October 2011 - Kingston Chase
October 2011 - Kingston Chase
www.KCHOA.org Page 1 October 2011 Kingston Chase Crier Vol. 11: Issue No: 10 A KCHOA Publication www.KCHOA.org October 2011 Kids of all Ages are Invited to the Kingston Chase to Celebrate Parade and Magic Show Saturday, October 22, 3:00 p.m. K ingston Chase will celebrate its first ever Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 22, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on the grounds and parking lot near the pool. Oktoberfest, a German beer festival tradition, is normally held near the end of September, but Kingston Chase will mark its last outdoor celebration before winter sets in by holding this fun event. The festivities will include games, music, and fun! There will also be beer, brats, and hotdogs! Everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish and/or dessert to share. If you would like to volunteer, please e-mail Chris Buley at cbuley@yahoo.com. Saturday, October 29, 10:30 a.m. G et ready for one of the most anticipated Kingston Chase events that will be held this year — the always-fun Halloween Parade and Magic Show! The festivities will be held on Saturday, October 29, where the parade will leave the pool parking lot at 10:30 a.m. Children and their parents are encouraged to dress in a Halloween costume and join in the parade. The Magic Show will be held afterwards, with homemade refreshments and other treats being served. Volunteers who are willing to help bake refreshments should e-mail Heather Kapushoc at hkapushoc@gmail.com. Natural Disasters Come to Kingston Chase F irst, a hail storm came through Kingston Chase unexpectedly the afternoon of August 18. Then, equally unexpectedly, an earthquake shook the east coast around 1:50 p.m. on August 23. After that, a tame Hurricane Irene blew through the area the weekend of August 27-28. Then, not be outdone, a Tropical Storm saturated the region with torrential rains on September 8, flooding streams and creeks, seeping into basements, and closing area schools. The Sugarland stream that runs under and through much of Kingston Chase had the sounds of a roaring river, with water levels coming close to topping the large underground sewer drains. Behind the pool, the retention pond overflowed its banks and became a dangerous cesspool of muddy and swirling water. Kingston Chase kids pose near the retention pond that is normally very shallow at the end of a typical dry summer with little rain. The picture at left was taken by Rosemary Buley near the height of the flooding. She also captured the pool parking lot before the water receded. (See additional photos on page 6.) www.KCHOA.org Page 2 October 2011 Kingston Chase Home Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2011 Call to Order President Silvio Krvaric called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Board members present were: Chris Buley, Andrew Cassell, Mike Klinker, Jack McDonald, Deke Smith, and Jane Storey. Others present: Lydia Olechna, administrative assistant; Ruthie Rosati, newsletter; Heather Kapushoc, social; and Kara Rosenwald, Children’s Corner. Secretary’s Report – August minutes accepted as submitted in the September Crier. Treasurer’s Report – There is $53,150 in checking and $223,399 in CDs. There are 4 unpaid dues remaining for 2011. Member Business – Kara Rosenwald brought up the deteriorated condition of the path off Sadlers Wells Drive near Taustin Lane that leads to Clearview Elementary School. The path is not on KCHOA common grounds, but rather is county owned. Committee Reports ARC – Eight applications were submitted; all approved. Buildings and Maintenance – No report. Children’s Corner – Playgroup is going to have more weekend events to try and involve more working families. Kara Rosenwald is the new chair. Conservation Corps – No report. Landscape – A fence was installed between Crestview Drive and Fantasia Drive at the Flagship Avenue intersection path. Neighborhood Watch – A young man was bitten by a dog on Flagship Avenue while out jogging. Newsletter – No report. Pool – Dog Day at the Pool is scheduled for September 17. Social – The annual Fall Yard Sale is scheduled for September 24. Oktoberfest is planned for October 22. The Halloween Parade and Magic Show is scheduled for October 29. Swim Team – No report. Tennis – Kids tennis lessons are scheduled on Mondays for the next 7 weeks. Website – No report. Welcome – No new welcomes. Women’s Club – No report. New Business The Board asked Heather Kapushoc to follow up with the PTA at Clearview Elementary in regards to the walkway at Sadlers Drive Wells and Taustin Lane that leads to/from Clearview Elementary. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 8:20 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Submitted by Andrew Cassell, Secretary ________ Agenda items for Board meetings are always welcome. Please e-mail items to info@kchoa.org a week prior to the scheduled meeting. The Board meets the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse adjacent to the pool. All homeowners and residents are invited to attend. www.KCHOA.org Page 3 October 2011 Kingston Chase Meetings Architectural Review Committee Tuesday, October 4, 7:30 p.m. Board of Directors Monday, October 10, 7:30 p.m. Meetings are held at the KCHOA clubhouse by the pool and begin promptly at their scheduled time. Children’s Corner Children’s Corner is a group of neighborhood moms and their children who get together and share play time activities and learning experiences. Please call Kara Rosenwald at 703-437-6141 if you have any questions about Children’s Corner or for more information about playgroup activities, Mom’s Day or Night Out, or the Babysitting Co-Op. October Activities Conservation Corps The Conservation Corps will hold its monthly meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12, at the home of Jane Hampson, 1710 Fantasia Circle. The club will discuss plans to winterize the Butterfly Garden and talk further about preparing birdseed. Please RSVP to conservation@kchoa.org or call Jane at 703-481-7903. Tennis Court To obtain the combination for the lock to the tennis court, please call Greg or Bonne Arnold at 703-435-3267. Please lock the gate securely when you leave, and please remember to take any trash and personal belongings with you. Women’s Club New members are always welcome! Ladies of the neighborhood are invited to join the Women’s Club on Monday, October 3, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Linda Berberian, 12806 Flagship Avenue. The club will enjoy its traditional potluck. Please call Linda at 703-437-6533 to RSVP and to let her know what you will bring. The Women’s Club meets the first Monday of each month, except where a holiday or other conflict occurs. Ladies gather at a member’s home or favorite restaurant to share friendship, catch up on good times and bad, and take a well-deserved respite from their hectic schedules. Sunday, October 2, 11:00 a.m. Meet at the Clearview Playground. Bring scooters, bikes, balls, etc. Monday, October 17, 1:30 p.m. Playgroup at Jo's house, 12726 Builders Road. Tuesday, October 18, 8:00 p.m. Mom's Night Out Uncle Julio's for Margaritas! 1827 Library Street, Reston Town Center RSVP to Amy at amy_schrock@hotmail.com. Wednesday, October 19, 10:00 a.m. Playgroup at Karina's house, 12705 Taustin Lane. Saturday, October 22, Time TBD Dad's Day Out Hogback Mountain Paintball RSVP to Randy at Randall.Schrock@gmail.com. Wednesday, October 26, 9:30 a.m. Playgroup at Amy's house, 12723 Taustin Lane. Bring ride-on toys, scooters and bikes (weather permitting). Friday, October 28, 4:00 p.m. Halloween Costume Party at Donna's, 12710 Builders Road. RSVP to Amy at amy_schrock@hotmail.com. Book Club The Kingston Chase Book Club meets monthly to discuss fiction or nonfiction selections. Members take turns selecting a book and hosting the meeting on a night of their choosing. Please contact Betsy Kiker at 703-787-0128 or via e-mail at ekiker@verizon.net if you are interested in learning more about the Book Club and finding out what they are up to. www.KCHOA.org Page 4 October 2011 Architectural Review Committee The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) met on September 8 to review the following applications: Lot 135 150 163 180 286 350 447 485 Approved Replace gutters, soffit, and wrap fascia board (color to match existing). Build 10’x10’ wooden shed on back left corner of property. Replace gutters with same style and color. Replace nine windows. Paint shutters black. Build retaining wall, widen driveway 2 feet on each side, extend right side of driveway to the side of house. Replace siding, soffits. All corner posts standard size, white. All trim, fascia, frieze and rake boards capped, sunny maye color. Replace siding (silver grey) and shutters (grey). Add storm door and maintenance on existing bricks. Please submit ARC application forms by mail (prior to the next scheduled meeting) to: KCHOA ARC, P.O. Box 221, Herndon, VA 20172. Applications cannot be approved outside of the approval cycle, except in cases of an emergency, and must be approved before work begins. If you have any questions, send an e-mail to kchoa-arc@thegaffeys.com or call Sri Sankarapu at 703-481-2362. The ARC meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Kingston Chase clubhouse. All homeowners with applications are encouraged to attend. The application form and Guidelines can be viewed and downloaded off the web at: www.KCHOA.org. N eighborhood Watch is a committee of homeowners that monitors and coordinates reports of vandalism or criminal activity in the neighborhood. All residents serve as the “eyes and ears” of Kingston Chase and should report incidents to Matt Kucik at 703-707-9197 or via e-mail at kcnw@verizon.net. Where appropriate, reports should also be made to the Fairfax County Police non-emergency number at 703-691-2131. Call 911 for urgent matters. Anyone interested in joining Neighborhood Watch or being added to an e-mail distribution list should contact Matt. The following report was submitted last month: A young adult male was bitten by a dog while jogging on Flagship Avenue on the afternoon of Sunday, September 11. Neighborhood Watch is a 24/7 effort aimed at combating major crime and petty vandalism in the neighborhood. From speeding vehicles and mailbox bashings to tampering with vehicles and breaking into residences, neighbors are asked to be ever vigilant in looking out for unusual events and strange behavior. No one should tackle a crime head on, but instead call the non-emergency or emergency number of the Fairfax County Police. p lant of the month Featured Plant: Virginia Sweetspire T he Itea Virginica, more commonly known as Virginia Sweetspire, is a medium-sized shrub with a second act of beautiful red foliage in the fall from October through December. Its first act includes sweeps of white blossoms in summer from June through July. The fall color is dependent upon sun levels, with leaves turning crimson in full sun and yellow or orange in shadier conditions. This plant is highly adaptable to both sun or shade and wet or dry soil. Virginia Sweetspire is a low maintenance plant with no serious disease or pest concerns. It will stay fairly small, making it well suited for residential landscapes and the perfect plant for a busy homeowner. Butterflies are especially attracted to the plant since it serves as a nectar source. www.KCHOA.org Page 5 October 2011 Election For Board of Directors K ingston Chase will hold its annual election for the Board of Directors on Monday, December 12, at the Annual Meeting of the Homeowners. To prepare for the elections, the Board asks anyone who is interested in serving on the Board to submit a brief biography introducing themselves to the neighborhood. Bios must be submitted before November 15 so they may be included in the December Crier alongside the ballot. The Board term is 3 years beginning January 1, 2012, and continuing through December 31, 2014. There will be three openings, and may include incumbent Board members wishing to step down. This is an excellent opportunity for homeowners to serve the neighborhood and its residents. With all the assets and activities that Kingston Chase enjoys — a swimming pool, tennis court, clubhouse, social events, newsletter, Architectural Review Committee, clubs and its various common grounds — the Board of Directors are vital as they work together to make decisions that benefit the HOA, its properties, and its activities. The Board of Directors meet promptly on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse adjacent to the pool. Agenda items include club and committee reports, old and new business, ARC matters, finances, and other issues. Please submit a note of interest and accompanying bio via email to info@kchoa.org. Thank you! Reserving the Clubhouse T o reserve the Kingston Chase Clubhouse for your small party or meeting, contact Lydia Olechna at 703-435-2820 or via e-mail at lydiaolechna@gmail.com. To assist in your planning, visit the homepage at www.kchoa.org to view the current monthly Clubhouse Calendar. All reservations must be confirmed prior to the activity commencing, even for internal Kingston Chase club or committee business. Tips for Not Feeding the Rats Tips on Getting Rid of Things T here is a wealth and variety of facts, claims, and scams on the Internet regarding rodents in suburban settings, however, the following websites offer reliable information. For lots of information about rats, rat infestations, and rat prevention/control, visit http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74106.html. Visit http://www.wildlifedamagecontrol.net/feedbirdsnotsquirrels. php for information on animal-proofing your bird feeder. Visit http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/compost/ratsincompost.htm for tips on keeping rats out of your compost pile. idn't sell that old computer from grad school during the KC Yard Sale? Have a garage full of old cans of paint and a closet full of old but acceptable clothing? The Conservation Corps reminds all homeowners that it is easy to recycle many items through online sites such as Freecycle or Craigslist. Unbroken fluorescent bulbs may be taken to Home Depot. Leftover interior house paint can be donated to a local artist. Contact Jane Hampson at janiebird1@cox.net or call 703-481-7903 for details. Hulled bird seed treated with capsaicin (from peppers) is one way to deter rats from your bird feeder. Squirrel Away, a product that is made with capsaicin powder, is about $3 for enough to treat 25 pounds of bird seed. It is available at The Bird Feeder in Reston and at Ace Hardware stores. Directions for use are on the back of the package, but here are some additional tips: If you are in doubt about an item to dump or recycle, visit the Fairfax County website at www.fairfaxcounty.gov and click on Recycle/Trash for guidelines on the disposal or recycling of many household products such as televisions, computers and peripheral devices including keyboards, speakers, printers, external drives and other such materials. Unbroken fluorescent light bulbs and tubes can be disposed of on Electric Sundays. 1. Use extreme caution — this is an irritant to all mammals, you included! 2. Use only shelled sunflower seeds — you want the irritant on the seed, not the hull. 3. Spread the seed on a cookie sheet and lightly spray the seed with cooking spray. This will help the powder stick to the seed. Then follow label instructions. If you have any questions, please contact the Conservation Corps via e-mail at conservation@kchoa.org. D There is no charge for Fairfax County residents to participate in Electric Sunday, but be prepared to show proof of residency. The next Electric Sunday events will be held from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at the I-66 Transfer Station, 4618 West Ox Road, 22030 on October 23 and November 20. Plan ahead and drop off your items then. www.KCHOA.org Page 6 October 2011 (continued from page 1) The Kingston Chase pool parking lot flooded after the storm drain was overwhelmed by the downpour. (photo by Rosemary Buley) The commuter parking lot in Reston put many vehicles under water. (Internet photo) Fairfax Connector Park & Ride in Reston Neighborhood kids tend to a bicycle in the swollen creek waters of the retention pond. (photo by Ruthie Rosati) The creek overflows onto Route 7 between Dranesville Road and Fairfax County Parkway. (Internet photo) Dog Day at the Pool a Fun End-of-Season Event For All D og Tales Daycare, formerly Maddie and Ellie’s House, would like to thank Kingston Chase for another great Dog Day at the Pool, held in the early afternoon of September 18. There were 30 of Kingston Chase’s finest canines that attended on what was a somewhat chilly and cloudy day. The cooler temperatures did not make a difference to the dogs, nor did the fact that the water levels of the pool had not yet been lowered. All the dogs had a blast! Dog Tales Daycare appreciates your continued support and looks forward to another fun Dog Day at the Pool next year. Visit Dog Tales Daycare online at www.dogtalesdaycare.com to learn about its services and read the story behind its name change. Visit the Kingston Chase website to see more color photos from the Dog Day event. A dog enjoys swimming in the water of the Kingston Chase pool at the annual Dog Day at the Pool event. www.KCHOA.org Page 7 October 2011 Dona I. Wijayarathne Fantasia Drive 703-481-8766 / 703-581-7320 E-mail: littlepetals@cox.net T he Herndon Community Center is collecting used athletic shoes beginning through November 20. The shoes will be ground up and used to make surfacing for basketball courts, track fields, playgrounds, floor tiles, apparel and new shoes. VA State Licensed * CPR / First Aid Certified * USDA Food Program This is a productive way to get rid of all those sneakers laying around the house and to “go green” by recycling. Bring one pair or bring ten pairs! The Herndon Community Center is accepting all brands of athletic shoes (running shoes and sneakers) and all brands of shoes (not just Nike), but no shoes that contain metal, no cleats or dress shoes, no wet or damp shoes, and no sandals or flipflops. Drop shoes off during normal operating hours at the Herndon Community Center lobby. Dog Walking / In-home Pet Care Ellen Rogers (Hiddenbrook resident) Call 703-437-0033 or e-mail melcama@verizon.net References available AWARDS NARI (National Association of the Remodeling Industry) Contractor of the Year (CotY) level $100,000 and over: 2008 National Residential Exterior 2008 Regional Merit Residential Exterior 2007 Regional Grand Residential Interior Specialty 2007 Capital CotY Merit Residential Exterior 2006 Chapter Grand Residential Interior Specialty 2004 Top 500 Qualified Remodeler A Professional Design Build Remodeling Company The Gallick Corporation works to be the best home remodeling company in the Northern Virginia area. Looking for a design / build contractor? Our staff will bring the highest levels of service, design, and production to your project. Pease read through our web site, browse our gallery, and call us today to see how we can design / build your dream home project. The Gallick Corporation also has a talented Virginiabased staff ready to take care of your handyman needs regardless of size. Visit us online at www.gallickcorp.com Design / Build Certified Remodeler Certified Kitchen and Bath Remodeler Additions Whole House Renovations Basement Specialists Handyman Services Weekend Appointments Charlie Gallick, CR, CKBR 111-C Carpenter Drive, Sterling, VA 20164 Phone: 703-787-0313 E-mail: info@gallickcorp.com www.KCHOA.org Page 8 October 2011 www.KCHOA.org Page 9 October 2011 Neighborhood Notary Notary Public living in Kingston Chase is available to notarize your important document(s). $5.00 each. Please contact Licema at 703-509-0719 or e-mail latinchica99@hotmail.com. Jim & Janie Houde YOUR PERSONAL CRUISE SPECIALISTS 12606 Little Stones Lane Herndon, VA 20170 Telephone: (703) 437-4280 Toll Free: (877) 437-4280 Email: jhoude@cruiseone.com Web: www.cruiseone.com/jhoude INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Call Today! Serving Residential and Commercial customers in DC, Maryland and Virginia AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING 1-866-924-1650 ANY QUOTED REPAIR NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. WITH COUPON ONLY. www.KCHOA.org Page 10 October 2011 Trinity Presbyterian Preschool Your Neighborhood Handyman for: All Types of “Honey Do” Chores Interior and Exterior Painting, Mailbox Installation Drywall Repairs and Minor Plumbing Repairs Electrical Rewiring and Installations Power Washing, Gutter Cleaning, and much more... Are you getting ready to put your house on the market and need to spruce it up? Or have you recently moved in and want to “correct” the old color scheme? This 1985 Kingston Chase based professional can handle your painting, minor carpentry, electrical (recessed lighting, ceiling fans, switches, outlets), plumbing (replace faucets, toilets, vanities, disposal), power washing, and miscellaneous repairs. Simons Painting can resolve any issue brought up by the KCHOA Architectural Review Committee. Work guaranteed. FREE estimates. Available for emergencies. No job too small. Call Mark Simons at 703-437-3434 Grade A member in good standing of the Better Business Bureau 651 Dranesville Road, Herndon Offering morning classes for children ages 2-3/4 to 5 years old. For more information or to schedule a tour, please call: 703-437-1080 www.KCHOA.org Page 11 Welcome to the Neighborhood! There are no new neighbors to report this month. If you are new to Kingston Chase and have not yet received a welcome packet, please send an e-mail to info@kchoa.org and someone will see that you get one. Please fill out and return the database sheet in the welcome packet as soon as possible to ensure that you receive any KCHOA correspondence. KC Neighbor Herndon, VA 20170 E-mail the Crier at crier@kchoa.org October 2011 Kingston Chase Home Owners Association Board of Directors* ‘13 President Silvio Krvaric 703-593-9899 silvio@krvaric.com ‘12 Vice President Jack McDonald 703-834-0717 jhmcdonald1@verizon.net ‘12 Secretary Andrew Cassell 703-468-1782 cassell@msrc.org ‘12 Treasurer Charlie Gallick 703-906-4459 cg@gallickcorp.com ‘11 Roger Gaffey 703-435-6956 roger@thegaffeys.org ‘11 Chris Buley 703-796-0841 cbuley@yahoo.com ‘11 Mike Klinker 703-435-2337 mmklinker@yahoo.com ‘12 Jane Storey 703-437-8152 storeyjts@msn.com ’13 Peter Garbis 703-435-1960 peter.garbis@gmail.com ‘13 Boyce Ginieczki 703-478-6815 gini41@verizon.net ‘13 Deke Smith 703-481-9572 deke@dksic.com * Board terms are for three consecutive years and expire on December 31st of the year noted. Committee Chairpersons Admin. Assistant ARC Buildings/Landscape Neighborhood Watch Newsletter Editor Pool Social Tennis Website Welcome Lydia Olechna Sri Sankarapu Charlie Gallick Matt Kucik Ruthie Rosati Deke Smith Heather Kapushoc Greg/Bonne Arnold Ruthie Rosati Silvio Krvaric Babysitting Co-op Book Club Children’s Corner Conservation Corps Swim Team Women’s Club Sheila Otwell Betsy Kiker Kara Rosenwald Jane Hampson Kelly Ginieczki Linda Berberian 703-435-2820 703-481-2362 703-435-9615 703-707-9197 703-481-4347 703-481-9572 703-668-0484 703-435-3267 703-481-4347 703-593-9899 lydiaolechna@gmail.com kchoa-arc@thegaffeys.com cg@gallickcorp.com kcnw@verizon.net crier@kchoa.org deke@dksic.com hkapushoc@gmail.com crier@kchoa.org silvio@krvaric.com Club Chairpersons Advertising Disclaimer KCHOA does not endorse any of the advertisements or services offered in the Crier. Residents are encouraged to check references or take other precautions to ensure that expectations are met. 703-471-0639 703-787-0128 703-437-6141 703-481-7903 703-478-6815 703-437-6533 sheila_otwell@verizon.net ekiker@verizon.net karap@ix.netcom.com conservation@kchoa.org gini41@verizon.net To discuss any questions or concerns, please contact the relevant Club or Committee Chairperson. Homeowners are welcome at the monthly Board meetings held the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse adjacent to the pool. Stork Report Jason and Karina Morrison, along with big brother David, are proud to announce the birth of Danielle Alyssa, born August 18, weighing in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and measuring 20.5 inches long. Congratulations! New Baby? Is there a new addition to your family? If so, the Welcome Committee has a special gift for you. Please contact Marsha Cassell at 724-456-8750 or via e-mail at mlmcewen@gmail.com with your stork news and she will deliver your gift and announce the happy news in the next edition of the Crier. The deadline for the November issue of the Kingston Chase Crier is October 15. Crier Advertisement Rates: $5.00 for 20 words $10.00 for a business card scan $25.00 for a quarter of a page $45.00 for half a page $75.00 for a full page Take 10% off for a full year paid in advance. Please contact Ruthie Rosati, newsletter editor, at 703-481-4347 or by e-mail at crier@kchoa.org with news, announcements, photographs, or advertisements. Payment for advertisements can be mailed to: KCHOA, P.O. Box 332, Herndon, VA 20172 www.KCHOA.org Kingston Chase HOA Page 12 October 2011 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RESTON VA PERMIT NO 238 P.O. Box 332 Herndon, VA 20172 Return Service Requested October 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Playgroup at the Clearview Playground - 11:00 a.m. 3 Women’s Club 7:30 p.m. 4 ARC Meeting 7:30 p.m. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. 11 12 Conservation Corps 8:00 p.m. 13 14 15 Deadline - Nov. Crier 16 17 Playgroup at Jo’s - 1:30 p.m. 18 Mom’s Night Out 8:00 p.m. 19 Playgroup at Karina’s - 10:00 a.m. 20 21 22 Kingston Chase Celebrates Oktoberfest 3:00 p.m. Dad’s Night Out 23 Electric Sunday at the I-66 Transfer Station - 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 24 25 30 31 Halloween 26 Playgroup at Amy’s - 9:30 a.m. 27 28 Playgroup at Donna’s - 4:00 p.m. Wear your costume! 29 Kingston Chase Halloween Parade and Magic Show - 10:30 a.m. If you are interested in being placed on the ballot for the upcoming election of members to the Kingston Chase Board of Directors, please submit a note of interest and accompanying bio via e-mail to info@kchoa.org. Details about Playgroup activities can be found in the “Children’s Corner” section on page 3.
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