pdf, 3 MB - Goolmangar Public School
pdf, 3 MB - Goolmangar Public School
Goolmangar Public School 16th June 2015 Week 9 Term 2 1301 Nimbin Road, Via Lismore NSW 2480 Phone: 6689 9262 Fax: 6689 9334 Email: goolmangar-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website: www.goolmangar-p.schools.nsw.edu.au COMING EVENT S Date Event JUNE DON’T MISS NEXT WEEKS NEWSLETTER! PERMISSION NOTES & INFORMATION FOR: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL – DETAILS ON THESE EVENTS ARE STILL TO BE CONFIRMED WITH OTHER SCHOOLS. EXCURSION TO 26TH STOREY TREEHOUSE & ART GALLERY $20 EACH, FIRST FRIDAY OF TERM 3. 17 School Swimming 18 Mobile Library 20 Lantern Parade/ Saturday 23 School Athletics 24 School Swimming 25 NAIDOC Day 26 LAST DAY TERM 2 Please read the attached letter re: lantern parade organisation carefully. 13 July Staff Development Day— No Students CANTEEN NEWS 14 July Students Return NOTES TO RETURN NAIDOC Week $10 Excursion Next Canberra Yr 4/5/6 installment due Bell Times 9am - Play 9.20 - Crunch & Sip 9.30 - Class 11.30 - 12.15 recess 1.30 - 2.15 Lunch GOOLMANGAR RURAL FIRE SERVICE REQUESTS VOLUNTEERS If you or you know some one who may be interested in joining the Rural Fire Service or would like to know more information Contact Shannon Lee on 1429 891 571. LANTERN PARADE This Friday at canteen: Muffin pizzas, meat or vegetarian option $3.50 Anzac biscuits $1.00 Hot Milo/Juice $0.50 Please keep supporting your school canteen and bring your orders in on Thursday! Marie-Chantale MOVIE PEMEIRE On the last of day of school at 1:30pm the P&C are hosting a sausage sizzle . Parents and students are invited to the K-2 room (bring your beanbags if you like) to watch the recording of our students performing James and the Giant Peach. And munch on popcorn! Pat is organising for the recording to be copied and as a fundraiser for the P&C, parents might like to order a copy at $5 each, please email or phone the school if you would like to order a copy Numbers are needed to know how many to make. Thank you. CANBERRA/SYDNEY TRIP FOR YR 4/5/6 Only 15 school weeks left before you head off to Sydney/Canberra. That works out to paying $40 per week, to pay the full amount in time. The next recommended payment is due before end of this term. P AGE 2 WHAT’S COMING UP… KEEP THIS CALENDAR HANDY! EVENTS ON THIS CALENDAR MAY CHANGE Weeks Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 9 June 15 16 Athletics Coaching School Library 17 School Swimming Program 19 20 Lantern Parade Week 10 June 22 23 Athletics Coaching School Library 24 School Swimming Program 18 MOBILE LIBRARY Koala Movie Making Day 25 NAIDOC Celebrations at Lismore Showground Term 3 Week 1 13 Staff Development Day 14 School Library Students Return Term 3 15 16 High Jump and Shot Put Events at Blakebrook only those who qualify 17 Norpa Drama Performance The 26th Storey Treehouse Week 2 20 21 22 23 24 District Athletics Carnival Week 3 29 30 1 July 2 3 26 Last Day Term 2 Movie Arvo EVENTS ON THIS CALENDAR MAY CHANGE MOVIE MAKING ON THURSDAY This Thursday Christine Freeman, from Dorroughby Field Studies Centre, Mark from Friends of the Koala and Mr Russell are helping our students make a documentary about Koalas and what we can do to help the plight of the koalas. All students need to wear their uniform as this film will be shown at the Library in early August and possibly go on display at the Arts Vs Science festival at Lismore City Hall Aug 22nd. Just some of the art works on display in the Class rooms. Any advertisements are accepted in good faith and the school does not vet them. Parents are advised to request further information or credentials if they seek product use or participation in the activity. P AGE 3 Basketball Australia along with Lismore Basketball will be introducing a new Aussie Hoops Program commencing in Term 3 on Tuesday Afternoons. This will be a structured program aimed at developing players at a grassroots level for ages 5 to 12 year olds. Being Involved with Aussie Hoops your child(ren) will participate in warm up games, skill activities, modified games and most of all have fun whilst learning the basic skills required for basketball. To register for Aussie Hoops program go to https://reg.sportingpulse.com/v6/MapFinder/mapfinder.cgi? r=13&sr=40&type=3&aID=15515&search_value=2480&stt=pc CLICK ON LISMORE BASKETBALL STADIUM AND FOLLOW PROCEDURES. For more information call Tanya on 0410777572. Nimbin Holiday Club Winter Program We are operating from the Nimbin Community School, (81 Cullen St, Nimbin) and on excursion days please meet us in the Nimbin Central School car park at 9am. Day runs between 9am and 3pm, for children aged 5 – 12. Please read the dates and venues below carefully and book to avoid disappointment. To book phone NNIC on 66891692 (between 10 am and 4 pm) or text Kylie on 0487576281. Please note that the basic fee is $12 per day and more on excursion days. Parents must sign consent forms for any excursions. Please ensure that your child wears appropriate clothing, covered shoes, brings a hat, and has adequate food and drinks for the day. MOBILE TOWN LIBRARY THIS THURSDAY 9:30AM all welcome SCHOOL LIBRARY Day every TUESDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE Alby 17th Lewis 18th Blade 24th Direct Deposits Our school will accept direct deposits for school excursions, voluntary contributions, text book fees etc. Please contact the school office for details, either by phone or email. goolmangar-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Phone: 6689 9262 Any advertisements are accepted in good faith and the school does not vet them. Parents are advised to request further information or credentials if they seek product use or participation in the activity. P AGE 4 PERFECTING OUR HIGH JUMP SKILLS Any advertisements are accepted in good faith and the school does not vet them. Parents are advised to request further information or credentials if they seek product use or participation in the activity. Dear Parents, Re Lismore Lantern Parade – Saturday 20 June 2015 We hope to see our school community well lit and very colourful in the lantern parade on Saturday. Students will be taking home their lanterns during the week and will need to bring the lanterns to the parade on Saturday. The parade organisers will provide candles and wristbands. You will only be able to get a wristband if you are walking with the school. Our school has offered to carry the emu again this year so it would be great to have a few adults to help out with this as it does get quite heavy. PLEASE BRING YOUR OLD LANTERNS TO MAKE OUR SCHOOL LOOK BRIGHT! Meeting Point: Victoria Road, next to the skate park, We will travel though town to Oaks Oval (see attached map) Arrival Time: 4.45 -5pm at the latest for a 5.30 departure Tips from the organisers…. What to Wear: NATURAL FIBERS ONLY....NO SYNTHETICS.... Comfortable walking shoes Parents are responsible for their children in the parade and after the parade. Bring EVERYONE MUST SIT ON THE GRASS to watch the performance. So everyone can see. So bring rugs or tarps to SIT ON and WARM CLOTHES will be essential, and food, snacks, water etc back packs are handy here. Hot food WILL be available on BOTH sides of the Oval. Prams: prams can be a visual obstruction and take up room on the Oval, we will provide a secure pram parking area near to your allocated seating. We will appreciate it if on the night you can park your prams in these areas. Wristbands: The Finale is a ticketed event, which means everyone who wants to see the finale will need to either have a wristband to sit on the grass or have bought a ticket to sit in the outer-stands or grandstand. Anyone who has made a lantern will receive 2 wristbands, one for the lantern carrier and 1 for a parent /supervisor. Wristbands will also be allocated to adults offering to be a safety marshal or carry a feature lantern. Extra wristbands for adults over 15yrs who are walking in the parade, can be purchased from LightnUp for a discounted price of $5 . Tickets for the grandstand and outer-stand seating can be purchased on-line or from the Lismore Visitor Information Centre 1300878387 or Powermax, Magellan St, over the counter. Schools need to be fully lanterned/lit – The parade looks dark and less exciting/beautiful if there are many people walking with only a few lights. So…..If you have large numbers of family members who want to walk in the parade please ensure that they are carrying lanterns or are some how lit, dressed up, decorated, animated, playing music etc…… Schools can offer to carry a feature lantern or push pram with a PA (amplified music) in the parade (we would love this!) If you are using lanterns made in previous years they will need to be checked by LightnUp crew for safety either at the shed (81 Orion Street) before the event (preferable) or at the parade assembly. So far the following families are accompanying us on Saturday as indicated in the previous letter that went home: Students Lily Baird Lewis Farrell-Reeves Oliver Ross Liam Towers Christian Ertz Lucy Barker-Schafer Sianna Greene Audrey Jones Odessa Smith Cieda Ritchi-Jol Mrs Bertuzzi Total Extra family members 3 5 6 6 2 8 5 2 5 ? 5 47 If any more families would like to join us please contact the school on Wednesday. I will get a few extra wristbands anyway but it would be appreciated to know how many people are coming. See you all on Saturday, Mrs Bertuzzi.
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Extra wristbands for adults over 15yrs who are walking in the parade, can be purchased from the
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