April 2016 - Kingston Chase
April 2016 - Kingston Chase
www.KCHOA.org Page 1 April 2016 Kingston Chase Crier Vol. 16: Issue No: 04 A KCHOA Publication Clearview 5K / One Mile Fun Run C learview Elementary School will hold its 5K/1 Mile Race on May 7. The race will start promptly at 8:00 a.m., but intersections will be blocked before that time (Sadlers Wells Drive and Builders Road and Hiddenbrook Drive and Builders Road). Please be careful as 80% of the participants are kids. You do not have to be a Clearview Elementary student to participate. Adults and children from the neighborhood and surrounding communities are encouraged to join! A water stop will be located at Sadlers Wells Drive and Fantasia Drive and will serve both the 5K and One Mile. www.KCHOA.org April 2016 HOA Assessment Due April 1 T he 2016 annual assessment in the amount of $342 is due April 1. Mail payment and the database sheet to KCHOA, P.O. Box 332, Herndon, VA 20172. Please contact Lydia at kchoa.mgmt@gmail.com with any questions. mark your calendar Kingston Chase Spring Yard Sale May 21 8:00 a.m. The planners need lots of volunteers to make this “must-have” event happen, so please consider volunteering. There are jobs for everyone! Opportunities include before race day, on race day, and after the race. There are lots of spots for kids in need of community service hours. Visit http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0844AAA82D6-clearview for more information or to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Platt by e-mail at amyplatt@gmail.com. Hiddenbrook Drive Traffic Calming Update – Volunteers Needed! F ollowing the Hiddenbrook Home Owner Association (HOA) community meeting in October, the Hiddenbrook Drive Traffic Calming Team decided to pause until spring rather than rush into a joint community vote in Hiddenbrook and Kingston Chase during the busy holiday and very snowy winter season. During the break, several team members dropped out due to job changes and moving out of the area. Therefore, new volunteers are needed so there are sufficient resources to complete the evaluation of resident feedback properly and decide whether or not to move forward to a community vote (possibly in June). This is not a Kingston Chase initiative, but our input is needed because our HOA also utilizes Hiddenbrook Drive extensively. Remaining tasks include: 1. Evaluate community feedback received during and after the October community meeting. 2. Contact Supervisor Foust’s office and determine if a second community meeting is allowed by their rules since time has gone by and there will be new team members. 3. Coordinate and spread the word to residents of Hiddenbrook and Kingston Chase. 4. Prepare ballots for mailing (if a vote takes place) per rules set forth by Fairfax County. All ballots must be sent to Supervisor Foust’s office for verification and counting. A website has been created to post all the documents for this effort and responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Visit the website at https://sites.google.com/site/trafficcalmhiddenbrook/home for the documents, schedule, and other information. The team is not affiliated with the HOAs of either Hiddenbrook or Kingston Chase. It is a volunteer group of residents who are working directly with Supervisor Foust’s office and the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, following their process for evaluating, informing, and coordinating a possible community vote. Those who are interested in helping, and those who have questions, may e-mail slowdownhiddenbrookdrive@gmail.com. Thank you! www.KCHOA.org Page 2 April 2016 Kingston Chase Home Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes of March 14, 2016 Call to Order Board President Andy Cassell called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. Board members present: Jen Baez, Kerry Buss, Joe Seeger, and Deke Smith. Others present: Lydia Olechna, Administrative Assistant; Pete Banks, Neighborhood Watch; Buzz Rider, resident. Secretary’s Report – February minutes were approved as published in the March Crier. Treasurer’s Report – There is $179,508 in checking and $234,193 in CDs. Member Business -– Buzz Rider recommended that the Board raise HOA dues according to yearly CPI. Andy explained the CPI this year changed by less than $1 per household so the board elected not to raise the assessment. Buzz also offered to stain the wooden ramps to the clubhouse and continue to clean its gutters as he volunteers to do every year. Committee Reports ARC – There were 3 applications submitted in February, all approved. Walk through is almost complete. Buildings and Maintenance – The heat pump was serviced and is running well. Landscape – Some new landscaping will go in around the new deck at the pool. Children’s Corner – No report. Conservation Corps – No report. Neighborhood Watch – Landscaping/pruning that took place on the Loudoun County side of Crestview Drive revealed graffiti on the back of Kingston Chase homeowners’ fences. Newsletter – No report. Pool – See Old Business. Social – The Brewfest is planned for Saturday, March 19, and the Easter Egg Hunt is planned for Sunday, March 20. Swim Team – See New Business. Tennis – No report. Website – No report. Welcome – Three homes were welcomed. Old Business Pond report: quarterly cleaning to clear the outlet will take place in May. Rear pool deck is almost finished. Pool construction: most of the pool walls are in good shape. The wall on the south side had a crack due to serious water issues on the wall’s back side. To solve this and prevent major maintenance issues in the future, two 18”x18” catch basins and a French drain will be installed to run east along the south side of the pool to catch and re-route water runoff. The pool renovation is still projected to come in under budget. The Board is moving forward with redesigning the Kingston Chase logo. The proposed sidewalk extension from Sadlers Wells Drive to Hiddenbrook Drive was deemed too expensive and will not move forward. The Board voted to approve the 2016 Pool Rules. The KCHOA website redesign is in progress. New Business Swim Team: approximately 100 swimmers are expected this year. Registration Open House will take place on May 17. Evening practices begin the Tuesday after Memorial Day. The first league swim meet is June 18. The meet and practice schedule will be finalized by the beginning of May. The Board voted to keep reserve amount in operation budget until current expenses have been paid. Meeting adjourned to closed session at 8:43 p.m. for the purpose of discussing unpaid dues. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Submitted by Kerry Buss, Secretary www.KCHOA.org Page 3 April 2016 Kingston Chase Meetings Architectural Review Committee Tuesday, April 5, 7:30 p.m. Board of Directors Monday, April 11, 7:30 p.m. Meetings are held at the KCHOA clubhouse by the pool and begin promptly at their scheduled time. Children’s Corner Children’s Corner is comprised of neighborhood moms and their children who get together and share play time activities, learning experiences, and an occasional night out for moms without the kids. Contact Maureen Morgan via e-mail at maureenmorgan913@gmail.com with any questions or ideas for activities. Visit the Bulletin Board at www.kchoa.org for any schedule changes or updates. April Activities Tennis Court Monday, April 4, 9:30 a.m. Playgroup at Ellie's house, 12813 Flagship Avenue To obtain the combination for the lock to the tennis court, please call Heather Kapushoc at 703-668-0484. Thursday, April 14, 10:00 a.m. Playgroup at Carolina's house, 1604 Blacksmith Lane. If you would like to serve as chairperson of the Tennis Court, please e-mail kchoa.mgmt@gmail.com for details. Sunday, April 17, 10:30 a.m. Playgroup at Karen's house, 12718 Fantasia Drive Please lock the gate securely when you leave, and take any trash and personal belongings with you. Saturday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. Mom's Night Out Not Your Average Joe's in Reston. RSVP to Maureen. Tuesday, April 26th at 10am Playgroup at Christin's house, 12619 Builders Road. Conservation Corps Please join the Conservation Corps at its next meeting on Wednesday, April 13, at 8:00 p.m. at 1710 Fantasia Circle. E-mail conservation@kchoa.org to RSVP. Please keep Kingston Chase clean by doing your part to pick up and dispose of trash properly. The club will be discussing upcoming events and activities, including the spring clean-up, Earth Day, upkeep of the Butterfly Garden, and other projects of interest to the club and the neighborhood. Cub Scout Pack 1570 Mother’s Day Flower Sale T he annual Cub Scout Pack 1570 Mother’s Day Flower Sale will be held on May 7 from 7:30 a.m. until noon. A new grower is being introduced this year, with exciting new merchandise and a fantastic selection. Come see what Cub Scout Pack 1570 has for your garden and your mom! Please e-mail Jennifer Durham at jdurha@aol.com with any questions. Effort Underway to Keep Pond Clean P lease remember that any debris, trash, recycling, and the like that is on our streets will be washed down the storm drains directly to the stream and pond next to and behind the pool, and possibly into the Folly Lick stream. A concerted effort is being made by the Herndon Crossing homeowners and Fairfax County to clean up the pond. If you see any trash that may wash down the storm drains, please pick it up and put it in a trash can so it can be taken to the landfill. Thank you for any help you can provide. www.KCHOA.org Page 4 April 2016 Architectural Review Committee The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) met on March 1 to review the following applications: Lot 158 343 427 Approved Replace siding, gutter and shutters. Replace exterior door. Replace fence. Please submit ARC application forms by mail (prior to the next scheduled meeting) to: KCHOA ARC, P.O. Box 221, Herndon, VA 20172. Applications for external alterations cannot be approved outside of the approval cycle, except in cases of an emergency, and must be approved before work begins. If you have any questions, please e-mail to kchoa.arc@gmail.com. The ARC meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Kingston Chase clubhouse. All homeowners with applications are encouraged to attend. The application form and Guidelines can be viewed and downloaded off the web at: www.KCHOA.org. Reserving the Clubhouse T o reserve the Kingston Chase Clubhouse for your small party or meeting, please contact Lydia by e-mail at kchoa.mgmt@gmail.com. To assist in your planning, visit the Kingston Chase homepage at www.kchoa.org to view the 2016 monthly Clubhouse Calendar. All reservations must be confirmed prior to the activity commencing, even for internal Kingston Chase club or committee meetings. The Kingston Chase Board of Directors meet on the second Monday of every month at the clubhouse adjacent to the pool. Meetings begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. All homeowners and residents are invited and encouraged to attend. Thank you! ARC T hank you VERY much to all of the residents who volunteered for a walk through route this year. Many hands make light work, as the saying goes, and thanks to all of you it was yet again a smooth process! The walk through is complete and the resulting violation letters will be mailed in the early part of April. There are some issues many homes have in common: -- moss growth/dirt on siding -- trash cans stored where visible from the street -- decorative lights still up -- mailbox in need of attention (broken, not on appropriate post, rusty, etc.) -- overgrowth (of tree limbs, shrubbery, etc.) onto sidewalk While some of these issues are more severe than others, regular attention to all of them contributes to keeping our neighborhood a safe and desirable place to live. Please take care of any ARC violations within 30 days of the postmark as required and if you need assistance or clarification on an issue, do not hesitate to contact Kerry Buss at kchoa.arc@gmail.com. Questions? Concerns? Applications? Please attend an ARC meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. Applications for review can also be e-mailed to kchoa.arc@gmail.com or mailed to KCHOA ARC, P.O. Box 221, Herndon, VA 20172. (Please email URGENT applications.) www.KCHOA.org Page 5 April 2016 Conservation Corps “Nature in Kingston Chase” Photography Contest C ongratulations to all of the photographers who entered this year's contest! Once again you presented the beauty and thriving nature of our community in interesting and creative ways. We all benefit from seeing nature through your eyes. Thank you for sharing your perspective with us! Please keep sharing your photos. The 2016 “Nature in Kingston Chase” Photo contest is underway, so please send photos to conservation@kchoa.org. Overall Winner Overall Runner-Up Brady Golomb, Red Clouds Ellen Claff, Butterfly on Echinacea 2 Animalia Winner Animalia Runner-Up Paul Short, Squirrel Joel Ross, Praying Mantis Neighbors and Nature Winner Neighbors and Nature Runner-Up Maria B., Two Birds in a Bush Maria B., The Elusive Hummingbird Winter Winner Brady Golomb, Red Clouds Spring Winner Paul Short, Bee on Dandelion Summer Winner Summer Runner-Up Paul Short, Changing Seasons Ellen Claff, Butterfly on Butterfly Bush Fall Winner Fall Runner-Up Christine Auslander, Trail Christine Auslander, Red Bush Best Spontaneous Photograph Christine Auslander, Pink Fire Sunrise Best Junior Photographer Brady Golomb, Red Clouds Honorable Mentions Joel Ross, Dogwood Leaves Paul Short, Bluebird Ellen Claff, Grasshopper on Celosia Maria B., Monarch on Zinnia Maria B., Monarch on Pink Zinnia Overall Winner – Brady Golomb Animalia Winner – Paul Short Neighbors and Nature Winner – Maria B. Overall Runner-Up – Ellen Claff Animalia Runner-Up – Joel Ross Winners and Runners-Up will have their photographs displayed in the clubhouse on Saturday, April 23, at the Kingston Chase neighborhood Earth Day Celebration. All entries may be viewed online at kcconservation.blogspot.com. www.KCHOA.org Page 6 Earth Day Mower Maintenance and Tool Sharpening A well-tuned mower is more efficient and cuts grass blades cleaner, creating a healthier lawn. The Kingston Chase Conservation Corps has arranged for AJ’s Mobile Repair Service to be at our neighborhood’s Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 23, to tune up your mower! They are also able to sharpen some garden tools for an additional fee. Not all tools sharpen well, but Jason from AJ’s will advise which tools would benefit. AJ’s is offering a discounted price of $80. We will schedule as many appointments as we can that day, but AJ’s Mobile Repair will honor the discounted price for services scheduled through this Earth Day promotion. The experts from AJ’s will: Replace the spark plug and air filter Change the oil and oil filter, if equipped Sharpen and balance the blade or replace it, if needed Clean underside of the deck from grass build up and debris Lube all cables and inspect for proper function Adjust the valve clearance (OHV only) Re-torque the cylinder head bolts Adjust and inspect the drive system for proper function Grease all pivot points If you are interested in scheduling your lawn mower for a detailed tune-up, e-mail Betsy Kiker at ekiker@verizon.net. Betsy will contact you with specific information and instructions. For any questions relating to mower repairs, contact Jason at AJ’s Mobile Repair Service at 703-987-4214. April 2016 Swim Team Registration Open House Scheduled for May 17 N ow that winter is behind us, it is a good time to start planning what your children will do this summer. If you have never considered it, what about having them join the Kingston Chase Swim Team? Year after year, Swim Team has proven to be an excellent summer activity, providing skills and benefits that last a lifetime. Swim Team is a great reason to get out of bed in the early morning, and it provides measurable, tangible goals for your children to set. Since Swim Team is both an individual and a team sport, your children will enjoy the competition and the camaraderie of practice and swim meets. Also, Swim Team is a family affair that everyone will enjoy! Swimming is a rigorous sport, well worth the hard work and perseverance. Kingston Chase will hold its Swim Team Open House on Tuesday, May 17. Residents may stop by the clubhouse any time between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this important Open House. The purpose of the Open House is to answer any questions for new families, assist with registration and the purchase of team swim suits, and to distribute Kingston Chase Fighters t-shirts. If possible, residents should pre-register and pay on-line at: www.kcfighters.swim-team.us. Please contact Keary Buhler at kearybuhler@hotmail.com or 703-437-9164 or Andrea Yerovi at yerovija@verizon.net or 703-787-3860 with any questions. Evening Practice will begin on Tuesday, May 31. (continued from page 5) Summer Winner – Paul Short Fall Winner – Christine Auslander www.KCHOA.org & Page 7 Please send an e-mail to crier@kchoa.org with any lost and found items. Also, please check the Bulletin Board at www.kchoa.org for lost and found items or other important HOA news. April 2016 Dona I. Wijayarathne Fantasia Drive 703-481-8766 E-mail: littlepetals@cox.net VA State Licensed * CPR / First Aid Certified * USDA Food Program N eighborhood Watch is a committee of homeowners that monitors reports of vandalism or criminal activity in the neighborhood. Everyone is asked and expected to serve as the eyes and ears of the neighborhood, keeping a lookout for unusual or suspicious activity. When in doubt, please send an e-mail to Neighborhood Watch about your concern. If appropriate, call the Fairfax County Police non-emergency number at 703-691-2131 or call 911 for urgent matters. Contact Pete Banks, Neighborhood Watch Chairperson, at 703-209-3004 or via e-mail at kchoa.watch@gmail.com to report any incidents. Also call Pete if you would like to be added to the Neighborhood Watch e-mail distribution list to receive timely e-mail alerts about incidents that are reported during the month. www.KCHOA.org Page 8 April 2016 www.KCHOA.org Page 9 R&M Jim & Janie Houde YOUR PERSONAL CRUISE SPECIALISTS 12606 Little Stones Lane Herndon, VA 20170 Telephone: (703) 437-4280 Toll Free: (877) 437-4280 Email: jhoude@cruiseone.com Web: www.cruiseone.com/jhoude INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED April 2016 CLEANING SERVICES RELIABLE EXPERIENCED GOOD REFERENCES FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING REASONABLE RATES WE BRING OUR OWN EQUIPMENT Free In-home Estimate Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly or Occasionally Move-in or Move-out Office Call MARYEN or RAUL at 703-321-5335 Honest Neighborhood Mechanic 20+ years experience Low rates / Licensed / House calls Free consultation / Work guaranteed Matt – 571-314-1414 e-mail: matt@100000miles.com Trinity Presbyterian Preschool TWIN GRASS CUTTING SERVICE $20 per lawn Also: Prepare ground for small vegetable garden 703-435-9744 (home) 202-262-8684 (cell) lesnikmich@hotmail.com (email) 651 Dranesville Road, Herndon www.trinityherndon.org Offering morning classes for children ages 2.9 to 5 years with optional lunch bunch extension. For more information or to schedule a tour, please call: 703-437-1080 www.KCHOA.org Page 10 April 2016 www.KCHOA.org Page 11 Welcome to the Neighborhood! Marybeth Henry 12705 Taustin Lane Mark and Megan Klinker 12651 Fantasia Drive If you are new to Kingston Chase and have not yet received a welcome packet, please send an e-mail to info@kchoa.org and someone will see that you get one. Please fill out and return the database sheet so that you receive any KCHOA correspondence. KC Neighbor Herndon, VA 20170 E-mail the Crier at crier@kchoa.org April 2016 Kingston Chase Home Owners Association Board of Directors* ‘18 President Andrew Cassell 703-468-1782 me@andrewcassell.com ‘18 Vice President Kevin Woolf kevinwoolf@me.com ‘18 Secretary Kerry Buss kchoa.arc@gmail.com ‘17 Treasurer Chris Buley 703-796-0841 cbuley@yahoo.com ‘16 Randall Schrock 703-376-8125 randall.schrock@gmail.com ‘16 Joe Seeger 703-318-3287 joe.seeger.kc@gmail.com ‘16 Deke Smith 703-481-9573 deke@dksic.com ‘16 Todd Waldrop 571-217-3627 todd.waldrop@wspgroup.com ‘17 Jen Baez 703-709-1326 jenbaez@verizon.net ‘17 Mike Klinker 703-435-2337 mmklinker@yahoo.com ‘17 Jack McDonald 703-834-0717 jhmcdonald1@verizon.net * Board terms are for three consecutive years and expire on December 31st of the year noted. Committee Chairpersons Admin. Assistant ARC Buildings/Landscape Neighborhood Watch Newsletter Editor Pool Social Tennis Website Welcome Lydia Olechna Kerry Buss Mike Klinker Pete Banks Ruthie Rosati Deke Smith Heather Kapushoc Heather Kapushoc Ruthie Rosati Erin Sager Book Club Children’s Corner Conservation Corp Swim Team Swim Team Betsy Kiker Maureen Morgan Jane Hampson Keary Buhler Andrea Yerovi 703-435-2337 703-209-3004 703-481-4347 703-481-9573 703-668-0484 703-668-0484 703-481-4347 703-785-4768 kchoa.mgmt@gmail.com kchoa.arc@gmail.com mmklinker@yahoo.com kchoa.watch@gmail.com crier@kchoa.org deke@dksic.com hkapushoc@gmail.com hkapushoc@gmail.com crier@kchoa.org erinsager@outlook.com Club Chairpersons Seller’s Packet If you are selling your Kingston Chase home, you or your real estate agent will need to purchase the HOA “Seller’s Packet” for closing. For more information or to obtain a copy, please e-mail info@kchoa.org. The packet costs $125 and must be obtained before closing can occur. 703-787-0128 703-989-6570 703-481-7903 703-437-9164 703-787-3860 ekiker@verizon.net maureenmorgan913@gmail.com conservation@kchoa.org kearybuhler@hotmail.com yerovija@verizon.net To discuss any questions or concerns, please contact the relevant Club or Committee Chairperson. Homeowners are welcome at the monthly Board meetings held the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse adjacent to the pool. Advertising Disclaimer KCHOA does not endorse any of the advertisements or services offered in the Crier. Residents are encouraged to check references or take other precautions to ensure that expectations are met. Anyone who would like to place an ad in the Crier should send an e-mail to crier@kchoa.org for more information. New Baby? Is there a new addition to your family? If so, the Welcome Committee has a special gift for you. Please e-mail info@kchoa.org with your stork information and an HOA representative will deliver your gift and announce the happy news in the Crier. The deadline for the May issue of the Kingston Chase Crier is April 15. Crier Advertisement Rates: $5.00 for 20 words $10.00 for a business card scan $25.00 for a quarter of a page $45.00 for half a page $75.00 for a full page Take 10% off for a full year paid in advance. Please contact Ruthie Rosati, newsletter editor, at 703-481-4347 or by e-mail at crier@kchoa.org with news, announcements, photographs, or advertisements. Payment for advertisements can be mailed to: KCHOA, P.O. Box 332, Herndon, VA 20172 www.KCHOA.org Kingston Chase HOA Page 12 April 2016 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RESTON VA PERMIT NO 238 P.O. Box 332 Herndon, VA 20172 Return Service Requested April 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2016 HOA Assessment Due 2 Folly Lick Stream Clean-Up - 9:00 a.m. 8 9 3 4 Playgroup at Ellie’s - 9:30 a.m. 5 ARC Meeting 7:30 p.m. 6 7 10 11 Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. 12 13 Conservation Corps 8:00 p.m. 14 Playgroup at 15 Carolina’s - 10:00 a.m. 16 Deadline - May Crier 17 Playgroup at Karen’s - 10:30 a.m. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Earth Day in the Butterfly Garden Playgroup Mom’s Night Out - 7:30 p.m. 24 25 26 Playgroup at Christin’s - 10:00 a.m. 27 28 29 See the Children’s Corner on page 3 for details regarding Playgroup activities. 30
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