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pdf - Herald Union
Vol. XXII, No. 23
Wiesbaden: Our home in Germany
Aug. 27, 2015
New CSM assumes responsibility
Addington takes reins, Rocco bids farewell to garrison
Photo by Jacob Corbin
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander Col. Mary Martin (center) stands with outgoing Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Roy Rocco (right) and his
incoming replacement, Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington (left), during a change-of-responsibility ceremony Aug. 21 at the Clay Kaserne chapel.
By Jacob Corbin
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs Office
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden has a new commander sergeant major after a change-of-responsibility
ceremony Aug. 21 at the Clay Kaserne chapel.
Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington was tasked
with the responsibility of U.S. Army Garrison Wies-
baden by Garrison Commander Col. Mary Martin after
outgoing Command Sgt. Maj. Roy Rocco presented her
the colors, signifying his time at the garrison was over.
“Sgt. Maj. Addington, I welcome you,” said Martin
in a speech after the ceremonial transfer. “There’s a
lot of great things to see and do here — hopefully
you enjoy the journey and you and your family feel
welcome here.”
To her outgoing command sergeant major, Martin
offered her thanks and well wishes for his journey
“Thirteen months ago when I arrived in Wiesbaden,
I was met by Command Sgt. Maj. Rocco,” Martin
said. “From that day forward, I had a battle buddy.
“Together, we haven’t done everything, but
See ‘CSM’ on page 8
New principal set
STEM campers put
for next year at HES ‘bots, skills, to the test
By Shayna Brouker
By Jacob Corbin
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs Office
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs Office
Students, parents and teachers starting a new
school year can expect a new face greeting them
at Hainerberg Elementary School, as a new principal has not only been selected — she’s already
working hard to prepare for the upcoming year.
Sandy Zigler, formerly the principal of Vogelweh Elementary School in Kaiserslautern,
Germany, has a lot planned for the students at
See ‘Principal’ on page 4
Summer fun
USO hosts Sun and
Fun event.
See page 9.
Sandy Zigler
“Some (robots) will quiver and shake
and fall off the table,” said Frank Pendzich, director of the middle and high
school RoboWarriors Robotics Club’s
STEM summer camp, introducing parents
to the single-elimination contest closing
out the camp. “But you learn more from
failure than you do from success.”
With that in mind, the sixth
through ninth graders at the second
Taste of
Learn about travel
to Scotland in part
one of a series.
See page 12.
STEM summmer camp learned valuable
lessons that had them program, design
and build their own robots. The camp
took place Aug. 17-21. Combined with
the Marine Tech Camp Aug. 10-14, more
than 50 students participated.
The contest had robots playing “king
of the mountain” — whichever one kept
its ping pong ball at the top at the end
of the match, won. Students working in
pairs devised strategic, unique designs
Concert on the
concert held.
See page 11.
See ‘Robots’ on page 5
Ask the commander
First, please help me welcome Command Sgt.
Maj. Larry E. Addington and his family to U.S. Army
Garrison Wiesbaden, Our Home in Germany. CSM
Addington, I’m looking forward to the journey and all
you will do to make a difference in USAG Wiesbaden.
On to the commentary: As always, thank you
for your comments, concerns and most of all, your
observations; together we can make USAG Wiesbaden one of the best communities in our Army. As
we continue with our progress, let us be mindful to
take extra care in making the areas in and around the
Garrison look the very best; yes, I know the extreme
heat of summer caused the grass to be a little brown
but some of you have done some amazingly creative
things to beautify your space. For that, we thank you
and please keep it up!
Some of my (and your) favorite holidays will be
here before we know it and we are getting geared up
to make USAG Wiesbaden look and feel more like the
holidays we’ve come accustomed to know back home
(wherever home is/was) — we’ll have more details for
you at our next Community Information Exchange.
In the meantime, and back to what’s happening
soon, school starts on Aug. 31 (kids, your vacation is
almost over) so let’s get ready to start the school year
off with safety and patience in mind. Therefore, give
yourself ample time to make it through the Hainerberg
ACP (the first day of school may feel like when we
first opened the ACP); don’t drop your student off
in unsafe, non-drop off areas; and when available,
please utilize the school bus service to save time. We
are looking forward to a fabulous school year — I
hope you are too! Vielen Dank!
Editor’s note: Have something you’d like to share
with the commander? Send an ICE comment or contact
the Commander’s Hotline (click the Feedback link on
the garrison home page).
Event rooms
Trudy D. said: I have a concern about the rules on
post regarding places to host events. Currently we have
two chapels, a large fitness center, an ACS building, a
hotel lodge, a USO building and the Amelia Earhart
theater (to name a few); that ALL have rooms/areas
that could be utilized by responsible patrons in the
garrison. However, as I attempt to request locations to
host an event, I am consistently met with the response
that the rooms are not approved to such usage.
I went as far as calling the Marriott off post and
was quoted nothing shy of a small wedding reception
rate for two hours in one of their conference rooms.
My question is why? Why are we limited to an entire
Garrison of people fighting over three conference rooms
in our Entertainment Center on post, where you are
required to purchase and consume their food loaded
with grease and calories?
from common points of entry/exit” to government
Living in Europe
buildings and will not be located in areas that “are
has its own challenges
commonly used by nonsmokers.”
and the conveniences
If smoking is observed within 50 feet of a common
of the U.S. are definitely
point of entry/exit to a government building, please
lacking; however, why
report it to the building manager for appropriate
have able facilities and
empty rooms that could
make our lives more
In the meantime, we will spot check designated
pleasant here? Have you
smoking areas for compliance.
ever considered making
ACP crosswalk
changes in these areas
Tom R. said: The crosswalk button on the south
for us? We understand Col. Mary Martin, U.S. side of the street at the base perimeter is broken. There
that we are accountable Army Garrison Wies- is no safe way to get to or leave from Boyd Blvd.
to take care of our post baden commander
by bicycle. Coming onto base, there’s no signage or
and its properties.
crosswalk for anyone to go from the bike/pedestrian
Response: USAG Wiesbaden has a number of path across to Boyd.
possible locations in which community members
The lane closest to the path only goes right, so one
could host functions or meet at no cost. We’re going needs to cross that lane (which doesn’t yield) to get to
to have the Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare the striped zone and then squeeze between vehicles
and Recreation (DFMWR) work with community driving straight to Boyd. Leaving base from Boyd,
agencies on establishing a list with POCs for all one needs to go against traffic in one lane, and then
locations in USAG Wiesbaden.
cross two more lanes of traffic and make a back track
Once completed, the list will be available on the to the curb cut in order to get to the path.
garrison website for community members to coordiThis creates a dangerous situation for vulnerable
nate reservations directly with each location POC. road users and a liability for drivers. While not the ideal
Community members will be required to complete a solution, a good temporary fix could be a crosswalk
usage agreement and comply with established user across the ring road and a bike lane around the corner
responsibilities at all meeting locations.
turning onto Boyd.
Smoking near buildings
Response: Thank you for your observations; we
Mike F. said: Based on Executive Order 13058, will evaluate the crosswalk button by the entrance
“Protecting Federal Employees and the Public from to the Access Control Point (ACP) and initiate reExposure to Tobacco Smoke in the Federal Work- quired fixes immediately. We are aware of the various
place,” I am under the impression that it violates conflicts at the former ACP by the traffic circle and
federal government policy to smoke within 25 feet entrance to Boyd Blvd. The budget was not available
of federal government buildings. But the smokers at in the new ACP project to address all issues; in that,
Clay Kaserne do not appear to care about this. So I was we have already striped the area around the traffic
wondering why they are allowed to smoke so close to circle to enhance vehicular safety. We will continue
buildings on Clay?
to evaluate this area and provide further improveOne of the other major issues I have encountered ments to enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety. Adis they do not clean up after themselves, leaving the ditionally, our DPW is developing a scope of work
smoking area looking like something out of a bad for a detailed transportation study that will provide
horror story. To me this says a lot about our staff, solutions to various transportation issues throughout
none of it good.
Clay Kaserne.
Response: Thank you for your observation. E.O. Motorcycle PPE
13058 does not actually prohibit smoking within 25
Cheryl A. said: Even though information has
feet of federal buildings.
gone out about PPE for motorcycle riders, I continue
Rather, it prohibits smoking on the interior of to see riders coming on base without following the
federal buildings and directs federal agencies to regulations. This morning there were two people on
evaluate the need to restrict smoking on the outside a moped who were both in shorts, tennis shoes, and
of federal buildings and implement their own policy. short sleeves. They were wearing helmets and the
However, the U.S. Army has implemented its non- driver had a reflective vest on. I am a rider myself and
smoking policy in AR 600-63, which states smoking have refrained from riding due to the heat because of
is prohibited in Army occupied (i.e. inside) buildings all of the gear we have been told we had to wear on
except for designated smoking areas.
Designated smoking areas will be “at least 50 feet
See ‘Ask’ on page 4
Herald Union published by
The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under
the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything
advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper
published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates call Jaqueline Samad at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email ads@herald-union.com; classified advertising rates call Janina Wuttke at civ (0631) 3033 5531 or post
at www.class-world.com. Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO
AE 09005-9623; Telephone: mil 548-2002; civ (0611) 143-548-2002; Email: army.wiesbadenpao@mail.mil; Home page: www.wiesbaden.army.mil.
Page 2
Herald Union
Command and newspaper staff
USAG Wiesbaden Commander......................Col. Mary L. Martin
USAG Wiesbaden CSM..........Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington
Public Affairs Officer............................................Anemone Rueger
Editor..................................................Jacob Corbin (mil 548-2002)
Assistant Editor...............................Shayna Brouker (mil 548-2003)
Aug. 27, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
Tax Center
BOSS bids farewell to Rocco
By Capt. Rufus Allen
Special to the Herald Union
Filing taxes can be difficult anywhere,
but living overseas often makes the process
more burdensome for many taxpayers.
With later filing deadlines, time zone
differences, and the complexities of living
in a foreign taxing jurisdiction and multiple
treaties, Americans often get confused
before they can file their Form 1040 with
the IRS.
In response, the Army has continued
to provide tax assistance centers, where
Soldiers, retirees and overseas civilian
employees can receive top-of-the-line tax
preparation services at no cost.
On June 15, the Wiesbaden Tax
Assistance Center closed its doors on
the 2014 tax preparation cycle after a
successful four and a half months providing
tax services to the U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden community. Having returned
over $4.1 million to the USAG Wiesbaden
community in refunds and saved tax
preparation fees, the tax center has come
to be an important benefit for Soldiers,
civilians and retirees alike.
Almost 1,400 Families took advantage
of this free service, saving them $630,000
in tax preparation fees. Clients’ satisfaction
with the convenience of the service, and
the the courtesy and professionalism of
the staff, was reflected in a 100 percent
satisfaction rating in the Interactive
Customer Evaluation system.
While many tax issues can be made
incredibly difficult by living overseas, the
Wiesbaden Tax Center preparers rose to
the occasion, filing over 262 Schedule E
rental home income schedules, claiming
Earned Income Credits for 111 military
families, and preparing 229 paper returns
for our retirees protected by the U.S./
German tax treaty provisions.
The Tax Center managed all of this
with fewer staff, both Soldiers and civilian
employees. The Tax Center reacted,
implementing new policies to speed
returns and provide maximum coverage
to all taxpayers. Even facing challenges,
the Wiesbaden Tax Center met its goal
of providing quality tax preparation
services to the taxpayers in the Wiesbaden
If you value this service, we invite
you to file a positive Interactive Customer
Evaluation https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?
&sc=31, to voice your opinion.
Photo by Shayna Brouker
Former Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Roy Rocco (center) stands with BOSS leadership and program manager Steve Eclavea (right) at a cookout and ceremony to honor his contributions to the program Aug. 13. “I
wouldn’t be standing where I am today if it wasn’t for Soldiers like you,” he said. “You made me Command
Sgt. Maj. Rocco, and I truly appreciate everything you do.”
Family, friends and the USAG Wiesbaden community
By Paul “The Brit” Hughes
AFN Wiesbaden
You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family.
When I got a moment away from the microphone
after a particularly busy show, I took stock of the wealth
of information that had been just been submitted to AFN
Wiesbaden by the community and I had a thought; this
amazing community that I have become a part of, with its
fantastic people, is much like a family.
Like any family, we all have an Aunt Iris or Uncle Pete
who we must tolerate at social gatherings and holidays. But
there are also others in the family that we gravitate toward
and share our lives with.
A friend of mine is leaving Wiesbaden in a few weeks
and moving back to the U.S. You can literally see the grief
on her face whenever she talks about going back “home”
because for her, this is home. She has made many friends,
many memories and truly gotten the most out of her time
here in Germany. She fully experienced the closeness of
this expatriate family.
Her experience made me think about all the things
here that contribute to creating a sense of community and
family in Wiesbaden. From events such as the USO’s Sun
and Fun day to online forums for pet owners and spouses
to the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony — they
all help build community.
The closeness of the community also means that though
Aunt Iris and Uncle Pete are not people you may choose to
spend the most time with, you are inclined to respect and
accept them. It’s the same with your neighbor, the people
in your unit, or even your boss — you can’t pick them but
they are part of your family.
There is something about being a part of an ever-changing
English-speaking community in a foreign country that
speeds up the “getting to know you” period and to seek out
the good in people. In past communities I have lived in I
haven’t always had the capacity to see the best in everyone,
but it is different here in Wiesbaden.
The perpetual transition that binds us together will ultimately pull us apart and like summers, people, including
Aunt Iris and Uncle Pete, will come and go. Maybe there
is something to be learned or gained from them before
they leave. They are all part of your ever-changing family.
For those of you that I have met, thank you for being a
part of my wonderful experience of this community. For
those of you who are new then whether it is organized by
Army Community Service, Morale, Welfare and Recreation,
the USO, the Red Cross, Better Opportunities for Single
Soldiers or any other of our great organizations — I look
forward to meeting you there and welcome to the family.
Yes, even you, Uncle Pete and Aunt Iris.
You can hear more from Paul “The Brit” on AFN Wiesbaden, weekday mornings from 6-10 a.m. on 98.7 FM.
Follow him on Twitter @TheBritAFN.
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ........................................................................... Aug. 27, 2015
Herald Union
Page 3
News and features
News flash
Wearing uniforms off-post is
It has been reported that Soldiers are still
wearing uniforms off-post. There are only a few
exceptions to the no uniform wear off-installation
restriction. Uniform wear is not authorized while
riding motorcycles/scooters, bicycles or while on
foot, or any form of public transportation. Carrying
backpacks or other items that convey Department
of Defense affiliation is discouraged. DoD personnel in off-installation hotels may wear uniforms
when departing or arriving in an enclosed vehicle,
but uniform wear in public areas of hotels such as
breakfast, dining rooms or fitness rooms is prohibited. Wearing uniform while escorting children
to/from or waiting at off-installation DoDDS bus
stops is prohibited. Know how to report suspicious
activity: Visit iWatch at http://www.eur.army.mil/
Health Clinic, Dental Clinic closed
The Health Clinic will be closed Sept. 4 and
7 for the Labor Day weekend. The Dental Clinic
will be closed Aug. 27 and Sept. 3.
Soldier For Life – Transition
Assistance Program updates
The Soldier For Life – Transition Assistance
Program office has moved upstairs on the first
floor of Bldg. 1023E, room 154. The office has a
new Veterans Affairs benefits advisor located in
Bldg. 1023E, room 169. SFL-TAP is open Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. for appointments only and Thursdays
from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; walk-ins welcome. It
is closed for lunch from 11 a.m. to noon daily.
Contact SFL-TAP at mil 548-1323 or (civ) (0611)
143-548-1323. Enroll at least 12 months before
exiting service.
Passport Office new hours
The Passport Office has new hours of operations: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30
until 11:30 a.m. for walk-ins only, and from 1 to
4 p.m. for appointments. It is closed on Tuesdays.
It is open Thursdays from 9 a.m. until noon for
appointments, 1 to 4 p.m. for walk-ins and 4 to 6
p.m. for appointments. Customers may also make
appointments online on the garrison website.
Leash your pets
The Resident Handbook states that pets must be
on a leash when outside of government quarters.
All pets, when outside of quarters, must be accompanied by the owner or responsible representative
capable of controlling the pet. Young children under
the age of 12 without adult supervision may be
considered incapable of controlling the pet.
Any dog that has the tendency to attack people
or other animals will be muzzled and kept on a
short leash when out of quarters. Owners and
victims of pets involved in biting incidents must
report them tothe military police. Dogs and cats
are not allowed to relieve themselves on balconies
or playgrounds, or within 50 feet of residential
buildings. Pet owners must clean up excrement
from their pets.
Page 4
Herald Union
Ask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 2
post. It’s discouraging to see other riders not have to
follow procedure and be allowed entry on the post.
Isn’t there something that can be done by the guards
allowing access to these riders who aren’t wearing
complete PPE? Perhaps make them park outside the
gate and walk in if they aren’t wearing proper gear?
Response: Thank you for your observations regarding motorcycle PPE. We share your concerns
for the safety of the riders out there; however, there
are a couple things that make your recommendations
difficult. First, regulatory restrictions regarding PPE
only apply to U.S. Forces personnel, which includes
Soldiers, Army Civilians, contractors and Family
members. Host Nation personnel are encouraged
to wear PPE, but they are only required to wear a
helmet. Second, the Pond guards are contracted for
installation security.
They are specifically prohibited from being used
for other duties not related to installation access
control. As such, they can’t be used to enforce traffic laws. What we can do is remind our MPs to look
for individuals who may be in violation and address
them appropriately.
Occasionally, we direct the MPs to watch the
entrance and exit routes for things like seatbelts and
cell phone use. We can easily add PPE to the list of
things for them to check.
Vehicle registration praise
Anonymous said: My husband and I had an appointment at Vehicle Registration. The ability to make
appointments at Vehicle Registration is the greatest
idea! The waiting room was full when we arrived,
and I was glad that we didn’t have to wait. The staff
took excellent care of us.
They were friendly, fast, and efficient. In my 16
years of being an Army spouse, this was the best
interaction with a Vehicle Registration that I have
ever experienced. They provided the best customer
service that I have received.
Really great repair
Melinda S. said: Today I had a gentleman here
to fix the dishwasher.
He was very polite and efficient. Very knowledgeable about what was going on. He also wished me a
good day. Sometimes, something as a few kind words
goes a long way.
Thank you for all that you do over there in making
sure we have good operating appliances.
BOSS shuttle service
Anonymous said: The BOSS Commissary shuttle
service performs a great function in helping Soldiers
living in the barracks. I appreciate the chance to hit
the Commissary, especially when I don’t have a car.
Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“We all need to learn, we all need to reach our
potential and we all need to connect with others,”
HES as she begins her twelfth year with the DepartZigler said.
ment of Defense Education Activity.
Zigler also said she wants the students at HES to
One new initiative she’s already planned is the adfeel
dition of morning meetings. Students will go straight
“I want our students to feel safe and secure,” she
from their drop-off area into a meeting with her or
“They can’t learn if they don’t feel safe.”
her assistant principal, Tracy Vargas.
to Zigler, the one of the biggest differ“I want the kids to start the day out right,” she
military kids and non-military is the
said. “It’s important for them to
get their brains going and start “I want our students to transitions they face.
“Thirty to forty percent of our
feel safe and secure. They students won’t be here with us at
Each morning students should can’t learn if they don’t
the end of the year,” she said. “We
bring something to read, math to
feel safe.”
have to be understanding of that.”
do or an art-related item to work
As the school year begins,
on, for while they wait for meetZigler
thing parents can do
ings to begin at 7:50 a.m. Kindergarten through second
is to communicate,
graders will meet with Vargas in the old multi-purpose
room, while third through fifth graders will meet with
“Let us know if there is something going on in
Zigler in the new multi-purpose room.
“(Morning meetings) let them see me or my as- your child’s life that might effect them,” she said.
sistant principal every day,” she said. “If (students) “Also, talk to your kids about school, and not just
have an issue they know they can come right up to yes/no questions. Ask them things like what they
me and tell me and that I’ll take care of it. It’s very did in art that day.”
Zigler has previously served as a principal at
Elementary School, in Kaiserslautern,
Zigler said in her previous assignment she didn’t
start with morning meetings, but once she added them Germany; Lincoln Elementary in Ft. Campbell, Ky;
she noticed she no longer spent an hour each morning and Fordsville Elementary in Ohio County, Ky.
Zigler received her Bachelor of Liberal Arts from
with discipline items — children had no opportunity
to get in trouble.
University of the Pacific in Stockton, Calif., and her
She said her vision for the upcoming year is to Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from
concentrate on “learn, grow and connect.”
Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, Calif.
Continued from page 1
Aug. 27, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 1
and tactics for their robot’s best
chance at victory.
With a crowd of nearly 50
gathered around, Sophie Streiff and
Kristina Bousler’s “the Minion”
was up first against Aiden Springer
and Jacob Smith’s “Robocop.”
Gasps and hands went up as the
Minion nearly pushed Robocop
off the mountain.
“We tied a ping pong ball on
a string so it could stay at the top
longer,” explained Sophie. “Our
lever lifted the other robot so that
it almost fell off.”
The experience stoked interest
in STEM careers for many of the
“It’s fun designing robots. The
next generation will quite possibly
be based on robots,” said Sam West,
a seventh grader who worked with
Caleb Woolly to design “Black
Dragon.” “It will be interesting to
see how they make life prosper.”
The STEM camp was a product of Wiesbaden High School’s
RoboWarriors club, which has
competed at international robotics
competitions. For more information email Frank Pendzich at frank.
Photos by Shayna Brouker
Parents gather around as campers get their
robots ready for “king of the mountain.” Photo
above: A student prepares his robot for competition. Photo right: Sophie Streiff and Kristina Bousler cheer as their robot “the Minion”
claims victory in the first round of the competition.
Proficient cadet
Courtesy photo
German Army Brigadegeneral Markus Laubenthal, U.S. Army Europe chief of staff,
presents ROTC Cadet Anna Seiferth with the German Army Proficiency Badge, in gold,
Aug. 12. The requirements for the badge include the German Army physical training test,
swimming test, pistol qualification, a 12 kilometer timed ruck march with a 15 kilo load
and first aid. Seiferth is studying kinesiology with the goal of becoming an Army medical
officer and physical therapist.
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ........................................................................... Aug. 27, 2015
Herald Union
Page 5
News and features
At Home With a Teenager:
Program encourages parents to ‘start the conversation’
By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation Marketing
Living with a teenager can be perplexing.
And anyone who has experienced the tumult of
adolescence can tell you that living with parents can
be equally challenging.
That’s where the Wiesbaden School Liaison Office’s and AFN-Wiesbaden’s new “At Home With a
Teenager” public service announcement campaign
enters the picture.
“We want to encourage parents, teachers and students to ‘start the conversation’ — to start talking to
one another,” said Peter Witmer, U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden school liaison officer.
Tackling topics ranging from date rape to college
plans, homework challenges to the “mom taxi concept,”
Photo by Peter Witmer
Witmer said the idea was to use actual Wiesbaden
community parents and teens to discuss real-world The assembled cast of the At Home With a Teenager public service announcements stops for a
issues in a humorous way. “One of our future topics group photo during recording.
will be social media and bullying.
her son Atreyu in the studio to help voice the public this summer, it was easy to want to be involved once
“I raised two teenagers, so a lot of this is from service announcements.
again and share the important messages of these ads.”
personal experience,” he added, saying that the idea
“They (teenagers) are going through so many
And exactly why is “starting the conversation”
is to introduce a topic of conversation and to suggest a changes at this time in their lives,” said Allen. “It is so important?
solution — “in 30 seconds, which is definitely a chal- our responsibility to help them through these times
“You want the best for your kid,” said Ben Exlenge. It forces us to present our issues quickly, which and to assist their transition into successful adults.”
stein. “The only way you can be sure if your kid is
I hope is in an insightful
All of the contributors said they following a safe and healthy path in life is if you talk
and funny way.”
enjoyed the chance to contribute to him or her.”
“Having a conversato a vital information campaign by
AFN-Wiesbaden’s Sgt. Boris Shiloff, who worked
tion started for you —
helping shape the content and add with the volunteers to record the spots, said they
by way of one of these
their vocal talents.
should start airing on the radio around the start of the
ads — opens the door to
“I was on the radio in 2013 where
new school year.
a meaningful talk,” said
I spoke about our school and events
“Having our fellow community members in the
Patti Exstein, one of the
that would be taking place,” said
makes AFN more tangible to them,” said Shiparents who volunteered
Atreyu Allen, a straight “A” student
believe it encourages the community to listen,
to help voice the spots,
who is involved in the National
along with her son, Ben.
Junior Honor Society, Student-to- so they can hear their friends, family and colleagues,
“Once you’ve started such
Student, Student Council and other instead of the same old voices all the time.
“That’s what is so great about this ‘At Home with
a conversation, the opporschool activities. “I enjoyed the
project. These are real-life scenarios that
tunity is there to continue
experience, and I am glad that I got
teens face on a constant basis, and to
it. It’s critical to keep the
to do it again.”
coming from actual teens
lines of communication
“Last summer Peter Witmer
Photo by Peter Witmer
that a regular radio comasked Ben to record a radio ad for
open between parents and
it is relatable on a
Parent to Parent and Show Me the
their teens.”
College Money program,” said Patti
“As a parent, I think
Witmer invited community members to contribExstein. “I was working for Parent
it’s very important to start program.
to Parent, and Ben, being involved ute ideas for future topics. If you are interested in
the conversation with our
teenagers regarding many of these topics,” said Mary in drama at Wiesbaden High School, had experience contributing to the effort, call Witmer at civ (0611)
Anne Allen, another parent volunteer who joined with public speaking. When he (Witmer) asked again 143-548-9305.
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Community notes
‘Women at War’
The community is invited
to listen to Col. Anne Naclerio
discuss the book she edited,
“Women at War,” Aug. 27
at noon in room 241A, the
Command Conference Room
at Wiesbaden Army Health
Clinic. Attendees are welcome
to bring their own lunch.
Movie theater
The Taunus Theater construction has been delayed
through November to replace
seating and the catwalk above
the ceiling. The Tony Bass
Theater is still showing movies.
Visit www.shopmyexchange.
com for movie times.
New Thrift Store hours
Starting in October, the Wiesbaden Community Spouses
Club Thrift Store on Mainz
Kastel Storage Station will be
open from noon to 7 p.m. on
Thursdays. This change will
be a temporary test of the new
hours until November. Summer
items will no longer be taken after Aug. 27, and from Sept. 1-10
the Thrift Shop will not be taking any clothing consignments.
Fall/Winter consignments are
welcome starting Sept. 15. The
new season will kick off with
the first membership luncheon
Sept. 16 with the theme “living
local.” For more information,
contact Pamela Bartelle at
civ (06134) 188-838, email
wcscthriftshop@yahoo.com or
visit “WCSC Thrift Shop” on
Chapel happenings
Wednesday Night Alive at
Hainerberg Chapel will start
Sept. 26 with dinner and discipleship. Dinner served at 5:30
p.m. and the class will be from
6 to 7 p.m. Classes offered are
kindergarten through second
grade, third through fifth grade,
teens, adult study and women’s
study. Watch care is available
for children younger than five.
RSVP at mil 584-5170 or civ
(0611) 143-548-5170.
Rosh Hashanah services
will be offered at Capt. (Chaplain) David Ruderman’s home
Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. (service and
dinner), Sept. 14 at 2 p.m. (Sho-
far service, lunch and Tashlich)
and Sept. 15 at 2 p.m. (Shofar
service, lunch). Contact Capt.
Ruderman at mil 546-8224 or
civ (0611) 143-546-8224. Yom
Kippur Kol Nidre service
will be offered Sept. 22 at 7
p.m. at the Hainerberg Chapel
Classroom. Morning service
is Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. at the
Jewish Community Center of
Wiesbaden (Friedrichstrasse
31-33, Wiesbaden).
Red Cross classes
The Wiesbaden Red Cross
offers a Blended First Aid/
CPR/AED Sept. 16 from 5:30
to 8 p.m. and a new volunteer
orientation Aug. 20 from 11:30
a.m. until 1 p.m. Applications
for the dental assistant training program now available,
and the office is looking for a
blood drive coordinator. A Race
Against Disaster seminar will
be held Sept. 19 from 9 a.m.
until 4 p.m. For more information, contact Ashley Vidrine at
Information Exchange
The next CIE will be held
Sept. 30 from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
at the Community Activity
Center (Little Italy). The community is welcome to attend or
follow along on the “Garrison
Wiesbaden” Facebook page.
See slides at http://www.wiesbaden.army.mil/sites/news/
Soldiers Aug. 27 at 6 p.m. at the
Warrior Zone on Clay Kaserne.
Call civ (0611) 143-548-9815
or stop by the Warrior Zone for
more information.
Girls Scouts overseas
USA Girl Scouts Overseas
- Wiesbaden is registering
new and returning girls for the
2015-2016 school year. The
chapter is also looking for new
and returning leaders. Contact
the registrar at wiesbadenregistrar@usagso-na.org for more
Join the Cub Scouts
Are you a boy entering first
through fifth grade interested
in having fun? Cub Scouting
is a fun and exciting activity for boys aimed at building
character and citizenship while
developing personal fitness.
Email pack65wiesbaden@
googlemail.com for more
information about Scouting
opportunities with Pack 65.
School notes
Summer office hours for all
schools are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug.
31 is the first day of school for
grades 1-5, middle school and
high school, and Sept. 8 is the
first day for kindergarten.
Car seat checkups
The Family Advocacy Program holds car seat checkups
the last Tuesday of the month
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the
Wiesbaden Entertainment Center parking lot. Call civ (0611)
143-548-9201 to register.
MS support group
Army Community Service
offers a multiple sclerosis support group every second Thursday of the month at Hainerberg
Housing Building 7790 (Texasstrasse 57, Apartment 1) at 5:30
p.m. Call (0611) 143-548-9201
for more details.
USO seeks volunteers
USO is seeking volunteers
to help with various programs
around the Wiesbaden military
community. Volunteers must
be 18 and older and possess a
Department of Defense ID card.
Go to www.usovolunteer.org
to apply. Contact USO Rhein
Main volunteer coordinator
at mil 548-5103 or civ (0611)
Big and comfortable
parking lots
Magic the Gathering
The Wiesbaden MTG Playgroup holds Friday Night
Magic starting at 6:45 p.m. at
the Wiesbaden Entertainment
Center in a variety of formats.
Check out www.facebook.com/
groups/USAGWMTG/ for more
In addition, join them for
their all-day summer season
event Saturday, Aug. 29 at
11:45 a.m., featuring modern,
draft, commander formats and
1st hour € 1 r day
max. € 4.00
0 p.m.
06.00 a.m.
- 10.0
Free fun with BOSS
Wiesbaden’s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers
features free movie night Mondays at 6 p.m. and a Taco Night
for unaccompanied and single
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ........................................................................... Aug. 27, 2015
Herald Union
Page 7
News and features
CSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
we’ve put things
in place for this
community. Thank you for what you’ve done for
this community. Hopefully, this has been one of your
favorite assignments.”
Martin spoke about the wonderful accomplishments
and partnerships they worked together on, and praised
him for the things he’s accomplished while here.
“Wiesbaden is known to have one of the best [Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers] programs in
Europe,” Martin said. “And that’s thanks to Sergeant
Major Rocco’s mentorship.”
Rocco, for his part, said he’d miss Wiesbaden and
spoke of the things he’d done and learned during the
short-time he was stationed here.
“It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve you
(Martin) over the last 17 months,” Rocco said. “Being
your command sergeant major has made me a better
soldier. To the garrison, you’ve all made my job easy,
thank you.”
Rocco also offered advice for the new garrison
command sergeant major.
“To Command Sgt. Maj. Addington, welcome to
our home in Germany,” Rocco said. “Take care of
them, and they’ll take care of you.”
Addington thanked those who he’d met in the two
days since his family had arrived in Germany and said
he looks forward to his time in Wiesbaden.
“Open arms have welcomed us to this community,”
Addington said. “It’s really been a family experience
so far. Command Sgt. Maj. Rocco, you’ve given me
Continued from page 1
Photo by Carl Burnett
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander Col. Mary Martin presents the guidon to new Garrison
Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington, signifying his responsibility as garrison command sergeant
major Aug. 21 at the Clay Kaserne Chapel.
big boots to fill, but I’m up to the challenge.”
Addington is a native of Charleston, S.C. He entered the U.S. Army and attended Basic Training and
50 Years
in business
Advanced Individual Training as a 19D (Cavalry Scout)
at Fort Knox, Ky. For his complete bio, visit http://
A neighborly evening
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Page 8
Herald Union
Photo by Shayna Brouker
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander Col. Mary Martin presents a gift of cookies
to Erbenheim wine stand workers Aug. 21. She and Wiesbaden community members
visited the weekly wine stand to forge friendships with the neighbors nearby Clay Kaserne. Martin was the first garrison commander to visit in 17 years.
Aug. 27, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
Summer funnin’: USO hosts event
Photos by Jacob Corbin
Photo top: Amory
Brown gets her face
painted by a USO
volunteer at the USO
Sun and Fun event
Aug. 15. Photo left:
An attendee at the
USO Sun and Fun
event spins around.
Photo left: Sgt. T.J. and Akacia Chozinske go head-to-head in sumo
suits at the USO Sun and Fun event Aug. 15. Photo below: Crowds
of attendees take part in the event, held at the USO Cottage on
Hainerberg Aug. 15.
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ...........................................................................Aug. 27, 2015
Herald Union
Page 9
Sports and leisure
Sports shorts ... Sports shorts ... Sports shorts ...
Weightlifting 101 class
Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation hosts
a Weightlifting 101 class taught by coach Tony Neal
for all levels Sept. 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The class
will cover progression movements and technical
drills aimed at improving the snatch, clean and jerk
movements. The cost is $75. Register by calling mil
548-9830 or civ (0611) 143-548-9830.
Fitness Resolution Day
The Wiesbaden Fitness Center hosts a free Fall
Fitness Resolution Day Sept. 12 from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. with free classes, demonstrations, contests and
competitions for every level of fitness. The first 50
people to show up get a t-shirt. For more information, call mil 548-9830 or civ (0611) 143-548-9830.
Wiesbaden Duathlon
FMWR hosts a Duathlon Sept. 19 from 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. at the Clay Kaserne Fitness Center. The
format is a five-mile run, a 20-mile bike ride and
another five-mile run. The event is competitive and
timed, and overall male and female category winners
will be given prizes. Competitors must supply their
own bicycles, and the race will take place mainly
on paved surfaces around the airfield. Visit www.
wiesbaden.armymwr.com/europe/wiesbaden for
more information.
Community golf
Rheinblick Golf Course offers a nine-hole
scramble starting at 6 p.m. Mondays for teams of four
with a maximum participation of 15 teams. Tournaments will run through August except for training
and federal holidays. Rheinblick also offers a Friday
night scramble with a shotgun start at 6 p.m., except
for Aug. 28 and Sept. 11 which will begin at 5:30
p.m. The Blickster Open Golf Scramble Tournament
will be held Aug. 15 for individual golfers starting
at 8 a.m. Cost is $20 for golf club members, $35 for
U.S. ID cardholders and $75 for non-members. Visit
for more information.
Free tickets for the Solheim Cup 2015
The Rheinblick Golf Course has free tickets to
view each day of the Solheim Cup 2015 Sept. 16-20
at the Golf Club St. Leon-Rot for DoD ID cardholders. The Solheim Cup is held every two years, pitting
the 12 best European women players against the 12
best American women golfers. The tickets can be
picked up at the Rheinblick Pro Shop. Call (0611)
143-548-5484 for more information.
Fitness Center dress code
Patrons of the Wiesbaden Fitness Center should
be aware there is a dress code. For example, ACUs
are permitted only during lunch hours from 11:30
a.m. to 1:30 p.m., shorts should be longer than finger
tip-length when arms are straight alongside the body,
and exposed midriffs are prohibited. For details, visit
the FMWR website at http://wiesbaden.armymwr.
com/europe/wiesbaden/ and search “dress code.”
Bringing it
Wiesbaden community
softball teams battled it
out Aug. 5 for the championship title at the airfield
on Clay Kaserne.
Photos by LaDon Hooser
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Herald Union
Aug. 27, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
Sports and leisure
Photos by Jacob Corbin
Dixieland delight
USAG Wiesbaden community members gather at Kroesen
Loop Aug. 20 to listen to the U.S. Army Europe Dixieland
Band. The last concert in the series is Aug. 27 at 6 p.m., featuring the Show Band.
Concert on the Lawn
Aug. 27 is the final performance
in the Concert on the Lawn series,
featuring the U.S. Army Europe Show
Band starting at 6 p.m. The event will
take place at Kroesen Loop in Newman
Village on Clay Kaserne. Family and
Morale, Welfare and Recreation will be
offering free hot dogs. Bring your own
chairs and blankets.
Things to do
the State Theatre, and the Casino. This
event is exclusively for women. Visit
www.deutschepost-ladiesrun.de for
more information in German.
The Script live in concert
Come see the Irish trio perform live
at the Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt at 8
p.m. Aug. 28. Tickets start at €44. Visit
www.eventim.de for tickets and more
Wine Fest in Mainz
Mainz’s 83rd annual wine fest will
take place Aug. 27-30 in its park’s unique
ambience. Don’t miss the rose garden
and sparkling wine fest. Admission is
free. Visit www.rheinhessen.de for more
information in German.
Berger Market in Frankfurt
Looking to experience a taste of
the German country life? Dating back
as far as 1728, the Berger Market was
originally a showcase for livestock. This
tradition, taking place Aug. 28 to Sept.
1 this year, continues on and features
chickens, sheep, rabbits, cows and
horses in Frankfurt’s Bergen-Enkheim.
This fest includes events for children,
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons
Frauenstein Castle plays host to a
medieval market and castle festival
Sept. 5-6.
live music, rides and more. Fireworks
highlight the last night. Go to www.
berger-markt.de for more information.
German Post Ladies Run
The German Post Ladies Run highlights the Hessen state capital through a
5-10 km run. Participants tour through
Wiesbaden passing some of the city’s
landmarks, including the Town Hall,
Frauenstein Castle Fest
The town of Wiesbaden-Frauenstein
holds its annual Medieval Market and
Castle Festival Sept. 5-6. The town’s
castle was built in 1184 and was restored
from 1996-2004. Enjoy the market starting at 11 a.m., the festival starting at 2:30
p.m. and live music both days. There
will be costumed knights, heralds, jokers
town citizens, an exhibition of medieval
weaponry in the castle and a theater piece
for children Sept. 5 at 4 p.m. Food and
refreshment stands will be available at
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ..........................................................................Aug. 27, 2015
the church square (Kirchplatz). Visit
de/ for more information in German.
Trips and tours
Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation offers trips to Strasbourg, France Aug.
29, Brussels Express Aug. 29, Labor
Day Weekend in Rovinj, Croatia Sept.
3-7, Bad Duerkheim Wine Fest Sept.
12, Oktoberfest, Munich Overnight
and Neuschwanstein Castle tour
Sept. 19-20, Amsterdam Biking and
Nightlife Tour Sept. 26-27, Tropical Island Galaxy Sept. 26-27, NFL
London-Miami Dolphins & New York
Jets Oct. 2-5, Oktoberfest Express
Oct.3 and Paris Express Oct. 17-18 .
Call civ (0611) 143-548-9801 for more
USO travel
Join the USO for trips to Manderscheid Medieval Festival Aug. 29,
Milan Express Aug. 29, Weekend in
Prague Sept. 5-7 and Berlin Overnight
Oct. 10-12 Stop by any area USO or
call civ (0611) 143-548-5106 for more
Herald Union
Page 11
sipping to good health in Spey
Bunches of Scottish wildflowers frame a distillery on a sunny summer day in Speyside.
A sampling of Scotland’s Speyside region in three days, three ways: scotch, castles an
Editor’s note: This is the first in a three-part series on tourism in Speyside,
Story and photos by Shayna Brouker
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
“Haggis is really just honest sausage,” remarked a fellow diner of Scotland’s unofficial national dish — considered repulsive by those unfamiliar
with how other less, say, offensive sausage is constructed. Made from sheep’s
organs minced with onions, oatmeal and spices, then encased in a sheep’s
stomach, it is at once unassuming and appetizing.
As is Speyside, home to the world’s heaviest concentration of whiskey
distilleries — 43, give or take — nestled in the northeast region of the Highlands. Such a lofty title would seem to impart a boastfulness to the residents
of this area, but based on a three-day immersion, this does not appear to be
the case. Visitors will find boundless hospitality, self-deprecating personali-
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Herald Union
ties and scenic countryside in Speyside. And yes, haggis does pair very well
with a dram of sweet scotch.
Speyside gets its name from the River Spey, which snakes its way from
Loch Spey 107 miles to the North Seat. It’s ideal for salmon spawning and
whiskey distilling, which source pure spring water from the Highlands. Combined with barley fermented in huge “mash tuns,” which is then cooked and
distilled in massive copper stills and casked in oak barrels for anywhere from
two to dozens of years – this is essentially how “the water of life” is made.
Some distilleries are open to visitors. Some are not. It seemed that those
not open to the public preferred to focus on perfecting their craft.
However, ubiquitous Glenfiddich, known as the world’s best-selling single
malt whiskey, has turned its distillery into a veritable theme park for scotch
lovers, complete with educational tours, a visitor’s center and a restaurant.
All the trappings might suggest Glenfiddich has “sold out,” but in fact it’s
one of the few fam
been bought up by
This is all accor
visor) whiskey wa
mother of two, dr
used to work in on
day drudgery of tu
her trade secrets w
make a pilgrimage
And if her clien
the tour and not se
them one by the e
bottles in a backpa
Aug. 27, 2015 ............................................................ www.wiesbaden.army.mil
stills are hard at
work making malt
barley into the
“water of life.”
Photo left: A select
only on the Connoisseur’s tour is
best enjoyed outdoors. Photo right:
Myron leads scotch
seekers through
the dense forests
of Dufftown to the
next distillery.
nd wildlife in the Highlands
mily-run establishments left in Speyside. Most others have
y the expansive beverage conglomerate, Diageo.
rding to Speyside’s No. 1 (and only, according to TripAdalking tour guide, Dufftown native Michelle Myron. The
ressed in sensible weatherproof pants and hiking boots,
ne of the distilleries. After a while she found the day-tourning barley mash “boring” and instead decided to share
with whiskey aficionados (and newbies) lucky enough to
e to the area.
nts are say, just gamely joining a scotch-loving spouse on
elf-professed whiskey drinkers, it’s her mission to make
end of the tour. Some tours pair whiskey (she carried the
ack) with gourmet chocolates and her mother’s homemade
Michelle shared insights like
the Scots’ tendency to serve a small
pitcher of water to add to scotch to
“open it up” as some varieties taste
better that way. Some key verbiage
to learn include the “angel’s share,”
or the 1-2 percent of whiskey that
evaporates from the barrels every
year, and “the head, the heart and the
tail” named for each step of the distilling process. (The main difference
between Irish whiskey and Scotch
whiskey is of course geography,
and that whiskey is distilled three
times and scotch, twice). Slàinte
is Scottish Gaelic for “your good
health” — i.e., cheers.
The distilleries in Dufftown are
so heavily concentrated that you can
walk to nine of them in a few hours.
Michelle stopped outside every one
and explained the history of the distillery and how its whiskey is made,
followed by a small dram (that’s
“nip” in Scottish) to taste. Paired with
unseasonably sunny skies dappling
dense green shires, fields of shaggy
cows and crumbling castles every few
miles, it makes for an exceptionally
enjoyable afternoon.
However, the history of the Spey-
side scotch industry, as she shared,
is not quite as smooth and sweet as
a 16-year Balvenie. Men working in
the distilleries drank whiskey all day,
and stole whatever their employer
didn’t ration them, as was expected.
The idea that there is now a whiskey
store in downtown Dufftown is actually laughable to many of the older
“Whiskey was like a currency
in Dufftown,” she explained. “Only
tourists bought whiskey instead of
stealing it.”
“Whiskey was
like a currency in
But in the 1970s, a local doctor,
observing the ill effects of all-day
whiskey consumption on his patients
and their family lives, implored the
distillery managers to limit their
consumption. Nowadays it’s illegal
to drink while on the job. If discovered, the workers have to complete
an alcohol abuse prevention program.
Perhaps knowing the distilleries
have taken on a more responsible
attitude toward their employees’
www.wiesbaden.army.mil....................................................................Aug. 27, 2015
A Dufftowner and his Scottish
terrier pause for a photo near
the Dufftown distillery, a stop on
the Speyside tour.
wellbeing makes it a little easier to
enjoy the fruits of their labor guiltfree. In any case, a full understanding
of the origins and production of the
spirit certainly makes one feel better
prepared to order a dram of single
malt at the bar. A visit to a distillery
— or several — is an essential stop
in Speyside. Slàinte.
Herald Union
Page 13
News and features
US Airman recognized as ‘hero’ in Paris
By Tech. Sgt. Ryan Crane
Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe
and Air Forces Africa
U.S. Ambassador to France, Jane D. Hartly, recognized Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone for his actions in
saving countless lives during a terrorist attack aboard
a train headed toward Paris Aug. 21, 2015.
“We often use the word hero, and in this case I
know that word has never been more appropriate,”
Hartley said.
“They are truly heroes. When most of us would
run away, Spencer, Alek and Anthony ran into the
line of fire, saying ‘Let’s go.’ Those words changed
the fate of many.”
Stone and his two friends, Aleksander Skarlatos
and Anthony Sadler, were on vacation and headed
from Amsterdam to Paris when an armed man entered
their cabin.
“It wasn’t a conscious decision,” Skarlatos, an Army
National Guard Soldier stationed in Oregon said. “We
didn’t even have time to think about it. We just acted.”
The trio had just spent the previous three days
enjoying Amsterdam on their vacation. They were
excited to make it to Paris so they got up early and
made their way to the train station. Their train wasn’t
leaving for four hours so they killed time buying
souvenirs and, according to them, eating the best ice
cream they ever had. They thought their vacation was
off to a great start.
Their train arrived and it was time to depart Amsterdam.
“We had first class tickets,” Stone explained, “but
we just found a spot we liked somewhere else on the
train. Turns out our wagon didn’t have Wi-Fi so we
decided to use our first class tickets and moved to
another wagon.”
After about an hour on the train they were settled
in somewhere in Belgium.
“I was asleep with my headphones on and my
friend, Alek, was sitting to the left of me and Anthony
was sitting to my right across the aisle. I wake up and
I see Alek moving around saying ‘oh crap! oh crap!’”
Skarlatos motioned to the gunman who entered the
cabin brandishing an AK-style assault rifle.
“I kinda turn around and see the guy,” said Stone,
“and he’s got the AK, he’s trying to charge it. I just
throw my headphones off and turn around in my seat,
get low and kinda look around.”
At this point the gunman had passed Stone and
Skarlatos. It was at that moment their lives changed.
“Alek taps me on the shoulder and says ‘go get
‘em!’ and that’s when I got up and I sprinted at him.”
“It was a long sprint. It felt like slow motion.”
“I heard him charge it [the assault rifle] a few more
times, and heard a ‘click.’ It still wasn’t working.”
Stone explained that every time he heard a “click,”
he feared that he would die.
“I heard the ‘click’ and thought, ‘whew! I’m still
Stone finally made contact with the gunman,
throwing his body into him. The two started grappling.
“I was feeling for the gun and couldn’t find it,”
Stone said. “I felt it a couple times but he kept taking it away. So I just put him in a rear naked choke
to protect myself and my friend, Alek, came up and
took the AK. But he just kept pulling weapons left
Page 14
Herald Union
Photo by Tech. Sgt. Ryan Crane
(Right to left) Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone, Aleksander Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler pose for a
photo in Paris Aug. 23, 2015, following a foiled attack on a French train. Stone was on vacation with
his childhood friends, Skarlatos and Sadler, when an armed gunman entered their train carrying
an assault rifle, a handgun and a box cutter. The three friends, with the help of a British passenger,
subdued the gunman after his rifle jammed. Stone is an ambulance service technician with the
65th Medical Operations Squadron stationed at Lajes Field, Azores.
and right. He pulled a handgun and it seemed liked
he pointed it back at me and I heard it click.”
It is not apparent why the guns malfunctioned so
many times, but it gave the trio time to wrestle them
away from the gunman.
“I saw him making a slashing motion,” Stone
explained. “When I leaned over his shoulder I see he
has about a six-inch box cutter blade and I look down
and my thumb is hanging halfway off.”
At this point Stone lost his grip on the gunman.
“I let him go and by that point the shooter was in
the middle and me, Alek and Anthony are just surrounding him and we just started pounding him. I got
him in another choke and I choked him out until he
went unconscious and my friend kept hitting him in
the face with the gun.”
The gunman was down. The trio began assessing
any other threats in the area.
“My friend [pointed] out the guy who got hit in the
neck,” Stone said. “I don’t know how he got hit but he
was spurting blood everywhere. So I yelled out ‘I’m
a medic I’m a medic!’ and took the guy and held him
down. I just stuck my finger in his neck, found what
I thought was an artery and just pressed down. I held
that position until authorities came.”
At this point, Stone was pretty badly wounded.
His thumb was nearly severed and he had sustained
gashes that were dangerously close to major arteries.
The nurses later told him that he was lucky that the
cuts were not further over.
Despite his wounds he never had a second thought
about helping someone else.
“I felt like I was the only person who could help
him,” Stone said. “I didn’t really care about my injuries
at that point because I thought that guy was gonna die,
so I wanted to give him a fighting chance.”
Stone said that he believes everything happens for
a reason. Every moment in life leads to the next. He
said that there was a reason him and his friends were
on that train and that they moved to first class.
“I feel good that we were able to save those people
there in that right moment,” Stone said.
Stone, 23, has been in the Air Force for nearly three
years. His training as a medic prepared him for how
to react in a situation like this, but his family taught
him to help those who need help.
“I would say it was more so how I was raised and
the Air Force just gave me the tools I needed to be
the person I have always wanted to be I guess,” Stone
said. “There have a been a bunch of influential people
in my career so far that have just helped me gain the
knowledge that I have.”
When asked about his family, Stone cracked a smile.
“Oh yeah. My family is proud of me. My brother is
yelling ‘My brother is an international hero!’ screaming over the phone. My mother, sister, friends, family
neighbors — everyone is excited for me.”
The story has been played out in the public light
over the past few days and is certainly an intense ride.
Many said that it feels like a movie in the making.
Jokingly, Stone said that if they ever do make this into
a movie, he knows exactly who he wants to play him.
“Denzel Washington, but I don’t think that would
ever happen,” Stone joked.
Despite his fairly calm demeanor only days after
the attack, Stone was able to reflect on the event as a
day that could have gone a lot differently.
“If it wasn’t for Alek and Anthony, I’d be dead,”
Stone said. “I wouldn’t have been able to do it by
myself. He definitely woulda’ got me.”
The gunman had multiple magazines and almost
300 rounds of ammunition.
“He seemed like he was ready to fight to the end,”
Stone said. “So were we.”
Aug. 27, 2015 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil
News and features
First female Rangers graduate school
By Army News Service
For the first two women who earned the Ranger
tab, attending the Ranger School was all about honing
leadership skills and being better leaders for the Army.
1st Lt. Shaye L. Haver and Capt. Kristen M. Griest,
both graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West
Point, New York, were among the 96 Soldiers who
graduated Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia,
Aug. 21.
“I knew how badly I wanted to go [to Ranger
School] when I was a second lieutenant, before I
became a platoon leader,” Griest said, during an Aug.
20 press conference. “I was hoping to go to this course
because it is the best training the Army can provide, and
I wanted to have that training before I had a platoon.”
Haver, an AH-64 Apache pilot, said she wanted to
go to Ranger School because she knew it would make
her a better leader for her Soldiers.
“The reasons I chose to come were the same as the
men here: to get the experience of the elite leadership
school ... and to give me the opportunity to lead my
Soldiers the best that I can,” said Haver. “I think if
females continue to come to this course, they can
be encouraged by what we have accomplished, but
hopefully they’re encouraged by the legacy that the
Ranger community has left.”
Maj. Gen. Austin S. Miller, commander of the U.S.
Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, said during a
news conference that the two women accomplished
every trial and test, both physically and mentally,
that was exacted upon the 94 men who also finished.
“Up front, what we’ve been very consistent on is
we’ve said there will be no change to the standards
... and there weren’t,” he said. “We also said ... we’re
going to be professional and objective as we work
our way through this process, which is exactly what
you would expect from a Ranger-qualified instructor
or anybody else in the Army.”
While Grist and Haver are the first two women to
graduate Ranger School, they said it was evident from
their male classmates that their performance in the
school — and as teammates — was more important
than their gender.
Haver said that during the course, it might have
been a natural assumption that the female students
would have wanted to band together for support, but
that was not the case. Instead, she said, support came
from those Soldiers closest to them — as it would
be in combat.
“We immediately integrated in our squad and
became teammates that way,” Haver said. “It was
never about the women trying to beat the men through
Ranger School, or the women banding together for
any reason in Ranger School. When you are sucking, it’s the person immediately next to you [that you
rely on.] And how we were dispersed throughout the
companies didn’t afford for a woman to be there. And
quite frankly, I didn’t think we needed that support.
We needed support from our Ranger buddies next to
us. We intentionally tried to rely on our squad mates,
because they are the closest to us, and not the females
around us.”
Fellow Ranger School graduates said they were
impressed with Griest and Haver’s abilities, and that
it didn’t make a difference that they were women.
2nd Lt. Erickson D. Krogh, an infantry officer, said
“at the end of the day, everyone was a Ranger and it
was the same throughout as long as the team pulled
through and accomplished the mission.”
“When we were given resupply and you’re given
2,000 rounds of machine-gun ammo, the last thing
you’re caring about is whether your Ranger buddy is
a man or a women — because you’re not carrying all
2,000 rounds by yourself,” added 2nd Lt. Michael V.
Janowski, also an infantry officer.
For the future, Griest said she wants to consider
further roles in combat arms that might one day open
to women. Already she said she is looking into civil
affairs, a part of the special operations community.
She said she is open to doing more.
“I am interested to see what new doors open to
women,” Griest said. “I think Special Forces is something I would definitely be interested in, if my timeline
permits for that. Currently I am trying to pursue civil
affairs, which is under the special operations umbrella,
and which is open to women. But there are also several
other options out there. I am honestly not very decided
about it. It is something I am looking at pursuing if
more opportunities open to women.”
Haver said she wants to stay in aviation, to be the
best she can be, and to go as far as she can.
“I think in the past decade ... females have served
in those combat roles. I myself am attack aviation,
which I plan to continue to serve in, in my role as
an aviator. I can’t speak to what other females will
decide to do if those doors are opened. But I can say
I plan to stay with aviation as far as that will let me
go, and hope to serve as far as leadership will let me
in my positon.”
Soldiers must complete school before promotion
By Todd C. Lopez
Army News Service
Soldiers will no longer be promoted
without first having successfully completed related professional military
education, or PME, courses, according
to recently-signed Army Directive.
Soldiers will need to complete their
schooling before they are allowed their
new stripes.
“By linking structured self-development and the NCO Education System
[NCOES] to subsequent promotion,
we better prepare NCOs [noncommissioned officers] for the complexities of
today’s operational environment while
reinforcing the benefits of a deliberate,
continuous, sequential and progressive
professional development strategy,”
wrote Army Secretary John M. McHugh
in Army Directive 2015-31, which was
released Aug. 13.
Beginning with the January 2016
promotion month, pinning on the sergeant will require that Soldiers have first
completed the “Basic Leader Course,”
which was formally known as the “War-
rior Leader Course.” For Soldiers who
want to pin on staff sergeant rank, they
must first have completed the Advanced
Leader Course.
“Soldiers on the recommended list
who are not graduates of the respective
course will not be considered fully qualified for promotion pin-on regardless of
their accumulated promotion points,”
the directive reads. “These Soldiers will
remain on the recommended list in a
promotable status, but they will not be
selected for promotion pin-on until they
become fully qualified by completing
the required course and a promotion
requirement exists.”
Soldiers expecting to pin on sergeant
first class as a result of a fiscal year 2016
selection board must first complete the
Senior Leader Course before pinning
on their new rank.
“Conditions are set so we can enforce
a standard for Soldiers to complete professional military education – that is the
NCOES platform – before promotion to
the grade in which it was designed to support,” said Gerald J. Purcell, personnel
policy integrator within the Army G-1.
Purcell said that a Soldier, who is
otherwise qualified to be promoted from
corporal or specialist to sergeant, will
be on the promotion list. But when that
Soldier’s name is next to fill an Army
promotion requirement, if that Soldier is
found to have not completed PME – for
a specialist seeking sergeant, this means
Basic Leader Course – then the Soldier
will be passed up for that promotion.
“There will be a filter in place that
takes their name off the list of fullyqualified names,” Purcell said. “They
will get skipped. Even if they have
more promotion points, they will not
be considered fully-qualified to pin the
grade of sergeant on.”
The Soldier who is skipped for promotion due to a lack of PME still stays
on the promotion list. But once that
Soldier gets the PME, he or she doesn’t
automatically get stripes. Instead, the
Soldier will have to wait for a future
Since the 1980s, Purcell said, the
Army has allowed “conditional promotions,” where Soldiers could get
their stripes without having had the
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ......................................................................... Aug. 27, 2015
corresponding professional military
“We had NCOs walking around who
weren’t school-trained, with a follow-on
requirement they complete the training
or they were going to be reduced,” he
said. “Today, the leadership believes
there is a capability to provide Soldiers
an opportunity to go to training, complete the training, and consequently,
have all of the fundamental training in
place before they are asked to perform
at the next higher grade.”
With the new PME requirement,
a Soldier’s stripes will not just be an
indicator of rank or pay – it will be
an indicator that the Soldier has been
trained as a leader, Purcell said.
“When you see a Soldier wearing a
sergeant rank, you know that Soldier
is going to have been trained formally
through an education system to prepare him or her and give them tools
to succeed at that grade,” Purcell said.
“So the Soldier is going to have all the
tools in their kit bag to fully succeed at
their grade.”
Herald Union
Page 15
For your health
Protection against infectious diseases
By Abimbola Adeola
Program Evaluator
U�S� Army Public Health Command
The recent measles outbreak at Disneyland along
with the rate of vaccine refusal by parents has started
a national debate on immunizations (also known as
“vaccines” or “shots”). These events have raised questions, such as: Am I protected/immune to diseases?
How do I develop protection/immunity? Are there
vaccines to prevent me from getting diseases?
Vaccines against disease are said to be one of the
greatest public health interventions of the 20th century.
Although vaccination is seen as a major achievement
in health and wellness around the world, the discussion about vaccines continues.
There is a distinct difference between vaccination
and immunization although the terms are often used
interchangeably. In a nutshell, vaccines cause immunization. Vaccination is the injection of a killed or
weakened organism like a virus, bacteria or parasite
that causes a particular disease or set of diseases. It
produces immunity (protection) in the body against
the organism so it cannot cause illness or it decreases
the seriousness of an illness.
Immunization is the process by which an individual
becomes immune or protected from diseases. This
can happen when an individual comes in contact with
the organism causing a disease or when an individual
receives antibodies. Antibodies are proteins in the body
that attack disease-causing organisms naturally like
through breast milk or through human intervention
such as getting a vaccine. It is important to note that
vaccines are not available for all diseases. No one can
predict when and where the next disease outbreak will
occur, so make sure that you and your family members
are protected by being up-to-date on vaccines.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices currently have recommendations for different vaccines for all ages to help prevent against
many, but not all infectious diseases. Vaccination
schedules and recommended vaccines are outlined
below for each age group:
• Children (birth through 6 years old)
• Preteens and teens (7 through 18 years old)
• Adults
Remember to always ask your health provider any
questions that you have about your immunization
status, recommended vaccines and booster shots. It’s
also important to work with your health care provider,
as not everyone may be eligible to receive all the
recommended vaccines depending on their current
health status or medical history.
Remember the famous saying: “An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure,” so make sure
you take the necessary steps to ensure you and your
family members are protected.
If you plan to travel, check the travel alerts and
vaccine requirements.
Mindfulness-based stress reduction finds a place in the military
By Ms. Shannon Russ (G8)
Mindfulness-based meditation and the military are
generally two things that one would not associate with
one another.
But on Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Dr. Valerie Rice, chief
of the U.S.Army Research Laboratory’s Human Research
and Engineering Directorate Army Medical Department
Field Element in SanAntonio, has participated in theArmy
Study Program since 2012. She has led a study entitled
“Evaluating Next Generation Resiliency Training using
the Virtual World of Second Life” for the last four years.
This study, along with her two related 2015 studies
“Fortifying and Amplifying Resiliency Training” and
“Expeditious Resiliency: Examining a 5-day Intensive
Mindfulness Training,” which were recently funded,
have allowed Rice and her team to work with active-duty
military and veterans to examine the potential benefits of
mindfulness-based stress reduction for conditions such
as post traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD,
depression, chronic pain, and anxiety among others.
The practice of “mindfulness, or being in the moment,”
uses age-old meditation practices, offering practitioners
Page 16
Herald Union
an outlet for stress relief, Rice
Members of Rice’s research
team are not only educated on
the topics the study proposes
to address, but each member
must participate in both the
online and in-person portions
of the study as a prerequisite to
joining the research team. This
gives each member a unique
understanding and perspective
of the study and of the issues
and methods that participants
are hoping to address.
Additionally, it builds a
Photo coutesy of Army.mil
trust and camaraderie between
participants and the research
team, which is important in a situation, where individuals
may be revealing their deepest thoughts and fears.
Members of the Army Study Program Management
Office, or ASPMO, team were invited to participate in an
online mindfulness mediation session to gain an understanding of the experience. The virtual world, Second Life,
is a 3-D computer environment, where avatars represent
the individuals, who are participating.
In the virtual world participants are able to design
the avatars to represent themselves, and even have the
option to disguise the sound of their voice to the other
participants. The virtual world includes not only the lodge,
where participants meet, practice meditation, and have
open discussions; but walking trails, horse stables, and
other relaxing activities for participants.
“The virtual world reduces the anxiety that comes
from going into a behavioral health center by offering
anonymity,” Rice said. “There is still a stigma we have
to confront that asking for help is a sign of weakness.”
A group of previous study participants came out to
the Stillwell House on Fort Sam Houston to greet the
team from ASPMO and to discuss their experience and
outcomes pertaining to the study. It was made clear during
the discussion that the group environment — whether inperson or through the virtual world — is greatly beneficial
and builds a supportive network for those participating.
Participants also experienced some positive unexpected benefits, such as weight loss, improved sleep, lower
blood pressure, reduced anger, and increased calmness.
The ages, backgrounds, and ailments of participants
varied greatly. The participants are active-duty military
and military veterans, and range in age from 22-75 years.
One young woman was experiencing severe chronic
pain resulting from an intensely stressful work environment. After participating in the mindfulness-based stress
reduction study, her pain has decreased so significantly
that her medication has been cut to a fraction of what she
required before learning the techniques and practices the
study allowed her to acquire.
Another participant shared his intimate story of being
the sole survivor of a military helicopter accident. The
immense stress caused by the accident, as well as the issues that arose during the investigation, gave him cause
to seek out assistance.
He received “a free banana that happened to have a
flyer about the study attached.”
“I really just wanted a banana, but read the flyer and
decided it was worth looking into further,” he recalled.
As a result of the positive experience he has had
with the mindfulness meditation, he is sharing his story
on larger stages in hopes of eliminating the stereotype
associated with such practices and encouraging other
military service members to participate.
The study, which has competed for and been awarded
funding each of the last four years, has shown tremendous
success in helping Soldiers and veterans.According to one
article, evidence shows that participants are still employing the mediation methods they learned six months after
participation has ceased.
If virtual training proves effective, “we can support
Soldiers and veterans anywhere there is an Internet connection and a computer,” Rice said.
August 27, 2015 ��������������������������������������������������������������������� www�wiesbaden�army�mil
Bulletin board
At the movies Aug. 27 - Sep. 09 Movie plots
Editor’s note: Extensive renovations to improve the
Taunus Movie Theater began Jan. 12, and through
September, movies will be shown at Tony Bass Auditorium (Clay Kaserne Bldg. 1043). The movies listing
was the most current at the time of publication. Please
visit https://www.shopmyexchange.com/ for the most
up-to-date schedule.
Tony Bass Auditorium
© 2015 - The Weinstein Company / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
“No Escape” is an intense international thriller and centers on an American businessman
(Owen Wilson) as he and his family settle
into their new home in Southeast Asia. Suddenly finding themselves in the middle of a
violent political uprising, they must frantically look for a safe escape as rebels mercilessly attack the city.
© 2015 - The Weinstein Company / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
Thursday, August 27 —
Hitman: Agent 47 (R) 7 p.m.
Friday, August 28 —
War Room (PG) 7 p.m.
Saturday, August 29 —
Hitman: Agent 47 (R) 4 p.m.
War Room (PG) 6 p.m.
Sunday, August 30 —
Minions (PG) 4 p.m.
War Room (PG) 6 p.m.
Monday, August 31 — Closed
Tuesday, September 1 — Closed
Wednesday, September 2 — Closed
Thursday, September 3 —
War Room (PG) 7 p.m.
Friday, September 4 —
No Escape (R) 7 p.m.
Saturday, September 5 —
Paper Towns (PG-13) 4 p.m.
Southpaw (R) 6 p.m.
Straight Outta Compton (R) 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, September 6 —
Paper Towns (PG-13) 4 p.m.
No Escape (R) 6 p.m.
Monday, September 7 — Closed
Tuesday, September 8 — Closed
Wednesday, September 9 — Closed
© 2015 - Dreamworks/ Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com
“Southpaw“ also offers a showcase for co-star 50 Cent to shine in an unexpected,
motivational role.
War Room — Tony and Elizabeth Jordan have
it all - great jobs, a beautiful daughter, and
their dream house. But appearances can
be deceiving. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan’s
world is actually crumbling under the strain
of a failing marriage. While Tony basks in
his professional success and flirts with
temptation, Elizabeth resigns herself to
increasing bitterness. But their lives take
an unexpected turn when Elizabeth meets
her newest client, Miss Clara, and is challenged to establish a “war room” and a battle
plan of prayer for her family. As Elizabeth
tries to fight for her family, Tony’s hidden
struggles come to light. Tony must decide
if he will make amends to his family and
prove Miss Clara’s wisdom that victories
don’t come by accident.
Southpaw — About tragedy, loss and the
painful road to redemption...Billy “The
Great” Hope is the reigning Junior Middleweight Champion whose unorthodox
stance, the so-called “Southpaw,” consists
of an ineloquent, though brutal, display of
offensive fighting. One fueled by his own
feelings of inadequacy and a desperate
need for love, money and fame. With a
beautiful family, home and financial security, Billy is on top both in and out of the ring
until a tragic accident leaves his wife dead
and sends him into a downward spiral. His
days now an endless haze of alcohol and
prescription drugs, his daughter taken by
Child Services and his home repossessed
by the bank, Billy’s fate is all but sealed
until a washed up former boxer named
Tick agrees to take the bereaved pugilist
under his wing so long as he agrees to his
strict ethos. Relentless and utterly committed to a fighter that thinks as much as
he throws punches, Tick rebuilds Billy into
a new man: one that is agile, fearsome
and uncompromising in the ring while
thoughtful, loving and disciplined outside
of it. Now, as he works to regain custody
of his daughter and mounts a professional
comeback, Billy must face his demons
head-on as he learns that, sometimes,
your greatest opponent can be yourself.
No Escape — An intense international thriller,
No Escape centers on an American businessman (Wilson) as he and his family
settle into their new home in Southeast
Asia. Suddenly finding themselves in the
middle of a violent political uprising, they
must frantically look for a safe escape as
rebels mercilessly attack the city.
www.wiesbaden.army.mil ......................................................................August 27, 2015
Herald Union
Page 17
Have fun with the locals
Martinsthaler Weinfest
Fri, Aug 28 – Sun, Aug 30
Martinsthal, various vineyards
The Martinsthaler Weinfest (wine festival)
takes place from August 28 to 30, starting
Friday at 6 p.m. All days will host musical
performances for young and old, as well
as a children’s program, church services
and of course delicious wines and dishes
will be offered. For more information, see
Museum embankment festival
Fri, Aug 28 – Sun, Aug 30
Frankfurt, Schaumainkai
Come to Frankfurt’s museum embankment festival from August 28 to 30.
This is Europe’s largest cultural festival features where lots of arts and
crafts are displayed in stalls accompanied by live music. Why not taste
the culinary delights from around the
world. For more informationl, visit
Ferry wine tasting
Fri, Sep 4
Bad Kreuznach, Bad Münster am
Vineyard wine tastings are so last month.
Bad Münster offers an extraordinary
wine tasting on a ferry on September 4
from 6:30 p.m. Enjoy the beautiful scenery that surrounds the Rhine River and
try five different glasses of wine as you
learn about their history and specialties.
Don’t miss this offer for only €12. Visit
www.bad-kreuznach-tourist.de for more
information and call 0160 – 35 72 212 to
reserve your spot in the group.
Wine fest
Fri, Sep 4 – Sun, Sep 6
Breidel/Mosel, Weingut zum Eulenturm
Decide for yourself whether it was a
good year for wine or whether you prefer the vineyard’s older selections. The
vineyard im Eulenturm in Breidel opens
its doors for you from September 4 to 6.
Enjoy a glass of wine in their beautiful
garden and discover extravagant delicacies like oysters or have a traditional
freshly grilled steak. Admission is free.
Visit www.zum-eulenturm.de for more
Fri, Sep 11 – Mon, Sep 21
Frankfurt, Festplatz am Ratsweg
Dippemess in Frankfurt is one of the
oldest and most popular folk festivals
in Frankfurt. It was already mentioned
in the 14th century, as an exhibition for
sales persons from near and far selling
homewares, especially their ceramic
bowls, called “Dippe,” from which the
name of the event is derived. Dippemess
offers a lot of fun rides, things to buy
and lots of food and drinks. A fun day to
spend with the whole family! For more
info, go to www.frankfurt-tourismus.de
Sat, Aug 29
Mainz, Coface Arena
See the 1 FSV Mainz 05 play against
Hannover 96 on August 29 at 3:30 p.m.
Grab your tickets at the price of €13.50.
For more info, go to www.mainz05.de
San Francisco Symphony
Thu, Sep 3
Wiesbaden, Kurhaus
San Francisco Symphony are coming
back to the Rhine River after almost 8
years, bringing their conductor Michael
Tilson Thomas and their solo pianist Yuja
Wang that will melt your heart and quite
possibly the piano keys with her fingertips. The orchestra will play Beethoven
and Tschaikowski like you’ve never
heard it before, guaranteeing a fascinatingly surprising and action packed musical show at the Kurhaus in Wiesbaden.
The concert starts at 8 p.m. on September 3, tickets start at €35.40 and can be
purchased at www.wiesbaden.de. Visit
www.sfsymphony.org for more info.
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Page 18
Herald Union
Aug. 27, 2015 ............................................................................ www.herald-union.com
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All ads and pics on class-world.com
Caution: Some Classified
ads have become a target
for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer
you payment methods other
than cash.
2006 MINI Cooper, $8,695-, US
SPEC, Manual, Leather, Sunroof,
Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition,
Very Low Fuel Consumption,
Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: info@
2006 Toyota Avalon Sedan,
$14,995-, US SPEC, Automatic,
Leather, Sunroof, Navigation System, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels,
Excellent Condition 1 Owner Vehicle , Call:0176 2273 0967,
Email: info@europeanmotors.org,
Web: www.europeanmotors.org
110.000miles, suroof, A/C, alloy
guaranteed.€3600, Located in Landstuhl
call 0170-7333610 oe mailto: au
BBQ Gas Grill NEW, $60.00, ne2006 BMW 650Ci, 167k miles ver been used, must be picked up
Convertible 6-SP Man. 2-tone by
bronze wrapped over(Grey), All mail.com
Opt. Full Pwr. Navi, Bluetooth/Aux Hamp Synergy, $18, oil filters.
winter/20"Summer Wheels extras H1540-PFB-004, isabell_1_98@ya
$15,075. gontano@hotmail.com
hoo.com / 017622987498
$19,995-, US SPEC, Automatic,
Leather, Sunroof, Cruise Control,
Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent, 1 Owner Vehicle, Call: 0176
2273 0967, Email: info@european
motors.org, Web: www.european
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Coupe, $25,995-, US SPEC, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Glass
Sunroof, Power Seats, 20 inch Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition,
Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@
europeanmotors.org, Web:http://
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Coupe, $25,995-, US SPEC, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Glass
Sunroof, Power Seats, 20 inch Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition,
Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@
europeanmotors.org, Web:http://
2010 VW GTI Sport Hatchback,
$18,395-, US Spec, Manual, Leather, 4 Doors, Power Seats, Alloy
Wheels, Touchscreen Radio, Perfect
22730967, Email: info@european
2011 Audi A4 2.0T "Quattro" Premium Sport Sedan, $19,995-, US
SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise
Control, Power Seats, Alloy
Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call:
0176 22730967, Email: info@euro
BMW 316 I, 24 VAL, silver met,
year 2001, 5 speed, ABS, air
bags, air cond, power windows,
KMS 190,000, $2900, ddundkk@
The Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury
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www.herald-union.com .................................................................................Aug. 27, 2015 Herald Union Page 19
2014 Ford Mustang 5.0 GT/CS
Coupe, $28,895-, US SPEC, Manual, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy
Wheels, California Special Pack,
All ads and pics on class-world.com Perfect
22730967, Email: info@european
2011 GMC Acadia "SLT" 4X4 motors.org, Web:http://www.euro
SUV with 3rd Row, $22,925-, US peanmotors.org
SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise
Control, Power Seats, Alloy, 2014 FORD Mustang 5.0 GT/CS
Backup Camera, Perfect Conditi- Coupe, $28,895-, US SPEC, Maon, Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: in nual, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy
Web: Wheels, California Special Pack,
Perfect Condition, Call: 0176
22730967, Email: info@european
2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee "La- motors.org, Web:http://www.euro
redo" 4X4 SUV, $23,995-, US peanmotors.org
SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise
2015 Audi Q7 TDI Prestige 3.0
Control, Power Seats, Alloy, All
Tiptronic. 6K Miles; Automatic;TurWheel Drive, Perfect Condition,
bo Diesel Inj. V6, 240HP-30
Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@
MGP!; Santorin Blue Pearl w/
europeanmotors.org, Web:http://
Black Int; All leather; Luxury Pkg;
Loaded $65,500For more info:
2011 VW Jetta "S" Sport Sedan, Please call 0160-658-7556 or
$14,995-, US SPEC, Automatic, email degrellg@yahoo.com
Cloth Seats, VW Stereo System, BMW 320 I, silver met, automatic,
Alloy price $ 2000, air cond, ABS,
Condition, power stering, elec windows and
Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@ we deliver anywhere, my ph is
europeanmotors.org, Web:http:// 0175-3213199,
2013 Subaru Forester "Limited"
4x4 Wagon, $24,795-, US SPEC,
Automatic, Leather, Sunroof, Cruise Control, Power Sunroof, Alloy
Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: info@
BMW 320 I, 4 door, 5 speed,
ABS, power stering, elec windows
FT, green met, and we deliver anywhere and my ph is 01753213199, $1599, ddundkk@hot
Page 20
BMW 525i Model 2000, new German inspection, power steering,
power locks, air cond, leather ausstattung, seat heating, power windows, alu rims w/ new summer tires, new battery and brakes.
€2000. 0152-06467728
Daihatsu silver met, 4 door, 5
speed, 1.0 LTR, year 2002, air
cond, summer tires and winter tires, CD player ABS, air bags,
$1600, and we deliver anywhere
with cash in hand, ddundkk@hot
Herald Union
Ford Mondeo, 1996, $600.00, air
017638006210. Just passed inspection. New muffler and all weather tires.Good on gas, clean vehicle and honest seller.
Ford Scorpio, 1998 , 4 door automatic, $ 1400., ddundkk@hot
mail.de, elec locks, windows,
KMS 130,000, power stering,
ABS, Air bags, air cond
HONDA 2001, silver met, ABS, 5
speed, and we deliver anywhere,
my ph is 0175-3213199, $1550,
HONDA 2003, new TUV, silver, 4
door, 5 speed and where deliver
anywhere, my ph is 01753213199, $2300, ddundkk@hot
Hyundai Santor, 1997, 4 door,
automatic, $ 1250, ddundkk@hot
mail.de, 3.0 V-6 , clean, leather,
elec windows, and windows, ali
rims, KMS 107,000 and we deliver
anywhere, my ph is 0175-3213199
Hyundia 2003, new TUV, silver, 4
door, 5 speed and we deliver anywhere, my ph is 0175-3213199,
$2300, ddundkk@hotmail.de
Mazda blue, 4 door, ABS, 5
speed, air cond, color blue, and
we deliver anywhere, my ph is
0175-3213199, $1450, ddundkk@
Merc Benz C-180, Silver, 4 Door,
5 Speed, KMS 159,000, German
TUV till Sept 2016, ABS, elec windows, $1800, and we deliver anywhere with cash in hand, MY PH
S80 Volvo, $3,000, h_young22@
Merc Benz, C-180, silver, 4 door,
5 speed, ABS and we deliver anywhere with cash in hand, my ph is
-0175-3213199, $1599, ddundkk@
timboney_52@hotmail.com, good
condition, Graco, pack&play, 277
GY series, has to be picked up by
Merc Benz, C-180, white, automatic, € 2000, car has German
NEW TUV, no rust, in mint cond,
MY PH IS 0175-3213199 call or
email ddundkk@hotmail.de
Seat year 1997, Green met, air
cond, ABS, power stering elec
windows, price $ 1700, TUV good
for 15 months, summer and winter tires my ph is 0175-3213199,
$1900, ddundkk@hotmail.de
Mercury Mysitque 1999, automatic, gray, 4 door, air cond, power
stering, ali rims, MI 81,000, 2.4 -V6, US mod, and we deliver anywhere with cash in hand, $ 1,599,
Volkswagen Phaeton 2007 3.0
Diesel, obo, VW's Flagship car in
perfect condition. Only 72,000
Km, EuroSpec;Black metallic.
New price was over 80,000 Euro.
For full features/more pictures
email: tsza52@hotmail.com, tel
New Set of 4 Tires, $800/OBO, 06371-15492 DSN 480-1507
kgspang@hotmail.com, Michelin
LTX M/S P255/65R17 108T,
Purchased/Shipped the Wrong Size Tires so looking to sell locally
vice ship back to the dealer. Va- All ads and pics on class-world.com
lued over $900 for the set, not
counting shipping costs.
Are you 38 y/o m, 6.74 tall who
Opel Astra, red, 4 door, 5 speed,
air cond and we deliver and my
ph is 0175-3213199, price ,
$1400, ddundkk@hotmail.de
loves someone's voice, scarfs
and letters? Bananasplit isn't just
something sweet but reminds you
of a wonderful time? Then you are
the one! Looking forward to hear
from you mailbox@secure.direct
Opel Omega, 2.0 LTR, silver met,
ABS, all weather tires, air cond,
US Youth Soccer Europe Olym$1300, ddundkk@hotmail.de
pic Development Prgm IDs the
best American players across EuParts: 1999 VW Golf Variant rope. Train w/ professional GerIV(Kombi), does not run. Transmis- man coaches, compete as US
sion/drivetrain in great shape. team in Inter'l competition. See
Please contact Mike @ 0176- more at www.usys-europe.org
6494-0455 for more info.
Aug. 27, 2015 ............................................................................ www.herald-union.com
Niko 1979
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www.herald-union.com .................................................................................Aug. 27, 2015 Herald Union Page 21
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Adopt while stationed overseas!
www.adopt-abroad.com Adoption Intl & foster care, home studies. Hague accredited. Caseworkers in Germany. US 001-888526-4442
T-Eumex 220PC, for fast and
comfortable internet communicatiRayman Raving Rabbits, Wii gaon. Isdn $15, isabell_1_98@ya
me, perfect condition, like new!
The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game,
**See pics on class-world.com
perfect condition, like new! €8,
SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, Wii coemser@gmail.com **See pics
game, like new!, €12, ccopon on class-world.com
gracz@gmail.com **See pics on
hue@hotmail.com, 3 months old,
used once. Comes with everything except box.
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Echo GT 225 weed eater/string
trimmer for sale by first owner.
Paid $ 205.- one year ago, now
selling for $ 110.-Trimmer is in excellent condition, clean and has
been serviced. GT225 is ideal for
trimming lawns, etc. Light weight
yet powerful gas engine, comes
with extra nylon cutting string.Will
give you an introduction to operate unit. Call 0172 35 64442
Laney speakers, for more information Call: 017622987498
Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game,
perfect condition, like new! €15,
pics on class-world.com
Metal Slug Anthology, Wii game,
played once, perfect condition - like new!, €15, copongracz@
gmail.com **See pics on classworld.com
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Caution: Some Classified
ads have become a target
for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer
you payment methods other
than cash.
Stearing wheel "Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback" for your
PC! Love to play auto games?
Wanna feel like yr r driving for real? Then dont miss this!, pics on 220 volt transformer. 1 X 75 watt
copon for $20. Contact Eric and Mia at
gracz@gmail.com **See pics on 063759949674.
Bible study books etc, $20,
Engleby from Sebastian Faulks!
Great book., €2, pic on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com
Aeropostale long sleeve. Pink.
On the front are pictures of peaces signs and the label name is
shown. Size M. Barley worn.
Good condition. For pics see
www.class-world.com. €9. jani
Black knitted pullover. Size XS
but fits also for size M. €5. See
www.class-world.com for pictures. Janina.Wuttke@gmx.de
Opening Hours:
Mon– Fri 9.00 –19.00
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An den Quellen 3
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r VAT 10% on t
World’s biggest Cuckoo-Clock
Full English Website incl. driving directions, payment methods etc.!
Bracelet - Brown, handmade! Beautiful accessory for any ocation,
any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your
best girl friends. €10, copon
gracz@gmail.com, pics on classworld.com
Bracelet - Gray/Black, handmade. Beautiful accessory for any occation, any outfit. Treat yourself to
something nice or bring a smile to
your best girl friends. €10, copon
gracz@gmail.com, pics on classworld.com
Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition
books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley,
Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald
Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom
Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or
Dark green Roxy Jeans. Size 30.
Find pictures at www.classworld.com. €10. janina.wuttke@
For That Special Collector a Beautiful The United States commemorative presidential collection,
GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect condition, like new. Size small., €5, coem
Green wedges, size 40, never
worn. Paid €50, asking $40.
Handbag "Alexander": Brown,
leather bag, hardly used, perfect
condition! €8, pics on classworld.com,
Handbag "Esprit brand": Small
bad, black leather, ideal if you only need to carry few things around
with you like purse, cell phone
etc., €5, pics on class-world.com,
Handbag: Classy black leather
bag. Hardly used, perfect condition!, pics on class-world.com,
€15, copongracz@gmail.com
Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a
bow on the back. €15. For pics
see www.class-world.com. Contact janina.wuttke@gmx.de
Knee length satin dress, size 40
Kookai dress, size 40, $30, chiffron material, purple, pink, and
beige, worn once, 017622987498,
see class world for pictures.
Labtop or plate table. Perfect
when sitting on couch eating for
to place labtop on. 017622987498
Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/
prom/summer night out. $50;
017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya
hoo.com Pic on www.classworld.eu
04-05-06-07 SEPTEMBER 2015
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Page 22
Herald Union
Cardigan from Reand white stripes. For
www.class€10. janina.wuttke@
Pumps, black, hardly worn, great
condition, size 9M!, €5, pics on
Red shoes/pumps, Size 41, worn
once, too big., €10, isabell_1_98@
Sandals "Anne Klein": Classy
s..., Sandals "Anne Klein": Classy
shoes, brown leather, great to wear at work or for going out at
night. Only slight signs of usage.
Size 9M, €5, pics on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com
Shamballa Bracelet - Black/Gray,
handmade, adjustable in size, fits
almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best
girl friends. €12, copongracz@
Shamballa Bracelet - Brown/Creme, handmade, adjustable in size,
fits almost every wrist. Beautiful
accessory for any ocation, any
outfit. Treat yourself to something
nice or bring a smile to your best
girl friends. €15, copongracz@
Shamballa Bracelet - Lilac/white,
handmade, adjustable in size, fits
almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best
girl friends. €10, coemser@
Shamballa Bracelet - Purple/white, handmade, adjustable in size,
fits almost every wrist. Beautiful
accessory for any ocation, any
outfit. Treat yourself to something
nice or bring a smile to your best
girl friends. €10, copongracz@
The Notebook from Nicholas
Sparks - wonderful book!, €2, pic
on class-world.com, copongracz@
The Swarovski Pierrot measures
8". This is the first edition of "Masquerade" series. Retired in 1999.
Various music CDs for sale, all
from the 2000er years. Single
CDs from Nelly Furtado, Christina
Aguilera etc. for €3, music samplers like Bravo Hits and The Dome
€4. For a picture of the selection
see www.class-world.com. Contact janina.wuttke@gmx.de
.000 f
o ve r 7
Our huge showroom is only
2 hours from Wiesbaden.
Roemerstrasse – Huenningen 7
view. Black
T-Shirt "America", perfect condition, like new, size small! €5, co
pongracz@gmail.com ***pics on
- 18
ays 8 18
0 - 18
Sunda ondays*
can ho
t Ameri
Mario & Luigi starting line Race.
Mariokart Wii.from Knex, $30, original price $61.99. isabell_1_98@
yahoo.com or 017622987498
Tel.: 0032 - 80 - 22.84.77
Fax: 0032 - 80 - 22.67.29
| E-mail: info@mkkrings.com
Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bottles, attractive metal finish, fits perfectly in a small, narrow space.
$10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad
Aug. 27, 2015 ............................................................................ www.herald-union.com
We are looking for an Information
Systems Operations Specialist in
Romania. US Secret and EU resiFURNITURE
All ads and pics on class-world.com dence and work permit required.
Find full description and apply at:
2 Cabinet and table walnut rustic www.sts-llc.com/careers
for sale €250, Phone: 06304919272 or 017672851279
Antique 100 y.o. German china
cabinet, matching dining table
with 4 chairs. See photo on KA
classifieds web page. Contact
Eric and Mia at 063759949674.,
€950, eyates9761@aol.com
Antique Bench, Antique bench
with cushion seat, storage space
and wheels. See photo on KA
classifieds web page. Contact
Eric and Mia at 063759949674.,
€600, eyates9761@aol.com
Antique corner desk. See photo
on KA classifieds web page. Contact
Your German-American flea market
I come to your home!
Cell: 0170-204 0880 All ads and pics on class-world.com
There have been reports of
pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please
choose your pet carefully.
Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling
the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/
or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice,
consult your Veterinarian.
Antique reproduction secretary
desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949674., €120,
Bengal kitten looking for a new
home. All are healthy, with papers
from TICA, they move with contract, food package and toys. For
Asian Stepped Cabinet, $45, more infos call or visit us, we live
dk.bruner@ya in Enkenbach-Alsenborn area, €
1.200, dodipe@aol.com, 0176hoo.com
Bedroom set complete for sale,
Cherry real Wood, big bed, cabinet with mirror, comode, 2 night- Hamster cage, used, asking $8,
stand, like new with assessoires must pick up in Rodenbach
you like ? 1500 € Phone: 06304- 67688 017622987498
919272 or 017672851279
Dental Care
Services offered:
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Black music rocking chair, $25,
purchased at mobel martin for
Shipping Box "Skudo IATA", confirms the IATA standards/regulations, Size 4 (L 68cm, B 48cm, H
51cm) Brand New, still in box not
Coffee table, beechwood / glass, even opened as I ordered 2, $50,
for more details go to http://
$30, sikari@aol.com
Dining room from rustic oak for box-skudo s.vogl75@web.de
sale consisting of 2 cabinet with
glass, 1 Sideboard, 1 hanging cabinet, table and 6 chairs, individually for sale very good condition 500€ Phone: 06304-919272 or
Evaluation and treatment of
Wiesbaden Dental Care
0611-9887 26 50
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US & German Divorces • Support Issues
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Certified American
Dental Hygienists
Tricare Preferred Provider
American Speech Pathologists for American Kids
Kitchen with electrical appliances for sale rustik oak 350 € Phone:
Selling kitchen, €1,200, wald
mob.:01736921541; creme colored kitchen
with refrigirator, dishwasher and
stove. More pictures and measurements available on request.
speech and language delays
and disorders by American
certified and licensed speechlanguage pathologists
in Hochheim am Main
Rüdesheimer Str. 40
(7 miles from Clay Kaserne)
Tricare Preferred Provider
Elizabeth Grimley MS CCC-SLP
Speech and Language Services
06201 389 74 44
Rebecca Banks,, PharmD
Wardrobe, $225, hernandez.fc@
gmail.com, From Simba Mediterranean Furniture. 73" tall X 46" wide X 26" deep. Add 6 inches at
top and bottom for wrought iron.
Wooden bookshelf. See photo
on KA classifieds web page. Contact
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Wanted: Full-time fluent English
speaking Dental Receptionist and
experienced Dental Assistant for
busy American practice in Ramstein-Miesenbach. Will consider
customer service experience /
background for receptionist position. If interested please email resume to: ramsteindentalofficemana
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come visit us at the Wiesbaden back to school event, August 29, 11:00 - 15:00
now оly
€ 119.95
€ 10.00 starter credit included
Samsung J1
Hainerberg Exchange Mall
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00
Sun: 10:00 - 18:00