statement of the terms of the SLANDER OR INJURIES CAUSED BY SOUND LEVELS IN OR AROUND EXHIBITOR’S EXHIBIT) WHETHER agreement between Show Management and Exhibitor pertaining to the Show and supersede any and CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE, INTENTIONAL ACT, ACCIDENT, ACTS OF GOD OR OTHERWISE PRIOR TO, DURING all prior oral or written understandings, quotations, communications and agreements. No person is authorized to make any changes, amendments or modifications to this Agreement without the written OR SUBSEQUENT TO THE PERIOD COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. consent of a duly authorized representative of Show Management. IN NO EVENT WILL SHOW MANAGEMENT, SHOW MANAGEMENT’S SERVICE CONTRACTORS, THE FAS 0515 EXHIBITION FACILITIES OR THE CITY WHERE THE EXHIBITION FACILITIES ARE LOCATED OR THEIR PLEASE FAX ENTIRE SIGNED AGREEMENT TO: (310) 943-2007 Initial Here: _________ PAGE 6 ANEXO I: DECLARACIONES RESPONSABLES Y AUTORIZACIONES ACTIVIDAD PARA LA QUE SE SOLICITA AYUDA Datos de la persona que declara o autoriza Nombre y Apellidos: DNI: Entidad de la que es representante legal: NIF de la entidad: Declaraciones responsables Declaración responsable de estar al corriente de pagos con la AEAT y la TGSS El incumplimiento parcial o total de esta condición conllevará la no concesión de las ayudas previstas en este programa. Declaro que la empresa a la que represento se halla al corriente en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias y con la Seguridad Social impuestas por las disposiciones vigentes. Declaración sobre la condición de ser o no PYME De acuerdo con el Anexo I del Reglamento (UE) 651/2014 de la Comisión de 17 de junio de 2014 por el que se determinan categorías de ayudas compatibles con el mercado interior en aplicación de los artículo 107 y 108 del Tratado , la empresa será PYME si ocupa a menos de 250 personas y su volumen de negocios anual no excede de 50 millones de euros o su balance general anual no excede de 43 millones de euros. En el momento en el cual varíe la condición de la empresa, se deberá informar a ICEX. Marque con una X el rango de las tres variables indicadas en el que se encuentra la empresa. Nº trabajadores Volumen de negocios Balance General □ Menos de 10 □ Entre 11 y 50 □ Entre 51 y 250 □ Más de 250 □ Menor o igual a 2 mill. € □ Entre 2 y 10 mill. € (incl.) □ Entre 10 y 50 mill. (incl.) □ Más de 50 millones □ Menor o igual a 2 mill. € □ Entre 2 y 10 mill. € (incl.) □ Entre 10 y 43 mill. (incl.) □ Más de 43 millones Nº trabajadores = _______ Volumen de negocios: ________€ Balance General: ________€ (*) Todos los datos deben corresponder al último ejercicio contable cerrado y se calcularán con carácter anual. El total de volumen de negocios se calculará sin el impuesto sobre el valor añadido (IVA). En empresas de nueva creación que no han cerrado aún sus cuentas, se utilizarán datos basados en estimaciones fiables realizadas durante el ejercicio financiero. ANEXO I 1 Declaración responsable de las ayudas recibidas sujetas al régimen de minimis Declaro que a la empresa a la que represento no se le han concedido durante los últimos tres ejercicios fiscales (incluido el ejercicio en curso) ayudas, incentivos o subvenciones de cualquier organismo de ámbito estatal o autonómico (incluido ICEX), sujetas al régimen de Minimis cuyo importe global, sumado al de la ayuda que ahora se solicita a ICEX, supere los 200.000 Euros. Las ayudas previstas en el marco de este actividad se concederán conforme a lo previsto en el Reglamento (UE) 1407/2013 de la Comisión de 18 de diciembre de 2013 relativo a la aplicación de los artículos 107 y 108 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea a las ayudas de minimis. La ayuda total de mínimis concedida a una única empresa no podrá superar los 200.000 euros durante cualquier periodo de tres ejercicios fiscales, habida cuenta de las otras ayudas también percibidas durante este mismo período, de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 3, apartado 2, del Reglamento mencionado. De igual forma, le es de aplicación la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, General de Subvenciones y el Real Decreto 887/2006, de 21 de julio de desarrollo, en todo lo relativo a las ayudas dinerarias sin contraprestación económica al igual que la normativa interna de ayudas de ICEX aprobada por el Consejo de Administración de 12 de diciembre de 2012. ………………., a ….de …………………de 201__ Fdo: ………………………………………… (firma y sello) Autorizaciones Autorización para la inclusión de datos en la base de datos de la Oferta Exportadora Española de productos y servicios La Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT) e ICEX han suscrito un Convenio de Colaboración, que establece un mecanismo de suministro de información en materia de comercio exterior por parte de la AEAT a ICEX, gracias al cual se podrán incluir los datos de las empresas que así lo autoricen en la base de datos de la Oferta Exportadora Española de productos y servicios que ICEX gestiona. Estos directorios se publicarán de manera automática en los portales de Internet especialmente creados por ICEX para empresas extranjeras y que se traducen a 8 idiomas. Adicionalmente, si su empresa autoriza la cesión de estos datos, también podrá beneficiarse de la labor de difusión de información de exportadores españoles que ICEX realiza diariamente a través de la red de cerca de 100 Oficinas Económicas y Comerciales en el exterior en respuesta a peticiones de importadores, distribuidores, agentes o representantes de esos países. El hecho de disponer en nuestro país de un Directorio de estas características, similar al que tienen en el resto de los países desarrollados, garantizará que nuestras empresas alcancen la igualdad competitiva frente a terceros países, evitando perder oportunidades de negocio, demandas de importación y exportación y consecuentemente posibilitando la ampliación de negocio y ventas y, a nivel nacional, riqueza y empleo. Con objeto de avanzar en este importante instrumento de promoción del comercio exterior, les agradecemos que comuniquen al Departamento de Aduanas e II.EE. de la Agencia Estatal de la Administración Tributaria (siempre que no lo hubiera hecho previamente), a que remita a ICEX información sobre su comercio exterior. La autorización señalada se ha de cursar una sola vez, y lo podrá hacer de dos formas: 1.-Mediante autorización electrónica en la dirección https://www.agenciatributaria.gob.es/AEAT.sede/tramitacion/DC15 y siempre que se posea el correspondiente certificado electrónico de persona jurídica. Este es el proceso más simple y el más recomendable 2.- Mediante autorización en papel, para ello deberá acceder a http://www3.icex.es/icex-aeat/web/index.html y obtener más información, así como la forma de proceder para cursar su autorización.” ICEX, con domicilio en Paseo de la Castellana 14-16, 28046 de Madrid, le informa de que los datos personales que nos ha facilitado serán incorporados a un fichero de su titularidad con la finalidad de gestionar las solicitudes recibidas. Asimismo, ICEX le informa de que usted podrá ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición enviando una comunicación escrita a la dirección anteriormente indicada. ANEXO I 2