OAK FAIR - Stock Gaylard Estate
OAK FAIR - Stock Gaylard Estate
STOCK GAYLARD OAK FAIR 2016 A SPECIAL EVENT FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN TIMBER, WOODCRAFT, CONSERVATION AND THE COUNTRYSIDE www.stockgaylard.com STOCK GAYLARD OAK FAIR Welcome to our guests and exhibitors to our 12th Oak Fair, this year we are pleased to have back Martin Richards with his T H Robinson 1887 double blade reciprocating planking saw which he first demonstrated at the first Oak Fair back in 2005. He will be situated in the Machinery and Timber Yard area by Mark Revel, with his AEC Matador Timber Tractor, and David and Jack Pomeroy, who will be showing their logging machine and other machinery. Michael Lancaster is also in that area showing off a number of smaller engines. Other excitements this year are Avalon Axes where you can try your hand at axe throwing, and the William Barnes Society who are giving a couple of poetry recitals in the Dorset dialect in the church (Sunday only). On a sadder note we will miss Larry Skeats who died earlier this year. He has supported every Oak Fair in his Shepherds hut and entertained thousands of visitors with his stories. Our condolences go out to his wife Sue and the rest of their family. The Oak Fair team and I hope you all have a great day out. Andrew Langmead August 2016 DATE FOR YOUR DIARY 2017 26th & 27th AUGUST Bank Holiday 2 WHATS HAPPENING 10.30 - Heavy Horses - Arena 10.30 - Children’s Art Workshop - Kids tent 11.00 - Short service in St Barnabas Church 11.15 - Wood Chipping Demonstration - near Deer Park 11.30 - Adam’s Axemen - Arena 11.30 - Children’s Art Workshop - Kids tent 12.00 - Bagatelle in St Barnabas Church- (Saturday) 12.15 - Wood Chipping Demonstration - near Deer Park 12.30 - Falconry Display - Arena 12.30 - William Barnes Society in St Barnabas Church - (Sunday) 13.00 - Wood Chipping Demonstration - near Deer Park 13.30 - Heavy Horses - Arena 13.30 - Children’s Art Workshop - Kids tent 14.00 - Wood Chipping Demonstration - near Deer Park 14.30 - Adam’s Axemen - Arena 14.30 - Children’s Art Workshop - Kids tent 15.00 - Wood Chipping Demonstration - near Deer Park 15.30 - Falconry Display - Arena 15.30 - Bagatelle in St Barnabas Church - (Saturday) 15.30 - William Barnes Society in St Barnabas Church - (Sunday) 16.00 - Service in St Barnabas Church 16.00 - Children’s Art Workshop - Kids tent 3 AROUND THE SHOW * Tree climbing and zip wire near Conservation Row Scarecrow making in the Children’s Area Art & crafts workshops in the Children’s Area Tractor rides around the Deer Park Chainsaw carving demonstrations Dray rides around Church Park Hedge laying demonstrations in Conservation Row Demonstration of environmentally friendly building in the Timber Yard area Charcoal making demonstrations Archery and bow making Butterfly walks and talks in Conservation Row Machinery demonstrations A variety of blacksmiths forges in Dell Lane Ancient Wessex Forum in Oak Avenue - a living historic village “Have a go” at Axe throwing with Avalon Axes Scything demonstrations from Pratensis 4 The Great Big Tree Climbing Company will be returning to the Oak Fair for 2016. Since its creation in 2008, this company has been bringing exciting new mobile outdoor adventure activities all over the country. TREE CLIMBING: suitable for 6 year olds and above. Participants are supplied with a comfortable harness and helmet and are attached to the safety lines on the tree. A safety briefing and instructions on how to climb the tree safely will then be given. Instructors will remain on site at all times to offer support to all climbers. ZIP WIRE: For those too young to climb the tree, a zip wire has been set up for them to enjoy. Available 10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm (Please note tickets for this activity are on a first come first served basis) www.bigtreeclimbing.co.uk 5 AVALON AXES Bringing a taste of the Dark Ages to The Oak Fair at Stock Gaylard this year will be Avalon Axes, a great team based in Somerset. The only Viking inspired axe throwing outfit in the South West. Inspired by a sense of the past and our long history, Simon Smith, Dan Chalmers and Tim Walker are a sight to see as well joining them and learning to throw axes like a Viking. You will be given full instruction by our experienced and fully insured axe throwers and will be coached through to success. They use single head throwing axes thrown in to wooden targets. Their Viking themed axe throwing is fun and safe. COME ALONG AND THROW AN AXE!!! 6 BRITISH HORSE LOGGERS Stock Gaylard is delighted to welcome a number of The British Horse Loggers again to the Oak Fair. This year they will compete against each other in a series of tasks showing the strength, precision and manoeuvrability needed to work horses in the countryside, in particularly woodland environments. Along side the competition they will also be demonstrating moving timber around the site. The group includes: Richard Branscombe of Swainsford Heavy Horses with Rocky, a Percheron and Levi, a North American Spotted Draft. Richards Eames Horse Logging and Forestry Services with Elizabeth and Jupiter, both Cob’s. Will Hampton of Dartmoor Horse Loggers with William, an Ardennes and Beano, a Comtois. Kate Mobbs-Morgan Rowan with Kipp and Sol, both Ardennes. IF YOU REQUIRE MEDICAL ATTENTION PLEASE GO TO THE RED CROSS TENT SITUATED ON CONSERVATION ROW 7 ADAM’S AXEMEN Come and be entertained by the world famous team of Adam’s Axemen who will be demonstrating their axe wielding and sawing skills. To book them for your own event please call 01929 471468 Or visit www.adamsaxemen.co.uk PRATENSIS COUNTRYSIDE SERVICES Demonstration of mowing grass with a scythe. Traditional skill meets modern lightweight continental scythe. Scythes for sale. Or you can “Have a Go”. www.pratensis.net Follow us @StockGaylard1 8 MERE DOWN FALCONRY Static and flying displays of birds of prey, hawks, owls and falcon’s. You can also see the birds close up on their stand near Oak Avenue. Tel 01747 824913 www.meredownfalconry.co.uk Abbey 1O4fm will be broad casting live from the Oak Fair on the 28th August, you can find them situated on Conservation Row. 9 WOOD CHIPPING DEMONSTRATION There will be demonstrations throughout both days from the Wood Chipping machine. Watch a whole tree being reduced to chips within minutes. The machine will be sited beside the drive near the trailer rides. Southern Wood Energy is a market leader in the production and supply of quality wood fuels for commercial and domestic clients. Free consultation and impartial advice service for your biomass installation. Tel 01202 886244 www.southernwoodenergy.co.uk DRAY RIDES Dray rides around Church Park are available throughout both days. Look out for the large horses on the Deer Park side of the Fair site. 10 ST BARNABAS CHURCH There will be two short services in the church each day at 11am and 4pm. Everyone’s attendance is welcome. The church will be open throughout the weekend so please feel free to look around. BAGATELLE 12.00pm & 3.30pm on Saturday in the church This small group of women have sung together for 20 years and have developed a wonderful sound. They perform acapella versions of well known numbers, but many of their songs are original, written and arranged by members of the group. Tel: 01305 812125 11 THE WILLIAM BARNES SOCIETY 12.30pm & 3.30pm on Sunday in the church Founded in 1983, the Society exists to enable its members to share fellowship and pleasure in the life and work of William Barnes. Its membership includes scholars and laymen, those chiefly interested in poetry and others who are drawn by his connection with Dorset history and dialect. Society meetings are held throughout the year, with talks, poetry readings and recitals, other entertainments, and excursions to places with special Barnes connections. Annual events include a spring Service of Remembrance at Winterborne Came Church. The Society's current aim is to encourage Dorset schools to become interested in dialect poetry. We find that in practice Barnes's comic pieces have a special appeal to the young. The new William Barnes Gallery, Dorset County Museum, is now open. It depicts a fascinating journey through his life as well as a classroom where educational visits can take place. FIND US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/StockGaylard 12 OAK AVENUE Alice Wood Designs Sheepskin rugs, jackets, bags, gloves www.alicewooddesign.com Chunk Furniture Reclaimed wood furniture Facebook: Chunkfurniture Tel: 07914 360571 Atmosphere Images Photographic prints and greeting cards of Dorset and the West Country www.aiphoto.co.uk Tel: 01258 880282 Cider House Oak Items of rustic country furniture made in a Dorset Cider House Claire Waters Glass - fused and leaded set into wood and stone for both indoors and outdoors www.claire-waters.co.uk Tel: 07738 162791 Bearwood Turney Woodturner-Sculptor www.bearwoodturney.co.uk Tel: 01258 863886 Blackmore Vale Woodturners Association Woodturning demonstrations throughout the weekend, plus wood turned items for sale Tel: 01258 860014 Cornwall Hardwood Supplier Hardwood timber from all of the British Isles, for furniture makers, turners etc www.cornwallhardwoodsuppliers.co.uk Tel: 07703 554389 Creative Woodcraft Hand crafted wooden toys made from New Forest Oak Tel: 07809 615963 Boards For You Pyrography (Designs on any wood) www.boardsforyou.co.uk Bodrighy Wood Handcrafted woodturning: artistic and practical www.bodrighywood.co.uk Tel: 07899 888195 Crystal-Wood-Design Wood items, jewellery, tools, timbers, advice 13 OAK AVENUE CONTINUED Dalla Foresta Hand crafted wood products and gardenalia www.planks2tops.vpweb.co.uk Tel: 07779 814437 Fivepenny Chairs Windsor chairs and handmade wooden furniture made in Dorset www.fivepennychairs.co.uk Tel: 01297 560755 Dave the Lathe Bowls. Pots. Cruites, mushrooms. Demonstrations and opportunity for the public to have a go at making their own bowl Tel: 07836 798963 Giftpoint Studio Individually designed and handcrafted boxes, toys and quirky, functional and sculptural items celebrating wood. Made to order plaques for you to take home www.etsy.com/shop/ GIFTPOINTstudio Tel: 01202 246841 Drifting Gifts Unique driftwood/wooden home furnishings www.driftinggifts.com Green Man Woodcrafts Range of traditional woodcrafts: gate hurdles, gates, fencing, carved burr bowl, baskets etc as well as a large selection of Burrs for sale www.greenmanwoodcrafts.co.uk Tel: 01380 831332 Ewenique Furniture Life sized and life like upholstered sheep footstools and many other sheepskin items plus demonstrations over the weekend www.lizmangles.co.uk Tel: 07835 121324 Hambledon Furniture Makers of fine quality fitted or free standing furniture and kitchens Tel: 01258 269901 F Cuff & Sons Ltd OAK AVENUE SPONSOR Designers and makers of beautiful, fine, bespoke joinery including kitchens, staircases and furniture www.fcuffandsons.co.uk Tel: 01963 23219 14 OAKAVENUE CONTINUED Marnhull Leathercraft Handcrafted leather hats, bags and belts. West Country sheepskins, Finnish reindeer and cow skins www.marnhullleathercraft.com Tel: 01258 821451 Hand Made Oak Quality, bespoke furniture from English Oak www.handmadeoak.co.uk Tel: 07595 252989 Helygen Baskets Traditional English basketry Tel: 01503 250991 Matt Belfrage Freestanding and fitted furniture made to commission. A variety of gifts made from local hardwood www.mattbelfrage.co.uk Tel: 01963 371532 Holly Blue Design Makers of beautiful children’s furniture and accessories www.Holly-Blue.co.uk Tel: 07966 156975 Mike Wingrove Second hand tools and other interesting items Tel: 01258 860860 Ian Thompson Furniture A variety of Oak furniture Tel: 07802 230674 Natural Woodcrafts Woodcrafts made out of natural piece of wood, all proceeds go to Cancer Research J C Joinery Dorset Ltd Timber windows, doors and garden rooms www.jcjoinerydorset.co.uk Tel: 01963 31327 Ord Knives Traditional hand forged pocket knives and wood working tools. www.ordknives.co.uk Tel: 07542 743654 Jeremy Freeman Woodturning Turning wood products and wood sculptures www.jeremyfreemanwoodturning.co.uk Tel: 01725 517006 15 OAK AVENUE CONTINUED Red Fox Hardwood furniture made using mainly UK sourced timber. Contemporary arts and crafts influenced pieces for sale and commissions welcome www.redfoxgallery.co.uk Tel: 07976 278056 Surrey and Sussex Hardwoods Supplying large selections of assorted planks and blanks, yew branches and various species, sizes and shapes of wood for carving etc Tel: 01306 711896 Thomas Smith’s Trug Shop The original makers of the Royal Sussex Trug Basket for gardening and use in the home, handmade in Sussex www.sussextrugs.com Tel: 01323 871640 Shaston Boxes Shaker inspired designs, handmade from local English hardwoods, including storage boxes and peg rails plus many useful contemporary items for the home Facebook: Shaston Boxes Tel: 07988 437741 Winterwood Chopping boards, cheese boards, table centre pieces Tel: 01392 279606 Shaw Wood Handmade didgeridoo’s, hand turned bowls, vases and many other gifts www.shaw-wood.co.uk Tel: 07542 412777 Wivey Windsor Chairs Handmade Windsor chairs in a variety of timbers www.wiveywindsorchairs.com Tel: 01984 623179 Silva Opus Unique and bespoke garden products, specialising in Oak Sleeper products www.silvaopusonline.co.uk Tel: 01823 690572 Woodwright Design Home made wooden artefacts for the home and garden www.seanhellman.com Tel: 07841 924428 Sticks and Bits Hand crafted walking sticks in horn and wood plus various stick related items Tel: 01258 321494 16 OAK AVENUE DISPLAY MARQUEE Dorset Designer Angie Wooden home decorations in various natural wood, coat hooks, table runners www.dorsetdesigner.co.uk Tel: 01258 817522 Living Wood Natural edge turning using only Dorset wood. Offers workshops throughout the year and gallery open to the public www.dorsetvisualarts.org Email: peterlivingwood@gmail.com Gothic Mirrors Individually, handmade Gothic style mirrors, crafted from a variety of lovely wood Tel: 01749 677388 Matthew’s Wood Works! Hand crafted, useful and decorative household objects including trivets, clocks, chopping boards, egg cups, key fobs etc Greene Wood Design Small bespoke pieces and furniture produced from reclaimed wood www.greenewood.co.uk Tel: 01623 823242 Facebook: Matthewbucknallfinefurniture Tel: 07542 142347 Tooday Turning Hand turned pens, letter openers, magnifying glasses, boxes and chopping boards www.turn2pens.co.uk Gylla Wood Pens Handmade wood pens and gifts made from wood grown in Dorset www.gyllawoodpens.co.uk Tel: 01747 824357 DISCLAIMER The Stock Gaylard Estate and Oak Fair will not be responsible for any loss, illness, damage or accident that may occur to any person, exhibit, property or animal at the show or in the Car Parks. Hare Styles Bespoke designed and handmade home décor, gifts and accessories www.hare-styles.co.uk Tel: 07870 642443 All accidents must be reported at once to the Show Office. All dogs must be kept on leads at all times. Children must be accompanied by an adult when playing in Children’s Area & on Tractor or Dray rides. PLEASE PLACE ALL LITTER IN ONE OF THE BINS AROUND THE SITE. THANK YOU 17 CONSERVATION ROW Abigail James Homemade pet treats Tel: 07734 152433 The Countryside Restoration Trust The UK’s leading charity promoting wildlife friendly farming and campaigning for a living, working countryside www.countrysiderestorationtrust.com Tel: 01223 262999 Artisan Gardener Garden design, fences, gates and decking. Dominic and his team will continue over the weekend to fence around the Crusader Oak www.artisan-gardening.co.uk Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance Souvenir merchandise and information www.dsairambulance.org.uk Tel: 01823 669604 Blandford and Sturminster Bee Keepers Association Observation hive, candle rolling, honey products and beekeeping equipment to review and discuss www.bsbka.com Dorset Community Foundation Dorset charity encouraging local giving for local people, £10 million in awarded in grants over 16 years www.dorsetcommunityfoundation.org Tel: 01202 670815 Butterfly Conservation Information and displays about butterflies and moths and ways to help them plus children’s activities www.dorsetbutterflies.com Tel: 01258 880524 Dorset Coppicing Ltd Besom brooms, cleft ash tent pegs and woodland crafts Dorset Hedgelayer Traditional Dorset hedgelaying www.dorset-hedgelay.co.uk Tel: 07978 044625 Calluna Books Specialising in buying and selling out of print natural history books covering all aspects including birds, flora, mammals and invertebrates www.callunabooks.co.uk Tel: 01929 552560 18 CONSERVATION ROW Dorset Lavender Farm Project From the farm at Fiddleford Manor the project provides volunteering and supported work placements for people of all abilities DORSET COPPICE GROUP Promoting rural and woodland skills www.dorsetcoppicegroup.co.uk The following exhibitors are on this stand: Paul & Caroline Boak Unique turned & hand carved pieces www.dorsetlavenderfarmproject.co.uk Dorset Wildlife Trust Wildlife and family activities www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk Peter Moors Hurdle maker & furniture maker Alex Huxley Stick maker Filberts of Dorset Honey and natural beeswax products www.filbertsofdorset.co.uk Tel: 01308 488367 Jim & Marg King Basket makers Paul Brayshaw Spoon maker George Day Collection fussell tools, bill hooks, spar hooks by Mells and Nunney Tel: 01747 826106 Dave Ewers Wood turner Mandy Staple Pyrography Hamwood Crafts Food boards, rustic mirrors, coat racks, kitchen and table ware all from locally sourced timber www.hamwoodcrafts.co.uk Tel: 01935 825807 Ian and Teresa Moss Specialist growers of hardy and unusual perennials including hardy geraniums www.hardyandunusualplants.co.uk Tel: 01278 661352 Harry Beaves Second hand tools Tel: 01258 858404 Lovingtons Ice Cream Delicious dairy ice creams 19 CONSERVATION ROW CONTINUED Martin Symes Wheelwright, wood turner, carts, wheels, barrows, benches, tables, stools and other small items all made from local timber Tel: 01404 861340 RSPB Wildlife membership packs with a range of free gifts for all ages. Advice also given on how to give nature a home www.rspb.org.uk Tel: 01929 556651 Meadow in my Garden Flower meadow seeds, seed balls, wildflower seeds, bird song CD’s, bug and bird boxes www.meadowinmygarden.co.uk Tel: 01380 724963 The Creative Chestnut Company Designs, makes and installs truly rustic garden structures using coppiced, durable English sweet chestnut which is cleft by hand Oakland Landscapes Garden landscaping, garden maintenance and garden design www.oakland-landscapes.co.uk Tel: 07968 941196 The Green Shed A workshop primarily for adults with learning difficulties, producing various wooden and woollen items for sale Tel: 01935 814548 P&J Snelson Dry stone walling, hedge laying and coppice crafts such as walking sticks, garden supports Tel: 01963 23680 The Springhead Trust Provides a rural residential location for the promotion of environmental education, organic agriculture and the performing arts www.springheadtrust.org.uk Tel: 01747 811853 www.thecreativechestnutcompany.co.uk Parks Perennials Perennial garden plants, Agapahthus, Thalictrums, Eucomis, Echinacea and ornamental grasses Tel: 01202 524464 Tim Dunning Conservation Advice concerning woodland and hedge management Tel: 01935 863288 20 CONSERVATION ROW CONTINUED We Are Bazaar Recycled wooden boxes, Bamboo bird whistles Tools for Self Reliance A charity selling second hand tools and other interesting items to finance projects in Africa www.tfsr.org Woodland Trust The UK’s leading conservation charity, their vision is a UK filled in woods and trees that can be valued and enjoyed by everyone www.woodlandtrust.org.uk Tel: 01752 224096 Trees for Dorset Promoting the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment Tel: 01929 462428 Stock Gaylard Tent Harry Farr Yeatman and the 150th Anniversary of the Yeatman Hospital Harry Farr Yeatman 1786-1861, lived most of his life at Stock Gaylard House. He was what was called a Squarson, that is, a squire who took holy orders and became incumbent of one of the livings of which he was the patron. H.F Yeatman was chairman of the Dorset Quarter Sessions for 25 years. He had a private pack of hounds which evolved into the Blackmore Vale Hunt. His many activities brought him a large number of friends and associates who after his death founded the Yeatman Hospital in Sherborne in his memory. The Yeatman hospital in Sherborne serves our local community through its many services and is managed by Dorset Healthcare University and the NHS Foundation Trust and is well supported by the “Friends of the Yeatman Hospital”. The hospital celebrated its 150th Anniversary on the 8th July, please visit the Stock Gaylard tent situated on Conservation Row to find out more of the history about Harry Farr Yeatman and the hospital. 21 DELL LANE Alan Brown Hurdlemaker Demonstration of traditional wattle hurdlemaking www.brownshurdles.co.uk Tel: 01929 462761 Chew Moo’s Ice Cream Artizan ice cream made with milk and cream from our jersey cows www.chewmoos.co.uk Tel: 07917 322736 Andrew Horsefield Turned wood from Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire Tel: 07709 945833 Colleen du Pon Artist Blacksmith Ornamental ironwork and metal sculptures www.colleendupon.co.uk Tel: 07745 412623 Barrowsmead Oak Traditional Oak wheelbarrows, oak and cleft chestnut garden gates and archways www.barrowsmeadoak.com Tel: 07717 217142 Cradle to the Grave English willow coffins and baskets, plus yurt hire and sales www.greenwoodfutureswillowcoffins.co.uk Tel: 07919 385854 Dorset Game Larder Game based burgers, sausages and other products www.thedorsetgamelarder.co.uk Tel: 01258 857206 Bison Bushcraft Bushcraft and woodcraft supplies from custom knives to handmade wooden clothing for the outdoors www.bisonbushcraft.co.uk Tel: 07801 296255 Ian Whitefield Traditional Blacksmith Bespoke hand forged items made to order, specialist in period reproduction and restoration Tel: 01823 480340 Chairs Et Al Vintage furniture Tel: 01202 801029 22 DELL LANE CONTINUED J K Willows Small scale willow work, creatures, flowers and much more for the garden and home Ruf Wood Designs Reclaimed, unique furnishings including mirrors, coasters, wine racks www.rufwood.co.uk Tel: 07535 334021 Email: jennyknight.jkwillows@gmail.com John Harman Thatching Ltd John Harman hatching Ltd prides itself on its ability to thatch almost anything! www.thatcher.co.uk Shaker Woodwork Handmade wooded products and gifts for the home and garden www.shaker-woodwork.co.uk Tel: 01460 62472 Lloyd and Co Blacksmiths A traditional blacksmith based in the heart of Dorset www.lloydblacksmiths.com Tel: 07966 728966 Tree Pirates Chainsaw carving and extreme carpentry Facebook: treepirates Mark Archer Joinery Bespoke joinery, specialising in listed buildings Tel: 01747 852 880 Wilderness Survival Skills Courses in bushcraft, survival and traditional crafts and primitive living www.wilderness-survival.co.uk Tel: 07718 078619 Metal Menagerie Life size animal sculptures made entirely of old tools ad discarded metal items www.metalmenagerie.co.uk Tel: 07747 630626 Wooden Toyz for Girlz and Boyz Handmade wooden toys and puzzles Tel: 07526 446138 Richard Austin Sculpture Chainsaw Carving and garden furniture using sustainably sourced timber www.richardaustinsculpture.com Tel: 01425 656878 23 MACHINERY & TIMBER YARD Axminster Tools & Machinery Extensive range of over 16,000 quality, value for money tools, machinery and workshop consumables www.axminster.co.uk Tel: 01297 302370 Hampshire Coppice Craftmen’s Club Demonstrations of coppice/woodland craft and sales of associated products Michael Bennett with Hampshire Coppice Craftmen’s Club, demonstrating split wood hazel baskets and traditional wood care. Tel: 07920 29849 Dorset Timber Framing Specialists in the design, manufacture and construction of bespoke Oak framed buildings www.dorsettimberframing.co.uk Tel: 08001 214497 Hazelbury Timber Supplies Sawn timber, rustic tables and furniture www.hazelburytimbersupplies.co.uk Holme Sawmill Producers of quality English timber and timber products. A wide range of timber in stock or produced to customer specifications www.holmesawmill.co.uk Tel: 01929 552480 FBS Flues and Chimneys Ltd Chimney specialists, wood and multi fuel stove installers and suppliers www.fbsflues.co.uk Tel: 01985 218596 Future Roots Bill Notley will be raffling his Ferguson tractor with all profits made going to local organisation Future Roots www.futureroots.net Huff and Puff Construction Environmentally friendly building using natural and sustainable materials, including straw, timber, lime, cob and clay www.huffpuff.me Tel: 01305 564321 Goodwoods Timber Fine selection of native grown timber, over twenty different varieties, air dried and barn stored ready to use www.goodwoodstimber.co.uk Tel: 07791 056415 24 MACINERY & TIMBER YARD Logmatic UK Sale and demonstration of Logmatic manual log splitters and accessories www.logmatic.co.uk Tel: 01494 881479 Michael Lancaster Displaying restorated, renovated and repaired engines and other equipment including: Nelson Jumbo hit and miss open crank Frost King hit and miss open crank Amanco King hit and miss open crank Petters “M” tank cooled Petters “M” apple top Petters “M” acorn top Stuart Turner water pump set BSA generator set with museum Briggs and Stratton cut away set up Wolseley driving band saw Bernard French driving knife grinding stone Lister “B” driving corn grinder Wolseley museum cut away Lister “D” driving sheep shearing set Oak butter churn Tel: 01202 749922 Magna Metal Craft High quality fabrication specialists in North Dorset Tel: 01747 859095 Mark Revell Mark will be brining his AEC Matador 1952 to the Oak Fair, originally in the RAF in Malta until 1973, it was sold by the military and converted in to a timber tractor Mintern Fencing and Sheds Sheds, fencing, landscaping, building, timber structures etc www.minternebuilding.co.uk Tel: 01963 363535 25 MACHINERY & TIMBER YARD New Forest Coppice Crafts Demonstration of gypsy flower making, and sale of wood products from sustainable New Forest woodland www.newforestcoppicecrafts.co.uk Tel: 02380 872679 Townsend Timber Oak and timber framed buildings, sheds and workshops, fences and gates www.townsendtimber.co.uk Thatching Spars and the Black Stuff Two charcoal burners and a hurdlemaker making Thatching Spars, coming together once a year for the Oak Fair, 30 years of charcoal burning experience and 70 years of hurdlemaking experience: Jim Bettle Dorset Charcoal Company www.dorsetcharcoal.co.uk Tel: 01258 818176 Ern Steel Erns Wood Products Tel: 01725 516430 Peter Jameson Tel: 01202 603202 Nigel Paul & Ashly Barber Displaying a Ferguson FE35 1958 and a Ferguson Forestry tractor 1951 alongside a J Stenner 40ft Racksaw Bench 1875, believed to the oldest Stenner Racksaw still working Pomeroy’s Logs Pomeroy’s will be showing their logging machine, a large splitter, Timber Jack timber harvester, stump grinder and a tractor and timber trailer with grab Tel: 01258 817734 Ronald Sansom Turned bowls and bread boards Tel: 01935 423224 THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF TRADITIONAL ARCHERY Try you hand at archery and a chance of shooting an English longbow, with members of the Society for the Promotion of Traditional Archery (SPTA). 5 arrows £3.00 www.traditional-archery.org 26 MACHINERY & TIMBER YARD Martin Richards- T H Robinson 1887 Double Blade Reciprocating Planking Saw Thought to have been installed new in 1887 to The Greystone Estate, near Lake Windermere where it was driven by a 16 foot overshot waterwheel via various overhead line shafts which also drove the rest of the saw mills equipment including 2 planners, morticer, drill & 2 small saw benches. In later years the water wheel was replaced by a water turbine. One of its main uses was cutting planks for coffin making as at the time it was very efficient due to being able to cut 2 planks simultaneously. This reciprocating saw was taken out of use in the 1950’s when it was replaced with a circular rack bench along side it. The saw mill itself & all the other equipment including the belt driven generator was in regular use until the year 2000, when the saw mill was converted into holiday lets. The saw was dismantled & transported back to Dorset. Martin Richards the owner has re-assembled it & mounted it onto a chassis to enable it to be towed & exhibited at various shows over the past 14 years. To enable the saw to be used as you see it today the line shaft from the saw mill complete with its numerous pulleys had to be removed, modified & relocated to decrease the running speed as opposed to previously being set up to increase the speed from the slow running waterwheel. 27 MARKET SQUARE Great Tastes Speciality burgers using British meats including: wild boar, buffalo with venison, buffalo, lamb and beef. All severed in bread rolls from an artisan baker with a choice of locally made relishes Tel: 01935 851254 Blackmore Vale Ladies Lots of lovely homemade cakes, tea, coffee and soft drinks Tel: 07790 449331 Bridge Farm Cider Traditionally made still and sparkling cider, perry and apple juice www.bridgefarmcider.co.uk Tel: 01935 862387 Holebrooks Fine Foods A local butchers and deli supplying local food to local people www.holebrooksfinefood.co.uk Tel: 01258 472077 Comins Tea House Fine tea merchants specialising in single estate and single origin loose leaf tea www.cominsteahouse.co.uk Tel: 01258 475389 Home-Start Home-Start volunteers help families with young children deal with the challenges they face, and improve their confidence and build better lives . Homemade cakes, tea and coffee www.home-start.org.uk Dike and Son Family run independent food store in Stalbridge since 1851. Supporting over 120 local growers, makers and bakers www.dikeandson.co.uk Jurassic Seafood Fish burgers made with no bread, potato or egg. Bass or Mackerel fillets www.jurassicseafood.co.uk Tel: 07789 076481 Dorset Blue Vinny Dorset Blue Vinny soups, ploughman’s and toasties www.dorsetblue.co.uk Tel: 01963 23133 Let Them Eat Cake Tea, coffee, cakes, savouries, jams, pickles and cheese Tel: 01458 850099 28 MARKET SQUARE Manna Kitchen Frozen, award winning ready meals for home delivery. Homemade tarts and desserts and freshly made salads www.mannakitchen.co.uk Tel: 01305 851551 O’Hagans Sausage BBQ Freshly barbequed O’Hagans sausages served in a soft roll with a selection of chutneys, pickles and sauces www.hogroastdorset.co.uk Tel: 01425 277779 Mr Bean Coffee Fair trade freshly ground coffee, teas, hot chocolate and homemade slices www.mrbeancoffee.co.uk Tel: 07795 388256 Oxford Bakery Freshly baked traditional breads and cakes www.oxfordsbakery.co.uk Tel: 01963 23214 29 MARKET SQUARE CONTINUED Pizza Dragon Freshly made pizzas baked to order in our wood fired oven using only the finest local and home grown ingredients www.pizzadragon.co.uk Tel: 01460 221903 Taste of the Wild Wild game venison – wild boar – pheasant – rabbit burgers, sausages and pasties Tel: 07710 347485 The Chicken Hut Chicken stir fry, burgers, bacon butties, tea, coffee and soft drinks Tel: 01963 23560 Purbeck Ice Cream Award winning real dairy ice creams and sorbets made on the farm in Dorset www.purbeckicecream.co.uk Tel: 01929 480090 The Really Tiny Coffee Company Situated by Stock House A quirky little van selling a range of locally sourced coffees, teas and hot chocolates along with a range of cakes, biscuits and a selection of hot drinks www.real-coffee.co.uk Tel: 07969 394360 Quiddles Catering Paella specials, a choice of chicken and chorizo or seafood Tel: 07968 176485 Thoroughly Wild Meat Co Salt marsh lamb – red ruby beef – mangalisa pork made into tagines, steaks, sausages and burgers served with homemade salads and sauces www.thoroughlywildmeat.co.uk Tel: 07770 392041 Reads Coffee Roasters Speciality coffee roasted locally. Expresso, cappuccino plus beans and ground coffee prepared to order www.readscoffee.co.uk Tel: 01935 481010 Suzette’s Fresh Pancakes Hand cooked pancakes, served hot and fresh straight from the pan the traditional British way, with sweet and savoury fillings Tel: 07889 788629 Veggie Patch Delicious vegetarian street food and tasty cakes with impressive health benefits 30 FOOD MARKET MARQUEE Dorset Blue Vinny Dorset Blue Vinny cheese, fresh soups and chutneys www.dorsetblue.co.uk Tel: 01963 23133 Mrs T’s Traditional Teatime Treats A variety of flavoured flapjacks, gingerbread men, muffins, bread puddings, treacle slice, apple cake and sausage rolls Tel: 01305 768884 James Cheese Local artisan handmade cheese www.jamescheese.co.uk Tel: 07703 277894 Olives Et Al Lusciously juicy olives plus surprisingly moreish nuts and curiously different dips and dressings www.olivesetal.co.uk Tel: 01258 474300 Mandy’s Kitchen Gluten and diary free food including cakes, bakes, pizzas and flans Tel: 07971 179744 Woolsery Cheese Range of award winning homemade goats and cows milk cheese www.woolserycheese.co.uk Tel: 01300 341991 Meat Free Martha Fresh, locally prepared vegetarian and vegan produce, imaginative, colourful and great tasting www.meatfreemartha.co.uk Tel: 01258 489452 Wraxall Vineyard English award winning still and sparkling wine grown and made in Somerset www.wraxallvineyard.co.uk Miss Marshmellow Confectionary Handmade award winning Dorset Honey Nougat and gourmet marshmallows. Many varieties made in Wimborne using locally sourced ingredients www.missmarshmellow.co.uk Tel: 01202 882250 31 CHILDRENS AREA CHILDREN’S ART WORKSHOPS POGLES WOOD This is your chance to use burnt sticks to draw your own “Celtic Tree”. Forest school, arts and crafts and story telling. www.folkssw.org.uk Tel; 01935 873889 The workshop will teach you how to produce a variety of textures using charcoal, how to draw the heads of stylised beasts and birds and how to create the intertwining knot-work that so characterises Celtic Art. TREEWISE Hands on natural craft activities for the whole family. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Materials provided. HAVE A GO AT BUILDING A SCARECROW This is your chance to come and make a scarecrow out of straw, old tights and various clothes. 10.30am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 4.00pm Free and open to all children (with or without help from adults!) We supply all the components needed, all you need to do is use your imagination! PASSING SHOWERS Family entertainment and circus skills workshop with Mr Showers the clown. These scarecrows will not be left up all day, as we need to give everyone a chance to have a go. 32