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pdf - Herald Union
Vol. XXII, No. 20
Wiesbaden: Your home in Germany
July 16, 2015
Happy 239th, America
Photo by Anemone Rueger
Fireworks dazzle the assembled crowd at the German-American Friendship Festival on July 4 celebrating the 239th birthday of the United States of
America. The nine-day festival featured rides, games, food and friendship. It culminated in a fireworks show on the final evening of the event.
DFAC receives Green Boot
By Shayna Brouker
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs Office
The Strong Europe Cafe feeds 700-800
people a day with several hundred pounds of
food. Ovens, grills, food heaters, drink dispensers and dishwashers are part of the equation, too.
So what does it take for a cafeteria that feeds
the Army to keep the environment happy, too?
“The work of an entire team,” remarked
Garrison Commander Col. Mary Martin upon
handing the team its Green Boot award for meeting the garrison’s highest environment-friendly
standards. The dining facility was awarded its
Wiesbaden team
races at festival.
See page 16.
certificate June 30.
“They have a lot of customers, but still found
time to do it,” added Tomasz Filatow, the Green
Boot program manager. The team acquired the
certification in 45 days.
Manager Sgt. 1st Class Daniel McGowan
acknowledged they had some unique challenges
to overcome — mainly education.
“I’m a firm believer that what you do at
home is what you do at work, but everyone
got on board eventually with water and energy
conservation, like turning off the lights. We do
See ‘DFAC’ on page 3
July 4 retreat
Independence Day
ceremony. See
page 4.
Hainerberg principal:
farewell to Wiesbaden
By Debbie Parks
Hainerberg Elementary School
As I look back on the past
school year, I see many, many
successes. These successes are
the result of a staff and community pulling together and
being focused on the future.
You had a common goal of
providing the best education
USAG Wiesbaden
Program supports
single Soldiers.
See page 6.
possible for our wonderful
students. I am so proud of our
ongoing efforts to meet that
goal. Hainerberg Elementary
School is a school that has the
respect of our community for
its commitment to excellence,
its positive tone, and its safe,
nurturing environment for
students. It has been an honor
See ‘Farewell’ on page 3
Talk about a busy garrison …
Thanks to everyone who supported our
German-American Friendship Fest
June 26 – July 4, and “Super Kudos”
to the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Fest Team who made it all possible,
what an outstanding event! Not to
mention, that was possibly one of the
best fireworks displays I have seen in
many years.
Additionally, thank you for allowing
the garrison to take time out for our
Organizational Day on July 2 — our
hard working employees enjoyed a
fun filled day with co-workers, family
and friends.
Keep your comments coming as they
assist us in providing the best support
to you, our dear customers. Danke!
Editor’s note: Have something you’d
like to share with the commander? Send
an ICE comment or contact the Commander’s Hotline (click the Feedback
link on the garrison home page).
Ask the commander
so the best course of action is to obtain
the vehicle license plate and provide it
to the correct authorities. Thanks again
for your vigilance and willingness to
bring this to our attention.
Clay Kaserne bicycle path
is still a fence
and other work
to be completed
before opening
the road to traffic. A pedestrian
gate will remain
operational at
Heerstrasse at
all times.
manner we are allowed to bring the
yards up to par. Many neighbors
have taken it upon themselves
to do just that, possibly facing
high cost at move out. This is
not in anyone’s best interest and
I would like to ask that this issue
be resolved and a memo about the
decision be put out.
Response: Thank you for
up your concern in
to the yards in NewVillage
Col. Mary Martin, U.S.
landscaping Army Garrison Wies- man Village. Residents in Newman
Village are now allowed to plant
Alexandra baden commander
flowers in their yards that correW. said: This
spond with the current landscape.
pertains to one specific issue: care of
Additionally, it is the responsibility
Newman Village yards. In 2013, while
under contract, the rule was not to plant of the resident to maintain the plants in
additional foliage and not to remove any. their yard. You should cut back bushes,
Despite our efforts to maintain a neat pull the weeds and remove (cut back)
appearance, we are now dealing with faded flowers to avoid overgrowth. You
overgrown yards, heavy allergens and should also water in the evenings during
are still told, by housing, not to remove the dry season. We will also prepare an
any plants or face high move out costs. informative paper with a short descripThere have been contradictory tion telling residents how to maintain
reports from neighbors as to in what the yards including flower beds.
Steven B. said: I am among several
cyclists that ride to work as part of our
enjoyment for the sport, physical exercise and to help minimize the traffic
congestion on Clay Kaserne.
During my ride home on June 30, the
bicycle path that we use after we exit the
Clay Kaserne gate was removed. With
no alternative route cyclists are forced to
ride along the roadway until we can exit
to our bike paths that are further along
the roadway. With no plans to have bike
lanes into and out of the Clay Kaserne
gate, this puts cyclists and motorists in
a deadly combination.
Response: Thank you for your timely
notification of the removal of the bike
path. We were not previously aware, but
through investigation we learned a utilMisuse of garbage
ity company is currently repairing the
Charles L. said: The garbage dis- bike bath. Earlier this year,
posal and recycling containers meant when the company was
for the soldiers are continuously being installing the heat lines
filled up with off-post garbage. How that run to the airfield, they
do I know? Because I see it happening damaged the bike path. We
every morning and when I inform the were not notified ahead of
individuals that it is wrong what they time of the work, but they
are doing they even tell me they know will notify us in the future.
and continue to do it anyway.
The repair is expected
I have no authority to stop them. I to be complete at the end
have seen boxes with German addresses of next week. This will
on them as well thrown in the recycling temporarily put bikes and
container with the individual’s off-post cars once again on the
main road. Thanks again
address on the boxes.
There should be some type of con- for alerting us and giving
trol to enforce this as the soldiers in the us the opportunity to alert
barracks continue to feel the pain as I the community at large.
have witnessed their chain of commands Road construction
having them clean up the mess left by
Anonymous said:
individuals who live off-post.
When will the road be
Response: Thank you very much opened that directly confor bringing this to our attention. We nects Clay south gate to
rely very heavily on Soldiers, Civilians the roundabout at Newman
Photo by Anemone Rueger
and Family Members to bring issues Housing?
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander Col. Mary Martin engages with host
to our attention because we cannot be
Response: Thank you nation officials and families celebrating German-American friendship with a
everywhere all the time.
for your question. Accord- Fourth of July garden party. The event was hosted by Achim Carius, an entrepreYou can call the MP Desk at 548- ing to the latest schedneur and promoter of this long-standing relationship in the picturesque town of
7777/7778/7779 as soon as you see it ule, the road should be
Winkel in the vineyards of the Rhein area. The group, which includes state and
happening. If available, a patrol will completed by the end
federal elected officials, local mayors and business people dates back to the 1980s
respond. Patrol response depends on of August. Although the
when it was first constituted as the “Germany-America Club.”
what else may be happening at that time, road will be finished, there
Community wishes USA happy birthday
Herald Union published by
The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under
the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything
advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper
published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates call Jaqueline Samad at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email ads@herald-union.com; classified advertising rates call Janina Wuttke at civ (0631) 3033 5531 or post
at www.class-world.com. Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO
AE 09005-9623; Telephone: mil 548-2002; civ (0611) 143-548-2002; Email: army.wiesbadenpao@mail.mil; Home page: www.wiesbaden.army.mil.
Page 2
Herald Union
Command and newspaper staff
USAG Wiesbaden Commander......................Col. Mary L. Martin
USAG Wiesbaden Command Sgt. Major
.....................................................Command Sgt. Maj. Roy L. Rocco
Public Affairs Officer............................................Anemone Rueger
Editor..................................................Jacob Corbin (mil 548-2002)
Assistant Editor...............................Shayna Brouker (mil 548-2003)
July 16, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
Legal advice: German traffic violations
U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden Legal Office
If you, or your dependant, receives
a traffic violation (i.e. speeding, running a red light, etc.) from the German
authorities you will receive an administrative order.
The notice either comes through
the mail, or will be served by your
commander, immediate supervisor or
the International Law branch of the
legal office.
Once you received the administrative
order or questionnaire you only have
a two-week deadline from the date of
receipt, not from the date of postmark
to respond.
The administrative order is an offer
made by the German authorities which
provides you an opportunity to pay a
fine for having violated German law
instead of appearing in court.
An administrative order is not proof
of guilt, and no judgment of guilt or
innocence has been rendered. German
law gives you the right to object to the
violation notice. If you decide to protest
the administrative order, you may do so
in writing, or by personally going to the
issuing authority.
A written protest must make reference to the case file number and should
state in detail the grounds for objection
to the administrative order. The protest
has to be written in German language.
You have to file the objection within
two weeks from the date the administrative order is served on you. The fact that
the payment or protest (objection) is in
the mail at the end of the stated period
is not sufficient.
The payment or the protest must
be received by the German authorities
within the stated period. If you do not
object the order becomes final.
You should make a careful determination in contesting the administrative
order because your total costs may substantially increase if later court proceedings result in a judgment against you.
If you are involved in an automobile
accident, there may be a claim for injury
or damage against your insurance company. Therefore you should immediately
inform your insurance company about
the accident. Your insurance company
might need a German police report or
a military police report.
If you receive a German notice
related to the accident you should immediately report it to your insurance
Notifying the insurance company of
the receipt of such a German document
neither affects your rights, nor your
obligations, under German law.
If you have further questions, please
see the Legal Assistance Office at the
Wiesbaden Legal Center.
It is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon, and
from 1 to 4 p.m. In addition it is open
Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m. To visit with
an attorney, call for an appointment at
DFAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farewell . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from
page 1
daily checks to make sure all
the equipment is off.”
What got employees’ attention was the cost savings
involved with conserving
resources, he said. Since implementing Green Boot standards,
the DFAC has saved a significant amount. The DFAC also
uses energy-efficient dishwashers and rotates their equipment to increase efficiency and
life expectancy.
They serve breakfast on one
side one day and on another the
next. Bio waste and plastics
are recycled every Monday
and Friday, and employees are
required to know which items
go where according to the German system.
“Everything we can do to
make sure this establishment
is working efficiently we try to
put into place,” said McGowan.
Continued from page 1
to be part of the team of teachers, staff members, parents, and
community members who make that happen daily. I received an
offer to be the principal at Stowers Elementary School at Fort
Benning, Ga. This school is within a few hours of my daughters’
homes. The opportunity to be so close to them is one I cannot
pass up. I accepted the offer and will leave the Wiesbaden
community by Aug. 1 to begin my new adventure in Georgia.
The Kaiserslautern District has announced the new principal of Hainerberg ES, and I am confident that the momentum
that occurred in our progress this year will continue under the
leadership of the new principal. How can it not? I am leaving
behind an incredible assistant principal, office staff, teachers,
aides, PTO, parents, and community members who will make
sure Hainerberg Elementary School will continue to excel!
As I leave this community, I take many memories of great
times I have had during my 15 years of living in Europe.
Americans truly become a big family when we live together
overseas, and so the thought of leaving you is bittersweet. You
have been such an encouragement and support to my husband
and me during this great European adventure, and we will
always cherish the time we had with you.
I wish you all only the best!
New Principal
Photo by Shayna Brouker
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander Col. Mary Martin presents a Green Boot
Award to the Strong Europe Cafe team June 30.
Sandy Zigler will be the new
principal of Hainerberg Elementary
School. Zigler was previously the
principal of Vogelweh Elementary
School in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Prior to her assignment in
Kaiserslautern, she was the principal of Lincoln Elementary School
in Fort Campbell, Ky.
Zigler received her Bachelor
of Liberal Arts from University of
the Pacific in Stockton, Calif., and her Masters of Education
in educational leadership from Azusa Pacific University
in Azusa, Calif. She completed additional administration
coursework at National University in Sacramento, Calif.
Zigler joined Department of Defense Schools in 2003,
serving at Fort Campbell, Ky.
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ........................................................................... July 16, 2015
Herald Union
Page 3
News and features
News flash
Mississippistrasse one-way
Mississippistrasse is a one-way street for installation of heat lines through July. Two-way traffic
will remain to the Entertainment Center from Texas
Strasse (by the Chapel). Drop off parking will be
available for residents of Bldg. 7799 along Mississippistrasse. Long-term parking for the residents
will be in the parking lot beside Bldg. 7785 (between Texas and Mississippi). Washingtonstrasse
will remain one-way through the end of August.
USAREUR holds Independence
Day retreat ceremony
Leash your pets
Some pet owners are not leashing their dogs
in the housing areas. The policy letter is currently
being revised. Each incoming Family has to sign
a statement acknowledging not only receipt of the
policy, but also that they understand the key points
and rules in the memorandum. Continue to report
violations to the Military Police and, as indicated,
to your Building Coordinator. Also, don’t let your
dogs bark excessively.
Visual Information Studio closed
The Training Support Center Visual Information
studio will be closed for training July 13-24. This
is the studio that takes Department of the Army
head and shoulders, command and passport photos.
Call mil 546-6111 or civ (0611) 143-546-6111 for
more information.
U.S. Forces Customs Office hours
The U.S. Forces Customs Office, located at
Clay Kaserne Bldg. 1040, is open Monday through
Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. and is closed for
lunch from noon to 1 p.m. Phone numbers are mil
537-3933/34/35 or civ (0611) 143-548-3933/34/35.
Open fires prohibited in housing
The Resident Handbook states that no open fires,
such as campfires, bonfires, trash fires, fire baskets,
vegetation fires, etc., are authorized, regardless of
their size without prior written authorization. Prior
inspection and written approval by Fire and Emergency Services (Fire Department) are required;
the permit will be issued by the fire prevention
office. Burning trash, chemicals, petroleum or
other dangerous materials is prohibited under any
Photo by LaDon Hooser
Soldiers lower the flag during the Independence Day retreat ceremony held by U.S. Army Europe
at the Keyes Building July 2.
U.S. Army Europe Public
Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, commanding general, U.S. Army Europe, hosted an Independence Day
ceremony at the Keyes Building on
Clay Kaserne July 2.
Independence Day, celebrated
on July 4 each year, honors the
birthday of the United States of
America and the signing of the
Declaration of Independence in
1776. It is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts
and fireworks, and a reason to fly
the American flag.
In addition to Army Europe
and U.S. Army Garrison, Wiesbaden leaders, Soldiers, civilians
and family members attended the
ceremony, which kicked off the
long holiday weekend. Though
the holiday is Saturday, federal
employees had Friday, July 3 off
from work.
In a briefing in Washington,
DC, July 1, Defense Secretary
Ash Carter wished the men and
women of the Defense Department
a well-deserved Independence
Day holiday, and said some service members would be working
worldwide July 4 to secure the
country and protect citizens, allies
and partners.
“As recent terrorist attacks
overseas remind us, those who seek
to harm this nation and our friends
take no holiday, and neither do we
in the Department of Defense,”
Carter said.
Soldiers, civilians and family
members are encouraged to be safe
and make wise choices during any
weekend festivities.
Stay hydrated, make responsible decisions and have a plan in
place to get home safe and ensure
others around you get home safely
as well.
Bicycle safety
Bicycle operators and passengers on U.S.
forces installations must wear an approved helmet
properly fastened under the chin. Other safety rules
include not using cell phones or wear listening
devices that impede hearing and the detection of
impending danger; using a headlight that emits
a white light and a taillight that emits a red light
and wearing light-colored clothing or reflective
accessories when riding at night or in low light; and
bicycle wheels must have two reflectors mounted
180 degrees apart on the spokes. Bicycle pedals
must have reflectors designed and placed to be visible from the front and rear of the bicycle during
darkness. Note: As an exception, local national
personnel are not required to wear a safety helmet
when riding a bicycle on U.S. military installations
in Germany. It is, however, highly recommended
that they do so. In addition, ensure you are in
compliance with all host nation laws and rules.
Page 4
Herald Union
Photo by LaDon Hooser
Soldiers salute after firing a ceremonial cannon volley during the Independence Day retreat ceremony July 2.
July 16, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
Garrison holds award ceremony
By Jacob Corbin
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs
Amidst uncharacteristic July heat, U.S. Army
Garrison Wiesbaden members were recognized at a
ceremony July 2.
The ceremony, this time held at the GermanAmerican Friendship Fest grounds before it opened,
began with special awards for some of the garrison’s
host nation partners.
Birte Fink and Max Weiss from the Polizei, and
Stephen Batles from the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club, were thanked for their assistance in supporting the Spring/Summer Safety Awareness Event.
“We are truly grateful for your participation,” said
event narrator Arne Curtis.
In addition, garrison employees Maria Anna Kraus,
Annika Trabucco, Charles Henson and Adam Bembridge were thanked for their assistance in making
the event a success.
Next, the garrison recognized the February, March
and April Customer Service Award members, Michael
Waesch, Wolfgang Schamp, Malcolm Webster, Kai
Eberle and Dominik Leisering.
Earl McFarland, volunteer coordinator, was recognized as the Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2015 Customer
Service Award Winner for “his contributions toward
the garrison commander’s goal to provide the best
customer service in Europe.”
The third quarter Team Excellence Award was given
to the members of the USAG Wiesbaden Library.
“The USAG Wiesbaden Library is recognized
for their role as an extremely devoted
group of professionals that continually
improve the facility and its operation,”
Curtis said. “Through leadership and
dedication, the USAG Wiesbaden Library staff is able to provide exceptional
customer service and programs while
ensuring the success of daily operations
throughout the year.”
The Supervisor Competence Training Team, Eduard Kolbe, Norddin
Akachach, Donato Turrisi, Diana
Grundy, Marcus Moritz, Dieter Moser,
Rainer Kreer, Martina Noble, Lupe
Alvarado, Wilfried Peters, Sabine
Schindler and Zuzana Bobst were
recognized with the Cross DirectorPhoto by Dee Crawford
ate Team Award for their efforts to
develop the leadership skills of garrison U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander Col. Mary Martin
and Command Sgt. Major Roy Rocco present outgoing ProIn addition to the normal garrison vost Marshal and Directorate of Emergency Services Director
awards and recognitions, three garrison Lt. Col. Joe Hissim with the Meritorious Service Medal July 2.
members were recognized for special
was given the Meritorious Service Medal for his serawards.
Staff Sgt. James Bagby and Pvt. 1st Class Chase vices to the garrison while assigned here.
“Thank you for being so kind and making me a
Rapp were given a commander’s coin by Garrison
Commander Col. Mary Martin for their selection and part of team,” Hissim said. “Coming to Germany has
participation in the 2015 Soldier and Noncommis- always been a dream and serving here has exceeded
all expectations. Thank you to everyone in DES for
sioned Officer of the Year Competition.
Finally, outgoing Provost Marshal and Directorate all of your hard work and all you’ve done for DES,
of Emergency Services Director Lt. Col. Joe Hissim and me, over the years.”
An executive exchange
Photo by Anemone Rueger
Fifty members of the local host nation and military communities gathered to discuss
topics of interest at the garrison-hosted Annual Executive Exchange Council June 30 at
the Community Activity Center on Clay Kaserne.
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ........................................................................... July 16, 2015
Herald Union
Page 5
News and features
From the blotter
Compiled by the U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden Directorate of Emergency Services
July 1
Controlled substance: An NCO is being charged with wrongful attempt to possess anabolic steroids, wrongful use of
anabolic steroids and false official statement.
Tax evasion: An officer is being charged with unlawful possession of tax free goods, tax evasion and unauthorized
IACS registration.
Failure to obey order or regulation: An NCO is being
charged with failure to obey order or regulation owning an
unregistered vehicle.
Traffic accident: An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: improper backing causing property damage.
July 2
Failure to obey order or regulation: An NCO is being
charged with failure to obey order or regulation: owning an
unregistered vehicle.
Traffic accident: An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: improper backing causing property damage.
July 3
Failure to obey order or regulation: A Soldier is being
charged with failure to obey order or regulation: owning an
uninsured vehicle.
July 4
Traffic accident: An officer is being charged with a traffic accident: inattentive driving causing property damage.
July 7
Failure to obey order or regulation: An NCO is being
charged with failure to obey order or regulation: owning an
unregistered vehicle.
July 8
Traffic accident: An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: failure to apply parking brake causing property damage.
July 9
Traffic accident: An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: improper backing causing property damage.
Traffic accident: An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: inattentive driving causing property damage.
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Page 6
Herald Union
BOSS supports single Soldiers
By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Marketing Office
Many single service members feel disconnected, alienated or overwhelmed by an
overseas duty assignment.
Finding one’s way around,
making new friends and discovering the intricacies of a
new culture all take initiative,
time and energy.
That’s where Wiesbaden’s
Better Opportunities for Single
Soldiers comes into play.
“BOSS helps build esprit de
corps and a good foundation
where single service members feel comfortable to be
around new people,” said Sgt.
Julia King, Wiesbaden BOSS
president and a member of the
1st Battalion, 214th Aviation
“A lot of people don’t have
their families with them overseas,” King said.
“It’s intimidating to get out
there,” added Spc. Daniella
Canal, BOSS vice president
and assigned to the Wiesbaden
Health Clinic. “No one wants
to be stuck in the barracks not
knowing what to do.”
“BOSS can help,” King
explained. “We help build a
little family overseas.”
As her first duty station
overseas, Canal said getting
involved with BOSS has helped
make her feel connected to her
greater community.
“Help us help you,” said
King, explaining that the Wiesbaden BOSS team is always
open to new ideas.
A bi-monthly BOSS meeting, held at 3 p.m. on the first
and third Wednesdays of the
month at the Warrior Zone on
Clay Kaserne, gives single and
unaccompanied service members the opportunity to voice
their opinions about programs,
services and other aspects of
the military impacting their
lives. Unit representatives
share BOSS news and issues
with their fellow unit members.
“It’s all about communicating — just trying to get the word
out,” Canal said.
A new Wiesbaden BOSS
pilot program saw members
headed to Austria in June to
participate in a Life Skills
Survival Course.
Photo courtesy of Wiesbaden BOSS
Wiesbaden Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers members take on one of the challenges during a Life Skills Survival Course in Austria.
“We’re the first BOSS pro- of U.S.–German soccer and
gram to do this,” said Stevan German–American friendship.
Eclavea, Wiesbaden BOSS Soldiers made comments such
and Warrior Zone program as ‘this is a dream.’”
manager. “We put our heads
In the coming weeks BOSS
together and came up with the members can look forward to
program — showing members competing in the BOSS Paint
how to survive in the wild on
Ball Championship July 25,
their own.”
a deep seas fishing and scuba
Besides contributing to
diving trip to Croatia on Aug. 6,
nearly every event that occurs
in the Wiesbaden military a free BOSS/USO Taco Night
community — volunteering at Aug. 27, Call of Duty Tournamonthly runs, helping out at ment Sept. 12 and a free BOSS/
the German-American Friend- USO Italian Dinner Sept. 24.
“I love the program,” said
ship Fest, bringing presents to
young cancer victims at the King. “It’s very good for SolMainz Children’s Cancer Clinic diers. I think it’s a big privilege
during the holidays — BOSS to be a part of the program –
members also enjoy a wealth of networking and getting to know
fun activities and trips.
the different organizations.”
“It’s kind of like a circle,”
“I get the satisfaction of
said King about community giving back and helping guide
Soldiers as they advance in the
Soldiers in BOSS also get
military,” added Eclavea. “It’s
the chance to take part in some
an honor to work with BOSS
great opportunities, such as a
— to help keep Soldiers on the
recent trip to a men’s World
Cup soccer game where BOSS right track to success.”
To get involved with the
witnessed the United States vicWiesbaden
BOSS program,
tory over host Germany.
Warrior Zone in
“We got tickets donated by
Bldg. 1214,
Child, Youth and School Services,” Eclavea said, “and our attend a BOSS meeting or call
members experienced the thrill civ (0611) 143-548-9816.
July 16, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Community notes
Army Lodge dinners
The Hainerberg Chapel
hosts congregation-sponsored
Army Lodge dinners through
Aug. 26 at 5:30 p.m. It is a
free dinner to welcome guests
to USAG Wiesbaden and
provide information on chapel
programs. Departing guests are
also welcome.
Movie theater
The Taunus Theater construction has been delayed to
replace the catwalk above the
ceiling. This, along with the
installment of new seats, has
pushed back the scheduled
completion to September. The
Tony Bass Theater is still showing movies.
The Tony Bass theatre now
shows movies every day of the
week. Visit www.shopmyexchange.com for movie times.
Transition Assistance
Program workshop
The Wiesbaden Soldier for
Life program hosts a Senior
Transition Assistance Program
workshop July 16-17 and 22-24
designed for retiring Soldiers
in ranks E7 and above, Chief
Warrant Officer 2 and above
and O4 and above with more
than 20 years of experience.
Call mil 548-1319 or civ (0611)
143-548-1319 or email acap.
wiesbaden@serco-na.com for
more information.
ACS offerings
Army Community Service
New Parent Support Program
offers Play in the Playground
July 24 at Aumann Strasse
Fairy-tale Playground on Clay
Kaserne from 10-11:30 a.m.
with parachute, bubbles and
more and a Navigating Your
Credit class July 15 from 12:303 p.m. at the ACS Conference
Room in Hainerberg with
information on healthy debt,
managing debt and learning
about credit history. For more
information call (0611) 143548-9201.
Pet health certificates
Pet health certification
season is here. Schedule an appointment for your pet’s health
certificate within 10 days of
flying. Sick call and wellness
appointment availability will be
reduced the month of July due
to military personnel turnover
and accommodation of health
Contact Veterinary Services
at mil 337-6283/546-0700 or
civ (0611) 705-6283/(0611)
Christmas in July
The Rhein-Main USO hosts
“Christmas in July” July 18
from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside of
the Wiesbaden Exchange USO
with a classic car display, free
cookout, activities and prizes.
Concerts on the Lawn
USAG Wiesbaden and Wiesbaden Family and Morale,
Welfare and Recreation will
host the U.S. Army Europe
Band for a summer concert
series, “Concerts on the Lawn,”
at Kroesen Loop in the Newman
Village Housing Area on Clay
Kaserne. Community members
should bring their own lawn
chairs and/or blankets. The
event is free, and there will be
food and drinks available for
purchase. Concerts begin at 6
p.m. July 23 is Jazz; Aug. 20 is
the Dixieland Band; and Aug.
27 is the Show Band.
Service at mil 548-1615 or civ
(0611) 143-548-1615 or visit
asp for more information.
School notes
Summer office hours for all
schools are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug.
31 is the first day of school for
grades 1-5, middle school and
high school, and Sept. 8 is the
first day for kindergarten.
Red Cross classes
The American Red Cross offers a Standard First Aid/CPR/
AED class July 18 from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. A New Volunteer
Orientation will be held July 16
from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Information Exchange
The next CIE will be held
Aug. 19 from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
at the Community Activity
Center (Little Italy). The community is welcome to attend or
follow along on the “Garrison
Wiesbaden” Facebook page.
See slides at http://www.wiesbaden.army.mil/sites/news/
Car seat checkups
The Family Advocacy Program holds car seat checkups
the last Tuesday of the month
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the
Wiesbaden Entertainment Center parking lot. Call civ (0611)
143-548-9201 to register.
Tech Expo
The Clay Kaserne Tech
Expo will be held July 24 from 9
a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wiesbaden
Fitness Center. All personnel
are invited to attend the event
for free. To pre-register, please
visit www.FederalEvents.com,
click on the “Clay Kaserne Tech
Expo” link and select the PreRegister button.
Fellowship, Bible
The Protestant Women of
the Chapel host fellowship,
worship and Bible study every
Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon at
the Hainerberg Chapel July 28
and Aug. 11 and at Clay Kaserne Newman Village (rocket
ship playground) July 21 and
Aug. 4. Child care is provided.
Email infowiesbadenpwoc@
gmail.com or visit “Wiesbaden
Protestant Women of the Chapel” on Facebook for more
ACS birthday luau
Army Community Service
celebrates its 50th birthday with
a luau July 24 from 11 a.m. to 2
p.m. at the ACS in Hainerberg.
The community is invited to
Thrift Shop Back to
School event
The Wiesbaden Community
Spouses Club’s Community
Appreciation/Back to School
event at the Thrift Shop is July
25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There
will be community information,
food and fun for everyone.
Community organizations are
welcome to participate. Email
wscsthriftshop@yahoo.com or
visit “WCSC Thrift Shop” on
Sponsorship training
Soldier sponsorship training is held quarterly and by
request. The next training is
July 16 at 1:30 at Bldg. 1023E.
Contact Army Community
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ............................................................................July 16, 2015
Herald Union
Page 7
News and features
Concert series continues
Photos by LaDon Hooser
Photo top: Children dance to music at the second
Concert on the Lawn July 9. The next Concert on the
Lawn is scheduled for July 23 at 6 p.m. Photo below:
Members of the USAREUR Chorus perform at the concert July 9.
Photo by LaDon Hooser
Concert goers listen to the U.S. Army Europe Chorus perform at the second Concert on the
Lawn July 9.
50 Years
Summer hiring
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We at Auto Hollmann would like to invite you to stop by and visit our
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Photo by Shayna Brouker
Hochheimerstrasse 111
55246 Kastel/Kostheim Phone 06134-3381
Meerna Ammari, Wiesbaden Civilian Personnel Advisory Center, swears in U.S. Army
Garrison Wiesbaden summer hires June 29 at the Tony Bass Auditorium. Summer hires
will spend six weeks assisting various USAG Wiesbaden offices.
Page 8
Herald Union
July 16, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
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www.wiesbaden.army.mil ........................................................................... July 16, 2015
Herald Union
Page 9
News and features
Garrison members gather for org day
Photos by Jacob Corbin
Photo top: U.S. Army
Garrison Wiesbaden
members play a game
of volleyball at the
Organizational Day July 2. Photo right: USAG Wiesbaden personnel and
their families relax in
the shade at the organizational day July 2.
Photo by Jacob Corbin
Participants at the USAG Wiesbaden Organizational Day
prepare to take each other on in pseudo-sumo wrestling at
the event July 2.
Sports shorts
Wiesbaden Duathlon
FMWR hosts a Duathlon Sept. 19 from 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. at the Clay Kaserne Fitness Center. The
format is a five-mile run, a 20-mile bike ride and
another five-mile run. The event is competitive and
timed, and overall male and female category winners
will be given prizes. Competitors must supply their
own bicycles, and the race will take place mainly
on paved surfaces around the airfield. Visit www.
wiesbaden.armymwr.com/europe/wiesbaden for
more information.
Smart Start summer sports
CYSS offers three-day clinics for children ages
3-7, providing a organized sports in a fun, nonthreatening environment. Classes are limited to 15
participants per age group. The cost is $25 per clinic.
Golf is July 21-23 from 9:30-11 a.m. for ages 3-5
and 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for ages 6-7. Basketball is
July 28-30 from 9:30-11 a.m. for ages 3-5 and 11:30
a.m. to 1 p.m. for ages 6-7. A current sports physi-
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Herald Union
cal is required for participation in all CYSS sports
activities. Visit Parent Central Services at Bldg. 1213
on Clay Kaserne or call civ (0611) 143-548-9356.
Summer soccer clinic
CYSS hosts soccer clinics July 20-24 from 1:303:30 p.m. for 14-18 year-olds, July 27-31 from 1:303:30 for 8-10 year olds and Aug. 3-7 from 1:30-3:30
for 11-13 year-olds. Register with Parent Central
Services at least one week before the desired summer clinic at Bldg. 1213 on Clay Kaserne or call civ
(0611) 143-548-9356.
CYSS fall sports
Registration for children ages 3-15 is open for
Child, Youth and School Services’ fall sports, including volleyball, golf, tackle football, flag football,
cheerleading, cross country and soccer. Practices will
start on or around Aug. 24; regular season games for
10-year-olds begin Sept. 12 and end Nov. 15. Visit
for more information.
5k for Men’s Health Awareness
FMWR hosts a run/walk dedicated to Men’s
Health Awareness July 25 starting at 9 a.m. Participants are welcome to run, jog, walk, bring children
in strollers and pets, as long as they are leashed. This
free community-wide event is open to all U.S. ID
cardholders. Visit www.wiesbaden.armymwr.com/
europe/wiesbaden for more information.
Fishing courses
FMWR hosts a four-day German fishing course
Aug. 1-2 and Aug. 8-9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
Outdoor Recreation, Bldg. 1043 on Clay Kaserne.
The class covers local laws, hydrology, equipment,
diseases and more. The cost is $60 per person or $90
per family (minimum age requirement is 12 years
old) for Hunting, Fishing and Sport Shooting Club
members. For non-HFSS, the fee is $75 per person
and $105 per family. Call Outdoor Recreation at
mil 548-9801 or civ (0611) 143-548-9801 for more
July 16, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
Sports and leisure
By Donald Seltzer
Volksmarch Editor
Take a hike:
R Many thanks to James
Meredith, Dale Robison,
David and Susan Salaj;
Pat and Cheryl Patterson
and Charles and Barbara
MacDonald for providing
event brochures
R Take a moment to
grab a set of brochures from
the Werber table and send
them no-cost via MPS to
Donald Seltzer, PSC 2 Box
10684, APO AE 09012.
Start: Dorfgemeinschaftshaus on Soonwaldstrasse Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 and 10 km) and 7
a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) Trail: Fairly hilly, fields and woods
Award: From previous events.
örsdorf (56290) — This is the host club’s
second event and, while it is a bit of a drive
from Wiesbaden (75 minutes) or Bitburg (90 minutes),
it’s located in the scenic Hunsrück region and deserving of support from volksmarchers. From Wiesbaden,
use Autobahns 643 toward Mainz, 60 toward Bingen,
and 61 toward Koblenz. Exit at Pfalzfeld (43), use
a minor road to connect with B327 and follow it
past Kastellaun. A minor road will take you past
the towns of Bell and Buch to the start at Mörsdorf.
From Bitburg, use B257 to connect with Autobahn 60
toward Wittlich, and from there continue onto B50.
Take the exit for Zell/Kirchberg to pick up B421 to
Kappel and B327 to Bell. Connect with a minor road
to Mörsdorf and the start.
Start: Gemeindehaus on Treiser Strasse Saturday and
Sunday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (5 km), 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (12 km)
and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) Trail: Expect hilly, woods
Award: None.
eibersbach (55444) — This event is west of
Bingen and adjacent to the scenic Hunsrück
region. The town and its walk are easily reached.
Long night at Biberbau
Keep the fun going at Biberbau
Playground’s night at the park July
17. The park will stay open all night
and offers a barbecue, marshmallow
roasting, and more. Kids can sleep in
a tent, the main building or in cabins.
Kids over the age of seven can stay
on their own, as trained attendees will
be supervising them at all times. Visit
http://biberbaubiebrich.de/ for more
Rhine River tours
Interested in cruising on Germany’s
main river? Take a private, all-day trip
with just you and your friends to discover the beautiful and historic sites
of this tour. This opportunity comes
exclusively with a cable car ride, an
exploration of the Castle of Rheinstein,
Weekend of Aug. 8-9
schenburg-Wissenbach (35713) — This
Sunday event is northwest of Giessen and
slightly less than a 90-minute drive from Wiesbaden.
The first control point is located in a “wind turbine
farm” that is holding an open house from 9 a.m. to 2
p.m. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 66, 5 and 45
to Giessen, then exit at Dillenburg (25), then connect
with B277 and B253 to reach the start at Wissenbach.
tuttgart-Heumaden (70619) — Sponsored
by the Stuttgart German-American Wandering Club, this event attracts wanderers from all over
Germany. Be sure to note the 30-km trail offered
only on Sunday. Getting to the start may require GPS
navigation, however. From the Hessen area, make
Start: Mehrzweckhalle at Forsthausstrasse 20 Sunday: 6
your way to Autobahn 5 to drive south of Heidelberg
a.m. to 1 p.m. (6, 10 and 20 km) Trail: Expected to be
and pick up Autobahn 8 toward Stuttgart. Use exit
hilly, woods Award: None.
54 at Esslingen and follow signs for Neuhausen,
Ostfildern and Sillenbuch-Heumaden. IVV signs Weekend of Aug. 15-16
Rödermark-Urberach (63322) — This walk
should assist reaching the start. From the KMC, use
Autobahn 6 toward Mannheim and continue south is northeast of Darmstadt and near Babenhausen in
past Heidelberg toward Stuttgart to connect with a pretty, wooded area. Former residents of the two
Autobahns 81 and 8 toward Ulm. Take the Esslingen closed military communities may take the opportunity
exit (54) and follow signs for Neuhausen, Ostfildern to visit their one-time home. Urberach is between
Dieburg and Hanau, and about a 45-minute drive
and Sillenbuch-Heumaden.
Start: Heinz-Glauner-Halle at Kemnater Strasse 50 Satur- from Wiesbaden. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 66
day: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (6 and 12 km) and 10 a.m. to 1 toward Frankfurt, and 3 toward Würzburg, then exit
p.m. (21 km) Sunday: 7 a.m. to noon (6, 12 and 21 km) at Hanau (54). Use B45 south toward Dieburg
and 7-11 a.m. (30 km) Trail: Hilly, woods Award: From and exit onto B459 toward Rödermark. Pick
previous events.
up a minor road to the start at Urberach.
Weekend of Aug. 1-2
bernhahn/Westerwald (56424) —This event
is northeast of Limburg and offers, besides
the standard shorter routes, a 42-kilometer marathon
as well as a 50-kilometer route. From Wiesbaden, use
Start: KSV-Sportheim at Turngartenstraße 10 Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m.
to 1 p.m. (6 and 10 km) and 7 a.m. to
noon (20 km) Trail: Flat and strollerfriendly, neighborhoods, fields and
woods Award: None.
Things to do
butchers, beekeepers and bakers. Find
more information at www.wiesbaden.de.
Erbenheimer wine stand
Live punk rock
The sound of California classic punk
rock band Not On Tour + Burke from
Israel comes to the KulturPalast in
Wiesbaden July 30. The concert starts
at 7 p.m. and tickets are €7. Visit www.
kulturpalast-wiesbaden.de for more
information in German.
Autobahns 66 toward Frankfurt and 3 toward Koblenz.
Exit at Ransbach-Baumbach
(38) and follow IVV signs on minor roads for the
few miles to the start.
From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 643 and 60 toward
Bingen, and 61 toward Koblenz. Exit at Stromberg
Rosenheckhalle at Dernbacher Strasse 62A Satur(46) to follow a minor road 4-5 miles in the direction Start:
day: 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (5 and 10 km), 6:30 a.m. to 2
of Rheinböllen, then pick up the road to Seibersbach.
p.m. (20 km), 6-9 a.m. (42 km) and 6-8 a.m. (50 km)
From the KMC, use Autobahns 6 and 63 toward Mainz
Sunday: 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5, 10 and 20 km), 6-9 a.m.
(42 km) and 6-8 a.m. (50 km) Trail: Hilly, mostly woods
and 61 toward Koblenz, then exit at Stromberg (46).
Award: Small LCD clock figurines (short trails) or patch
Follow a minor road toward Rheinböllen to pick up
and certificate (marathon trails).
the road to Seibersbach.
Weekend of July 18-19
Weekend of July 25-26
A guide to volksmarching in the
Kaiserslautern/Wiesbaden area
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons
A cruise on the Rhine River is an essential experience in Germany.
and of course, a cruise on the Rhine
River. Call (0160) 343-1986 or emailing
RhineRiverTours@gmx.de for details
and booking.
Biebrich weekly market
Beginning July 3, every Friday from
noon to 6 p.m., the Marienplatz displays
a multitude of vendors offering their services and products. Find fresh produce,
meat and more from the local farmers,
The Erbenheimer Wine Stand will
be held every Friday from April 17 to
Sept. 18 from 5-10 p.m., except on July
24 and Aug. 15. The wine stand will offer wine, champagne, water and grape
juice, as well as small snacks; it will be
located in the center of the old center of
Erbenheim, behind the Town’s Museum
next to the Paulusgemeinde Church, at
Wandersmannstrasse 25.
Toastmasters Club
The English-speaking Famous Toastmasters Club meets every second and
fourth Thursday of the month at 7:45
p.m. at the Restaurant Alt-Wiesbaden
(Kurt-Schuhmacher-Ring 17, Wiesbaden 65197) to practice public speaking, learn leadership skills, socialize
and to simply have a great time. For
more information visit www.famoustoastmasters.de.
Trips and tours
Wi e s b a d e n O u t d o o r
Recreation offers trips to
London Overnight July
17-19, Strasbourg, France July 25,
Neuschwanstein Castle Tour July 2526, Disneyland Paris Express Aug. 1,
Edinburgh, Amsterdam and Brussels
Aug. 6-10, Rovinj, Croatia Aug. 6-10,
Europa Park Aug. 8, Copenhagen,
Denmark Aug. 14-16, Prague Overnight Aug. 15-16, Legoland Aug. 22,
Strasbourg, France Aug. 29, Brussels
Beer Fest Aug. 29, Norway, Sweden
& Denmark Sept. 3-7 and Amsterdam
Sept. 26-27. Call civ (0611) 143-5489801 for more information.
USO travel
Join the USO for trips to Luxembourg Blues & Jazz Rally July 18-19,
Geisenheim Lindenfest by Train July
18, Trier by Train July 25, Rhein
Falls & Zurich, Switzerland July 25,
Riesling Route July 26, Polish Pottery Festival Aug. 21-23, Weekend in
Prague Sept. 5-7 and Berlin Overnight
Oct. 1012 Stop by any area USO or
call civ (0611) 143-548-5106 for more
www.wiesbaden.army.mil .......................................................................... July 16, 2015
Herald Union
Page 11
News and features
ACS enhances military lives for 50 years
Agency celebrates half-century
of taking care of Army families
By Jessica Ryan
U.S. Army Installation Management Command
In 1967, Hester Ruth Francis was living with her
parents in a dilapidated, three-room cabin in rural
Kentucky while her husband, Pvt. Sterling R. Francis,
was stationed in South Korea. The cabin did not even
have indoor plumbing or central heat.
Money was clearly an issue for the Francis couple
— especially with a newborn on the way. Hester already
accrued out-of-pocket medical expenses and needed
a military identification card to receive necessary
health benefits. Unable to travel to obtain her card,
she contacted the Army, specifically the Commanderin-Chief, to see what could be done.
Army Community Service at Fort Knox, Ky.,
stepped in. An emergency mission, dubbed “Operation
Tomahawk” (named after Hester’s town of Tomahawk,
Ky.) assigned Maj. Raymond M. Marsh, the ACS
center chief, and a photographer to travel to her home
— via 17th Air Cavalry helicopter. Bringing along a
typewriter, laminating machine and a camera with
instant film processing capabilities, Marsh produced
and issued her an ID card in her kitchen.
Days later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
This is one of the first publicized stories of ACS’s
remarkable commitment and service to Soldiers and
their Family members. This month, the program
will celebrate its 50th birthday. While the military
community’s have evolved over the years, ACS is
still dedicated to its motto: “Real-Life Solutions for
Successful Army Living.”
“ACS is a group of professionals dedicated to
relieving some of the burden our Soldiers and their
Families carry every day,” said Stephanie L. Hoehne,
the G9 Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation
director for the U.S. Army Installation Management
“Our ACS centers are staffed with people who live
the ideal of taking care of the Army Family.”
The program’s formal conception started in the
early 1960s. By then, services like Army Emergency
Relief already existed. However, as the military entered
into the Vietnam War, the needs of Soldiers and their
Family members changed.
Lt. Gen. J.L. Richardson, Army Deputy Chief of
Staff Personnel, took action to establish an official
“Family assistance” program in 1963. He requested
a qualified officer to develop a plan for the program’s
creation. Lt. Col. Emma Marie Baird, who was assigned to the AER and Personnel Affairs Office during
World War II, was selected for the position. She began
to establish a program addressing military Families’
growing needs. The program’s philosophy, however,
would be of evaluation, not revolution.
“Emerging needs can be met, and services no
longer needed discarded, to ensure that each program
is adapted to the requirements and resources of the
specific Army community,” she said in her 1986 paper
entitled, “Army Community Service History.”
Under the guidance of AR 608-1, the ACS Regulation, the Army developed programming based on
Page 12
Herald Union
military Families’ diverse needs. From 1965
to 1981, programs such
as the Handicapped Dependents Program (now
called Exceptional Family Member Program)
and the Child Advocacy
Program (now evolved
into the Family Advocacy Program) were
The 1980s was also a
time where Army leadership brought Family
care issues to the forefront. In 1983, Gen.
John A. Wickham, Jr.,
the Chief of Staff of the
Army, wrote a white paper entitled “The Army
Family” to address how
Family members’ support was important to
the mission. His paper
led to Army Family
Photo by Fort Carson Army Community Service
Action Plan, a grassroots
initiative for identifying A military spouse and her children visited the Army Community Service
and prioritizing issues center at Fort Carson, Colo., in 1970. ACS centers today still provide reto enhance standards of sources and services to meet the diverse needs of military Families.
The 2000s was also a time of major conflicts in
living for Soldiers and
and Afghanistan. This impacted military Families
their Families. Other programs such as the Financial
Readiness Program, Volunteer Coordinator Program as more wounded Soldiers came home.
(now the Army Volunteer Corps), and the Relocation
Development of Soldier and Family Assistance
Assistance or Relocation Readiness Program were Centers, facilities providing direct support for the
established in this decade.
Medical Command’s Warrior Care and Transition
The following decade brought the development Program and Warrior Transition Unit Soldiers and
of Army Family Team Building, a program where their Families, began in 2007.
Soldiers, Families and Civilian employees could learn
Sgt. Christopher Robbins and his wife Amy used
about the Army culture, professional development and
the SFAC services at Fort Bragg, N.C., after Robbins
leadership skills.
sustained injuries from his deployment. The SFAC
Marie Balocki, the executive director for the
Department of Defense Office for Reintegration Pro- staff members helped the Family by relieving common
grams, recalled AFTB’s early years. A military spouse stressors in the recovery process.
“The SFAC staff members set us up with childcare
and mother of three young children, she answered a
my husband’s medical appointments. They also
newspaper ad for an AFTB office manager position
planned activities to make our Family feel special,”
at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Her duties included logging the instructors’ hours, Amy said. “We would still be lost in the dark if it
scheduling classes, and filling in when instructors are wasn’t for their help and assistance.”
absent. To fully understand her volunteers’ needs, she
Another need increased by a decade of conflict was
signed up for instructor training. It sounded like a great assistance for surviving Family members. In 2008,
opportunity except for one caveat: She was “scared to Survivor Outreach Services was established to work
death” to give presentations in front of people.
alongside Casualty and Mortuary Affairs and Casualty
Looking back, Balocki remarked on how AFTB Assistance Centers across the Army to provide longchanged her life.
term care for these Family members.
“The foundation that I got from AFTB is what gave
Today, there are 75 ACS centers worldwide in adme the confidence and skills needed for each step I
dition to 25 SFACs and eight standalone SOS centers.
have taken [in my professional career],” she said.
“Just as we supported Ms. Hester Francis in 1967,
As the new millennium started, ACS programming
evolved to meet the needs of a more technologically ACS will be there with the Army Family and adapt
advanced and geographically dispersed society. Army to meet their needs,” said Lynn McCollum, the G9
OneSource, a web portal with program resources, Family Programs director at IMCOM.
“As we celebrate the 50th birthday, we will conlaunched in 2008. Other online resources such as
Virtual Army Family Readiness Groups also became tinue that original mission to help our Army Families
remain Army Strong.”
July 16, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
www.wiesbaden.army.mil .......................................................................... July 16, 2015
Herald Union
Page 13
For your health
Protect yourself from insect and tick-borne diseases
By Roseanne Radavich
Entomologist, UwSw Army
Public Health Command
Insect and tick-borne diseases, such
as malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever
and Lyme disease, are serious health
threats that cause human misery, hardship and more than one million deaths
worldwide each year. Many of these
diseases can be prevented using a few
simple protective measures.
Preventing bites
Protect exposed skin from bites
by applying EPA-approved repellents
containing DEET or Picaridin. Wear permethrin-treated clothing, which repels
ticks, mosquitoes and other biting insects.
Some military uniforms and civilian
outdoor clothing come pre-treated with
permethrin. These garments are highly
recommended because factory-treatment
lasts the lifetime of the garment. If your
uniform or clothing has not been treated
with permethrin, you can treat it yourself
with commercially-available aerosol/
pump-spray products containing 0.5
percent permethrin, which typically lasts
for six weeks and six washings. Wearing
long pants and long-sleeved shirts also
reduces bites by covering your skin.
Wear light colors to help you see and
remove ticks from your clothing before
they can bite you. Check yourself thoroughly for ticks after you have been in
tick habitat, and promptly remove any
ticks that have attached to your skin.
Remove a tick by grasping it close to the
skin with tweezers and pull up until the
tick detaches. Secure the tick in a plastic
bag or container, and kill it by freezing.
Keep the tick, and bring it with you to the
doctor in case you become ill. The doctor
can use the tick to help diagnose your
illness and provide speedy treatment.
Eliminating habitats
Homeowners can also make simple
changes to reduce the number of mosquitoes and ticks around their yards. A
female mosquito prefers to lay her eggs in
standing water, and under ideal weather
conditions, it can take less than a week for
her eggs to hatch and develop into adults.
Break this weekly breeding cycle by
removing the standing water from your
yard. Empty any water accumulating in
toys, lawn furniture, clogged gutters,
tarp-covered vehicles and other artificial
containers. Water containers like pet
bowls and bird baths can be emptied and
refilled weekly to get rid of mosquitoes.
Ticks are most common in tall grass and
Photo by Graham Snodgrass
Photo by Graham Snodgrass
The lone star tick is found in many
communities in the United States.
One of the first things personnel can
do to prevent a tick bite is to recognize tick habitats and avoid them.
The deer tick is the only tick that
carries Lyme disease. If individuals remove attached ticks promptly, they can prevent tick-borne
shrubs and are moved around by animals.
Keep your yard free of trash and debris,
mow lawns, trim overhanging trees and
shrubs and avoid feeding or attracting
feral and wild animals into your yard.
healthcare provider about insect-borne
diseases, especially if you plan to travel.
If a medication is not available, take
other precautions to protect yourself.
Don’t let insects ruin your trip and
send you to the doctor. Take your medications, receive your vaccinations, use
repellents on your skin and clothing and
modify your yard to ensure that you
have the best protection against insect
and tick-borne diseases.
For more information on preventing
insect-borne disease, contact the DoD
Pesticide Hotline at 410-436-3773.
Take your medications
A few important insect and tickborne diseases have vaccines or medications developed to prevent them. Highly
effective vaccines exist for diseases like
yellow fever and Japanese encephalitis,
while pills can be taken to prevent
infection with malaria. Talk to your
Summertime means the start of skin protection season
By Molly Francis
Program Evaluator, UwSw Army Public
Health Command
It is finally summertime, so what
better way to celebrate than by going
out and enjoying the summer sun? You
probably put on sunscreen before going
swimming or going to the beach because
you know that the sun’s ultraviolet rays,
or UV rays, can damage your skin in just
15 minutes. But wait, not so fast! You
are in danger from the sun’s UV rays
any time you are outside.
Ultraviolet radiation is defined by the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention as the “part of sunlight that
is an invisible form of radiation.” There
are two types of harmful UV rays: ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB).
While UVA is the most dangerous type,
the CDC cautions that UVB rays can also
have negative health effects.
Too much exposure to UV rays can
cause sunburn, where the radiation literally burns your skin and causes it to age
prematurely. Along with being painful,
sunburn can have long-term consequences. The World Health Organization
warns that UV rays cause damage to skin
Page 14
Herald Union
cells that can result in skin cancer along
with other harmful effects to your eyes,
skin, and immune system. The National
Cancer Institute cautions that skin cancer
is the most common type of cancer in
the United States and getting just one
blistering sunburn increases your risk.
The UV rays can reflect off a variety of surfaces like water, sand and
pavement and cause havoc year round
and anywhere outside. It is important
to safeguard against the sun’s harmful rays to protect yourself and your
skin. To protect yourself, follow these
“SUNSHINE tips”:
S: Sunscreen. Always wear sunscreen. The CDC recommends wearing
sunscreen with a sun protection factor of
at least 15 and offers protection from both
UVA and UVB rays. Sunscreen should
be worn any time you go outside for the
most protection.
U: Use sunscreen correctly. Apply
sunscreen at least a half an hour before
going into the sun. Also make sure to
reapply sunscreen at least every two
hours or more often if you are swimming.
If you are swimming, reapply sunscreen
every time you dry yourself off.
N: No expired sunscreen. Always
make sure to check your sunscreen’s
expiration date, as all sunscreens expire.
If you cannot find one, replace the sunscreen after three years or if the sunscreen
appears discolored.
S: Sunglasses. Wear sunglasses.
Look for sunglasses that offer 100 percent
UVA and UVB protection. Sunglasses
can help protect your eyes from cataracts
and yellowing of the lens.
H: Have (and wear) protective
clothing. Protective clothing includes a
wide-brimmed hat that shields your face
and neck from the sun, long sleeves and
pants. The American Cancer Society advises that clothes that are dry, darker and
have tighter knits are better at protecting
your skin from UV rays. However, also
wear sunscreen for ultimate protection.
I: Inside. Avoid being outside from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. when possible. These
are the peak hours for UV rays. If you
are going to be outside during this time
of the day, take precautions like staying
in the shade.
N: No tanning beds. Tanning beds
produce UV rays just like tanning outside.
Getting a base tan before going to the
beach does not protect your skin from
the sun while at the beach.
Photo by Dr. Edwin P. Ewing, Jr., CDC
People play at a beach in Honolulu,
E: Examine your skin. Look for
moles that are growing larger, black or
uneven in color and look for discolored
skin patches. These marks could be signs
of melanoma, a particularly dangerous
type of skin cancer, and should be discussed with your doctor.
Although sun safety is important in
the summer, remember UV rays can
find you year-round. If you follow these
“SUNSHINE” tips, you can be sure to
enjoy your summer responsibly and
protect your skin — the largest organ
in your body.
July 16, 2015wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwiesbadenwarmywmil
Bulletin board
At the movies Movie plots
July 16-July 29
Editor’s note: Extensive renovations to improve the
Taunus Movie Theater began Jan. 12, and through
September movies will be shown every day of the week
at Tony Bass Auditorium (Clay Kaserne Bldg. 1043).
The movies listing was the most current at the time of
publication. Please visit https://www.shopmyexchange.
com/ for the most up-to-date schedule.
Tony Bass Auditorium
© 2015 - Columbia Pictures / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
Pixels — Play for the planet
July 16 — The Gallows (R) 9 p.m.
July 17 — Ant-Man (PG-13) 4 p.m., 9 p.m.
July 18 — Minions (PG) 2 p.m., Ant-Man (PG13) 4 p.m., Trainwreck (R) 9 p.m.
July 19 — Ant-Man (PG-13) 2 p.m., 4 p.m.,
Trainwreck (R) 9 p.m.
July 20 — Ant-Man (PG-13) 9 p.m.
July 21 — Trainwreck (R) 9 p.m.
July 22 — The Gallows (R) 9 p.m.
July 23 — Minions (PG) 9 p.m.
July 24 — Pixels (PG-13) 9 p.m.
July 25 — Minions (PG) 4 p.m., Pixels (PG-13)
9 p.m.
July 26 — Ant-Man (PG-13) 4 p.m., Pixels
(PG-13) 9 p.m.
July 27 — Closed
July 28 — Closed
July 29 — Closed
© 2015 - Universal Pictures / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
© 2015 - Marvel Studios / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
Ant-Man — The next evolution of the Marvel
Cinematic Universe brings a founding member
of The Avengers to the big screen for the first
time with Marvel Studios’ “Ant-Man.” Armed
with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale
but increase in strength, master thief Scott
Lang must embrace his inner-hero and help
his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, protect the secret
behind his spectacular Ant-Man suit from a
new generation of towering threats. Against
seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Pym
and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that
will save the world.
Trainwreck — Since she was a little girl, it’s
been drilled into Amy’s (Schumer) head by her
rascal of a dad (Colin Quinn) that monogamy
isn’t realistic. Now a magazine writer, Amy
lives by that credo, enjoying what she feels
is an uninhibited life free from stifling, boring
romantic commitment, but in actuality, she’s
kind of in a rut. When she finds herself starting
to fall for the subject of the new article she’s
writing, a charming and successful sports
doctor named Aaron Conners (Bill Hader),
Amy starts to wonder if other grown-ups,
including this guy who really seems to like
her, might be on to something.
Minions — The story of Universal Pictures
and Illumination Entertainment’s Minions
begins at the dawn of time. Starting as
single-celled yellow organisms, Minions
evolve through the ages, perpetually
serving the most despicable of masters.
Continuously unsuccessful at keeping
these masters, from T. rex to Napoleon, the
Minions find themselves without someone
to serve and fall into a deep depression.
But one Minion named Kevin has a plan,
and he, alongside teenage rebel Stuart
and lovable little Bob, ventures out into
the world to find a new evil boss for his
brethren to follow. The trio embarks upon
a thrilling journey that ultimately leads
them to their next potential master, Scarlet
Overkill (Academy Award® winner Sandra Bullock), the world’s first-ever female
super-villain. They travel from frigid Antarctica to 1960s New York City, ending in
mod London, where they must face their
biggest challenge to date: saving all of
Minionkind...from annihilation. Additionally, Minions is eaturing a soundtrack of
hit music from the ’60s that still permeates
our culture today. Minions is produced by
Illumination’s Chris Meledandri and Janet
Healy, and is directed by Pierre Coffin
and Kyle Balda. Brian Lynch has written
the screenplay for the 3D-CG comedy
adventure, and Chris Renaud serves as
executive producer of the film.
The Gallows — Twenty years after an accident caused the death of the lead actor
during a high school play, students at the
same small town school resurrect the failed
stage production in a misguided attempt
to honor the anniversary of the tragedy,
but ultimately find out that some things
are better left alone.
Pixels — In Pixels, intergalactic aliens misinterpret video-feeds of classic arcade games
as a declaration of war against them and
attack the Earth, using the games as models for their various assaults. President Will
Cooper (James) has to call on his childhood
best friend, ’80s video game champion
Sam Brenner (Sandler), now a home theater installer, to lead a team of old-school
arcaders (Dinklage and Gad) to defeat
the aliens and save the planet. Monaghan
plays the team’s unique weapons specialist.mystery, they find more excitement, and
danger, than they bargained for. But they
each might also find an unlikely new best
friend…in each other.
www.wiesbaden.army.mil .......................................................................... July 16, 2015
Herald Union
Page 15
no longer
Dragon boat team finds friendship,
teamwork through paddling
By Shayna Brouker
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs Office
ardly any Americans in the
boat speak fluent German, and the
Germans sometimes feel uncomfortable speaking English. But once the
race marshal yells “Go” everyone
starts paddling and no words are
necessary; only teamwork and the
desire to win.
Such is the nature of paddling
with the Lazy Dragons dragon boat
team, made up of U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden community members and
their German neighbors. The team
proved its name otherwise this past
weekend at the annual Schierstein
Harbor Festival dragon boat regatta
July 11-12.
More than 20 teams from around
Germany gathered at the harbor to
paddle furiously to the finish line
over the course of two days. The Lazy
Dragons are traditionally the only
Americans represented, with some
fellow German paddlers mixed in
and vice versa. But with both teams
lacking the required 20 committed
paddlers to make a full boat, the Lazy
Dragons joined forces with German
paddlers on their coach’s other team,
“Paddling with the Lazy Dragons is so much fun, because they
are so nice, sincere and motivated,”
said Esther Pscheidt, a member of
Stifterappler who served as the team’s
drummer, perched atop a tiny bench
at the front of the boat to drum and
help paddlers stay synchronized.
“They never laugh at us when we
don’t speak English so well. We felt
welcome with them, and they are
very, very strong.”
“Paddling with the
Lazy Dragons is so
much fun because they
are so nice, sincere
and motivated.”
The Lazy Dragons had a rough
start at the first 250-meter race, but
steadily rallied to place first in the
Page 16
Herald Union
D finals. The highlight of their performance was the 2,000-meter race,
in which they improved from 11th
to 21st place. They finished at 11
minutes and 15 seconds, 30 seconds
ahead of the rest of the group.
Coach Gerd Stinner said it was
one of the best races in his career as
a dragon boat coach.
“I am sure it was a very interesting experience for both teams and
both took the advantage to learn a
lot about each other,” he said. “The
language barrier was much lower than
anticipated. That’s what I intended
when I started coaching the first two
American teams (comprised of members of the 1st Armored Division and
the American Red Cross) in 2008.”
For Lesli Hartelt, a newcomer to
dragon boating, the weekend was an
exciting introduction to the sport.
“My first races were tough. I
was excited and nervous at the same
time,” she said. “Coming in close to
last our first three races was a little
disappointing, but for our 2k race we
excelled. On day two of races, coming
[in] first for all our races was a great
boost to our morale.”
The team will continue to practice twice a week, sometimes with
“The unanimous view of the Germans on the team is: Let us continue
practicing and racing together. I share
this opinion,” said Stinner.
Their next race is the ESWE Cup
at the end of September. Stinner
hopes for more Americans to become
interested in dragon boating and, he
The Lazy Dragons, combined with members of the German team Stifterappler, take off
Skeesick and Cheryl Sterling at the stern.
The Lazy Dragons, with Coach Gerd Stinner at the helm and closest to the shoreline, battle other dragon boats during one of the
250-meter races Saturday.
said, “the normal dreams of a coach:
developing and coaching a champion
“We are a pieced-together team
that changes almost every day,”
Hartelt said. “But somehow we make
it work. And that says a lot for any
The Rhein-Main USO and
Mirascon bank sponsored the team
this year. The team is open to any
member of the USAG Wiesbaden
community. No experience is necessary and all ages are welcome. For
more information, contact Shayna
Brouker at shayna.brouker@gmail.
Teams select pad
the Schierstein H
July 16, 2015 ............................................................. www.wiesbaden.army.mil
Photo courtesy of Esther Pscheidt
ff at the start of their third 250-meter race at Schierstein Harbor July 11 with Jonathan
Photos by Jacob Corbin
Members of the Lazy Dragons board the boat in preparation for
their next race.
ddles and prepare to board boats for the next race at Teammates high-five each other and competitors after a race Saturday, a common practice in the dragHarbor dock.
on boat communty.
www.wiesbaden.army.mil....................................................................July 16, 2015
Herald Union
Page 17
Make a tasty casserole!
Hello friends of good cooking and
Today we will make a tasty casserole with
cauliflower, noodles and ground meat.
What we need:
Cauliflower, noodles, ground meat, salt,
ground white pepper, sugar, butter, oil, lemon juice, grated cheese, a small onion, four
eggs and a little jar of liquid cream.
First of all, cut the cauliflower in small pieces. Heat up water with salt, ground white
pepper and some sugar. Also add a teaspoon
of butter and a sip of lemon juice. When
the water is boiling, put the cauliflower in it
and cook it until it is almost done. Put the
cauliflower in ice water to stop the cooking
process. After cooling it down, put the cold
cauliflower in a strainer to dry it.
Don’t waste the cauliflower water. We will use that
next week for a
cauliflower cream soup. To preserve it, fill
the water into a jar and let it cool down.
Then put it in the freezer to keep it fresh for
next week.
Take a pan and heat it up. Put some oil in
it to roast the ground meat. Cut a small onion in slim dices. Add the onion into the pan
when the meat has roasted long enough to
get dry again. Add salt and ground white
pepper, and let everything roast for 10-15
more minutes.
Meanwhile we boil the noodles in salted water until they are almost done. Then put the
noodles into a strainer and cool them down
with cold water.
Now take your casserole
dish, put a small
of butter in it to prevent it from sticking.
Then put the cooked cauliflower in the casserole, the noodles next and the ground
meat on top of it. Scramble four eggs and a
little jar of liquid cream with salt and white
pepper. Pour it over all the ingredients. At
last, put the grated cheese on top.
Your oven should be heated to 180 degrees
celsius. Put the casserole in it for 40 to 50
minutes, until all the liquid disappears and
there’s a nice cheesy crust on top.
If you like, you can serve it with a bit of lettuce, tomato and cucumber salad.
www.herald-union.com ................................................................................. July 16, 2015 Herald Union Page 21
9 3
Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column,
and each of the nine 3x3 grids contains each of
the numbers 1 through 9 once.
Page 22
Herald Union
5 8
4 3
July 16, 2015 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
47 safe from harm
13 Where a brood is raised
1 Destiny
48 Dance unit
18 Even
5 Pianist rubinstein
50 Hanger-on
22 comb projections
10 Tartan representation
52 Bruce Willis’s first
24 Kublai __
14 Israeli arms
56 clerical clothing
27 Bellow
16 Wander
57 Win over
28 “show Boat” author
17 consecrated
59 “Blue Tail Fly” singer
19 “Mila 18” author
60 Use a fitting room
20 Necessitate
61 Insect eggs
21 strict disciplinarian
62 Depraved emperor
23 High spot
63 Declare
25 Go up and down
64 Excessive supply
26 cupidity
This week’s solution!
Courtesy of thinks.com
26 Electric power network
15 Phileas Fogg’s creator
30 White poplar
32 regions
34 Narcotic
35 spain’s longest river
37 Warm, sweetened wine
38 competes
29 Hick
31 Fishing gear
1 Firecracker part
32 small application
2 Muezzin’s call to prayer
33 Walked purposefully
3 salon service
36 Woosnam of the PGA
4 Flies the coop
37 Assyrian capital
5 st. Teresa of ___
39 sphere
6 Boxing official
49 Bale binder
40 Window decor
7 In good shape
50 Distress
42 Jack-in-the-box part
8 Perturbed
51 singer from Donegal
43 Tree protuberance
9 set right
53 comet part
44 Eden’s clothing source?
10 Warship
54 “__, Brute!”
46 Don ___ de la Vega
11 Blackmore heroine
55 Balance
12 “A room With ___”
58 Barracks bed
41 Guernica painter
43 Mowgli’s creator
45 riposte
46 card game start
47 Balm
www.herald-union.com ................................................................................. July 16, 2015 Herald Union Page 23
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Page 24
Herald Union
July 16, 2015 ............................................................................ www.herald-union.com
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than cash.
1997 Mazda 626E, Automatic,
Euro Spec, Passed inspection,
gmail.com, Power windows. CD
player & MP3, Power locks/mirrors, power sunroof, large trunk,
ABS brakes, Dual airbags, AC, all
weather floor tires. 199,200km
2010 Ford Escape, $13,500.00,
low mileage, one owner non smocall
Hamp Synergy, $18, oil filters. ker,
H1540-PFB-004, isabell_1_98@ya
hoo.com / 017622987498
The Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury
English speaking Episcopal church
in the center of Wiesbaden (since 1864)
Welcoming all nationalities & denominations.
Sunday worship (Holy Eucharist) at 10am
including Sunday School & fellowship
150 Years
Sunday July 19: Festive Anniversary Service
(followed by a reception) 10 a.m.
Monday July 20: The choirs of St. John’s Church,
Ranmoor UK in Concert 7.30 p.m.
Wednesday 19 August: Lunchtime Recital 1 p.m.
Frankfurter Strasse 3 • 65189 Wiesbaden • 0611 30 66 74
www.staugustines.de • parish@staugustines.de
2010 Smart Passion Coupe, Silver with Sporty Red interior, asking €5750, Only 46,600 km, averages 45-50 MPG, automatic, heated seats, comes with full set of
winter and summer tires both on
rims. Noellevp@yahoo.com
BMW 525i Model 2000, new German inspection, power steering,
power locks, air cond, leather ausstattung, seat heating, power windows, alu rims w/ new summer tires, new battery and brakes.
€2100. 0152-06467728
2011 BMW 328i Sport Sedan,
$22,995-, US SPEC, Automatic,
Leather, Sunroof, Sport Pack,
Cruise Control, Power Seats, Alloy, Excellent, New Service, Call:
0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro
peanmotors.org, Web: www.euro
Daihatsu silver met, 4 Door, 5
Speed, 1.0 LTR, year 2002, air
cond, summer tires and winter tires, CD player ABS, air bags,
$1750, and we deliver anywhere
with cash in hand, ddundkk@hot
2011 BMW 335i Coupe, $28,850, US SPEC, Manual, Leather, Sunroof, Cruise Control, Heated
Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent
Condition, FREE HOME SHIPPING, Call:0176 2273 0967,
Email: info@europeanmotors.org,
2004 Corvette Coupe, Comme- Web: www.europeanmotors.org
morative Ed, 27,500 miles, Exc.
2011 GMC Terrain "SLT" 4X4
Cond, LeMans Blue, New MicheSUV with 3rd Row, $22,925-, US
lin Pilot Sport Run-flat Tires, New
SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise
brakes and rotors, New battery, 4
Control, Power Seats, Alloy,
sp. Auto, Comfort Access, LeaBackup Camera, Perfect Conditither, Cruise, Power Everything,
on, Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: in
Dual Airbags, Moon Roof/Targa,
HUD, Bose CD, ABS, Traction
Contrl, Active Handling, Dual Climate, Sport Exhaust. Loud and 2011 Opel Astra, $9000, Euro
fast. $24,500 obo. slutz2004@ Spec 32mpg, 47km, 1 owner,
gmail.com; tel. 0711 722 48 680
summer/winter tires on rims, hea-
Ford Scorpio, 1998 , 4 door automatic, $ 1400., ddundkk@hot
mail.de, elec locks, windows,
KMS 130,000, power stering,
ABS, Air bags, air cond
1998 BMW 520i Sport Sedan,
$6,795-, US SPEC, Automatic,
BMW Sound System, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, Xenon Headlights, Perfect Condition, New Service, Call: 0176 2273 0967, Email:
info@europeanmotors.org, Web:
110.000miles, suroof, A/C, alloy
guaranteed.€3600, Located in Landstuhl
call 0170-7333610 oe mailto: au
2003 SAAB 9-5 Linear Sport Sedan, $6,995-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Sunroof, Cruise Control, Power Seats, Alloy, Excellent
Condition, New Service, Call:
0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro
peanmotors.org, Web: www.euro
2006 Mini Cooper, $8,695-, US
SPEC, Manual, Leather, Sunroof,
Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition,
Very Low Fuel Consumption,
Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: info@
ted seats/steering wheel, Navigation, Cruise Control, Blue tooth,
Awesome car - pcsing and can't
take with us christinaskowronski@
Volo XC90,
staci_ins@yahoo.com, 52,900 miles, AWD, Traction Control, 3rd
row seating, new brakes and tires, all dealer maintenance, ABS,
navigation, heated seats and
much more. Email for details and
2007 Ford CMax $3200 91000
miles. New clutch and airconditiong. Great car for commuting
and roomy for tall people while
still able to fit in small parking
spots. Located in Sembach. Email
2012 VW Passat SEL V6 3.6
Sport Sedan, $22,495-, US SPEC,
2007 VW Passat Wagon "Luxury" Automatic, Leather, Sunroof, NaviPower
2.0 FSI, $10,695-, US SPEC, Auto- gation,
matic, Leather, Power Glass Sun- Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call:
roof, Cruise Control, Power Seats, 0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro
Alloy, Excellent Condition, Call: peanmotors.org, Web: www.euro
0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org
peanmotors.org, Web: www.euro
2012 VW Tiguan "SE" 2.0T 4 Mopeanmotors.org
tion SUV, $21,495-, US SPEC, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power
Seat, Alloy, Heated Seats, Perfect
Condition, 1 Owner Vehicle,
Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: info@
2013 Nissan Altima "S" 2.5 Sport
Coupe, $17,995-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Navigation, Cruise
Control, BOSE Sound System, Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition,
Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: info@
Hyundai Santor, 1997, 4 Door,
automatic, $ 1350, ddundkk@hot
mail.de, 3.0 V-6 , clean, leather,
elect windows, and windows, ali
rims, KMS 107,000 and we deliver
anywhere, my ph is 0175-3213199
Mazda, Blue SUV, 4 X 4 , 2001,
automatic, 4 Door, air cond, ali
rims, new tires, all weather, KMS
220,000, $3300, ddundkk@hot
Merc Benz, combi, Blue, automatic, air cond, ABS, power stering ,
elec windows and locks, ali rims
with all new weather tires, KMS
127,000 price $2150, ddundkk@
Merc Benz, C-180, white, automatic, € 2150, car has German
new TÜV, no rust, in ment cond,
my ph is 0175-3213199 Call or
Email ddundkk@hotmail.de
Mercedes CL 500, €22.500,
2003, 1. hand, 83.000 km, all options incl. independent vehicle heater, keyless-go, fridge in back
seats, splendid condition, etc....
Opel Astra , White, 4 Door, 5
Speed, $ 1450, ddundkk@hot
2015, and we deliver anywhere,
my ph is 0175-3213199
Parts: 1999 VW Golf Variant
IV(Kombi), does not run. Transmission/drivetrain in great shape.
Please contact Mike @ 01766494-0455 for more info.
Seat year 1997, Green met, air
cond, ABS, Power Stering elec
Windows, TUV good for 15
months, summer and winter tires
my ph is 0175-3213199, $1900,
Selling my 2014 Toyota Highlander
BMW 316 I, 24 VAL, silver met,
Year 2001,5 Speed, abs, air bags,
Used 2014 Land Rover Range
air cond, power windows, KMS
Sport, $22000, davidmark1990@
190,000, $2900, ddundkk@hot
2012 Toyota Highlander, $, Volkswagen Phaeton 2007 3.0
mohammedmusa632@gmail.com Diesel, obo, VW's Flagship car in
perfect condition. Only 72,000
BMW 320 I, silver met, automa- Km, EuroSpec;Black metallic.
tic, air cond, abs, power stering, New price was over 80,000 Euro.
elec windows and we deliver any- For full features/more pictures
where, my ph is 0175-3213199, email: tsza52@hotmail.com, tel
$2250, ddundkk@hotmail.de
Page 26
Herald Union
July 16, 2015 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
Have fun with the locals
The Jules Verne Code
Thu, Jul 16
Frankfurt, Museum für Kommunikation
From London to Bombay and Yokohama, this exhibition traces
Phileas Fogg’s steps all over the world. Jule Verne’s protagonist traveled across the globe in 80 days and Frankfurt’s Museum for Communication invites you to a special journey that
only takes a single day. Learn about the history of globalization and reenact ways of getting around in the 19th century
with countless exhibits and findings from over 200 years ago
between June 30 and August 30. Admission only costs €3 per
adult. Visit www.mfk-frankfurt.de for more info.
Medieval spectacle
Fri, Jul 17 – Sat, Jul 18
Eckelsheim, Beller Kirche
Fans of the Middle Ages, come to Eckelsheim between July 17 and 19. Their
medieval market is set up all around the
Beller Kirche (church) where a colorful
and action-packed program promises fun
for everyone, tall or tiny. Admission is free
on Friday and costs €5 per adult on Saturday and Sunday. For more information,
visit www.alzeyer-land.de.
Jazz festival
Fri, Jul 17
Idstein, town center
Idstein invites you to their annual Jazz
festival in the heart of the city, its historic
district, from July 17 to 19. Countless
bands will provide you and your family
with a musical selection from classics to
modern rock & pop originals while you
enjoy a variety of culinary offers. Visit
www.idstein-jazzfestival.de for the entire
weekend’s schedule and more info.
Nightly expedition at the zoo
Fri, Jul 17
Frankfurt, Frankfurt Zoo
Even though most animals go to sleep at
night, there’s lots to see and more to hear
at Frankfurt zoo on July 17. The kids will
sit next to a bonfire, broil bread on a stick
and learn about the animals. It takes place
every third Friday of the month from 7:30
until 10 p.m. Admission costs €10 including €4 to support nature protection. The
number of participants is limited to 20
children so be sure to register your child
early at www.naturschutz-botschafter.de.
Fri, Jul 17 – Sun, Jul 19
Lorch am Rhein, Markt- and Museumsplatz
The traditional Hilchenfest in Lorch am
Rhein will start on July 17 with an opening ceremony by the mayor. A variety of
wineries and local organizations will offer drinks and food. On Saturday the new
wine queen and the new wine princess
will be crowned at 5:30 p.m. On all three
days musical entertainment will be provided. See www.lorch-rhein.de for more
Fri, Jul 17 – Sun, Jul 19
Schlangenbad, Kurpark
Join this year’s Schlangenfest in Schlangenbad on July 17 – 19. If you are a
sports fanatic then be sure to join in.
There will be a mini Triathlon and lots of
great food including flammkuchen, grilled
food, pizza and much more. For more
information visit www.verkehrsvereinschlangenbad.de
Summer barbecue
Sat, Jul 18
Bodenheim, Reit und Fahrverein
Enjoy a summer barbecue with your family or friends at the horseback riding club’s
premises in Bodenheim, hosted by the
local carnival association. Tender steaks,
German sausages, homemade salads and
much more will be available from 4 p.m.
Admission is free.
Sun, Jul 19
Mainz, Mainzer Volkspark
Looking for something fun to do with your
children, then come to Mainz on July 19
for the Kinderfestival (children’s festival).
Your children will be able to join in on a
few games, quizzes as well as dance and
jump around from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. No
need to worry about an entrance fee as
it is all free. There will be a fun-filled program for the children and also something
for the adults. For more information visit
Wein im Park
Fri, Jul 24 – Sun, Jul 26
Bad Münster, Kurpark
The Wein im Park (wine in the park) festival in Badmünster am Stein-Ebernburg
will take place from July 24 to 26 in
the beautiful atmosphere of the Kurpark
(spa gardens). Taste delicious wines
from the Mosel area and enjoy a variety of food while listening to live bands
on Saturday from 4 p.m. and on Sunday
from 11 a.m. For more information, visit
International beer festival
Fri, Jul 24 – Sun, Jul 26
Bonn, Freizeitpark Rheinaue
If you’re looking for something to do this
weekend from July 24 - 20 you can visit
the beer festival in Bonn that will last 3
days. There will be lots of different beers,
plenty of food, good music and much
more. For more detailed information, visit
Joshua Bell
Fri, Jul 17
Eltville, Kloster Eberbach
See the American violinist Joshua Bell
perform at Kloster Eberbach’s basilica
More events on: www.militaryingermany.com
on July 17 at 8 p.m. Bell will be directing
the London’s renowned Academy of St.
Martin in the Fields playing Bach, Tchaikovsky, Barber and Piazzola.
For more information about this event go
to www.events.agbc.de.
Imagine Dragons
Mon, Oct 12
Mannheim, SAP Arena
Imagine Dragons is an American rock
band from Las Vegas. They will be performing live in Mannheim at the SAP Arena on October 12. Look forward to a live
performance of their number one hit ‘Radioactive.’ Ticket prices start at €41.50.
For more information and tickets go to
Sat, Jul 25
Mannheim, Roberto-Clemente-Field
Are you ready for a ball game? I am! See
the Mannheim Tornados play against the
Haar Disciples on the 25th of July at 1
p.m. in Mannheim. These two teams are
part of the National Baseball League.
Ticket price is €6. For more information
about the game go to www.tornados.de.
Electronic Sports League One
Sat, Aug 22 – Sun, Aug 23
Mannheim, SAP Arena
Join in on one of the largest CounterStrikes: Global Offensive tournaments
from August 22 to August 23 in Mannheim. A weekend ticket costs €41. This
ticket will give you access to the venues
on both days. For more information visit
www.herald-union.com ................................................................................. July 16, 2015 Herald Union Page 27
All ads and pics on class-world.com
BMW 320 I, E 46, RED, 5 Speed,
ali rims 17 inch all weather tires,
year 2001, sport, KMS 200, OOO,
$3100, ddundkk@hotmail.de
VW Golf 111, 1.6 LTR, black met,
2 Door, 5 Speed, 1.6 LTR, GerANNOUNCEMENTS
man TUV TILL 07/2015 very good
running, we deliver anywhere with All ads and pics on class-world.com
cash in hand, my ph is 01753213199 Price, $ 1150, ddundkk@
Live Roller Derby, Get ready to
watch RGA take on Barockcity in
our second Bundesliga game of
the season. Sunday, June 14
Opel Omega 2.0 LTR, silver met, Doors open 0900, Game starts at
ABS, all weather tires, air cond, $ 1300. Kids 10 and under are free.
General admission tickets are €5
1500, ddundkk@hotmail.de
Adopt while stationed overseas!
www.adopt-abroad.com Adoption Intl & foster care, home studies. Hague accredited. Caseworkers in Germany. US 001-888526-4442
All ads and pics on class-world.com
The 86th Force Support
Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off
the installation. Providers
who provide more than 10
hours a week of care must
be licensed. Please use good
judgment when choosing
child care services. For more
information please contact
DSN 478-7420 or civ 06371405-7420
!! Day Care mother has openings
for all ages in Katzenbach, very
experienced, breakfast & lunch
incl. (engl spk), Call Bettina @
VW • Audi • Seat • Skoda • Porsche
ECU upgrades, performance products & more
Internet Power Line Adapter,
€70, bwginas@gmail.com
Laney speakers, for more information Call: 017622987498
Metal Slug Anthology, Wii game,
played once, perfect condition - like new!, €15, copongracz@
gmail.com **See pics on classworld.com
Rayman Raving Rabbits, Wii game, perfect condition, like new!
**See pics on class-world.com
SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, Wii
game, like new!, €12, ccopon
gracz@gmail.com **See pics on
Stearing wheel "Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback" for your
PC! Love to play auto games?
Wanna feel like yr r driving for real? Then dont miss this!, pics on
gracz@gmail.com **See pics on
Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game,
perfect condition, like new! €15,
pics on class-world.com
T-Eumex 220PC, for fast and
comfortable internet communicatiPlay Academy ChildCare. I am a on. Isdn $15, isabell_1_98@ya
licensed & certified child care pro- hoo.com,
vider.I live in Rodenbach, 10 min The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game,
Vogelweh & 10 min RAB.I have perfect condition, like new! €8,
years of experience & refe- coemser@gmail.com **See pics
rences.My home is warm & co- on class-world.com
zy.Warm home cooked Lunch is
provided for the children every
day. Your child will have its very
own indoor playground & fenced
All ads and pics on class-world.com
in backyard for the summer as
well as weekly field trip outings.If
you are in need, I am here for you
Caution: Some Classified
Monday-Friday. Age 2-5, Mon-Fri
ads have become a target
for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer
you payment methods other
than cash.
"Come to us and
d get on
ne Dyno run forr free!"*
*Just for stage 1, stage 2 upgrades
All ads and pics on class-world.com
ofstr. 185
67480 Edenk
Tel. 06323 / 988 03
3 55
or 0176 / 70 70 81 94
goapr-rlp.de • www..goapr--rlp.de
All ads and pics on class-world.com
2 Antique Persian silk carpets for
praying, size 1,60 x 1, 10meters,
1,35 x 0,85 meters, 1old oil painting in wide largeframe, "Stil life"
73 x 63 Wide, 1 sauerkraut large
Antique Pot, 0631-4150901 /
220 volt transformer. 1 X 75 watt
for $20. Contact Eric and Mia at
The 911 Carrera
It’s about as fast as you can go
without having to eat airline food.
The 911 Carrera
Page 28
Herald Union
Hauptstr. 189 A | 70563 Stuttgart – Vaihingen
www.cars-intl.com | info@cars-intl.com
950 Platinum ZEI Three-Diamond
Ring, $1500 or best offer, size 5,
5.5 grams total weight, .50ct total
weight diamond, two side diamonds .33 ct total each, appraised from 2006-2008, estimated retail
Aeropostale long sleeve. Pink.
On the front are pictures of peaces signs and the label name is
shown. Size M. Barley worn.
Good condition. For pics see
www.class-world.com. €9. jani
Apollo is Here! July 18th, Armstrongs Club, Vogelweh. Come
out and support the largest and
longest running fund raiser in the
KMCC! This show sells out every
year, almost 1000 people per
show! Call 01725671080 or
Bible study books etc, $20,
Black knitted pullover. Size XS
but fits also for size M. €5. See
www.class-world.com for pictures. Janina.Wuttke@gmx.de
Bracelet - Brown, handmade! Beautiful accessory for any ocation,
any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your
best girl friends. €10, copon
gracz@gmail.com, pics on classworld.com
Bracelet - Gray/Black, handmade. Beautiful accessory for any occation, any outfit. Treat yourself to
something nice or bring a smile to
your best girl friends. €10, copon
gracz@gmail.com, pics on classworld.com
Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition
books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley,
Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald
Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom
Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or
Dark green Roxy Jeans. Size 30.
Find pictures at www.classworld.com. €10. janina.wuttke@
Engleby from Sebastian Faulks!
Great book., €2, pic on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com
For That Special Collector a Beautiful The United States Commemorative Presidential Collection,
Full Kitchen for sale, €750,
GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect condition, like new. Size small., €5, coem
German & English Dictionary
1936, Health Book For the Home
1921, A World of Girls, Printed NewYork,
Green wedges, size 40, never
worn. Paid €50, asking $40.
Handbag "Alexander": Brown,
leather bag, hardly used, perfect
condition! €8, pics on classworld.com,
Handbag "Esprit brand": Small
bad, black leather, ideal if you only need to carry few things around
with you like purse, cell phone
etc., €5, pics on class-world.com,
Handbag: Classy black leather
bag. Hardly used, perfect condition!, pics on class-world.com,
€15, copongracz@gmail.com
Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a
bow on the back. €15. For pics
see www.class-world.com. Contact janina.wuttke@gmx.de
Huge Comic/Graphic Novel Sale!
Fri-Sat 07-08 AUG 15. 1000's of
comics & 100's of graphic novels.
2-day event open to everyone!
FRI 07 AUG 10:00-1800 SAT 08
AUG 0800-1600 Ramstein-Miesenbach
Knee length satin dress, size 40
July 16, 2015 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
www.herald-union.com ................................................................................. July 16, 2015 Herald Union Page 29
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Sandals "Anne Klein": Classy
s..., Sandals "Anne Klein": Classy
shoes, brown leather, great to wear at work or for going out at
night. Only slight signs of usage.
Size 9M, €5, pics on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com
Labtop or plate table. Perfect Leather couch, €200, alex-bel
when sitting on couch eating for lon@t-online.de,
Adress:Geto place labtop on. 017622987498 schwister-scholl-str.48 RamsteinMiesenbach Tel: 0176/72334708
Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/
prom/summer night out. $50;
017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya
hoo.com Pic on www.classworld.eu
Cosmetic surgery - Free consultation
• Breast augmentation, lift and reduction • Liposuction/lipo transfer
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loss • male breast • botox • fillers • fat transfer (treatment of wrinkles)
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Dentist Andrea Wahl
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• Endodontic therapy
• Periodontal therapy
• Anxiety patients
Sonnenberger Strasse 100
65193 Wiesbaden
Tel: (0611) 56 16 11
Rebecca Banks,, PharmD
Piano to sell, superb condition,
tuned, 590 €, phone on 0171 31
35 004
Mug 1 Liter, 50 years, Schlacht
imHürtgenwald w/ American &
German Flag, 1944 - 1994 and
certain documents in English language, 1 Mugs Limited Edition w/
Cert.5000 Worldwide, 1 Mug Octoberfest 1/2 liter, €, 06314150901 / 0172-6529752
Dental Care
Services offered:
• Family Dentistry
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• Crowns and
• Implant Surgery
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• Saturday & Evening
Caring, Friendly American staff
Your friendly neighborhood pharmacy!
32a • 65191 Wi
lh i S
b d Bi
Store Phone: 0611-502725
Pharmacy Hours:
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Sundays closed
Wiesbaden Dental Care
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65205 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim
Ramstein Dental Care
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English Speaking Staff – VAT Forms – Free Local Delivery
Certified American
Dental Hygienists
Tricare Preferred Provider
view. Black
Cardigan from Reand white stripes. For
www.class€10. janina.wuttke@
Shamballa Bracelet - Lilac/white,
handmade, adjustable in size, fits
almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best
girl friends. €10, coemser@
Kookai dress, size 40, $30, chif- gmail.com
fron material, purple, pink, and
beige, worn once, 017622987498,
see class world for pictures.
The Swarovski Pierrot measures
8". This is the first edition of "MasRed shoes/pumps, Size 41, worn querade" series. Retired in 1999.
once, too big., €10, isabell_1_98@ isabell_1_98@yahoo.com
Mario & Luigi starting line Race.
Mariokart Wii.from Knex, $30, original price $61.99. isabell_1_98@
yahoo.com or 017622987498
T-Shirt "America", perfect condition, like new, size small! €5, co
pongracz@gmail.com ***pics on
See the 2015 Wacken Open Air
Show, with Judas Priest, Seplutura, Rob Zombie, and over 130 more bands on 6 stages. 2 tickets, all
three days €500 scott.abroad@hot
Various books for sale, Hölleim
Hürtgen Wald (The Hell atHürtgenforest, Sept. 1944 - Feb.1945,
Maas+RheinSept. 1444 - March
1945, w/ Orginal Signature from
Author, 0631-4150901/ 0172Shamballa Bracelet - Black/Gray, 6529752
handmade, adjustable in size, fits
almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any out- Various music CDs for sale, all
fit. Treat yourself to something ni- from the 2000er years. Single
ce or bring a smile to your best CDs from Nelly Furtado, Christina
girl friends. €12, copongracz@ Aguilera etc. for €3, music samplers like Bravo Hits and The Dome
€4. For a picture of the selection
see www.class-world.com. ConShamballa Bracelet - Brown/Cre- tact janina.wuttke@gmx.de
me, handmade, adjustable in size,
fits almost every wrist. Beautiful
accessory for any ocation, any Various size New Gym bags
outfit. Treat yourself to something $10.00
nice or bring a smile to your best gmail.com
girl friends. €15, copongracz@
The Notebook from Nicholas
Sparks - wonderful book!, €2, pic
on class-world.com, copongracz@
Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bottles, attractive metal finish, fits perfectly in a small, narrow space.
$10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad
ow beautiful do you feel? As a leading medical
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Page 30
Herald Union
Dr. med.
Wolfram Kluge
Dr. med.
Claudia Schaar
Dr. med.
Reinhard Titel
• Breast surgery
• Figure surgery
• Facial surgery
• Holistic volume &
wrinkle therapy
with Botox and
• Liposuction
• Breast surgery
• Breast
• Abdominoplasty
• Facelift
0800-2101011 (free phone)
Medical One Klinik Wiesbaden • Mainzer Straße 98-102, 65189 Wiesbaden
July 16, 2015 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Shamballa Bracelet - Purple/white, handmade, adjustable in size,
fits almost every wrist. Beautiful
accessory for any ocation, any
outfit. Treat yourself to something
nice or bring a smile to your best
girl friends. €10, copongracz@
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory
service experience, please always ask for credentials and
deny payments up front. For
cleaning services, arrange
for payments after a final
walk-through and inspection
of the clean house.
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Antique 100 y.o. German china
cabinet, matching dining table
with 4 chairs. See photo on KA
classifieds web page. Contact
Eric and Mia at 063759949674.,
€950, eyates9761@aol.com
Antique Bench, Antique bench
with cushion seat, storage space
and wheels. See photo on KA
classifieds web page. Contact
Eric and Mia at 063759949674.,
€600, eyates9761@aol.com
Antique corner desk. See photo
on KA classifieds web page. Contact
Antique reproduction secretary
desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949674., €120,
Music classes in piano organ keyboard accordion brass instruments clarinet saxophone and singing. State Certified Teacher. Live
Piano Music. Piano Players seeks
live acts. Call 0157-74236887
All ads and pics on class-world.com
There have been reports of
pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please
choose your pet carefully.
Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling
the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/
or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice,
consult your Veterinarian.
Beautiful China cabinet with two
adjustable glass shelfs and two Hamster cage, used, asking $8,
draws. bwginas@gmail.com
must pick up in Rodenbach
67688 017622987498
Beautiful Dining Room Table & 4
Chairs, $400.00, Eddie Bauer by
Lane pedestal table with 4 arm
chairs. Diameter is 56" or 142 cm
& height is 29" or 74cm. Hate to
sell, but won't need in next house.
See photos. 0151 5670 3249
Black music rocking chair, $25,
purchased at mobel martin for
Couch, very comfortable and excellent condition, 2 Seats extra,
not shown in pictures.€ 390 gise
Mantel Clock, Mantel clock from
the 60 era. Key wind chines on
the half and full hour., $70.00
Office Desk and Chair for sale,
$150, payden.forkum@yahoo.com
Wooden bookshelf. See photo
on KA classifieds web page. Contact
Your German-American flea
market - online and in print!
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Huge Charity Yard Sale, All of the
money goes to dog rescue.June
10-13th, 9am-3pm. Gonbacherstrasse 4 in 67728 Muenchweiler
(near Sembach). We have a huge
selection...something for everyone. tteuber@hotmail.com
All ads and pics on class-world.com
We’ve been making
loans of up to
$10,000 to Active
Duty Military for
over 64 years.
Click Today...Cash Today® www.omnimilitaryloans.com “We love to say yes”®
Looking for bi-lingual office-clerk
in German-American Travel Agency in Ramstein. Sabre knowledges prefered. Call: 0171 7794 793
PAE is seeking employees for positions in the Mannheim area. Interested applicants must provide a resume, copies of training certificates, and a German
Background Check.
PEKO GmbH is seeking qualified
personnel for permanent job positions at the European Activity Set
(EAS) in Coleman Barracks, Mannheim. The positions are: (1. Heavy
Track Mechanics (2. Railway Operations Officer. Minimum Required Qualifications: (1. Relevant
Job experience in the advertised
position. (2. German Driver´s License Class B. (3. Reasonably fluent in English (both written and
speech). Interested? Please send
your English Resume (CV) per
Email to personal@pekogmbh.de
or per post to PEKO GmbH, Am
Herrschaftsweiher 9, 67071 Ludwigshafen Tel: 06237-92477-35
We are looking for individuals qualified as:
Safety Representative
Dispatcher/Master Driver
Recovery Specialist
Supply Technician (AWRDS or LMP)
Transportation Coordinator
Fuel Truck Operator (Fueling/Defueling)
Logistics Manager
Security Specialist
Production Control Manager
QC Chief
Supply Inspector (QC)
Production Inspector (QC)
Communications Inspector (QC)
I come to your home!
Cell: 0170-204 0880 Please send your resume (in English) and documentation to:
US & German Divorces • Support Issues
Wills and Probate • Employment • EEO • MSPB
Personal Injury • Contractor Issues • Tax
CALL 069-299-2069-0
email: maiss@up12legal.de
Rhine River Tours
Guided tour in English
4 to 12 guests per tour
Castle and Cruise
Cable car ride
Castle of Rheinstein
Rhine River Cruise
Enjoy an all day trip on
one of Germany’s famous
rivers with all of its
beauty, history & charm
for a large construction project at Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Germany. While the work
will be predominantly office based, it will be in a construction environment. Strong
MS Office Suite skills and excellent communication skills is a must. Fluent in English
and German a must. Prior experience working in a fast-paced construction environment preferred.
Your role is to manage and maintain the on-site project office. Duties and responsibilities generally involve administrative duties associated with the project to include:
American Speech Pathologists for American Kids
in Hochheim am Main
Rüdesheimer Str. 40
(7 miles from Clay Kaserne)
Tricare Preferred Provider
Elizabeth Grimley MS CCC-SLP
Speech and Language Services
Office Manager
The position is available 1 July 2015 and is a full-time temporary term position (40hrs/
week) for the duration of the project (approximately 1 year). booking request
call 0160-343 1986
Evaluation and treatment of
speech and language delays
and disorders by American
certified and licensed speechlanguage pathologists
ECCI, a US based DoD Contractor, is seeking an
06201 389 74 44
Responsible for project invoices and managing petty cash/ credit card purchases
Produce and duplicate reports and various project documentation, including filing
Support the project team with translation support
Manage and coordinate various office/project related correspondence
Manage Company Apartments/Vehicles
Develop Hotel and Travel Accommodations for incoming/outgoing staff and
Quality control documents for completeness and accuracy
Manage conference room calendar and prepare conference room for meetings
Responsible for office equipment maintenance and repair/replacement coordination
Provide on-site HR support (Aufenthaltstitel paperwork preparation, appointment
Procure office and kitchen supplies to sustain daily project operations
Effectively communicate with the ECCI project team, the client, vendors, and the
general public
Compile meeting minutes and call records
Other responsibilities and tasks may be required as needed.
Interested candidates should send their CV/Resume to:
Ms. Shannon Haire at shaire@ecc.net
Richard-Wagner-Str. 1
67655 Kaiserslautern
www.herald-union.com ................................................................................. July 16, 2015 Herald Union Page 31
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