marine - Bridon
marine - Bridon
1 MARINE Freephone 0508 274 366 2 FLOATS NETTING HARDWARE COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS 3 SPORTS FISHING CONTENTS Floats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Netting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Trawl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Codends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Raschel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Monofilament Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Swivels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Shackles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Connectors / Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Tube Thimbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Blueline Blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Oyster Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hooks – Commercial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Monofilament – Commercial . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Tuna Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Swivels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Crimps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Snaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Trolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Radio Buoys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Gaffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 S/S Trace Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Insulated Ice Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Anchors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Sundry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 FAD – Fish Aggregation Device . . . . . . . . . 64 Tori Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Sports Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Monofilament Nylon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Jigging Braid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Terminal Tackle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Leads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Octopus Skirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Casting Lures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Trolling Lures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Squid Jigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Jigging Lures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 FLOATS FLOATS BUOYS Polyform InÁatable Marker Buoys Product Code Model Nett Buoyancy Eye Dia. Dimensions (mm) 706 Polyform kg mm L Dia. Circ. 17063700 A–0 6 16 290 230 722 Red 17063701 A–0 6 16 290 230 722 Green 17063702 A–0 6 16 290 230 722 Yellow 17063710 A–1 13 25 370 290 911 Red 17063711 A–1 13 25 370 290 911 Green 17063712 A–1 13 25 370 290 911 Yellow 17063713 A–1 13 25 370 290 911 White 17063720 A–2 31 28 490 390 911 Red 17063730 A–3 55 28 590 470 1,476 Red 17063740 A–4 85 28 710 550 1,727 Red 17063750 A–5 179.6 30 920 700 2,198 Red 17063751 A–5 179.6 30 920 700 2,198 White 17063760 A–6 359.2 38 1,180 860 2,700 Red MARKER BUOYS • • • • • • 4 Polyform·s Àrst and most recognised Sroduct RoSeholds and YalYes Euilt to withstand the most seYere aSSlications Redesigned roSeholds for A1 through A7 for imSroYed strength and duraEility Dual YalYe inÁationdeÁation system for si]es A5, A6 A7 Excellent rafting fender choice 9iErant colours 17063740 Colour FLOATS FLOATS BUOYS Polyform InÁatable Low Drag Buoys Product Code Model Nett Buoyancy Eye Dia. Dimensions (mm) 706 Polyform kg mm L Dia. Circ. 17063690 LD–1 13 25 470 215 270 Orange 17063691 LD–1 13 25 470 215 270 Red 17063692 LD–2 31 25 590 305 377 Red 17063692A LD–2 31 25 590 305 377 Yellow 17063692B LD–2 31 25 590 305 377 Orange 17063692C LD–2 31 25 590 305 377 Saturn Yellow 17063693 LD–3 55 25 760 360 449 Red Colour LOW DRAG BUOYS • • • • UniTue uSright shaSe ensures maximum YisiEility RiEEed design create only 20 of the drag of standard round Euoys Featured Euoy in the ´Deadliest catchµ series on DiscoYery Channel® 9iErant colours 17063691 Polyform InÁatable CC Marker Mooring Buoys Product Code Model Nett Buoyancy Eye Dia. Dimensions (mm) 706 Polyform kg mm L Dia. Circ. 17063715 CC–1 12 38 390 280 879 Red 17063716 CC–1 12 38 390 280 879 White 17063725 CC–2 25 50 480 360 1,130 Red 17063735 CC–3 55 50 700 550 1,476 Red 17063745 CC–4 85 50 700 550 1,727 Red 17063755 CC–5 170 75 920 700 2,198 Red Colour MARKER MOORING BUOYS • Reinforced ÁexiEle centre tuEe (always insert rigid SiSetuEe Eefore inÁation) • 9ariety of aSSlications - Mooring buoy - Fish farming - Oceanic research equipment - Offshore Àshing - Flag/strobe line marking pole buoys 17063715 5 FLOATS FLOATS BUOYS Polyform Fenders Product Code Model Nett Buoyancy Eye Dia. 706 Polyform kg mm L Dia. Circ. 17064137 NF–3 — 12.7 508 149 440 17064138 NF–4 — 19.1 584 165 518 17064139 NF–5 — 19.1 678 216 678 17064141 F1 8 18 640 150 471 17064142 F2 13 22 640 220 691 17064143 F3 20 22 760 220 691 17064144 F4 35 22 1,040 220 691 17064146 F6 75 24 1,090 300 958 17064147 F7 95 24 1,040 380 1,193 FENDERS • • • • • 6 Wide range of si]es to suit any Yessel EYen wall thickness Solid multiSle riEEed reinforced roSeholds Twineye design for Yertical or hori]ontal use Designed for use in Sermanent unSrotected moorings, Silings, locks and concrete walls Dimensions (mm) 17064143 17064139 FLOATS FLOATS BUOYS CrayÁoat Markers Product Code 706 Model Diameter Eye Dia. mm mm Colour 17060507 Cray Float 200 21 Black 17060531 Cray Float 200 21 Orange 17060535 Cray Float 200 21 Green 17060559 Cray Float 200 21 Blue 17060562 Cray Float 200 21 Pink 17060567 Cray Float 200 21 Red 17060596 Cray Float 200 21 White 17060598 Cray Float 200 21 Yellow 17060507 17060531 17060559 CRAYFLOAT MARKERS • • • • 17060562 Bridon Cookes CRACrayÁoat Marker Buoys ReliaEle, cost effectiYe 8µ Marker Buoy 8 YiErant colours Made in New Zealand 17060596 Gill Net Floats Product Code 706 Model Nett Buoyancy Weight Si]e +ole Si]e g g mm mm 17060103 YE3 32 28 60 x 35 9 17068402 F150 E9A WhisSer 120 25 150 x 42 10 17068948 1G5 Orange 70 24 80 x 50 10 17060266 2G5 Orange 103 72 90 x 60 12 17060103 17068402 17068948 17060266 7 FLOATS FLOATS BUOYS Purse Seine Floats Product Code 706 Model Nett Buoyancy Weight Dimensions (mm) kg g L OD HD 17068265 SHE–10 0.95 180 170 110 20 17068270 SHE–40 3.8 585 208 185 37 17068275 SHE–50 5 786 225 202 40 17068280 SHE–70 6.5 1,000 250 220 42 17068285 SHE–85 8.5 1,314 265 248 48 17068265 17068270 17068275 17068280 17068285 EVA Floats Product Code 706 Model Nett Buoyancy Dimensions (mm) kg L Dia. Hole. Colour 17068315 SHBB1 5.00 365 153 25 Yellow White 17068316 SHBB2 5.70 365 178 25 Yellow White PURSE SEINE FLOATS • • • • Ethylene 9inyl Acetate (E.9.A) Áoats are an ideal surface Áoat ImSact resistant do not Ereak, shrink or deform Do not aEsorE water, light weight with maximum surface Euoyancy Weather and U.V. resistant 17068315 8 17068316 FLOATS FLOATS BUOYS Mooring Buoys Product Code 706 17065800 Model Filling Mooring Buoy Foam Filled Dimensions (mm) Weight L Dia. kg 450 220 3.2 Colour Yellow Orange MOORING BUOYS • FoamÀlled standard SickuS mooring Euoy • Made in New Zealand Trawl Floats Product Code Model TySe 706 Body Dia. Working DeSth Nett Buoyancy Weight Eye Dia. mm m kg kg mm 17060183 8B3 Centre Hole 240 300 6.1 1.2 23 17060208 10B8 Centre Hole 290 800 3.15 10.8 28 17060230 30G2 Centre Hole 290 200 20 3 40 17060245 6B10 ORG Centre Hole 170 1,000 2 0.76 20 17060250 7B15 ABS Centre Hole 200 1,500 2.75 1.6 23 17060263 7M5 DouEle Lug 210 500 4.4 1.15 14.5 17060305 HS300 DouEle Lug 300 500 12 3.2 — 17060308 HS300I DouEle Lug 300 800 10 4.1 — 17066040 Nokalon #551 Centre Hole 200 400 3.1 0.9 20 17066045 Nokalon #577 Centre Hole 200 1,300 2.4 1.6 20 17066018 Nokalon #629 DouEle Lug 230 1,800 4.0 2.8 20 17066025 Nokalon #511 Centre Hole 280 950 7.5 3.4 20 17060250 17060263 17060308 9 FLOATS FLOATS BUOYS UBE Trawl Floats - Made in Japan Product Code Model TySe 706 Body Dia. Working DeSth Nett Buoyancy Weight Eye Dia. mm m kg kg mm 17062428 *CT208B Centre Hole 200 800 2.7 1.3 21 17062438 *CT308B Centre Hole 300 800 10 4.7 28 17062440 *CT368B Centre Hole 360 800 16 7.2 32 17062458 *CT458B Centre Hole 450 800 31 14.1 38 17062608 *CT608B Centre Hole 600 800 80 32 40 17063612 CT3612 DouEle Lug 360 1,200 15 8.7 28 17063615 CT3615 DouEle Lug 360 1,500 13.3 9.8 28 * Indent only. Longline Floats Product Code Model 706 Working DeSth Nett Buoyancy Weight Eye Dia. mm m kg kg mm 17060259 4M–10 120 1,000 0.71 0.31 11 17060262 5M–12 150 1,200 1.65 0.64 11 17065408 HF 240B 240 300 6 1.3 — 17065415 HF 300B 300 300 11.9 2.3 — 17065412 HF 360B 360 300 20 4.2 — 17065420 HF 360C 360 300 20 4.2 — 17065410 10A–3 300 300 14.5 2 20 17065411 12A–3 360 300 24.7 4.45 25 17060259 10 Body Dia. 17060262 17065420 17065408 17065410 17065415 17065411 17065412 17062440 17063612 17063615 NETTING TRAWL Product Code 731 Model Twine Si]e Mesh Si]e (KK) Mesh TySe Bale Mesh (mm) Bale Weight mm in mm MD ML kg 17319949 OliYene MK3 2.5 4 12 117 Single 100.5 500 55 17319954 OliYene MK3 2.5 6 152 Single 100.5 500 68 17319961 OliYene MK3 2.5 9 229 Single 50.5 1000 94 17319965 OliYene MK3 2.5 12 305 Single 50.5 500 58 17320014 OliYene MK3 3.5 4 12 117 Single 100.5 500 82 17320007 OliYene MK3 3.5 6 152 Single 50.5 500 51 17320009 OliYene MK3 3.5 9 229 Single 50.5 500 70 17320012 OliYene MK3 3.5 12 305 Single 50.5 500 87 17320041 OliYene MK3 4.0 4 12 117 Single 50.5 1000 117 17320066 OliYene MK3 4.0 6 152 Single 50.5 1000 140 17320067 OliYene MK3 4.0 6 152 Single 91.5 1000 250 17320123 OliYene MK3 2x 4.0 6 152 DouEle 50.5 500 156 17320090 OliYene MK3 4.0 9 229 Single 50.5 1000 188 17320092 OliYene MK3 2x 4.0 9 229 DouEle 50.5 500 205 17320120 OliYene MK3 4.0 12 305 Single 50.5 500 124 17321084 OliYene MK3 5.0 4 12 117 Single 50.5 500 102 17321089 OliYene MK3 5.0 6 152 Single 50.5 1000 237 17321094 OliYene MK3 2x 5.0 6 152 DouEle 50.5 500 280 17321095 OliYene MK3 5.0 9 229 Single 50.5 500 160 17321096 OliYene MK3 2x 5.0 9 229 DouEle 50.5 500 362 17321098 OliYene MK3 5.0 12 305 Single 50.5 500 191 17321100 OliYene MK3 2x 5.0 12 305 DouEle 30.5 500 257 17320052 OliYene MK3 2x 4.0 4 12 115 DouEle 50.5 500 131 17321040 OliYene MK3 4.5 5 127 Single 50.5 405 75 17321127 OliYene MK3 2x 5.0 5 127 DouEle 50.5 405 183 17321280 OliYene MK3 2x 5.5 4 105 DouEle 50.5 405 244 17321300 OliYene MK3 2x 5.5 5 12 140 DouEle 50.5 450 288 17321326 OliYene MK3 6.0 5 127 Single 50.5 405 159 17321400 OliYene MK3 7.0 4 12 115 Single 40.5 405 170 KK Knot to oSSosite knot stretched mesh si]e measurement. OLIVENE MK3 NETTING OliYene MK3 offers the Eest comEination of aErasion resistance and knot Ereaking strength for any netting in its class. OliYiene is a high density Solyethylene comSact Eraid. AutoclaYed to ensure maximum mesh staEility which enaEles consistent trawl Serformance. UniTue identiÀcation Emerald Green colour 2 orange tracer yarns. 17319949 17320123 11 NETTING Olivene MK3 Trawl Netting NETTING TRAWL NETTING Sapphire Netting Product Code 731 Twine Si]e Model Mesh Si]e (KK) mm in mm Bale Mesh (mm) Mesh TySe Bale Weight MD ML kg 17310100 SaSShire 2.1 4 12 114 Single 100.5 500 41 17310125 SaSShire 2.1 6 152 Single 100.5 500 55 17310150 SaSShire 2.1 9 229 Single 50.5 1,000 77 SAPPHIRE NETTING SaSShire netting is the next generation of HDPE comSact Eraid netting. Higher knot Ereaking strength allows twine diameter downsi]ing enaEling lower drag resistance whilst maintaining Ereaking strength. Si]e for si]e, SaSShire is the ultimate HDPE netting on the market. UniTue identiÀcation – SaSShire Blue with yellow tracer (or reYerse yellow with Elue tracer) 17310100 Stealth Codend Netting Product Code 733 Model Twine Si]e Mesh Si]e (KK) mm in mm Mesh TySe Bale Mesh (mm) Bale Weight MD ML kg 17330601 Stealth 6.0 4.13 105 Single 40.5 405 94 17330602 Stealth 2x 6.0 4.13 105 DouEle 50.5 405 298 KK Knot to oSSosite knot stretched mesh si]e measurement. 17330601 Fishing Braids Product Code 855 12 Model Dia mm Material Reel Si]e m 18551624 Bridon Cookes Fishing Braid 9 Polyester, DEl Braid 100 18551625 Bridon Cookes Fishing Braid 11 Polyester, DEl Braid 100 18551626 Bridon Cookes Fishing Braid 13 Polyester, DEl Braid 100 18633104 Bridon Cookes PP310L Braid Blue 10 PolySroSylene Braid 220 18633103 Bridon Cookes PE620L Braid Orange 13 Polyethylene Braid 220 18633110 Bridon Cookes KendMu Bentsu Chain Tie 11 PE PES Braid 300 NETTING TRAWL Product Code 888 Model Dia SSool Si]e Knot BS mm kg kg Mtr kg Packaging (tray) 18880253 OliYene MK3 2.5 1 175 287 12 sSls 18880353 OliYene MK3 3.5 1 275 190 12 sSls 18880403 OliYene MK3 4.0 1 330 155 12 sSls 18880503 OliYene MK3 5.0 1 523 100 12 sSls 18880602 OliYene MK3 6.0 1.5 725 59 9 sSls 18880308 SaSShire 2.1 1 161 375 12 sSls 18880311 SaSShire 3.1 1 299 190 12 sSls 18880604 Stealth 6.0 1 501 75 12 sSls Colour Packaging (carton) Polyethylene/Polyester Braided Twines Product Code 888 Model Dia SSool Si]e mm kg 18885312 PolyElend 3 1 Green White 25 sSls 18885312B PolyElend 3 1 Blue White 25 sSls 18885312C PolyElend 3 1 Black White 25 sSls 18885312R PolyElend 3 1 Red White 25 sSls 18885312Y PolyElend 3 1 Yellow White 25 sSls 18885412 PolyElend 4 1 Green White 25 sSls 188885512 PolyElend 5 1 Green White 25 sSls Nylon Braided Slinging Twines Product Code SSool Si]e kg ASSrox. BS ASSrox. Mtr kg Packaging (carton) 1.0 1 40 650 25 sSls 210d 4 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 1.5 1 50 550 25 sSls 18851065 210d 6 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 2.0 1 65 370 25 sSls 18851095 210d 8 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 2.5 1 80 270 25 sSls 18851135 210d 12 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 3.0 1 150 200 25 sSls 18851140 210d 18 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 3.5 1 200 140 25 sSls 18851255 210d 24 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 4.0 1 300 85 25 sSls 18851325 210d 32 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 4.5 1 350 60 25 sSls 18851365 210d 36 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 5.0 1 400 50 25 sSls 18851486 210d 48 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 6.0 1 600 40 25 sSls 18851487 210d 48 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 6.0 2 600 80 12 sSls 18851805 210d 80 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 8.0 2 800 50 25 sSls DescriStion Dia 18851035 210d 3 x 16 Nylon BraidWhite 18851045 885 13 NETTING HDPE Braided Netting Twines NETTING CODENDS NETTING Knotted Codends Product Code Twine Dia. Construction 17025506 OliYene DouEle 4.0 80MR x 40MD 105 17025507 OliYene Single 4.0 80MR x 50MD 105 17025550 OliYene Single 4.5 80MR x 50MD 127 17025560 OliYene DouEle 5.0 80MR x 50MD 130 17025561 OliYene DouEle 5.0 80MR x 50MD 127 17026570 OliYene Single 6.0 80MR x 50MD 127 17028120 Stealth DouEle 6.0 80MR x 50MD 105 17026550 Stealth Single 6.0 80MR x 40MD 105 702 mm Dimensions Mesh Si]e Material mm IM KNOTTED CODENDS • • • • • IM Inside Mesh (Full inside mesh measurement) Round twin construction, reduced drag Heatset (Thermo auto claYed) ensures maximum mesh staEility Stealth HDPE Codend Netting Black in colour HeaYy weight netting for maximum aErasion resistance and wear Knotless Constructed Codends Product Code Twine Dia. Construction 17029616A HDPE 3SBK 4 Seam SelYage 9.1 150MR x 50MD 103 17029616B HDPE 3SBK 2 Seam SelYage 9.1 150MR x 50MD 103 702 KNOTLESS CONSTRUCTED CODENDS • IM Inside Mesh (full inside mesh measurement) • MadeuS knotless codends with either 42 mm 8 ST Danline or 38 mm 3 ST nylon roSe selYages 14 mm Dimensions Mesh Si]e Material mm IM NETTING CODENDS Knotless Codends (Netting only) Twine Dia. Construction 17029606 HDPE 3SBK 3 ST Braid 5.8 80MR x 50MD 127 17029616 HDPE 3SBK 3 ST Braid 9.1 150MR x 50MD 103 17029618 HDPE 3SBK 3 ST Braid 9.1 100MR x 50MD 103 17029688 HDPE DCS3 3 ST Twist 10.0 75MD x 25MTR 63 17029689 HDPE DCS3 3 ST Twist 10.0 75MD x 25MTR 103 702 mm Dimensions Mesh Si]e Material NETTING Product Code mm IM KNOTLESS CODENDS • Nitto Seimo (-aSan) knotless codends are a highly sSecialised 3 strand (3 ST) Eraid or twist construction for commercial trawling aSSlications • SuSerior strength and Serformance oYer conYentional knotted netting • Made from high tenacity Solyethylene continuous monoÀlament ÀEres. 100 twine strength is maintained throughout the mesh intersect • Reduced drag (less Eulk weight) oYer conYentional netting. High aErasion resistance (without knots) netting does not haYe high ´sSotsµ to catch on stern ramSs, net rollers and rough Eottoms • StaEle mesh si]e. Each Siece of netting has its own uniTue ´insSection certiÀcateµ. • Nitto Seimo netting maintains nearly 100 of its original mesh si]e throughout Sroduct life • Reduced damage to Àsh. Maximises Àsh Tuality with less Eruising and Elood sSotting to Àllets due to no knot Srotrusion • IM Inside Mesh (Full inside mesh measurement) • Other si]es aYailaEle on an indent Easis HDPE 3SBK HDPE DCS3 15 NETTING RASCHEL NETTING Raschel Netting (Knotless) Product Code Material Ply Si]e 17293001 210d Nylon 17293006 729 Mesh Si]e Mesh DeSth Length mm MD m ML 12 1 25 100 100 — Black 210d Nylon 12 1 14 32 100 100 — Black 17293015 210d Nylon 16 34 19 100 100 — White 17293197 210d Nylon 48 1 25 400 — 5,500 Black 17293400 210d Nylon 66 1 12 40 400 — 4,000 White 17293796 210d Nylon 90 2 50 300 — 2,000 Black 17293851 210d Nylon 150 3 12 90 200 — 1,050 White 17295025 250d Polyester 48 1 25 400 — 5,500 White 17295043 250d Polyester 48 1 14 30 400 — 7,000 White 17295047 250d Polyester 78 1 14 30 400 — 3,600 White 17295064 250d Polyester 60 1 12 40 400 — 4,000 White 17295095 250d Polyester 90 2 50 300 — 2,000 White 17295114 250d Polyester 110 1 12 40 300 — 2,700 White 17295167 250d Polyester 160 2 34 70 200 — 1,500 White NYLON POLYESTER RASCHEL NETTING • • • • 16 Colour in Common aSSlications Small Sly nylon raschel used in eel fyke nets, sShagnum moss drying, fry netting for aTuaculture Large Sly raschel used in salmonÀnÀsh farming and indoor sSorts area·s where high Tuality is reTuired UV staEilised NETTING SQUARE Product Code Model Ply Si]e 17322320 PE 380D 17322245 732 Mesh Si]e Dimensions (m) NETTING Square HDPE Netting (Knotted) Colour in mm W L 6 1 12 20 10 100 Black PE 380D 36 1 12 38 5 100 White 17322365 PE 380D 60 1 12 38 10 50 Black 17322366 PE 380D 60 1 12 38 5 100 Black 17322367 PE 380D 60 1 12 38 5 100 White 17322368 PE 380D 60 1 12 38 10 100 White 17322370 PE 380D 60 1 12 38 11 50 White 17322384 PE 380D 90 4 102 5 100 Blue 17322390 PE 380D 120 3 76 5 50 White HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) NETTING • Bales conYerted to sTuare netting Ey manufacturer. • Range of aSSlications SSorts cargo industrial nets 17322366 17322367 HDPE Craypot Netting (Knotted) Product Code Model Ply Si]e 17323010 PE 380D 17323016 17324122 732 Mesh Si]e Dimensions Colour in mm MD Length (m) 60 3 76 20 180 Black PE 360D 60 3 76 50 180 Black PE 380D 120 3 76 20 90 Black HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) CRAYPOT • High strength, good aErasion • Cost effectiYe Sot netting 17 NETTING ASSEMBLED NETTING Tennis Netting Product Code Model TySe 17268365 PE Tennis Net S 17268366 726 Dimensions (mm) Twine Si]e Mesh Si]e L H mm mm² Single 12.20 0.76 3.0 45 PE Tennis Net S Single 12.72 0.76 3.0 45 17268367 PE Tennis Net D DouEle 12.20 0.76 3.0 45 17268368 PE Tennis Net D DouEle 12.72 0.76 3.0 45 17268365 17268368 Raschel Eel Fyke Nets Product Code Entry Dia. Length mm m Small 360 3.75 EEL Fyke L Large 500 4.65 EEL Fyke L Large 500 4.65 Model Si]e 17290120 EEL Fyke S 17290125 17290126 729 17290120 17290125 MADEUP NETS Bridon Cookes with two netloft oSerations (Nelson and Christchurch) can offer made to order sSort nets (soccer, hockey, tennis, YolleyEall, etc.), cargo nets, industrial nets and other sSecialised rigging, sSlicing reSair serYices as reTuired. 18 NETTING MONOFILAMENT GILL Product Code Mesh Si]e Hank Si]e in yds 0.9 mm 6.5 15MD x 500 Light Green OYal No. 30 0.9 mm 7 15MD x 500 Light Green 17101098 OYal No. 30 0.9 mm 7 30MD x 500 Light Green 17101099 OYal No. 30 0.9 mm 7.5 15MD x 500 Light Green Model Twine Si]e 17101091 OYal No. 30 17101096 710 NETTING Momoi Japanese Oval Netting Colour Other si]es aYailaEle on indent Easis. MOMOI OVAL NETTING • • • • Momoi oYal (Áat) is a uniTue design, which maximises catch ProYen Ey commercial Àsherman to Ee the Eest Sroduct on the market Twine si]e is eTuiYalent to 0.9 mm diameter High strength, softsuSSle material engineered Ey -aSanese Àshing technologists MonoÀlament Netting Product Code Mesh Si]e Hank Si]e in yds 0.28 4 34 30MD x 200 Snow White MonoÀlament 0.28 5 30MD x 200 Snow White 17103102 MonoÀlament 0.35 1 14 80MD x 200 Snow White 17103105 MonoÀlament 0.35 1 12 60MD x 200 Light Green 17103131 MonoÀlament 0.35 2 14 50MD x 200 Snow White 17103134 MonoÀlament 0.35 2 12 50MD x 200 Snow White 17103137 MonoÀlament 0.35 3 50MD x 200 Snow White 17103180 MonoÀlament 0.35 6 9MD x 200 Light Green 17103183 MonoÀlament 0.35 6 12 15MD x 200 Light Green 17104114 MonoÀlament 0.50 3 12 36MD x 200 Snow White 17104145 MonoÀlament 0.50 4 58 25MD x 100 Light Green 17105122 MonoÀlament 0.60 5 20MD x 200 Clear White 17105148 MonoÀlament 0.60 5 12 25MD x 200 Light Green 17105160 MonoÀlament 0.60 6 14 9MD x 200 Light Green 17101099 OYal No. 30 0.9 mm 7.5 15MD x 500 Light Green Model Twine Si]e 17102125 MonoÀlament 17102133 710 Colour 17103105 17103134 17103180 Other si]es aYailaEle on indent Easis. 19 NETTING MONOFILAMENT GILL NETTING MultiÀlament Netting Product Code Mesh Si]e Hank Si]e in yds 0.12 mm x 6 Sly 4.68 26MD x 200 Light Blue MNFLT 0.12 0.12 mm x 6 Sly 5 26MD x 200 Snow White 17111095 MNFLT 0.28 0.28 mm x 3 Sly 4.75 25MD x 200 Yellow Green 17111099 MNFLT 0.12 0.12 mm x 8 Sly 5.25 30MD x 200 Yellow Green 17113022 MNFLT 0.20 0.20 mm x 8 Sly 3.54 30MD x 200 Light Green Mesh Si]e Hank Si]e in yds 4.5 25MD x 200 Model Twine Si]e 17111089 MNFLT 0.12 17111091 711 Colour Other si]es aYailaEle on indent Easis. Drag Netting Product Code 712 17125115 Model Twine Si]e MNFLT 18PLY 18 Sly 17125115 20 Colour Green SWIVELS STAINLESS STEEL Stainless Steel Swivels - 5:1 Safety Factor 739 Model Si]e mm S.W.L. TySe Length Weight mm kg Material 17390210 A 10 SS 10 1.1 T Rigid 102 0.20 Stainless Steel 17390213 A 12 SS 13 1.6 T Rigid 140 0.36 Stainless Steel 17390216 A 16 SS 16 3.2 T Rigid 180 0.89 Stainless Steel 17390219 A 19 SS 19 4.7 T Rigid 205 1.80 Stainless Steel 17390222 A 22 SS 22 6.8 T Rigid 222 2.25 Stainless Steel 17390225 A 25 SS 25 8.3 T Rigid 278 4.10 Stainless Steel 17390232 A 32 SS 32 12 T Rigid 350 8.15 Stainless Steel 17390238 A 38 SS 38 18 T Rigid 390 13.00 Stainless Steel HARDWARE Product Code Flexible Stainless Steel Swivels - 5:1 Safety Factor Product Code 739 Model Si]e mm S.W.L. TySe Length Weight mm kg Material 17390112 A 12 SSF 13 1.6 Flex 160 0.56 Stainless Steel 17390116 A 16 SSF 16 3.2 Flex 200 1.20 Stainless Steel 17390119 A 19 SSF 19 4.7 Flex 235 2.00 Stainless Steel 17390122 A 22 SSF 22 6.3 Flex 255 2.90 Stainless Steel 17390125 A 25 SSF 25 8.3 Flex 320 4.70 Stainless Steel 17390132 A 32 SSF 32 12.0 Flex 360 9.20 Stainless Steel 17390138 A 38 SSF 38 18.0 Flex 410 14.60 Stainless Steel 17390145 A 45 SSF 45 28.0 Flex 515 24.00 Stainless Steel 21 SWIVELS FORGED Forged Swivels - 5:1 Safety Factor Product Code HARDWARE 739 Model Si]e mm S.W.L. TySe Length Weight mm kg Material 17393101 A 10 ST 10 0.6 Short Bow 123 0.23 Alloy Steel Blue 17393102 A 12 ST 12 1.1 Short Bow 140 0.40 Alloy Steel Blue 17393116 A 16 FO 16 2.4 Short Bow 150 0.87 Alloy Steel Blue 17393119 A 19 FO 19 3.8 Short Bow 185 1.30 Alloy Steel Blue 17393122 A 22 FO 22 5.3 Short Bow 230 2.20 Alloy Steel Blue 17393125 A 25 FO 25 7.2 Short Bow 265 3.65 Alloy Steel Blue 17393128 A 28 FO 28 9.0 Short Bow 280 4.30 Alloy Steel Blue 17393132 A 32 ST 32 12.5 Short Bow 305 7.20 Alloy Steel Blue 17393138 A 38 ST 38 15.4 Short Bow 340 9.90 Alloy Steel Blue Forged Swivels - 5:1 Safety Factor Product Code 739 22 Model Si]e mm S.W.L. TySe Length Weight mm kg Material 17390010 A 10 ST 10 0.6 Short Bow 123 0.23 GalYanised 17390012 A 12 ST 12 1.1 Short Bow 140 0.40 GalYanised 17390016 A 16 ST 16 1.5 Short Bow 180 0.76 GalYanised 17390019 A 19 ST 19 2.4 Short Bow 200 1.30 GalYanised 17393101 17393116 SWIVELS CODENDS Thrust Bearing Swivels Product Code WLL Proof Load Dimensions (mm) 726 ton ton A B Dia C D Dia E (kg) 07265016 1.5 3 123 82 16.5 16 40 0.5 07265031 3 6 167 137 28.5 20 64.5 2 07265061 6 12 243 169 34 30 85 5 07265101 10 20 303 213 40 38 106 11 07265150 15 30 303 213 40 38 106 16 Weight HARDWARE 07265031 07265061 THRUST BEARING SWIVELS • • • • ComSact and rugged design, 51 Safety factor, SKF thrust Eearing Fully serYiceaEle, fully sealed, greaseaEle, ]inc Slated for corrosion resistance Eyes will acceSt Shackles and Hammerlocks, Sroof loaded to two times WLL Also aYailaEle in CleYis Eye or CleYis CleYis conÀguration (Eye Eye shown) Stainless Steel Midget Strawline Swivels Product Code WLL Proof Load 725 ton ton A B Dimensions (mm) C Dia D Dia E 07250010 0.5 1.0 66.5 43.5 13 13 30 MIDGET STRAWLINE SWIVELS • ComSact and duraEle design, 51 Safety factor, Sroof loaded to two times WLL • Fully machined 316 stainless steel construction for maximum corrosion resistance • Fully Eall raced for smooth swiYel action long serYice life, eyes acceSt shackles 23 SHACKLES GREEN PIN HILOAD Green Pin Hi-Load - Dee Trawl Shackles WLL Body Dia Pin Dia Inside Width Inside Length 231 (ton) D (mm) d (mm) a (mm) C (mm) 02314216 2.00 13 16 22 43 02314219 3.25 16 19 27 51 02314222 4.75 19 22 31 59 02314225 6.50 22 25 36 73 02314228 8.50 25 28 43 85 02314232 9.50 28 32 47 90 02314235 12.00 32 35 51 94 02314238 13.50 35 38 57 115 02314242 17.00 38 42 60 127 HARDWARE Product Code DEE TRAWL SHACKLES • • • • High tensile steel GalYanised Ànish 61 Safety factor STuare head Sin Green Pin Hi-Load - Bow Trawl Shackles Product Code WLL Body Dia Pin Dia Inside Width Inside Length 231 (ton) D (mm) d (mm) a (mm) C (mm) Width of Bow 2r (mm) 02314322 4.75 19 22 31 76 51 02314326 6.50 22 25 36 83 58 02314328 8.50 25 28 43 95 68 02314332 9.50 28 32 47 108 75 02314335 12.00 32 35 51 115 83 02314338 13.50 35 38 57 133 92 02314342 17.00 38 42 60 146 99 02314351 25.00 45 50 74 178 126 24 SHACKLES UNILOCK Pewag Unilock Shackles Dimensions (mm) Weight Model Load CaSacity (ton) e E d s a M (kgScs) 02243506 Unilock U56 1.120 34 21 10 11 16 7 0.07 02243508 Unilock U8 2.000 48 28 13 16 22 10 0.22 02243510 Unilock U10 3.150 60 35 16 20 27 12 0.38 02243513 Unilock U13 5.300 72 39 18 24 34 16 0.67 224 HARDWARE Product Code UNILOCK SHACKLES • Grade 80 alloy connector with safety nut and washer • Can Ee used as a connecting link for chain, roSe, hooks or master links of eTuiYalent working load limits • Common aSSlication Used in the forestrylogging industry with chain for load restraint • SAFETY – Always ensure that the nut is not oYer tightened and that the Eolt rotates easily Steel Shackles - Vee Type Product Code 718 17184551 Model Shackle TySe Vee F32 VB Vee Dimen. Inside (mm) Weight Load CaS. Dia. W H kg ton 32 76 110 3.8 SWL 9 25 CONNECTORS LINKS RECESSED LINKS GHOOKS Recessed Links Product Code Model Link TySe 17182470E EVM 100 17182471E Weight SWL Dia. W H kg ton Master 21 78 142 0.8 10 EVM 120 Master 25 98 172 1.7 12 17182472E EVM 150 Master 30 135 230 2.8 15 17182473 EVM 200 Master 34 153 253 4.2 20 17182488 EVR 08 Recessed 15 97 175 1.4 8 17182490 EVR 10 Recessed 17 140 205 2.5 10 17182492E EVR 15 Recessed 17 150 185 3.6 15 17182494 EVR 20 Recessed 41 185 225 5.1 20 17182470E 17182488 G-Hooks Product Code Weight SWL W H kg ton GHook 70 115 0.65 3 EVG 05 GHook 82 132 1.2 5 17182450E EVG 10 GHook 115 180 3.3 10 17182455E EVG 15 GHook 136 215 6.05 15 17182460 EVG 20 GHook 155 240 8.40 20 Model Hook TySe 17182443E EVG 03 17182445E 718 Dimensions (mm) Recessed Link & G-Hook Combination Options G-Hooks Model EVM 100 Recessed Links HARDWARE 718 Dimensions (mm) EVG 05 9 9 EVG 10 EVM 120 9 EVM 150 9 EVG 15 EVR 08 EVR 10 EVR 15 EVG 30 9 9 EVM 200 EVR 20 26 EVG 03 9 9 9 9 9 17182445E CONNECTORS LINKS LINKS Product Code Model Link TySe 17183025E DV 30 17183027E 17183028E 718 Dimensions (mm) Weight SWL W H kg ton SSlit 70 115 0.7 3 DV 50 SSlit 80 130 1.1 5 DV 80 SSlit 90 145 1.6 8 HARDWARE Viking Links Split Links (sister clips) Product Code Model Link TySe 17551740 DS 10 SS 17551741 755 Inside Dimensions (mm) Weight SWL Dia. W H kg ton SSlit 10 16 50 0.085 0.2 DS 12 SS SSlit 13 18 55 0.15 0.3 17551742 DS 16 SS SSlit 16 21 72 0.33 0.4 17551743 DS 19 SS SSlit 19 24 80 0.5 0.5 17551744 DS 22 SS SSlit 22 27 88 0.75 0.6 Weight SWL Kellys Eye Product Code Model Link TySe 17183040 E90 – 25 17183046 E90 – 40 718 Inside Dimensions (mm) Dia. W H kg ton Kellys Eye 25 135 220 2.8 7 Kellys Eye 40 205 310 9.8 19 Half Bow Hammerlocks - Made in Japan Product Code Model Hook TySe 17182219 SKSBP 19 17182220 SKSBP 22 718 Dimensions (mm) Weight SWL Dia. W H kg ton Connector 19 — 240 3.3 15.5 Connector 22 — 255 3.8 12.8 27 CONNECTORS LINKS SLIP HOOKS B Split Links (sister clips) Product Code Model Hook TySe 17182591 BS 06 17182592 HARDWARE 718 Dimensions (mm) Weight SWL A B C kg ton SliS Hook 165 18 32 0.8 1 BS 10 SliS Hook 254 19 48 1.8 1.5 17182593 BS 12 SliS Hook 320 27 49 3.4 2.8 17182594 BS 14 SliS Hook 350 27 50 5 4.8 17182595 BS 15 SliS Hook 385 36 40 8.8 7 17182596 BS 16 SliS Hook 385 36 64 15 11 Yoyo Hooks Product Code 718 17182603 28 Model Hook TySe BY 30 Yoyo Hook Dimensions (mm) Weight SWL W H kg ton 170 280 2.2 3 A C TUBE THIMBLES TUBE THIMBLES Tube Thimbles Model ThimEle TySe 17185010 G715 K 17185011 718 Dimensions Inside (mm) Weight Max Wire W H kg with Gusset 12 15 95 0.52 G717 K with Gusset 14 17 100 0.55 17185012 G719 K with Gusset 16 19 112 0.65 17185013 G722 K with Gusset 18 22 125 0.9 17185014 G725 K with Gusset 22 25 150 1.26 17185015 G730 K with Gusset 25 30 170 2.02 17185016 G735 K with Gusset 32 35 190 2.5 HARDWARE Product Code Tube Thimbles Product Code Model ThimEle TySe 17185024 G712 17185025 718 Dimensions Inside (mm) Weight Max Wire W H kg without Gusset 10 84 23 0.21 G715 without Gusset 12 95 27 0.4 17185026 G717 without Gusset 14 100 27 0.48 17185029 G722 without Gusset 18 125 35 0.71 17185031 G725 without Gusset 22 150 45 1.21 29 BLUELINE BLOCKS BMM BLOCKS BMM Blocks (Blueline) - Galvanised, Steel Sheave Product Code SheaYe Weight H W Dia. mm kg 16 163 22 80 1.7 1.0 16 187 44 80 3.1 Sealed Ball Bearing 2.0 18 195 24 110 3.1 Sealed Ball Bearing 2.0 18 224 48 110 5.2 SWL TySe (ton) Max Wire (mm) 17182821 KT 1 1E (Sgl sheaYe) Ball Bearing 1.0 17182821A KT 1D 1E (DEl sheaYe) Ball Bearing 17182822 KT 1 1E (Sgl sheaYe) 17182822A KT 1D 1E (DEl sheaYe) 718 HARDWARE Dim. (mm) Bearing Model 17182822 51 Safety Factor BMM Blocks (Blueline) - Galvanised, Nylon Sheave Product Code 718 Model SWL Dim. (mm) 17182839A SheaYe Weight (ton) Max Wire (mm) H W Dia. mm kg 17182837 KT 1 NE (Sgl sheaYe) 1.0 16 163 22 80 1.3 17182837A KT 1D NE (DEl sheaYe) 1.0 16 187 44 80 1.9 17182838 KT 2 NE (Sgl sheaYe) 2.0 18 195 24 110 2.1 17182838A KT 2D NE (DEl sheaYe) 2.0 18 224 48 110 3.3 17182839 KT 3 NE (Sgl sheaYe) 3.0 20 257 28 150 4.1 17182839A KT 3D NE (DEl sheaYe) 3.0 20 296 56 150 6.6 51 Safety Factor 30 Side 17182839A Front BLUELINE BLOCKS BMM BLOCKS BMM Blocks - Snatch Block, Bronze Bushing Product Code SWL Hight ton mm Dia Width kg SwiYel eye 1.5 220 83 45 5.4 SwiYel eye 3.5 250 100 45 7.5 Model ToS Head 17182841 KS 20 E 17182842 KS 40 E 718 SheaYe Weight 51 Safety Factor Product Code 718 17182843 Model ToS Head KS 2 OE SwiYel eye SWL Max Wire Hight SheaYe ton mm mm Dia Width kg 2.0 18 225 110 24 3.7 HARDWARE BMM Blocks (Blueline) - Galvanised, Nylon Sheave Weight 51 Safety Factor BMM Blocks - Trawl Blocks Product Code SWL Hight ton mm Dia Width kg SwiYel eye 4.0 374 130 100 16.0 SwiYel eye 6.0 458 170 100 25.0 Model ToS Head 17182891 K 130 OEG 17182892 K 170 1E 718 SheaYe Weight 51 Safety Factor BMM BLOCKS • The Safe Working Load (SWL) indicates the maximum mass or force which the Elock is authori]ed to suSSort • All Elocks must Ee insSected regularly to monitor condition • Each Elock may Ee affected Ey wear, misuse, oYerloading, deformation and other use conditions • Working loads shown are the maximum load the Elock is authori]ed to suSSort under normal enYironmental conditions • Shock loading and aEnormal conditions must Ee taken into account when selecting Elocks 31 OYSTER GEAR OYSTER GEAR Oyster Accessories Product Code Length Si]e m mm End CaS — 12 2684B End CaS Door — 12 17478306 2683 2684A End CaS — 6 17478307 2684A End CaS Door — 6 17478310 77002 Duck CliSs — 10.5 17478310A 77000 Duck CliSs — 9 17478311 T C4000C TuEe CliS — — 17478312 T C4001P TuEe CliS Pin — — 17478314 4006 Fence Risers — — 17478315 77001 Fence Risers — — 17478316 20031 ST Risers — — 17478317 4004 End CaS Risers — — 17478320 BST Klein Wire GriSs — — 17478324 BST Bayco Wire 500 5 17478331 BST DriSSer TuEe 300 10.8 17478332 BST DriSSer TuEe 500 10.8 17478344 BST CaEle Ties 120 4 17478345 BST CaEle Ties 120 4 Model Part TySe 17478302 2683 2684B 17478303 COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR 747 17478302 17478310 32 17478307 17478312 17478314 17478332 17478316 17478317 OYSTER GEAR OYSTER MESH Product Code Length Si]e m mm Interlock Joiner 6 — Interlock Mesh Joiner Interlock Joiner 12 — 17478352 Interlock Mesh Joiner Interlock Joiner 17 — 17478406 TuEe Mesh TuEe 75 6 17478412 TuEe Mesh TuEe 75 12 17478416 TuEe Mesh TuEe 75 16 17478420 TuEe Mesh TuEe 75 20 17478421 TuEe Mesh TuEe 80 20 17478435 LayÁat w 2 mm aSerture Oyster SSat 135 100 17478440 LayÁat w 3 mm aSerture Oyster SSat 140 100 17478440M LayÁat w3 mm aSerture Oyster SSat 140 140 Model Part TySe 17478350 Interlock Mesh Joiner 17478351 747 COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR Oyster Mesh BST ADJUSTABLE LONGLINE OYSTER FARMING SYSTEM • AdMustaEle long line oyster farming system, can adMust height to suit conditions enYironment • Allows farming in all sea conditions. DeYeloSed for suE tidal and intertidal farming • Produces ´clean shellsµ, increased meat weight, eYen shell growth. Higher yields. • Ease of management, allows one ´Sersonµ to harYest and manage stock control • BST system is at the forefront of research and deYeloSment, incorSorating the latest design and technology for oyster grow out systems 17478406 33 HOOKS – COMMERCIAL HOOKS Easy Baiter Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Material Packaging 17139499 Eagle Claw E]Eaiter Ringed, KirEed 120 Sea Guard Finish Ser 100 Scs 17139500 Eagle Claw E]Eaiter Ringed, KirEed 130 Sea Guard Finish Ser 100 Scs 17139501 Eagle Claw E]Eaiter Ringed, KirEed 140 Sea Guard Finish Ser 100 Scs 713 Circle Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Material Packaging 17140809 Marinmax 71525H Offset, KirEed, Large Eye 90 High CarEon Steel 100 Scs 17140810 Marinmax 71525H Offset, KirEed, Large Eye 100 High CarEon Steel 100 Scs 17140811 Marinmax 71525H Offset, KirEed, Large Eye 110 High CarEon Steel 100 Scs 17140812 Marinmax 71525H Offset, KirEed, Large Eye 120 High CarEon Steel 100 Scs 17140813 Marinmax 71525H Offset, KirEed, Large Eye 130 High CarEon Steel 100 Scs 17140814 Marinmax 71525H Offset, KirEed, Large Eye 140 High CarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141115 Eagle Claw C190 Offset, KirEed, Ringed HeaYy Wire 150 High CarEon Steel 100 Scs COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR 714 17140810 17140811 17140812 17140813 17140814 Circle Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Material Packaging 17140416 Seamaster 160 Circle, Flattaned 160 Stainless Steel Ser 100 Scs 17140461 Hana 160 Circle, E TySe 160 Stainless Steel Ser 100 Scs 714 17140416 34 17140461 HOOKS – COMMERCIAL HOOKS Tuna Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Material Packaging 17148936 Terasima CurYed, Straight, Ringed 3.6 Stainless Steel Ser 100 Scs 17148938 Terasima CurYed, Straight, Ringed 3.8 Stainless Steel Ser 100 Scs 17149037 Hana Daitaro CurYed, Straight, Ringed 3.6 Stainless Steel Ser 100 Scs 17149038 Hana Daitaro CurYed, Straight, Ringed 3.8 Stainless Steel Ser 100 Scs 714 17148936 17148938 17149037 17149038 Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Material Packaging 17142016 Tainawa 220R Ringed, Tinned 16 R High CarEon Steel Ser 100 Scs 17142017 Tainawa 220R Ringed, Tinned 17 R High CarEon Steel Ser 100 Scs 17142018 Tainawa 220R Ringed, Tinned 18 R High CarEon Steel Ser 100 Scs 714 COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR Snapper Hooks Snooded Hooks Product Code Snood Si]e Hook Si]e LooS 17139405 16 Gauge (2.5 mm) x 23µ Long 120 With LooS 17139406 20 Gauge (3.0 mm) x 23µ Long 130 With LooS 17139416 24 Gauge (3.5 mm) x 23µ Long 150 Without LooS 713 35 MONOFILAMENT – COMMERCIAL MONOFILAMENT Haesung Siltlon Hank - Made in Korea Product Code COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR 724 Model Dia. mm SSool TySe Colour Load kg lE Length 17245410 Siltlon 100 lE 0.90 Hank Clear White 45 100 1,000 17245413 Siltlon 120 lE 1.00 Hank Clear White 54 120 1,000 17245421 Siltlon 150 lE 1.20 Hank Clear White 68 150 1,000 17245426 Siltlon 200 lE 1.40 Hank Clear White 90 200 1,000 17245428 Siltlon 250 lE 1.50 Hank Clear White 113 250 1,000 17245431 Siltlon 280 lE 1.60 Hank Clear White 126 280 1,000 17245435 Siltlon 350 lE 1.80 Hank Clear White 158 350 1,000 17245445 Siltlon 440 lE 2.00 Hank Clear White 200 440 1,000 17245446 Siltlon 440 lE 2.00 Hank Light Blue 200 440 1,000 17245449 Siltlon 500 lE 2.20 Hank Clear White 225 500 500 17245454 Siltlon 600 lE 2.50 Hank Clear White 270 600 500 Haesung Siltlon Reel - Made in Korea Product Code 724 Model Dia. mm SSool TySe Colour Load kg lE Length 17245422 Siltlon 150 lE 1.20 Reel Clear White 68 150 1,500 17245432 Siltlon 350 lE 1.80 Reel Light Blue 158 350 500 17245438 Siltlon 350 lE 1.80 Reel Clear White 158 350 5,000 17245442 Siltlon 440 lE 2.00 Reel Light Blue 200 440 200 17245459 Siltlon 900 lE 3.00 Reel Clear White 400 900 8,050 17245460 Siltlon 900 lE 3.00 Reel Light Blue 400 900 8,050 17245463 Siltlon 900 lE 3.20 Reel Clear White 400 900 8,050 17245465 Siltlon 1,100 lE 3.50 Reel Light Blue 500 1,100 8,050 17245467 Siltlon 1,100 lE 3.50 Reel Clear White 500 1,100 8,050 17245473 Siltlon 1,300 lE 4.00 Reel Light Blue 590 1,300 9,260 17245480 Siltlon 1,800 lE 5.00 Reel Clear White 810 1,800 1,000 HAESUNG SILTLON Siltlon Sremium grade for Eranch line, snood material. Excellent Ereaking strength with high aErasion resistance. Siltlon Sremium grade monoÀlament has exceStional softness (suSSle) and transSarent (clear) Tualities that is reTuired Ey commercial longline Àsherman. 36 Siltlon Main Line Siltlon Branch Line TUNA GEAR SWIVELS Heavy Duty Swivels Product Code Model TySe Si]e 17391307 Brass Tuna HeaYy Duty Brass 17391307B Brass Tuna 17391308 17391309 739 Test Load lE kg 7 500 227 HeaYy Duty Brass (Black) 7 500 227 Brass Tuna HeaYy Duty Brass 8 750 340 Brass Tuna HeaYy Duty Brass 9 950 431 Heavy Duty Swivels with Corkscrew Model TySe Si]e 17391535 Tuna Pigtail Pigtail 17391537 Tuna Pigtail 17391540 Tuna Pigtail 739 Test Load lE kg 6 87 39 Pigtail 7 95 43 Pigtail 9 112 51 COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR Product Code Leaded Swivels Product Code 739 Model Break Load Weight kg g 17391700 Leaded 38GM 490 38 17391701 Leaded 45GM 490 45 17391702 Leaded 60GM 490 60 17391703 Leaded 80GM 490 80 17391704 Leaded 100GM 490 100 Rolling Swivels Product Code Model Si]e Material Colour 17391587 SwiYels Rolling 80 Stainless Steel SilYer 17391588 SwiYels Rolling 80 Polished, Nickled Black 17391589 SwiYels Rolling 90 Polished, Nickled Black 739 37 TUNA GEAR CRIMPS Mini Alloy Crimps Product Code Model Si]e ShaSe 17460481 Mini Alloy LL 17460482 Mini Alloy 17460483 746 17460481 Dimensions (mm) Material W H L OYal 1.5 3.3 8 Aluminium L OYal 1.3 3.0 8 Aluminium Mini Alloy LM OYal 1.2 2.7 8 Aluminium 17460484 Mini Alloy M OYal 1.0 2.4 8 Aluminium 17460485 Mini Alloy S OYal 0.8 1.8 8 Aluminium 17460483 Aluminium Crimps Product Code Model Si]e ShaSe 17460502 Alloy Single LL 17460507 Alloy Single 17460508 Material W H L OYal 5.2 10.5 18 Aluminium A OYal 3.3 7.0 18 Aluminium Alloy Single B OYal 3.1 6.3 18 Aluminium 17460509 Alloy Single C OYal 2.6 5.2 18 Aluminium 17460510 Alloy Single D OYal 2.3 4.6 18 Aluminium 17460511 Alloy Single E OYal 2.0 4.2 18 Aluminium 17460512 Alloy Single F OYal 1.7 3.6 18 Aluminium 17460512A Alloy Single G OYal 1.5 3.3 18 Aluminium 17460519 Alloy DouEle 2 OYal 4.2 9.0 20 Aluminium COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR 746 Dimensions (mm) 17460511 17460538 Copper Crimps Product Code Model Si]e ShaSe 17460531 CoSSer SleeYe 10 17460537 CoSSer 11 17460538 746 38 Dimensions (mm) Material W H L Round 4 5 10 CoSSer 11 OYal 1.0 2.6 7 CoSSer CoSSer 10 10 OYal 1.3 3.0 7 CoSSer 17460539 CoSSer 9 9 OYal 1.6 3.5 9.5 CoSSer 17460540 CoSSer 8 8 OYal 1.9 4.2 14 CoSSer 17460541 CoSSer 7 7 OYal 2.2 4.6 14 CoSSer 17460550 CoSSer 6 6 OYal 2.3 5.0 14 CoSSer 17460537 TUNA GEAR SNAPS Stainless Steel Snaps with Swivels Product Code 755 Si]e (mm) Model Dia. L TySe ASSlication SwiYel 17551474 CliS 2.6 x 100 mm 2.60 100 L TySe MonoÀlament SBL 17551475 CliS 3.5 x 125 mm 3.50 125 L TySe MonoÀlament SBL 17551695 CliS 3.75 x 140 mm 3.75 140 L TySe MonoÀlament SBL 17551731 CliSs 2.0 x 80 mm 2.00 80 A TySe RoSe 50 Crane 17551735 CliSs 2.6 x 115 mm 2.60 115 U TySe RoSe 50 Crane 17551735 Product Code 755 Si]e (mm) Model Dia. L TySe ASSlication 17551680 CliS 3.5 x 125 mm 3.50 125 L TySe RoSe 17551680H CliS 3.5 x 125 mm 3.50 125 L TySe RoSe 17551710 CliS 2.6 x 100 mm 2.60 100 L TySe RoSe 17551730 CliS 2.0 x 80 mm 2.00 80 L TySe RoSe 17551710 17551730 Stainless Steel Recreational Snaps Product Code 755 Model Si]e (mm) Dia. L TySe ASSlication 17551500 CliS JayYai No 3 1.50 53 Set Line MonoÀlament 17551630 CliS Leigh 1.50 53 Set Line MonoÀlament 17551630 39 COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR Stainless Steel Snaps without Swivels TUNA GEAR TROLLING Yo-Zuri Triple Tuna Skirts - Made in Japan Product Code 746 COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR Si]e Model Colour mm 17467800 YoZuri #1 Y391A1A1 135 Lumo Green White White 17467801 YoZuri #2 Y391#30T13RB 135 Lumo Green BlueSilYer RainEow 17467803 YoZuri #4 738 #30 T313B 135 Mackeral SSeckled Blue RainEow 17467804 YoZuri #5 Y391A99#430 135 Mackeral BlueSilYer RainEow 17467805 YoZuri #8 C99994013 135 PurSle Blue Lumo Green RainEow 17467806 YoZuri #9 609430A8 135 Green Orange Yellow 17467807 YoZuri #11 A64T313A2 135 Hot Pink Clear White 17467900 YoZuri #16 743#31A1 135 Green Orange White 17467901 YoZuri #17 PURBLKT313R 135 PurSle Black RainEow 17467902 YoZuri #18 738Y082YO105 135 Lumo Green RainEow Mackerel 17467904 YoZuri #20 YO44YO70#25 135 Brown Pink Pink Pink Glitter YoZuri TriSle Tuna Skirts are sold in Sackets of 5 Sieces. 40 17467800 17467801 17467803 17467804 17467807 17467900 17467901 17467902 17467805 17467904 17467806 TUNA GEAR TROLLING Leaderline Stretch Product Code 746 17460672 Model Ashaway F60161 Si]e Weight Lenght mm lE Foot m 3 300 275 84 17460672 Tuna Hex Heads Weight Model NumEer of Eyes Eye 17460651 Tuna Hex Head 6 Blue 42 17460652 Tuna Hex Head 6 Red 42 17460649 Tuna Hex Head 0 — 50 17460650 Tuna Hex Head 3 Red 50 17460665 Tuna Hex Head 3 Red 70 17460666 Tuna Hex Head 6 Red 70 17460668 Tuna Hex Head 3 Red 110 746 g 17460651 17460652 COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR Product Code 17460665 17460668 41 TUNA GEAR LIGHTS Underwater Lights Product Code 755 VisiEility Model km Flash TySe Flash Colour 17552366 Deluxe Power Light ZW–6 — LED Green, Blue White 17552367 Deluxe Power Light ZW–7 — LED Green, Blue Red DELUXE UNDERWATER LIGHTS • • • • Water actiYated onoff switch 2x AA Eatteries Water Sroof to 700m 3 LED Áashing lights (green, Elue white) (green, Elue red) COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR Light Sticks Product Code 755 Model Dim. (mm) Duration L W hrs Colour 12 Green 17552457 Chemical Light Stick 4µ 110 10 12 Green 17552458 Chemical Light Stick 4µ 110 10 12 Pink 17552459 Chemical Light Stick 4µ 110 10 12 Blue Flash TySe Flash Colour 17552459 10 17552458 150 17552457 Chemical Light Stick 6µ 17552456 17552456 Strobes Product Code VisiEility Model Battery 17552391 Light Bouy CH 2000B 4x AA 3 LED White 17552393 Light Bouy CH 2000B 4x AA 3 LED Green 17552395 Light Bouy CH 2000B 4x AA 3 LED Blue 17552396 Light Bouy CH 2000B 4x AA 3 LED Yellow 17552400 Light Bouy CH 2000B 4x AA 3 LED Red 17552440 Sea Light DYX–285 2x D 6 StroEe Red, White 17552441 Sea Light DYX–1 1x D 4 StroEe Red, White 17552415 CH1 Solar Solar — StroEe White 755 km 17552393 17552440 17552441 17552415 42 TUNA GEAR RADIO BUOYS Radio Buoy Product Code Model Part 17552469 KTR 18 Radio Buoy 17552471 KTR 18 Aerial TiS 17552472 KTR 18 Ic Board – Suit 17552473 KTR 18 Aerial – ComSlete 17552474 KTR 18 Battery Pack 17552475 KTR 18 Base Board Battery Pack 17552477 KTR 18 DonutFloat 755 17552469 RADIO BUOY 4 Tone Signal Series 3W 10W DC18V 1,650 4,000 KH] 200 NM 24.5kg COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR • • • • • • Pole Buoy Product Code 755 Model Dimensions (mm) L W Material 17552461 ReÁection Pole Short for #12H 0.38 38 LDPE 17552464 Buoy Rod With Lead Head 3.5 32 Aluminium 17552465 Buoy Rod 5 25 FiEreglass 43 TUNA GEAR GAFFS 17551852 Gaff Hooks Product Code 755 Model Length Material mm 17551852 FHK 10 10 Stainless Steel 17551853 FHK 12 12 Stainless Steel 17551863A 4 Hook Norwegian — Stainless Steel 17551863A Hand Gaffs Product Code COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR 755 44 Model Length mm Material Prongs 17551860 Short STD 450 Wooden 1 17551861 Medium STD 600 Wooden 1 17551862 Long HVDTY 800 Wooden 1 TUNA GEAR SS TRACE WIRE Stainless Steel Trace Wire - Nylon Coating Product Code Length Breaking Strength ID OD m kg Nylon 1.50 1.80 100 190 Nylon 1.80 2.10 100 268 Construction Coating 17569276 Leader 7X7 17569279 Leader 7X7 756 Diameter (mm) Stainless steel trace wire with clear nylon coating Product Code 756 Construction Diameter (mm) Length Breaking Strength OD m kg 17569350 Leader 7X7 0.54 10 24 17569351 Leader 7X7 0.63 10 33 17569352 Leader 7X7 0.72 10 43 17569353 Leader 7X7 0.81 10 54 17569354 Leader 7X7 0.90 10 66 17569355 Leader 7X7 1.00 10 80 17569356 Leader 7X7 1.35 10 148 17569357 Leader 7X7 1.50 10 190 17569358 Leader 7X7 1.80 10 268 17569359 Leader 7X7 2.00 10 330 COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR Stainless Steel Trace Wire 45 TUNA GEAR SS TRACE WIRE Stainless Steel Trace Wire Product Code COMMERCIAL FISHING GEAR 756 Construction Diameter (mm) Length Breaking Strength OD m kg 17569370 Leader 7X7 0.54 100 24 17569371 Leader 7X7 0.63 100 33 17569372 Leader 7X7 0.72 100 43 17569373 Leader 7X7 0.81 100 54 17569374 Leader 7X7 0.90 100 66 17569375 Leader 7X7 1.00 100 80 17569376 Leader 7X7 1.35 100 148 17569377 Leader 7X7 1.50 100 190 17569378 Leader 7X7 1.80 100 268 17569379 Leader 7X7 2.00 100 330 Seizing/ Lacing Wire Product Code 756 46 Model Diameter Length Coil Weight mm m kg Material 17569479 Sei]ing Wire 1.2 110 1 Stainless Steel 17569482 Sei]ing Wire 1.8 110 1 Stainless Steel TOOLS CRIMPER Heavy Duty Bench Crimper Product Code 746 17460601 Weight Model CT 1000 Dimensions (mm) Kg L W H 11.0 700 125 270 Die Sets for CT1000 Product Code 746 Model Hole Si]e SleeYe Si]e mm mm 17460602 CT 1000 A 7.0 4.3 17460603 CT 1000 B 5.7 3.3 17460604 CT 1000 BC 5.0 2.8 17460605 CT 1000 C 4.6 2.6 17460606 CT 1000 D 4.3 2.3 17460607 CT 1000 E 3.9 2.0 17460608 CT 1000 F 3.6 1.7 17460608A CT 1000 G 3.3 1.5 InterchangeaEle die styles Product Code 746 17460614 Model CN 10 NumEer of CrimS Si]e CrimSing Positions mm 4 0.1 – 2.2 Jaw Material TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Mini Hand Crimper Position 1 0.1 0.5 mm Position 2 0.5 1.0 mm Steel Position 3 1.0 2.0 mm Position 4 2.2 mm Hand Crimper Product Code 746 17460611 Model HD800 NumEer of CrimS Si]e CrimSing Positions mm 4 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.2 Jaw Material with Side Cutter 47 TOOLS SWAGER CUTTERS Hand Crimper Product Code 746 17460609 Model CH18 NumEer of CrimS Si]e CrimSing Positions Length mm mm in 4 1.0 4.2 406.4 16 Mono Cutters Product Code Model Blade TySe Blade ProSerties Material 17569750 Haesung HSMC400 Serrated, Machined Stainless Steel 17569755 Momoi HICATCH Serrated, Machined Stainless Steel 17569756 Centro CM100 Serrated, Machined Stainless Steel 756 Wire Cutters Product Code 755 17551870 Model Blade TySe Blade ProSerties Centro C7 Hardened Steel Jaw TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Handheld wire caEle cutters. 48 17569750 17569755 TOOLS SPLICING SPIKES PUNCHES Splicing Fids for Fibre Rope Product Code 755 Model Material Handle SSike Length (mm) 17551810 EM 170 Wood Stainless Steel 170 17551812 MDR 220 Wood Stainless Steel 220 17551826 MDR 290 Wood Stainless Steel 290 17551827 MDR 360 Wood Stainless Steel 360 17551810 17551812 Marlin Spikes for Wire Rope Product Code 755 Model Material Dimensions (mm) Weight TiS SSike H Dia. kg 17551831 EM 260 Hardened Chrome Steel 260 28 0.24 17551832 EM 310 Hardened Chrome Steel 310 28 0.37 17551833 EM 450 Hardened Chrome Steel 450 43 1.21 17551834 EM 610 Hardened Chrome Steel 610 43 1.88 Punches Model For connector 17182381 E600–07 17182382 718 Dimensions (mm) Weight Si]e W H kg 10 7 22 190 0.36 E600–09 13 9 22 210 0.41 17182383 E600–11 16 11 22 220 0.45 17182384 E600–13 19 13 22 240 0.5 17182385 E600–15 22 15 22 250 0.55 17182386 E600–17 26 17 22 265 0.65 TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Product Code 49 TOOLS NEEDLES Blueline Needles Product Code 755 Model Si]e in mm Part # 17552480 Blueline NAL 5 127 NAL F1040 17552561 Blueline NAL 6 150 NALF908 17552490 Blueline NAL 7 178 NAL F1041 17552500 Blueline NAL 8 203 NALF987 Toka Needles Product Code 755 Model Si]e in mm Part # 17552530 Toka 8 203 MAAL451 17552540 Toka 10 250 MAAL452 17552550 Toka 12 300 MAAL453 Osprey Needles Product Code TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING 755 50 Model Si]e in mm Part # 17552580 OsSrey 10 250 NAL10 17552582 OsSrey 12 300 NAL12 17552584 OsSrey 14 350 NAL14 17552586 OsSrey 16 400 NAL16 TOOLS MISCELLANEOUS Brain Killers Product Code Material Model 755 Handle SSike 17551858 Haesung Single T Stainless Steel 17551859 FuMi Single T Stainless Steel 17551868 FuMi DouEle T Stainless Steel TemS Range Dimensions (mm) 17551858 17551868 17551859 Ice Shovel Product Code Model 755 17555727 LoadMaxx ÝC W L 30 80 350 1,120 LOADMAXX ICE SHOVEL Made from UV staEilised contact Solyethylene HACCP system colour coded One Siece Slastic shoYel ImSact Sroof construction Virtually unEreakaEle TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING • • • • • 51 KNIVES HOT FISH KNIVES Hot Knives Product Code Brand Model Blade TySe 17551990 GNZ Hot Knife 60W 230V KD8 (with carry case) TySe R Blade 17551992 HSGM Hot Knife 240V TySe R Blade (additional) 17551993 HSGM Hot Knife Blade (only) TySe R Blade 17551995 Hot Wire Box Cutter 3080RC — 755 17551990 17551992 Fish Knives Product Code Model Blade TySe 17552063 Godard Victory Serrated 341 SS Serrated 22 17552070 Godard Victory CaEEage 308 SS Straight 30 17552075 Godard Victory Fish SSlitter HeaYy Duty SS Straight 30 17552080 Godard Victory Fish 307 SS Straight 17 17552090 Godard Victory Heading Fillet 307 SS Straight 22 17552100 Godard Victory Heading Fillet 802 SS Straight 22 17552110 Godard Victory DroS Blood B211 SS Straight 16 17552135 Godard Victory Thin Fillet 512 SS Straight 18 17552140 Godard Victory Narrow Fillet 506 SS Straight Narrow 25 17552141 Godard Victory Fillet 506 SS Straight 22 17552142 Godard Victory Narrow Fillet 250625 SS Straight 25 TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING 755 52 Blade Length Brand 17552063 17552090 17552070 17552135 17552075 17552140 17552080 17552141 cm KNIVES FISH BUTCHERS KNIVES Fish Knives Product Code Blade Length Brand Model Blade TySe 17552032 Ka]ax HiCut HiCut KniYes W320 w Sheath SS Straight 15 17552034 Ka]ax HiCut HiCut KniYes W320 w Sheath SS Straight 21 755 cm ShellÀsh Knives Product Code Blade Length Brand Model Blade TySe 17552155 Godard Victory ScalloS Knife 3920 Stainless Steel 9 17552157 Godard Victory Mussel Knife 2603 Stainless Steel 8 755 cm 17552157 17552155 Butchers Knives Blade Length Brand Model Blade TySe 17552057 Godard Victory Boning Knife 710 Stainless Steel 15 17552058 Godard Victory Boning Knife 710 Stainless Steel 17 17552059 Godard Victory Boning Knife 223 Stainless Steel 17 17552086 Godard Victory Y–Cut Knife 207 Stainless Steel 15 17552087 Godard Victory Y–Cut Knife 207 Stainless Steel 17 17552099 Godard Victory Fillet Knife 210 Stainless Steel 19 755 17552057 17552087 17552058 17552099 cm TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Product Code 53 KNIVES VEGETABLE JAPANES KNIVES Vegetable Knives Product Code Blade Length Brand Model Blade TySe 17552046 Victorinox Paring HK50433 SS Serrated 8 17552047 Victorinox Paring Knife HK50403 SS Straight 8 17552050 Victorinox ShaSing Knife HK53103 SS Straight 8 17552051 Victorinox Paring Knife HK50633 SS Serrated 8 17552153 EEerhard Ryset Ryset 4 Boot SS Straight 9 755 17552046 17552050 17552047 17552153 cm Japanese Knives Product Code Model Blade TySe 17552119 Ka]ax Heart Fish Knife #73100 SS DouEle Edge 10 17552120 Ka]ax Heart Fish Knife #73101 SS DouEle Edge 10 17552121 Ka]ax Heart Fish Knife #73102 SS Single Edge 9.5 17552122 Ka]ax Heart Fish Knife #73103 SS Single Edge 10.5 17552160 Kaohsiung Sashimi A134 SS Straight 27 17552164 Magiri Magiri–Deck CarEon Steel, Straight 13.5 TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING 755 54 Blade Length Brand 17552119 17552122 17552120 17552160 17552121 17552164 cm KNIVES DIVERS FROST KNIVES Japanese Divers Knives Product Code Blade Length Brand Model Blade TySe 17552166 Ka]ax Knife Sheath #1330 Stainless Steel 15 17552170 Ka]ax Knife Sheath #1810 Stainless Steel 10 17552171 Ka]ax Knife Sheath #1809 Stainless Steel 10 755 17552166 cm 17552170 Frost Knives Blade Length Brand Model Blade TySe 17552212 Frost Frost Knife 440 (Yellow) SS Straight 10 17552213 Frost Frost Knife Ek760 #13 SS Straight 10 17552215 Frost Frost CliSSer Knife #840 SS Straight 10 17552216 Frost Frost CliSSer Knife #860 SS Straight 10 17552217 Frost SaEre CliSSer Knife #861 SS Serrated 10 755 17552212 17552213 17552216 cm TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Product Code 17552217 Sharpeners Product Code Model Si]e Blade TySe 17552234 CamErian Steel No. 3CCS130 12µ Medium 17552235 CamErian Steel No. SK3CCS120 12µ Coarse 17552236 ComEination Stone 8µ Coarse Medium 755 17552235 17552236 55 INSULATED ICE BOXES ICE BOXES Ice Kube - White Cloud Product Code 755 Model L Dimensions (mm) Colour L W H 17551375 Ice KuEe Ice Box 40 Grey 650 345 385 17551380 Ice KuEe Ice Box 75 Blue 960 480 385 17551366B Ice KuEe Ice Box 60 Blue 800 400 385 17551367B Ice KuEe Ice Box 95 Blue 960 480 430 17551367Y Ice KuEe Ice Box 90 Yellow 960 480 430 17551385 Ice KuEe Ice Box 120 Blue 960 480 550 17551368B Ice KuEe Ice Box 150 Blue 970 560 540 17551380 TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Si]e 17551367Y INSULATED ICE BOXES • • • • • • DouEle skin ´foamµ insulated chiller Eins Rotational moulded Moulded in hinges, synthetic soft draw latches Internal drain on Eoth ends Non markingtextured surface Hinge system integrated into the Eox and lid, ensures maximum strength • RuEEer nonskid feet • OStional item Easketdry goods racks 56 150L 120L 95L 75L OStional Easketdry goods racks 60L 40L INSULATED ICE BOXES ICE BOXES Comos Ice Box Product Code 755 Si]e Model L Dimensions (mm) Colour L W H 17551390 Comos Ice Box (long) 200 Blue 1,360 607 446 17551400 Comos Ice Box 300 Blue 1,070 740 720 17551401 Comos Ice Box 450 Blue 1,120 880 850 17551423 Comos Ice Box 800 Blue 1,066 1,020 1,354 17551425 Comos Ice Box 1,100 Blue 1,485 1,170 990 17551423 17551425 17551390 COMOS COMMERCIAL INSULATED ICE BOXES Large light weight range of insulated ice Eoxes Made from heaYy duty Solyethylene Insulation is high Sressure inMected Solyurethane Manufactured as a one Siece mould (ensures no unsightly welds) HeaYy duty feet skids TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING • • • • • 57 CLOTHING WET WEATHER Footwear Product Code Model Si]e 701 BATA US 17019951 Safemate 289212010 6 White 17019952 Safemate 289212010 7 White 17019953 Safemate 289212010 8 White 17019954 Safemate 289212010 9 White 17019955 Safemate 289212010 10 White 17019956 Safemate 289212010 11 White 17019957 Safemate 289212010 12 White 17019963 Safemate 289212010 13 White 17019964 Safemate 289212010 14 White Colour SAFEMATE 289212010 Cap: Sole: Colours: Fit: Steel toe aSSroYed to ASNZ 2210.3 Oil, acid and sliS resistant White uSSer yellow sole Broad natural toe design, wide comfortaEle Àtting TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Wet Weather Gear - Bibs Product Code Model Si]e 701 BATA US 17012087 654 SS Blue HiVis Neon 17012086 654 S Blue HiVis Neon 17012085 654 M Blue HiVis Neon 17012088 654 L Blue HiVis Neon 17012089 654 XL Blue HiVis Neon 17012084 654 2XL Blue HiVis Neon 17012083 654 3XL Blue HiVis Neon 17012082 654 4XL Blue HiVis Neon Colour STORMLINE DOUBLE FRONT BIB • HeaYyduty Solyester Eacked PVC outer layer, nylon Eacked PVC against the skin for Tuick drying • TriSle layer in the knee incorSorating remoYaEle knee Sads. Elasticated Eraces with industrial Slastic cliS Euckles. • Reinforced with taSe at all stress Soints. Velcro taSe at legs for adMustment safety • Elastic waist, HiVisiEility Neon for Safety. Ideal for enYironments reTuiring aErasion resistant gear • Weight 1.7kg ( 100g for smaller and larger si]es) 58 CLOTHING WET WEATHER Wet Weather Gear - Parka Product Code Model Si]e 701 Crew Jacket US 17012098 211 XL Blue HiVis Neon 17012099 211 L Blue HiVis Neon 17012100 211 M Blue HiVis Neon 17012101 211 S Blue HiVis Neon 17012102 211 2XL Blue HiVis Neon 17012102A 211 3XL Blue HiVis Neon Colour STORMLINE CREW JACKET TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING • Velcro storm ÁaS. Drawstring storm hood. NeoSrene adMustaEle cuffs for water Srotection and comfort • Shorter front to reduce Eulk with longer Eack for added water Srotection • Featured in mostly Neon for hiYisiEilty, the Macket also features white reÁectiYe taSe for suSerior reÁectiYe Serformance in all conditions and enhanced safety and identiÀcation • Ideal for enYironments reTuiring aErasion resistant gear Commercial Fishing, ATuaculture, SSort Fishing, Industry, Farming, Construction, Oil and Gas • Weight 1.9kg ( 100g for smaller and larger si]es) Worn Ey Srofessionals worldwide from King CraE Àshermen in the Bering Sea, Atlantic LoEster Fisherman in NoYa Scotia, Fishermen throughout the UK and EuroSe and down under in the Southern Oceans Ey NZ and AUS Àshermen. Worn on The Deadliest Catch, Trawlermen, Million Dollar Catch, Hardliners. Gloves Product Code Model TySe Si]e Colour 17011001 Nylon GloYes #115 Nylon SM White Red Trim 17011002 Nylon GloYes #115 Nylon M White Green Trim 17011003 Nylon GloYes #115 Nylon LG White Blue Trim 17011003A Nylon GloYes #115 Nylon XL White Brown Trim 17011010 Nylon Work GloYes Nylon LG Red 17011009 HeaYy WT GloYes #1265 Cotton — White Yellow Trim 17011536 Slurry GloYes 62cm Slurry 62025 — Green 17011727 Showa #460 Free]er M Orange 17011728 Showa #460 Free]er L Orange 17011729 Showa #460 Free]er XL Orange 17011734 Center 15T Long 40cm ToothÀsh S] 9 Red Black 17011735 Center 15T Long 40cm ToothÀsh S] 10 Red Black 17011736 Center 15T Elite 40cm ToothÀsh S] 10.5 Red Black 701 59 ANCHORS CLIPS ANCHORS Ezylift Anchor Clips Product Code 749 Model Suits RoSe Weight mm kg ASSlications Material 17497890 Anchor CliS 6 10 All tySes ScalloS, Dredges Stainl. Steel 17497895 Anchor CliS 12 All tySes ScalloS, Dredges Stainl. Steel Anchor Swivels Product Code Suits Chain Si]e SWL mm kg Rigid 6–8 650 Stainl. Steel Rigid 10 – 12 1,250 Stainl. Steel Model TySe 17390306 SWCON06 17390310 SWCON10 739 Material Danforth Anchors Product Code TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING 749 Model Weight Boat Si]e kg Max (m) SeaEed SuitaEility Material 17497902 Danforth 4S 2.5 3 Softer SeaEead GalYanised 17497903 Danforth 6S 3.5 5 Softer SeaEead GalYanised 17497904 Danforth 8S 5 5 Softer SeaEead GalYanised 17497906 Danforth 10S 6.1 6 Softer SeaEead GalYanised 17497908 Danforth 13S 7 8 Softer SeaEead GalYanised 17497910 Danforth 18S 10 10 Softer SeaEead GalYanised 17497912 Danforth 22S 12 13 Softer SeaEead GalYanised 17497915 Danforth 30S 15 14 Softer SeaEead GalYanised 17497904 17498005 Plough Anchors Product Code 749 60 Model Weight Boat Si]e kg Maximum (m) Material 17498005 Plough 5 5 3.5 4.5 GalYanised 17498007 Plough 7 7 4.5 5.5 GalYanised 17498009 Plough 9 9 5.5 6.5 GalYanised 17498012 Plough 12 12 6.5 8 GalYanised 17498014 Plough 15 15 8 9.5 GalYanised 17498016 Plough 20 20 9.5 12 GalYanised 17498017 Plough 22 22 11.5 13 GalYanised 17498024 Plough 35 35 13 15.5 GalYanised 17498016 ANCHORS GRAPNELS Longline Grapnels Product Code Model TySe 17498102 Gra 20 17498101 749 Claw (mm) Shank (mm) Weight L D W L Dia. kg GalYanised GraSnel 332 25 600 1,150 43 20 Gra 30 GalYanised GraSnel 382 33 670 1,400 46 30 17498097 Gra 45 GalYanised GraSnel 402 40 716 1,450 55 45 17498096A Gra 80 GalYanised GraSnel 500 45 890 1,500 75 80 Product Code 755 Model Weight kg SuitaEle for Material 17550215 Folding 1.5 1.5 Dingys Kayaks GalYanised 17550225 Folding 2.5 2.5 Dingys Kayaks GalYanised 17550232 Folding 3.2 3.2 Dingys Kayaks GalYanised 17550240 Folding 4 4 Dingys Kayaks GalYanised 17550246 Folding 6 6 Dingys Kayaks GalYanised 17550248 Folding 8 8 Dingys Kayaks GalYanised TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Folding Grapnels 61 SUNDRY SUNDRY ReÁective Tape Product Code Length Model 755 Colour m 17555152 ReÁection TaSe HR1 47.5 SilYer 17555162 ReÁection TaSe HR2 47.5 Yellow Sundry Tubing Product Code Length Model Si]e 17555704 TuEe 4.2 4.2 200 Green 17555704A TuEe 4.2 4.2 200 Pink 17555707 TuEe 2.5 2.5 200 Clear 755 Colour m Sundry Codend Ring Product Code Model Colour 17555230 Trawlring 421 17555240 Diameter (mm) kg Inside Outside White 400 38 55 Trawlring 422 White 800 44 69 17555242 Trawlring 422 Black 800 44 69 17555270 Trawlring 490 White 1,100 60 89 755 TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Lifting Limit Seiner Dye Product Code 755 Model Outer Si]e kg Container 17551893 Seiner Set Dye 11.35 (25lE) Pail 17551893B Seiner Set Dye 113.40 Drum 17551894H Seiner Dye Bags 500 Scs Eox Carton 62 17551893 SUNDRY SUNDRY Tackle Boxes Product Code 755 Trays Model Container NumEer 17551361 Momoi PM 6100 1 Blue 17551362 Momoi PM 6200 2 Green 17551363 Momoi PM 6300 3 Red Anodes Product Code Weight Model 755 kg 17550260 CraySot Anodes 1 17550265 CraySot Anodes 1.5 17550260 17550265 Brush Product Code Model TySe King Gong ScruEEer Hand Brush 755 17555752 Product Code 755 17551471 Model Si]e Haesung Leader Bin 3 Wire 500 Hooks TOOLS, ICE BOXES, CLOTHING Leader Bins Dimensions (mm) L W H 865 530 620 Berley Cages Product Code Model ShaSe 17550289 CrayÀsh – Berley Sausage 17550290 CrayÀsh – Bait Pot 755 17550289 17550290 63 FAD – FISH AGGREGATION DEVICE FAD – FISH AGGREGATION DEVICE Fibre Rope - Specialised Options 12 S/T Product Code 801 Model Dia Coil Si]e BL Weight Coil mm m kg kg m 18011160 SuSerDan 12 ST Floating 16 1,000 4,500 116 1,000 18011204 SuSerDan 12 ST Floating 20 900 6,900 161 900 18011254 SuSerDan 12 ST Floating 25 500 9,900 130 500 18011324 SuSerDan 12 ST Floating 32 220 16,800 101 220 18053186 Polyester 12 ST Sinking 18 500 7,400 117 500 Fibre Rope - Standard Options 3 S/T Product Code FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS 801 64 Model Dia Coil Si]e BL Weight Coil mm m kg kg m 18010168 PP Danline 3 ST Floating 16 250 3,800 32 250 18010208 PP Danline 3 ST Floating 20 250 5,800 48 250 18010243 PP Danline 3 ST Floating 24 250 8,100 72 250 18010283 PP Danline 3 ST Floating 28 250 10,700 98 250 18042166 Nylon 3 ST Sinking 16 250 4,780 39 250 18042203 Nylon 3 ST Sinking 20 250 7,230 60 250 18042246 Nylon 3 ST Sinking 24 250 10,200 87 250 18042286 Nylon 3 ST Sinking 28 250 13,500 119 250 18050164 Polyester 3 ST Sinking 16 250 4,100 49 250 18050204 Polyester 3 ST Sinking 20 250 6,300 76 250 18050244 Polyester 3 ST Sinking 24 250 9,100 109 250 18050284 Polyester 3 ST Sinking 28 250 12,200 148 250 FAD – FISH AGGREGATION DEVICE FAD – FISH AGGREGATION DEVICE Fibre Rope - Mussel Culture Rope Product Code Model 863 18633014 PP Black Culture RoSe 3 ST Floating Dia Coil Si]e BL Weight Coil mm m kg kg m 14 250 1,800 25 250 MUSSEL CULTURE ROPE • UV staEilised to meet extreme conditions • 3 strand fully Ealanced construction • ProYen sSat collection and retention Steel Wire Rope Product Code Model 194 Dia Coil Si]e BL mm m kg 01940305 7x 19 RHOL 1620 SS 5 1.4 Stainless Steel 01940306 7x 19 RHOL 1620 SS 6 2.0 Stainless Steel 01940308 7x 19 RHOL 1620 SS 8 3.4 Stainless Steel 01940310 7x 19 RHOL 1620 SS 10 5.6 Stainless Steel 01983914 6x 9 RHOL 1570G ComEination 14 4.3 PP GalYanised 01983916 6x 9 RHOL 1420G ComEination 16 6.2 PP GalYanised 01799209 6x 19 RHOL 14201770G PVC CoYered 13 5.5 PVC GalYanised 01940306 01799209 • Stainless Steel Wire RoSe 316 Stainless Wire RoSe Sreformed right hand ordinary lay, wire strand core • ComEination Wire RoSe Six Strand ComEination RoSe (IWRC or FiEre RoSe core), Sreformed steel strands coYered with Poly ProSylene multiÀlament • PVC Coated Wire RoSe Class A galYanised wire roSe coYered to reTuire thickness with PVC, colour oStional FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS STEEL WIRE ROPE 01983914 65 FAD – FISH AGGREGATION DEVICE FAD – FISH AGGREGATION DEVICE Floats Product Code Model TySe 17060230 30G 2 17060208 706 Si]e Working deSth Buoyancy Weight mm m kg kg Centre Hole OYal 290 x 437 200 20 3 10B 8 Centre Hole SSherical 290 dia 800 10.8 3.1 17068280 SHE 70 EVA Purse Seine OYal 220 x 250 Surface 6.5 1 17068285 SHE 85 EVA Purse Seine OYal 248 x 265 Surface 8.5 1.3 17060230 17068280 17060208 Swivels Product Code 739 TySe Si]e SWL Length Weight mm ton mm kg 17393116 A16 FO Short Bow, Alloy Steel 16 2.4 150 0.87 17393119 A19 FO Short Bow, Alloy Steel 19 3.8 185 1.30 17393122 A22 FO Short Bow, Alloy Steel 22 5.3 230 2.20 17393223 A22 STW Large Eyes, Alloy Steel 22 5.3 260 2.75 17393125 A25 FO Short Bow, Alloy Steel 25 7.2 265 3.65 17390216 A16 SS Rigid, Stainless Steel 16 3.2 180 0.89 17390219 A19 SS Rigid, Stainless Steel 19 4.7 205 1.80 17390222 A22 SS Rigid, Stainless Steel 22 6.8 222 2.25 17390225 Rigid, Stainless Steel 25 8.3 278 4.10 Si]e WLL Inside L Weight mm ton mm kg Anchor Shackles - Green Pin Product Code FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS 232 DescriStion 02329016 Hi Load Bow Anchor Shackle 16 2.0 47.5 0.44 02329019 Hi Load Bow Anchor Shackle 19 3.25 60.5 0.79 02329022 Hi Load Bow Anchor Shackle 22 4.75 71.5 1.26 02329026 Hi Load Bow Anchor Shackle 25 6.50 84.0 1.88 02329029 Hi Load Bow Anchor Shackle 28 3.50 95.0 2.78 HI LOAD ANCHOR SHACKLES • Safety anchor shackle with nut, Eolt and stainless steel sSlit Sin • 61 safety factor, galYani]ed Ànish • Tested and certiÀed 66 17393116 17393119 17393223 17390219 FAD – FISH AGGREGATION DEVICE FAD – FISH AGGREGATION DEVICE Chains Product Code Si]e MWL Drum mm ton m GalYanised 16 2,310 90 PWB Regular Link PC Chain GalYanised 20 3,670 60 02605024 PWB Regular Link PC Chain GalYanised 24 5,340 40 02609016 PWB Regular Link PC Chain Self Colour (Black) 16 2,310 90 02609020 PWB Regular Link PC Chain Self Colour (Black) 20 3,670 60 02609024 PWB Regular Link PC Chain Self Colour (Black) 24 5,340 40 DescriStion Finish 02605016 PWB Regular Link PC Chain 02605020 260 02605020 Accessories DescriStion Si]e Unit Si]e 18990002 Plastic Packaging StraSSing Blue 19 mm 300m Box 18550460 #969 Nylite SSool Shield suite 1922 mm RoSe #3 Each 18550461 #969 Nylite SSool Shield suite 2227 mm RoSe #4 Each 17185012 G719K TuEe ThimEle with Gusset suit 16 mm RoSe 16 mm Each 17185013 G722K TuEe ThimEle with Gusset suit 19 mm RoSe 19 mm Each 17185014 G725K TuEe ThimEle with Gusset suit 22 mm RoSe 22 mm Each 17185015 G730K TuEe ThimEle with Gusset suit 26 mm RoSe 26 mm Each 18990005 Non Toxic FAD Hose HeaYy Duty 25 mm ID Each 18990006 GalYanised PiSe 1.6m Long 114 mm OD Each 18990007 Steel Reinforcing ReEar x 6m Length 25 mm OD Each 899 18990002 18550460 FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS Product Code 67 TORI LINES MATERIALS Its simplistic design, easy and cheap construction and effectiveness are why the tori line is the most effective and widely used seabird mitigation device worldwide. Sea trials on new zealand trawlers tested new improved materials and designs (as shown below). These trials show how to greatly improve the performance of your tori line and reduce the risk of seabird warp strikes when tori lines are constructed, maintained and deployed correctly. 3. DA WARP ZON NGER E 2. 1. 2. 2. Streamers: Backbone and Paired Streamers 1. Drag Weight: This increases drag to support heavier streamer material, improves aerial extent and the line maintains better position behind the vessel. Deep-Sea Trawl Float 3. Boom and Bridle Use a shorter backbone to maintain better position behind the vessel. Use 8 mm mainline rope (bright coloured not green) 30, 35, 40 m long. Attach the tori line at least 2 to 3 m outboard and above each trawl block or Use a boom to gain the required height and width from block. Deploy from the trawl deck, use a bridle/ lazy line from the drag object for easy deployment. Use heavier diameter 7, 8 or 9 mm (not 3.5 mm luminous) bright pink, orange, red or yellow plastic tubing. Road Cone Windy Buoy (too light) Recommended Design dimensions To calculate the correct dimensions of your tori line: Measure the vertical distance from the water surface to your trawl block centre (Trawl Block Height, TBH, see diagram). Boom Example below of the formula applying to a vessel with a 6 m TBH: Formula Backbone length (m) 5.0 x Drag object weight (kg) 1.20 x Number of streamer/sets 1.0 x 6.0 = 30 m 6.0 = 7.2kg 6.0 = 6 sets Block 3m TBH(m) Vessel Specs ne bo ack gth Len 3m B 3m 3m 3m p 3m ar W Drag Weight Swivel Min 10m aerial extension from warp Streamers © Ros Wells Trawl Block Height (TBH) FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS Materials for Streamer / Tori Lines Product Code 740 68 Product 17400005 9 mm Tori Line BackEone x 55m Length SwiYel SSacing 11 # 4.5m 17555703 New Kraton Orange Lumo TuEing 9.5 mm OD x 30m coil 17478344 BST 120 mm x 4 mm CaEle Ties Black 09568606 6 mm Eye to Eye SwiYel 316 SS ASSrox BC 150 kg 09568608 8 mm Eye to Eye SwiYel 316 SS ASSrox BC 300 kg 17063612 360 mm Dia x 1,200m DEl Lug Trawl Float Weight 8.7 kg 17555170 450 mm Road Cone Fluro Orange 17060245 170 mm Dia Centre Hole Trawl Float (Inside Road Cone) MARKERS UPRIGHT MARKERS Spraywell Aerosol Upright Markers Si]e Packaging ml Carton CBT33 400 12 Scs Light Blue CBT38 400 12 Scs SSraywell USright Marker Dark Green CBT31 400 12 Scs 17790103 SSraywell USright Marker Light Green CBT43 400 12 Scs 17790104 SSraywell USright Marker Yellow CBT19 400 12 Scs 17790105 SSraywell USright Marker Orange CBT44 400 12 Scs 17790106 SSraywell USright Marker Red CBT13 400 12 Scs 17790107 SSraywell USright Marker PurSle CBT20 400 12 Scs 17790108 SSraywell USright Marker White CBT01 400 12 Scs 17790109 SSraywell USright Marker Black CBT10 400 12 Scs 17790110 SSraywell USright Marker Fluro Green CBT34 400 12 Scs 17790111 SSraywell USright Marker Fluro Yellow CBT37 400 12 Scs 17790112 SSraywell USright Marker Fluro Orange CBT35 400 12 Scs 17790113 SSraywell USright Marker Fluro Red CBT36 400 12 Scs 17790114 SSraywell USright Marker Fluro Pink CBT58 400 12 Scs DescriStion Colour Code 17790100 SSraywell USright Marker Dark Blue 17790101 SSraywell USright Marker 17790102 779 UPRIGHT MARKERS • SemiSermanent marker, used in the uSright Sosition • Variety of 15 YiErant colours • Cans aYailaEle with four different no]]le conÀgurations (Fan High Discharge Standard Fine) • Marking IdentiÀcation of logs and timEer • Road construction and maintenance • SSorts eYents (marking courses) 17790106 FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS Product Code ReSresentatiYe illustrations Fine Standard High discharge Fan 69 MARKERS UPSIDE DOWN MARKERS Spraywell Aerosol Upside Down Markers Product Code Si]e Packaging ml Carton CBT01 400 12 Scs Light Blue CBT38 400 12 Scs SSraywell USside Down Fluro Green CBT34 400 12 Scs 17790203 SSraywell USside Down Fluro Yellow CBT37 400 12 Scs 17790204 SSraywell USside Down Fluro Orange CBT35 400 12 Scs 17790205 SSraywell USside Down Fluro Red CBT36 400 12 Scs 17790206 SSraywell USside Down Fluro Pink CBT58 400 12 Scs DescriStion Colour Code 17790200 SSraywell USside Down White 17790201 SSraywell USside Down 17790202 779 UPSIDE DOWN MARKERS FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS • • • • • • 70 SemiSermanent marker, used in the uSside down Sosition Cans only aYailaEle with one no]]le designed to Ee sSrayed uSside down The no]]le leaYes a standard ´roundµ mark AYailaEle in 7 ViErant colours Road construction and maintenance SSorts eYents (marking courses) MARKERS MARKER BLOCKOUT Spraywell Aerosol Upright Marker - Blockout Product Code 779 17790150 DescriStion Colour Code SSraywell Blockout Light Brown Blockout Si]e Packaging ml Carton 400 12 Scs Si]e Packaging ml Carton UPRIGHT MARKER BLOCKOUT • Blockout is a sSray designed to coYer uS unwanted Srint • Dries in minutes, can Ee aSSlied on a Yariety of surfaces e.g. timEer, cardEoard cartons • Colour of Blockout is a light Erown similar to timEer, logs or Erown cardEoard Spraywell Aerosol Markers - Ink Product Code DescriStion Colour Code 17790300 SSraywell Ink Marker Dark Blue CBT33 440 12 Scs 17790301 SSraywell Ink Marker Light Blue CBT38 440 12 Scs 17790302 SSraywell Ink Marker Dark Green CBT31 440 12 Scs 17790303 SSraywell Ink Marker Light Green CBT43 440 12 Scs 17790304 SSraywell Ink Marker Orange CBT44 440 12 Scs 17790305 SSraywell Ink Marker PurSle CBT20 440 12 Scs 17790306 SSraywell Ink Marker Black CBT10 440 12 Scs 17790307 SSraywell Ink Marker Red CBT1315 440 12 Scs 779 INK MARKERS FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS • Ink Marker is a semiSermanent marker designed for New Zealand enYironmental conditions • Excellent adhesion to most suEstrates encountered in the timEer Sackaging construction and landscaSing industries • Film adheres to wet surfaces. Once suEstrate dries, the Àlm Einds to the surface enaEling the Sroduct to Ee used in wet conditions • Contains high Tuality organic Sigments which Sossess Yery good light fastness and weathering SroSerties ensuring a duraEle mark • Low odour and low irritant formula 71 MARKERS MARKERS HIGHWAY LINE Spraywell Aerosol Markers - Highway Line Product Code Si]e Packaging ml Carton White 600 12 Scs Highway Line Marker Yellow 600 12 Scs 17790404 Highway Line Marker Black 600 12 Scs 17790405 Highway Line Marker Red 600 12 Scs 17790406 Highway Line Marker Blue 600 12 Scs DescriStion Colour 17790400 Highway Line Marker 17790402 779 HIGHWAY LINE MARKERS • A Sermanent fast drying marker • 600ml cans aYailaEle in 5 colours, with two no]]le oStions SSot no]]le for writing and a fan no]]le which is ideal for consistent lines NB White Yellow aYailaEle in Eoth fan and sSot no]]les, Elack fan no]]le only, red and Elue sSot no]]les only • Ideal for marking roadways or car Sark areas, concrete surfaces, Slaying surfaces (tennis netEall courts etc) Line Making Wand Product Code 779 17790450 DescriStion Colour Line Making Wand White LINE MARKING WAND FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS • Designed to aSSly uSside down sSray markers • The extension arm has a trigger in the handle for remote engagement of the YalYe • Ergonomic design for comfort whilst marking large areas • Easy to use 72 MARKERS LOG MARK OFF PAILS SIGNET Spraywell Log Mark Off Pails Product Code Si]e DescriStion Colour 17790500 Log Mark Off Paint Black 20 Pail 17790501 Log Mark Off Paint Blue 20 Pail 17790502 Log Mark Off Paint Green 20 Pail 17790503 Log Mark Off Paint PurSle 20 Pail 17790504 Log Mark Off Paint Yellow 20 Pail 17790505 Log Mark Off Paint Red 20 Pail 779 Packaging lt LOG MARK OFF PAILS • Log colour code marking system with 6 highly YisiEle colours • Used for the identiÀcation of log shiSments to ensure indiYidual customer identiÀcation Signet Aerosol Marker Product Code Si]e Packaging gm Carton #13300 350 12 Scs Red #13301 350 12 Scs Signet Stencil SSray Blue #13302 350 12 Scs Signet Stencil SSray Green #13303 350 12 Scs DescriStion Colour Code 17790000 Signet Stencil SSray Black 17790005 Signet Stencil SSray 17790010 17790015 779 SIGNET MARKER SemiSermanent marker, used in the uSright Sosition Quick and easy to use simSly Soint and sSray Minimises runs and EuilduS on stencils to Srolong their life Used for colour coding and general marking AYoid smudging FAD, TORI LINES, MARKERS • • • • • 73 SPORTS FISHING MONOFILAMENT NYLON Momoi I.G.F.A. Bulk Spools - Made in Japan Product Code Model SSool TySe Colour 17221106 Momoi 6kg 4 lE 17221106F Momoi 6kg 17221108 722 Load Length Dia. kg lE m mm Ice Blue 6 12 16,000 0.35 4 lE Fluoro Yellow 6 12 16,000 0.35 Momoi 8kg 4 lE Ice Blue 8 16 12,000 0.40 17221108F Momoi 8kg 4 lE Fluoro Yellow 8 16 12,000 0.40 17221110 Momoi 10kg 4 lE Ice Blue 10 20 9,600 0.45 17221110F Momoi 10kg 4 lE Fluoro Yellow 10 20 9,600 0.45 17221115 Momoi 15kg 4 lE Ice Blue 15 30 6,000 0.57 17221115F Momoi 15kg 4 lE Fluoro Yellow 15 30 6,000 0.57 17221140 Momoi 24kg 5 lE Ice Blue 24 50 4,500 0.74 17221140F Momoi 24kg 5 lE Fluoro Yellow 24 50 4,500 0.74 17221142 Momoi 37kg 5 lE Ice Blue 37 80 3,000 0.91 17221142F Momoi 37kg 5 lE Fluoro Yellow 37 80 3,000 0.91 THE #1 MONOFILAMENT IN THE WORLD Momoi·s HiCatch I.G.F.A. MonoÀlament Nylon Line is Sroduced to exact tolerances and is designed to Ereak Must under I.G.F.A. sSeciÀcations for each line class. An extra margin of Ereaking strength oYer other I.G.F.A. lines is SroYided to tournament Àshermen and world record seekers without the worry of exceeding I.G.F.A. reTuirements. Momoi I.G.F.A. 300m Spools - Made in Japan Product Code Length Dia. kg lE m mm Light Blue 4 8 300 0.285 300m Light Blue 6 12 300 0.350 Momoi 8kg 300m Light Blue 8 16 300 0.400 17221710 Momoi 10kg 300m Light Blue 10 20 300 0.450 17221713 Momoi 15kg 300m Light Blue 15 30 300 0.570 Model SSool TySe Colour 17221705 Momoi 4kg 300m 17221706 Momoi 6kg 17221708 SPORTS FISHING 722 74 Load SPORTS FISHING MONOFILAMENT NYLON Momoi I.G.F.A. 1,000m Spools - Made in Japan Product Code Model SSool TySe Colour 17221606 Momoi 6kg 1 km 17221608 Momoi 8kg 17221608F 722 Load Length Dia. kg lE m mm Light Blue 6 12 1,000 0.35 1 km Light Blue 8 16 1,000 0.40 Momoi 8kg 1 km Fluro Yellow 8 16 1,000 0.40 17221610 Momoi 10kg 1 km Light Blue 10 12 1,000 0.45 17221610F Momoi 10kg 1 km Fluro Yellow 10 12 1,000 0.45 17221615 Momoi 15kg 1 km Light Blue 15 30 1,000 0.57 17221615F Momoi 15kg 1 km Fluro Yellow 15 30 1,000 0.57 17221624 Momoi 24kg 1 km Light Blue 24 50 1,000 0.74 17221624F Momoi 24kg 1 km Fluro Yellow 24 50 1,000 0.74 17221637 Momoi 37kg 1 km Light Blue 37 80 1,000 0.91 17221637F Momoi 37kg 1 km Fluro Yellow 37 80 1,000 0.91 17221660 Momoi 60kg 1 km Light Blue 60 130 1,000 1.17 17221660F Momoi 60kg 1 km Fluro Yellow 60 130 1,000 1.17 Product Code Length Dia. kg lE m mm Light Blue 1 2 6,000 0.145 ô lE Fluro Yellow 1 2 6,000 0.145 Momoi 2kg ô lE Light Blue 2 4 3,000 0.20 17221202F Momoi 2kg ô lE Fluro Yellow 2 4 3,000 0.20 17221203 Momoi 3kg ô lE Light Blue 3 6 2,000 0.25 17221203F Momoi 3kg ô lE Fluro Yellow 3 6 2,000 0.25 17221204 Momoi 4kg ô lE Light Blue 4 8 1,500 0.285 17221204F Momoi 4kg ô lE Fluro Yellow 4 8 1,500 0.285 17221206 Momoi 6kg ô lE Light Blue 6 12 1,000 0.35 17221206F Momoi 6kg ô lE Fluro Yellow 6 12 1,000 0.35 17221206 Momoi 6kg ô lE Light Blue 6 12 1,000 0.35 17221208 Momoi 8kg ô lE Light Blue 8 16 750 0.40 17221208F Momoi 8kg ô lE Fluro Yellow 8 16 750 0.40 17221210 Momoi 10kg ô lE Light Blue 10 20 600 0.45 Model SSool TySe Colour 17221201 Momoi 1kg ô lE 17221201F Momoi 1kg 17221202 722 Load 75 SPORTS FISHING Momoi I.G.F.A. ¼ lb Spools - Made in Japan SPORTS FISHING MONOFILAMENT NYLON Momoi Hi-Catch Leader Hank Coils - Made in Japan Product Code Length Dia. m mm Clear White 100 1.28 Leader Clear White 100 1.40 HiCatch 250 lE Leader Clear White 100 1.60 17221829 HiCatch 300 lE Leader Clear White 100 1.80 17221839 HiCatch 400 lE Leader Clear White 100 2.05 17221846 HiCatch 480 lE Leader Clear White 100 2.20 Length Dia. m mm Model Coil TySe Colour 17221814 HiCatch 150 lE Leader 17221819 HiCatch 200 lE 17221824 722 MOMOI HICATCH • Momoi HiCatch leader line is an extremely high Tuality monoÀlament line • ExhiEits Yery low memory characteristics, is Yery soft ÁexiEle while maintaining a high tensile strength to diameter ratio Momoi X-Hard Leader Hank Coils - Made in Japan Product Code Model Coil TySe Colour 17238147 XHard 300 lE Leader Clear White 100 1.80 17238148 XHard 400 lE Leader Clear White 100 2.05 17238149 XHard 500 lE Leader Clear White 100 2.20 17238335 Momoi 650 lE Leader Clear White 50 3.08 723 MOMOI XHARD SPORTS FISHING • Momoi·s XHard nylon monoÀlament line is the ultimate leader material when extremely high tensile strength and aErasion resistance are required • This monoÀlament is Sroduced with a hard outer coating to resist aErasion and for those aSSlications where a stiffer leader is required 76 17238147 17238335 SPORTS FISHING MONOFILAMENT NYLON Momoi Leader Hank Coils - Made in Japan Product Code Length Dia. m mm Clear White 11.3 1.45 Leader Clear White 11.3 1.80 XHard Dyneema 400 lE Leader Clear White 11.3 2.05 XHard Dyneema 530 lE Leader Clear White 11.3 2.33 Model Coil TySe Colour 17238340 XHard Dyneema 220 lE Leader 17238345 XHard Dyneema 300 lE 17238350 17238355 723 MOMOI XHARD DYNEEMA • Momoi·s high strength monoÀlament and Áuro carEon comEined with low stretch Dyneema • Creates the strongest, most deSendaEle windon leader in the world Momoi Hi-Catch Spools - Made in Japan Product Code Length Dia. kg lE m mm Clear White 7 16 900 0.37 ô lE Clear White 9 20 750 0.40 Momoi 25 lE ô lE Clear White 11 25 500 0.50 17237030 Momoi 30 lE ô lE Clear White 13 30 450 0.52 17237050 Momoi 50 lE ô lE Clear White 22 50 250 0.70 17237100 Momoi 100 lE ô lE Clear White 45 100 120 0.95 Model SSool TySe Colour 17237016 Momoi 16 lE ô lE 17237020 Momoi 20 lE 17237025 723 Load MOMOI HICATCH SPOOLS 77 SPORTS FISHING • Momoi·s HiCatch non IGFA monoÀlament SPORTS FISHING MONOFILAMENT NYLON Haesung Exsum Spools - Made in Korea Product Code Model SSool TySe Colour 17236117 Exsum 17 lE ô lE 17236120 Exsum 20 lE 17236130 723 Load lE m mm Clear White 8 17 980 0.33 ô lE Clear White 9 20 980 0.37 Exsum 30 lE ô lE Clear White 14 30 600 0.47 17236150 Exsum 50 lE ô lE Clear White 23 50 290 0.66 17236180 Exsum 80 lE ô lE Clear White 36 80 200 0.81 17236199 Exsum 104 lE ô lE Clear White 45 104 140 0.91 17236290 Exsum 190 lE õ lE Clear White 85 190 120 1.28 17236395 Exsum 295 lE õ lE Clear White 130 295 80 1.60 17236398 Exsum 320 lE õ lE Clear White 145 320 60 1.80 17236420 Exsum 20 lE 5 lE Clear White 9 20 8600 0.37 17236425 Exsum 30 lE 5 lE Clear White 14 30 7600 0.47 17236440 Exsum 40 lE 5 lE Green 18 40 5000 0.52 • Haesung·s Exsum sSorts Àshing line. Very good quality, comSetitiYely Sriced monoÀlament SPORTS FISHING Dia. kg HAESUNG EXSUM SPOOLS 78 Length SPORTS FISHING MONOFILAMENT NYLON Yo-Zuri Fluro Carbon Spools - Made in Japan Product Code Model SSool TySe Colour 17247205 Yo–Zuri HyErid R888 Leader 17247206 Yo–Zuri HyErid R889 17247207 724 Load Length Dia. kg lE yds mm Pink 6.5 15 30 0.405 Leader Pink 9 20 30 0.438 Yo–Zuri HyErid R890 Leader Pink 11 25 30 0.475 17247208 Yo–Zuri HyErid R891 Leader Pink 13 30 30 0.537 17247208A Yo–Zuri HyErid R895 Leader Pink 18 40 30 0.620 17247208B Yo–Zuri HyErid R896 Leader Pink 22 50 30 0.711 17247208C Yo–Zuri HyErid R894 Leader Pink 27 60 30 0.776 17247208D Yo–Zuri HyErid R895 Leader Pink 36 80 30 0.875 17247208E Yo–Zuri HyErid R896 Leader Pink 45 100 30 0.979 17247209 Yo–Zuri HyErid R897 Leader Pink 59 130 30 1.225 17247210 Yo–Zuri HyErid R898 Leader Pink 68 150 30 1.300 17247211 Yo–Zuri HyErid R900 Leader Pink 90 200 30 1.480 17247212 Yo–Zuri HyErid R904 Leader Pink 136 300 30 1.830 17247212A Yo–Zuri HyErid R905 Leader Pink 181 400 30 2.040 YOZURI FLURO CARBON SPOOLS 79 SPORTS FISHING • YoZuri H.D. CarEon Fluro CarEon Leader ´DisaSSearing Sinkµ is the lightest shade of red and as a result disaSSears the quickest • YoZuri Áuro carEon is aYailaEle in 30 yds sSools • InYisiEle in water SPORTS FISHING JIGGING BRAID Haesung Exsum Jigging Braid - Made in Korea Product Code Model SSool TySe Colour 17247541 Exsum Braided P.E. 12 lE Braided 17247543 Exsum Braided P.E. 16 lE 17247545 724 Load Length Dia. kg lE m mm Blue 5 12 500 0.10 Braided Blue 7 16 500 0.12 Exsum Braided P.E. 20 lE Braided Blue 9 20 500 0.16 17247547 Exsum Braided P.E. 30 lE Braided Blue 13 30 500 0.23 17247550 Exsum Braided P.E. 50 lE Braided Blue 23 50 500 0.35 17247560 Exsum Braided P.E. 60 lE Braided Blue 27 60 500 0.40 17247580 Exsum Braided P.E. 80 lE Braided Blue 36 80 500 0.50 17247600 Exsum Braided P.E. 120 lE Braided Blue 54 120 500 0.70 HAESUNG EXSUM JIGGING BRAID SPORTS FISHING • Haesung Exsum Migging Eraid. Good quality cost effectiYe UHMPE Eraid from Haesung in Korea 80 SPORTS FISHING HOOKS Kirby Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Material Pack Ser 17141606 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 20 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141608 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 16 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141610 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 15 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141612 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 14 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141613 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 13 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141614 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 12 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141615 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 10 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141616 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 8 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 17141620 YouYella 43634 Ringed, Flat, CurYed 6 HiCarEon Steel 100 Scs 714 Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Material Pack Ser 17149096 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye 50 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 17149097 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye 40 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 17149098 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye 30 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 17149102 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye No. 2 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 17149103 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye No. 3 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 17149104 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye No. 4 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 17149105 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye No. 5 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 17149107 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye No. 7 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 17149110 SS880 Tinned, LooSed Eye No. 10 Stainless Steel 100 Scs 714 81 SPORTS FISHING Japanese Maruto Double Hooks SPORTS FISHING HOOKS O’Shaughnessy Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Colour Pack Ser 17149264 Kumho 57315 Ringed, Forged 40 Black 100 Scs 17149265 Kumho 57315 Ringed, Forged 50 Black 100 Scs 17149266 Kumho 57315 Ringed, Forged 60 Black 100 Scs 17149267 Kumho 57315 Ringed, Forged 70 Black 100 Scs 17149268 Kumho 57315 Ringed, Forged 80 Black 100 Scs 714 Mutsu Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Colour Pack Ser 17149254 Kumho 57704 Forged, CurYed, Ringed 40 Black 100 Scs 17149255 Kumho 57704 Forged, CurYed, Ringed 50 Black 100 Scs 17149256 Kumho 57704 Forged, CurYed, Ringed 60 Black 100 Scs 17149257 Kumho 57704 Forged, CurYed, Ringed 70 Black 100 Scs 17149258 Kumho 57704 Forged, CurYed, Ringed 80 Black 100 Scs 17149260 Kumho 57704 Forged, CurYed, Ringed 100 Black 100 Scs 714 Wide Gap Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Colour Pack Ser 17140107 Kumho 83205 Wide GaS 70 Black 100 Scs 17140108 Kumho 83205 Wide GaS 80 Black 100 Scs SPORTS FISHING 714 82 SPORTS FISHING HOOKS Octopus Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Colour Pack Ser 17165623 Kumho 12146 Forged, ReYersed, Chem SharS 30 Black 100 Scs 17165624 Kumho 12146 Forged, ReYersed, Chem SharS 40 Black 100 Scs 17165625 Kumho 12146 Forged, ReYersed, Chem SharS 50 Black 100 Scs 17165626 Kumho 12146 Forged, ReYersed, Chem SharS 60 Black 100 Scs 17165627 Kumho 12146 Forged, ReYersed, Chem SharS 70 Black 100 Scs 17165628 Kumho 12146 Forged, ReYersed, Chem SharS 80 Black 100 Scs 17165630 Kumho 12146 Forged, ReYersed, Chem SharS 100 Black 100 Scs 716 Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Colour Pack Ser 17165643 Kumho 11717 Marine Cut, ReYersed 30 Black 100 Scs 17165644 Kumho 11717 Marine Cut, ReYersed 40 Black 100 Scs 17165645 Kumho 11717 Marine Cut, ReYersed 50 Black 100 Scs 17165646 Kumho 11717 Marine Cut, ReYersed 60 Black 100 Scs 17165647 Kumho 11717 Marine Cut, ReYersed 70 Black 100 Scs 17165648 Kumho 11717 Marine Cut, ReYersed 80 Black 100 Scs 17165649 Kumho 11717 Marine Cut, ReYersed 90 Black 100 Scs 17165650 Kumho 11717 Marine Cut, ReYersed 100 Black 100 Scs 716 83 SPORTS FISHING Baitholder Hooks SPORTS FISHING HOOKS Big Game Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties GaSe Si]e Material Pack Ser 17149357 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged Closed 70 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149358 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged Closed 80 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149359 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged Closed 90 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149360 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged Closed 100 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149361 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged Closed 110 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149362 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged Closed 120 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149377 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged OSen 70 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149378 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged OSen 80 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149379 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged OSen 90 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149380 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged OSen 100 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149381 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged OSen 110 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 17149382 Generation Forged, KnifeEdged OSen 120 Stainl. Steel 2 Scs 714 17149361 17149381 Jigging Hooks Product Code Model ProSerties Si]e Material Pack Ser 17167500 Decoy Cutlass JS2 Forged, Wide GaSe 50 Nickel Tin Plated 5 Scs 17167510 Decoy Cutlass JS2 Forged, Wide GaSe 60 Nickel Tin Plated 5 Scs 17167520 Decoy Cutlass JS2 Forged, Wide GaSe 70 Nickel Tin Plated 2 Scs 17167530 Decoy Cutlass JS2 Forged, Wide GaSe 80 Nickel Tin Plated 2 Scs 17167540 Decoy Cutlass JS2 Forged, Wide GaSe 100 Nickel Tin Plated 2 Scs 17167900 RiYer 2 Sea SuSSort SZ Forged, Wide GaS 70 HiCarEon Steel 2 Scs 17168000 RiYer 2 Sea SuSSort SZ Forged, Wide GaS 90 HiCarEon Steel 2 Scs SPORTS FISHING 716 84 17167458 SPORTS FISHING TERMINAL TACKLE Brass Barrel Swivel with Interlock Snaps Product Code Model Barrel Si]e SnaS Si]e 17390745 Barrel SwiYel Interlock SnaSs 50 6 17390743 Barrel SwiYel Interlock SnaSs 30 6 17390742 Barrel SwiYel Interlock SnaSs 20 5 17390741 Barrel SwiYel Interlock SnaSs 10 5 17390751 Barrel SwiYel Interlock SnaSs #1 5 17390752 Barrel SwiYel Interlock SnaSs #2 4 17390753 Barrel SwiYel Interlock SnaSs #3 4 17390756 Barrel SwiYel Interlock SnaSs #6 3 739 Brass Ball Bearing Swivel with Ring and Coastlock Snap Model Si]e 17390777 Ball Bearing SwiYel Coastlock SnaS 17390778 739 Test Load lE kg #4 90 41 Ball Bearing SwiYel Coastlock SnaS #5 120 55 17390779 Ball Bearing SwiYel Coastlock SnaS #6 180 82 17390780 Ball Bearing SwiYel Coastlock SnaS #7 250 114 17390781 Ball Bearing SwiYel Coastlock SnaS #8 350 159 17390782 Ball Bearing SwiYel Coastlock SnaS #9 440 200 85 SPORTS FISHING Product Code SPORTS FISHING TERMINAL TACKLE Coastlock Snap Swivel Product Code Model TySe Si]e 17390796 HTsuda HD Ball Bearing SwiYel H.B SnaS Coastlock #6 17390797 HTsuda HD Ball Bearing SwiYel H.B SnaS Coastlock #7 17390798 HTsuda HD Ball Bearing SwiYel H.B SnaS Coastlock #8 17390799 HTsuda HD Ball Bearing SwiYel H.B SnaS Coastlock #9 739 COASTLOCK SNAP SWIVEL • HeaYy duty Eall Eearing swiYel with two rings and coastlock snaS (Eig game swiYels). Crane Swivel with Coastlock Snaps Product Code Model Si]e 17391576 Crane SwiYel Coastlock SnaS 17391579 17391580 SPORTS FISHING 739 86 Test Load lE kg 10 90 41 Crane SwiYel Coastlock SnaS 30 120 55 Crane SwiYel Coastlock SnaS 50 250 114 SPORTS FISHING TERMINAL TACKLE Ball Bearing Swivels Product Code Model TySe Si]e 17390824 BRBB2R–4 Ball Bearing with Two Rings 17390825 BRBB2R–5 17390826 739 Test Load lE kg 4 200 90 Ball Bearing with Two Rings 5 230 105 BRBB2R–6 Ball Bearing with Two Rings 6 260 120 17390827 BRBB2R–7 Ball Bearing with Two Rings 7 320 150 17390828 BRBB2R–8 Ball Bearing with Two Rings 8 390 180 17390829 BRBB2R–9 Ball Bearing with Two Rings 9 530 240 Product Code Model TySe Si]e Colour 17390870A BRBA–12 Brass Barrel 12 Black 17390870 BRBA–10 Brass Barrel 10 Black 17390869 BRBA–9 Brass Barrel 9 Black 17390868 BRBA–8 Brass Barrel 8 Black 17390867 BRBA–7 Brass Barrel 7 Black 17390866 BRBA–6 Brass Barrel 6 Black 17390863 BRBA–3 Brass Barrel 3 Black 17390862 BRBA–2 Brass Barrel 2 Black 17390861 BRBA–1 Brass Barrel 1 Black 17390871 BRBA–10 Brass Barrel 10 Black 17390872 BRBA–20 Brass Barrel 20 Black 17390873 BRBA–30 Brass Barrel 30 Black 17390874 BRBA–50 Brass Barrel 50 Black 739 87 SPORTS FISHING Brass Barrel Swivels SPORTS FISHING TERMINAL TACKLE Crane Swivels Product Code Model TySe Si]e Colour 17391563 BRTWIN3 Rounded Body 3 Nickel Black 17391562 BRTWIN2 Rounded Body 2 Nickel Black 17391551 BRTWIN1 Rounded Body 1 Nickel Black 17391555 BRTWIN10 Rounded Body 10 Nickel Black 17391561 BRTWIN20 Rounded Body 20 Nickel Black 17391545 BRTWIN50 Rounded Body 50 Nickel Black 739 Bran Swivels - Sleeve with Crane Swivel Product Code SPORTS FISHING 739 88 Model SleeYe Si]e Crane SwiYel mm (ID) Si]e 17391604 Bran 1.6 1.6 4 17391602 Bran 1.8 1.8 2 17391610 Bran 2.1 2.1 1 17391611 Bran 2.3 2.3 10 17391612 Bran 2.5 2.5 20 17391614 Bran 3.7 3.7 40 17391615 Bran 4.1 4.1 50 SPORTS FISHING TERMINAL TACKLE Light Sleeve Lock Caps Product Code 746 Si]e Model Colour mm 17460305 LCAP 50 50 Luminous Green 17460306 LCAP 50 50 Clear 17460307 LCAP 50 50 Luminous Pink 17460308 LCAP 80 80 Luminous Green 17460305 17460306 17460307 17460308 Rigging Kits Product Code 746 Model ThimEles CrimSs (mm) Nylon Stainless 17460315 Centro RGK 335 1.2 x 150 1.7 x 35 2 x 50 2.3 x 50 25 25 17460321 Centro RGK 350 1.3 x 100 1.6 x 100 1.9 x 50 2.2 x 50 25 25 17460315 no lid 17460321 no lid 17469610 17469620 Product Code Model Material Si]e 17469610 ThimEle P Luminous Plastic Small 17469620 ThimEle SS Stainless Steel Small 746 89 SPORTS FISHING Thimbles SPORTS FISHING TERMINAL TACKLE Luminous Beads Product Code Model Colour 17568096 Bead 6X10 17568097 756 Dimensions (mm) Dia. L Green 6 10 Bead 6X10 Yellow 6 10 17568098 Bead 6X10 Pink 6 10 17568099 Bead 6X10 Blue 6 10 17568100 Bead 7X11 Green 7 11 17568101 Bead 7X11 Yellow 7 11 17568102 Bead 7X11 Pink 7 11 17568103 Bead 7X11 Blue 7 11 17568104 Bead 10X18 Green 10 18 17568105 Bead 10X18 Yellow 10 18 17568106 Bead 10X18 Pink 10 18 17568107 Bead 10X18 Blue 10 18 Armor Springs Product Code SPORTS FISHING 746 90 Model Si]e Length mm mm 17469120 Armor SSring 1.7 1.7 100 17469122 Armor SSring 2.0 2.0 100 17469130 Armor SSring 2.2 2.2 100 17469140 Armor SSring 2.6 2.6 100 17469150 Armor SSring 2.8 2.8 100 17568101 17568102 17568106 SPORTS FISHING LEADS Breakaway Sinkers Product Code 759 Weight Model o] Material 17590705 Breakaway 3 Lead 17590709 Breakaway 4 Lead 17590719 Breakaway 5 Lead 17590720 Breakaway 6 Lead Puka Bank Sinkers 759 Model Weight o] Material 17590764 Puka Bank 1 Lead 17590765 Puka Bank 2 Lead 17590768 Puka Bank 3 Lead 17590769 Puka Bank 4 Lead 17590770 Puka Bank 6 Lead 17590771 Puka Bank 8 Lead 17590772 Puka Bank 10 Lead 175900772A Puka Bank 12 Lead 17590773 Puka Bank 16 Lead 17590774 Puka Bank 24 Lead 17590776 Puka Bank 32 Lead 91 SPORTS FISHING Product Code SPORTS FISHING LEADS Ball Sinkers Product Code 755 Weight Model o] Material 17552278 Ball SinkersLeads 14 Lead 17552279 Ball SinkersLeads 12 Lead 17552281 Ball SinkersLeads 1 Lead 17552283 Ball SinkersLeads 34 Lead 17552284 Ball SinkersLeads 2 Lead 17552285 Ball SinkersLeads 3 Lead 17552286 Ball SinkersLeads 4 Lead 17552288 Ball SinkersLeads 6 Lead 17552289 Ball SinkersLeads 8 Lead Sand Gripper Sinkers Product Code 755 Weight Model o] Material 17552346 Sand GriSSer 3 Lead 17552347 Sand GriSSer 4 Lead 17552348 Sand GriSSer 5 Lead Weight Hole Si]e o] mm Net Leads Product Code SPORTS FISHING 755 92 Model 17552300 Net Leads 2 6 17552290 Net Leads 2 8 17552350 Net Leads 4 11 SPORTS FISHING OCTOPUS SKIRTS Squid Skirts Product Code 756 Si]e Model Colour mm 17564510 Squid Skirt 300 Orange Yellow 17564511 Squid Skirt 300 Brown 17564510 17564511 Yo-Zuri NeedleÀsh Skirts Product Code 756 Model Si]e Colour mm 17566098 NeedleÀsh Skirt M9 105 Green with Luminous Head 17566101 NeedleÀsh Skirt A64 105 Pink with Luminous Head Product Code 756 Model Si]e mm Colour Pack Ser 17561024 OctoSus Skirt #1 76 Pink with PurSle and White StriSes 5 Scs 17561027 OctoSus Skirt #12 76 Luminous 5 Scs 17561032 OctoSus Skirt #14 76 Blue with Light Blue Head 5 Scs 17561034 OctoSus Skirt #35 76 Green with Blue Mottle 5 Scs 17561035 OctoSus Skirt #37 76 Pink with PurSle SSotted Streak 5 Scs 17561037 OctoSus Skirt #44 76 Light Blue White with Dark Blue Streak 5 Scs 93 SPORTS FISHING Octopus Skirts - 76 mm SPORTS FISHING OCTOPUS SKIRTS Octopus Skirts - 100 mm Product Code 756 Model Si]e mm Colour Pack Ser 17561038 OctoSus Skirt #7 100 Dark Blue 5 Scs 17561039 OctoSus Skirt #11 100 Orange and Yellow 5 Scs 17561040 OctoSus Skirt #6 100 Light and Dark Blue with Black StiSe 5 Scs 17561041 OctoSus Skirt #4 100 White with Dark Blue StriSe 5 Scs 17561042 OctoSus Skirt #9 100 White 5 Scs 17561043 OctoSus Skirt #16 100 Yellow with Red StriSe 5 Scs 17561044 OctoSus Skirt #25 100 PurSle with Pink and Black Streaks 5 Scs 17561045 OctoSus Skirt #1 100 Pink with PurSle and White StriSes 5 Scs 17561046 OctoSus Skirt #12 100 Luminous 5 Scs 17561047 OctoSus Skirt #14 100 Blue with Light Blue Head 5 Scs 17561048 OctoSus Skirt #35 100 Green with Blue Mottle 5 Scs 17561049 OctoSus Skirt #37 100 Pink with PurSle SSotted Streak 5 Scs 17561050 OctoSus Skirt #44 100 Light Blue and White with Dark Blue Streak 5 Scs 17561051 OctoSus Skirt #32 100 Pink with Red and White Streaks 5 Scs 17561052 OctoSus Skirt #41 100 Blue with Dark Blue SSots and Red Streak 5 Scs 17561053 OctoSus Skirt #42 100 White with Dark Blue StriSe 5 Scs 17561054 OctoSus Skirt #43 100 White with Pink StriSe 5 Scs 17561056 OctoSus Skirt #17 100 Pink with Red Streak 5 Scs 17561057 OctoSus Skirt #23 100 Green with Yellow Streak 5 Scs 17561060 OctoSus Skirt #28 100 Gold 5 Scs Colour Pack Ser Octopus Skirts - 120 mm Product Code SPORTS FISHING 756 94 Model Si]e mm 17561070 OctoSus Skirt #1 120 Pink with PurSle and White StriSes 5 Scs 17561071 OctoSus Skirt #2 120 Red with White Streak 5 Scs 17561072 OctoSus Skirt #4 120 White with Dark Blue StriSe 5 Scs 17561073 OctoSus Skirt #5 120 Dark Blue with Black StriSe 5 Scs 17561074 OctoSus Skirt #9 120 White 5 Scs 17561075 OctoSus Skirt #13 120 SilYer 5 Scs SPORTS FISHING OCTOPUS SKIRTS Octopus Skirts - 120 mm Product Code 756 Model Si]e mm Colour Pack Ser 17561076 OctoSus Skirt #14 120 Blue with Light Blue Head 5 Scs 17561077 OctoSus Skirt #17 120 Pink with Red Streak 5 Scs 17561078 OctoSus Skirt #21 120 White with Large Pink SSots 5 Scs 17561079 OctoSus Skirt #22 120 White with Large Blue SSots 5 Scs 17561080 OctoSus Skirt #25 120 PurSle with Pink and Black Streaks 5 Scs 17561081 OctoSus Skirt #29 120 Orange with Pink Streak 5 Scs 17561082 OctoSus Skirt #31 120 Dark SilYer with Pink Streak 5 Scs 17561083 OctoSus Skirt #32 120 Pink with Red and White Streaks 5 Scs 17561084 OctoSus Skirt #37 120 Pink with PurSle SSots 5 Scs 17561085 OctoSus Skirt #41 120 Blue with Dark Blue SSots Red Streak 5 Scs 17561086 OctoSus Skirt #42 120 White with Dark Blue StriSe 5 Scs 17561087 OctoSus Skirt #43 120 White with Pink StriSe 5 Scs 17561088 OctoSus Skirt #44 120 Light Blue White with Dark Blue Streak 5 Scs 17561089 OctoSus Skirt #45 120 White with Red StriSe 5 Scs 17561090 OctoSus Skirt #48 120 White with Red SSots 5 Scs 17561091 OctoSus Skirt #06 120 Blue with White SSeckle 5 Scs 17561092 OctoSus Skirt #23 120 Green and Yellow 5 Scs 17561093 OctoSus Skirt #28 120 Gold SSeckle 5 Scs Colour Pack Ser Product Code 756 Model Si]e mm 17561150 OctoSus Skirt #1 150 Pink with PurSle and White StriSes 5 Scs 17561157 OctoSus Skirt #7 150 Dark Blue 5 Scs 17561161 OctoSus Skirt #11 150 Orange and Yellow 5 Scs 17561167 OctoSus Skirt #17 150 Pink with Red Streak 5 Scs 17561185 OctoSus Skirt #25 150 PurSle with Pink and Black Streaks 5 Scs 17561188 OctoSus Skirt #26 150 Green and Pink 5 Scs 95 SPORTS FISHING Octopus Skirts - 150 mm SPORTS FISHING OCTOPUS SKIRTS #1 SPORTS FISHING #22 17561024 96 #2 #23 #4 #25 #5 #6 #28 17561027 #7 #29 #9 #31 #11 #32 17561034 #35 #12 #37 #13 #14 #41 17561035 #42 #15 #16 #43 #44 #17 #45 17561037 #21 #48 SPORTS FISHING CASTING LURES Downsider Minnows Lures Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Weight Colour g Action 17590010 Downsider HD05 150 PurSle SilYer 52 DiYe 0 7m 17590012 Downsider HD06 150 Blue SilYer 52 DiYe 0 7m 17590014 Downsider HD08 150 Green Yellow 52 DiYe 0 7m 17590016 Downsider S09 150 Red White 52 DiYe 0 7m 17590018 Downsider S16 150 PurSle Black 52 DiYe 0 7m 17590019 Downsider HA04 150 Green Mackeral 52 DiYe 0 7m 17590028 Downsider HD05 200 Blue SilYer 130 DiYe 0 12m 17590030 Downsider HD06 200 Blue SilYer 130 DiYe 0 12m 17590032 Downsider HD08 200 Green Yellow 130 DiYe 0 12m 17590039 Downsider S09 200 Red White 130 DiYe 0 12m 17590040 Downsider S16 200 PurSle Black 130 DiYe 0 12m 17590014 17590028 17590039 17590040 DOWNSIDER MINNOWS LURES DiYe lures, from surface to 12m 2 x Owner VMC TreEle hooks Strong ViErant colours Target sSecies include Mackerel Mahi Mahi Tuna TreYally KingÀsh Kahawai Designed for actiYe shallow water Àsh. Great Casting lure 97 SPORTS FISHING • • • • • SPORTS FISHING CASTING LURES Bubble Pop Lures Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Colour Weight g 17590153 BuEEle PoS HA04 130 Green Yellow 50 ToS Water 17590154 BuEEle PoS HB06 130 Blue Red 50 ToS Water 17590155 BuEEle PoS HD13 130 Clear Yellow 50 ToS Water 17590156 BuEEle PoS S17 130 Pink 50 ToS Water 17590157 BuEEle PoS HD08 130 Green Gold 50 ToS Water 17590158 BuEEle PoS SO4 130 Red White 50 ToS Water 17590163 BuEEle PoS HC09 130 Black Gold 50 ToS Water 17590164 BuEEle PoS HA04 110 Green Yellow 32 ToS Water 17590165 BuEEle PoS HD06 110 Blue Red 32 ToS Water 17590166 BuEEle PoS S04 110 Red White 32 ToS Water 17590167 BuEEle PoS S17 110 Pink 32 ToS Water 17590168 BuEEle PoS HC09 110 Black Gold 32 ToS Water 17590169 BuEEle PoS HD08 110 Green Gold 32 ToS Water 17590170 BuEEle PoS HA04 88 Green Yellow 16 ToS Water 17590171 BuEEle PoS HB01 88 Black Gold 16 ToS Water 17590172 BuEEle PoS HB09 88 Red Gold 16 ToS Water 17590173 BuEEle PoS HD06 88 Blue Red 16 ToS Water 17590174 BuEEle PoS M06 88 Green Yellow 16 ToS Water 17590175 BuEEle PoS S04 88 Red White 16 ToS Water 17590176 BuEEle PoS S17 88 Pink 16 ToS Water 17590177 BuEEle PoS BRBA31 88 Clear Yellow 16 ToS Water BUBBLE POP LURES SPORTS FISHING • • • • • 98 Action ToS water PoSSer lures, surface action. Great colour range 2 x Owner VMC TreEle Hooks Target sSecies include Tuna KingÀsh TreYally Mahi Mahi Mackerel Kahawai Classic toS water walking Eait Easy casting and retrieYaEle 17590154 17590164 17590171 SPORTS FISHING CASTING LURES Dumbell Pop Lures Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590420 DumEell PoS DP03 200 Blue SilYer 125 Floating 17590422 DumEell PoS DP04 200 Green Ghost 125 Floating 17590423 DumEell PoS DP05 200 Blue Charcoal 125 Floating 17590424 DumEell PoS DP06 200 Pink SilYer 125 Floating 17590426 DumEell PoS DP07 200 Red Flame White 125 Floating 17590427 DumEell PoS DP08 200 Brown Gold 125 Floating 17590428 DumEell PoS DP09 200 Grey Orange PurSle 125 Floating 17590430 DumEell PoS DP10 200 Green Multi Coloured 125 Floating 17590439 DumEell PoS DP03 150 Blue SilYer 64 Floating 17590435 DumEell PoS DP04 150 Green Ghost 64 Floating 17590436 DumEell PoS DP05 150 Blue Charcoal 64 Floating 17590440 DumEell PoS DP06 150 Pink SilYer 64 Floating 17590441 DumEell PoS DP07 150 Red Flame White 64 Floating 17590437 DumEell PoS DP08 150 Brown Gold 64 Floating 17590438 DumEell PoS DP09 150 Grey Orange PurSle 64 Floating 17590442 DumEell PoS DP10 150 Green Multi Coloured 64 Floating 17590431 DumEell PoS DP03 110 Blue SilYer 26 Floating 17590432 DumEell PoS DP04 110 Green Ghost 26 Floating 17590434A DumEell PoS DP05 110 Blue Charcoal 26 Floating 17590433 DumEell PoS DP06 110 Pink SilYer 26 Floating 17590434 DumEell PoS DP07 110 Red Flame White 26 Floating 17590434B DumEell PoS DP08 110 Brown Gold 26 Floating 17590434C DumEell PoS DP09 110 Grey Orange PurSle 26 Floating 17590434D DumEell PoS DP10 110 Green Multi Coloured 26 Floating 17590422 17590428 17590432 17590433 17590435 17590436 17590434A 17590434 17590434B 17590434C 17590434D • • • • Floating PoSSer lure. 3 si]es with YiErant colour range. 2 x Owner VMC TreEle Hooks Target sSecies include Large surface feeding Àsh, Tuna KingÀsh Mahi Mahi. Designed to Cast far, PoS loudly on landing, attracting Àsh to chomS hard on to it Large concaYe red Sainted mouth SoSs huge Yolume of water, one of noisiest lures on the market 99 SPORTS FISHING DUMBELL POP LURES SPORTS FISHING CASTING LURES Bubble Walkers Lures Product Code Model 759 Si]e mm Weight Colour g Action 17590255 BuEElewalker BU01 180 Black PurSle 125 ToS Water 17590256 BuEElewalker BU02 180 Green Gold 125 ToS Water 17590257 BuEElewalker BU03 180 Blue Green 125 ToS Water 17590258 BuEElewalker BU04 180 PurSle SilYer 125 ToS Water 17590259 BuEElewalker BU05 180 Orange Red 125 ToS Water 17590260 BuEElewalker BU06 180 Red White Flame 125 ToS Water 17590261 BuEElewalker BU07 180 Black SilYer 125 ToS Water 17590258 17590259 17590260 17590255 BUBBLE WALKERS LURES • • • • ToS water Bait lure that can ´Walkµ as well as ´PoSµ. AYailaEle in 7 YiErant colours 2 x Owner VMC TreEle hooks. Target sSecies include Tuna KingÀsh TreYally Mahi Mahi Mackerel Kahawai Designed when casting will ´PoSµ on landing, will Zig Zag from side to side when retrieYing Rover Lures Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Colour Weight g 17590407 RoYer 230 RV01 230 Green Red 130 ToS Water 17590408 RoYer 230 RV02 230 Blue Mackeral 130 ToS Water 17590409 RoYer 230 RV03 230 Pink Mackeral 130 ToS Water 17590410 RoYer 230 RV04 230 Black Gold 130 ToS Water 17590411 RoYer 230 S01 230 Red White 130 ToS Water ROVER LURES • New generation of walking Eait lure. Instead of gliding action, it has a choSSy side to side action. Attracting Yicious strikes • AYailaEle in 5 YiErant colours • 2 x Owner ST66 TreEle Hooks. • Target sSecies include Mackerel KingÀsh Tuna BroadEill • CuSSed mouth (and geometry) creates unique action that moYes more aggressiYely than other lure Eaits SPORTS FISHING Action 100 17590407 SPORTS FISHING CASTING LURES Wide Glide Lures (Surface) Product Code 759 Model Si]e Colour mm Weight g Action 17590360 Wideglide 200 Dark Brown Green 113 Surface 17590361 Wideglide 200 Blue Green 113 Surface 17590362 Wideglide 200 SilYer 113 Surface 17590363 Wideglide 200 Red 113 Surface 17590364 Wideglide 200 Green Yellow 113 Surface WIDE GLIDE LURES (SURFACE) • High Serformance walking Eait that Zigs and Zags (side to side) with a wide ´glidingµ action • 2 x Owner VMC TreEle Hooks. 2 si]es with 5 YiErant colours • Target sSecies include KingÀsh Tuna Mahi Mahi BroadEill TreYally Mackerel Kahawai • Great casting lure, with a wide gliding action retrieYal 17590361 Doggie Lures Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590290 Doggie DG01 168 Yellow Red 110 SuEsurface 17590291 Doggie DG02 168 orange Black 110 SuEsurface 17590293 Doggie DG03 168 Green Yellow 110 SuEsurface 17590294 Doggie DG04 168 Blue SilYer 110 SuEsurface 17590295 Doggie DG05 168 Pink SilYer 110 SuEsurface 17590296 Doggie DG06 168 Blue Red 110 SuEsurface 17590297 Doggie DG07 168 Blue White 110 SuEsurface 17590298 Doggie DG08 168 Red White 110 SuEsurface 17590299 Doggie DG09 168 Gold Black 110 SuEsurface • • • • • • Doggie ´stick Eaitµ with an actiYe suE surface action 2 x Owner ST66 TreEle hooks 1 si]e with 9 YiErant colours Target sSecies include KingÀsh Tuna TreYally Similar to SoSSers, stick Eaits are designed to Ee worked on the surface This stick Eait has a suEsurface action, which is Àlled with water resistant foam to maintain swimming action Euoyancy 17590293 101 SPORTS FISHING DOGGIE LURES (SUBSURFACE) SPORTS FISHING CASTING LURES Wide Glide Lures (Subsurface) Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590350 Wideglide 01 120 Dark Brown Green 32 SuEsurface 17590351 Wideglide 02 120 Blue Green 32 SuEsurface 17590352 Wideglide 03 120 SilYer 32 SuEsurface 17590353 Wideglide 04 120 Red 32 SuEsurface 17590354 Wideglide 05 120 Green Yellow 32 SuEsurface 17590355 Wideglide 01 200 Dark Brown Green 142 SuEsurface 17590356 Wideglide 02 200 Blue Green 142 SuEsurface 17590357 Wideglide 03 200 SilYer 142 SuEsurface 17590358 Wideglide 04 200 Red 142 SuEsurface 17590359 Wideglide 05 200 Green Yellow 142 SuEsurface WIDE GLIDE LURES SPORTS FISHING • High Serformance walking Eait that Zigs and Zags (side to side) with a wide gliding action • 2 x Owner VMC TreEle Hooks • 2 si]es with 5 YiErant colours • Target sSecies include KingÀsh Tuna Mahi Mahi BroadEill TreYally Mackerel Kahawai • Great casting lure, with a wide gliding action retrieYal • This suE surface Yersion can Ee made to ]iS Eack and forth a few feet under the surface, traYelling as much as eight feet side to side, whilst moYing for ward only a couSle of feet Eefore coming to a near neutrally Euoyant stoS 102 17590352 17590355 SPORTS FISHING TROLLING LURES River2Sea - Trolling Lures Product Code Model 759 Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590651 Killer ViE KV13 160 Mackeral Red 120 Sinking 17590655 Killer ViE KV05 160 Red White 120 Sinking 17590656 Killer ViE KV07 160 PurSle SilYer 120 Sinking 17590657 Killer ViE KV09 160 Blue SilYer 120 Sinking 17590658 Killer ViE KV11 160 Red Yellow 120 Sinking 17590659 Killer ViE KV12 160 Pink SilYer 120 Sinking 17590661 Killer ViE KV13 200 Mackeral Red 207 Sinking 17590662 Killer ViE KV07 200 PurSle SilYer 207 Sinking 17590664 Killer ViE KV02 200 Red White 207 Sinking 17590665 Killer ViE KV09 200 Blue SilYer 207 Sinking 17590666 Killer ViE KV11 200 Red Yellow 207 Sinking 17590667 Killer ViE KV12 200 Pink SilYer 207 Sinking TROLLING LURES High sSeed saltwater trolling lure Constructed from high quality resins, hydrodynamically staEle to oYer 12 knots Fitted with HD swiYels with Stainless Steel Shogun 7691 Tuna Sattern hooks AYailaEle in 2 si]es – 16 and 20 cm. 6 colours aYailaEle Target sSecies include KingÀsh BroadEill Tuna Designed to Ee towed from 3 to 12 knots. Swims down to 6m With its uniquely shaSed head, creating a lot of toS water commotion Attracting KingÀsh is its sSeciality Very user friendly, great trolling lure 17590651 17590662 103 SPORTS FISHING • • • • • • • • • SPORTS FISHING SQUID JIGS River2Sea - Squid Jigs Product Code Model 759 Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590370 Gesola EGI GE02 110 PurSle GoldStriSe 3 Sinking TumEle 17590372 Gesola EGI GE04 110 Blue SilYer 3 Sinking TumEle 17590374 Gesola EGI GE06 110 Green Red 3 Sinking TumEle 17590378 Gesola EGI GE10 110 Pink White 3 Sinking TumEle 17590382 Gesola EGI GE02 110 PurSle GoldStriSe 4 Sinking TumEle 17590384 Gesola EGI GE04 110 Blue SilYer 4 Sinking TumEle 17590386 Gesola EGI GE06 110 Green Red 4 Sinking TumEle 17590388 Gesola EGI GE10 110 Pink White 4 Sinking TumEle 17590382 SQUID JIGS • • • • • • • JaSanese designed Squid lure with sinking tumEle action MultiSle colour oStions constructed from high quality materials 11 cm lure with twin rows of ultrasharS EGI hooks 2 si]es aYailaEle with 3 or 4 gm oStions in 4 colours Target sSecies Squid Great Migging lure with tumEle action Squid loYe them Zero Dropper Jigs Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590280 Zero DroSSer ZD01 270 Pink 400 Sinking 17590281 Zero DroSSer ZD02 270 Green Gold 400 Sinking 17590282 Zero DroSSer ZD03 270 Red Yellow 400 Sinking 17590285 Zero DroSSer ZD04 270 Blue Green 400 Sinking 17590286 Zero DroSSer ZD05 270 Black Blue 400 Sinking 17590282 SPORTS FISHING ZERO DROPPER JIGS • • • • • • 104 Ultra deeS water Migging, long slender Mig. AYailaEle in 5 colours Weight of 400gm and 27 cm in length, allows a droS straight and fast action Lumo on one side, with 2 large glass eyes and deeS holograShic Ànish Tough duraEle outer skin, cast around full stainless steel wire Very tough, use a 90 assist hook from the toS eye Target sSecies include SnaSSer KingÀsh HaSuka GroSer SPORTS FISHING JIGGING LURES Spike Jigs Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590065 SSike Jig SE01 220 Pink SilYer 320 Sinking TumEle 17590070 SSike Jig SE02 220 BaitÀsh Blue 320 Sinking TumEle 17590075 SSike Jig SE03 220 Green Gold 320 Sinking TumEle 17590076 SSike Jig SE01 210 Pink SilYer 230 Sinking TumEle 17590077 SSike Jig SE02 210 BaitÀsh Blue 230 Sinking TumEle 17590078 SSike Jig SE03 210 Green Gold 230 Sinking TumEle 17590079 SSike Jig SE01 190 Pink SilYer 150 Sinking TumEle 17590080 SSike Jig SE02 190 BaitÀsh Blue 150 Sinking TumEle 17590081 SSike Jig SE03 190 Green Gold 150 Sinking TumEle 17590065 17590080 17590078 SPIKE JIGS Fast droSSing to meet gameÀsh at the Eottom. AYailaEle in 3 si]es weights. 3 dynamic colours TaSered from toS to Eottom with the weight distriEuted 60 at the toS of the Mig Designed to allow some side to side darting action on the ´fallµ Metal construction with high quality comSonents Ànish. Can Ee rigged with a treEle hook on the tail or comEined with a suSSort hook for ultimate hook uSs • Target sSecies include SnaSSer KingÀsh TreYally Cod HaSuka GroSer • The ideal deeS water Mig for light tackle enthusiasts 105 SPORTS FISHING • • • • SPORTS FISHING JIGGING LURES Knife Jigs Product Code 759 Model Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590500H Knife Jig KJ01 155 Pink SilYer 120 Sinking 17590501H Knife Jig KJ05 155 Red Gold 120 Sinking 17590502H Knife Jig KJ09 155 Red White 120 Sinking 17590503H Knife Jig KJ12 155 Blue Red 120 Sinking 17590504H Knife Jig KJ02 155 Blue SilYer 120 Sinking 17590506H Knife Jig KJ03 155 Green Gold 120 Sinking 17590508H Knife Jig KJ01 185 Pink SilYer 180 Sinking 17590509H Knife Jig KJ05 185 Red Gold 180 Sinking 17590510H Knife Jig KJ09 185 Red White 180 Sinking 17590511H Knife Jig KJ12 185 Blue Red 180 Sinking 17590512H Knife Jig KJ02 185 Blue SilYer 180 Sinking 17590514H Knife Jig KJ03 185 Green Gold 180 Sinking 17590516H Knife Jig KJ01 210 Pink SilYer 230 Sinking 17590518H Knife Jig KJ02 210 Red Gold 230 Sinking 17590519H Knife Jig KJ03 210 Red White 230 Sinking 17590520H Knife Jig KJ05 210 Blue Red 230 Sinking 17590521H Knife Jig KJ09 210 Blue SilYer 230 Sinking 17590522H Knife Jig KJ12 210 Green Gold 230 Sinking 17590525H Knife Jig KJ01 230 Pink SilYer 300 Sinking 17590526H Knife Jig KJ02 230 Red Gold 300 Sinking 17590527H Knife Jig KJ03 230 Red White 300 Sinking 17590528H Knife Jig KJ05 230 Blue Red 300 Sinking 17590529H Knife Jig KJ09 230 Blue SilYer 300 Sinking 17590530H Knife Jig KJ12 230 Green Gold 300 Sinking SPORTS FISHING KNIFE JIGS • • • • • • 106 Designed to reach deSths without Eeing excessiYely heaYy The long thin Eody is tail heaYy, allowing the Mig to slice through the water without tumEling Can Ee rigged with a treEle hook on the tail or comEined with a suSSort hook for ultimate hook uSs This lure is Srerigged with assist hooks The ideal deeS water Mig for light tackle enthusiasts Target sSecies include SnaSSer KingÀsh HaSuka GroSer Cod KJ01 KJ02 KJ03 KJ04 Knife Jig with SuSSort Hook SPORTS FISHING JIGGING LURES Turkey Slider Product Code Model 759 Si]e mm Colour Weight g Action 17590638M Turkey Slider TS01 265 Pink SilYer 200 Sinking 17590639M Turkey Slider TS02 265 Pink Blue 200 Sinking 17590640M Turkey Slider TS03 265 Blue SilYer 200 Sinking 17590642M Turkey Slider TS05 265 Pink Gold 200 Sinking TS01 TS02 TS03 TS04 TURKEY SLIDER Body weight is eYenly Ealanced along the length of the Mig Additional weight stacked on one of the Eody AYailaEle in one si]e – 26.5 cm in length, 200 gm. 4 colour oStions 2 large glass eyes and deeS holograShic Ànish Tough duraEle outer skin, cast around full stainless steel wire Very tough, use a 90 assist hook from the toS eye Target sSecies include SnaSSer KingÀsh HaSuka GroSer Cod 107 SPORTS FISHING • • • • • • • NOTES 108 CONTACT US BRANCHES AUCKLAND NEW PLYMOUTH CHRISTCHURCH 6–10 Greenmount Drive East Tamaki Auckland 1741 Phone: +64 9 274 4299 Fax: +64 9 274 7982 72 Corbett Road Bell Block, RD3 New Plymouth 4312 Phone: +64 6 755 0413 Fax: +64 6 755 0419 124C Waterloo Road Christchurch 8042 Phone: +64 3 349 3002 Fax: +64 3 349 3004 WHANGAREI NAPIER TIMARU Lower Port Road Whangarei 0174 Phone: +64 9 438 8964 Fax: +64 9 438 9272 182A Hyderabad Road Ahuriri 4110 Phone: +64 6 834 0690 Fax: +64 6 834 0872 14 Bank Street Timaru 7910 Phone: +64 3 684 7494 Fax: +64 3 684 8476 ROTORUA WELLINGTON DUNEDIN Marguerita Street Rotorua 3010 Phone: +64 7 348 3042 Fax: +64 7 346 3283 2 Udy Street Petone, Wellington 5012 Phone: +64 4 568 4384 Fax: +64 4 568 4381 2A Orari Street Dunedin 9012 Phone: +64 3 455 3966 Fax: +64 3 455 3965 TAURANGA NELSON INVERCARGILL 1 Marsh Street Tauranga 3110 Phone: +64 7 578 0605 Fax: +64 7 578 0604 8 Akersten Street Port Nelson 7010 Phone: +64 3 548 0719 Fax: +64 3 548 0105 137 Clyde Street Invercargill 9810 Phone: +64 3 218 4682 Fax: +64 3 218 4187 HEAD OFFICE 6–10 Greenmount Drive East Tamaki Auckland 1741 Phone: +64 9 274 4299 Fax: +64 9 274 7982 109 BRIDON COOKES LTD] Freephone 0508 274 366 110
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