Gharieni catalogue 2013/2014
Gharieni catalogue 2013/2014
Spa, Beauty &Wellness 2013//2014 2 Made in Germany Distinguished and global Various awards from the wellness, cosmetics and medical industries for individual products, innovative developments, the highest levels of quality, superb designs and the highest standards of service and warUDQW\FRQ¿UPRXUFRQFHSW:HKDYHEHHQDZDUGHG¿UVWSUL]HIRUWKH KLJKO\VRXJKWDIWHU5HDGHUV¶&KRLFH$ZDUGWKUHHWLPHVLQDURZ :LWKWKHVSHFLDOÄ:HOOQHVV,QQRYDWLRQ³SUL]HSDUWRIWKH%HDXW\)RUXP $ZDUGLQZHWRRNKRPH\HWDQRWKHUVRXJKWDIWHUWURSK\ Yet increasing success and globally growing sales also speak up for XVDQGRXUSURGXFWV$PRQJRXULQWHUQDWLRQDOOX[XU\FODVVFOLHQWVDUH hotels in the Steigenberger hotel chain, the Hyatt hotel group and the -XPHLUDKKRWHOJURXSLQ'XEDL,Q*HUPDQ\ ZHKDYHDPRQJRWKHUVWKH.DPHKD*UDQG%RQQWKH:HOWHQWKHUmal & spa resort and numerous other renowned hotels, spas and cosPHWLFIDFLOLWLHV // Beauty Forum Award 2006 7R HQVXUH WKDW ZH GR MXVWLFH WR WKH Ä0DGH E\ *KDULHQL³ ODEHO ZH NHHSWRWKHSULQFLSOHRIÄTXDOLW\ZLWKRXWFRPSURPLVH³7KLVDOVRHQtails a guarantee of quality, as only this can offer customers transSDUHQF\ DQG VHFXULW\ WR WKH VDPH OHYHO 7R SURYLGH \RX ZLWK FOHDU facts with regard to the proof of origin and to demonstrate that social responsibility and consumer interests are of great importance to us, ZH KDYH XQGHUJRQH D FRVWO\ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ SURFHVV E\ 7h9 125' DQGVLQFHHDUO\LWKDVEHHQÄRI¿FLDO³LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK WKH 7h9125'WHVWFULWHULDRXUWUHDWPHQWEHGVDQGWUHDWPHQWWRZHUV DUHQRZDEOHWRGLVSOD\WKHÄ0DGHLQ*HUPDQ\³VHDO2XUPDQXIDFturing and administration processes are of course subject to conVWDQWTXDOLW\FKHFNV7KHFRPSUHKHQVLYHTXDOLW\PDQDJHPHQWRIRXU business processes has been in place for over ten years now, and LQFOXGHVWKH,62DQG,62FHUWL¿FDWLRQV$VDFXVWRPHU WKLVJXDUDQWHHV\RXTXDOLW\RISURGXFWDQGHTXDOO\H[FHOOHQWVHUYLFH ±DFRPELQDWLRQWKDWLVRWKHUZLVHYHU\KDUGWR¿QG // Beauty Forum Readers' Choice Award 2007/2008 // Perfect Line (Poland) 2009 // Medical Design Excellence Award (USA) 2009 // Beauty Forum Readers' Choice Award 2009/2010 // Beauty Forum Award 2010/2011 // Beauty Forum Readers' Choice Award 2011/2012 // Beauty Forum Award 2012/2013 Become a designer! 2XUORFDOSURGXFWLRQPHDQVZHDUHDEOHWRUHVSRQGWR\RXUVSHFLDOLVW UHTXLUHPHQWVZLWKÀH[LELOLW\DQGWRLPSOHPHQWWKHPTXLFNO\,QWKLVZD\ ZHRIIHUDVHUYLFHZKLFKLVXQLTXHLQWKLVVHFWRU\RXFDQDOVREHFRPH DGHVLJQHURI\RXURZQVSDWDEOH 2QWKH0/:)WKHYLVXDOVRIWKHVLGHZDOOVFDQEHGHVLJQHGDFFRUGLQJWR\RXUWDVWHDQGWKHDPELHQFHRI\RXUURRP$FKRLFHRIRYHU HOHJDQWZRRGDQGFRORXUGpFRUVLQKLJKJORVVRUPDWWDUHDYDLODEOH )RU WKH PHWDO FRYHULQJ WKH ¿QLVK LV RSWLRQDOO\ DYDLODEOH LQ DQ 5$/ FRORXU,QWKLVZD\\RXFDQ¿QGWKHFRORXUZKLFKVXLWVERWK\RXDQG \RXUVSDWDEOH$QGDVWKHSHUIHFW¿QLVKLQJWRXFK\RXFDQDOVRFKRRVH WKHXSKROVWHU\IRUWKHVSDWDEOHZKLFKLVDYDLODEOHLQDQH[WUDVRIWYHUsion, to match the colour of the base of your spa table in either white, FUHPHRUFKRFR ,QWKHIRUPRIDVSHFLDOKLJKOLJKW\RXUVSDWDEOHFDQDOVREH¿WWHGZLWK ODWHUDO/('VWULSV6LWXDWHGRQWKHXQGHUVLGHRIWKHVSDWDEOHWKHVH LOOXPLQDWHWKHÀRRUDVZHOODVSDUWRIWKHFDVLQJ 7KHFRORXURIWKHOLJKWFDQEHFKRVHQLQGLYLGXDOO\RUDVDQLQ¿QLWHO\ YDULDEOHFRORXUJUDGLHQW,QWKLVZD\WKH\FUHDWHDSOHDVDQWDQGH[FOXVLYHDWPRVSKHUH To ensure the completely coherent and harmonious appearance of \RXUVSDVWXGLRRUPHGLFDOSUDFWLFHZHRIIHUH[FOXVLYHIXUQLWXUHDQG IXUQLWXUHFROOHFWLRQV 'HVLJQHG LQ DQ HOHJDQW IXQFWLRQDO DQG FXVWRPHU VSHFL¿F ZD\ WKH\ FDQDOVREHLQGLYLGXDOO\FRQ¿JXUHGLQWHUPVRIWKHLUGpFRUDQGFRORXU DQGFDQEHFRPELQHGSHUIHFWO\ZLWKRXUVSDWDEOHV Are You The Next? Luxus-Flusskreuzfahrtschiff MS Mozart // TUI Cruises, Mein Schiff 2 // Best Western Konrad Zuse Hotel**** Hünfeld, Germany // Grand Hotel & SPA Kurhaus Ahrenshoop***** Ahrenshoop, Germany // Welcome Hotel Bad Arolsen**** Alpenhof***** Murnau am Staffelsee, Germany // Tegernsee Hotel**** Best Western Premier Vital**** Germany Bad Sachsa, Germany Germany // Hotel Tegernsee, Germany // Hotel // Hotel Budersand*****S Sylt, // Hotel Bülow Palais***** Dresden, Germany // Hotel Colombi*****Freiburg, Germany // Hotel Erbprinz***** Ettlingen, Germany // Grand Hyatt Berlin***** // Hotel Hyatt Regency***** Germany Düsseldorf/Mainz, Germany // Hotel im Wasserturm***** Cologne, Germany // Hotel Kameha Grand***** Bonn, Germany // Hotel Traube Tonbach***** Baiersbronn, Germany // Jumeirah Frankfurt***** Frankfurt a. M., Germany Steigenberger Hotel Drei Mohren***** Frankfurter Hof***** Bad Wörishofen, Germany Frankfurt, Germany // Le Meridien***** Augsburg, Germany // Steigenberger Hotel Der Sonnenhof*****S Munich, Germany Heringsdorf, Germany // Lindner Spa & Golf Hotel Weimarer Land**** Switzerland Jordan Germany // The Wolfsburg, Germany // A-Ja Resort***** // Best Western Plus Hotel Yachtclub**** Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe*****S Leipzig, Germany // The Ritz-Carlton***** // Upstalsboom Hotel Ostseestrand ****S Warnemünde, Germany // // Steigenberger Hotel // Steigenberger Grandhotel Handelshof***** Westin Grand München***** Stuttgart, Germany Timmendorfer Strand, Germany Blankenhain, Germany // Wald & // Badrutt's Palace*****S pieces Moritz, // Crans Ambassador***** Crans Montana, Switzerland // Crowne Plaza***** Amman, // Crowne Plaza***** Kuwait City, Kuwait // Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin***** Noordwijk, The Netherlands // Hotel Okura***** Zuidoostbeemster, The Netherlands Palace***** // Fort Resort Beemster**** // Grand Hotel Kempinski***** Strba-Strbské Pleso, Slovakia // Gstaad Gstaad, Switzerland Hotel & Spa**** Amsterdam, The Netherlands // Grand Tirolia***** Bad Leonfelden, Austria Kitzbühel, Austria // Falkensteiner // Falkensteiner Hotel Sonnenalpe**** Nassfeld, Austria // Hotel Alpenhof****S Austria // Grand Hotel Wien***** Vienna, Austria // Hotel Sans Souci***** // Hotel Schloss Lebenberg***** Lithuania Austria // Hotel Prezydent***** // Hotel Union***** // Hapimag Resort St. Michael**** Tux, Austria Kitzbühel, Austria Krynica-Zdrój, Poland Geiranger, Norway Vienna, Austria // Hotel Palanga Spa***** // Hotel Ritzenhof**** // The Oberoi***** Dubai, UAE Lungau, Palanga, Saalfelden, // Radisson Blu Edwardian***** Manchester, UK // Jumeirah Zabeel Saray, Palm Island***** Dubai, UAE // Le Royal Hotel***** Amman, Jordan // Parc Hotel Mignon***** Merano, Italy // Hapimag Resort Marbella**** Costa Del Sol, Spain // The Westin Resort Costa Navarino**** Greece // The Ritz-Carlton Seoul***** Seoul, South Korea // RarinJinda**** Chiang Mai, Thailand // Ritz Paris***** Paris, France // Scandic Sanadome**** Bütgenbacher Hof**** Bütgenbach, Belgium Nijmegen, The Netherlands // Silence-Hotel // Sofitel Marrakech***** Marrakech, Morocco // The Dolder Grand***** Zurich, Switzerland // The Ritz-Carlton***** Istanbul, Turkey // Thraki Palace Hotel***** Alexandroupolis, Greece // Hotel Arlberg***** UAE // Hotel Hout Bay Manor***** Lech am Arlberg, Austria Cape Town, South Africa // Palast des Scheichs Nad El Sheba Dubai, // Asia Spa Zurich, Switzerland //Pidal Club Walferdingen, Luxemburg // 7 Welten Therme & Spa Fulda/Künzell, Germany // Aiyasha Medical Spa Munich, Germany // Babor Beauty Spa´s Germany // MIa Spa Hamburg, Germany // Nordseefarm Büsumer Deichhausen, Germany // Caracalla Therme BadenBaden, Germany // Carolus Therme Aachen, Germany // Cosmeda International Rinteln, Germany // Cosmetic Institute Munich Airport, Terminal 2 Germany // Die Ästheten-Mecial Spa Munich, Germany // Jivala Beauty Lounges Kommern, Germany Munich/Stuttgart, Germany Bad Nauheim, Germany // KaDeWe // Flughafen Düsseldorf // Hapimag Berlin, Germany Sylt, Germany Germany // Sayuri Dayspa // Ligne pieces Barth Munich, Germany // H2 Mechernich- // Hildegard Braukman Kosmetik Germany // Lufthansa Lounge Frankfurt Airport, Germany // Medicoreha Welsink Cologne/Neuss, Germany // Rizzato Spa Consulting Tettnang, Germany // Dermedis Germany 6 Testimonials Regardless of whether they are used for massage, cosmetics or foot treatments - the multifunctional Gharieni beds stand out with their exceptional ease of use. They also have an optimum width which genuLQHO\VXLWVHYHU\RQH:KDWLVPRVWLPSRUWDQWWRXVKRZHYHULVWKDWRXUFXVWRPHUVDUHPRUHWKDQVDWLVÀHG „A spa table that invites you to relax“ is just one of the many enthusiastic responses. Anne-Kathrin Schmidt, SPA Manager of the Susanne Kaufmann Boutique SPA, at the Das Stue Hotel, Berlin Tiergarten Gharieni products are exceptionally comfortable and practical for beauty specialists. The excellent Gharieni equipment and the Clarins quality standards combine perfectly. For this reason Clarins chose Gharieni as its preferred partner. Ghislain Weayaert, International Director of CLARINS Spa Activities, Paris Gharieni not only convinces with its individual solutions and the perfect realisation of customer requirements. The innovative developments of our company are also forward looking and correspond exactly with the requirements in the Spa business. The beds are a successful symbiosis between medical know-how and design. This means that together with the Gharieni wellness furniture they can be wonderfully integrated in the atmosphere of an exclusive spa. Elif Arslan, SPA Manager of the Rive Spa & Fitness at the Hyatt Regency Düsseldorf The Gharieni treatment beds are the “Ferrari” of massage beds on the spa and wellness market. They stand out with their high quality and the option they offer for individual adaptation to the requirements of the guests and therapist alike. Bernd Güsken, Spa Director, Grandhotel Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof, Frankfurt am Main We originally tested several MLW spa tables by Gharieni in our hotel in Antibes. We received exclusively positive feedback from our customers and our spa team. With its excellent design, the spa table is the key decorative element in our cabins. And the differing spa table functions also mean the customer can enjoy an especially pleasant spa table experience. This is why we equipped all of our Spa marin cabins with the MLW spa table when we renovated our hotel in Bandol. Due to the considerable customer UHVSRQVHWKHQHZ7KDODVVRWUHDWPHQWDQGVSDPDULQLQ&DERXUJKDVQRZDOVREHHQÀWWHGZLWKEHGV Jean-Luc Pleuvry, Director of Operations, THALAZUR, Thalassothérapie & Spa Testimonials A spa table like the Sandor Gold is something completely new. With its golden quartz sand it has a genuine “wow effect” and enables stressed customers to leave all of their stress behind. The Sandor not only offers superb heat for the entire body, but the quartz sand also clings to the body so that the customer practically becomes one with the spa table. The comfortable feeling creates a sense of trust and the customer can relax to the hands of the therapist. Ricky Welch, Manager of the BeautyLounge Medical DaySpa, Bad Dürkheim, VIP Masseur and Physiotherapist to national DQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOPXVLFLDQVDUWLVWVKLJKSURÀOHVSRUWVSHUVRQDOLWLHVDQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO0DVVDJH&KLHI,QVWUXFWRUDW%DERU Cosmetics. I can’t imagine using any other beds than Gharieni ones for our treatments. The beds convince due to their versatility, their high quality and in terms of their design. They enable an optimum professional DQGDERYHDOOHUJRQRPLFPHWKRGRIZRUN$FRPELQDWLRQZKLFKLVLPSRVVLEOHWRÀQGDQ\ZKHUHHOVH The service we received when we purchased the beds for our spa was also optimum. The advice and care were simply perfect! And last but not least the Gharieni beds also satisfy our customers’ exacting aspirations. Verena Berger, Manager of Beauty & Spa, Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg, Bergisch Gladbach The company RKF Luxury Linen works together with the world’s biggest brands in the spa sector. In WKLVFRQWH[WIXOÀOOLQJWKHKLJKHVWDVSLUDWLRQVRIRXUFXVWRPHUVLQYLHZRIVHUYLFHDQGSURGXFWTXDOLW\LV our declared goal. This means we enjoy the highest levels of international prestige in the world of spas. For this reason it goes without saying that we combine the brand RKF Luxury Linen with the brand of Gharieni. Gharieni stands for treatment beds of the highest quality. Recommending Gharieni and ZRUNLQJZLWK*KDULHQLPHDQVRXUFXVWRPHUVDUHDEOHWRÀQGOX[XU\PDVVDJHEHGVDWDVXSHUEOHYHORI VHUYLFH 7KH FRRSHUDWLRQ EHWZHHQ 5.) /X[XU\ /LQHQ DQG *KDULHQL RIIHUV RXU FXVWRPHUV EHQHÀFLDO synergies. As a company we stand out thanks to our know-how, our wide ranging experience and our reliability. Riadh Bouaziz, Managing Director, RKF Luxury Linen, France We have not regretted equipping our complete spa with Gharieni for a single day. Their advice was simply ÀUVWUDWH&RUUHVSRQGLQJZLWKRXUUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGQHHGV*KDULHQLKHOSHGXVWRÀQGWKHEHVWIRURXUVSD And we prove this every day anew. Visiting the cabins isn‘t only enjoyable, our customers love them as well. 7KHLUÀWWLQJVPHDQRXUZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUHPXFKPRUHEHQHÀFLDOWRWKHEDFNDVFRPSOHWHO\FRPIRUWDEOH working conditions are possible. It is possible to bring everything into the required position - both for our personnel as well as our customers. This investment has really been worthwhile for us! And we will certainly buy our next spa from Gharieni as well! Birgitt Görgen, Owner of Sayuri Dayspa, Mechernich-Kommern Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg// Bergisch Gladbach +RWHO6FKOR%HQVEHUJ*PE+ RarinJinda Wellness Spa// Chiang Mai, Thailand 5DULQ-LQGD:HOOQHVV6SD7KDLODQG 10 Haus für Schönheit und Wohlbefinden //Neustadt OORQD&KULVWLQ1HEHO+DXVIU6FK|QKHLW:RKOEHILQGHQ Spa tables // 11 Gharieni MLX Quartz *KDULHQL0/;4XDUW]PDGHIURPUHDOZRRGZDOQXW¿OOHGZLWK$OSKDTXDUW]VDQGLQ¿QLWHO\YDULDEOHKHDWLQJV\VWHPLQWHQVLYHGHHS UHOD[DWLRQWKURXJKPLOGDQGVXVWDLQHGKHDWWZROLIWLQJFROXPQVIRU height and incline adjustment // storage compartment and two drawers // optional upholstered cushion for massage // optionally available with face cover +HLJKW DSSUR[ FP OHQJWK FP ZLGWK FP HOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ Gharieni Sandor PDGH IURP UHDO ZRRG ¿OOHG ZLWK $OSKD TXDUW] VDQG LQ¿QLWHO\ YDULDEOHKHDWLQJV\VWHPLQWHQVLYHGHHSUHOD[DWLRQWKURXJKPLOG sustainable heat // optional upholstered cushion for massages // stool +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKFPORDGFDSDFLW\ RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ * Values include a safety factor 12 Hyatt Regency // Düsseldorf © Hyatt Rituals Cosmetics// © Rituals Cosmetics Sothys Paris ,QVWLWXW6RWK\V3DULV)RWR-HDQ%DSWLVWH*XLWRQ Spa tables // Gharieni MLX H[FOXVLYHGHVLJQHUVSDWDEOHIRUWKHVSDDQGZHOOQHVVVHFWRUODUJH storage space // removable armrest // nose slot // height, incline, back and foot section electrically adjustable // Trendelenburg function // eight treatment positions can be saved // locking function // VRIWUREXVW38XSKROVWHU\DOVRDYDLODEOHLQV\QWKHWLFOHDWKHU Soft upholstery optional // different décors +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKFPXSKROVWHU\ ZLGWKFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHG VXUIDFHNJ * Values include a safety factor 16 // Spa tables Spa tables // MO1 Evo H[WUHPHO\ORZDFFHVVRIFPXSWRVL[PRWRUVWRVHWWKHKHLJKW back, leg and foot section, also optionally available for armrests // VZLYHOOLQJ PHFKDQLFDO DUPUHVWV HLJKW WUHDWPHQW SRVLWLRQV VDYDEOH ORFNIXQFWLRQHVSHFLDOO\KDUGZHDULQJVWLWFKHG38VRIWXSKROVWHU\ ÀH[LEOHVWRUDJHVSDFHLQWKHEDVHVHFWLRQRSHQRUFORVHGPHFKDQLFDOO\RSWLRQDOO\HOHFWULFDOO\UHWUDFWDEOHFDVWHUVVXLWDEOHIRUSHRSOH with physical disabilities // available in a range of designs +HLJKWRIEHGVXUIDFHDSSUR[FPOHQJWKFPZLGWKFP ORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ Evo Lounger H[FOXVLYHORXQJHUGULYHVWRDGMXVWWKHKHDGEDFNOHJDQGIRRWVHFWLRQIRXUSUHVHWSRVLWLRQVTXLOWHGVRIW38XSKROVWHU\LQDUDQJH RIGLIIHUHQWGHVLJQVSXOORXWWUD\/('UHDGLQJOLJKW +HLJKWRIWKHEHGVXUIDFHDSSUR[FPOHQJWKFPZLGWK FPORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ * Values include a safety factor NIANCE World of Luxury// Grand Tirolia Kitzbühel, Austria *UDQG7LUROLD.LW]EKHO Spa tables // Gharieni MLW F1 Select compact base covering for more leg space // design features con¿JXUDEOHVLGHVWRUDJHVSDFHKHLJKWLQFOLQHEDFNUHVWDQGIRRW section electrically adjustable // eight treatment positions savable // ORFNIXQFWLRQH[WUDVRIW38XSKROVWHU\GLIIHUHQWGpFRUVFRQWURO can be chosen from cable controlled hand held switch, foot switch or infra-red remote control // complies with requirements according to (1VZLYHOOLQJDUPUHVWVHOHFWULFDOO\ORZHUDEOHDUPUHVWV RSWLRQDOO\DYDLODEOHRSWLRQDOEDVLF/('LOOXPLQDWLRQ +HLJKWFPFPOHQJWKFPZLGWK6FP0FP /FPHOHYDWLRQVWUHQJWKNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHG VXUIDFHNJ Gharieni MLW F1 Wood compact base covering for more leg space // design features con¿JXUDEOHH[FKDQJHDEOHVLGHZRRGGpFRUFDVLQJKHLJKWLQFOLQH back and foot section electrically adjustable // lowerable and swivelOLQJDUPUHVWVIRXUWUHDWPHQWSRVLWLRQVVDYDEOHVRIW38XSKROVWHU\ in three widths // control can be chosen from cable connected handheld switch, foot switch or infra-red remote control // corresponds ZLWK UHTXLUHPHQWV RI (1 HOHFWULFDOO\ ORZHUDEOH DUPUHVW RSWLRQDOO\DYDLODEOHEDVLF/('OLJKWLQJDOVRRSWLRQDOO\DYDLODEOH +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWK6FP0FP/ FPHOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFH 160 kg Gharieni MLW F1 Soft WKHVDPHDWWULEXWHVDVWKH0/:):RRGZLWKDQH[WUDVRIWXSKROVWHU\38XSKROVWHU\WKURXJKRXW +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWK6 FP0FP/FPHOHYDWLQJIRUFH NJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFH kg * Values include a safety factor 20 // Spa tables Music Vibro-music Soft wave Volume control for enjoying music with headphones or installed VSHDNHUV :LWK WKLV IHDWXUH \RX FDQ IHHO PXVLF IURP a connected music device throughout your ERG\ 7R PDNH WKLV HIIHFW DV SOHDVDQW DV possible the intensity in the different sections of the upholstery can be controlled VHSDUDWHO\ Differing pre-set vibration patterns can be UHFDOOHGDWWKHWRXFKRIDEXWWRQ7KHRYHUall intensity can be controlled as well as the LQWHQVLW\LQWKHGLIIHUHQWXSKROVWHU\VHFWLRQV Thermo Airback system Chromo light shower The thermo feature can be VZLWFKHGRQDQGRIIDVUHTXLUHG The attributes of the spa table can be adjusted individually with three air chambers in the back and two DLUFKDPEHUVLQWKHOHJDUHD,QWKLV FRQWH[WXSWRWKUHHVHWWLQJVFDQEH VDYHG 2QWKHÀLSVLGHRIWKHFRQWUROSDQHODUHKLJK SHUIRUPDQFH/('6ZLWKZKLFKLWLVSRVVLEOH WRSURGXFHXSWRHLJKWGLIIHUHQWFRORXUV Spa tables // 21 Multisense option 7KH0XOWLVHQVHRSWLRQKDVWKHIROORZLQJIHDWXUHV Vibro music // Vibro massage // Soft wave // Chromo light shower // 7KHUPRV\VWHP$LUEDFNV\VWHP&RQQHFWLRQIRUH[WHUQDODXGLR source // Connection and volume control for headphones // ConQHFWLRQDQGFRQWUROIRUH[WHUQDOOLJKWVRXUFH Well-being at the touch of a button For all MLW-F1 models 7KH 0XOWLVHQVH RSWLRQ RIIHUV HYHU\WKLQJ WKDW LV QHFHVVDU\ IRU D UHOD[LQJZHOOQHVVWUHDWPHQW5HJDUGOHVVRIZKHWKHULWLVSOHDVDQW warmth, a pleasant vibro massage to the rhythm of your customer’s favourite music, gentle vibrations, an atmospheric light shower or LQGLYLGXDOO\DGMXVWDEOHXSKROVWHU\:LWKWKH0XOWLVHQVHIHDWXUHWKH functions can be controlled easily via the multifunctional control SDQHO Via another control panel on the side of the spa table it is possible to RSHUDWHSUHVHWVIRUWKHGLIIHUHQWIXQFWLRQV([WHUQDODXGLRGHYLFHV VXFKDV03SOD\HUVDQGKHDGSKRQHVFDQDOVREHFRQQHFWHGKHUH Control panel for pre-sets chromo light shower 22 // Spa tables 3D Design Wave Slope Rainbow Pearl Circle Stripes MLW Square 3D-Design Analogy 7KDW VSHFLDO VRPHWKLQJ PLOOHG GHVLJQ HOHPHQWV JLYH \RXU 0/: 6TXDUHDQLQGLYLGXDOWRXFK,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHLOOXVLRQSDWWHUQLQFOXGHG in the price of the spa table it is possible to choose your personal IDYRXULWHIURPVHYHQRWKHUGHVLJQV Spa tables // Gharieni MLW Square 6SDWDEOHZLWK'FDVHLQGLIIHUHQWGpFRUV%HGVXUIDFHVLQWKUHH ZLGWKV60DQG/KHLJKWLQFOLQHEDFNUHVWDQGIRRWVHFWLRQHOHFtrically adjustable // four treatment positions savable // head section FDQEHWLOWHGE\38XSKROVWHU\RUV\QWKHWLFOHDWKHUXSKROstery available // removable armrests +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWK6FP0FP/ FPHOHYDWLRQVWUHQJWKNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFH 200 kg * Values include a safety factor Illusion Images show extras! Aquamoon // Paris, France © Aquamoon Spa tables // Gharieni MLW Amphibia H[FOXVLYHVSDWDEOHEHGVXUIDFHZLWKKHDWHG$TXDXSKROVWHU\LOluminated bed surface and sides // height, incline, back rest and foot section electrically adjustable // lowerable armrests // Head section FDQEHWLOWHGE\IRXUWUHDWPHQWSRVLWLRQVVDYDEOHVRIW38 XSKROVWHU\ FDQ EH H[FKDQJHG IRU$TXD XSKROVWHU\ LQÀDWDEOH FRQnection for optional Ayurveda cover // optionally available in different décors and versions +HLJKW FP OHQJWK FP %DVLF ZLGWK FP :LGWK RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDGEHDULQJ FDSDFLW\DSSUR[NJ Gharieni MLW Classic &ODVVLFVSDWDEOHEHGVXUIDFHLQWKUHHZLGWKV60DQG/KHLJKW incline, back rest and foot section electrically adjustable // lowerable DUPUHVWVKHDGVHFWLRQFDQEHWLOWHGE\IRXUWUHDWPHQWSRVLWLRQVVDYDEOHVRIW38XSKROVWHU\RSWLRQDOO\DYDLODEOHLQGLIIHUHQW décors and versions +HLJKW FP OHQJWK FP ZLGWK 6 FP 0 FP /FPHOHYDWLRQVWUHQJWKNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHG VXUIDFHNJ Gharieni MLW Soft )HDWXUHVVDPHDV0/:&ODVVLFZLWKVXSHUFRPIRUWDEOHVRIWXSholstery +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWK6FP0FP/ FP HOHYDWLQJ IRUFH NJ ORDG FDSDFLW\ RI WKH EHG VXUIDFHNJ * Values include a safety factor 26 A sparkling gem $QHZDQGVSHFLDOGHVLJQPHDQVWKH0/:$PSKLELDLVDOVRDQH\H FDWFKHU ,WV KLJK TXDOLW\ ¿QLVK ZLWK JOLWWHULQJ 6ZDURYVNL HOHPHQWV ensures a sparkling elegance in your treatment room or your spa; DQGWKHVSHFLDOIHDWXUHWKHSHUIHFWO\LQWHJUDWHG/('VWULSVQRWRQO\ immerse the water cushions in wonderful and alternating coloured OLJKWEXWDOVRWKHEDVHRIWKHVSDWDEOH,QWKLVZD\WKH6ZDURYVNL HOHPHQWVVSDUNOHLQDQHVSHFLDOO\LPSUHVVLYHZD\ :HOOQHVV*RHV Wellness Goes // Goes, Netherlands Vidago Palace // Vidago, Portugal %UXQR%DUERVD Das Stue//Berlin © Das Stue /RXQJHUV Gharieni RLX-Electric /RXQJHUZLWKVRIWV\QWKHWLFOHDWKHUXSKROVWHU\PRWRULVHGLQFOLQH LQFOLQH DGMXVWPHQWLQRYHUFRORXUFRPELQDWLRQVH[FHSWLRQDOGHQDOGHsign // optional reading lamp and neck support for comfortable able reOD[DWLRQ FP (QWU\KHLJKWFP3URMHFWLRQOHQJWKFPZLGWKFP ORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ Gharieni RLX /RXQJHUHVSHFLDOO\IRUWKHDUHDRIVSDUHOD[DWLRQZLWK¿[HGSRVLtion // optional heated bed surface, integrated massage function, music and reading light (QWU\KHLJKWFP3URMHFWLRQOHQJWKFPZLGWKFP /RDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ Accessories RLX models Gharieni RLX-Light /RXQJHUHVSHFLDOO\IRUWKHDUHDRIVSDUHOD[DWLRQZLWK¿[HGSRVLWLRQ // sophisticated design (QWU\KHLJKWFP3URMHFWLRQOHQJWKFPZLGWKFPORDG FDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ * Values include a safety factor 0DVVDJHWDEOHV Gharieni RLL 0DVVDJH WDEOH ZLWK GRXEOH OLIW FROXPQ WHFKQRORJ\ HOHFWULFDO KHLJKW adjustment // back section adjustable via pneumatic spring // base PDGHIURPVROLGVWHHOFRQVWUXFWLRQIRUPD[LPXPVWDELOLW\DYDLODEOH LQGLIIHUHQWYHUVLRQVZLWKFODVVLFV\QWKHWLFOHDWKHURU38XSKROVWHU\ +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKFPOHQJWKRIKHDG VHFWLRQFPOHQJWKRIEHGVXUIDFHFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFH NJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ Gharieni Ayurveda table ZLWK K\GUDXOLF RU HOHFWURK\GUDXOLF KHLJKW DGMXVWPHQW 8SKROVWHU\ especially for Ayurveda treatment methods // raised upholstery edge IRUXVHRIELJJHUTXDQWLWLHVRIRLORLOUHVLVWDQW38FRYHUIRXUSDUW 38DFFHVVRU\VHWZLWKVSHFLDOKHDGUHVWVZLWKGUDLQGHYLFH$\XUYHGD roll pillow, crescent shaped massage headrest and armrest +HLJKWZLWKRXWHGJHFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKFP /LIWLQJIRUFHNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ * Values include a safety factor 0DVVDJHWDEOHV Massage beds MLK range with electrical adjustment options // can be operated ated by hand or RSWLRQDOO\ZLWKIRRWVZLWFKKHDGVHFWLRQFDQEHVHWYLDSQHXPDWLF HWYLDSQHXPDWLF VSULQJRUZLWKHOHFWULFDOGULYHXSWRXSZDUGVDQGGRZQZDUGV QGGRZQZDUGV ZLWKV\QWKHWLFOHDWKHUXSKROVWHU\IRUSOHDVDQWUHVWLQJFRPIRUW QJFRPIRUW Gharieni MLK ABS with lowerable armrests HOHFWULFDOKHLJKWDGMXVWPHQWKHDGVHFWLRQDGMXVWDEOHE\ZLWK DEOHE\ZLWK pneumatic spring // armrests lowerable via pneumatic atic spring +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKFPOHQJWKRIKHDG OHQJWKRIKHDG VHFWLRQFPOHQJWKRIEHGVXUIDFHFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFH HOHYDWLQJIRUFH NJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ Storage tray for MLK and MLK ABS :KLWHRUWLWDQLXPXQGHUWKHEHGVXUIDFH[FPRQHRU FPRQHRU two trays possible Gharieni MLK short head section // longer bed surface // head section adjustable E\ YLD SQHXPDWLF VSULQJ RU GULYH ZLWK KDQGKHOG HOG VZLWFK RSWLRQDOIRRWVZLWFK +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKFPOHQJWKRIKHDG KRIKHDG VHFWLRQFPOHQJWKRIEHGVXUIDFHFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFH QJIRUFH NJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ Gharieni MLL long head section // shorter bed surface // head section adjustable E\YLDSQHXPDWLFVSULQJRUGULYH KRIKHDG +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKFPOHQJWKRIKHDG VHFWLRQFPOHQJWKRIEHGVXUIDFHFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFH QJIRUFH NJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKHEHGVXUIDFHNJ * Values include a safety factor // Treatment beds Treatment beds // Gharieni SPX 1HZO\GHVLJQHGXSKROVWHU\PHFKDQLFDO$LUEDFNFRPSDFWEDVH H[FHSWLRQDOGHVLJQVXLWDEOHIRUDOPRVWDOOWUHDWPHQWVH[WHQGDEOH foot and head section // electrically adjustable height, back, sitting angle and leg section // eight freely selectable memory positions // hand-held switch with lock function // Spline safety technology // optional foot control +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKZLWKZLWKRXWDUPUHVWVFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKH VLWWLQJVXUIDFHNJ Gharieni SPL Soft 63/ WHFKQRORJ\ ZLWK H[WUD VRIW XSKROVWHU\ PHFKDQLFDO $LUEDFN // completely electric // four rapid drives // electrically adjustable KHLJKW EDFN VLWWLQJ DQJOH DQG OHJ VHFWLRQ HUJRQRPLF VRIW 38 XSKROVWHU\ RU V\QWKHWLF OHDWKHU XSKROVWHU\ H[WHQGDEOH IRRW DQG head section // four freely selectable memory positions // hand-held switch // Spline safety technology // also available as a chiropody version +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKZLWKRXWZLWK DUPUHVWVFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDGFDSDFLW\RI WKHVLWWLQJVXUIDFHNJ Gharieni SPL fully electric // four rapid drives // electrically adjustable height, back, sitting angle and leg section // ergonomic synthetic leather FRPIRUWXSKROVWHU\WKURXJKRXWLQFOXGLQJPHFKDQLFDO$LUEDFN([tendable foot and head section // four freely selectable memory positions // hand-held switch // Spline safety technology // also available as a chiropody version +HLJKW FP OHQJWK FP ZLGWK ZLWKRXWZLWK DUPUHVWVFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDGFDSDFLW\RI WKHVLWWLQJVXUIDFHNJ // Treatment beds Sophie-Scholl Technical College // Duisburg Treatment beds // Gharieni SLR %DVHLQWLWDQLXPYLVXDOVZLWKVWDLQOHVVVWHHOHOHPHQWVORZDFFHVV // mechanically retractable casters // anatomically designed synthetic leather upholstery designed from a single piece mechanical Airback // electrically adjustable height, back, sitting angle and leg section // four memory positions savable // hand-held switch // different armrest versions optionally usable // removable armrests // QDUURZEDFNZLGWKIRUÀH[LEOHZRUNLQJ +HLJKWFPLQWLOWHGSRVLWLRQFPOHQJWKFP ZLGWKZLWKRXWDUPUHVWVFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDG EHDULQJFDSDFLW\ DSSUR[NJ Gharieni LR /LIWLQJFROXPQVXSSRUWWUHDWPHQWEHGDQDWRPLFDOO\GHVLJQHGV\Qthetic leather upholstery produced from a single piece mechanical three way Airback // electrically adjustable height, back sitting angle and leg section // four memory positions savable // hand-held switch // different armrest versions optionally usable // removable DUPUHVWVQDUURZEDFNZLGWKIRUÀH[LEOHZRUNLQJFRPSDFWEDVH // also available as chiropody version +HLJKWFPOHQJWKFPZLGWKZLWKRXW DUPUHVWVFPHOHYDWLQJIRUFHNJORDGFDSDFLW\RIWKH VLWWLQJVXUIDFHNJ 9DOXHVLQFOXGHDVDIHW\IDFWRU Images show extras! © Tui Cruises TUI Cruises // Mein Schiff 2 Steigenberger Hotel Frankfurter Hof // Frankfurt am Main 6WHLJHQEHUJHU)UDQNIXUWHU+RI // Treatment units Treatment units // Spa-Trolley HST 7UHDWPHQWWRZHUDVH[FOXVLYHIXUQLWXUHVWRZDEOH HYDSRUDWRU ZLWK KHUEV GHYLFH )'6 )RDP 'HWHFWLQJ6\VWHPWRVZLWFKRIIWKHHYDSRUDWRUGXUing the build of foam due to soiling // Swivelling evaporator arm // large storage space // pull-out tray // shelf with partition // Hot-Cabi compartment // magnifying lamp holder // compartment IRU:DOGPDQQ5//4PDJQLI\LQJODPSUROOV in many décors and different versions +HLJKW FP ZLGWK FORVHG FP ZLGWK HYDSRUDWRU FP GHSWK ZLWKRXW KDQGOH FP GHSWK KDQGOHFP // Treatment units Gharieni treatment tower Rotary Design Compact treatment tower // compact rotary type design // aluminium body // short heat-up phase // swivelling steam arm // easy operation // water supply via funnel from above // easily removable ZDWHUWDQNIHOWULQJIRUDURPDWLFWUHDWPHQWVKHUEVGHYLFHRSWLRQDOELJUDGLXVRIDFWLRQPRGXODUGHVLJQFDQEHDUUDQJHG according to individual requirements // choice of up to four modules // can be enhanced with further devices, magnifying lamp and additional accessories // available in white, dark brown and titanium DVVWDQGDUGRWKHUFRORXUVSRVVLEOHDWH[WUDFRVW Treatment units // Gharieni Facial steamer Rotary Design AluVap in rotary design // aluminium body // short heat-up phase // rotating evaporating arm // easy to operate // water supply via funnel from above // easily removable water tank // felt ring for aromatic WUHDWPHQWVKHUEGHYLFHRSWLRQDOPDJQLI\LQJODPSDWWDFKPHQW // large action radius // available in titanium, white or dark brown +HDWRXWSXWZDWWVKHDWLQJSKDVHZLWKKDOI¿OOHGFRQWDLQHU XQGHUPLQRSWLPXPUDQJHRIWUHDWPHQWFPZLWKLQWHQVLYH IXOOVWHDPH[SHULHQFHGXUDWLRQRIVWHDPWUHDWPHQWDSSUR[PLQ Gharieni Facial steamer Rotary Design AluVap Mini Attributes as Rotary Design Aluvap // more compact design LED coloured light facial steamer /DWHVW/('WHFKQRORJ\H[FOXVLYH³IDFHELRVDXQD´IRU\RXUVWXGLR // pleasantly warm steam for the gentle opening of the pores // for the natural cleaning of the facial skin // choice of nine colours //automatic colour change // further information on the meaning of the FRORXUVLVSURYLGHGLQWKH/('FRORXUHGOLJKWVVHFWLRQRSWLRQDOO\ available with a special device for herbs and essential oils // Treatment units Gharieni Twin Treatment Unit ÀH[LEOHWRZHUYHUVLRQPRGXODUDUUDQJHPHQWSRVVLEOHVKHOYHV from glass or wood décor // up to three trays // evaporator body made from stable aluminium // modular design // can be arranged according to individual requirements // choice of up to four device modules // optionally available with Shiro Dhara attachment // can be upgraded with devices, magnifying lamp and additional accessories Treatment units // Shiro Dhara Wood %DVHLQZRRGGpFRUZLWKWUD\DQGRLOGUDLQDJHGHYLFHFROOHFWLRQ glass // different collection containers usable // height adjustable elements // casters // available in chrome colours and dark brown Shiro Dhara Junior for oil forehead pouring // height-adjustable tray and arm // tray base available in glass or wood in wenge look // oil treatment bowl with adjustable tap and suspension device // can be enhanced with additional trays // casters // available in chrome colours and dark brown Additional tray for Shiro Dhara trolley Available with glass or wood base in wenge look edge and trolley attachment Gharieni GlaStylemodel with up to three glass trays // swivelling devices and evaporator // 1XPEHURIJODVVWUD\VDVZHOODVHYDSRUDWRUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQDQGGHvice modules selectable // can be upgraded with evaporator lamp and additional accessories )XUQLWXUH K9 Laundry trolley for storing dirty laundry // easy to empty with big feeder slot // washing requiring laundry easily removed through big front cover /// drawer ble in a with tip-on technology // rubber casters for pushing // available choice of décors +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKFP K9 Cosmetics trolley understated elegance // four spacious drawers // smooth sliding iding of KLQJWKH WKHGUDZHUVYLD³WLSRQDXWRPDWLF´DWWUDFWLYHKDQGOHIRUSXVKLQJWKH furniture // cushioned casters // available in different décors +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKFP K9 Washbasin cabinet )OH[LEOHDQGHOHJDQWWKUHHVHFWLRQVIRUWRZHOVZLGHUDQJHRIWRROV GLUW\ODXQGU\DQGPXFKPRUH,QVWDOODWLRQRIDEDVLQSRVVLEOHFDQ be arranged individually // in a range of décors +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKFP K9 Hot-Cabi cabinet &DELQHWIRU+RW&DEL0D[LDUWDYDLODEOHLQDUDQJHRIGpFRUVWKHFRPSOHWH+RW&DELRIIHULVDYDLODEOHLQRXUFXUUHQW3UD[0D[FDWDORJXH +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKDSSUR[FP )XUQLWXUH MLX Trolley multifunctional equipment trolley // wide range of versions and designs available // possibility of combining high and low tip-on drawers // circular grip // high quality casters +HLJKWFPZLGWKZLWKRXWJULSFPZLGWKJULSFP GHSWKFP )XUQLWXUH MLX Display Trolley optionally illuminated display for the eye-catching positioning of your preparations // lateral shelves // folding shelf and drawer in front section // available in differing décors // on casters +HLJKWFPZLGWKZLWKRXWKDQGOHFPZLGWKLQFOKDQGOH FPGHSWKZLWKRXWKDQGOHFPGHSWKLQFOKDQGOHFP MLX Wax Trolley ZLWK LQWHJUDWHG ZD[ KHDWHU SUDFWLFDO UXEELVK FRQWDLQHU ODWHUDO shelves // table top can be pushed back // available in differing décors // on casters +HLJKWFPZLGWKZLWKRXWJULSFPZLGWKJULSFP GHSWKZLWKRXWKDQGOHFPGHSWKLQFOKDQGOHFP // Square Trolley )XUQLWXUH Thalazur Thalassotherapie & Spa// 7KDOD]XU )XUQLWXUH Square Trolley mobile preparations trolley // lateral shelves // folding compartment for waste and two shelves in the front area // handles on left and right // pull-out tray // available in differing décors // on casters +HLJKWDSSUR[FPZLGWKZLWKRXWKDQGOHFPZLGWKLQFO KDQGOHFPGHSWKFP )XUQLWXUH Equipment trolley GL 45 3XOORXWVWRUDJHVSDFHIRUGLIIHULQJHTXLSPHQWWKUHHVKHOYHVIRXU big rubber casters, of which two braking // in white or wenge décor // further décors optional :LGWKFPGHSWKFPKHLJKWFP Equipment trolley GL 60 3XOORXWVWRUDJHVSDFHIRUGLIIHULQJHTXLSPHQWWKUHHELJVKHOYHV // four big rubber casters, of which two braking // in white or wenge décor // further décors optional :LGWKFPGHSWKFPKHLJKWFP Equipment trolley Quadrat 3XOORXWVWRUDJHVSDFHIRUHTXLSPHQWWZRVPDOOFPVKHOYHV one big 21 cm shelf // four big rubber wheels of which two braking // in white or wenge décor // further décors optional :LGWKFPGHSWKFPKHLJKWFP Art. 35117 Pedicart equipment trolley &RPSDFWHTXLSPHQWWUROOH\7LS2QGUDZHUIROGRXWFRPSDUWPHQW IRU +RW&DEL 0LQL ELJ OLJKWUXQQLQJ FDVWHUV KLJK TXDOLW\ PHWDO wood combination // in white or wenge décor // further décors optional // metal components in titanium, white or dark brown +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKFP )XUQLWXUH Equipment trolley Cube Select optionally available with a big drawer and two spacious interior surIDFHVRUZLWKWZRPHGLXPVL]HGGUDZHUVELJOLJKWUXQQLQJFDVWHUV // high quality metal wood combination // in white or wenge décor // PHWDOEDVH:KLWHWLWDQLXPGDUNEURZQDGGLWLRQDOGpFRUYHUVLRQV possible +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKFP )XUQLWXUH Gharieni GlaStyle equipment trolley (TXLSPHQW DQG SUHSDUDWLRQV WUROOH\ XS WR WKUHH VZLYHOOLQJ JODVV décor trays with chrome border // light running casters // glass trays height adjustable and swivelling // rail can be shortened // optionally available with white or titanium base // magnifying lamp holder 'LPHQVLRQVRIWUD\VXUIDFHRYDO[FP )XUQLWXUH Vario Select equipment trolley multi-purpose // optional installation of Hot Cabis or Hot-Stone warmers possible // laterally swivelling upper shelf // internal shelves in different heights // with casters // in white or wenge wood décor // metal curvatures in white, titanium or dark brown // additional equipment possible // also available with two folding doors +HLJKW FP ZLGWK ZLWK VKXWWHUV FORVHG FP VSDFH ZLWK RSHQVKXWWHUVFPGHSWKFP )XUQLWXUH Lamica DecorLine equipment trolley 7UD\GLPHQVLRQV[FPPLGGOHWUD\DWFPKHLJKWXSSHU WUD\DWFPKHLJKWVSDFLRXVVWRUDJHWUD\ZLWKIROGLQJGRRUV pull-out tray Lamica wood décor equipment trolley with two wood décor trays 7UD\GLPHQVLRQV[FPORZHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKWXSSHU WUD\DWFPKHLJKW with three wood décor trays 7UD\DUHD[FPORZHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKWPLGGOHWUD\DW FPKHLJKWXSSHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKW Lamica glass décor equipment trolley with two glass trays 7UD\DUHD[FPORZHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKWXSSHUWUD\DW FPKHLJKW with three glass trays 7UD\DUHD[FPORZHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKWPLGGOHWUD\DW FPKHLJKWXSSHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKW Lamica DecorLine equipment trolley with two white trays 7UD\DUHD[FPORZHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKWXSSHUWUD\DW FPKHLJKW with three white trays 7UD\DUHD[FPORZHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKW PLGGOHWUD\DWFPKHLJKWXSSHUWUD\DWFPKHLJKW $OO RI WKH HTXLSPHQW WUROOH\V LQ WKH 'HFRU/LQH VHULHV FDQ EH H[WHQGHGZLWK Equipment storage Art. 41003 Lamp adapter Art. 41820 Water bowl holder Art. 41180 )XUQLWXUH CabiLine equipment trolley offers a lot of storage space // two or three shelves, narrow or wide // braking light-running casters // possible enhancements such as drawers* and magnifying lamp // optionally available in other wood décors and metal colours CabiLine dual ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQV'HSWKFPKHLJKWFPORZHUWUD\DW FPKHLJKWXSSHUWUD\DWFP Small* // width: 40 cm Large* // width: 60 cm Art. 42123 Art. 42124 CabiLine dreifach ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQV'HSWKFPKHLJKWFPORZHUWUD\DW FPKHLJKWPLGGOHWUD\DWFPKHLJKWXSSHUWUD\DWFP height Small* // width: 40 cm Large* // width: 60 cm (Prices do not include drawers, lamp or decoration) Art. 42122 Art. 42120 Art. 42190 Art. 42124 Art. 42123 Art. 42120 Art. 42122 )XUQLWXUH )XUQLWXUH Mano manicure table Desktop made from special bent glass // in different wood décors IURP RXU FROOHFWLRQ ZLWK GUDZHU FRQWDLQHU 0HWDO HOHPHQWV LQ white, titanium, dark brown // Drawer with tip-on technique // integrated lamp holder // with black or white glass top +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKFP Cube Select manicure table :RRGGpFRULQZKLWHRUZHQJHZLWKGUDZHUFRQWDLQHUPHWDOHOHPHQWVLQZKLWHWLWDQLXPGDUNEURZQZLWKDPD[LRUWZRPLGGOH drawers with soft retraction // further décors optionally available +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKFP Cube SelectDuo manicure table :RRGGpFRULQZKLWHRUZHQJHPHWDOHOHPHQWVLQZKLWHWLWDQLXP dark brown // on both sides, optionally available with one or two GUDZHUVZLWKVRIWUHWUDFWLRQ,QWHULRUWZRVSDFLRXVFRPSDUWPHQWV +HLJKWFPZLGWKFPGHSWKFP 60 )XUQLWXUH Art. 42501 Art. 42401 Art. 42512 Art. 42411 Saddle chair, anatomical, small* + Saddle chair, anatomical, large* + SQHXPDWLFKHLJKWDGMXVWPHQWFPWXUQLQJVDGGOHFKDLU roller safety base // rubber casters with roll stop function // comfortable upholstery // with tilting seat to take strain off thighs // washable and hard wearing cover // white or coloured synthetic leather %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42501 ZLWKH[WUDZLGHVLWWLQJVXUIDFHSQHXPDWLFKHLJKWDGMXVWPHQW FPVZLYHOOLQJVDGGOHFKDLUUROOHUVDIHW\EDVHUXEEHUFDVWHUV with roll stop function // comfortable upholstery // washable and hard wearing cover // white or coloured synthetic leather cover %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42512 Saddle chair, anatomical, small* + Saddle chair, anatomical, large Air* + ZLWKORQJSQHXPDWLFVSULQJUHVWDVDUWSQHXPDWLFKHLJKW DGMXVWPHQWFP %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42498 ZLWKLQÀDWDEOHXSKROVWHU\IRUPRUHVLWWLQJFRPfort and prevention of pressure points // rest as DUWXSKROVWHU\6\QWKHWLFOHDWKHUZKLWH Saddle chair, anatomical, small* floating * + VZLQJLQJVHDWZKLFKUHVSRQGVWRPRYHPHQWVLQWZRYHUVLRQVVRIW DQGPHGLXPSQHXPDWLFKHLJKWDGMXVWPHQWFPWXUQLQJ VDGGOH FKDLU UROOHU VDIHW\ EDVH UXEEHU FDVWHUV ZLWK UROO VWRS function // hard wearing cover // synthetic leather cover in white or coloured %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42401W soft Art. 42401M medium Picture on right shows model with breathable high-tech IDEULFEODFN %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42412 Saddle chair, anatomical, large for men* + FXWDZD\DWIURQWVLGHUHVWDV$UW %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42411 )XUQLWXUH 61 Art. 42505 Art. 42503 Chair with round seat* + SQHXPDWLFKHLJKWDGMXVWPHQWFPVZLYHOOLQJURXQGVHDW UROOHUVDIHW\EDVHUXEEHUFDVWHUVZLWKUROOVWRSIXQFWLRQFRPfortable upholstery // washable and hard wearing cover // synthetic leather cover in white or coloured %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42505 2SWLRQZLWKWLOWLQJVHDWWRWDNHVWUDLQRIIWKLJKV %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42508 Stool with round seat* + SQHXPDWLFKHLJKWDGMXVWPHQWFPVZLYHOOLQJURXQGVHDW UROOHUVDIHW\EDVHUXEEHUFDVWHUVZLWKUROOVWRSIXQFWLRQFRPfortable upholstery // washable and hard wearing cover // synthetic leather cover in white or coloured %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42503 Chair with oval seat* + SQHXPDWLFKHLJKWDGMXVWPHQWFPVZLYHOOLQJRYDOVHDW roller safety base // rubber casters with roll stop function // comfortable upholstery // washable and hard wearing cover // synthetic leathHUFRYHULQZKLWHRUFRORXUHGRSWLRQDOO\DYDLODEOHZLWK$LU)ORDWLQJ System for more sitting comfort and avoidance of pressure points %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42515 Art. 42515 2SWLRQZLWKWLOWLQJVHDWWRWDNHVWUDLQRIIWKLJKV %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42516 Option: with Air Floating system %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42515AF Option: with Air Floating system and tilting seat %DVLFFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKEODFNEDVH Art. 42516AF Chair MLX* + H[FOXVLYHO\ GHVLJQHG VHDW ZLWK LQWHJUDWHG VWRUDJH FRPSDUWPHQW SQHXPDWLF KHLJKW DGMXVWPHQW FP VZLYHOOLQJ VHDW UHVW with height and tilt adjustment // attractive wood décor application LQGLIIHUHQWGHVLJQVUROOHUVDIHW\EDVHUXEEHUFDVWHUVZLWKUROO stop function // hard wearing cover // white or coloured synthetic leather cover Moers | Zentrale // Gharieni Group GmbH Gutenbergstr. 40 D-47443 Moers Fon: +49 - (0) 28 41 - 88 300 - 300 Fax: +49 - (0) 28 41 - 88 300 - 333 Ettlingen // Gharieni GmbH Einsteinstrasse 24 D-76275 Ettlingen Fon: +49-(0)7243-3322-363 Fax: +49-(0)7243-3322-391 E-Mail: Dernbach // Gharieni Group GmbH Märkerstrasse 18 D-56307 Dernbach Fon: +49-(0)2689-928505-0 Fax: +49-(0)2689-928505-20 E-Mail: Nederweert | Niederlande // Gharieni Nederland BV Bronsstraat 5 NL-6031TS Nederweert Fon: +31 - 495 - 63 30 36 Fax: +31 - 495 - 62 66 63 Heusden-Zolder | Belgien // Danielle G Cosmetics BVBA Schaltusstraat 60 B-3550 Heusden-Zolder Fon: +32 - 11 - 45 10 54 Fax: +32 - 11 - 45 25 90 Belfort | Frankreich // Gharieni France SARL 6, Rue de L’étang F-90000 Belfort Tel.: +33 (0) 3 39 03 39 47 Fax.: +33 (0) 3 39 03 39 48 E-Mail: New York | USA // Gharieni USA 247 W 37th St. Ground F/L US-New York, NY 10018 Fon: +1-(0)212-730-6756 Fax: +1-(0)877-782-3842 E-Mail:
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