MacDill air traffic controllers on the job - page 14


MacDill air traffic controllers on the job - page 14
Vol. 41, No. 20
Thursday, May 16, 2013
MacDill air traffic controllers on the job - page 14
Photo by Senior Airman Shandresha Mitchell
The air traffic control tower at MacDill Air Force base looms bright in the night, as 6th Operations Support Squadron air traffic controllers inside
monitor and control air traffic to and from the base. The operation runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing safe, orderly and expeditious flow of aircraft on the flightline, as well as in the air.
How do we balance it all?
by Col. James Hodges
6th Mission Support Group commander
I was speaking to a group of company grade
officers recently and one of them asked, “How
do you balance it all?”
He knew that I had a very busy job with
a lot of demands on my time. He also knew
that I had a family and, quite possibly, some
personal interests as well. How do I balance it
all? The answer is that I have to be deliberate
to make sure I fit it all in.
The best way of framing how to be deliberate, balance the demands of life and have fun
while in the Air Force is the concept of Comprehensive Airman Fitness.
Comprehensive Airman Fitness encompasses all aspects of life and is described by
its four pillars: mental, physical, social and
spiritual. Ensuring I take care of the various
aspects of life helps me keep it all in balance.
I am a civil engineer, so construction and
architecture appeal to me. I like the imagery
of a classic and beautiful Greek architectural
structure being supported by four pillars.
The pillars supporting the structure must be
strong and balanced. If one pillar is not balanced or not strong enough, then the structure suffers. The other pillars have to carry
the extra load.
However, the ingenuity of having multiple
pillars is that they spread the load of the
building across the columns and, when they
are used together, are much stronger as a
whole than they are individually.
Another engineering benefit of having multiple pillars is that if one is weakened, the
others can help carry the extra load until the
weak pillar can be repaired and re-strengthened.
The four pillars of one’s own Comprehensive Airman Fitness are analogous to the
Greek structure, in that when strong and in
balance they can carry incredible loads. Even
when some areas are suffering, the others can
help carry the burden until the weak areas
are strengthened.
When explaining to the company grade
officers how I apply this in my life, I used
my typical weekly life rhythm to illustrate.
Sundays are critical for my life balance and
serve as my best example of integrating all
the pillars of Comprehensive Airman Fitness.
I typically start my week on Sunday with a
restful sleep-in to refresh my physical pillar
and charge up for the coming week.
I have moments of quietness and relaxation by sitting on the front porch with a cup
of coffee while enjoying the beautiful nature
of Florida. Those activities help take some
stress off of my mental pillar.
Col. James Hodges
I also take a walk with my wife and dog
along the bay to invigorate each of the pillars. I attend church with my family and see
friends there to strengthen my spiritual and
social pillars.
I usually work out or do physical activities with my kids, and that address all of the
See CORNER, Page 20
Commander’s vision
The Action Line provides two-way communication between the 6th Air
Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. A 24-hour recording
service is provided so personnel may submit questions, concerns or comments. Call the Action Line at 828-INFO (4636) or email
MacDill Thunderbolt
Publisher: Bill Barker
Editor: Nick Stubbs
The MacDill Thunderbolt is published by Sunbelt Newspapers, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air
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To view Col. Scott DeThomas’ remarks on his vision for MacDill AFB,
go to and then click
on “Col. DeThomas’ priorities, mission,
and expectations video” in the upper
left corner.
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News items for the MacDill Thunderbolt can be submitted
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Your T-bolt Today
Week in photos: page 4
Images around MacDill
News/Features: page 6
‘There I was...’
Briefs: page 8
News to know
News/Features: page 10
Welcome, new Airmen
News/Features: page 14
Eyes on the sky
News/Features: page 16
Dietary supplements
News/Features: page 25
Events, Chapel, more...
Summer safety tips
Memorial Day weekend means taking to
the highway for a quick vacation, breaking
out the grill for some outdoor cooking, or
taking that first dip in the pool.
Drive safely: Be well rested and alert, observe speed limits and follow the rules of
the road.
Safe grilling: Don’t be careless, and follow
the instructions on you grilling device.
Water safety: Learning to swim is the best
step one can take to be safe around water.
Never swim alone.
Resilience through developing a
‘culture of character’
by Chaplain Capt. Alex Calinisan
6th Air Mobility Wing individual mobilization augmentee
As hurricane season approaches, we are reminded of the need to be prepared to take on
the possibility of a disaster. Living in Florida
we have become accustomed to the threat of
severe weather brewing in the Gulf Coast of
Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean.
Despite the uncertainty a storm system
brings to an area, we have confidence that
the advancements in technology and a wellthought-out emergency contingency plan can
give us peace of mind that we will be safe.
Just as we can expect storms churning in
the ocean waters this year, there also exists
the reality of storms arriving in our individual
Recent events in the news remind us that
regardless of socioeconomic status, educational attainment or organizational position,
storms are no respecter of persons. Each of
us is either in, just coming out of or about to
hit a life storm. The time to prepare for these
storms should not be after they have arrived.
Now is the time to cultivate and develop our
Preparing for the storms of life requires
each of us to participate in developing what
I like to call, “a culture of character” – which
plays a key role in building up our resilience
as individuals and as a society.
Character plays an immense role in a person’s ability to take on life’s storms. Character
traits such as responsibility, perseverance,
self-discipline, integrity, honesty and respect
must be ingrained into our everyday activities. When systematically practiced during
the good times, they will guide our responses
during life’s tough seasons. These character
traits, however, are not natural to most. They
are an acquired skill requiring each of us to
purposefully and deliberately practice them.
So how can we personally develop this “culture of character” in our workplaces? First, we
Chaplain Capt. Alex Calinisan
must accept the reality that tough times are
just around the corner. Each day of life allows
us the opportunity to work on building resilience.
It would be arrogant to think we have
reached the highest possible level of resilience. There is always room to grow.
Second, we must cherish those who matter
the most to us. Whether it is our immediate
family, friends or our fellow Airmen, strategically investing our time to develop a culture
of character in our interactions with those we
cherish makes our relationships more resilient.
Third, celebrating our spiritual traditions
on a regular basis reminds us of our personal
core values. As we come together with others
with similar spiritual beliefs, we find meaning
and purpose in something greater than ourselves.
See COMMENT, Page 20
Photo by Senior Airman Melissa Paradise
Photo by Airman 1st Class Tori Schultz
Tech. Sgt. Bobby Colliton, 6th Operation Support Squadron survival
evasion resistance and escape specialist, teaches senior USAA executives combative techniques during their tour of MacDill Air Force
Base, May 7.
Ofelia McCray, aerobics coordinator, teaches an aerobics class during
the aerobathon at MacDill Air Force Base, May 8. The aerobathon was
put on by the 6th Force Support Squadron in honor of May being National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.
Master Sgt. Robert
Scott, 6th Medical
Group NCO in charge
of pediatrics, demonstrates how to put on
an oxygen mask during an emergency response demonstration
at Child Development
Center one, MacDill
Air Force Base, May
7. Children were able
to walk through the
ambulance and use
Glo Germ to see how
well they washed their
Photo by Airman 1st Class Tori Schultz
‘There I was...’
A combat medic who
saw a share of combat
by Staff Sgt. Sarah Woods
6th Medical Operations Squadron
There I was, on an eye-opening deployment.
I thought as an Air Force medic I’d be working
at a theater hospital. I found out it would not
be the case for this deployment.
Before leaving the states, I attended three
months of training to prepare myself for combat operations and convoys. I landed in Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, during the end of
May 2012. A week later, I was on my first mission.
Our mission was to provide security to the
Afghan National Army trucks carrying supplies to different forward operating bases
across the command. I was a joint expeditionary tasked Airman attached to the U.S. Army
10th Sustainment Brigade and 1st Sustainment Brigade. I also traveled with different
transportation units in the area. We completed more than 10 missions with more than 300
hours on the road by the end of my deployment.
As a JET airman, I was on a team of 11 Air
Force medics attached to a team of 40 Army
medics. Each time we went out on a convoy,
one Air Force medic and one Army medic accompanied 40-60 people. This was my second
deployment with the Army, so I knew how they
operated and integrated quickly.
Though we came from different services, it
truly was an honor to serve in the environment of a JET. Our convoys lasted anywhere
from four to 30 days at a time, and because we
had two casualties shortly after we arrived,
we were constantly following route clearance
packages. RCPs ensured there were not any
other improvised explosive devices in the area
that could take more lives.
Under these conditions, at times it could
take six hours to advance 25 miles down the
road. It was very long and uncomfortable to
complete, but the precautions saved lives.
During my deployment, we discovered more
than 15 IEDs before they could hurt us. The
explosives had been hastily placed on the road
ahead of us. It scared me to know we were
driving by a blast hole that was made just
hours prior.
While deployed, I witnessed first-hand
how common people live in Afghanistan. It
was humbling for me to see the way people
live compared to Americans. I recall driving
through a small village that we called Rocket Propelled Grenade City. The heights of the
roofs on the mud buildings were level with our
Courtesy photo
gunners, making us easy targets. We realized
we were in danger, so we did not stick around Staff Sgt. Sarah Woods during her deployment
to Afghanistan, where she traveled through
to see the RPG show.
Another memory I will always keep with me “Rocket Propelled Grenade City” and faced
other threats.
See ‘THERE I WAS...’, Page 18
Family Fun Fitness Day
The MacDill Air Force Base commissary, in
partnership with the Exchange and Health
and Wellness Center, will be hosting a Family
Fun Fitness Day on May 23 through 25 from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. The event will be held inside of
the commissary in warehouse number two. For
more information, contact Rohanda Atkinson
at 828-8916.
PCSing overseas with a pet?
The veterinary clinic needs to evaluate your
pet at least six months before you change to an
overseas duty station. Some countries require
extra shots, vaccinations and a special tracking
chip that the veterinary clinic must sign off on
before your pet can travel with you overseas.
Please do not wait until the last minute to have
your pet checked out, because your pet will not
be allowed to travel with you. For more information, call 828-3558 or 828-3559.
Contract position available: audio/
visual technician
The Base Chapel is seeking to hire an audio/
visual technician who will support and assist in
coordinating technology requirements for Chapel services/programs (i.e. run projector, sound
board, recording equipment). Required to work
flexible hours, predominantly on weekends in
support of Chapel worship services. Application
packet is available at the Chapel. Resumes and
sealed bids are due May 24 by 3 p.m.. Selectees will need to submit to required background
check. Contact Master Sgt. Parsons at 828-3621
for more information.
Test Pilot School
The next annual U.S. Air Force test pilot
school selection board will convene July 23
through 26 at the Air Force Personnel Center.
The USAF TPS is the world’s preeminent fixedwing test pilot school. For more information,
visit the TPS website at https://www.edwards.
New Airmen, FTAC grads welcomed to Team MacDill
Public affairs staff report
New Airmen have joined Team MacDill and have completed the First
Term Airman Course. MacDill Air Force Base would like to welcome all
the new Airmen and congratulate them on beginning their journey.
The following Airmen graduated from FTAC during the month of
6th Aeromedical Squadron
Airman 1st Class Dalia Rais Wasserman – Jupiter, Fla.
6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Airman 1st Class Jacob Hansink – Sandiago, Calif.
Airman 1st Class Joseph Libby – Keizer, Ore.
Airman 1st Class James Wild-Garcia – Denver, Colo.
6th Communications Squadron
Airman 1st Class Ruben Bonheur – Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Airman 1st Class Jaime Garza – Spring, Texas
Airman 1st Class Mason Moguin – Coweta, Okla.
6th Contracting Squadron
Airman Adam Thibeault – Brunswick, Maine
6th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Airman 1st Class Brendan Bonin – Sumter, S.C.
6th Maintenance Squadron
Airman 1st Class Ashley Evans – Fountain Run, Ky.
Airman 1st Class Mason Jones – Noblesville, Ind.
6th Medical Operations Squadron
Airman 1st Class Justin Everhardt – Riverview, Fla.
Airman 1st Class Sky Jones – Cartersville, Ga.
Airman 1st Class Jordan Lebouef – Las Vegas, Nev.
Airman 1st Class Alexa Noel – Dubuque, Iowa
6th Operations Support Squadron
Airman 1st Class Ivan Carrillo – Brooklyn, N.Y.
91st Air Refueling Squadron
Airman 1st Class Shane McDonald – Wewahitchka, Fla.
ATCs keep ‘em flying
Photos by Senior Airman Shandresha Mitchell
(Above) 6th Operations Support Squadron air traffic
controllers man their posts
in the control tower at MacDill Air Force Base, May 6.
Air traffic controllers use
two-way radio communications, radar systems with
associated computer equipment, landline communication systems and visual
light-gun signals. (Right) Senior Airman Dustin Tarpley,
6th Operations Support
Squadron air traffic controller, monitors the weather
from inside the control tower, May 7.
Senior Airman Charles Hildreth, 6th Operations Support Squadron air traffic controller, updates
the weather information for pilots flying in the air space over MacDill Air Force Base, May 7. Air
traffic controllers observe weather conditions and assist aircraft during periods of bad weather
with the use of radar, instrument landing systems and various types of airfield lighting.
Airman 1st Class Keara Bucek, 6th Operations Support Squadron air traffic controller, watches a KC-135 Stratotanker land on the flightline at MacDill Air Force Base,
May 6. Air traffic controllers provide safe, orderly and expeditious flow of aircraft on
the flightline, as well as in the air.
Senior Airman McKenzie Sanders, 6th Operations Support Squadron air traffic controller, looks through binoculars to locate an inbound aircraft at MacDill Air Force
Base, May 7. Air traffic controllers use two-way radio communications, radar systems with associated computer equipment, landline communication systems and
visual light-gun signals.
Guide to use of dietary supplements; info to live by
by Nick Stubbs
Thunderbolt editor
Military operations are nothing new to service members, nor are
health initiatives.
The funny thing is, a service member who thinks he or she is building their operational capabilities by boosting health, it might be just
the opposite — if banned dietary supplements are used.
That is the concern that prompted Operation Supplement Safety, a
joint initiative between the Human Performance Resource Center and
the Department of Defense. It is designed to educate service members,
retirees, family members, leaders, healthcare providers and DoD civilians about dietary supplements and how to choose them wisely.
While proper and approved supplements can be safe and bolster
one’s health, taking unapproved supplements can be risky or dangerous to mental or physical health, said Susan Haley, MacDill Health
and Wellness Center dietician.
In addition to posing possible health risks, using banned supplements can lead to disciplinary action. Keeping up with what is OK
and what isn’t can be a challenge, but the information is available
This example of questions and answers found on the OPSS website
is just some of the information found on the site about safe use of
‘there i was...’
From Page 6
is my first firefight.
Our team was under attack, and one of the
Afghan national trucks was blown up. Then
the RPGs and small arms began to rain down.
I remember looking out the window to see the
ANA fire back at the enemy while I was handing my gunner her ammo. I distinctly remember thinking: “Okay, I guess this is why I went
through so much training.”
It was a thrilling and unbelievable event to
go through as an Air Force medic. Never in my
wildest dreams did I think I would be out on
convoys, sleeping in motor pools and in trucks,
literally doing our military duty of risking my
life to save others.
Another incident took place when my truck
was in a roll-over incident in the Hindu Kush
Mountains. We were on what we called “switch
backs,” which are curvy roads going up and
down mountains with no railings.
The unit I was attached to at the time was
on its first mission. We ended up at a 45-degree angle dangling from the side of the mountain. I was holding on for dear life and thought
to myself, “I’m going to die from rolling down a
Our team waited patiently until we were
pulled up to safety.
To say the least, I experienced multiple
events that would scare anyone. I have numerous memorable moments from my deployment.
I am blessed that I made it through my missions with no causalities. Just as important, I
know that I made a difference for the Soldiers
and Airmen that I protected and cared for during my deployment.
Tales from the History of MacDill: Maj. Leslie MacDill
arrived in the small town of St. Jean-de-Mont, France, on
May 16, 1918, to establish an aerial gunnery school for the
American Expeditionary Forces. The site was remote, so he
had to build a small railway as one of his first duties. It was
so isolated, the locals coined a new phrase, “Pou-pou-de-gaz,”
to describe the previously unknown motorcycles driven by the
Americans. MacDill had no deep experience with aerial gunnery at that time, and would never fly in combat. He later said
it was one of his greatest regrets in life. Fatefully, Baron Manfred von Richthofen, Germany’s top ace, who suffered from
war fatigue and injuries from a previous crash, was shot down
approximately 325 miles to the northeast a month earlier.
From Page 2
pillars as well. You can see that Sundays are
critical for me and in my typical life rhythm
they ensure I keep all of my life’s pillars
strong so that I can withstand whatever challenges the events of the coming week throw at me.
When sprinting through the workweek,
I also strive to stay in balance. I make time
for fitness to start off my day before work, at
least three times a week. Whether I run along
Bayshore Boulevard, workout in my home
gym or PT with hundreds of my favorite 6th
Maintenance Group Airmen, starting my day
with a fitness activity strengthens my physical pillar as well as relieving stress to invigorate my mental pillar. When I PT with my 6th
MSG Airmen, it also strengthens my social
pillar and lifts my spirits.
I work hard during the day and try to
make each minute count. My work always
stimulates my intellect and, like working out,
makes me more fit. A good day full of challenges strengthens my mental pillar.
I gain a lot of strength for my social pillar
by working to accomplish our missions alongside our great Airmen, civilian and contractor
teammates. However, when I get home, I’m
tired. Spending some time with my family,
helping with homework, taking the dog for a
walk along the bay and making sure I get a
good night of sleep all recharge me across the
Finally, Saturday is a welcome day to end
From Page 3
Finally, to truly
develop a culture of
character we must
move past our own
needs and join causes
or ministries that
serve the greater good.
By volunteering at a
shelter, a school or a
faith-based initiative,
we become the change
agents in molding a
culture of character.
When we serve others our influence has
a ripple effect, and we
can watch our actions
make a difference in
someone else’s life.
Serving others out of
a resilient heart tethered in faith and purposeful relationships
gives our lives value
and meaning - changing our culture one
person at a time.
the week to rest, recuperate, spend time with
friends and family, enjoy personal interests
and serve the community in other ways.
At the end of this typical week, I find I’ve
addressed all aspects of Comprehensive
Airman Fitness, taken care of myself and
my family and reinvigorated my “house” by
making sure all the pillars are balanced and
How can you apply these principles in your
life to make sure you are a strong and resilient Airman? If you have any questions, don’t
hesitate to call the MacDill Area Resilience
Center at 828-MARC or 827-MARC. They can
help you keep any and all of the Comprehensive Airman Fitness pillars strong.
From Page 16
on the OPSS website at
dietary-supplements/opss makes it easy.
The site has targeting information about
supplements, as well as useful guides for rating various supplements. It also has a guide to
determining the purity or cleanliness of supplements, and a an “Ask the Expert” feature
to get questions about supplements answered.
There also is a Frequently Asked Questions
section, as well as videos, and info sheets for
geared for war fighters. There also is in-depth
information for healthcare providers.
“It is the perfect resource for anyone looking to learn more about supplements, what’s
safe and what isn’t,” said Haley.
One of Haley’s biggest concerns is the drug
ingredient DMAA, which is a stimulant in
some supplements. The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration has been campaigning about
the potential dangers of DMAA, warning of
such health risks as heart attack. Typical
claims for DMAA products include fat burning, muscle building and weight loss. Since
these goals also may be those of service members looking to get into or stay in shape, there
is particular concern, said Haley, adding that
DMAA may not be effective.
“DMAA is one of the more worrisome of the
supplement ingredients out there, and one
we pay particular attention to,” said Haley.
“DMAA or anything containing the active ingredient Dimethylamylamine is now illegal as
a supplement ingredient under FDA rules.”
EFMP Resource Fair (Youth
Over 40 on and off-base organizations together at 9:30-11 a.m. to
provide resources, support, and a
networking environment for our
MacDill EFMP community.
Friday Bash & Family Fun Night
Moved to Bowling Center this
week. Join us for $1 per game, $1
per shoe rental. Food and drink
specials. Bingo!
America’s Armed Forces Kids Run
Starts at 8 a.m. Open to youths
5 years and older. Participants
register online at or on the day of the
event from 6:30-7:30 a.m. at the
pavilion, across the street from
the Davis Conference Center.
Start/Finish line for all ages just
south of the pavilion.
MacDill Lanes
Armed Forces Day from 3-6
p.m. Wear red, white and blue and
bowl for $1 a game.
Story time!
Photo by Airman 1st Class Tori Shultz
A group of children and their mothers gather around a table and listen to Kathy Makar, lead library
technician, explain how to make a bookmark during a Mother’s Day story and craft time at MacDill
Air Force Base, May 7. Makar read three stories, sang songs and helped the children make Mother’s Day bookmarks.
Bay Palms Golf Complex
Club Member Appreciation Day
– FREE golf and cart. Must show
valid club card when check-in at
Pro Shop.
Bench press competition
10 a.m. - Noon. T-shirts for first
25 registered participants and
trophies for top performers. Sign
up by May 21.
Military Spouse Appreciation
10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 311 Paul’s
Drive, Brandon. RSVP by calling
828-0145 or 655-9281.
Protestant services
Sunday - 11 a.m. - Contemporary Service
Islamic services
Friday - 1:30 p.m. - Muslim Prayer Service
Catholic services
Saturday - 5:30 p.m. - Mass
Sunday - 9:30 a.m. - Mass
Call the chapel at 828-3621 for more information or visit the chapel web site

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