Enterprise Single Sign-On 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Administrator Guide
Enterprise Single Sign-On 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Administrator Guide
Enterprise Single Sign-On 8.0.3 Administrator Guide SSOWatch Copyright © 1998-2009 Quest Software and/or its Licensors ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This publication contains proprietary information protected by copyright. The software described in this publication is furnished under a software license or nondisclosure agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. DISCLAIMER The information in this publication is provided in connection with Quest branded products from Evidian. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this publication. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THIS PRODUCT, EVIDIAN AND QUEST ASSUME NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIM ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO THIS PRODUCT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL EVIDIAN OR QUEST BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PUBLICATION, EVEN IF EVIDIAN OR QUEST HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Evidian and Quest make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserve the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Evidian and Quest do not make any commitment to update the information contained in this publication. The information and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. Trademarks Quest, Quest Software, the Quest Software logo, Aelita, AppAssure, Benchmark Factory, Big Brother, DataFactory, DeployDirector, ERDisk, Foglight, Funnel Web, I/Watch, Imceda, InLook, IntelliProfile, InTrust, IT Dad, I/Watch, JClass, Jint, JProbe, LeccoTech, LiteSpeed, LiveReorg, NBSpool, NetBase, Npulse, PerformaSure, PL/Vision, Quest Central, RAPS, SharePlex, Sitraka, SmartAlarm, Spotlight, SQL LiteSpeed, SQL Navigator, SQL Watch, SQLab, Stat, Stat!, StealthCollect, Tag and Follow, Toad, T.O.A.D., Toad World, Vintela, Virtual DBA, Xaffire, and XRT are trademarks and registered trademarks of Quest Software, Inc in the United States of America and other countries. The terms Evidian, AccessMaster, SafeKit, OpenMaster, SSOWatch, WiseGuard, Enatel and CertiPass are trademarks registered by Evidian. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the propriety of their respective owners. World Headquarters, 5 Polaris Way, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Website: www.quest.com Please refer to our website for regional and international office information. Quest Enterprise SSO Updated – January 2010 Software version – 8.0.3 CONTENTS About This Guide ...................................................................................................... 5 Access Management ......................................................................................................... 5 Conventions ............................................................................................................... 6 1. Overview................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 SSOWatch Basic Principles ........................................................................................ 7 1.1.1 Application Modeling ........................................................................................ 7 1.1.2 Application Access Profiles .............................................................................. 7 1.1.3 Password Format Control Policies (PFCP) ...................................................... 8 1.1.4 Application Behavior ......................................................................................... 8 1.1.5 Window Types .................................................................................................. 9 1.1.6 LDAP Directories .............................................................................................. 9 1.2 The Access Collector Mode ........................................................................................ 9 1.3 SSOWatch Components ........................................................................................... 10 1.3.1 SSOWatch Engine.......................................................................................... 10 1.3.2 SSOStudio ...................................................................................................... 11 1.3.3 SSOWatch Plug-ins ........................................................................................ 11 2. SSOWatch Engine ............................................................................................... 12 2.1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 The SSOWatch Engine Interface .............................................................................. 13 2.2.1 SSOWatch Engine Icon.................................................................................. 13 2.2.2 SSOWatch Engine Pop-up Menu................................................................... 13 2.2.3 The "SSOWatch: Single Sign-On Engine" Window ....................................... 15 2.3 Starting/Quitting SSOWatch Engine ......................................................................... 17 2.3.1 Starting SSOWatch Engine ............................................................................ 17 2.3.2 Quitting SSOWatch Engine ............................................................................ 18 2.3.3 Deleting the Roaming Session ....................................................................... 18 2.4 Suspending/Activating SSOWatch Engine................................................................ 19 2.5 Resetting SSOWatch Engine Configuration.............................................................. 19 2.6 Managing User Accounts .......................................................................................... 20 2.6.1 Displaying your SSOWatch User Accounts ................................................... 20 2.6.2 Displaying the Properties of a User Account.................................................. 21 2.6.3 Changing the Login Name and/or Password of a User Account ................... 22 2.6.4 Changing an expired Primary Password ........................................................ 23 2.6.5 Creating a New Account for an Application.................................................... 24 2.6.6 Deleting a User Account................................................................................. 25 2.6.7 Displaying User Account Password ............................................................... 26 2.6.8 Delegating a User Account............................................................................. 26 2.7 Disabling/Enabling SSO for Applications .................................................................. 27 2.8 Starting SSOStudio Personal .................................................................................... 28 2.9 Starting an Application............................................................................................... 29 2.10 Creating a Shortcut for an Application .................................................................... 29 2.11 Removing the Icon from the Notification Area ........................................................ 29 i 3. Configuration Editor: SSOStudio ...................................................................... 31 3.1 Interface Overview..................................................................................................... 32 3.2 Starting and Stopping SSOStudio ............................................................................. 35 3.2.1 Starting SSOStudio ........................................................................................ 35 3.2.2 Stopping SSOStudio....................................................................................... 36 3.3 Creating or Opening a Configuration ........................................................................ 36 3.4 Configuring General SSO Parameters ...................................................................... 37 3.5 Defining PFCP and Application Profiles.................................................................... 37 3.5.1 Defining Password Format Control Policies (PFCP)...................................... 38 3.5.2 Defining the Application Profiles..................................................................... 41 3.6 Defining Application and Technical Definition Objects.............................................. 45 3.6.1 Creating/Modifying Application Objects and Technical Definitions................ 46 3.6.2 Filling-in the Application Properties Window .................................................. 48 3.6.3 Defining Advanced Access Rights ................................................................. 58 3.7 Defining Window Objects .......................................................................................... 60 3.7.1 "General" Tab ................................................................................................. 60 3.7.2 "Options" Tab.................................................................................................. 63 3.7.3 "Detection" and "Actions" Tabs ...................................................................... 68 3.8 Testing the SSO ........................................................................................................ 68 3.9 Exporting or Importing Objects.................................................................................. 68 3.9.1 Exporting/Importing Objects using the Graphical Interface............................ 69 3.9.2 Importing Objects using Command Line Arguments (Standalone Mode only)........................................................................................... 69 3.10 Managing Objects in the Tree ................................................................................. 71 3.10.1 Copying/Cutting/Pasting Objects.................................................................. 71 3.10.2 Renaming an Object ..................................................................................... 71 3.10.3 Deleting an Object from the Tree ................................................................. 72 3.11 Saving Object Configurations.................................................................................. 72 3.11.1 Saving Object Configurations in LDAP Storage Mode (Console Mode Only)............................................................................................... 72 3.11.2 Saving Object Configurations in Local Storage Mode ................................. 73 3.12 Managing Configuration Updates............................................................................ 73 3.13 Refreshing the Tree................................................................................................. 74 4. The Generic Plug-in ............................................................................................ 75 4.1 Windows Detection.................................................................................................... 76 4.1.1 Simple Detection............................................................................................. 77 4.1.2 Advanced Detection ....................................................................................... 80 4.1.3 Restrictions ..................................................................................................... 83 4.2 User Interface ............................................................................................................ 84 4.2.1 Target.............................................................................................................. 84 4.2.2 Validation Actions ........................................................................................... 85 4.3 Generic Plug-in Actions ............................................................................................. 86 4.3.1 StandardLogin – Connection .......................................................................... 86 4.3.2 BadPassword.................................................................................................. 89 4.3.3 NewPassword................................................................................................. 90 4.3.4 ConfirmPassword ........................................................................................... 92 4.3.5 BadNewPassword .......................................................................................... 93 ii 4.4 Special Cases............................................................................................................ 94 4.4.1 NotesLogin (Lotus Notes Plug-in) .................................................................. 94 4.4.2 HTTP Authentication (Internet Explorer Plug-in)............................................ 96 5. The Microsoft Internet Explorer Plugin............................................................. 99 5.1 HTML/Internet Explorer Detection........................................................................... 100 5.1.1 URLs with Variable Parts.............................................................................. 101 5.1.2 Advanced Detection ..................................................................................... 102 5.2 User Interface .......................................................................................................... 103 5.2.1 Selecting a Field in an HTML Form.............................................................. 103 5.2.2 Custom SSO Parameters ............................................................................. 104 5.2.3 Submitting an HTML Form ........................................................................... 104 5.3 HTML/Internet Explorer Actions .............................................................................. 105 5.3.1 HTMLLogin – Connection............................................................................. 105 5.3.2 HTMLBadPassword...................................................................................... 107 5.3.3 HTMLNewPassword ..................................................................................... 108 5.3.4 HTMLBadNewPassword – New Password Refused ................................... 109 6. The SAP R/3 Plug-in.......................................................................................... 111 6.1 SAPLogin and SAPExpired Window Types ............................................................ 111 6.1.1 SAPLogin (SAP R/3 Login)........................................................................... 111 6.1.2 SAPExpired (SAP R/3 Password Expiry) ..................................................... 112 6.2 Basic Principles of the SAP R/3 Plug-in.................................................................. 112 6.3 Configuration Guide................................................................................................. 112 6.3.1 Configuring an SAP R/3 Application............................................................. 112 6.3.2 Configuring the SAPGUI Scripting Window ................................................. 113 7. Terminal Type Applications ............................................................................. 116 7.1 Terminal................................................................................................................... 117 7.2 Microsoft Telnet ....................................................................................................... 118 7.3 Banners ................................................................................................................... 119 8. The HLLAPI Plug-in........................................................................................... 121 8.1 Configuring the HLLAPI Plug-in .............................................................................. 121 8.2 Enabling Single Sign-On for HLLAPI Applications.................................................. 122 8.2.1 The Detection Tab ........................................................................................ 123 8.2.2 The Actions Tab............................................................................................ 125 8.3 HLLAPI Applications Keys....................................................................................... 126 9. Advanced Configuration................................................................................... 133 9.1 Custom Scripts Plug-ins .......................................................................................... 133 9.1.1 Basic Concepts............................................................................................. 134 9.1.2 The Actions Tab............................................................................................ 135 9.1.3 Script Editor .................................................................................................. 136 9.2 Extension DLL ......................................................................................................... 146 9.2.1 Function Prototyping..................................................................................... 146 9.2.2 SSOWatchSSOData Structure ..................................................................... 146 9.2.3 Return Code ................................................................................................. 147 iii 10. OLE/Automation Interface .............................................................................. 149 10.1 Definition of SSOWatch OLE/Automation Interface.............................................. 149 10.2 The ISSOEngine Interface .................................................................................... 150 10.2.1 GetApplication2 .......................................................................................... 150 10.2.2 GetSSOEngineState................................................................................... 151 10.3 The ISSOApplication Interface .............................................................................. 152 10.3.1 Properties ................................................................................................... 152 10.3.2 Methods ...................................................................................................... 153 10.4 Code Example ....................................................................................................... 156 10.5 Return Codes ........................................................................................................ 156 A. Cache and Application Data Update Tuning.................................................. 158 A1. Cache and Application Update Mechanism............................................................ 158 A.1.1 Cache Mechanism ....................................................................................... 158 A.1.2 Asynchronous Update Mechanism .............................................................. 159 A.2 Cache and Update Timing Parameters .................................................................. 160 About Quest Software, Inc. .................................................................................. 163 Contacting Quest Software............................................................................................ 163 Contacting Quest Support ............................................................................................. 163 iv Administrator Guide About This Guide Access Management Subject Intended Reader This guide explains how to use SSOWatch Configuration Editor to describe the applications for which SSOWatch will implement Single Sign-On. • System integrators. • Administrators. • End-users. Software/Hardware Required Enterprise SSO—SSOWatch 8.0 evolution 3 and later versions. Supported Operating Systems Enterprise SSO SSOWatch runs only on Windows systems. For further information about the operating systems and other software solutions mentioned in this guide, please refer to the Quest Enterprise SSO Release Notes. 5 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Conventions In order to help you get the most out of this guide, we have used specific formatting conventions. These conventions apply to procedures, icons, keystrokes and crossreferences. ELEMENT CONVENTION Select This word refers to actions such as choosing or highlighting various interface elements, such as files and radio buttons. Bolded text Interface elements that appear in Quest products, such as menus and commands. Italic text Used for comments. Bold Italic text Introduces a series of procedures. Blue text Indicates a cross-reference. When viewed in Adobe® Acrobat®, this format can be used as a hyperlink. Used to highlight additional information pertinent to the process being described. Used to provide Best Practice information. A best practice details the recommended course of action for the best result. Used to highlight processes that should be performed with care. + A plus sign between two keystrokes means that you must press them at the same time. | A pipe sign between elements means that you must select the elements in that particular sequence. 6 Administrator Guide 1. Overview 1.1 SSOWatch Basic Principles This section presents SSOWatch basic concepts. 1.1.1 Application Modeling SSOStudio, the SSOWatch configuration editor is used to describe the applications for which SSOWatch will enable Single Sign-On. An application is defined by: • • A set of associated user accounts (referred to as the link to the security system). A set of Windows or HTML pages. The application Windows or HTML pages that refer to the authentication management tool must be described in SSOWatch using the configuration editor. This description allows SSOWatch to recognize the windows or HTML pages whenever they are displayed to the user. SSOWatch intercepts these pages and implements SSO. In addition to the elements that allow window/page detection, the description contains the actions that the SSO engine has to perform. Each window is defined by a type that characterizes the target application technology and the actions that the SSOWatch engine will perform. The events that refer to the user’s authentication in an application can be of different kinds: authentication, password update request, etc. SSOWatch manages the different events relating to the specific characteristics and behavior of each application (application behavior). 1.1.2 Application Access Profiles Application profiles define the parameters of one or more applications that can then be defined differently, depending on the users that access them. Application profiles are used to assign applications to users. 7 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch An application access profile is defined by the following parameters: • • • • The password format managed by the application. The SSOWatch options. The SSO policy. Such options are: requirement for re-authentication, the user’s ability to modify SSO data, hide/show password, etc. Delegation parameters. 1.1.3 Password Format Control Policies (PFCP) A PFCP defines: • • The format of the passwords managed by an application: characters that are allowed or forbidden, length, authorized/unauthorized repetitions of a same character. Whether a password is to be randomly generated (following the format required), or requested from the user. 1.1.4 Application Behavior A user authenticates to a secure application as follows: • • • The user tries to log on to the application. If the security data provided are correct, the user is authenticated by the application and can work normally. If the data are incorrect, the application will display a message or re-display the authentication window, informing the user that he or she made a mistake during the authentication process. The user is prompted to try again. Once connected, the user can change the password, either at will or at the application’s request: • • The user enters a new password and (sometimes) confirms it. If the new password is accepted by the application, the user will continue working normally. If not, the application will inform the user that the new password has been rejected. Start 8 Login New Password Bad Password Bad New Password Administrator Guide SSOWatch manages the application behavior with regard to the user authentication we have just described. This behavior is configured by choosing a type for the defined windows. 1.1.5 Window Types A window type indicates the SSO engine behavior and the technology of the managed application. An application’s behavior Includes: • • • • • Detecting the connection step (Login). Detecting a wrong password/username (BadPassword). Detecting a new password request (NewPassword). Detecting an incorrect new password (BadNewPassword). Confirming this new password (ConfirmPassword). The technologies managed by SSOWatch are: • • • • Microsoft Win32 standard Windows. HTML pages in Internet Explorer. Windows of type "Terminal in text mode". Some particular cases or optimizations of standard types. 1.1.6 LDAP Directories Several types of LDAP directories are supported for user security data storage. You can refer to the following guides: • For more information on the supported LDAP directory versions, see Quest Enterprise SSO Release Notes. • For a description of the procedures for modifying an LDAP directory, see Enterprise SSO Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide. 1.2 The Access Collector Mode The Access Collector mode is an option of SSOWatch, which automatically collects all user accounts and stores them in the users' directory. This mode only works if the workstations are configured as "Standalone". The goal of this feature is to report to the administrators all the accounts used for the applications of the enterprise, so that they can create an appropriate access policy. Only one account can be collected for one application (multi-account is not supported). 9 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Mechanism When an end-user launches an application that is detected by SSOWatch Engine, SSOWatch starts the account collect. • • If the account was already collected, nothing happens, and the SSO is not performed. If a BadPassword window is detected in the collect context, the collected account is deleted or a new account is collected. The account will not be deleted if the BadPassword occurs at any other moment. Once the account is collected, the SSO is deactivated for the application. SSOWatch Behavior The SSO is only performed if there is no collected account for the detected application login screen. The passwords entered by users are never sent to the directory: they are only temporary kept in memory for SSO purposes. Users are not allowed to stop or suspend SSOEngine, they have no access to SSOStudio Personal and cannot manage their accounts through the user account panel. Configuration Update Only the Application, Technical definition and Parameter objects are retrieved from the directory, in an asynchronous way to avoid the update during the users authentication. All users can access all the applications downloaded by the workstation. 1.3 SSOWatch Components SSOWatch is made up of the components described in this section. 1.3.1 SSOWatch Engine SSOWatch Engine is the "client" or "user" part of SSOWatch. It provides the link between the security system and the applications by recovering security information (login/password) and sending it to the applications. It also manages the collection of this security data and the password format control policies. The collection (or self-learning) mode consists in asking the user to enter any security information that may not yet exist in the SSOWatch security base, and to save it. 10 Administrator Guide 1.3.2 SSOStudio SSOStudio is the SSOWatch configuration editor. It allows the creation of SSOWatch configuration files, and the management of the SSOWatch LDAP objects. This program is designed to be used by people who define and setup SSO. SSOStudio can be used in Enterprise or Personal mode, so as to modify the corresponding configuration files: • • The Enterprise configuration file is common to a group of users, and is usually saved in an LDAP directory in object format. When a simple file is used, the configuration may be stored in a central location for ease of deployment and use. The Personal configuration file is specific to one person, and is saved with that person’s personal profile (Windows profile or the person’s LDAP attributes). SSO configuration is easily performed through "drag and drop"-oriented configuration procedures. 1.3.3 SSOWatch Plug-ins SSOWatch plug-ins are extensions of the SSOWatch engine and of the SSOWatch configuration editor. They add SSO management methods for specific kinds of applications. Besides the management of standard Windows applications, of the following plug-ins are available as standard in SSOWatch: • • • • • • Internet Explorer, enabling SSO in HTTP/HTML applications running under Internet Explorer 4 or later. Lotus Notes. Microsoft Telnet. SAP R/3. HLLAPI. Customizable Scripts, to enable SSO in Windows/HTML applications not managed by the standard window types. For more information on the supported versions, see Quest Enterprise SSO Release Notes. 11 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 2. SSOWatch Engine This section describes the SSOWatch Engine interface, and how to use it. 2.1 Overview SSOWatch Engine Definition SSOWatch Engine is one of the components that are part of the SSOWatch software module. It is in charge of the following SSO functionalities: • • • It retrieves for the IAM middleware, which runs on the workstation, SSO data and provides this information to the application login windows. It offers self administration functions to allow you to register yourself to applications or change your passwords for example. In Access Collector mode, it starts the account collect when the user launches an application and deactivates the SSO once the account is collected. The SSOWatch configuration The SSOWatch configuration stores the SSO data. It can be defined by two kinds of users: • • 12 The Enterprise SSO (E-SSO) security administrators, through SSOStudio Enterprise. This tool allows administrators to create and modify the SSOWatch configuration common to many end-users. By end-users, through SSOStudio Personal if the component is installed on the workstation. This tool allows you to define your personal SSO data used to log on your personal applications. Administrator Guide 2.2 The SSOWatch Engine Interface This section gives an overview of the SSOWatch Engine interface. 2.2.1 SSOWatch Engine Icon The SSOWatch Engine icon is displayed in the Windows notification area, as shown in the following illustration: Depending on the SSOWatch Engine state, this icon can have several appearances: ICON DESCRIPTION SSOWatch Engine is activated: the SSO feature is enabled (whenever it detects a configured application login window, SSOWatch Engine automatically provides the required SSO data) SSOWatch Engine is suspended: the SSO feature is disabled. SSOWatch Engine is locked: when the SSOWatch Engine detects a configured application login window, or when you want to display the user accounts associated with applications (see Section 2.6.1, Displaying your SSOWatch User Accounts), SSOWatch Engine may ask you to re-authenticate. Upon a successful authentication, the SSOWatch engine state switches to activated. 2.2.2 SSOWatch Engine Pop-up Menu The SSOWatch Engine pop-up menu appears when you right-click the SSOWatch Engine icon. It provides the means to control the SSOWatch Engine: Depending on your SSOWatch configuration, some menu commands may not appear, as detailed in the following table. 13 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch The following table describes the SSOWatch Engine pop-up menu: MENU COMMAND About SSOWatch DESCRIPTION Displays the SSOWatch Engine version and the storage mode of the SSOWatch configuration file: • LDAP: centralized configuration is defined in the LDAP directory for which SSO access is either authorized or denied for a given user or group of users. • File: the configuration is saved in a file in the Windows registry. • Self Registration: indicates that SSOWatch is used in Access Collector mode: centralized configuration is defined in the LDAP directory, to collect all the accounts used for the applications of the enterprise (for more information, see Section 1.2, The Access Collector Mode). Emergency Access Start the Reset Password feature, which allows you to reset by yourself your primary password. For details, see Appendices Enterprise SSO Advanced Login for Windows User Guide. This menu command does not appear if the Emergency Access feature is not implemented. Biometric Enrollment Starts the E-SSO biometrics scan wizard; which allows you to enroll or modify your fingerprints (for details, see Appendices Enterprise SSO Advanced Login for Windows User Guide). • You will have to reauthenticate yourself if you want to use this feature. • This menu command does not appear if the Biometric Enrollment feature is not implemented. Deactivate/Activate cluster mode Excludes the computer you are working on from the cluster. It stays excluded even when you restart the computer. Useful for maintenance operations, the PC is rebooted independently from the others. Click Activate cluster mode to include the computer in the cluster, This menu command only appears if the Administrator has activated it. Open Opens the SSOEngine Account panel; which allows you to manage your user accounts. This menu command is bold, which means that this is the default command: double-click the SSOWatch Engine icon to run it. Add application Starts SSOWatch Wizard, which is the easiest way to set up your personal SSOWatch configuration. For an example of use of SSOWatch Wizard, see Appendix Enterprise SSO—Getting Started with SSOWatch. This menu command does not appear if SSOStudio Personal is not installed on the workstation, or if SSOWatch is used in Access Collector mode. 14 Administrator Guide MENU COMMAND Open SSOStudio DESCRIPTION Starts SSOStudio Personal, the editor tool of your personal SSOWatch configuration. For details on how to use SSOStudio, see Section 3, Configuration Editor: SSOStudio. This menu command does not appear if SSOStudio Personal is not installed on the workstation, or if SSOWatch is used in Access Collector mode. Suspend, Activate Manages the states of the SSOWatch Engine. Depending on your configuration, this menu command may not appear (unavailable in Access Collector mode). Reset Configuration Stops and restarts SSOWatch Engine to take into account modifications of the SSOWatch configuration. In Access Collector mode, this command only synchronizes SSO Account data. Exit SSOWatch Quits SSOWatch Engine. Depending on your configuration, this menu command may not appear (unavailable in Access Collector mode). 2.2.3 The "SSOWatch: Single Sign-On Engine" Window The SSOWatch: Single Sign-On Engine window appears when you click Open in the pop-up menu, or just by double-clicking the SSOWatch Engine icon. It is composed of the following panels: • The Account panel ( • The Home panel ( button). button). The "Account" Panel When you open the SSOWatch: Single Sign-On Engine window, the Account panel appears. It lists your user accounts managed by SSOWatch Engine. From this panel, you can modify several user account parameters, as described in Section 2.6, Managing User Accounts. 15 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch The "Home" Panel From the Home panel, you can perform the following tasks: • Manage the states of the SSOWatch Engine (Area 1), as described in the following sections: • Section 2.4, Suspending/Activating SSOWatch Engine. • Section 2.5, Resetting SSOWatch Engine Configuration. • Section 2.3, Starting/Quitting SSOWatch Engine. • 16 If you are using several user accounts for a same application, select the current Role (Area 2—for details, see Section 2.6.5, Creating a New Account for an Application). Administrator Guide 2.3 Starting/Quitting SSOWatch Engine This section explains how to start and quit the SSOWatch Engine. 2.3.1 Starting SSOWatch Engine Subject Usually, SSOWatch Engine starts automatically when you log on. You may need to start SSOWatch Engine manually in the following cases: • • If SSOWatch Engine has not been configured to start automatically. If you manually quit SSOWatch Engine and want to restart it. Procedure 1. To manually start the SSOWatch Engine, do one of the following: • Double-click the SSOWatch Engine desktop icon ( ). • In the Start menu, click Programs | Quest Software | Enterprise SSO | SSOWatch. • Use command line: the following table lists the command line arguments that you may use to start SSOWatch (ssoengine.exe): BINARY ARGUMENTS ssoengine.exe /notrayicon: starts SSOWatch but does not display the icon located in Windows system tray. /nosplashscreen: starts SSOWatch but does not display the splash screen. The configuration file to be used can be added as a parameter in the SSOEngine.exe program (no option). Example: SSOEngine.exe "C:\Configs SSOWatch\SSOConfig2.sso" • An authentication window appears. 2. Fill in the ID and Password fields to authenticate yourself. • The SSOWatch window appears. • A welcome message appears in a balloon help on the bottom right-hand side of your screen. This is configurable in the E-SSO Console by creating one message per user. • If you are using a roaming session, a balloon help appears telling you when your session expires. You can display it at all times by passing the cursor over the SSOWatch Engine icon. 17 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 2.3.2 Quitting SSOWatch Engine Procedure To quit SSOWatch Engine, right-click the SSOWatch Engine icon and select Exit SSOWatch. • The SSOWatch engine icon disappears. The SSO feature is disabled. Depending on your configuration, this menu command may not be available (unavailable in Access Collector mode). 2.3.3 Deleting the Roaming Session Subject When you authenticate yourself with a Smart Card, you can delete your Roaming Session via the Credential Manager icon in the task bar. Procedure 1. Right-click the Credential Manager icon in the task bar. • A pop-up menu appears. 2. Click on Roaming Session. • The Roaming Session Management window appears. 3. 18 Click the Terminate button to delete your Roaming Session. Administrator Guide 2.4 Suspending/Activating SSOWatch Engine Subject By default, SSOWatch Engine is automatically activated when you log on. You may need to suspend it manually, as described in the following procedure. In Access Collector mode, this functionality is deactivated. Procedure • To suspend SSOWatch Engine, right-click the SSOWatch Engine icon and select Suspend. • The SSOWatch Engine icon state changes, as described in Section 2.2.1, SSOWatch Engine Icon. While suspended, no automatic sign-on is made. • Depending on your configuration, this menu command may not be available. • SSOWatch Engine automatically suspends itself when the smartcard or USB key used for authentication is removed. • To resume SSOWatch Engine, right-click the SSOWatch Engine icon and select Activate. • The SSOWatch Engine icon state changes, as described in Section 2.2.1, SSOWatch Engine Icon.. The SSO feature is enabled. 2.5 Resetting SSOWatch Engine Configuration Subject By default, if the SSOWatch configuration changes, a notification message automatically appears asking you if you want to take the modifications into account, as shown in the following illustration: You can take manually the modifications of the SSOWatch Engine configuration file, using the Reset Configuration command, as described in the following procedure. 19 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch In Access Collector mode, this command only synchronizes SSO Account data. In Access Collector mode, SSOWatch Engine automatically reloads the SSO configuration every 6 hours: this allows taking into account changes in the SSO data updated by the asynchronous update. You can change this value (in hour) in the following registry key/GPO: HKLM\Software\Enatel\SSOWatch\CommonConfig\AutomaticRefresh Procedure In the Windows notification area, right-click the SSOWatch Engine icon and select Reset Configuration. 2.6 Managing User Accounts This section describes how to manage your SSOWatch user accounts from the SSOWatch Engine Account panel. 2.6.1 Displaying your SSOWatch User Accounts Subject This section describes how to display the user accounts that are defined in your SSOWatch configuration. Procedure To display the list of your SSOWatch user accounts, double-click the SSOWatch Engine icon located in the Windows notification area. The following window appears: 20 Administrator Guide Window Description The Account panel displays one line per user account. For each account, the following information is available: COLUMN NAME DESCRIPTION Application Name of the application, as defined in SSOStudio. For accounts that are not associated with an application, <None> is displayed. Login Name Login name of the user account. If you have not yet used this application, <not registered> is displayed (the login name and password of the account has never been collected). You can hide applications for which the user is not registered. To do so, right-click any application and select Hide applications without credential. Account By default, Standard Account is displayed. If you are using several user accounts for a same application, this column displays the name of the account. For more information, see Section 2.6.5, Creating a New Account for an Application 2.6.2 Displaying the Properties of a User Account In Access Collector mode, this functionality is deactivated. Procedure In the Account panel, select the wanted user account and click the right-click the wanted user account and click Properties. button or The following window appears: 21 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Window Description The Information Tab Depending on your user account properties, you may be allowed to modify your user account security data. For more details, see Section 2.6.3, Changing the Login Name and/or Password of a User Account. The Properties Tab The Properties tab is a read-only tab. It displays the account properties and application properties available for the selected user account. The Delegation Tab Depending on your E-SSO configuration, the Delegation tab may not appear. It allows you to delegate your user account to other users. 2.6.3 Changing the Login Name and/or Password of a User Account Restriction Depending on your SSOWatch configuration, this command may be disabled for some or all the listed user accounts (unavailable in Access Collector mode). For information on how to enable/disable this command, see Section, "Access Strategy" Tab of an Application Profile Object—Description. Procedure 1. From the Account panel, select a user account and click the button or right-click the wanted user account and click Change Password. • The following window appears: 22 Administrator Guide 2. Modify the wanted fields and click OK. • The modification is taken immediately into account. You can also modify the login name and/or password of a user account from the Account details window, which is described in Section 2.6.2, Displaying the Properties of a User Account. 2.6.4 Changing an expired Primary Password Subject If you are using an authentication method that does not require the provision of the Primary Password, such as Smart Cards or Biometrics, you can choose your new Primary Password. Procedure 1. When your Primary Password is expired, the Security Data Collection window appears. 2. To change your Primary Password, do one of the following: • To use your own Password, type in your chosen Password in the Password and Confirmation fields. • To generate a random Password, select the Generate my password checkbox. 3. Click the OK button. • Your Primary Password has been changed. If you are offline when your Primary Password is about to expire, you will be asked to change it the next time you reconnect. 23 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 2.6.5 Creating a New Account for an Application Restriction Depending on your SSOWatch configuration, this command may be disabled for some or all the listed applications (unavailable in Access Collector mode). For information on how to enable/disable this command, see Section, "Application Profile" Tab. Procedure 1. From the Account panel, select an application and click the click the wanted user account and click New account. button or right- • The following window appears: 2. 3. Fill in this window with the following recommendation: in the Account field, either type the name of a new account, or, if you want to use an additional account that you have already created, select it in the drop-down list. Click OK. • The new account appears in the Account panel. 24 Administrator Guide Going Further If you have several accounts for an application, the following window appears by default when SSOWatch detects the authentication window of the application: This window allows you to select an account to log on to the application. If you select Set current role, SSOWatch Engine will always use the selected account, and this window will no longer appear. To display this window again, in the Home panel, select No selected role in the Current role drop-down list. You can also log on to the application with one of the accounts by double-clicking the desired account in the SSOWatch Window. 2.6.6 Deleting a User Account Subject This section describes how to delete one or more accounts associated with an application. In Access Collector mode, this functionality is deactivated. Procedure 1. From the Account panel, select an application and click the click the wanted user account and click Delete. button or right- • A warning message appears. 2. Read this message carefully. If you agree, click YES. • The account is deleted. If many accounts are associated with an application, the account line will be deleted. If you delete the last account, <not registered> will be displayed in place of the login name. 25 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 2.6.7 Displaying User Account Password Restriction Depending on your SSOWatch configuration, this command may be disabled for some or all the listed user accounts (unavailable in Access Collector mode). For information on how to enable/disable this command, see Section, "Access Strategy" Tab of an Application Profile Object—Description. Procedure 1. From the Account panel, select a user account and click the button or right-click the wanted user account and click Show password. • The re-authentication window appears. 2. Log on using your Windows user account. • The following window appears: 3. Click Close. 2.6.8 Delegating a User Account Restriction Depending on your SSOWatch configuration, this command may be disabled for some or all the listed user accounts (unavailable in Access Collector mode). For information on how to enable/disable this command, see Section, "Delegation" Tab of an Application Profile Object—Description. 26 Administrator Guide Procedure 1. From the Account panel, select a user account and click the right-click the wanted user account and click Delegate. button or • The Account Delegation window appears. 2. In the User name field, type the name or a part of the user name and click Search. • The list of users that have been found in the directory appears. 3. 4. Select the user to whom you want to delegate the account. Select a start and an expiration date and click Delegate. • The account is delegated to the selected user from the start date until the expiration date. 2.7 Disabling/Enabling SSO for Applications Subject By default, SSO is enabled for all the applications listed in the SSOWatch Engine Account panel. You can disable SSO for an application in a permanent way, or only for the current SSO session, as explained in the following procedure. In Access Collector mode, the SSO is automatically disabled for the applications for which the account has been collected. 27 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Procedures Disabling SSO for an Application • To disable SSO for an application during the SSO session: In the Account panel, right-click the wanted application and select Disable the application. • The SSO is disabled for the application during the SSO session. At SSOEngine restart, the SSO will be enabled again. • To permanently disable SSO for an application: a) Set the following registry key to DWORD 1: Software\Enatel\SSOWatch\CommonConfig\StoreIfApplicationIsDis abled b) In the Account panel, right-click the wanted application and select Disable the application. • The SSO is permanently disabled for the application: the application stays disabled even if the SSOEngine is restarted. Enabling SSO for an Application In the Account panel, right-click the wanted application and select Enable the application. If you have several disabled applications and want to enable all of them at the same time, select Enable all applications. 2.8 Starting SSOStudio Personal Subject SSOStudio Personal is the SSOWatch configuration editor which allows you to describe the applications for which you want SSOWatch to enable Single Sign-On. In Access Collector mode, the access to SSOStudio Personal is forbidden. Procedure To start SSOStudio Personal from the Account panel, right-click any application and select Open SSOStudio. • You can also open SSOStudio Personal from the Start menu, or from the SSOWatch Engine pop-up menu. • This menu command is disabled if SSOStudio Personal is not installed on the workstation, or if SSOWatch is used in Access Collector mode. 28 Administrator Guide 2.9 Starting an Application Subject To start an application from the Account panel, follow the procedure below. In Access Collector mode, this functionality is deactivated. Procedure In the Account panel, right-click the wanted application and select Start Application. The application starts and SSOWatch Engine performs SSO. You can also log on to the application with one of the accounts by double-clicking the desired account in the SSOWatch Window. 2.10 Creating a Shortcut for an Application Subject You can create shortcuts for applications from the Account panel, as described in the following procedure. In Access Collector mode, this functionality is deactivated. Procedure In the Account panel, right-click the wanted application and select Create Shortcut. A shortcut for the selected application is created on your Windows desktop. 2.11 Removing the Icon from the Notification Area Subject Once SSOWatch is started, an icon appears in the Windows notification area. In certain cases, it is preferable to remove this icon: • • To prevent the user from seeing the application list. In a Citrix Metaframe/Windows Terminal Server environment, when published applications are used in conjunction with SSOWatch, an icon representing SSOWatch running on the server appears on the client PC notification area (in addition to any local SSOWatch which may be running). 29 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Procedure To remove the icon, do one of the following: The first key has precedence over the second. The /notrayicon command line has precedence over the Registry. • • In the SSOWatch Engine command line (see Section 2.3.1, Starting SSOWatch Engine), add the parameter /notrayicon. In the Registry, create a non-null DWORD type entry called NoTrayIcon in one of these keys: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Enatel\SSOWatch\CommonConfig HKLM\SOFTWARE\Enatel\SSOWatch\CommonConfig 30 Administrator Guide 3. Configuration Editor: SSOStudio Subject SSOStudio is the SSOWatch configuration editor. It allows you to describe the applications for which you want SSOWatch to enable Single Sign-On or account collect (in Access Collector mode), but which could not be configured through the SSOWatch Wizard (as explained in the see Appendix Enterprise SSO—Getting Started with SSOWatch). Additionally, for those applications that have been configured using SSOWatch Wizard, SSOStudio enables you to modify or enhance their configuration. In case SSOWatch used in Access Collector mode, SSOStudio allows the administrator to configure all the enterprise applications for the users, so that users' account can be automatically collected in the users' directory. SSOStudio provides an easy-to-use graphic interface for defining configuration parameters. It is dedicated to application administrators, or to "super-users" who have access to all necessary parameters. The defined application parameters result in the creation of a unique SSOWatch Engine configuration file. You can define as many applications as needed; SSOWatch manages each application totally independently of others. Application Definition An application is defined by: • • Its properties, such as acceptable password formats, its behavior as seen by the SSO engine of SSOWatch, the accounts that the user will use to connect to the application. The windows displayed to the user and relating to authentication or password management. These windows may be HTML pages from a web application. SSOStudio Types The two following SSOStudio types are available: • • SSOStudio Enterprise: the application configuration is shared by a number of users. SSOStudio Personal: the application configuration is dedicated to a single user. It is automatically accessible on opening SSOStudio Personal. SSOStudio Personal is not available in Access Collector mode. 31 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Storage Modes The SSOStudio (Enterprise or Personal) configuration can be stored in the Windows registry (file storage mode) or in the LDAP directory (LDAP storage mode). The storage mode is defined during the installation phase. • In LDAP storage mode, centralized configuration is defined in the LDAP directory for which SSO access is either authorized or denied for a given user or group of users. The Access Collector mode works only in LDAP storage mode. • In local storage mode, the configuration is saved in a file in the Windows registry. In Enterprise mode, the administrator may create as many configurations as he or she wishes, and each configuration is saved in a file. Operating Modes Enterprise SSO can be installed in two different modes: Standalone mode and Console mode. • In Standalone mode, the configuration of applications can entirely be done with SSOStudio. The Access Collector mode works only in standalone mode. • In Console (Client/Server) mode, the configuration of applications is only partly done with SSOStudio: the technical definition of applications can be done with SSOStudio, but the application definition must be terminated from the Enterprise SSO administration console (see Appendix Enterprise SSO Console Administrator Guide). 3.1 Interface Overview Main Window Interface SSOStudio presents target application parameters as SSO objects organized into a tree structure. SSOStudio enables you to create, modify or delete objects and to store them in an LDAP directory (LDAP mode) or in an SSOWatch configuration file (local storage mode). It is a "single-document" application, which means that only one configuration can be edited at a time. • 32 In SSOStudio Enterprise used in LDAP storage mode, the displayed tree corresponds to the associated LDAP directory defined at initialization time, as illustrated in the following example figure (interface example of SSOStudio Enterprise used in LDAP storage and Console mode). Administrator Guide The objects may be created anywhere the administrator has object-creation rights. The LDAP administrator is responsible for ensuring that the structure has a branch reserved for the management of Enterprise SSO objects. As the objects will be created directly in the LDAP directory, the directory must be accessible when SSOStudio is being used. • In SSOStudio Enterprise used in local storage mode, or in SSOStudio Personal, the tree displayed is not linked to an LDAP directory, as illustrated in the following example figure (example interface of SSOStudio Personal). In local storage mode, the configuration is defined with a root node called Local SSOWatch Configuration, to which two other nodes are attached. These are called Applications and Configuration Objects, and are used for E-SSO object declarations. 33 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Main Window Areas The SSOStudio main window is composed of: • • A menu bar. A toolbar offering shortcuts to some menu bar options, as described in the following table. The toolbar appearance depends on the SSOStudio mode used (Standalone/Console, LDAP/File storage, Personal/Enterprise). SSOSTUDIO MODE Common buttons BUTTON DESCRIPTION (SSOStudio Enterprise only) Creates a new SSO configuration. (SSOStudio Enterprise only) Opens an existing SSO configuration. Cuts the selected item. Copies the selected item. Pastes the selected item. Displays the properties of the selected item. (LDAP storage mode only) Refreshes the displayed LDAP directory. Deletes the selected item. Renames the selected item. Standalone mode buttons Creates a new Application. Creates a new Window object. Creates a new Application profile. Creates a new PFCP. (SSOStudio Enterprise only) Opens the SSO Settings by Population window, which allows you to define the population allowed to access the application. Saves the configuration. Console mode buttons Creates a new Technical Definition. Saves the Directory modifications. Tests the selected SSO. 34 Administrator Guide SSOSTUDIO MODE BUTTON DESCRIPTION Adds the selected item to the test list Removes the selected item from the test list. • A workspace showing a tree structure that allows you to select elements and to perform actions directly by double-clicking the objects or using a popup menu. 3.2 Starting and Stopping SSOStudio This section explains how to start and stop SSOStudio Enterprise or SSOStudio Personal. 3.2.1 Starting SSOStudio Subject The following procedure explains how to start SSOStudio Enterprise or SSOStudio Personal. Procedure Starting SSOStudio Using the Windows Taskbar 1. In the Windows taskbar, click one of the following, depending on the SSOStudio operating mode you want to open: • For SSOStudio Enterprise: Start | Programs | Quest Software | Enterprise SSO | Enterprise SSOStudio • For SSOStudio Personal: Start | Programs | Quest Software | Enterprise SSO | Personal SSOStudio • An authentication window appears. 2. Fill-in the authentication window and click OK. • SSOStudio appears. Starting SSOStudio Using Command Line Arguments 3. The following table lists the command line arguments that you may use to start SSOStudio (builder.exe): BINARY ssobuilder.exe ARGUMENTS • /user: starts Personal SSOStudio • /wizard: starts the SSOWatch wizard. 35 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 3.2.2 Stopping SSOStudio Subject The following procedure explains how to stop SSOStudio Enterprise or SSOStudio Personal. Procedure In the File menu, click Exit. 3.3 Creating or Opening a Configuration Subject In SSO Studio Enterprise used in local storage mode, you can create as many configurations as you wish (each configuration is saved in a different). This section explains how to create a new configuration, or open an existing one. In local storage mode, the configuration file to be used may be specified during installation. For more information, see Appendix Enterprise SSO Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide. Restriction The functionality described in this section is only available in SSOStudio Enterprise used in local storage mode. Procedure • To open an existing configuration: a) In the File menu, click Open. • The Explorer window appears. b) Select the configuration you want to open and click OK. • The selected configuration appears in SSOStudio main window. • To create a new configuration: In the File menu, click New. • SSOStudio displays the default configuration. 36 Administrator Guide 3.4 Configuring General SSO Parameters Subject The following procedure explains how to define the general SSO configuration parameters. Restriction The configuration described in this section is only available in SSOStudio Enterprise used in local storage mode. Procedure 1. In the Edit menu, click Configuration: • The following window appears: • The Performance tuning area allows you to set the window detection timing. • The Security Parameters area allows you to define permissions. 2. Fill-in the window and click OK to save the configuration and close the window. 3.5 Defining PFCP and Application Profiles If you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone mode or SSOStudio Personal, you can define the following configuration properties: • • The Password Format Control Policies (PFCP). The Application profiles. In Console mode, this configuration can be performed with the Enterprise SSO administration console (see Appendix Enterprise SSO Console Administrator Guide). 37 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 3.5.1 Defining Password Format Control Policies (PFCP) Subject This section explains how to create or modify a PFCP for the applications for which you want to activate the SSO. A default PFCP configuration exists in SSOStudio: you can modify it or create a new one. Restriction The PFCP configuration is only available if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone mode or SSOStudio Personal. In Console mode, the PFCP configuration must be done with the administration console (see Appendix Enterprise SSO Console Administrator Guide). Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, do one of the following, depending on the action you want to perform: • To create a new PFCP, right-click the Configuration objects node and click New PFCP. • To modify an existing PFCP, right-click the PFCP you want to modify and click Properties. • The password policy properties window appears. 2. Fill-in the window as described in the following sections: • For basic parameter definition, fill-in the "Password Management Policy" tab: see Section, "Password Management Policy" Tab—Description. • For advanced parameter definition, fill-in the "Password Format Policy" tab: see Section, "Password Format Policy" Tab—Description. 3. 38 Click OK to save the configuration and close the window. Administrator Guide "Password Management Policy" Tab—Description The Password Management Policy tab allows you to define the following PFCP elements: • Password Policy The PFCP name. • New Password generation policy The behavior required when the user is prompted for password change: Automated password generation or user prompts for a password compatible with the PFCP. • Advanced • The "invalid password" string is the string or text that the application sends to indicate that the password is not valid. If the security system is provided with this string for SSO use, it prompts the user for a new password. • The period for which a password is valid. • The number of old passwords retained. 39 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch "Password Format Policy" Tab—Description The Password Format Policy tab allows you to define the following elements: • Password Format Defines how a valid password is created: minimum and maximum password lengths, and the minimum and maximum number of upper-case letters, lowercase letters (excluding accented characters), numbers, or special characters that should make up a valid password. The special characters supported by SSOWatch are listed in the following table: & ~ " # ' { ( [ - | ` £ _ \ @ ) ° ] = + } $ % * , ? ; . : / ! Accented characters are not allowed. • 40 Forbidden characters List of forbidden characters. Administrator Guide • Advanced Specifies the maximum number of occurrences of a given character in a password. • Test Password Generation button This button allows you to see an example of a password generated using the rules you have configured. 3.5.2 Defining the Application Profiles Subject Application profiles are security objects that define a set of rights and properties that are applied generically for one or more applications. This section explains how to configure the application profiles for the applications for which you want to activate the SSO. A default Application profile configuration exists in SSOStudio: you can modify it or create a new one. Restriction The Application profile configuration is only available if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone mode or SSOStudio Personal. In Console mode, the Application profile configuration must be done with the administration console (see Appendix Enterprise SSO Console Administrator's Guide). Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, do one of the following, depending on the action you want to perform: • To create a new Application profile, right-click the Configuration objects node and click New Application Profile. • To modify an existing Application profile, right-click the Application profile you want to modify and click Properties. • The application profile properties window appears. 2. Fill-in the window as described in the following sections: • For the Properties tab, see Section, "Properties" Tab of an Application Profile Object – Description. • For the Access Strategy tab, see Section, "Access Strategy" Tab of an Application Profile Object—Description. • For the Delegation tab (only if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone and LDAP storage mode), see Section, "Delegation" Tab of an Application Profile Object—Description. 3. Click OK to save the configuration and close the window. 41 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch "Properties" Tab of an Application Profile Object – Description The Properties tab allows you to manage the following parameters: • Application Profile The name of the Application profile. • Password Policy The PFCP to be applied to this application profile • SSOWatch Desktop options This area allows you to define the application visibility: • Whether the application must be added to the user’s SSOWatch dashboard. • Whether the application is to be launched simultaneously with SSOWatch. 42 Administrator Guide "Access Strategy" Tab of an Application Profile Object—Description The Access Strategy tab allows you to manage the following parameters: • Credential storage By default, data is stored in the directory; for architecture with tokens, data may be stored in tokens. • Single Sign-On Policy a) Users must re-authenticate Before each SSO, the user must confirm the primary password, PIN or biometric identity. b) Users can modify account Data may be modified. If unchecked, the user will not be allowed to change the password through the user account management screen. (This option is selected by default). c) Users can display password The password may be displayed. The user may ask for the password to be displayed. If this is the case, the user will be asked to re-authenticate. d) Users can cancel Single Sign-On This configures the options availabe to the user when performing data collection, or choosing between multiple accounts through the SSO engine. All of these screens have OK and Cancel buttons, as well as the option Disable SSO for this application. Select this check box to allow users to cancel the SSO authentication process with the Applications associated with the Security Profile: • For the current session only: The user can cancel the SSO authentication process for the whole current session. 43 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch • For the application (until reset): The user can cancel the SSO authentication process for the current application. • For the current window only: The user can cancel the SSO windows, but SSOWatch continues to detect windows associated with the application. Clear this check box to prevent the users from cancelling SSO windows: the user cannot Cancel (button grayed out). However, if an error occurs (for instance, when the password is saved in a remote system), the Cancel button will be reactivated. • Account Security Options This area only appears if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone and LDAP storage mode. It allows you to select the way the Accounts are ciphered. In the drop-down list, select one of the following entries: a) User: if you select this entry, only the user can decipher his account. This is the most secure option. If the user forgets his/her primary password or loses his/her smart card, it is impossible to recover his/her secondary accounts. 44 b) User, administrators: if you force a new primary password or assign a new smart card using Token Manager, the user's secondary accounts are also recovered. c) User, administrators and an external key: select this entry to allow an external application to decipher the user's secondary accounts using a public key. For example, you must select this entry if you want to use Enterprise SSO with Web Access Manager. By selecting this entry, you allow Web Access Manager to decipher the Enterprise SSO secondary accounts of the user so that Web Access Manager can perform SSO with these accounts. Administrator Guide "Delegation" Tab of an Application Profile Object—Description The Delegation tab is only available if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone and LDAP storage mode. The Delegation tab allows you to define the methods for delegating accounts to users: • • • • • Authorize delegation to everybody. Authorize delegation to a member of the same user group. Authorize delegation to a member of the same organizational entity. Advanced mode: person/group/organizational entity. Authorize the delegated user to change passwords: the delegated user is authorized to modify the password for the delegated account. 3.6 Defining Application and Technical Definition Objects This section explains how to create and define Application and Technical definition objects. • In standalone mode, SSOStudio allows you to entirely configure Application objects. An application object implies the definition of: • An application name as shown in SSOStudio and in SSOWatch Engine, and some options regarding the access rights for this object. • Parameters that associate this application with the SSO data in the security system. • Access strategy (in registry or personal configuration modes), or assignment to user groups (in LDAP mode); the application profile should be defined for each association to a user group. 45 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch SSOStudio allows you to create application objects with some pre-defined parameters for SAP and Windows applications: see Section, Creating a New Application Object or Technical Definition. • In Console mode, SSOStudio allows you to configure Technical Definitions. A Technical definition object is a technical description of an application that allows you to use an application, and particularly to produce single sign-on in a Enterprise SSO environment. The application configuration must then be completed in the administration console (see Appendix Enterprise SSO Console Administrator Guide). 3.6.1 Creating/Modifying Application Objects and Technical Definitions Creating a New Application Object or Technical Definition Subject For Application objects, SSOStudio allows you to use templates to create SAP and Windows application objects. The Template Application item allows you to create an Application object with a number of pre-defined parameters. They should be used for specific authentication scenarios. The predefined template applications are: • • SAP, for SAP R/3 application authentication (for more details, see Section 6, The SAP R/3 Plug-in). Windows, for authentication to an external LDAP directory. Template applications are managed in the same way as Application objects. They enable the single sign-on function for specific authentication procedures. A template application has a number of predefined parameters. The following procedure explains how to create a new technical definition or application (with or without template). Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, do one of the following, depending on the action you want to perform: • To create a new application or technical definition: • Right-click the node where you want to create a new Application or Technical Definition and click New Application or New Technical Definition. • To create a new application using a template: Click the node where you want to create a new template application and in the Edit menu, click New Template-based Application/SAP or Windows. • The Application properties window appears. 2. 46 Fill-in the Application properties window (or modify it in case of template application) as described in Section 3.6.2, Filling-in the Application Properties Window. Administrator Guide Modifying an Application Object or Technical Definition Configuration Subject The following procedure explains how to modify the properties of an existing Application Object or Technical Definition Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the Application or Technical Definition you want to modify and click Properties. 2. Fill-in the Application properties window as described in Section 3.6.2, Fillingin the Application Properties Window. • The Application properties window appears. a) For Application objects, fill-in the following tabs: • Properties: see Section, "Properties" Tab of an Application Object. • Account base: see Section, "Account Base" tab of an Application Object. • Launcher: see Section, "Launcher" Tab. • Parameters: see Section, "Parameters" Tab. • Application Profile: see Section, "Application Profile" Tab. b) For Technical Definition objects, fill-in the following tabs: • Properties: see Section, "Properties" Tab of a Technical Definition Object. • Launcher: see Section, "Launcher" Tab. • Parameters: see Section, "Parameters" Tab. 47 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 3.6.2 Filling-in the Application Properties Window "Properties" Tab of an Application Object The Properties tab described in this section only appears if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone mode, or SSOStudio Personal. The Properties tab of an Application Object allows you to define the basic parameters of an Application. • Application Name This field will be shown in the objects tree of SSOStudio and in the data collection and account management dialog boxes of SSOWatch Engine. • Session management Indicates whether all the application’s windows depend on the same application instance. • OLE/Automation Grants OLE/Automation access to this application (and all the associated security objects). For further security, you can enter a password for which OLE clients will be prompted. For more information, see Section 10., "OLE/Automation Interface". • Options • Enable this application (this option is selected by default) If this option is cleared, SSOWatch Engine will ignore this application. This is used to temporarily disable an application without deleting it from the configuration file. 48 Administrator Guide • Try previous password when "bad password" windows detected If this option is selected, the fields are filled with the last valid password at "bad password" detection (this can be useful if the password change is not immediately taken into account by the application). • User must provide credentials This check box only appears in Access Collector mode. If this check box is cleared, the user will be able to cancel the collect (or the bad password) window that appears when he/she launches an application. "Properties" Tab of a Technical Definition Object The Properties tab described in this section only appears if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in Console mode. The Properties tab of a Technical Definition object allows you to define the basic parameters of a Technical definition. • Identification The Technical reference name. This field will be shown in the objects tree of SSOStudio. • Session management Indicates whether all the application’s windows depend on the same application instance. • Try previous password when "bad password" windows detected If this option is selected, the fields are filled with the last valid password at "bad password" detection (this can be useful if the password change is not immediately taken into account by the application). 49 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch "Account Base" tab of an Application Object The Account Base tab only appears if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone mode, or SSOStudio Personal. The Account base tab allows you to define the Account Base associated with an application. An Account is a username/password pair that allows connection to an application. There is also an account parameter that can store complementary authentication data; for instance, a Windows Domain name is a complementary parameter of a Windows account. The account name is internal to SSOWatch: it is used to store and retrieve security data and to give a user-friendly name to this data. A user-friendly name is particularly useful when using multiple accounts: you can give names like "Notes Admin" or "Notes User" if a Notes user is also the administrator. Accounts are global: they are shared by applications and by SSOWatch configurations, because they refer to objects stored in the security system storage and which are bound to the user. • • In most cases, one single account is associated with an application. It is called a Standard account. In some cases, it is possible to use the Windows username and password to perform SSO to an application. An example is the Windows Terminal Server login. To use this security credential in SSO, you must associate the Primary Authentication Identifier with the application (check the corresponding option). The Windows username can be used in different formats: • Short name: username only. 50 Administrator Guide • Windows 2000 (and later): Username including the Windows domain, for instance: jsmith@quest.com. • NT 4: Username preceded by NETBIOS domain, for instance: QUEST\jsmith. • Share Account Base with Another Application: for this, indicate in an application that you consider as account reference, the applications authorized to use this reference base. You can also share an account base between two Applications using command line arguments. This feature may allow you to create batch files to automate this task. You can combine this feature with the possibility of importing objects using command lines, which is described in Section 3.9.2, Importing Objects using Command Line Arguments (Standalone Mode only). Before Starting • • The Applications must be created. Close the SSOStudio graphical interface. Procedure To share an Account base, at the Windows prompt, type the following command: <SSOWatch installation folder> [/login <name>] [/password <password>] /share <MasterApplication> <SlaveApplication> Arguments into square brackets [ ] are optional. Where: ARGUMENT NAME VALUE <SSOWatch installation folder> "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\E-SSO\SSOBuilder.exe" by default. /login <name> and /password <password> Login name and password of the E-SSO administrator. • Use the format DOMAIN\login. • If the login name and password of the administrator are not specified, the SSOStudio authentication window will appear. The administrator account used to run the import must have /share <MasterApplication> <SlaveApplication> • <MasterApplication>: name of the Application owning the Account base to share. • <SlaveApplication>: name of the Application that will use the Account base. This parameter works only with Application objects. 51 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Example: The following command allows you to share the Account Base AB1 owned by APP1 with APP2: "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\E-SSO\SSOBuilder.exe" /login DOMAIN\WGAdmin /password AdminPWD /share APP1 APP2 • External Names: this button only appears if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in standalone and LDAP storage mode. It allows you to define a mapping between the Enterprise SSO application that you are configuring and the name of an external application that must be identified by Enterprise SSO. This option is particularly useful to integrate Web Access Manager with Enterprise SSO. For example, if you are defining an application called MyHTMLApplication that already uses Web Access Manager Account Bases, click this button and in the displayed window, enter the names of the Web Access Manager Account Bases defined for this application. By this way, Enterprise SSO will be able to use these Web Access Manager Account Bases to perform SSO with this application. Each external application name must be unique in the directory. "Launcher" Tab The Launcher tab is used to define how SSOWatch Engine may start an application. 52 Administrator Guide This window allows you to define the following parameters: • Change Icon button The icon associated with the application, which will be displayed in SSOWatch Engine. • Application description for user The application description, which will be displayed in SSOWatch Engine. • Target The command line or URL (for web applications), which opens the application. • Start in folder The directory where the command line should start. • Command line parameters The SSO parameters to be sent to the command line, if necessary. The Insert button insert in the command line the item selected in the list (identifier/password). "Parameters" Tab Parameters Tab of an Application Object (Standalone Mode only) Subject The Parameters tab allows you to add a list of additional authentication parameters (as Windows Domains or Languages for example). These parameters will enable you to define more fields than simply the couple of fields user name/password of the target application authentication window. 53 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Window Description • Add button: click this button to add a parameter. The following window appears: • To add an existing parameter, select it and click OK. In standalone mode, the parameter Windows Domain must be used only with Applications that may use Enterprise SSO Advanced Login. • To create a new parameter, type its name in the Name field and click Add. • To delete or rename an existing parameter, select it and click Delete or Rename. • To define an External Name for a parameter, select the wanted parameter and click External Name. For more information, see Managing External Names below. • • 54 Delete button: select a parameter and click Delete. Properties button: Select a parameter then click this button to define the properties of the selected parameter. Administrator Guide a) Description: mandatory description of the parameter for a better understanding. b) Parameter type: • Default: the value of the parameter is collected for each SSO account and can be modified by the user. • Global: the value of the parameter is the same for all SSO accounts and is not proposed to the user. • Rule: the value is dynamically defined as a user data function, and cannot be changed. c) Value: this is the default value assigned to the parameter. If nothing is entered here, it will be requested at first authentication (data collection) as a function of the parameter type defined previously. If you have selected Rule in the Parameter type area, between parentheses, get the exact LDAP attribute name (using an LDAP browser) and type it in the Value field. For example, type (mail) to indicate that the parameter value is the user's mail address. • If you want to add several LDAP attributes, type them one after another, without comma. Example: (mail)(dn). • You can be more specific about the parameter value by using the following rules: To keep only the first n characters of the LDAP value, use the syntax (attLDAP,n). Three functions are used to handle LDAP values: UPPER, LOWER and CAPITALIZED. Example: UPPER(mail,10) will return the first 10 characters of the user's mail address in upper case. Managing External Names This window appears when you click the External Name button. It allows you to define a mapping between the parameter that you are configuring within Enterprise SSO and the name of an external parameter (created using another SSO tool) that must be identified by Enterprise SSO. This option is particularly useful to integrate User Provisioning or Web Access Manager with Enterprise SSO. 55 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch "Parameters" Tab of a Technical Definition Object (Console Mode only) Subject The Parameters tab allows you to add a list of additional authentication parameters (as Windows Domains or Languages for example). These parameters will enable you to define more fields than simply the couple of fields name/password of the target application authentication window. • The list of authentication parameters for the technical reference must be coherent with the parameters defined at the application level. • The creation of an application is described in Appendix Enterprise SSO Console Administrator Guide. 56 Administrator Guide Window Description • Add button: click this button to add a parameter: To add an existing parameter, select it and click OK. The parameter called Windows Domain (which is created upon the installation of the Enterprise SSO suite), must be used only in Standalone mode. To create or modify listed parameters, use the Enterprise SSO console. For details, see Appendix Enterprise SSO Console Administrator Guide. • • Delete button: select a parameter and click Delete. Properties button: this button is always disabled. "Application Profile" Tab By default, every user is authorized to access the application. The Application Profile tab allows you to define the application profile, with an access right granted to all the users by default. In LDAP storage mode and Personal mode, only one profile may be assigned per application. 57 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch To allow the user to dynamically create new accounts from SSOWatch Engine module, select User can create additional accounts. 3.6.3 Defining Advanced Access Rights Subject SSOStudio allows you to define advanced management of access rights, as explained in the following procedure. Restriction The SSO setting by population window is only available in SSOStudio Enterprise used in standalone and LDAP storage mode. Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the application for which you want to define advanced access permissions and click SSO Settings by population. • The SSO Settings by population window appears. 2. 58 Fill-in the window as described in the following Window Description section. Administrator Guide Window Description The SSO settings by population window allows you to define the population (user, organizational group or units) that you want to access the application. It is necessary to assign an application profile to each one. If several profiles are associated with a user, priority is given to the profile: 1. 2. User. Group. If there are several groups, the notion of priority indicated on the interface is applied. This is dedicated only to groups (with 0 as the highest priority level). 3. Organizational Unit. 59 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 3.7 Defining Window Objects Subject Window objects are subordinated to Application or Technical definition objects. They can only exist if they are associated with an application object. Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the application for which you want to define a window object and click New Window. • The Window Properties window appears. 2. Fill-in the Window Properties window tabs as described in the following sections: • For the General tab, see Section 3.7.1, "General" Tab. • For the Options tab, see Section 3.7.2, "Options" Tab. • The Detection and Actions tabs are described in the sections of this guide that are related to the "plug-in types", as their content depends on the selected window type. 3.7.1 "General" Tab The General tab allows you to give a name to the window object and to set its type. The type cannot be modified once the window has been created. 60 Administrator Guide • Window Name By default, this field is automatically filled in with the name of the selected Window Type. It is recommended to enter a name clearer than the default name. • Window Type Displayed Window types are loaded from the different SSOWatch plug-ins. The following table shows the window types provided by the different plug-ins and their associated technology: The Window Type Description area displays the description of the selected window type. WINDOW TYPE TECHNOLOGY BEHAVIOR DESCRIPTION Generic Windows StandardLogin Win32/Java Login BadPassword Win32/Java BadPassword NewPassword Win32/Java NewPassword BadNewPassword Win32/Java BadNewPassword ConfirmPassword Win32/Java ConfirmPassword Terminal Terminal All HTML Pages (reserved for old versions. Do not use to detect new windows) IELogin Win32 Login + BadPassword HTTP authentication window HTMLLogin HTML/IE Login HTMLBadPassword HTML/IE BadPassword Authentication in HTML pages HTMLNewPassword HTML/IE NewPassword + ConfirmPassword HTMLBadNewPassword HTML/IE BadNewPassword CustomScript Win32 All Graphic scripts enabling customized SSO creation CustomScriptHTML HTML/IE All Graphical scripts allowing customized SSO creation for web applications under Internet Explorer. MSTelnet Terminal All MSTelnetW2KXP Terminal All Customizable Window Types Microsoft Applications Not supported. Telnet Microsoft for Windows 2000 and XP 61 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch WINDOW TYPE TECHNOLOGY BEHAVIOR DESCRIPTION Lotus Notes Windows NotesLogin Win32 Login Lotus 4.x and 5.x authentication SAPLogin Win32 Login SAP R/3 Authentication SAPExpired Win32 NewPassword SAPGUI Scripting Win32 Login HLLAPI Login Win32 Login HLLAPI Bad Password Win32 BadPassword HLLAPI New Password Win32 NewPassword + LoginNewPassword HLLAPI Confirm Password Win32 ConfirmPassword HLLAPI Bad New Password Win32 BadNewPassword HLLAPI Standard Win32 SAP Windows Plugin HLL API Windows 62 Authentication for SAP R/3 version 6.20 Administrator Guide 3.7.2 "Options" Tab The Options tab allows you to define the following properties: • • • Specific detection conditions to trigger the single sign-on when the window appears (Detection criteria area). SSOWatch Engine execution options to carry out SSO (Execution Options area). Advanced SSO options (Advanced options area). Detection Criteria Area Use language criteria This option allows you to trigger the single sign-on only if the selected language is one of the input languages installed on the computer. This option can be useful to optimize response times. Procedure 1. 2. In the Windows Control Pane, double-click Regional and Language Options to display the input languages installed on the computer. In the Languages tab, click Details. 63 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 3. 4. Click the Configure button to select the wanted system languages. Select Show local language variants to display the speech communities of each language. Use SSO State criteria This option allows you to trigger the single sign-on only if the selected SSO states are met. This option is particularly useful for the Customizable Window Type (Custom Script type). Click the Configure button to select the conditions of the window activation depending on the state of the application. For details, see table below: OPTION NAME DESCRIPTION The window is always detected This option is selected by default: the window is always detected and processed by SSOWatch Engine, without any condition. SSO has not been performed Select this option to trigger SSOWatch Engine only if the SSO operation has not been done. With this option, SSOWatch Engine can perform SSO upon the first detection of the window, then, as long as the application runs, this window is no longer detected. SSO has been performed and the password is valid The window is detected and processed by SSOWatch Engine only if the SSO operation has been done with a valid password. SSO has been performed and the password has expired and must be changed This option depends on the password validity period parameter (defined in the PFCP properties window). This window is detected and processed only if the SSO operation has been done and that the password validity period has expired. The password has been refused and resynchronized (BadPassword) These options can be particularly useful for applications that use several authentication windows that you have defined using custom scripts. For example, if you have to define the following windows for the same application: A new password has been provided but not confirmed The new password has been confirmed A new password has been refused (after a rollback) • A custom bad password window. • A custom new password window, which contains only a field for the old password and a field for the new password. • A custom password confirmation window, which contains a field to confirm the new password. • A custom bad new password window, which appears when the user enters a wrong new password. To avoid inopportune detection and processing of these windows by SSOWatch Engine, select for each window, the appropriate option in the Application State Conditions window. 64 Administrator Guide Example of use with the "SSO has been performed and the password has expired and must be changed" option. To display automatically the change password window of an application, do the following: We consider in the following example that the change password window appears when you click a button. Procedure 1. 2. 3. In SSOStudio, create the Application object (for details, see Section 3.6, Defining Application and Technical Definition Objects. From this object, define the Login and Change Password windows (for details, see Section 3.7, Defining Window Objects. Define the Password Expire window , with the following guidelines: • In the General tab, select Custom script (Window type). • In the Options tab, select Use SSO state criteria, then click the Configure button and select SSO has been performed and the password has expired and must be changed. • Detection tab: drag and drop the target button to the window where the Change Password button is located. • Fill in the Actions tab as follows: The Password Expire window is a virtual window, which allows you to display automatically the Change Password window when the password has expired. 65 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Execution Options Area Activate window masking This option allows you to hide the window of an application by an SSOWatch window displaying a customizable text. You can use this option if you do not want that the user sees his/here login/password for example. Do not disable the window during SSO This option is useful with custom script windows only. It allows you to set the focus on the custom script window in case of focus issues. Interpret reappearance of login window as meaning 'bad password' Select this option for login windows that display at least twice in case of bad login/password values. This is the case for the authentication window used by Internet Explorer to login restricted areas for example: 66 Administrator Guide Advanced Options area Select the checkboxes to activate the following actions: Do not disable the window during SSO and Do not disable the window when asking for user input Select these options so that the user can interact with the window detected during SSO. This is only relevant for IE and Firefox. Use alternative field detection method. Activate this if the contents of the web page are not always identical. This can be slower than the default method. Select this option so that: • • The window definition for IE 6, 7 and 8 is the same for the three of them. If the web page is modified, SSO is still executed. • If this option slows down the window detection then you must select one window for each IE version. • You must start the configuration over again if you select this option. Try to use for Firefox. If this definition is for Internet Explorer, it will also be used for Firefox. Note: this option may not work with all web pages. Select this option so that the window definition for IE is also applied to Firefox. • If this option does not work, you must create a specific window definition for Firefox. • You must start the configuration over again if you select this option. 67 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 3.7.3 "Detection" and "Actions" Tabs The Detection and Actions tabs are described in the sections of this guide that are related to the "plug-in types", as their content depends on the selected window type. 3.8 Testing the SSO Subject SSOStudio Enterprise used in Console mode allows you to test the SSO configuration you have created. Restriction This functionality is available only if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in Console mode. Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the Technical definition nodes or Windows you want to test list and click Add to Test List. To remove the window from the list, right-click the object and click Remove from Test List. • A small check appears in the Technical definition window icon. 2. Right-click one of the selected item and click Test. • A confirmation window appears, to inform you that the test mode is about to be started. 3. Click OK. • The selected applications appear in the SSOWatch Engine list, which displays the result of the test. 3.9 Exporting or Importing Objects The Import/Export feature allows you to reuse SSO configurations. You may use when testing SSO configurations: if the Application and Window objects that you have created in your test environment are working, use the import/export feature to exploit them in the live environment. You can export/import the following objects: • An Application (standalone mode) or an External Reference (Console mode) and its associated Windows. • Windows, PFCPs (standalone mode only) or Application Profiles (standalone mode only). Each exported object is saved in an .SSE (SSOWatch Export) file. 68 Administrator Guide 3.9.1 Exporting/Importing Objects using the Graphical Interface Exporting Procedure To export an object, do the following: 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the object you want to export and click Export. • The Explorer window appears. 2. Choose a saving location for the object and click OK. Importing Procedure To import an object, do the following: 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the node where you want to import the file. To import a window, select the application that will receive this window. • The Explorer window appears. 2. Select the object to import and click OK. • The object appears in the tree, at the selected location. 3.9.2 Importing Objects using Command Line Arguments (Standalone Mode only) Subject You can import .SSE files using command line arguments. This feature may allow you to create batch files to automate the import of several objects from your test environment to the live environment. This feature is more powerful than the import of objects using the graphical interface. You can use it to define accesses to applications in addition to the import operation. Before Starting Export the wanted objects using the graphical interface, as described in Section 3.9.1, Exporting/Importing Objects using the Graphical Interface. For details on the objects that you can import, see Section 3.9, Exporting or Importing Objects. • • Close the SSOStudio graphical interface. Note that you can combine this feature with the possibility of sharing account base using command lines, which is described in Section, "Account Base" tab of an Application Object 69 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Procedure To import an object, at the Windows prompt, type the following command: <SSOWatch installation folder> [/login <name>] [/password <password>] /import <filename.sse> /location <Organization DN> [/access <group>] [/profile <profile>] Arguments into square brackets [ ] are optional. Where: ARGUMENT NAME VALUE <SSOWatch installation folder> "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\E-SSO\SSOBuilder.exe" by default. /login <name> and /password <password> Login name and password of the Enterprise SSO administrator. • Use the format DOMAIN\login. • If the login name and password of the administrator are not specified, the SSOStudio authentication window will appear. • The administrator account used to run the import must have sufficient rights. /import <filename.sse> Full path name of the .sse file, which contains the object(s) to import. If the object to import is associated with another ESSO object (an Application associated with a PFCP for example), and if the name of this object (PFCP) is used by other objects, the first name found is used. If no object is found, the default object is used. /location <Organization DN> Distinguished Name of the organization where the object will be created. /access <group> Name of the group of users for whom you want to specify an access to the imported Application. • You can use either the format "Group Name" or "Group DN". • If you do not specify this argument, check the access configuration using SSOStudio. • This argument works only with Application objects. /profile <profile> Name of the Application Profile that will be associated with the imported Application. • You can use either the format "Group Name" or "Group DN". • If you do not specify this argument, the default Application profile will be used. • This argument works only with Application objects. 70 Administrator Guide Examples • The following command allows you to import MyExportedFile.sse into the Applications container. "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\E-SSO\SSOBuilder.exe" / login DOMAIN\WGAdmin /password AdminPWD /import C:\MyExportedFile.sse / location OU=Applications,OU=Organization,DC=domain,DC=acme,DC=com • You have created the APP application, for which the access is restricted to the group of users GROOP. To import this application and keep the restricted access to GROOP, use the following command: "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\E-SSO\SSOBuilder.exe" / login DOMAIN\WGAdmin /password AdminPWD /import C:\MyExportedAPP.sse / location OU=Applications,OU=Organization,DC=domain,DC=acme,DC=com /access GROOP 3.10 Managing Objects in the Tree This section explains how to copy, cut, paste, rename and delete objects of the tree. 3.10.1 Copying/Cutting/Pasting Objects Subject You can perform basic operations with objects, as explained in the following procedure. Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the object you want to copy and click one of the following command: • Copy, to duplicate the selected object. • Cut, to copy the object and remove it from its current location (the object won't be removed if it is not pasted afterwards). 2. In the tree, right-click the node where you want to paste the copied object and click Paste. • The object appears in the tree at the selected location. 3.10.2 Renaming an Object Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the object you want to rename and click Rename. • The object name is selected 2. Type the name you want to see appear for the object and press the Enter key. • The object name is renamed. 71 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 3.10.3 Deleting an Object from the Tree Subject If you use SSOStudio Enterprise in LDAP mode, the tree displayed corresponds to the LDAP directory. If you delete an object from the tree, it will not be deleted from the LDAP directory as long as you have not updated it (see Section 3.13, Refreshing the Tree). Procedure 1. In the SSOStudio main window, right-click the object you want to delete and click Delete. • A confirmation window appears 2. Click OK. • The object is deleted from the tree. 3.11 Saving Object Configurations This section explains how to save the object configurations. • In SSOStudio used in local storage mode, Enterprise and Personal configurations are stored differently: • Enterprise mode: you can create as many configurations as you wish, and each configuration is saved in a file. • Personal mode: a single and unique configuration is dedicated to you. It is automatically accessible on opening SSOStudio Personal, and is stored in the security database defined during the installation phase (LDAP directory or Windows Registry). • In LDAP storage mode, centralized configuration is defined in the LDAP directory for which SSO access is either authorized or denied for a given user or group of users. 3.11.1 Saving Object Configurations in LDAP Storage Mode (Console Mode Only) Subject In LDAP storage mode, centralized configuration is defined in the LDAP directory for which SSO access is either authorized or denied for a given user or group of users. • • In standalone mode, the configuration is immediately and automatically saved in the LDAP directory. In Console mode, you must save the directory modifications, as explained in the following procedure. Procedure In SSOStudio (used in LDAP storage and Console mode), in the File menu, click Update directory. The LDAP directory is updated with the configurations defined in SSOStudio. 72 Administrator Guide 3.11.2 Saving Object Configurations in Local Storage Mode Subject In local storage mode, the storage operation depends on the SSOStudio version used: • • In SSOStudio Personal, a single and unique configuration is dedicated to each user. It is automatically accessible on opening SSOStudio Personal. In SSOStudio Enterprise, you can save as many configurations as wanted: each configuration is saved in a file. Procedure • In SSOStudio Personal (local storage mode), click File | Save. • The configuration is saved in the Windows Registry. • In SSOStudio Enterprise (local storage mode), click File | Save. • The Explorer window appears. Give a name to the configuration and select the location where you want to save the configuration. • The configuration is saved in a .sso file in the selected location. 3.12 Managing Configuration Updates Subject To optimize network traffic, you can use the update management feature: by default, the Enterprise SSO workstations retrieve the whole SSO configuration periodically. The update management feature allows you to post an update, which generates a unique identifier. The workstations retrieve the application data and this identifier. As long as the identifier is unchanged between the directory and the cache of the workstations, the workstations do not update their SSO configurations. Restriction The functionality described in this section is only available in SSOStudio Enterprise used in LDAP storage mode and standalone mode. Procedure • To enable the update management feature: In the File menu of SSOStudio Enterprise, select Manage Updates and click Disable Update Management. To post an update, which generates a unique identifier: In the File menu of SSOStudio Enterprise, select Manage Updates and click Post an Update. When a workstation runs an update, it retrieves the entire configuration (and not only the configuration corresponding to the last posted update). So this feature does not avoid workstations retrieving the applications configured by administrators after the last posted update if the data on the workstation is older than the last posted update. 73 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 3.13 Refreshing the Tree Subject Refreshing the tree means updating it so as it displays the current correspondent LDAP directory. If you have performed modifications in the tree and have not saved them, refreshing the tree will cancel all your unsaved modifications. Restriction This functionality is available only if you use SSOStudio Enterprise in LDAP storage mode. Procedure In SSOStudio main window, in the Edit menu, click Refresh. The displayed tree is updated with the current LDAP directory. 74 Administrator Guide 4. The Generic Plug-in The "generic plug-in" allows you to define single sign-on (SSO) or account collect (in Access Collector mode) configurations by detecting windows used by the following types of applications: • • • Any Microsoft Windows applications. Web applications (Internet Explorer or Firefox). Java applications or applets. The window objects that allow you to carry out the SSO belong to the Generic Windows, as shown in the following figure: • These window types allow you to detect any Microsoft Windows applications, including any HTML pages displayed by web browsers as Firefox or Internet Explorer. • Do not use the Microsoft Internet Explorer plug-in (HTML Pages) to define new windows. 75 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Before Starting If you want to detect a Java application, make sure the following components are properly installed on your workstation: • • A supported Java version (for more details about the supported JRE versions, see Appendix Quest Enterprise SSO Release Notes). The Quest SSOJava Plug-in, which must imperatively be installed after the JRE (for more information, see Appendix Enterprise SSO Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide). 4.1 Windows Detection When you create a Window in the configuration editor, you have to define the window that must be detected by SSOWatch. You must carry out this operation through the Detection tabbed panel: 76 Administrator Guide To define the window detection, you must do the following: 1. 2. Select the window that must be detected by SSOWatch, using the target button. For details, see Section 4.1.1, Simple Detection. If necessary, modify the detection parameters for the selected window by filling in the Parameters of the selected window area. • Upon the detection of the window (Step 1), the Detect by Window Class and Detect by Window Title options are selected. These options are usually sufficient to enable the detection of the window by SSOWatch. • If these options are not sufficient, you can use advanced detection parameters, by looking for additional texts in the window (Look for text option), and/or by adding constraints on the detection process (Advanced button). For details on these detection parameters, see Section 4.1.3, Restrictions. 4.1.1 Simple Detection Depending on the type of window to detect, the selection area of the Detection tabbed panel is different: • • • To detect the window of an application, you drag and drop the target button onto the title bar of the window that you want to detect. For details, see Section, Simple Detection of a Window. To detect a Java applet, you drag and drop the target button onto the entire login area of the Java login page. For details, see Section, Simple Detection of a Window. To detect a web page, you drag and drop the target button onto the web page that you want to detect. For details, see Section, Simple Detection of a Web Page. Simple Detection of a Window To detect a window, SSOWatch first looks for its title (for standard or Java application) or its login area (for Java applet). It can then look for the presence of an additional text in the window. To automatically configure the necessary basic data, do one of the following: • • For standard or Java application windows, drag and drop the target button located in the top right of the Detection tabbed panel onto the title bar of the window that you want to detect. The data from the last targeted window are displayed in the configuration window, as shown in the following figure. For Java applets, drag and drop the target button located in the top right of the Detection tabbed panel onto the login/password area of the Java applet that you want to detect. The data from the last targeted window are displayed in the configuration window, as shown in the following figure. 77 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch The Detection tab now shows a tree structure for the targeted window, as well as its parent windows, if any. Each window is represented on two lines differentiated by the icon on the left of the line: ICON DESCRIPTION Real characteristics of the targeted window (real title and class). Data used to detect the targeted window (detection method, modified title). At this point, the detection parameters of the selected window are automatically configured as follows: • • Detect by window class. If the window has a title, Detect by Window Title (not case sensitive). If you want to modify these configuration parameters, make selections in the bottom half of the property page. If a targeted window has parent windows, you can modify the configuration for any intermediate window. 78 Administrator Guide The following table lists the four available title detection methods. All these methods are not case sensitive: METHOD DESCRIPTION Is equal to The window title must be equal to the given character string. Starts with The window title must start with the given character string. Contains The window title must contain the given character string. Ends with The window title must end with the given character string. Example Let us assume that the application authentication window has a title similar to Enter the password for FirstName LastName. A potential problem appears with this title because FirstName and LastName can differ from one user to another. In this case, the text must be edited and reduced to Enter the password for, and the window detection method must be set up to use: Start with or Contains. Simple Detection of a Web Page • If you are using different web browsers at the same time (Internet Explorer and Firefox for example), you must create two different windows: one window for the web page displayed in Internet Explorer, and another one for the web page displayed in Firefox. • If the title of the web page is different depending on the language used, you must also create as much as different windows as there are different titles. To detect a web page, SSOWatch first looks for its URL. It can then look for the presence of an additional text or of a field in the web page. To automatically configure the necessary basic data, drag and drop the target button located in the top right of the Detection tabbed panel onto the web page that you want to detect. The data from the last targeted window are displayed in the configuration window, as shown in the following figure: 79 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch The Detection tab now shows the URL of the web page (Web page area). At this point, you can adjust the detection parameters of the selected web page by defining a variable URL (Variable URL area) or by detecting a field in the web page (Parameter of the web page area) for example. For details, see Section 4.1.2, Advanced Detection. The single sign-on is triggered when all the required fields are displayed, even if the web page is not entirely loaded. 4.1.2 Advanced Detection The Enable Variable URL Detection option This option is only available upon the detection of a web page URL. Some websites are provided by clusters of HTTP servers (for instance Hotmail) or use the URL to keep session data (for instance Yahoo! Mail). This leads to URLs with variable parts. To configure the detection of a web page that uses a variable URL, select Enable variable URL detection and click the Configure button. 80 Administrator Guide If a variable URL detection has already been configured and you select a new URL with the Get URL button, SSOWatch checks the compatibility of the new URL with the old URL variable schema. If the schema cannot be matched, confirmation is requested before the old URL variable schema is destroyed. The variable URL configuration window looks like this: The selected URL is shown in the text field. To set up the variable parts, select (with the mouse or the keyboard arrows and the SHIFT key) a part of the URL (1). The tool bar is updated and shows only the generic characters that match the selection. In the tool bar, select the wanted generic character (2). Generic characters allow you to replace: • • • • • Any character (one or more). Alphanumeric characters (one or more): lower case letters, upper case letters and digits. Letters (one or more): lower or upper case. Digits (one or more). If you select a generic character, you can restore the original text with the Revert action. The Look for text option There are cases where detection based on a window class and title is not enough to distinguish multiple windows. For example, assuming you need to configure a detection method that distinguishes between two authentication windows that are both standard dialog boxes (class "#32770") and have the same title (for example, Enter password). Such a case requires that you configure an advanced detection method performing a search for a specific text in the window’s fields. To configure advanced detection, select in the window list the window that must be detected, and select Look for text. 81 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Two search methods exist: • • In the whole window: the text is searched in all the window fields. In Field: allows you to specify a field where the search will be carried out. This field can be configured with the small target button by dragging and dropping it onto the target field. The field content will be automatically pasted in the Look for text field. • The search is not case sensitive. • If the selected Windows control field identifier is 0xFFFF, the search is automatically extended to all the window control fields. This identifier is a special one and is used for generic static texts. It can also appear more than once in a window. The Advanced button You can define a list of constraints to refine the advanced detection parameters, using the Advanced button. This button allows you to add constraints on windows that are detected by SSOWatch, to enable or disable the single sign-on, as described in the following procedure: 1. In the Detection tabbed panel, click the Advanced button. • The following window appears: 82 Administrator Guide 2. Click the Add button. • The following window appears: 3. Fill in this window with the following guidelines: • The fields are already filled in by default with the values of the selected target window. • Use the target button only if the target window is not the wanted one. • If you select only the Signature check box, the SSO will be disabled, as this parameter changes. • If you select several check boxes to define the constraint, the application containing the window to detect must meet all the parameters defined by these check boxes. 4. Click OK. • The constraint is added in the constraint list. Remember that SSOWatch detects the window if only one of the listed constraints is verified. 4.1.3 Restrictions To authenticate to an application, SSOWatch implements the user’s sign-on for him or her. Therefore, SSOWatch considers that an application is valid as soon as the user himself or herself is able to enter the information requested by the application. Consequently, SSOWatch only detects windows that are: • • • Visible. Not minimized. "Active" in the MS-Windows sense – that is, they can accept user inputs. It follows that SSOWatch cannot perform SSO for minimized or hidden windows. 83 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 4.2 User Interface In this section, we introduce the tools and elements of the user interface that allow you to configure Windows types. The tools are: • The target ( • The optional parameter list that allows you to enter SSO data other than user name/password. The actions to be performed after the fields have been filled. • ) that allows you to select a Windows control (field or button). 4.2.1 Target You can use the following target button to select a window’s control field (text field, button, etc.): This target can be used in two ways: • • By performing a drag and drop onto the target control field: click the button; the mouse cursor changes to a target; drag it to the target control field and release the mouse button. Once the mouse button has been released, the field is updated with the control field information (and the intermediate windows/control fields if they exist): The information displayed gives the control field identifier (in hexadecimal), its class and the text found when the control field was detected. A new window can be opened by clicking the target button: 84 Administrator Guide A new target icon allows you to select the desired control field (with drag and drop). This window allows you to see the selected control field’s details and the different levels of nested windows between the control field and the base window. Only the path from the base window to the target is displayed. To see all the other control fields/windows, you must select the Display all window details checkbox. You can also receive the control by its position by selecting the Identify the control by its position in the control hierarchy checkbox. You must re-select the windows to activate this mode. 4.2.2 Validation Actions When the fields have been filled by SSOWatch Engine, you must validate the window with the Enter key or by clicking the OK button (for example). In most of the window types you have the following choices: 85 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 4.3 Generic Plug-in Actions 4.3.1 StandardLogin – Connection Window Description This property page enables you to specify: • • • • • 86 The field that will receive the user identifier (or username) that allows the user to connect to the application. The field that will receive the password associated with the username. The Do not re-prompt for account selection check box that may be used for multiple accounts – for reconnection, it will be the active account that is used. Additional authentication parameters, if needed. For details, see Section, Specifying Additional Fields (Optional). The window validation method. Administrator Guide Specifying Additional Fields (Optional) Subject This section focuses on the Additional fields customization area of the Actions tab of the StandardLogin window type. This area allows you to define more fields than simply the couple of fields user name/password of the target application authentication window. Before Starting The definition of additional fields is only possible if additional parameters are defined in the Application object associated with this window. For details, see Section, "Parameters" Tab. 87 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Procedure 1. Click Customize. • The following window appears: This window allows you to associate a Parameter with an authentication field of the target application: 2. Select the wanted parameter in the list. The Description field is in read-only mode. It displays the value of the Description field filled in upon the creation of the parameter at the Application level. 3. 4. Use the target button to select in the target application the wanted authentication field. Click Insert. • The parameter appears in the window. 5. 6. If necessary, repeat the operation with other parameters. Click OK. SSOWatch Engine Behavior In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the window has been detected: • The username and password associated with the application are retrieved from the security system: • If required, the user will be prompted to choose one of his or her accounts. • If the selected (or single) account has no security data in the security system, SSOWatch Engine will prompt the user for this data and will save it in the security system (collect). • 88 Data is sent to the window. Administrator Guide • • • • Optional parameters associated with the selected account are retrieved from the security system: if one parameter value is unknown, the user is prompted for it. It is then stored in the security system. Parameters are sent. The window is validated. BadPassword and NewPassword window types are activated. 4.3.2 BadPassword Window Description This property page allows you to enter: • • • • • The validation method after the password has been updated in the security database (with a new authentication if needed). The cancellation method of the window if the password update fails in the security database. The field that will receive the user identifier (or username) if the user is prompted to re-authenticate. The field that will receive the user password if the user is prompted to reauthenticate in the same window. The optional parameters, if re-authentication is proposed in the same application window. For details, see Section, Specifying Additional Fields (Optional). 89 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch SSOWatch Engine Behavior Full Version Behavior In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the window has been detected: • • • The user is warned that the password stored in the security system is not the right one for this application; he or she is prompted to enter the right password (the user can also change the identifier if he or she has misspelled it in the collect window). If the user cancels the window or if an error occurs, the window is cancelled according to the selected method. If the new username/password pair is validated by the user and the security database is updated successfully: • The specified, username, password and optional parameters are sent to the application. • The window is validated according to the specified method. Access Collector Mode Behavior • • If you configure a bad password window without specifying a login field or a password field, the detection of the window deletes the collected account. At the next login window detection, a new collect will be performed. If you configure a bad password with sending of a login or a password, a BadPassword window will appear to collect the right account. If the user cancels this window then the account is deleted and the collect will be restarted at the next user connection. 4.3.3 NewPassword In Access Collector mode, the NewPassword window type is not available. 90 Administrator Guide Window Description This property page allows you to enter: • • • • • The field that will receive the old password (optional). The field that will receive the new password (optional). The field that will receive the new password as a confirmation (optional). The window validation method if the password has been successfully updated in the security database. The cancellation method in case of failure or if the user cancels the window. SSOWatch Engine Behavior In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the window has been detected: • • • • • If specified, the old password is sent (if the application can have many sessions at the same time and if several accounts are used, SSOWatch will ask the user to choose the relevant session). The application asks the user for a new password or computes it itself (according to the PFCP associated with the application). If the password is confirmed, the new password is saved in the security database. In case of failure, the window is cancelled. In case of success, or without confirmation: • • • • The new password is sent (if requested). The new password is sent again (if confirmation is needed). The window is validated. BadNewPassword and ConfirmPassword windows are activated. 91 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Remark As previously explained, the new password will be saved in the security database only after it has been confirmed: • • Either in the same window (New password and Confirm password fields set) Or in another window (NewPassword or ConfirmPassword) if the New password field has been set. 4.3.4 ConfirmPassword In Access Collector mode, the ConfirmPassword window type is not available. Window Description This window allows you to configure "Confirm New Password" window management: • • • • 92 The field that will receive the old password (optional). The field that will receive the new password as a confirmation. The window validation method if the password has been successfully updated in the security database. The cancellation method in case of failure or if the user cancels the window. Administrator Guide SSOWatch Engine Behavior In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the window has been detected: • • • • If specified, the old password is sent (optional). The password is updated in the security database. In case of failure, the window is cancelled. In case of success, the window is validated and the ConfirmPassword and BadNewPassword window types are disabled. 4.3.5 BadNewPassword In Access Collector mode, the BadNewPassword window type is not available. Window Description This window type allows you to configure the Bad New Password window type behavior by specifying the window validation method. SSOWatch Engine Behavior In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the window has been detected: • • • The old password becomes the current password. NewPassword window types are reactivated. The window is validated. 93 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 4.4 Special Cases "Standard" window types do not allow you to manage all kinds of applications. Therefore, SSOWatch provides some tools that allow you to manage these cases: Custom Scripts and the OLE/Automation Interface. For well-known and commonly used applications, specific window types are provided to speed up configuration and optimize SSO processing. 4.4.1 NotesLogin (Lotus Notes Plug-in) The Lotus Notes plug-in has a window type that manages Lotus Notes 4.x, 5.x and 6.5 authentication windows: This window could be managed by a StandardLogin window type. However, a NotesLogin window type can automatically select the user account according to the account name displayed in the window: • • If the user owns only one Lotus Notes account, the account will have to match the requested account name; otherwise SSO will not be implemented. If the user owns several accounts, SSOWatch will choose the user account corresponding to the requested account name. If none matches the requested account name, SSO will not take place. Lotus Notes Identifier Format The Lotus Notes identifier (or username) may be stored in the SSOWatch security database using Lotus Notes formats (username, account name, Lotus Notes canonic name). 94 Administrator Guide Window Description Configuring the Field Where the Lotus Notes Login is Shown The first field is the one that contains the Lotus Notes username (Enter the password of…). The field must be selected using the target button. In the field where the complete Lotus username is shown, ensure that all entries are symbol remains. deleted, and that only the Select the password field using the target button. Ensure that the automatic window validation field is not checked. When only one Notes account is accessed from the workstation, you may check the automatic window validation field. We recommend that this only be used in personal configuration mode. SSOWatch Engine Behavior In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the window has been detected: • • The Lotus Notes identifier is retrieved from the field as shown above. A search is conducted for the account name in all the accounts associated with the application (beginning with full names): • If necessary, the user will have to choose between the accounts that match (or those that have no data associated with them). 95 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch • If a single account matches (or has no data), SSOWatch Engine will prompt the user for the associated password and will save it in the security database (collect). • • • The password is sent to the password field. The window is validated; if the automatic validation option has not been selected in the configuration. BadPassword and NewPassword window types are activated. 4.4.2 HTTP Authentication (Internet Explorer Plug-in) When you connect to some websites, an HTTP authentication window is displayed. Under Windows XP, this window looks like: This window can be managed using the StandardLogin window type. However, if the password entered is not correct, the same window is displayed again with the same username that was previously entered in the User name field (The first time this window is displayed, no username is displayed). This window type has been created to manage such a case (StandardLogin and BadPassword mix). • This window is quite different for each of the Microsoft operating systems. If you have a heterogeneous computer installation, you will have to define several windows of this type in your configuration. • The Netscape 4.7 HTTP authentication window is managed by the StandardLogin window type. 96 Administrator Guide Window Description The configuration page looks like this: For StandardLogin, you have to set the identifier and password fields with the target button. For the identifier field, be sure to select the field within the listbox and not the listbox itself. Internet Explorer allows you to save passwords. However, you may prefer to use SSOWatch. So clear the Remember my password checkbox and select the checkbox with the target tool. Once the SSO data has been sent to the fields, you may validate the window. SSOWatch Engine Behavior SSO actions for this window type correspond to StandardLogin and BadPassword window types: • The content of the Identifier field is retrieved; if it is empty, it is a StandardLogin behavior, and Standardlogin actions can be taken: • The username and password are retrieved from the security system. • If necessary, the user will be prompted to choose between the different accounts for this application. • If the selected (or single) account has no data, SSOWatch Engine will ask the user for the associated password and will save it in the security database (collect). • Data is sent to the window. • Clear the Remember my password checkbox. 97 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch • The window is validated. • BadPassword window type is activated. • If the identifier is not empty, it is a BadPassword behavior: • The user is warned that the password stored in the security system is not the one required by the application; so, he or she is prompted to enter the good password (the user can also change the identifier if he or she has misspelled it in the collect window). • If the new username/user password pair is validated by the user and the security database is updated successfully. • Username, password and optional fields are provided for the application. • The window is validated. • NewPassword window types are enabled. 98 Administrator Guide 5. The Microsoft Internet Explorer Plugin • This plug-in is deprecated. To create new windows allowing SSO with Internet Explorer or Firefox, use the Generic plug-in, as described in Section 4, The Generic Plug-in. • Use the Microsoft Internet Explorer plug-in only to modify single sign-on (SSO) configurations already using windows defined through this plug-in. • To migrate windows created with the Microsoft Internet Explorer plug-in to the Generic Plug-in, create the same windows using the Generic plug-in. The Microsoft Internet Explorer plug-in manages SSO in HTML documents in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0. It works with HTML document forms. The Internet Explorer plug-in provides several window types detailed in the following table: WINDOW TYPE DESCRIPTION IELogin HTTP, Firewall or Proxy connection windows HTMLLogin Web/HTML application connection page HTMLBadPassword HTML page which indicates that the password entered in the HTMLLogin window is not correct, this allows SSO data collect mode. The right username and password may be entered again this time. HTMLNewPassword HTML page which prompts for a new password (and generally for a confirmation) HTMLBadNewPassword Window type used to handle new password refusals in HTML pages 99 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 5.1 HTML/Internet Explorer Detection The detection of HTML pages is URL-based. Start by launching Internet Explorer. For Windows 2003 servers, check that the Internet Explorer option Enable thirdparty browser extensions (in Internet options | Advanced | Browser) is selected. The HTML Detection property page looks like this: To fill in the URL field, use the Get URL button. The following window appears: 100 Administrator Guide The list of open HTML documents in Internet Explorer windows (and frames) is displayed. The list of HTML forms (and their associated fields) is shown for information only. The Internet Explorer button allows you to launch Internet Explorer if it is not already running (same as launching it from the Start menu). To select an URL, you should select the line that shows the URL, or one of its elements. The selected URL is shown in bold. The HTML page display is dynamically updated as you open new HTML windows or navigate within Internet Explorer. The Refresh button allows you to remove windows which are no longer displayed. If only one HTML document is opened, its URL will automatically be pasted into the URL field (if it was previously empty). 5.1.1 URLs with Variable Parts Some websites are provided by clusters of HTTP servers (for instance Hotmail) or use the URL to keep session data (for instance Yahoo! Mail). This leads to URLs with variable parts. To configure detection using a variable URL, select Enable variable URL detection and click the Configure button. If a variable URL detection has already been configured and you select a new URL with the Get URL button, SSOWatch checks the compatibility of the new URL with the old URL variable schema. If the schema cannot be matched, confirmation is requested before the old URL variable schema is destroyed. The variable URL configuration window looks like this: The selected URL is shown in the text field. 101 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch To set up the variable parts, select (with the mouse or the keyboard arrows and the SHIFT key) a part of the URL. The tool bar is updated and shows only the generic characters that match the selection. Generic characters allow you to replace: • • • • • Any character (one or more). Alphanumeric characters (one or more): lower case letters, upper case letters and digits. Letters (one or more): lower or upper case. Digits (one or more). If you select a generic character, you can restore the original text with the Revert action of the toolbar. Example In the previous window, a Hotmail URL is shown. Variable parts are 3 and 13 numbers after "lc" and after "law". You only need to select 3 and click . The field is displayed like this: (in the toolbar), then select 13 and click again on 5.1.2 Advanced Detection Advanced detection in an Internet Explorer HTML page is based on text search. The dialog box that allows you to configure the advanced detection parameter looks like: You can enter a text using the keyboard or select it with your mouse in an HTML page and click the Capture button: the text is pasted in the field. There are two search methods: • • 102 Text must be Present: if the text is found on the page, detection is successful. Text must be Absent: if the text is found on the page, detection fails. Administrator Guide 5.2 User Interface In this section, we introduce the tools and elements of the user interface that are used to configure HTML/Internet Explorer window types. These tools are: • • The HTML form selection tool (icon ) which allows the association of an SSO parameter (username, password) with an HTML form field. The custom parameters list which allows the setting up of additional parameters (other than username and password) which will be sent to the application so as to perform SSO. • The HTML form submission-method selection tool (same icon ). 5.2.1 Selecting a Field in an HTML Form The field selection window for an HTML form is as follows: This window displays, in a list, all the forms (and their fields) contained in the HTML page selected in the detection page. The fields are displayed in their order and an icon distinguishes the clear text fields ( ) from the fields containing a password ( ). The associated text is the field’s internal name (HTML). The forms are differentiated by their names. If two or more forms have the same name (or are unnamed), the position is displayed in brackets: this is the position in the page compared to all forms with the same name. If you do not want to use this field, validate by clicking the Clear button. 103 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 5.2.2 Custom SSO Parameters The following window allows you to enter and configure optional parameters that will be sent to the target application: To customize an optional field, proceed as follows: • • • • Select the parameter in the list. Fill in Associated Field by using the target to select the target control field. Insert customization of additional field. Validate, by clicking OK. 5.2.3 Submitting an HTML Form The window for setting up the HTML form submission method is the following: 104 Administrator Guide This window proposes two submit methods: • • Simple submit or submit by clicking a Button/Image. Advanced submit by clicking a link. Simple Submit / Button Click • • • To submit a form by simulating the Enter key, simply select the form. To submit the form by clicking a button, select the desired button. To check that it is actually the desired button, you can make it blink in the HTML page using the Highlight button. Click a Link This method is used to submit a form by clicking a text or an image starting a JavaScript script. Such a link is recognized by its URL starting with javascript: 5.3 HTML/Internet Explorer Actions 5.3.1 HTMLLogin – Connection Configuration 105 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch This property page allows you to specify: • • • • The field that will receive the user identifier (or username) that allows connection to the application. The field that will receive the password corresponding to the username. The optional parameters, if necessary. The form-submit method. Actions In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the form has been detected: • The username and password associated with the application are retrieved from the security system: • If necessary, the user is prompted to choose between the accounts he or she owns. • If the selected (or single) account has no security data in the security system, SSOWatch Engine will prompt the user for this data and will save them in the security system (collect). • • • • • 106 Data is sent to the form fields of the HTML page. Optional parameters associated with the selected account are retrieved from the security system: if any parameter value is unknown, it is requested from the user and then stored in the security system. Parameters are sent. The form is submitted. Window with types (HTML) BadPassword or (HTML)NewPassword are activated. Administrator Guide 5.3.2 HTMLBadPassword Configuration This property page allows you to enter: • • • • The validation method after the password has been updated in the security database (with a new authentication if necessary). The HTML field that will receive the user identifier (or username) if the user is prompted to re-authenticate. The HTML field that will receive the user password if the user is prompted to re-authenticate in the same page. The optional parameters, if re-authentication is proposed in the same window. Actions In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the HTML page has been detected: • • The user is warned that the password stored in the security system is not the right one for this application; he is prompted to enter the right password (the user can also change the identifier if he or she has misspelled it in the collect window). If the new username/password pair is validated by the user and the security database is updated successfully: • If specified, the username, password and optional HTML parameters are sent to the application. • The HTML form is submitted according to the specified method. 107 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 5.3.3 HTMLNewPassword Configuration This property page allows you to enter: • • • • • • The HTML field that will receive the user identifier (or username). (Optional) The HTML field that will receive the old password. (Optional) The HTML field that will receive the new password. (Optional) The HTML field that will receive the new password as confirmation. The HTML form-submit method if the password has been successfully updated in the security database. The cancellation method in case of failure or if the user cancels the window. Actions In SSOWatch Engine, the following actions are performed after the HTML page has been detected: • • • • 108 If specified, the user identifier and the old password are sent (if the application can have many simultaneous sessions and if several accounts are used, SSOWatch will ask the user to choose the relevant session). The application asks the user for a new password or computes one (according to the PFCP associated with the application). If password confirmation is specified, it saves the new password in the security database. In case of failure, the submission is cancelled. Administrator Guide • In case of success: • The new password is sent (if requested). • The new password is sent again (if confirmation is needed). • The form is submitted. 5.3.4 HTMLBadNewPassword – New Password Refused Configuration This properties page allows the definition of: • • • • • The validation method after a new password has been refused. (Optional) The HTML field for the username, if re-authentication is proposed in the same window. (Optional) The HTML field for the old password. (Optional) The HTML field for the new password. (Optional) The HTML field for new-password confirmation. 109 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Execution In SSOWatch Engine, the actions which are performed following detection of this HTML page are: • • • • • • The old password is reset and becomes the current password. If specified, authentication is performed with the username and old password (if a multi-session application and a number of accounts are used, SSOWatch prompts the user to choose the appropriate session). The user is prompted for a new password, or a new password is generated based on the application’s password policy (PFCP). If confirmation of new password is specified, the new password is saved in the security database. If unsuccessful, SSO is cancelled. If successful, or where there is no confirmation: • • • • 110 The new password is sent (if specified). Confirmation is sent (if specified). The window is validated. NewPassword type windows are activated. Administrator Guide 6. The SAP R/3 Plug-in This section gives a brief description of the SSOWatch SAP R/3 plug-in for SSOWatch. The SAP R/3 plug-in provides different types of windows for the management of single sign-on, depending on the version of SAP R/3 clients and servers. To identify the window corresponding to each version of the SAP R/3 components, see Appendix Quest Enterprise SSO Release Notes. The SAPLogin and SAPExpired window types defined in version 3.71 of SSOWatch are still available, to ensure the continuity of deployed configurations. However, we recommend that that these are ported to SAPGUI Scripting and Advanced SAPGUILogin window types. 6.1 SAPLogin and SAPExpired Window Types 6.1.1 SAPLogin (SAP R/3 Login) This window type manages SAP R/3 4.5 connection. It includes bad password management (BadPassword). With version 4.6, only authentication is managed. To configure a window type SAPLogin, you have to specify the following parameters: This window is pre-selected and should normally not be modified. • Fields • SAP Main Field is where SSO data should be sent. Field selection may be done with the target . • SAP Status bar is the field where errors are displayed. Field selection may be done with the target . • Error text is the message displayed by SAP R/3 in case of error. This allows SSOWatch to deal with bad passwords (SAP R/3 4.5 only). • Window parameters Language and Client Name may be associated with parameters stored in the security database. • Window Validation The authentication window should be validated with the Enter key. 111 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 6.1.2 SAPExpired (SAP R/3 Password Expiry) This window type manages SAP R/3 4.5 password expiry. In Access Collector mode, the SAPExpired window type is not available. In the configuration window, fill in the SAP main field field with the button. 6.2 Basic Principles of the SAP R/3 Plug-in Pre-requisites • SAPGUI 6.20 Scripting must be activated on the SAP R/3 server, with the following parameter: Sapgui/user_scripting = TRUE • • SAPGUI Scripting must be activated on the SAP R/3 client. The connection description in the SAPLogon must not use the slow connection parameter. SAPGUI Scripting works only with the new SAP R/3 visual design. • 6.3 Configuration Guide 6.3.1 Configuring an SAP R/3 Application An application should be configured with the SSOWatch configuration editor. For SAP R/3 applications, use the SAP application model in SSOStudio. Configuring an Application for SAPGUI Scripting If you use SAPGUI Scripting window types, the OLE/automation option in the configuration is not required. It should, therefore, be left inactivated. 112 Administrator Guide 6.3.2 Configuring the SAPGUI Scripting Window The Detection Tab The detection of SAP R/3 connections is based on their connection servers or server groups. • • • • • To specify an SAP R/3 server or group of servers, use the following options: Name (mandatory): server name (SAP R/3 hostname) or server group name for which SSO is to be performed. SAP system name: SAP R/3 name of the system in 3 characters (database ID). Direct connection to a server: System number: provide the SAP R/3 System Number if the target server is running more than one copies of SAP R/3. Group with load-balancing: Message Server: enter the SAP R/3 message server name as it is configured in the SAPLogon module if there are a several SAP R/3 groups with the same name but with different messages servers. 113 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch The Actions Tab • • Description of the SAP R/3 parameters: at authentication time, SSOWatch can fill the "language" and "client name" fields as defined in the SAP R/3 application model. These parameters should be declared through the Parameters tab of the application object. Advanced parameters: • Changing the SAP R/3 user’s password: by default, SSOWatch manages the authentication process, and the user cannot change his or her SAP R/3 password at this stage but must use the password change transaction once connected. To avoid the complexity inherent in this procedure, activating this option will result in SSOWatch asking the user if a change of password should be made during connection to SAP R/3; SSOWatch will then manage all the password change processes as required. • Automatic validation of the connection notification: the SAPGUI Scripting technology causes a message to appear, notifying the user that a script is connecting to SAPLogon. By activating this option, and by declaring the notification window title (by default this is saplogon), SSOWatch will automatically validate the notification as required. The notification will still appear in non-SSOWatch connections, and therefore for other scripts. 114 Administrator Guide • To define error messages, click the Errors button: Error messages are detected by SSOWatch so that it can react when there is a password de-synchronization problem, when there is a password change, or if the new password is refused by the SAP R/3 system. In addition to the pre-configured error messages, you can declare your own specific messages: • • By content: enter a message and assign a meaning to it. SSOWatch will look for the message in the status bar or error dialog box. In this case, it is the message string that is looked for. This is dependent, therefore, on the language of the SAP R/3 client. By reference: if you also specify the SAP R/3 ABAP reference of the message, SSOWatch will look for the reference of the message, and not its content. Thus, it becomes independent of the client language. In this case, the content of the ‘message’ field is simply for informative purpose. The list of message references can be found using the transaction SE16, table T100. Authentication steps: • • • Connection refused: the SAP R/3 system has refused the connection. The user may be locked, or the server unavailable. Invalid password: the user password is incorrect. A new password is requested through SSOWatch Engine’s data collection windows. New password refused: the user has just changed the password, but the SAP R/3 system does not accept it. A new password is requested through SSOWatch Engine’s data collection windows. 115 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 7. Terminal Type Applications Terminal type windows manage SSO in text fields emulating a line mode terminal. The terminal must be displayed in a text-edit control field. Some emulator windows may not meet these requirements. In this case, the use of some other methods like OLE/Automation interface access could be necessary. The way this window type works is slightly different from the way other window types work, since the SSO events correspond to the display of messages; in addition, all the SSO states are managed in the same window. Once connection has been set up, SSO is disabled for this window. Three window types offer the management of terminals: • • • Terminal (from Standard plug-in). MSTelnet (from Microsoft applications plug-in). MSTelnetW2KXP (from Microsoft applications plug-in). The detection of these window types is the same as for standard Windows. The Actions part covers all standard window types. It is used to manage the opening of a full session (including bad and new passwords management) running in text mode and in a single Windows control field (in general an Edit field). It simulates the user keyboard entries and controls the state of the connection by detecting text banners. 116 Administrator Guide 7.1 Terminal This window type has been created to manage the terminal connections in Edit fields, notably the Windows remote access pre- and post- dialup terminals. Its configuration window is the following: The Host Control field will contain all the texts used for connection. Using the target icon, click the terminal window; this will copy the text across. The behavior vis-à-vis the text banners is defined by clicking on the Banners button (described in Section 7.3, Banners). You can also set up the timing between two searches for banners. Once SSO has been performed, or in case of failure, it is possible to click a button to close the window. 117 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 7.2 Microsoft Telnet Two window types are available for managing the Microsoft Telnet application: WINDOW TYPE DESCRIPTION MSTelnet Not supported MSTelnetW2KXP Telnet Microsoft in Windows 2000 and XP OS The configuration window is the following: It is possible to change the performance-tuning parameters: • • 118 The timer between the detection of two banners. The timeout canceling the SSO for the window. Administrator Guide 7.3 Banners The banners configuration window is the following: This window allows you to specify SSO events (the detection of text in a new text line) and the behavior to be associated with them. The possible behaviors are: EVENT DESCRIPTION Login The text indicates a username request. Password The text indicates a password request. Custom Parameter An additional parameter is requested. Connection OK The text indicates that the connection is completed successfully. It stops the SSO. Enter new password The text indicates that a new password is requested. Confirm new password The text indicates that the same new password must be confirmed. Bad password The text indicates that there is a wrong password in the security database. Connection refused The text indicates that the connection failed. It stops the SSO operation. 119 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch To add an event, you should: • • • Indicate the text to look for in the Banner field. Select the associated event. Click the Add button. To edit an event, you should: • • • • Select it in the list. Click the Edit button: it will disappear, and the information is displayed in the bottom fields. Edit the information. Click the Add button. The information is then added at the bottom of the list. To delete an event, you should: • • 120 Select it in the list. Click the Delete button. Administrator Guide 8. The HLLAPI Plug-in Subject This section describes how to enable single sign-on or account collect (in Access Collector mode) for applications using HLLAPI. Intented Readers • • System Integrators. Administrators. HLLAPI Definition The High Level Language Application Program Interface (HLLAPI) is an IBM API that allows a PC application to communicate with a mainframe computer. HLLAPI requires a PC to run 3270 emulation software and then defines an interface between a PC application and the emulation software. This API is also called "screen-scraping" because the approach uses characters that would otherwise be displayed on a terminal screen". For convenient purposes, the term "HLLAPI applications" in the next sections designates the applications that are using HLLAPI. 8.1 Configuring the HLLAPI Plug-in Subject SSOWatch uses default configuration parameters to implement the HLLAPI plug-in. You may need to modify these parameters if the HLLAPI that you are using does not fit these parameters. Procedure To modify the the SSOWatch HLLAPI plug-in default configuration parameters, using Registry Editor, add the HllAPI key in SOFTWARE/Enatel/SSOWatch/ and create the values listed in the following table. Modifying the Windows Registry may damage your Windows system. It is strongly recommended to be accommodated to Registry Editor to modify registry keys and values. 121 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch VALUE NAME VALUE TYPE String HllLibrary DEFAULT VALUE DATA AND DESCRIPTION PCSHLL32.dll: Name of the .dll file that corresponds to the HLLAPI plug-in. HllEntryPoint String hllapi: Function name of HLLAPI the in the DLL. HLLAPI-32bit DWORD 1: Specifies that the application using HLLAPI is a 32-bit application. Set 0 if you use a 16-bit application. 8.2 Enabling Single Sign-On for HLLAPI Applications Subject To enable SSO for HLLAPI applications, you must declare the application in the SSOWatch configuration and define the window types that must be detected by SSOWatch Engine, as described in the following procedure. Before Starting • • Your emulation software must be configured to establish connections trough HLLAPI. Check that that the global configuration parameters used to implement the HLLAPI plug-in are correctly set, as described in Section 8.1, Configuring the HLLAPI Plug-in. Procedure 1. In SSOStudio, create a new Application. The Application object appears under the Applications node. 2. Right-click the Application object and select New Window. The Window Properties window appears. 3. Fill in the General tab with the following guideline: in the Window Type dropdown list, define one of the following screens: • HLLAPI Login: login screen of the HLLAPI application. • HLLAPI Bad Password: screen indicating a wrong password/username. • HLLAPI New Password: screen requesting a new password (this screen can be a specific screen or the login screen). (Not available in Access Collector mode). • HLLAPI Standard: screen that does not need any authentication data (not available in Access Collector mode). • HLLAPI Confirm Password: new password confirmation screen (not available in Access Collector mode). • HLLAPI Bad New Password: screen indicating that the new password in not correct (not available in Access Collector mode). 122 Administrator Guide 4. If necessary, fill in the Options tab. If you are defining an HLLAPI New Password screen, and if the new password must be provided in the login screen, then select Use Manual SSO State Conditions, click Configure and select SSO has been done. Password has expired and must be changed. 5. 6. 7. Fill in the Detection tab, which is described in Section 8.2.1, The Detection Tab. Fill in the Actions tab, which is described in Section 8.2.2, The Actions Tab. Click OK. The Window object appears under the Application object. 8. To define other HLLAPI window types, restart from Step 2. 8.2.1 The Detection Tab Subject The section gives information on how to fill in the Detection tab for HLLAPI screen types. This tab allows you to define the screen requirements to satisfy to enable SSO. Description • The Connection Type area: This area allows you to specify the communication standard used by the application. • If the connection type information is not available at the HLLAPI level, SSOWatch Engine do not take into account this parameter. • If you do not know the connection type, select or clear all check boxes. 123 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch • The Strings to Detect area: You must fill in this area to define the strings that SSOWatch must detect to enable SSO. Read carefully the following guidelines: a) Enter the name of a string to detect. b) Absence of: select this check box to specify that the string must not appear in the application window. c) Position area: fill in this area to specify the position of the string to detect in the application window: • Select Check Position. • Define the row and column numbers of the string. • Select Relative Coordinates if you want to specify a position relative to the position of the cursor. d) Click Add. Example In this Detection tabbed panel example, SSOWatch Engine enables SSO if: • • 124 The Account Name string is located in the application window at the same row as the cursor (relative coordinates) and 14 columns before. The Password string does not appear in the application window. Administrator Guide 8.2.2 The Actions Tab Subject The section gives information on how to fill in the Actions tab for HLLAPI window types. This tab allows you to define the authentication data that SSOWatch Engine must send to the terminal emulator. Description • The SSO Steps area: This area allows you to sort out and modify the actions that must be performed by SSOWatch Engine in the terminal emulator window. • The Actions area: This area allows you to define the data that SSOWatch Engine must send to the terminal emulator. Fill in it as follows: a) Send SSO parameter: select this option if you want to send an SSO parameter, and select in the drop-down list the wanted entry. b) Send Key: select this option if you want to send a "common" key (as <enter> for example), and select the wanted key in the drop-down list. c) Send Text: select this option either if you want to send a key that does not appear in the Send Key drop-down list, or if you want to specify any text to send, and fill in the activated field. Section 8.3, HLLAPI Applications Keys lists the keys that are compatible with many emulator software applications. 125 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch d) Once by instance: (appears only with the HLLAPI Standard window type). Select this checkbox if you want to specify that SSOWatch Engine must carry out the actions listed in the SSO Steps area only one time per session instance. You should use this option to send further actions upon the detection of other HLLAPI screens than the HLLAPI screen types listed in the General tab. e) The Other button: if the actions listed above do not meet your requirements, you can define extended actions, by clicking the Other button. • The following window appears: Fill in this window as follows: • Sleep: select this option to suspend SSOWatch Engine for a specified time specified before processing the next displayed action in the SSO Steps area. • Exit DLL: select this option to call a function in an external DLL. If the function is found in the DLL, the indicator turns green. • When SSO is implemented, the DLL is searched in the paths defined in the %PATH% environment variable of the user who is logged on. If it is not found, the DLL is searched in the same directory as the one used during the configuration process. • For more details on external DLL, see Section 9.2, Extension DLL. 8.3 HLLAPI Applications Keys The following table lists the keys that are compatible with many emulator software applications. MNEMONIC MEANING 3270 5250 VT @B Left Tab Yes Yes No @C Clear Yes Yes No @D Delete Yes Yes No @E Enter Yes Yes No @F Erase EOF Yes Yes No 126 Administrator Guide MNEMONIC MEANING 3270 5250 VT @H Help No Yes No @I Insert Yes Yes No @J Jump (SetFocus) Yes Yes No @L Cursor Left Yes Yes Yes @N New Line Yes Yes Yes @O Space Yes Yes Yes @P Print Yes Yes Yes @R Reset Yes Yes No @T Right Tab Yes Yes Yes @U Cursor Up Yes Yes Yes @V Cursor Down Yes Yes Yes @X* DBCS (Reserved) Yes Yes No @Y Caps Lock (No action) Yes Yes No @Z Cursor Right Yes Yes Yes @0 Home Yes Yes No @1 PF1/F1 Yes Yes No @2 PF2/F2 Yes Yes No @3 PF3/F3 Yes Yes No @4 PF4/F4 Yes Yes No @5 PF5/F5 Yes Yes No @6 PF6/F6 Yes Yes Yes @7 PF7/F7 Yes Yes Yes @8 PF8/F8 Yes Yes Yes @9 PF9/F9 Yes Yes Yes @a PF10/F10 Yes Yes Yes @b PF11/F11 Yes Yes Yes @c PF12/F12 Yes Yes Yes @d PF13 Yes Yes Yes @e PF14 Yes Yes Yes @f PF15 Yes Yes Yes @g PF16 Yes Yes Yes 127 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch MNEMONIC MEANING 3270 5250 VT @h PF17 Yes Yes Yes @i PF18 Yes Yes Yes @j PF19 Yes Yes Yes @k PF20 Yes Yes Yes @l PF21 Yes Yes No @m PF22 Yes Yes No @n PF23 Yes Yes No @o PF24 Yes Yes No @q End Yes Yes No @s ScrLk (No action) Yes Yes Yes @t Num Lock (No action) Yes Yes Yes @u Page Up No Yes No @v Page Down No Yes No @x PA1 Yes Yes No @y PA2 Yes Yes No @z PA3 Yes Yes No @A@C Test No Yes No @A@D Word Delete Yes Yes No @A@E Field Exit Yes Yes No @A@F Erase Input Yes Yes No @A@H System Request Yes Yes No @A@I Insert Toggle Yes Yes No @A@J Cursor Select Yes Yes No @A@L Cursor Left Fast Yes Yes No @A@Q Attention Yes Yes No @A@R Device Cancel (Cancels Print Presentation Space) Yes Yes No @A@T Print Presentation Space Yes Yes Yes @A@U Cursor Up Fast Yes Yes No @A@V Cursor Down Fast Yes Yes No @A@Z Cursor Right Fast Yes Yes No 128 Administrator Guide MNEMONIC MEANING 3270 5250 VT @A@9 Reverse Video Yes Yes No @A@b Underscore Yes No No @A@c Reset Reverse Video Yes No No @A@d Red Yes No No @A@e Pink Yes No No @A@f Green Yes No No @A@g Yellow Yes No No @A@h Blue Yes No No @A@i Turquoise Yes No No @A@j White Yes No No @A@l Reset Host Colors Yes No No @A@t Print (Personal Computer) Yes Yes No @A@y Forward Word Tab Yes Yes No @A@z Backward Word Tab Yes Yes No @A@− Field − No Yes No @A@+ Field + No Yes No @A@< Record Backspace No Yes No @S@E Print Presentation Space on Host No Yes No @S@x Dup Yes Yes No @S@y Field Mark Yes Yes No @X@1 Display SO/SI Yes Yes No @X@5 Generate SO/SI No Yes No @X@6 Display Attribute No Yes No @X@7 Forward Character No Yes No @X@c Split vertical bar (¦) No Yes No @M@0 VT Numeric Pad 0 No No Yes @M@1 VT Numeric Pad 1 No No Yes @M@2 VT Numeric Pad 2 No No Yes @M@3 VT Numeric Pad 3 No No Yes @M@4 VT Numeric Pad 4 No No Yes @M@5 VT Numeric Pad 5 No No Yes 129 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch MNEMONIC MEANING 3270 5250 VT @M@6 VT Numeric Pad 6 No No Yes @M@7 VT Numeric Pad 7 No No Yes @M@8 VT Numeric Pad 8 No No Yes @M@9 VT Numeric Pad 9 No No Yes @M@- VT Numeric Pad— No No Yes @M@, VT Numeric Pad , No No Yes @M@. VT Numeric Pad . No No Yes @M@e VT Numeric Pad Enter No No Yes @M@f VT Edit Find No No Yes @M@i VT Edit Insert No No Yes @M@r VT Edit Remove No No Yes @M@s VT Edit Select No No Yes @M@p VT Edit Previous Screen No No Yes @M@n VT Edit Next Screen No No Yes @M@a VT PF1 No No Yes @M@b VT PF2 No No Yes @M@c VT PF3 No No Yes @M@d VT PF4 No No Yes @M@h VT HOld Screen No No Yes @M@(space) Control Code NUL No No Yes @M@A Control Code SOH No No Yes @M@B Control Code STX No No Yes @M@C Control Code ETX No No Yes @M@D Control Code EOT No No Yes @M@E Control Code ENQ No No Yes @M@F Control Code ACK No No Yes @M@G Control Code BEL No No Yes @M@H Control Code BS No No Yes @M@I Control Code HT No No Yes @M@J Control Code LF No No Yes @M@K Control Code VT No No Yes 130 Administrator Guide MNEMONIC MEANING 3270 5250 VT @M@L Control Code FF No No Yes @M@M Control Code CR No No Yes @M@N Control Code SO No No Yes @M@O Control Code SI No No Yes @M@P Control Code DLE No No Yes @M@Q Control Code DC1 No No Yes @M@R Control Code DC2 No No Yes @M@S Control Code DC3 No No Yes @M@T Control Code DC4 No No Yes @M@U Control Code NAK No No Yes @M@V Control Code SYN No No Yes @M@W Control Code ETB No No Yes @M@X Control Code CAN No No Yes @M@Y Control Code EM No No Yes @M@Z Control Code SUB No No Yes @M@u Control Code ESC No No Yes @M@v Control Code FS No No Yes @M@w Control Code GS No No Yes @M@x Control Code RS No No Yes @M@y Control Code US No No Yes @M@z Control Code DEL No No Yes @Q@A VT User Defined Key 6 No No Yes @Q@B VT User Defined Key 7 No No Yes @Q@C VT User Defined Key 8 No No Yes @Q@D VT User Defined Key 9 No No Yes @Q@E VT User Defined Key 10 No No Yes @Q@F VT User Defined Key 11 No No Yes @Q@G VT User Defined Key 12 No No Yes @Q@H VT User Defined Key 13 No No Yes @Q@I VT User Defined Key 14 No No Yes @Q@J VT User Defined Key 15 No No Yes 131 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch MNEMONIC MEANING 3270 5250 VT @Q@K VT User Defined Key 16 No No Yes @Q@L VT User Defined Key 17 No No Yes @Q@M VT User Defined Key 18 No No Yes @Q@N VT User Defined Key 19 No No Yes @Q@0 VT User Defined Key 20 No No Yes @Q@a VT Backtab No No Yes @Q@r VT Clear Page No No Yes @Q@s VT Edit No No Yes @@ @ Yes Yes Yes @$ Alternate Cursor (The Presentation Manager Interface only) Yes Yes Yes @< Backspace Yes Yes Yes 132 Administrator Guide 9. Advanced Configuration The window types provided with SSOWatch allow you to enable SSO or account collect (in Access Collector mode) in a wide range of applications. But there are some applications that cannot be managed with these standard types. In this case, SSOWatch proposes two solutions: • • Custom Scripts that allow you to define precisely the actions to be performed in a window or in an HTML page; it is even possible to call a function from an external DLL. The OLE/Automation interface that offers you the benefit of the SSOWatch security data access management: with this approach, it is possible to entirely redefine the methods of detection and actions while keeping the same account-management, collection, secure-storage mechanisms. 9.1 Custom Scripts Plug-ins The Custom Script and Custom Script HTML plug-ins open SSOWatch to some applications not managed either by the standard or dedicated plug-ins. It offers a "scripting logic" while keeping the same simple and user-friendly configuration interface offered by SSOStudio. In addition, it is possible to call a function from an external DLL. • The Custom Script HTML plug-in is deprecated. Use only the Custom Script plug-in to create new scripts. • You may use the Custom Script HTML plug-in only to modify windows defined through this plug-in. • To migrate windows created with the Custom Script HTML plug-in, create the same windows using the Custom Script plug-in. They use the same detection mechanisms already used for this kind of window in the Standard plug-in. The detection property page is the same. However, you can select the combo box by passing the cursor over the text area or by clicking the button displaying all the different choices. The difference is in the Actions tabbed page of the Windows Properties window that allows you to create a logically ordered list of specific actions. The main behavior of the window (Login, Bad Password, New Password or New Password Confirmation window) is automatically deduced from the configured actions, except for Bad Password, which must be manually specified. 133 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 9.1.1 Basic Concepts Scripting Logic Actions are executed one after the other. Their execution is based on a True or False state, which is transmitted to each action, and sometimes modified by some of them. An action is executed only if its state (Condition) corresponds to the current state, or if no state is specified for this action (No condition). The initial state of an action is True. The following table summarizes the behaviors by indicating whether an action is performed on the basis of its execution condition and the current state. The symbol " " means that the action is performed. STATE CONDITION TRUE FALSE None True False This logic allows you to manage simple actions of the If…Then…Else… type. Data "Buffer" All the actions include a context that contains the following data: • • • • • • • • The current state: this can be modified by any action, thus affecting the execution of the next actions. The Handle of the currently processed window. A memory Buffer allowing data to be passed between actions. The identifier of the connected application user. The associated password. The value of the last recovered SSO parameter (other than the identifier and the password). The account associated with the application in the security database. A pointer to custom user data. The context data is maintained in a data buffer that is initialized before each Script execution in the following way: • • • 134 The current state is set to True. The window Handle is initialized with the handle of the currently processed window. The memory buffer is empty. Administrator Guide • • The identifier, password, and service name are initialized with current values. If the window has the value "Bad password", the user is requested to provide the correct password during this step. The pointer to custom user data is set to NULL. 9.1.2 The Actions Tab By default, the Actions tabbed page is empty. The following figure shows an example of a filled in Actions tabbed page. The list of actions to be performed is displayed in a read only state, and a check box allows you to specify whether or not this window manages bad passwords. To build or edit a script, you must use the Script Editor. 135 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 9.1.3 Script Editor The Script Editor window is made up of four parts: • • • • A toolbar. An actions list. A dynamic panel allowing you to edit selected action parameters. The OK and Cancel buttons. The actions list has three columns: • • • The actions. The execution condition (or state). The actions parameters. Script Editor Toolbar The toolbar allows you to create new actions, modify their execution conditions, and move actions. ICON DESCRIPTION Create a new action placed after the first selected action Delete one or several action(s) Move up one (or several) action(s) Move down one (or several) action(s) 136 Administrator Guide ICON DESCRIPTION Modify the execution condition to Always execute Modify the execution condition to Execute if True Modify the execution condition to Execute if False Script Editor Actions The action creation icon in the toolbar displays a menu with a list of all the available actions. The table below summarizes the available actions, showing the correspondence between the two types of plug-ins (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML). ICON CUSTOM SCRIPT CUSTOM SCRIPT HTML Send Key/String Send String to Form Field Send SSO parameter Send SSO Parameter to a field Send Command Message Not Available. Send a JavaScript Send a JavaScript Get Control Text Get Field Text Get SSO parameter Get SSO parameter Click Button Send an HTML event Select Item in list Select Item in an HTML List Call External Function Call External Function Sleep Sleep Compare Compare Return Return Special Event Special Event Create a Label Create a Label Jump to Label (Goto) Jump to Label (Goto) Display a message box Display a message box Input box Input box 137 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch The rest of this subsection describes the different actions; each action description is introduced by a table summarizing its main characteristics: • • • The action’s name and its icon. Properties associated with the action. Information as to whether or not the action modifies the buffer and/or state. [Icon] Action name Modify state Modify buffer Description Send Key/String (Custom Script only) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to send characters (keyboard keys or strings) to a target window (the window being the primary, active window) or to a target control field/button in a window. In the Target area, it is strongly recommended to select Send to the Control (use the target icon button to select the control field). If it is not possible, that is if the window has no control fields or buttons it is better to select Send to the Window than Focused Window. Then, if necessary, modify the sending method (it is recommended to use the Automatic method. If it does not work, try another method depending on your application). In the Send Key/String area, define the characters you want to send in the target window: • Select Key to send keyboard keys, as Enter, Tab, SHIFT+Tab, Space, Escape for example. To send an additional key, select None, Shift, Alt, or Control from the Additional key dropdown list. • Select String and fill in the field to send a specific string. • Select Buffer to send the memory buffer content. 138 Administrator Guide Send String to Form Field (Custom Script HTML only) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to send strings to a target form field in an HTML page. In the Target area, use the HTML target button to fill in the field (the HTML page containing the target form field must be displayed). In the Send Key/String area, define the string you want to send in the target HTML form field: • Select Buffer content to send the memory buffer content. • Select String and fill in the field to send a specific string. Send SSO Parameter (Custom Script only) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to send an SSO parameter of a user account to a target window (the window being the primary, active window) or to a target control field/button in a window. For details on the Target area, please see the Send Key/String action above. In the Parameter to Send area, define the SSO parameter you want to send: • Identifier: the user identifier for the current application. • Password: the associated password of the user identifier. • New Password: a new password. In this case, the window is considered to be a NewPassword window type. • Confirm Password: the confirmation of the new password. In this case, the window is considered to be a ConfirmPassword window type. • Custom Parameter: to activate this option, you must define a parameter at the Application level (for details, see Section, ""Parameters" Tab"). • Do not prompt for user account: you can select this option if the user has several accounts. The transmitted SSO parameter is copied to the memory buffer. 139 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Send Command Message (Custom Script only) Modify state Modify buffer Read carefully the instructions written in the Send command message area. Send a JavaScript Modify state This action enables you to send a JavaScript if the address bar is displayed in Firefox and Internet Explorer. Send an HTML event (Custom Script HTML only) Modify state Sends an event (navigation, button click, item to be checked or execution of a JavaScript) to the active HTML browser) This action is paticularly useful if you want to execute JavaScript code. Get Control Text (Custom Script only) Modify state Modify buffer This action reads the text contained in a targeted control field. The recovered text is also copied to the memory buffer. 140 Administrator Guide Get SSO Parameter (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action retrieves the value of an SSO parameter of a user account (identifier, password…) and copies it to the memory buffer. For a description of the options, see the Send SSO Parameter action above. Click Button (Custom Script only) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to simulate a mouse click on: • A targeted button or on a targeted check box; • Any specific field in the window. If you have targeted a check box, do not forget to select Change the button state and click either Check or Uncheck depending on your needs. Select the Perform double click check box if you want to enable double click to select the value of a field. 141 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Select Item in List (Custom Script) or Select Item in an HTML List (Custom Script HTML) Depending on the selected Selection Mode, the interface of this window is slightly different: Modify state • By Item Number: • By Parameter: Modify buffer • By Item Label: This action allows you to select an element from a list. The list must be targeted with the target icon. The supported list types are: • ListBox. • ComboBox. • ComboBoxEx32. The selection can be performed by: • Item Number: the element number (position) to select, 0 being the first. • Parameter: the parameter is defined at the Application level (for details, see Section, "Parameters" Tab. • Item Label: a text string to look for in the list. 142 Administrator Guide Call External function (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to call a function in an external DLL. Click the Search button to choose the DLL. Enter the function name in the Function field. If the function is found in the DLL, the indicator turns green. Otherwise, it remains red. When SSO is implemented, the DLL will first be looked for in the PATH associated with the connected user’s environment. If it is not found, it will be looked for in the same directory as the one used during the configuration process. For more details on how to write external procedures, see Section 9.2, Extension DLL. Sleep (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action suspends SSOWatch Engine for the time specified (in milliseconds). Two buttons (500 ms and 1000 ms) allow you to quickly configure the most common wait times. Compare (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action compares the memory buffer contents with a given character string. The comparison is case sensitive. The state is then modified, depending on the result of this comparison – True if the string is found, False otherwise. 143 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Return (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer You must use Return actions to stop the script. It returns one of the following status: • OK: no problem. • SSO Done: the identifier and/or password or parameters have been successfully sent to the application. This stop code should be used in all the custom scripts that use the Send SSO Parameter function (identifier, password). • Disable the Window: SSOWatch ignores the window. • Disable the Application: SSOWatch ignores the application. Special Event (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to trigger one of the events listed in the Special Event area. The Resynchronize user password event allows you to display the SSOWatch Change Password window, which allows you to change also the user's login. Create a Label (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to create a label in the custom script, to manage conditional operations. You must use this action if you want to use the Jump to Label (Goto) action. 144 Administrator Guide Jump to label (Goto) (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action is only available if you have already defined a Create a Label action. It allows you to define a jump in your custom script. It is strongly recommended to use this action in association with a condition (True/False), to avoid infinite loops. Display a message box (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to display a message box in order to ask a question to the user. Use the available options to define the content of your message box. If the user can click No or Cancel, the state is set to False. Click the Buffer content radio button to enable the user to see the content of the buffer. This feature enables the user to see his login and password. You can use this action to check if a window is detected or to check that the return code of an external function is OK, in order to adjust a Custom Script. Input box (Custom Script and Custom Script HTML) Modify state Modify buffer This action allows you to define an input box. Select Allow value selection from list or combobox if you prefer to display a list of items the user can select rather than a standard input field where he can enter any text. 145 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 9.2 Extension DLL An SSOWatch extension library sample can be found on the SSOWatch CDROM (CustomDllSample) To be included in an SSOWatch script, an external function must respect the following rules: • • • • • • • It must publish a C interface. It must accept a single parameter that is a pointer to a SSOWatchSSOData data structure. It must return a specific return code. It must be able to read and modify the memory buffer. It must be able to read and modify the current state. It must not modify other fields that are read only in the SSOWatchSSOData structure. All these elements are defined in the C/C++ header files SSOWatchSSOData.h and SSOWatchWindows.h. 9.2.1 Function Prototyping An external function must use the prototype: extern « C » DWORD (*)(SSOWatchSSOData *) 9.2.2 SSOWatchSSOData Structure The following structure defines the SSOWatchSSOData structure provided as a parameter to the external function. This structure contains the data that is carried from one action to another: struct SSOWatchSSOData { }; 146 int m_nVersion; // R BOOL m_bState; // RW HWND m_hWnd; // R TCHAR m_szBuffer[SSOWATCHSSODATA_BUFFERLEN+1];// RW TCHAR m_szIdentifier[SSOWATCHSSODATA_IDLEN+1];// R TCHAR m_szPassword[SSOWATCHSSODATA_PWDLEN+1]; // R TCHAR m_szParam[SSOWATCHSSODATA_PARAMLEN+1]; // R LPCTSTR m_szCredential; // R void *m_UserData; // RW void *m_pInternal; // -- void *m_pInternalCred; // -- void *m_pIternalInstance; // -- Administrator Guide The version number (m_nVersion) indicates the version of this structure. It can change between versions of SSOWatch. It must be compared to SSOWATCHSSODATA_VERSION. The state (m_bState) indicates the state of the last action (TRUE or FALSE) and can be modified to change the execution of the next actions. m_hWnd contains the handle of the currently processed window. It should not be modified. It can be used to call Win 32 functions that need a window handle as a parameter. m_szBuffer is the memory buffer. It can be modified if required. m_szCredential, m_szIdentifier and m_szPassword respectively contain the name of the service associated with the application being processed, and the identifier and password of the user for this service. These parameters should not be modified. m_szParam contains the last SSO Parameter retrieved with the "Get SSO" action. None of these fields should be modified. m_szCredential contains a string in the form: Account="…" m_UserData is a pointer to custom user data, and is not used by SSOWatch (except of course by external functions). It remains valid during the entire execution of the same script The members: m_pInternal, m_pInternalCred and m_pInternalInstance should not be modified. There are reserved for internal use by SSOWatch. 9.2.3 Return Code The function must return a code that is a combination of one of the values in the following table together with the code SSORET_STOP if the script must be stopped. CODE DESCRIPTION SSORET_OK The function ended with no error. SSORET_SSODONE The function ended with no error and SSO has been done. SSORET_PASSWORDERROR An error occurred during password management. SSORET_NOREGISTRATION The user is not registered for the application. SSORET_PARAMETERERROR An error occurred during the recovery of an SSO parameter. SSORET_WRONGWINDOWSEQUENCE This window should not have been processed in this context (for example, bad password window found before the logon window). SSORET_SSOALREADYDONE SSO has already been executed for this window. 147 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch CODE DESCRIPTION SSORET_WAITFORPASSWORDCHANGE The application is waiting for a confirmation of password update. SSORET_PASSWORDCHANGED The password has been changed. SSORET_REMOTEERROR An error occurred during access to the security database. SSORET_WINDOWERROR An error occurred while the current window was being processed – the window will be disabled. SSORET_APPLICATIONERROR An error occurred while the current application was being processed – the entire application will be disabled. SSORET_USERCANCELLED_INSTANCE User has disabled SSO for this application instance. SSORET_USERCANCELLED_APPLICATION User has disabled SSO for this application. 148 Administrator Guide 10. OLE/Automation Interface For some specific applications like line terminal emulators, or applications that cannot be configured with any of the SSOWatch window types, SSOWatch provides an OLE/Automation interface. SSOWatch Engine behaves like a COM server and accepts calls from several clients. These clients connect with the COM protocol, or use high-level programming languages like Visual Basic, or any language that supports this kind of programming interface (most terminal emulators like Hummingbird Exceed or AttachMate Extra do). You may also use this interface from any C/C++ program. Clients connecting to SSOWatch Engine use the active SSOWatch configuration and benefit from SSOWatch application behavior management and password policies. By default, access to SSOWatch objects using OLE/Automation interface is forbidden. You have to explicitly authorize this action in the general options of the application object. For security reasons, you must specify a password in the configuration to protect access. 10.1 Definition of SSOWatch OLE/Automation Interface The OLE/Automation interface provides two types of objects: • • An object that represents SSOWatch Engine. This object is the connection point to this interface. Through this object you can access Application objects. Application objects that give access to the application’s security information: login identifier, password, optional parameters. Application objects can manage the synchronization of these parameters. 149 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 10.2 The ISSOEngine Interface ISSOEngine provides the GetApplication2 and the GetSSOEngineState functions. The GetApplication function is obsolete and should not be used. 10.2.1 GetApplication2 Description The function returns an interface pointer to ISSOApplication, unless the application is not found in the SSOWatch configuration or the challenge is not matched or this application is not configured to allow OLE/Automation access to its security information. When more than one account is associated with an application, SSOWatch asks the user to choose which account SSOWatch must use during this session. This choice will be kept until the interface pointer to ISSOApplication is released. The only way to change account is to use GetApplication2 again. Prototypes C/C++: HRESULT GetApplication2(/*[in]*/ BSTR strAppName, /*[in]*/ BSTR strChallenge, /*[in]*/ LONG hWnd, /*[out]*/ IDispatch *pIDispatch) Visual Basic: GetApplication2(strAppName as String, strChallenge as String, hWnd as Long) as Object Parameters 150 • strAppName is the name of the application as defined in the active configuration of SSOWatch (for security purposes, this string is case sensitive). • strChallenge is the password used to protect the OLE link. This password must match the password defined in the applications settings of the SSOWatch configuration. • hWnd is the window handle of the application where the OLE/Automation script runs. This handle allows the blocking of input to the application window when SSOWatch asks for security information, so that SSOWatch windows will not appear under the application window (background). If this information is not available or you do not know how to get it, provide the value 0. Administrator Guide Return Value Returns a pointer to the ISSOApplication interface. Example Dim oSSO, oApp As Object Set oSSO = CreateObject (“SSOEngine.SSOEngine”) Set oApp = oSSO.GetApplication2 ("MyApplication","Password",0) 10.2.2 GetSSOEngineState Description This function returns values corresponding to the state of the SSOWatch engine. Prototypes • C/C++: HRESULT GetSSOEngineState(/*[out]*/ LONG *plSSOEngineState) • Visual Basic: Get SSOEngineState () as Long Parameters No parameters. Return Value Returns the state of the SSOWatch engine, as described in the following table: RETURN VALUE ENGINE STATE 0 Started 2 Stopped 4 Suspended 151 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 10.3 The ISSOApplication Interface Once the ISSOApplication interface pointer has been obtained the following methods (or functions) and properties (or parameters) are available: METHOD PROPERTIES GetSSOParameter LoginID GetNewPassword Password GetUserApplicationPassword Get_IsExpired 10.3.1 Properties The LoginId Property Description Read-only property that returns the account name associated with the application. Prototypes • C/C++: HRESULT get_LoginId([in] LONG hWnd, [out] BSTR *pVal) • Visual Basic: app.LoginId(hWnd As Long) As String Parameters hWnd is the window handle of the application where the OLE/Automation script runs. This handle allows the blocking of input to the application window when SSOWatch asks for security information, so that SSOWatch windows will not appear under the application window (background). If this information is not available or you do not know how to get it, provide the value 0. Return Value Name of the account associated with the application. 152 Administrator Guide The Password Property Description Read/Write property for getting or setting the application password. Prototypes • C/C++: HRESULT get_Password(/*[in]*/ LONG hWnd, /*[out]*/ BSTR *pVal) HRESULT put_Password(/*[in]*/ LONG hWnd) • Visual Basic: app.Password(hWnd As Long) As String Parameters hWnd is the window handle of the application where the OLE/Automation script runs. This handle allows the blocking of input to the application window when SSOWatch asks for security information, so that SSOWatch windows will not appear under the application window (background). If this information is not available or you do not know how to get it, provide the value 0. Return Value Password of the application. 10.3.2 Methods The GetSSOParameter Method Description Method that returns an SSO parameter whose name is in strParameterName. The strParameterDesc parameter is a user-friendly description if SSOWatch needs to prompt the user for the parameter value. Prototype • C/C++: HRESULT GetSSOParameter(/*[in]*/ LONG hWnd, /*[in]*/ BSTR strParameterName, /*[in]*/ BSTR strParameterDesc, /*[out]*/ BSTR *pVal) • Visual Basic: app.GetSSOParameter(hWnd As Long, strParameterName As String, strParameterDesc As String) As String 153 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Parameters hWnd is the window handle of the application where the OLE/Automation script runs. This handle allows the blocking of input to the application window when SSOWatch asks for security information, so that SSOWatch windows will not appear under the application window (background). If this information is not available or you do not know how to get it, provide the value 0. Return Value Returns the SSO parameter. The GetUserApplicationPassword Method Description This method collects the password of the running application and returns the password entered by the user. Prototype • C/C++: HRESULT GetUserApplicationPassword(/*[in]*/ LONG hWnd, /*[out]*/ BSTR *pVal) • Visual Basic: GetUserApplicationPassword(hWnd As Long) As String Parameter hWnd is the window handle of the application where the OLE/Automation script runs. This handle allows the blocking of input to the application window when SSOWatch asks for security information, so that SSOWatch windows will not appear under the application window (background). If this information is not available or you do not know how to get it, provide the value 0. Return Value Returns the password as a string. The GetNewPassword Method Description Prompts the user for a new password (or creates a new one automatically, following the password policy) for the running application. Remember that you must call the Password property when you use this method to save the new password. 154 Administrator Guide Prototypes • C/C++: HRESULT GetNewPassword(/*[in]*/ LONG hWnd, /*[out]*/ BSTR *pstrPassword) • Visual Basic: app.GetNewPassword(hWnd As Long) As String Parameter hWnd is the window handle of the application where the OLE/Automation script runs. This handle allows the blocking of input to the application window when SSOWatch asks for security information, so that SSOWatch windows will not appear under the application window (background). If this information is not available or you do not know how to get it, provide the value 0. Return Value Returns a new password for the running application. Example NewPassword$ = oApp.GetNewPassword(0) oApp.Password(0) = NewPassword$ // Asks for a new password. // Saves the new password. The get_IsExpired Method Description This method allows you to know if the password has expired. It must be used after the GetNewPassword method. Prototypes • C/C++: HRESULT get_IsExpired(/*[in]*/ LONG hWnd, /*[out]*/ BOOL *pbExpired) • Visual Basic: app.get_IsExpired(hWnd As Long) As BOOL Parameter hWnd is the window handle of the application where the OLE/Automation script runs. This handle allows the blocking of input to the application window when SSOWatch asks for security information, so that SSOWatch windows will not appear under the application window (background). If this information is not available or you do not know how to get it, provide the value 0. Return Value Returns True if the password has expired. 155 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch 10.4 Code Example To use these interfaces, you must first connect to SSOWatch Engine. To do this, you must create an "SSOEngine.SSOEngine" object: Dim oSSO, oApp Set oSSO = CreateObject(“SSOEngine.SSOEngine”) Returns an interface pointer to ISSOEngine that allows you to call the GetApplication2 method: Set oApp = oSSO.GetApplication2(« AppName », « password », 0) Then you can use the security information: Wscript.Echo « Login: » & oApp.LoginId(0) Wscript.Echo « Password: » & oApp.Password(0) When you finish, you must free the objects (if not, SSOWatch will not be stopped safely): Set oApp = Nothing Set oSSO = Nothing 10.5 Return Codes Return codes are HRESULT with the FACILITY_ITF feature. DEFINE VALUE MEANING SSOAPI_OK 0 OK. SSOAPI_INVALID_SERVICE 1 Account or Service empty. SSOAPI_ACCESS_DENIED 2 No Account exists. SSOAPI_SUBAPI_ERROR 3 Generic error from User Provisioning underlying API. SSOAPI_INVALID_SERVICE_TYPE 4 Invalid Service Type (User Provisioning only). SSOAPI_UNKNOWN_ERROR 5 Unknown error. SSOAPI_MEMORY_FAILED 6 Out of memory. SSOAPI_INVALID_PASSWD 7 Invalid password: this return code is managed by the OLE/Automation API. SSOAPI_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER 8 Unknown parameter. SSOAPI_INVALID_PARAM_NAME 9 Invalid parameter name. SSOAPI_INVALID_FLAG 10 Internal. 156 Administrator Guide DEFINE VALUE MEANING SSOAPI_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND 11 Service not found for the system type provided. Similar to ACCESS_DENIED. SSOAPI_SERVER_ERROR 12 Error while accessing the security server. SSOAPI_PASSWD_NOT_CHANGED_YET 13 The password change is not taken into account yet. SSOAPI_NOMOREAPP 14 No more applications in the application list. SSOAPI_NOTREADY 15 Not ready (for example: smartcard removed). SSOAPI_UNKNOWN_APPLICATION 16 Unknown application. SSOAPI_CANCELLED_BYUSER 17 Application instance disabled by the user. SSOAPI_CANCELLED_BYUSER_APPLICATION 18 Application disabled by the user. SSOAPI_DISABLED_APPLICATION 19 The application is already disabled. 157 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch A. Cache and Application Data Update Tuning You can enable the use of the cache and asynchronous updates though the User Profile (either using Enterprise SSO Console or Token Manager depending on your E-SSO solution, for more information, see Appendix Enterprise SSO Console Administrator Guide or Appendix Enterprise SSO Token Manager Administrator Guide). The following sub-sections give information on how to tune the cache (when enabled) and configure asynchronous updates on your E-SSO workstations. A1. Cache and Application Update Mechanism A.1.1 Cache Mechanism Subject Because LDAP directory servers may be unavailable (offline work on a laptop, failure of the servers or network), the SSO engine can create a cache when it works in LDAP storage mode. The cache is created on the user's workstation upon the user authentication. It contains the following data: • User data: • Technical definitions of the declared applications: application objects, window types, default PFCP, default Application profile. • User Accounts. • User Profile (configured using Token Manager or E-SSO Console depending on your E-SSO suite). • Access Point data: • • • • • Installation mode. Target base. Authentication type. Authentication method. Application data • Applications • Technical definitions • Application parameters 158 Administrator Guide • • • • Application profiles Password format control policies Password change policies Time-slices (only in Console mode). Location This cache is located in the following registry key: HKLM\Software\Enatel\WiseGuard\Framework\Cache\CacheDir. Offline Work When servers are unavailable, queries are made on the cache. Queries that modify the cache are recorded so they can be replayed when a server becomes available. Online Work The cache is also used to reduce the number of queries between SSOWatch Engine and LDAP directory servers. So even if the LDAP directory servers are available, the cache is used and works as a buffer: • When SSOWatch Engine starts or is reset, the cache is synchronized with the server data. • To force the synchronization, restart SSOWatch Engine. • You can disable the synchronization of the User Account data by setting a non null value in HKLM\Software\Enatel\WiseGuard\Framework\Authentication\ CacheSynchroWithAuth • • • Once stored in the cache, the data is considered valid for a configurable period of time, and no query is sent to the server during this period (for details, see Section A.2, Cache and Update Timing Parameters. If the data is not found in the cache, or needs to be refreshed, the server is queried. All modifications to the data (creation, changes, deletion) are immediately copied to the server (if possible) and in the cache. A.1.2 Asynchronous Update Mechanism Subject The asynchronous update of the application data on the workstations (LDAP storage mode only) avoids the update during the user’s authentication. Thus, the network and the directory are not massively loaded during critical hours (for instance, mornings at 9) and user’s authentication duration decreases. 159 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Tuning Parameters The registry key values detailed in Section A.2, Cache and Update Timing Parameters.allow you to: • • • Activate asynchronous update. Set a random latency period before the first update, to avoid an over-load during the deployment. Set time slices, during which workstations are allowed to perform asynchronous update. Mechanism When the workstation is starting up, it checks if application data in cache is available. Indeed asynchronous update may have been bypassed if the workstation was off during a too long period or during each defined time-slice. If data are not up to date: • If time slices are defined: • If current time is in time-slice, update is performed. • If current time is not in time-slice, the update will be performed at next timeslice, by choosing a random time in it. • If no time slice is defined, update is performed. At the time of asynchronous update, the directory may be unavailable. In this case update is retried later when the directory is available and according to possible time-slice. A.2 Cache and Update Timing Parameters Full version Parameters You can modify the cache and application data update timing parameters by editing values located in the following registry keys: HKLM\Software\Policies\Enatel\WiseGuard\Framework\Cache. HKLM\Software\Enatel\WiseGuard\Framework\Cache. The second key must be set on every computer, while the first key (Policies) can be set with centralized parameters (for more details, see Appendix Enterprise SSO Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide). 160 Administrator Guide The cache timings can be set with these values: VALUE DEFAULT MIN DESCRIPTION Directory PingPeriod 30 1 Time in seconds between two LDAP directory connection checks. Performance CacheDelay 10 0 Duration of cache data validity. Time in seconds. The data linked to the User Profile is refreshed when the cache data validity expires. Cache directory. CacheDir AccessPointCache (E-SSO Console mode only) 1 UserCache (E-SSO Console mode only) 1 Cache availability on Access Points: • 0 Off • 1 On User cache availability. • 0 Off • 1 On Period (in days) between two updates of the application data on the workstation (for asynchronous update). ApplicationData UpdatePeriod Only applies for applications of the workstation's domain. ApplicationData UpdateLatency 0 If activated, the workstation chooses a random latency period before updating its application data, between zero and the update period (and during chosen timeslice if defined). • 0: off • non null: on If multiple workstations are installed simultaneously (and during time-slice if defined), the application data is downloaded from all these workstations. This value avoids an over-load during the deployment, and creates an interval between the updates. ApplicationData UpdateBeginTime Starting time (in minutes) of the time-slice during which the update of the application data on the workstation is allowed. Must be less than or equal to 1440. Example: 1260 (9 pm) ApplicationData UpdateEndTime Ending time (in minutes) of the time-slice during which the update of the application data on the workstation is allowed. Must be less or equal to 1440. Example: 300 (5 am) 161 Quest Enterprise SSO 8.0.3 – SSOWatch Read this note if you use Group Policies (see Appendix Enterprise SSO Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide): The PerformanceCacheDelay value is overwritten by the Group Policy WGSS. Network cache: PerformanceCacheDelay. If you change the Group Policy, the information is propagated by Microsoft and the delay depends on servers' topology (time servers' replication). Access Collector Mode Parameters The following registry keys allow you to configure the asynchronous directory update of collected accounts, for SSOWatch used in Access Collector mode: • HKLM\Software\Enatel\WiseGuard\Framework\Cache\ SelfRegistrationUpdatePeriod Period (in minutes) between two updates of the collected SSO accounts from the workstation cache into the directory, in an asynchronous way. If this value is set to 0 or not defined, the update is done automatically each time an account is collected. • HKLM\Software\Enatel\WiseGuard\Framework\Authentication\ CacheSynchroWithAuth In case of a roaming context (shared workstations, Citrix systems), this option forces a synchronous update of the cache at logon: • 0: deactivated. • ≠ 0: activated. 162 Administrator Guide About Quest Software, Inc. Now more than ever, organizations need to work smart and improve efficiency. Quest Software creates and supports smart systems management products—helping our customers solve everyday IT challenges faster and easier. Visit www.quest.com for more information. Contacting Quest Software Phone 949.754.8000 (United States and Canada) Email info@quest.com Mail Quest Software, Inc. World Headquarters 5 Polaris Way Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 USA Web site www.quest.com Please refer to our Web site for regional and international office information. Contacting Quest Support Quest Support is available to customers who have a trial version of a Quest product or who have purchased a Quest product and have a valid maintenance contract. Quest Support provides unlimited 24x7 access to SupportLink, our self-service portal. Visit SupportLink at http://support.quest.com/ From SupportLink, you can do the following: • • • Retrieve thousands of solutions from our online Knowledgebase Download the latest releases and service packs Create, update and review Support cases View the Global Support Guide for a detailed explanation of support programs, online services, contact information, and policy and procedures. The guide is available at: http://support.quest.com. 163