Christ is Risen! Christos Voskrese!
Christ is Risen! Christos Voskrese!
St. Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church Bulletin Paschal Edition – May 1st, 2016 Christ is Risen! Christos Voskrese! Indeed He is Risen! Voistinu Voskrese! Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and to those in the tombs, bestowing life! O kto kto Nikolaja l’ubit O kto kto Nikolaja služit Tomu svajatyj Nikolaj Na vsjakij čas pomahaj Nikolaj, Nikolaj O who loves Nicholas the Saintly O who serves Nicholas the Saintly Him will Nicholas receive And give help in time of need Holy Father Nicholas ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA ORTHODOX CHURCH A PARISH OF THE AMERICAN CARPATHO-RUSSIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE 288 E. 10th Street, New York, NY 10009 Divine Liturgy: 10 am Rev. Fr. William Bennett Church Phone #: 212-254-6685 For Dial-in Service: ten minutes prior to Liturgy call 1-877-459-3710 and enter access code 2546685# Website: Email: May 1, 2016 PASCHA Epistle Reading: Acts 1:1-8 Gospel Reading: John 1:1-17 Tropar & Kontakion: p 49-51 THE GREAT & HOLY RESURRECTION – PASCHA WELCOME TO ALL FAITHFUL AND ALL VISITORS! “Enter all of you, therefore, into the joy of our Lord, and, whether first or last, receive your reward!” Jesus Christ is Lord! “Christ descended into hell not as the devil’s victim but as Conquerer.” “He descended in order to ‘bind up the powerful’ and to ‘plunder his vessels.’ According to patristic teaching, the devil did not recognize in Christ the incarnate God. He took him for an ordinary man and, rising to the ‘bait’ of the flesh, swallowed the ‘hook’ of the Deity. However, the presence of Christ in hell became the poison that began to gradually ruin hell from within.” “Hell’s final destruction and the ultimate victory over the devil will happen at Christ’s second coming when ‘the last enemy to be destroyed is death,’ when everything will be subjected to Christ, and when God will be ‘all in all.’” (Christ the Conquerer of Hell: The Descent into Hades, Archbishop Hilarion) There is no comparison to the sacrifice of our Lord. But what He sacrificed on the Cross, in pain and suffering, was His to take up again: His life. He defeated all sin when He gave up His life, broke free the bonds of hell, and as a final move, rose from the grave on the third day in order to defeat death. There is no faith other than the Christian faith where God has done so much for His people. Christ’s victory is our victory! Now let all creation rejoice, for Christ is Risen! COMMUNION REQUEST: Please state your name as you approach the Chalice for communion. CONTINUE PRAYERS FOR: Nikita Albert, Anna Benyo, John Beskid, Walter Bubniak, Ernie Canovas, Maria Ceselka, Tony Ceselka, Paul Dolhy, Mary Fackovec, John Geida, Magdalena Ilanovska, Helen Karpiak, Betty Kormanik, Anna Mamrillova, Holly Marchak, Luboš Matlak, Sean Merriam, Olga Petrick, Deacon Michael Pirich, John Salony, Toni Sikoryak, Miroslav Strenk, Miron Timoshuk, Peter Tymus, Lorraina Vira, & Mary Zizik. Contact Fr. William to add or remove names: ALTAR FLOWERS were donated by the Sikoryak family in honor of +Anna Kormanik as calla lilies were her favorite Easter Flower. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Mnohaja i Blahaja L'ita! Let us all wish many more happy & blessed years to Danuta Horbal, John Ceselka Jr., Kathleen Tutler, and to Mary Ceselka, who celebrated her birthday just last week! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: Mnohaja i Blahaja L'ita! Let us all wish many more happy & blessed years to Michael & Anna Gajdos, and Gary & Diane Heidenfelder! PASTORAL NOTE: Fr. William will be out of town starting from Monday, May 9th until Saturday, May 14th, attending the Clergy Convocation at Camp Nazareth in Mercer, PA, as well as blessing the new cabins! In case of emergency, contact Fr. William and arrangements will be made immediately. Camp Nazareth Family Day Raffle Tickets have arrived! This is still the only diocesan-wide fundraiser for Camp Nazareth and a significant source of income for the Camp Program. The raffle takes place at the camp on Family Day, Sunday June 5th. Please consider purchasing a $20 ticket. If you’re interested, see Debbie Derevjanik or JuliaTimko. ALTAR ROBES “My soul shall rejoice in the Lord, for He has clothed with the garment of salvation; with the robe of joy, He has covered me. As on a bridegroom, He has placed on me a crown and as a bride, He has adorned me with beauty!” - Isaiah 61:10 - FULL SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Week of May 1st – 7th PASCHAL Divine Liturgy, 10 AM - FEAST OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD o Blessing of Baskets to follow - Agape Vespers – 6 PM Bright Mon, May 2nd – Divine Liturgy, 9 AM o The 4 Gospel Readings Bright Tues, May 3rd – Divine Liturgy, 9 AM Bright Wed, May 4th – Divine Liturgy, 9 AM Bright Fri, May 6th – Divine Liturgy, 9 AM Bright Sat, May 7th – Divine Liturgy, 10 AM - Great Vespers, 6 PM Week of May 8th – 14th SUNDAY, May 8th – Divine Liturgy, 10 AM - THOMAS SUNDAY - Mother’s Day Blessings & Celebration Mon, May 9th – Divine Liturgy, 9 AM o The 4 Gospel Readings Sat, May 14th - Great Vespers, 6 PM Week of May 15th – 21st SUNDAY, May 15th – Divine Liturgy, 10 AM Note from Fr. William: If you would like anyone remembered during the course of these Divine Liturgies or would like someone remembered in a memorial service, please see Fr. William or email him at We are in need of new robes for our altar servers. If you would like to make a contribution to help us obtain our new robes, please either see Father William personally or make out a check to “St. Nicholas Church” with the memo “Altar Robes” PASCHAL GREETINGS FROM AROUND THE WORLD - The origin of this practice is thought to have started with Mary Magdalene. She was first to see Christ’s empty tomb and went to tell the world that “Christ is Risen”. Slavic: Greek: Arabic: Romanian: Slovak: Polish: Christos voskres! Voistinu voskres! Christos anesti! Alithos anesti! El Messieh kahm! Hakken kahm! Hristos a inviat! Adevărat a înviat! Kristus vstal z mŕtvych Skutočne vstal Chrystus zmartwychwstał Prawdziwie zmartwychwstał (More at Flowers were placed by the grave of +Metropolitan Nicholas of Blessed Memory by Jan Kindja from the parishioners of St. Nicholas Church. May his memory be eternal! 3rd Annual Young Women’s Encounter 60th Annual Altar Boys Retreat Sunday, JUNE 26th to Wednesday, JUNE 29th Sunday, JUNE 26th to Wednesday, JUNE 29th Our Diocese is thrilled to be hosting the Young Women’s Encounter (YWE) once again this summer! A Diocesan tradition continues! Consider sending your son to be a part of a brotherhood across our parishes. The Encounter will be held at Sts Peter & Paul Orthodox Church in Windber, PA, only 12 miles from Johnstown. Young women 12-18 are strongly encouraged to attend. The retreat will be held at Christ the Saviour Seminary & Cathedral in Johnstown, PA, only 12 miles from Windber. Young men 8-18 are strongly encouraged to attend. REGISTRATION INFORMATION: REGISTRATION INFORMATION: - For any questions regarding the Encounter, contact Pani Eleni Stagon at - Contact Fr. William at ASAP to make your reservation - For any questions regarding the Encounter, contact Fr. David Cochran at - Contact Fr. William at ASAP to make your reservation REGISTRATION FOR CAMP NAZARETH IS OPEN! NY/NJ Deanery Week is July 24th – July 30th - If you would like to sign up your child for Camp Nazareth, visit, click on the link “Register Online” and follow instructions. There will be a bus departing for Camp from Rahway, NJ; to reserve a seat on the bus, please contact Fr. William to make your reservation. CAMP NAZARETH FAMILY CAMP JUNE 3RD – JUNE 5TH, 2016 Theme: “…and I by my works will show you my faith.” James 2:18 Come and deepen your relationship with your Family & help one another grow in Christ! FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Visit- Email Or call the camp - 724-662-4840 CALLING ALL GRADUATES: Do we have any eighth grade, high school or college graduates this year? Please let Kim Busel know as soon as possible at to make sure you are on the list. There is going to be a Graduation Party scheduled for Sunday June 26h to celebrate your success. The Tracy Heidenfelder Memorial Fund Scholarship Award Amount: $1000 Non-renewable, and may be split in case of a tie Applications are available in the church office HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: The Tracy Heidenfelder Memorial Fund will be sponsoring a scholarship with a $1,000 Award presented directly to the student selected (in the event of a tie, the award will be split). Applications are available outside the church office. The due date for application receipt is June 1st. The Scholarship Selection Committee will announce the recipient of the scholarship at the Graduation Party on June 26th. The members of this committee are not affiliated with St. Nicholas Church in any way, and have no knowledge of the candidates. Selection will be based on the application content only. Application Deadline: Must be received at address on the application by June 1, 2016 The criteria for applying: High School Senior, graduating Class of 2016 GPA of 85 or better Will be attending either a 2 or 4 year college/university Must be currently involved in at least one school extra curricular activity. Must be an active participant at St. Nicholas of Myra Church Scholarship Recipient to be announced at the Graduation Party on Sunday, June 26th If you have any questions, please contact us at ITEMS FOR HOLY WEEK Thanks to all who donated items to be used during Holy Week Item Donated By Intention 14 Decorated Candles on Altar Lillian Benc and Family In Memory of the Benc, Bulko/Kramer Family 6 Main Altar Candles Mike & Evelyn Kormanik In Memory of parents Anna & John Kormanik and Roger & Margaret Beattie Triple Bar Cross of Votives (Lord’s side) Triple Bar Cross of Votives (Virgin Mary’s side) 2 Large Side Altar Candles (Christ in Garden) 2 Large Side Altar Candles (Baptism of Christ) 2 White Vigil Light Side Altar (Christ in Garden) 2 White Vigil Light Side Altar (Baptism of Christ) Sacramental Wine Festive Oil Zizik & Fornazor Families Bob & Debbie Zizik Stephanie Salony Stephanie Salony Kathy Matlak In Memory Parents & Grandparents M/MPeter Ceselka In Memory of Frank T. Zizik and Uncle John Fornazor In Memory of parents Michael & Anna Salony For the health of the Salony, Stack, Tymus & Hofmann Families In Memory of Deceased members of the Strenk, Matlak, Rusinak & Petrik Families Michal & Jarka Derevjanik For the health of Derevjanik and Simak Family Hofmann, Stack & Tymus Children Hofmann, Stack & Tymus Children For health of families and Memory of Grandparents and Great Grandparents For health of families and Memory of Grandparents and Great Grandparents In blessed memory of father Charles and brother Steven, and all deceased members of the Honara and Shimko families and a blessed Pascha to all. In Memory of parents Michael & Mary Gaydos, Ann, John and Steven Gaydos In Memory of the deceased members of the Petrik, Matlak, Strenk & Rusinak Families 4 Vigil Lights Top of Round Votive Stands Charles T. Honara Eternal Lamp (Center of Church) M/M Charles Gaydos Charcoal M/M Stano Petrik Altar Boy Candles M/M Vasil Rusinak & Family In loving Memory of Vasil Rusinak, Sr. Incense Abigail and Lukas Petrik For the health of Petrik, Matlak, Strenk & Rusinak Families LAZARUS SATURDAY BAKING CREW These ladies deserve a round of applause for all of their hard work and what they accomplished this past weekend. If you have a chance to watch them, you soon realize that they work together in perfect harmony and what they create is perfection …and delicious! Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. Lazarus Saturday is a day of final preparation for Palm Sunday and Holy Week. Fr. William and his team prepared the Altar and Sanctuary, changing all of the altar cloths to gold to celebrate The Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem. Pussy willows and palms were tied together while a team made palm crosses to distribute. The children organized the pew hymnals and were a part of every task accomplished during our busy day. Fr. William had a special Palm Sunday children’s sermon. He explained how the crowd raised their palms in victory as Christ rode past, so perfectly shown by Claire Ryan. By raising Lazarus from the dead before Your passion, You did confirm the universal resurrection, O Christ God! Like the children with the palms of victory, we cry out to You, O Vanquisher of death: Hosanna in the highest! WHAT’S AHEAD FOR SPRING AT ST NICHOLAS CHURCH – Please plan to join us! MAY 8th – Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. There are prayers and blessings during Liturgy for the Babas, Mothers, Godmothers, Tetas on this special day. Then, the men take over the kitchen and prepare a beautiful brunch for all of the women at St. Nicholas. MAY 22nd – Rebecca Clemente has worked very hard to prepare this year for her first Holy Confession and Communion that will take place this weekend. MAY 29th – Fr. William will be blessing graves at Mt. Olivet. We will be leaving directly after Liturgy to avoid the Memorial Day parade. JUNE 12th - YOU ARE INVITED TO THE “GOLDEN JEWELS” DAY OF CELEBRATION & JOY Sunday, June 12th is going to be a wonderful day at St. Nicholas Church. We will be honoring our parish family and friends who have reached the milestone birthday of 80 years and older. Many are children of our church founders, were baptized, married and called St Nicholas home at some point in their lives. Others have supported 10th Street throughout the years. We are planning a day to enjoy, reminisce and smile at shared memories. Divine Liturgy will include special prayers and blessings for all honorees. A celebratory luncheon will be prepared by Chef George Chobor and his assistant Justina in the Main Hall. But to make it truly memorable, we need you! This multi-generational celebration is for everyone. Please mark your calendars and come to St. St. Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church Nicholas to honor our “80+” invites you to be our guest at the members with food, fun, and fellowship! Golden Jewels Day of Celebration & Joy There is no ticket cost to attend the luncheon, but we do need to know that you will be there! Please see the Volunteer Board in the Main Hall and add your name to the luncheon sign-up sheet. Our honorees will each have reserved tables for their family and friends. Please let us know if you will be sitting with a specific honoree so we can get an accurate count. Thank you. As we honor our cherished parish family and friends who have reached their milestone birthday of 80 years and older. Sunday, June 12th Special prayers & blessings during Divine Liturgy Celebratory Luncheon prepared by Chef George Chobor Family Faith Friends Food Fun If you have any questions, please talk to an organizing committee member: Debbie Derevjanik, Evelyn Kormanik, Stephanie Salony, Tanya McAusland, Lillian Benc or Kim Busel. th JUNE 19 – The Church will be celebrating the Feast of Holy Pentecost. It is also Father’s Day with a special Father’s Day Luncheon, with all of your favorites, hosted by the kids of St. Nicholas. All men of 10th Street Church are invited! th JUNE 26 - Eighth grade, High School and College Graduation Party - Join us as we honor our 2016 graduates. The Tracy Heidenfelder Memorial Scholarship will also be presented. Please Note: Summer hours begin on July 5th thru Sept 5th. Liturgy will begin at 9:00am. There will be coffee and light refreshments served on most Sundays. Formal coffee hours will begin on Sept. 12th. MAY - JUNE 2016 SUN *Shaded areas indicate days of fasting MON TUES WED 5 FRI 6 SAT MAY 1 2 3 Resurrection of our Lord PASCHA Bright Monday Bright Tuesday Divine Liturgy, 9am Divine Liturgy, 9am Divine Liturgy, 9am 8 9 10 11 Mother’s Day Celebration - men of St. Nicholas Divine Liturgy, 9am 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 Blessing of Baskets Agape Vespers, 6PM 4 THUR 7 Divine Liturgy, 10am 12 *No Services (CN Cabin Blessings!) Divine Liturgy, 9am Great Vespers, 6 PM 13 14 *No Services Great Vespers, 6 PM Team Kitchen Cousins 22 First Confession & Communion for Rebecca Clemente Light coffee hour in #2 Hall 29 Divine Liturgy, 9am (Sts Cyril & Methodius) 30 31 JUNE 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Grave Blessings at Mt. Olivet DIY Coffee Hour 5 Light coffee hour in #2 Hall Ascension 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 1 2 Graduation Party Apostles Fast begins Golden Jewels Day of Celebration & Joy 19 Pentecost Father’s Day Celebration TRZASKA FUNERAL HOME, INC. ALEXANDER MARCHAK, JR. – Licensed Funeral Director & Owner Services available whenever and wherever needed 1275 - 65th St (Corner of 13th Ave), BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11219 Family Owned & Operated since 1924 Large Parking Area 718-748-4860 FOLLOW THE DIOCESE ONLINE: Diocesan Website: Camp Nazareth: Facebook: Twitter: You Tube: JUST FOR FUN! THE PATH THROUGH HOLY WEEK 11 10 Matthew 27: 57-61 Matthew 27: 45 9 Matthew 27: 32-44 6 7 Matthew 26: 69-75 8 Matthew 27: 11-14 5 Matthew 27: 29 Use the Bible verses to get the right answer Matthew 26: 50-56 4 3 Matthew 26: 46-49 2 Matthew 26: 36-46 Matthew 26: 26-30 1 PALM S UNDAY START Christ is put on the Cross Matthew 28: 1-11 Christ prays in Gethsemene Christ is wrapped in a linen cloth Christ is questioned by Pilate Christ cleans up the temple There is darkness at noon Judas kisses Christ Christ is arrested Matthew 21: 12-17 Cut out squares and glue them on the path in the correct order Christ & His Disciples eat together Christ gets a crown of thorns Peter denies knowing Christ EggCELLENT JOKES Q. Why did the Easter egg hide? A. He was a little chicken! Q. What did the father egg do when the mother egg told a joke? A. He cracked up! Q. What stories does the kids like best? A. The ones with happy eggings! Q. What kind of stories do rabbits like best? A. Ones with hoppy endings. Q. What do you call a mischievous egg? A. A practical yolker Q. What did the eggs do when the light turned green? A. They egg-cellerated. Q. How did the eggs leave the highway? A. They went through the “Eggs”- it. Q. How do you find a missing Easter basket? A. Eggs marks the spot! Q. What are you when you are tired of egg jokes? A. Egg-zosted! AN eggCELLENT TONGUE TWISTER So she bought a bit of butter Betty Babka bought some butter Better than her bitter butter But she said this butter's bitter She put it in her paska batter If I put it in my paska batter And her batter was not bitter. It will make my batter bitter, So it was better Betty Babka But a bit of better butter Will surely make my paska better. Bought a bit of better butter. “LEARN ABOUT PYSANKY” COLORING PAGE Plants (flowers, leaves and fruit) and the world of nature can be found on a lot of pysanky. These eggs are thought to help guarantee a good harvest. Pysanky often have on them symbols of heavenly objects, including the sun, the moon and the stars. Pysanky often include pictures of deer, rams, horses, birds, fish, and insects, usually more abstract. Can you see the butterfly wings? Among the most popular (and most ancient) pysanky designs are simple geometric figures. The egg itself is most often divided by straight lines into squares, triangles and other shapes. Crosses come in different shapes. They always represent the Christian faith. Triangles are the Holy Trinity. DESIGN YOUR OWN PYSANKY SYMBOLS ON PYSANKY Wheat Crosses Sun Holy Trinity Ribbons Ladder Pine Needles Good Health Christ or 4 Life, fortune Everlasting Prayer – path Health & Good Harvest Corners World growth Life & Water to heaven Youth Saw Fire, Heat Net Christ/”Fishers Birds Deer, Horses Getting your Wealth & Fish Christians Mary’s Tears Curls Protection Roses Diamonds Love & Caring Knowledge Pysanky Color Meaning Light and rejoicing YELLOW Harvest and Sun GOLD Spirituality and wisdom ORANGE Endurance, strength PINK Success, contentment GREEN Spring, health, and hope RED Divine love and passion of Christ, sun and fire BLUE The sky or the air, and good health, truth PURPLE Fasting, faith, trust BROWN Mother Earth and her bountiful gifts; harvest BLACK Center of the Earth, the darkest time before dawn.