Go downtown! - ESWE Verkehr
Go downtown! - ESWE Verkehr
Go downtown! ESWE public transportation service right into the heart of town E TO WELCOM EN! D WIESBA 2015 ticket types and prices locations and bus services sightseeing attractions ESWE Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH · Gartenfeldstrasse 18 · 65189 Wiesbaden · Telefon (0611) 450 22-450 · www.eswe-verkehr.de 2 WIESBADEN PUBLIC TRANSPORT AT YOUR SERVICE ESWE public transportation – mobilizing Wiesbaden! The ESWE Verkehrsgesellschaft public transporta- Wiesbaden’s touristic highlights are also but a an integral part of Wiesbaden city life, that has service, places to see such as the Kurhaus and tion company is one of the largest in Hesse and become unimaginable without its blue-orange ESWE city buses. Our around 235 vehicles are giving you a quick, convenient and inexpensive bus service into the heart of the Hessian capital, a service that around fifty million passengers a year have come to know and love. bus ride away with our convenient and reliable Casino, the historical Neroberg Mountain Railway, or Biebrich Palace with its breathtaking beautiful panoramic view over the Rhine. We are looking forward to welcoming you soon on one of our buses – and to beautiful Wiesbaden! An ESWE bus is usually only minutes away from anywhere in downtown Wiesbaden – a bus that will whisk you away to your favorite stores and fine restaurants in the city center, or to the many city events that take place over the year. More details here: www.eswe-verkehr.de/english TICKETS FOR INDIVIDUAL MOBILITY 3 Into the city at affordable prices Single ticket friends or colleagues – a whole day on all the adults; children aged six to fourteen only pay children) costs just a 9.70. A single ticket with an ESWE bus costs a 2.70 for a 1.60. Single tickets are available anywhere you can buy ESWE tickets, so that includes the bus driver. Our special ESWE tickets will cost you even less: Multi-journey tickets Our multi-journey tickets called „Sammelkarte“ provide you with a bonus package of five tickets in one for only a 10.60 for adults or a 6.60 for children; you can buy these at any ticket machine or kiosk. Remember to stamp your multi-journey ticket in the bus’s validator. It is not possible to purchase this kind of ticket from the driver. Day tickets, group tickets A day ticket is ideal for travelling around Wies- baden, as it will allow you to use as many ESWE buses as you want during the day at a 6.50 for adults or a 3.80 for children. A group day ticket is your best choice if you plan to ride the buses together with your family, Good to know: Each of the above tickets is also valid on all buses and trolley cars in Mainz run by the Mainzer Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG) public transportation company. ESWE buses for up to five people (adults and Day and group tickets are available anywhere you can buy ESWE tickets, so that includes the bus driver. All day tickets are valid on the day of purchase until the end of operation that day, until 4 a.m. Event tickets Our ESWE buses are the ideal mode of transport to take you to one of Wiesbaden’s festive events, and we provide cut-price event tickets for a number of occasions during the year – such as the “WeinfestTicket” at only a 4.25 for adults or a 2.65 for children to and from the popular Rheingau Wine Festival every August. Our “VeranstaltungsTicket” event tickets, which include a round trip to the event and back home on the same day, are available anywhere you can buy an ESWE ticket, so that includes the bus driver. NB: Don’t forget to stamp your ticket in the bus’s validator. All event tickets are valid on the day of purchase until the end of operation that day, which is at four o’clock the next morning. 4 Special attractions you won’t want to miss ... Neroberg and Neroberg Mountain Railway (Line 1 – stop: Nerotal) Neroberg is literally the top of town – at 245 meters’ elevation, Wiesbaden’s own mountain gives you a wonderful view over the city together with exciting destinations for a day of fun at the Kletterwald rope course or Opelbad outdoor swimming pool. If you don’t fancy walking up to Wiesbaden’s most beautiful vantage point on foot, there’s a very special way of reaching it, that is just as historical and romantic – Germany’s oldest water ballast-run cog-and-rack railway, the famous Neroberg Mountain Railway. Leave the stress of everyday life behind as you prepare for a ride through times gone by. The original wagons in the city’s blue and yellow livery have been grinding their way up and down the mountain since the railway service opened in 1888, Germany’s legendary “Year of the Three Emperors”. The Kurhaus Casino (Lines 1, 2, 8, and 16 – stop: Kurhaus/Theater) Wiesbaden’s Kurhaus Casino – the most beautiful venue of its kind in Germany and one of the oldest in the world – is also of literary interest, as Dostojevsky used it as the setting for his short novel “The Gambler”. Located in the Kurhaus’s former wine hall, the casino is open daily and features a unique casino atmosphere amidst neoclassical architecture. The casino offers a full range of activities including blackjack, roulette, poker, and slot machines – the latter located in the neighboring Kurhaus-Kolonnaden, which at 129 meters in length is not only Europe’s oldest columnar hall, but also a magnificent work of architecture. LIVING IN WIESBADEN ENJOYING THE HIGHLIGHTS 5 Biebrich Palace and Rettbergsaue island (Lines 3, 4, 9, 14, and 38 – stop: Rheinufer; lines 9 and 14 – stop: Schloss Biebrich) Imposing Biebrich Palace is located on the banks of the Rhine. This three-winged baroque castle with a circular temple, a gallery, and a dome fresco was built from 1700 to 1744, and until 1866 was the residence of the counts and dukes of Nassau. The castle park, which dates back to 1811, features very old trees and is the venue for an important annual horse show. Opposite the castle is Rettbergsaue, one of the Rhine’s largest islands (2.8 kilometers long by 380 meters wide). Thanks to its abundant flora and fauna, almost all of Rettbergsaue is a nature reserve. The best way to get to the island is via the legendary “Tamara” ferry, which docks at a pier right in front of the castle. Rettbergsaue’s large recreational area – featuring a camping site, playground, swimming beach and café, playing fields, and a barbecue area – is a wonderful place to visit, especially during the summer. FIND OUT MORe AT WIESBADEN’S TOURIST INFORMATION Besides these three tourist attractions, Wiesbaden and the surrounding area offer a lot more things to see and do – find out more at Wiesbaden’s Tourist Information Office at Marktplatz 1 in the city center. Looking for ideas for a day out? www.eswe-verkehr.de/english 6 LOCATIONS AND BUS SERVICES e friedhof sonnenberg 18 Da nz ige rS t ß ra württembergstrasse Wiesbaden Aukamm Housing Area kurkliniken schleiermacherstrasse Ta u nu ss tr aß thermalbad e ra ß e tourist information B i s m a rc k r i n g platz der deutschen einheit kirchgasse r. bach er st schwal rum lu isenfo wiesbaden mobility center Ka tr rS geschw.-stock-platz e hi w ße aß Sc Ne ra berliner strasse hauptbahnhof Hainerberg H stat. bundesamt rli ne rS tr aß e ze r S t ee ra ß h er A ll Main Biebric Wiesbaden central railway station Be wiesbaden mobility info point 37 Fi c h langenbeckplatz/ st. josefs hospital t k-S tr ne hans-bredow-strasse 5 r -Yo rS ei 45 Crestview H 24 37 e te st rheinstrasse/ rhein-main-hallen ße ter Höh ur er adelheidstrasse landeshaus S t ra Bier stad 17 kf r ng ter humboldtstrasse an ie d Ri stad Fr r r-F h- B ie r wiesbaden mobility info point Bah nhofstraße ise ic blumenstrasse wartestrasse 23 alwinenstrasse wilhelmstrasse k landesbibliothe Rhe inst raße landeshaus hildastrasse aße fichtestrasse/ handwerkskammer dernsches gelände lui sen platz adelheidstrasse e r S tr Mo ltkering er St Wilhelmstra ße Ems e nberg te s t r a ß e 18 Sonn friedenstrasse abraham-lincoln-str uniserve e 28 LOCATIONS AND BUS SERVICES kappenbergweg explanation BUS STOP aukamm 21 Lines 21, 22 Le i p z i g Lines 17, 23, 24 e r S t ra 455 22 ße Line 37 Line 18 plutoweg Line 5 zieglerstrasse Housing Area Line 45 Bierstadt Line 28 fe l d j.-f.-kennedy-strasse 455 5 rlin er im hahn St r. im herzen Nordenstadt 5 kreuzberger ring am hochfeld Housing Area Erbenheim Ob Be er 28 siegfriedring egerstrasse barbarossastrasse rennbahnstrasse 66 friedhof erbenheim r. raiffeisenplatz 28 45 j.-f.-kennedy-strasse Clay Kaserne Am Fort Biehler 5 domäne mechtildshausen siegfriedring 671 Wiesbaden Army Airfield Newman Village 7 8 INDIVIDUAL MOBILITY IN WIESBADEN Connections to Wiesbaden city center and back: Clay Kaserne (Newman Village / Airfield) Aukamm Housing Area Line 28 takes you into Wiesbaden’s city center Hafen via Sauerland) via stop Domäne Mechthildshausen heading towards Platz der Deutschen Einheit, or Mainz city center (stop: Höfchen) heading towards stop HBF West/Taubertsbergbad. Naturally, Line 28 will also take you back to Kurkliniken and Württembergstrasse stops · Line 18 (heading towards Schierstein / Aukamm and Kappenbergweg stops · Lines 21 and 22 (heading towards Platz der Deutschen Einheit) Clay Kaserne (Newman Village / Airfield). When boarding the bus from Clay Kaserne, please pay attention to the end destination indicated in the bus display as 28 buses in both directions depart from the same stops. Connections back home late at night: · Line N2 (heading towards Delkenheim) -> We have special nightlines bringing you back to Berliner Strasse and Domäne Mechtildshausen the housing areas from Wiesbaden city center (stop: Platz der Deutschen Einheit): Berliner Strasse and Friedenstrasse stops · Line N7 (heading towards Mainz-Kostheim) -> stops · Line N11 (heading towards Breckenheim) -> Aukamm, Kappenbergweg and Plutoweg stops All aboard! Your nearest stops Hainerberg Housing Area Crestview Housing Area · Line 5 (heading towards Schierstein) · Line 17 (heading towards Klarenthal) Berliner Strasse stop · Line 15 (heading towards Faaker Strasse) · Line 16 (heading towards Rambach) · Line 28 (heading towards Platz der Deutschen Einheit) · Line 37 (heading towards Hauptbahnhof / Plutoweg stop · Line 21 (heading towards Platz der Deutschen Einheit) · Line 22 (heading towards Platz der Deutschen Einheit) · Line 23 (heading towards Schierstein / Hafen) Wielandstrasse) · Line 24 (heading towards Frauenstein) · Line 46 (heading towards Platz der Wielandstrasse) · Line 45 (heading towards Mainz Hauptbahnhof) Deutschen Einheit) · Line 48 (heading towards Platz der Deutschen Einheit) Raiffeisenplatz stop · Line 45 (heading towards Mainz Hauptbahnhof) And this is where you’ll find your ESWE ticket: · Wiesbaden mobility center · Wiesbaden mobilitiy info points · Ticket machines at different stops · Bus driver · Kiosks and ticket agencies 9 · Line 37 (heading towards Hauptbahnhof / 10 TICKETS – VARIETY AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Wiesbaden/Mainz Tariff zone 65 Ticket type Fare zone 13 SINGLE TICKETS, ONE-DAY TICKETS Short-journey ticket 1) Adults Children (age 6 – 14 years) Single ticket Adults Children (age 6 – 14 years) Multi-journey ticket 2) Adults Children (age 6 – 14 years) One-day ticket 3) Adults Children (age 6 – 14 years) One-day group ticket 3) 4) Adults and children Commuter tickets Weekly ticket 5) Adults 6) School children / trainees 7) Monthly ticket 8) Adults 6) School children / trainees 7) Monthly nine-o-clock ticket 6) 8) 10) 1.60 e 0.95 e 2) 3) 5) 6) Single ticket for three stops up to 2,000 metres distance. Remember to stamp your ticket on starting your journey. Valid throughout our operating hours of the day for as many 5 x 2.12 e = 10.60 e 5 x 1.32 e = 6.60 e 6.50 e 3.80 e 9.70 e 22.45 e 17.50 e 76.40 e 59.50 e 61.10 e 1 x direct debit / cash (annual) 10 x direct debit (monthly) 598.80 e 61.10 e One-day group ticket for up to five persons. Valid on seven consecutive days from the date stated. According to the “free co-passenger regulation”, which is valid within the whole RMV zone, owners of seasonal tickets (weekly-, monthly or annual tickets, including the 9-o’clock and 65-plus ticket) with an adult tariff, as well as holders of the company-related JobTicket or FirmenCard (if this is labeled with “Mitnahmeregelung”), are permitted to take along one adult person and an unlimited number of children under the age of 15 free-of-charge after 7 p.m. on weekdays; furthermore, all day on weekends, public holidays as well as on December 24th and 31st. 2.70 e 1.60 e 748.70 e 76.40 e » all tariffs 1) 4) 1 x direct debit /cash (annual) 10 x direct debit (monthly) Nine-o-clock discount card 6) 9) 10) Notes: journeys as required. SPECIAL TICKETS Discount card 6) 9) (valid from Jan. 01, 2015) Moreover, according to the extended “free co-passenger regulation” from the VMW (traffic association Mainz-Wiesbaden), owners of the above mentioned seasonal tickets (excluding JobTickets and FirmenCard) may also travel during the daytime (until 7 p.m.) with all of their own children or up to three other children under the age of 15. This VMW-arrangement is valid within the entire tariff network 65 (Wiesbaden/Mainz) on all means of RMV-transportation, which encompasses all busses and railway transportation (with the exception of IC- and ICE-trains). In the case when the ticket is used by a child (six to 14 years), the extended “free co-passenger regulation” from the VMW is invalid. 7) Only valid with a valid customer card. Valid up to the same date of the following month (inclusive) from the date given. 9) Also available as a personal subscription (non-transferable card with passport photo). 8) 10) Valid Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m., and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. RMV and RNN tickets are available from all ticket machines, from transportstaff and at ticket agencies in Wiesbaden and Mainz. Special tariff brochures are available from our RMV-Mobilitätszentrale (mobility center) or RMV-Mobilitätsinfos (mobility information office). Foto: Horst Goebel CONTACT DETAILS If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. · RMV-Mobilitätszentrale Wiesbaden (Wiesbaden mobility center) at LuisenForum Dotzheimer Strasse 6 – 8 (corner of Schwalbacher Strasse) Bus stop: Schwalbacher Strasse / LuisenForum Opening times Mondays to Fridays: 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays: 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Phone: +49 (0)611 450 22-450 E-mail: mobilitaetszentrale@eswe-verkehr.de · RMV-Mobilitätsinfos Wiesbaden (Wiesbaden mobility info points) Bus stop: Hauptbahnhof, platform A Opening times Mondays to Fridays: 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays: 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Bus stop: Luisenplatz, platform B Opening times Mondays to Saturdays: 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. · Info and timetables online www.eswe-verkehr.de · Timetable hotline Open 24/7 Phone: +49 (0)69 24 24 80 24 You may also use one of our online channels: ESWE Verkehr interactive www.eswe-verkehr.de www.facebook.com/esweverkehr www.youtube.com/esweverkehr plus.google.com/+esweverkehr Valid from: 01.2015
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