Activities in Rota 15
Activities in Rota 15
ACTIVITIES IN ROTA Fundación Municipal para el Turismo y Comercio Palacio Municipal Castillo de Luna C/ Cuna, 2 – 11520 Rota, Cádiz Tel.: 956 84 63 45 // Fax. 956 846 346 e-mail: - CARNIVAL PRELIMINARY PHASE CARNIVAL FESTIVAL. Day: Friday 16th February. Time: 21:30h. Place: Tent situated in Las Canteras Square. Performance of local groups of carnival: -“Lo siento, ¿qué le pongo?”-chirigota. -“Escribiendo sobre blanco”-comparsa femenina. -“Los que salimos de San Roque”-chirigota. -“Los que salen por Febrero”-chirigota. -“Del corazón de la Tiera”-comparsa. Organize: Town Hall of Rota , Department of Fiestas. The first four classified groups will act in the “Great Carnival Festival” on Thursday 18th , and the will be complete the following prizes: First Prize: 200 € Second Prize: 150 € Third Prize: 100 € Fourth Prize: 50 € The Association “Peña La Media Luna” will celebrate the III Competition to the best letter of Rota team, with a prize of 300 € and trophy. PRESENTATION OF “PREGONES “EDITION OF D.JOSÉ CARLOS LETRÁN NIÑO, ANTONIO RICO SEGURA, (PEDRO EL DE LOS MAJARAS) Day: Wednesday 17 th February. Time: 20:00h. Place: Cultural Room , Luna Castle. BIG FESTIVAL OF CARNIVAL Day: Thursday 18 th February. Time: 21:30h. Place: Tent situated in Las Canteras Square. Performance of groups of Cádiz and of four local group classified of preliminary phase. Groups from Cádiz: “Los Parapapá”,child chirigota “Los Vaqueros de Springfield”, cuarteto “Los Falsos”, chirigota “Los Caballeros de la Piera Redonda”, comparsa The Acts are presented by Dª. Ana Mª Barba Villalba. The tickets for the Great Carnival Festival can be obtained in the Office of Tourism of Luna Castel until completing gauging. PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL GROUPS OF CARNIVAL Day: Friday 19 th February. Time: 21:00 h. Place: Big Tent installed in San Roque Square. VI BIG GAÑOTA Day: Friday 19 th February. Time: 22:00 h. Place: Mina Street and Charco Street. Performance of Local Groups of Carnival. Organized by: Local Groups Association. Colaboration: Town Hall of Rota, Festivities Department. XI NANCY DRESS DANCE Day: Friday 19 th February. Time: 23:00 h. Place: Big Tent in Canteras Square. “Blue Sound” Orquest play in the night. PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL GROUPS OF CARNVIAL Day: Saturday 20 th February. Time: 21:00 h. Place: Big Stage in San Roque Square. CARRUSEL OF LOCAL GROUPS OF CARNIVAL Day: Saturday 20 th February. Time: 22:00 h. Place: Mina Street and Charco Street. Organized by: Local Groups Association. Colaboration: Rota Town Hall, Festivities Department. NEW WEB “GENTE DE ROTA” It`s born a new web site: People and neighbour of Rota Village. A new place to meet people who love our town. COMING SOON GIBRALTAR EXCURSION, ORGANIZER BY EQUALITY DEPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY LENT TIME ACTIVITIES Distance: 5.5 Km. Dificulty: Medium Duration: 4 h. Time: Mondays- Wendays- Thursdays from 17 pm. To 18 pm. E-mail: Phones: 619.95.82.14 Inscription: Only office time, paying the price before. TIMETABLE TO VISTIT THE MONUMENTS PARISH CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF O Days: Open to public Everyday from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 18:30 to 21:00h Address: Place Bartolomé Pérez MUNICIPAL PALACE CASTILLO DE LUNA Visits: Every weekend there are free guided visits at 13:00h. and at 17:00 applying tickets in advance at the Office of Tourism. Address: Number 2 Cuna Street Information and Reservation: Tourism Office of the Castle. 956 846345. CHAPPEL OF SAN JUAN BAUTISTA OR DE LA CARIDAD Schedule: Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 13:00 and from 19:30 to 21:30h. Saturday from 10:30 to 13:00h. Address : Andalucia Square ARC OF REGLA AND TOWER OF LA MERCED Visits: Exterior MUSEUM RUIZ-MATEOS From Tuesdays to Saturdays from 09:30 to 13:30 and from 16:30 to 20:30 h. Sundays, Mondays and Holidays closed. Address : Isaac Peral, 29 Street.Telephone Number : 956.841251 VII FILETÁ Day: Saturday 20 th February. Time: 22:00 h. Place: Mina Street. Performance of Local Carnival Groups Organized by: La Bodega Mina GREAT CARNIVAL FESTIVAL Day: Saturday 20 th February. Time: 24:00 h. Place: Big Tent installed in Canteras Square. V BERZÁ POPULAR Day: Sunday 21 th February. Time: 13:30 h. Place: Mina Street. Performance of Local Carnival Groups Organized by: 21 Century Women Asociation Colaboration: Rota Town Hall, Festivities Department. BIG HUMOR PARADE Day: Sunday 21 th February. Time: 17:00 h. Departure from Renfe`s stop, presided by Siren of the Carnival and Nymphs of Honor, as well as the infantile siren of the Carnival and Nymphs of Honor. Itinerary: San Juan Bosco, Avda. Principes de España, Maria Auxiliadora, Avda. San Fernando, san Antonio, Calvario, Veracruz, Plaza de Andalucia where it will be finished. AUDITORIUM ACTIVITIES ANDALUCIA´S CONCERT ANTONIO DURO. Andaluza Guitar Music Day: Saturday 27 th February Time: 21:00 h. Place: Felipe Benitez Ruiz-Mateos Theatre Address: Avda. San Fernando. Price: 3 euros. -Tickets office: from Monday to Friday, from 18:00 to 20:00 h., except show days that open two hours before the show. MUSIC THE ORTERA´S NIGHT. DANCE COMPETITON Day: Friday 19 th February. Place: The Mechanic Pumpkin Address: Avda. San Fernando, 3. THE GREAT PARTY OF THE MECHANIC CARNIVAL Day: Saturday 20 th February Place: The Mechanic Pumpkin Address: Avda. San Fernando 3. DRUM AFTER PARADE Day: Saturday 21 th February Place: The Mechanic Pumpkin Address: Avda. San Fernando 3 THE SENSATIONS (ANGÚRIA JONES +FUERTESSITO) Day: Saturday 20 th February Place: The Mechanic Pumpkin Address: Avda. San Fernando 3 SONIKETE SOUND SYSTEM Day: Saturday 20 th February Place: The Mechanic Pumpkin Address: Avda. San Fernando 3 climb iniciate to the benaojam Day: Sunday 21 th February PN Sierra de Grazalema Place: Benaojam town Time: 10:00 am. Dificulty: Low Seats: min. 6 – max. 12 Price: 37 / 47 euros. (3 hours) canyoning down rio verde cascada doble junta rios Day: Saturday 27 th February Place: PN Sierra de Tejeda, Almijara Entrante: carril SCA Cazulas, Crta. Cabra Montes, (Ctra. Almuñecar-Granada) Time: 10:00 am. Dificulty: 2/2/III (Baja), access 1/2h /down 3h / Back Seats: 6 min. Price: 56 / 66 euros. canyoning down barranco de la sima del diablo Day: Sunday 28 th February Barranco de la Sima del Diablo Serrania de Ronda Place: Crta. Ronda- San Pedro, cross Parauta, Igualeja… Time: 10:00 am. Dificulty: 3/2/II (Baja), Inmediate access / Back Seats: 4 min. Price: 43 / 50 / 75 euros. More Information: Telefons: 956.84.00.43 / 626.77.22.03 Time: 10-15 h. 17-20 h. Mondays to Fridays 956.72.40.64 (Germany-English-French) Time: 9-14 h. Mondays to Fridays SPORT AND CULTURAL ASSOCIATON” EN RUTA” Trekking. Ruta de los Llanos del Berral- Castillo de Aznalmara- Tavizna. Day: Saturday 27 th February Place: PN. De Grazalema AIR ACTIVITIES EXPOSITION LA POSADA HORSE RIDERS ASSOCIATION READERS MEETING Day: 16 th February Time: 17:30 h. Place: Oleo`s Bar CONVERSATION GROUPS ENGLISH 7 SPANISH Day: 18 th February Time: 17:00 h Place: Pina Mar 13 Call for more information GARDEN GROUP Day: 23 th February Time: 16:30 h. Place: Pina Mar 13 INTERNACIONAL LUNCH DEMOSTRATION. Day: 27 th February Time: 13:00 h. Place: Pina Mar 13 Only Members TREKKING ALJIBE Canyoning “Baranco de la Cima del Diablo” Day: 20 th February Serrania de Ronda Time: 10:00 h. Place: Roud – San Pedro, crossing Parauta, Igualeja… Dificulty: 3/2/II (Low) Inmediate Access- Back Seats: min. 4 Price: 43/ 50/ 75 euros. Days: 22 to 28 th February Time: from 10:00 am. To 14:00 pm. And from 17:00 to 21:00 pm. Place: Luna Castle ACTIVITIES FROM LENT TIME ROTA LENT TIME POSTER OFICIAL PRESSENTATION Day: Sunday 21 th February Time: 13:00 h. Place: Luna Castle EXTRAORDINARY VIA CRUCIS TO THE OUR LADY OF THE O CHURCH WITH THE IMAGE OF JESÚS DE LA SALUD Brotherhood of “La Salud”. L Anniversary Day: Friday 26 th February. Time: 20:30h. V CONCERTS OF MARCHAS PROFESIONALES IN CHARGE OF MUSIC BAND OF NTR. PADRE JESÚS NAZARENO Day: Saturday 27th February. Time: 20:15h. Place: Church of the O. DRAW “IF YOU USE HELMET YOU HAVE BRAIN Day: Friday 26th February. Time: 20:30h. Place: Cultural Room of Luna Castle. Since the month of December the Traffic Department of the Town Hall of Rota, begin the II campaing about the suitability and the obligation to wear the helmet. ROCK FESTIVAL III MOYETEKONAZEITE ROCK Day: Saturday 27th February. Time: 21:00h. Place: Sala Alternativa. San Juan de Puerto Rico Avenue. The groups: Bornosnake, Kebap Humano, Basto Andalú y The Kbeza. CASTELART 10 YOUTH ACTIVITIES CULTURE AND YOUTH HOUSE Projection Room Games: Pool, Ping Pong and Table Football Table Games: Risk, Monopoly, Cranium, Cluedo. Play Station 2: Buzz, Guitar Hero and Sing Star. Class of Drawing ad Painting New: drawing and painting of the natural with model (High level) Timetable: Monday to Thursday from 19:00 to 21:00h Children from 17 to 18:30h Class of cajón flamenco Instruments available Groups of 5 pax max. Timetable: It depends of the group /Info. 653924914 Class of Flamenco Sevillanas, rumbas, bulerías, tangos… Teacher: Laura Pirri Timetable : it depends of the group / info.625 21 46 47 Class of flamenco guitar Individual class all levels. Timetable: It depends of the group / info. 677 02 81 68 ACTIVITIES IN THE SOCIAL MUNICIPAL CENTER BRUNCH Days: Fridays Time: 22:00 Place: Municipal Social Center. Vicente Beltrán Square Day: Sundays. Time: from 11:00 to 13:00 Place: La Espadaña Apartahotel. Diputación Avenue, 150 Price: 14 € adults, 7 € children, until 12 years old Reservation: 956 84 61 03 info@hotelespadañ Buffet Service TAPAS DAY HOTEL COLÓN COSTA BALLENA Days: every Saturdays and Sundays. Time: from 12:00 to 14:30 For each drink, one tapa for tasting Place: Hotel Colón Costa Ballena. Juan Carlos I Av.Costa Ballena TAI CHI Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 10:30 Place: Municipal Social Center. Vicente Beltrán Square MEDITATION Days: Wednesdays Time: 20:00 Place: Municipal Social Center. Vicente Beltrán Square BALLROOMS DANCING FLAPA-Rota Culture and Youht Center Classroom 5-2ª floor. Concepción 8, Street. Lessons of Ceramics and Model Mondays and Fridays from 10:00 to 11:30h. Teacher: Eva de la Cruz Sabao Register all year.Lessons of Artistic Painting Teacher: Rosa Bernal Martínez Register all year. Organized by: FLAPA Collaborate:Youht and Culture Department.