Newsletter - Goolmangar Public School
Newsletter - Goolmangar Public School
Goolmangar Public School Newsletter 14th June 2016 Week 8 Term 2 Engaging Minds Empowering Success COMING EVENTS Please enjoy this weeks newsletter packed with students’ work and photos! Also save the date for our Egypt Expo & Boat Launch: 28th June BE SAFE, BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE Gotcha Guru for Date JUNE CANTEEN 16 Mobile Library Please place your orders in an envelope with money and put in Thursday for catering purposes. Thank you for your support. Once again a big thank you to Karen for the delicious soup last week. This week Pat will be cooking up a storm with home made rolls of: 17 Athletics Coaching Canteen 24 Athletics Coaching 25 Lantern Parade 28 Egyptian Expo & Boat Launch 27/29 Parent Interviews Spinach & Ricotta or the Week Sausage Roll Congratulations Juice or milo Oliver A fantastic mentor to other students! JULY $3.50 1 LAST DAY TERM 2 19 STUDENTS RETURN TERM 3 50c ADMIN NEWSDDD to Event *Now that we have our beautiful library set up and running - volunteers are NOTES TO RETURN most welcome to pop in to help keep Reminder the shelves in order. A few mins once a Parent Interviews week - could be in the morning or Permission to Pubafternoon when dropping/picking up the children. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles. We will also offer tea/coffee! ICE BLOCK SALES Monday/Wednesday/ *Yr 4/5 Brisbane Camp payment Fridays 50c & $1 reminder envelope going home today. STUDENT BANKING *Parent interview booking sheet HAPPY BIRTHDAY This Week to Lewi Hope you have a great day Thursdays BELL TIMES 8.30am - 9am Play 9am - 9.15am Crunch & Sip / Assembly - Class 11.15am -12pm Recess 1.15pm - 2pm Lunch 3.15pm Home 1301 Nimbin Road, Goolmangar NSW 2480 Phone: 6689 9262 Fax: 6689 9334 Email: Website: WHAT’S COMING UP… KEEP THIS CALENDAR HANDY! DATES & TIMES MAY CH CHANGE ANGE Weeks Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday June Week 8 13 Queen’s Birthday Holiday 14 15 16 Mobile Library 17 Athletics Coaching June Week 9 20 21 22 23 24 Athletics Coaching June Week 10 Term 3 July Week 1 July Week 2 27 Parent Interviews 28 Egyptian Expo 9:30-11:30am Launching of the Pirate Ship & morning tea. All welcome! 29 Parent Interviews 18 Staff Development Day 19 Students return to school 20 25 26 27 Taj, Lucy & Tessa Small Schools Choir @ Lismore PS, 12:30-1:30, Private Transport Required 30 Mobile Library 25 Lantern Parade– Saturday Night 1 Athletics Coaching LAST DAY T2 21 Selected students to compete in high jump & shot put @ Blakebrook PS. 28 22 29 District Athletics for everyone @ Riverview Park– Private Transport Required ENROLMENTS FOR 2017 We would like to thank Ellie for taking school brochures to give out at her new shop. We are encouraging any new families to the area to contact the school ASAP to ensure a smooth transition from pre-school to kindergarten in 2017. Stage 3 Visual & Performing Arts Camp @ Dorroughby Environmental Education Centre - A brochure was sent home last week for any Year 5 girls interested in this camp. Please let the school know if you are considering this camp for your daughter. We know of one student who will be attending at this stage SAVE THESE DATES Lantern Parade June 25 Performing Arts Festival August 22 till August 25 Student Voice - Our Reflections of our school play, The Wizard of Oz At Goolmangar Hall we had fun doing the play, The Wizard of Oz. I loved being Uncle Henry because he was a fun character. The funniest part was when Hayden said, “She can’t hit us with her broomstick anymore.” By Francesco On Wednesday night I went to Goolmangar Hall to do the play. I was the Wizard of Oz and Coroner Munchkin. My favourite part was when Blade’s hat fell down. It was funny. I said my lines loudly and played my characters really well. My little sister thought it was pretty! By Oliver Last night I went to the Goolmangar Hall. I really like the disco ball. It was fun. By Ari My favourite character in the show was the witch. I liked the witch because she is evil. I was a munchkin. I loved being a munchkin because it was fun to jump down when the witch came. By Jamilla I like the Wizard of Oz. It was at the Goolmangar Hall on the 8 June. I was the scarecrow. I it was really fun. The only problem was the broomstick and I forgot one of my lines. The crowd thought that it was funny when my hat fell off lots of times. It was fun! By Blade Last night I went to Goolmangar Hall to do the Wizard of Oz. It was a funny night. I liked it when Tessa (tinman) threw Toto. All the teachers did a great job. I had like a million lines. Imagine learning them all! Lots of people came and we got a standing ovation. My grandparents came all the way from Brisbane and thought it was great! By Lucy Wednesday night was The Wizard of Oz night. I was a munchkin and guardian. My favourite character was being a guard. I loved it when it was my turn to say my lines and also marching across the stage. I really think we should have a play next year. By Lewi I was the munchkin and guardian in The Wizard of Oz play. I got nervous and forgot one of my guard lines but someone whispered to remind me. It was “Have you returned with the broomstick?” I was brilliant as a munchkin and had learned all my lines. My Mum, Dad and Nat were looking at me. Mum and Dad were taking photos of me. They loved it! By Christian The Magnificent Play On Wednesday the 8th of June, 2016 we did the play The Wizard of Oz. Lots of people came; at least 75 people. Almost all of my family came to the play. Nana, Aunty Jade, Elise, my baby cousin, Isla, my little sister, Grandad, Nonna, Aunty Anneke, Dad and Mum came. I was the Wicked Witch of the West and Aunty Em. Everything was positive except that I forgot to get the broomstick for my final scene as the Wicked Witch of the West. I really hope we can have another play soon. By Taj Last night I went in The Wizard of Oz play and I was Tinman. It was really funny when Blade’s hat fell off and everybody laughed. It was fun doing the monkey dance and that was my favourite part. I also liked the part when Lucy (Dorothy) had to throw Toto across the floor. It was really funny! By Tessa Any advertisements are accepted in good faith and the school does not vet them. Parents are request further information or credentials if they seek product use or participation in the activity. Continued… Student Voice - Our Reflections of our school play, The Wizard of Oz. I would like to thank everyone for the Our school performed The Wizard of Oz and I was the Lion. It was really fun. The bit that I like the best was when the play started. My favourite music was when the tinman came in. It was scary. I think Toto was way too small. Overall I think the play was good and my Mum and Dad said, “It was good.” By Sianna thank the staff for the many hours spent In the play I was a munchkin. I like dressing up in the play. There were 100 people. I got to say two lines which were, “there is no mistake about it,” and “to west there is a wicked witch.” My Mum thought I was cute. It was fun. By Maria positive at feedback. school and I in particularly their own like to time in preparation for the play. The play has been an ongoing project for the last 6 months with many editions of the script. I would like to especially show my gratitude to Mrs Griffiths for making the props, setting the stage, chasing up costumes, assisting with creating the script and backing music. We have had many other people help and I am grateful to all of you. With a hall full of families and community members last Wednesday brilliant night, students to watch shine was our fifteen very much appreciated. It amazes me how children so The Wizard of Oz was a fun play to perform. I dressed up as a Flying Monkey. My Mum and Dad really liked it. Mum took lots of photos of me. It was fun. By Hayden young are so brave to act in front of a We had our school play called, “The Wizard of Oz” last Wednesday. I was a munchkin and flying monkey. I loved being a flying monkey and munchkin. As being a munchkin I got to sing the munchkin song and when I was flying monkey I loved doing the monkey dance. Mum and Siobhan said it was cool. By Liam us know. Examples: Invite other schools. I liked it when Blade (scarecrow) said, “People without a brain do a lot of talking,” because everyone laughed. It was fun because Jamilla, Maria and I were looking at the play from backstage and were dancing the monkey dance. It was awesome but I also messed up at the start with my lines so that was bad but the rest was cool. At the end when it was finished Tessa, Sianna, Matilda (my sister) played outside. We played hide and seek and tips. It was fun and great! By Emlyn hall full of people. What a life experience! Congratulations to all our students! If there are any suggestions on how we can improve future performances please let Advertise more – perhaps use Facebook. Thank you Jesse for filming the play and providing each staff member with a copy. If you would like a copy of the play please drop off a USB drive to the office in an envelope with your details and Jeanette will copy the play for you. Jeanette is in the office Tuesday, Thursday and every second Friday. Any advertisements are accepted in good faith and the school does not vet them. Parents are request further information or credentials if they seek product use or participation in the activity. LANTERN PARADE– Australian Animals is the theme for this years parade! Meeting Point: Victoria Road, next to the skate park. We will travel though town to Oaks Oval (see attached map) Arrival Time: 4.45pm - 5pm at the latest for a 5.30 departure What to Wear: NATURAL FIBERS ONLY.... NO SYNTHETICS.... NO FLOATY BITS Comfortable walking shoes, back pack.. EVERYONE MUST SIT ON THE GRASS to watch the performance. So everyone can see bring rugs or tarps to SIT ON and WARM CLOTHES will be essential, and food, snacks, water; backpacks are handy. CAMPING CHAIRS at the rear of the seating area are welcome. Hot food WILL be available in the Oval. There are toilets on BOTH sides of the Oval. Wristbands: The Finale is a ticketed event, which means everyone who wants to see the finale will need to either have a wristband to sit on the grass or have bought a ticket to sit in the outer-stands or grandstand. Anyone who has made a lantern will receive 2 wristbands, one for the lantern carrier and 1 for a parent /supervisor. Therefore each child who made a lantern at school will be entitled to two wristbands each. Our school will also be carrying a larger lantern. Extra wristbands will also be allocated to those adults offering to carry a lantern or be a safety marshal or carry a feature lantern/push a PA pram - at no charge. Extra wristbands for adults over 15yrs who are walking in the parade, can be purchased from the LightnUp Office (81 Orion Street) for a discounted price of $5. Our school needs to be fully lanterned/lit – The parade looks dark and less exciting if there are many people walking with only a few lights. Extra lanterns can be bought on the day, or borrowed from those children who are unable to attend. If you are using lanterns made in previous years they will need to be checked by LightnUp crew for safety either at the shed (81 Orion Street) before the event (preferable) or at the parade assembly. It would great if some of our parents could bring a light to assist with lighting up the lanterns close to the starting time slot. Our school will be allocated a position in the parade. You will find this information out on the Parade Information Board at the information tent opposite the skate park. All families need to find our school sign and wait there. The parade will follow the feature lanterns/Lismore Pipe Band all the way to Oaks Oval. We will enter the oval and do a lap of the performance area then we will sit in the seating area, feature lantern will be parked and the candle lit lantern must be extinguished at this time. This year parade participants will be seated in the Northern side of the Oval, near the parade entry, if you do not wish to stay for the finale exit here once the parade has done its lap. Please inform staff if you are leaving the group. If you would like to meet your child please inform staff of arrangements prior to leaving your child at the start of the parade. Safety reminders to all participants: Walk Hold your lantern straight out in front of you. No swinging the lanterns or hanging the lantern back over you shoulder. Thank you Rachel Bertuzzi Our Lantern Making Workshop Families who have let us know No. of Wristbands they are attending the parade Required Vandenbosch 5 Hensen 4 Stillone 4 Towers 7 Barker-Schafer 5 Greene 5 Marshall Bertuzzi 4 Marshall Rose 3 Lewis 2 Marshall Total 39 If we have missed any families I apologise. Please let me know if circumstances have changed before Thursday. It would be great to have more of our students involved especially as we are a small school community. The parade is a lot of fun and the finale has been amazing the last few years! PARENT INTERVIEWS Parent interviews with the teachers will be held in week 10 - Monday, 27th June and Wednesday 29th June. If these dates do not suit please remember we are always available to meet with parents at any time just request a meeting prior to the date. Please fill in the table below by circling the time you would like to meet with Mrs Bertuzzi and Mrs Griffiths then return or you can email or phone your booking to the office. Thank you. Mrs Bertuzzi and Mrs Griffiths Monday Wednesday 27th June 29th June 8:00am 8:00am 8.15am 8.15am 3:45pm 3:45pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:15pm 4:15pm 4:30pm 4:30pm 4:45pm 4:45pm Student’s name: ______________________________________ Any specific concerns you would like to raise at this meeting: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
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